The Huntingdon Joui-nal. .1. R. DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON, PENN'S. Wednesday Morning, Dec. 6, 1371 THE JOURNAL FOR 1872! A Rare Chance to Secure the Leaz!ing Literature of the Day CHEAPNESS COMBINED WITH SWAT STIALITY Every head of a family, in the country, shan't] subscribe and pay for his county paper. Ile that attempts to raise a family without giving. it the advantage of a newspaper, in this en lightened and christian age, is criminal y neg ligent. We think that every man, without exception, raising a family, should spend from Ms dollars to TWENTY-FITE dollars a year, according to his means, for this kind of edu cation, and we hope to lire to see the day when there w.ll not be an exception to rule in Huntingdon county. We want every body in the county to take the JOURNAL, we don't care what party you belong to—Republican, Democrat or Temper ance man. If you are a Republican, we arc with you heart and soul; if a Democrat, you ought to know what we hare to say about you, so that you can act and vote intelligentsy, and if you are a temperance man, we assure you that no one will administer severer blown upon the whiskey business than the Jouns.u. will, and if the e - hiskey men don't like it, why let them do as they do with whiskey that in distasteful, take the less of it. We believe newspapers, like preachers and school teach ers, should be on the side of morality and good order. But the JOURNAL will uphold only that which we, in nur humble judgment, think to be right, regardless of consequences. The development of the county, in every re spect, will be its constant and undeviating aim, and in this respect it will be to every ma in interest to subscribe for it. We want to build up Manufactures, Mechanics and the Arts on every baud, and by subscribing for the Jouu- NAL you assist and encourage us in our design. The next year will be an eventful one; a President, Vice President, Governor and Con gress are to be elected and a Constitutional Con vention will be selected to remodel the Con stitution of the State. We have outgrown the old one, and if you want to keep posted you must have the papers. Take the JOURNAL first. and if you won't take it, in the name of intel ligence, take some other oue, but don't be without the news. For the purpose of distributing good Litera ture, in connection with the JOURNAL, which we think good enough of itself, we have ar ranged to furnish the following-Hauled leadmg periodicals, jointly for the remarkably low price stated below: ra, Phrenological Jonmal and Life Illastratcal Ativeton'et Journal Eclectic Magazine Galaxy The Aldine and Chrome,. American Aur;cultitralet Hearth and Howe. Brack Le.lie's Illuttratel Yenteraper,. " " Chimney Col B ye' and Jirta' Weekly • Budget or .. Piro ant I'. 3lucaz.tte, Scribner. Monthly Godes'. Lady's &nib, The Atlantic Monthly .. Our Yount: Volk, Scary Saturday. . ........ The North American Review,. Barter's Maizxine, Wert Bazar, If any of our subscribers will comp them the advantage of these club rates, or it any of our subscribers, who hove paid up, desire to take advantar of these rates and will signify the same to us, we wit give them the same terms. We do this so that there may be no dissatisfaction, and to place good and cheap literature within the reach of every body. Look at the above rates and then en close the price (naming the Magazine) set in the last column, to us, and by due conrze of mail you will receive the JOVUNkL and the Magazine specified. Send money at our risk when enclosed in the presence of the post master. Address, J. It. DUP.BORROW lz CO., Huntingdon, Penu'a. A RARE CHANCE. If any young lady or gentleman will secure us six new cash subscribers, to the JOURNAL, and this can be done in any neighborhood in a few hours, we will agree to make the person doing so a present of one year's subscription to any one of di: FOUR DOLLAR Magazines. Here is a chanc.., seldom offered. The Atlantic, or Harper. or Scribner, or Galaxy, or any other of the leading FOUR dollar poblicaii.nß, f one year, for a few minutes labor ! This is a chance for school telcberp. ita.. Eunuinger, the wan i.f conscience. has signed Weakley's certificate. Congress convened on Monday. W.• will lay the President's Message before on: readers next week. sm„. Hon. John Scctt and famly, and Hon. R. Milton gpuer, lea this place, for Washington. on last Frid .y. so. It is pr.bable that the interns: revenue taxes will be reduced fifty niillionN during the present f , e , 5i4.11 of Congress. I The Anglo-Aaterie:a Club, of Lou don, prop uses to Furnish Chicago I.7;th free Library. Thotnas Hughes, M. I'., is at the heed of' the 111.4'e:tient. gam, As high as 233 fatal eases of rep :1 pox are report .d his, in a s:t - gle week. It is raid thz.t then: are MI person F suffering from the st, °urge. am. The National Rapitblie u Hawn tiv2 o.mtnittee will hold at ti,betinr, iu Washington. D. C.. cn the llth n .i , - ry next, to fix up,n the time tor hold n.: the Republican Nation it Convention. am.. We lure the highest au hority lee stating th•it the rumor that U 1. Thom:s A. Scott is about to lease and run the United States, is without. found Tine inducements offered by the U. S. c,.rpor.:- tion are not deemed sidffeient.—Bearer Radical. Oh, Quay, how wicked I as,-The theme of the Republican pr, upon which great columns of stuff are wri t :- ten, is the annihilation of the Democratic party. Bah ! We will wait ft. the rune's' before we undertake to write its obituary, We have done likewise several duns, but we have always had to take the hack track. lE/L. The present Congress will male provision for the abolition of the telegraph monopoly and the establiAment of a pee tal telegraph system, so that me-s iges can be sent everywhere at a unit' nn rate, n t exceeding twenty cents for ten w.rds and one cent for every additional word. GRATUITOUS LABORS 0 7 PRIN TEES IN ELECTING INDIVID UALS TO OFFICE. EDITOR The IltillidAysburg Register, edited by D,vid Over, 1.1 q.. his had as mudi experience in m king men, out of the smallest ki,.d of timber, as any other nun' in the State, copies our paragraph—THE WAY SOW PEOPLE PAY THE PRINTErt" —31311 ULak's the t llotring comment : 'Pooh! Mr. Journal, we hare plenty men in mean as that iu this county. A few years ago. on. refuse 1 to pty us tire dollars for printing ticket. for Poor Director, it being for his re-election t. that office—and gore as his reasons that he authorize. nor the Clout). Committee to pr.', his ticket', and that he was a sui.scraar to ou: an.l helped to tumor, u s in that w a y. al. , hough he owed us for four years' subscription at the time! Another, who was elected Associat. Ju lg., discontinued his paper bemuse we charged him fifteen dotiars for ticket printing! What tb. you think of that, when down in Huntingdon y or 013,7, tw,-nty .lollsrs to the c I wli.lates for th.. olTice? 0 hers who hare been elected Poor Direc tor. Auditor end Coroner, refute to pay ns all th, way from 3• - 2.59 to .:41.00, tier this work. and neve: rein notice our duns. Those who pay for no printing for th-se attire are the exception ho es 'mitts. The men who act the meanest with th. printer are generally the little township politicians, who are continually Norio; for petty township and co , m , y offices. Haven't you found it so, Mr. Jour nal!" We are mortified to h'ar that. in any ether loe,lity, there should he any one found who so little appreciate , : the s,rvicat, f the partiz ;rt j We had come to the c adm,ion that, our case w e a rare ex, caption. But we wore mistaken. Br. llej i6icr. and nil the c msolaeon the gentleman gets from the above - statement be is wel coMe Bat we wish tl plusac the subject a little further. D•, offiee.seekers know the extent to which they are indebted t. o their p trez in journal ? It' they do not. we give them due notice that we intend to intlom them. And nf,re we proceed further. we dislre to have it d'stinctly understood, that. our enterprise--the publication of this pa per—is a private enterprise, as much so as the, the intelligeree office, the mercant le agency, the store, the mill. or the blacksmith shop. Our business rn thief, us t t reach the ear of the public, and as a means for spretdiog intelligence, is con sidered the best, and as such. to us it be comes a source of profit. We charge spe c.fied rates for certain space, and we faith fully adhere to these terms unless we naty, like the miller, storekeep: , r, or blacksmith, come to the conclusion to do it gratuitous ly. No one w:11 gainsay our right t ;charge. Ih;s being the case, we have as much right to eh trge one man as another. If we charge the farmer. the mechanic, the arti eon, the shopkeeper, why sh told we not ',barge the sifice-seeker ? The object of all is—atones. The public being informal that our en• terprise is a pr;vate one, we will now pay our respects to the p and office s,eker. First to the plitician : Do you think. rir, bemuse we advocate the print - p!es of 71 eel tain party. tint it is our dot) t., further. gratuit ,usly. all the litti • -themes which ,cu may conceive for your persoa,ladvaNeemeut ? Ii you d lot u. assure you that every other munbcr of the p.rty, iu the e u qty. has just as much .ight t t ask the same f.r himselt as you 'lave. And if all did, woild this not. be ,list the least b t burdensome ? It strike.: ;Is that our readers wou:d become just a Q ~ I _=a 3 00,3 b. 4WV 4 7.1 5 00: b 2. 4 0 I 4 7 5 5 4 1 5. , 2 3 .11 4). 4 0 . 5 4 5 _5l 37. 1 5, 2 .1 0 7 n 4: 4 1,0 47: .... 2ko 3 111 A 106 5 1 . 6 7 I•II, A 6.. 00 , le forwar. i•thA rocrive Tinder stub npeate.l Then, sinee we cannot accon:- tuodate all to a gratuitous use of our eel unr.,, because it w anti ruin our basin,ss. w propose to ti el all alltt and con,equentli we eh:mg, so much a line for all p .rson matter. You cal:cede. by your asking us to 'lace you before the ve.ple, that we possess the means of don si. If you se cured the services of a man to go, from house to house, throughout the county, to tell just. what you wanted told. you could not expect him to do it for nothing, on the other hand you would be outraged at any one for supposing that you wanted it done on such conditions, and yet you ask print ers to do this, year in and year out, , You know that one line, in the editorial or local columns of a newspaper. or ordinary circu lation, will introduce you to more people than you could be presented to in years.— No wonder, then, that you seek our space, knowing its value as you do. And if it is so valuable to yot, is it not worth payin,; far? Are not printers tuiserablestupiai to use their facilities f'r reaching the public, write up unknown, and very awn third-rate men, without compensation ? It seems to Us that it is a gre.,t presumption for any one :o expect any thing of the kind, and yet nine tenths of the paticians, of the day, expo to be constantly kept before the peg ple in this manner. Yes, hundreds of men, who would never be heard ~f outide of the liu,its of their election precinct, were it nit for printers' ink, are made in this way. We w int it distinctly und,rstood hat we are not around mak:ng men out of this class of t:mber. If our space is riot w.rth p tying for, we will fill it w.tb mit :er of more guard interest ti the publ c. We will now turn our attenti in to the •andidate fir offive, or, in other w to the offie..,eeker, who may or way n t be a politician: Ile supposes that the utomeot o receivis the party n ititinat:on t la the lety partizan journ J to place h.s :untie at the he id of it: c &trial ca:ume, ind di-play it there, adveit:se hint to th, world, week alter week, wail the el we of :he campaign; giving h.m at least twenty ltillars worth of advertising, on account of the party, which never pus anything.— Ibis is a grand mist We are un ter .os obligations to do anything of the kind. it is our duty to vindicate the prlncip:es measures of the party. because wg have espoused thew and firmly believe in them, but supporting Bill Jones or Joh , ' Smith is quite another thing. These gen tlemen:ire:iv:tiling themselves of the p.rty to receive bon-,rs and emoluments. It is a private speculation with them, and they • are in the same categ.ry with us. Wh:it. right. then, have they to ask us to adver tise thew, remmutend them to the pubrc fiver, find a th usand excuses for thelr shortcoutings, and place them in the mouths of the public so that they may not l o re votes, without paying us for the a ,rvices we thus render them ? It is a foul im position to a.,k us to do so; And yet cout: try newtpapers have done th:og and are doing it, all over the land, Oily pa • pens have discontinued the practice long ago, and it is time that the country press followed in its footsteps. We have defend ed and advocated the c 'use of men, through he eulmuns of our p r, for the several of- flees. and a hen elected, we have received a paltry fee fix “printing tickds," for which we had rendered a fair equivalentiu tickets. that would scarcely pay for the pencils. pans, ink and paper usA in preparing the ait:cles, while if any respectable lawyer had spent half' the tiwe in prep n ing a case in court. fi:r the saute parties. and not of half the p,cuniary value to them. he would have ch.xge 1 thym fr ,na $3OO to $5OO. We blame printers themselves for this want of app:eciat:un of their s,rvices, and in the flume the man who receives personal sup. poet, over and above the support of th piety, must pay us Cr our servicts and tn tp rhe wid not receive either. We will not be mire ,sonable with any one. but we shall charge sufficiently to make men ,pprec:ate olr Lbors. Thom has not been a man elected to the most trifling office, in any county, in the State. for twenty years, that has not got twenty itillars wor:h of' printing and puff ing from his partizan j..urn A, and yet when he has been asked to p.iy file dollars for printing tickets, which w.uld hardly pay o. putting them in type, he hits growled and intimated that be had no right to pay. but he expected the hors and emolu ments of the office—without any outlay on his pat. This is the yearly experience. The printer alone, who must buy every thing, ply h's hinds and rent, is expected to furnish all this wirh.:nit c:impensation. Surely there is no other class of man, tin der the sun, that are expected to do so much for ind;viduals without being raid. The experience of the Register is our ex perience, but we intend turning over a new leaf now, and henceforth we will charge reasonable fees for our services and space, .ccording to the amount of ether furnish ed. h it War? Picet D 'sratched to Cuba—lnstrietions to ddniirul Lco—Natisiaction, or Born/earn 1 - 1 vana— The Outrage on Jl,ner,can Citizens— Vessels .Ordered to Cuban Waters. WAMIINGTON, November 29 —Several additional vessels have been ordered to re inlbrce the North Atlantic Squadesit. All the officers belonging to that squad rm. n on leave of absence have been or tiered to join their respective ships without delay. Admiral Lee left here this morning ea der spemal instructions from the depi.rt went, gives rise to the report that the entire fleet is . or lered t t ancentate in Cuban waters without delay. There secuis to be us doubt. as predicted in these dis2atches on the 21. st instant, that the aduniiistatioi. in emseqmnca of the many brutal outrages commtted by the Sp:mitres i.ti American citizens, tutu the failure of the Spas autimrities t. keep the solemn prom:sts made ti th , ...overnment, hive decided oil a change ,u the Cuban p Cons;derable exc:tement is create I here by a rumor that A lwiral L. e is orJured to make certain im the Spanish oa th •ritirs at Havana, and in case the Span ish amhmitics tefuse W emply, to bit bard the city. It is ass • repo:ted that 0 •en S:ekles i - ordered home toe a special c,,nrcreoce with the President. WeattstniiN 29.—The in ternal. oual difficulties with Spain have t Jay revived the pn.inpt litteutiou of the g TUE FLEET intendid for Cub in waterA, t i frotea the consul general :a Havant and the life an property of other American citizens resi dein there been up undo. the ,upervis on of Admiral Lee, th.: coal nundar of the north Ad ,ntie squalr.•ll. h is in 117a:hington. ;aid whose pre , eme Its been valuable in selooting vessels fur this important emergency. VIE INSTRUCTIONS to the commander of this fleet are fraught with the gravest consequences. and g to hies with the fullest indoi,nvnt of the Pis;dent•and his cabinet, which was given at their meting to-day. IF THE CUBAN VOLUNTEERS at Havana are not repressed by the Spm ish officials, but caumit outrages on th: lives and property of Aateric.n resicl.mts there, the iffizer in command of the squad ron is directed to. demand apology and repirdion at once. If they are refused then he is instructed to open the guns of his fleet upon the city of Havana. THAT UNSATISFACTORY CORRESPONDENCE, For snob weeks past this government and the authorities a:. Madrid have been in corr.:spud:nice over the treatment. id' American citizens in Cuba, tha conduct pursued towards the Cubans theinselve:, and tile course of the Spoiards in thy: matter of the American vessel Hornet. w.:s men iccd by Spanish men-of-war at P..rt au Pi ince. TUX OUTRAGES ON AMERICAN CITIZENS. In the first case it appears by the official d spatehes tot he got etiduent that thew .r.: 'mist troubles have arisen front the out rageous euaduet of the Cuben volunve:ri, a hien has resulted in compelling Ameri can citizens to leave Havana. '.th:s reach ed sacn a p nut thtto.tyasterdty the c.m sut app,aled to the United States tdr protection and assistance, steps were t -ken :is telegraphed last li:ght, rA r,sp..nse to that appeal. An armes fleet, as atitad ab Are, 01 tom• or .ve re Ms, wit' at once rendezvous in the it.:rhor id Havana, the eounuanding (Azar of wh.cit aus best' ordere.l to piece housell in corn municatii.n with the consul general and to obey the abive instructions which have been tent him. TUE FLEET. The gunboat Nipsic is about to leave Pc.o tools lbr Ilavana all p. stale d s patch. Ihe Kaiis-,s, now at the Be alpu navy yard, has been i•rdere.l ti proceed at once io the saute destination. '1 tie Te roi, at Key West, has be,n ordered iqq4 mission also. and will join the Nipsic. %hilt the Nant isket and Sh.iwaint are ready in Cuban waters. 'The . U.litA Mates squadron in the wat,rs about the )Vest Indies bel , nigs to the North Atlaiit.c et undor .conpuand of Rear Addiiral Samuel Phillips l i ce. The Severe, 111)W at Now York, havaig beeq ordered there to a,sist in the kin firs of receiving the grand duke, is the flig.hip or the squad '. .11 and has been ordered back to her without unnecessary delay. MINISTER ROBERTS RETICENT. Seer Roberts, the Spanish minister here, was called un th.s evening to la,rit if be tool any information which he could counitunicate relative the comEtion of alf,irs between the Un"ted Stant awl Span. but his official pas t n wads hint extremely reAcent, though he wss not.ible to drhy the wadi!, ous course of the Cuban volunteers at Ilavana, There is reason to believe that Senor Roberts .s impor tant coniniun;eatitp with the Madrid an• thorities, A ouNFgagNpfs WITH SICKLES. Getters! Sickles, our atie:ster to spliti, has beet' granted leave of absence an or dered to rcputt at once to IVashingtA for a perdoual coLtNeucc.—N. Y. World. Proliiential Prospects The reActs of the e:eetioits this year hid l out a rather gloomy prospect of De mocratic soree,s to the I r.s.uential elve- Eton u •xt Novitiaber. The tiillowing list of the ees which eie.tions hive place tits year. wth the etectoral vote of c cL, sh , ws the U.•wueratic patty io such a reilth,a c inii.tion as to forbid even the faintest h ape ofelecting a PreiAlent of political : REPUBLICAN. I DEMOCRATIC. C Ilacet kut 6:New 5 ..%la.s,aehn-ets 12, ' New Je;sey - 7 Ithole is.aial 4i3.l.lryl.iud 7 New Yolk 3.i I'.r aria ' 11/ Pennsylvania 26,1i.nitu; ky 1; N nil ..avolina Ullex s . 6 Virg:nia .5 31. 6, isippi In ..s M .ius Arkaus.ts %V iscons:n that: ni:a 31imiesot4 Thi; the Doaon Jattna/ conside7s very ;,o n 1 seas .n's w..rk I r tite Repubdcan p.r.y. and we : , grce with it in op.n.oti.— But next season's w. rk wilt be Le. ter. We will hold New Yolk and Cahitnunt trans :et re.l to the lit publican co.unal th.s year, we will add New atta New Jer sey. N. one hut a pu. blind p liticaal wit pretend to ela w the vote of New !lamp sh:rd for th, next ye.r, when tht fact is dear Wit it went th.,t way gip; ing whilly in consequence of 1.,cal is. sues. New Jersey, at the late election. a divided r:.,su.t, cheosing a autio cratic govern•ir and a li.publican Lure; and we put the State in the Irea.o -(*mile ealunin only because the tu , jority tun. (1.1 ernor appears to be the larg It is tn , t ne es-ary to add to this exhatit the elect .T.,1 v. t. s of the States OA held their el,etinns L:st year, in order to throw light on th 3 Pits dent al prospects of 1872. which are sufficiently satistl:ctery to lie publicans —Lfurr.itburg Telegraph. SuratouNDED.—The St. Louis Repub ran prints ed t t.xtraLts tr• m nearly thirty leading Dew •cratic newspapers, in eve. y p.rt of the I.l..pubic, indorsing its plan of tu .kaig 110 tioniinati .n far the Presidency. on tilt: ground th it the result of the c west, aaf and Repuhic .n candidates w mid be the iivetwheimin, triumph of the Airuiee ; iat which case th. , Denio,ratie play, unable to survive four consecut ve P.v:idential defeats, would di— ..pp •ar ir In the stage. At the South, it says, et tt palsy fla Is mire earnest ativo c lies than elsewhere. because it is there , believe 1 th it the ntra,sm and t•xtreac.•. me sues , f the Itep , tbl;cans may Le fairly iatramted to the io al sh e.inrse pu, by the Deatocrats. The trtult .s, sazges:s the Cole :g the 11111 I) ,at t cy is in as:dgoand try. 1 n ah.ail is sure cleat h to et ,p wattl.l be equally fatal, ft iy im p issibie to It.t p-at any W•ly 04t. 13 tog eantrin he't to I aunt lix3•l latyetio:s is h an imp tssabie well tin e.the, si,le. tie Fo-pa ,1 is certainly very irbitl tuna ;t the pa ty meets 6- Tian C rwin greeting : "With bled hauls we w.:le ma A na t t ho , pitila g.uves." Miscellaneous News Items, Chit•ag find: sq t.-otti.)lc In re ,t 1 n is ekar. A t n of straw m.tke: e'ght handrAi ant fifty pottads i.fp p r. Nicety-five vt:sse's from ;oreign ports , L re - Au .raer for 4.000 Sprin ; fiald breach loaders has be_ta received at the ardiory sWpind 4.659 13,1 p, of cotton, val,i3tl at 5410,418.99, ti Lirc.pool, S ,turd9y. 'More is more travel at present by th• ovyrlani route to Organ than at any pre vioui There were 374.790 gallons of brand, manufactured in No:th o.trJlittzt during the last fiscal ye:tr. A stock co.ninny. with a capital of $4O. 000. is forming iu P.tduca, Ky,. for the titanut'actute of tobacco. GAL Israel Putnam's grave in Connect icut, is tot illy nezlec:ed and covered with weeds and rubb.ish. At a recent stylish church welding tweaty five cams adnn ssi,ai was charged ; - and the proceels given ,o the pung c.O pie as a br,Lial gi.t. A Lewiston y iung man widr,ssel a re 1i ; )las-westing, t the; crenaig, someth:nA. as ".I,eording t, Hoyle.' During the past ye tr 1,283 vole nes. 1,07 k; p anp'tlets and th:rty-s3ven m tps hare bin ;4414 to the State Library Mass:lt:hese:ff.. A tnago - fi3)nt solid silver composing, stick is the prise offend for th 1 best m.m positor at th:: attreal p..iute.s' rair tv come if. A min has 10-en convicted, at Norris t wa. Pa, t r stealing a danger lamp from the or a 1 , co o , .tave whilst the loco motive was in m tion. A. Bo ton firm t•lfpped an I lad ler ear,inge la-t wi k to Hon. S Indwieh Islands, by way of th. PZIC.63 L. San lhaneiszo Wm]; on the Ditroit tunnel is pu4te,l r usly. iuteri-r er,b is ne.trly comp:yte I, anl the cribs will all be finiihed beton: winter. Brick P. nr.2r yan I Swisat C ore the two largest c..ntrihutors co the Lee moo meat 'Mid in Nov Vo.k, thoui,b th, former gave on y ton d I ars. The Suprdtne Court of taw t. 113,4 re • cently the.iled that the I,w tu att.,•ll , l,nce at sch is for tha g of.the pap I aad must be eaforead. Mrs. I lana ih B. Fowler, of Newbury p o has carnal with her se:, in, orchina iu tyre v, ye irs. :31401843J. with. out p.ty,ng a cent ibr rapirs. A Co 'limy is be'ng .rre• in New 0 1 ails. with u e pit .1 55:A1,003 to tonstruet it U barges to h•ansp , rt freight it nn t e upper Mississ pp: t.) that port. Itnigrati tn into Kansas is it:p . .lly inere:is lug with orb sneeee.ling year ; that t r th s ye:tr greatly exe:aelhig Ora other ti.ue in the ineutory ilo olde,t in- The inmber-mills on the Pen , bseit river, Maine, are prep ring to shut down I;br the season, and &nue have already dour so ; but the plan:ng-kills are running day qua night. A Jorseyman has invented an "endles travetEnz s d widc." to supersede horse cars and onmiliassas. You just step. the waving walk and are carried as far as you want ti A sprvica of sng,nr maple is sai,l to have been fonnri in the oriqoqtaqa. and it his been ascertained ti at its sap is as strong!y saccharine es the sap of the east ern sugar Bich silver nitrs have leen d'seovereil eight indai t•r.:n Pees t.,et. Ar:z ai. and it• the 4p .oe+ Feru“ Pe,•se'tt ant Tu•s will pour th,upely,:s out to work for the treasure. ;lf 1114 tago. FRANK—KENNEDY.—Oa Nor. 9th. by Rev. M. K. Fuger. Mr. Daniel A. Frank, of Fairs City, Nvbra,+ka, to Miss Anna R. Kennedy, of Hunting don. Pa. lI , :ItTZLER—IIASSENPFLUG.—On Norm b,r 2 s% by the same. Mr. Daniel 11-rtaler to M:ss Mary II issenpflux. all or ll.tntingdon, Pa. IJuniata county papers please copy.] FRY—LEE.-0.1 Nor. 27th. by the sonic, Mr. .baba 11. Fry to Miss Alraretta Lee, all or tins iiu4.lon Pa. gtritlls. COVERT.—On the 28.% hi Three S.rring, 11.,usrukruir euuro, ll wrette "Hest .I,lu4h ;T of N. IC. anl C. G. Covert, :t,;: 1 years,:! months an I 7 .I tye. New Advertisements, A UDI:101tS NOTICE.— LEattite j Req. Stains.] vau umlers.Asse:l app..1111.4 , 1 by tit Orphans' Court 0. ll.inting , loss coutry, to hear ex ,priori awl to r. a sae silo Itzvoitith: u. Got. 11. Stains, late ut Cromwell towushq, nml make , Estrinution. etc., bermsy gives notice ths! uc will attCll.l ru the dutays of his appointment, al his MI,. Nu. 'tl3. Iliit erect, Iluntaug.l.,n, Pt. , on rue:clay. January. 2, 187.!.. ut. ~sso o p. in.. when said ware. , oil persons interested may atten, I be heard if they Sec prm,er to be pre,nt. J. SI LV.INIS BLAIR, .lec3, 1871. A.sditor. • A PP::ENTICE WANTED.-1 wont ao Bpprootioo to learn the niar4lc cutting, ag. &iota 17 or 1$ years, or gaol size; a boy tha. la anxious to learn, and will p:ry iiitention to his Limn, on. ins,ad ui wittehitig the clack for th, hour of quitting. can make a guoil bargain by call ing itninediately. decs;7l. WM. IV !ILIA US. United States Laws, LIIW OF THE UNITED STATES PASSED AT VIE FIRST SESSION OF TII E FORTY— S e.,CON D CONGRESS. Be it snarled 1 y tic &oats and Muse of Rspresentittres of the ChtLeci Stairs of A nierica in thngress asseothtni, That is p•Aou of 0r.41.4.1 checks issutni for lieu slims, when lost, s oleo, or destroyed, disbursing officers and agents of the United States are here by authorized, after the expiration of six months from the date of such checks, to issue duplicate checks, and the Treasurer, assistant treasurers. and designated depositor'. s (lithe United States are directed to pay such checks, draw° in pursuanceof law by such officers or agents tit noticeandproot of the loss of the original cheek or cheeks, under such regulations in regard to their issue and pay ment, and upon the execution of such bonds, with sarcties. to in 13'n [Ay the United States, as the S•eretary of the Teeasury shall prescribe: Pro : riled. That this act shall not apply to, any elvek exceeding in amount the sum of live hundred dol lars. Extradition convention between the United Approved, April 19. IF7I. Convention ',ewe= the United States of Atner ica and the Repuinic of Nicaragua. Extradition. Signed Juue 2a, 1870; ratified April 11, 1871 ; ratifications ext.:hanged June 21, 187 L; pruclai•ucti Septemuer 29. 1871. Br TUE PRESIDENT OP TUE (,'SITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMA NON. Whereas a Convention lur the extradition of crim inals between the Gaited States of America anu . the iteptialie Ui IcaragUll ions UULl4lthled 811 sig,titsi at Alana4u.t. oy their respective Pleat Im:rim:tries, on toe twenty-titth Clay or Julie. wuiett convention. oeing in the E. 161.11 Bull Spauisli laugua,es, la wva 7 ,l Luc wunl u;.ui. Itows . ,States ui A urriu a nu.l the Kepaulie or Nied.r.,gua. Thu lluiLud Sltt. U. and thu itcpUllil. bf Nii:aragua, having. juJgetl it expedient; wish view to the WAWA' aa.uiuistratiun ui justice, auu prevention In armies within their ter if on. LULL juriSdanton, and thAt pereous 1.111 . 1 - Nth.; ur ea.trged with tan crimes heretuatter iuctif tuned, and uelni, fugitives (vow Justioe,Buoilld under eertaiu ciruuuletauu e, . de .l, ered up, have riniutvud Cu conclude a couveu tiou lor l,,at purpoec. au : l have theit •Yieuiputentarte;; the President et the Unite. S ated, Charted N. Ronte, L eau. and Mutate' . skkuc at the (jutted nnites Ili Niearagna, the e..eattleut at the Itepaulie at Nicara,;ua, Singer /Amu< A} • . 011, Sliniewa- for Fdrieiguj Relations, wad, atter reetproual tunnutenteanau at then- tat &were, tuella it) geso.l awl due lers., have agreva .111 to the soliutri.,, 101.4, lIA : A rr. I. fie gurerueueut at tile 'Milted Statra Lua tut, goveruteetat n. Nwaragua tuu•ualty afire. deliver alt porsuaA was, II ,1114 •It Wiiil 1114111,M ,inx,ned la the a alit, sujarttele. Baal Wltttd tr.Sta.a juritthetiou u. .1; u. tilU Ulsiltr.l4Llll4 partleS, SELL Set, lain Ur Ue 1:01411.1 W.i U.O 1710 ltrilLUrite 0.11, TJAL saa,l ott.y Du ,luau ui..iu nil6l: Vi Ul C 1 .1111111.6.1. ). 1.0 Llie, 3t, W.lcro.: 1.7,6411 iti Chai, .111.1: .1.1 lOWA, WOUI 4 I JuS:lfy 4. or 4;er aun,un and u iur lila., II 1.4 c ua ..ven tart, coalaidaesl. A tr. '2. rurauus sa la be delivered uo. who shai °et tA/11 ,- .CO J, Or C01G1 . Z1.1,1, 6 16. proV.6 00000 oi CJOI - C16,1011, Wall ally O. LI, OilOW.lig 4.1,111:3: . . . I. ,1‘1...1.!, ...tukr,hetul;•,:tvutmithdia, ! . 1 . 1..,1 Wide, 4114 pu.ettu/is,.. • • • , 2.. Tau ucau,..a u. rai.c, a,sua: . piracy, aud mural) Eva a say, Mlleact . , Ulu u.,W. or part Ult.,- 11, by maul 0: Va.:116.1. t. 13,111111411Jul t Udall taken 11.3e361.1 el the iretsel. 3. Thu crone of ourgotry, defined to be filo ne :ie. u, Um:Wittig :111,1 entering by night lute Ul of auu,her with the inient to commit feiony And ate crime of rujbury, bu tuu auti:; ,tl,efutnuusly anal iurci.ny trout the ?ennui of :mintier, goods ur money, uy v tulunue or putting him in fear. 4. Tae crime of forgery, by which is understood the utterance of forged papers, tho of public, sovereign, or government acts. 5. The faJneation or .mllll,lOll counterfoil inuney, either coin or paper, cm pool.: bonds, Ostia notes, and oAgations, and iu general of all titles of instruments of credit, the counterteiting of seals, dies, stumps, and marks of State and puJlic ad ministraiwais and the oat:ranee therm. G. The etutteszlement tni puolie moneys, commit ted within the jartsdietton ui eitherporty, by poli tic officers or d is:miters. 7. Emaesziement by auy person or persons hired . or salaried, to tuts tletruu,ot vi their employer, "vb.•u these crimes ire suojeeted to tamous puutsh• went. A a. 3. The provisions of this treaty shall nut :apply to any crane or uncut:: in a pinitical charac ter, and toe permits or persist deiiv. red up tor the Jriiiies enumerated in Luc preceding article, snail .n no ease be tried fur soy ordinary oriole, cow• ,pitted previously to that for which his or their surrender is asked. ART. 4. Reny person, whose surrender may be Asoned •rursuaut to the stipuiations of the present treaty, sfiall have been arrested far the CORIall 166104.1 Or Wien. sin the country where be his sought nu asylum, or shall have been convicted thereof, his extradition may he deferred until he shill have 'e en acquitted, or have served the tern, of nu prisoinuent to which he way h.ive born sentenceu. Aar. 5. Requisitions for the surrender I), ugi tires from justice shall lie made by the respective liploan tile agents of the cuntractiug parties, or, in the event of the abseilse tit these troiu the country or its seat of government, they may be Made superior consular utheers, if the person whose .•xtraditiun inly be asaed for shall have Seen eon vatted of a crime, a copy of the sentence of the court in which he may have been mink - n. 1.4 san- , :lienticateil under its seal, and an attestation u. the official character of the judge by the proper executive authority. and of the tatter uy the Lusa, ter of the latter or consul of the Untied titates or of Nicaragua, respectively, shall accompany the • .-equisition. When, however, the tugitive shed have been merely charged with crime, a duly au ienticated espy of the vfarraitt iur Uta arrest is 'he country wnere the crone way have been com mitted. and of the depositions upon which such warrant may have been issued, must accumpany he requisition us aforesaid. Inc Presidmit 0. the United States, or the proper executive author .ty in Nicaragua, may then issue a warrant tor tn. apprehension of the fugitive, in order that he may IS twonght before the properjudieal authority fat the question ui extra.lition. If it him be decided that, according Cu lie and evi knee, the extradition is one pursuant to the natty, the fugitive way he given"up aceording to forms presurisied iitsuch asses. A Tr. 6. the eXpens s of the arrest, deteutisu, sit I transportation of the periliJUS ebtIISSLI sualt b: i i ii l by the geternut. n: iu wayse u.ime too re plisi , ion shad have neva in isle. AR, 7. Phis couvenilUil shill continue in tore. luring tiro ta) years front the day o, es... Mange o. :4,We...thins, cut if 'with.. party shall 114Cli give., the oil, six (6) intentus previous notice us iss , to teriumate the saint:, the convent... :11 ill remain in terse five ,5) years longer, aim 0., on. The present convention shall be ratified :and th. ritilications exchanged at tee capital of mare gun, or any other place temporarily outnipied the Nicaraguan government, wi.hiu two., e (11:, :hunt 4e, t. satinet' if pussiutc. In witness whereof the respective Plenipoten• , iaries hive signed the present. convention ia du plicate. Poi have thereunto waxed their seals. D ,ue at the city of Managua, capital of the ItepuOlie Nicaragua. the twenty-tifth day u. June, one thonsandeight hundred and seventy, u. - lie In.lepenilenee of the United States the inuety• fourth. and of the Independe co tf Nice ague th silty-ninth. CNAILLE: N. RIOTTE. TOMAS ATOP. ~M h:A 1.. A ftAl..~ Aril whereas said convention us amended has been duly ratifit d on both parts.and the refi.ect to ratifications of the same were exchanged at Mana gua, on the twenty-fourth day of June last, by .Chirles N. Itiotte, Minister Resident of the Uni ted Satre. an l J. D. IL tdriguez, Member of tht Chamber of Deputies of Nicaragua, on the part if: their respeottee vvernmenbi: Now, therefore, be it known that I, Ulysses S. Grant. I'..esi.lent of the United States of America, have canoed the said convention to be made pub lic. to the end of the same same, and every claust and article thereof. may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States mid the cit izen. thereof. In winless whervor I hare lleretlnto set my hand, and caused theneal ur the Milted States to be atfi s ed. Done at the city of Wa:hin;ton this nineteenth day or. Serenther: in the year or our Lord [sitf,.] one thousan:l eight hundred - and seventy one. ant ot• tha fodependeneo or the Uai• ates thi; ninety-sisih. By the Pool lent : U. S. GRANT. IlAutt.rox Flan, Secretary of State. iligNerw. NATURE—SO. I.] AN ACT to create a port of delivery at Potomac, Virginia, and fur iithcr 1.9,05e5. Ile it es teed by the Senate and !Iraq of llepreendatiree of the gitted Stalee of Attune.; in 0m:p . .4 aseelabled, ThAt nit toe waters, shores. haroors, and inlets on the south side of the river Pototinte, comprehended between Boyil's Hole and Cockpit Point. now a part of the collection district of Tap paha:mock, Virginia, be, awl the same ore hereby, •annexed to the collection district of Alexandria, Virginia. SEC. S. That Potomac. in the State of Virginia, shall be, and is hereby. constitlied and created 0 port of delivery within the collection district of Alexandria. and there shall be appointed. at a cotopensation not exceeding the rate of one thou sand dollars per annum. a deputy collector of cus 'oins, to reside at said port, who shall perform such duties as may be con erred upon him, in pursu allee of lots. h. , the s.vretary of the Treasury. Sce. 3. Th it all nets awl parts of acts - eclat,- ishiug at Dainfries i in [hit collection I hatriet of T appahaunock, Virginia, a port of delivery ht, in I the saute are hereby. repe.iled. Apl,ro•'c,l, April 13, 1371. [li ENKRAL NATURE-No. 6.] AN ACT relating to thu hArbur at Dafrulo New York. fir it cern e'rd I y Ile nd rnirn• of IPyresenta!;res of Lie Ifni el :ides ,1 A me, iAt in Cl.nyrns ussenadql, in.o in, ovut.nary us War ile nulls U. 1.. h.s ju.i;turu! he ihinki a WM be for the ILI. erest of United S ales. to extend or eJatinue the eon ri aet ,or the improvenant of the harlaw ttt Butalo. wade and entered into upon the Twentieth day o: January, I . i4lvecu hundred and Approved. A,rril la, 13.1. NATunc—No. 4.] AN ACT to amend an act entitled — An act to di. St.ato of Virginia into two judicial dis. tracts." B. if entre•rd by c Senate end Ifraze f Tryreredatires o. iht.ted .•tees f ,imenas aujress assented. Lot: Si:4.M I Oi Ulu SIX h sec: o. th. Act aforct , :titl, or waich tills a. is an anandinint. oe atuended us follows: ••'That the Mirk of the circuit or district court of the eastern district ec Vir,gmist Plmli transmit the original end certified copies or all orders in any .uit ur proceed inj which snail lee removed for Amber proceeding, titan the eastern to the western district of Vaginta as authoriznd Icy the tirst clause of the said sixth section or the act aforesaid, to the clerk uf the court to which such .it or proceeding shall he re- moved, together with a statement ofall costs t and all further proceedings shall be had in the court to which the same shall be removed as if the said suit or proceeding had originally beim immateaced'there iu." Approved, April 4, 1871. [GENERAL NATERE—Ne. G.] AN ACT to authorize the payment of duplicate checks or disiparAng officer. New Advertisements. TN the Court of Ctanaton PI as of Hun tin4,lou County. G.:urge Craw :Ord No. 22. Aug. Term, 1871. rs. In divorce. II irriet Crawford. To Harriet Crimord, respondent: In pursuance of an order of publication in the above stated ease. you are required to attend al said CJurt, on b 1 today, the Bth day of January, 18.2, to answer the complaint of the libellant. wherein he charges you with adultery. and to show cause why divorce a rinculo niatrimonii ehould not be decreed. A3ION HOICK, Sheriff. Sheriff's office Nov 23-41 TN the Court of Common Plewe or !Tun ting.lon Coun'y. Isaiah JI. NathAns, CO. No. 70, Aug. Term '7l Anna M. Nit , han+. In Daoree. To Anna M. Nathitns, rtseionlent.-r-In porno Ince of nn order lir publica , ioo in the tOove stated else, you are requir, , d to atti.nd at said Court. ou M oi•lay. the Stu day o;" January 1572 to answt•t he complaint or the libelant% wherein he charge, you wish desertion. and to AVM CAM: why divorct einculo matrinionii elluull not he tlveree4l. AMON HOU('K. Sheri T. Kierirsig!gc.,j;9lLAPASl,lL V.ST RAY COW. Came to the residence of the subscriber. in or.tu::liu township. on or shout the middle o: .ieptem'ier Isst. dark brie 1:e row. bead almos lack, legs wh.te. n m irks. Thu owner is mines t.el to cone pure property, pAy el :urges. :ind take her aw ty. other v:.: shu will be disposed ue aocurlins to law. W. D. INGRAHAM, N0r.22.1,'71-3t. 0 SIX REASONS MIRY Tom should insure in THE PENS MUTUAL LIFE INS., CO., U2l Caestaat St., Philadelphia. Z. k 6°-o < I t - 7t -2 7: sg• Si :7 3 2 r.. A 2. lat. Because it is one of the oldest companies in the country, and past theday of experiments. 21. Rzeause it is the (Ally Purely Mutual Compa ny in the State. Every policy holder is a member or the Company,emitled to all its ad vantages and privileges, having the right to vote at all ele.;tiona inr irurees, and thUs has an influence in its management. 31. Because it has the large•stacatnnulated fund of any Life lusurance Company in the State. 4th. Because by economical umnagtquent its ratio of expenses to total income is less than that _ . of auy Company in the State. (See official Insurance n.portp). sth. B. cause it ties declared Mare Dividends-in Number. and of a larger average .Pereentage, than any Company in the United States. For example: Policy No. la, fur $5OOO, has hem paid to the IVidoio a Philadelphia Merchant. upon which 25 Diridends has been deelatrril averaging 5"; Per Cent. Had these Dividends Been Used to Purchase Additions To This P01iry.50046.0.1 Mitre It Have Been Rea/hell Mukiny 7' he Pulley Wurth $11,016.00. 6th. B.:cause it is liberal in its management, prompt in its settlement, safe beyond contin- gency. anl its rates are as low as any good company in the country. Principal Fealuree.--,anall expenses, absolute se- eurity, large return premiums, prompt pay meut losses.and liberality to the insured. Samuel C. nary, President, Samuel E. S oyes, Vice-President, John W. fI .rne A 4.. V 1.32 Pres. and Actuary, IL S. Stephens, See , etary. R. ALLISO' MILLER. Avnt, nor:9- Ituutingdo u, Pa. .FAid4 AND WINTER GOODS AT WM. MARCH & BRO.'S, flaring purnhaaed the greatest variety o. g outs ever urnitglit to Iluntiugden, they are pre pared to sire great bargains to these vihu patron .. Ihetr e-taulisholuot. Theca• stuck sous'sts o ear( of 31 USIANS. CA LICLIES, DELALNES, UINIMAMS, FLANNELS, Ac., red:toed prises. Also a chaise selection o: Ladies' lire,. Good, figured an,' plain; Alpacas; Mohai' :01 wool Ihrlatties; Luster, Poplins; also a COI, plate assunintut ut thniCleuittu . t ivcar, such as CLOT US, CASS f Yi E SATIN Erie., J HANS, COTTONAD NS, at astonishingly low price:. We do not consider it any trouble to show goods, and would he pleased to hare the ladies and the public generally call and examine uur new stock, which we are determined to sell at the lowest cash prices. to connection with our other business we have established a first-;lass LUMBER YARD, where all hinds of lumber for building purpose* .an be had at reasonable rates. Boards, Lath, Shingles, &0., ac., always on hand. /10 TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE Fur all kinds of printing. Real Estate, AFARM FOR SALE.—A tract of farm and timber land, - in Oneida and Hen derson townships, 21 miles from the borough of Hunt ingdon, is offered for sale. on reasonable terms, eoutainilig about ONE lIIMIDRED ACRES, be tween LO and GO acres of which are cleared and under cultivation. The up land is of a fair grain raising qaality with some fifteen acres of tine meadow bottom, and the balance is principally covered with a good quality or timber, mostly white pine and hemlock, with a good saw mill seat, and never tailing water power thereon. The improvements are a neat two-story frame house - and frame stable, with other outbuildings and conveni•mcce,aud a young thriving orchard of choice fruit trees. For further particulars, and terms of sale, in quire of the undersigned, at Huntingdon, or oh the premises. uuc~9•t~ R. MeDIVITT. F'JR RENT OR SALE. A tirm-elass brick dweling house with ume rooms, N,. 521 Was!iiugton street. naming don, l'a. li not so!d out rented before Thursday. December ith, it will be offered at public sa!e. or for rent, to the hig'iest approved bidder, at 10 o'cloek on that day. Apply.l.o 'JAMES A. BROWN, llantinzdun, Pa. nov29 2 FOR SALE.— oNe lit/NI/RED AND FIFTY CHOICE tl I I.DIN LOTS in West IlAntinglon. Pa. FIFTY of these lots will, for a short time, be offer .l at t o pri.e, ranging. frutu $lOO to $l3O. Term. easy_ App :y to or address nui2o tt It. ALLISON MILLER. VALUABLE FARM" LAND AT PUBLIC .ALE. The undersigned, Executors 14 the Will of Sohn M'Cahan, E,q., late °Me borough of Huntingdon, deceased, will oiler at Pal,lic Sale, at the Court House, in Huntingdon,. Tuesday, du , 91h day of January, 1872, sit. ten o'clock, a. m. A TRACT OF LIME ;TONE LAND, situate in Porter towuthip, Huntingdon county, containing 240 acres, more or less. About 70 acres of thr land are cleared, under fence, and in a pretty good state or cultivation. (now farmed by Mr. Samuel Moore,) and the remainder is well timbered, ad joining lands of Goorge Lantp, deecased. A. P. Wi:son, deceased, W. P. Orhison, Esq., Thomas Whittaker's heirs, and others. The public and leading road from Huntingdon to liartslog Valley passes through this tract of land, ALSO, Three adjoining Tracts of Land, situate in Porter township, containing, respectively, 164. 162. acres, warranted in the name of Wm. Smith, D. D, and 100 acres, warranted in the name of John Patton, adjoining lands of R. R. Bryan, Joseph Oliain,llahn Brothers, A. P. Wilson, Esq., deceased, Thomas Fisher, nn.l others. On the prentises are a LOG DIVELLING ROUSE, FRAME BARN, and a good spring, in tenure of Samuel Moore. A part of this land is cleared and under fence, and the balance well timbered. The public roads leading from Huntingdon to !farts log Valley and to Alexandria pass through these tracts. These tracts will be sold as one body, or sepa rately, as purchasers may desire. Persons desiring information respecting the above described lands, will please call upon either of the undersigned, or upon J. Simpson Africa. Esq.. in Huntingdon: The condition; will be made known on the da, or sale. JOHN K. MTAIIAN, 'JOHN CRESSWELL, [Executors of John Weaban, deceased.] N0v.29,1871,-ts. LAND FOR SALE. Four small adjoining tracts of Land at pri- Val. sale, in Clay township, Huntingdon county, two miles west of Three Springs. The East Broad Top Railroad is Intuited on part of it. Ono tract containing one hundred and nne acres; seventy• live of which are cleared and the balance is timber land; the improvements are a Frame Dwelling 11Juse and Bank Barn and other outbuildings. A spring of never tailing water and a variety of fruit trees and grape arbor are in the yard ; also thirty eight acres adjoining; thirty acres of which ari cleared and the balance well timbered with a dou ble house and stable thereon, and a spring in thi yard; the third is a Saw Mill tract of four nerve. adjoining the above• ' good timber, veryconvenient: the fourth tract is thirty-nine acres of which four arc cleared. and the balance is well timbered. Any person wishing any further information in regani to the above can call on Jonathan Miller living or the land. They also offer eight lots in West Hur. tingdon. We will sell low as we intend going another part of the country. Any person within; .y other information c.ia3eritiii; dui lot, can call on Samuel Pheasant who is part own , 7 and lives on the same on M,Rlin s•reet. JONATIIAN MILLER L CO. Nur.16,1871-3tuo. ARARE CHANCE! NOW IS Till TIME TO DUl7!—The undlersigued wool o.w-r to those who &sae valuable and cheap prop arty tho viz: A tract of limestone land in BArree townshii cen,auting 33 acres and 140 perches, cleared an in a good state of cultivation, with Stone Crec, running through it atoning a splendid water power of Ace. feet hill. The are a frau) dwelling house, containing seven routes, cellar any kitchen, log barn and other out buildings. ALSO. A tract of Litnestene land, adjoining the above, containing a acres of which Li acres are clearer and under fence. aid the balance well timbered . The buildings area two story lug house, two eta hles and other necessary out-buildings. There is a fine young orchard on it, also a large quantity 01 mineral paint. _ J. It. DURBORROW .1; CO.. Real Estate Agent, 00t.4.'71-11t.] Huntingdon. Ps. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRI• VATS SALE. The valuable property, situate in Barree town ship, Huntingdon county, formerly known al. ••Couch's Mine but lately as "Conprobst will be sold at private sale. This is one of thi most desirable stands in the county, the custom work being sufficiently large to keep the mill busy, while the water power is unsurpassed in the State•. The improvements consist of a Grist Mill, Sas. Mill, Store Room, two Dwelling Houses, Stable. and all other necessary outbuildings. There art also 40 acres of timber land belonging to this prop erty, but if purchasers desire it, enough cleared land can be purchased with it for farming purposes. If not sold by the 20th of October, the property will be leased for a term of years. For further information inquire of Hon. John Scott, Huntingdon, or of the undersigned, residing on the premises. Sept. 6, 1077—tf. HENRY CONPROBST. QFI ERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of u writ of Fi. Fa. to me directed. will expose to public sale. at the Court House, it. Huntingdon, on Friday, the 22d day of December. 1371, at 2 o'clock. p. m., the following describes real estate, to wit : A.I that certain tract or farm situate in Union township. bounded by lands of Asa Corbin on tht north, and on the east by lands of John M'Comb. on the south by lands of Dell's heirs, on the wee by lands of John Shoop. containing 194 acres more or less ' about 60 acres cleared and under cz.ltiva tins. haring thereon erected a Log. 'louse, Log Burn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George S. Myerly. D. R. I'. NEELY, Sheriff. n0r.22.1871t5.] Legal Notices. EXECUTOHS' NOTICE. [Estate of Hon. George Taylor, deceased.; Laterstestamentary on the 4state of lion. Georgt Taylor, late of tho borough of Huntingdon, de ceased, haring been granted to the undersitr,ned. all persons indebted to the said estate arercgdesteu to make immediate payment, and those haring claims or demands against the estate or said de crated will make known the same properly nu thenikated, without delay to MAI:GAF:Er S. TAYLOR, MATfIIEW TAY Lon, .1011 N F. MILLEIt. 11.mtingdon, N. 2!, 18:1-6r. 11 Ji olays,urg /register. and Herald, Ebcnsb u publish six week, 10'4 send bills to t h is office. A D3IIN HA T RIX'S NOTICE. 11.:Itate of Jobn Corbin. deceased.. i. aters of Administration having been granted t the undersigned, on the es•ate of JJEtn Cur Diu, lat. ui Barree township, deceased. all persons knowin, themselves indebted are requested to make Mimi :Hato payment, and those having claims to prom them duly authenticated for settlement. SARAH STEEL N0r.22,1 8;11 Administratrix. A D3IINISTRATRIX'S NOIIUE. (Estate of Abram Corbin, deceased. Letters of Administration having been grouted ti the unlcesigned. on the estate of Abram Corbin iota of Itarree' township, deceased, all person knowing themselves indebted to ma ke itunudiatt payment, and those hating claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement, SARAH STEEL. Adminixtrat. ix, N0v.22,1871. 4 D3IINISTRATRIX'S NOTICH. Letters of Administration having beet granted the undersigned, upon the estate of Samut Carothers. late of Cromwell township, deceased, al persons knowing themselves indebted, are requested to make immediate payment, and those havin.. claims to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. MARY CAROTIIERS. Nov. 8, 1871! Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, [-Estate of Juhn Iran, deed.] . . Letters of Administration h. ♦ lig been granted to the endersigned on the estate of John Irvin, tan of Franklin township. Iltintinvbn county, deed. ; all persons knowing themselves indebted are re ga.s•.•d to make immediate payment, and tilos. ham R : claims to present them duly authenticated f ment. JOHN D. ILIMIGES. nov29, 1871-* New Advertisement. DR. CROOKS WINE OF TA 10 Year. of a PubEr 7ea Has proved DR. CROOK'S WIRE OF re T.) have more merit than any Ehni orepAration ever off:red the public, It is rich in the medicinal qualities Tar, and unequaled for diseases of I Thro.,t and Lungs. performing the n. .teinar, able cures. 001%6, Cods, Chrernie I. effectually cures them Astlnn i uncl Bronchiti,. I s hnt cure I so many eases it h het, pronounced a eimeitic fur tit.: cularlaints. Fur Pains in Breast Siie or Back Gravel or EiJuev D .I.) of the Urinary Oek..,a Jztund:ce or any L.ver C,onplaint, h.ts no cq It is &so a superiir Tonic, Restores tho Appet Stralgthens the Syste:s, - - r,s the weak and Debilitat Causer the I- o to Dige,t, RelloOVeS Dyspepsia and Indigesti Prevents Malarous Fevers, Gives tone to your systt TRY DR. CROOK'S WINE OF T. 4 DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Ilas proved itself in II sand of cases capable of curing all diseases of Tlirca and Lungs. DR. CROOK'S WISE OP TAR Cures a:I Chronic Con and Coughs and Colds, more erectunlly than other remedy. DR. CROOK'S IVINE OF TAR Has cured cast Consumption pronounced incurable by physici DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR Has cured so m eases of Asthma and Bronchitis that it has I pronounced a specifle for these complaints. PURIFY YOUR BLOO DR. CROOK'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP POKE ROG Wherever Eike Root grows, it has a local ri tatiou Asa Bead Puritier,auil tor the eure of k anati.m. With nil this local reputation, and praise of distinguished Physicians, (Drs. Coe, Wilson, M. Hunt, t ritlits, Copland and .:re,) who have tested its useilical powers; it oars neglected by the pretension at large, as It through is want of a proper appreciation in its: as is knowledge in the proper way to pry pa or use:lie:nal use. D.. o.i ter Creak, physi .vito Berates Lis entire time to the datits us ,:ronssiou), has laity tts:cil the active Medic lualiues u, Eske Hoot during tic last 25 ye. cod unhesitatingly pronounces it to hare .u:tter--.or disease, al. pending on a depraved Litton ui the bl any and all oilier :its sawed in the Materia Medics. Under hi: orueiiuns our Cileusics have einuLiussi the as Rike Hoot snit the Conic Preparati ~,, of I on, and we Wier this ,antauli tar the public. uuder the above name. Ucto , er d. 11371-Iy. G l._,N I) EXHIBITION sWIETIIING NEW IN HUNTINGDC A FIRST (LASS LALIES' SHOE STORE! D. lIERTZLER A BRO.. N 0.403 Allegheny ,pposite. Beuad Top Depot, have Just arrived ue East with a large and well selected sloe Ladies', listFes', and Children's Dress B Ac., comprising all the latest styles u lay and acknowledged to be the hest selected. Jf hand-made work ever brought to Uuntingdo S.nco we make ladies' wear a specialty, we not tail to please the must lastithous. Fur S Quality anti l'riee we duty competition. We also manutacturetu order all kinds of La tnd Gents' Bouts, Saves, Gaiters, Ae., of the material the market produce, and at the sho possible notice. Parsons from the country ea tecummudatml with our own manufaoturini giving a few hours notice. All kinds of repairing neatly done. In a more mature age we hope to retain i'riends who favored as in our infancy. For past favors accept our sincere thanks. D. lIERTZLER dt BRO.. 403 Allegheny S Opposite B. 1 Depot Iluntiogdon, 1871 CARPETS:! CARPETS !! CARPEI FA LL STOCK. T LOWEST PRIDES! JAMES A. BROWN Is moan* receiving at his new CARPET STORE, HUNTINGDON, PA., 515 i Hill Street. Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from looms of the nutufacturers. His stuck comp INGRAIN BRUSSELS, WOOL LAIIC V ENITLAN COTTAGE. II EM P, LIST and RAG CARPETS CARPET CHAIN, COCOA AM) CANTON MATTINGS, FLOOR', STAIR AND TAI)LR OIL CLOTHS, and a large stock of %VALI. PAPER, Window Shades and Fixtures, Drngget, V Mugs, Door Mats, Extra Carpet Thread and I ng. I wake a speciality 01 burnishing (but Ind Lodges at City Prices, and itt.ite Furnis :10Intuittees to call and see goods wade expr or their purposes. Buyers will sore money and he hotter suites zoing to the reuxhir Carpet and Oil Cloth S for any or the a'qtre goods. I defy eutopet in prices awl variety or beautiful patterns. I have also the Agency for the Ori,nal HOWE ~.EWINU MA( 11FICE. 1311'1 OVE o well kuowts as the hest family Machine in rorld !all at the CAV.PET :; , T011F: and see them. JAMES A. BROW nor. I. IS7I MARCII BRO , tiff. season, b made» specialty of Furs, and their s m consequently the largest and best ever °Fere any inland town in the State. These Furs rt in prices from ;$ up to ; 1 15. Lalics call and union our handenue styles. noel R. BECK, Fashionade Bai A• and Hairdresser, Hill street, oppositt Franklin House. All kinds of Tonics and Pm kept on hand and for sale. [apl9,7/—t 1873
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers