tiling for them that they could do 11. r themselves, without his assistance. By festering and increasing their self reliance, and by judiciously leading them to encoun ter and overcome difficulties. by the right use of their own faculties, the teacher will have the satisfaction of seeing his pupils grow up to be true men and women—stur dy trees, "defying the battle and the breeze" of life—each of thew being a liv ing testimonial to his personal and pro fessional worth. MORAL INCENTIVES TO STUDIOUS WAR- The earnest desire to be useful, and to do what is right, are the most praiseworthy principles of human character, the noblest incentives to human action. They are the offspring of the conscience, and HA such. the most worthy preceptors of conduct. These, with the anxious desire of advance ment, and earnest love of acquisition, are the fundanien al elements on which the faithful teacher must repose his efforts. whilst exciting and inculcating studious balks. emulation, or the earnest desire to advance in one's studies, to improve our present condition, to excel others without entertaining the desire to degress them. is , perhaps one of the most commendable as pirations which can incite or influence the human heart. Progress is written on our nature; onward and upward should be our motto individaally, as it is of Nature in general. Wholesome emulation, when ju diciously employed, will seldom fall ti de velt , pe this progress in youth. It tends to make boys more than they are, or what they are not, and in a certain sense ena bles them to surpass themselves. The desire to excel is, theretire, one of the noblest aspirations which can fire the hu man heart• Curiosity is no small incen tive tostudy. The "propensity in children to do mischief"' is. in reality. a wholesou.e curiosity, an intense desire to acquire in fo:mation. The heavenly delights experi• enced in acquiring useful and interesting information, varies in proportion to the age and mental capacity of the student; but in all cases the pleasure of acquisition far exceeds the labor. We may feel as sured that a baby experiences more pleasure in studying •the philosophy ofaii old drum," out of which it has just knock ed the bottom, or in contemplating the fragments of a china cup which it has just broken, than a miser would experience on discovering a gold mine. In -destroying things" the child seeks to gratify its cur riosity—togain information ; and if in after years the educator can sufficiently arouse and skillfuly guide this p-opensity in his pupils. thenceforth -their minds will neither slumber nor sleep, and learning w 11 be a pleasure to the teacher and the taught. JASON. tainul , louothola. Tne Best Method of Disinfecting Stables. The following recipe for disinfecting stables comes from an accomplished prac tical chemist, who fully understands the subject from experience. Take two parts by weight of sulphate of iron (copperas). and one part by weight of slacked lime; mix them thoughly and allow them to lie in a heap for five hours; then add and mix two Fins by weight of dried and powder ed clay. This disinfecting powder con • tains agents (chemically speaking) fa. the absorbtion of the amonileal comp.iunds and gases which are generated by the de. composition of the stable offal. The irri tating properties of ammonia or hartshorn are well known, and as the present '•horse disease" takes the forth of an inflammation of the mucous membrane, or coating of the interior pas ages of the head and of the t"roat, it is undoubtedly important to avoid in stables the presence of ammonia. This powder will be found preferable to carbolic acid or tar, and was largly used iu the army stables during the war. The best time for applying the disinfectant is to use it before making the bed in the evening, when the stall has been thorough ly swept; a dusting or thin coating will be sufficient to last over night. In the morning, after cleaning the stall again, another application should be made. Growth of Mane and Tail. Middy Morgan gives the following re cipe, which she has personally proved to be efficient in restoring a healthy growth of hair on the tails and manes of horses. Corrosive sublimate (bichlorid,) oxymur late of mercury, each four grain., in one ounce of distilled water. Wash the parts where the hair is thin with warm water and soap, then rub dry with a linen cloth, and immediately after rub in some of the above liniment. If the hair has been rubbed off by the animal's own endeavors to allay cutaneous irritation, then dress with the following ointment: One ounce of fine flour of sulphur, one ounce of pul verised saltpetre, made into a soft oint ment with fresh rendered hog's lard; rub in at night and wash in the morning with warm water and soap; repeat three or four times. If the hair is scant from natural debility of the capillary organs, then sim ply use c)ld water applied with a soft sponge; avoid all combing or brushing, and clean the mane and tail, as the Arabs do, with a coarse flannel rubber. What a Boy Can Do. During the last session of an impromptu Farmers' C:ub, held Thursday evening of the Famaha county Fair, a gentlemin re lated the following circumstances as with his knowledge, and we advise other boys to go and do likewise : In 1868 a boy hid, in ono way and an other, accumulated the suns of sixteen dollars. With his father's consent, he invested this in two yearling steers. These were kept until 1869, then fatted and sold (as thrae year olds) for $lOO. This was re-invested in steers, fatted and sold in I£7l, the father deducted the price of the corn fed, leaving the bogy $195; which aim was again invested by the boy, and in the early part of th 3 present sum mer he sold his little herd of well fated steers, receiving the nice sum or $9OO The father took the boy's labor the past two years in pay for the grain his cattle had consumed. The boy has not yet attained his major ity, and by his father's good Sense, has not only nearly a thohsand dollars in money, but has acquired a fund of inform ation. in regard to feeding stock, that few boys of his age possess.—Kansas Farmer• A very neat and pretty way of training roses is to peg them down upon the ground so that the branches cover the entire sur face. Miscellaneous WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY FOR TIIE THROAT AND LUNGS. It is gratifying to us to inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. for Throat and Lung Diseases, bits gained an mild. We reputation from the Atlantic to the Talific coast, and from thence to some of the first :rmi ies Europe, not through the press alone, but by per. sons throughout the States actually benefiitted and cured at his office. While he publishes less, so say our reporters. be is unable to suphly the de mand. It gains and holds its reputation— First. Not by stopping cough, but by loosening and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, tchich cavern irritation, Second. It removes the cause of irritation (which produces cough) of the mucous membrane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to net and throw off the unhealthy secr:tions, and purifice the blood, Third. It is free from equill9, lobelia, ipecac and opium, of which most throat and lung rem, dies are composed, which alloy cough only, and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing efieet on the stomach, acts ou the liver and kidneys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the tystem, and in its invigorating and purifying effects it has gained a reputation which it must hold above all others in the market. NOTICE. THE PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILLS, WORM SUGAR DROPS Being under my immediate direction, they shall not lose their curative qualities by the use of cheap and impure articles. HENRY IL. WISHART, PROPRIETOR. FREE OF CHARGE Dr. L. Q. C. Wishares Office Parlors are open on Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M , fur consultation by Dr. WU, T. Magee. With him are associated two consulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This opportunity is not offered by any other institution in the city All letters must be addressed to L. Q. C. WISHART, M. D., No. 232 N. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA, nov27-6m. GOOD FITS! SHOEMAKING ! We manufacture to order all kinds of Ladies' and Gents' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, !cc., of the best material the market producer, and at the shortest possible notice. Persons from the country can be accommodated with our own manufacturing by giving a few hours notice. All kinds of repairing neatly done. For past favors accept our sincere thanks. D. HERTZLER & BRO., 40:1 Allegheny St., Opposite B. T. Depot juue26tf Huntingdon, Pa, VINEGAR BITTERS-PURELY VEGETABLE—FREE FROM ALCOHOL— Dr. Walker's California Vineyar Bitters. No person can take times Bitters according to di rections, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means; and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or haligeetion, Headache, Pain in Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizzi ness. Sour Eructions of the Stom.soh, Bad Taste in the Month, Billions Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the re gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other pain ful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal. and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lenghtby advertisement. Fur Female iAnnplaiiite, in the young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon preceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. Billions, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers. Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidney. and Blad der, these Bitters havo no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangetneut of the Digestive Organs. They area Gentle Purgative as well an a Tonic, possessing, also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Billions Diseases. For Skim Diseases, Eruptions, Titter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-head. Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurf's, Disco!orations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of what ever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wonderful Invigurant that over sustained the sinking system. J. WALKER. Prop'r. R. 11. lIFDONALD k CO., Druggists and General Agents, San Francisco and New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS. J• E. SMUCKER. I 1•1111.1 P nnowx. I J. N. wism SMUCKI..:R. BROWN & CO, Manufaeturere and dealers in all kinds of Furniture, beg leave to inform the TRADE and Public generally, that they have consolidated their Store on Dill street with the Steam Furniture Factory, lately owned by J. 41. Wise .4 Son., and propose by their increased facilities to offer every advantage to the Trade, and all desiring FURNITURE. They have the Finest PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS Ever brought to this county, in style and quality to suit the wants of all. ALso BUREAUS, EXTENSION TABLES, MARBLE TOP AND DINING TA• BLES, COMMON MAPLE AND ASH BEDSTADS, FANCY WALNUT BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, CHAIRS AND ROCKERS, CANE SEATED CHAIRS, WOOD SEAT and SPLINT BOTTOM CHAIRS. The above in all the varieties that may be wanted. Moo HALL STANDS, LOOKING- GLASSES, BRACKETS AND WALL BRACKETS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK. They also keep on hand a large .sortment of METALLIC COFFINS, and are prepared to attend funerals either in town ur ouun , y, at reaaonahle rater, Salesroom, No. 618 Hitt street, Smith's new building; Factory, 613 and 616 Mifflin street Huntingdon,. Pa. mar 20,72 Miscellaneous R. B. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. NOT ONE HOUR after reatling . _t , his2d,:er!isF . inft . a ... i . leed any one - iSUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. The Only Pain Remedy that instantly Mops the most excruciating pains, allays IntMminatiuns, and cures Congestions ' whether or the Lenten, Stomach, Bowels, or other glatidsororgans, by one application, In from One to Twenty Minutes, no matter haw violent or excruciating the pain the Rheu matic, Bed-ridden, infirm. Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgia, or proatiated With diseuse may suffer, • .RADWAY'ei READY RELIEF will afford instant ease. hillamation of the Kidney, In tlaruation of the Bladder, Itiffamation of the Dowels, Congestion ut the Lungs. Sole Throat, Difficult Breath ing. Pulp:lotion ut the Beni t, Hysterics, Croup, Dyptheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Cold Chills, Ag e Chills. . . The application of the itaZDT ItEmix to the part or part whore the pain or difficulty estate will ado." ewe mad comfort. Twenty drop; in half it tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramp., Span, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dpentety, Cold, WIWI in the Bowelii, mid an Internal Mons. Tra,eler; ohtTubi always ran,. a bottle of R riwtfa R.•DY B.L.LIET With them. A taw drop. in water will pre Pelt Air kit .as er palm; bum change in water. It is better thou Ft mien Brandy or Bitiers as a stimulant • • Fever and Ague. Fever and ague cured for fifty centa. There Is not a retnedical agent in thug world that will cute Fever and Ave, and all other Ala . arious, Billions Scclrlet Typhoid, Yellow, mid other levers tabled by ItADW tT's PIUS) so tinick KADWAT'S 1113ADT REIS,. Fifty ceuta per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! Strong and pure rich blood—dilemma of flash and weight—clear skin and beautiful convict:Wu secured to DR. RA LI WArS &insp. - Minn Resolvent has made the Most astonishing cures: a° gala, so nipid ure the changes the body under go. under the influence of this t.nly wonderinl medi cine, that every day all Increase iu flesh and weight is won and felt. The Great B1"od Purifier. Every deep of the Sarsaparillian Resolvent communi cates through the Blood, Sweet. Urine and other d u lls and juices of the system the vigor of lite, for it repairs the wastes 01 the holy with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis. Consumption, Glandular illsea-e Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Byes, Stone Discharges from the Ears, and the motet fort, of Skin Diseases. Erup. Dons, Fever Sores, Scald lured, Ring Worm, salt Rheum. Erysipelas. Ache, Black Spots, Worms in the flesh, Tu ners, Cancers In the Womb, and all weakening and pain ful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life principle. are within the curative range of this wooden of Modern Chemistry, and a few dale' use will prove to any person using it him either of these forms of disease its potent power to erne them. . . It the pat..; daily becoming reduced by the wnstes and decomposition that is continually progressing, suc ceeds in arresting the warts, and repairs the mike with new material made from it althy blood—and this the ear saparillinn will and done aocure. 'rot only dues the Sat separillian Resolvent excel all knew!, remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous Constitutional, and skin diseases bet it is the only pee itive cure for Kidney & Bladder Complaint., rniary and Womb diseases, Gra - el, Diabetes, Dropsy Stoppage of Witte , Incontetrtice of Urine, Bright's Dis— ease, albuminuria, and in all rases where they are brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of au egg. ur threads like white silk, or theta is morbid, dark, billions appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking. Waning sensation 'then passing water, and pain In the Small of the back and along the Loins Price, $lOO. Woll3lB.—The my known and sure remedy for Worm Top! de.— . . Tuner .112 Years' . f7roleth _Cured by Radteay's Reanlrene. Rawest,. Mos., Jnly 11, 1869. D.. Ruiwsv:—l have had Ovarian Tumor in the ova riea and bowels. All the Doctoral .Id "there was no help for I tried every thing that eves reccommended ; but nothing helped me. I .aw your Resevent. and thought I would try it but had nolitith In .t. bet:tube I tad suf fered fur twelve years I took six bottles of the Resol vent. and one box of Radway's Pills and two bottles of your Really Relief and there 1114 not a sign of a tumor to be seen or felt, and I feel boater, smarter, and happier than I have for twelve years. The worst tumor was in the lett tide of the bowele, over b.. groin. I write this to• you for the benefit of others. You can publish this if you chows, HANNAH P. RNA? DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT I'I7RGATIVE Tete:tly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge regulate, pnnfy clean-amid strengthen. Declivity's Pills, for the cure of taltlim•rders of the Stomach. Liver, Dow els, Kidney., Dlndder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, eon- PDF. ion Costiveness, Indigos: ion. Dyspepsia, Billions riess, Bliiloo.l Fever. Inflamittion of the Bowels, Piles, and all derangements et the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect n positive mire. Pnrely Veitittive, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterous age. SW' o'brierve the following symptoms resulting from Diamdeni of the Digestivs crgans Censtip.tiou, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. San ta, Heartburn. Dis gust of Food, Foulness or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Fructabion, Sinking or Fluttemnrg at the Pit et the &m -ach. Swimming of the Head Flurried and Difficult Breath ing, Fluttering at the 'lead. Choking er Indicating Se - ' cationswhen in a Lying Pasture, Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs lieMre the Sight. fever and Dull Pain in the Heed, Defi. iency of Perspiration. Yellos nms of the kin, and Eyes, Pain in the SW Chest, Limbs, and Sud den Flushes iif neat, Burning in the Flesh. ..........„ .Cfcw doses of Railway's PRI.. will free the system from all the ahoy named dieordere. Price, 25 cents per box. Sold by Druggists. Read "Pal-e and Truo.” Send one letter-stamp to Rad way ri Co No. S 7 Maiden Lane, New York. Information wdol h thotrumde will bo sent you. May 22, 1072. SURPRISING. It is really surprising how rapidly Dr. Wengert's Family Medicines are becoming popular all over the country. Thousands nre daily praising them for their many virtues and say they would not be without them in their families. To you who have never tested them, we would say if you have Fever cud A que you cannot do better than use DR. WENGERT'S MOUNTAIN HERB BITTERS. For Liver Complaint., Scrofulous Affections and Disesses arising from Impurities of the Blood, use THE INDIAN VEGETABLE Restorative and Blood Purifier, Dr. Wengert's Magic Balm has no superior for the epeedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds, .Bronchitia and Diseases of the Re spiratory Organs. THE SAMSON OIL reed only to be tried to eoDrineo the most ineredu loge that it will cure Nrrroue Headache, Cholera Morino', Colic, Ceampe, Sprains, Bruisee,&e. Dr. Wengert's Hepatica Pills are an Alternative Cathartic, and can be used for an ordinary Cathartic or Physic, and should al ways be uee : in connection with the MOUNTAIN HERB BITTERS in severe cases of Fever and Ague. We know that there is continually being palmed upon the people tome wonderful prepara tion that is without merit or virtue, therefore the people lose confidence in preparations that do pos sess virtue. Yet it would certainly he unwise and unreasonable to condemn all the various remedies offered to the public because some are disgraceful humbugs. All we ask is for you to give Dr. Wengert's Family Medicines a fair trial, and if they are not deserving of your praise and confidence, then denonnee them in your strangest terms. Fouse's I. X. L. Horse and Cattle Powders are considered the beet now in use. TRY THEM All of Dr. Wengert's Family Remedies and Fonse's I. X. L. Horse and Cattle Powders, are manufactured by DR. J. W. WENGERT do CO., Sole Proprietors, . - Nos. 135 & 137 North George St., York, Pa. pir-James R. Patton, Druggist, cor. of 3d and Railroad Sts., Huntingdon, Pa., has for sale all the above mentioned Remedies and Powders. Ju1y24,1872-Iyr. UT M. PIPER, V v • No 50 Hill Street, Huntingdon, Pit., Manufacturer of BROOMS, BRUSHES, WISES, &C., Of all qualities and styles. The trade supplied at favorable price., and all goods warranted to be as represented. The highest price paid in cash for for Broom Corn. Broom Corn Worked on SAares. Also, retail dealer in GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS AND NOTIONS. By economy in expenses, I am able to sell goods at very reasonable prices for cash, and solicit a share of public patronage. j1y3,72-tf. IieLATCHLETS IMPROVED CU CUMBER WOOD PUMP.—Tasteless, dur able, efficient and cheap. The best Pump for the least money. Attention is especially invited to Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Cheek Valve, which can be withdrawn with out removing the Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scaies,"and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price List. NIA'S. BLATCIILEY. Septl3.ly .506 Commerce St., Philada, Pa. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CANDIES, TOYS, FRUITS, NUTS, &c, in at D. S. Africa's Variety Stare P No. 423, in the Diamond. Afro, can be had, a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, PEN KNIVES, POCK ET BOOKS, TRAVELING SATCHELS, FANCY SOAPS, HAIR OILS. PERFUMERY, &C. Dows' Celebrated Ice Cream Soda Water, in season, at D. S. Africa's Variety Store, N 0.423, in the Diamond March 15.1 f. FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING GO TO THE "JOURNAL" BUILDING Pianos TEN T R. A. R, I 0 - PIANO COMBINES MANNER'S FOUR SIMPLIFYING PATENTS, THE MOST VALUABLE PATENTS EVEN USED IN PIANO-FORTES, PATENT ARION REVERSED WOODEN THE COMPO UN REST IRON AND THE SUSTAINING IRON A FEW REASONS ARION PIANO IS SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS The ARION PIANO-FORTE has greater power than any other Piano-Forte manufactured. It will Stand in Tune Longer, and in its mechanical construction it is more per fect, and, therefore,more d , trable, than any instru ment constructed in the usual modern style. The arrangement of the Agraffe, the manner of stringing, the peculiar form and arrangement of the Iron Frame SUPERCE DES ALL OTHERS The use of a bar (which is a part of the Iron Frame on a line with the heavy steel stringing,) GREAT STRENGTH where most needed, and in this respeet oil other pianoes fail. The construction of the WREST PLANK, into which the tuning Pins are inserted, is such that it is impossible for the pins to come loosened, or the Wrest Plank itself to split, as is too often the case in other Piano-Fortes. The Extraordinary Evenness throughout the softie, the excellent Singing Quell. ity, the LENGTH AND PURITY OF VIBRATION, all go to prove what we Maim, vie : that the AR I 0 N PIANO-FORTE Is the Best Instrument Manufactured. ALSO ESTEYS COTTAGE ORGANS, WINE TIIE VOX JUBILANT VOX HUMANA THE NE PLUS ULTRA OF REED ORGANS, universally acknowledged to be the BEST Organ made for Sunday Schools, Churches, Parlors and Lodges. Having more power, with a sweeter tone, than any other Organ in the market notwithstanding the representations of agent. interested in the sale of other Organs, ate do fully warrant every Orr.a for the period of five years, (at tam OK. expense.) We hare no agent in Huntingdon at present,there fore all who may want one of the best Organs ex tant may receive, by corresponding with us, a price and descriptive list from which a selection may be made, to which we will give oar personal attention. and guarantee satisfaction. Send your orders to mtueu, No. 18 N. 7th Street. nols Philadelphia, Pa. 11.1iscellaxwous. THOMeI.B FISHED. H. 0. rISHER. THOS. C. MIME. FISHER & SONS, PROPRIETORS of the HUNTINGDON MILLS. Manufacturers of FLOUR, FEED, GROUND PLASTER, &C Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, (=ERIE& FISH, SALT, &C. A Specialty made of CARPETS, OIL CLOTH & MATTINGE March 8.1871. s. E. evertr, T. S. JOLINSTON, -1--. -fL,7- _,. --- c'v ,v's. _o HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. FORWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AGRAFFE. Wholesal and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, • HATS, CAPS, FURS, CARPETS, PLANK, OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, CLOTHING, IRON. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS, SALT. PLASTER. &C., &C. FRAME. Proprietors of the WARRIOR RIDGE FLOURING MILLS, Flour and Feed constantly on hand. BAR. CASH pnid for all kinds of grain. Produce ta ken in exchange for goods at the Mammoth Store. Feb. 15, 1871. GLAZIER & BRO. DEALERS IN GENERAL .111:REANDISE, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c. &c., SMITH Street, between Washington and Mita GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE WASIIINGTON Street. near Smith. Jan. 18, '7l. 'MUSIC STORE. You con save from ten to thirty percent. by buy. ing your Instruments from E. J. GREENE, STEINWAY & SONS', CHICKERING & SONS', THE UNION PIANO FGitTE CO., THE WEBER, RAVEN & BACON'S, GEO. M. GOULD & CO.'S, CONRAD MEYERS' AND ALL OTHER MAKES OF PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S and Geo. Woods .t Co.'s celebrated Organs. and any other wake desired. Also, Melodeons, biuktars, Violins, Herman Aceordeons, Sheet Music, Music Books, &c. New and good Pianos for $3OO and upwards. " five-octave Organs for 80 " " " Melodeons for All Instruments warranted fur five years. Agents supplied at wholesale Rates, as low as in the cities. Call on, or address, E. J. GREENE, lluntingdon, Pal, 2nd floor of Leister's new building. January 4, 1871. BEE HIVE GROCERY, No. 111, 4tlt street, Bitntingdon, Pa. "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." .Y. B. CORBIN Ras just received a varied assortment of articles usually found in a first-class GROCERY. BAKERY, I !till contiune to carry on my Bakery, and am at all times prepared to supply BREAD, (JAKE'S AND PIES. at reasonable prices. CANDY MANUFACTORY. In connection with me other business I have commenced the manufacture of Candies, and am prepared to supply country dealers with both FANCY and COMMON at as low rates as they can be pnrchased outside of the Eastern Cities. If you want to save money, Make your purchases at this establish:nent. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS! ! ! TOYS! !! ! This department is complete and embraces every thing in the Toy line from a Jumping Jack to en Elephant. Jan. 17,1872. SMITH IN HIS NEW BUILDING CALL AND EXAMINE. IF YOU WANT GREAT BARGAINS GO TO SMITH'S NEW STORE. The best Sugur and Molasses, Coffee, and Tea Chocolate, Flour, Fish, Salt end Vinegar, Confec tionaries, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, and spices of the best, and all kinds, and every other article usu ally found in a Grocery Store. Also—Drugs. Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Var nishes, Oils Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alchohol, Glass, Putty, de., de. The best Wine and Bran dy for medical purposes, and all the best Patent Medicines, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. The public generally will please call and exam• inn for themselves, and learn my eriees. S. S. SMITH. Jan. 4, '7l. IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS. BIJRCHISELLS' NEW PLANING MILL T. Barchinell .t Son having just competed the erection of a first-class Planing Mill at Hunting don, Pa., are prepared to till all orders for Build ing Materials of all kinds. such as yellow and white pine flooring. Weather boarding, Door and Window Frames, Blinds. Sash, Shutters, Doors, Brackets and Scroll Work at shortest notice and on reasona ble terms. Wood Mouldings of every description and turned work in all its varieties. Their mil being situated on the main line of the Penna. Rail road and Canal, they enjoy superior facilities for the shipment of material to all sections of the State. The senior proprict•r of the firm being a practi cal builder and architect is prepared to furnish plane, specifications and detailed drawings for buildings in whole or in part as may be desired. All orders promptly and faithfully filled. Address T. BUKCHINELL & SON. Huntingdon, Pa. Jan. 4, '7l. GO TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE For all kinds of printing. Boots, Shoes and Leather. WHOLESALE MANUFACTORY BOOTS AND SHOES, The attention of Merchants is called to our Diens' Farming Balmoral Plow Shoes. Mens' Kip Boots. Women's and Misses' Calf Polish and Bal- Wonien's and Misses' Tampico Goat, Pol. All the Calf and Kip we work is Conn- try Tanned, Slaughtered Stock, no Steam Tanned Stock used. All goods put up in the most racutouan and SUBSTANTIAL MANNER. S. IS. ISENBERG. B. F. ISENBERG. All our own Stock and Work guaranteed. For Terms, Prices, &c., address THE KEYSTONE BOOT & SHOE oct4-Iy. EMOVED TO THE NORTH EAST -A-V Corner of the Diamond. Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he has just received from the city a new and splendid stook of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Troloks; &e., &e., &c., Sc. All of which he is prepared to sell at greatly re duced prices. Don t forget the new stand in the Diamond. Old customers and the public generally are incited to call. Jan. 4, '7l. DOWN WITH PRICES. WILLIAM AFRICA has just opened up a large and varied assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS, GLOVE KID SHOES, and a largo supply of heavy work, suitable for men and boys, at very low prices. I have at all times an assortment of HANDSOME BOOTS AND SHOES on hand, which will be disposed of at as reasona ble rates as the market will admit of. My stock was selected with great care, and I can confidently recommend all articles in my establishment. _ _ Particular attention paid the manufacture of customer work, and orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed in all order, WILLIAM AFRICA. Jan. 4, '7l JOHN C. .31 IL LE R. Dealer in (Successor to C. H. Miller & Sou,) DEALER IN EVERY HILL STREET, F RESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT SHAFFER'S NEW STORE. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his old friends and customers, that he has just re eeived from the East a large and well selected stock which he is prepared to sell a trifle lower than any other establishment in tonn. Being a practical shoemaker, and having had considerable experi ence, he flatters himself that his stock cannot be surpassed in the county. Give him a call, at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Castomor work made to order. in a neat and durable manner. Jan. 4. '7l WM. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. HUNTINGDON, PA PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, ALSO SLATE MANTLES FURNISHED TO ORDER. Jan. 4, LUKE REILLY BREAD, CAKES, PIES. CONFECTIONERY, GROCERIES, SYRUPS, &c., &c., &c., Bakery on Moore street, and Store at the Corner of Fourth and Allegheny. Dealers will be supplied at prices as low as can be had from Pbiladelphia. D11.28,'71. FOR PLAIN PRINTING, FANCY PRINTING, GO TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE Huntingdon, Pa. Mens' Brogan Shoes Mons' all Calf Boots. moral Shoes. ish and Balmoral Shoes, MANUFACTURING CO, HUNTINGDON, PA. CAN'T BE BEATEN ! JOHN H. WESTBROOK' LEATHERS. VARIETY OF LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, lIUNTINGDON, PENN'A. Jan. 4, 1871 BOOTS AND SHOES ! For Moo, WOW. and Children, frea end of eke Diamond) HUNTINGDON. PA. GEO. SHAFFER. Miicellaneous. HEADSTONES, &C., MOULDINGS. &C MANOVACTURER Or AND DtALER IN lIU.ATTINGDOAT, PA. Hardware. H. S. WHARTON. J. M. MAGUIRE. IN/MARTON - A MAGUIRE, noissaie and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, LEISTER'S NEW BUILDING, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFER VERY GREAT INDUCE MENTS TO BUILDERS, GLASS, GLASS, GLASS, GLASS, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS OF ALL KINDS, OILS, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, OILS, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, OILS, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, OILS, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, And Everything Pertaining to Builders, -ALSO-- DOTY'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGERS, TORRY'S PATENT ICE CREAM FREEZERS, OF ALL SIZES WE ALSO OFFEit THE FAMOUS "NIAGARA" "NIAGARA" "NIAGARA" "NIAGARA" "NIAGARA" COOK STOVE, COOK STOVE, COOK STOVE, COOK STOVE, COOK STOVE, So highly recommended by every person using the same. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR HEATING AND COOK STOVES, Of all dercriptiono, including th. POPULAR MORNING-GLORY -ALSO REAPERS AND MOWERS, HORSE HAY-RAKES, GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILLS, PLOUGHS, SHOVEL I►MOULDS, HARROW TEETH, HORSE SHOES, IRON, &c., &c. HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SHAFTS, TONGUES, SLEIGH RUNNERS AND FENDERS, SLEIGH ROBES, STEEL TYRE, SENECA FALLS AND READING THIMBLE SKEINS, & PIPE BOXES Ever before offered in this part of the State. SEND FOR OUR PRICES Travellers' Guide. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RAILROAD. Winter Arrangement. Ou and after Tnehday, June 414,187 . 2, Pamenger Train Will arrive and depart an Cr TRAIN, 4ccom. : MAIL STATIONS. A.M. La h 5012 8 00Ilontingdon._ ! A. 9 On' 557 8 08 . 1.44,g Siding 8 531 610 8 21; 51cl, onnellatown I 837 617 8 3011Pleaeant Grove I 8 30 6 344 843 Alga klesburg 8 17 6 44 9 001Cotfee Run • 8 01 6 52; 9 07IRougb and Ready_ . 763 7 05! 9 21)!Core _ 740 7 101 924 Fishers Sumadt —.. 785 A , ~, A 941 t sexton ' ''''', L 9 54f lu 10,Riddlesbnrg 10 17 I tlopewell : 1 10 341Pipera Rnn 144 h2,TatesTille • , 11 0:.1Bloody Ran.. • , 11 10,31ount ladle. SHOUP'S LUN BRANCH. 10 00,Saxton LS 7 41'L, 10 151Coalmont In !hi I Crarriord.- _ 10 ZolDualey lra !Broad Top City.- v2__Arrommalation will run between Ilniaingelon and Saxton tr..wtekly, on Tuesday, Thursday ee4 ratan ay Dudley Car that eounecis with Ar , umiuorlathm, the same JOBN !WEILL]; S, SCPT. A 1.11! AR S 10: PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD BEDFORD DIVISION. On and after Mondiy, Oct. ber 28th, 1672, Parrengcr Trains on this DI vimion, will tun Daily, (Sunda): excoptetl) as followe: Leave WEETWARD. el Al WA j Y. MAIL P. M. , I It T.. TIONr , . ... . ; 1., ICuml crlabd .3i eavoge Juuc Ilarriaburg 4.14;11 r dgei urt Lesvistow . it 11.7 MG DON j 1 ..011 IP. estcn Mount 'll.ls' Londonderry.... A boon Lutrville ! It. 6 Sulphur ffpringr Jamcuon 11.33! t Pbiladelph!a... G LASS, i;lkep'er ',a - 1 1 %119 . 1i Lol p fs , l ß o . rg- Wn I feb si rg, ...... .1 7.42 12.9211 —.....• Ns. ter l, 7.50 1:..10 Jame50n......... . Mamie Choice , 8.03 1 .2i3 , LI 1.Vi1ie.... ...... Sulpleue Springer ' 8.11 12.31' l A ebcom w Bad. Mills.— i 8,3 12.42 'Mount Lana". Loudonderry......l 8: 9 0 2.43 'A. Bunt tngdol. Mmtott ! 8.48 1. 1 " L.-wit:town... Wills Creek 1 910 1.18 " llarradmrg.. Bridgeport. Alt Bsv Junrtion 9.501 155 Ar. Cumberblnd 10.02, 2. 1 21 I " l'h - ladelphin $3...1he above le Yeuusylvania Itsilruad Tim BEDF.D. pENNSYLVANIA RAIL 110AI►. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAIN Winter Arrangement. WESTWARD nONS. = T E 1."". P.M. A. Y.. A. M. IP.M.] iA.M. P M., P /.I 5 61 6 15 1 11 14,10 41 1 74.11ami1t0n.;160214 07;11 2. 5 14,0 23'11 21i10 51..70t. Union 19 55 4 .0 ill 5: 5 2216 31:11 30111 10:M2p1660n ;9 4713 62.11 4* 5 31. 38;11 37111 2 Creek 19 4411 5 46 . 6 6 50111 saiii 56 6131111 , 1 1108.1189b08 1 9 29,4 1;3 3 32.1 4. 11 72' 6 04'6 09,12 11,12 2011 etersturg 19 1613 1511 1 , 10, 6 14;7 12 21;12 32!Barree 9 013 08111 1.. 6 21;7 76112 2b. 4018ruce Creek 9 0313 02;11 11. 6 36.7 40;12 421 12 1 00;13 p nininghani.- ; .8 511112 50110 5 , 6 43;7 48!12 50; 165 /Tyrone. .. lB 4012 4311 ii 4. 6 5417 58; 1 011 1 22 Tipton .8 3012 si 18 4: 7 00,8 061 1 071 I 30,1o8toria ;8 25 . 2 r.,:10 a 7 051 101 1 111 1 36 1 13e118 %ilk 8 0 2' . ' 26'10 a 7 2318 3i.,• 1 30. 2 091.31t00nn .. .18 0511 10;10 2 P.x1.4 x.le. x :A.M. 1A.M.1P.M.4. M The Fast Line Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 7 fe. . N., and arrives at Altoona at 9 20 P. Y. The Pact& Express 1, es:ward leases Huntingdon a 37 A m. and arrives at Altoona at 91.2 A. M. The Sttuthern }Arum, Westward, leaves Iluotinglim it 539 s u., nod arrnes at 'teems at 6SSA. M. Clacinnati Expre, 11estward, leaves Huntingdon a 2:) A. M., and arrives at Altoona at 4 45 A. N. The hunt Line, Eastward, leaves Huntingdon at 2 17 A and arrives at 11,4 - roburg at 5 20 .t. The eincinnati axpreao, Latward, leave. llnnt!ngen) at 7 07 P. 11., and an,wy at llarraburg at 10 26 P. U. NORTH CENTRAL RAILWfi On and after all Os. trains will leav, ristairg, as follows: NORTHWARD. STATICNS, Ilarrigharg Leave Ilarrhiburg, Arrisc ....Arrive Williamsport, Limira, Canandaigua Rochester, Bnßalo Suspension Bridge Niagara FNIIry • SOUTHWARD. STATIONS. I 4. Li I 74 I s; A. M. A. M. A. N. r. rt. P. M. IlarriAburg leavel 405 73011 45 735 2-1. Baltimore. arrive 720 P. s r. Y. 10 45 6-9 12G0 3 W 5t5 550 10 0 Wimbington .arrisel 10 (X Dee, '2',, 181'1. READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS IIoNDAT, MAT Ora, 1872. Great Trunk Line from the North and North-West co Philadelphia, New York, ltead.un, Pottsville, Tama qua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lenanou, Allentown, krustun, Eisluutu, Wm, Lancaster, t....slutubia, aa. Trust; leave Harrisburg sor New York as talowa u 1.41, and 2..c0 p. m. , connecting with wni!la trains on rem..lran's hailread, and anivaig at bar York at lusti v. ni.,3 53and 0.46 p. at. respectively. Returning: Leave New York at 9.oua m. P 2.40 noon an, 5.44 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.8.4 a. m., and 3.:41 p. ns Leave Harrisburg tar Reading. Pottsville, Tamaqua, 311 neraville. Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown and Phdadelphs. at 810 iL m., 200 and 4.b5 p. m., stopping at Lebanon an. principal way stabs's:is - , the 4.115 p. m. trasu connecting to. Plulade.phia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Potts. vase, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, Via gchuylkill an. Susquehanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at 3.41. p.m. Runt Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading fa: Allentown, kacton and New. York at 4.34, 10.40 a. m , en. 4.1. p.m. Returning, leave New York at 9.1,0 a. me., - 12.3. Noon and 54J p. en. and Allentown at 7.20 a. m. 12.21 Noon. 2.15, 4.2 a and 11.15 p. . . . , . „. --- iii . ylciesengor Train reeves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. al. connecting with similar train on hest Poems. Railroad returning from Residing at G2o p.m., slopping at all ale tions. Leave Pottsville at 9.00 a. m. and 220 p. at, Berndt. at law a m., Shamokin at 5.4. and 11.15 a m.. Ashland ar 7.06 a. m., and 12.43 noon, 31ahartuy City at a m. ant 1.20 p. m., Tamaqua at b. 35 a m. and 2.10 p. m. for Phila delphua, hew York, Reading, Ilarriebmg, Leave Pottsville via schitylkill and Susiquehanna Rail road at 5.15 a. in, for Ilarraiburg, and 11.45 a. at., foi Pinegrove and Tremont. P. tuiville Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 5.7 a a m, pus. Rending at 7.25 a. in,, arriving at Philadel phis at 9.50 a. m Returning leaves I hiladelpbia at 5.01 p. m, passes Reading et 7.4 u p. at., arriving at Pot ivvilli at Si.zo p. m. 6.4 P 5 *" a M 17.7 r A te7u ' rn n t ra ir, T rea tk t n es T itatT,Tis P 7fn ' il: n iti7 , Green) at 4 30 p. ui. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 721 i a DI. and 0.15 p. m , for Ephiata,Litiz, Lancaster. Colombia, &c Returning leave Lancaster at b 2u a. m. anti 3.-5 p.m, au, Culunibia at 835 a. m and 3.15 p. Pe . kiomen Railroad trains leave Pet kiomen Junctioi at 7.15, UM a. m., 3.00 and 0.45 p. m.; returning, leave Sch wenksvilie at 6.30, 800 a m., 1.115 Noon and 4.45 p. ni connecting with similar trains on heading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railtead trains leave Phoenixville at 9.10,, m., 310 and 5.50 p.m.; returning. leave Byers at 6.35 a. w., 1%45 noon, and 4.20 p. m, connecting with FOll. liar trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Potts - town at 9.41 a m. and I.li, 0.25 and 7.15 p. in., returning leave Nonni Pleasant at 6.00, 0. and 11,-; a. in. and 3.25 p. m., eon. netting with similar ti an. on Ileading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport at 8.31 a. m., 2.40 suit 573 p. w., returning, leave Downingtowt at 655 a m., 12.30 noon, and 5.40 p. at., correcting with similar train. on Reading Railroad. On Sundays: leave New York at 5.45 p. m., P6llsdclphin at SAW a. m. and 3.15 p. m., (the 8.00 a. in. train running only to Reading.) Mem. Pottsville at 8.00 a. m., leave Har risburg .2.45 a. in. and 2.00 p m leave Allentown at 4.26 and 9 16 p.m.; leave Reading at 7 15 o. m and 10.3 s p m . l o w itarrisburg. at 4.3-i a m. for New York, at 7,51 a. ni. fat Allentown. and 9.40 a.m. and 4.15 p m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage. Season. Schen; and Excursion Ticket.. to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked throngh; D.O pounds allowed each Passenger. mayls,72j J. E. WOOTTEI, Asst. Supt. k Lug. Mac Wry. MITE PITTSBURGH AND CON -A- NELLSVILLE RAILROAD will commence runniust through trains on Monday, let proximo. Fur the pre.ww, the train Will leave Cumberland for Pithabergla at 3:11O A. u, but this will be chanced ate soon au a Summer Schedule b. adopted . The Aceuniniellatien Train will la astai 9 May 28.:I $lOO REWARD for a cave of Neu- rotlea or Rheumatism of any lotto wire ever, (vinsidered curable) that Dr. Fitler's tigrlable Rdened.tir Nyrvp will not cure—warranted unijurious, and a physicran's prescription used inwardly. Five thousand rbdle r toward offered to the proprietor! of any llerticino for Rheumatism and Neuralgta able to produce one-tourth as many genuine :icing ernes made within the same length of time as Dr. Filler's Tess able Ithoniatic Remedy. Two thou+auddnllarotewani offeted to env peresrin prov ing Jim. P. Fit ler. 11. D. to be other than a gr situate of the refebnit.ll.lnivers.ty of Penneylvanla In 1+3.1. end Prof. of I' liemistry.—t renting 111.unnitism specially for 39 years. One thousand dollars reward to any Chemist, Ployaician. or o . here able to discover lodide of Potassa, Colchicum, Menem.), or anything injurious to the system iu Lir. Fit ler's Rlitimatic Syrup. Twenty-eight thousand fire hundred certificates or testi rlllMl3l. of cure. inelinling Bev C. 11. Ewing, Mettle, Pennsylvania; Rev. Joseph Deg" Balls of rehoylkill, Philadelphia; the wile of Stet. J. B NM's, Ilightstown. New Jersey; rev. Thomas Murphy, Franklord, Philadel phia, and thousands of others. it spare Permitted Two hundred and fifty dollars reward fur the news of any warranted preparation for P he:utism amlNeuralgia told t neer a similar legal guarantee. petting forth the use , ... h er of bottles to cure or return tha AMOULIC paid Inc sante to the patient in ea, of failure to cure. A full description of eases rennirioggnatentieS roust Is forwarded by letter to Philadelphia. The guarantee, signed and stating quantity of carve. will be returned by mail, with advice end instructlone, without Nov charge. Address all letters to Dz. IFFILt7t, Na 4.sSouth 4th street. No other Remedy M offered on each terms. Get a circular oir the various forms of Rheumatism. also Blank apliratione for guarantee, gratis of the special agent, JOHN HEAD, Huntingdua. Pa. (5ept.11.72,17 Tasixs I Mut DOWN Amon. `,: . 81; ~ ) c 122; 7 10;s2 12.5 6't: 110 sell 0, 6 40,1. 12 75 Leave E.TWABD. P3l.i*.ti. i;2l 6.00 , 663110:s 1 6.16110,0 6.30 It it 6,911,2. e.t....11 616 n 2. 7.11 11: I 7.19 1::0 2.3001.: 1", M' iii,rt 112A11 7. • • I g sE TX Va 7 1 441 4 4..! 1.1 al _ _ I CO 20 P 2 ' os 10 651 6 86 i 926 1 f 1 Li), 1 201 I 1150 F.D. S. YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. D. D ANGELL, Master of Trausportatioo,