The Huntingdon Journal. J ft. DURBOICItoW, • HUNTINGDON, PENN'A 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1575 Circulation LARGER than any other Paper in the Juniata Valley. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. GOVERNOR : MAJ. GEN. JOHN F. HARTRANFT. STATE TREASURER HENRY RAWLE, of Erie. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican voters of Huntingdon coun ty aro respectfully requested to assemble in their respective wards, boroughs, townships, and election districts, at the legal places for holding elections, on Saturday, the 21st day of August, 1875, and elect TWO DELEGATES from each ward, borough, township, and elec tion district, to meet in County Convention, in Wharton k Maguire's Hall, in Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to place in nomin ation One person for Associate Judge, One person for Prothonotary, One person for Register and Recorder, One person for County Treasurer, Oae person for District Attorney, Two persons for County Commissioners, Ouo person for Director of the Poor, Two persons for County Auditors, and to transact such other business as may be brought before the Convention. Elections in wards and boroughs polls open at 7 o'clock, r. Y., and close at 9 o'clock, r. Y. Elections in townships and districts polls open at 5 o'clock, P. W., and close at 8 o'clock, r. M. L.S. GEISSINGER, Chm'n Rep. Co. Corn This is to certify that, at a meeting of the Republican County Committee, held in Hun tingdon, on the 16th 9f July, 1875, it was oi dered that Henry Wilson, the. Chairman, should unite with L. S. Geissinger, Chairman of the other wing of the Republican party, in calling a Joint Convention, consisting of two dele gates from each borough, ward, district and township, for the purpose of putting in nom ination a ticket to be supported by the Re- publicans of this county, and I having been informed that Henry Wilson, our Chairman, has refused so obey the order of our Commit tee, I deem it my duty, as secretary of said Committee, to see that its orders are obeyed, and I, as Secretary of the Republican County Committee, hereby join the said L. S. Geis singer in calling a Convention of the Repub licans of Huntingdon county.. The Republicans of the different boroughs, wards, districts and townships are requested to meet, at the usual places of holding elec tions, on Saturday, the 21st day of August, 1875, between the hours of 5 and 8 o'clock in the townships, and between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock for the boroughs, and elect TWO DEL EGATES from their respective boroughs, wards, districts and townships, to meet in Convention, at Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1875, at 10 o'clock, A. it., for the purpose of placing in nomination a ticket to be supported by the Republicans of this county at the ensuing election, and for the purpode of transacting such other business as may be brought before us. W. R. BAKE Sec'y Rep. Co. Com. We hereby approve what W. R. Baker has done: W. U. woo&, T . F. KakY, David Etnier, Geoid Grove, J. W. Dunwiddie, D. R. Fry, Wm. Johnston , Samuel louse, C. H. Horton, Jaeob Mountain, W. S. Kidd, Henry GraMus, Solomon Hamer, Zechariah T. Garner, John A. 'sett, Michael Garner, J. F. Thompson, Geo. W. Price, John Fulton, Gee. W. Shonts, J. D. Appleby, Robt. Philip Locke, John McCurdy, A. S. Cisney, D. A. Cisney, M. A. Felurlee, J. E. Harper, W. E. Wilson, - G. W. Jeffries. ID. J. Appleby, C. Zeigler. K. M. En3.,7n. P. M. Bare, Benjaiaia Davis, A. 8. Harrison, Wm. H. Wright, A. B. Miller, H. C. Weaver, David Lernberson, J. P. Dole, il. S. B: Tailor, Geo. W. Shaver, W. H. Mlle!, A. I,Bbearei, Geo. Sipes, M'Divitt, W. MIL. Williamson, W. 11 : Rex, _ :r. E. MeCio'nehy, John N. Craig, John Price, A. B. Dian, 8. D. Garner, D. Harris, A. rouse, Miles W. Brown, H. Richardson, /1. H. Summer, Dr. J. A. Shade, 26.. Hon. H. H. Mateer will please ao cept our acknowledgements for a copy of Smart Legialativa Hand Book for 1875. as. All registering must be attended to on or before the first day of Septem ber. :Let all be active in having the work rightly started. nel, Our delinquent patrons can accom modate us very much by taking advantage of Court to pay up their little delinquen cies. Help us out. stir. Since Speer's discomfiture our friend, Maj. Petrekin, is running the De mocratic party. Well, the Major will make an excellent leader. Beth the Monitor and the Glob make a scare-crow out of Dr. Orlady. The Doctor was in favor of uniting the Repub lican party, and new they see a huge snake in it. There is nothing but childishness in this sort of thing. The individual who sees a "nigger in every wood pile" will never set the world on fire. So, Messrs. Monitor and Globe, you can't scare anybo dy with that old scare-crow. We are used to it. Ng_ The editors of the. Monitor have grown extremely sympathetic, and the last issue parades Professor Gnss' troubles in a very ingenious and patronizing way. We determined to let the Professor present his own case to the public, and, if he did so, subsequently assure him of our sympathy, because we really sympathize with him.— It is true that a few years ago, when the slaeriff came to our door, the Globe gloat ed over our misfortune, but that is neither here nor there, we sympathize with any individual who is similarly circumstanced, and hope that the Professor may see his way clear and that his property may not be saerilleed. But the Monitor exceeds discretion when it assails those who are acting in a professional capacity. Its edi tors are lawyers, and the courtesies of the profession . should have dictated a different course. stir The Republic magazine for Aug list, is a valuable number, one of ;he strongest yet issued. The opening arti cle, on "Growth of the Nation under Re publicanism." is a complete answer to, the charge raised by Democracy, that Repub licanism has impoverished the country.— Our growth in population, true wealth, valuation of real estate, and products of manufactures, indicate a marvelous increase for the past fourteen years. The financial responsibilities of the Government are put fi in a strong light', and show the wag. nitudo of the work aceouiplishel As a Can2paign document, this review of four teen years, would hare a marked effect on nhlic opinion. Every loyal man should :cad it. "The French Republic;" "Fall Elections;" "Taxes, Who Pays Them ;" "Den.ocratib Reconstruction ;" Life-Sa• ving Service;" "Industry in the South ;" and other articles of equal merit, commend this magazine to all who value sound read ing. Published at Washington, D. C., by Republic Publishing Company. Only $2 a year. For salt at the JOURNAL Store. UNION FOR THE SAKE OF THE CAUSE ! EIJITOR reli-renec to the call puldilie.l where, it will be seen that the lleptildicabs of the county arc determined to pursue the course whieli reason, cool judgment, and common sense would seem to dictate to any candid man who will give die sub ject one moment's reflection. Tired of following the fortunes of factions and reck less adventurers, who only desire the dis ruption and dismemberment of the party and to surrender the fruits of victory into the bands of the Democrats, the masses of the party have made up their minds to follow, in future, the dictation of wiser counsels and better judgment. Chairman Wilson, it will be seen, after pursuing a singularly vacillating course for the last two weeks, finally refuses to carry out the instructions of his Commit tee, in Convention assembled, places him self under the guardianship of Professor Gass, takes his position in the left wing of the Democracy, and is marching on to the music of Speer's bugle. Mr. Baker, how ever, Secretary of the meeting, as will be seen by the published programme, has joined Mr. Geissinger in issuing the call, and is sustained, in so doing, by the prom inent men of that wing of the party, so far as they have been seen or heard from, and the opposition to this movement is growing, small by degrees and beautifully less. In taking up the standard cast aside by his unworthy leader, in his inglorious flight, Mr. Baker manifests the spirit that should actuate every true Republican, proves himself a worthy representative of a family which sent seven sous into the Union army, and rallies to his side every man who has the true interests of the par ty at heart. From all part:. of the county the cheering news is received that the disaffected are listening to wiser counsels, and falling into line, with the determina tion that hereafter there must be but one Republkan party in Ilunthlgdon county. We say again to our friends of the hitherto opposing faction, the lines are being fairly drawn ; "choose ye now whom ye will serve." Will you go with us to victory and share with us the spoils of conquest, or will you follow a reckless and injudicious leader over into the ranks of the enemy ? They will promise you their sympathy and protection, but it is such as vultures extend to lambs. We want you. We want your sympathy; your co-opera tion; your aid; we want uniodi, we want harmony, but above all things, in the com ing contest, .we want VICTORY. We promise you that in the coming Conven tion your rights shall be respected and all that you have asked for shall be cheer fully conceded. We will not quarrel with you about the division of the spoils, even though the lion's share should fall to your lot; but let us not "Spike all our gunswr,entbe foe is at bay, Aid the rags in hisblack banner dropping—away." We would urge upon all the iurportauce of attending the primary-elections. See to it that the right men are sent to repre sent you in Convention, men who, without any selfish ends to gratify, have the true interests of the party at heart, and will act with a view to union, harmony and- ul timate success, by placing in nomination a ticket composed of unexceptionable men, and one which will cotumand the respect and support of the entire party, so that we may once more run up, for the entire ticket, an old-fashioned majority, and thus again take our position in the ranks of re liable Republican counties. "Let us have peace !" POLITICAL CHOW-CHOW. GCI9. Herschel V. Johnson is said to be a calididate for the next Governor of Georgia, with strong prospects of success. E. G. Johnson, State Senator from Co lumbia county, Florida, was lately shot dead in cold blood by an unknown assas sin. By his death the Republicans lose their majority iu the State Senate. A correspondent brings out the Hon. William McClean, of Adams county, fo r the Democratic nomination for Goveinv, and declares that the nomination would be a very popular one in the southeastern sec tion of the State. By the decision of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin four or five hundred voters have been added to the Republican party. The inmates of soldeirs' homes in that State are declared to be voters. In Ohio the court decided otherwise. The Republicans of Montgomery coun ty have nominated the following ticket : Prothonotary, Comly L. Jenkins; Clerk of the Courts, John Pawiing ; Recorder, John W. Sehall ; Register, Johnathan Iredel ; County Commissioners, Amos D. Moser and'Edwin Moore; Auditors, Ed. S. Stal. leneeker and Charles Shepperd ; Director of the Poor, Andrew Bowers; County Sur veyor, J. C. McGonagle. The following ticket was elected in Ken tucky on the 2d inst., all Democrats : Gov ernor, James B. McCreery ; Lieutenant Governor, John C. Underwood ; Attorney General, Thomas E. Moss; Auditor, D. Howard Smith ; Treasurer, Thomas W. Tate; Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, H. A. M. Henderson ; Register of Land Office, Thomas D. Marcum. Gov• ernor MeCreery will be the youngest man ever inaugurated Governer of Kentucky, being only forty years of age. The Lancaster County Democratic Con vention elected William Patton and George Nauman, Senatorial, and Henry Shaffner, R. R. Tshudy, J. B. Shutz, Roland 11. Brubaker, George Ditler, and William S. Hastings, Representative delegates to the Erie Convention. All of the above are in favor of North for Governor. The Convention passed resolutions endorsing John Latta, Lieutenant Governor ; 'Wil liam McCandless, Secretary of Internal Af fairs; and William Wallace, United States Senator ; but there is not a word about Auditor General Temple. Why is this thus ? ws, Benjamin Bannan, Esq., died at his home in Pottsville, on the 31st ult., after a lingering illness at the age of 67 years. He was for forty years the proprietor and editor of the Miner's Journal, and his rep utation as an able and industrious editor and newspaper manager extends all over the land. FACTS FOR VOTERS. We Pti/11111011ti :1001111 , 011 h! ihe following : The in:w Constitution forbids all persons from voting unless they have been assessed at least two months and paid their taxes at least one month before the day of the cleetion.• No one of foreign birth can vote unless, in addition to the above, he has been naturalized a month provious to the election. The date of holding the next election is Tuesday, November 2d. 'Wednesday, September Ist, is the last day upon which voters can be assessed. Friday, October Ist, is the last day on which they can pay taxes. Friday, October Ist, is the last day for taking out naturalization papers. SW" It is amusing to read the fawning, flattering words expended by the Monitor on the Globe and its following. In the estimation of the Monitor the Globe and its patrons are the worst used wen since the Israelites were carried captives into Egypt. But wherein they are it fails to inform us. Stir It is said that the fiat has gone forth that no man shall be nominated, at the approaching Democratic County Con vention, who was an out and out Stenger man last fall. The Stenger men can put this in their pipe and smoke it. m. "Uncle George" Jackson, Chair man of the Democratic County Committee, has issued a call for a County Convention to be held on the 18th inst. This looks like business. Notes of Travel. CAMP SHORT PINES, NEB., ) ON THE NIORABNANA RIVER, July 24th, 1575. S EDITOR JOURNAL—Dear Sir :-11av ing been a subscriber to your valuable pa per and a resident of old Huntingdon County for many years, I have thought, if it would be no intrusion, that I would write you. I left Sioux City, lowa, on the 14th inst., en, route for the Black Hills. Our train is composed of 28 effective fighting men (well armed), and eleven wagons. There are men from Philadel phia, Wpstern Pennsylvania, Kansas, Min nesota, Indiana, Wisconsin, lowa and Ne braska. Our line of travel is up the Elk Horn Valley, to our present camp for the night, which is two hundred and fifty miles from Sioux City, lowa. We have passed over a beautiful prairie country, at times level and rolling. It would be im• possible for me to describe the grand scenery that looms up to our vision every day as we journey along toward the setting sun. It must be seen to be appreciated. We have been compelled to travel 30 and 40 miles without wood or water. Ther mometer 100 degrees in the shade, and the muaquetoes trying their level best to devour us—they are here by the millions, and are almost as annoying in day time as at night. The country is new through which we have travelled, and grasshoppers are plen ty. The farmers say they will have about two-thirds of a crop of wheat and oats and if not required to pay, another installment to the "hoppers" will get a fair yield of corn. We have not had any trouble with the Sioux Indians, yet,towever, we are in the neighborhood of them now, and they are likely to attack trrat any time.— If they do we will give them a warm re ception with our sixteen shooters. Profes sor Janey's last report has agitated the public mind in the West, and many men are anxiously waiting the final close of the negotiations by our Commissioners with the Indians, the result of which, it is believed and hoped, will open a mine of wealth that in the future may aid largely toward paying off the National Debt, and making the homes of the adventurous pioneers pleasant and happy by reason of the ability of their own to furnish that which is ever the needful and required as a perquisite to perfect contentment of mind and body. May write you again when I reach the Hills. Yours truly, B. W. C. ELLIOTT E. F. Kunkle's Bitter Wine of Iron. The great success and delight of the people, in fact nothing of the kind has ever been offered to the Americas, people which has so quickly found its way into their good favor and hearty approval as E. F. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINS OF IRON. It does all it proposes, and thus gives universal satisfaction. It is guaranteed to cure the worst case of dispepsia or indigestion, kidney or liver disease, weakness, nervousness, constipation, acidity of the stomach, kc. Get the genuine.. Only sold in $1 bottles. Depot and Office, 250 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Ask for K unkle's, and take no other. Sold by all druggists. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA. B. F. KUNKEL'S Ihrrzu WINE OP IRON, a sure cure for this disease. It has been prescribed daily for many years in the practice of• eminent physicians with unparalleled success. Symptoms are loss of appetite, wind and rising of food, dryness in month, headache, dizziness, sleepless ness and low spirits. Get the genuine. Not sold in bulk, only in $1 bottles. 269 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Sold by all druggists. Ask for E. F. Kulizzig Brrrni. WINE oi• IRON and take no other. 259 TAPE WORM 259 Entirely removed with purely vegetable medicine. paw- . ing from the system alive. No fee unless the head passes. Came and refer to patients treated. Dr. E. F. KuMtn, No. 259 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Advice free. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms also removed, never fails. For removing all kinds but Vape Worm; the medicine can be had of your druggist. Ask for &Colvin's Wows SYRUP. Price $l. For Tape Worm, the patient must come on and have It removed. Julyl4-Im. New To-Day. ANNOUNCEMENTS, The following are our terms for announcing candidates, and in all cases the CASH MUST accompany the order: Associate Judge, $5; Pro thonotary, $5; Register and Recorder, $5; Treas urer, $5; District Attorney, $4; County Com missioner, $3; Poor Director, $2; and Auditor, $2. PROTHONOTARY We are authorized to announce the name of THOMAS W. DIY TON as a candidate for re nomination for Prothonotary, subject to the de cision of the Republican County Convention. REGISTER AND RECORDER, I respectfully offer myself to the Republican voters of this county as a candidate for the °thee of Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of tde nominating Convention. WM. J. GEISSINOER. We are authorized to announce WILLIAM E. LIGHTNER as a candidate for re-nomination for Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Wo are authorized to announce the name of L. 8. GEISINGEIt, esq., of Huntingdon, as a suit able candidate for District Attorney, subject to the usages of the party. TREASURER MR. EDITOR :—Please announce Inc as a candi date for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republican County Oonvention:_.__ Huntingdon, August 9, 187.5. We are authorized to say to the Republicans of Huntingdon county, that the name o f ROBERT MeDIVITT, of this place, will be presented as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, at the ensuing County Convention. I respectfully offer myself to the Republican Voters of this county, as a candidate for the office Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Nomina ting Convention. RICHARD COLGATE. Shirleyaburg, July 24, 1875. We are authorized to announce LEVI CLA BAUGH, of Warriorsmark township, as a can didate for Treasurer subject to the usages of the Republican Party. Trom-iirer. I emiil.4l,ll iii .• claim: g ~,,, 1? Yon are to In the I c:t II I,llly say I lutes always endeavored to do my duty its it citizen or as a soldier. 1 shall not lie able to eaties, the county for want of time :Lod funds. Hoping to have a fair chance in the Nominating Convention, f leave the result with you. Republicans. .JAS. S. GILLA.SI, Alapleton, August 2, 1875. We are authorized to announce Samuel Sprankle, esq., of Morris township, a.? a candidate for Treas urer, subject to the usages of the party. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, We are authorized to announce the name of AN DREW G. NEFF, °sq., of Porter township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the usages of the party. We are authorized to announce ANDREW SMITH, of Union township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the deision of the Republican County Convention. We are authorized to announce W. HARRISON BENSON, of Tod township, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the decision of Republican County Convention. Allow us to present the name of MILES W. DROWN, of Lincoln township, as a suitable and worthy candidate for the office of County Commis sioner. The Republican party cannot place is the field, a man who will better fill the office, or is more deserving; he will command a large vote irrespective of all party organization. The Re publicans will therefore act wisely by nominating, him. July 20, 1573. 5 MANY FRIENDS. DIRECTOR OF THE POOR. We are authorized to announce GEORGE W. MATTERN, esq., of Worriorsutark township, as a candidate for Poor Director, subject to party usages. CUMBERLAND VALLEY STATE NORMA SCHOOL, SIIIPPENSBURG, PA. FALL TERM OPENS AUGUST 30th, 1575. For terms, catalogues and rooms, address the Principal, Re.v. I. N. HAYS, Aug.ll-2t. Shippensburg l'a. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned will sell, at public outcry, on the premises, in Penn:township, on SATURDAY, ..eUGUST 28, 1875, the following .described valuable real estate, to wit : A tract of land containing 50 acres, more or less, known as the "Daniel Serley" tract,located in Penn township, two and-a-half miles south west from Urafton, and the same distance north of Marklesburg Station. The improvements are a good Log Weather-boarded House and Bank Barn with all necessary eutbuildings. A never failing well of Water at the door, and a running stream of water near the buildings. The tract has an excellent orchard containg all the usual fruits of the locality. Any person wishing to look at the property before the sale can do so by call ing on the undersigned or Willoughby Markley, on the farm. TERMS:—One-third (widow's interest) to re main in property during her natural life, the bal ance, one-half of remainder in hand. and the res idue in one year thereafter. MICHAEL GARNER, Agent for the heirs of Daniel Serley, deceased, August 11-3 t, TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Public examinations of Teachers, for the present school year, will be held in the respective districts, as follows : Alexandria, Monday, August 23, for Alexan dria and Porter. Shafferaville, Tuesday, August 24, for Morris. Warriorsmark. Wednesday, August 25, for War rioremark. Franklinv ille, Thursday, August 26, for Frank linv ills. Shaver's Creek Bridge, Friday, August 27, for West. Saulsburg, Saturday, August 28, for Barree, McAlevy 7 a Fort, Monday, August 30, for Jack son. Centre Union, Tuesday, August 31, Henderson and Oneida. • Orbisonia, Saturday, September 4, for Cromwell and Orbisonia. Dudley, Tuesday, September 7, for Carbon, Coalmont and Broad Top City. Coffee Run, Wednesday, September 8, for Hope well and Lincoln. Grantsville School House, Thursday, September 9, Penn and Marklesburg. Bell Crown School House, Friday, September 70, forJuniata. Shirleysburg, Monday, September 13, for Shir ley and Shirleysburg. Mount Union, Tuesday, September 14, for Mount Union. Mapleton, Wednesday, September 15, for Maple ton. Mill Creek, Thursday, Septembers 16, Brady. MoCoanellatown, Friday, September 17, fur Walker. Pine Grove School House, Monday, September 20, for Union. Cassville, Tuesday, September 21, for Cass and Newberg, Wednesday, September 22, for Tod. Maddeneville, Friday, September 24, for Spring field. Three Springs, Saturday, September 25, fur Clay and Three Springs. Bolingerstown,Tue;clay, September 28, for Tell. Shade Gap, Wednesday, September 29, Dublin and Shade Gap. Examinations will be oral and written, and will commence at 9 o'clock, a. in. No person of known immoral character will be admitted into a class, and Directors are expected to acquaint the Superintendent of the fact, should any such person apply for examination. Special examinations wPII be held at Hunting don, Saturday, October 2, and at Throe Springs, Saturday, October 9. No applicant will be ad mitted to these examinations who does not pro duce an application from a Board of Directors, as required bylaw, and show satisfactory cause for not attending a regular examinatio An examination - for l'rofessionals will be held during the year, (time announced at County In stitute,) where applicants will be examined in Mental Science and Theory of Teaching in addi tion to the branches required to be taught. No Professional renewed without a re-examination. R. M. McNEAL, Co. SUPT. Three Springs, Pa., Aug. 11-3 t. THE ONLY POLYTECHNIC HOME SCHOOL. ST. CLEMENT S MALL, ELLIOTT CIST, Fire vacancies, owing to enlargement. Apply at once. DOUBLE YOUR TRADE Druggists, Geoeers and Dealers! Pure China and Japan Teas in sealed packages, screw top cans, boxes or half chests—Growers' prices. Send for circular. Tee WELLS TEA COMPANY, 201 Fulton St., N. Y., P. 0. Box 4560. N. F. BURNHAM'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL Was selected, 4 years ago, and put to work in the U. S. Patent Office, D. C., and has proved to be the REST. Nine teen sizes made. Prices lower than any other first-class Wheel. Pamphlet free. Address N. F. BURNHAM. York, Pa. $5O TO $lO.OOO Has been invested in Stock Privileges and paid 9 00 CENT. PROFIT. "How to Do It," a Book ou Wall St., sent free. TUNBRIDGE &CO.,Bankers and Brokers, 2 Wall et., N, Y. SOLDIERS Disabled by wound, rupture, injury or disease of any kind, however slight, are entitled to a PEN SION, and most of those already pensioned to in crease of pension. McNEILL & BIHCII, Wash ington, D. C., (one of whom was for years an Ex aminer and Chief of Division in the Pension Oiliee,) being at the seat of Government, have the very best facilities for prosecuting these as well as other Government claims. Information freely given upon addressing then, enclosing stamp. The best of references given if desired. $7 7 A week guaranteed to Male and Female Agents, in their locality. COSTS NOTHING to try it. Particulars Free. P. 0. VICKERY & CO., Augusta, Me. 110¶B.8 NEVER-FAILING AGUE CURE Price $l. Sold by Druggists. $5OO REWARD IF IT FAILS TO CURE. DR. C. B. HOWE, SENECL FALLS, N. Y. - MOST EXTRAORDINARY Terms of Advertising are offered for Newspapers inthe State of PENNSYLVANIA. Send for list ti/ papers and schedule of rates. Address OEO. P. ROWELL k CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS, No. 41 Park Row, New York. ItErra TO EDITOU OF TlllB Pseza, [wig 10-41. CAUTION. I hereby caution all persons against nego ticiating two notes given by me, bearing date July 3U, 1875, the first to Adam Crew, and the other to Henry Wilt,. as I did not receive value therefor, I will not pay them or either of them unless compelled by law. JAMES RONEY. 11. C. WEAVER, VORFINEAND FANCY PRINTING Go to the JOURNAL Oftlee. New To,Day. INew Advertisements IKE HILDEBRAND Ifas opened a firA-cla-, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE BAII,TOL'S BUILDING, EAST END OF WEST HUNTINGDON, In the vicinity of Fisher's Mill, and directly opposite Henry Co's Store, where he has constantly on hand BRANDY, WHISKEY, GIN, WINE, ENGLISH & SCOTCH ALE, BROWN STOUT AND DUBLIN PORTER Champagne, Claret Wine, New England Rum, ,lamaca Rum, Old Holland 1; in, Irish and Scotch Whiskey. FRED LAUER'S Celebrated READING LAGER, ALE AN!) PORTER, on draught by the quart, gallon or keg. link Boyer's Celebrated Ale on draught by the quart or gallon. Newark Lager Boer on draught Satur day evenings. Bottled Lager for tlimily use. Medicinal Wars a SPECIALTY. WILSON'S CELEBRATED RYE WHISKEY. 163 Packages delivered in town, free of charge. Store open from five (5) a. m., till ten (10) p. in. [aug.44s-tf. ri , F. : - 3 , — ?: .3 it g Z .`" ' 1.1 P. ^ 1.3 ' rb ti; 1-3 .. = • • :-.'. 2 - 02 lit tt ? 1, '„ U., 111 , i ~ NZ t.4 t:, 9 r_ -:'q • zpj 1 ...- 3 4J Ei n . ...• z. . • , l , -:, -.-... 0 ..... 4, ..., = u.,. :-.: ... • '',' • 0 = 1 0 ;It .. 1 V l 4 n i• = E. i,, i t, co a *ll tt ;:-. • tz. . -, .g• 0 4) .... • ,'2 V. z H C" _ _ . E .... ,- " 0 t i t • i ; 1 cit tn r. © :In _ ---•--' eT3 C 0 r "-- Cy .4. 1 ... • ~ 4 ),g • rrj t" I t ,' .1 Z ; i g ;.. 2r. 4 0 .F. :i . 7 Cl 2 :'.,.3 .:: • fi , - F 0 APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS. PUBLISHED BY J, H. BUTLER & CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST Adopted by the Boards of Education of LANCASTER, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK CITY, STATE OF VERMONT, READING, SCRANTON, HUNTINGDON, WILKESBARRE, HOLLIDAYSRURG, ALEXANDRIA, AND OTHER BOARDS. IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY, ITNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED BY THE CONVENTION OF DIRECTORS, HELD AT CLEARFIELD, JUNE 3, 1873, For the use of the Public Schools is Clearfield Co. Standard Series of America. AI,WAYS UP RUTH THE TIME,SI. MITCHELL'S NEW GEOGRAPHIES- RI TAIL PRICKS Mitchell's First Lessons in Geography $' 50 Mitchell's Xew Primary Geography, 4to s 0 Mitchell's New Intermediate Geography, Ito 1 80 Mitchell's New School Geography and Atlas 2 50 Mitchell's New Physical Geography 1 88 Mitchell's New Outline Mapsand Key, Small Series, on rollers, Net lO 00 Mitchell's New Outline Maps and Key,Largo Series, on rollers, Net HISTORIES. Uoudrich's American Child'a Pietorial Ili,- tory of the United States $ S 4 Goodrich's Pictorial History of the United States... THE NEW AMERICAN READERS & SPELLERS. The Laleat and handsomest Series. TEIE REST AND C EIEAPEST SERIES. New American First Reader, I SARGENT 2O New American Second Reader, l New American Third Render. ,- Afu New American Fourth Reader, I New American Fifth Reader, J MAY New American Primary Speller 2O New American Pronouncing Speller lU NEW PUI3LICATIONS. The New American Etymology $ 90 Oxford's Junior Speaker 7O Oxford's Senior Speaker Copies can be obtained upon the most liberal terms for introduction by application to the pub lishers or D. W. PROCTOR, Agent, Huntingdon, Pa. ,riaY- Correspondence with Teachers and Direc tors cordially invited. For sale ai. the JOURNAL Store. [aug4,'7s—tf CANCERS Removed without pain, or the use of either caus tics or the knife, and radically cared. If painful, and an open ulcer formed, medicines will be sent by Express to give prompt relief. Consultation by letter, One Dollar. Send 50 cents for Book with discriptive Cases, References and Testimo nials. DRS. PARK Aug.4-2t. No. 21 East 10th Street, N. Y. FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, GO TO LIE JOURNAL OFFICE New AdvertisPm'r►t,. Great Reduction in Prices Fifth Street Drug Store. DR. J. C. FLEMING & CO. I I LL% ti.)V the ar7e,t de RioS -! • •;1 ~r PURE AND FRESH DRITGS • ALSO PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS. \Vi. ES AND LiQt()lts CHOICE PERFUMERY AND TOILET SO.IPS, HAIR, CLOTHES AND TOOTII BRU 4 IIES, calla-. it LDER “T. 4. Titus Es. INSTRUMENT . AND ALL IRTII'LKS 1-01 NI, IN A FIRST-CLASS AND W 1.1.1. KEPT DR r.; 'T'iritF: PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Will receivc Tecial attention. and lonz c , ,iities carefully and 3ci.ur.itely. The only place in tuwil where the •• BOSS — t •I';.11: esn i.• h•;.1 Try them. IEI 11E.1 ll' Iluntingtl,ll, August 11, 181'3 —y ELGIN \S - Aritii LIL _zilL JUL KJ :1W II •D. PRACTICAL \VAT(' II MA K F:l{. Old Sol.— "Here, Mother Earth. these Eclipses 3nd Spots have about used me up. Regulate your m oromenti hereafter by this, and don't depend on me.- Having served an apprenticeship in Philadelphia. a.el been envied fifty years, the public may rest ansured thy can get their Watehe. pen in river order aril at reduced prices. An assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles on banal. No. 41,2, HUNTINGDON, P.l NOTICE. The following persons will apply for li cense, on the Third Monday of Aim's,. 1 4 7. i. •is: Jacoo Zil';us, Brick Hotel, 4th Ward of the borough of Huntingdon. Him vouchers are: Jotteph Zil P. R. Rupert, John R Cunningham, P. R. Major, John Riehner, Ltvlen Long, David Strait, John Roam, Robert Bra , !ley, Lonia !Wright, Jamea Robert., Eaward Popo Also, LCIVIA iditor and Ile nry 3l,tei.angb .Washington House, - leirou4h of Huntingdon. Their vouchers arc it. Leister, Jacob Africa, John Leistm, William March, Philip Brown, G. Miller, i Benj. lorol., Frank W. St..a Art IW. L. Brie ker, 4;4•41. shares, • Wilit4l, i. Nte.•l. A. Rayannal. Also, E. C. Summers and J. 11. Boring. to keep a Restaurant, at the corner of sth and Washing ton streets, in the borough of Huntingdon. Their vouchers are : J. noming. J. ti. Igresherr. j ltrz 4 tstzt7 11;. .I.thrown M .11.•r. Grafts Miller, Howard Carman, John W. Ithtek, George T. Warfel, Jacul, Africa, IJuho P. MeVahan: C.. A. Part, Alt.°, A. A. Jacobs, to keep n Reptaurant or Eating Honee,in thv "Globe Building, - in the borough of Huntingdon. His voucher, are • J. G. faerilierg, 'John Yleni, .1. G. Fleming. , !toward Carniiin, G. Miller, i llenry biter. (leo. A. Purt, IV A. Miller, Benjamin Jaciii, 1. Yenter, Jaculi Africa, I C. Snmnier. Also, L. E. Ei'ware's, to keep n Kee lurant Eating the corner of Fourth and Aile gheny street', borough of fluntingtin. His vouch ers are : Jackson, John S. Miller, W. 11. Thomas, V. Moln , , Vnlentine Brown, Easton Blake, ' Georg, Ifincyr 'l►arid Miller, J. Koch, H. K.,ch, J. Porter Pope, Yrsok GcriGeh. Also, Philip gahneirler and Joseph Ziliestn keep a Restaurant or Eating Hr. use in "Miller's Brew. ery," in the borough 01 Huntingdon, Their roach erS are: ;144,4ar0in 1 .1.4r0b A fri.•a. A4usi Le istor, flaf,, iff. , !Innv mom T. W. M TTON. h..otiary. . Michael Snyder. Frank Conrad, Frank Kim., Henry Matlns Charley Steiker, Z. Yenter, Clerks Office, July, 234tt. WILLIAMSPORT DICK:INSON SF;MINARY, AT WILLIAMSPORT, PA. FOR 110TII SEXES. Nine teachers. Three eirsrses of stndy. or stay four studies may be chose n. Students rreeived for single term or longer pe rinds. Clasidealeoorea, including board. washing, roam, foal, tuition and incidentals. $203.35 per year. English enures $192.33. Fall term begins Itagust 26. For Cata logue address Iter. EDS 7ARD J. GRAY. July2B. 3t.i President. A DMINISTRATOR 7 $ SOME. AA. E.tat, nj EURG E W. KILL S, Notice hereby given that. Letters of Atisaini , tration have been granted to the nadersigned on the estate of George W. Kills, I, late of the Borough of Shirleysburg, deceased. All persons having claims against the same are r "guested to present them, duly authenticated, for unttlement, and the.• who are indebted to make pay mewl to WILLIAM D. K I 'AM Adger.. Armagh P. 0., Indiana Co.. Pa. .1. W. MATTERN, Attorney. 7 P01y23,137.-, FRENCHS' I fOTEL, ON TUC ICITZOTgAN ?LAN Opposite City Ball, Park, Court; House sail New CON FESSI( ) .4 ; Port-Otßee, NEW Yfill U{. OF A VICTIM. All Modern Improvenseata, in chiding Elevator. 1'ah1.46,-.1 a. a warning sal for ,1i... 1.-No•4e of Rooms i' , l per clay and upward.. ' M.n midi ..rlimrip id. maw fr.. It.vvroom T. .1. FRENCH A BRO F. Proprietor,. Itrisitity„ Lora .f Manli.....i. .rir . g;tritg bas raise July2B-Iyr of o.lf atom after loollergassog am.l4 ..plinispir aril exolosre. An.' mosth.ei free• en fo ir nevnrof a p.m* peal il:GII NOTICE. p , i ; ,..t in i ...iy..!np... .1.11,.. NATIO 131141. II IT - Notice is hereby given that. appliestion will ' FAIR, P. n 1:..e,,,iitri,. N T . j,„...:a 4 . a be made, at A ngnst Court next. by the inhaliitewts of the town of :WWI°, in Clay township. for the t FOR ALL ti IN P 74 4 " incorporation of said town into. a Borough ceder the name, style and title of the "Borough of stal- G 4) TO Tilt: two." LovELL a MUSSER, jyl.l-4ti AU*, for pctiti..nrr.. ''.LOUR AI. F.UILDENI; .1T Tim.: - IN III . NTINI;DON COUNTY fir medicinal purr, st a% e j airint :1-.4wrt went -1 pitt M ATIf PN—W a rw t. Ino ,brerte•i. nualtimplern. IM 211 iq nr Piro. A. BP, 1 "air rib. WM. awl anal at rho 111... J. 46,4 P.S.a Pr ..01.64611 J.' ...I tho Cowl of Common tryyr .0.1 - hnueurr, ere groPralind ory af tM. uh liArid 1111101rwl wf Porosytwasia. "wawa 4•41 44 11maiimpliat. Male moll ramplava omoollboe; aas.ll tfloo 0.... A'bevy J. Danyvo mod Avid rlosepaq N. ate., J4afaav , 41 4-aaavy Illiasoriaiplaakiaolarao anora.- 44, app. .1.1 fv. hoar. try sa44 **orates dl .0 ovary reabalonomat ea* Oar 4 anwaremoo all 4 r shah by the sw. .4 lb. Amor ao• aortal. 44r ladeoloo I *sae awl ottior Allaaroa. orig.,. awl mialasaaasera. wtli.ti boo. Sam or 'WI Wawa., I.e anamonitaf w pooparoama. MEM albelN*4 I am eseeemendleol se mar. par fees.'. mellea No basisirwit..ama s roar, et Ayr, awl 11111111111910% st Caamomo Mao at w ter feememse will M bM MOM 4", flassa se Me limeengle el lima isiaßte, ow Ike elreel likerlay tame MS Ator 44 awasst. la:S, sada.. aim wlll powleate illgoomalsollaanaaa. ar Ham awl Moro at peroaravo dhow Ile te 4Mileit ill* eel thee an Aweless Tea Foam Camearaodearagialr wadi. ia add rausly. boo lara amil Saw in IWO payer imam. at 111 o'clark a. of aid *O. *sib Ow* ex., aye* tom; esamosekeee aM remeneemeeme. le de ems drew elwir eespahmay appeamiet. Maya at Illemeloyear, ti. Tai any Aar. to Ow ef.eir Laellaserilacemaaullellemieue axe aelleiej.l.• awl the 9,sli re, 4 istsTriesos TROILIS R. 111114= ". , gweimpr Ti) I'Kit:4ol:4 INTERR4TED Ir.tire is Itiirrhy Owns Mee to f ter ' Gault 'nods no t). 1 , 411 4sy salT Apr I. Z. it is torrfrred fist tbst T.rat Caws., rormown Plss, ilismprt.s •)e. torphiss rive. droll !unwell's,. Mg II Potente fin ths , Thir.l 'f togas* ,si sorb ' seer 31.1 ront,ritio. 1,4 ' , R. bliss hst , r t .. 4 st time ow.. T W WTITWII. rr , ...t h.... , sr.. IT lI.INPV .Ittry2l 111 K a rr I , ysentery.rlsnlet •...11sesopr e••••iyhoure. Cramp.. f••••• , voids ty !h. es. J tRDF.LL.V., CO/1111,0 n.l yrupr r.f Misehherry s*4 Rtrihre. 1.41 tried moody. esti?. y plea.ont to !Ake. Twit eeress• 1011164. ,tt in the 5.,0 invest ••••••• . ant be gicvn te, yorthe , t .vviramt .• It emirate. his $ ploa.ant estrast sn.l -.say 'aloe hy ehildrifs. k ha+ nfi.4 savatior• Whoa passivism. 16.1 it. p i red . lisvp it in th.. Mew* sail ow 4 tine. All wit v.ll far it is a 44a1.. Ills % tat row ple V. 4 .ff with sawasilltiair Oar. ROW If Try it. :4•44 At 1.-mirsiat • anal tairnsigbelat the . 4 ta... Prspar.l Ay• MAX ALL!, • 65°..:'000 .111ariirt At., "Hai 41.4,44,b5a. Jalyll-:1•44. FAir (;RO('ERT. FON rEr7lO7l - FRY AND ff 11111 Ail A. 11.00,1. Urfa Its. ingt ortas.f, st b.* troi4.••••. wan Nnalistielna. a stnir ilawatry. rwitfarttaistry sari Ire Vivaria Asians. attn., imarythiaii low In *Wow Maeda.* a triwie -mta br bort too e relive furipi•b4.l. at plow 'O/1 Or parti.. 111: ar• , - irony .v 4 lawn. la. r ..nor .4 • a ,•• r ep. --s a .astilaaty Pl-7 25 t'itNTS A MX New Advertirenwnt.. IF ,e 0 ILIV I. [jy*P l :7s--y No r varylo It ng ',Firm lnitui Piper D I. 1 AT Till iQF•R%AL. PRISTING i.w • 9,, PLIKT2 V.TI _WS SIBP4I. rm. -bp - .3* wear. TRIP slums .s will r- , .• N.. , •-ere, "niii :tsar simowirimbw„sre -ws• • f :.141110.1.4 Mbif • fee, slim* verso ye 2i rw.) 1 7 1 .11P1.11711 Wye' ILO. owe sim.-.. ass es ...ft r. 1...! Tali 111111141111 T • APO obeli ifffr Fors Yr V rims sonassay 'saw este ...i.e. et - Its I. r. i.l Ms Lasis. " tar W4lllO. awl -Ts...ev Illirwrrame Loser* +raw l boy ;Vb. 4". !WA, somplar. 4 S.. mosey in* lor !Olt to pu:111TIBRII. •iirge ...1•1040*. tweere• 'boa.* . 1 .41 T I , IW %111 tr irrti ftp-e."..11 4., her s•le : I sod t .. ad! Ir • "reps VI TO ir SLY t Itnti oh Aup.4 • II.; It? e. 1.0 -t • _. Jr Lit. 4 MUSE rrt• ••• ;...aver• 1 - ZIP ill •be sees. It • ' .ee siver "be; 0.41 b's ,/mat • eve. sped Ile "mail ?Ora Iliot kr* ...A • • aril miesereir tie sr • ••••••• .111►• sirsessio.• leifeary Am" • -Am • .•••••••••••••• ts••••••••• taw 4... en••••••• *err dionesfe • 1,00/1.1 •-• v•-• •• • •••••••••••••• rig. ~111 n sod n 4 pnaiselli Air at 44nm inv.. iv. varrnrsr v. sail 0106 aria so as .4 ~IP sae. ISO :ono .vri .innt :•••• sin 5........11115t• snnanieninnn a .4.1. - • 4 .. t ik• ,t. .In.• rash* C.P. •, X.'" nay. , a .-- sari gps sa row troll sommil.r.. • r• 10. 1• WiTiV.l.O. 'The swim w-is s welly wilsasis 4 7 71D %It, sort IPA Wit" 4. low% is ...ft.*/ 3a se soil r s 4 "op ...;•-• sniFlrir persems rweasso—....shawse •t. pr—. 4 lurk asi willisery *awe IS. goer Sl'Pig In ARAI reallalltioll • 16. re It LIMBO lIT fur - O ~s' 9.4 A'reimetv Locips.• -An owe, - wry* et • 7rp, - tD !s ue iC 111 010 '.4 s rekiielboi t... us , l vf ?frig Ltit.%ST M *W. ND .1 a •-• • .....11•4. 11. r •••. ••• • JO f) 16.1.4114 , .....• Or • itairrir VEL,. SOT f 1-44,tirre. ~•+r..~- GRE.IT Net'. - n •;!RR_tT t► wrrn N. . Poo 11... :sow . maw . Tr.. ; Arm. I Ti. Illeolosooz Seer. .1r R... 4.. 11' t? • SV.. Arise ram:. . .4 111' Mew Mar t 1 -refs. Vo.. 4 TN. Ti s.uii 1.111111~ , . y 14. /•Q/t. ram 11-tes Itr.eli • 4.4...4 Dart tArThwilmolleellesP , - Pew' Prim. 1: -.ebb 31.0. I. "Wiry amillikveli..4 44, Namibia, Trelbrik Mob F VW.* Mew. X.. f NM H. Ti. Lour sat fly &.a.. Ikv 4111•.. Imo 2$ .teatit raw.* 1111...6.„ b? Woo 11.6.4. Mir Pr.* • woes*. L. t 2. Ti. p....• !lbw - 4 .- law . 12 wire 1.. E. MO Illoripp.b. b lbw, %way. D.,. PIP.. • pr... Is mit P. •••• 1... IR. WWl* W by Urembibre fl Prow t: +eft. I? 'nib**. by Mop/ Wilber *P.4IP.. 4 0191•• SO' As .1 , sue. w are M • -woe .5.1. Lr ma at OW 11l IL 1111111 4 jOll Pr!'" owe@ 1. ISC.ik I lerseimelha. IP. SCAM ININW4 nr TINW 1741,1 - ATRI %I. EN iii3llloP4 //It 0111.11.4111110 It KU. ai.oo FIVE DOLLARS EACH. *5.00. W %or ipaseer 2.64 , 4 Thy team 111~. low ea. of Sew Nay% lervier Seel powervprelie Maitemer. ..0111 VINIV. OWN AI rit 0141•111104 rim rwarawar Aro oft, ars sir! rwm., v. Ai itavese Om. - • 4 aumen4 1 IlSt ORT A Ilt LT. • I proisimme ...... prworemo I pf.llloo ......... I poems= I. pripassimm• 11611111hmoil.. VS or" . prwieve• 4 NIIP Ire p11.01114111•IPO 'A -sr* n ee p17 0 .1,1,11..1 it dark 1411•1 ..... ...... ...- 111121 L erirlfia prwititeMil qe ..... ponsirsiire $ll.O/11 mud& .. I* prruommor MIP woe. . 19 poissiime .4 WO esolk. 29 pe.umbine• 4 NO orb— poinisimere le wisli "le* reesisemo. f ...44 !is Waif. law •10. fa.4.1.* 4 fitoossag Ora Or .pseaiss s. .- peo4 as gestererf illivOlupp lbws kw saws* ,n44110f ells rot, 4 Sloe INFIR • porosooss ?..ases Ihrasser„ oloril oil its so .aorosa. _ _ wpf Ns ...ivy 0111111PONINR. smi4 brigkre. 4•1611 U. IMMO yr Aame../ a pore •114.1 , of •iwolly•sio sow of 100/ wow. s ter bare .1 wito flow .., I.e. ooMmaiteal or ow orwelb Tow OM.. Pow , Tbwoomaili lowiloro 1•4 fi.froafierois..4 . Sown& 111111Mosa Ttio otowerollaw. for few Sri.. ow. 4s oiwww4 a. 111•111110 411' PPM oaf 0111•0•06owr •4 be ormar ea ravislMP• lbw am& ammo -111. fa a. .lwrre .•. pork. or moll aiener 441irm4 .Ser &alb 41 , 1111 e 112011sie, - 11saliabs• lbsisiiposr 0111.111* 911 s soar rip wirer mobseellovrielpipoll aillreow•willhor ty amerw. ml 4 24111.18. s Alia MUM 41•1111* 11•611 w rierwririns %sr flumar ito pier Iv tall. srwt prworowto show movisia A. ilberwmpor - .mom taillitb Ore s -, 4. vs • Um"? I •4l4lbir two ••• w. iirravy sir •Pt .'Oa. ••••• lir Imam 4 f ttibtberho tom. -••••• Priv No • .itniistat. bet swot bow. i•ner••ll.9 illho two =1:•• • moan AMP 4111~11 ai* • boa we •• Am, • wilimism Purr*me Ite gm OPIUM e•••• .1 1.0~0.•• or* gay lksolipm • smiawse sew Imo T4;41. mid «IP .4 Mull • gpmens.— Abet iv twroto we • Alin 411•4•Wiliktiwwwww.- 111. •••..peary wit MO lempsoullOP 10.0 P. +M . .s .pr i •s , 11 ANIL Iliad We AMP • wore prrshilir lb" iwilw inn indirer,,,, r - ••••hope wet 14.••••• ivy,- tilt •f. 111111111TMO P n. r! 4.0'. e A is UP EMIL LATE a 11101111111 D Wkole•al• Grmry fouissioN intrll.ls7S, lioiwrst 4suirmr. '•• •s•k• • ipso Iv.. 4.41 .00m0.4 oft.* N•ompor••••. 74 11 4 . firTe Mk am. Ask w. Mao • =Z4 y rftll7llll or! nay P Oar ow 1•••••10 WNW . rrell roo.orOoposill• • emstalt rim poor *ore wive. .4.- 11 A rt. 9aata.4 vellum or 4 port w.. goolm. titans, •••••• ••••••••••••••• oftint roxstoisinm 4 PIMP I rel. *4ll, AN 411.prias 4.M.! ovesis lbw v.v7 %Owe graglist yaw pierie ;7- NrijrlULD nub Mss K? Ihd 1... r 411119, le 11111111b11110111•011m. re exTT -.-. r orve. TIBIC 4 -41 -• '•..* 4701111011* 10.1 NO I NM 41 010 . I AIM • : + wor !t~/ta» "lIP Ore . asp :eels &see tom tomr tor atria 41 ',a atm of 4116.10.••••