The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, October 21, 1874, Image 4
The Huntingdon Journal. J. 11. DI.IIIBORROW, PUBLISHERS AND raol,:tEroitz, ©Dice in new J OURN AI. Du ihling, FOA Strest, Taa HUNTINGDON JOURNAL is published every Wednesday, by J. H. DURBORROW and J. A. NARU, nadir the firm name of J. R. Dueeoanow 1r Co., at $2.00 per annum, IN aDvaxcr, or $240 if not paid for in AZ months from date of subsoription, and $3 if not paid within the year. No paper disoontinued, unless at the option of the publishers, until all arrearages are paid. No paper, however, will ho sent out of the State unless absolutely paid fur in a dvan ce. . . Transient ad - vertisements will be inserted at TWILVI ♦ND ♦-HALI CENTS per line for the first insertion, RIVEN ♦ND A-HALF CENTS forth° second, sad ma CZNTS per line for all subsequent inscr tittle. Regular quarterly and yearly business advertise ments will be inserted at the following rates : Zs Om 9ml y 1 3m \ 6 mtm ly flails 160 460 550 500 yeul 0 00118 00 $ 27 $ 30 $ " 100 500 10 00 1200 0" 24 00 1 36 u 0 0 05 I " 700 10 00 14 00 18 0 4 "3400 50 00 65 80 4 " 10014002000 21 00 1 eol 36 00 1 60 00 80 100 Local notices will be inserted at FIFTEEN CENTS per line for each and every insertion. . . All Resolutions of Associations, Communications of limited or individual interest, all party an nouncements, and notices of Marriages and Deaths, azeeeding live lines, will be charged TEN CENTS per line. Legal and other notices will be charged to the party having them inserted. Advertising Agents must find their commission outside of these figures. All advertising accounts are due and collectable mks* the advertisement is once inserted. JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and 'Lucy Colors, done with neatness and dispatch.— Mend-bills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, kc., of every variety and style, printed at the shortest notice, and every thing in the Printing line will be execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. Professional Cards. AP. w. JOHNSTON, Surveyor and S Civil Engineer, Huntingdon, Pa. Orrica : No. 113 Third Street. aug21,1872. •. T. BROWX. BROWN & BAILEY, Attorneys-at- Law, Office 2d door cast of First National Bank. Prompt personal attention will be given to all legal business entrusted to their care, and to the collection Ind remittance of claims. Jan. 7,71. DR. H. W. BUCHANAN, DENTIST, No. 22S Hill Street, HUNTINGDON, PA. July 3, '72. T 1 CALDWELL, Attorney -at -Law, - I — , •No. 111, ad street. Office formerly occupied by Messrs. Woods tt Williamson. [apl2,'7l. DR. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his professional services to the community. Office, No. 523 Washington street, ono door east of the Catholic Parsonage. [jan.4/71. J. GREENE, Dentist. Office re -EA • moved to Leister's new building, MU street Huntingdon. [jan.42'7l. E. FLEMING, Attorney•at-Law, S• Huntingdon, Pa., office 319 Penn street, &early opposite First National Bank. Prompt and careful attention given to all legal business. Aug.5,74-limos. GEORGE D. BALLANTYNE, M. D., of Pittsburg, graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office 927 Washington street, West Huntingdon. Ju1y22,1874-3mos. L. ROBB, Dentist, office in S. T. v.-A • Brown's new building, No. 520, Hill Et., Huntingdon, Pa. [apl2,'7l. AC. MADDEN, Attorney-at-Law. • Mee, No. Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. [ap.19,'71. S. GEISSINGER, Attorney -at LS Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office one do o East R. M. Speer's office. [Feb.s-1 tFRANKLIN SCHOCK, Attorney • st-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Prompt attention given to all legal business. Office 229 Hill street; earner of Court House Square.. [dec.4,'72 SYLVANUS BLAIR, Attorney-at v • Law, Huntingden, Ps.. Office, Hill street, free doors west of smith. [jan.4'7l. j R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at t./ • Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the simile Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular *Meares given to the settlement of estates of deco- Ate. Office in he Jouanen Building. - tents. j W. MATTE4N, Attorney-at-Law • and General Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., Soldiers' claims against the Government for back pay, bounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend •d to with great care and promptness. Office on Hill street. Dan. 4,11. Y. AI4AN LOTELL. L OVELL & MUSSER, Attorneya-at-Lau, _ . HUNTIN4DON, PA. Bpocisl attention given to COLLECTIONS of all kinds; to the settlement of ESTATES, dc.; and all other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and dispatch. j-_nov6,'72 -p e A. ORBISON, Attorney-at-Law, • Patents Obtained, Office, 321 Hill street, Huntingdon, Ps. [may:3l/71. WILLIAM A. FLEMING, Attorney at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention give' to colleetions, and all other hgal business attbaded to with care and promptness. Office, No. 229, Hill street. [apl9,"ll. Hotels JACKSON HOUSE. YOUR DOORS EAST OF THE UNION DEPOT, HUNTINGDON, PA. A. B. ZEIGLER, Prop N0v12,'73-11m. MORRISON HOUSE, OPPOSITS PENNSYLVANIA It. R. DEPOT HUNTINGDON, PA. - N T. 11. CLOVER, Prop. •rrll 5, 1101-Iy. Miscellaneous. 13111" ROBLEY, Merchant Tailor, in Z A • ',sister's Building (second floor,) Hunting don, Ps., respectfully solicits a share of public patronage from town and country. [0ct15,72. WM. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, &C., HUNTINGDON, PA PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, MOULDINGS. tke ALSO SLAT MANTLES FURNISHED TO °ADIS. lan. 4, 2 50 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, At ssope Lot—Three Year Payments! These lots lie within 300 hundred yards of the new school house in West Huntingdon ; fronting 50 feet on Brady street and running back 150 feet to s 20 foot alley. Also, ground by the Acre, for building purposes, for sale. Inquire of E. C. SUMMERS. Huntingdon, Nov. 26, '73-ly WILLIAM H. KENNEDY WITH GEYER & CARPENTER, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TOBACCO, SEGA R S, SNUFF, AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES, No.7llorth Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. J. Z. GEYER, It. C. CARPENTER. [inayl3,lB74-Iyr. MEMORANDUMS, PASS BOOKS, and a thousand and one other useful arti ales, for itala at the journal Blank Book and Sta tionsry ifterir; [nibs OF PRINTING, GO TO JOTTRNAL OFFICE ::.1 ~ 11, .1. ALLEN LOVELL, J. LIMIL musszr HijNTINGDON LAND AGENCY. Persons having Real Estate to cell, as well as those who wish to purchase, will find it greatly to their advantage to consult the undersigned, who, in connection with their practice as Atiorneys-at Law, in the settlement of Estates, &c., are able to effect speedy and satisfactory purchases and sales of farms, town properties, timber lands Ise. LOVELL ct MIJSSER, Huntingdon, Pa. T HE NEW AMERICAN SEWING MACHINES. THE NEWEST AND THE BEST. It in a simple Machine having but few working Parts, and always ready to work. The simple manner in which the Machine in threaded, makes it easy of accomplishment by the most inexper ienced. There being NO HOLES to thread either above or in the Shuttle. The Shuttle requires no threading, being ready to work as soon as the Bobbin ix placed in it. . . . . . If the Machine accidently turns backward, it does no harm and breaks no threads or needles. It rune lightly and easily, requiring very little outlay of strength, and sewing with great speed on any material thereby admitting of itr use by many in delicate health, who have heretofore been unable to use Sewing Machines. The tensions are easily, evenly and perfectly adjusted, the under tension being self-regulating, and no threading up required in the shutttle. The under thread is drawn from a short deep bobbin, giving a perfectly even tension, never breaking the thread, ?nuking the Lock-Stitch the strongest and best. RUNS THE LIGHTEST OF ANY SHUTTLE MA• CHINE. MAKES THE LEAST NOISE-HAS SELF-SETTING NEEDLE. HAS THE MOST ROOM UNDER THE ARM. NEVER SKIPS STITCHES OR BREAKS THE THREAD. IS MOST EASILY LEARNED. CAN BE INSTANTANEOUSLY ADJUSTED TO WORK FROM No. 300 to No. 10 COTTON. IS THOROUGHLY MADE IN ALL ITS PARTS OF THE BEST MATERIALS, AND EVERY MACHINE IS WARRANTED BY THE COMPANY AND ITS AGENTS. JOHN 11. THOMAS, General Agent for Huntingdon county, Mill Crook, P. 0., Pennoylvania. Augusts,lB74-4mos. JCIIN WHITESIDE. - CHARLES H. REED. WHITESIDE & REED J. M. BAILEY, ORBISONIA, PA., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GRO CERIES, AND GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Steel, all sizes; Iron, flat, round, oval, Tires for Wagons and Carriages, Horse Shoe Nails, Nail of Rain cut and .Wrought. Saws, mill, carpenter, butchers, and cross-cut. Files, all sizes and kinds. Carpenter Tools, planes, chisels, braces, bits, au gers, drawing knives, moulding planes, compasses, axes, Paints mixed and unmixed, oils, varn ish, paint brushes. Table Cutlery in a great va riety. Pocket Knives, Wares of all sizes, Door Locks, Screws. Shoemaker Tools of all kinds. Saddle Tools, Horse and Mule Hames, picks, shov els, forks, rakes, grain cradles, chains, sleigh bells. Fishing Tackle, lines, hooks, fishing rods, itc., Dinner Bells, Copper and Brass Kettles. Stoves, cooking and parlor, with or without pipe. Car riago Trimmings of all kinds. Looking Glasses, Lamps, of all patterns, Plows and Points, Oil Cloths, Table Cloths, Window Blinds,Wall Paper, Queensware, Glasswares, Groceries, Salt Fish, Flour and Feed, Tinware, Cedarware, Willowware, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, of the best manufac ture, Medicines, &e. We would announce to our numerous customers, that we are engaged in enlarging our building, with a view or adding to our present extensive stock, Dry Goods, and in fact everything wanted in town or country. Thankful to our many friends for past favors, would invite every one to call be fore buying elsewhere and examine our stock. We are determined to sell at reasonable prices. Also agents for the SINGER SEWING MACHINES. WHITESIDE & REED. WILLIAM BRAIIAM, Salesman. Junelo,lB74. NOTICE TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF THE JOURNAL. • By sending TEN CENTS to DESMOND & CO., 015 Race street: Philadelphia, You are entitled to receive a book containing all choice selections from the poetical works of BYRON, MOORE AND BURN, [ together with a large number of receipts for use ful articles. The books from which this work is compiled, would cost Five dollars. We desire our subscribers to avail themselves of this book. May13,1874-7ruos. J. HALL MUSSER, C ALD WELL'S WINE AND IRON BITTERS! FOR THE CURE OF Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Kidney Diseases, LIVER COMPLAINT. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, AS A MORNING APPETIZER, THEY HAVE NO RIVAL. It absolutely purifies the blood. It speedily cor rects all morbid changes in the blood. It perfects digestion, rendering it natural and easy. It ban ishes those clogs upon pleasure which produce gloom. It improves the appetite, and removes all disagreeable feeling after eating. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. CALDWELL'S COUGH CURE, For Coughs, Colds, Croup, &c. CALDWELL'S MAGNETIC CIILOROLOID, An internal ttnd external remedy. CALDWELL'S LILY BALM For beautifying the COMPLE X I 0 N, REMOVING FRECKLES, ERUPTIONS, SUNBURN, ROUGHNESS. TAN, dx. The Lily Balm will speedily remove the blem ish, and impart softness, transparency, a roseate tinge and a pearl like lustre to the complexion.— It contains no poison. It is the best and cheapest Toilet article ever offered to the public. Full di rections on the label of each bottle. Price, 50 cents per bottle. W. C. CALDWELL, Proprietor and Manufacturer, 5ept.2,1874. MEDINA, N. Y. JOHN ATKINSON & CO., IfUNTINCIDON, PA., Manufacturers of YELLOW PINE BUILDING LUMBER, Frame Stuff, Roofing and Plastering Lath, and Dressed Flooring, on hands and made to order. Seasoned Boards and Plank always on hand. Prices low. Mills on Warrior's Ridge near Warm Springs. julyl-3mos. L. KIRK & CO., W HOLDSALE GROCERS, 130 North THIRD St., Corner of Cherry, PHILADELPHIA, Have in store and offer for sale, at the lowest market prices, and on the most reasonable terms, a large and well assorted stook of GROCERIES, TEAS, SPICES', FISH. CHEESE, die. Selected with care in this, Now York and Baltimore mar kets, to which the attention of Country Dealer, is particularly requested. [aprl-ly. DANIEL AFRICA,IO3 Fourth Street, near UNION DEPOT, Tfuntingdon, Pa., Dealer in FINE CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, NOTIONS, TOYS, JEWELERY, dcc , Also ICE CREAM and SODA WATER in season. DANIEL AFRICA. . Aprill,lB74-limos. GO TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE orall kinds of printing. Real Estate; Miscellaneous. GENERAL PROSTRATION. Miscellaneous. APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS The attention of Boards of Education, Superin tendents and Teachprs is invited to the following APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY E. 11. BUTLER & CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA., -AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED BY TIIE CONVENTION OF DIRECTORS, HELD AT CLEARFIELD, JUNE 3, 1873, For the use of tho Public Schools of Clearfield cu, Also by the STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION for all the Public Schools in the State of Vermont. BY THE BOARDS OF EDUCATION OF New York City, Philadelphia, Laneaat2r, Reading, Huntingdon, Alexandria, and many other prominent towns and cities. MITCHELL'S NEW GEOGRAPHIES The Standard Series of America. ALWAYS UP WITH THE TIMES, RETAIL PRICES Mitchell's First Lessons in Geography 5O Mitchell's New Primary Geography, 4to. BO Mitchell's New Intermediate Geography, 4to 1 80 Mitchell's New School Geography and Atlas 2 50 Mitchell's New Physical Geography 1 88 Mitchell's New Outline Maps and Key, Small Series, on rollers. Net 10 00 Mitchell's New Outline Mars anol Key, Large Series, on roller*. het 20 00 TILE NEW AMERICAN READERS AND SPELLERS The Latest and Handsomest Series, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST SERIES. New American Fiat Reader, 1 SARGINT ...20 New American Second Reader, I ...20 New American Third Reader, } AND ...50 New American Fourth Reader, I ...60 New American Fiftji Reader, J MAY ...90 New American Primary Speller 2O New American Prononacing Speller 30 NEW PUBLICATIONS. The New American Etymology. 9O Oxford Junior Speaker 75 Oxford Senior Speaker 1 50 Copies can be' obtained upon the most liberal terms for introduction, by application to the pub lishers, or • D. W. PROCTOR, Agent, Huntingdon, Ps. Correspondence with Teachers and Direct ors cordially inTited. May27-3m. T HE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS. EDINBURGH RBVIEW, ( Whig.) LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, (Conserva tive.) WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW (Evangelical) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, REPRINTED BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 FULTON ST., NEW-YORK, By arrangement with the English Publishers; who receive a liberal compensation. These periodicals constitute a wonderful mis cellany of modern thought, research, and criticism. The cream of all European books wonth review ing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of the world in masterly articles written by men who have special knowledge of the matters treated. The American Publishers .urge upon all intelligent readers in this country a liberal sup port of the Reprints which they have so long and so cheaply furnished, feeling sure that no expen diture for literary matter will yield so rich a re turn as that required for a subseription to these the LEADING PERIODICALS OF GREAT BRITAIN, TERMS. About one-third the price of the originals For any one Review $4 00 per yr. For any two Reviews 7 00 " " For any three Reviews 10 00 " " For all four Reviews 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine 4 00 " " For Blackwood and one Review 7 00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " " For Blackwood and three Reviews 13 00 " " For Blackwood and the four Reviewsls 00 " " Postage two cents a number, to bo prepaid by the quarter at the office of delivery. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent. will be allowed to clubs of lour or more persons. Thee: fourcop ies of Blackwood or of oao Review will be soot to one address for $12.00; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $4B, and so on. To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the get ter up of the club. PREMIUMS, New subscriptions (applying early) for the year 1974 may have, without charge, tho last volume for 1873 of such periodicals as thoy may subscribe for. Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the above periouicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1873 ; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1373. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton St., New-York. 1'0).18,1874-1yr. 100,000 ENVELOPES JUST RECEIVED AT JOURNAL STATIONERY STORE. Also, BLANK BOOKS, all kinds, ENVELOPES, every description. Call and examine our stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. WASH -DAY NO LONG ER DREAD ED. The complete Washer at hand, be prepared to buy. It washes effectually. It takes away all streaks from the bosoms and wrist-bands. To be tested at your homes during the work. L. P. WALDRON, May27-tf. General Agents. PLAIN PRINTING, FANCY PRINTING, GO TO THE JOURNAL OPYICE Ready-made Clothing. OLD BROAD TOP CORNER CONES TO THE RESCUE CLOTHING FOR TIIE MILLON FOSTER & CARMON. On Allegheny Street, two doors East of Union Depot, Have jest received one of the largest assortments of Clothing ever brought to Huntingdon. Their stook consists of all the NEW STYLES of SPRING and SUER CLOTHING, Gentleman's FURNISHING Goods, lIATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS, And everything pertaining to Clothing Busi ness. They sell everything RY LOW FOR CASH. Give them a call, and ascertain for your self. May2o-Gnome. GRAND EXPOSITION SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS 11. CtREENBERG'S NEW STOKE, next door to the Poet Office, Hun tingdon, who has now in store the largest and most desirable stock of seasonable goods, for MEN AND BOYS that has ever been opened in Huntingdon. The Block consist of BLACK CLOTHS, DOE SKINS, ENGLISH, SCOTCH, FRENCH DOMESTIC AND FANCY CASSIMERES, which will be made up in the best etyle and in his peculiarly neat fit and durable manner. If You want a good suit of cloths cheap, Call at 11. GREENBERG'S. If you want a good Childs suit (from 3 years up,) Call at H. GREENBERG'S. If you want a good Boys suit, CAR at 11. GREENBERG'S. If you want a good Youths cult, Call at 11. GREENBER(F& If you want a good Suit made to order, Call at H. GREENBERG'S, If you want a nieeHne Gente Furnishing Goode, • Call at If. GREENBERG'S. Also, Cassimeres sold by tho yard, At 11. GREENBERG'S, Tilora Trimmings of all kinds for sale, At IL GREENBERG'S. ALL GOODS WARRANTED as REPRESENTED Apri130.1873-Iy. Miscellaneous. B EATTY & PLOTTS' CELEBRATED GOLDEN-TONGUE PARLOR ORGAN IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY EMINENT MUSI CIANS AND DISTINGUISHED MEN OF HONOR TO BE THE LEADING INSTRUMENT NOW IN USE -THEY SAY BEATTY & PLOTTS' PARLOR ORGANS were awarded FIRST PRE MIUM and DIPLOMA over Needham 1 Son's and J. Estey 1 Co's Organs at the Carbon County Fair, held at Lehighton, Pa., September, 1872.—Lehiyh ton Weekly New, Oct. 5, 1372. Committee.—Prof. Charles F. Horn, Prof. Wm. Moran, and H. D. llordy, D. D., Hon. Z. Long, President. St. Clair, Pa., Dec. 6, 1873. 111.13888. BUSTY & PLOTTS--Gettlf: I have received the Organ sent by your firm to nie, and had it examined. It gives ample satisfaction. JOHN 3L\ ET. Mahanoy City, Pa., 0ct.16, 1573. Tun Dralir A P. 1.111 celebrated Golden Tongue Par lor Organ is by far the hest Parlor Organ in use. I have carefully examined it, end find its tune, workmanship end durability to be the beet I ever saw, and I can with pleasure recommend it to any in want of a first-class par lor organ. PROF. 0. H. UNGER. New BethfeAcm, Pa., Nov. 21, 1873. MIMS. Rurry PLorrs—Genie: Having had one of your Golden Tongue Parlor Organs, for six months past, I thought before recommending it, to give it a fair, square trial, and am happy to testify that it surpassed all that has been said or advertised about it. I have had Profaners of music, and celebrated organists come and try it, and one and all say that it is one of the sweetest and best toned instruments in the market. It has taken the shine out of all others around here. lam perfectly satisfied with it. You may publish this if you see fit, as my organ can be tried by any one wishing to do so, In proof of what I say. A. 8. It. RICHARDS, Late of the Tamaqua Courier, now at ;Vila 13ethiehein, Pit.; Baer, do PLorra Golden Tongue Parlor Organs are in struments that are winning for themselves a good reputa tion far and wide. The career of the firm it full of inter eat and shows what close application to one branch of business will do. Their energy, zeal and unyielding de termination have enabled them to win.— Washington (N. J.) Star, March 27, 1874. Till Murry & PLorrs parlor organs are highly praised by good judges, for their sweetness of tone.—Pittston (Pa.) Comet Oct. 4, 1673. Laury's Station, Pa., Jan. 27, 1874. I have had Burry dr PLOTTEO Organ since August 14tb, 1872; it Rives the highest satistation, and has proved all that it was recommended by the proprietors. JOB HENRY. The Basin k Pl.orTs' celebrated Golden Tongue Par lor Grpus are pronounced unsurpassed by any now be fore the musical world, by all who have bad the pleasure to examine them. Testimony from all parts of the coun try speaks in favor of them, going to show their superior ity over all others.—AsAland, Pa., Bulletin, Dec. 5,1873. Lawry': Station, Pa., Jan. 27,1874. Beatty Jr Plaits' Parlor Organ, of N. J., seem to give full satisfaction to all purposes all over ; and I must say by the experience I hay, of one of these organs—which I have had in my possession for nearly two years, and is in excellent condition—l would advise all who wish to get a good and substantial parlor organ to see the above named panty, before buying seywhore else. DAVID SCIIEIRER, Slatington, Pa., Feb. 0, 1074. BRATTY & PLOTTI' Parlor Organ I like better than the Standard, and glees better satisfaction, as I find by experi ence lu my profesaion. I'RDF. FRANK MAYER. Tansaqua, Pa., Dee. 18, 1873. Those closeiriug a beautiful ornament for their home., as well as an instrument of unsurpassed musical excel lence will llnd it in the Beatty & Notts Golden Tongue Parlor Organ. It give. entire satisfaction, and, in fact, is the leading instrument of the day. JULIA C. WHITENIGHT, Organist. Mess=.. BRATTY & PLOTTS, of Washington, New Jersey, ire happy. They live in an atmosphere of music. Music soft and sweet, music strong and warlike, the shrill notes of the warrior, or the late-like tones of love are thrilling and ever sounding in their establishment, and their famous Golden Tongue Organs are a household neoessity all over. —Tamaqua (Pa.) aurier, March 28,1874. PszLoa Ow:ult.—We call attention to the advertise ment of Beatty & Plots., manufacturers of Parlor Organs, in another part of this paper. These organs are fast esperseding all others on account of their good qualities. A number of these instruments have been sold in this county, which give general satisfaction. These instru ments are highly recommended by the beat musicians in the country.—Bunbtori Ainerisan. Clair, Pa., April 7, 1874. To DANIIIL Ir. BEATTY :--I have received my organ all right. It plauee me very much. I never played an organ that gives me better satisfaction, the ease looks splendid. I have a frisad waiting for one. Pleaee send me another No. $0 at onoe for him. He advocates your organs above all others. inclosed please find cheek. Very respectfully. „ JOIIN MILLS. Address BRATTY do PLOTTS, Washington, New Jersey. Apri129,1874-2yrs. ►ro THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA.--Your at tention it specially invited to the fact that the Nation al Banks are now prepared to receive snbeeriptions to the capital Stock of the Centennial Board of Finance. The fends realised from thissonrce are to be employed in the erection ciliate buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confident ly believed that the Keystone State will be repreeented by the name of every citizen alive to patriotic commemora• sloe of the one hundredth birth-day by the nation. The eilarez of stock are offered for $lO each. and zubecribere will receive a hand.., steel engraved Certificate of nook, anitable for framing and preservation as a national memo rial. --- Interest at the rate of six per cant per annum will be paid on all payments of Centennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 11176. Subscribers who are not near a National Bask can re mit a cheek or post-office coder to the undersigned. Y111121)K. TiTtALILY, Treasurer, Aug.20,13t0Ju1y4,18.) 904 Walent Bk, Philadelphia. VORFINEAND FANCY PRINTING Go to the JOURNAL Office. Travellers' Guide. PHILADELPHIA 4, READING RAILROAD NtrMIIER ARRANGEMENT. Trains leare Harrisburg, as follows For New York. at 5.25, 8.10 a. rn. and 200 and 0 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, at 5.25, 8.10, 9.4! a. m. 2.00.'11413.60 p m For Beading, at b.2b, 8.10, 9.4! a. m. 2.00, 3.60 and 7.40 p. For Pottsville, at 5.25, 8.10 a. in. and 340 p. m. and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 2.40 p. m. For Allentown, at 5.28, 8.10 a. M. 2.00 3.50 and 7.40 p. m. The 5.25 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 and *7.40 p. m. trains have through ears for New York. The 5 25, 8.10 n. m. and 2.00 p. m. trains have through cars for Philadelphia. UND A IS : For New York, at 5.25 a. tn. For Allentown and Way titatione at 5.25 a. m. For Reading, Philadelphia and IVay StAtiiiria at 1.45 p. tn. Trains Irr Ilarrisburg,l4ase as foll.os Leave Sew York, at 9.00 a. m. 12.40, 5 30 and .7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.16 a. m. 3.40 and 7.15 p. m. Leave Raaditig, at 4.30, 7.35, 11.20 a. m. 1.50 6.10 and 10.20 m. p. Leave Pottsville, at 5.5Z4 9.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. and ♦ia Schuylkill and Staplebanns Branch at 8 06 a. in. Leave Allentown, at 2.30, 6.60, 8.50 a. m. 12:23, 4.30, and 8.55 p. The 2.30 a. in. train from Allentown and the &VI a. m. train from Reading do not run on Monday,. Leavo Now York at 5.30 p.m. Leave l'ldladelphia at 7.15 p. Ltetve Reading at 4 30, 7.35 a. tn. and 10.20 p. Leave Allentown at 2.30 a. m. and 8.55 p. tn. •Via Morris and Elena Railroad. J. E. WOOTTEN, Jun.14,1874-tf. General ffuperitsicsdent. N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY SUMMER A RRA AVG EMEST. On and nftor SUNDAT,Juna 29th, 1974, trains will lease Harrisburg as follows : ERIE MAIL 4.25, a. m., to Edo, Elmira, Conan ilalgua to the Nils. NIAGARA EXPRESS 10.40 a. nt., to Buffalo and the Falls via. Emporium and via. Canandai• gua. 1.%0 p. m , to Williamsport and Elmira. ELMIRA EXPRMS3 FAST LINE 5.00 p. m., to Williamsport and Lock Haven. SOUTHWARD. FAST LIRE 3.10 a. m., Daily. BALTO. ACCOM. 6.5 e a. m., daily except Sunday. MAIL 3.25 p. m., daily. NIAGARA EXPRESS 11.03 p. rn. , daily except Sunday. Trains north leave daily except Sunday. For further information, tickeU and baggage checks, apply at the ticket Lace in the Pennsylvania Depot, Har risburg. D. M. BOYD. Ta., General Baas Agent. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. THIN OF LRAVINO O► TRAINS. Summer Arrangement. WEBTWARD 111, Iq s t 0!,.; xd STATIONS. 3 Fast Line Westward, leaves Hunt and arrieoa at Altoona at 9 50 r. u. The Pittsburg Express, Westward, leaves Iluntingdon at 2.55 a in, and arrives in Altooaa at 4.20 a zn . . _ The Pacific Zspress Westward leaves Huntingdon at 7 37 A. K. and arrive. at Altoona at 9 30 A. M. The Southern Express, Westward, leaves liaatingdon at 5 39_A. x., and arrives at Altoona at 6 24 A. K. The PaciEc Express, Eastward, leaves Huntingdon at 8.43, a m, and arrives at Harrisburg 11.50 a 1.3. The Fast Line, Eastward, leaves Huntingdon at 1 44 •. Y. and arrives at Harrisburg a t 5 00 •. K. The Cincinnati Express, Eastward, leaves Hantingiaa at 7 05 r. a., and arrives at Harrisburg at 10 8i P. a. The Philadelphia Express, Eastward, loaves Hunting don at 11.38 pm, and arrives tlarrisburg at 3.15 a ns. STAGE LINE From Spruce Creek to Centre Hall, every day, (except Sunday), leaving Spruce Creek at 9 'clock, A. u., and returning at 3 o'elook, P. It. {any,-7013J H. McMANIUILL. ELEGANT RECEIPT BOOKS JOURNAL BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE BLANK BOOKS, LEDGERS, DAY-BOOKS, JOURNALS, RECEIPT BOOKS, BILL BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, TIME BOOKS, MEMORANDUMS, DIARIES, LEASES, DEEDS, LIENS, BONDS, TAGS, LABELS, WARRANTS, SUMMONS, • BLANK FORMS, ATTACHMENTS, SUBPINAS, JUDGMENTS, CERTIFICATES, MORTGAGE, EXEMPTION and PROMISORY NOTES. WRITING' PAPER, Cap, Lettcr-Cap, Legal, Record, Bill Poper, Post, Sermon, Note, Billet, Mouring, Initial, and French Papers. ENVELOPES: White Amber, Corn, Canary, Orange, Gold, Light Buff, Dark Buff, French, Mourning, Legal, Docu n►ent. Pens and Pencils, Pencil Cases, Crayon, Erasers, .Tounee, Paper Cutters, Paper Holders, Clips, Bill—Files, Inkstands, Fluid, Inks and Mucilage. EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE ONE. COME AND SEE. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF PAPER ! Of every grade and quality, IN HUNTINGDON, Is for Sale at J. R. DURBORROW & CO.'S., In JOURNAL BUILDING, Fifth St., Huntingdon, Pa. Our stock of papers consist of Flat caps, Folio Post, Demy, Letter and all the best qualities of NOTE AND INITIAL PAPERS. Music reachs P ICTURE C+ T ICTIJRE •PIT,MS I 1 A full line of CIIROMOS and other PICTURES, JOURNAL STATIONERY STORE CHEAP'. CHEAP ! ! CHEAP !! I PAPERS. N.,/ ALBUMS. v FLUIDS. Buy your Paper, Buy your Stationery, Buy your Blank Books, Al' TREJOURNAL BOOK I STATIONERY STOKR. Pine Stationery, School Stationery, Books for Children, Games for Children, Elegant Fluids, Pocket Book, Pass Books, And an Endless Variety of Nice Things, AT THE JOURNAL BOOK cf STATIONERY STORE. CALL AND SEE. JuNs 15, 1571. SUN D.A l'S NORTHWARD. A. J. CASSATT, tieneral Manager. EASTWARD. ). ips A , Ow o Kr. 'S N. Hamilton. Mt. Union Mapleton Mill Creek HVNTIMIDox Fetersbetrg Earree gpruce Creek Birmingham Tyrone Tipton Fostoria Bell's Mills Altoona at 8 15 Miscellaneous. ;AT THE very cheap, at the Boots, Shoes and Lestber. REMOVED TO THE NORTH EAST Corner of the Dilrenn,i. CAN'T BE BEATEN JOILV H. WESTBROOK Respectfully informs the eitisens of fluntintion and vicinity that he has just received from the city a new and splendid stock of LEATHERS. BOOTS AND SJIONS, TIATS AND CAM Hooiery, 81.4 Fig4ll*74, Carpet Ro,k4, 7',..44, ete., ife., 4e., Ite. All of which he is prepared to *ell at greatly re duced prieos. Dos t forget the new stand in the Diammsd. OW customers and the public generally are iavitad to esII. Jan. 4, '7l. DOWN WITH i'RICF.4 WILLIAM AFRICA hap just 0pen...1 up a (sal. of BOOTS, 8110 KS, LADIES' 'MITERS, sad a large supply of heavy work. suitable foe mem sad boys, at very low prieee. I have at all times an assortment of lIANDSOME BOOTS AND SHOES on hand, which will be disposed of at ss reams. his rates as the market will admit of. My Neel was 'sleeted with great etre, and teas etaatidesseiy reeommend all articles in my establishment. Particuisr attention paid to tho manefeetoro of eustomer work, and orders inlieited. Sat:srfacti , s guaranteed in all orders. Jan. 4, '7l FRESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT SHAFFER'S NEW sTortr.. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. 7'HE subscriber would respectfully inform hi* old friends and customers, that he busiest re ceived from tie East a large and well moisete.l stock BOOTS AND SHOES : Tor Mew, Wooers and Childs4ro, wkioh ha is prepared to sell a trifle lower Sham Noy other establishment in flown. hung a rallied shoemaker, and having had eonriderable salmi enee, he Batters himself that bis stock (menet be surpassed in the county. Give him a call, at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, M,., Hr 7i Vo V as mel m:7! I We.[ end of fh• Diamond) lIVNTINGDO?i. Pk Customer work made to order. in a neat sail durable mariner. Jas. 4. '7l. JOHN C. MILLER. (Successor to C. H. Miller & Soo,) DEALER IN EVERY LEATHER, SIIOIg FINDINGS AND BELTING. HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, l'A. .U 11.1,1673-1 y. 1874. CARPETS ! ! CARPETS!! CARPETS!! SPRING STOCK. AT LOWEST PRICES I JAMES A. BROWN Is constantly receiv;ag .i h4 . + pc-sc CARPET STORE, HUNTINGDON, PA., 525/ llill Street. Beautiful Patterns of Carpet., fresh from üb. ooms of the tuaaufseturers. Ilia stock Imprimis BRUSERLB, INGRAINS, VRNITIAN, WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE, REIM, LIST and RAG CARPETS CARPET CHAIN, COCOA AND CANTON MATTINOS, FLOOR, STAIR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, arrd s !arts stock of WALL PAPER, Window Shades and Tistaras. Brunet, Vsives Rugs, Door Mats, txtrst Carpet Thread sad Riad ing. I make a epoeialty of famishing Clioroisse and Lodges at City Prises, and in•ite fersiekiasi Compd.'s to Gall and see goods wade expressly for their purposes. Buyers will saes ebony sad b• bettor wskod by going to the rotator Carpet sad Oil Chia Store, for any of the above pods. I defy essipotlties in prises and misty of leaning! pnliolus. I have also the Amoy for the HOWE BIRDIE MACHINE, ItfrO I VILD. so well known as the best Family Ilaehise is the world Call at the CARPET STORE sad foe theta. JAMES A. BROWN. feb.14,1872. PITTSBURG SAWN CO., 167 PENN STREET, :PITTSBURG!, PENNA 3Lutufact urn MLR A BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, VAULTS, Le., which are anevalea by ■ny Athrr. IF YOU WANT A 4100 D, RIZLIABLZ MAIM purchase uurs sad you will get what you want. Prices and PpeeideationJ farniAhad on al.plication A ugut29,1973- ly SFOK ES, RI MS, PLOW II AN DLE.4 JOBN U. DAVIS A SON. UNION SPORE WORKS, S. W. Cor. Le.psrJ and Otter St, PHILADELPHIA. Affr Send for Price List. -VE. - .‘ Ju1y111,1373-0. Dry-Onede and arnr.prip4. RREMOV I, —NE!v I / 4 - GENII/4 1111KNJ. JACOB bavise romooooo4 lA. awe I. VISIIRRA' Nowt So. sill Nos orator. will 4irpooo of bio Omar of DRY GOODS. (. -%P: 4 • B')ryTS NI) frolitg. N 1! - rim TIMM Tr► Itti ri:•'4r Como •..s o•. •:tlb—,• M!s• it g:01 INstiwyi.•w. P.. 1,0. E s. 147 I , i6t•frr FA!. 0 LoV ENID AllOllO, INFORM:I TIIK IMP ;it . ; I lik SPLENDIII ST(PrK off N i.W *;4 )fits WILLIAM AFRICA, CII PN V.S.S .1 D elf" t. rr lse. I. 1 FRESH .1111;i: ii. 1W LPRING awl SUMMER GinAM tart SEW I. MO 'MOW Waft. - ftt# Meng ass 'bribe mei phriarese 4111111111.0 r 0 :esibiline sob -'S Sr esgtierar/IP Odle ask o ne en „, t, t h sv ; ,.„,,hi nvon EL"; osmiseso 4110111111111111411111110 erip. Psi broom. sad Oral Alle one 1111060, ale 1 bay, jest reeei,r4 s kyr ~lt ef lipulloof sew . flisierse of peg Loring filirthmares' Foressliegglimmeg, sa aril se Ile Soots 'b..., Rats esol rev.. .e all %amt.. at eat immllommer Mrs variety. tar Isiirs , reCirssee. eiropow ma/ eldldnre. CLOTHING c o gpv, Tees s:1 Riwi, •••svi**ATrer • Apiees, A.. Tvherie aw 4 Sew", .0w4.-ffal• sad retail. Thaw/ sae& viii he avid is ,N• s r , o- • than any oThor boa.a is tag*. - I,rineit *ales asJ small proliTt. - i 4 as ar.Tta_ nasalsl tow past pati.oaag.. I .1•11- tit a enatinasae..lT tha ow:- Ty. 4EO. SUATFILR. GLAZIER A RRO DIALER:4 CI iiINERAL NICIMIN:3;AIt. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS. 6H01L4, NITS. le . VARIETY OW OXITII &reek helms Wasitirte.a 3+4 V. GROC IL9, WASIIIIINTON *tree. sow Loth. Jas. 1874. GliO. W. WL BEE HIVE GROCERY A rANDT armor fActoitT. / / wit*. Net.. ?Axe., Cigars, T.y. .raw,* .".- riety, :ever. :sit, list • iror-rw .! ail !halt. Ilireoams. Snipe .% swil *Aim. Ware, Base tihrsa• Aarsavilvar" all San said riots.. larp mob Sir essiiisiely es bawl. pries kw. Tb. Ivo& sispasil is la•p ar qsastitioa at law jabbing isms CANDY MANrIPACTORT. liariss proeurea too aortic** of o trot clic* 11111aatsfamismr. so ore propose.. P. Aoroialh reseal lostero sic \ off hisdoot Counime sad raw? raw dies. (m aad Mr' by mall wi:l rams?, prompt Aigirese SKr .1111.11011316, No. 111, F•artlb tit.. Berets.lse, re. 05t.1,1173-Iy. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CINDISS. TO TS. rirrrs. .Tr T. aft is at D. S. Atriss's Twist, Sfmre. Su. 12:..• bo• Dismoonol. Akw sem los be/. s Le somosionsne 4 WATCIIIOI, iswirLay. pits iNTfII. rem -11111 BOOKS. ?RAT nrica 4.11 . 0.111111.1. 1.11.TC7 SOAPS. VA:ROIL& PIIIIIIPUNIERY. it. Df.fre Caleittseed lee Ctrs Ands W. is rose. at D. 5. MAW, Variety **re. S..lp ► so die lifers.. Mare. IL E. IMPORTANT TO Rt . ! LDER..-: T. Barehiawn A 1 4 . N. loaviey hest *is erections of a irm-etave rasing Alin at lamillue. doe, ra., are prrpared ta in att embers :*-er 111218*. in= *sourish or all Outdo, orb r yollow owl "Otitis piss testis& Wosthor boorrug, Pro and W 4400 Trsars, Mods. Orb. Miriam Door*. Rorke, asei Sam* Wert se Arra *stir sir ow smash AN brim Wood IselMistpr of . a 400rriffiND magi terra writ is all its riot? ON ring Marra at ths ors INN ei Press. Ile& read sad Canal. they .s; .y .1.4 r it. shipment .f material to Ml aor•iese 'arta. AtAte. The SPlllier proprietor of tlbe Arm liitiaT Ai ?rte' wi lioilder and srehits,t is toss** opeeilostioss ad 4somi•ito Poe is tibiae or is pert se may be dwitsiL AU eraser promptly Intl faititsity nods A etrose Jas. 4. TL M. Marl& ► J. west. ► Mdirg, Mfg,. , •swe BARTOL k CO. [Lageiy 'ratable 111•••groestoriiv r.orre l .; Xatrafrotures Irkowing, Was Slams. Win. 2111116111111111 &Ma wt. C. Sholvist. Wood Teisinik Istass. any Work. Yorke, Nabs, Ilieses. not. 2,4 nesa, 113241 e% ell besieger Ihereihwir. Is. Sur 311.0. - 'wry &be vgiry brat goat; NW givievner 05t......• Wag of enmities to the besieger .. sew to iessielbseerr all .( the sleersi saarra _etiolate. ag wM a. ray gibers. be tbir beer. se4 elwsy • prearly. All order: imirhopesal t. As•inz r in receive our ivesse.liat. Prig. Wig fsrsishossi slims Lambs: tikes is 'sassy , •.**. Jas. 31. 1171. LEWIS KEYS. pulicEa.4. •i tS .DSO STE tM 7:111M4. An.l is all itisia of I; se If; ow.* se vi mid tiny , . Main sad galvseiz.4 Wrssoglbs J. Piro fnr quit sad Wst.r. Besse s-s 4 tr,s V Wyss. Cos** sod ritismis lior tb;sa. Storm sad W *arr. lens g Drilet rpm , . tz.rniehr-1 sit in prior.. LEAD rum CATIS Ti;.ue AND PI ISM FritNisitiiii? Tr , ORDER. PLAN' Or rirz err ANA ITT nun& STOXI6 PIPE for W TEC 111.2 i Assail ;Opt rea. A pvilk: i•iess. FANCY Gonte. C.IRPET: 4 •••,:r %in/ N E W gi f' ' t; :C Jrn 4/PEN EIP A 11! AT CAN T t: f: is .t r 31,1. AND set 3. Clesp Store Niellol.A: 4 PECK E 3 011. cLOTITS. 07,RowEnTRA. Qtariss - ABJ. w • rtswirwc;. BECK k FLEMING I:46esersers N. B. tamers., Whallossie a. Itesil Draws .a r.ty prune. Or st:rartise. Planing Mills. BURCIIINKLLq' NEW PLANING 111.1. T. aczniumu. .$ SON. liastiagebab Pa. Ct►., let PENN :cr.. IfUN:IN.:EKIN. AppLETors. A IT 7. it IC AN CTCLOI/1101 A 211 W NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Zstbrell sorsillin V a ir AM. WAN* • warp rrPeas* swIP Inist aldniliilbowe ipolialli VIIIMMIM i allpsift/w tile amp. wtrilswief e ==.B.llllolllllll,4l Tara ew aussemarip == is Irea„ ono oar OW Eft 101. MN* 4 km illSsie Is /11 if Os 111001/ Steam awl OP *we w IMP law Pim is eamry kens* 111111.111 ellisliess M sir. Now imam/ Or alum me err ts cabals .1 le se smile me osowess,. and Iv ism • ••• it iiilliseisks Ssmasio.. r TIM' IN.:. lake ills WO WI pope of rte... wt i• 'wiry florivenNlP 4 am ow. • .....or dp•Ontisseee iffor armassor milliseler elia ilimpresere ram" to 4 Ilbert= .6. , maisielmitie. mar ow we es 4 0011111111111 tit adlIP •Irsee woe. 654 Moro se. ornivfair Amp, 4 t 4.4~40 delhe iro. et arr iss•Oit sem OP NM flasolle swam& We ireiIipIINIPOISI&MMIPOIMP, Limp 600..00..0 dlll.l=oloololllllo oeine ;sue 0010. or +lll/101111. I row, r patelirlitormiliallia4lllllllllllt • M imseeme• own OP .4 w Now ....Obi moo pail& Aro • .0 ~OM • tiwasmo wit ear", wee* swift AWE ilPinge wary aim avosioloseeillowl ▪ alisr thirelsie rows* suftiliiits44/4 1 / 1 101 or 7.6 powirme 40101 is OS. steer MO OP •vessimill rifillseaftsrelllar dog 8111148111110•01. ems *fir mow *sr Owe s Visisev posaileas dip raw 411116041,4111 e linni ire ommeakeepo IMOD 416 P I/WO dir ativar irr ••••••4111m 46.11412/11/ mm 4 4. Omni* me amine* fear • pewee ....01•00111.1 soy allob lammeirpo. its• 411 , Illopisramo vows. • Its. Iwo^ wo es sit wipe • ••••+ll,l' swami mow, •111 fbrisgssidif is likostimesiuMlL nip oboe IMP IMO Iwo p ail essiii pralarietryr beim arid 01111 OP asse air or • to. ~pre. 4 Mlle* iliiilmakeemillem #6, Oorlilllsxmaypp 0110witiaeare • we ~fp poop Dr Imo raise ea amp sipe. &weeks. op One • Om, 41611 6 taw .114 Onll9ll/1110 IMP 4IP *ma IP" 41 Mb MP "WO Migerillse %eV? adlielp. 1 7 , 1=110Per ••• lks I ?vim. *is dumilsilleemm so palm in. )Nowe "mewl is Wow Ili `ors • :Soo israrramm.. • ativalbsse 11., iota Owe • awremine 1111111.11010- s.k. lbompre +I Abe epolispolisi, essfaip or ▪ ellmmore► thir owl ID I•or 1411 fAilasslbier oft poiser 404vgam OM. glaina a 4111111•4410p1le iv diem Isiipmeime rellmmik ale 4111111111.1fts *moot MS joy% *ft 1111111110114 MIS imomeli trosesil Ware awitimilele, r idle ammores. • telhiggrepart MIMI! AIM) MILS OW 1101 1 / 1 0, to estla CM.. pm, oat "OD be Liessivir Loam pour w ID l'ar iI iseillor Nosiossi". Sat is Ikielsk aorrselli, per out- IWO to Ai Ilbsiammk imillipm.i.adtpsirpost so • f. For MAP asst /*woo vellawr rev eamalllairellkumm Eemagleebeee. MUM. aisreomplavireinuils. per-of /M1N1~41110.0. sr yire. 4.6.,reg tnik 11411 Sp was lippriresese. orgarins Claw Calmolso "WO ININIMI Movie !Se robilillare. _ arMilliVMO a a.. me • is• 1111111801 f. 31. T IVE, IllrnialL PriZILT VaIIItYMPIL FLEX MOON ALCIIMMOL Pr. 1 Weilhres 0111ftsie View s pow, puremilm aolk. fliede db• asike Ihmil mar. 4 illirdions IhribiaritMes.44l4lll4 , we. Ar audimisoll rvemilmr4 WPM Eiseasesw 1.4 iliwrolpire mi. Ow sow 4 116. aw dome adl.ll, - tam bile gams .4 r air 111114,11♦ r ftirs ear ~Pi. ea r OOP 0111•010 aeposek see tip paiftes ismigar Illilliioll 'My go. op wag Moe pIIII.IIP "'kw" • paw Ilamemor wife rinftia Ik~ Saw eg ~4 lir • sire Mlle tir wstfri►s s a l= li g. 1% 11111 010 Weft Or doe d army Air IMP 111110. Mr, am spi Ptivesellee ao Iva as, UMW emeirsilim ,ar tuts 4it Dow awl rawooll engraft :• 11111.0,11Niams& Velure. CaSimi. Tip. tot as MI Arm ammo is • iimilleresimP. re4ll}lo6 dbe 1116.4 feur maw* 011imanow 4.41 yrupolvileg war dip Aim. etli - folimmlbr arsollll f ellbegoll ware bmillk, woe • 'ruse woo iv illb-sedt. U sae «0 Avow - sitiesse egsr Wassie ar• swig dbr ea. siftstereeit • wart 'NW 10=sh 4.4levirt Ilipsee Prarem., wisr4.....t.46serosmaltbsollime9llk. !few T.A. •..:d q r p JAIVI. :Zito 1 irks. •••( s. Pr I. Cataby serboilftwa_ ass sor 10.01••• paw -•-oat at Mho_ W L-rf WA SALAAM WTI.D rliZiLlli• CON t" 31PT103- owl .7broww:wt 4 - any prommoose plererwew. lb I* tliw swat Illegharle !Wpm.las over milbbillo. we by sle &UMW soil IMMO Wale nip e5.,7 bow.. passtp be pawed Pm i. p. 3.. aposesemi bp far .gym • 41111111 ONO, pow sea wins pplairr.4 se a issibeiellibmildlbopperps ripowly wpm if twegibe. Cramp. Ilpsed11111" ir•ogib. 111.09mpost Pekoe fir Sem •• 41, tbmt pp Saw Illimass se Lwow% LoPpr coN3TIIPTIO3I by s fia...iy t. able Slistatimi Ihressiy.. ar pm... berimilio 4 esseinesiii. seseihrall bp • pelprieftra Dr. wiser. mow of WWI !_limy ay op ONO me bow b •41., so s tb.. MOM *Mb ter pie list 4 ; , -.4,~ art .o.sasar• tbs, Eimer ame - Ivies •. ?bet reers.irt 0111111IP ft Sibs"lS b. is di. lasi of NW 1184711 agar pumps es he s so. email rill ~so mainsawas 1414, osissor bey snails. sof sossometp isseselloollsosss yews irisSl ve its ses6ollo wirsemesod isgnat waspossise es ousis semi all 'sot. awl an •Ilbsse teirt.iir 11011111111- *1 renews of dr veal doom% log ihnialgfills may mrwrioris.• MOO elle illbussap .011 so• elisagese~sey miter* 411W11111m. RX of Ilimmwasirilhor is. roam Air'► Illorep.• wr as wallet rauppir 1111 W 4111 'i 11W/TP. -- mid Op • -MITI W. to a $lO/4 .'' sa Gam we Isar INWINSims iiiixess4ll wow, aralift bray. petvilag Mfg a MIA ilmses. E r ie 1•4 -M b aim parmillt. AvimAtollowalry. ;11111111111110 aMrwy 111110 it. a af,posdit.a a cn. TUX 41111LST SILIMIST PPS LUNG , la 9 Lawns onosairk