The B.untingdon JOunial, J. R. DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON, PEW'A. Wednesday Morning, Dec. 13, 1871 THE JOURNAL FOR 1872! A Rare Chance to Secure the Leading Literature of the Day ! CHEAPNESS CONBINED WITH SUBSTATBLITY Every head of a family, in the country, should subscribe and pay for his county paper. He that attempts to raise a family without giving it the advantage of a newspaper, in this en lightened and christian age, is criminal y neg ligent. We think that every man, without exception, raising a family, should spend from MN dollars to TWENTY-FIVE dollars a year, according to his means, for this kind of edu cation, and we hope to live to see the day when there will not be an exception to this rule in Huntingdon county. We want every body in the county to sake the JocatreL, we don't care what party you belong to—Republican, Democrat or Temper ance man. If you are a Republican, we are with you heart and soul; if a Democrat, you ought to know what we have to say about you, no that you can act and vote intelligently, and if you are a temperance man, we assure you that no one will administer severer blows upon the whiskey business than the JocasaL will, and if the whiskey men don't like it, why let them do as they do with whiskey that is distasteful, take the less of it. We believe newspapers, like preachers and school teach- ars, should be on the side of moralityand good ""-order. But the Jounxat. will uphold only that which we, in our humble judgment, think to be right, regardless of consequences. The development of the county, in every re spect, will be its constant and undeviating aim, Aug in this respect it will be to every ma 'a interest to subscribe for it. We want to build up Manufactures, Mechanics and the Arts on every hand, and by subscribing for the Joon- NAL you assist and encourage us in our design. T:ie next year will be an eventful one; President, Vico President, Governor and Con gress arc to be elected and a Constitutional Con vention will be selected to remodel tho Con stitution of the State. We have outgrown the old one, and if you want to keep posted you must have the papers. Take the JOURNAL first, and if you won't take it, in the name of intel ligence, take some other one, but don't be without the news. For the purpose of distributing good Litera ture, in connection with the JounsaL, which we think good enough of itself, we have ar ranged to furnish the folloring-natued leading periodicals, jointly for the remarkably low price stated below: Phrenological Journal and Lite Illustrated . Apple_lon2; Journal /g!ectic Magazine,. a.l.x, The Aldine and Chrome,. Americas Agricultural et Hearth and Snick Leelle's Illustrated Newspaper, Chimney Corner. B ys' 61111 uirli Weekly,- 4 ". Budget uf Fan Pleaqatit Hoare La•.ly'e Magasit7e, Scribuer's Monthly Godey's Lady's Book, The A tinntic..lll.?nthly Our Young F01 k5,...., livery Saurcley, ..... The North American Review, Harper t Magazine, Baser, Wally of our subscribers will co' and pay up for 1871 and 1872 w them the advantage of these club z any of our subscribers, who have paid up, desire to take advantage of these 'rates and will signify the same to us, we will give them the same terms. We do this so that there may be no dissatisfaction, and to place good and cheap literature within the reach of every body. Look at the above rates and then en close the price (naming the Magazine) set in the last column, to us, and by due course of mail you will receive the JouuNki. and the Magazine spec:fled. Send money at our risk when enclosed in the presence of the post muter. Address, J. R. DURBORROW & CO., Huntingdon, Penn'a. A RARE CHANCE. If any young lady or gentleman will secure us six new cash subscribers, to the JOURNAL, and this can be done in any neighborhood in a few hours. we will agree to make the person doing so a present of ono year's subscription to any one of the FOUR DOLLAR Magazines. Here is a chance seldom offered. The Atlantic, or Harper, or Scribner, or Galaxy, or any other of the leading FOUR dollar public:4ms, fit one year, for a few minutes labor ! This is a chance for schoi.l teachers. THE MESSAGE. The third annual message of President Grant, which we to-day lay before our readers, may be regarded as a model State paper, and is favorably received by the press of the country. It deserves, and will well'repay a careful perusal at the hands of every citizen of the Common wealth, containing as it does, the most flattering exhibiti ,, n of the condition of the country. For his bold and decided stand on the question of Protection, the President is entitled to the thanks of every Pennsylva nian, while his recommendation for a re adjustment of the Tariff, so as not to dis turb home protection or reduce the wages of the American lab,,rer, commends itself to the kindly remembrance of the tailing millions of the land. Every - law-abiding citizen must admire his platform of the enforcement of the laws, regardless of local custom. passion or pride. His already well known policy of re treachment and economy is forcibly reiter ated. The national debt has been reduced during the year = i[ , lity-six millions and by this reduction of price p tl and the refund• ing of a portion of the loan the annual interest account has been lessened nearly seventeen millions. His recommendation of the ab,dition of internal revenue tases, at once dispenses with the whole system, together w:th all its cumbrous and expen-ive machinery.— In short the entire document is one of which the country may well be proud.— Another term of Republican rule, with such a leader as Grant, and the entire legacy of•national debt, bequeathed by the Democratic party, would be wiped out. ass.. James Blackmore, Independent, has been elected Mayor of Pittsburgh over the regular Republican nominee. The other Republican nominees for the various offices were all elected. in. Hagerstown, 31d., had a $lOO,OOO fire laet week. THE DUTY ON SALT. The Revenue Reformers and Free Tra ders have, for some time past, kept up an incessant cry against the duty on salt.— When, in 1861, the duty Was raised from 6 cents per bushel to 24 cents per 100 pounds, or abdut 14 cents per bushel, there were only 12,000,000 bushels produced per annum in the United States, and 25,- 000,000 bushels supplied from abroad.— Under the new tariff these proportions have been reversed. The home product is now 25,0 0,000 bushels per annum, and the quant ty imported during the last fis cal year 13,340,259 bushels. This result comes from protection, and affords a signi ficant illustration of the beneficial effects of that policy. EDITon Now what is the extent of the burden of the tax on salt, of which the app ments' of protection so loudly complain ? It is a fract:on over two-and a half cents per an num, to each individual in the United States. Belore the duty was raisad Eng land supplied two-thirds of all the salt consumed in the United States. Beyond th ) Syracuse Salt Works there was but ittle produced in this country. When the duty was increased salt works b,gati be established in other localities, and now salt is made in large quantit:es in very many of the States. We are at present producing two-thirds of the entire con sumption. Another fact of great importance in the :argument that the tax is not a burthen is th a: The price of salt is trit to-clay, in gold, higher than it was in 1860. There is great competition among American pro ducers. The Syracuse and Saginaw salt works are pitted against each other; and these, with the less extensive, but expand ing manufactories in Pennsylvania, Vir ginia, and many of the other states, are lab:piing to reduce the cost of production, so as to compete successfully for the trade. Another important achievement has been made : When England supplied the great er quantity. she controlled our markets and established the prices. Now our own m to ufactureis, by supplying two-thirds of the whole consumption, are masters of the situ ation, and are enabled to control the mar kets and establish prices. England, there fore, in order to reach the American markets, is compelled to pay the cost of getting there, including the duties, and is obliged to sell at the prices established by American manufacturers. The duty is no longer paid by the, American consumer, but by the foreign producer. It is not a tax upon us, but upon the foreign shipper, who pays it in order to secure the privilege of selling Ws goods in the markets of toe United States. In fact the cry against the duty on salt, from which the Goverment receives annually over a million of dollars, comes from shippers and their Commission Agents iu New York. Our manufacturers are ruining their trade in salt, and they feel it. 1 . 04 conies from China, and not from England, and while Free Traders a-k• Congress to remove the duty from salt, they at the same time ask them to continue the duty on teal Why is this ? Because salt is an English pro duct, and England has her agents here, in the New York Frey Trade League. which is supported largely ey English capital, while the ..heathen Chines" has no representative in America to operate in the interests of his country and against the duty on tea. We dannot produce tea, coffee, spices, &c. , Therefore if we can reduce the tariff, is it not beat to begin with these articles, instead of salt, which, under the present duty, we can and are producing in large quantities. thus giving employment to our own people, and retaining in the country the money formerly sent abroad to pur chase foreign salt? ISince writing the above the annual Re port of the Secretary of the Treasury, just submitted to Congress, has come to hand. Mr. Bontwell recommends a reduction if one-half of the duty now imposed on salt. Th's will increase the importation, and keep the annual aggregate of receipts of duties about the same as at. present; but it will seriously paralyze and check the man ufacture of that article iu this country.— Under the present protective tariff new salt works have been opened, and success fully operated, in many parts of the coun try. These new enterprises will suffer; some of them will be closed up, and the home supply will decrease, while importa tions will increase. The reduction of duty, if made, will be found to be premature.] 2to 32 5 oh 5 75 000 075 .400 . 500 40. 500 4 01.1 500 e forward will give too, or if OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. The President's .Message—Forty-Sxond Congress at Work—Annual Reports— " A Gratifying Out-Look—Cabinet Chan ges—Fish and .Akerman Go Out— Congressional Printer—The Cold Snap. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 8, 1871. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. The President's annual Messa k e to Con gress is brief, comprehensive, and practi cal. In Washington, and among all shades of politicians, it is spoken of in terms of commendation. The only solitary objec tion made to it is by the Daily Patriot, (Democratic), and the fault at tted is that "the message is too sh , .rt." The Patriot probably longs for the good old days of Democratic Presidents, when Innmil mes sages filled ten or fifteen columns of a news paper in small type. As your readers will pram to examine the full text of the mes sage, I will not undertake to epitomize its important contents, It slionld be carefully examined by every reader, as it treats of questions in which every citizen is more or less interested. It also indicates a degree of national prosperity never beti,re reached in this country ; a condition of peace and amity with all other nations, and gives reasonable evideLe.: of years of national prosperity in the future. I notice that the message is praised xnl our country congratulated by The Tines and other London pipers. I'M:UMW:2OND CONORESS-SECOND SES- SION, The work of the session has been cons moored in good earnest. The Committees of the Douse have been re-organized, and the new appointments and .changes give satisfaction generally. Dawes of MaPea eliusetts is chairman of the House QM wittee of Weya and Means, one of the most important, as it prepares the ehangus and naJdifications proposed in the tariff, There is g od reason to b , Ife%e that no radical chmges are contemplated; and it is more than probable that the committee agree pretty generally with Mr. Boutwell in the stiggestions on the tariff made in his Annual Reprt, now submitted to Con gress. While there are no great leading ques tions demanding the prolonged attention of Congress, there are a large number of sub jects requiring legislative consideration and action The general sentiment among members is to give close attention to busi ness, and if possible get through with the work of the session some time in April. REPORT OF TfIE SECRETARY OF THE TREASIJRY. Secretary Boutwell's Report is a most gratifying state paper. Its figures show that the revenues are more than ample, and may be reduced some forty million dollars annually, and still leave a surplus of' about fi.ty million dollars, to be applied each year in reducing the public debt, by cancelng outstanding bonds. Mr. Boutwell suggests that the duty on coal be reduced to 50 cents per ton, in jus tice to the New England States, where there is no coal produced and a very large amount consumed. He also suggests that the duty on salt be reduced about one half. This will not seriously effect the extensive Salt Works at Saignaw, for they have the cost of transportation front the sea board to the west. in their favor, affording on that bulky article a large item of protection in itself. Saginaw salt will be in great de mand in the west, even with the duty on foreign atilt all removed. So too the Syra• cuse Sate Works, during the last decade, have grown to enormous proportions, and can stand a reduction of the duties, though that will seriously reduce their supplies to New York and other sea board cities. It is the comparatively new and weak manu factories springing up all over the country, under the present protective tariff, that will suffer. Many of them will probably be compelled to close up. The true policy in rt.ferenee to the duty on this industry would be for C ingress to continue the duty as at present until the home supply comes up so as to equal the demand of the coun try, which would be in about three years, judging from the annual increase of the last few years. Then the duty could with safety be reduced about one half. This would prevent prohibition, which is not wanted, and afford healthy competition be tween the domestic and the foreign articles, both of which would continue to be fur nished at the lowest possible prices. Mr. Boutwell also recommends that a portion of the duty on bides be removed, and that certain articles of raw materials and drugs be transferred to the free list. His policy is decidedly protective, but as there is room for a reduction of the reve nues, he names those articles as least cal culated, in a reduction of duties. to affect unfavorably the manufacturing interest and general industries of the country. P.EPORTS OF OTHER DEPARTMENTS The Department Reports generally, in dicate increased proeperity in all the great National interests, and lead to the conclu sion that the out-look into the future is gratifying. CABINET CHANGES. The rum ,re of Cabinet changes are re newed. There is no doubt SecretAry Fish wi-.hes to retire, and his resignation will prob Ably ba sent in and accepted before this paragraph reaches the pubic eye. Hon. Edward Pierrepont, of New York, will undoubtedly be his successor. . Mr. Pierrepont will be an able and popular ac quisaion. Mr. Akerman, Attorney General, will go out, by desire of the President, on ac count, it is said, of a lack of harmony be tween Mr. A. and other members of the Cabinet. Judge Williams, ex-Senator fr. m Oregon. and member of the Joint High Commission, will probably be his successor: THE CONGRESSIONAL PRINTER. W. J. Murtaugh, proprietor of the Washington Daily Republican, is an ap plicant for the position of Congression;ll Printer. It is not probable that Mr. Clapp will be disturbed, at least so long as he continues to enjoy the fullest confidence of the Administ••ation. THE WEATHER. It has been unusually severe in Wash ington for a few days past. Nothing like it, so early in the season. has occurred fl,r many years past. It cannot last long. All out-door work has been suspended for sev eral days. N. 11. P. LATER. 7 o'clock, p. ni., Dec. 8. DEFALCATION IN THE U. S. TREASURY, Two Clerks in Gen. Spinner's Depart ment of the Treasury have just been dis covered to be defaulters; one of them, Francis A, Marden, of Mass for $12.000; the other, Seth Johnson, of New York. for $50,000. twelve thousand of which has been found to his credit in the banking house of Fault, Washington & Co., of this city, and will be recovered. Johnson was engaged in stock speculations with E. L. Sherman, a patent lawyer in New York City, an order for whose arrest has been issued. It is not known whether Marden and Johnson were in collusion or not.— Both parties are under arrest, but John son is too sick to be removed from h:s home. They have wives and Marden a family of small children. Their wives are nearly crazy. MR. FISH ASKED TO REMAIN IN THE CABINET. Forty five Republican Senators have united in a letter to Secretary Fish, ur gently requesting him to remain in the Cabinet, and representing that this is also the wish of the other members of the Cab inet, and leading members of both Houses of Congress. INTR4NAL REVF.NUE OFFICE. It is expected that the nomination of Mr. Douglass, of Pa., to be Commissioner of Internal Revenue, will be confirmed in a iew days; and the appointment.of First and Third Deputy Commissioners will be made soon thereafter.' But Senator Sum ner stated in his place yesterday that he would, in a few days, introduce a bill to abolish the office of Commissioner of In ternal Revenue. It was created by the necessities of the war and taxation, and ought to be abolished as soon as it can be nispeneed with. It is not long sines, that the late Commissioner, as such, was aspi ring to s seat in the Cabinet, OPERA DOUSE BURNED, On Wedn,sd.y morning at I o'clock, Wall's Oper.i House, in ill:3 city, was burned down. It will be rebuilt larger and finer than bAbra. TUE PRINCE OP WALES DYING Telegrams from L )radon; dated 6.30 this even:pg. were received here at 3.30 p. m., announcing that "the Prince of Wales is sinking Lst. Congestion of the lungs has set in, and there are no hopes of his re covery." N. H. P. HON. JOHN DEAN The Cambria Freeman of last week con tains the f co.uplimentary notice of our new Judge : "lion. John Dear, newly elected President Judge of this district assisted by the two new Associate Judges, Slessra. Loyd and Flanagan, bed his first half term of Court here during the present week. Of . nurse there was a g od deal of curiosity manifested both to see the man hims,lf, who i- comparatively estranger to the people of this county, as well as to witness the manner in which he would acquit himself in his responsible and untr.ed position So far as we nave heard any express:on of opinion on the subjezt, it hts linen entirely favorable to Judge 9ean. He disposed of the bus Mess be fore the Court with commendable promptness and satisfaction. One thing has been made perfectly manifest, and that is, twat the parties to a cause are not aely to have any well grounded reason to complain of what is knowt and deprecated as "the law's delay." Judge Deiati ev,dently means business. He has made an auspicious commencement, which justifies the belief that in the future he will prove himself both able and energetic in the dis charge of his duties. rhe Twenty-fourth Ju dicial District has just cause to be proud of him." *a. Monday of last week witnessed the reception of the Grand Duke of Russia, and the pepers teemed with the most glow ing accounts of \the festivities of the occa sion. The Philadelphians were beside themselves with emotion at the., idea of having a red live Prince in their midst, and the B.oyakvisitor was feasted, and fed, and to.isted, an bored, and bled, and roast ed. Enough' money was expended to have rendered,one-half of the destitute families in the city comfortable during the winter, and the heir apparent to the mighty Em pire of all the Russias was, no doubt, suf ficiently impressed with a sense of Phila delphia hospitality. Royalty is an expen sive luxury. Mr. Sumner's Refunding Bill. The following bill has been Litroduced in the'U. S. Senate, by Mr. Sumner: Be it enacted, di., Tnat the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorised and di rected to prepare for circulation compound interest notes equal in amount to the out standing legal tender notes and frautitutal currency of the United States, and hi all reßleas similar to those heretofore issued under the act approved March 3,1863, en titie t "An act to provide ways and means fur the support of the government." ScE 2. That th so notes of different deuominations to the amount of $10,000,- 00 shall be dated oa the first day of each m 'nth, counneueug with the first day of July next eusui g, when the amount nam ed shall be ready tor issue, and then after wards on the first day of each month until the amount has been furnished. SEC 3. That the notes thus prov.ded shad be paid . out for all disbursulents of the Treusary. except th ',30 due in coin, so lung as they are sufficient for the pu, and if the whole monthly installment is not thus disposed of, it snail be th 3 duty oi . the Secretary of the Tre..sury to ex chante the surplus far the present legal tencliq n.des. so f r as pract.cablo that the full sum of 810.000.000 may-be put into circulation e ,ch -Month.- Sc. 4. Th it it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to eanse the destruction each mouth of legal tender note to the extent equal to the notes issued under this act. SEC. 5. That the notes issued under this act shall at the option of the holder be convertible at the end of two years, in sews of $lOO or its unt;tiple, into the bonds of the Unitel States not having less than ten nor more than forty ye tre to run. and bearing inte-est at the rate office per oeti .uni, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby autiairized to issue such bonds. SEC. G. Th t wh:mever these notes or the bonds into which they may be conver ted, can be.sold at par in gold, the Secre tary of the Treasury may sell them in such sums as way be called tor, and apply the proc,eds in g•del to cancel legal tend,r notes as they are paid into the Treasury. SEC. 7. That the mites issued under this act shall constitute no part or the legal currency reserve required the National balks. Obituary—Hon. John Bigler. A despatch from San Francisco announc es that the lion. John Bigler, ex-Governor of California, died iu Sacramento on the 30th of November. He was born in Cum berland county, Pennsylvania, on January 8, 1804, and was a brother of ex Governor William Bigler, f this State. fie learned t' a trade of a printer, and was successive ly editor of the Ce..tre County Dzmocrat and the P.ttsburg Post. From 1846 to '1849 he resided in Illinois, and in the latter year removed to Calitlania, being one of the earliest to join in the great he gira to the Pacific coast. Here' he took an • active part in politics , and rapidly rose to a leading and influential position. being twice Speaker of the General Assem bly. In 1851, in which 3ear his brother William was elected govern r of Peonsyl vanes, he was likewise an aspirant for gu bernatorial honors, and was elected Gov ernor of California on the Democratic ticket his majority being but little over 1,000 wh.le the rest of the Democratic ticket was elect id by neaaly 4.000 major ty. In 1853 he was again the Democratic candi date fur G,vernor, being again elected by a meagre majority, while the rest of the ticket was successful by a much larger vote. In 1853 he was for the third time a can didate, but was defeated. In the pres.dential campaign of 1856. and the canvass for the Dem...ratio nomi nation which preceded it, the Bigler broth ers took an active part, and were b ith de termined ch .mpi its of Jam ,s Buchanan. ‘Villiazu B.gler took his seat in the United States Senate tiom this Stite., while Johii Bigler received from President Buehanan, in 1837, the appointment of Envoy Extra ordinary and Minister. Plenipotentiary to Chili, which p he retained during the term of Mr. Buchanan. His intimate personal and p ditical relations with the latter forced him. rather against his own inclinations into the extrenrt wing of the Democratic party, but lie did not take an active =art in poi ideal affairs subsequent to his retirement from the Chilian mission. The Sharon Herald informs us that the yield of iron at the Vadey Furnace for the week enclitic , ' Nov. 11, 1871, was two hun dred and thirty-lour tons of clear good iron. This is said t be unequaled in the valley, from a furnace the size of the Valley Fur nace On Thursday last, Monis G!addon, a Scotchm in, who was workinz in a cat on the SI. Charles railroad, about a mile above hi,limmd Furnace, Frankho county, was killed by a large body of ea: th falling on United States Ln,ws, L.AW Or THE UNITED STATES PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION OF THE FORTY- S ;CON D CONGRESS. [GENERAL NATURE-NO. 9.] AN ACT making appropriations to supply defi cieucies in the appropriations for the service tot the year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hun dred and seventy-one, and tor additional ap propriations iur the service of the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy tn.), and for other purposes. . . Be it enacAd by Me Senate and House of Representatives of Me Maned Naas f Amenat Cu onegress ossenad ea, boat in order to c.oery into nuece the provisions o. an act entitled —An act granting pensions to cer tain soldiers and sailers of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, nod widows of deceased not diets;' approved leoruary iourteen, eighteen hun dred and seventy-one, there be, and is hereby, appropriated, out ut any moneys in the treasury nut utuerwise appropriated, for the payment, dur ing toe remanmer set the present rascal year, oi two clerks in mass three, lour clerks of class two, nineteen clerks ut class our, and two imsistaiii messengers in the Pension Office, to be appointed by me oeeretary el the Interior, eighteen tuousand two hundred and sixty dollars; for office rent, fur • attune, and contingent expenses of said office tor the Caine period, six thoesand live hundred dol lars; and for the payment, during the fiscal year ending June thirtietn,eightern hundred and seven ty-two, of tour clerks el class three, eight merks set class two, forty-eight clerks of class one, and three assistant inesengers in said office, to tie appointed by the SA:retary of the Interior ' seventy-seven tnousand three hundred and sixty dollars; and for office rent, turuiture, stationery, and contingent ex penses set said office during the said year, seven cnousanirdollars: Provided, That nothing iu any act contained shall be construed to alter or amend all acce..itted "Au act to define the duties ut pension agents and prescribe themanner of paying pen: ions, and for inner purposes," approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy; but the provisions of said act are hereby . declared to be in full force and (meet, and applicable to the prosecu tion of.maims to pension, and to the payment of pensions which may be allowed under any ur all the various acts of Congress granting the same; and that so much of the appropriation provided for in the act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the go rernment for the year end ing June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy two, "to be expended in the detection and prose cution of crimes against the United States," as may, in the judgment of the Attorney-General, be necessary, may be used during the current fiscal . . . • That all books, records, papers, and documents relative to transactions of or with the late so-called government of the confederate States, or the gov ernment of any State lately in insurrection, now in the possession, or which may at any time come into the possession of the government of the Uni ted States, or of any department thereof, may be resorted to for information by the board of com missioners Of claims created by act approved March three, eighteen hundred and seventy-one ; and copies thoreai duly certified by the officer having custody of the same, shall be treated with the like force and elect as the original. Fur the rebuilding of the Catholic orphan asy lum at Charleston, South Carolina, twelve thous and dollars, in consideration of the services ren dered by thee sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, of Charleston, South Carolina, to the sick and wound ed Union officers and soldiers, while said city was under bombardment during the war. SEC. 2. That thare is hereby appropriated to pay the salary for the remainder of the present and for the next fiscal year, of the Assistant At torney General, authoriXecl to be appointed by the act of the last session of Congress, six thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Sec. 3. The following stated sums are hereby appropriated fur the purposes hereafter expressed, viz: To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for contingent expenses of the House of Representa tives for the present fiscal year, the same to be added to the appropriation "for miscellaneous Rents," five thousand dollars. To supply a deficiency in the appropriations for the service ot the Independent Treasury, for the fiscal year, as follows : For clerks and messengers in the office of the assistant treasurer at Baltimore, six thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. F-ir clerks and messengers in the office of the depository at Cincinnati, live thousand two hun dred and filly dollars. For clerks and messengers in the office of the depository at Chicago, one thousand one hundred dollars. Fur clerks and messengers in the office of the depository at Louisville, eight hundred dollars. For salary of the assistaut treasurer at New (Means, to make his compensation four thousand five hundred dollars, as provided by existing laws fi‘e hundred dollars. Fur contingent expenses under the net of Au gust sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, for the collection, sate-keeping, transfer, and disburse of the public revenue, fifty thousand dollars Provided, That no part of said sum shall be ex pended tor clerical services. For salaries and expenses of the direct tax commissioners of South Carolina, and of their clerks, from July first, eighteen hundred and sev enty, until the clueing of the Ofike, three thous and live hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be nee( ssary. For the support of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hun dred and seventy-two. Fur salary of the Governor of the District of Columbia, three thousand dollars: For salary of the Secretary of the District of Columbia, two thousand dollars. Fur compensation of the members of the council of the District of Columbia, tour thousand four hundred dollars. For compensation of the board of public works of the District of Columbia, ten thousand dollars Provided, That no person hall be entitled to draw a salary as a member of the board of public works who is paid a salary for the discharge of the duties of any other officer under the government of the United States; and said board shall be held to be an existing board for all the purposes specified in the "Act to provide a government for the District of Columbia." from and after the appointment and qualification of the members thereof. For the repair of the damages caused by fire upon the cadet barracks at West Print, ten thous and dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pur chase of Messrs. Little, Brown, and Company two thousand copies of the sixteenth volume of the United States Statutes at Large, for distribution agreeably to the acts of Congress directing the dis tribution of the other volumes, seven thousand dollars. Tu pay William Hardin a balance due him under his ountract fur surveying the public lands in Ne braska, three thousand six hundred dollars. • To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for clothing for the Marine Corps for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, fifteen thousand dollars. For payment to the reporters of the Senate and House for the Congressional Globe of the usual additional compensation for reporting the pro ceedings of the Forty-second Congress, five hun dred dollars each, five thousand dollars. To enable the President to carry out the pro visions of the act of March third, eighteen hun dred and seventy-one authorizing him to prescribe rules and regulations for the admission of persons into the oivil serviee, and so forth, ten thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ For the expenses of the Joint Select Committee on Alleged Outrages in the Southern States, the stun of thirty thousand dollars, and any unexpend ed balance of the appropriation for the select com mittee of the Senate on the same subject shall be carried to the above appropriation in addition thereto, said sums to be carried for this purpose to the contingent fund of the Senate, and to be ex pended upon vouchers of the Chairman of said Juintcommittee : Provided, That the sum of nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-five dollars and twenty-two cents, being an unexpended bal ance of an appropriation by act of March third. eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, "for purchase of building known as the Club honor, at Charleston. South Carofina, and the fitting up thereof for the use of the United States courts." and having been by existing laws, covered into the treasury of the United States, be, and the same is hereby, re-ap propriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and shall he expended iu accordance with the provisona of the act making the original appropriation. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for folding documents and materials ter the Meuse of Representatives, twenty thousand dollars. Senate of the United States: Fur labor, three thousand dollars; for clerks to committees, pages, horses, and carryalls, fifteen thousand dollars. For compensation of the clerks in the office of the surveyor general of Minnesota, employed upon work consequent upon the special appropriation :or the survey of the public lands within the limits of the, grant to the Northern Pacific railroad. per act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and -eventy, nine thousand two hundred dollars, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. For compensation of the clerks in the office of the sur veyor gene:al of California, two thousandsix hundred dol lars for the year endosg June thirtieth, eighteen hundred andseventy-one. To pay Boxier B. Crocker 'or carrying the mad from Oregon, tilfreka,Calithritia, from the twenty. fourth of April to the ninth of November, eighteen hun dred and fitly-three, one thousand six hundred and twen tyfive dollars. For payment of S. R. Harlow, late marshal of the southern district of N w York. for expense.; inoivred in tart...sting 040 Moth, in than Francisco, for violation of the revenue law in said distr.ct, five hundred and tiny dol mas, or so much thereof as may be due. Sec. 4. That in addition to the clerkships authorized by the act approved May five, eighteen hundred mid sixty, tne Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to promote from the clerks of at'n toti teen played in the (MUMS Office, three to be clerks of class lour, seven to be clerks of class three, and fifteen to be ~terns of class two, and the sum of seven thousand six hnndt ed dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the Ole reas ed salary Provided, That no increase in the total number clerks employed iu said bureau shall be deemed to be tuthoriced hereby And provided further, That the on , lenity for such additional clerkships of the second, third And foul th class WWI terminate one year f. om date. For the pu pose cf carrying tint the stlptilalions 'of the treaty of July' twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty three, between the United States of America and his Maj esty the King of the Belgian; providing for the payment ..t irate est in the matter of the capitalisation of the Scheldt dues, being &deficiency in the appropriations for the pay recut of the teventh annual inslialment rite the irevorn meat at Belgium under said treaty, AKA firvt, eighteen hutdred au 1 teveuly-ime, and thu annual Instal 1110.1t, due ,pril firer, eziiteou bundled and teveniptiv. twelve thousand &Alert, in euin, ut i o rek,elt tir-reut ai may Le neveamiry. fur the completion tithe cultom hotme at Saint Paul. Mmtsesuta, tins-Cy-five thounmd onto hundred and sixty twee dollars and am ty-Ilve canto, I.e:fip 'the amount Ma balance ut an approinsation tar tint budding now s tussl ing to its credit en the books of the treasury, but unavail able nstder existing law, - . - - That beetion tivt7tif ••In act making appropriations for sundry civil tapes-e. of than gsvornmeat the Meal year ending June y, eighteen hu idred and seventy two, and tat otl:er," approved March three, eighteen hundred and eeventy . -oue, lie, anal hereby Is. amended ntrilting oat alter the words "Cur custom anise, Astclon, Oregon," the word - completion," and iu terting is place t here 4 -cu. of the cur...ruction." For completion of tile coart-lioui.e .d past-icltice build ing at Des Mane.., lowa, cis thwiAtud eight bemired and Sec. 5. "I hat the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, appropriated by act approved diarch third, eighteen hen th eill and slaty-nine, ter the purchase of site, and the erec tion there:, of a post-office and court bowie building io Oniatal, Neltr.lia. the sant being unexpended, is hereby revived . ad leappropriated for said pile p,e. ti-e. O. That ally apprepriatieas neretorire nude for public works, budding, or grounds, ter the year an 111 l toeing J eigilteen hundred and seveiity ' one, shall be avam le fur tile cm rent year: Provided, That ny expenditure eyed the several sines alreaoy ai - propriated snail be authorized by this &maim,. And that the appropriation for toe payment of the salary and trav ma spec al age tof the rrea airy Deo.. ment, and for the salarie t of all supervising inspectors, local nisi..., and de. ks enipioyeil in the administra doe et the steaintout 111Spectitp. laws, made under section first of •an ma making appropriations for try civil ex penses f the governamAymr the year endingJ tans thirty. eighteen hundred and seven ty-inie," a pproved Jul Site., e gliteen hunched and se, way, and still rem yhimg unex pended, Mall be appiicatile,. heretut ire, to the pavment et such salaries a d ea pensea until sufficient lemma shall accrue therefor under the provisions of section sixty-six of "An act to provide atr 11 better security of life on bierit of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and Ibr other pimp.," approved lebrua.7 twenty-eight, eigh teen hundred and seventy-one; the amount paid under the provisions 411 this smtion to be leimbureed to the treasury out of the myelines received under the provis ions of said act .1( February twenty-eight, eighteen hun dred and seventy-one. And the appionriation 'lee the survey of the bona nary hue between Idaho .and t tab Territun," contained in the art mai:log appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government tor the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and for miler purposes, alsi proved March three, eighteen hit ndred and seventy-ea; b. hereby made subject to present me. Ste. 7. f lat the auto et twenty thousand five hundred and wenty-three MAlars, or bu much the! col as may be necessary, be, and the steno 1s hereby, appropriated to pay the claim of Hobert t. Kirkpatrick, provided fur in joint resolution approved Feb* udry lideenrd, eighteen hundred and seventy-en. _ _ Sze. 8. TJat so larch of the appropriation far paying the expenses of taking the lentil census of the United States contained in the act making appropriations for sundry civil win.... ot . tho government fur the year end ing June thirtieth, eighteen handfed and seventy-two, approved March third, eighteen hundred and Seventy-m, as may be recessary, way he used during the Catrielit fiscal year • and the proviso in the eighth section of said act is amended by adding after the words dulLars per day" the words "exclusive of mil• age." Sec. 9. Tula the appropriation of thirty thousand three hundred and twenty - -six duliars - •for necessary expenses in the erection, furnishing machinery," and so torth, of the breach what at Carson C.ty, contained in the act making appropnations for sundry tied or the govern ment fur the fiscal year ending J•.ne thirtieth, eighteen hundred neat seventy-two. and for other purposes, approved March third, egihteea hundred and seventy-one, is hereby mode subject to pre-ent nee. . . . lo Thai Illeapprop - ilation for building a pier at Lewes, Delaware, eon alined in sections twelve and thirteen of th• net approves July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act making appropriations fur sun dry civil expenses of the guvernmen, for the year ending June Oilmen., eighteen hundred sod setenty-one, and fur other purposes," be, and the same is hereby, continu ed until June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy two. Sae. 11. That there be added to the miscellaneous item of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives the sum of two thousand II e hundred and sixty-three dollars and thirty cents, or so muck thereof as may be necessary for the paymeut of the tinfoilse remaining nu paid upon the accounts of wi uesses who am.eared be fore the sub-committee of the Committee of E.ections of the House of Repmentatives, charged with the investigation, in the summer of etgl.teen hundred and sixty-pin:, of the election in Louisiana in eighteen hundred mist sixty-eight. And for two thou-and If:es of Larelay's Digest, °mined by resolution cf the House of July fourteen, eighteen hu died and seventy, two thousand dollars; also for pages in the House of Representatives one thou-and five hundred and forty-three dollars and illy-nine cents. For the corup-nsitiou of an assistant j urual clerk in the House of Representatives for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, twenty-five hunched and.niuely-two dollani. And foe one thonnoul copies of the "Consiitisthin of the United States with the Rules of the Senate," noupiled by ni.J.ll'DoLald. under f 1 a resointn, of the Sena e 01 krarch fourteen, eighteen li cadent and seventy-hue, one thousand dollars. For the payments of clerks of ',menaces of the House, in ac cordance with the resolution of the ease of the tenth in stant. tw.• thousand dollars. That the prosisiona of the eleventh section of the act approved July fliteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, waited An act tanking appropriations for tee du eject expenses of the government tor the year ending June Millie h, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and fur other purposes," be, and hereby are, extended so as to include such percent an we:e actimlly employer in the States lately in aimm rection, in connection with the liepartment, an officers of the United States du ring the year eighteen hundred and sixty coven In con nection with the revenues of the government; and an amount sufficient to corr., net the proVISII., of tlais 8 0 , 6.. not exceeding Sheen thousand dullara, is hereby 'ap propriated but Cl any rebury in the not otherwise pp; opriai ed. SEC. IS That the following snmoir so much thereof an may be necessary, for subsisience. for the finest year VW ing Jane thirty, e.ghteen Lund. ed and sena:ay-two, of the Arapalbie, t hey enise, Apache, Kama, and Comanche In dians who hare been collected and located upon the re-er cation eel iipmb for tLe. r me and ocenliatiuu by the treat ies made with them in eighteen hundred eel sixty-seven, wo hundred thuu•aud Sec. 14. That the Conuni-sinner of the General Land Office is hereby authorized to approve the su. rey of the eagern bonndry of Nevada. wade by Isaac IL James, not withstanding any departure f:om rostra tions which, ia the op.nion cf said ..miniasioner, does not materiality im pair the accuracy of the wJrk. SEC. 15. .11M the pr.vile,T.i of the act entitled "An act to reduce interhal tux, o at for other approv ed July fourteenth, hundred And seventy, to, and are hereby, eXtentled to the port of Detroit, in the St - tte of S C. 16. TilZt any bona fide settler under the home stead or pronstiptlon laws of the United states who has filed the proper application to enter not to exceed ono quarter-section of the public lands in any district land office and who hat been subsequently appoin eel a register or receiver, may perfect the title to the said laud under the pre-emption laws by furnishing the proofs and waking the payments tequired by law, to the satisfiectior{ of the Commissioner of the ileneral Land 01fire. .cc. 17. That from and aLer the lissage of this act all powers ca..ferred 'you certain persons as cummissiiiners by the act approved Yune twenty-first, eighteen hundred and vevinty, fur the Improvement ofhl street northwest, and by the act approved July fifteenth. eighteen hundred and seventy, for the improvement of the Washington City canal, shall be traraferred to the Betted of Public Weil. of the District of Colombia; and the persons acting as commissiunel a tinder said acts are hereby directed to traw ler to said board oi public words all tos...k, papers, and oth er property in mole possession pertaining to the works trade: their charge; aid private - property shall Le aii , e.sed Mr the improvement of M street, and Seventh street P. hinbt, from B air et to the river, het etothre authorized by law, as presided in the act of Pebt nary frionty-ftiet, eighteen hundred and seven ty-one. And in case mid board shall, under mid act of July fifteenth, eighteen handled and seven y. decide Co open said canal, they are hereby empowered to open bath its branches. so as to connect with the government canal at the araenal: Prov.deil, That the east of said work shall nut exceed the amount already fixed by law for that pur- P l7;at the ens of ten thousand dollms, or so ranch thereof as may be fleet:weary. hereby appropriated, for the pur pose of repairing and relaying, where necessary, the pave• meat on Yensylrania avenue from Fifteenth street to the east aide of Rock creek : Proviiied, That a like earn shall he expended fir the same purpose by the proper authori ties sat the District of Columbia: And presided further, Tha the Washington and thiorgutown Railroad Company shall in manner repair such portion thereof as they are by their charter required to do; the work to be done under the supervision of the Board o Public Works fur the District "(Columbia. — irl: - ri::ii;aii;;C:n;;ct au error in the enrollment of thaact approved March third, eighteen hundred and sev enty-sue. making appropriations for the naval se! vice for the year ending June thirtar.h, eighteen hundred and sev enty-slue, and for other purposes, the same he amended tirllows : Iu section two strike out all of the section from and including the word ••provided." vrhere it first occurs, and insert in lieu Cc enrol the following - "Aud the Secretory of ti.e Navy is authorized to invite ' by public advertisssent, plans and speciticatitins for such dock. and to award to any person not in the naval service, whose plans MU be ado, ted by the Navy Department, a sum out ex ceeding five thousand dollars. But uo plan shall be adop ted at tit it shall first receive the sanction of a board of nut less than five experienced officers, to oe appointed by the Secrete ry of the Navy, a majority of whom shall be con structors and engineers, and one of when shall be an ex perienced civil engineer; and it shall be the duty of said booed to COUSi !,13. all the plans and specifications laid be fore it, whether the same were prepared in the Navy De partment or by parties competing therewith, and the plans and specifications that shall be adopted shall be opened to the ins, ection of all persons who desire to bee me bidders, fur at least ninety da.:,• - s before the awarding of said coo. tract." Per three assistant tit:servere at the Nosed Observatory, in addition to the sum appropriated by the "Act making appropriations fur the naval service the year ending June thirty. eighteen hued - e I and seventy-two, tend for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-oho, five hundred deLars. Sae. 19. That so mach rf the pr .viso in the act making appropriations to supply deficiencies, and so twth, ap proved April twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, as limits the completion uf the marine hrspital building at Chicago, Illinois, to a snot net exceeding three hundred thousand doilars, is hereby repealed; and it shall he law ful for the proper authorities to expend the money already appropriated tor continuing the work wine:ski budding: Piuvided. That no part he eof shall be expended until plans cud specifications shall have been completed that will lunit the cost of said building to a sum, nicluduig all moneysidreatly expended, not eareetling three hundred and fifty-nine thousand seven halide. and seventy-nine dollarsaud thirty-fur antis. Sac At. That me secretary of the Treasury lie autb.- izeil to sell, for the best price iu cash that can at obtained rho marl. building In the sty of San Braids. cu; and the pro, e.. of such sale, ur su much therest as may be necessary, shall be held an reser.ed eo t fund tir the election of a pavilion en wane government escort ittion in ur near said city, dem:tareeo shall her niter so determine. . . . S.. 21. chat there be appoopriatel out of .y money in the T. ea..try uot oth rwt-e neplopmated. twelve tuon and dollars for the relief of dest.titte age t persons in the District of COlllnabia.,lllll3ll sum t../ be received and distr., aced by ouch utlleer or ecsoetation of peishia in the D.- tmct 1.1 . Col mutual rs the See. mary of Iv ar shall designated and that a report of the distribution of the maley hereby appropriated shall he made to Congre,a at its nest as sion S. 22. That the .ecrel.ary of War is hereby:milt/W.4 to 1 . nigh to the National ercmtMen's hMief Aasuciation condemned clothing and bedding. if such them been hand not noe.ediu the amy. act use...,lke 111011S:111d dal. lat 9 in value. :or theti I ailil!,j the &Sat ti tO aged persons above mentioned. Sec. 2.3" . That th tut eof the building in Armory square om:tallied by the'v department, if not 11 Oil ed toe the pantie usrvice. I. granted. it the discretion of the Secretary tit War, to the misculubron :those mentomed, for tile purpose of enablatg l t snit tiethe, to reLece th e &Abate persons above mentioned. Site. 24. That the proviiions ill the act entitled ` . .in act making appropriation, fire sundry civil expenses of the glIVOl.lllllOllt tor the year eliding June thirteiitith, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and to: oilier purpose, - tor the erection 44 a Public building in the city of Sada Loma aliskturi, tor the 460 et tile CUritol2l-110.0 Mild other civil offices of the government of the baited States, shall tat extruded and made available for and during . the ye.u• ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred tad seventy two. SEC. 25. That the salary of the comet' at Matamoros, Mexico, tie estati4heil at two per annum for the fiscal year Whig June thirtieth, eighteen hun dred nod seventy-one, aad thereafter. That three be paid to the deputy assistant treasurer in the ogle of the as-istoot treasurer in the ofil,e of the us attain treasurer lu the city of New Took the sum of six headed dollars, the same bug a deficiency in his com pensation for the present flee-ti year. Sm. A. That there be, and is hereby, appropriated, Lee increased compensation to assistant marshals iu taking the census of eightriauq hundred quit seventy, the sum of three hundred twit filly thouwind dollars. ...Sec. if. That for the porpose of more effectually secur ing life and property on the coast of New Jersey and Long Island fur the fiscal year ending Jane thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, tea hundred thousand dollars, to be expended in accordance with the nrovisious of • he ...Act for the bettor preservation of Ilia and property from voisels shipwreckedon tho coast of the United State," approved December fourteenth, sigh teen huudrol an I littp.our, and that the Secretary of too TresAury ho ...a thoriztd to employ crews of experienced surfineu at such statiolni /lad fur such periods as he to deem neeees.try and proper, and a% such compel:Hat - ion to he :nay deem reason.ahle, i.ot exceeding forty dollars per month for each person to be employed. oo - That thejurisjl4l;;; conferred by the joint resolution ofJune e.ghteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-six., in re gard to claims hone the counties of Berkely aid Jefferson, in the State of West Virginia, and cy the joint resolution of July Meaty-eight, eighteen hondred and sixty-six, in regard to claims from the State of fennetsce, and by the joint resoleolon cf December twenty-three, eighteen hun dred and sixty-nine, as amended by the act of March three, eighteen hundmil and seventy-one, in regard to ....- boats and olhm vessels, shall not be withdrewu or impar ed by any cons ruction of the law creatin; commissioners of claims to examine claims arising in States proclaimed to be in insurrection, and jurisdiction open aftxiitims yre sent.' by loyal citizens from said State of Tennessee, stud from said counties of Berkeley and Jefferson, to the proper department before the third of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, shall remain as before the pi-sage of said act emitting said act creating said commissioners of claims. Per covering the steam-pipes in the Capitol with fire proof non-conducting felting, eight theueand dollars. Sac. 2s. That them be. and is hereby, appropriated, to pity expenses of the legislative asseintily of Wyoming Ter ritory, convened October, :unto itiondlti. eighteen ho idred and seventy. nuil fur printing journals of said assemble, and incidental expenses of the oftic , of secretary for the year eighteen hundred end seventy, the snot of tune the s and too hundred and fifty dollars. . . Sze. 29. s bat three tot - UsaMi dollars is appropriated, out of which such sum shall be paid to John Thompttou Mace, late eul Mc: or of the port of Baltimore, for services rendered in the disbursement of t. light-home fund, and Mr services pmforitted for light-honse purposes o aside the Mutts of his collection district, such antce the Sec retary of the Treasury may find legally due and owing to (Mil; party on an adjustment of his accounts by the ems ury Department. " • That the net approved January the twenty second, acne Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An act to flx the times for the regular meetings of emigre.," be and the same is hereby, repealed after the adjournment of the present EOSSiOII of Congreis. Approved, April 20, 1871. New Advertisements. PROCLAMATION—whereas, by a pre cept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the :Null day o NOV., A. D., 1071, under the hands and scale ante I lons. David Clarkson and Anthony J .Deaver, ate Juil,es of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Ter miner, and general jail delivery of the comity of Huntingdon, justice. assigned, appointed to hear. try and determine nit and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the lame of the State are made capital, or felonies of death mid other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make public ixocUt. mated throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas a o Quarter Cessions will lie held et the Come Howe, in the borough of Hunt ingdon, on the second Menday (and Sth day) of JAN, 1 , 42., and those who will prosecute the mid prisonere, he then and there to prosecute them ae it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and C.instables with in said county, be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. nt., of mid day, with their records, inquisi tions, extuninations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectively appertain. Dated at !I tintingdon, he 13th day of December, in the year Of our Lord one thousand eight Mtn !red end seventy-eue and the Stith year of Amerientlndenendence. AMONTiOUCK: iffERIFF. TOROCLAMA TlON—Whereas, by a pre -a- cept to me directed by the Judges of the Com mon Plena of the comity of llnntingden, bearing test the 211th day of NOV.. A. D., 1871, I am commanded to make public procianuttion throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Common Peas will be held at the Court Holm, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3d Monday, (a d 111th day,) of JAN., A. D., 142, for the trial of all Mimes in said Court which remains undeterminel before the sal Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses, and suit r , in the trials of all issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon, the 13th day of Dec., in the ye of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy.. and the 116th sear of AinericlitlTlepenileFe, A3ION 1101ICK, SHERIFF. TRIAL LIST FOR JANUARY -A- TErum, 1872. FIRST WEEK. John McCallan Ears vs A. P. Wilimn's Adm C. W. Ashram vs G. D. Cautner. Wharton A Maguire vs E. A. Greene. Co. G. 11. Lang vs John Heffner. Henry it Co. vs Win. Hatfield. Lazarus Moyer vs Hicks A Walls. August Kohler vs John E. Leeds, et. al SECOND WEEK. County of Huntingdon vs John Nightwine,"'et al G. 11. Lang vs Moses Hamer. Jacob F. Little vs Robert Fleming, et al Sarah Caldwell's use vs George Warfield. Martin A Peterson vs Post Jr. Coplin. /Etna Manufacturing co vs Wharton A Maguire. M. M. Tate . vs John Hoffer. K. L. Greene vs Benjamin C. Leonard. Columbia Insurance Co vs Ale's. Port. Same vs Wm. Long. Same vs John Hagey Adam Houck vs Eli Plummer. Dr. John Metz vs Jacob Zerley. John G. Ritter vs James Walls. Michael J. Martin vs J. W. Ammerman ,;co James V. Lee vu John A. Pollock. i 57 1. 1 .1. M. MeNEIL, • Proth'y Office, Doe. 13, P.oth'y. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office, at Huntingdon, Pa., De cember 11, 1871, when called for say "advertised" and give date. Anderson. Henry Hollinshead, James Albert, Jane Mrs. Jubson, Joseph Brunal, Samuel Johnson, J. D. Carey, Alice Johnson, W. R. Caverner, J. T. Jenkins, C. 11. Clabaugh. Caatharine !Lee, Michael Forney, Frank 'Laughlin, Jennie Fox, JameS IMousonr, Jute Griffin, A. D. Ramsey, Aguas E. gearheart, Fernando ;Snyder, Michael Gray, Ellen'Thatcher, J. Gardner, J. (Williams, Matti° !lawn, Li Edith (2) I(alI, Jame,. IYengst, Prank Held for postage. W. B. Gregory. Saxton, Pa. R. 11. Gillen, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. BRICE X BLAIR, Postmaster. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given,to all persons interested, that the following named persons have settled their ac counts in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon,and that the said accounts will be presented for con firmation and allowance, at au Orphans' Court, to he held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of January, next. (18;2.) to wit 1. Alministration not:mint of James Cree, Ad ministrator of John Fintlley, late of Dublin town. ship, deceased. . . . . . - . 2 . .. Administration account of Jacob IC sid cr, Administrator of Michael R. Weston, late of War rior's Mark township, deceased, . • 3. Account of Robert Madden, Administrator of James .illadden, late of Springfield tp., dcesased. 4. Account of James Horning and Rev. J. D. Thomas, Administrator of Isaac Horning, tate of Barroctp., decenvd. . . • 5. Final account of Th.n. B. F. Patton, one of the Executors of John Addl.:inn, late of Hunting don county, deceased. 6. First and final account of Wm. D. Addleinan, one of the Executors of John Ad ileman, late of Warrior's Mark township, deceased. 7. Guardianship account of James Magill, Guar dian of Eleanor Cummins. 8. Guardianship account of James Magill, Guar dian of Margaret E. Hunter, (now intermarried with Cyrus Cummins.) 9. Final account or 'Abraham Megahan, Admin. istrator of David Householder, late of Walker tp. deceased. 10. Account of Thomas Montgomery, Executor of John Armin, late of Barret tp., deceasod. 11. Account of Christian Miller, who was Exe cutor of Jacob Miller, sr„ deceased. as filed by lion. D. Clarkson and NA. Miller, Administrators of Christian Miller, deceased. 12. Final adruii;tstration account of lion. John Scott, Administrator cum testronento annex() of the estate of Dr. J. B. Laden, late of the Borough of Huntingdon, deceased. 13. The fleet and partial Account of John Min ick, Executor of Conrad Matthias, late of Dublin township, deceased. J. E. SMUCKER, 11.r . ..wren's OFFICE, .1 Register. Huntingdon, Dec. 13.) STATE OF BENJAMIN SOLLERS, E deceased.—NOTlCE to Elizabeth Ramsey, wile of John Ramsey, late of Tully, Ardis Wert county, Ohio; Delia Stevens, wile of James Stevens, of the State of Kansas; William Sellers, of Colum bus Grove, Allen county, Ohio; Thomas Locke, ; Emily Ramsey, wife of Ephraim Ramsey, Tally, Von Wert county, Ohio; Elizabeth Ramsey, wife of Elliot E. Ramsey, Tan Wert coun ty, Ohio, Silas Locke Merrys. son of Joseph Merrys and Rebecca Locke; Elizabeth Anderson, wife o• Samuel Anderson, of —, Johnson county, Iowa; Ellen Robinson, wife of David Robinson, to Johnson county. Iowa; Thomas Stains. of Bedford county, Pa.; Benjamin Stains, Bedford county, Pa.: and all other heirs of Benjamin Sel lers, late of Springfield township, Huntingdon Co., Pa.. deed., take notice that an inquest will be held tat the dwelling house of Benjamin Soliers, deed„ in the township of Springfield, in the county of Huntingdon, on the 28th day of December, A. D., IShl, at ten o'eleek its the forenoon of that day, for the purpose of making partition of the real es tate of said deceased, to and among his legal rep resentatives, if the same can be done without pre judice to or spoiling of the whole, otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law—at which time and place you may attend if you think ... .... proper. AMOg HOUCK. Sheriff. Bi HuntingAan, 12, 1871. P[MLR; SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Curt of Huntingdon county, the undersigned will ex pose to public sate. on the peemises, in Cass town ship, on SA 7'UR Y, Pce.iiiber 301,5, Itt 1, :it ten o'clock, a. in., on said day. all that certain tract of land, situate in said township, bounded north by lands of Joseph M. Wilson; cast by lands of A. Henderson; south by lands ofJohn Span' ler. and west by lands of C. Miller's heirs, comaining 21 ACRES and 121 PERCHES, more or leis. This tract of land i 3 Located near the public road, leading from Cassville to Paradise Furnace, about tw., miles from the former place. It is well watered, :tot is cov,red with a very flue growth of WHIrE PINE TIMBER, as good as can be found in the county. :MOB ibno-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the silo, and the balance in two equal annual payments thereafter, with in terest, to be secured by the judgment bonds of the purchaier. •• • ..D. — CLARKSO,..:, N. A. MILLER, Dee. 13-ts Adras. of Christian Miller, deed. Advertis,:tments, •• 'S : . t..1.1C Of E. I:1 if y L r, ;"; . ;, U:: pruptr,y ALSO. ali that orpareid of ground, nat, in Alexandria I , ori;asli. frunting 5 h feet Main s'..and extending at rigid 260 feet lu ni!ey. a d loining John and And, 1K4r04, Living thereon cive:cd twu dwelling housirm and in licr outbuilding,. ezec.:ti , n:opc ALSO. Al that certain lit porcel grou.<7. uateiuAlsp!eton borough.hounlecl by Main strtet he north, eon by lot of Dr. Getrys, west be la of .I . lhu Weston, Mouth by 11111 st.. having there ono- s'ory-an.l.-a- holc.lwellint: Louse, blaoksmi shop and other witbuil , lllQs. IN. 79 feet, E. 1 feet, W. S 1 ,0 fret., tnio - ii in rxiintniini, nd to 1.4 ,Itt tip t ul s 31 uConalty. propert, ALSO, All Clio:, aiii 3otr, or pareefs of grout situate in Coalition:. borough, nue :01 on norm , Schell and Evans stri.ct, 50 fed. by 150 feet, h. ing thereon erected a large two-story frame hon. and other outhulitlingF. Mao, an adjoining I. fronting, on Evt , n3 street 50 feet and or tending right angles 159 feet, having thereon erected a to siory train, house, tn.l other outhnildin;. Also live other vacant lots id like dimensions. S',lm,d, taken in exeention, an: to im sold re t 1 - !ropfrty vans NOTICE is hereLy given to all persot interested that the following Inretstories the goojs and chattels set apart to widows. end the provisions of the Act of I4th of April, a.. ISSI, have been tiled in the orilze of the Clerk the Orphans' Court of nuntingslen comity, et will be presentt.,l far ••approval ty the Court," •• Wecitis.lty, Jan. lllth, 1,72 : I. Inventory ring appraircincnt of tle perso property, takcri by zdary Ca:others, widow Samuel Carothers, deecand. 2. Inventory and appraise, property, taken by S:a•ah nrnt of tie person :bitter, NiilloW or Ji .ceneed Inv,ntory aria apprais,,rit or the persou property, taken !!y Eliza l'inehez, widow of W liatayinchez. J. E. SMUCKER:, REGISTER'S OFEIG ) Eegistel iluntimr.ton, Dee. 13. j A uDITOR'S S. NOTICE.— [Rea'. of Ben j. 5tc.,),..1 The undersigned, appoint.). by the Or bat Court of Huntingdon county, auditor, to hear c ceptions and to restate tho accounts or Geo.. Stains, administrator of Benjamin, Stair late of Cromwell township, dee'd, and make distribution, tie., hereby: r o c,tiee tb ho will attend to the duties of his appointment, his ofile,, No. 202, street, Huntingdon, Tuesday. January 2, 1512, »t one o'clock, p. when and where all persoae interested way oite , and boo li,ard if they eee proper to be present.. J. 611,1TANTS Auditor. dec3,lB7t TN the Court of C( Uktlloll I'leay of Hui -A- tingdon Count:. G '"g ° C "" .6.d 1..W0. 22, Aug. Term, IS7 Harriet Crawford. 1,1 diyoree. To Harriet Crawford, respondent In pursuance of an or,:er of publienttoo in t: above stated case, you are requireCt it, attend said Court, on Monday, the Bth clay of .1.1,w 1872, to answer the complaint or the libeliar wherein he charges you with adultery, and to she cause why divorce a rim:stoma:4.o,l4 be decreed. AMON HOUCK, 'Shcrifr. Sheriff's office NoN-29-4 TN the Court of Common Please of Hu tingdon County. Nathana, ) No. 70, Aug. Terra ' Anna 3i......Nathan, Iu Di;oree, To Anna M. Nathans, responAlltt.—ln pnrs . once of an order of publication in the above state ease, you orb required to attend at said Court, MJnilay." . t4(e Sib (lay of January 1572 to answ the couiplaint of the libelaint, wherein he charg you with desertion, and to show cause why divot.. a rinculo pantrinionii should not be decreed. AMON .i - SOUCK. Sheriff." Sheriff's Office, N0v.20, LAND FOR SALE. Four tonal! adjoining tract 3 or Laatl as pr vale saki. iu Cloy township. linniinl.lon !oda! 'Le lia + t . Bro: Erne tra Thece fi Top ILailro9.:l is loc.te, containing one hundred anti one mires; !event. 6ve of which are cleared and the linlanee limb land; the impeormuents are to Frame Dwetiir House and Dauk 13.1.r11 and other omlminiings. spring of never tailing water and a rpriety of fru trees and grape arbor are in the yard ; also thirt; eight acres adjoining; thirty Bert: , of which a cleared and the balance well timbered with a do ble house and stable thereon, end a spring in tl yard; the third is a Saw• Mill tract of four acre adjoining the above; good timber, vcrycuavenien the fourth tract in thirty-nine corer of which fn; are cleared, and the balance is well tinthercal. Ar person wishing any further information in regai to the above can call on Jonathan Miller living c the laud. They also offer eight lots in West Hut tingdon. We will sell low as we intend going another part oft hc country. Any parson wiehir any other information cramming the it, can call on Samuel Pheasant who is part own. and lives on the same on Mifflin street. 30NATIIAN MILLEIL& CO. N0r.1ii,1;371-3xuo, VALUARLE PROPERTY AT PRI FATE SALE. Tho valuable property, situate in Barre° tow, ship, Huntingdon county, formerly known t "Couch's Mills" but lately as "Vottprobst -11111 R will be sold at private sale. This 23 one of tl most desirable stauds in the county, the caste work being suflielOttly large to keep the mill l,ne . while the water power is unsurpassed in the Stat The improvements consist of a Grist Mill; So Mill, Store Boom, two Dwelling Houses. Stahl and all other neevisary outbuildings. There us also 30 acres of timber land belonging to this pro; erty, but it purchasers desire. it, enough cleare land can be purchased with it for larruing purpose If not salt by tai. 2i4b, a October, the prepert will be leased a term of years, _ _ _ . For further information inquire of Hon. :f4)11 Scott, litthugdon, 44 of the undvve.igued, rrcidiu on the pretuiae,r Sept. 6, 1877—tt nimly CONPROB:, , - ;',IIIERIFF'S SAM By virtue of a writ o I will expo, to rnLti,.: Huntingdon. on Friday, the 22d tiny of Deectobe 1871,31 Z 2 ()Vont:. p. to., the fol!orfing describe real estate, to : Ali that certain trart or frrat citrate to tut, of Fi.tome directs %, .1. :11c Court House, A.. 1 Corbin on tl floral, and on The 'Oct by !anis John M'Con: on the south ho hnols'oe Jidi n he:rs. on the we fining 194 acre= my by lan& of J or I tion, BArn anal c about 60 acres eleorcd and uuder edltiv :hereon erectedn• Log liaise. L nittlinzs. sized, taken in exteutit;iu aud to be sold ns ti 7g, S. Myeriy. D. R. P. NEELY, Sheri E.. n0v.2"2.15:i,.] Legal Notices EX D.:ITTORS' NOTICE. - [Estate...l llan. George. Taylor. deceased Letters 4 , st:um:lt:try on the Estate of lion. Gem.; late of the borough of Ituntiugdou. ceased, haring icon g,anted to the um;ersigne , ail per,uils inth•Lted to the said estate are requtstt to make imme,liate payment, and thoio 'Latin claims or (lonand, ag . m.:ust the estate ce said ceased will make Lnown the &tale properly a: thentieated. withoAt delay to MAHG.-iI:ET S. TAYLOI , MATTHEW TAYLOR. JOHN F. MILLER. 22. 1871-St. Huntingdon. Nov. z llolidayshurg Register, and herald, Ebensh cr publish six weeks, and send bills to this office. ADMINISTRATEIX'S NOTICE. JEttate Juhn deeetmed. Letters of Administration having been granted t the undersigned. on the es,ate vi John Corbin. lot of th township, deceased, ail per,nns knowin themselves indebted are requesed to make immc dial, payment. and those having ehtims to preset: theta duiy ,ntioate3 fur se SARAH STEEL. A dministratri Nov. 2: ADM INISTR AT 11 S NOTICE. te [if 4_1!),1,11 Cocbin, deceased. wen grouted t A i , ratti CorLit tcrs of A Low ! sb, ir or /33:r knowing thenielvcs ind, , Lted to metro imiccdia. ravine:lt. and Coo.-a havin7, claims to pr,6ent thc duly authenticated for bettlentent. SARAH STEEL, Administratrix. Xur.22,1671. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. l.tiers of Administration haring bee granted the undersigned, upon the estate of Stunt: Carothers, late of Cromwell township, dteeased, u persons knowing themselves indebted, ore request( to snake immediate payment, oat those basin claims to present theta duly :Lutheutieated tor, set Cement. MARY CAROTIIERS„ Administratrix Nov. 8, 1871.* 11 petrt:
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