The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, March 04, 1874, Image 4
The . Huntingdon Journal, garm nuda-porholl The Churning Song. Apron on, and dash in hand, O'er the old churn here I stand:— Chachug ! How the thick cream spurts and flies, Now on shoes, and now in eyes ! Cachug ! cachug ! Ali, how soon I tired get ! But the butter lingers yet : Caehug I Aching back and weary arm Quite rob churning of its charm ! Cachug! cachug! See the golden specks appear ! And the churn rings sharp and clear ; Caehink ! Arms, that have to flag begun, Work on ; you will soon be done:— Cachink ! eachink ! Rich flakes cling to !id and dash ; Hear the thin milk's watery splash !- Calink ! Sweetest music to the ear, For it says the butter is here:— Calink ! Calink ! -SILAS DINSMORE, in St. Nicholas for February. Relieving Choked Cattle. On an animal becoming choked with any hard substance that cannot pass the gullet, harsh measures should never be used until all others have failed. The practice of placing a block against one side of the throat and endeavoring to break the ob struction with a mallet, as is sometimes practiced, is simply brutal. One of the simplest, and at the same time most effica cious remedies, is to give a half pint of lard oil, or melted lard, by drawing out the animal's tongue, raising the head and administering from a thick bottle. This lubricates the gullet, sickens the stomach, relaxes the muscles of the throat, and in coughing, the lodged substance will gen erally pass either up or down. If the choking has existed so bog that inflamma tion of the throat has ensued, resort must be had to the probing—any flexible rod either whalebone, vulcanized rubber, eta , with a sponge or soft substance •Mixed to the end. Introduce the soft end into the throat, holding the animal's bead up, and the obstruct ion being reached, press it firm if down at aay risk, for it is now a case of life or death. To relieve the inflammation, apply a slippery elm poultice, keeping it in close contact with the throat by securing the folds in which it is placed by means of cords to the horns, keeping the animal on-soft food, assisted with linseed tea, un til the inflammation is subdued. Keeping Poultry to Enrich Land Poultry dung is nearly equal in value to Peruvian guano (except that it contains more water.) If granted that a hen will consume, of the different kinds of grain, meat, and vegetables, during the year the equivalent of two bushels of corn, which weigh 120:pounds, then it is certainly low enough to place the excrement—the results of the digestion of these two bushels—as equivalent to fifteen pounds of guano. As the manure from 100 fowls, during a year would amount to 1,500 pounds of guano, taking the above supposition as at least safe; and as3oo pounds is ordinarily suffi cient for an acre of corn, it will be seen that the manure from 100 fowls will make compost enough for five acres. The expero invent has been tried by the writer, of ap plying, to one acre of corn in the hill, the manure of twenty hens one year, mixed with swamp muck, in the proportion of one part of hen manure and three parts muck, and the result was a better crop than upon an adjoining acre enriched, for sake of experiment, with good, fair, ordi nary dressing of stable manure. One Hundred Dollara for a Tomato. Peter Henderson & Co., offered, last spring, to purchasers of the seed of their Trophy Tomato, one hundred dollars fur the heaviest and best specimen of fruit ex hibited. Over thirty fine specimens were sent in, the best of which was from Jacob Glass, Perrysville, Pa., who says that it was grown Without any extra effort, and was selected from a load of forty bushel that be was that day (September Bth) ta king to market. it is very doubtful ii Mr. Glass received as cinch money for hie whole load as Peter Henderson & Co., paid him for his single tomato, which weighed 23/ ounces, and was perfect in form. An immense specimen was grown at Newark, N. Y., weighing three pounds, and meas uring 28f inches in circumference; but it was received in a badly damaged state, and could not be put in competition. This is the largest we have yet hoard of, and shows to what an immense size this variety can by grown under particularly favorable con ditions.—American Agriculturist. Seasoned Wood most Profitable. Economy may be practiced in a thous and ways, and one way is in our fuel.— Wood that has been sunned a few days af ter cutting and splitting it, and then hous ed four months or more, is worth for the family purposes of warming, cooking and washing, almost twice as much as when green. But few farmers realize the value of dry wood, especially during the winter season, and hence but little wood is stored during the summer. Be sure to furnish plenty of oven wood. This should be piled in a part of the woodhouse by itself. It will pro mote kind feelings in the family—will save much time otherwise lost in kindling fires with green wood. Then let us pre pare a good supply of dry wood for winter full six months before wanted for use.— Cos. Country Gentleman_ Son. GINGERBREAD.--One cup of mo lasses, half a cup of water, with half a teaspoonful of saleratus dissolved in it, a piece of butter as large as a butternut, one tablespoonful of ginger, and one and three: fourth cups of flour. TIIE entire root of a very large tree was found in a perfect state of preservation in an Indiana coal mine, the other day, at a great depth below the surface. Miscellaneous TA" SIMMONS' SIMMONS' SIMMONS' SIMMONS' SIMMONS' SIMMONS' SIMMONS' SIMMONS' SIMMONS' LIVER LIVER LIVER LIVER LIVER LIVER LIVER LIVER LIVER LIVER • REGULATOR! REGULATOR! REGULATOR' TAKE TAKE TAKE TAKE TAKE TAKE REGULATOR! REGULATOR! REGULATOR! This unrivalled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any inju rious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE For FORTY TEARS it has proved its great valne in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good and great in oil parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stiululat inti torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor te the whole system. Sentmon'h Lirer Regulator is acs v slodged to have no equal RSA LIVEI; MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never united in the Name happy propyrtion in any other prepa ration, viz: a gentle Cathartic,a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative and a certain Cor rective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success haa attended its use, that it is now regard ed as the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver Comploint and prinful offspring thereof. to wit: Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Bill lions attacks, Sick Headache, Colic, Depression of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, &c., Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. Simmone Liner Regulator Is manufactured only by J. 11. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. Price $l.OO per package; sent by mail, postage paid. $1.04. Prepared ready for me $l.OO and $1.40. For sale by JOHN READ A SONS, Iluntingdon, Pa. • Juno 11,1373-Iy. PHILADELPHIA 4.- READING RAILROAD. GINTER ARRANGEMENT. Nov Exam: 10, 1073. Trains leave Harrisburg, as follows For New York. at 5.30, 0.10 a m. and 2 00 p. m. For Philadelphia, at 5 30, 8.10 a. m. 2.00 and 4.05 p. m. For Bending, at 5.30, 8.10 a m. 2.00, 4.05 and 7.10 p. m. For Pottsville, at 5.30, 8.10 a. m. sad 4.05 p. m. and via Schuylkill and Su.quelutuna Branch at 3.02 p. m. For Allentown, at 5.30, ti 10 a. m. 2110 and 7.0 p. m. The 590 n. m. and 2.00 p. m. tmlas have through cars for New York. The 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. trains have through cars for Philadelphia. SUNDA F 3 For New York, at 5.30 a. m. For Allentown and Way Station., at 5.30 a. m. For Reading, Philadelphia and Way Stations at 2.00 p. m. Trains for Ilarrisburg, leave . follows: New York, at 01a. m. 12.40 and 530 p. m. Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. m. 3.:30 and 715 p. m. Reading, at 4.15, 7.40,1140 a. m. 1.50 6.00 and 10.15 m. Pottsville, at o.on, 9.10 a. m. and p. tn. and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 8 05 a. m. Leave Allentown, at 2.10 a. m. 12.25, 4.33 and 8.55 p m. The 2.10 a. m. train from Allentown and the 4.15 a. in. train from Reading do not run on Mondays. SUS DA TS Leave Leave 'wave Leave New York at 5.30 p.m. Philadelphia at 735 p. m. Wattling at 415,7.40 a. na. and 10.15 p. m. Allentown at 2.10 a. m. and Jan.14.1874-tf. General Superintotdint. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME or LEA{ IMO OP TRAINS, Summer Arrange= WESTWARD 31 I°,l 1 11 grs ' tTATIONS. ea ss !N. Hamilton. Mt. Union Mapleton Mill Creek RUNTINGDON Petersburg Barree 5 14 5 Re 5 81 5 45 5 03 Smneo Creek -. 1 Birmingham. Tyrone. Tipton Fostoria Beira Milli a 19 6 93 8w 6 54 7 00 7 05 7 25, The Past Line 14 estward, blares Huntingdon at 8 23 P. M., and arrirce at Altoona at 9 49 P. m. The Pittsburg Express, Westward, loaves Huntingsl - n at 2.55 a rn, and arrives in Altoona at 4.15 a in . The Pacific Express Westward leaves Huntingdon at 7 A. X. and arrival at Altoona at 910 A. M. The Southern L'aprese, Westward, leaves llnntingdon at 5 39 A. m., and arrives at ltoona at 024 A. m. The Pacific Express. Eastward. learat Huntingdon at 8.43,a in, and arrives at Harrisburg 11.51, m. The Fast Lino, Eastward, /ear's, Huntingdon at 1 44 A. at. and arrives at Ilagii•burgat 5 00 A. at. The Cincinnati Express, Eastward, leaves Huntingdon at 7 05 P. N.. and arrives! at Harrisburg nt 10 45 P. at. The Philadelphia F.xpre-s, Eastward, leaves Hunting don at 11.33 p us, and arrives at Ilariisborg et 3.13 a ms. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. S. S. SMITH S.: SON, No. 616 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA Dealer] in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Trusses, Supporters and Shoul der Braces, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Carbon Oil Lamps, Ac. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purpose: Also, Agent for The Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Machine. Best in the world for all purposes. Aug. 20,1873. Prospectuses. P ROSPECTUS FOR 1874-SEVENTH YEAR THE A LDINE, An Illustrated Monthly journal, universally ad• witted to be the Handsomest Periodical in the World. A Representative and Champion of American Taste. Not for Sale in Book or Nara Stores. THE ALDINE, while issued with all the reg ularity, has none of the temporary or timaeli inter est characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It it an elegant miscellany of pure, light and graceful literature ; and a collection of pictures, the rarest spaeimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value,and beauty of TILE ALDINE will be moat appreciated after it has Leen bound up at the elute of the year. While other publications may claim superior cheapness as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original conception—alone and unapproached—absolutely without competition in price or character. The pessessor of a complete column cannot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times its coat; and then, there are the chromes, besides: ART DEPARTMENT, 1671. The illustrations of THE ALDINE have woo a world-wide reputation, and in the art centres of Europe it is an admitted fact that its wood etas are examples of the highest perfection ever at tained. The common prejudice in favor of "steel plates," is rapidly yielding to a mere educated and discriminating taste which recognises the ad vantages of superior artistic quality with greater facilities of production. The wood-cuts of THE ALDINE possess all the delicacy and elaborate finish of the most costly steel plate, while they af ford a better rendering of the artist's original. To fully realise the wonderful work which THE ALDINE is doing for the cameo of the art culture in America, it is only necessary to consider the cost to the people of any other decent representa tions of the productions of great painters. In addition to designs by the members of the National Academy, and other noted American artists, THE ALDINE will reproduce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success and greateet general interest. Thus the subscriber of THE ALDINE will, at a trifling cost, enjoy in hi■ own home the pleasures and refining influences of true art. The quarterly tinted plate, for 1874 will be by Thomas keran and J. D. Woodward. The Christmas issue for 1874 will contain ape- Mal designs appropriate to the seastm, by our beet artists, and will surpass in attractions any of its prodecenorr. PREMIUM FOR 1874. Prospectuses -Every subscriber to The Aldine for the year 1574 will receive a pair of chromes. The original pictures wore printed in oil for the publishers of The Aldine, by Thomas Moran, whose great Colo rado picture was purchased 133, Congress for ten thousand dollars. The subjects were chosen to represent "The East" and "The West." One is a view in the White Mountains, Row llatupshire; the other gives The Cliffs of the Green River, Wyoming Territory. The difference in the nature of the scenes themselves is a pleasing contrast, and affords a good display of the artist's scope and coloring. The ehromos are each worked from thirty distinct plates, and are in size (12x16) and appearance exact fac-similes of the originals. The presentation or a worthy example of America's greatest landscape printer to the subscribers of The Aldine was a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and its successful realization is attested by the following testimonial, over the signature of Mr. Moran himself. NEWARK, N. J., Sept. 20, 1573. JAN ES SUTTON & CO. Gentlemen.-1 am delighted with the proofs in color of your chroinos. They are wonderfully suc cessful representations by mechanical process of the original paintings. Very respectfully. (Signed,) TIIOS. • MOR UV' • These 'chromes are in every sense American. They are by an original American process, with material of American manufacture, from designs of American scenery by an American painter, and presented to subscribers to the first successfu American Art Journal. If no butter because of atl this, they will certainly possess an interest no for eign production can inspire, and neither are they any the worse if by reason of peculiar facilities of production they cost the publishers only a trifle, while equal in every respect to other chromes that are sold single for double the subscription price of The Aldine. Persons of taste will prize these pic tures for themselves—not for the price they did or did not cost, and will a;preciate the enterprise that renders their distribution possible. If any subscriber should indicate a preference for a figure subject, the publishers will send “Thoughts of Horne," a now and beautiful chromo 14x20 inches, representing a little Italian exile whose speaking eyes betray the longings of his heart." TERMS $5 Ter annum, in advance, with Oil Chromes free. For FIFTY CENTS extra, the chrotnos will be sent mounted, varnished, and prepaid by mail. The Aldine will, hereafter, be obtained only by 4ubscription. There will be no reduced or club rate; cash for subscriptions must be to the pub lishers direct, or handed to the local canvasser, without responsibility to the publishers, except in ,ases where the certificate is given, bearing the facsimile signature of James Sutton & Co. CANVASSERS WANTED, Any person wishing. to act permanently as a local canvasser will receive full and prompt infor mation by applying to JAMES SUTTON ik CO., Publishers, E0v.12,73.] 58 Maiden Lane, New York. APPLETOITS' AMERICAN CYCLOP.JEDIA NEW REVISED EDITION Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject. Printed trona new type, and illustrated with Several Thousand Engravings and Maps. The work originally publishedunder the title of Tn. NEW AMERICAN CYCLOP,EDIA was completed in ISO 3, since which time the wide circulation which it has attained in all parts of the United States, and the signal developments which have taken place in every branch of science, literature and art, have induced the editors and publishers to submit it to an exact and thorough revision, ind to issue a new edition entitled Tun Animas CYCLOPMEIA. Within the last ten years the progress of tiiscur ery in every department of knowledge has made a dew work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political affairs has kept pace with the discoveries of science, •aud their fruitful ipplication to the industrial and useful arts and the convenience and refinement of social life. treat wars and consequent revolutions have so airred, involving national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our ownconntry, which was at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial and industrial activity has :wen commenced. Large accessions to oar geographical knowledr have been made by the indefatigable explorers of Africa. _ . The great political revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have !nought into public view a multitude of now men, whose names are in every one's mouth, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the par ticular-. Great battles have been fought and im portant sieges maintained, of which the detailsare as yet preserved only in the newspapers or in the transient publications of the day, but which ought now to take their place to permanent and authen tic history. In preparing the present edition for the press, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to the latest possible dates, and to furnish an accurate account of the most recent discoveries in science, of every fresh production in literature, and of the newest inven tions in the practical arts, as well as to give a succinct and original record of the progress of po litical and historical events. _ _ EASTWARD. '`..`, 5 The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the most ample re• sources for carrying it on to a successful terming• lion. A.M. P. N. ,1C034541 .9 56 4 48 . 9 49 4 38 . 9 42 4 30 . 9 29 4 15 . 9 16 4 00 07 3 51 . 9 00 3 45 . 8 48 3 31 . 8 40 3 23 . 8 30 3 13 . .8 1813 07 „I 8 14 3 03 . 8 0512 45 None of the original stereotype plates have been and, but every page has been printed on new type, forming in fact a new Cyclopsedia, with the 'ame plan and compass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary expenditure, and with 'ash improvements in its composition as have been suggested by longer experience and enlarged snowledge. The illustrations which are introduced for the trot time in the present edition have been added not for the enke of pictorial effect, but to give lucidity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches of science and of natu ral history, and depict the most famous and re markable features of scenery, architecture and art, as well us the various processes of mechanics and manufacturers. Although intended forinstrtietion rather than embellishmeot, no pains have been spared to insure their artistic excellence; the cost ”f their execution is enormous, and it is believed :hey will find a welcome reception as an admire ,lefeature of the Cyelopmdia, and worthy of its high character. This work is sold to Subscribers only, payable on delivery of each volume. It will be completed in sixteen large octavo volumes, each containing about 810 pages. fully illustrated with several housand Wood Engravings, and. with numerous colored Lithographic Naps. PRICE AND STYLE OF BINDING. _ In extra Cloth, per vol 55.00 In Library Leather, per vol.- 6.00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vet ......... 7.00 Ca Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol B.OO In full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol lO.OO In full Russia, per vol Three volumes now ready. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued once in two months. e.,..F.pecimen pages of the AMERICAN CYCLOP.E. DIA, showing type, illustrations, etc., will be sent gratis, on application. lizsi„First-Class Canvassing Agents Wanted. Address the Publishers, D. APPLETON a CO N0v.12,73.] 549 b 551 Broadway, N. Y Miscellaneous. CRUMBS Are a modern stove polish Are better, became they Mr better than any other or give a floc: gto o thaw to existence. ary other jar fob. COMFORT Yield a brilliant silvery sheen, with less than half the labor required when other polishes are used CRUMBS Area neat and cleanly or- Can be need even In th. ttcle, making no dirt nor OF parlor without the trou tud when need. bleat removing COMFORT furniture or carpets. !Ins no diangreeable sulphurous'. strong arid sine] when prepared for use, but are pleasant and harm less. CRUMBS In each box aro 12 sticks and i s i urn ph i l mo nea re t s e t o y n le . np I stick is suftlei t cut liiran vontent for use than my stove, thus at waste other polish. PaVeli COMFORT Arc the cheapest polish in the market, because one box at 10 cents will polish as much surface as 25 cents' worth of the old polishes. CRUMBS Have - pet taken the let 0 1e In competition with eev preulimeat the Indian-real of the Lent of the *polls Ex poeittou, ol.letove polishes. COMFORT Buy Crumbs of Comfort of your storekeeper, if he has them. or will procure them for you ; if not send us one dollar, your name, and the name of your nearest express station, and we will send you ten boxes, and samples of Bartlett's Blacking and Pearl Blueing, free of cost. Crumbs of Comfort can be had of all Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in the United Btates, and Re tail Dealers will bud them the most profitable, from the fast that they are the fastest selling arti cle of the kind in the market. 11. A. BARTLETT L CO. 115 Nurth Front St., Philadelphia. 143 Chandiers St., New reek. 43 Broad St., Boston. [N0v.12,13-eo, stnos. QUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL, Only $2.00 a year. VORFINEAND FANCY PRINTING A-' Go to the Jovitztet. Office. Pianos p 4 TENT AR I 0 N PIANO COMBINES MANNER'S FOUR SIMPLIFYING PATENTS, THE MOST VALUABLE PATENTS EVER USED IN PIANO-FORTES. PATENT ARION REVERSED WOODEN AGRAFFE, THE COMPOUND REST T EI E FULL IRON AND THE SUSTAINING IRON A FEW REASONS ARION PIANO IS SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS The ARION PIANO-FORTE has greater power than any other Piano-Forte manufactured. It will Stand in Tune Longer, and in its mechanical construction it is more per fect, and, therefore,more durable, than any instru ment constructed in the usual modern style. The arrangement of the Agraffe, the manner of stringing, the peculiar form and arrangement of the Iron Frame SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS The use of a bar (which is a part of the Iron Frame on a line with the heavy steel stringing,) gives GREAT STRENGTH where most needed, and in this renpeet all othoi pianoes fall. The construction of the WREST PLANK, into which the tuning Pins are inserted, is such that it is impossible for the pins to come loosened, or the Wrest Plank itself to split, no is too often the case in other Piano-Fortes. The Extraordinary Evenness throughout the scale, the excellent Singing Quail. ity, the LENUTU AND PURITY OF VIBRATION, all go to prove what we 411tim, viz : that thi ARION PIANO-FORTE Is the Lest Instrument Manufactured, ALSO ESTEYS COTTAGE ORGANS, IVITII TIIE VOX JUBILANT AND VOX HUMANA THE NE PLUS ULTRA OP REED ORGANS, universally acknowledged to he the BEST Organ made for Sunday Schools, Churches, Parlor: and Lodges. Having more power, with :I sweeter tone, than any other Organ in the market notwithstanding the ropres.ntations of age'nt+ interested in the sale of other Organs, its do fully warrant every Organ for Me period of five years, (at our aunt expeurr.) We have no agent in Huntingdon at present,therc fore all who may want one of the best Organs ex tant may receive, by corresponding with ns, a price and doscriptive list from which a seleotion may be made, to which we will give our personal attention, and guarantee satisfaction, Send your order. to E. N. BRUCE, No. 18 N. 7th Street, Philadelphia. Pa. JAMES A. BROWN, Agent for Hum County, No. 5251 Penn Area, Rum tingdon, Pa. nols Miscellaneous VINEGAR BITTERS PURELY rEGETABLE. FREE FROM ALCOHOL, Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medical properties of which are extracted therefrom with out the use of Alcohol. The question is ahrost daily asked, "What is the cause ofthe unparalleled success of Vinegar Bitters?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of the disease, and the patient recovers his health. They ore the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a med icine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters iu healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as Tonie,relieving Congestionor Inflamation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. Dr. Walker's California Muerte Ritter', act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercu lar deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. tf oxen enjoy good health, let them use Vine• gar Bitters as a medicine, and avoid the use of al• choholia stimulants in every form. PLANK Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the Most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No person can take these Bitters according to di rections, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. FRAME. Bilious, Remittent and Peters, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably FO dur ing seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are inva riably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver,andotherabdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a power ful influence upon these various organs, is essential: ly nceessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid mat ter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. BAR. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head-ache, Pain in , the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of the Dys pepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Boil, White Swellings, Ul cers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional diseases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For inflamatory and Chronic. Rheunantinni, Gout, Billions, Remittant and Intermittant Fevers, Dis eases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such diseases .are caused by Vitiated Blood. Medtan iseiDissuses.—Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such an Plumbers, Type-setters,Gold bea tars and Miners, as they advance in life, are subjeat to paralysis of the bowels. To guard against this. take a dose of Walker's Vinegar Bitters oc casionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheum Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, BOliP, Carbun cles. Ring-worms, Scald-head, sore Eyes, Erysipe- Itch, Serufs, Discoloration, of the skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or na ture, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Ph., Tape, and other Worm., lurking in the sys tem of so many thousands, areeffeetually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermi fuses, no anthehninitics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaint, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system wit, follow. FL IL McDONALD It CO., Druggists tit Gen'l Agts., San Francisco, californi St cor. of Washington and Charlton sts., N. Y. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. 5ept.10,1872-eotiliy. DIPLOMA, AWARDED BY VIM AMERICAN INSTITUTE, FOR EMBROIDERING AND FLUTING MACHINES. "It is ingenious and will meet the wants of every matt ron in the Luid." EXHIBITION OF 1032. JOHN E. Qeoce, Rec. Secy. F. A. BARNARD, Preet. Saticrs. D. Titular:, Corresponding Secy. Saw YORK, November 20, 1572. This simple and ingenious machine is as perfect as the Sewing Machine, and to host becoming popular with ladle; in the place of expensive Needlework, its work being much more handsome, requiring loss time and not one tenth part the expense. No Icily tudet to now complete without It. A Machine with illiudrated circular and full instructMns sent on reoslpt of S 2, or finished in silver plate for $2.76. Addreee, THE McKEE MANUFACTURING 00., • 302 Broadway, Meet York. AGENTS WANTED. TAR GARVIN'S ELIXIR OF TAR. It is recommended by regular Medical prae ti. ioners and a speedy cure guanutteed for Colds, Coughs, Count, Asthma. Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Consumption and all Pnimmonary Complaints. Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dyspepsia and (lout. Dysentery, Chotera.morbutt, (baleen and all liver and bowel emnplaints. Kidney diseases and all affections of the Urinal Organs--perfectly barmiest,— free from Mineral or Alcoholic propert,es—pleasant to take and never known to bal—Price 51.00 per bottle. Full particulars with medical testimony and certificates sent au application. Addreve, L. P. 11YDE A CO., 105 Seventh Avenue, New York. DARTS from the Devil; or Cupid Abused. A Book Just issued, exposing the “exasexists" that have apptetred in the New York Newspapers; their likery and Boson. Stylish Villains fully exposed. Ad vertisements from desrende men to beautiful women Chuuleetine meetings ; how frustrated; The history of the Goodrich Tragedy the remit of a "personal." Description of Living Broadway Statues. Exposes social oomaption. Sent on receipt of 60 cents. Address, Unique Printing House, 36 Verm St., New York. THE Beckwith $2O Portable Family Sewing Machine. on 30 Daye Trial; many advantages over all. Satisfaction guaranteed. or 030 dol lars refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beck with Sewing Machine Company, 061 Broadway, N. Y. THE NEW REMEDY FOR RUPTURE A ;no. Important furenlimi. SOlll by The Elastic Truer Co., No. 683 Broadway. N. Y. City. It re tain,' Rupture aheolutely in ease and comfort, night and day. at all flame. and under all eireumstanavi, without any exceytion whatever in any case, and shonid never be taken off during the abort time requisite to effect a perma nent cure. Sant by wall. Circular. free. Any Druggixt or Physician will order this new Truss for you without chanee May7,l3-eowly. Permanently cured in every instanee by the EAGLE DYSPEPSIA TROCHES, They will immediately correct a sour stomach, cure heartburn, sickness or pain in the stomach, costiveness, liver complaint, bead ache, etc., eto. For sale by all Druggists. Price $5 cents per Box. NEBEK ER h CO., Proprietors, Phila., Pa. For FANCY PRINTING, `sale in Huntingdon, by JOHN READ & SONS, Druggists. 0ct.29;73-3mo. FOR PLAIN PRINTING, GO TO TUE JOURNAL OFFICE Boots, Shoes and Leather. REMOVED TO THE NORTH EAST Corner of the Diamond. CAN'T BE BEATEN ! JOHN H. WESTBROOK Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he has just received from the city a new and splendid stock of LEATHERS BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., dc., &c., itc. All of which he is prepared — to sell -at greatly re duced prices. Don't forget the new stand in the Diamond. Old customers and the public generally are invited to call. Jan. 4, '7l. DOWN WITH PRICES. WILLIAM AFRICA has just opened up a large and varied assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS, GLOVE KID SHOES, and a large supply of heavy work, suitable for men and boys, at very low prices. I have at all times an assortment of HANDSOME BOOTS AND SHOES on band, which will be disposed of at as reasona ble rates as the market will admit of. My stock was selected with great care, and I can confidently recommend all articles in my establishment. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of customer work, and orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed in all orders. __ _ _ ____ WILLIAM AFRICA. Jan. 4, '7l, FRESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT SHAFFER'S NEW STORE. F RESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS at the Cheap Store of NICHOLAS C. DECKER, One door.east of the Washington Hotel. I have just received a large stock of Ladies' ele gant Dress Goods, Gentlemen,' Furnishing Goods, Boots Shoes, Hats and Caps, of all kinds, in end less variety, for ladies, gentlemen, misses and children. CLOTHING, OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, Coffee, Teas of all kinds, best and common Syrups, Spices, &c. Tobacco and Segars, wholesale and retail. These goods will be sold as cheap, if not cheaper, than any other house in town. ..Quick sales and small profits," is my motto. Thankful for past patronage, I respectfully soli cit a continuance of the same. apr2-Iy. Customer work made to order. in a neat and durable manner. GLAZIER & BRO. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, THE subscriber would respectfully inform his old friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the East a large and well selected stock BOOTS AND SHOES 1 For Men, Women and Children, which he is prepared to sell a trine lower than any other establishment in town. Being a practical shoemaker. and haring had considerable experi ence, he flatters himself that his stock cannot be surpassed in the county. (live him a call, at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, (Wmt end of the Diamond) UNTMODON. PA GEO. SHAFFER. Jan. 4. '7l JOHN C. MILLER (Succesnor to C. H. Miller & Son,) DEALER IN EVERY VARIETY.OF LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS AND BELTING HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. Jan.1,1873-Iy, Miscellaneous. 1873 CARPETS !! CARPETS !! CARPETS!! SPRING STOCK. AT LOWEST PRICES JAMES A. BROWN Is constantly receit.sing al his new CARPET STORE, HUNTINGDON, PA., 5251 Hill Street. Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from the owns of the manufacturers. Ills stock comprises BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, VENITIAN, WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE, HEMP, LIST and RAG CARPETS CARPET CHAIN, - COCOA AND CANTON MATTINGS, FLOOR, STAIR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, and a large stock of WALL PAPER, Window Shades and Fixtures, Drugget, Velvet Rugs, Door Mats, Extra Carpet Thread and Bind. ing. I make a specialty of furnishing Churchil and Lodges at City Prices, and invite Furnishing Committees to call and see goods made expressly for their purposes. Buyers will save stoney and be better suited by going to the reveler Carpet and Oil Cloth Store, for any of the above goods. I defy competition in prices and variety of beautiful patterns. I have also the Agency for the Original HOWE SEIVIKO MACIIJNE, IMPROVED, so well known as the beet Family Machine in the world Call at the CARPET STORE and see them. JAMES A. BROWN, Feb. 14,1372. IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS. BURCHINELLS' NEW PLANING MILL T. Burchinell & Son having just completed the erection of a first-class Planing Mill at Hunting don, Pa., are prepared to fill all orders for Build ing Materials of all kinds, ench as yellow and white pine flooring, Weather boarding, Door and Window Frames, Blinds, Sash, Shutters, Doors, Brackets and Scroll Work at shortest notice and on reasona ble terms. Wood Mouldings of every description and turned work in all its varieties. Their mil being situated on the main line of the Perma. Rail. road and Canal, they enjoy superior facilities for the shipment of material to all sections of the State. The senior proprietsr of the firm being a practi cal builder and architect is prepared to furnish plans, specifications and detailed drawings for buildings in whole or in part as may be desired. All orders promptly and faithfully fitted. Address T. BURCHINELL & SON. Huntingdon, Pa. Jan. 4, '7l FOKES, RIMS ; PLOW & HANDLES JOU): U. DAVIS & SON. UNION SPOKE WORKS, S. W. Cur. Leopard and Otter St., PHILADELPHIA. Oft - Send for Prioe Julyltl,lS73-Iy. STAGE LINE From Spruce Creek to Centre Hall, every day, except Sunday), leaving Spruce Creek at 9 'cloak, A. M.. and returning at 3 o'clock, r. x. jauy,-7013] 11. McMANIGILL. NO CURE NO PAY. DYSPEPSIA COLORED PRINTING DONE AT tho Journal Office at Philadelphia priori Dry-Goods and Groceries, COST SALE! GREAT BARGAINS ! The undersigned having arranged to move his store to that now occupied by Fisher a Sop, will dispose of his large stook of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, and everything in his line, AT COST, until the Caine is removed, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY CHEAP. Come and one us, without delay. BENJ. JACC B Huntingdon, Pa., Jan. 14, 1874. GRAND DE POT FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. GWLN [NFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY CALL AND SEE. Jan. 4, '7l. i DEALERS IN GENERAL MERRANDISE, DRY 'GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c. &c., SMITH Street, between IVashington and Mini GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, WASHMOTON Street, near Smith. Jan. 18.'71. B EE HIVE GROCERY & CANDY MAN UFACTORY. 1873. BECK & FLEMING, (Stteemors to N. B. CORBIN.) • Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fruits, Nnte, Tobaceo, Cigars, Toys in endless va riety, Spices, Soaps, Salt, and Groceries of all kinds. Brooms, Brushes, Wooden and Willow Ware, Best German Accordeons, Harmonica's, &c., all sizes and prices, a large stock kept constantly on hand, price low. The trade supplied in large or small quantities nt low jobbing rates. CANDY MANUFACTORY Having procured the services of a first-class manufacturer, we are prepared to furnish retail dealers with all kinds of Common and Fancy Can dies, fresh and unadulterated, at city prices. Or ders by mall will receive prompt attention. Address BECK A FLEMISH, No. 111, Fourth St., Huntingdon, Pa. 00t.1,1873-Iy. , Miscellaneous SADDLE AND HARNESS MAN. UFACTORY. The undersigned baring established himself permanently in Huntingdon, would inform the public that be is prepared to manufacture SADDLES, • BRIDLES, COLLARS. HARNESS and NETS of all kinds and the most approved patterns Clive him a call. Shop No. 606 Washington St. between nth and 7th, near the Catholie Church: n0w11,1573-3mos. JOHN A. DISBIN. p THERE A MAN SO DEAD To all sense of Justice to himself as to allow the liras of Serefela or oophillie to remain in his system when he can be healed by that moat potent of remedies ; the £la maritanNi Root and Herb ftlielie. To keep these diseases in the system in a wrong not only to the victim himself hot also to society as the innocent may be contandeated How many unhappy marriages ore there caused firm this hidden enemy. Reit assured that the trouble will act lay quiet but will break out when teat wanted; then coulee the tog of wt., with bickering" ori one side, remorse on the other; avoid the misery. Blotches and Totem are Bret -filly removed, thereby of l ing mach mortification. Root and Meth Juices. per bottle. CONDEMNED BALSAM COPAI3IA IS CONDEMNED and discarded en being not only woithleu, brit frequently injurious. It Is disgusting lu taste, and smell, and will disorder the Roundest stomach, and still the tucks use the dreg. Samaritan . . Oift le purely sepetrble, pleasant to take. and will cure every time in from two to four days. •We pride ourselvee on its certainty of cure, as it is the only known medicine that can be depended on, thereby avoid ing exposure and trouble. Price: Male packaged., f:I; Female, 93. DDSMOND & CO., Proprietor, No. 915 Race Street. Philed•lot:ia, I'a. JOHN READ ad SONS, Agents for Huntingdon. Octoberl,lB73-Iy. GREAT DISCOVERY KUNKEIZS BITTER WINE OF' IRO.N. Reohel's Biter Wine of Iron will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,Chron is or Nervous Debility, Chronic Diarrheea, Dis eases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a Disordered Liver, Stomach or intestines, such SF Constipations, Flatulence, Inward Pike, Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Disgust for Food. Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, constant imaginings of evil and great de pression of spirits. THEY ARE ENTIRELY YEGETABLL and free from Alcoholic Stimulants and all injurious ingredients, and are pleasant in taste aml smell, mild in their operations, will re move impurities from the body, and give health and vigor to the frame. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. This truly valuable Tonic has been so thorough ly tested by all classes of the community that it is now deemed indispenaible as a Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purifies the blood and gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system and prolongs life. I now only ask n trisl of this valuable Tonio. Price $1 per bottle. E. F. KUNKLE Solo Pro prietor. Depot 259 North 9th street, Philadelphia. ASK FOR KUNKELS BITTER WINE Op. IRON AND TAKE NO OTIIER. If your Druggist has it not, enclose $1.09 to‘eil Address, and the medicine, with advice fret:ll.lly: follow by next express train to you. ma lblic Miscellaneous, IRON IN THE BLOOD PERUVIAN SYRUP MAKES THE WEAK - STRONG PERUVIAN SYRUP AN IRON TONIC CLOTHING, The Peruvian Syrup, a Protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is FO combined ae to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simi lest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own log Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures “thous and ills," simply by toning up, Invigorating. end Vitalizing the system. The enriched and vitaliz ed blood permeates every part of the Ludy, • (pair ing damages and waste, Fen rains out morbid se cretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. • " 'This is the, Secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, humors, Loss of Constitu tional Vigor, Diseases of the Kid . neys and Bladder, Female Complaints, —AND— ALL DISEASES -ORIGINATING IN A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD Or accompanied by DEBILITY A LOW STATE OP THE SYSTEM. Being free from Alcohol in any form, its ever r!izing clients are not followed Ly corresponding reaction, but are permanent, intoning strength, vigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Constitution. Thousand's have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering creatures 'a strong, and happy men and women ; and invilids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. D. P. GWIN See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. . A thirty-two page pamphlet containing a suc cinct history of the Peruvian Syrup; a valuable paper on progress in medical science ; a treatise on Iron as a medical agent t testimonials and cer tificates of cures from distinguished physicians, clergymen, and °theta, will be sent corn to any address. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprs BOSTON. MASS. SOLD DT DBUGGLSTS OENEEALLT. Aug.6,1573-(scow. LUKE REILLY, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN BREAD, CAKES, PIES. CONFECTIONERY, GROCERIES, SYRUPS, &c., &c., &c., HUNTINGDON, PA Bakery on Moore street, and Store at the Corner of Fourth and Allegheny. Dealers will be supplied at prices as low as can be had from Philadelphia. [ap.26;71. THE STERLING ORGAN 30 TO 40 PER CENT. saved by purchasing the Sterling Organ, whieh for beauty in design, purit', power and 'sweetness of tone, has few or co equate. It is ontivalied for varied and beautiful musical effects, prompt re- Iponsc to the touch, and ease and ilastitity al ac• lion. The•' are acknowledged by all musicians who have examined them, to be far in advance of any other. Call and examine prices before parches lag elsewhere, as I will not be undersold, and can allord to wake large redactions in prices to buy erg. _ _ _ Va. This instrument is warranted for five years. Call or address JunelVntf. J. E. SMUCKER. PRILIP BRWOM. S3ILICKER & BROWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTUR ERS AND DEALERS OF FURNITURE. They beg leave to inform the trade and publie generally, that they employ the largest number of hands, and the largest Factory and Stock of Fur niture in Central Pennsylvania. They manufac ture all kinds of Parlor, Sitting-room, Chamber Suits and Kitchen Furniture. We propose to and will sell, to the trade and public as cheap as they can purchase anywhere in the Slate. Steam Furniture Factory, Nes. 613, 615,617 and 619, Mifflin street, Office and Sabi Rooms. Nos. 6171 and 611, Penn street. Mayl4;73-17. Z. RAMO, I J. N... I DAVID 7tt.1.12. BARTOL & CO. [Lately Franklin Manufacturing Company.] Manufactures Flooring, Siding, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Moulding, Scroll Work, Counters, Shelving, Wood Turnings, Rubin., Spokes, Beni Work, Forks, Rakes, Brooms, Pick, and llamm✓ Handles, all kinds ot Furniture, &c. Our Mac , . cry the very best quality and giving our en..., being of ,atention to the business we area ...e to manufacture 411 of the aboved names ratieles, as well as many others, in the best:'. to and always promptly. All orde,. addressed to IsARTOL, KENNEDY & CO., Huntingdon, Pa., will receive our immediate attention. Price Het. furuiehed when deeired. _ _ Lumber taken in exchange for all kinds of work Jan. 31. IS7I. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCHU Fornieety teeth kid T. 11E1.31110LD./ KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BLICHU, ,s the only known Remedy for Brights Disease and has cured every ease of Diabetes in which it has been given, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder Ind intlamation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Die !ases of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, 'travel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Delicate Can 'titution of both Sexes, attended with the follow ing symptoms : Loss of power, Lots of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Wakeful ness, Pain in the Back, Flushing of • the Body, Eruption of the Face, Palid Countenance, LUESi tude of the System, etc. In many affections peculiar to ladies, the Ex tract Becht' is unequaled by any other remedy— As in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregolarity, Pain fulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state of the Tterus, Len corriura or Whites, Sterility, and forall complaints incident to the sex. It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for enfeebled and delicate eonstitutions of both sexes and all age, KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCRU, Cores DiilCo.. Ariciog from loprodeocee, Habits f Dissipation, etc., in all their stages, at little ex pense, little or no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Ob structions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Intimation, so fre quent it. this class of diseases, and expelling all poisonona matter. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCIIP, 0.00 per bottle or six bottles for $5.00, delivcre, to any address, secure fro'm observation. Sold by druggists everywhere. Prepared by KEARNEY at CO., 104 Duane ISt.. N. Y . to whom all letters for information should be ad dressed. Sold by John Read & Sons. febs.73—ly. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CANDIES, TOYS, FRUITS, NUTS, &e y is at D. S. Africa's Variety Store, No. 423, in the Diamond. Aloe, can be bad, a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, PEN KNIVES, POCK ET BOOKS, TRAVELING SATCHELS, FANCY SOAPS, lIAIR OILS. PERFUMERY, AC. Down' Celebrated Ice Cream Soda Water, in season, at D. S. Africa's Variety Store, N 0.423, in the Diamond March 15, tf. FOR ALL KINDS OF GO TO THE "JOURNAL" BUILDING -OR MISS ANNIE M. SKEES, Music Teacher, . No. 419, Moore Street, nuntiu g don, Pa. PRINTING