The...liuntingdon. Jo-u2iTai, T. EL DURBORROW, nuNTINGDON. PENN A. Wodneslay Morning, Dec. 20, WI THE JOURNAL FOR 1872! A Rara Chanoe to Saouro the Laaiing Literatura of the Day ! CHEAPNESS COIBINED WITH SIDST.IV'TIALITY Every head of a family, in the country, should subscribe and pay for his county paper. Ile that attempts to raise a family without giving it the advantage of a newspaper, iu this en lightened aud christian age, is criminal y ueg ligent. We think that every man, without exception, raising a family, should spend from viva dollars to TWENTY-FIVE dollars a year, according to his means, for this kind of edu cation, and we hope to lice to ace the day when there will not be au exception to Isis rule in Huntingdon county. We want every body in the county to take the Joiraistat, we don't care what party you belong to—Republican, Democrat or Temper ance man. Upon are a Republican, we tire with you heart end soul; if a Democrat, you ought to know vim% Ice have to say about you, so t at you can act l snd vote intelligeaty, and if you are a temperance man, we assure you that no one will administer severer blow; upon the whiskey bus ness than the Jonsxati will, and if the whiskey men don't like it, why let them do as they do with whiskey that is distasteful, take the less of it. We believe newspapers, like preachers and school te.tch e:s, should be on the side of morality and good order. But the JonasaL will uphold only that which we, in our humble judgment, th.nk to be right, regard.ess of consequences. The development of the county, in every re spect, will be its ccnstant and undeviating aim, and in th:s respect it will be to every ma .'s interest to subscribe fur it. We want to built up Manufactures,. Mechanics and the Arts nu every hand, and by subscribing fur the Jot-u -nit you assist and encouragi , us in our design. The next year will be an eventful one; President, Vice President, Gov:rnor and Con gress are to be elected and a Constitutional Coa vention will be selected to remodel the Con stitution of the State. We have outgrown the old one, and if you want to keep posted you must have the papers. Take the JOURNAL first, and if you won't take it, in the came of intel ligence, take some other one, but don't be without the news. For the purpose of distributing good Liter:- tare, in ronuectiou with the Jonaxax., which we think good enough of itself, we have ar ranged to tarnish the folloring-named leading periodicals. joiutly for the remarkably low price stated below Phrorud g wl Joursal and Li.e Illustrated. App own': Journal Galaxy 16e and Chrome,. Amer cats Agr cultuati st Hearth and Hutu, . . 'milk Le I e's Iluitratel Newspaper. • Chi ttttt ey Caner. • B nod eekly. Balget of " Holm " Mu:name, 3!tret . ! . !l.i . La:tr . ! . The Our Young folk, Jaye Nat;irday. The North American Review, llarper's :f Weekly.. Smear If any of our subscribers will come forwar.l I and pay up for 1871 and 1872 we will give them the advantage'of these club rates, or if any of our subscribers, who have paid up, desire to take advantage of these rates and will signify the same to us, we give theta the same tarots. We do this so that there may be no dissatisfaction, and to place good au .1 cheap literature within the reach of every body. Look et the above rates and then cc close the price (naming the Magas:ll2) set LI the last colnme, to u;, and by due roar. c of mail you mill receive the Jocasttand the Mazazine speefied. Seed money at our rek when enclosed in the presence of the post master. Addreis, 1. B. DIIRTIORROW & CO., tutu nth, u, Peu A RARE CHANCE. If any pung lady 4x gentleman wi 1 seems us six new e;,sh subscrib,rs, to the JOURNAL, and this can be done in any neighborhood in a few h 'ars. we will agr, e to make tha parson doi.ig so a present of one year's subscription to any on the FOUR DOLLAR Mag izines. Here is a chancy serdmi offirel. Tie Atlantic, or L brper. or Scribner, cr Galaxy, or any o:11, , r of the leadin4 FOUR dollar public ii n 4, f one year, fir a few wintit:s labor ! This is a chance fir ache to No PAPER.—There will be no paper issued from this office week. * as.. An luwa hunter, tree I by a bear. sucevdeal in repelng the attack it Belli:. by throwing salt in his et es. lie b struagly now in the pr.s:rving qualities of salt. lee. The Lancaster e unty pr'srm wa• discovered to be on fire on M .10.,y more ing, of last week, eau-log an Lammas amount of consternatif n among the aecu pants, who were. iln• a time, in d•nger o being roasted alive. Mir Alex. IT. Stevens is ,till hope"ul for the future of the Deurieratie party. He thinks with a "'suitable outfit of pine . - ples," victory will be certain in the coatin. Presidential conte,t, and that the cies: cause" should nut be ttbandonel. Lie goad counsel. THE APPORTIONMENT BILL. Tae• bill now under consideratku in tl House of,ntative. , to app reon thy members of Congress to the sorer.! States provides that after the 3tl of March. 1873 the House shall consist of 281 members, t, be apportioned as fdlows .- - Manic 5 Kentucky 11 Nut.' I' 4 o)p-hire... 2,Tenne.see ...... Veim at 2locLani Al Massachusetta......ll;lilino a :.1 :, Rhode Island 2iArkan , as - 4 Connecticut 4 31;c11* n New York 32 Flor du I N. w Je: say .. 7,lexi.s Pennnlvaiii,t • 261Insa Delaware l,Wi-e usin E Maryland 6 Ca 7 iti rn a 4 Virginia 9 Minnesota N. rzh Carolina.... 8 Missouri 12 South C.tri.lina.... 5 Cre:un 1 Georgia • 9 Kans a Alabama *Vest Yirgin:l..... Mies's.ippi 6 Nevada I Lo.lisiand. 5 Nebri.ska I Ohi' 19 Two s. eti,in 3 prividing. for an hie' eaFe of members in the presmat C mgre. were Ad, k :11 - out. Pennsylvania gains t IP:. =elders under this bill. THE DUTY ON WOOL, Fejo - Ti.der - s nd- Ilev glue lid rmclii • inepating to in ke a rigor un effort t i~in-e Congreps t remove the duty frou waol. The day v tr'es ace ',ding t.. th • d tier ut varldi,s anlgrades of the article. ✓ from three cuts p r p-un I up • The aver4e up n the great bulk s hop , rter in 10 cent 4 per pound, and 11 Clp. cent ativa'o,um. The quantiti itupolted during the fist 1 year encin,f. June 30. 1870, w. , s 49.230.193 lbs.; vain; $6.743.350. During the year end ng June 30. 1871, the importation was 68.058.028 lbs. ; value $9.78d 443. Oar wo Ilea manufactures hare increased %%WI great rapid.ty under the protective tariff. We produced in 1868, the latest retuini et hand, 175 milli n of dollars w ath of w, ollen g od4, and importad s:m ilar go, ds to the value of 65 milli Ms. Oar w. oacu un.nifactures now give em, ployment to 120.000 'penal% and 0111- satLe . annually the fle cos of 35 111 Ilion sheep, an imp rtant. item in agriete.titta industry. Tll3 Anairican Marino sheep are among. the bet and in st pr lifia in the. word. Dr. Randal. t h Amer:ean authority on sh ep husbandry. in 13 - ,s Re port o: the Paris pcstti n, ways : - It ap; ears. fir6t, that pr rne 'llllPfleall Mer'nnprodneel More W .11.1 Wool .I 1 t h an W . I.lo.lllCad of al, .twillY.l W. col by tile :.toCk it, Spa a. at the e - od; th At pr. e Amo to, Me ,11,4 aooLlf as 1111101130 11 1108. as they thol 1 f Walla, Wool at , St,—,luer ly tw re as much as the pick. •I Me no fl..rk of ti.e li•tag on U eot I ritatoo Ilona o •t.,...' dt . onelen.ote.lly pr.alure n. Moth .1n: Wool a. Le otreott,,,e the pr.n.e B, Starke of that per•tal." Bete e the duty n wool was increased.l our .Merino woa.l cMtatie was on the eve o: h Lag detroyed. by the immense increas: of the wo 1 p oduct and the export I.f .ionth Aurrican a iintr 1 its and Balsams Ayres. The increa,e was. in LI Fl t a alone. in seven y s, fr. m 7 miiiion up to 59 milli, n potinds p-r annum. 'I h. , wool I_7• wers and minuf.ctureas of the Unite-I States came t geth.r to compare notes and constet each other on the sub j .ct. The wool growers (la tuAlied an in crease if daty wu .1, and manufacturers .wonted. Ihe duty was raised, and the icsult was the salved a of the w of in us• try .of this country. The tarlff s ,vtd it, and the imp irtation of wtel from Buenas Ayres and the Cape of Good Hope led frem 46.000 bah s in the year to only abut 7.000 bales. The qu.ntity of in ported wool is again int reasog. To do jost.ce t .he thanuf eta:es a n:utralizing duty w.s .pat upoa, the-e two great ludas tries wine thus saved t our c.untry. -Bu ,'- say the Rev( nae Rain niers an 1 Face Tr..ders, "yen have thus benetitt..d he Ihriturs arid the m antitiactorers att tie expense tif the lea s.s." This is not .ae e to faet. But ad lilting the cha-ge Cm the of argument, is it not be- LT to pay a little in re fur - cloths, it ear. end earl e's, i th-reby .ge can seces a eaaid yweut for 2d0,900 fames and ar tis:ms, an I retain et home 175 m:Ili an dollars th.,t would aherwise be sent out of the !Ml 17 for c..rp ta, cloths, lad:es' mixed goofs, under goods, 6 hosiery? But the charge that prices are perma nently Inc east d e.nnot be sustained. Du ring the war Al go ds were enhanced in priers; but to day the prices of wo Alen fibri,s are n t higher in gold—in most carts not si high—as they were in 1860. This has be:n alemonsPrated by actual ex amination. More than th:s : On ce.tain ' kinds of carp s ant f abrics. Eni,.- lish in.nnti.ctnrcta been compelled to reduce their pr7ces in order to effect sales in ittr Aft& p thating oat, in a p mphlet recently pabl.shed the gre .t ail. van o made in the Un tad S arts, du. iog the I art ten yews. in the variety and qu ..- ity of woolltn f.brics, Mr. J. L. II Ts, of B a on. au cx a lent authority, says: ,:-.,- 2-:. - 1.3 it: I L:1 _ i... _ I Sill 2 3 • I i•J 401, 5.0 I 57,1 5,, )1;:l t -But the rent fact to he loolle:1 at fa, that we Imre at d ha n.l ihi , tat Rr MI, I tve anal lud t jail a the•ecuul• chem.. . !um.h the cout,etition teat gruws out tol our pro.e.dae system." Mr. Il.t e, stipp arts his pos . tion by c , •mp wing the p. ices of 1860, and . at the pr,s -nt t;ul.,, in gold, at s of the prin c,r3 wholcsall Itot,ses for w o len 1 ..,,,0d5. Space will nut al:ow of going into details ; but the facts are access - ble to all enquirer!. Enou_h ln:s been adduced to convince every roa. , ouahle mind of the w:sd m of extending to sheep husbandry, and to iTs kindrol industry, wool m inufacturers, that fostering care that ha; s a succcssrully sus t:dited these two great sources of etupl anent and industrial independence. Kir Mr. Sper, of his district, on le 'ye, in: ',Aimed the folkwiug bill inn, tlic Lowe.. 11 ,u,:e Conzress. on [ice. 11,1871, which we ih . alt a vi re rqmsible measure. Ee it onactrd &mato and Howe qf Bepnetlnt Wee, of Me Nabs ,1 A ea in Cony - reas UdifaidG ail p. hew. ti then 1.411.• boil gran:to, o; .vhieh may to matter be granted, for or in eons. , quence of death occurring, or wound* mceired. or I seas con routed, in the mi'itary or naval service at the United States to the lute war lot the itui - ,r. ea:on of the rebellion, nee and t.c pays ,le from the d rte or the discharge or the ii the r (son on whim,: uceo,nt the pension ho+ leen, or shall hereafter be, granted: Proride:c the apYieatian for such p..nsion h. been, or be, bird wish the Commissioner of Pensams adore the first day of January, eighteen hander I Ind a. renty-three; except that the applicatione in ehotf of insane pi TBoa* nod elii.dr.n und, ;lateen years of age way be filed alter the expire ion of the said thee, if previously th..reto they werd without guardian; or other proper legal rep, sentatives: Provided further, That this act ;hall not ary'y to pensions granted under special laws. 2. That all act. and parts of acts inaon s'gtint with this act hc, and the same are beret'," , OUR WASHINGTON LETTER C ngresziona! Labor—Colling in the U F. Bonds—Cid: Service Reform—George Wilkes in Politics—Tie Next President—The New York Herald's Impeachment ilot—Toe Tarp —Reducing Taxation —Tit , New F•ench An inter—Col. Booster. Confirmed—Gen, Schenck —Sr.; Ed. Thorn:on. IVAsniNaroy, D. C., Dee. 18, 1871. CONGRESSIONAL LLDOR. The Senate nod [louse of Representatives are pressing forward tie business of the sess:on with commendable despatch. The respect:ye committees have ta:..en hold of their work, and are preparing it fur Congressional action in; mediately alter the holidays. Both Houses wi I a , joarn on she 2 lst, and as , erable on the Bth of January, 1872. The leadinb commi tees wit , cont.nue their sess:ons the holidays. CLAUS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT, About 110 cluiws , pending before the House Committee on Claims, will be r-iatro..uced t: i 3 session. The forthcoming report of t.c southern Claims Commission will show &Aim, of a favorable character upou 588 c aims. Thi wl.l give work to the 11,u .c Committee to stun, wiaa, making 090 claims to pass early in tie se.sion. CILLLNO IN THE BOND S,er :Wry lioutwel:, under date of December 7, .I.III.OUUCC3 that tl e principal and accrue. into7est of the bonds heren:helow designated, kuowa is fice-twcuty bonds, will be paid at' t:e Treasury of the Milted States,,lo the c'ty. of AV iihiagtoa, ea and eller the 7th day of bta.Th, 1872,- and tlist the interest on said bands wi.l cease on that day. That is to say : Coupon Bonds known as the SE jOND SE no 3, act of Febru try 25, Hp, dated II ty 1, 180, as follows : - • $5O from No. 1 to No. 54 0, both ine: ttsive. $lOO 1 " 13)93, $ 00 " 1 7964, " $l,OOO " 1 " 11120, " And regis,ered bonds of the same act as fol_ $5O from No. 596 to No. 697 both inclusive $lOO " 4104 " 5079 • " $5OO " 1900 " 2483 " $l,OOO 8907 11008 $3,000 2868 " 3402 " $10,090 " 2907 " 3899 " Thus the work of reducing the debt and the interest on the same, goes on while the "fund ing bond," are eagerly sought for at 5 per cent., here and in Europe. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. It appears to be the duterni.nati3n on the part of Congress to thor uglily reconstruct the C.vil Service system during the present win ter. The Commissioners appointed by the President under auLliority of Congress, hav , been in session in Washington for several months. They have investigated the working of the o.vil Service system, and have noted its defects. They have availed themselves of a knowl_dge of the systems of Eagland and oth or European countries, and are prepared to aid t ongress in preparing a new and more lo.rfect system for this government and people. GEO. WILKES LN POLITICS. Congressmen, legal officials, and nearly ev ery intelligent, member of the Washington community, are mussed at the antics of the would-be statesman, George Wakes, edaor of the Spirit of lAt Times, a sporting paper of New York. Mr. Wilkes has been to Paris, and he returns to write up the virtues of the Interns tionals, whose influence iu this country, under that or some other title, is destined, .te says, to be a source of many blessings to the mass es Distant be the day when the infidel doc trines of the Communi-ts or Internationals ore permitted to control the destinies of this Re public. George Wilkes' last hobby is to get Presi dent Grant out of the White House. Ho ha been among the Democratic Congrzssmen in Washin_ton, to whom he has submitted his pious for organizing a party of opposit:on. So far his labors have proved a failure. His scheme is njected, and he is laughed at for his assu rance. TIM NEXT PRESIDENT. A Senator, recently returned from Europe, said to a friend in the Capitol a few days ago, that alter a very thormigh and impartial sur vey of the political situation he felt assured that •'the Republican Fishy is strong enough to e:ect almost any capable man who may be uomivatel fur President; but with Grant as a candidate there remains nothing but defeat for any opponent." Ile continued, "Go abroad and talk with the people in England, Franc. and G.rm ny, about our late war, and you will Sad that they connect the wh•. le struggle but two names, Abraham Lincoln ant Gen. Grant, the one the successful President, and the other the great military leader. The same is true, in a measure, with regard to our people at home. * * *. The world, *ma especially the negroes, who cast so large a rote iu the South, see no hand in it but that of Gen. Grant. And so, go where you may, the people are for Grant." These remarks are pretty near the truth. TDB NEW TORE HER LIA 3 LAST CANARD. The story of the plot for the Impeachment of the President in reference to the San Do mingo affair, published in the New York her aid, a few days ago, is without a word of trntb, or even a basis for the rumor. The plot waa made up in the herald rooms on 14th street in Washington, and .aken mainly from Mr. Sum ner's speech against the annexation of San Domingo, made in the 11. S. Senate last win ter. The impeachment was to be accomplished through a combination of Democrats with Re publicans opposed to President Grant. But Democrats and disaffected Republicans say that the first they beard of the plot was through the pages of the herald. The story is too silly, even for notice. THE TABIFF, Secretary Bontwell was before the Commit tee of Ways and Means on Tuesday the 12th, and had a conference with the committee on the tar ff iu its veneral, aspects Neither Mr. Boutwell nor the committee adv semauy chan ges duriner the present session, and the chan ges that w.ll be made are foreshadowed in Mr. Poutwoll's annual report. The Finance Com mittee of the Senate, who have had the tariff under consideration, have arrived at about the same conclusion. A number of raw materials used in manufacturing, and also certain drugs, will be transferred to the free list ; the tax oa coal will be reduced to 50 cents per ton, and on hides, salt, and a few other items, to about ono-half of the present duty. REDUCLVG TAXATION, Mr. Sumner's Bill to reduce internal taxer, introduced by him in the Senate, Monday, December 11th, provides that ale internal taxes and duties exzept from the sale and use of stamps, shall be abolished after the first of July next, and the stamp duty on spirits shall be increased 80 cents per ga lon aster that date, Provided that no income tax shall be as sessed on or after January Ist, 1872; but as sessments made before such date shall be col lected. It abolishes the offices of commission er, deputy commissioner, solicitor, collector, deputy code tor, assessor, and assistant asses nor, supervisor, and detective, and bead of di v:sion, and c'erks, and employees, under the commissioner, shall cease on and after the Ist day of September next ; and instead thereof there shall be one collector for each state and territory, who shall administer the law in the sale of stamps. After the first of September., the duties of collecting the revenue as above provided shall be under the Secretary of the Treasury. Some objection was made by Mr. Sherman, m the ground that .he House claimed that al! bills affecting the revenues should originate there. air. Sumner said he did not propose to raise the tax on whiskey. He was informed that the actual tax was about 80 cents a gallon.— There was the barrel tar, the tax on the whole sale and on the retail cosier, and lastly the capacity tax. II: proposes merely to do away with all these and make the tax specifically 8t cents a gallon. He thought this objection was premature, and that it would better come in it report from the committee. He stood here as the representative of his constituents. The bill was refereed to the Finance Corn mittec. The bill Is a good one and Is popular ticre, and i. will, is thought, become a law. THE NEW FRENCH MINISTER TO WASHINGTON. Jules Fe ry has been officially annotated a., Lie French Minister to this country. Re will he an acceptable Minister. He has alwayt evinced friendlmess towards the United State. aid ranks among the advanced liberals o. France. re is thirty nine yedrs of age. CONFIBXED. Among a large number of confirmations by t ie Senate, daring the put week, are those o. OW. ' , onion, to be Commissioner of Interim Ti,venue, and Gen. Arthur, to be Colkctor at •ew York. IMMIX OF O!N. BOUNCE. Gen. Schenck, Minister to England, has asked the President to name his successor, and call him home. Mr. will, in all proba be the next Minister to England. it should be distiLetly understood that tb sil'y charge of mining speculations on the part of Minister Schenck, has no coma ic whatever with his reel% lir. S. was a dirsc tor in the tali silver minas beforo lip was Minister. In an English point St view it is beneath the dignity of a Ministok to connect himself with any pecuniary enterprise. la the united States transactions of that kinci are considered to be perfectly legitimate. OUR ItETENtrE 13Y,TEM IS JAPAN, Gen. Geo. B. Wlllia as, late Deputy Com missioner of Internal Revenue, has gone to 1116 home in Indiana, to prepare for his trip to Ja pan. Be will leave fur .:an Francisco on the Ist proximo. Gen. W. is railed by the Government ofJapan to aid in inaugurating a revenue system for that country. RETURN OP THE sarrisu MITISTER, The Right Honorable Sir Edward Tuornton, Lady Thornton, family and ante arrived at New York Sunday, Dec. 1 :, per Conrad steam er Calabria and reached Washington on Mon day morning. COST OF TOE O. S czkscs. Gen. F A. Walker asks for $435,000 for the current fiscal year, $300,000 of which is want ed to pay marshals and assistants. Tne total expenses of the census to date arc $2,807,600. The eighth census cost $1,682, 000, but in proport:oa to the increase and work done the cost of the present census is much less. N. 11. P. Picking Dead Men's Bone: '-iitsist/ile," the a aT:sburg cm resp.,n dent of t..e Blair county Radical, utter l paying an elegant and werited tribute to the we tiory of I 01. David Stanton, late Aud.tor Genera elect, conclujes the par air. ph with the iollowing caustic allumini Dewocratic history : "The vac ,ncy vr4ieh his de .t'a wall occa sion aft-•r the expiration or the to w General II .rtran t. w.ll be fii:e 1 by app nut ice .t by the Govereer, to: the fa,l t.rm for which De. Stanton was elteed. This tidal be of innnease pa iteal benefit to Gayer nor Geary, but w.ll be of none to the pc .cracy. And it is a wonder it wal not. That party has been kept alive on grave yard v:ctuals—has subsisted on the funer al and cast-off garments of olfi.i 1 dead, and t.-day the p ss:bilay of a distri tuth.n of p ,th, raters into every c.aupa,gn. they dovut a.we3s await the slow and uticerLitt process of n.atiral dFS al utr n. Jr °awe ts, theat Li 1841. They aosisted it by a slaw poison. in 1849; but nothing short of the bullet was sw.ft en.ugh in Ibtis. In ruck t o th. se years the p arty fattened. in our own State, too, death h been the last 6ap t of th t pity. it proved in help in tithe of Senatorial need last wnter, hnd way do again th s. Repudiated awon A lig wen, the Di inot.ratie party. like the pirates of the sea, or the vu.tures s f the In aintain. exists only on the public p under and oth eial offal that dise,se, asiassinat,oa and chance throw in as way." Miscellaneous News Items Oil City has a skating fnk. The C..mer n county jail is ten •n•less. Charity "Hips" are the sensation in Erie. The Eth..le Railway is to extended ti C..shup. . The m 'nth of the Allegh ny eluld swallow its be :d. Ti uesta wants a machine chop and says it wouid p iy. Initatiapffs alarms cf fire are "Janke(' fort h." They have been sleighing in bleuipli:s, One half a crop of oranges fr,im Florida this se s u. Chimer county has forty tons icted pris oners in her jail A Cincinnati boy sues his father fi,r $50,000 tor ill The 11Lith. , dists (if Bucks county are has big imm,nse rev:sals. The yiting men of B.thleh m weir fe,thers in their hats. Tice Al in iasas battle field bis bean s rld ;or ei t ht dot are i,n acre. Chicago is al: le idy Leaving of the supe rior see out alaiions h r Ihe Macon T leiraph publish can ebb .ry ii..t.ce ander the bead of -tapas.' M.rmi n. T.etjens. Treb.lli, Bettii.i and Feb n.ftw en..hant the ears of L n A Scotch In'n . ,tar re7u4ed blptiAn to the chili of a wan who eels milk on Sun day. Geo. Beckley of Ohio shot his head off be:ense the course of love didn't ma &flout h. Thanlogiving th's year iris nowhere celebrated with more Mueerity and jollity th..n at Chicago. A hungry J.... Taman ordered "every thing on thu bill of fare" at a Syr:lens: hotel, and wis sh•irtly astmiished to behold liproachius him tburreeu widtera in a.ngli file be trilig 1,024 dish Js. G:rls are advisA n t to smile much in the tare of a in .n they d,i.e to secure. A *little pre:ense of quit sadness will d., the buaittess tune At Junction. fna.teen nil north of Eugene. Oreg,,n I,riy builtlings hate been ereaed w.titin the pa 4 few w,:eas. Tue two has airy or &meal h 'Two in. nths ago it had n t one. Of 63 s•ve t -fang Sbi a'ors fii.y are lawyers, ti-reett the In at g trru, me Act. of. Cop,;r,ss. S,nat r Su i.- ner his seen the 1 , 14,5 t servio:3—.,me.ity wiiskicutive years. thin. Siatoa Cameron is the oldest l3uat.r,and Mr. Spmeer, of Alabama, the younge t. A Wiscons:n min was taken danger. ously sick. He sent fir his wite to 0.1111: .t WIC., and care for 11:m. Now his wife's mother was sick, too, ant she scut this displttl to her lauguislr:ng husband : -Dear Tim, m..ther is ; I c leave her. D the bast you can. Ti you die, send your body home." D.d you hear of that elm') who aftwided the sale of a hitch recently at a town iii Ohio? He h..du't a cent in h's p ,ket. lint he stood and bid boldly, 'Twenty eight thoasand t:Mla a." It kiim:kcd ti him; !mcl, u •tt the gusstiou w s isked : -Wit', is the porch - as .r f" thir• cc imp : the Pen:alive nia it ,ilr 'ad." Of course he was not it. pets .n required to put up the nionoy from an imp that buyer Lke that, whereby he was able in the course of a caliph) of days.. to cell the whole to another party for $35. .100, an 1 clear the difference. The roan try is n .w full of scataip4 buying hotels fir :.he Pennsylvania Railroad. pliningeo. WERTZ—MTRTHERI3III'4iI.—On the fIU: inst.. by.R v. M. K. Faster. M.. tleorge W. Wert:: 'a Miss Meanie Startlers:sough, all 9. L•wistown. dieCo.l/8 , --IfFO tllAv.-03 the lath ins'. the same, if Mmis E. ili:Combe, of Alexan. Iris, to Mies Cara J. M lan., of MJConnells. own. XV ERN MC ENSES.—The follow:ng -A- named persons have filed in the office of the i'ark of Quarter Sessions, of Huntingdon co sty. t tem petitions for Lioentus to ke..p Inns and Tav irns. to said county, and which will be pr.; nted o the Judles or said county, on the second Moo lay ofJ nil y 1:172. for allowomte: Anus us It tvmoud, F,ing House, Huncrigdon Frederick ifOcbus, teen, Ad tm Sme trumna, f Valentine Airown; !• 31. X. ]!'NEIL. Prod. , / oMoe, Deo. 20. Prutk y. New Advertisement, rriWN.CLO::Ii!:.FA.iIt AND FES TA'AI...-ThERE WILL LE A . GRAND FAIR AND FESTIVAL hula in the Court House, at:Huntingdon Pa.. cool Lathe:pg . VII THURSDAY, DEC., 21st, AND TO CLOSE ON Atnongst the features or the hair will he A P( ST OFFICE, A FISHING POND, A Gold Ilealed Cane will be presented to tle Casuier oi the Bank having the highest num ber of rotes, a ca. ui Amputating Instru ments to the Sorg, on, a Lamp to the R eilread Employee, and a SiAls I. P..eht, to the .31.n -ister similarly ia.oreti. REFRESHMENTS, Such as Le Cceam, Soda Water. Oysters, and oth er lusuro s, in and out DC season, will be served. 'Elie Hall will be beautifully decorated, and every uccounnolition will be afforded all who attend. THE HIINTINGJON SILVER CORNET BAND have kindly eons, nted to play every evenln;,, during the ntir. The proceeds of the Fair and Festival are to bi appropriated to the purchase of an ILLUMINATED TOWN CLOCK. Admiesiun, 10 cents. or, , he COMMUTER OF ARRANGEMENTS. D2e.20.1871-1 L"OF LETTERS R N EblailNG iit liuntingdou, Pa.„ De 1 i, ISTI, when called iur icy .. ativtrtised' and give late. Bruneonrh. - - 'Mu:holland. J. D. Rook., . 'trim ie (2) IA ou , A. B. i.... 4, Li. M. iNewisghszu, Mrs. C. S. Coll. le; John list.", rice Clabangl3, ..ileu I hiessi:r, • s.•'s ihiy., ..ra L. ,Smith, )11E , .. U MN, kr:), David itinviAt . M.•11.e D. i11...nip.; all= B. 111 11 on. Ed. le. Juo. R. A. C. ail aims, 31a-y C. 111t10E X ISLA IR, Postmaster, 0 rut. B. I. ( Ins .J .I.ii , t, IL W. F. Julatistort. J. U. !, err , I.ydat A. Morten , The , A G In CU i lULttIL MEEI ING. .4.2. A regular meeting of the I.l.antingdoe :lu:cultural Sueitty, for the electtun u. , otheers, and miler l.usinies or importance to 'Society, will be held, in the Court tua, on Tear• d•ry evening; of the first week et the coming court, ,9 h pros.) order, and in behalf of the Society. Secretory, D:c.20,13i1 ADMINISTR A TRI X'S NOI li:E. 'Estate of M. Robeson Miller. deceased. of A ',ministration having neon graiked the milers:gibed, on the estate o; M. Ituueson M.I ler, late of Warrior:mark tnwu,hip, &ceased, al persons knowing themselves indented are rtquiste to make immediate payment, and those narin, claims to present than duly authenticated for set dement. JAN R MILLER, Dec.20,1_11.. NORIII CENTRAL RAILWAY.— 413 au l aitei Nov. .a.u,traius will leave Hai r.a6urg, us Lulluws: NORTIIWATtD. g1i12.11 STATI S. •I ; • 1 P. It. I A. M. P 1 4 4til Id I P M. ...I enIVI 145 ..A. .vel liar. Isburg, Arrive 8:-0 ...... 10 65 I. •u IWNI K Bu . . . Bia., ma'am Bri ,,e,. at k OUTIIWARD. Ei - STATIONS. G . • . leave! 401 7 30 1 .5 45. 215 --arrived 31 P.M. 10 45! 661 12 03 3up 3.11 5 .1. 520 10 00 Hat ri burg. . Bal.imore WasYngton... .a7rlvel 10 00 F.D. S. YOLK :4 Genera: Passel ger Agent. Dec 1871. VALUABLE FARM LAND AT PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned, Executors of the Will of John M'Cuhan, E-q., late ot'hd borough of Itun , inxdon, deceased, will otter at Pdbtic Sale, at the Court house, in Huntingdon. on Tauttoy, the 9.h cloy of January, 1372, at ten &cloak, a. an - • .4 TRAC r OF LIME iTONB LAND, situate in Porter townthip, 11 iuting.lon county. containin • 2.0 acres, more or less. About 70 acres of the land are cleared, under fence, and fat a pretty good state of cultivation. (now farmed by Mr. &tumid Mauri,) and the remainder is well timbered, ad puling lands of O •tt -are Lamp. deeease.l. A. P. Wilson, deceased, W. P.. Oraison. Esq., Tatomoi Whittaker's heirs, and others. The pubis: and leading road from Huntingdon to llartslog Valley passes • hrough this tract o. land, ALSO, Three a Ijoining Tnte, of Land, situate in Porter township, eceraining, n•specively, 161, 162 acres, warren ed in the name of Wm. Smith, 1). D . and 109 acres, warranted in the name of John Patton, adjoining lands of It. R. Bryan, Jan-ph O'Kain,ll thn B'-others, A. P. Wilson. Eat , deceased, T11 , 1111.1A Fisher. on 1 others. Oa the itreinin s ate n LOG DWELLING ROUSE, FRA.IIK BARN, and a geed spring, in tenure of Samuel M00..e. A part o. this ian.l is cleared and under fence, and the balance- well timbered. Thu public roads leading from llantingdon to Harts: log Valley and to Alexandria pass through these .tracts. • These traes will be sold as one body, or sepa rately. as purchasers may desire. Persons desiring information respecting the above described lauds, will please etll upon either of the- undersigned, or upon J. Simpson Arica, Esq., in Huntingdon. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale. JOll , l K. 5('C MAN, JOll3l CItES.SWELL, [Executors of John Areahau, dezeaml.] Nor.L9,lS7l,—ts. A FARM FOR SALE —A tract ol 16 farm and tie' .erlin I. in Oneida and II u • teen townships, 21 mites from the Lomit a , . u H m cereal tor sale.on reasonable Struts. coutaintug sow ONE 11 NDRED ACRES, be. !moll LO au I 60 act, s of which are cleared and under caitiff, ion. The up lac tisof a fair groin raising q ta:i'y with none fifteen acres fine uteadllw bottom. an I the balance is p covered with a goo 1 quality of ttin•fer.uto.,tly white pine an 1 hemlock, wah n gaol saw will seat, laud never failing frA•er peer thereon. Thu improvements urea neat two-story frame house an frame stable, with other outbuildings and eon veni , nc-te. and a young thriving orchard Owlet: fruit toes. For turtber particulars. and terms of sale, in quire of the uu.lorsiznol,at fluntin,plon, or of tho prem ses. auvzB-tf. R. MeD IVITT. 1871 CAW'US!! CARPETS!! CARPETS! FALL SIUCK. AT LO WASP PRICES ! JAMES A. BROWN I canstant'y receiving at hi.i new .CA RPET STORE, HUNTINGDON, PA., 525 i Hill Street. Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from th iuuma of the ma.ufueturers. /Lis stock einupris. BRUSSELS, ING RA INS, v EN IT lAN, WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE, 11E311', LIST and RAG CARPETS CARPET CIIA IN, COCOA AND CANTON MATTING S, FLOOR, STAIR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, and a large stock of WALL I'APER, Window Shades and Fixtures, Drugget, Vets, Raga, Duur Mats, Extra. Carpet Thread and Bind in 4. I make a speciality of furnishing Church, and Lodges at City Prices, and invite Furnishin : Committees to call and sec goods made express! . for their purposes. Buyers 1,11 MAIle money and be better suited going to the re:pilfer Carpet and Oil Cloth Store for any of the above goods. I defy oompetitim in prices and variety of beautiful patterns. I hove MIRO the Agency for the OriLual HOWE SEWING MACHINE, IM NAMED, ao wall known as the best Family Machine ift th. world Csll t the C UtPET STORE aml Pee them. ,144 ES A. BROWN. nor. 1, 1871. New Advertisements DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR /0 Years of a l'uld:e 7:4 II Ls proved DR. CROOK'S TILVE CF T., have more merit than any similar prep.ratiun ev,n. (AAA the public. It is rich in th) medicinal quJi;ies of Tar, and miequaLd for di,eas.s 4.,f thy ...thro..t and .Lungs. performing the most .teunte. able cures. Coughs, Cokls, Chronic Cough,. It. effectually cures them al: Asthma and Bronchiti,, I. has cure,' so many cases it has been proccuneed specific fur that complaints. Fur Pains in Breast, Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney D se of the Urinary Organs, Jaund:e.l or any L.ver E. has no equal. It is a'so a suprior Tonic, IL stuns the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Iteacrcs the we:.k and Debilitated. Causes the t o .d to Dige,t, Itenaw , ,, Dyspepsia and Prevents Malarons FeTert , , Gives tong to your system. TRY DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR UR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR llas proved itself in thou Lad of cases capable of curing all diseases of and Lllugs. Dit. CROOK'S WINE OF TAIL Cure* all Chronic Cough*, . . . nd Coughs and Colds, [her remedy. DR. CROOKS WME OF TAR Consumption pronounced DR. CROOKS WINE OF TAR Has cured sc;intn. cases of Asthma and Dmuchitis pronounced a specito for thrao PURIFY YOUR BLOOD DR. CROOK'S COMPO r OND SIRCP ().? POKE KOO 2 P Y A,. 2 11, 2 0 b 5:5 8 25 8 1.1 9:5. 9 I W 1: 10 I 2 , 1:12 I :0 12 411 a. x I ru Whwever Pike Riot grows, it has a local repu tattoo Hsu B nod Poritier,and Hiram rare of Rheu matism. Wi,h all Ibis local reputation, and tlo praise Of distinguished Physiciaus, (Dr, Coe, Lev. Ring, Wilson, M. Ilunt, el ritlits, Copland and nth ers,) who have Coed its medical powers; it h., item' neglected by the pre...shut at large, as tuned through a want of a proper appreciation of 'tamer its, as a knowledge of the proper way to prepare for medicinal use. D.. Clever Crook, (a who devotes his entire tune to thu duties of hi: profession), has fully tested the active medicine qualities of PA.; Rout during the last 25 yeare mud unhesitatingly pronounces it to. have soul minute—tor diseases depending on a depraved coo. ditto') of the blood,—:nun any and all other arti ales named in the lefieteria Medico. Under his in structions our Chemists have combined the soli,. medicinal qualities of P.,ke Root with the bas Tunic Preparation of Lou, and we offer this pre penetrant to the public under the above name. o.dober 4, 183-Iy, SIX REASONS WHY You should insure it THE PENS MUTUAL LIFE INS., CO., 121 Cuestnut 61., Philath:Vila. A ...- :5, [ - a .Q a a :...: 2 .a ? :S, .± , 7 : ••••.; E. E .4 .„,..... -3 c.: E.' 3. ,5 ,75 . e. 2 1 ..,.. . g- 1 , "6 ..' 2 . g ~., 0 i... 4 . 1. ri 7• Ist. Because it is one of the oldest companies i. the country, and past rhea:l.y oi . evperininiti.. 21. B.icause it is the On'y Purely Matual Cumpa ny in the State. Every policy holder is member od the,en. itied to all its ad vantages and privileges, having the right t. . . O C vote a all elettions t . tir trurev.;, and thus ha: aq influence in its management. Beeause it has the In r.test ae , ,nutulated funds any lute Insurance Company in the State. .4th. 11:cause by economical management its rati of expenses to total income is less than the of any Company in the State. (Sec ufficia Insurance reporte). s:h. B TAM. it MIS declared More Dividends i• Number, and of a larger avera.m .Parctn aye than auy Company in the Unit ed Stat, a. For example: Policy No: 15, for t5OOO, ha heen paid to the Widow of a Piitattelphi , Merchant. upon which 25 Diritlenda has nett averaging 57 Per Cent. Had the. Dicittenda Been Coed to Parchane Addition To Thin Poliry.Sth)ol.o4 .t/.re Watsld nor . . Been R,tilizet7, Making The Policy Irort, 011.0111.00. ' MIL B clusc it is liberal in its managemen' prompt in its settlement, Life beyond comfit: rndy. aud its rates Are a 3 low as any goo company in Ihecountry. P•ioeip it Fenittres.—z;mall expenses, absolute s• (wiry, largo return premiums, prompt por ment or losses. an 1 lioerality to the insured. Samuel C. 11 ley, Presi&nt, Atlantic! E. S ores. P:esident, uhn W. 11,..ue., VlJe. Pres. an I Actuary, L. S. Stephens. •etary. R. ALLISON MILL%R. A rat. urr.9- linutin,ctun, Pr, GRAND EXHIBITION! SOMETIIING NEW IN HUNTINGDON A FIRST CLASS LADIES' &IDE STORE! D. lIERTZLER A BRO.. Nu. 403 Allegheny St.. opposite Bead Tap Depot, haverjust arrived frou .he East with a large and well selected stock Ladies', Misses, atid Children's Dreas Batt ;Leiters, &c.. comprising all the latest style of th day and acknowledged to be the beet selectedstoci it hand-made work ever brought to Itantingdon. Sitio • we make ladies' wear a specialty. we can sot fail to plea's the most fastidious. Far S yte. Qaality an•l Price we defy competition. We also to mutat:tare to entail-all kinds of Ladiet end Diets' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c., of the bet material the market produce, and at the shoat,. o ossibl e notice. Persons from the country can h accommodated with our own manufacturing b. ;lying a few hours notice. All kinds of r.rpairing neatly done. In a more mature age we hope to retain th. 'Heads who flavored us in our imieucy. For past favors accept our sineere thanks. D. DEItTZ:I.ER A BRO., 401. A legheny St., o;iposite B. T. Depot ,c:11- lluntingdan, Pa 1371 MARCH & IMO , th'A seaFon, hay, madell specialty or Furs, and their sloe! s consequently the largest and hest ever offered i ,ny in'and town in the State. The:a Fun rang n prices from f 3 tip to $25. Ladies call and ex ,mine our handsome styles, n3rl.2u at) TO Tag Joinowa,urFici Fur aU kinds of printing. New _Advertisements. 4 13 10 04 LA LON.A4Vhbiees, byii pro c.-pt to ardireuteti, .tattill tit Ilantita t plot!, thr _ . .• lit dn, 43 Nut.. A. 11., (Kt, undor tint hatiil7. and seali the .0u .1./avid a ktrksi in and Anthony J A WC: a 0 Jed out the o.:011.1 uI Co Llytt: ult.! let motel, and potent! Jed dm.very .4 the comity ut llinstmeolon, just Av. asnimsed, appointed to try and eel .Flinn all Mal every latloCtllleete Ulnae or taken for - ur all crane, which by the the State are law.a capital, or Mimi,a or death end other offence, crone.; and liletleitietilour, a 11.011 have hmn or shall hereafter le col iiiii itted or perpetrated, aor cranes mores ail-1 nett contntntulyd to wake puld.c roc H anel 01l throughout my wilule I.ll.l.vesch, that a Court or Oyer and leen. tier, of Cututuon Pleas a Quarter lte..s.ini• he hel.l at the Court Hon,. Ili the borough of Inn, toll lee sevuull 31onilty land Ith day) of JAN.. 1 1.4 alit [hire who will prie.cute the said prisoner., be then and torte to prosectfte theta as it Allan he Piet, and teal ell .1 ushcey of the Peace Lormierand ugables w men (smug . , be theft smithery ts their miter pert 41s.' at to o'clock. a. att., In said thy. with the, record., itnithel tan, 1111111 rettionilinnwe, to du mow thatms wh.cit to the r oftlie• revectively apperttuti. anted at Iltnalisadon, he l , ltlt day./ December, in the year m war &intone thousand eight I red and tereutpunu and the :WM year an Atneramti Independence. _ PROCLA MA TlON—Whereas. by a pre ,pt to me titivated by the Jutlgee of the Com ,assn Pleas of the county of Hantinplon, lawrlng feet the -MHz day of Na.,t A. D., 1871, 1 azu Collllllnosled to make iodate prewlanuttion throughout nay whole hail wick. that a Conn of 1.0111111011 P elld wall Le held at file (our. Ilona , .0 the borough; of 'leonine ~,,, on the I.lel 31onday, IGth day,) t l JAN., A. D., 177, for the trial of all its e 111 MIA (..4.11r( whale remains ontletermene e Where the „fudges, when turd where all Juror, wily SteS, NUJ bad r , 111 the Irak of all imues are required. bated at llntetemol tttt t the 11.11 h day of Dec., in the ye of our Lord, one theemand a glut hundred and seventy. • and the Aith year of Auseralttelelekeesjeuce... TII IA I. LIST FOR JANUARY IEIOI, 1812. FIRST WEEK. John M:Cahan Exrs vs A. P. Wilson's Adm C. W. Asheom vs G. D. Canine, Wharton Maguire vs E. A. Greene & Co. Si. 11. L to; vs John Hauer. Henry A 10. VP Win. Hatfield. Lazarus Moyer VS Hicks A Walls. August Ruttier County of Uun , ingdon vs John Nightwine, et al G. U. Lang to dloses Mauer. Jacou F. litlo vs Robert Fleming, et al Sarah Caldwell's use vs George Warfield. M.ertin J Peterson vs Pest & Ceplin. £tna Alanutneturing co vs Wharton .t Maguire. M. M. Tote vs John Huller. K. L. Greene is Benjamin C. Leonard. Columbia Insurance Co es Alen. Port. Same Same. Main Houck Ur. John Metz vs Jacob Zerley. John U. Ritter ca Jauits Wails. Michael J. Martin vs • J. W. Ammerman &co Janas V. Lee vs John A. Pollock. more effectually than an.) f'roth'y Office, Dec. 13, 1871 R EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hercuy given, to all persons interested, that .ollowing name d pereous have settled their ac counts in the Register's Office, aflluntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for eon urination and allowance, at an Orphans' Court, to oe held at lluntingdon, in and for the county u. Uuntingdon, on Wednesday, the 10th day o. January, nest, (1872.) to wit : 1. A (ministration account of James erce, Ad ministrator of John Findley, late of Dublin town deceased. Has cured C.Sell incurable by physician:, 2. Administration account of Jacob K. Rider. A aninistrator ol M.ehael R. Weston, late of War ..or's Mark towitship. deecased. 3. Account of R0..0.rt Ma !dun, Administrator or James ilLmiden, late o. E t winglield tp., Um:aimed. 4. Account or Jam, s lloruin4 and Rev. J. I). Ttioums, Administrator of Isaac Morning, late of ilarree tp., deceased. O. Faint account of lion. B. F. Patton. one o. the Executors of John Addleroan, late o. Minting lon county, deceased. 6. First owl final account of Wm. 11. A Idiom.. one of th.. Executors of John Addleman, late 01 Warrior's Mark township, deceased. 7. Guardianship account in James Magill, Guar &ion of E eauor Cumminr. that it has beer complaints. 8. Guardianship account of James Magill, Guar lian of Margaret E. Hunter, (now intern:llmM:: .vith Cvrus Cummins.) 9. Faint account of Ahraham Megaton, Admin. srratt"r of David Householder, late oi Walker tp.. deceased. 10. Aceount of Thomas Montgomery, Executor of lotin Armin, late ofßArret tp., deceased. . • 11. Account of Christian Miller, who was Exe =tor of Jacob Miller. Sr., deceased, as tiled by don. D. Clart:son and N.A. Miller, Administrator, of Christian Miller, deceased. 11. Final admintstration account of lion. Joh,: •itiott, Administrator cum testaments annex° of th stave of Dr. J. B. Laden, late of the Borough o Ilantingdin, deceased. 13. 'I he first and partial Account of John Min ick. Executor of Conrad Matthias, late of Dublin township, deceased. . • J. E SMUCKER, REGISTER'S Omen. Register. Huntingdon, Dec. 111 STATE OF BENJAMIN EOLLERS, E deceased.—NOTlCE to ELsabeth Ramsey. .roe of John Ramsey, Into of Tully, Van Wert monty.Ohio; Delia Sevens,wife of James Stevens it the State of Kansas; Wiliam Sellers, of Commu tus Grove, Allen county. Ohio; Thomas Locke, —; Emily Ramsey, wife of Ephraim Ramsey, Tully, Van Wert estry, Ohio; Elizabeth Ramsey, wife of-Elliot E. Ramsey. Van Wert coon y, Ohio, Silas Locke Merrys, son of Jose-ph Merry. sod Rebecca Lucke; Elisabeth Anderson, wife o inumel Anderson, of —' Johnson county. :owe: Ellen Robinson. wife of David Robinson, o. - Johnson county, Iowa; Thomas Stains. if Bedford county, P. 1.; Benjamin Stains, 8.-dfori• county, Pa. and all other heirs of Benjamin Sol ere, late of Springfield township, Huntingdon Co.. dee'd., take notice that an inquest will be helu et the dwelling house of Benjamin Sellers, deeM.. n the township of Springfield, in the county o luntingdon, on the 28th day of December, A. D. 71. at ten eiVock in the forenoon of that. day the purpose of 'making partition of the real es ate of said deceased. to and among his legal rep .esentatives, if the same can be done without pr. udice to or spoilin g of the whole, otherwise if • :aloe and appraise the same according to law—a chick time and place you 111113 , attend if you thin. ,roper. AMISS HOUCK. Sheriff. o:lice, tiugdon, D.:. 13, 1871 Pnic SALE OF VALUABLI REAL ESTA.CE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cour tjunt.goion county, the undersigned cull ec . ..use to puside sole, on ihe premises, in Cass town .bip, on ..S'A TUR/)..1 Y, December dish, WI, 31 en o'clock, a. m., on said day, all that eertaii root of land, situate in said township, bound.. earth by lands of Joseph dl. Wilson: east by land. A. Honderson; watts by kinds of John Span lot sad sv.•st uy lands of C. Millers heirs, con :4 At Re:S and 121 PERCIIES, wore or less. This tract of land is loca.ed near the publi. cad, leading from Cassrille to Paradise Fume. s mut two Ludes from the former place. It is we. f oered. and is covered with a rely tee g.owth a. rHi ft: NNE TIM LER, as good or eau ho font. one county. TeatMa :Dae thin" of the pur,hase money to b ou couhrtuatton of the a-lc, and the aalant a two equal annual payments thereafter, with it, ~rest, to oe seeared by the jukment bonds of IL Afrehaser. L. CLARKtiON, N. A. lILLER, Deo. 13-ts Adms. of Christian Mi;,er. deu'd. F ALL AN!) WINTER (MOD. AT WM. MARCH (5; BRO.'S. Elaviag purchased the gloated variety u ;ouds ever orought to iluntingdun, they are pro to give great bargains to time who patron their e:tablishawat, Their stuck eunaists part of Lt reduced prices. Also a choice selection o .utlies' Dress Goods. Merinos, iigured and plain; Alpacas; Mohair .11 wool Detainee; Lusters, Poplins; also a con. lete assortment of lientlemen's wear, such as at astonishingly low prices. We do not consider it any trouble to show goods nd would be pleased to have the ladies and Its .üblic generally call and examine our new stock. .hich we are determined to sell at the lowest sash ,ricer. In eonneetlon with our other bueineee we have , stablieheil a first-:Ia•s Where all kinds of lumber for building purposes an be had at reasonable rates. Boards, Lath. ihingles, ac., always on hand. FDR SALE.— ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CROICE WILDINO LOTH in West Huntingdon, Pa. 'IFTY Of dome lota torn, fur a abort time, be offer :1 at low prices, ranging from $lOO to $l5O. Tenn. •avy. Apply to or addre,s tov29 ti R. ALLISON MILLER. B. BECK. Fashionable Barbel A• and Hairdresser. 11111 street. opposite the , rankliu Homo. . All kinds of Tonics soli Pomade, iept on hand and for sale. [ap19,71-43m A 310,4 IIoUCK. SnEairr. A31,,N lIOUCK, SHERIF?. s, John E. Leeds, et. at. SECOND WEEK. vs Ww. Long. is John ilagey vs Eli Plummer. M. M. MeNEIL, P ottey. MUSLINS, CALICOES, DEL ‘fvEg, GINGUAMS, FLANSELS, CLOTHS. CASSIMERS, SATIN ETTS, JEANS, , COTTONADES, LUMBER YARD, New Adverti3ements, S,4HERIFF'S SALES. ity virtue of I :11..iry writs of rend. Exp.. Fu. cu.( Fi. directed, I p pul.lic sale, at. the Court Iluuse, iu uu Atuuda, the Bth day uf Janualy, o'clock, p. tu., the iulluwinb real triute, to wit A lut uf grinind, situate ill Wee tOWllthil., tingd. county, PJ., fronting, I OU lett oil the lie road, lead mg cram Peter;burg to hlabur . and extending back I6il feet to a at oY ble Hallman, bounded on the west by James north and oast by George Ballwin', eautainin i feet by I6J feetolitt having thereon erected a story frame house, plastered outside, and a s stable. Seized, taken in execution, and to be cold a prulairty 01 U. t. Blatt. ALSO. all that certain lot or parcel of ground note in Alexandria borough, bunting 521 lee Main ',Land extendingat right angles 200 feet alley, adjoining lots a, John Brisoin and An Moron, hiving thereon erected two too-, dwelling houses and tn her outbuilding, .. Seized, taken in execution, and to 17;e sold it property of Jaw. WlTord. ALSO. All that certain lot Deposed of grown: uste in Mapleton borough.bounded by Main strs the north, east by lot of Dr. llettys, west by of Jobs Weston, south by 11111 at., having eh( a one-story-and—a• half dwelling house. blacks shop and other outbuildings. (N. 79 feet, E . feet. W. 811 feet, S. 811 feet.) Seized, taken in executbdi, and to ho sold a property of d awes McConahy. ALSO, All those certain lots or parcels of grt situate in Coalmont borough, sue lot on co Schell and Evans street, 50 sect by 150 feet, ing thereon erected a large two-story frame h and other outbuildings. Also. an adjoining fronting on Evens street 50 feet and extendit sight angles 150 feet, having thereon erected a story trame house, stable, and other outbuild Also Lee other vacant lots of like dimensions. Seized, taken in execution, an: to be sold n property of Levi Evans &el 5, AMON HOUCK, Sher OTICE is hereby given to all per N interested that the following Inventor the goods and chattels set apart to widows. t the provisions of the Act of 11th of April, 1851, have been filed in the 'thee of we Cie the Orphans' Court of Ilk ntingclun county, will be presented for "approval by the Court Wednesday, Jan. 10th, : 1. Inventory and appraist ment of the per. property, taken by Nary Carothers, o,de Samuel Carothers, dectastd. 2. Inventory and appraisement of the per: properly. taktn by Sarah Silknitter, widow of Silknittt r. ti,eeased. 3. Invtntory and ayprainm n :_ z, d n o to w f ilhoew ofper p ro p er ty, taken by .uzs .b liatnPinchez. J. E. SMUCKER iteoisTErt's OFFICE, mni,uoton, Der. 11. AUDITOR S • LEstate of Beni. steinci lee undersigned, appoinad by Rio Orp: Court of Huntingdon county, auditor, to bra ceptions and to restate the aceetutts of Or Stains, administrator of Beujamine at late or Cromwell townt,hip, deed. and make distribution, etc., hereby gives notice he will attend to the dutit 3 of his appointive] his office, Nu. 102, 11111 street. Huntingdon, P: Tuesday, January 2, 1872. at one o'clock, when and where all persons interested may at and be heard if they see proper to be prt :out. J. raLVANCS BLAIR Audit dec3.1871 TN the Gam t.f elinUltill 1 len of 1 tinglou County. — ur Craw:ord } No. 22, Aug. Term, In divorce. Harriet Crawford. To Harriet Cruw.ord, reepondtnt: In pursuantce of an tatter of publication it above stated case, you are rtquired to art, said Court, on Monday, the 8 u day of Jun 18.2, to enema the complaint in the Jibe' wherein he chargtoyon wit h adultery, and to cause why divorce a riuculo matrialonii eboul• be decreed. AMON MUCK, she, Sheriff's office Nov29-4t. TS the Cour: of Common Please or -A- tingdon County. Isaiah M. Nathan; vv. No. 70, Aug. Zen Anna N. Nathan, In Divorce. To Anna M. Natbans, respondent.—ln p. :Ince of an order or publication in the ul.ove case, you are requirtd to attend at said Lour Monday, the 8111 day of January 1872 to ar ,he complaint of the libelaint, wherein he cli . you with desertion, and to show cause why di . -- rinculo matrimonii should not be decreed. AMON HOUCK_ Sher Sheriff's Office, N0v.:9,1871-4t. LaND FOE SALE. Four small adjoining tracts of Lana at vate sale,.iu Clay township, Iluntingduanu i two miles west of Three Springs. The least ii Top Railroad is located on part of it, Cho containing one hundred and one acres; errs dee of which are cleared and the balauee is ti !and; the improvements are a Frame Dwc House and Bank Barn and other outbuildings spring of never falling water and a variety or trees and grape arbor are in the yard ; also th eight acres adjoining; thirty acres of a/Wei cleared and the balance well timbered with a ale house and stable thereon, and a spring is yard; die third is a Saw Mill tract to four a adjoining the above; good timber, very couveu the fourth tract is thirty-nine acres of which are cleared, and the balance is well timbered. person wishing any further intbrmsition in re u the above can call on Jonathan Miller Hein be land. They also offer eight lots in West tingdon. We will sell low as we intend gets mother part filthy country. Any person wis any other information coiroornin; the :an call uu Samuel Pheasint who is part ol and lives on the same on Mifflin e. JONATHAN MILLER A C N0v.16,1871-3mv. V ALUABLE PROPERTY AT P 1 FATE SALE. The valuable property, situate in Barree ti ' , hip, Huntingdon county, formerly knows ..Couch's Mills" but lately as ... Conprotxt AG' will be sold at private sale. This is one et nest desirable stands in the county, the : eft! cork being sufficiently large to keep the mill le while the water power is unsurpassed in the S. Clic improvements consist of a Oriat Mill, .tore Room, two Dwelling, Houses, tit: end all other net:A.:4.l4.y outbui4/ings. Them dso 40 acres of timber !awl bekaiging to this p :sty, but it purchasers desire it, enough cle and can be purchased with it, for farming purpt If not sold by the 26th of October, the prop cal be leased for at term of years. For further information inquire of Ilon. ;mitt, Huntingdon, or of the uudersigued, resit en the premises. ..lept. 6, IS7:—tf. HENRY CONPRODS, QUERIFFS SALE. By virtue or a writ of Fi. Fa to me diree . „ will expose to toi,b . i:r.e sate. at the Court lloust iLinting lon, on Vri.tuy, the 22d day of Deceit) 1871, at '2 o'clock. p. m., the following &set .eal estate, to wit : A I that certain tract or farm situate in IT, ownship. bounded by lands of Ass Corbin on wrih, coil on rho east by lands of John ICC° ,n the south by lands of Detre heirs. on the .3 , lands of John Shoop. containing 194 acres n a- less ' about GO acres clear, d and under c, It ion. having thereon erected a Log llonse, 13 an and other outbuildings. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as ~.roperty of George S. Blyerly. D. R. P. NEELY. Sheri' wr.22.1871 . 5.] Legal Notices .EX EC UTO RS' NOTICE. [Estate of Hon. George Taylor. decals ~tterstestamentary on the Estate oi lion. Ili, ittylor, late of the borough of Huntingdon. ;eased, hoeing been granted to the undersigt 411 persons indebted to the said estate are nquor o make immediate payment, and those bar ltims or demands against the estate of said eased will make known the same properly henticated, without delay to MARGARET S. TAYLOR, MATTII E TAYLOR, JOG ti F. MILLEIt. llontingdon, Nor. 22, 18:1-Or. nolidaysburg Ileyieter. and Herald, Ebensb :mblish six weeks. and fund bills to this office. A D3IINISTItAIRIX'S NOTICE. i Estate of John Corbin. decease Litters of Administratioc having been grantee ho undersigned, on the etcate of John Corbin, I Barree township, deceased, all per,ons know themselves indebted are requested to make inn bate payment. and those having claims to pies :hem duly authenticated for settlement. SARAH STEEL. Administratris N0v.22,1871*] A D3IINISTRAT RIX'S NOTICE. [Estate of sibennt Corbin, descant Letters of Administration having been grantee the undersigned, on the estate of Abram Cori. ;ate of Itarree township. deceased, all persi knowing themselves indebted to make iirmedi taywent, and those having claims to prvsvat tb lulu authenticated for settle= nt. SARAH STEEL, Adminietratrix N0r.22,1871. ADM IN ISI RAI OR'S NOTICE. I Zdate of John lrrin, deed.] Lutters of A (ministration having hero gran . o thermic rsigued on the estate of John Irvin. I ,t Franklin township, Iluntingdon county, dye ill persons knowing thtms.-Ives indebted aro. 'nested to mako immediate payment. and th. laving claims to present them duly mob. nticat nr rettt-oo JOHN 1). lIIIHOES tioY2f,lB7lJ o •