The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 26, 1874, Image 3
II .e e farm and *nothrild. New Remedy for Hay Fever. Dr. Horaee Dobell, Senior Physician to the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, London, has suggested a contrivance and a prescription, by the combined use of which immense comfort may be given to many sufferers from hay fever and sneez ing. The prescription is as follows : Chloral hydrate and camphor (of each) 16 grains, carbolic acid 20 grains, pure morphia 12 grains, oleic acid (enough to dissolve the morphia) 20 grains, castor oil (the clear est and finest) 7 drachms. Rub well to gether to make a lotion. The contrivance is for the efficient ap plichtion of the above remedy, and consists of a miniature bottle, contained in a little boxwood case so that it can be carried eas ily in the pocket. To the lid of the box is attached the cork of the bottle, and to the cork, in the same fashion as the spoon of a cayenne pepper cruet, is fixed a little club-shaped rod of polished ivory, long enough to reach the bottom of the bottle, and also to the upper extremity of the nos tril. The little bottle is kept half full of the lotion above prescribed, and the little rod immersed in it. Directly the patient feels the tickle or other signal of a coming sneeze, he uncorks his bottle, withdraws the ivory club, wet with the oleaginous lo tion, and pushes it up the nostril until it reaches the seat of the sneeze signal ; there it should be gently pressed so as to apply the lotion to the part. After this the club is withdrawn and returned to its little bot tle of fluid, where it becomes at once char ged for a fresh application. As often as the sneeze threatens the opiration should be repeated. Very often one application will keep off a threatened fit of sneezing altogether, even though its first effect may be to excite a sneeze. The Value of Sunflowers. We would call the attention of farmers at this time to the value of sunflowers as a crop, and enumerate some of their val ues, and uses. In the first place, the flow ers abound in honey, and furnish food for the bees. the seeds contain oleaginous matter, and yield oil at the rate of one gal lon to the bushel, which is but little in ferior to olive oil. One acre will produce fifty bushels of seed. It is also valuable food for horses and poultry. It has been used for bread by the American Indians and also in Portugal. The leaves are cx eellent food for cattle. The stalks while growing may be utilized as bean poles where they are scarce and difficult to be obtained, and dry, may be used as roofing, or set up against a fence to form a wind break. They contain a large amount of potash, and are excellent for kindling. The seed also, has been recommended for fuel. The reputation of the growing sun flower to absorb miasmatic vapors and pre venting fever and ague, is well known. New Advertisements. APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS. The attention of Boards of Education, Superin tendanta and Teachers is invited to the following APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY E. H. BUTLER & CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA., -AND UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED BY THE CONVENTION OF DIRECTORS, FIELD AT CLEARFIELD, JUNE 3, 1873, I'or the use of the Public Schools of Clearfield co, Also by the STATE BOA OF EDUCATION i,)r all the Public Schools in the State of Vermont. BY TILE BOARDS OF EDUCATION OF New York City, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Reading, Huntingdon, Alexandria, a ad naanj , other prominent towns and cities. MITCHELL'S NEW OEOURAPIIIES The Standard Series of America ALWAYS UP WITH THE TIMES. RETAIL PRICES Mitchell's First Lessons i■ Geography SO Mikhail', New Primary Geography, 4to 9O Milisbell's New Intermediate Geography, 4to 1 80 Mita'll's New School Geography and Atlas 2 50 MohoWe New Physical Geography 1 88 Mitchell's New Outline Maps and Key, Small Series, on rollers. Net 110 00 :ILiteheil's New Outline Maps and Key, Large Series, on rollers. Net 20 00 THE NEW AMERICAN READERS AND SPELLERS . The Latest and Handsomest Series, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST SERIES. Now Anuiricsn First Reader, SARGENT 2O New American Second Reader, I ,20 Now American Third Reader, ' AND f 0 New American Fourth Reader, 6O New American Fifth Reader, MA r ,90 Now American Primary Speller 20 New American Pronouncing Speller 30 NEW PUBLICATIONS. The New American Etymology Oxford Junior Speaker Oxford Senior Speaker Copies can be . obtained upon the most liberal terms for introduction, by application to the pnb lichens, or D. W. PROCTOR, Agent, Huntingdon, I'a. Nis. Correspondence with Teachlre and Direct ors cordially invited. Msy27-3m. WASH -DAY NO LONG MR DREAD ED. The complete Washer at hand, be prepared to buy. It washes effectually. It takes away all streaks from the bosoms and wrist-bands. To be tested at your homes during the work. L. P. WALDRON, May27-tf. . General Agents. FOR ALL KINDS OF GO TO THE "JOININAL" BUILDING CALDWELL'S WINE AND IRON BITTERS! These celebrated Bitters are pyre, safe and re liable; composed of Roots, Barks and Herbs with Citrate of Iron end pure native wine, made from the native grapes of California, the ingredients are choice, strengthening, purifying and life-giv ing medicinal agents, forming the most healthy and pleasant stimulating tonic and strengthening Bitters for improving the ap?etite, giving tone and vital energy to the Blood and System. For medicinal purposes, for family use, travelers, voy agers, etc., they cannot he surpassed. These Bitters are in an eminent degree strength ening, purifying, diuretic, stimulating and nour ishing to the whole system, giving new life and activity to every organ and part alike, without that ever recuring reaction that follows the use of most all other tonics and stimulents in the market. For AND ALL FORMS OF SOUR' STOMACH, SCROFULA, IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. LIVER COMPLAINTS, GENERAL PROSTRATION. NERVOUS HEADACHE! THEY HAVE NO RIVAL AS A MORNING APPETISER, No other Bitters in the universe can equal them. I lack space for detailing the availability of these Bitters, but will briefly state its general effects upon the human myestem, as follows: It absolutely Purifies the Blood. It speedily corrects all morbid changes in the Blood. It equalizes the circulation of the Blood. It regu lates the supply and quality of the Blood. It prepares the blood to furnish a proper support to all the vital properties. It enriches the constitu ents of the Blood upon which the vital energy of the system is dependent. It infuses the proper degree of animal heat in the system. It purges from the system the morbid humors which retard its natural functions. It imparts vitality and elasticity•to every organ of the Body. It corrects all derangements, however trivial, which are the first origin of Disease. It promotes the opera tions of the digestive organs. It improves the appetite and removes all disagreeable feeling after eating. It perfects digestion, rendering it natural and easy. It acts as a mild and etficatious stom achic. It elevates the standard of all the vital forces. It strengthens the nervous fibres and dif fuses a calm throughout the nervous system. It destroys all morbid conditions of the mind. It disperses dullness and languor. It promotes buoy ancy of spirit and feeling. It banishes those clogs upon pleasure which produce gloom. It drives away those distressing symptoms which rob us of happiness. It revives the physical energies by infusing new life and power into the system. It fortifies the system against the dangers of malaria, fluctuations of the temperature, changes in the climate, &c. In short, it prepares the system for the radical change to be wrought in its condition, and restores it to perfect health and natural vigor. CALDWELL'S COUGH CURE COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DIPTHERIA, ASTHMA, THROAT & LUNG DISEASES GENERALY, If you purchase a bottle of your druggist use it all, and if you make up your mind that you have not received a benefit corresponding with the prioe paid, return the empty bottle and ho will pay you bask your money and charge it on his books. Thus neither he or yourself will lose by the operation, as I assure you that it contains nothing that can be injurious in any case. You are not purchasing it of me a stranger, but of your druggist—a gentleman whom you know and can trust. lle will furnish you medicine on the terms I have mentioned; an absolute guaran tee—not that it will cure in every case, but that you will be satisfied in the use of that remedy. MAGNETIC CIILOROLOID! MAN AND BEAST For internal or external use, the Magnetic Chloroloid is the most wonderful family medicine ever offered to the public, for the cure of Rheumatism, Colic, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Cramps, Griping, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, Sores, Concussion, Burns, CHOLERA MORBUS, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhea, Frosted Limbs, Dyseu tary, Diptheria, tore Throat, CHILBLAINS, CORNS, AND PAINS OF ALL KINDS LILY BALM COMPLEXION, FRECKLES, ERUPTIONS, ROUGHNESS AND TAN If the face is disfigured with BLOTCHES, PUSTULES, FRECKLES, TAN, The Lilly Balm will speedily remove the blem ish, and impart softness, traneperency, a roseate tinge and a pearl-like lustre to the complexion. It is utterly impossible to detect in the beauty it confers, the result of an artificial agent; the fresh and health-like tinge which it developes on the face, neck, hands and arms is unsurpassed by no other toilet article ever offered to the public. FULL DIRECTIONS ON THE LA BEL OF EACH BOTTLE. 1 50 Proprietor and Manufacturer, PRINTING For sale only by JOHN READ & SONS, Drug gists, 410 Penn Street. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded, and itll orders correctly awarded. May27,1854-Iyr. Medical. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION RHEUMATISM, AND ALL DROPSY, KIDNEY DISEASES, AND FOR TILE CURE OF WHOOPING COUG 11, AND CALDWELL'S FOR HEADACHE, SUNSTROKE CALDWELL'S For beautifying the REMOVINO SUNBURN, SUNBURN, &c. W. C. CALDWELL, MEDINA, N. Y, Ready-made Clothing OLD BROAD TOP CORNER COMES TO THE 11E801 ! CLOTHING FOR THE .MILLON! FOSTER & CARMON, On Allegheny Street, two doors East of Union Depot, Have jest received one of the largest assortments of Clothing ever brought to Huntingdon. Their stock consists of nll the NEW STYLES of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTIILNG, Gentleman's FURNISHING Goods, HATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS, And everything pertaining to Clothing Busi ness. They sell everything ltY LOW FOR CASII. Give them a call, and ascertain for your self. May2o-limos. GRAND EXPOSITION SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS 11. tatEENBERG'S NEW STORE, next door to tho Post Office, Hun tingdon, who has now in store the largest and most desirable stock of seasonable goods, for MEN AND BOYS that has ever been opened in Huntingdon. The stock consist of BLACK CLOTHS, DOE SKINS, ENGLISH, SCOTCH, FRENCH DOMESTIC AND FANCY CASSIMERES, which will be made up in the best style and in his peculiarly neat fit and durable manner. If you want a good suit of cloths cheap, Call at If. GREENBERG'S. If you want a good Childs suit ( 3 years up,) Call at H. GREENBERG'S. If you want a good Boys suit. Call at 11. GREENBERG'S. If you want a good Youths suit, Call at H. GREE.NBERG'S, If you watit a good Suit made to order, Call at H. GREENBERG'S If you want a nice line Gents Furnishing Goode, Call at 11. GREENBERG'S, Also, Cassimeres sold . by the yard, At 11. GREENBERG'S, Tilors Trimmings of all kinds for sale, At 11. GREENBERG'S. ALL GOODS IVA RRANTED as REPRESENTED April:A.lB73-Iy. Miscellaneous. B EATTY & PLOTTS' CELEBRATED GOLDEN-TONGUE PARLOR ORGAN IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY EMINENT MUSI CIANS AND DISTINGUISHED MEN OF HONOR TO BE THE LEADING INSTRUMENT NOW IN USE -THEY SAY BEATTY d{: PLOWS' PARLOR ORGANS were awarded FIRST PRE MIUM and DIPLOMA over Needham & Son's and J. Estey & Co's Organs at the Carbon County Fair, held at Lehighton, Pa., September, 1872.—Lehigh ton. Weekly News, Oct. 5, 1872. Committee.—Prof. Charles F. Horn, Prof. Wm. Moran, and 11. D. nerdy, D. D., lion. Z. Long, President. St. Clair, ra., Dec. 6, 1873. • MESSRS. MEATRY & FLOM—Gods : I have received the Organ sent by your firm to me, and had it examined. It gives ample satisfaction. Multa-noy City, Pa., 0ct.16, 1573. THE Bum & PLOTTS celebrated Golden Tongue Par lor Organ is by far the hest Parlor Organ in use. I hale carefully examined it, and find its tone, workmanship and durability to be the beet I ever saw, and I can with pleasure recommend it to any in want of a first-class par lor or gals. PROF. 0. If. URGER. New Bethlehem, Pa., Nov. 21,1573. Missal , . Mani' L PLOrra—Gcnts: Having had one of your Golden Tongue Parlor Organs, for six months past, I thought before recommending it, to give it a fair, square trial, and am happy to testify that it surpassed all that has been said or advertised about it. I have had Professors of music, and celebrated organists come and try It, anti one and all say that it is one of the sweetest and best toned instruments in the market. It has taken the shine out of all others around here. lam perfectly satisfied with it. You may publish this if ,u see fit, as my organ can be tried by any one wishing so do so, in proof of what I say. A. S. R. RICHARDS, Late of the Tamaqua Courier, now at Yew Bethkhem, Pa.', BEATTY & PLATTE Golden Tongue Parlor Organs are in struments that are winning for themselves a good reputa tion far and wide. The carom. of the firm is full of inter est and shows what close application to one branch of business will do. Their energy, zeal and unyielding de termination have enabled them to win.— Washington (N. J.) Star, March 27, 1174. THE BEATTY & PLorrs parlor organs arc highly:praised by good judges, for their sweetness of tone.—Pillslon (Pa.) cow! Oat. 4, 1873. urY's Jan. '27, 1874. I ban had BEATTY & PLOTTM' Organ since August 14th, 1872; it gives the highest satisfation, and hes proved all that it was recommended by the proprietors: The BEIM EC Purrs' celebrated Golden Tong. Par lor Organs are pronounced unsurpassed by any now be fore the musical world, by all who have had the pleasure to examine them. Testimony from all part,' of the coun try speaks in favor of them, going to show their superior ity over all rahors.—Ashlund, lit., Bulletin, Dec. 5,1573. Laury's Station, lb., Jan. 27,1874. Beatty t Platte' Parlor Organ, of N.. 1., seem to give lull satisfaction to all purposes all over; and I must say by the experience I have of one of these organs—which I have had in my possessien for nearly two years, and is in excellent condition—l would advise all who wish to get a good and substantial parlor organ to 'see the above named party, before buying anywhere else. DAVID gCIIKIK It, Untie Teache linyUm, Pa., Feb. 6, 1874. BEATTY AL Aerie Parler Organ I like belier then the Standard, and gives belt•r ratiefactinn, as 1 filul by experi ence in my prefeselon. PROF. FRANK MAYER. nmaqua, 10, Those desiring a beautiful ornament for their hunos, us well as an inetru►nent of unsurpassed musical excel lence will find it in the Beatty £ Plotts Ouidon Tongue Parlor organ. It gives entire satisfaction, and, in tact, le the h.Wig instrument of the day. JULIA C. WIIITENIGHT, Organist. If ragas. BEATTY k PLorrS, of Washington, New Jersey, aro happy. They live In an atmosphere of music. Music soft and sweet, music strong and warlike, the shrill notes of the warrior, or the lute-like Woes of love are thrilling and ever sounding in their establish men t, and their famous Golden Tongue Organs area household necessity all over. —Tbrta , put (Pa.) aurier, March 28,1874. PA HUM OR.AX.—Wo cull attention to the advertise ment of Beatty k Plotts, manufacturers of Parlor Organs, another part of tide paper. These organs aro fast superseding all other• on account of their good qualities. A number of these instrument• have been sold in thin county, which give general satisfaction. These isetru uients are highly recommended by the bout musicians in the country.—Sen&ary A wrican. M. Clair, Pa., April 7, 1874. To LAMM, F. BEAM have received my organ all right. It pleaser tne very much. I neverplayed an organ that give me bettor matiefactlon, the cam look. eplerelid. I have a friend waiting for one. Please send me another Igo. BO at 011N1 for him. lie advoeatee your organn above all other,. Enclosed please find cheek. Very revectflllly. _ _ JOHN MILLS. BEATTY lc PLOTTB, Addresa IValhington, New Jersey, Apri129,1871-tyre, To TIM CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA.—Your Mutton is specially invited to the fact that the Nation al Banks are now prepared to receive subeeriptions to the capital Stock of the Centennial Board of Pittance. The funds realized from this...puree are to be employed In the erection of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expensee connected with the same, It in confident ly believed that the Keystone State will he represented by the name of every citizen alive to patriotic commemora tion of the one hundredth birth-day by the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $lO mob, and sabscribers will receive a handsome steel engraved Certificate of Stock, mailable for framing and preservation as a national memo rial. Interest at the rate of As per cent. per annum will be paid on all payments of Centennial Stock from date of payment to January 1. 1976. • Subscribers who are not near a National Bask can re mit a cheek or post-office ceder to the undersigned. FIITMC. FRALNY, Treasurer, Aug.20,13t0Ju1y4,'76.] 904 Walnut St., Philadelphia. COLORED PRINTING DONE AT tite Journal OfEce st Philadelphia price' PUILADELPITTA 11EADINI; LAILROND '/'roans bare Harrisburg, as follows For New York, at 5.25, 830 a. rn. and 2 00 and *7.40 p. For Philadelphia, at 525, 4.10, 9.45 a. in. 2.00 and 3.5 n p, For Reading, at 6.25, 8.10, 9.46 :t. m. 2.00, 3.60 and 7.40 m. p. For Pottsville, at 5.25, 8.10 a. ni. and 3.50 p. in. and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 2.40 p. For Allentown, at 5.35, 8.10 a. m. 2.00 3.5(1 and 7.40 p. I/I. The 5 25 8.10 a. rn. and 2.00 and •7.40 p. m. trains have through cars for New York. The 5 25, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 p. ni. trains have through ears for Philadelphia. For New York, at 5.'25 a. in. . For Allentown and Way Stations at 5.25 a. in. For Standing, Philadelphia and Way Stations at 1.45 p. ni Trains for ITlrrisburg, leacc as follows Leave New York, at 0.00 a. w. 12.40, 5 30 and •7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.15 p. m. Leave Reading, at 4.30, 7.35, 11.20 a. in. 1.50 6.10 and 10.2 n p. m. Leave Pottsville, at 5.55, 9.00 a. in. and 4.30 p. ni, and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 8.05 a. tn. Leave Allentown, at 2.30, 5.50, 8.50 a. in. 12.25, 4.30, . and 8.55 p. m. The 2.30 a. m. train from Allentown and the 4.30 a. in. train from Reading do not run on Monday, Leave New York at 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 7.15 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 30, 7.35 a. m. :tad 10.20 p. Leave Allentown at 2.30 a. m. and 8.55 p. *Via Morris and Jeoex Railroad Jan.14,1874-ti. J. R WOOTTEN, General Superintendent. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS , Summer Arrangement. WESTWARD •, i 4--. prii z , ...1 = . tv 1 w 1 M. IP. M. I 2 58 11 35 10 41 Ili. llaruillon 3 03111 42:10 551 Mt. Union 3 09.11 4811 10 Mapleton 3 16111 57'11 26 Mill Creek 3 2512 10111 60 Ilutinsunux 3 40112 31!12 20 Petersburg 3 48112 41 1 12 82 ißarree 3 54112 50 12 40 Spruce Creek 4 06; 1 (151 1 00 Birruingliani 4 121 1 13 1 08 Tyrone 420 1 261 1 22 Tipton 425 1 32 , 180 Fostoria 428 1 881 1 36 Bell's Mills 450 2 '2l l 200 Altoona Hs m. 19. st•la.l4. The Fast Lino Westward, leaves Unatingdon at 8 1.5 P. M., and arrives at Altoona at 9 50 r. The Pittsburg Express, Westward, leaves II untingdEn at 2.55 a in, and arrives in Altoona at 4.20 a to . The Pacific Express Westward leaves Huntingdon at 7 37 A. N. and arrive* at Altoona at 9 20 A. N. The Southern Express, Westward, leaves Huntingdon ut 5 39 A. Y. , .d arrives at A ltoona at 6 24 A. M. The Pacific Express, Eastward, leaves Huntingdon a t 8.43, a in, and arrives at Harrisburg 11.50 a as. The Fast Line, Eastward, leaves Huntingdon at 1 44 A. st. and arrives at Harrisburg a 15 00 A. Y. The Cincinnati Express, Rai - ward, leaves Huntingdon at 7 05 P. N.. and arrives at Fla rrisburg at 10 55 P. N. The Philadelphia Express, Eastward, leaves Hunting don at 11.38 p tu, and arrives Ilarrisburg at 3.15 a at. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after SUNDAY,.Tun, 28th, 1874, trains will leavu Ilarrirburg us followd : ERIE NAIL 4.25, a. m., to Erie, Elmira, Conan daigua to the Falk NIAGARA EXPRESS 1040 a. m., to Buffalo and the Falk via. Emporium and via. Canandai gua. ELMIRA - EXPRESS 1.20 p. m., to Williamsport and Elmira FAST LINE 5.00 p. m., to Williamsport and Lock Haven. SOUTJIWARD. FAST LINE Zl.lO a. rn., Daily. SALTO. ACCOM. 6.55 a. nt., daily except Suuday. MAIL 3.25 p. ru., daily. NIAGARA EXPRESS 11.03 p. tu., daily except Sunday. Trains north leave daily except Sunday. For further information, tickets and baggage checks, apply at the ticket office in the Pennsylvania Depot, Har risburg. D. M. BOYD. General Pass Agent. COME TOTIE R J I OURNAL OUR OFFICE JOB PRINTING. If you want sale bills, If you want bill heads, If you want letter heads, If you want visiting cards, If you want business cards, If you want blanks of any kind, If you want envelopes neatly printed, If you want anything printed in a workman like manner, and at very reasonable rates, leave your orders at the above named office. STAGE LINE From Spruce Creek to Centre Hall, every day, (except Sunday-), leaving Spruce Creek at 9 'clock, A. 0., and returning at 3 o'clock, P. M. jauy,-7013] H. McMANIGILL. JOHN SINEY. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF PAPER ! Of every grade and quality, IN lIUNTINGDON, J. R. DURBORROW & CO.'S., In JOURNAL BUILDING, Fifth St., Huntingdon, Pa, Our stock of papers consist of Flat- caps, Folio Post, Deniy, Letter JOB HENRY and all the best qualities of NOTE ANT) INITIAL PAPERS. ENVELOPES AT JOURNAL STATIONERY STORE, BLANK BOOKS, all kinds, ENVELOPES, every description Call and examine our stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. p l e c T U u R itE E S plc c qu i: R it i , ;s A full line of CIIROMOS and other PICTURES, very cheap, at the JOURNAL STATIONERY STORE. FOR PLAIN PRINTING, FANCY PRINTING, GO TO THE JOURNAL 'H'FICE VORFINEAND FANCY PRINTING -A-' the JOURNAL Office. Travellers' Guide, St 'JIM ER ARRANGEMENT. JUNt 1., 1871. SUND-1 TS sonars EASTWARD. may ' ! .sTATIONS, 1100414 52 9 5714 451 , 9 49.4 36 9 4214 281 9 1 13 1 °l 4! .9 07i3 61. i 8 4813 32 16 4013 231 18 3013 13 8 25 1 3 07 8 211 03 8 0512 45 A.Y. P.M. NORTHWARD. A. J. CASSATT, General Manager. Miscellaneous. Is for Sale at 100,000 JUST RECEIVED Also, Pianos. pA T N 'l' AR I 0 N PIANO COMBINES MANNER'S FOUR SI.MPL I PIING P.ITEN7'S, VIE MOST VALUABLE PATENTS EVER USED IN PIANO-FORTES. PATENT ARION. REVERSED WOODEN THE COMPOUND T II E FULL I RON en as r: AND THE SUSTAINING A FEW REASONS WOY TUE A R I O N PIA NO IS STPERIOR TO ALL OTHEBS The ARION PIANO-FORTE has greater power than any other Piano-Forte inanufaettrred It will Stand in Tune Longer, and in its mechanical construction it is more per fect, and, therefore, more durable, than any instru ment constructed in the usual modern style. The arrangement of the Agraffe, the manner of stringing, the peculiar form and arrangement of the Iron Frame SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS. The use of a bar (which is a part of the Iron Frame on a line with the heavy steel stringing,) gives GREAT STRENGTH where most needed, and in this respect all other pianoes fail. The construction of the WREST PLANK, into which the tuning Pins are inserted, is such that it is impossible fur the pins to come loosened, or the Wrest Plank itself to split, as is too often the ease in other Piano-Fortes. The Extraordinary Evenness throughout the reale, the excellent singing Quail- ity, tho LENGTH AND PURITY OF VIBRATION, all go to prove what we _Lim, viz : that the ARION PIANO-FORTE Is the Best Instrument Manufactured. ALSO EWEYS COTTAGE ORGANS, WITH THE VOX JUBILANT AND VOX II UMAN A TIDE NE PLUS ULTRA OP REED ORGANS, univoreally acknowledged to be the BEST Organ made fur Sunday Schools, Churches, Parlors and Lodges. Having more power, with a sweeter tone, than any other Oman in the market notwithstanding the representations of agent, interested in the sale of other Organs, see do fatly wurrant every Organ for the period of fire yror4, (rit oor owe expartae.) Send your orders to E. M. BRUCE, No. 18 N. 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or JAMES A. BROWN, Agent for Hun- County, No. 5251 Penn street, Hun tingdon, Pa. nols PENN(„ ED TO THE NORTH EAST Owner ..f the liimoon.l. Relieetfully m l rtne the eitisens nuncio; b.ri and vicinity that he ha. ju.t received from tb, city a new and splendid stock of Iloaiery„S'A,, Finding*, e'n , prt d-e., de., d.e., All of which he it prepared to -ell at greatly re duced pricer. kon't forget the new stand in the Diamond, old customers and the public generally are invited to call. Jan. 4,11. DOWN WITH PRICES has just opened up a large Rai varied asvortineat of BOOTS, SHOES, LADIES' GAITERz , , GLOVE KID SGOE:4, AGRA FFE. and a large supply of heavy work, tvitable fir mirn and boys, at very low prices. I have st all times an assortment of REST PLANK. on hand, which will Le dispo...d of at an reasona ble rates as the market will admit of. My stock was selected with great rare, and I can confidently recommend all artistes in my establishmeat. Particular attention paid to the msaufseture of customer work, and orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed in all orders. FRAME, WILLIAM A PP.ICA. Jan. 4, '7l : FRESH ARRIVAL OF 11 , ,0TS .-•;; AT SHAFFER'S NEW STORE. IRON THE subscriber would respriktfully inform ►is old friends and rostomer9, that h• has jfist re ceived (rum the East a large and well selects , ' st ,, elt of BAR. which he i, prepared to sell a tripe lower than any other establishment in town. Being a practical shoemaker. and haring had considerable osperi ence, ke flatters himself that his stuck cannot Is surpassed in the county. Give him a call, at the CHEAP BOOT ANI► SHOE STORE, CuAtomor work or•ler. Ina seat aaJ durable manner. GEO. SHAFFER. J.D. 4. '7l. JOHN C. M I IA,I.:11. DEALER IN EVERY LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS AND HILL STREET, II UNTINGDON, l'A Jan.1,1873-Iy. CARPETS!! CARPETS !! CARPETS!: SPRING STOCK. A 7' LOWEST PRICES: JAMES A. BROWN Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from the owns of the tuariufaeturers. His stock sot pries Window Shade. and Fixtures. Dregget, Velvet Rugs, Door Mats, Extra Carpet Thread and Riad ing. I make a specialty of furnishing Claurekee and Lodges at City Prices, ant invite Furnishing Commiters to call and see good made expressly for their purposes. Buyers will fore etantoey and be better suited by going to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth sum., for any of the above gaud.. I defy eorapetition in prices and variety of beautiful patterns. I have also the Agency for the Orignal HOWE SBWINti MACHINE, IMPROVED. so well known as the best Family Machine in tii• world Call at the CARPET rTOP.6 and tr. there. JAM NS A. FROWN. pITTSBURG SA 1•' CO , IF TOI7 WANT A GOOD, RELIABLE SAYE, pnrchale ourA enJ y4it will get what yawl. Priers and PpeciGz.tti.,94 Irtiriaidiej op •ppli.aliN Avgast2o,l373-Iy. FOKEkI, RIMS, PUMA HA NDI,F4 ITNIONapc,KR WORE.S. S. W. Cor. Leopard end Otter St PIMA hi:LP/HA. for Price List. 11111 k ju1y16,1973-Iy. Boots, Shoes and Leather. CAN'T J:ig BEATEN ! ✓Oli.Y ii. IVE.T II:1;00K LEATHERS BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAC's, WILLIAM AFRIc lIANDSO3IE BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. BOOTS AND SHOES : M.n, Ironic,' ars , ' rilibler a, ( We at end of Me III'STINIIIO - ,N. PA (Suecemor to C. H. Miller S Son.) BELTING Miscellaneous. Is cotastantly rereireily ut Ass were CARPET STORE. HUNTINGDON, PA.. 5251 Hill Streit. BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, VENITIAN, :TOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE, HEMP, LIST •nd RAO CARPETS CARPET CHAIN, COCOA AND CANTON MATTING S, FLOOR, STAIR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, •nd a largo stock •f WALL PAPER, Feb. 14,1872. 167 PENN STREET, PITTsBU P. 0, PENNA MAnufiletur • FIRE & BVROLAR PROO7 MATICS, VA V 1.721, which are anequile•l by any other. JOHN O. DAVIS A SON. Thy-Oon•IA ind I )ItEMi)VA 1.!--NEW • Go - Ifkfra ' t PPLkNie• 11 RP: NJ. -I VI Mt herr lel rnme.r .41 be. it.o. IM irsrres / 1 / RR If' rir Lip r a.l N 4 All r-.. drew% irtff bi. Nrity 4 View exTririr strimimm T f•••••• Nrwrowtos bir Om MOW wawa? ',Pim or. akar.. was DiV *AMA'S. %TS. ‘Nr. 4irr)F-4 TIIF 11311.7 7*. tt rIIKAP • •.tow •ad gre 1.0 ; t• Ilunt.nx ion. Ps . Jae tz7t GRAND DEPOT FOR p.s• ratiowl Whet, 11111111modP 1,41, Ibr assmoral mei* d-i` ' , tar. Om:- 11~41111 roblior OmPil , JO WS Iwo imearg arar I. 4~f 4111f0 MOIII. via 4 gamey .wry we is .wires to sow dhe p., rirsaaw. angst WM, limp bow *nip awl s sei isse. 111001111111rew INFORMS THE PI RUC TII }I Z so prowt r.e powee view, rv.4 im esses iiimPy op Air Elba smp•p••• ar, me :sir rieseiwet airy. bat "Oho amp, , slb• pimps pourammuit sod sawlit.• ua_b.srery. SPLENDID STOCK Or NEW GOilfe IN CHEAPNEsS AND 041•Al.:Ti Jan. I. '7 1 14 - IRE:•11 A1:1:Ir.11. IrF LPRING and 5t."11311.1t f iooDs )1..V 4 ler.i K i:R, On,: doer cut of the W3.lPtiogisi Rota. hare jest 'rewired a iar .t.mrli oft. rant Irr•st ofrestees. g a m Coots Shoes. Rat. sr. , ' rap*. of aid issamta. za kw • *riot y. for riotTrwr..s. Rta NO ehll.irru. CLOTIIING. ,ifer. Tea. •.( wn ipegot aa.l *intsiwro Sy; > p. pie... he . T•v i r*ern awl Sogari„ sa4 r-t ad. The. g.-. 1.1.• loirsold ad/ eimnip, N-o..holisoir. any ~ tlorr house is sows. • torewlt aft:ro est • protito, - !111 isette, Thanlife' fir pii.t setrovia.l., I • a , ritit mestere of th. aprl-iy. GLAZIER Sc BRA) Dit.4 LIMA TN .iICNER A L DRY GOODS. NOTIONA. ROOT?. SIWES, II ATS lie A. VARIETY OF SMITH' •Atrerpt, Ira/Din; •n ',I 31 it GitocErtiEs. WAPATINTON sfre-t. sear !mirk Jas. It "N. BEE HIVE GROCERY A CA` PY MAN t lIACTORT. Frsito. Nst.. ToLowe, cigars, T.ys is ewileeer riety. Syria**. Seer, ?en, awl Uncomic., of al kin le. Breese, Ilreebee. Womb" led 'ram Were. Beet Grimm Arveribeesek, Sevismaisids* ail gisre awl s large swot loft reeeencerly ,n heed. price Wt. The triode eepplied Te Tarp qr t all quastitios ;els jobbisig rite. CANDY MA I'IACTORT noting prover:a rho woven.* of s Sret-deo• iesnofootervr. so aro proopwod 1w terse! roved &alert with all Weasel reemerge toed reepyr ewe die.. fnrsh mod osseolt.rotrol. or evil pinery. he dors by wail win r"oir• prompt savetore. A Artrov. !Sri YLEMIN.; No. 1r 1, remortis t ilowelsitese. P. (Pet. 1 : .7 : I F. HEAD(WARTERS FOR FINE CANDIrc fort /RI - 17.1, yrrt is at D. S. Arne*. Variety Deem Nom. m I. !be DiSMIIMIWI. ALso. we be bed. a flee eamerteteet 4 vrATCALP, JIWILIT. PIN INITV. Peri n/ BOOKS. 11111AlriLINO DAITWELO. rise" SOAPS. RA IR OILS. purr MINT. AC. Nom, Celebrated Ire Crew Sees Water. as .ranee. at D . S. Africa's Vseirty &ere, No. 03. re •b• Dissered IL tf. I M PORTANT TO RE lI.Di RS N NV I ' LASING MILL T. Ilarrisiaert • ?on bevies ;art oersp!ated wt.47.‘ 841- 4 .V1 erection of a kit-tiro Flasifir MS at dentist don. Pa_ are prepared to fil set oedore fee Sesta km Materials of el kisu . net so.ronioor andirbire pine leering. %Vona*? bearding, Dare and Witedetr Yrimines. Made, Snob, Dbetteeve, Deem lemmas and floral! Woe* M AMIN, omit* and oie reaaaao I.le terns. W sod af every iloorepti.. att.' earned work is ad lee varieties!. Their aid being riteate4 on the main Hew of :be reete2. bed rmat and canal, tber otijoy rerrprier faian•io• the otaivineut of memorial hp id ow , tiose of •be ?tut.. pr.,prienr of ?be Arm a= 4 est builder awl selpitert in pverwed plane. • Tev•ste-soinitt sod 40141•41 *twinge bsildiags an wiwl• .►r is port so immy lwr dlifibrod. All *Mort prnaeptly sod foidblally la. 4, *7 I I. I SWIM j pica lIPPTI, • • BARTOL A CO Larwly ,r,wwkliw M orwriwwl l'rempinT. Homarrtorws 2wwrw. 4.4 b. Slhotterr. lboto. lenobliws. W.*. rsolver, 4 betriog. Weed Torobbp. "sake. saw Wwrb. Porto. Ilabor. iwooso. Pleb. sod Hommor H Jo. How, sH bioirwa Porsiwwww. Jo. *or Sew" • eh. ..r7 brse vissaity woe 0.-Apeour es --wowlowo aliforstiee So lbw bookorow ',sow .wwbrombooliroboor ail of lbw obwwwd woopeo .elerw. or ale to awry wsberit. is Me bow ,oup sof shrew. proorrir wr,iw-• obbrwwww4 o.‘ WPM . Ifosihrellos. Ps.. wit) rergive .or IIRIB•4411, Poky ow torsi...NM otos duelesel. Loather hams is frarlhaer f.• sit Emir 4 awe. Joe. 11. 1,11. LIMN k KEY?. 14i Pg)ii set. ui '4:lll,Dg)lr. Pt. P I.I"NnER 4 . ii 1A tip 1711 .0 M FlTrlrltg. Aiol &oboe* is sA loisaio of ?kw Fist:~ taw. ro ti.z.. rum osiossosiol Wrosellio Foos Itor floo sloe Asa.. /Hew *s of foie roots loot rstioir flof .m 4 1 r seir trove C moo Drove r, r . . firrwrObo-f ve Plitlviwoephis Lr PIP E . PtlA Irmo. SIP tr Ur , F INIAMIP DI ASPS& !MASA , er PIPE CV 1 AllOlll7 Tn altDlllll ATONK PIP?{ ter W Mtn V• Pr M. A prill.: 410 no ra ALL MIPS PRINTT74. qe, TIM JfiriNAL OVllei FANcY GOODS. %F:PET4 f•LirrilTs6. *1,4 ov.yrilitist w h,. Szw G VI) n a D. P. GWIN HA:. Jl - 87 01°F.NED Tii.tT CAN'T 1:I. KKAT 11.1, AND SEV D. I'. •.1 IN st tk. flimrsp St..ny 01 L 'LOTU, PROVISIONS. (WEENSWARY. W a I:FCIE A FLEMING Sorev•,...r• N. C. Comoro Awl Retail D.r.larrro re Planing M ilk 1:11i4 'MN F:1.1.:4' 7. P.t RrniULr. • irvit P. Th. Ir.* .14 1‘.+ 0 1 sekc , ... I •Sie SO. .4 tea New Isserse ev.., sues 1171,1 1411.1. 44,44 41brib *moo elb. out* sibbelb aWe analsooll vo 'so* 4 ,s. c a ,„„, *sr.. sad f ellgime ?sere pass is every troy., I iiespsek sa4 art. bore isdlowni cale 004..• ass •4144 • to se overt sM Ilh•••••• 144 .40.61,11 11.04. 4.4.00 1 1 148.••• II obis • lie las •.s ream 4 44~ 4.pereinnot .4 Or mei ewe we.* GI weeereseis s slipmelillse OEM appromws 4 p•Wwww• lipez +r drib 4ffsewpritsi aulome‘. mw4 ti oppamillow men•ww4 seal .wile wee se4 its waseesieswei -4 sollseesse eV eased Mb sere aril .emesepies ourrelleeloup• Woe .4 4“..ihriair .-'..less 411sogre .1 iii., awaseue Taw orne ow ♦ owars.•siory. MM.% •• • • 1,41.• *We Ow WI •4644 4 ills boa 1aryp55144.4464. gad. qb.1.11 4001 .....111111 111.4 moist spewley se.s Leer es, seesrsisioslillPsesSeer bows bees .s et. levy •16.. .sieefeespeble iregibisse 4 pouriortee tlibr Est dike Ow 4. ,t bar anmainalft lam er moor lb . ears eta• row • - as 4 ferbtd. se ...nee bba.4 ansmur... y.. 47 fr.elb pr". 4 0 ,110.1 s :Apiftrove. sad *if 'lir rowel ibewb ••••••• it tie prerftvell tote, sr sot so tor Ow ari erVerat aimar4 of 40. poripmet ,•:—.l sad Usteressi TM vorlll ter bore tom. 24111. P Wag Bed profit...sty Wimp. ime tows! 111. OMR tombilie row .g ii is ti s iftemmai• ties. Now. gif *be erigisal shoommfjpr litre,. bore bimi eat ...el pow biro pew se Imo rm.. 0.n.0. ,ur fart tow ow& •b.. pi ...lam a *ma • far er-s.w rod ihib •1111116 impor.-eummalie .*••••.earse 111 Iwo bum nrogreeme knave wipparrease and mire 1111.4164, Thr illtirersibre• *blob me -lb. 4ree •tiarr is lb, paws ins ewe Woo 4.110.4 t 4 • t.. ... of possplre 41116*, ise se 04. bra4lll, sad Ihimpe. sta. erpfkaweibme taw rate . They abbrage• sit boussese as 4 of ars ••st Itiaerry. zed Avire fike - lowa. sM sertsble apeu.s7. sw.4••=reaor aid ..s. as eel& to The tarsals, reameope - 'Mr". isiberlwelbriMirvierea.• ?sober teem mark4/..ftwati. se - IMP. b.., Tor.. to now. ti., , wndebv sirriessse. thir, Me AP we IPlir.--11 rea See • IftiellMor pwoolline mit se wow-. ..6.611••••1 tbs. •"jpells. awe aft.reliv 1"s.• warm s -4$ rs emir. purphi• wk *Wm" of .werlb wow is way arimplbP.4 oit sisamit 'sew ...prevo wallore. .e. 411 ~ohm t AO, Allesmille4 IMO mew... it Irairwo;sir sa4 sof* INSINIPIP.Mo Lolwirrip iv 1/16". ?ZVI A. 7110 ATTILS 111131711 X.. is genre noel. r w.t . le Laiwary L..i r per to ad/ Torbry 2•01.0110. IMF we he Sal Per is. aegis elk pm .—.. 1. hid ii•mwm. amilispft sibamillintionr sat •• • la fon Illoweis. par __._ NIP A TU.. v./km* w -"adv. ftomprOltag...ftessre, .s ii mwayllim...•. "Pia umosolosompeirelf.. Pops of 'be Ismer as r •...1.••• • I. Allorm-se • rp.. Allemerse as.. •••• Iva MP g-se impiph.arime la.rpree sow., 11 swum* •••• i. 1 , 1 Irv.* tbor t; -1 Irxt RIM II en a • t Primadloey. r r RITTER: PI KELT V Eiibi" T.stE FRFF. lb 1 W.A.," • Ciliii•osis 1111•- .... ars a party T.ipesahll• rinsposeeime. sear As•rip &sap ere with. WO* awe ow*, Irrs, -WWI of air Awn, %mei wissmallissari rata*- , IS. tie imsdiriose posimpihr. 441 ware we vamp el•••••■• 01116.• Ow am 11 1 / 1 •4•41. Tie ii••••••• • tree Ilesar api.4. - WINO + • moos of Ho airponsiate. acres. 411 exre'"' see sariiime r< eV try 1111.101101, 11161 Mow di•••■•.. sod Ow pirkill viiimPare tare rsM 111bry see •b. pees bleed poll* ye* • Aces, pirawivile. a preempt lberryaist sea llowtip••••• 4 ter .74•115. l••••• Wise IMP ift• lbsommey ' .116. ~Si bee a sedi••••• Tres wasp sparrea pen•••••• see r.welsttii. *reds Tiro. IIIIII••• • Swallow Mr ilea at ••••• IP Ws" -. - Tb., ••• a greet, PePippiLr• so .011 SP T.••.• • Isedieueriri•• 46. awl T ,* Mow 1111muma Dr Wailirr'• rsi‘vets V .arlsow Le -ire' sot .• 1r•• maw* AD a immodor 111101111 w. tY per:fyrog lbw Miami Awry wow.. 11. mow.. sw Yob b• vow, et dom talowelev impolom mdkomme Tor. *mark we • Twosomes mow .• milbwma Zr %Iwo oat mompme pot llooliNk Oa ONO IMO ao Igor Mhos,. an • oollepow,, awe weal Op ow .1 vuentio...s. • w tiro_ it W. 11/..D.01 4,411. • rn 4 111 . 11= *m4 4...we1l ono-. ire iserms. 1.4 w, 9 fwho sieve sea clierilkmo *lO 1161. 0.44 by 401FIS SEIM a 41.14 f • Tiritvg• 4 0.. WILD PFXRICT 11NU ,:211.47 81111/11111 0.4 t I' tr 59 r If PT lON' sof PP MI 10'0.4 rni .or ), pllMPOlirat o.llr. • 11. MAWR Illaaraielo Plogimilear aro. f 11111 of sel t. r i 4; kr. *WS tram mmemerjr •• •416,041 op lir per 1 11 ale .vp.m.weve vv." 40IPIP way .0 +.lll/ 0.4.1111. 1111414 0114,- dipimeir rem. .40* "rowitorro. foilingra. 11 " 1 """Pf r.wl. aserwesvme. sow to r- sr larivere. •Imr Lairty. UN" , wripterait. A- roNAr Mr/ tt• ii , *y • • • I" Mallo e -,repsv ashieseer4 snored vlr liarapve. d vorierthati. woftwo.dl propileraw. irr s Rime 4 Ir i 4 re ,1 os• 447 op • ease* am ..qmpo assma s. *e.g. re iv it •••• "Pa* preversvlonstew • `4luowse svir4 wow so. 411krip• •Rog• lor TM, N0r91,114 , 1,110 ISEMEIier Aim"ll lw wia4. 4 Joni? so• .44.26. sr•• pawn" # •11 , • 411011 Au. ale M. Asir 011111 t, wow og keg etasofts. mil immune, apiemillir aaraws. Abe 0.14 I. AP. •.._ movern.. ms... wit grow ollhopesolo• gir 4t oar- 4 se .0.11. 111111111111111111111131. LET ;OW. -IS ellar, de Maw Obi* emapo6••• isipwreis st •It.w.tar 4 4 11041. 1 .• 4. +sty prognesoire *bora Ira 46.4•601, sea • emosa••••• 1 1 1114111.010... "sir %ix or -Le -low prompier /Ades/ • 110.atalw. oreripwr . dipmiimp of P. RIIITTIB."' NM lb. risme Omer of glarpgrarr. poirts • sow imo~- OPP orir bow reisishort iseapim -1110 insipwr ver~fir pumemilse. PlierigiP Iry MIMI w FOWLS • INA. 4. IL ...rev Gee 00411 bg firekort arsinneift. • . OD