The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, December 13, 1871, Image 1

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    L. 46
Huntingdon Journal,
Corucraf Bath and Irafthingtoa streets.
TNTMGDON JOURNAL is published every
y, by J. It. DURRORROW and J. A. NASH,
linn name of J. ft. Donnonnow & Co., at
maim, IN ADVANCE, or :2,50 if not paid
months from date of subscription, and
aid within the year.
ir discontinued:unless at the option of
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• line for each of the first four insertions,
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sing Agents must find their commission
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ors, done with neatness and dispatch.—
;, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, lc., of every
d style, printed at the shortest notice,
thing in the Printing line will be execu
most artistic manner and at the lowest
Professional Cards.
ENGATE, Surieyor, Warriors
ark, Pa. [apl2;7l.
LIALDWELL, Attorney -at -Law,
. 111. 31 street. Once formerly occupied
. Woods t Williamson. [ap12,71.
, peatfully offers his professional services
wens of Huntingdon and vicinity.
moved to No. 619 i llill street, (Sarni's
J. C. FLE3I3IING respectfully
•a his professional services to the citizens
;don and vicinity. Office second floor of
am's building, on corner of 4th and fill
may 24.
D. P. MILLER, Office on Hill
.eet, in the room formerly occupied 1.)
M'Culloch, Huntingdon, Pa., would res-
O'er his professional services to the eiti
mtingdon and vicinity. [jan.4,'7l.
A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his
ofessional services to the einumunity.
523 Washington street, one door eats ,
Parsonage. pan.4,'7l.
GIIEESE, Dcotist. Office re
ved to Leigar's new building,lllll street
Ljan.4,l I.
ROBB, Dentist, office in S. T.
wn's now building, No. 520, /DI St..
on, Pa. [ap1.2,'71.
}LAZIER, Notary Public, corner
of Washington and Smith streets, lion-
Pa. Dan.l2ll.
I MADDEN, Attorney-at-Law.
Office, •\o. —, Hill street, Huntingdon,
CLVINUS BLAIR, Attorney-at
m, Huntingdon, Pa. Office, Hill street,
s west of Smith. [jan.4'7l.
PATTON, Druggist and Apoth
ary, opposite the Exchange Hotel, lien-
Pa. Prescriptions accurately compounded.
fors fur Medicinal purposes. Ln0r.23,10.
ALL MUSSER, Attorney-at-Law,
319 Hill at.. Huntingdon, Yu. Dan. 4,11.
. DURBORROIV, Attorney-at
aw, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the
oorts of Huntingdon county. Particular
given to the settlement of estates of dece-
n ho JOURNAL Building. [feli.l,'7l
. POLLOCK, Surveyor and Real
state Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend
ing in all its branches. Will also buy,
nt Farms, houses, and Real Estate of e,
in any part of the United States. Send
ular. Lian.4'7l.
V. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law
ad General Claim Ageut, Huntingdon ' Pa.,
claims against tho Government for back
sty, widows' and invalid pensions attend
h groat care and promptness.
m Hill street. Dan.4,'7l.
ALLEN LOVELL, Attorney-at-
Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention
COLLECTIONS of all kinds ; to the settle
iistates, &c.; and all other Legal Business
.1 with fidelity and dispatch.
Mice in room lately occupied by R. Milton
sq. Lian.4,7l.
1. & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys
it-Low, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to
of legal business entrusted to their care.
in the south side of Hill street, fourth door
with. Dan. 4,71.
ORBISON, Attorney-at-Law,
°Mee, 321. Hilt street, Huntingdon, Pc.
neys-at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Pensions,
(aims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against
rnment will be promptly prosecuted.
m Hill street. Dan. 4,71.
V. MYTON, Attorney-at-Law. Hun
ingion, Pa. Wilco with J. Sewell Stewart,
LLIA3I A. FLEMING, Attorney-
Iluntin;dou, Pa. Special attention
c.,llections, and all other legal business
to with care and promptness. Office, No.
street. [apl9,'7l.
RANGE HOTEL, Huntingdon,
s. JOIIN S. MILLER, Proprietor.
ry 4, 1871.
IT. KING, Merchant Tailor, 412
rashington street, Huntingdon, Pa., a U
re of patronage respectfully solicited.
12. 1871.
NYDER, WEIDNER a CO., klanufac
! Locomotive and Stationary Boilers, Tanks,
, illing-Barrows for Furnaces, and Sheet
,rk of every descrii,tion. Works on Logan
ewistown, Pa.
rders p. , --notiy attended to. Repairing
'hod [Apr 5,'71,13,..
5, 1371-Iy.
ie Journal Ofdoe, at Philadelphia prices.
The Huntingdon P s ournal.
New Advertisements.
Office corner oc. Washington and Bath Sta.,
_ :0: -
$2.00 per annum in advance. $2 50
within six months. $3.00 if not
paid within the year.
-:o:- -
Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job
Printing superior to any other establish
ment in the county. Orders by mail
promptly filled. All letters should be ad
Successful Execution of the Laws
The Re-Call of the Russian Minister
Cuba and Her Disturbed Condition
The Army and Navy Suggestions
The Mormon and Indian Policies
The Protection of Emigrants
To the &nate and House of Representa
tives :—ln addressing my third annual
message to the law-making branch of the
government, it is gratifying to be able to
state that during the past year success has
generally attendd the effort to execute all
laws found upon the statute books. The
policy has been not to inquire into the
wisdom of the laws already enacted, bat to
learn their spirit and intent, and to enforce
them accordingly. The past year has,
under a wise Providence, been one of gen
eral prosperity; to the nation it has, how
ever, been attended with more than usual
chastisements in the loss of life by storm
and fire. These disasters have served to
call forth the best elements of human na
ture in our country, and to develop a
friendship for us on the part of foreign
nations which goes far toward alleviating
the distresses occasioned by these calami
ties. The benevolent, who have so gener
ously shared their means with the victims
of these misfortunes, will reap their reward
in the consciousness of luving perfui med
a noble act and in receiving
the grateful
thanks of men, women and children whose
sufferings they have yelieved._
The relations of the United States with
foreign powers continue to be friendly.—
The year has been an eventful one in wit
nessing two great nations. speaking one
language and having one lineage, settling
by peaceful arbitration disputes of long
standing and liable at any time to bring
those nations into bloOdy and costly con
flict. An example has thus been set which,
if successful in its issue, may be followed
by other civilized nations, and finally be
the means of returning to productive in
dustry millions of men now maintained to
settle the disputes of nations by the bayon
et and the broadside. I transmit a copy of
the treaty alluded to, which haS been.con
eluded since the adjournment of Congress,
with her Britannic Majesty, and a copy of
the protocols of the conferences of the com
missioners by whom it was negotiated.—
This treaty provides methods for adjusting
the questions pending between the two na
Adjusting Matters With Other Nations.
Various questions are to be adjusted by
arbitration. I recommend Congress, at an
early day, to make the necessary provision
for the tribunal at Geneva, and for the
several commissions on the part of the
United States called for by the treaty. His
Majesty, the King of Italy, the President
of the Swiss Confederation, and his Majes
ty the Emperor of Brazil, have each con
sented, on the joint request of the two
powers, to name an arbitrator for the tri
bunal at Geneva. I have caused my thanks
to be suitably expressed for the readiness
with which the joint request has been com
plied with by the appointment of gentle
men of eminence and learning to these
important positions. His Majesty the Em i
peror of Germany has been pleased to com
ply with the joint request of the two gov
ernments, and has consented to act as the
arbitrator of the disputed water boundary
between the United States and Great Brit
ain. The contracting parties in the treaty
have undertaken to regard, as between
themselves, certain principles of public law
for which the United States have contend
ed since the commencement of their his
tory. _ _
They have also agreed to bring these
principles to the knowledge of the other
maritime powers, and to invite them to ac
cede to them. Negotiations are going on
as to the form of the note by which the
invitation is to be extended to the other
powers .I recommend the legislation ne
cessary on the part of the United States to
bring into operation the articles of the
treaty relating to the fisheries and to the
other matters touching the relations of the
United States toward the British North
American possessions, to become operative
so soon as the proper legislation shall be
had on the part of Great Britain and its
possessions. It is much to be desired that
this legislation may become operative be
fore the fishermen of the United States
begin to make their arrangements for the
coming season.
The Frontier Waters.
I have addressed a communication, of
which a copy is transmitted herewith, to
the Governors of New York, Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Indiana, Michigan. Illinois and Wis
consin, urging upon the Governors of these
States, respectively, the necessary action
on their part to carry into effect the object
of the article of the treaty which contem
plate, the use of the canals, on either side,
connected with the navigation of the lakes
and rivers, forming the boundary, on terms
of equality by the inhabitants of both
It is hoped that the importance of the
object and The benefits to flow therefrom
will secure the speedy approval and legis
lative sanction of the States concerned. I
renew the recommendation foran appropri
ation for determining the true position of
the forty-ninth parallel of latitude, where
it forms the boundary between the United
States and the 13rit:sh North American
possessions, between the Lake of the Woods
and summit of the Rocky Mountains. The
early action of Congress on this recommen
dation would put it in the power of the
War Department to place a force in the
field during the next summer. The re
sumption of diplomatic relations between
France and Germany have enabled me to
give directions for the withdrawal of the
protection extended to the Germans in
France by the diplomatic and consular re
presentatives of the United States in that
country. It is but just to add that the
delicate duty of this protection bus been
performed by the minister and consul-gen
oral at Paris and the various consuls in
France, under the supervision of the lat
ter, with great kindness, as well as with
prudence and tact. Their course has re
ceived the commendation of the German
Government, and has wounded no suscep
tibility of the French. The government
of the Emperor of Germany continues to
manifest a friendly feeling toward the
United States, and a desire to harmonize
with the moderate and just policy which
this government maintains in its relations
with the Asiatic Powers, as well as with
the South American Republics. I have
given assurances that the friendly feelings
of that government are fully shared by the
United States. The ratification of the con
sular and naturalization conventions with
the Austro-Hungarian Empire have been
exchanged. I have been officially inform.
ed of the annexation of the States of the
Church to the Kingdom of Italy and the
removal of the capital of that kingdom to
Rome. In conformity with the established
policy of the United States I have recogni
zed this change.
Treaty of CommerLe with
The ratifications of.the new Treaty of
Commerce between the United States and
Italy have been unchanged. The two Pow
ers have agreed in this treaty that private
property at sea shall be exempt from cap
ture in case of war between the two Pow
ers. The United States have spared no
opportunity of incorporating this rule into
the obligation of nations. The Forty-first
Congress, at its third session, wade an ap
propriation for the organization of a mixed
commission for adjudicating upon the
claims of citizens of the United States
against Spain, growing out of the insur
rection in Cuba, and the commission has
since been organized . I transmit herewith
the correspondence relating to its forma
tion and' its jurisdiction. It is to be hoped
that this commission will afford the claim
ants a complete remedy for their injuries.
It has been made the agreeable duty of
the United States to preside over a con
ference at 'Washington between the pleni
potentiaries of Spain and the allied South republics. which has resulted in'
an armistice, with the reasonable assurance
of a permanent peace. The intimate friend-
y relations whiCh have so long existed be
;ween the United States and ltus.sia con-
[nue undisturbed,
The visit of the third son of the Emper
or is a proof that there is no desire on the
part of hit government to diminish the
cordiality of those relations. The hospit
able reception which has been given to the
Grand Duke is a proof that on our side we
share the wishes of that government. The
inexcusable course of the Russian minist , n.
at Washington rendered it necessary to ask
his recall, and to decline to longer receive
that functionary as a diplomatic represen
tative. It was impossible, with self-re
spect, or with a just regard to the dignity
of the country, to permit Mr. Catacazy to
continue to hold intercourse with this gov
ernment after his personal abuse of govern
ment officials and during his persistent
interference, through various means, with
the relation between the United States and
other powers. In accordance with my
- wishes this government has been relieved
of further intercourse with Mr. Catacazy,
and the management of the affairs of the
Imperial legation has passed into the hands
of a gentleman entirely unobjectionable.
Intimate Relations with Japan,
With Japan we continue to maintain
intimate relations. The Cabinet of the
3likado has, since the close of the last
session of Congress, selected citizens of the
United States to serve in offices of impor
tance in several departments of the govern
ment. I have reason to think that this
selection is due to an appreciation of the
disinterestedness of the policy which, the
United States have pursued toward Japan.
It is our contrive to maintain this
disinterested and just policy with China as
well as Japan. The correspondence trans
mitted herewith shows that there is no
disposition on the part of this government
to swerve from its established course.
Prompted by a desire to put an end to the
barbarous treatment of our shipwrecked
sailors on the Coreau coast our minister at
Pekin was instructed to endeavor to con
clude a convention with Corea for securing
the safety and humane treatment of such
marines. Admiral Rodgers was instructed
to accompany him with a sufficient force to
protect him in case of need. A small sur
veying party, sent out on reaching the
coast, was treacherously attacked at a dis
advantage. Ample opportunity was given
for explanation and apology for the insult.
Neither came. A force was then landed.
After an arduous march over a rugged and
difficult country, the forts from which the
outrages had been committed were reduced
by a gallant assault, end were destroyed.
Having thus punished the criminals, and
having vindicated the honor of the flag,
the expedition returned, finding it impos
sible under the circumstances to conclude
the desired convention. I respectfully re
fer to the correspondence relating thereto,
herewith submitted, and leave the subject
for such action as Congress may see fit to
Mexico, Central and South America.
The Republic of Mexico has not yet re
pealed the very objectionable laws estab
lishing what is known as the "Free Zone"
on the frontiers of the United States. It
is hoped that this may yet be done, and
also that more stringent measures may be
taken by that Republic for restraining
lawless persons on its frontiers. I hope
that Mexico, by its own action, will so6n
relieve this government of the difficultiei
experienced from these causes.
Our relations with the various Republics
of Central and South America continue,
with one exception, to be cordial and friend
ly. I recommend some action by Congress
regarding the overdue installments under
the award of the Venezuelan claims of
1866. The internal dissensions of that
government present no justification for the
absence of effort to meet their solemn
treaty obligations. The ratification of an
extradition treaty with Nicaragua has been
exchanged. It is a subject for congratu
lation that the great Empire of Brazil has
taken the initiatory step towards the abo
lition of slavery. Our relations with that
Empire, always cordial, will naturally be
made more so by this act. It is not too
much to hope that the Government of
Brazil may hereafter find it for its inter
est, as well as intrinsically right to advance
toward entire emancipation more rapidly
than the present act contemplates.
The true prosperity and greatness of a
nation is to be found in the elevation and
education of its laborers. It is a subject
for regret that the reforms in this direc
tion, which were voluntarily promised by
DECEMBER 13, 1871
the:statesmen of Spain, have not been car
ried out in its West India colonies. The
laws and regulations for the apparent abo
lition of slavery in Cuba and Porto Rico
leave most of the laborers inbondage, with
no hope of release until their lives become
a burden to their employers.
I desire to direct your attention to the
fact that the citizens of the United States,
or persons claiming to be citizens of the
United States are large•holders in foreign
lands of this specie of property forbidden
by the fundamental law of their alleged
country. I recommend to Congress to
provide by stringent legislation a suitable
remedy against the holding, owning, or
dealing in slaves or being interested in
slave property, in foreign lands, either as
owners, hirers, or mortgagees by citizens
of the United States.
Protection of Americans in Cuba.
It is to be regretted that the disturbed
condition of the Island of Cuba continues
to be a source of annoyance and anxiety.
The existence of a protracted struggle in
such close proximity to our own territory
without apparent prospect of an early ter.
minstion, cannot be other than an object
of concern to a people who, while abstain
ing from interference in the affairs of oth
er powers, naturally desire to see every
country in the undisturbed enjoyment of
peace, liberty and the blessings of free in
stitutions. Our naval commanders in Cu
ban waters have been instructed, in case it
should become necessary, to spare no ef
fort to protect the lives and property of
bona fide American citizens and to main
tain the dignity of the flag. It is hoped
that all pending questions with Spain,
growing out of the affairs in Cuba, may be
adjusted in the spirit. ..f peace and concil
iation which has hitherto guided the two
Powers in their treatment of such guts
To give importance and to add to the
efficiency of our diplomatic relations with
Japan and China, and to further aid in
retaining the good opinion of those people
and secure to the United States its share
of the commerce destined to flow between
those nations and the balance of the com
mercial world, I earnestly recommend that
an appropriation be made to support. at
least four American youths in each of those
countries. to serve as a part of the official
family of our ministers there. Our repre
sentatives would not even then be placed
upon an equality with the representatives
of Great Britain and of some other powers.
As now situated our representatives in
Japan and China have to depend for in
terpreters and translators upon natives of
those countries who know our language
imperfectly, or procure for the occasion
the services of employees in foreign busi
ness houses, or the interpreters to other
foreign ministers. I would also recom
mend liberal measures for the purpose of
assisting the American lines of steamers
now plying between San Francisco and
Japan and China, and the Australian line.
almost our only remaining lities of ocean
steamers, and of increasing their services.
Our Debt end Our Resources.
The national debt has been reduced to
the extent of $86,057,126.80 during the
year. and by the negotiation of national
bonds at a lower rate of interest the inter.
est on the public debt has been so far di
minished that now the sum to be raised
for the interest account is nearly $17,000,.
000 less than on the Ist of March, 1869.
It was highly desirable that this rapid
diminution should take place, both to
strengthen the credit of the country and
to convince its citizens of their entire
ability to meet every dollar of liability
without bankrupting them. But in view
of the accompashment of these
ends, of the rapid development of the re-
sources of the country, its increasing abili
ty to meet large demands and the amount
already paid, it is not desirable that the
''present resources of the country should
continue to be taxed in order to continue
this rapid payment, and I therefore recom
mend a modification of both the tariff and
internal tax laws, and recommend that all
taxes from internal sources be abolished
except those collected from spirituous,
vinous and malt liquors, tobacco in its va
rious forms, and from stamps. In re-ad
justing the tariff I suggest that a careful
estimate be made of the amount of surplus
revenue collected under the present laws,
after providing for the current expenses
of the government, tha interest account,
and a sinking fund; and that this surplus
be reduced in such a manner as so afford
the greatest relief to the greatest number.
There are many articles not produced at
home, but which enter largely into general
consumption, through articles which are
manufactured at home, such as medicines,
compounds, ikc., from which very little
revenue is derived, but which enter into
general use. All such articles I recommend
to be placed on the free list. Should a
further reduction prove advisable, I would
recommend that it be made upon those
articles which can best bear it without dis
turbing home production or reducing the
wages of American labor. I have not en
tered into figures, because to do so would
be to repeat what will be laid before you
in the report of the Secretary of the Treas
The present laws for collecting the rev
enue pay collectors of customs small sala
ries, but provide for moieties and shares
in all seizures, which, at principal ports of
entry, particularly, raise the compensation
of those officials to a larger sum It has
always seemed to me as if this system must,
at times, work perniciously it holds out an
inducement to dishonest men, should such
get possession of those offices, to be lax in
their scrutiny of goods entered, and to en
able them finally to make large seizures.
Your attention is respectfully invited to
this subject. Continued fluctuations in
the value of gold as compared with the
national currency has a most damaging
effect upon the increase and development
of the country in keeping up prices of all
articles necessary in everyday life. It
fosters a spirit of gambling prejudicial
alike to national morals and the national
finances. If the question can be met as to
how to give a fixed value to our currency,
that value constantly and uniformly ap
proaching par with specie, a very desirable
object will be gained.
Operations of Army and Navy.
For the operations of the army in the
past year, the expense of maintaining it,
the estimates for the ensuing year, and for
continuing seacoast and other improve
ments, conducted under the supervision of
the War Department, I refer you to the
accompanying report of the Secretary of
I call your attention to the provisions
of the act of Congress, approved March 3,
1869, which discontinues promotions in the
staff,corps of the army until provided for
by law.
I recommend that the number of officers
in each grade in the staff corps be fixed,
and that whenever the number in any one
grade falls below the number so fixed, that
the vacancy may be filled by promotion
from the grade below. I also recommend
that when the office of chief of a corps be
comes vacant the place may be filled by
selection from the corps in which the va
cancy exists. _ _ _
The report of the Secretary of the Navy
shows an improvement in the number and
efficiency of the naval force witho..t mate
rial increase in the expense of supporting
it. This is due to the policy which has
been adopted, and is being extended as
fast as our material will admit of, of using
smaller vessels as cruisers on the several
stations. By this measure we have been
enabled to occupy at once a large extent
of cruising ground, to visit more frequent
ly the posts where the presence of our flag
is desirable, and generally to discharge
more efficiently the appropriate duties of
the navy in time of peace, without exceed
ing the number of men or the expenditure
authorized by law. During the past year
the navy has, in addition to its regular ser
vice, supplied the men and officers for the
vessels or the Coast Survey, and has com
pleted the surveys authorized by Congress
ofthe Isthmus of Darien and Tehuantepec,
and under like authority has sent out an
expedition completely furnished and equip
ped, to explore the unknown ocean of the
North. The suggestions of the report as
to the necessity for increasing and improv
ing the material of the navy, and the plan
recommended for reducing the personnel
of the service to a peace standard by the
gradual abolition of certain grades of offi
cers, the redaction of others, and the em
ployment of some . in the service of the
commercial marine, are well considered,
and deserve the thoughtful attention of
Congress. I also recommend that all pro
motions in the navy, above the rank of
captain, be by selection instead of by se
niority. .
This course will secure in the higher
grades greater efficiency and hold out an
incentive to young officers to improve
themselves in the knowledge of their pro
fession. The present cost of maintaining
the navy, its cost compared with that of
the preceding year and the estimates for
the ensuing year, are contained in the ac
companying report of the Secretary of the
The Post Office Department.
The enlarged receipts of the Post Office
Department, as shown by the accompany
ing report of the Postmaster General, ex
hibit a gratifying increase in that branch
of the public service. It is the index of
the growth of education ana of the pros
perity of the people, two elements highly
conducive to the vigor and stability of' re
publics. With a vast territory like ours.
much of it sparsely populated, but all re
quiring the services of the mail, it is u,t
at present to be expected that this depart
ment can be made self-sustaining, but a
gradual approach to this end from year to
year is confidently relied on. The day is
not far distant when the Post Office De
partment of the government will prove a
much greater blessing to the whole people
Wan it is now. The su:gestions of the
Postmaster General for improvements in
the department presided over by him, are
earnestly recommended to your special at
tention. Especially do I recommend favor
able consideration of the plan for uniting
the telegraph system of the United States
with the postal system. It is believed
that by such a course the cost of telegraph
ing could be much reduced, and the ser
vice as well if not better rendered. It would
secure the furthtr advantage of extending
the telegraph through portions of the
country where private enterprise will not
construct it.
Commercial, Educational and Political,
Commerce and trade, above all the ef
forts to bring a people widely separated
into a community of interest, are always
benefitted by rapid inter-communication.
Education, the ground-work of republican
institutions, is encouraged by increasing
the facilities for receiving speedy news
from all parts of the country, and the de
sire to reap the benefit of such improve
ments will stimulate education. I refer
you to the report of the Postmaster Gener
al for full details of the operations of last
year, and for comparative statements of re
sults with former years. There has been
imposed upon the Executive branch of the
government the execution of the act of
Congress, approved April 20, 1871, and
commonly known as the Kuklux law, in a
portion of the State of South Carolina.
The necessity of the course pursued will be
demonstrated by the report of the commit
tee to investigate Southern outrages. Un
der the provisions of the above act I issued
a proclamation calling the attention of the
people of the United Statts to the same,
declaring my reluctance to exercise any of
the extraordinary powers thereby confer
red upon me, except in case of imperative
necessity, but making known my purpose
to exercise such powers whenever it should
become necessary to do so for the purpose
of securing to all citizens of the United
States the peaceful enjoyment of the rights
guaranteed to them by the Constitution
and the laws. After the passage of this
law, information was received from time to
time that combinations of the character
referred to in this law existed and were
powerful in many parts of the Southern
States, particularly in certain counties of
the State of South Carolina. Careful in
vestigation was made, and it was ascertain
ed that in nine counties of that State such
combinations were active and powerful,
embracing a sufficient portion of the citi
zens to control the local authority and
having, among other things, the object of
depriving the emancipated class of the sub
stantial benefits of preventing freeddm and
of the free political action of those citizens
who did not sympathize with their own
views. Among their operations were fre
quent seourgings and occasional assassina
tions, generally perpetrated at night by
disguised persons, the victims in almost all
cases being citizens of different political
sentiments from their own, or freed per
sons who bad shown a disposition to claim
equal rights with other citizens.
The Habeas Corpus Suspermion.
Thousands of inoffensive and well-dis
posed citizens were the sufferers by this
lawless violence. Therefore, on the 12th
of October 1871, a proclamation was issued
in terms of the the law calling upon the
members of those combinations to disperse
within five days, and to deliver to the
marshal or military officers of the United
States all arms, ammunition, uniforms,
dis t ,nises, and other means and implements
used by them for carrying out their un
lawful purposes. This warning not hiv
ing been heeded, on the 17th of October
another proclamation was issued suspend
ing the privilege of the writ of habeas cor
pus in nine counties in that State. Direc
tion was given that within the counties so
designated persons supposed, upon credit
able information, to be members of suds
unlawful combinations should be arrested
by the military forces of the United States
and delivered to the marshal, to be dealt
with according to law. In two of said
counties, York and Spartanburg, many ar
rests have been niade. At the last accounts
the number of persons thus arrested was
one hundred and sixty-eight. Several
hundred, whose criminality was ascertained
to be of an inferior degree, were released
for the present. These have generally
made confessions of their guilt. Great
caution has been exercised in making these
arrests, and, notwithstanding the large
number, it is believed that no innocent
person is now in custody. The prisoners
will be held for regular trial in the judi
cial tribunals of the United States. As
sown as it appeared that the authorities of
the United States were about to take vig
orous measures to enforce the law, many
persons absconded and there is good ground
for supposing that all of such persons have
violated the law. A full report of what
has been done under this law will be sub
mitted to Congress by the Attorney Gener
al. In Utah there still remains a remnant
of barbarism repugnant to civilization, to
dencency and to the laws of the United
States. Territorial officers, however, have
been found who are willing to perli.wir
their duties in a spirit of equity and with
a due sense of sustaining the majesty or
the law.
Matters in the Far Wont.
Neither polygamy nor any other viola
tion of existing statutes will be permitted
within the territory of the United States.
It is not with the religion of the self styled
saints that we are now dealing, but with
their practices. They will be protected in
the worship of God according to the dic
tates of their conscience, but they will nut
be permitted to violate the laws under the
cloak of religion. It may be advisable BR
Congress to consider what, in the execu
tion of the laws against polygamy, is to
be the status of plural wives and their
offspring. The propriety of Congress pass
ing an Enabling act authorizing the Terri
torial Legislature of Utah to legitimatize
all children born prior to a time fixed in
the act, might be justified by its humanity
to these innocent children. this is a sug
gestion only, and not a recommendation.
The policy pursued toward the Indians
has resulted favorably, so far as can be
judged from the limited time during which
it has been in operation. 'through the
exertions of the various societies of
tians to whom has been intrusted the exe
cution of the policy, and the Board of Com
missioners authorized by the law of April
10, 1869, many tribes of Indians have
been induced to settle upon reservations,
to cultivate the soil, to perform productive
labor of various kinds and to partially ac
cept civilization. They are being cared
for in such a way, it is hoped, as to induce
those still pursuing their rid habits of life
to embrace the only opportunity which is
left them to avoid extermination. I re
commend liberal appropriations to carry
out the Indian peace policy, not only be
cause it is humane, Christianlike and econ
omical, but because it is right. I recom
mend to your honorable cousideration also
the policy of granting a Territorial Gov
ernment to the Indians in the Indian Ter
of west of- Arkansas - and Missouri
and south of Kansas. In doing so every
right guaranteed to the Indians by treaty
should be secured. Such a course might
in time be the means of collecting most of
the Indians now between the Missouri and
the Pacific and south of the British puss
sessions, into one Territory or in a State.
The Secretary of the Interior' has treated
upon this subject at length, and I commend l i
to you his suggestions.
I renew my recommendation that the
public lands be regarded as a heritage to
our children, to be disposed of only as re
quired for occupancy and to actual settlers.
'those already granted have been in great
part disposed of in such a way as to secure
access to the balance by the hardy settler
who may wish to avail himself of tt cm, but ,
caution should be exercised even in attain
ing so desirable an object.
Education:it interests may well be served
by the grant of the proceeds of the sale of
public lands to settlers. Ido nut wish to
be misunderstood as recommending, in the
least degree, a curtailment of what is bein ,,
done by the General Government fur the
encouragement of education. The report
of the Secretary of the Interior, submitted
with this, will give you all the information
collected and prepared for publication in
regard to the census taken during the year
180, the operations of the Bureau of Ed
ucation for the year; the Patent Office;
the Pension Office; the Land Office, and
the Indian Bureau. The report of the
Commissioner of Agriculture gives the
operations of his department for the year.
As agriculture is the groundwork of our
prosperity, too much importance cannot be
attached to the labors of this department.
It is in the hands of an able head, with
able assistants, all zealously devoted to in
troducing into the agricultural productions
of the nation all useful products adapted
to any of the various climates sad soils of
our vast territory, and to giving all useful
information as to the method of cultivation
of the plants, serials and other products
adapted to particular localities. Quietly,
but surely, the Agricultural Bureau is
working a great national good, and, if lib
erally supported, the more . widely its influ
ence will be extended and the lass depend
ent we shall be upon the products of for
eign countries.
Economy in Governmental Serrice,
The subject of compensation to the heads
of bureaus and officials holding positions of
responsibility and requiring ability and char
acter to fill properly is one which your atten
Bon is invited. But few of the officials re
ceive a compensation equal to the respectable
support of a family, while their duties are
such as to involve millions of interest in pri
vate. Life services demand compensation
Neal to the services rendered. A wise econ
omy would dictate the same rule in the gov
ernment service. I have not given the esti
mates for the support of government for the
ensuing year, nor the comparative statement
between the expenditures fur the year just
passed and the one just preceding, becauseall
these figures are contained in the accompany
ing reports or in the one presented directly to
Congress. These estimates have my appro—
More than six years having elapsed since
the last hostile gun was fired between the
armies then arrayed against each other--one
for the perpetuation, the other fur the destruc
tion of the Union—it may well be considered
whether it is not now time that the disabilities
imposed by the Fourteenth Amendment should
be removed. That amendment does not ex
clude the ballot, but only imposes the dis
ability to hold offices upon certain classes.
When the purity of the ballot is secure major-
Wes are sure to elect officers reflecting the
views of the majority. Ido not see the ad
vantage or propriety of excluding men from
office merely because they were, before the
of standing and character sufficient
to be elected to positions requiring them to
take oaths to support the Constitution and ad
mitting to eligibility those entertaining pre
cisely the same views, but of less standing in
their communities. t may be said that the
former violated au oath, while the latter did
not. The latter did not have it in their power
to do so. If they had taken this oath it can
not be doubted they would have broken it as
did the former class.
If there are any great criminals distinguish-
NO. 49
ed for the part they took in opposition to the
gore; nment, they might, in the judgment of
Congress, be excluded from such an amnesty.
This subject is submitted for yourcareful con
sideration. The condition of the Southern
States is, unhappily, not such as all true pa
triotic citizens would like to see. Social os
trac sm for opinion's sake, personal violence
or threats towards persons entertaining politi
cal views opposed to those entertained by the
majority of the old citizens, preventsimmigra
tion and the flow of much needed capital into
the States lately in rebellion. It will be a
happy condition of the country when the old
citizens of these States. will take an interest in
public affairs, promulgate ideas honestly en
tertained, rote for men representing_ their
views and tolerate the same freedom of ex
pression and ballot in those entertaining dif
ferent political convicti',ns.
Territorial Government—The Chicago Disaster.
Under the provisions of the act of Congress
approved February 21, 1871, a Territorialgov
erument was organized in the Distrct of Co
lumbia. Its results have thus far fully realiz
ed the expectations of its advocates. Under
the direction of the Territorial officers asystem
of improvement has been inaugurated by
means of which Washington is rapidly becom
ing a city worthy of the nation's capital. The
citizens of the District, having voluntarily
taxed themselves to a 1 .rge amount for the
purpose of contributing to the adornment of
the seat of government, I recommend liberal
appropriations on the part of Congress, in or
der that the government may bear its just
share of the expense of carrying out a judici
cons system of improvements. By the great
fire in Chicago the most important of the gov
ernment buildings in that city were consumed.
Those burned had already become inadequate
to the wants of the government in the growing
city, and, looking to the near future, were to
, tally inadequate. I recommend, therefore, that
, an appropriation be made immediately to pur
chase the remainder of the square on which
the burned buildings stood, provided it can be
purchased at a fair valuation, or provided
that the Legislature of Illinois will pass a law
authorizing its condemnation for government
purposes, and also au appropriation of as much
money as can properly be expended toward the
erection of buildings during this fiscal year.
The number of emigrants, ignorant of our
laws, habits, etc., coming into our country an
nually has become so great, and the imposi
tions practiced upon them so numerous and fla
grant, that I suggest Congressional action for
their protection. It seems to me a fair sub
ject of legislation by Congress. I cannot now
state as tally as 'desire the nature of the com
plaints made by emigrants of the treatment
they receive, but will endeavor to do so during
the session of Congress, particularly if the
subject should receive your attention. It has
been the aim of the administration to enforce
honesty and efficiency in all public offices.—
Every public servant who has violated the
trust placed in him has been proceeded against
with all the rigor of the law. If bad men have
secured places it has been the fault of the
system established by law and custom for ma
king appointments, or the fault of those who
recommend for government positions persons
not sufficiently we.l known to them personal
ly, or who give letters indorsing the charac
ters of office-seekers without a proper sense
of the grave responsibility which such a
course devolves upon them.
Civil Service Reform.
A civil service reform which can correct this
abuse is much needed. In mercantile pur
suits the business man who gives a letter of
recommendation to a friend to enable him to
obtain credit from a stranger is regarded as
morally responsible for the integrity of his
friend and his ability to meet his obligations.
A reformatory law which would enforce this
principle against all indorsers of persons for
pablic place, would insure great caution in ma
king recommendations. A salutory lesson has
been taught the careless and the dishonest
public servants in the great number of pros
ecutions and convictions of the last two years.
It is gratifying to notice the favorable
change which is taking place throughout the
country in bringing to punishment those who
have proved recreant to the trusts confided to
them, and in elevating to public office none
but thosepossessing the confidence of the honest
and virtuous, who, it will always be found,
comprise the majority of the community in
which we live.
In my message to Congress one year ago I
urgently recommended a reform in the civil
service of the country. In conformity with
that recommendation Congress, in the ninth
section of an act making' appropriations for
sundry civil expenses of the government, and
for other purposes, approved March 3, 1871,
gave the necessary authority to the Executive
to inaugurate a civil service reform, and placed
upon him the responsibility of doing so. Un
der the authority of said act I convened a
board of gentlemen, eminently qualified for
the work, to devise rules and regulations to
effect the needed reform. Their labors are not
yet complete, but it Is believed that they will
succeed in devising a plan which can be adopt
ed to the great relief of the Executive, the
heads of departments and members of Con
gress, and which will redound to the true in
terest of the public service. At all events, the
experiment shall have a fair trial.
have thus hastily slimmed up the opera
tions of the government during t•ie last year,
and made such suggestions as occur to me to
be proper for your consideration. and Submit
them with a confidence that your combined
action will be wise, statesmanlike, and in the
best interest of the whole coutetry.
Executive Mansion, Dec. 4, 1871.
THE WEED Aoitix.—We have bailie
our testimony against the use of tobacco
by boys, and we find it corroborated by
wise men in every sphere of life. The
American Education Society which aids
several hundreds of young men in our col
leges and seminaries, refuses help to every
one using tobacco in any form. The Meth
odist General Conference of Indiana has
rejected a number of candidates for the
ministry for the reason that they were
adicted to the habit of chewing or smok
ing. They also passed a resolution declar
ing that all clerical members of the Con
ference persisting iu such a habit, should
be excluded from ministerial fellowship.
This looks like being in earnest to rid
themselves of an extensive and offensive
habit. The M. E. General Conference of
Massachusetts have taken the same ground
and the Congregrtionalists are not far be
hind.—Delaware County Repuklican.
USEFUL llJNrs.—Never enter a sick
room iu a state of prespiration, as the mo
ment you become cool your pores absorb.
Do not approach contagious diseases with
empty stomach ; nor sit between the sick
and the fire, because the heat attracts the
thin vapor.
Prince Pierre Bonaparte was married
to Madame Riffton iu order to legitimize
two children that that lady had borne him.
He had previously married the lady, but
the Emperor had declared the ceremony
null and void.
No sooner has Brazil abolished slavery,
than she begins to call for school books.
Frcelom and education g, together; lib
erty and the spelling-book are one and in
Deer will be plenty in lowa this winter.
They have damaged the unhusked corn
Sells near Sioux City very materially, and
abound in droves of half a dozen head.
A Georgia laundress of color wept be
cause some paper collars, which she tried
to renovate, "done wash all to finders;
for true."
Farmers are sowing wheat in northern
Texas. Seed wheat there is reported
To become theiion of a party it is not
necessary to make a beast of one's self,