The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, March 24, 1875, Image 3
The -Huntingdon Journal. 1 - %' - iDNESDAY, MARCH 247-1-875 HEADING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE W. L. FOULK, Agent of the Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wcsi Virginia Press Association, Is the only person in Pittsburgh authorized to receive advertisements for the lie has our best rates. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subserip tions and Arrearages. The following is the hew relating to newspapers and subscribers. 1. Subs:ribers who do not give express notice to the con trary, are considered wishing to continue their rub script ion, 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their peri odicals, the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 1. If stancribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the (dike to which they are dirc....ted, they are held responsible until they nave settled their bills, and order ed them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former di rection, they are held responsible. L. The Courts have decided that "refusing to take periodi cals from the office, or removing and waving them un called for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. 6 Auy person who receives a newspaper and snakes use of it, whether lie has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a subscriber. 7. If subsCribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher, at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise the pub lisher is authorized to send it on, and the subscriber will be responsible until an express notice, with payment of all arrears, is sent to the publisher. REDUCTION! Until further notice, we propose to insert specials, or locals, in our local col- umns—not among the items, but diAribu ted thfough the local matter—at TEN CENTS per line, eight ordinary words constituting a line. No charge, however, will be made for less than fifty cents. tf LOCAL AND PERSONAL drief Mention—Home-made and Stolen liconlighL The equinoctial storm, this year, was not a suc• The new law maims no changes in restaurant licenses, Umbrellas to the front. March has been shed ding pearly tears. The agony wilt soon be over and each will know the prise he has drawn. Easy—Those preachers who make no changes in their appointments this year. Methodist preachers are the most liberal set of men in the world, taken as a whole. Sunday was a sulky day, bat.hundreds attend ed the churches. All were crowded. Four hundred oars are daily taken by the Clear- Sold coal region. The business is good. There is rot as much baidnessamong Methodist ministers as usually ebaracterize ecclesiastical bodies. Much talking among the preachers about their appointments ; ne, not theirs, but what they want to be theirs. Long dresses and bad weather distress the ladies very much. Sweeping up the sleet is not relish ed. Too bad'. A number of our young Bedford friends were in town orer Sunday. It afforded us much pleasure to meet them. , • The ministers speak, universally, in glowing terms, of the hospitality of the citizens of Huntingdon. The aviation Advocate, the organ of the M. E. -Church, has now fifty thousand subscribers, so says Dr. Nelson. Our friend, Rev. A. W. Guyer, preached a high ly complimented sermon at the Baptist church; Sunday morning. We can furnish all the back numbers of the DAILY JOURNAL. Send us 20 cents ard you can have them sent you by mail. How about hard ? What is the use of coal morciauts when the d:atnonds are not to be had? Come, hurry up, er there will be a March freeze. Mr. John Whitehead informs us that on last Wednesday they shipped twenty-seven cars—over four hundred tons of coal—from their Clearfield mine. Jurors, suitors and witness, will be boarded, at . the Washington House, :it 23 cents per meal, and boarding thrown in, ant regular boarders at :$l3 per month. [m22-3t That little caning ortic!e on Brother Clarke rather tickles him. We remember 'using tickled with a none, when a boy, lot it didn't effect 118 in the :same way. An hoar spent among the ministers carries you to the different industries of Pennsylvania. Loin her, coal, railroads, agriculture, ,te., Se., all have their representatives. We did injustice to the Methodists of Newton Hamilton a few days ago. We take it all back, and say that they acted wisely and judiciouly.— We like the stuff of which they are made. The assembling yj the Central Pennsylvania 'Conference, in Huntingdon, will long be remem bered, by our people, as one of the most pleasant .and profitable events in the history of the place _Rev. W. C. lies,er preachedat Rev. Doyle's np i)Ointment, at McCunnellstown, on Sunday morn ing. Ile is very fluent and his sermons are deliv ered with telling effect. We predict for hitn bright future. Rev. IV. MeK. Roily, a ni,obcr of the Central Penns . 7l, - ania Confertnee, is an unassuming young man, on anctionate pastor, a Sympathetic preach er, and a sociable fellow. Linz live the son of so noble a father. Brother J. P. Long's educational advantages have not been great and yet with all we learn that when engaged in work on his charge, be preaches some fine sermons. 'We wish Brother Long all the success imaginable. Judge Hartley, of Bedford, called to ~, c o us on Saturday. He looks quite as natural as usual, and manifests the same interest in church affairs that he has manifested for so many years. In the Judge the church has ever found a faithful friend. If Bishops Ames and llarris are fair samples of the timber of which Bishops are made, and we lave no doubt but they are, we admit that in point of muscularity the Central Pennsylvania Confer ence is rather poorly provided with Bishop tim ber. Rev. Thomas Sherlu,,k, stationed last year at ha 3 11,1 a Glorious revival of religion; some one hundred aa,l sixty were converted to God, most of whom united with the M. E. Church Ile is a ChriEti:in gentleman and one of our good preachers. Rev. G. W. Miller, of Yu: is, Pa., delivered one of his eloquent discourses last evening in the ➢I. E. Church. The passage of Scripture was, is able to save to the uttermos - ." The young Di vine did the subject justice and soon many laurels for himself and our Methodism. The Irishman objects to buying potatoes in Kansas at seventy-five cents, when he can buy them in Ireland at a shilling per bushel. "Well," said the hearer cf this utterance, "why don't you go there and lice ?'' "Well," replied the Irish man, "I oan't get the shilling. At a meeting of the Directors of the Juniata Valley Camp Meeting Association, in this place, on Saturday last, it was resolved to build ono hun tired and twenty additional tants, and the 24th of August next was fixed as the day for the com mencement of the camp-meeting. The Buell Family gave a concert in Yenter's Hall, on Saturday evening. Everykody went away cheerful, happy a•.d satisfied. Prof. Bucil requests us to say that be and family arc open to engage ments, and will take pleasure in cooling to Penn sylvania whenever caked, if not eng,iged. His address is Westminster, Md. Dennis O'Rafferty intends publishing a volume of poems. tie says "all the other greatpoets have given works to the world, and he knows the public are anxious, consequently he feels it a duty in— cumbent upon him to book them a little." He has engaged A. Biggc l'hule to write his biography up to the time of his iniinigration to America. We are requested, by Rev. Cambridge Graham, to say to the pe!ple of Mapleton and vicinity, that owing to indisposition and Committee duties he missed the train on Saturdi; He regrets exceedingly that 113 failed to Inca, at the time appointed, his obi e.n:l true friend=, and says that on any other ()evasion he will respond promptly. 'The Superintendent o: tbo B. is respect fully informed that, until ero are satisfied, l a thorough examination of the evidencq taktn in the ease, we shall sustain the sworn statements of those whom we know, in preference to the mere ipse di . .rit of an over-zealous etieial, who, it econs to ue, is determined to exculpate an und.rling lest his own reputation, as an o:licer, might suhier. E.:tv. J. W. Donahue, of Everett, is a very mod eet stnl retiring brother in his mantic:, an exert lout miniter, a ;;ups.] tast , ,r, and ly s w,n hearts of an: his parilhoners. Ilis c anpanion looks on the bright silo of things, and one of the best superintendents of the domestic depart ment we find in our travels, We besp,ali for olr two friends a good appointment and ple:.sant stir rootolings. Among the many ministerial fticnds that we have had an opportunity of greeti •g. since the asninbling of Conference, is our esteemed friend, A. W. Gibson, formerly . 0f Beaton', now of Wil liamsport. He looks somewhat older than he did four years ago, but the same manliness and de cision of character that have always marked him are as prominent as evor. He is as near perfect in his wa'l - 't minister as any man ia lie min- istry Yesterday aftern• - ,on picked up a Multi:l.:don county man nnta,,l Hays.— When found, he wes both tired and sleepy- and had lain down in the snow. Ile was escorted to the station-horse, and after being compelled to re main in that institution until ho was perfectly tu ber, he was released by Mayor Cilland upon pay meat of the usual rum. Oa the Philadelphia express train last evening, he took passage for home.—Altoenu Tribune nJ' Tue./ay. Did you ever hear of a sexton who lied any idea how mile% ventilation was necessary to keep the atmosphere, in a densely packed room, in a heal thy condition ? We have never beard of such a *one. If a window is to be lowered, instead of lowering it two, three, or four inches, invariably it must be lowered ten, twelve, or fifteen inches, and the temperature changed from extreme heat to extreme cold in a few minutes. No one can estimate the damage done in tbs way. Rev. A. S. Bowman preach' i in the Lutheran Church on last Sabbath evening. This text was Prov. xv, iii—" The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good." Su'iject anniscence. The speaker Landled his subject with a masterly hand, and in a manner that would have done credit to a minister of ripe: years. This eloquent brother has been stationed at Riverside Danville, and is on the move to a good appointment, no doubt. The young man will, no doubt, take rank as one of the star preach ers of our Conference. THIRD VERDICT ON THE GREAT ORE SUIT.—The Adjourned Court last - week, was occupied with the trial of the great case of Louden, Dysart et. al., versus The Blair Iron and Coal Co. Thiq is the third trial of this highly important case, each trial having oc cupied a full week. It was first tried in Feb ruary, 1873, and resulted in a verdict for the plaintiffs of $13,278. The Court having, on motion of the defendants, granted a new trial, it was again tried in June, 1873, when the plaintiffs obtained a verdict for $13,986.56. The defendants then removed the case to the Supreme Court by writ of error, and the judgment having been reversed, the case was .again tried last week, when the jury found for the plaintiffs $14,100. This, it is supposed, will be final. The whole of Friday was con sumed with the argument, on Saturday the jadge submitted the case to the jury with clear and well defined instructions; the jury after several hours of deliberation found the above verdict. • The claim of the plaintiffs was - I,hqt the de fendants sunk a shaft on their own land to fosil iron ore, and mining into the adjoining land of the plaintiffs, taking and appropriating large quantities of their ore. The counsel for the plaintiffs were D. J. Neff, esq., and Hon. S. S. Blair, and for the defendants, Thad. Banks, A. S. Landis, and B. L. Hewitt, esqs., of this county, and Cyrus W. Elder, esq., of Johnstown.—Altoona Tribune. SIHRLEYSBURG ITEMS.—WO are rather behind• time in some of our items, but Ire have been from home, and finding no reporter has been about, we take up the old pencil again. We had a snow storm here on the 7th inst, which has not been equalled for years past. Snow fell all day and most of the night. On the morning of the Bth we found ourselves closed The roof of Nlr. A. L. Ricket's barn was broken in. Mr. John Jacobs was from home attending the funeral of a friend and came home to find the roof of his barn broken in and if his horses had been at home would both have been killed. The bark shed of the Ger many Valley Tannery was mashed down. Several other stables and sheds were damaged to more or less extent. The wood-chuck went in and has bad a six weeks' nap, and his probation is out. Ile is completely snowed in now, and we cannot tell how the case may be. Some one has suggested that Baird & Wilson, the champion hunters, had killed the old fellow and young ones do not understand the programme. There has been meeting in some one of the churches, of this place, every night since the first Sunday in January and yet not all aro saints. There is uo doubt but intoxicating drinks are sold and drank here freely, and the law violated daily, yet no one cares to enforce it. \Ve are reminded,of the story of tke little boy that sow John Smith kiss his sister. He ran to his mother saying Oh ! ma, John Smith bit our Rate right on the mouth and she just let him. 808. LIE. attention of every housekeeper and every person about to build is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Bissell dr Co., 235 Liberty Street, and 242 Penn Street, city of Pittsburgh. This is an old and long estab lished firm, thoroughly reliable, and with am ple capital, and facilities unsurpassed by any establishment in the same line of business in the United States. The stoves, ranges, furna ces, and grates manufactured by them have for many years enjoyed the best reputation of any in the market. In their salesrooms they have the largest and best assortment of the same west of the Allegheny mountains. We particularly commend their "Peerless" Radia tor Grates, adapted for every description, size, and shape of mantels, as being the best now before the public. By means of the improve ments upon the old style of gratis which have been introdnced in this, you bare full control of your fires, being enabled by a sin gle simole arrangement to enliven the fire , remove the ashes without the aid of a poker or shovel, and without dust. Read the ad vertisement, and address the firm for full par ticulars As EVERYBODY knows our Janies, although he formerly hailed from Huntingdon, we copy the following from the Shamokin Herald of the 11th of March : "A few days since we beard it whispered that Rev. James C. Clarke was to be presented with a goldhcaded cane, and on Tuesday evening that gentleman was completely taken by surprise when a lot of the brethren, part of his flock, called at the par sonage and presented him the beautiful stick. Mr. It. T. Owen made the presentation speech. Mr. Clarke alto made a short speech, assuring the donors of his surprise and high apprecia tion of the gift, which was from those who bad been converted under his ministry while in Shamokin, beariny the inscription : 'From your spiritual children.' The evening was spent in songs of praise, and we are informed that all were delighted."—Lewistown Gazette. Rep and plain visiting cards—all the rage —for sale at the Jorer•AL Store. tf Conference Appointments )IZILLIAMSPORT DISTRICT T. NrrenELL, Presiding Elder, Williams port P. O. Wilihurzport—Pine Street—D. Mun roe, C. W. - Burnley, Sup. IViliawsport, Mulberry Street —J. J. Pence. Will iau3sport Chapel—A. W. Gib sral , J. F. Davis, Sup. 11'illiauvport—Third Sireat—J. M. Lautz J. B. Ptove, liT•rSup. William:;T)ort—Newberry—E. IT. Yocum. Lyeoming —J. Y. Rothrock. Loyabzock—W. S. IViLion. Duboistown—A. C. Crosthwaire. Jamestown—A. 11. Mench. Montoursville—A. Creighton. Muncy—A. Bowman. ITugbesville—A. B. Huoven. Edward.z. IVats , mtown —J. 11. Wo Montandon—A. Porker "Wlrtrtou Eli:nsport—E. Batl2r. Mi!:ou—A. D. Yocum. Levvisbarg—il. 11 in kle. Mifflinburg—H. P. CroAhwaitc. Salladlf , burg—ll. Cogan Valley—Z. S. Rhone. Lib3rty Valley—lL Lundy. Ralston—ll. F. Cares. Jersey Shore—W. C. ITesser. Pine Creek—To be supplied. Great Island—D. B. McClosky. Lock Haven—S. L. Bowman. Salona—A. E. Taylor. Beech Creek—J. Lloyd. Iliner's Run—J. B. Aker_i. &novo—G. - Warren. Westport--To be supplied by McC. Gra- ban'. Leidy--J. B. Nome. Sinnemalioniug—L. G. Heck Emporium—J. W. Olewine. Pennfield—E. M. Chileoat. Wharton— E. J. Gray—Pies. Williamsport Dick inson Seminary, and Member of Mulberry Street Quarterly Conference. I. H. Torrence—Secretary Penna. Bible Society, and Member of the Mulberry Street Quarterly Conference. 11. A. Curran—Professor Keystone Nor mal School, and Member of Mulberry Street Quarterly Conference. J. P. Bobb—Professor Pennington Sem inary, N. J., and Member of Sallada3burg Quarterly Conference. - DAN VILLE. DISTRICT, N. 8,. BUCKINGUAM, Presiding El der Bloomsburg P. 0. Danville—St. Paul's—F. B. Riddle. Danville—Trinity—J. P. Moore. Riverside—.J. T. Wilson. Northumberland—J. Hunter. Washingtonville—J. F. Brown. lola—H. S. Mendenhall. Buckhorn—W. A. Carver: Bloomsburg—J. 11. MeGarrah. Espy and Light Street—F. E. Crevcr. Orangeville—F. Gearhart. Benton—C. L. Benscoter. Berwick—S. Creighton. Mifflinville—B. 11. Crever. Beach Haven—H. B. Fortner. Bloomingdale—J. P. Benford, J. Guss. Muhlenberg—W. Moses. Shickshinny—A. M. Rester. White Haven—E. T.-Swartz. Hickory Run—T. S. Fans. Weatherly—B. P. King, I. N. Moorhead. Hazleton—W. W. Evans. Jeanesville—M. L. Drum. Conyngham—J. Stine. South Hebberton—J. Horning, C. J Buck. Catawissi—S. W. Sears. Elysburg—T. 0. Clees, N. B. Smith. Shamokin—W. L. Spottswood. Centralia—Cr. M. Lamed. Helfenstein•—G. V. Savidge. Mount C.irmel—A. Brittain. Ashland—W. A. Houck. Trevorton—G. H. Day. Snydertawn—N. W. Colburn. Sunbury—J. A. DeMoyer. Selinsgrove—J. Moorhead. HARRISBURG DISTRICT. B. B. ILimLIN, Presiding Elder, Cham bersburg, Pa. • Harrisburg—Gra - tee Church—C.A Mobiles " Ridge Avenue—J. C. Clarke. " St. Paul's—J.A.Melick. " Fifth St—G. T. Gray. Mt Pleasant—H. N. Minnigh. New Cumberland—P. F. Eyer. York—First Church—A. M. Barnitz. " Duke Street—ll. R. Bender. Wrightsville—R. Ivlallalieu. Castle Fin—L. N. Clark, J. M. Russell. Shrewsbury—A. W. Guyer, A. R. Bender. Hanover & New Oxford—S. M. Frost. Gettysburg—M. L. Ganoe, A. S. Baldwin. York Spring—J. A. McKindless. • Wellsville—J. If. Black. Bendersville—T. 11. Tubbs. Waynesboro,--J. 11. McCord. Greencastle—W. V. Ganoe. Chambersburg—First Church—l'. Hodg son. King St—W. C. Robbins. Mereersburg--F. Adams. McConnellsburg—J. P. Long. Hustonville—R. L. Armstrong. Cove—T. M. Griffith. Shippensburg—H. C. Cheston. Shippensburg Circuit—J. Y. Shannon. Mont Alto—J. Guldin. Rehoboth Newville- -J. W. - Mickley. Carlisle—G. Leidy. Mount Dolly—C. Graham. Mechanicsburg—W. Rink. Fairview & .Marysville—E. E. A. Daavor. Duncaunon—W. H. Keith. Liverpool—T. S. Wilcox. Newport—H. M. Ash. - T. P. Ege, President Irving Female College, member of Mechanicsburg Qaar ter ly Conference. JUNIATA DISTRICT. M. K. FOSTER, Presiding Elder, Hunt, infrd ,on Pa. Huntingdon—J. S. McMurray, J. 1 Akers. Petersburg—W. A. Ciippenger. Manor Hill—D. Castleman. Ennisville—l. Heckman. Mount Union—M. L. Smith. Newton Hamilton—A. It. Miller. MeVeytown—G. S. Sykes. Granville—W. A. McKee. Lewistown—W. G. Ferguson. Freedom—J. A. Ross. Decatur—W. &briber. Milroy—L. F. Smith. Miffiin—G. D. Penepacker. Thompsontown—M. C. Piper. Port Royal—WT. It. Whitney, C. W. Marshall. New Bloomfield—G. IV. Dunlap, W. H Bowden. Concord—G. A. Singer. One to be sup plied.. Burnt Cabins—W. W. Dunmire. Shirleysburg—W. Reiley, 0. IT. Three Springs—E. Shoemaker. Cassville—T. F. McClure. • McConnellstown—W. E. llonh. Saxton—W. 11. Stevens, J. Pennington Everett—J. Donahue. Ray's Hill—B. White, J. H. S. Clarke. Bedford—T. Sherlock. Bedford Circuit—J. B. Shaver. Schellsburg—J. M. Johnston. Pleasantville—J. W. Bell. ALTOONA DISTRICT, T. N. REESE, Presiding Elder, Altoona Pa. Altoona—First church—J. Curns. Eight avenue—S. C. Swallow, IV. J. Owens. " Third charge—J. W. Leckie. Hollidaysburg—ll. C. Pardo°. Duncansville—A. W. Decker. Martinsburg—J. W. Cleaver, R. P. Camp bell. Williamsburg—J. W. liaugLawolt. Logan Arall , l—J. A. Dixon. Tyrone—ft. E. Wil. oa. East Port ijatilda—.T. Gray. 31 ilesburg —W. to wy tr. Howard—R. H. Colburn Penn's Valley—G. W. Bouse. &ligite—G. W. Miller. Half Moon—G. Guyer. Pine Grove—J. F. Bell, (S. W. Jean) Warrior's Mark—W. N. Merninger.• Birmingham—A.. D. 31eClosky. Phillipsburg-3J. L. Smyser. Grahamton—ll. Linn, (E. Turaer). Osceola—W. W. Reese, J. B. Apo. Clearfield—B. F. Stevens. Woodland—W. ;;. Dill. Clearfield Circuit—J. M. Clarke. Curwensville—J. B. Young. Lumber City—lt. IL Wharton. Nex Washington—W. 11. Norcross:. . Glen Hope—W. S. Hamlin. Snow Shoe—J. F. Craig. C:mr;resi S. Crone. Pleasant Gap—To be supplied. W. Ea nshaw, Chaplain N. A. D. S., Dayton, 0., and member of Warriorsmark Quarterly Conference. J. It. nykes . and A. J. Cook, Mission aries to China. BROOM rACTORY AND BRUSH I.lorSE.—Your fettention is invited to the advertisement, iu this paper, of the well known firm of Messrs. Abdiel McClure Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. With greatly increased facilities this firm is prepa red to fill all orders for goods in their line at lower prices than any ()the- factory in that city. They deal extensively is straw and ma nilla wrapping papers, and manufacture Gro cers' Paper Bags, Flour Sacks, kc., &s. You are invited to call and examine their extensive stock, at their sales room, No. 362 Penn Ave- ADVERTISED LETTERS. —Letters re maining in the Post Office, at Huntingdon, March 20th, 1675: • Miss S. A. R. Allie ; Mrs. Josipbne C. Boyer; Miss Laura Green; George borne ; Mrs. W. W. lii!Nannhan ; John Nepply ; Angelo Reusi ; Mr. Coluel Calvin Rowing; Henry Shafer; Mr. Tumelson, merchant; Charles Wesbrook ; J. B. Wertz ; Chas. H. Wymkcoss; Miss Annie \Vilders. Persons desiring advertised letters forward ed must send one cent fee, for advertising. J. HALL MUSSER, P. M. MR. EDITOR :—For the benefit of all con cerned, allow me to say, there never was any money lying in ra j - hands for the payment of costs in the Cassville Scandal case, any length of time. Then never was a dollar sent to me at any time for that purpose till the receipts of the witnesses were forwarded for the same and every dollar was handed over, the first op portunity, as every witness who receipted will testify (nearly a hundred of them) except two or three whom, I was informed, had received and receipted for theirs, of course I got noth ing for them. Cassville, illarch 19, 1875, ANNUAL CONVENTION. -113 Eighth Annual Convention of the Young Men's Chris tian Association of Pennsylvania will be held in Altoona, about the middle of September next. The number of delegates usually in at tendance is about one hundred and fifty. The Twentieth International Convention of the Y. M. C. A. of the United States and Brit ish Provinces, wilt be held at Richmond, Va., May 26th to 30th. Way does the "Domestic" Sewing Machine continue to have a ready sale while other ma chines are a drag on the market in these times of stagnation and panic ? The answer is just here : Because all experienced sewing ma chine men, and everybody else acknowledge the superiority of_ the "Domestic" over all other machines. And people knowing its su periorities, and seeing its merits will buy it and the investment is one that pays and is never regretted. nov.4tf. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RAIL ROAD—Report of Coal Shipped: T 036 For week ending March 20, 1875 10,678 Same time last year . 7,905 Increase fur week Decrease for iicel Total amount shipped w date 65,274 Same date last year Increase for year IST4 Decrease Dr. Bull's Vegetable Pills for the cure of Liver Complaint, Bilons Affections, headache, and especially Sick Headache, Pain in the Side, Stomach, Back Intestines, Sick Stom ach, Giddiness, Dimness of Sight, Weak Nerves. Loss of Appetite, Costivness, Dys pepsia, Derangement of the Kidneys, and all delecate Female Complaints. For sale by all druggists at 25 cts. a box. Mu. EDITOR :-.Dear Sir :—Permit me to say, in justice to Judge Clarkson and lion. M. W. Oliver and every body else, that John 11. Clark was owing me a little bill, and author ized me to receive his costs in the Cassville Scandal cage, which I did receipt for, and received, and the little ballance over, be can have any time, if he calls or sends for it. `Y M. SNYDER, Cassville, March 19, 1875. FARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST I—Your wives are wanting a good sewing machine. Now, Miller and Wilson will sell you a "Do• mastic" and receive in payment therefor all kinds of marketable produce, at the highest market prices. tf. If you want pictures or chromes theJoraNAL Store is the place to buy them. tf. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Corrected Weekly by henry g Co. WIIOLESALE PIIICEF, llmiTuraDoN, PA.. March 10, 1875.1 Superfino Flour 45 00 lixtra Flour... Family Flour, Red Wheat..., White Wheat. Bark per cord Barley Batter Brooms 1% do. Beeswax 73 pound. Beene bushel , Beef Cloverseed $164 pounds Corn V bushel on car new Corn shelled new Corn Meal ti% Candles % lb Dried Apples V to Dried Cherries r lb, Dried Jeef Eggs Feathers Flaxseed bushel Hops yl pound Hams smoked Shoulder Side Hay ton new Lard t new Large onions bushel. QUOTATIONS WHITE, POWELL & CO., . BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ri;ILAPELI'IIIA, March 20, 1875. • DID. ASICCD. U. S. 1881, C 2oy,, .21 " 5-20, c. '62, 51. and N l7 46 ll 44 16 1 ., 6. 1.6 lB 4 " " " /65 , 44 46 lsy, 20 O ~ 0 , c , 5 J . an d J 114%, 1:.+0 ~ ~ 44 '67 , 66 64 lO V ~ 0 4, ' 6B, 64 44 II4 V ..10-40, coupon " Pacific 6's, cy New L's, Reg. 1881 "" C. 1881 . . ...... 3111.0555, . ; vt; ~41 ti fi.,. G01d... Silver Pennsylvania, . ..,. Reading f. 7 ,4 ~., Philadelphia & Erio . Lehigh Navigation to .)<, g Valley United R. R. of N. J 13:1 ,Y, Oil Creek 11,,!, Northern Central . 33 Oil Creek Central Transportation 4 4 3/ Nesqueboning 54% C. & A. Monrtgago 6's, 'B9. lO3 ral,l,a•li c %oDing, March 21, itmt., in Altoona, I.y the Rev. W. t),‘:.rts, Mr. Herman Roues to MiF4 Ilo,A 17i:- rtin, all of Altoona. zENT:o I:lt.—On Wednrslay morning, Mitre!' 17tli, infant daughter of Mite 3 and Jennie Zent layer. .11.11.1..—0 u the loth, iwt.. in 11'14 , m:own. Mr+. Seism R. Dill. of wife Dr. Samuel T. age.' .to years. New Advertisements REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, to ail persons interested. the following named persons have settivd their ac counts in the Register's (Mice, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for eon tirmation and allowance, at an 4.irphans' Ccotrt, to he held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 14;11 tiay of April next, (1:i75.) to wit: 1. a,C111:It J,113 Sh!LVer, traitee pain'e.l be th? Oq.nen's I..'ourt at Huntingdon county t sell the real estate of ,4arnavl Shaver, late of Shirley township, le easel, with tli;trilt tint: annexed. Autuiuistration r.ccount• of R. ii••f.'aer, re;• ectitor of Andrew lielTner, la:e of Walker town• deceased. 3. Final accolat of administ rn. tor of Jo:lath:lm of lle'e. 4. Account of r. Jl. Lytle, guardian ff Nary F. Doyle, miner child of Edward Doyle, dceeneed. 5. Fiist and partial acenont of Henry Hawn and Alhert Hawn, esecutors of the lag will anti testament of .Tacob Hawn, lute of Juniata town ship, deceased. 0. Admiuistrathn account of George W. Har tley, administrator of Ileury IVielts, late of Shir ley township deceased, 1. Administration account of Dr. W. I'. Ma- Nits and Celtic A. Fraker, administrators of Wm. Fraker, late of Shirleystiorg, deceased. S. Account of John Alicrly, administrator of Daniel Turner, lateofCu FS township, deceased. 9. Final account of John F. Stewart, admin istrator of Elizabeth Stewart, late of Crotnwcll township, deceased. 10. First and partial account of L. Travis and George T. Travis, executors of Nancy Travis, late of Franklin township, deceased. 11. Administration necount of M. J. Itusscll, executor of Sarah Luden, deceased, as tiled by Samuel T. Brown, cap, her attorney in fact. . . 12. First and final ace,oint of Daniel H.Grove, administratorof D3nicl S!irley, late of Penn town ship, deceased. 13. Guardianship account of 2`...1at0 t'zlitner, guardian of George C. Borst. a son uf tie.)rge Borst, late of West township, ceased, the said George C. being now of full 14. Final account of John F. Stewart :ad Washington Stewart, executors of Samuel Stew art, late of Cromwell township, deceased, as tiled by John F. Stewart, acting executor. . - - - 15. Final account Gf — Matthias F. ShoJpe, guardian of Mary E. Wiser, deceased. Also his account as guardian of Daniel W. Wiser. The second and final account of Cal% iti Dell and Anderson Bell, administrators of George Dell, late of West township, deceased. 17. Third and final account of Solomon Weaver and David Weaver, administrators of Leonard Weaver, late of Hopewell township, deeeased,with distribution annexed. IS. First and partial account of Daniel F.Yo der, administrator of Chris ian Yoder, late of Brady townshi,,, eceaced. 19. Account of Adam fleeter, acting executor of the will of ArAibald McNeal, late of Clay township, decease]. 23. Account of Adam fleeter, administrator of the estate: or Samuel Dunlap, late of Tot town ihip, deceased. _ _ . . . 2i. Account of John Graf - a - us. administrator of Andrew Sharar, late of West township, decenatd. 2'2. Account of Asaph Price, guardian of Re becca Gutnhall, cm: or the minor ebildren7and heirs oe Abraham Cutshall, lr.te of Springfield township, deceased, as Lied by John F. Price, ad ministrator of the sail Assph Price, now deceased. D. CLARKSON 23. Account of Asa ph Price, guardian of Are na Gutshall, one of the children and heirs of Abraham Outshall, late of Springfield township, deceased, as Lied by John F. Price, administrator of the said Asaph Price, now deceased. 24. Account of Asaph Price, guardian of Su san Gatshall, ono of the children and heirs of Abraham Gutshall, late of Springfield township, deceased, as filed by John F. Price, administrator of the s.Fid Asaph Prke, now deceased. f 5. Account of Win. M. Fleming, guardian Pe: Elizabeth M. nnl Robert M. Fleming (both of age), and Margaret J. and Milton F. Fleming, minor children of Martin Fleming. of Brady township. deceased. 26. Account of J. R. Lowrie, txecwor ia the last will and testament of Sarah Stewar, late of C,lerain Forges, deceased. 27. First account of John M. Qacriy oral Ephrain Bowman, trustees uppointed to sell the real estate of George Querry, late of Caos town ship, deceased. 28. Final account of John K. McCall:tn, tru- , tee of Thomas MeCahan, now decca , e.!, under the till of John McCahan, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased. 29. Second suppleuaeulal account of John K. McCahan, one of the executors of John McCahan, Late of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased. .?.9. Account of William Eckley, execut-ir of the last will of Samuel Eckley, late of Thure Nn:- ship. deceased. 51. Account of James G. Corbin, guardian of Mary E. McDonald, minor child of James Mc- Donald, deceased. 32. Account of 11. J. McAteer and Joe. N. Swoope, Ears. of the Last Will, ,t; 0., of Dr. D. Houtz, late of the borough of Alexandria, deed., as filed by 11. J. McAteer. WM. Y.. LIGHTNER, l.cGlSTt.'it's OFFICM, ilegister. Huntingdon, Mar. 17,'75. 1 2,773 NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the following Inventories of the goods and chattels set apart to widows, under the provisions of the Act of 14th of April. A. n.. 1851, have been filed in the °Mee of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, and will be presented for "approval by tha Court," on Wednesday, April 14, 1875 : 1. Inventory of the personal property of Rich ard Brown, late of Shirley township, deed., as taken by his widow, Sarah Brown. 2. Inventory of the personal property of Brooks, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd.„ as taken by and set apart to Ann Brooks, his widow. 19.487 3. Inventory of the personal property of John Dolt, late of Carbon township, dee'd., elected to be retained by Franciska Dolt, his widow. 4. Inventory of the goods, chattels, of David Decker, late of the borough of lluntingdun, dec'd., as taken by his widow, Mary J. Dceker. 5. Inventory of the personal property of James Law, dou'd., as taken by, aa.l set aloert to A higli Law, his widow. Inventory of the personal property of John Treaiter, late of Jackson towwhip, deed., as ta ken and retained by Ciarrissa Treaster, his widow. Inventory of the personal property of Satan. el Lutz, deed., late of Shirley t.wnship, u± taken by his widow, Sarah Lutz. S. inventory ot . the personal property of Win. Crownover, late of Barree township, dee'd., as ta ken by his widow, Elizabeth Crownover. 9. Inventory of the personal property of 'Samu el Silknittcr, deed., as taken by hie "Now, Ann Silkn itter. W. E. LIGHTNER, Clerk of Orphans' Court, Orphans' Court Offlee,) March 17, 1875. JOHN WHITESIDE. I ei; O. H. REM , . P. 0. t TPO WinTESEDE, REED & CO., Dealers in rour.IGN AND DOMESTIC II ARDW ARE IRON, NAILS, GLASS, PAINT, OILS'. VAR- 25 5 50 1 05 10 ECLIPSE, NATIONAT., EXCEL SIOR, STAR, COTTAGE, SPEARS. AMERI CAN CO'S, PENN CO'S, CONTINENTAL CO'S, IN GREAT VARIETY. .Fl XD SHEETIRON WARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, STONEWARE, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. A complete assortment of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cars, 1 25 13 1U 10 10 00 1'25 GROCERIES, &C., BACON, FISII, SALT, DRUGS, LC., &C., A full lino alwayo on hand Sole Agents for the following Companies: STONY CREEK WOOLEN MANTPACTUR INOr COMPANY., whose Doeskins, Plaids, Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels,,tc., will be sold by the piece at TAYLOR & CO.'S CELEBRATED CUCUM ]ER PUMPS. SINGED. CO'S SEWING MACHINE. J. 11. WALKER'S Manufacture of LEATIIER of all kinds. DR. J. McSIMPSON'S Celebrated Medicines. All of which aro offered at the lowest prices WHOL6SALE OR RETAIL, at the South East Co:. of Ridgley and Elliot Sts., ORBISONIA, PA., GRAIN TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 15 . k; to 107 109 55!4 NOTICE.—After this date, we intend ma king our business a strictly CASH one, and shall sell goods at very low rates. All persons indebted to us are requested to call for settlement. Feb. 24,1875. 1p , ,, 8 , FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, GO TO TLIEjOURNAL OFFICE ~~'~~~i~a~~z~~~. On1111,f.;, NISIIES, ETC STOVES PactOry Prices. New AdvortiEc.tnent.4. "C_T . 'S. - "YOTT P., STIIMNERY AND AM, A V.TICLE4 IN THAT LINE T T;1!: JOURNAL STORE. Choof In iiiil Cheapest! Competition Defied 1 The oe'ez on Lead ..f lairgest Asa mo t t v:tr;e4 t COS - SjS!S fir PI 11 I Ez 4 . TINTED. REIT. ALEX A N IA • l'A PETR I ES. PIRIES, TINTED. - WOVE PAPETMES. SI1.11)1, These are sohee of the firitst Papetries manur.e tured in Europe. They aro retailed by us at len then hey are wholesaled in some of the e ties of the Union. To the above Eno artleleg nro add the following P. 4 PETRIES STELLAR NEW A , VERNON, NE PLUS ULTRA. CODLIN SHORT, LONGFELLOW RERT!IA. YALE, VICTORIA, BRIWITON, CAM B RID;E, HARVARD, ALEXANDRIA COURT. COURT LINEAR. CENTENNIAL. LVITML PA PLTR lES. IRVIM:, CLEOPATRA, DIAMOND, ::T JAMES. REVERE, PACIFIC. r:es fur the Chillren BIJON, LITTLE PRINI'E, CALEDONIA, UNDINE, AND %LI. AND CRADE: QUADRILLE NOTES, OND 1N PA PER, ANTIVE. LINES Twenty kind 3 of COMMERCIAL and ✓ other NOTE Papers. LETTER and CAP Pa. per p::;n tities. PACK ET NOT _E, LETTER, SER. MON, and almost every style and variety in use, CONGRESS CAP, and LETTKII. BILL, CAl', RECORD CAP, BRIEF. all kinds known to business men: Finest and best attic:v.. BILL HEADS, LET- TER HEADS, Note Heads, STATEMENTS, CARDS, EN V ELOPES by the cart load to suit every style and variety nr pars.q. All shades and colors as well a s I'ENS. PENCILS, and INKS, INK STANDS of every patern and stvle. PA PER KNlVES.spicnclidartiel,s PAPER WEIGHTS that will prove a joy forever. POCKET I'OOKS. large and small. every style, coking from o few cent! to PCVf .Ini CASES DM'. NoT!: AN.) pAprits Examine! e.inuot be ,urrin‘ in the euiunty. GAMES, GAMES. GAMES. GAMES enough to keep the 01J an l youn4 of ta.• entire neighborhood employed throughout every eve ning of the year. There ie tome far hods the tlrave and the Gay. A game for everybody! BLANK BOOKS, LEDGERS. DAY BOOKS, CASH rooKs. giN UTE BOOKS. MEMORANDUMS, TIME BOOKS. BUTCHER BOOKS. ORDER BOOKS. coMPO SITION BOOKS, RECEIPT and NOTE BOOKS. All kinds of COPY BOOKS. A large eaortmen' nf SLATES. cheaper than dirt. and last for all time. BOOK SLATES, the cutest thins f.r students. SLATE PENCILS, and CHAVONS, many IMANKS of every description. NOTES to nit the close and the liberal. Some that will take a ataa's shirt clean of or leave it on if dirty. ALBUMS, QUITE AN ASSORTMENT. REWARD CARDS that't ho bent. They nre the hanamomest thing out. They make the h .arts of Piffle. folks kap for joy. I'ICTURES by the dozen, large and small sire. Ilandscme as a Cbromo. Also, a few CIIROMOS that are per fect picture!. BUILDING BLOCKS that take up the time of the little fulk. Acrobeits that We would like to mention everything to our read ers that we have on hand, but it is an endless job. Come and see us and ask for what yon want. If it is anyth;ng in oar line it will he forth coming. New Aflin I I,VA;;I.t ;: ‘it.gor tp. i.,)Fertri # Vcr:L4in: It.iTr.4 P‘,lo C. • !, c • .• ; • • t•. tpn: Ise. flail,. .0- 111 ;Se. • •!? • •• 113.• Ti•.••.. I; n ri m N.. ~I*. • 1.11 Worlimtree. itudimmed. Wi:minx!on. Cbsslirsurs. awl : , svealasb. 11..r/6 N Wa4inv-r. :.,:nsuts. sad garsen3,.. P.,,rir 7 , • Via if ssisrettnn. 0111../ 41, Wiliiii..*l•r. 4 A, it. ROrTF. Witstsi*timit., CSI ~ 101 r T : a W vein *rano blsriistx, . _ I isar:ntt.. it•T !vets. an-I :Ss v Ania& itnr Tat Witati;Dit. Lyssellhinsr. priat.f, sad over. Rn, TM N 1111.1M111•11411, Augusta. sad Savaaasb. Kari; Tis IVener , e.t. Wrritirrmt. Airs/tn. Tonna'', sal "roemorsit. nem N a - Via Ca:limn:v. Xavrellt. winces. Arrests. ea.; zseismeab. Ror rn N... ; Via Baltimore. Nernali. Mil Minh. n. civitrirefrn. a 11 *seswwil. 3!1 of !ittki , • rrturie ty sow sa.l a 0.11 at f-,ll.wiaz Tas-es as n. semi! New Verk. • - - $4 :1 Jersey f* - 4. 34 Newark. - PO 11%i:ismer 'rt. 49 54 Elisabeth. - • 49 Alvoortm. ; a , Rahway. - - 49 ie Pitubarr. New Bra a wick. fi Esr•pc ^.wn:r• Ye. Sti t>•i No. Sr'. 'airbag* mot siolJ at liirri•bars.Wiirasampart. Miasmas al Pittshang. Variable r. ,, ato Tithe, sr* soli at Tore. Jer,y Ci 7 . llarrisharg. W ii!iamaarwr. A Itaask and Excrovvo. No. .I,l4L—noir.,; ,!.). mews- L- , •3 e Excr rs:..s No. .1! 7.—Woion by tnete , 311% r-tars ing Ay ilonte In. lit• addltiwral. Esc,- Epp, No. :2, 111....—. i”jkiljg Ay To. r-401nb• ing hr I: , •ti:e 51 /, $l3 Ne. :,17.—liosag Al K.nt. r op ier .. i g by 11 , ,t0t0 :Pie. 111 additien*l. Ex.!' av,: by g..0,•;16, marg. Ay 11401.1 if ion c • I 5.?3. 7 .1;euts Ay • mfr.'s - in j Lt airlait:awiat. Exci ns!..• N.,. ing by ;12. sl* arbilitioesl. 521.—, by 11..t.,1:r.tars ing 1.7 I:•,nt* 311. sl* Execs's** No. :+3*.—fhing :7 IL...te...ll.,errm isg by I:nst, I. SIS Exrrr.s., 331.—firei by tnnte ing by 511,571 Ex c: res;‘). 2.0. 3::.;.- I :9ingg 11/ LERMA •11. •:a:n ing by i 1. sl* atisilitirnal. Ex. i RglllV 53 7. —, ;nialr by RAC* ' 1 I. r`irt ing by 317. $ll I:srr 31_.—tying by Sown 31:.ref ire ing by non.• .115. 310 solitirool. Es, rec.'s N.. 343.—Going by Jost* 513, Mars. ing h• 313. 111 044itiosto. T:ekete aad .efersestioe 3f r.....crit ran be n+ t•;s- i at the titlewia; rteltet 77 sad 79 W•slimittee 3 , 8044. New Ynn -- Neb. A mew Illiesse. Ls, Bsee4o sy. N. 9i t Pr. , ••iwsy. sed at Drpota rest et Des. browse' sn.! Pont of Cetr.tse4 "tweets. Jwit•Ks Cite—Depot. Neville—l.? Markel A t rev t, an• i tat li.por. Eats A urns— Depot. auWA T— Nis W Dora. T./.VT,*I D,pnt. Ila Kamal. Doppnt. Wit LLINSToBT—S. .111111- see Market Sqttare. an 4 at Depot. Assesota— Depot. PITT 44 r 44 Fifth Avetioe. sad at I . wn rlepnO. FRANS: TIMMAzON. Y. 11111). Jo._ Genermi Nowa 1 .Cpp. Feb. 3. 1314-'.4 SUM Ern N EW. TWO LARGE ATORES IinRGFD INT' °NE EX PEN 3ES DECRLISE D. PiLICILS ItEDI7.IIIII a .1 greater enavirsienes ••eurod to sestoasers. JAMES A. BRO Ta;,r p!..2sure rt, 11111. Irstst is Lay CARPETS & FURNITURE Tbat baring beams, sole prnprirtmr of ts o F or . nitnre Ow* twratorly *woad by - Myren A Tv bztro,- ho. has ,fttkibiaett wits .t L.s herr Carpel st,t-• at" TINE L ILDIESI Will le pl , sre4l tt••*t to lied the CAltPrTi. as well at .antplas of FUNSITI - Radne the Snot Sew. without etinabine wait*. 31, inert w•wprises 3 crest sarir , y of hi,tshes, r bomber owl Petit Farnitury, 3Sattreswit. Meters inasasu, Drairhottl. nod th.l3rx•it •oxk .1 CA &PETS in Cinatral Pann•ylvania. Ylo.r ne.l Tag. Oil Chotkoa, Wie dow Shal Wall Paper. Carpet Chaim. aii w.iorn nee.lle4 t.r Rowe sml other ausellises tote? er(ans. .•'•,. i:..w.• sew oaz witiatWalirre Se twat. I us anu.-,:are part .1 najt gweA Is It.tttt •a• 1 F zr.,tura Chrportniust, .e• 1 NUT;iI; TiITA rACT, That al I r.ry POI COIL sled itto;sig ma..;o tl3. new arrsoireasont. :saris; esporssee. can 3t Pis,h L,w pri:!..e4 a. will oaks t• !ht. ;s -tep-ft .yf ..a . )••• to e4ll let No. 525, Penn Street. ;or ratil :tt arch :4itt, I afar AT COAT. 0,11. caih. Walt • par ma II a :Tont veri-ety .trarrits 3.1.11 E 4 .1 1111.. WV. 141 11:131T1 - :: ALP • IT RE coNCF.NTRATe.:I) i't►Ti4H, (PR LT K. ; am SI imager ei soy mbar s 5r!13T.V1,7.. I have reeestly perfeetevi a wew aartballafroeb- A rse sT !' or Lye. and sat saw potbelly ie °air tbe e. , m!ine wloieb will isposity. *DJ the F.ap. ;$4410111 tit Neill" tad 4' pound.. rm• roes* %lb. an tis a•• ntiter way. buret:oat a. filarial& sod t:erwas (..r staking bard !tad e.op with, rletl Potogb arr.:2aying nseh R. T 1 ! 4 Raft?. Jsa2ll-2am.; 4-1 to 4 $ Wm/biome.* At. N. T. BIN oLD LONDON DOCK GIN. .levizo.i for tbs *sr '1 the .11.44.1 P.-If►•eiew sad the ranilg. r.....•ing opsie tr;,,sie V)l4 as 4 In , li.rerasi4iip to res.l.4. .; •1 Cory A arliei.ii• P re frp }0 swop enstaising root 4nees bettlys .* b. sa.l .11 drazgi.t.. en...ent. wt . .% .4. X. 11TNIN.eXR a en, "itaidishe 1 1774. No. 11 Rosrmr Irmo. New T.**. r. FLEIIING .1 TO. : 4 .;1e• Rwistint a.m. PA. TA 14.1 ... G IYEN The new rhenium, ••T lIE TECII:IL 7.ATTLF— 11i522 inch... will he pestpoortpaidl stl erl'e• wed 23 ',ems fee she “FA t.ll IND ?T 1111 r. three eeor:hs ea Vial. OPII. A aoox Cont.. nits; :7".4 FicTare, r7 , ,r. tuirare. feta painting.. he ei4ehraiteli Xamemes. siww- Wig ail the important hiseeeieol ,cetera me the. ear is the ltki arta New Teseauarat. wilt be gives to an wim'sesd eive4nlisr revs vesr s rwhwerivelea. Afkire.s 7.4 RM AND FIIIIL 4 IPX. 1$ NSOIPIM Wee% New liert. Seem :2. POTTTZ'S HORSE Alio CATTLE POWDERS, c .. ,irltz f • t - - 11,01 sore lINWPIPIIIO WOMMNfi JOHNSTON. WHITTAKER A 4'o. jf~a ~.... .'1 ~.rl^. T~: DRT-GOODs. I 11.1 is an•l 11• x, !I • . CR.WER!ES, rhos I~'c=. Qr KIN3W at-ar. PETERSIII" • • ~sett', P. n" v.; g.Riscsa. TII I: LARGF...zT .V 4 etor.TMENT or PAPER ! 01 every ,2;ratie aaJ quality. IN HUNTINGDON. Is for Sale at J. I. DURBORROW In JOURNAL BUILDING, Fifth Si, Huntingdon. Pa. Our stork of papers cassint Flat caps. Folio Poet. Deasy. Letter and all the hest rinedities off NOTE AND INITIAL P.% PERS. gad Lissia. tre tams. # •M1141111111#19 m 3. MO LAX& • • Promar boilhof 1111•1011111111“0 • s. 1104 /NOW t , othius ' ll * IedI VI I4I 4161. 0411 11.4-• Ira .ersige Ur. he dim olesimpiss 1111 1 / 4 00. libee.ase Oft*. sews veva? sea 01110 1 / a ~, rodlesse sea aloe 4tlbrom pplimptermt, loft eit 1441111&& 1 11111114 Ilmwearra. Pa 14TRAM b;34;i21111 AA LP Valitt 1 L. 11 - 7 Tr X 1,4, sclftill Sa Mk lir solliisOse Sauk `tea P. 1 .1 11.414.11‘a , rliprram.., r sad Ilareaderm bole ei sesersor airr~preb te Mme' Ake. liaillosay- y Aimirippd owe susellidsmr , 0••.404 Itagies. se4llhollimry Illesirisip fro lissibleort aM 11111110111. Milassip sod. •• .rise EN , : : It sei 001111111. Morn. Imo bpi. soy von .4 vb. waser7 Argot lw it maw. r...e g rAr sof Xaribmosi% sir 1804 usewagimempliblomb alb it ovary hied. Ease.pere ob. Illmfterhlt esdbritaire t•evik. seer gel ~re pasimli. .i 1 :1 A R.; swareas4 Arab. Limbo NA* . Tyr+ F • tpr. r:V I T STORES. I if irlir .1101,01 1 ram re.rrrairowl )••• owls.* sees fir. ••., 41' 1111. elimmomit • F... lits elbow WO er. bar masa, .4e lemi. la- • ;eat armaglbt Owe Nee T arlit ile leen agree at Wise feeelbeed Sislak • ___ l_ =eel tale Gesda ebirb wR la at/ 42b seat bee fies wee teem ~_ sew llrsitt~ Xll i• yew. SAO wont, ei ileiderno I Ililesse, A lit LID L :NE .111 MUNN ODOM La. ..16K now ;eft almi" alsiammy, are.. ftwortsh. LA Re. D nee! At VITT, iton 1110. Loars' riphrerar. *Aiwa , P'sfbe• Imam hasiso, 11. mar liandillorelletelli it • 6.w ii%E• NW" 'I /it fmr DAire • twos IS So .10 OW. MMom IR ••• 1111 Oillim• .1p eta.. imitee. I deft mil saw Voift oPMIIO I** URGE WIT sol.t.isi. Mae. bisealleg gift 11011111. t.. ArvApill FM , " anasais tweas 314 sr ow wok splimmid SAIIII3 • G RA nrr DEALS - % IN (Mrs' REIF'S, tji lIEBS.4Ir AR& TOBACCO. 3104.1 Ike. A ' LSTIS4DON. r E T A 17TI I.ST. :13 Ntio Viele SCIX11•0•01 /0 =TOM • ea T. tb....w iraderwited is !be porrhase 4' a 0- *4l, Pt&t AT F. WITT4K T roe sperwal previrwr• we aim lemurs Pr ME *TX pr , — 5: co SS per sense. sod Mai slip is posii few op IWO posamers w. alms Iseale lampit• • r* IP rtit IPISTILLS. W SISS T. ramp frees SLa 31.736. V. kern TrN IntiNDTC; i", er 1 Ode mosedastord-, Da. rT4rir4 - P45 1c 11 YR RTTTEIItc 4 ddell fed Pride 31: ritllll.llT. S•srt! 'Mari T!e►s.le IA: itert..14,147.- 'tr. $2O WM:. ;LT • Telt 5. Y. 15DEST111.4 KNIN11117,1"4 lbw. Rook MR ~ye OM. dor puppy. - t • wog &adol a* 60 assoftre I u• 114 • rflt raw 4 I IrifilLlPW 1' CFR pink mow ishnst4. lamp fivrjr • ...4 mil lie pole. st44meery ete• "fir ierew•fle• : * wireir :41 Frew. • vest bow* Nie As elmitoosatiarr . ►.- .1. I.l.4eiser.. 4 ell• 4ssee • Neer Ilrielb err gresee4 • elloiese..• s sumbee 4 ray airs asateby ieet servsselabi• osiellemee se4 Coot T rINOMII popellsre4 we y. slow etlibe lamb • 4 Os aims evabamble Om* is Mee City •vf lire 'Verb. Stn beibibelp sill is seem olivine WO 'Mira 'a 1,4011 r rereinee el yr a sespillsonit leme. will 111111114Resie s yew 4 were. k slit in of low SAM owl runes. as* mei illoublent IMr beset Ira* ore Smr 9 audb. sembeill by s Sae woo ger •b• Pam. awl *iv IMP pew 1• 00 a mobiles Mom sogniler. 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