VOL. 48. CONSTITUTION. NEW CONSTITUTION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION, BY THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Published by order of the Secretary of the Corn montvea2:A, in pursuance of the 4th section of an act of the General Assembly. entitled "An act to provide for calling a Convention to amend the Constitution," approved the 11th day of April, A. D. 1872. PREAMBLE. We, the people of the Cuatinnuwealth of Penneylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and re ligions liberty, and humbly invoking 11. guidance, do or dain and establish this Constitution. ARTICLE 1. DECLAIIATION OP RIGHTS. That the general, groat, and essential principles of lib erty and free pvernment may be recognized and uualters ab:y entablisted, we declare that S.lcrtos 1. All main are born equally free and indepen dent, and have certain' inherent awl indefeasible rights, !among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, posseseing; and protecting property and reputation., and of pursuing their own happiness. Sec. 9. All power is inherent in the people, and ail free governments are funded on their authority and instituted for their peace, safe y and happiness. For the advance ment attics° coin they have at all finnan an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish their government in such manner es:they may think proper. hoc. 3. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conseience;; no min imit of right be compelled to at tend, erect or suppart ainy place of worship. or to maintain any ministry against his consent; no human authority rain, in any cane whatever, control or inter.ere with tits rights of conscience, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishments or modes of wor ship. Sec. S. No person who acknowledges the being of a God, and a future sMte of rewards and punishment , shall, on account Cl his religions sentiments, be disqualified to hold any Milne or place of trust or profit under this Common wealth. See. 5. Elections shall be free and equal ; and no power, civil or military, shall a anY time interfere 0 prevent the free exercise of the right or sothu g o. S. G. Trial by jury shall be as heretofore, and tha right thereof ',main Inviolate. . Sze. 7. The piloting press shall be free to every person who may undertake to examine the proceedings of the Legishitare or any branch of government, and uo law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof. The free communication or thoughts and opinions I. one of the invaluable rights of MALL, Ilia every citizen may freely speak, write, and print on anysubject, being respoti eible for the alone of that liberty. No coma:thin shall be had in any prosecution for the publication cf papers re lating to the official conduct of officers or men in public capacity, or to any other matter proper tor public iuvesti gation or Information, where the fact that ouch publica tion was not maliciously or negligeatly made Anil he es tablished to the satistaction of the jury; and in all indict mcnts for libels thejuty shall have the right to determine the law and the facia, under the direction of the coma, as in other cases. Sec. S. The people shall be Atmore In (bele persons, houses, papers, and posses oils, from unreasonable 'marches end seizures, and no warrant to search any place or to seize any person or things, shall issue without describing them as nearly as may be, nor without probable cause, eupported by oath or affirmation, subscribed to by the SEC. 9. in all criminal prosecutions, the accused Lath right to be heard by himself and his counsel, to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him, to meet the witnesses face to face to have compulsory pro ems fur obtaining witnesses in his favor, and en prosecu tions by ludic' ment or biformation, a speedy public trial by an impartial jut . ) , of the vicinage ; he cannot be com pelled to glee evidence against himself, nor can he be de prived of his life, liberty. or properly, muleas by thejudg tnent of his peers or the law of the land. Sic. 10. Nu person shall for any indictable offense be proceeded against criminally. by information, except in eases arising in the land or naval forces or in ths militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger, ur by leave of the court, for oppression or misdemeanor in office. No person shall for the same offence, be twice put iu jeomtnly of life or limb; nor shall private property be taken or applied to public use without authority of ton', and without just compensation beingfirst made orsecured. Sec. li. All courts shell be open ; and every man for an injury done him in his lands, goods, person, Or reputation, shall have remedy by due rescue of law, and right and ju-tice administered without sate, denial, or delay. Snits may be brought against the Commonwealth in such man ner, in mach courts, and insucti as the Legislature may by law direct Sue. 12. No power of enspending laws shall be exercised unless by the Legislature or by its authority. Sze. 13. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor exces sive fines imposed, nor cruel punishments inflicted. Ssc. 14 All prsoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, unless for capital offences, when the proof is evi dent or presumption great; and the privileze of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be Suspended, tinlegs when in case of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require Sea 15. No commiseion of oyer and terminer or jail de livery shall be Sec. 16. person of a debtor, where there is not strong presumption of (mud, eha I not be continued in prison after delivering up hie estate for the benefit of his credi tont, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 17. No ...P.../t4C2O 111 M, nor any late impairing the onligation of contracts, or malting irrevocable any grant special privileges or im 1111 l niti e , shall be payed. 800. 18. No pereon ehall be attaintxdot treason or felony by the Legislature. Sec. 19. No attainder shall work eorruption of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender, forfeiture of es tate to the Osiutuonwiralth; the estate of such persons es shall destroy their own rives shall dasceml or vest as in woes of natural death, end if any person owl bs killed by casualty, there shall he no forfeiture by reason thereof. Sec. 20. The citizens have a right in a peaceable manner to miserable together for their common good. and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for re tiree. of grievances or other proper purposes, by petition, address or rentonArance. Sic. 21. The tight of oitixens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be queationeal. Sac. 22. No standing army shall, in time of peace, be kept tip without the consent of the Legislature and the military shall in all cses, and at all times, be in strict subordination to the cavil power. Sac. 23. No soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any ha use without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Sac. 21. The Legislature shall not grant any title of nobility or hereditary distinction, nor create any °Moe, the appointment to which shall be for a lunge: term than during good behavior. SEc. 25. Emigration from the State shall not be prohib ited. 8.. 26. To guard against tninsgreasious of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare _that every thiag in tins article is excepted oat of hr general powers of government, and shall forever remote inviolate. ARTICLE 11. %settee 1. The legislative power of this Commonwealth s shall be vested in a Camelia Assembly, which shah consist of a Senate told a liaise of Reprcoentatives. Sae- 2. Members of the General Assembly shall be chi, sea et the geuenal election every second year. Their I term of services shalt begin on the Bret day of December text after their election. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in either Ileum the prodding officer thereof shall issue a writ (detection to fill such vacancy for the remainder of tan tram. SEC. 3. Senators shall be elected for the term of four years and Representatives for the term of two years. Sze. 4. The General Assetubly stall meet at 12 o'clock noon, on the first Taoist.toy of January every second year, end at other I lines when convened by the Governor, bet 1 shall hold no adjonniesl annual menden alter the year 181 S. in case of a vac see in the office of United Mates Senator from this Commonwealth, in a recess between sessions, the I alsvernor shall convene the two houses bi proclamation on notice not exceeding sixty days to fill the same. Sze. 5. Senators shedl be at tenet twenty-five years of age, and Representatives twenty-one years of nee. They shall have been citizens and inhabitants of the State four years. and inhabitants of their respective districts one year next betore their election (unless Moen% on the public busiesss of the United States or of this State), and shall reside in their respective districts dining their terms of Sec. 6. No Senator or Representative shall . during the time for which he shall have been elected, be appointed to any doll office under this Commonwealth, and no member of Congress or other person holding any office (except of attoreey-attain or in the militia) under the United States or this unnsonwealth shell be a member of either house during ber contain:Luce in office. Sec. 7. No person hereafter convicted of embezzlement at public moneys, bribery, perjury. or other Jerome.. crime, shall be eligible to the Geueiul Assembly or capa ble of holding any office of trust ur profit in this Conn monwoilt.h. Sze. S. The members of the Oeneml Aseembly shall re ceive such salary and mileage for regular and special ero sions as shall be fixed by law, and no other compensation whatever, whether for service upon committee or other wise. No member of either house obeli, during the term for which lie may have lawn elected, receive any increase of salary, or mileage, under any Into passed during such term. Esc. 9. The Senate shall, at the beginning and close of teeth regular isessien, and at such other times as may be necessary, elect one of its members president pro tempura whit shall perform the duties of the Lieutenant Governor, in any ease of absence or disabtlity of that officer, and whenever the said (Alice of Lieutenant Governor shall be vacant The Hones of itepreeentatives shall elect out of its members as Speaker. Each lieuse shall choose It, other officer% sad shall judge of the election and qualification of its members. Snc. lit. A majority of each lionse shall constitute quorum. but a timelier number may adjourn from day to day, twirl compel the attendance of absent members. SEC. 11. Each home shall have power to determine the rules 01 its proceolinge and punish its members or other per.ems far contempt or d ieord xly [wheeler iu its presence, Li enforce obedience to its Kisco, to protect its members against violence, or offers of bribes or private solicitation, and with the concurrence of two-thiros, to expel a mem ber, but nut a second time for the Came canoe, and titian have all other p swors iteriewary for the leglelature of a free State. A member expelled for corruption shall not therotfter be eligitle to either house, and punitishinent for contempt or disorderly behavior shill not bar an in dictment fir the seine offence. Sao. 13. Etch hone shall keep a jenrnal of its proceed ings and from time to time publi-lt the sane, except such parts as require secrecy, and the yeas end nays of the mem bers on any question shall, at the desire of any two of them, be entered on thejourual. Sao 13. the resslons of each haute and of committees of the whole shall be open, unless when the busine. is such us ought to be kept secret. Sac. 14. Neither house shall. without the consent of the other, adjiinrn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two henses shall be sitting. toe. 15. The members of the Osmanli Aesembly shall in all eaves, except trenton, felony, violation of their oath of Mace, and breach or enrety of the peace, be privileged from arrest dnring their attendee.e at the seeskeis of their re epective hens., and in golag to and retarniug from the sums ; and for any speech or debate in either house, they ghatl not be questioned in any other place. Sec. 16. The State shalt be divided into fifty Senatorial elietricts of compact and coutiguoue territory, as nearly equal in population as may he, and each district shall be entitled to elect one Senator. Each county containieg one ass more rn ion of populataen Ethan lie entitled to onn Sena tor for each ratio, and to an additional *uder fora ettr- Plos of Ileseulat ion exceeding three-fifths of a retie ; but no County shall farm a separate district unless it shall con tain tier-fifths of a ratio. except where the adjoiningeonto ties are each entitled to one or more Senators, when euch, comity may tee assigned a Senator or lone than fear fifths and exceeding one-half of a. ratio, and no county that' be devide.l unliys entitled to two. or mere Semite.. No city or county shall be entitled to separate representatien ex ceeding one-sixth of the whole number of Senate.. No ward, borough, toWnship ahtll be divided in the fel nut tion of a district. The Senatorial ratiro shall be ascer tained by dividing the population of the State by the num her fifty. See. 17. The members of the Hellas of Repregenaticee 111 he Huntinadon our at shall be apportioned along the several counties, on a ra tio obtained by dividing the population of the State ascer tained by the most recent Enited States census by two hundred. Every county containing less than five ratios shall have one tepresentative for every fell ratio, and an additional representative when the surplus exceeds half ratio ; but each county shill: have at least one representa tive, Every county containing five ratios or more shall have one representative fur every full ratio. Every city containing a population equa Ito a ratio shall elect sepa rately its proportion of the representatives allotted to the county in which it is located. Every city entitled tomore than four representatives, and every county having over one hundred thousand inhabibints, shall be d ivided into districts of compact and contiguous territory, each dis trict to elect In proportion of representatives according to its population, but uo district shall elect more than four representatives. Scc. 10. The General Assembly at its first session after the adoption of this constitution, and immediately after each Jailed States deceun lel census, shall apportion the State into S natorial and Representative diitricts agreea bly to the provisions of the two next proceeding sections. ARTICLE 111. Swat. 1. No law shall be passed except by bill, and no bill shall be so altered or amended on its passage t h rough either house as to change its original purpose. No bill shall bn considered unless referred to a committee, returned therefrom, and primed for the Etc of the member.,. Sec. a. No bid, except general appropriation bills, shall be named, coutaining mere than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title. Sec. 4. Leery bill shall be read at length on three differ ent days in each house; all amendments made thereto shall be printed far the use of the me - nbem bethre the final vote is taken on the bill, and no bill shall become a law un less on its final ',strange the vote be taken by yeas and nays, the names of the penmen voting for and against the fume he entered on the journal, and a m tjor.ty orthe mem hers elected to each house be recorded thereon as voting in its favor. Sac 5. No amendment to dills by one house shall be concurred in by the other, except by the vote of a majori ty of the menthes's elected thereto, taken by yeas and nos, and the names of those voting far and against recorded upon the journal thereof: and reports of committees of conference shall be adopted in either house only •by the vote of a majority of the menthols elected thereto, Mkeu by yam and nays, and the names of those voting recorded upon the journal. Scc ti. Sc law shall be revived, amended, or the provi sions thereof extended or conferred by reference to its title only, but .1 much thereat as is re: ived, amended, extrud ed, or conferred, shall re-eeacsed n.,sl published at length. Sec. 7. The General Assembly shall not pu,s .y loyal or special law : Authorizing the creation, extension or impairing of I lens; Regulating the affairs of counties, cities, town.lps, wards, boroughs, or school districts ; , Changing the names of persons or places. Changing the venue in civil or criminal ca-cc; Authorizing the laying out, opening, altering, or main taining hauls, highways, streets, or alleys ; Relating to ferries or bridges, or inctirporating ferry or bridge cmizinies, except for the erection of bridges cross ing strewms which form boundaries between this and any other State; Vacating roads, town plats, streets or alleys ; Relating to cemeterio, graveyards or public grounds not of the State; Authorizing the adortion or legitimation of children ; Locating or changing county seats, erecting new coun ties or changing county lines ; Incorporating cities, towns, or villages, orchanging their charters; For the opening end conducting of elections, or fixing or changing the place or voting; --- Granting di;urces ; Erecting new townships or boroughs, changing town ship hues, borough limits, or schools districts; Creating offices, or prescribing the powers and duties of officers to counties, cities, boroughs, townships, election or schools districts ; V- Changing the law. of descent or euccemion ; Regulating the practice or jai rielictiou of, or changing the rules of evidence in any judicial proceediug or inquiry before courts, aldermen, justice. at the Imam, sheriffa, commissioner., arbitrators, auditor's, masters in chancery, or other tribunals. or proofing or changing methods fur the collection of debts, or the enforcing of judgments, or prescribing the effect of judicial toles of mil estate • egulming the fees, or extending the powers and duties of aldermen: justices of the pence, magetratte, or consta ble-e • Regulating the management of public scheole, the build ing or repairing of tichool houses, and tan raising of money fur such peepers; Fixing t h e rate of interest ; Affecting the estate of minors or persons under disabili ty, except al er due notice to all parties in interest, to be recited in the special enactment ; Remitting fines, penalties and forfeitures, or refunding moneys legally paid into the Treasury; Exempting property from taxation ; ltegulasing labor, trade, mining, or nianufacturing ; Cromang corporation. or amending, renewing, or extend ing the charters thereof'; Granting tu any corporation, association or individu al any special or exclusive pravilege or immunity ; or To any corporation essucmtion or individual the right to lay down a railrua:l track. 'Nor shall the General As eemoly indirectly enact such special or local law by the partial repeal of a grneml law, but laws repealing local or special nets may be pasted. Nor shall any law lie passed grouting pewees or privileges in any case where the vont leg uf such powers end privileges shall have been tumided for by general laws nor where the courts have jurisdiction to grunt the name or give the relief asked fn . . See. 8. No local or special bill shell be lamed milsrs no tice ut the intention to apply therefor ehall have been published iu the locality where the matt r or the thing to be effected way be situated, which notice shall he at least thirty days pour to the introdue ion into the General As sembly Mauch bill, arid in the manner to be provided by law • the evidence of such notice having been published, shall be exhibited in the General Ag,eMbly before such act shall he Famed. The presiding officer of each house .halt, In the presence of the house over which be presides, sign all bills and joint resolutiont pruned by thetimeral Assembly, after their titles have been publicly read immediately be fore signing, and the fact of signing shall be entered on the journal. Sic. to. The General Assembly shall prescribe by law the number, dutim, and compensation of the officers and employees of each house, and no payment shall be made from the State Treasury, ur be in any way authorized to my person,except to an acting officer or employ. elected or appointd in pursuance of law. SEC. 11. No bill Anil be passed giving any extra com pensation to any public officer, servant employee, agent, ur contractor, after 'orrice. shall have been rendered or contract made, nor providing for the payment of any claim against the Commonwealth, without previous au thority of law. SEC. 12 All stationery, printing, paper, and fuel used in the legislative and setter departments of government shall be turnished, and the printing, binding, and distrib uting of the laws, journal., department reports, and all other printing and binding, and the repairing and furn idling the halls and rootms used for the meetings of the General Assembly and its committees, shall be performed under contra., to be given to the lowed reeponsible bid der below such maximum price and under each resides tious as shall be prescribed by law ; no member ur Milker of any department of the government shall he in any way interested in such contracts, and all each mntracte vitall he subject to the approval of the Governor, Auditor Gen eral and State Treasurer. Sm. 13. No law shall extend the term of any public officer, or increase or diminish his salary or emolumeete after his election or appointment. SEC. 14. AR bills fur raising cayenne shall originate In the House of Repreeentatives, but the Senate may pro pose amendments as in other bills, SEC. 15. The general appospriation bill shall embrace nothing but appropriations fur the ordinary expense. of the executive, legislative and judicial departmeute of the Commonwealth, interest en the public debt, and for pub lie schools • all other appropriations; shall be made by separate bill, each embractug but one subject. SEC. 16. No money .1.11 be told out of the Treasury except upon appropriatione made by law and on warrant drawn by the proper offfmr in pursuance thereof. Ste. 17. No appropriation shall be made to any charita ble or educational institution net under the alsolute con trol of the Commonwealth, other than normal echuols es tablished by law far the professional training of teacher. for the ',MSc ...eels of the Style, except by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each SEC. 18. No appropriations (except for pensions or grat ['him for military services) shall be made for charitable, educational or benevolent purposes, to any person or com munity, nor to soy denominational or seensrian institution, corporation or amociatiou. Ste. la. The General Assembly may make appropria• .ions of money to institutions wherein the widows of sol diers are !supported or assisted or the orplums of soldiers are nil ntaimd and educated; hut each approprietions shall be applied exclueively to inn support of such widows and orphan.. Sec. 20. The General Assembly shall not delegate to any special commiseion, private corporation orassociation, any power to make, superviee or interfere with any muni cipal improvement, money property, or effects, whether held in trust or nth ur to levy ta.m, or perform any municipal function whatever. Sac. 21. No art of the General Amembly slutll limit the amount to be recovered fur injuries resulting in death, or fur injuries to perilous or property, and iu case of death from such Mimi., the right of action shall survive, and the General Assembly shall preteribe for whose benefit each actions shall be pmseented ; no act shall prescribe any limitations of time within which's.ts may be brought aptinnt corpomtions for injuries to persons or prhperty, or for other cameo different front those fixed by general laws regulating odious against natural persons, and such acts now existing are avoided. San 22. Nu net of the General Aseembly shall authorize the investment of trust funds by executors, administrator's, guardian., or ether trustees, In the bendier stook of any private corporation. and mob acts new existiug are avoid ed, saving investmeute heretofore made. See. Rl. Ths power to change the venue in civil and criminal cases Khali be vestal in the courts, to Leman...Ll in each manner ale shall be provided by law. SEC. e 4. No obligation or liability of any mile)ad or other corpotution, held or owned by the Commonwealth, shall ever be exchanged, transferred, remitted, pontponed, or in any way diminished by the General Amiably, nor shall such liability or obligation be released, except by payment thereat into tint State Treasury. SEC. 25. When the General Assembly shall be convened in RtiOrial eesefon. there shall be no legislation upon sub joets other than those designated in the proclanuttlon of the Governor. calling fetch section. Sec. 20. Every miler. reeolittion, or vote. to which the miteurrenee of both houses may be 'l6cm:tory (except on the question of adjournment) shell be presented to the Governor, and before it shall take effect le approved by him, or being theapproved, shall be re-passed by twethi gels of both lions., according to the retest and limitation,' pre scribed in case of a bill. One. 07. No State office ehall he continued or created for the inspection no measuring of any merchandise manu facture, ur commodity, but any county or munieipality Ince appoint such officers when authorized by law. SEC. 28. No law changing the locality of the capital of the State shall be valid until the same shall Moe hem submitted to the qualified eleetors of the Commonwealth at a gemml election. and ratified and approved by them. See. 20. A member of the General Amenably who .hall solicit, demand, or receive, or consent to receive, directly ur indirectly. for himself or for another, from any compa ny, corporation, or pesos, any nottney,offic,appointme4c, employment, tentimunitil, reward, thing of value or en joyment. or of pommel advantage on promise thereof, for his vale ur official inane:ice, or tor withholding the or with an understanding, expremed or imnlied, thet hats rote or official action than be in any way influenced there by, or who shall solicit or demand any noel' money or other advantage. matter, or thing aforesaid for another ' as the consideration of hie vote or official influence or for withholding the mine, or shall give or withhold his vote or influence in consideration of the payment or morello of such money, rulmntage, matter, or thing to another, shall be held guilty of bribery within the meaning of this Con stitution, and shall incur the disabilities provided Moiety for said offence; and much additional punishment as is or shall be provided by bee. Soc. :10. Any pereon who !shall, directly or indirectly, off r, _give,or promise any money, or thing of mine, testi ethfiltd• Privilege, ale personal adouthige, to any executive or judicial officer or member of the General kmembly, to intl.., him in the perfornutnce of any of his pubhe or official duties, shall be guilty of bribery, and be punished in such manner as shall be provided by law. See. 71. The offense of corrupt solicitation of members of the General Assembly or of public officer. of the State, or of any municipal division thereof, and any occupation or practice of solicitation of each members or officers, to influence their official action, shall be defined by law, and Audi be punished by fine and imprisonment. SEC 32. Any person may be compelled to testify in any lawful investigation or judicial proceeding, ag,ainst any person who may be charged with having committed the offense of *eribery or corrupt solicitation, or practices of solicitation, and shall not be permitted to withhold his tes timony spots the ground that it may criminate himself or auldect him to public infamy; bat such testimony alien nut afterwards be used against hint in any judicial pro ceeds g, except for perjury to giving atoll tt.tiMolly, and any person esievicteit of either of the offences aforesaid, shall, as part of the punishment therefor, be disqualified from holding any office or position of honor, trust, or pro fit in this Commonwealth. SEC. 34. A member who has a personal or private inter est in any measure or bill proposed or pending before the General Assembly shall disclose the fact to the house of which he is a tuernbor, and shall not tote thereon. ARTICLE IV Serto?: 1. Th ifixtut!yo Department of thisoinmo. wealth shall consist of a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney General, Audi tor General, State Treamt er, Secretary of Internal and a Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. 2. The supreme executive power shall be vested in the Go;ernor, who shall take care that the laws I. faith fully executed ; he shall be chosen ou the day of the gen el al election by the qualified electors of the Common wealth, at the placed where they ehall TOW for Represen tatives. The returns of every election for Governor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of government, directed to the President of the Senate, who ehall open " and publish them In the presence of the members of both houses of the Gmiend Assembly. The person hem.: the highest number of votes shall be Governor, but If two or more be equal and highest in votes, one of them shall be chosen Governor by the joint vote of the members of both houses. Cminsted elections WWI be determined bye cum tnittee, to be selected from both litres.. of the General A 0- sembly, and formed and regulated in such manner as shall be directed by he. Sze. 0. Tie Governor shall hold bin OMNI during four years from the third Tuesday of January next ensuing his election, mid shall not be eligible to the office for the next succeeding term. Sec. 4. A Lieutenant Governor shall be chess r at the same time,. in the same . manner, for the same term, and stibject to the same prov isions as the Governor; he shall be president of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. Ste. 5. Na penes shall be elegible to the office of Gov, error or Lieutenant Governor except a citizen of the United State, who shall have attained the age of thirty Genre, and have been Selrell years next leveed'', lila elec tion nu inhabitant of the State, unless he shall 'hove been absent on the public lilleilleSS of the United etatel or of this State. Ss, 6. No member of Congress or person bolding any office under the United States or this State shall exercise the office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor. Sec. 7. The Governor shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Commonwealth, and of the mil itia, except when they shall oe called into the act.' ser vice of he United States. See. 8. Ile shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of two-thinls of all the members of the Sen ate, appoint a Secretary of the Commonwealth and an At torney tlenoral daring pleasure, a Superintendent of Pub lic Instnictii in for four years, :Ind such other officers of the Commonwealth as he is or may be authorised by the Con stitution or by law to appoint; be shall have power to fill all vacancies that may happen in offices to which he may appoint during the recess of tin] Senate by gninting com missions which shall expire at the end of their next ears On ; he shall have power to Sit any vacancy that may happen during the recess of the Senate. in the office of Auditor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of Internal Affair. or Superintendent of Public Instruction, in a judi cial office. er In any other elective office which be is or ;;y be iiitliorizodin fill. If t h e vacancy shall happen during the session of the Senate. tits Governor shall nominate to the Senate, before their final adjournment, a proper person to fill :mid va.. (money. But in any such case of vacancy, in an elective office, a person shall be chosen to said office at the next general election, miles the vacancy shall happen within three calendar months immeibately preceding such election, which case the election for said office shall be held at the second succeeding general election. In acting on Executive nominations, the Senate dialled with open d00r..., and in confirming or rejecting the nomi nations of the Governor, the vete thall be taken by yea and nays, and shall he entered on the journal. Sec. 9. He shall have power to remit fines and forfeitures, to grant reprieves. con ll Maons of sentence and pardons, except in eases of impeachment ; but no pardon shall be granted, nor sentence commuted except upon the recom mendation in writing of the Lieutenant 6ovenanr, Secre tary of the Commonwealth, Attorney General, end Secre t.). of Internal Affairs. or any three of them, after full hearing, upon due public notice and in open session, and each recommendation, with reasons therefor at length, WWI be recorded and filed in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Sec. 10. He may require information in writing from the officers of the Executive Department, uponany subject relating to the duties of their respective offices. Sec. H. Ile shall, hem time to time. give to the General Assembly information of the state of the Commonwealth, and recommend to their consideration mob measur.s an he may jndoe exisstiont. Sec. 12. He may, nu extraordinary occasione, convene the General Assembly, andin age oriliwagreement between the tom house«, with respect to the time of adjournment, adjourn them to such time as he shad think proper, not exceeding four month. Ile eh It have power to convene the Senate in extraordinary session, by proclamation, for the transaction ofexecutive bushier. SEC. 13. lit case of the death, conviction on Impeach ment. failure to qualify, resignetioo, or other disability o. the Governor, the powers, du ies, and emoluments of the office for the remainder of the term, or until the disability be removed. shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor. SEC. 14. In case of a vacanoy in the office of Lieutenant Governor, or when the Lieutenant Governor *Mall be im peached by the douse of Representative.. or shall Le enable to exercise the dirtier of hie office. the powers, duties, and emoluments thereof for the remainder of the term, or un til the disability be removed. shell devolve upon the Pres ident pro impore, of the Senate; and the Breaded pro tempura shall in like manner become Governor it a vacan cy or disability shall occur in the office of Governor ; his seat as Senator shall become vacant whenever he shall be come Governor, Red shall be filled by election as any other vacancy in the Senate. Sec. lb. Every bill which shall have passed both Urine°e shall be presented to the Governor; if he approve, he shall sign it; but if he shall not approve, he .hull return it with his objection. to the house in which it shall have originated, which House shall enter the objecuons nt largo upon their journal, and procsixl to re-consider it. If, Mier each reeineideration, two-thirds of rill the members elected to that house shall agree to pals the bill, It shall be sent with the objections to the other house, by which, likewise, Ballad be reconsidered. and if approved by two thirds of all the members elected to that house, it shall be a law ; but in such cases the voters of both houses shall he determined by yeas and nays, and the nemes of the mem ber. voting for .d against the bill shall be entered on the journals of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within ten days after it shall have been presented to him, dieser. !ball ten law in like manner as if tee hail signed it, unless theiGeneral Assembly by their adjournment. prevent its return, in which Cane it Shall be a law, Univgs be shall file the same, with his objections, in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. and give notice thereof by public proclamation within thirty days of er such adjournment. Sec. 16. The Governor shell nave poorer to disapprove of any item or item. of any bill making eppropriations of money, embracing distinct items, and the part or parts of the hill approved shall be the law, and the item or item. of appropriation disapproved shall be void. unless renamed wording to the rules and limited°te preeribal fax the pamage of other bills over t' e Executive veto. See. 17. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside upon the trial of any contested election of Gov ernor Or Lieutenant Governor, and shall decide mks thens regarding the admiseability of evidence, and shell, upon request of the committse, pronounce his Aloha' in upon other questions of law involved in the trial The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall exercise the desks of their respective officee nutil their etsccereors shall he duly goal tied. Sec. It. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall keep a record of all official acts and proceedings of the Governor, and when required lay the same, with ell pa pers, minutes, and vouchere relating theretn,bethre either branch of the General Assembly, and perform such other dutles an may be enjoined upon him by law. Sec. 19. The Secretary of Internal Affairs shall exer cise all the powers and perform all the dirties of the Firrveyor General. subject to such changes as shall be wade by law. Uhl department shall embrace a Imrean of industrial atatietlce, and he shall discharge such duties relating to corporations. to the charitable institntione, the sgrienltnnal, manufiicturing, mining, mineral, timber, WWI other material of bueine-s interests of the State an may be prescribed by lase. Ile shell annually, and at imeh other timesne may be required by law, make report to the General Assembly. cc. 20. Th 3 Superintendent of Public Instrnctirm *hall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the Superintendent of Common Schools, snbject to each chon gee as shall be made by SEC. 21, The term of the Secretary of Internet Affairs shall be four yearn; of the Auditor General, three yens, and of the State Tremor re, two year.. These officers shall bechosen by the gunned electors of the State at general e k e rione. tie person elected to the office of Auditor Gen eml or State Treasurer shell be capeble of holding the game office for two consecutive terms. Sec 22. The present Great Seal of Pennsylvaniashell be the seal of the State. All commission. shall he fn the name and by authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and be sealed with the State seal and signed by the Ouverner. ARTICL V SECTION 1. The judicial power of Ode Commonwealth shall be vested in the Supreme Court. it . ; coml. Of common pleas, courts of Dyer and terminerand grueniljail delivery, courts of quarter sessions of the peace, orphans' rotate, magistratiee courts, and in snob other revoke as thefien eral Assembly may from time to time establish. Sec. 2. The Supreme Gond shall consist of seven judges, who shall be elected by the qualified electors of the state at large. They ehall hold their °Meee for the terns of twenty-one years, if they so long !where them , elves well. bet shall not be again eligible. The judge whose commie else shall ,hut expire shall be chief jtatlce, and thereafter each judge whose commission shall first expire ehall in turn be chief justice. Sze. 3. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court shall ex tend over the State. and the judges thereofshnli, by virtue of their office.. Le justices of ever and terminer and gen eral jail delivery in the several conntiee; they ehall have anginal juelaliction in awes of injunction, and, where a corporation is a party defendant, of habeas corpus, of Mall flames, and to snorts or inferior jurisdiction; and in case of quo warrant° as to all officers of the Common wealth whose juri=dietlon extends over the 17440, hot Ir ll ~ not exercise any Other original jurisdiction : they shell have appellate jurisdiction by apps certiorari or writ of error in alines., no ie arty or may hereafter be provided by law. Sec. 4. Until otherwise directed by leer, the courts of common pleas shall amtinue as at present established, ex cept as herein changed; not more than four counties ehall. at any time, be included in one judicial district organized fur said courte. Sae. 5. Whenever a county shall contain forty thous and itilinbihuits, it shall constitute separste judirtal dis trict, and ehall effect one judge 'puree,' In the law; and the General Assembly shall provide for additional judges, as the businasa of the said district may require. Counties containing a population leas then ie sufficient to constitute separate dietriate ahall be formed into convenient single districts, or, if necessary, MaY ter ”11,14.04 le contiguolle districts, no the General As , embly may pmvide. The of fice of associate judge, not learned in the law, is aboliehed in countiee terming separate district ; but the neveml as eociatejudges in office when this constitution what' be adopted shall serve for their unexpired terms. Bre. S. In the counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny, all the jurisdiction and powers now vestal In the District Courts and Courts of Common Plass, std jest to such changes as may be made by this constitution or by law, shall be in Philadelphia vested In four, and In Allegheny In two distinct and ...pirate courts of equal and co-ordi nate jurisdiction, composed of throe judees each ; the said courts in Philadelphia shall be designated respectively as the Court of Common Pleas number one, number two. number three and number four, and in Allegheny as the Court of Cornelius Pleas number one and number two, but the number of said sonata nosy be by tw o, , but from time to time, and 'hall be In like manner designated by nooneslive numbers; the number of judges in any of wild courts. or in any county where the establishment of en additional HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1873 court may bo authorized by law, may be increased from time 10 time; and whenever iamb incnatso simll am not inilit;l:ole;ii three, such three judses shall compose ail,- tinct and sepantte court as aforesaid, which shall he num bered as aforesaid. In Philadelphia add suit, shall he in- . . . . ituted in the said Cuitrta o 1 Common Pleas, w.thent "'iguana!! Iho ntanher of add court, and the several ;.ouTi; Aura distribute and iipportiun the business among them iu such in:tuner a. sludl be peividei.! by FFlea uY court, and each Wan tO which may ;Mt shall 17e thus as signed shall have exclusive jurimErtion thereof, subject to change of venue, us shall lio provided by I. In Allegheny each court shall have exclusie•jurisliction of all proceedings at law and in equity commenced thereto, subject to change of venue as may be provided IT law. slEc. 7. For Philadelphia there shall be ono Prothonota ry's office. and one Prothontary for all ea d courts, to be appointed by the judges of said conrtri, and to hold office fir• three years, subject to re weal by a majority of the said judges; the said Piothonotary shall apimint such assist ants as may be necebsary and atithorozeti by said courts, and he and his assistants chill receive fixed salaries, to be determined by law and plaid by said county; all lees col lected in said office, except such as may be by law due to the Commonwealth. paid by the Prothonotary la . i..thecounty treasury. Each couri...hall 111.tVe it4SCjara. docket'', except the judgment docket, which shall mmtain the judgment-, and Hem of all the utitl courts, as in or may Ito directed by la, See. S. The said courts in the mutinies of Philadelphia and Allegheny re-pemively shall. from time to time, in . . r;;letTii! one co! ;non , of their to hid the wort: of Terminer and the courts of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of said counties iu such nutntier as mit3 be directed by Inn' . . of the Courts of Common Pleas I,rned the lair sli;;IIbe judge, itter, Quarter Sesoans of the Peace, and oeneral Jail Aivery, , and of the Orphan's Court, and within their re ectice districts shall be justices of the peace as to erind- LI matters. _ pvlges of the etoirls of Common Pytrlß with• O their resins:lire comities, shall hove power to issue writs certiorarilC to pioiticei u. the prime nod other inferior and to caw; their proceeding to be brought before them nod right and jugice to be done. SEC. 11. Except as otherwise provided in this Consti tution , justices of the iicalie or aldermen blaall be elected in the several wards. di-trials, boroughs. and townships at the time of the election al constable., 11 the qua! 'fled _ . ' " tieCi:r;illei;of:in such hatuner . din:eted by law, Awl shall be come' tzeli?‘.l Ly ibei.:orf:rnor ft?' a term MI elect more than two justices of the peace or alar m without the co n sent of a majority of the qualified Niers within such townyhip, ward, or borough; 110 per il shall be elected M such office unlesr be shall hire sided within the township, borough, ward, or district for . . one year neat proceedinz life electron. In cities cotain• lug over filly thousand inhabitanta, not more than one al. Merman shall be elected iu each ward or district. 5t.c.32. In Philadelphia there .111111 be establi,betl, for each 30,0t0u inhabitants, court not or record, of police and civil cause% with jurkliction not exceeding one hun dred dollars; elicit courts shall he held by magistrates ..... whose term 'of office shall be five vests, Aind thl , y shall be elected on general ticket by the qualified voters at Large; and in the electien of the said magistrates, UJ voter shalt rote for acre than two-thirds or the nattier of re, ' • ' Was to te• elected when more than 0110 are to be clam m; they ahall be compensated only IT filed salaries, to be laid by Mid county; and shall exercise such jurfidiction, •full and criminal, except ao het sin provided, as it now •xerelsed by aldermen, subject to iamb changes, not in wiring an illCrell , o of civil jurbdiction or conferring The Weal duties,. may be made by law. In Philadelphia the thee of alderman is abolirbril. . . . Sr.c.l3. All fees, flues, and penalties in said courts shall o paid into the county treasury. • 14 In all case, of suinmary conviction In this Can ionwcalth, or of judgment in suit fur a penalty before a lagistrate, or court 110 t of reeonl, either party may ap pal to such court of record as may be pieocribed by law, pen allowance of the aupellato court ur judge thereof, up cause shown. . . . . . SECA, All judges required to too learned in the law, veept the judges of tho Supreme Court, shall he elected y die qualified electors of the respeettve over . hick they are to preside, and shall bold their Mikes f r ire periml of ten 'ears, if they Khali iv - thing behave them .lvmt well; but for any reasonable can, which 14 hall nut e Stiffirierit ground for impeachment, the Governor may .... remove any of them on tlo:mt.tress of two-thinis of rack hem. of the Geneml arsembly. 16..Wlieneyr: two judges t..f the SitpreTe he for the saute - tern servien'enela voter shall ote for ooe only, a n d when three me to be (lumen, he 11811 Vote for no DV 1 . 1. 111811 IW4. ; mm 1141111 4 ,8 highest in de shall be declamd elected. .57r.c. 17. SllOlll.l any two or more judges of the Sop eine Conn, or any two or more judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the same district I.e elected at the alum time, they shall, as soon after the election as convenieot, cast tots for priority of cotntnission. and certify the result to the Governor, whj shall issue their commissions in accord twee therewith. SEC. 18. The judges of the Supreme Court and the judg es of the several Courts of Common Pleas, tool all other judged required to be learned in the law, shall, at stated times, Wel VP for their services tut 1141.1.11/....101.e118.1ti0n, _ . . . . ..... which tdial.l lie fixed by law, and paid by the Watt:. They shall receive no Other CollUlenSalioll, re, or perrynisitea of Office tier their serviced fr«in any source, nur bat eddy other °nice of profit under the United States, this State or any other State. Sec. 19. The judges of the Supreme Court, during their continuance in odder, shall reside within thie Common wealth ; and the otherjetelgos during their couutinuance in Mike, than reside within the district for which they shall be respectively elected. Sr.o. •19. The several Courts or Common Pleas, beside, the powers herein conferred, than have and exercise with in their reniective distrkts, subject to such changes as may be made by law, ends chancery powers as me now vested by law in the several Courtsof Common Pleas of tide Cimino...lth, or as may hens fter be conferred upon them by law. SEC. 21. No duties shall be imposed by law upon the Su preme! Court or ant f the judges the, eof, except curb as are judicial, nor 'Mall any of the judges thereof exercise any Power of appointment, except herein provided. Ihe Court of Nisi Prow id hereby abolished, and no court ot originaljuriscliction to be pre idyll over by any one or more of the judges of the Supreme Court ellen be estab lielied. ' • " In every county wherein the population shall exceed one hundred and fifty thousand the General Assem bly and in any other county may, establish a sep arate Orphans' Court. to us iet of one or more judges who shall be learned in the law, which oourt shall exer cise all the jnrisilletion and powers now wasted in, or which may hereafter b• conferred upon, the Orphans' Course, and the. caper the jurisdiction of the judges of the Court of Lommon Pleas within such county, in Or phans' Court proceedinmi, shall cease and determine. in any county in which a sepanite Orphitilif Court shall be establishwl the Register of Wills shall be clerk of such Court, and subject to its direction its all midterm pertaining to bin office, he may appoint assistant clerks, bntonly with the consent and approval of said cane[. All accounts tiled with him as register or ns clerk of the said separate Or phans' Court ahall be audited by the Court witbout ex pense tee parties, except where all parties in lutenist in a pending proceeding shall nominate an auditor whom the court may. in its discrotion, appoint. In every county Orphans' Conrts shall possesse all the powere and juraidiw Lion of a Register's Court, and separate Registers' Courte Wio hereby 7tboliuhed. Sm.. The style of all proem. shall be "The Common wealth of Petinrylvaniii." All prosecutions *hall be car ried on in tee name and by the authority of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, and ...miriade agninst the peace and dignity of the ann.. Svc. 24. In all elves of fol ' en homicide, and in mach other criminal casen as may be Kochi d fur by law, the ac cused, after conviction and sentence. may remove the in dictment, records, and all proceedings to the Supremo Court for r,iew. Bre. 25. Any vacancy happening I.y death, redgnation. or otherwise, in any mitrt of renal% eha II be Mad by an- Isfititment by the Governor, to continue till the first Mon day of Jannery next succeeding the find Winn] election. which shall occur three or more months after the happen ing of melt vacancy. tier. 26. All laws relating to courts shall be central and of uelform operation. and the organization, Jurisdic tion, and power+ of all courts of the tune Mask or grade, no far as regulated by law. and the force and effect ot th moikens and judgments of such courts shall he uniform; and the General Assembly is hereby prohibited felon tre ating other courts to exercise the powers vested by ibis constitution in the Judges of the Court of COIIIIIII I II Pleas and Orphan.' Courts. Sue. 27. The parties, by agreement flied, may, in any civil coos, dispense with trial by jury, and submit the dechion of nuch case to the court booingjurindlction then of, tool such court shall hear and determine the same and the judgment thereon shall be sal feet to writ of error as in ether eases. ARTICLE TI. Set Time 1. The thence of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. Svc. 2. All Impeachments 'Mall be tried by the Fenate; when sitting for that purpose, the Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation; no 1 , ,K011111m11 Le convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the membets present. Sec. 3. The Governor and all other civil officers shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemean or in office, hut judgment in such cases shall not extend further than to removal from office 11.1111 dis qualification to hold any office of trust or profit under this Commonwealth; the perwm accused whether convicted or af, qMtted, nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial. Judgment, and punishment aoccording to law. SEC. 4. All officers eball hold their offices on the condi tion that they behave them :elves well while in office, and shall be removed on conviction of misbehavior in office or of any infamous crime. Appointed officers other than Judges of the courts of record and the Superintendent of Public lnatruction, may be removed at the pleasur of the power by which they shall have been appointed. All officers elected by the peo ple, except Governor, Lieutenant Governor, member. of the Genentl .%anentbly, and Nages of tit° °Mot , of rec ord, learned in the law, shelf be removed by the Governor ! for rmsuuable canoe, 11Ler due notice and full hearing, on the address of two-thirds of the Senate. ARTICLE VII. SIMON 1. Senators and Representative; MO all Judi- I State, and county officers, slain, timbre entering at the tintless of their respective offie., take .d sulmeribe the following a th Or affirmation: .1 do solemnly awear(or affirm) that I will support, obey, and dermal the Constitution of the United Staten and the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and that I will dis closes, the duties of my office with fidelity: that I have not paid or contributed, or promised Is pay or contri bute, either directly or indirectly, any money or other val uable thing, to procure my nomination or election (or appointment), except for necessary and proper expenses expressly autholixed by law; that I have not knowingly violated any election law of this Commynwealth, or procured it to be done by others In my behalf ; that I will not knowingly receive, directly or ladirpetly, any money or other ialuable thing for ilso peribigusnee or :per fornuince of any act or duty pertaining to say office, otb, er than the comp.sation allowed by law,. The foregoing oath shall be administered by some per son authorized to adminiater oaths, and in the ease of State officer. and Judges of Ohs Supreme Court, shall he filed its the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and its the come of other judicial and county offieem, in the office of the Prothonotary of the county In which the mime is taken; any person refacing to take said Nob ur affirm lion shall forfeit Ida office. and any pens. who shall be Convicted of having sworn or affirmed fainely, or of having violated sold oath or nairmittion, shall beguilty of perjury, am, he forever disqualified from holding any office of trust or profit within thin Commonwealth. The oath to the members of the Senate and House of Repregonpitiyrs shall le ndgtioM=tercel Inoue of the jqdges of the Supremo Court or of a Court of Common Ploos, lesirned in the iaw, in the ball of the house to whirls the member shall be elected, ARTICLE VIII. SUFFRAGE AND FLECTIONS. SECTION 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, pawning the following qualifications, shall to entitled to vote at all eleetioos: Find. lie shall have been.a citizen of the United States at least one month. Arrow!. He shall have resided in the State ono year for if, having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State he shall have removed therefrom awl returned, then sin months) immediately preceding the election. Third, lie shalt have retitled in the election district where Ire shall offer to vete at least two menthe Immedi ately preceding the election. Itrirth If twenty-two years of itAn or min - ants, he 1421111 bare paid within two year. a Stale or Culltity M had/ -hall lucre lava assessed at least twu nr.ntlks aad paid at leas one month befoie the ,•Section. SEC. 2 The general election shall lie held annually on on the Tuesday next following the first %many of Noveni is, but the General Assembly may by law fix a ditre-r,•at day, two-thirds al ail the members of each Louse cons..ut in, thereto. SEC. 3. All elections for city, ward, borough, awl town ship officers, for regular term of service, 6.11 Le held oh the third Tuesday. of February. Sac. 4. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot. Every ballot voted shall be numbered in thecrdertu which it shall to rece.ved, end the number rccorded by the elec tion OffiCOIN an the list of rate., opposite the name of the eWcter who presents the ballet. Any elector may write his 11a1110 ups .his tickm, fir Canby the. same to he written then,on and attested by a citizen of the district. The election officers shall be sworn or affirmed not to disclose howany elector shall have voted unless re quired to do so as witneo.es iu at judicial proceeding. sEC. 5. Elect rs shall in all eases, except tm rwon. felony. and breach or surety of the peace, be.privileged from ar rest during their attendance • u election, awl going to and returning I lierefi,en. _ . ...... EC. 6. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Comilionwettlth shell be in ectual military service, under a requitotion from the Pre.ident of the I:6ited State• or by the ontherity of this Commonwealth, such electors nuly e;ercise the right of etilhuge in all elei.tiuipi by Ms citi zens, under such regulations as are or shall be proscribed by law,. fully as if they were present M their plares of Meet ion. lite. 7. All 111Wr4 regulating the holding of elmtiona by the citizens or for the registration of electors shall be 11111- form throughout the State, lad no elector shal l be deprived privilege of voting by reavun of Litt name not . toting registinyd, SEC. S. Any person who elgall give, or promise, or offer to give to an elector, any money r reward, or other valuable von-idem- ton ibr 11I:1 vote at an election, or for withholding the none, or who thall give or promise to give earl. cons:thu tion to any other penota or party for 111011 electors 001 e, or tor the withholding thereof, mod any elector who shall receive or agree to receive, fur 11:mgelf or for another, any money reward or other valuable considerat on for hie vote ;Z;i efeCii;W: 0( for withholding the same. shall t herd is forfeit the i ight to vote at :inch erection, and .y elector whose right to vote shall he challenged for such rause lie tiire lhe election officer- shall be reoirel to swerr m affirm that the matter of the challenge is untrue berme h:s vote shall Im received. Any portion who shall, while a ea:l.l,lMo foe office, be guilty of bribery, frauttor wilirl vmlititon of any election law, shall be fictive,. &mot:dire, I from holding an office of trust Or profit in this verso], convicted of wilful violation of the election laws, shall In addition to any issmlties provided I.p law, be de prived of the right of suffruge absolutely tor a term of fuer you,. See. 10. In Wale of contested electiona,and in proceed ings for the investigation of elections, no person shall be permitted to withhold his testimony upon the ground that it may criminate himself or sulject him to public infamy; but such testimony shall not afterwards be used against him in any judicial proceeding, sacs;,' for perjury is giv ing such testimony. Szc. 11. Townships Mel wards of cities or boroughs shall firm or be divided luso election districts of compect and contiguous territory. in Fitch manner as the Court of Quarter Sessions of the city or county in which the same are located may direet ; but districts in cities of over one hundred thousand inhabitauis shall be divided by the Courts of Quarter Sessions having jardefiction therein whenever at the next preceding election more than two hundred and fifty votes shall have been polled therein; and other election thitriets whenever the court til the proper county shall be of opinion that the convenience of the electors and the public interests will be permuted thereby. Site. 12. All elections by persons inn representative ca pacity shall be viva SEC It. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained a residence by reason of lie pres ence, or lost its by reason of hi: absence while employs,' at the service, either civil .1.1)11111m,, of this State or of the United States. nor while engaged in the Havigotion of the waters of the Stair or of the United St ties, or ou the high assts, nor while a student of any institution of learning. nor while kept in any 'mar house or other asylum at pub lic expense, nor 11hile confine,' ill pni , lie prison. SEC. 14. District election boards shall consist cf a judge nod two inspector:. who shall i.e chosen annnally I.y tie citizens. Each elector shall have the right to vote fi.r the judge and ore inspector, and each inspector shall appoint one clerk. The first election leant for any new district shall be selected, and vacancies in citation boards filled as shall be provided by how. Election starers shall be privi leg.l from arrest upon days of election and while engaged in malting up and transmitting returns, except Upon war rant of a court of recent or judge thereof for an election feted, for felony, or for war ton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exeniptioli from jury duty during their terms of service. Sec. ii. No person shall be qualified to serve as an elec tion °Meer who shall hold, or shall within two months have held any office, appointment, or smployetent in or under the Government of the E tiatelStateS,Or of this State, or of any city or eotelty. Or of any menicipal hoad, com mission, or trust in any city. save only just:cps of the peace and aldermen, netaries public, toad person: in the suilitia service of the State nor shall any election officer be to any civil oast a t e Le filled at an election a: wlrch he shall terre, save ruts to such SlihOrallate itillnleipal or lo cal °filees below the glade of city ur county (dikes as shall be designated by general law. See 18. The Comm of Common Pleas of the several counties of the Genimmtwialth shall have power within their respective jurlssiktione to appoint overseen. of elec tion to supervise the proceediage of election Often, and to make, report to the court wt may be required; such ap poiutments to be made for any district in a city or ti.nty, upon petition of five citizens, lawful voters of such dee , Dun district setting forth that such appeintment to a rea minable precaution to Fiume the purity and Slimed-1 of elections; overseers shall he two in number for an election district. shall be residents therein, and shell lei persons analitled to terve upon election bonnie, and in arch errs inembeis of different political parGes ; whenever the teem bora of an election board shall differ in opinion ' the over peers, if they shall be agreed thereon, shall clecbie the question of difference ; in appointing overseer.] of elec tion, all the law judge• of the proper court, ablate act at the time, shall concur in the appointments made. er.c. 17. The trial and deft rminatien of contested eh, floes of electors of President end Vice Preeldent, month.. of the Gene: al Assembly, and of all tinblie office., whether State, judicial, municipal, or local, itha I I:e by the courts of law. or by one or more of the Inc judges thereof; •he General Assembly shall, by general law, designate the court. and judges Its whom the e vend classes of election cont.ta shall he tried, and rogulate the netunerof trial and all matters incident thereto; but no such law assigning jurisdiction, or regulating its exercise, shall apply to any contest adding out of an election held before its patteage. ARTICLE IS. TAXATION AND FINANCE. Smiles 1. All taxes shall bo nni form upon the rime class et sal jects within the territorial 11111ite of theanthor giynleezlin,g,.t.h,ebitinix,,ii.leidaseta.,llleAl.sekttinyllnilicaoyl,lTylegeillizraleri laws, exempt from taxation public property used for pub lic purpose ,, actual placee of religious worship, places of burial not used or held for private or corporate profit, and institutions of purely public amity. Sec 2. All laws exempting property fr m tamtion, oth er than the pmperty above enumerated, shall be void. Soo 3. The power to tax corporations and corporate property shall not not be surrendet ed or errepended by any contract nr grant to which the State shall Le a party. Sm. 4. No debt shall be created by or on behalf of the Slate, except to supply camsd deficiencies of revenue, re pel invasion, supprese insurrection, defend the State in war. or to pay existing debt. and the debt created to sup ply deficiencies in revenue ideal never exceed it. the ag gregate at any one time one million or dollars. Sm. 1.. All laws authorising the borrowing of money by and nn behalf of the Stale shall specify the purpose f which the money to to be used, and the looney 60 borrowed ehull be used for the purpose specified and no other. sm. 6. The credit of the Commonwealth 5111111 not be pledged or loaned to any individual, company, corporation, or amciadon, emote/11l the Commeowmlth become ajoint owner or etockholder in any company, association, or co, poration. Sro.7. The General Assembly shell Oct Ruth/wire any county, city. leirongh, township or Incorporate/1 distEct to Meow a stockholder in any company, a...mei:Ulue, er cor poration, or to obtain or appropriate money for or to lean its credit to any corporation, wesiciation, institution or 11.- Sec. 8. The debt of any comfy, city, borough, townehie, school district. or other municipality, or Incorporned dis trict, except as herein provided, shall never exceed seven per cent ttttt neon the a55,...4 , 11 mlne of the taxal.le proper ly therein, nor .1411 any each nutnicipelitY or district cur any new debt. or ineream its indebtedninsto anamount exce..siing two per rennin' upon such assessed mtnatlon of property without the assent of the electors thereof, et a public election, in snch manner PI 111011 Le provided by law ; but any city, the debt of which now exceeds coven per centunt of such 'messed valuation, may be authorized by law to increase the mine three per centime (in the ag gregate at any one time) neon such valuation. See. D. The Comm it...lth WWI not assume tile debt, or any part thereof, of any el y, connty,Mrough er town ehip. unionism!' debt Omit have been contracted to fumble the State to repel invas;m,euppreas doznest:c insurrection, defend Itself In time of nor, nr to assist the State in the diecharge of any portion of its present indebtedriese. Soc. in Any e..enty. townahip. Reboot district or other mar: ielpelity incurring w y indebtedneaa shall nr before the time of on rein. provide for the eel leetion of sonnet tax mfficient to pay the Interest and also the principal thereof within thirty years Sze 11. Top ovide far the papeent f the preseat State dent and any additional debt eontrmted an afore mid the General • on-ruhly 'ball continue end 10-iO - the oinking fund auffte•ent too ay the morning interest on Poch debt, and *mostly to reduce ti e min cipal ther of by a soon not less than two hundred end fifty thounand dolt-es; the geld sinking fund Anil consist. of the prnce 'do of the seise of the puslie works or any part thereof end of the Memo or pro ceeds of the Otte o I any elocke. wiled by the wealth, together with other funds end resour. es that may he des;anated sy law, and shall be inereae-d from time to time by and/ming to it any pert of the taxes or ...her 1.-venue. of the State not remoiro d fur the or dinary and current rap/mese of grove:mm.4; and 'in tent in cone of war. Memnon or ineurrent* t no part of the said 'inking fund shell be used or ap..lied othdt whet than in the ex•inaulahment •of the nob In debt Fee to. The moneye of the state, rove. a,' Above the nec..e.ary res roe. shall he sae 1 In the payment of the debt of the StatO, either directly Or the ugh tee linking fume, and the mosey.. of the sink log fond shall neysr I e invented in tor loaned upon the ...curiae of am thing except the boots of the United States or of thin State. Sm. 13 The moneys hold se neemsary reserve chill be limißtl y law to the amount required by current expenses, and Khali of siecured and kept es may be pro vided by taw Mon• hly maim:moots moan be published slposing the am .ant of each moneys, where the same are d posited e 4 h..w ammo 1. Ste 14. The making of profit out of the public mneye. er using ale Warne for any purpose not author ised by law, by any offiaer of Poe Ste to or en-mb-r or officer of 'be Gen,nl saaembly, lo all hen oniale "manor. and shall be rtniahed as may be prorid.d by law. but part of mien punishment ehall e a disqnalifi cstion to hold office for a psriod of not lee. than eve 3,100 ART C{51,1 IDOCATIOS. finCTION 1, The General Amemblr shell provide f-r the maintenance sod au" portof a thorough Arid Pffl tient syetem of pu,lic Inchon's. wherelo all tho OW- Oren of this Coronionueol.h, bra the agent six year.. may b.• vilucat4 and shall appropriate at Irast one mi Won d.olars wish sear for that purpose. _ . ..... . . sac. 2 No in they nosel for ths'suPpoit of the pith. Ha Fahnole of the Common - realth nhail be appropriated an or used for the support of any aectari m school Ssa. 8. Women twenty ono rears of age and upwards libel. be eligible lo nay office of a •ntrol or =maga. meat umler the Khoo! lane of this ztate ARTICLE XI (sorrow 1. The 'reenter. nr thieCommonwealth shall Fa armed. fmrtnited d disciplined f r its netenee when and in such rottener an m be direebd htw. The General Assembly Fhall provide for onintminip, th • militia by appr prl.ti p to•ni the Treßgury or the Clonimunweelth. 6 .4 rope= •mpt from military eerviee porno' having eoinielentious scruples ilgaim besting item. AILTICLE XII Svcrios I. All officers wbosP selection is not provid ed for in this constitution s_ all be elected or appoint.' jnxvhe 'meted by law . "• Esc . 2. No naidob:r or Congress frdm this Rat nor any person holding nr enerei-ing 'toy office •tr epp dot ment of trues or profit under the United Stet a. shall at the same time hold or +XeiCire any taco in thin State to which a salary. fees or perquisites Phnl ibe attached. The Geneva Assembly mny by law &Glare what oilice4 are incompatible. ben. 3. Any person she shall fight a C.uel or Pend a challenge fo that porpose. or he eider or Abettor is fighting a doe!. shall be deprived of the right of hold. fug any office of ho.dir or profi: iu this State and tent be otherwiee pen:shed as abed be prelerited by law. ATTICLE XIII, Semen( 1. No new county shall be established which reduce any county to le,as than four hun dred Milan Miles, to leo , ' then twenty thousand inha , ilantS; nor shall any county be formed of !ere area. ore utnining a lest population, nor Ault Amy line thereof pass within ten miles of the'ceonty s at of any county proposed to be divided. ARTICLE XIV. O,ICEBS SLCTION 1. County officers shall c moist of sheriffs, conier, prntbonotsi ies, iegi.ellf or wi l's, recorders of deeds. commtasiouren, treasurers. aurreyms. audi tors or controllers, clerk+ or the courts. diwrict attor ney, and .0 others' as my" from time t time ba eg tablighed by law; and on sheriff or treasurer shall be e•lg.hle for the t• rot ner.t llLl:cercling the oue for which be may he elected. . . . SBo 1. booty officers shall he elect.d at the cenertl elections. snit eh til hii,l their offices far the tsent of three years. begini•ing on the fiist Monday f January next alter their election, moil until their iseirrs sl.sll t e duly qualifl,l; all vacancies not ethnic provided 1,1..11 le Uiled in such menner se way be pr, cited by Inn. Fsc rrs qt shall eappointed to any offiee with in any county who shall not • are been n eii je n sod inhabit:tat torrent' one year nest et 're his sppoint inent. i the county shall have been so Io g event-d, but if it elicit not have been sq long erected. then within the Imits of the c•tunty or counties out of whieh it sh.ill hints been taken,. • 41 , C. 4. Prottrunticarics. el -rks or thq enurti record ers of deeds. registers of wi:ls, cetniity surveyors, and sheriff. .hall k p their to the C. , OTIty (OW '1 of the county in which they rvvpe •tivsly shall!. officers. sr. r,.5. The coatrusation of county ogle •ra shalt !eguntiell!, lIIW. xnd all COO Oty elacern who are Or m t. salaried shall pay all fees which they miy b.. au. thoris to receive Into the treasury of the county or tat , as may he dtrc•!t••d by law. In eow.ti..t con taining over nue hni.dred , n 4 ti:ty thovand inhabi. tails al, t•onnly offt,era shall I•. paid by scary, at d the as ary of any such officer and hie clerks, heretof•trt phi by foe.. vor exPeed tha egg e4l, amount of f ea e.rned duriog his trim and cc/heeled by or for him. toO. 0. The General Assembly shall provirle by tew for the strict nerountau ility of a I county. towurbie. and t °rough °Maur, as well for lees which may be coll• cted by torn) ss for all pubdcor uramcips/ moneys which may be paid to them Sao 7. Three county commissioners cod three county auditors Rhea ue elected in each cotr.ty where such :ere are cho•eo, in the year one thousand euht hundred amt seventy-fire, ::el every third year thereafter; and in the election of said officers tact qualified three.. will vote for no more than two pe sone, and the three persons having the It ich.st bore. rotes shall le elected ; any cased/ recency in-the office of county commissioner or county &mil tor shell he tied be the Court of Common Kees of the county is which tech 'scene} , that/ occur. by the appointment of Cu elr .tor n f the proper county who shall bore voted for the commissiouer or auditor whose pace is to be filet ARTICLE XV Srvrox 1 Cities may be chartered whenever a ma jr,cify of the e/ectors of any town sr b dough having population.' at rest ten thousand shan vote at any use./ e ectien in favor of the same. Sic No debt she the contracted or ita,itity In curred by soy tuun.ci pal coinwissi•in. except in I.UrPII - of an tippc pristine previously made ther,f, by he much ioa,overno sot. ,ac. 3. Every city NW/ createa fund, veil enati ptoolgoil for thit pnycieut of its funded debt. ARTICLE XVI. IR PATE CORPOR SCCTMN 1. Ail existi,:g charters, or grant; of specie./ or ...Li., privihges, node: which a Lana .fid.: organ ic:l-ion tam!, not have taken p . a.e and l usineas b,en commenced in goad faith at the time or Iha ad,tion of title nowt.; tuit u, sha I then after have no vlinlity Sac . 2. The Gene, s' Assembl Pipet not remit the for feiture or the charter of any c,poration now existing. oral er or auto,. the same, r r any other geoerg or npeciel /ow for Use benefit of such corporation, ex. pt opt, the c••od'tinn that ouch corponation shall th-re,fter hood its charter to ject to the prov,ioua of this con.titutiol or c. 3. The exercise r f the right of eminent domsin ihvii never be abridged or so construed as to peevent the General asvemb y fn in taking the prop rty ;id Iran. hive. of incoryorated companies, and suaectins them to pubic one, the avme an the property of Lodi vidna:v : and the exercise of the Wes power of the Sate shall never be a ridged r en construed an to permit corporations to couduct their businesa in such manner as t infringe the eq 14Z rights of iudiv iambi or the genera! w 11-1) ins a the State . . Pec, 4. ho all electlon; for uirretora or manors. Of • corp.,' etinn a. eh int.mber or share-hoider may cant the Nobel, number of bin antes for on. randid,o, or Mittel ate them upon too or mi..) candidates, as ho way prefer. S.W. 5 No foreign corporation .hall do soy basin... Ia Ibis Plate without having one or more known places of buniaras. mut an euphoria. dog nt or ageuta in the same. upon whom process may be nerved, 000. ti. No c,poration shall Ougage in arty lonia...it otb..r than that oxpremaly authorised in it. charter nor shall it take or hold any re, estate. except rush an may be nreetmary and proper for its leg.timate . . _ . - 8s c. 7. No corporation shall isatie steam or bone' eft, t fur money. looor done or mousy or penitent, actually rece.ved; and all fist Pions ihcr•aes of Mock or lade. tedneee shall be void; the etu.lt and indebted noes of coil:mations; shall not he there. .1 except is pursuance of goueral law, nor without the Contra , 01 the persons b tiding the luster amottht to veins of the .kck first obtaihef at a tue , ting to he lac la after sixty day. , notice giv•n i•• pursuance nf law. ceo. r. Municipal and other corporations ani Indi eldwele with tee privilege of taking private property !sr pubic use shall make Just compensation fur property taken, it jured, or tlestroyed by the con ex octtot. or. Orr...moot of their work*. highwor•, or improvements, which entnpenset ion shall I.a paid ur Bemired before etch liking. injury. tee deatruetmo The tleheral •seem ly het, y trohibited from de- priving any person of en appeal from any preliminary sweetmeat of don,geo ogemet any each wtrporatione or iudividuals merle by viewers or utherwieei and the amount or such clansave, in all leases of appeal shall, ou the d•-tnand of either party, be del. tt aided by &ju ry according to the count+ of the common law . nsc 0. Every t oohing law shall provid• for the reg• Wry std countersigning, by au office of the State. of all utast or bide d,ishetli he circulation. and that ample seem by to the fell amount they. of .1.11 be neposited with the ..liter tieneral for the redemtion of much note or Mite. to 10 The General Aesernbly chill have the rower to alter. revoke, or eneul any charter of in rorphration now ext..% and revocable at the edor— tioi of Chic to, et , Lotion, 3r any that may hereafter be created, whenever in their eptnion it may be to juti one to the citia nen( this Cotntnonwewith. I.e each moo ier. however, that MI toluene, shall t e done to the corporator*. No leer herr. nee enacted clean cre ate Iclll-W, or extend the charter of more thee one co, tetra:ion. Sso 11. No corporatio body to pees-se banking and d etwountingprivil gee shall be created or .4,11f5,1 in purtuance of any law without three moat,. ;nevi ne public noticw et the piece tot the iute :tied liteation. of the intend u to apply for touch pri•i leg,. in zilch meo w r ae shell be prescribed by Leo eel shall it ebncer aara prow ileege be granted for a longer periLd than twenty years. CO.S 12 Any afineißtiort or carporation organized for the purpose. or any ind'vidual, shall hoe- the riorht to conittruct and tatintain lines of telegraph within 'hi. elate. and to connect the eatue with other Ines; nod the (ieurral Assembly than, by genntal law of Uhl form oporetton, provide reazunable regulations to give lull effect to this mection No telegraph C aupany sh +l' co...lid:Au slob tor bold a controlling Int rest in the stock yr betide of any other tele.zraph e• inpany owning a competing lino. ee hcqnire. t.y purchaeto or otherwise, any 'other compel!, g line of telegraph. See. lit The term • . coetnratlenc;' usual In this article, ehal I be construed to ineude ail joint clock xonipeniee or seenciatiutie having any of the powere nr pr vlegee or corporations not poiaeseei by iudividuala or viewership, ARTICIE XVII RAILROADS AND CANALS, Peer!. I. All railroads and vomits allot' to public highway.. and all rid boad and canal companiee shall be common carriers Any mist cmtinn or corporation organised for the purro se shall have ibo right to con atruot and emirate a railroad between any poioto with in this State one to coon ct at tho Mato line with railroads of other Mateo. Every ral:thad company s .11 have the right with its road, to inters , ct. counrc:. ith or erns, ally other vitrot I. nut altatt re,elye nod transport each the otheio' passengers, ton. 1t.,. and care, loafed or empty, without ueluy or dismlnsloo tion Aso 2. Every railroad and tonal corporation organ 'red in this amts shall niaintoin an t ffice th.rein, where tratiorma of ito stock shall b. made, and where its books ohal I he kept for inspectitmby any stock holder or ;red iror of such corporation, in which that mil ie. cord. d the amount of capital work aubscribed or paid in rod by whom. the names of the menet' of its mock sod the moonlit. owned by them. respectively, the Monsters of odd work and the names and places of re olden.° of its officers 000 3 All tot ividuvlo, some iat ono, and corpora , Lion. 'mall have equal tights to hoot prrsous and property trAnKp red over railrondo and canals a ri no undue or unteasonable d.serliniortion shall be made In cborgea for or Is facilities for transportation of fre.ght or passengers within the Stat., nr coinlog mom or going to any other A Late Etymons sod prop erty trai.sport• d over any railroad shall b • delivered at any dot mu at Atari,s not rxred.ng the charges for mansputMtionof persona oral properly of the 'Ante Clasp lo th. tame direction to any tool, dia.at motto.; but excursion coutoutation tickets may be issued at special rotes, Arc 4, No railrood canal, orother corporation,nor the noses put chmpro, or in nsg• vs to toy railroad or mat corporation, shall ...Unto the ...Lock. proper ty. or fist. mane of such corporation with. or lease • r purchase the Wort or fronchmeo of, or io any way con trol sny other rat.road u. canal cmporotion owning or heath under Ito coot:T.10 parallel or conlPelinif 1t,.,, nor shall any officer of ouch railroad or ran, corpora- ties set man officer of any other railroad or canal goo- potation or having the Gouty.' of a pa.allet or Competing line. and the question whether red:roods or corm s are parallel or competing lines shot. when de manded • y th- party complatuout, be decided by a jury of in 001, Cie I leen.... So,. 5. No iecorporaied company doing the bus Inv. of a commoucarrler directly or indirect y. pros 'elite Or encase Is mining or monufmthring mate.s tor malt, irtatiati vacitoworks, "tor shall saob com pany. direct y or indirectly, encase to any other boo ties, than that of common carriers. or hold or acquire 10n..., fro hold or liamholit, directly or indirect y. ascent sorb am shalt be necessary for harrying n Its bloom eat but sny mining or manufacturing company may carry the pot duct. of its M;nre sod manufaetories • , n Ito railroad or canal not tseeeding fifty voiles to length p fi. No president,. director. officer. scent. or em ploy- of any raitru.d or canal c inpany shod I be Inter mited, directly or Ind...rile, in the furnishing of ma terial or suppl fee to such company o. in the baeinese of transportation so a ronutunt currier of freight or peel niters over the works owl, lese-d, controlled or worked by loc h c.mpolny . . diacrinitnitinn fo civages or ',citifies for totnsonewtion Rhall intde 6.•tivioot trans: rota tion compani, mot Inoividna.s, or in f tyro of either, I y nt, denvro.ck,or itto ad nr clnal eon:piny, nor IlLy innonger, or mop oye thereof. ti.,111, matte say rveferenees is foroishlog c ors or mt.tive sEr. 3 No rsitrrad, miles sy, smother tran-portation company shall grant tree passes or poses at a diraiiout to any perEou sace j .t officers or envie/ea of the com pany. S-c 9 wo strset passenger railway shall be con s. t 'acted witi in 'be limits of any city, I ornugh. or tow ship w thous the consent of its [oral authorities. SLU U. N., rol.esd, canal, or oth, tran‘portation company, in existence at the thee of the adopt.on this article. shall have tit.• benstit of ens future legis 1, ion by general or t-p -cis' laws, except on curt:Winn of c molete acceptance of all the provisions of this Src 11. The existing pow, /I and duties of the Aud itor General in regard to the railroads. entiala, and nth, transom.. ill!) con - insole., except as to .heir art• counts, ere hereby trsonf•rreil to the Secretary or In ternal Affairs. wt.° ' , all have a it.oetai eapervitiou OV F them ambled •o earth resitiatioos and aiteratiora as shall be provided I y law; nod in addition t. the YOOIIAI re la.its now require. t.i i e made, add reereta•y ng , r. goira opec'.l reports at any time upon ivy soh j ct re intiug to the I t.iitet. of Enid erimpluiss from aby odic, or officers thereof. ARTICLE XVIII. SKOTtna 1 Any amendment or arnentmentn to thin cenntituti•di nt y he pr,rned in the Semite or !7 none of Henn,. •nte.tiv..s. end i I toe 81111. ~hall be agreed to by tonjorry of the ',Wert to e.eh such propoot d nmendln •nt er emend:oo;2th elite( be en tered on tbsirj nunals, tails the yeas and nays taken ..I;er;pin. end tot et ere . ..rr of thjet-mmonwealth *ll.l c use the same to b- ptoliehed three in iutbs before the next general election in at least two newspapers in ever county in wl.ich suet newspapers shad be pabli hed: and if. in •he General Assembly next afterwards chosen, such prepesed amendment or amendments sha'l b• agreed to I y a in..jorily of the meta. era elect. d to etch bowie, the eteretaty of the Commoowealth canon [t« parma again to tot e pub lished in the manner aforeotid. emd such propmwd amendment or aunt chmeets shall be submitted to the .1 «lector. of U., at., in such a int,ner. and at tech time. at 10.,5t three months i.fret being so ages-d to ty the tee hoes. s as the °eons( As..em b.y than presmibe; e.d tforch amendment or amend men eshal I he aNa...red br a 1119 i DI it. of .hose vot• 1., there.. such amendment ur amendmeota shall becomes part of the convtitutinn t but no amendment or smeedments s`.6l be rubel-J.-al oftener than once in lire years; when two or m .re amerdin. ors shall be submitted thty shall be rot. d alma separrtely SCIIEDULE. That no inconvenience may arise from the changes is the constimtion of the Colinnonwealtli. and in order to early the same into complete operation. it is hereby declared that: • (Oilto hon shall take eEeet en the brut day of .I.,nuary. in the yt.ar one thousand ehrin bonfire.' and seventy-four. torah purposes net otherwise provided for therein. . . geritr Y6l Imesiu Rice 11; iLi.t Commonwealth at tile time ,1 the adoption of this constitution not inconsistent thecewithAnd all tights, actions. pros con t ions, and contracts shall continue as It this con stitution had not been adopted At the general election in the years one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four and one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five Senators shall be elected in a II districts where there shall be vacancies Those elected in the year one thousand tight hundred and seven y-four shall serve for two years. and those elected in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-live shall serve for one year. Senators flaw elected. and t hose whose terms are unexpired. shall represent the districts in which they reside until the end of the terms for which they uere elected. SEC 4. At the general e'ection in the year one thousxml eight hundred and seventr.six. rfiatorg shall be elected from the even numbered districts to serve for two years. and from odd utnnbered dis tricts to serve for fimr years . SEC 5. The first eleitiotiof (lover'', tinder this clostitut ion shag be at the general election in the year one thousand eight hundred will seventy-five, when a Governor shall be elected for three years: and the term of the Governor elected In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight and f those thereafter elected slug be for four years. according to the provisions of this constitution. SEC. E. At the general election In the year one thousand eight 11111111 red and seventy-font a Dew [(allot Govern,, shag to elected according to the Provisions of this constitution. tiae 7. The Secretary internal Affairs shall be elected at the first general election after the adoption of constitution: and when the said officer shall be duly elected and qualified, the office Id Surveyor General shailts, abolished.and the Sur veyor General in office at the t hue of the adopti, of this constitution shall continue in office until the, expiration of the min for which be was elected. SEC. 8. When the Superfut-ndent of Public In strn etton shag he daly qualiged.the office of Super- Int-mien t of COMM. Schools shalt cease. bE7.1 7 9. :Nothing contained in tllii constitution shall be construed to render any pers , n now !mid. Mg any State office for a first official term tueligib:e for re-eleetton at the end of such term. _ . . Sea 'O. The Judges of the supreme Court in of flee when this constitution shall take effect shall continue until their commissions severally expire. Two judges is addition to the number now compos ing the said court shall be elected at the first gen eral election after the adoption of this constitu tion. SEC. 11 All courts of record and all existing courts which are not specified in this constitution shall continue in existence until the first day of De cember,in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, without abridgement of their present jurisdlethm, but no longer. The Court of First Criminal Jut isdietion for the counties of Schuylkill. Lebanon and Dauphin Is hereby abolished; and all causes and proceedings pending' therein in the county of Schuylkill shall be tried and disposed of In t' e Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Session= of the Peace of said county. hoc 12. The registers' courts now in existence shah be abolished on the first day of Januar) next succeeding the adoption of this censtitntion. Sec. 1 . The General Assembly shall, at the next session after the adoption of tills constitution. 'designate the several Judicial districts as required by this constitution. The judges in commis-lon when such designation shall be made shall continue during their unexpired terms Judges of the new di, tricts in which they reside. But when there shall be two judges residing in the same district, the president lodge shall elect to which district he shall be assigned: and theaddit tonal law judge shall be assigned to the other district. SEc 14. The general Assembly shall, at the next succeeding session after each decennial reuses. and not oftene. • designate the several Judicial districts as required by this constitution. SEC. 15. Judges learned In the law of any court of record ho ding commissions in foree at the adop.. tins of this con.stitut hot shall hold their respective ()feces until the expiration of the terms for which they wereeommissioned, and until their successors Spill be duly qualified The Governor shall com mission the president judge of the Court of First Criminal Jurisdiction for the counties of Schuylkill Lebanon and Dauphin as a judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Sehnylki 11 county fur the unex pired term of his office. SEc. lit After the expiration of the term of any president judge of any Court of Common Pleas fu commission at the adoption of this constitution. the judge of sack csurt learned in tire law and oldest in commission shall he the president judge thereof.and when two Qr more judges are cleared at the Rune time in any judicial 111511 let they shall decide ny lot which shall be president ledge; bet when the president Judge of a enurt shall he re-elected Ins shall coot nine to be president Bldge of that e v ert. Associate pages, net le:treed in the law, elected af ter the adoption of t is eonstitot lon, shall he eon, mlssioned to built their oflees for the term of five years from the first day of JannarY next oiler their election. The General Assembly at the first sett sht after the adoption of this constitution shall ho and determine the compensation of the Judges of the Supreme court and of the judges of the several judicial (listtient of the Commonwealth. and the provisions of the fifteenth section of the article on Legislation shall not he deemed Inconsistent here with. Nothing contained in this constitution shall be held to reduce the compensation now paid to any law judge of this Commonwealth now in commis sion . , ..... scc. Ilk The (Wirth of Common Pleas In the counties of Philadelphia and Allegheny shall be emnprFed of the president judges of the district Court and Court of Common Pleas or said counties until their offices shall severally end, and of such other Judges as may from time to time be se- For the purpose of first organization in Phila delphia thejudges of the Court number one shall be Judges Ail ,on, Pierce and pas.. ; of the Coon number two. Judges Dare. Mitchell and one other judge to be elected ;of the Court number three, Judges Ludlow Fir letter and Lynd. and of the Court stitcher four. Judges Thayer. Briggs and one other judge to be elected Tiw judge first named shall be the president I judge of said courts respectively.and thereafter the president judge shall he the judge oldest in con, mls,irrm ; but tiny president Judge remieeted Ito: the same court or district shall continue to be president judge thereof The additional judges for Courts numbers two and four shall be voted for and elected at the first general election after the adoption of tits constitu tion in the same manner as he two additional judg es of the Supreme Comwt and they shall decide by lot to which court they shall belong. Their term of office shall commence on the first Monday of Jamtary. In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy.five. Sec. it. la the county of Allegheny, for the pur pose of first mean izAt on under this ennstitution. the judvs of the Cnurt of Coltlllloll Pleas at the time of the :Wootton of this Cons; anthill shall be the judges of the Court number one, and the Judg es of the District 4.700 rt at the same date shall be the judges of OW Common Pleas number two. The president judges of the Common Pleas and District Courts shall he president judges of said Courts number one ;and two respectively until their offices shall end. and thereafter the judge oldest in commission shall be president judge: but any pies ident judge re-elected in the same court or district shall continue to be president Nage thereof Sec. 20. The organization of the Court of Com- MDR 11, as. under this constitution for the comities At Philadelphia and Allegheny. she' I take effect on the first Monday of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventY - fi ve , and existing courts in said counties shall continuo w 1 h their present W.f . . and Jurisdiction mail that date; but no new stilts shall he instituted in the Courts of Prius after time adoption of this constitution- Sec 21. The canoes and proceedings pending In the Court of Nisi Prius. Court of Common Pleas. and District Court In Philadelohia shall he tri, d and disposed of in the. Court of COMIIIOII he records and doekets of said courts shall he transferred to the Prothonotary's office of said county Ore. 7:2„ The causes and proceedings pending In the cowl of Common Pleas in the county of Alle gheny shall be tried and divosed of in the court number ONE; and the causes and pnweedings pend ing in the District Court shall he tried and disposed of in the court number TWO. _ _ _ SEC. 23. The Prothonotary of the Court of Com nun Pit,44 of Philadelphia shall be first appointed by the judges of said court oa the first Monday of December, in the your one thottmod eight hundred and seventy-tire; anti the present Prothonotary of the District Court in said county shall be the Pro thonotary of the said Court of Common Pleas until said date. when Isis commission shall expire, and the present Clerk itti he Court of Oyer and Terminer and Wcarter Sessions of the Peace In Philadelphia shall be the clerk of such court until the expiration of his present oonnittoton on the Mitt Monday of NO. 48. December in theyear one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five Sec. 24. lu cities containing over fifty thousand inhabitants (except PhPadelphia) all aldermen in office at the time of the :alma'. of thisconstituilon shall continue in oilier until Cite expira thin of their commissions. a nd at the election for city and ward officers in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-rive one alderman shall be elected in each ward, no provided in this constitution SEC In Philadelphia magistrates in lien of a'ilermen. shall be chosen as required in this const tin ion at the election in said city for city and ward officers in the year one thousand eight hundred anti seventr.five; their term of office shalt co ~,,, ;mice on the first Monday of April succeeding their elec tion. '1 he terms of office of aldermen in said city, hold ing or entitled to commissions at the time of the adopion of this constitution shall not be affected thereby. Sec. 2,1. All persons in office in this Common wealth at the time of the adoption of this constitn thin anti at the first election under it. shall bold their respective offices until the term for wlddt they have been elected or appointed shall ex, ire, and un til their successors shall be duly qualified, unless otherwise provided in this constitution Sec. 27. The seventh article°, this constitution prescribingan oath of ohiee, shall take effect and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-live. sec. LI. The tsrms of office of county commis shiners and comity audi ors chosen prior to the year tine thou . and eight hundred mid seventy-five. which shall not have expired before the first Monday of January. in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six .shall expire on that day. Svc. 9. AII State. county, city, ward, boroegh, and township officers in office at the time of the ndoption of this constitution. whose romp...lll°n is not provided for bysalaries alnue, shall continue to receive the enmpensalim allowed them by law until tier expiration of their respective terms of of fice. . . . - • tiec.:O. All State and judicial officers heretofore elonted. sworn. a rennet!. or in office when this con- stitutinn shall take elfeet, shall severally • witida olio month after such adoi lliel. take nod subscribe an oath (or affirmation) to supper! th is constitut ion. SEC. 31. The General As+etilltly. at its first se, sion. or as soon as inn y be after the adoptipn of this cimstltution. shal !pass such laws as may be neces sary to carry the same Into full force and effect. NCO. 32. The ordinance passed by this conyem tion.entitled "an ordinance for submitting the amended csnstitution of Pennsylvania to a vote of the electors thereof.” shall be held to be valid for all the purposes thereof. sec. 13 The words "County Commissioners" wherever used in this constitution. and In any ordi nance accompanying the same, shall be held to in clude the Commissioners for the city of Philadel phia. Adopted at Philaftelphia. on the third day of No vember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. OFFICE OF SEczwreatr OF TEE COIIIIOImEALTE, ITAttstsouna, Nov 13, ISTI I eertifv that to foregoing isa.correctcony of the new Constitution, proposed to the people of Ii Comwoowealtli of Peunsylvanl3. for their approval or rejection. as the same appears of record In this office. M. 8 QUAY. Secretary of COiiiiiioiN;teartit AN ORDINANCE FOR SUIINIITTIZO TIM AMENDED CI PrANSTINASIA TO A VI.TE OF TIIE QUALIFIED ELECTORS TUEREOP, AS PASSED SECOND READING. Be it ordained try the Constitutional donventiOn, of the ammonwealth of Pennsylvania, as follows: 1. That the amended constitution prepared by this convention, be submitted to tne (planned elec tors of the Commonwealth fur their adoption or re intim', at an election to be held on the third Tues day of December next :except as hereinafter oriered and directed. the said election shall be held and con ducted by the regular election officers in the several election districts throughout the Commonwealth, under all the regulations and provisions of existing howl relating to general elections: and the sherbis of the several counties shall give at least tw. nty days notice of said eleFtion by proclaniat ion. " 1. The Sec ietary of the Commonwealth shall, at least t wenty days before the mild election, famish to the Comm.lelierS of each county, a sufficient num ber of properly prepared circulars of I' strnetions.— The commissioners of the several counties shall cause to be printed at least thiee times afk many bal lots of affirmative votes as there are voters in each county—and the same number of negative votes; and the said comm issiouers shall, at least five days before said elect ion, cause to be fairly distributed to the several c:cetion districts in their respective counties. the said ballots, retitens circu lars of instructions, and such other imolcs and pl. pets as may be necesmi y The ballots shall be printed or written in the tenoning form: ou the outside the nerds "New Constitut ion." in the 'ln side tor all ',mots giving affirmative votes the words," For the New Constitution." and for all persons giving negative votes the words "Against Vic New Constitution." 3. If it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled are for the new Constitution, then it shall be the coma ititt IMF of the Cotunionweall h of I . ennsyl. van aon and after the first day of January. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and .seventy-four; but if shall appear that a majority of the votes pOilea were against the new constitu tion, then it shall be rejected and be null and void- 4. Five Commissioners of Election viz: Edwin Fitter. Edward Brownin„m. John P. Verree, Henry flagert, aud John 0. Jatnes, are hereby appoint ed by thisconvention, who shall have direction of the election upon this amended constitution in the city of Philadelphia. The &lid commissioners shall be duly sworn or affirmed to perform their duties with Impartiality and fidelity. They shall also!have power to fill vacancies iu their own number it shall be the duty of said commisdoners. or a ma jority of them :iud they shall have authority to make a registration of voters for the several election di visions of said city, and to furnish the listsso made to the election officers of each precinct or division ; to distribute tile tickets for said city provided for by this ordinance to be used at the election; to ap point a judge and two inspectors fur each erection division, by whom the election therein shall be held and conducted. and to give all necessary instruc tions to the election officers regarding their duties In holding the election and in making returns there of. Ito person shall serve as an election officer who would be disqualified under Sect ion 15 Arti cle 8, of the new constitution The general return of the election In the said city shall be opened.com tMed .d certified before the said commissioners. and with their approvsl—whlch approval shall be endorsed upon the return. They shall make re port,directed to the president of this convention,of their official action under this ordinance and con cerning the conduct of the said election within the said city. The judges and inspectors aforesaid shall con &el the election In all respects conformably to the general election laws of this Commonwealth. and with like powers and duties to those of ordinary election officers Each inspector shall appoint one clerk to assist the hoard in the performance of its duties, and all the election officers shall be duly sworn or affirmed according to law, and shall po sem all the qualifications required by law of elec tion officers in this Commonwealth. At said elec tion :toy duly qualified elector who shall be unreg istered shall be permitted to vote upon mak trig proof of his right to the election officers, according to the general election laws of this Commonwealth. Return inspectors and their etc: its and an hourly count of the votes shall be dispensed with, but over seers of election may be selected for any precinct by said election commissioners, whose duties and pow ers slits II be the same as those of overseers of elec.. tion in said city under existing election laws appli. cable thereto. Betons of the election shall be made in said city as lu the ease of an election for Governor but a triplicate general return for wild city shall be made out and forwarded to the pi es- Went of , his convention at Harrisburg, as is herein after provided in case to county lento's. 5. In each of the counties of the Commonwealth, (except Philadelphia,) the returns of the election shall he madeas in the case of an election for Gov erie but the return judges in each county shall make out a triplicate county retain and transmit the same. within five days after the election, direet ed to the president of this convention, at Harris burg. Done in convention this Third day of November, In the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. JNO. 11. WALIik:R, Pres Cent. D. L DIBBLE, Clerk. A true copy of ordinance of submission. Df.2'. QUAY, Secretary of the Contmonlcealth. R EMEMBER THE THIRD OF DECEMBER. Those whc 'lmpost, int esting, (and whotloes not ?) in tickets for the FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY Which comes off in Louisville on the 3d of De cember next, have uo time to lose, ONLY qO,OOO TICKETS Have been issued, and 12,000 CASH GIFTS, Amounting to 01,500,000. 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Ilysentary, Cheleradnorbn, cho em aid all liver and bowel anaplainbt. Kidney diseases and all affectincri of the Urinal organs—perfectly harmless— free from Afmeral or Alcoholic propertico--plecoont take and never known to fall—Price 11. P. per bottle. Full parVeulars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Addl . °, L. F. HYDE & M., 1&S Seventh Avenue, New To*. riioxn 5.:!,0e