The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 19, 1874, Image 2
The Huntingdon Journal. 1 IL DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. Wednesday Morning, Aug. 19, 1874 Circulation LARGER than any other Paper in the Juniata Valley. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS Senate, H. Clay Marshall, of Orbisonia. [Subject to the decision of the District Conference.] Assembly, George Guyer, of Warriorsmark, Henry C• Robinson, of Dublin. Sheriff, Huston E. Crum, of Huntingdon County Commissioner, William E. Corbin, of Juniata Director of tho Poor, Jacob H. Isett, of Penn. County Surveyor, William H. Booth, of Springfield Auditor, Henry H. Swoope, of Mapleton. BE ASSESSED IN TIME. The ten-day assessment is abolished by the new Constitution, and all voters must DOW be registered SIXTY DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION, when the registration lists will be returned to the Commissioners.— As the election is to take place on the third day of November it will be well for every voter to see the, he is registered by the Ist of September. tf lir Wanted—A few silly Democrats to fill up the Potato Bug ticket. Fellows who can't take crow straight need not apply. ter The Potato Bugs have had so much of Gnss' fun that it has nauseated them. A few more doses and the whole "ca poodle" will fly to the mountains of llep sidam. be- Guss was bound to be a candidate for Legislature, but Woods couldn't see it, and the Potato Bug Convention voted un der the hat. The facile Mateer is the "wictim." eft. The "Original Republicans" (?) couldn't find timber enough to make up a full ticket. Bah ! Democrats, are you going to take what they don't want ? Hawk or Buzzard ! en. The Democratic Convention assem bles this (Tuesday) morning. We expect a fusian ticket to be formed with Gass' "Original Republicans." The principal leader of the Democratic party is favorable. rya . The Potato Bug Party is rapidly reduced to what it was originally—two or three in a district. There are a large num ber of districts in which not a single bug-ger can be found. Last weeks' ticket settled their hash. ser Since the Potato Bug Convention Gass begins to think that he was slaugh tered in the house of his friends. After all the "persecution" (?) he has suffered for his clique what ingratitude it was in them to give him the go-by. Poor Phule ! eft. The Supreme Court of this State has just ilecided that the public sale of unclaimed packages by express companies, which are unopened, is a fraud upon the rights of the owner, and that the Company is liable for the value of the goods. This is a decision of considerable public impor tance. Deg_ The Cove Echo was sold by Sheriff Bobb, on Monday of last week, for $l5O, to Dr. Thompson of Willianisburgh. The Doctor wants to get rid of that Echo now. It is one to many for him, but at $4OO it will be some time before he gets the ele phant off his hands. Take half the amount and leave it slide. j We were in error. The Globe was right for once. The owner of the canal boat dubbed "A. L. Guss" was not paid gweniyfive dollars for the privilege of paint ing this very appropriate cognomen for a bagnio on the stern of his boat. It is true he was promised $25, but then he wal nev er paid! We challenge a successful contra. diction of this statement. lel. Almost daily we are approached, by honest yeomen, whe tell us that they were deceived ind misled and that they in tend to mend - their ways, and vote a straight Republican ticket. We like their spirit. They confess that they were hum buged and want to do the square thing in the future, and we honor them for it. Roll in ; we are willing to meet you half way. The rank and file of those who have heretofore adhered to G-uss and Woods are growing tired and ashamed of the hing and are leaving daily. We hear ev ery day of men who say they cannot be dragged into the Democratic Party. We have always believed this. These people have been deceived and they are getting light. We welcome them back. Close up the ranks ! vel. The Fulton Republican has this to say ofßack-pay Speer : "Hon. R. M. Speer, Id. C., of Huntingdon, was in town the other day, casting the political horoscope of this county, in order to calculate his chances for Congress. We can tell him without locking at the stars that he has about as much chance to secure the con ferees from this county as the King of the Cannibal Islands." as.. There was an altercation and some very discreditable language used at the late delegate election in the First Ward. The whole affair was unquestionably dis graceful. The Globe parades it in two mortal columns. It revels in that sort of thing. Anything that savors of the ob scene is seized upon by its editor with an avidity that is truly marvelous. What a capacity for obscenity the fellow has ! Some people animate themselves by drinking ardent spirits, others by drinking milder drinks, some by chewing opium, but if you want to fire up the imagination of the editor of the Globe just mention some thingcbeeene and he effervesces worse than ginger pop or soda water. HOW THE POTATO BUG CONVEN TION WAS MADE UP. EDITOR A Nice Kettle of Fish. If any additional evidence had been needed, to convince the Republicans of this county, of the hollowness and hypocrisy of the pretences set up to .e/teuse thd action of the bolters from the regular tonVenticin of last year, the proceedings of these bol ters this year would furnish that evidence. They issued a call to Republicans to meet at the usual places of electing delegates, one hour before the time fixed by Mr. Musser, the Chairman of the regular com mittee. Do not the people in nearly all the townships and boroughs know that no delegates were elected by any meetings held , in pursuance of their call ? We have made inquiry on this subject and learn that three persons pretended to hold a delegate meet ing at Shirleysburg, John Logan being ono of the three; that there were seven present in Walker township, that a meet ing was held in Tod and another in Cass, and one in Union, but outside of these we have not learned of any. We know that the bolters held no delegate meetings at the usual places in this borough, we are informed none were held by them in War riorsmark, Franklin, Alexandria or Porter township, Petersburg or West township, Barree, Jackson or Oneida, or indeed in any of the ether townships than those we have named above where the gatherings were farcically small. Yet delegates self-elected came here, and claimed to be representing some body besides themselves. If the proceed ings are correctly reported in their organ we think even it will reveal that they re ' sorted to the deception of putting in as delegates men who do not reside in the districts they undertook to represent. And when the motley cr3wd did get together what did it do? Did it nomi nate a full ticket and ask the support of Republicans? Not a bit of it. The trick is very thin. The bargain made with the Democratic leaders sticks out at once. Of the two Assemblymen to be elected they nominate only one, and they omit altogeth - er to nominate for the most important county office, that of Sheriff. Why did they do this when they had their bogus convention together ? and why the palpa ble device of pretending to authorize their County Committee to fill these places on the ticket? County Committees sometimes fill vacancies that happen by resignation or refusal of candidates, but unless there is some cat hidden under the meal, party conventions don't leave vacancies for the committee to fill. There is a large Dem ocratic cat under this pretended Republi can tub of meal, and the future will soon reveal it. The vacancies are left for the Democrats to fill, the bolters are to support one Dem ocratic ./Issemblymen, the Democratic Sher if the Democratic Senator, and of course the old ally of the League, the Democratic Congressman who is expected to be the Hon. Robert Milton Back Pay Speer; and in return for this the Hon. R. M. B. P. Speer and the other leaders, are to transfer the whole body of the Democratic votes over nolens volens, to the support of the frac tional part of a ticket put up by command of Guss and Woods. Republicans can thus see that the bol ters ask them to sit down to the nastiest dish of crow that was ever presented to be swallowed. To receive the election from among the bolters of one member of the Legislature, a County Commissioner, a Poor Director and a County Surveyor, the Republicans are asked to join in electing from the Democrats a Congressman, a State Senator, a member of the Legislature, and a Sheriff. We content ourselves this week with setting the dish before the public, await ing to see how the Democratic stomach will receive it, in their convention, and in tending to stir it up occasionally between this and the election if it is presented ac cording to the programme of the leaders. um• We had the pleasure of seeing how they do things in Republican Conventions at Huntingdon, on Tuesday, and must say that matters were conducted in a manner which reflects much credit on the members of said body and the party throughout the county. George Guyer, of Warriorsmark township, and Henry Robinson, of Dublin, were nominated for Assembly ; Huston E. Crum, present Deputy Sheriff of the Coun ty, received the nomination fur Sheriff ; W. E. Corbin, of runiata township, was selected for Commissioner; Jacob H. Isett, of Penn, for Director of the Poor; Wm. H. Booth, of Springfield, fur County Sur veyor ; and Henry H. Swoope, of Maple ton, for Auditor. Mr. Guyer received all the votes in the convention but one, which is certainly a strong endorsement of that gentleman, and will have its weight on elec tion day. Mr. Robinson was elected by one of a majority over Mr. Dewees. Mr. Robinson was a delegate, voted for Dewees, and insisted on declining in Dewees' favor several times after the vote was ta ken, but his friends wouldn't hear to it.— Mr. Robinson is popular, honest and in telligent gentleman. The fifth ballot nom inated Crum for Sheriff. The Huntingdon Republicans are certainly improving. All was harmony on Tuesday. In convention on Tuesday, the Woods wing of the Republican party nominated one man for Assembly, and candidates for the offices of Commissioner, Director of the Poor, and County surveyor, leaving the other positions vacant for the Democrats to fill. Which looks bad for Republicans. —Tyrone Herald- Bs— One would hardly suppose that the "Original Republicans(?)" would tolerate a renegade Democrat in their organization. Not they. It is wicked to insinuate that the Chairman of the late Potato Bug Convention was once a Democrat. Aheni ! We believe be is the Chairman of their County Committee also ! They want to get as close to the Democrats as possible ! nek,. Give the county offices to the Po tato Bugs, and they are satisfied. If the Democrats paid no taxes they might con cede these to them; but under the cir cumstances it is extremely doubtful. le_ The Republican State Convention assembles at Harrisburg to-day (Tuesday). Wewill lay its proceedings before our read ers next week. A FABLE. BY .1:SOP ; Jll A numerous flock of Eagles held sway over a certain portion of territory, by vir tue of superior streagth and numbeis, but annually a large body of Hawks would dis pute the goveremeot of it with them in a pitched battle. These battles were gen erally very fiercely contested and lasted a whole day, in which numerous Hawks were generally killed or wounded. The Eagles were invariably victorious, but their victories brought upon them an ele ment of weakness. This was a bevy of Buzzards that followed the camp of the victorH to gather up the refuse. In time these Buzzards grew strong upon what they appropriated, and began to claim all the rights and privileges of Eagles, and not only thin, but they demanded the right to lead the Eagles in all their engagements and to apportion all the plunder out among themselves, and when their insolent de mands were not complied with, they would steal away, under cover of darkness, and secretly ally themselves to the Hawks, so that the Eagles might be slaughtered in great numbers, to enable them to prove to the Eagles that they could not do without their aid. They were silly enough to be lieve that the Eagles would concede every thing to them for their friendship, and if they did, they would wax rich, at least the leaders of them—little, of course, was thought of the Buzzards who made up the rank and file. They waxed poorer every day. At last the Eagles became enraged at the perfidious conduct of the Buzzards, and made war upon them, assisted by a few of the most noble of the Hawks, who despised the insolence and perfidy of the Buzzards, and several pitched battles were fought, in which the Buzzards were even tually completely routed and their weak ness most effectually shown up. At a loss what to do to obtain their lost prestige, one old cock Buzzard proposed that they claim to be the original Eagles, assuring his followers that some stupid Eagles might fall in with them, and thus save them from utter confusion and annihilation, while another suggested that they enter into an open alliance with the Hawks, but the first proposition created only merri ment and contempt in the camp of the Eagles, while the second was spurned by every virtuous and noble Hawk. The question of the day was, "Hawk or Buz zard ? Which ?or both ?" MORAL—The insolent and vile fre quently aspire to the most elevated and honorable positions, but perfidy and vil lainy will, sooner or later, meet its just reward. The corrupt and impure may flourish for a season, but the noble and the good, in time, will and must prevail. Stir The Congressional contest in Bed ford county, is growing very interesting to us. We are intimately acquainted with the rival candidates, and, having spent a number of the best years of our life fight ing the Democracy, side by side with them, it would be strange, indeed, if we did not. feel much interest, in the struggle now go ing on. From all the information which we have been able to obtain, we are led to believe that J. B. Williams, esq.. is the coming man. lie is a new man of great popularity among his neighbors, and not second to his rival in energy and perse verance. It is this very newness that gives him strength, and will make him the can• didate, if he is successful in carrying Bedford county. Old stagers always have enemies and jealousies to overcome. We do not thing that Mr. Cessna could be nominated under any circumstances, but if he should carry Bedford county, he car tainly would prove a great annoyance to his rivals, who no doubt know his wonder ful capacity for manipulating conferences. In the counties of Blair, Cambria and Som erset we do not see a single favorable in dication for him, while men who are in a sense hostile to each other, in at least two of the counties, will control the conferees —either of these gentlemen, we have no doubt, would prefer voting for Mr. Williams to voting for the other—so that Mr. Williams has decidedly a better prospect of securing the nomination than either of the other candidates named. If' the people of Bedford county want the member of Congress, we firmly believe they can only secure that result by giving Mr. Williams the county. c& R. Bruce Petriken, of Huntingdon, was in Port Royal, this county, on last Thursday, looking after the interests of Hon. R. Milton Speer for the nomination of Congress in this district. The assertion he made about Juniata county's favorite for Congress, Dr. A. J. Fisher, is a lie.— Juniata county is desirous to have the nominee, and Dr. Fisher is in earnest to make the nomination. But we can assure Governor Petriken of this fact, that had Juniata county no man to present for the position, and the contest was between Hon. John A. Magee, of Perry county, and Hon. R. M. Speer, of Huntingdon county, Mr. Speer would not get twenty-five votes in the county. The Democracy of Juni ata are for honest and pure Democrats.— No Salary-Grabbers ! No Inflationists! for little Juniata's Democracy, if you please, Governor.—Meintoten, Democrat. BACKING A SALARY GRABBER.—The recent Democratic Convention of Snyder county, passed a resolution unanimously declaring in favor of lion. R. M. Speer, back pay salary-grabber, for Congress, and authorizing him to choose his own confer ees. It requires a good deal of grit to de fend a salary grabber just now, but the Snyder County Democracy evidently stick to the old Democratic motto, "To the vic tors belong the spoils," and admire the man who boldly steals all he can lay his hands on. That may be the platform of the water-logged Democracy, but the people don't endorse it just now.—Bedford The "Original Republicans" (?) have given up the idea of paddling their "own canoe," and want to hand the small craft over to the Democrats, but sJule or the latter don't like the mixture. son. County offices—Commissioners and Poor Directors is the height of the Potato Bug ambition. They want a chance to bleed the tax-payers. Remember Porter township nps„ The Democrats of Snyder county have declared for back-pay grabber Speer fur Congress. He will, in all probability, carry lluntingdon county, and we under stand, is promised Franklin, provided he does certain things. Magee, of the old Perry District, will strongly contest for the remaining counties, with a good show of success. There will then be a tie, with the chances in favor of Magee. Should Speer succeed in getting the nomination, a'large number of the Huntingdon De mocracy wiil utterly refusa to support or vote fir him.— Tyrone Herald. utEs„ We hear that the Right Reverend A. L. Guns, late Principal of the late Cass vine Soldiers' Orphan School, and Pro fessor of , well, no matter, lectured to an appreciative audience, in the street at Cassville, a week or two ago, on the Investigation, notwithstanding the inclem ency of the weather. Ten or a dozen per sons were much edified. Had it been an nounced sooner one or two more might have been enlightened. ns„ We have been requested, by Prof. R. S. Kuhn, of Miinwood Academy, to say to our readers that the contemplated Re-Union of the students of that institu tion, on the first proximo, has been indefi nitely postponed, on account of the min bilhty of Rev. Dr. Fisher to deliver the anticipated address. e- The Tilton-Beecher scandal appears to be the leading topic in the East. Beech er's statement is regardel differently from different standpoints. There is no getting the truth in the affair without going to the courts. It is a very dirty business. Se' An invaluable remedy for email. grants and persons traveling or temporarily visiting malarious districts, is to be found in SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR. If taken occasionally, it will prevent Chills, Fevers and injurious effects from change of water. ZE2r• Parson's Purgative Pills—Best finally physic ; Sher idan's Cavalry Con dition Powders, for horses. New To-Day, TT & B. T. R. R. 11. SELL EXCURSION TICKETS TO BEDFORD. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt. Aug. 19, 1574-lm WANTED. Wanted to purchase an interest in a Coun try or Village Store, doing a good business, on or off the Railroad, in a good farming or mining dis trict. Address, stating terms, location, with name and address. JAMES JOHNSON, City Engineer's Office, Allegheny City, Pa. Aug.l9-2t HUNTINGDON ACADEMY A SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES. This Institution will open Monday, August 31, 1874, in four deparrinents, designed to take pupils from the Alphabet to College or the Business Room —a complete school at last. Tuition—s 4, $7.50, $lO, $12.50 and $l5 per term of ten weeks. Thorough teaching is promised in English branches, and superior advantages are afforded in Latin, Greek, German, and French Literature. Drawing is taught through the entire school as a common branch by an experienced Artist. Building new, furniture new, rooms heautiul and attractive, and teachers o/ Zee to their JAS. A. STEPUENS, Aug.l9-3t. Principal. AD3IINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. [Estate of SAW,. H. SIIOEMAKER,dc.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Samuel 11. Shoemaker, late of tho boroagh of lluntinmlon, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, and those having claims'against the same will present them duty authenticated fur settlement. ARIETTA SHOEMAKER, Administratrix Aug.l9. MARBLEHEAD WOOLEN FAC TORY. NEAR M'ELEVY'S FORT, Huntingdon county, Pa, The subscriber takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public generally that he manufac tures BLANKETS, CASSIMERS, SATINETTS, Jeans, Flannels and Stocking and other Yarns, and evorything, usually manufactured in a Coun try Factory, which he will exchange for Wool or Cash, at fair prices. B. A. GIBBONEY. Aug.19;74-Iyr. PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE SMALL FARM. The undersigned will sell upon the premises, in Jackson township, on SJITURDAY NOVEMBER 7th 1874, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the valuable Farm known as the "Mansion Property of Jacob Ayers," late of said township, deceased. The farm contains 57 acres and allowances, about one-half of which are cleared, and the balance in good growing timber. The improvements are a good Weatherboarded House and Log Barn and other outbuildings, with splendid water in the yard. There is an excellent apple a d peach orchard on the premises, and abundance of cherries. TERMS.—One-half in hand and balance in two yoars, secured by Judgments. JAMES J. AYERS, Aug.l9-3anos Executor. TE ANNUAL. EXAMINATION Of Teachers fur Huntingdon county will be held as follows: Three Springs, Thursday and Friday, August 20 and 21, Three Springs. Brady, Thursday, August 27, Mill Creek. Mapleton, Friday, August 28, Mapleton. Mount Union, Saturday, August 29, Mt. 'Union. Cromwell, Wednesday, September 2, Orbisonia. Shirley, Thursday, September 3, Shirleysburg. Walker, Tuesday, September 8, McConnelstown. Porter, Wednesda •, September 9, Alexandria. Morris, Thursday, September 10, Shaffersville. Warriorsmark, Friday, Sept.ll. Warriorsmark. Franklin, Saturday, September 12, Franklin•ille. West, Monday, Sept. 14, Shavers Creek Bridge. Barree, Tuesday, Sept. 15, Saulsburg. Jackson, Wednesday, Sept. 16. McAlevey's Fort. Oneida, Thursday, Sept. 17, Donation. Henderson, Friday, Sept. IS, Union 5.11. Union, Monday, Sept. 21, Pine Grove. Cass and Cassville, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 22 and 23. Cassville Todd, Thursday, Sept. 24, Newberg. Juniata, Tuesday, Sept. 29, Bell Crown. Penn, Wednesday, Sept. all, Marklesburg. Lincoln and Hopewell, Thursday, Oct.], Coffee Run. Carbon, 'Friday, Oct. 2. Dudley. Toll, Tuesday, Oct. 6, Bolingertown. Dublin, Wednesday, Oct. 7, Shade (lap. Springfield. Friday, Oct 9, Maddensville. Clay, Saturday, Oct. 10, Three Springs. • Special examinations at Huntingdon — , on Satur day, Oct. 17, and at Three Springs, Saturday, Oct. 24. All applicants will please come provided with paper, pen and ink or pencil—pen and ink pre ferred. Examinations will begin at 8:30 A. m. No ap plicants admitted atter the examination have com menced. To be admitted into a class at especial examina tion, they must present a written request from the school board of the district tor which they are ex amined. Directors are requested to hart school houses in praper condition fur hoisting examination in them. A general invitation to be present at these exami nations is cordially extended. R. M. Mc4IEAL, Three Springs, Aug. 19,1574-3 t. Co. Supt. LEWIS RICHTER, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, in old Jouns.u. building, Fifth street, Hunting don, Pa. Good tits guaranteed in all cases. Aug.l2-Iyr. MEMORANDUMS, PASS BOOKS, and a thousand and one othur useful arti cles, for sale at the Jo „rnal Munk Book and Sta tionery Store. To OR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, GO TO I? TETE JOURNAL OFFICE New Advertisements. L°" . A iVhite and Black Cow about the 2:oh id . July laM. Any information leading to her re covery will be thankfully received. JACOB %ALI I" Attg.l2-2t E XECEUTRIX'S NOTEQ. [gamic of LYDIA MOORE, deed.] Letterelestementary haring been granted to the undereigned on the estate of Lydia J. 3foore, late of Cromwell township, deccascu, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. HANNAH. SECR EST; Orbisonia, Pa., Aug. 12,74. Executrix. POSTPONEMENT! FIFTH AND LAST GIFT CONCERT IN AID OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY DAY FIXED AND A FULL DRAWING ASSURE 1) -ON MONDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, 1874 LAST CIIA NCE FOR AN EASY FORTUNE ! A postponement of the Fifth Concert of the Pub lic Library of Kentucky has been so generally an ticipated, and is so manifestly for the interest of all concerned, that it must meet the approval of all. The day is now absolutely fixed and there will be no variation from the programme now an nounced. A sufficient number of tickets had been sold to have enabled us to have had a large draw ing on the 3lst July, but a short postponement was considered preferable to a partial drawing. Let it be borne in mind that THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT is the last which will ever be given under this charter and by the present management That it will positively and unequivocally take place as announced on MONDAY, 30th NOVEM BER, that th 3 music will be the best the country ofrords and that 20,000 CASII GIFTS, AGGREGATING $2,500,000 ! will be distributed by lot among the ticket hold, s, LIST OF 0 I rPS One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift 0-e Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift •One Grand Cash Gift 5 Cash Gifts 520,000 each 10 Cash Gifts 14,000 each, 15 Cash Gifts 10,000 each, 20 (`,ash Gifts 5,000 each. 25 Cash Gifts 4,000 eash, 30 Cash Gifts 3,000 each. 50 Cash Gifts 2,000 each 100 Cash Gifts 1,0044 each 240 Cash Gifts 500 each 50 Cash Gifts 100 each 19,000 Cash Gifts 50 each Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all Cash, PRICE OF TICKETS Whole Tickets Halves Tenths, or each Coupon 11 Whole Tickets for '4%Tiekets for Persons wishing to invest should order prompt ly,:either of the home offices or your local Agents. Liberal commissions will be allowed to satisfac tory agents. Circulars containing full particulars furnished on application. _ _..._ .. " TIIOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Hy, or THOS. H. HAYS A CO., Eastern Agents, 609 Broadway, N. Y. ONE MILLION ACRES SPLENDID MICHIGAN LANDS FOR SALE, The Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad has is,n finish ed; is3:lo miles long, and its entire land grant earned! In Fanning Lauds to Actual Settlers, fur uals or Colonies, SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR 1874. 100,00 i) acres have been sold already. The lands are well timbered, making the bast kind of farms. strong soil. of las.a.eitig power. Easily reached by rail or water. Goon MARKETS. Itratiroad runs through the grant. Mich igan is one of the least indebted and most prosper“us Mates in the West. Its schools are unequalled. Its finan cial standing No. 1. No difficulty in transportation. Peace and prosperity are in its borders. Lands from It to tS per acre. Time sufficient. Interest 7 per cent. WM. A. lIOWAItD, Land Cozumissioner, Grand Rapids, Michigan. P. R. L. PIERCE, See'y Land Department. J3XIIOSMA OR 13UCHU BACKACHE LIVER and KIDNEY CURE. CURES Crave!, Diabetus, Dropsy, Palpitation the Heart, Intimation of Kidneys and Bladder, (dissolving calculous gravel, brickdust, or stone in bladder ), Nervous Debility, Female Weakness, Encorrhtea or Whites, dis eases o f the Prostrate Gland and ascidity of the Stomach. For eight years I have sold the Barosma over our counters with great benefit to the sick and aftlieted, and having had twenty-one years experience ass. Druggist and Chem ist, I feel justified in warranting every bottle to benefit those alllictcd with the above diseases, or I will refund the money. E. K. Tuomrsos & Co, Titusville, l'a., and for sale by Druggists. Price fl; 6 bottles for f.S. $ 5 8 s 9 n per day at home. Terms free. ladress, S2O per tivo..STlssos & Co., Portland, Me. Aug.l2-41. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement. On and after Wednesday, June 10, 1 , 74, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows : SOUTHWARD. MAIL. ' EXP. STATIONS. P. M. A. M. 55.. 845 6 04) 9 50, 6 10: 9 00; 6 20' 9 Otil ti 33 9 201 I; 43' 9 34) 6 4?; 9 35 6 5); 9 43 6 59 9 46 7 15 10 05 7 30, 10 29 3'71 10 251 7 49 1 10 381 7 551 10 431 8 01 10 59 806 10 55 8 12 11 02 S 15 , 11 445 8 351 11 25 • Huntingdon_ 1 640 iGong Siding ' 6 35 1 McConnellstown . I; 2:, Oraftiiii ' 6 20, siarklesliurg 6 10 , Coffee Run 6 00 1 Rough and Ready a 5,1 Cove -i 43 Fishery Summit , :i 401 Saxton Riddlesburg Hopewell :i 110 Pipers Run 1 4s Brallier's Siding. Tatesville 4 ii:i B. Run Siding • 4 :to Everett Mount Dallas 4 20 BEDFORD 4 (6) [OUP'S RUN BRANCH. SOUTHWARD. No. 3. I No. 1. MAIL. EXP. STATIONS, P. M. I A. M. 7 25 10 15'Saaton 740 10 30 leoalniont ...... 7 45 10 35 Cravr ford 755 10 45:Dudley, Jan. 1.75. lIAND-BOOK or POLITICS FOP. BY HON. EDWARD NcI'HMSON, Clerk of House of Represent' ircsp C. 3. This accurate and impartial Volume gives the full record on the "Increase of Salary Act" and its repeal, on Transportation, Civil Rights, and Financial Questions, including the net of 1562 creating "Legal Tenders" and coin interest on Bond, and the various Expanding and Contract ing acts since. President Grant's Messages and Memorandum, Interviews, Letters, Proclamations, and Action in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Supreme Court Decisions. Illinois and Wisconsin Railroad Laws. Constitutional Amend ments, made and pending, in States, and Nation. "Back-pay" Statistics, Tables of Appropriations. Debt. Elections, Currency Distribution by States and sections, &c. Invaluable for campaign. Cloth, $2.50 post-paid. Address GEO. FRS. DAWNS°, General Agent, P. 0. Box Washington, D. C. aug.l2—lt. FOR SALE. One New Engine, almost completed. Cylin der 12x20 inches. Price low. Address, W. H. 11. NIVLING & Founders and Machinists. Tyrone, Pa. Aug.5,1574-tf. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. [Evtate of ED WAIF D DELA - CAN, decemied.[ Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned. living near James Creek post office, on the estate of Edward Duncan, late of Lincoln township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make im mediate payment and those having elaimsagainst the same will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. JAMES KEITH, Executor, Aug.5;74.-6t , EXECUTORS' NOTICE. [Estate t t f PETE!? SPR A NKL E, dee'd.] Letters testamentary having been gran tad to the undersigned, living near Petersburg post of fice, on the estate of Peter Sprankle, late of Porter township, deceased, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will make iintnedi ate payment and those having elairus will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL SPRANKLE, JAMES ALLEN. Aug.5;7.1-fit. [Executors. ELEGANT RECEI IT m )K:4 JO! RNA BLANK Booh AN!) STATIONERY sToRg LE I►t: El:. . DAY-BOOK s, JO I' R NA LS. R EtPT BOOK s , LILL Books, POi'6ET ROOKS. PASS WOKS. TIME BOOK', MEMOIR %NDVMs. DIA RIEs, LE.ASRS. 'PREPS. P.' TAGs, LA RE LA. IVA R RA NTs, sr N3I.)NS. BLANK FORMS. A TTA CII MEN Ts. SIAIKENAS, JUDGMENTS, CERTIFICATES, MoRTOAGE, EX ENIFTION and PROMISORY NOTES. WRITING I'APER. Cap, Letter-Cap. Legal, Record. Bill Poper, Poo. Sermon, Note, Billet. Mooring. Initial, and French Paperg. ENVELOPES: White Amber. Corn, Canary. Orange, 001.1, Light But, Dark Buff, French, Mourning. Legal, Docu ment- Peng and Pencils, Pencil Cases, Crays..•, Jounce. Paper Cutter?, Paper Bolder. nips, Bill-Files. Inkstands, Plaid, Ink. and Mucilage. EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE oNE. XIJIV :4 the tim• ?r, Ises• if thaw• fans-as its .-bistr• at a lois pr.," iisring !.. :he Ars., isrvl sot stork sf sissobies.• 'so heed. I easy vr.e enee to .liers4. '.1•4111 4; It E T II K I 5 : 4 tow ra4b ..r port 4 , 3•11 sot 4 5i5pr.....4 Msehise• ..1 I t t isopr.r..4 &wit eTery..e 4naritatee.l I will 4ttt' e..• te elpply teecisinr ne• /14,. soarbtss•-•s•: sr my r4rpot : 4 to.ty. Rtie the ItO , W E eau only Lc ..htsmr.l It tho for: Jl:4. 1. dl IM P vt 441.40 A ug.s:3m.f J. A. POLLOCK, Proprietor. !Ilit4 4))1 ETIIIN ` l\ WANTED. 5000 feet good dry Oak, Hickory, AA, Beech and Maple Lumber, at the Agricultural Im plement Factory, Huntingdon, Pa., where farmers can be supplied with Threshing Machine., Fans Mills. Straw Cutters, Corn Sheller,, Plough., Cul tivators, Wheel Barrows. Bac Truck.. !at...". Boilers, Iloistinst Machines, Wood Sawing Ma chines, Spr i ng Wagons, Carts, ae.. NOTICE OF APPLICATION F(fl A CHARTER FOR A TELEGRAPH COM - PANY.—Notiee is hereby given that application will he made to the proper authorities of the State of Pennsylvania for a Charter organized fir the purpose of constructing a telegraph line along the East li,oad Top Railroad. from Mona , Union to Robertsdale in Hardin:Men eounty. in said State with power to extend the same from time to time along any branches of said Railroad now or here after to be constructed, and to connect said tele graph line with towns and villages is the vicinity of said ItAilro.itl or branches thereof. On behalf the Asseeiaties. Aug.5,'74-31 WM. A. INGHAM. ESTRAY. Caine to the property of the sebseriber en or about the lit of May. a Red Steer, with some white streaks on the sides, shoat years elf. The owner is requested to come forward prove proper ty, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. SAMUEL HATFIELD. .$250 sok 1u0,400 ... 75,000 .... 25,0 , 0 .... loP,uoo .... 14e,00U .... 154),(000 .... 100,01)0 .... 14)0,000 410,000 100,000 10syms) 120,o0t) §O,OOO 95L,01)0 42,500,000 $ 50 00 55 00 500 boo OH 1,000 00 Letter* of I.lstot•trarios imows ;mai«. to the sn.ler,igsfet reiiiiliag is Se .• !he 'date of Dr. B. F. tire's.. loft 4 Thome .prisv. Illhastisidos eounity, threreasit. oil persisit braes is; themselves isiliolittoi erehi whit issis•iiist • perms*. sod 'boo= • Immo es prettiest dies duly asltalsittestfoi tirr wetlesese. 31/ BY It , ;111111ENR. , Ju1y1:0 4 :44-44. .Chis storms re z_ 414 PENN STREET, 111 . NTINI4DON, PENNA.. Porter township, Aug. 5-3 t. -- BOOTS AND SLIOES. next door below Wharton': Hardware Best place in town to purchase a good article at a reasonable price. We have just reeei• ed a good stock of lieystUse and City made foots and shoes of all deseviptioas. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Aug:5,18744yr. N EW STORE! NEW GROCERY NEW PLACE! ANI► A NEW MAN: The subscriber has reti.rne.l Ir,n the East with Groceries, Confect ns, Syrups. I ' tired Meat'. Queensware, Wood and Willowware, Tobaccos, Segars, Brooms. Brushes, Soaps, Salt. and ererything. kept in a store of this kind. All kinds of aiuntry prodac , • taken in exchange for goods, at market prices._ uz.tF. MILLER. No. 213, Fifth rt., in fil.l Journal Boil.linz. Huntingdon, Aug. 5, 1974.-3 m MISS SUE lIARNISII, ORNAMENTAL HAIR DRESSER: Opposite the Jaekson House. No. 325. Railroa.l Huntingdon. Pa. Great attention paid toxin kinds of Hair Work, such as Switches, Porapcdour Platts, Frizettes, Curls, Puffs. and ladies' Braids and Gents Watch Guards. All real hair—no im itation. All kinds of hair goods kept on hand. Strangers, by calling before purchasing elsewhere. will :.#0 per erut. All orders promptly fill ed. TI AYE YOU SEEN IT? NOI{TC [WARD. XAII.. THEPOMESTICSEWING MAcIIINE P. M. Has every thilig to ree.qinuen3 it to the puldie, It run 4 ea,y ani makes nui,e than anv other Machine. Another advantage it posses's 19 that it is adjustable in all its part•. e.•n tains less pieces Inot c plieLted; than any other Shuttle MA •hive in the market. `• difficulty in settitg the needle no Cams or Cog!. n•i alterin4 or the tension for NORTII WA RD. No. 2. I No. 4. . , Exp. I MAIL, P. Id. A. M. 5 10 6 50 ..... 4 551 835 4201 63 , 1 440': G. F. GAGE, SUPT. SEWING HEAVY BEAVER CLOTH Attachment•, suited for all kin.l• of Machines, Oils, Nee.lles for the doff. rent Machines in use. Clark's 0. N. T. Machine Thria.l at price+ less than el+erthere. Call and get the I►ome+tic Peerless Shirs. 31ILLER t W No. 507 Penn street MILNWOOD ACADEMY Will resume work on September 2 , 1,, Students are prepared for College, Business or Teaching. The Re-union of the Alumni and Stu. dent 3 will take place on Septemher All are cordially invited to attend. R. S. KUHN, Principal, July29,lB74rlyr.] Shade lisp. pa. EECUTORS' NOTIC E. [Estate of GEORGE M. BELL, tlereemuil Letters testamentary !Luring been granted 1.. the undersigned. residing near Nt'Alevy's Fort. on the estate of of George M. Bell, late of Jack POD t". 111• ship, deceased, all persons knowin4 themselvice indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment Imo those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN BARR. SR. THOS. MITI•HELL. July2U-fit. Eseeutors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estoo of .SA MUEL HET/111'k d.r4.1 Letters of Administration having been graateil to the undersigned living near .likmes Creek post office, on the estate of Samuel detriek. late of l'enn township, deceased. all pers.*. knowing themselves induliti,l to sa id ... tate will make mediate payment and (hobs having claims to pre sent them duly authentieated for settlement. MICHAEL tIARNEIL July2G-Gt. Administrator. New Ativertinemente. I New Advertisement., AT Till. 11-1.17( I; 'MKS. ('►►ME AND sEE G. A. JOY & CO., a well-Yelezte,l stu,k of or the FINEST SWISS ►c►►►►t)K I)...ilers in DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT rl/11E NEW A.IIKSIr.IN :4E7. 111. mai llriNtrir.t% r BONA ea. sip • %0./ •••••46 •••• ,pow••••.••••••.. sew 41•••• • empipe, * * fa., Vim vf•• -oft • p0n0r.... • .114ftropp. hre • iitimryla ••••• .. 1 •••• t ••••• ••• ••• •••••••• of i• o• see, 11). >A eas sad aloe". ...Sy r• •MI "11.". iv • .• •••••••••-, ranatia* •• *sr.. • 400. tabsior wiref• Op 1114.4...• -who „ mu , „ nib, ar .011., • r.r.• 4 ser..appeirbiellle a *or 1. ,, V••• • iieriPhia. ./ 11".• 144E4 311.• maw es, Mona -mar to 4hlrett.• Iliessbeipers. 11.• !A rest- Err i...•••• • • thoo 1111•6440 "ID If Pm Asolktilio areimimair itawlee sawitorar4 * hem and Imr. w darraser•• IP••••••• It now. ROM? sea ••••• *Mb. •0111.rr ofr.wrgth. se.f .whoa Vial /MO Ir4 soy oneillwftrl taw.. iviginthrez le. Di army 4.14•••••• 1••••• A Ting priajw. lir Pon haw. 1....*•••• •••• .•••••• ar•r• ammo lear.•••• assebssre Or I_ II A. Lao e 1110 , 46. Th. 'Amway r• gorily. 49.47 awl pribeltr irmer4. 9.1.1•19 •••• sof ow llowsherr 411 IMIr Omsk Sew amellie OD Sae • ow np rolls tvoi w 1.• Arreirl. 9.10.1br *erne 4 0 rip der owe• p s a die all or. from • Awe. •••••• , •rfirrt• ••••••• o 41, agib a i m ea sr hiwolg,fre th , -04. oft•lremq •••• *.e.- • NKWF.: 4 7 AMP THE itswarve owl 4;st Nips Tug TlL + : ..v sT mr - rft. sit. .111111 I NtlIT-4 ins Lx trr n.4is Lr .frTiv.; nt4 TUN 110.7 Jinni.r Dim TN) %in SLR Flt !Kir= 4 1TT 11110 .:.I 4 'tr THREAD N Wo,l' F. t: 1 11.1i Li ilt‘lD %"1 no: MIT Vt? its.r.Lr W.WIII In , .11 No if. 6. 3... In 'wrier% GIN 011 4 F 4 li 1U1.1.10111 TiIftIIsIVGNLY 1111,11 111 ALL MO rums CI TN* THE NWT If.%TIU.%LR *NO I,lllllnr 10 W RR.% STIBIP IT TES . - 0111TVIT10111 , IIM WSW" Wirer NESlThine %SAIL Awl, a /111.111411. ..:oirrai home 1...• limpeemellke W_____ r ea* sms a* a yew .4 amod.**ll4o bra.. *g _I sr. *4l. 14T Haw. IIi)WE 31.V111NK.4 AT cfP7ET 1)) I' 01 - T AGENcT ".• tin.. FIR: 4 T SATI”NAI. BAKERY THE. Irt MAT N t 10.41 WIZ i• the. pls. , . t• :.w♦ roar RRR %.. lAEA F.R I F an•l r.. ret • Ito • .rt% .f tn,n, v. Ernie. fr.-0, aa.i rw 41114 ►'r►lrßlt, SI*GAIL 011KIL4S. CENTF.NNI.II, CENTF.NNI.IL rFixr. j.l I.T. CI /N FECTION RIES I E. 4 .T t l r ‘Ln-r. .JELLIES, PIA VORIN.; VATR.ters. Wheat. Bras awl T. Kr.a.i. 4sa.l , cab.. for partieg. Aahed t.. ••Pi•T. 111 erivr• 1,11 t.. , 110- if reitgirel. citv• as -Al WILLIAM : 4 111T11 ADMI'SI: 4 III.%TRIX'S Nirrti - L [few.: r. RrEst, JOHN ATKINSON * (V. ■rstnt.:DivS, PA., __ _ 343aPtfaviurryto E1.1.1 , W PINE 111111-DlNsi Lt RZi. IFraw. Slot Resift NM Plirterieg Usk sod Dresseil Flemiss, es blear and nisi to embur. Somiammi Saw& sea mak akesys se lbw& Primo le.. %no Wairriwes RAF war Wane Ppriar. 11171-Usete. EY ' I SPEiTArLE.4 RENDERED 14ELE_44. Dr. J. Mall t ....•4 Fro r rp• magi. 1111,1, orsoo times blin.lor.o. to 4 Rosy orlorr .titoryopo of the EYE- Fornt•hr.l hr limy. 4..1. ritIVIELIN.;. M Voy!oss. 11:11.s r.. !zede sgynt far Minis. Kastasidasi. Nair s.-i Jasuats -,lsset'll imp.* A 01 Tr/ sinv bilt co T.. ,n the pmrcrLiss .r s serwtty '•.r lira! porporare •. gofer 8.111.1-11" S PURI.: RTE. to Ati per gall.a. A.! 5a riwk •zr. foist par , is.a.rra. W. 3Com Aae•it• tarz.!y s utztriLLED frets !. 2 ! 7 • Wo lablwora BRIINDIF- 4 %ND •.1.1 arui also [►R. 4P7itr ELIO TI /N if' HERB ITTEIL. I r..r Prict lit ET 1 121 N •rth 4 trw. nolswilefplb&s. Jun.21.1. , 7 8-Iyr. III•1.1Ns; k BI:irTHER No. hire W.t::111N.:11)3 111 STIN.:DON. Pl.. 31Ant.4 , turipre C 4111,111 4 . sm.! wh,lirmit• des lets In FoREIGN AND I)O3MITt.• vitt IT 4 . Xt T 4. le. •t city pr..., or kr, ,y win r......,.. pmempt artnif... RULING a rltuTllidt 1-:;ains. O. InTIR evivrtitt. .'n at... • IL II .1 44TEWAKT k BLACK 1101 . : 4 E. `4ifirf A ORNAMENT IL P 117% TEIV , WA-.llf5 , ;TnN 4 TR EtT. nt - NTIN4IPO3I. PA. A liberal patrunita sa.i .sti.rfsetros pairantre.ll. may I.: fthort. pi! K R 1: 4 . lIIR LEY3IICII.:. T.ll. x.. r.erA... •.r TIRE PROOF I'IONEW IRF:. IlioN STONE Yam J.IR R %Tltll for 'train,. Ae. 5T..11! IC PI 31P:4. I ..Ron ti the pshli , s St.,newsre Pup. whirls , mmat ...I sill not wear out. lls•im" put ip 1 tarry• atisan all iristeh I,ine ;,n -s ostieliirtess. ri..Stes Tr.. than th. pimp. s,t t.rv. ▪ ehiirgr. T al. oder a , te11f,i1.11P31... Fruit Cali • •••••r• • ha.. no Pops', rest nil util sot ....ip!hreset. • ...peria:Ty for easing Initt. ***Ay 404..4. Iruprorri Aar. horn morn than 6 ty ths.1.11111•1 Sollr is me saki Asa given Pstir..s.l.(artietti PRIVATE F %MILKS ...I isr•••• fr... b. P,Urry, Jar. snyntlion tingr - Z- ‘,4TEAM ENGINE AND AGRIcII.- 16, - , IMPLFWENT r.o-Turr N. 10th, n Hist ng ion. Pa. .r I. r..;.:.r. K. e•.p.;.e,.. Mart stowturrs aw.l formally. Mar hillflry i..r Speelal I ii!estion give* to lilting rip e!sse Marhistry..l•olo..l r.,r swall nuensfactareer Engines mini Marhiwery sot leir pr vi' DTA *inv. t+r Machinery fan. 4 Pstnerne raw eat/trap go ENGINF., 4 an , l 71fAcilINFItT iwt sp. owl CYL INDER,: h.... 4 out fritboot ra.vres fv-. Ts any part of t! ~...matr7. Airnt rvider. Ziedlersi * I'4 . an•l Ihrlunens. who holf4 awl ewsuppiptyly horet.t. m:lIl of •,..ry kis.l. Empleyiss th.vos‘hly an•fer.tanil thoir trz.l6. ntier•t.wr work will alhj• .1 Pl:in.-bar 0) • , : t. Lath. f.r •-$:, at i ...r, Jew pril2l :f. M 11.1K: 4 . PJ • PFTER.4Ri R.:. Pt Itvairr ie H•rdatsr.. Coder:v. %oak. Psittltak r•emrsemq 0h.... p u tty. PUlllr. POMP 411.1.. Carlow inne Wro•A Week, Graeber ein4 Amp finefinnipn Ah.o. Arlo 'ran ebsunieine Illotronn N 4 lisp erg. Tlnekey• .2rain Drill. *n.l t - eier YrtriA. line ..f repair. for the store nnise.l rasebiono of une y I .1-01anno. 11.t3t... New .Vivorrtiwa•mse. .t..4*. samll ft. fro maresaiki Alp pliare. Ivey a* 'lbw polar *tab* Owe OOP UMW. rpmerst OP dn.. sto4 # iv simillifter, *yr 4 ~AN, Ism It • min. I WEIN IR AM.?. UM. OSA MOM. 41. WSW Wr MI Lid .sommitua Br-, I The ave - ow port as/ 1P R T ,Minfleg Di E. 4.41 $4 if )M. 1011LeA TICIVIHNE..4I, Nornorl4 .rV iLI. 1111121 1,};1111:1:1K 4 P‘ 1: 4 lONS. RS M Yr 4 CID 01.0E4 II %TN # %PA li•riTYAT . I 11 , 1“. 1.;.• - • //PIM • ••• •••• •II ••• • ...•••• • a... TM probliir -vas rare -at pewee sD 1 16 .0 .1 4 .1111. 11140. P. +Mr, 11-oPai •1114 •• • 01 4 P-O , IN. W.. 111M0P-Ipoilsa. r. . w .**0.1J,1.11. ATCUL 4 Or 're W ‘Trili.: l w nr.4 L. WATriMa I ; -4 w • 0.4 W Till IL 4 - = ; T.P zu wiTrac•WATERE.4 ; - wxtruE:4 r • r WATrtiv:i 7 : - WATIiIIY- 4 = w vrrn F:4 .1; WATrniDS Irma. Darns. Ntrgoe :4 !. MIMI A ores Se. 414 PIM 3i MIST. St ITTN4IOnII. ►t 1141111111111 Ireoirt wad rm.. irtivier. ?mom. lwippo* 4 111.81 AMP llrame. Tere- 4 ). Carlos All Law" b. Awe R. 0., sod L.risse* •s• 11.41irmai ? w.p.m. Aye" for 11111, • Ireiiimall 11.••• 4.•••• ang Itawrlbise. Rase is ele email bur •1111 het . 11,72. 13 L , I - MET 1 , titti 711 ,- Trr sr. 2L t• r rows ioriabrit %'t 14,Beweiro• .4 upee.w . yea sa sissimmessi tiprifn. PC' 2m..• I3INTriILET'A i3l Pilot ILA rrermaEs inloo pr . II IP Dftemimir, 1111.004 semi ."I.op. Ti. 40-01 how Owe dm :es4 wire Ile•meam•• mil,teriem4+o.lll/0•4610 , 7"• rower f 11100004 mei !Ire 100, MBA Tagme. am is. a.mam. *sow eillimet wwwwW. 111 b. Paiw me Illmembers AP ;wake. Aka. lbw roppPe 060011mr. Mime* sevem ww,119 mr momil wit ~tome more mar. Poe mole tmobar• mard H. Tr to romemity Is wise Or • Pump. 004 sme tme air 0 Owe. moll argil Or ESA. ILAWIMUIT releilllNoll~4, r.assumpturereme. nolledimos44o Ps. al.. 11P. - 7 I. imam. 60 ("Wirt: STILDII6 LUTS Cliesee Br mars.; 1.074. ra. . elms to 'out liame , this. ' ti► ash" A pvly to JMIN V MILLEJL Frksrrt RE. FEILNITT RE tilt kstrimt. sea 4~o+ 4 .464.11 ftio *be rale* am •Tierlwo -.est?. ill BROWN A TYIII RsT. At S. MCI 4 , t~, rr. /IMMO*. w• beiP• s Taw 4 . *ran ^vs*. 6....941, sit poor porteirk ifteab ratiao.a pre rf 1 1 / 4 04.. graillwe elarawil.• Dinviway ear Air. estawir ellimearr Havameive, .440.40 ♦&rob& Swirsaid >. .41,10 • 24/ 4.1;11 W eliroor• • Iff !tea 11100..." se Am, 1 . 7. , .... •-. •- . • 10.4 • se.s• -- sl r svi••• •fr •••••••trret • rvir ri p WI *KV • , •111Pretrt•..w 111111116.11. 9111111111111 W• and pore. W. ma ~ am• Asbni, olearipwor ihtb wee pew." se • felt es ti .e•••••• .4ior ;041 , sad prior. barlwr. alkavotorm.. limpolb M b Illit4ima H OMO 11 AI SSA. 4 at le.i 4 fIIVOIR 4 ..+...r...,P MAN art II rtr 11111. PT Sit TERll.amerr 4 /WM sea if splosoire alere• Miwesisiplars. Ps. NI arhoir• to dolk Amp. Porthroker so* rump 01111.6.0 slam • of. A Abr. .1 pollft. pasomesip tjaw,l7 L KIRK A t•OP W IEI%I F. .;g ,p. iF: R I:a TUT BO fat . crawler,. 4 r 11111 La PRIM I. n.•• f •-•?.. ..411 40 or for famio. a.. pirewro. are •• wore ••••••••••• mows._ • tome sod writ •••••••4 ••••• A 411toirfarfa. Iw. 1 1 Pire4. emir.. a. wftlip "cow no OW, 71.1, T.* ••4 111•11116•••• MIMI • *gloat rior attiabitire 4 rouser. -• por , •••••reir runr..o.4. - Girl- IT ~ 5 0 •iksrY m11.1)144 Lirre • rkili 4 0161. ros r I.4s 71.•• law P.iptirmes ;.•• lie evelbse lusemp. "ape' ewe !wow our Wore Rwiptimripilwe Itmoorung AP orwrot io4 rweernse %ore ir.• • a TIP f... 4 - 1► taw term. Sr tOw esio. ides!. 4 i. r 4g 11111117/11. lionefregise. 1- Fir Z .-.., ~ .--, w Ar a v:i w