The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, December 06, 1871, Image 1

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    VOL. 46
.e Huntingdon Journal,
J. A. NASh
eon the Corner q Bath a n d Washington streets.
to HUNTINGDON Jounmet. is published every
neadsy. by J. R. Donnonnow and J. A. Nam,
.r the firm name of J. It. Dunnonnow Co., at
per annum, us ADVANCU, or 12,50 if not paid
n six months from date of subscription, and
not paid within the year.
) paper discontinued, unless at the option of
,üblishers until all arrearages are paid.
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rs per line for each of the first four insertions,
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DB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and
cy Colors, done with neatness and dispatch.—
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every thing in the Printing line will be execn
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Professional Cards.
I DENGATE, Surveyor, Warrior%
mark, Pa. [apl2,'7l.
1 CALDWELL, Attorney -at -Law,
, •No. l li, 3d street. Office formerly occupied
Messrs. Woods t Williamson. [apl2,`7l.
respectfully offers hie professional services
he citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity.
flies removed to No. 618 i Hill street, (SMITH'S
I.DING.) [apr.s,7l-Iy.
)R. J. C. FLEMMING respectfully
offers his professional services to the citizens
luntingdon and vicinity. Office second floor of
mingham's building, on corner of 4th and fill
eet. may 24.
IR. D. P. MILLER, Office on Hill
street, in the room formerly occupied by
John M'Cullooh, Huntingdon, Pa., would res
tfully offer his professional services to the citi
s of Huntingdon and vicinity. Dan.4;7l.
Alt. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his
professional services to the community.
Moe, No. 523 Washington street, one door cast
the Catholic, Parsonage.
7 J. GREEN E, Dentist. Office re-
J• moved to Leister's new building, Hill street
•ctingdon. Dan.4,'7l.
I L. ROBB, Dentist, office in S. T.
r• Br, wn'o now building, No. 520, Hill St.,
antingdon, Pa. [apl2,'7l.
T GLAZIER, Notary Public, corner
.-a-• of Washington and Smith street.. Ilun
gdon, Pa. [jan.l2'7l.
3C. MADDEN, Attorhey-at-Law.
• Office, No. —, Hill street, Huntingdon,
r SYLVANUS BLAIR, Attorney-at,-
' • Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office, Hill street,
•ee dooro west of Smith. Dan.47l.
~R. PATTON, Druggist and Apoth
• wary, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Hun
igdon, Pa. Prescriptions accurately compounded.
tro Liquors for Medicinal purposes. [n0T.23,70.
r HALL MUSSER, Attorney-at-Law,
• No. 319 Hill et., Huntingdon, Pa. Ejan.4,'7l.
r R. PURBORROW, Attorney-at
• Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the
veral Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular
tention given to the settlement of estates of deco
Oace in he JOURNAL Building. [feb.l;7l
r A. POLLOCK, Surveyor and Real
• Estate Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend
Surveying in all its branches. Will also buy,
or rent Farms, Houses, and Real Estate of ev
•y kind, in any part of the United States. Send
.r a circular. pan.4'7l.
r W. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law
• and General Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Pa.,
utters' claims against the Government for back
ay, bounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend-
I to with great care and promptness.
OtEat) on Hill street. [jan.4,'7l.
fr ALLEN LOVELL, Attorney-at
• Law, Huntingdon, Pi. Special attention
iron to COLLECTIONS of all hinds; to the settle
sent of Estates, &c.; and all other Legal Business
roseented with fidelity and dispatch.
$` Office in room lately occupied by R. Milton
peer, Esq. Dan. 4,71.
PM. & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys
• at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to
11 kinds of legal business entrusted to their oare.
Office on the south side of Hill street, fourth door
rest of Smith. Lian.4,7l.
A. ORBISON, Attorney-at-Law,
• Office, 321 Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa.
torneys-at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Pensions,
End all slaims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against
he Government will he promptly prosecuted.
Office on Hill street. [jan.4,'7l.
Fr W. MYTON, Attorney-at-Law, Han
-A- • tingdon, Pa. Office with J. Sewell Stewart,
Esq. (jan.4,'7l.
at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention
given to collections, and all other legal business
attended to with care and promptness. Office, No.
229, Hill street. [apl9,'7l.
Pa. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor.
January 4, 1871.
ROBT. KING, Merchant Taylor, 412
Washington groat, Huntingdon, Pa., a lib
eral share of patronage respectfully solicited.
April 12, 1871.
turers of Locotnotiveand Stationary Boilers, Tanks,
Pipes, Filling-Barrows for Furnaces, and Sheet
Iron Work of every-description. Works on Logan
street, Lewistown, Pn.
All orders nr;v-intly attonded to. Repairing
done at short n [Apr 5,'71,1y..
W. T y HOW•RD,
April 5, 1871-Iy.
the... Journal Moe, at Philadelphia prim.
.4 _....,
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New Advertisements.
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paid within the year.
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Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job
Printing superior to any other establish
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promptly filled. All letters should be ad
Daughter, don't let mother do it!
Do not let her slave and toil,
While you sit, a useless idler,
Fearing your soft hands to soil,
Don't you see the heavy burdens
Daily she is wont to bear,
Bring the lines upon her forehead—
Sprinkle si.ver to her hair?
Daughter, don't let mother do it !
Do not let her bake and broil
Through the long, oright summer hours
Share with her the heavy toil ;
See, her eye has lost its brightness,
Faded from her cheek the glow,
And the step that once was buoyant
Now is feeble, weak and slow.
Daughter, don't let mother do it !
She has cared for you so long,
Is it right the weak and feeble
Should be toiling for the strong?
Waken from your liftless languor,
Seek her side to cheer and bless ;
And your grief will be lese bitter
When the sods above her press.
Daughter, don't let mother do it!
You will never, never know
What were home without a mother
Till that mother lieth low—
Low beneath the budding daisies,
Free from earthly care or pain—
To the house so sad without her,
Never to return again.
rThe Double Escape.
A True Incident of Boyish Heroism.
AVEMEMBER, Davie, four pounds
'itf:', , !r of buckshot, two pounds of powder
t• and one pound of tobacco; and tell
Major Waldron I will give him
the first look at our peltrics over any body
"And don't forget. Davie, a half a pound
of the Major's best Macaboy."
"No, mammy, I won't forget," said the
brave boy, turning the head of Brown Bess
into a narrow bridle path that led through
the adj %cent forest.
He was a handsome, manly lad of four
teen, with a nerve and muscle that would
have done no discredit to an adult. A
musket was strapped behind him, so as to
be in readiness tnr instant use, and in the
leathern belt that girded his waist, was a
long hunting knife, which had drawn the
blood from more than one boor in the hands
of the senior David Corriudon. But a re
cent and serious injury prevented him from
going iu person—a distance of twenty-five
miles through a primitive forest to procure
the articles alluded to in our commence
"Don't tarry too long at the fort in the
morning, bonny lad," was the senior's
parting injunction; as he stood with his
brawny arm in a sling at his cabin door, in
the then wild wilderness at the New Ramp
shire grant; and the junior David Corrin
don rode gallantly away like some sturdy
young train-band Captain of "ye olden
time," guided on his way to the Garrison
Hill Fort only by biased or spotted trees
along the road.
He would have to cross the southern
frontier or Pennecook Deniense, for that
once formidable tribe of aborigines were
not as yet wholly extinct, though nearly a
score of years had passed since Major Wal
dron and others had consigned, by a base
act of treachery, the flower of the tribe,
and of the Nuridgewocks, to a life of the
most cruel and abject slavery in the West
Indies; but a foreboding rumor had lately
reached the Garrison that Wonolancet, the
grand sachem of these Northermust tribes,
and certainlx the most important victim of
"Waldron's ruse," had at last escaped from
bondage with a handful of his bravest
warriors, who had not sunk beneath the
cruel thraldom to which they had been so
unjustly reduced by the white man's too
inconsiderate decree. At the hour of mid
night it was said they had captured a ves
sel and its crew in the West Indian waters,
and forced the captain to steer his ship
due north till he hadlanded them, burning
with their long pent up hate and thirst fur
vengeance, at the mouth of the Penobscot
river. But whether the story of Wonolan
cet's escape out of bondage after so many
years of (to him) intolerable servitude, was
true or not, it did not in the least disturb
the hale old commandant of Garrison Hill
who, at fourscore years, was enjoying his
honeymoon with an accomplished and
beautiful lady of twenty, who was as good
and brave as she was polished and lovely.
David Corrindon rode on at a hand-gal
lop, where the way was not too greatly
obstructed by the tangled underbrush,
whistling as he went with not a thought
of danger to disturb his boyish equanimity.
It wanted an hour or so of noon when he
started, and his parent calculated he would
reach the garrison about the middle of the
It was a lovely day and the birds sang
sweetly overhead, and Davie's brave young
heart was at peace with itself and thor
oughly attuned to nature and her peaceful
Onward he rode, fearless and brave, and
happy as though be had been the native
born ruler of the realm through which he
moved. About two in the afternoon, when
perhaps he had ridden nearly two-thirds of
the distance to the garrison, he was sur
prised by the jabbering, confused sound of
voices in advance of him. The sounds
seemed to be moving in a transverse direc
tion, though he had seen no human being
as yet from whom the sound proceeded.—
It was best to be a little cautious, however,
forthey might be Indians, and he knew
that they were not, always to be trusted,
even in the most peaceful times; and so he
drew up in a little thicket large enough to
conceal himself and Brown Bess from the
chance observation of the noisy party, who
ever they might prove to be, and peered
out sharply through the interlacing foli
age. He has not long to watch before he
received an optical explanation of the
sounds he bad previously heard. It pro
ved to be an armed body of the neighbor
ing Pennacooks—some ten or a dozen in
number—who seemed to be hurrying in
great haste toward some point, for what
object or purpose was entirely unknown to
the concealed observer. They passed on,
however, without seeing Davie, and were
quickly out of sight again, and presently
out of hearing.
Then our youthfui hero started on his
way again, and nothing daunted by what
he had seen; and cross,ng the Pennaeook
trail, he reached Waldron's in safety about
an hour after.
The Major was well acquainted with
Davie's parents, they having both served
under him at the garrison, previous to
their marriage. Davie had seen the tall,
uhe Nuoto' govt.
--= ----
Don't Let Mother Do it.
ht #tory-Zglitr.
grey-haired commander on two different
occasions before, but had never till now
seen the young lady wife. She was very
beautiful, and took especial pains to sec
that their youthful visitor was comfortably
quartered for the night. His several pur
chases had been weighed up and stowed
away in his saddle-bags the first on his
arrival, and then he gave himself over to. u
general inspection of the novelties of tht
place. The garrison, or sort of fort anu
trading post combined, was surrounded b)
a strong but clumsy stockade, defended by
two guns, on elevated platforms, or staging
erected for them, and fire sentry purposes,
at exactly opposite points. But these were
times of peace, and the whites for man)
years had been living on terms of seeming
friendship, with the feeble remnants of the
two tribes who had suffered the most se
verely at the Major's hands. • Indeed, so
careless • had they grown in their fitncied
security, as to deem it by no means an es
sential part of the present fort discipline—
not as it had been in former times—to
keep half a duzeu of their train band on
sentry duty through the night, and for the
last six months toe Major had dispenses
with them altogether, scoffing at the idea
of danger. But these former evidences oi
warlike precaution were nevertheless in
terestinf. features for the boy's inspection,
even if "they had been really of no present
advantage to the garrison.
Early in the evening a couple of I'en
nacook spews were admitted tOr the night,
and Davie had an opportunity to study
their peculiarties. They were given a
couple of husk mats to lie on, each having
a blanket of their own to cover thew
They were dirty, filthy creatures, with
smoky black eyes and an unintelligible
gibberish that no one could understand
when they conversed together. To have
an Indian stop over night at the garrison
was an event of almost nightly occurrence.
It was so common a matter, that no one
thought of noticing or commenting upon it.
Davie was put into a little closet-like
room leading out of the room occupied by
the commandant and his beautiful young
wife. It was a little truckle-bed, that the
Major's grand-daughter, now a wile and a
mother, had occupied. Tired out with his
long ride, and the excitement he had since
passed through in surveying all the...Lyon
ders of the wonderful place, Davie soon
dropped asleep, and dreamed he was at
home telling his mother about his adven
tures to Garrison Hill.
But while Davie and the inmates slum
bered on unconscious of danger, the two
Pennacook squaws, who had stilt - gilt admis
sion in the early part of the evening, were
wide awake. They had risen softly and
unbarred the doors of the garrison, as well
as the entrance to the stockade.
Then from the shelter of a'neighboring
wood a crowd of dusky forms swiftly ad
vanced, and rushing through the open gate
of the stockade, passed into the main
building occupied by the Major, his domes
tics, and the few soldiers he still retained
in his service.
Davie was awakened by a loud pounding
at the Major's door; then he heard the
"Who's there?"
An answer came promptly back.
"It's me ! Open the door—we want
you l" _ _ _
The Major thought the voice proceeded
from one of the squaws, and supposing
that something had gone wrung, be arose
and unbarred the door.
He" started back in alarm at the sight,
for crowding into the dimly lighted space
before him, were a score of dusky figures,
which he instantly recognized as savages.
The brave old commandant sprang back
and seized his sword, while his painted and
begrimmed assailants pressed toiwardin a
body into the room.
The young wife shrieked when she be
.these warlike demonstrations, and
Davie leaped out of his truckle.bed, and
peered through a narrow crack in the panel
of the door. The old man was battling
desperately with his foes. The young wife
had leaped from her bed, and seized a
musket. The next instant one of the sav
ages fell by the Major's hand; but anoth
er sprang over the prostrate body, and
dealt the staunch old veteran a terrible
blow with his tomahawk which brought
him to his knees, with the blood saturating
his silvery hair, and pouring in a red tide
over his venerable face. The next moment
the undaunted young wife leveled her
musket, and shut the wretch dead who
had inflicted the terrible wound which had
brought her husdand low, but she was
everpowered in a moment after, and the
musket wrenched from her hand.
The room was now tilled with excited
savages, and Davie saw some of them hold
the agonized wife, while others dragged
the old man to a table, cutting him to
death before her ,yes.
One painted monster, with a savage
stroke of his knife, severed an ear from the
old man's bloody bead. He held it aloft
with a look of fiendish triumph, shouting
as he did so :
"This is for Wonolancet, and in evidence
of his hate of the traitor, Waldron, and all
of his name lbrever !"
Another pressed forward and sliced off a
piece of quivering flesh from the old man's
check, exclaiming as he held it up :
'•This is Mettiwasset's share of a trai
tor's flesh and blood, and evidence of his
eternal hats of the whOle pale-faced race."
Others followed the example of their
merciless leader, hacking away at the
slowly tortured victim, who bore it all
without a show of flinching. lie knew
that to exhibit the slightest sign of weak
ness, would be merely to enhance the sav
age delight of his tormentors, and his
proud spirit would not succumb to the
fiendish desire on their part, while he had
strength and nerve to bear up under the
The inmates of the garrison had all fled
at the moment they were apprised of the
deadly peril which menaced them—all but
Davie, who could not pass out without be
ing discovered. He knew where his horse
was; and his saddlebag and musket were
in the room with him. There was a small
window of only two panes of glass which
gave light to his little room, and Davie
determined to make his escape through it
into the rear part of the stockade. With
his knife, and very cautiously, he succeed
ed in removing the window; and after
lowering his musket and saddlebags with
equal caution, he crowded out hurriedly
through the narrow passage into the open
air. Brown Bess was in a shed-stall near
at hand, and in a few moments he was
mounted and ready fim flight.
Just at that moment he heard a pierc
ing scream, which he could not doubt had
proceeded from the lips of Mrs. Waldron ;
and with a sudden impulse to befriend her
he wheeled his horse up to the window of
the room where the torture was still going
The fiends had torn the vestment from
the unflinching bosom of the dying coin-
mandant, and were actually on the point
if cutting his heart out. The sight of
4uch inhuman butchery, and such agony
AS was portrayed in the features of the
young wife, was too much fur the caution
of the resolute boy; and with a firm hand,
and determined eye, he took a quick aim
it the wretch and fired. He saw him leap
ip and fall, with the bloody knife still
grasped in his murderous hand, before he
put spurs to Brown Bess, and dashed out
f the stockade. Before he had gone a
dozen rods, he heard the savages whooping
Ind shouting on the outside, and compre
tended in a moment that they were in
search for the one who had fired the single
shot which had laid one of their number
ow. But Brown Bess was wide awake,
did in two minutes she had carried the
brave boy out of hearing of the garrison.
For two hours the faithful creature did
her best, and two thirds of the distance to
his cabin home had already been meas
ured, when he heard the startling signal of
wolf a little to the right of the path he
was pursuing. The ringleader's cry was
answered by a dozen more, whose sharp,
ringing howl seemed to come from differ
ent parts of the surrounding forest.
He had no time to load his musket, but
he could use his knife if the brutes pressed
too hotly upon him. If he could succeed
in killing one, he now happily remembered
to have heard his father say, the rest of
the ravenous pack would stop and devour
the carcass before proceeding further.
The knowledge gave him courage and
nerved his youthful arm for the approach
ing struggle. The long, hungry howls
grew ,nearer and more distinct every in
stant, sending a chill of dread to the brave
heart of the heroic boy. But he was brave,
and meant to show fight to the last, while
the trusty old mare put forth her best ef
forts to escape.
At last the dark, gaunt forms of his
famished pursurers came one after another
in view behind him, and a few moments
later the leader of the pack leaped up with
wide oped mouth, and fastened upon the
foaming flank of the mare; quick of ac
tion, Davie whirled in his saddle and drove
his long knife to the hilt in the exposed
breast of the snarling monster. He loos
ened his hold and dropped to the ground,
and the next moment a dozen of his hun
gry followers were tearing him in pieces.
The old mare rushed on with accelerated
speed after this, and Davie saw no more of
his wolfish foes. In less than half an hour
he was at the cabin, shouting to his father
to unbar the door. After Brown Bess was
stabled in her low shed, Davie related his
adventures to his astonished parents, who
trembled at the thought of how narrow
had been his double escape, and thanked
God for his merciful intervention.
'fading the Wien.
Woman Suffrage,
The enfanchisement of woman, or rather
her right to practice whit she claims is
possessed or conferred by the Constitution,
ia nearer than moot people have any idea,
and not too near, we are free to declare,
for the purity of elections and the good of
society. A recent decision of the Supreme
Court of the District of Columbia reco, ,,
nizes the fact that the Constitution of the
United States confers this right on woman.
Judge Carter and the entire court, how
ever, meet the issue resolutely and well,
declaring that the amended Constitution,
in plain words, confers upon woman full
citizenship, with all and every right, privi
lege, and immunity pertaining to Ameri
can citizenship. This is the most sub
stantial advance of the cause of women
since the adoption of the great amendments.
The Supreme Court of the United States
can only reaffirm this decinion. The lan
guage of the Constitution is too plain.
There is no Leed, then, of a sixteenth
amendment. Under our amended Consti
tution it is decided that woman can have
the ballot.
The future of the ballot is upon the
question whether the right to vote is' a
natural one or a conventional right, or
rather, whether it is a right incidental to
citizenship, and, being essential to the
performance of the duty of a citizen, in
separable from citizenship; or whether it
is a non-essential privilege, to which all
citizens are eligible, but from the exercise
of which some classes may be debarred,
and to the exercise of which classes of
citizens now debarred can be introduced
only by further actual legislation.
This decision will give a new impulse
to agitate on the subject of woman's rights,
and we may now expect to see and hear
politicians who heretofore held themselves
aloof from taking part in the movement
for female suffrage, entering very boldly
on its avocacy. Nothing so much stimu
lates American statesmen in favor of a
measure as its success.—State Journal.
Cigars and Economy,
"Father, do you remember that mother
asked you for two dollars this morning ?"
"Yes, my child; what of it ?"
"Do you remember that mother didn't
get the two dollars ?"
"Yes; and I remember what little girls
don't think about."
"What is that, father ?"
"I remember that we are not rich. But
you seem in a brown study. What is my
daughter thinking about ?"
"I was thinking tow much one cigar
"Why, it costs ten cents—not two dol
lars by a long ahot."
"But ten cents •three times a day is
thirty cents."
"That is as true as the multiplication
"And there are seven days in a week."
"And seven times thirty cents are two
hundred and ten cents."
"Hold on ; I'll surrender. Here, take
the two dollars to your mother, and tell
her I'll do without cigars for a week."
"Thank you, fathr; but if you had
only said a year. It would savemore than
a hundred dollars. We would have shoes
and dresses, and mother a nice bonnet,
and lots of pretty things."
"Well, to make my little girl happy I
will say a year." . .
."01; ! that will be so nice ! But
wouldn't it be ab.'ut as easy to say always ?
Thea we could have the money every
year, and your lips would be so much sweet
er when they kiss us "
"And then you could subscribe for the
HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, that we so much
delight to read, and we wouldn't bother
our neighbors by borrowing."
"Do pa."
"I will."
The list of taxable property in New Or
leans has just been printed, and shows a
total of 8159,520,344, The amount of
real estate assessed is 8123.445,700.
The Hyde Park Disaster,
In an article on the recent caving in of
the Oxford mines, at Hyde Park, the
Scranton &publican says:
"The lk&• is that the system of mining
coal throughout the whole of the anthracite
region is such as to makelbe property im
mediately over the scene of operations val
ueless. Of course this has not been the
case as yet, because sufficient time has not
elapsed to rot tic props and pillars. But
the time will come when many districts,
which are now apparently secure, must go
under, involving and inestimable destruc
tion of life and property. In a few years
more, if the operations are continued, the
whole of Hyde Pat k will be undermined,
and left standing on wooden props and
skeleton pillars, like a person on stilts. And
suppose the region to be visited by an emo
tion of an earthquake which would pass
away iu another region without any disas
trous consequences, what would be the fate
of the ten or fifteen thousand inhabitants
of that borouzli ? Our attention was call
ed a few days ago to the mining operations
going on in Hyde Park in the vicinity of
the Scranton Stove works. The hands
employed in this manufactory can distinctly
hear the blasting beneath and feel the tre
mor of the earth succeeding the explosion.
This district is rapidly being built up, and
some buildings are heavy brick structures
if, therefore, there is little left but props of
wood to support the earth, a caving in may
naturally be expected some day, attended
by terrible results."
Tho Fireproof Negro in Maryland
The Denton (Maryland ) Union, af
ter correcting some statements going the
rounds about Nathan Coker, the colored
man known as the "Caroline fire king,"
goes on to say : He can, however, eat
red hot anthracite coals, stir up red hot
coals in a furnace with his naked hands,
lick a red hot bar of iron until it is cold,
receive molton lead into his mouth and
keep it there until it cools, and it has been
said that he has walked on a red hot bar
of iron barefoot. This fact we have never
witnessed ourselves, although we have seen
him apply a red hot bar of iron to his bare
feet, and keep it there until it has lost its
redness. But we have noticed there are
times when fire seemed to affect him, and
we have seen him start back from its touch.
We remember a few years ago, while he
was mixing lime for the plasterers, who
were at work finishing a building for us
in this town, he ran his hand into the lime,
while it was being slaked, to take out the
core, but he withdrew it in a twinkling.
The lime burned him, and he felt its effects
very sensibly. Another time a company
of young men got Coker rather badly.
He made a wager with them of twenty
dollars that he could sit on a red hot stove
for fifteen minutes. The stove was heated
up until it was aglow with redness. The
fire king teok his seat, and actually, it is
said, sat oat ten minutes of the time, but
one of the wags, pouring a little coal oil in
the stove, drew him from his position in
double cl• ick.. and burned him severely.
He is a remarkable negro, and no one has
yet been able to explain his dealings with
the element.
At the last gession of the Legislature, a
joint committee, consisting of Senators
J. Depuy Davis, of Becks, James S. Rutan,
of Beaver, Edwin Albright, of Lehigh,
and Representatives John S. Mann, of
Potter, B. L Hewit, of Blair, and James
Ellis, of Schuylkill were appuinted to re
vise the Civil Code, and report their ac
tion to the next Legislature. On Tuesday
last this committee had a very satisfactory
meeting in Philadelphia, where the sub
ject was fully examined and much inter
esting discussion was had. On Monday
evening next, the joint committee will
meet in Harrisburg.
In the meantime, it is asked that attor
neys in all parts of the State will present
their views, in writing, on the Code as
published. The object is to secure such
perfection in the codification of the civil
laws of the State as will make it not only
unobjectionable on all points, but a lasting;
benefit to the people.— State Jornal, litl2
Miscellaneous News Items ,
The emigration returns at Liverpool for
October shows 14,363 departures for the
United States.
There is not an unmarried lady in Ca
margo, Illinois, and not a single marriage
able young man.
Several valuable chalk beds have been
discovered near the Osage river, in Morgan
county, Missouri.
Persons at Red Oak, lowa, are buying
corn at fifteen cents per bushel to use as
fuel, being cheaper than coal.
A Crab apple tree in Winnimac, Indiana,
has blossomed and borne three crops of
fruit during the present year.
A Richmond woman asks for a divorce,
saying that she had not seen her husband
since he had murdered her father.
The young ladies are all getting their
skates and skating costumes in readiness,
preparatory to opening the winter's cam
There are five months in this year hav
ing five Sundays each—a thing which does
not accur oftener than once in fifty years.
Frank Cook, of Provincetown, caught
in his net last week a mackerel twenty
inches long and eleven inches in circumfer
The Melbourne Chamber of Commerce
has decided to have monthly steam com
munication between Australia and San
The Swiss residents of New York city
celebrated the 56th aniversary of Swiss
liberty by a ball and .banquet, Friday
Bears are becoming quite troublesome
in some portions of Wi cousin. They are
killing cattle, sheep and hogs, and often
attack men.
Fifty tons of cheese were manufactured
at the Trenton, Pis., factory this season.
The factory at Oakville has manufactured
85,000 pounds.
It is thought that 100,000 hogs will be
packed in St. Joe, Mo., during the present
season. Farmers ask 3i cents per pound,
buyers offer 3 cents.
Mr. Rufus Porter, of Lewistown, 111.,
recently received a box containing eight
Italian queen bees, direct from Switzerland.
The expense was $45.
A bride received, among other wedding
presents, recently, two sewing machines,
three pianos, twelve ice pitchers and eight
family Bibles, large size.
gilt WOW= taillO,
Extravagant Dressing
A noble and earnest life, tender-heart
edness and loving sympithy for all man
kind, forgetfulnees of vanity and forgetful
ness of self in remembering the sorrow of
others are more to be valued in a woman
than a pretty face and an elaborate toilette.
Who'll will women leave these idle and
foolish pursuits of shadows to-toke up the
serious and earnest duties of life ?
The woman whose mind is continually
engrossed with fashionable furbelows
whose very ideas are beraled and flounced
—whose acme of ambition is to appear al
ways in the newest style—has no time or
thought for better things.
Her heart becomes encrusted with sel
fishness and her life is a failure since it
confers no blessing upon the world.
She loses her capacity for real enjoy
ment and is sure to be unhappy, although
no great sorrows may fall to her lot.
The merest trifles disturb her equanimi
ty; an ill-fitting dress is an insufferabh
vexation ; and being eclipsed by her neigh.
bor drives her to the verge of despair.
She gathers all her glory from outward
adornment, and is content to sine with a
reflected light, rather than from the noble
ness and purity of soul within.
A wcmin wlts not meant to be a butter
fly fur the displaying of gaudy colors
Neither does she enhance the gift of
beauty by following all the senseless dic
tates of fashion. What grace is there in
the ugly punier, what attraction can be
supposed to lurk in a mass of false hair—
and where is the sense or use, in covering
a dress with such a vast amount of "trim
ming" that it loses all beauty and grace of
outline, and only suffices to bewilder and
fatigue the eye.
But there Is no end to woman's extrava
gance in dress. And there never will be
until woman learns to scorn the idea of be
ing admired for the wardrobe she displays,
instead of for her own charming self. The
woman who is lovable in point lace and
silk, is just as lovable in a simple muslin.
The man who is given to a fondness of
dress is sneered at as a fop. He is not
considered manly.
To be well dressed it is not necessary to
be extravagantly dressed, and the wrong
of lavish and foolish expenditure can be
easily understood when we consider that
the mere cost of superfluous trimming of
fashionable garments would clothe the
great army of earth's needy ones.
The price of an Indian shawl would
keep starvation from a poor man's home
for many a year. The almost fabulous
amount• paid for a few yards of lace would
rescue many an unfortunate from destitu
tion—would bring relief to suffering ones,
and give the comforts of home to starv
ing children. Think of this, oh. woman
of fashion and pause before you squander
away the gold your suffering brother or
sister needs.
A few less gewgaws would not rob you
of any happiness, but the cost of these
expended in relieving .want....wmilii _not
only prove a blessing to others, brit also
enrich your own lives.
She who bears the light into dark places
must herself reflect its radiance.
And who would not rather be an angel
of mercy, than a mere doll rusting in silk
and sparkling with gems.— Sophia Sparkle.
High-Heeled Boots
It is worthy of note that while a malig
nant hatred of Chinese is fomented under
cover of hostility to their immigration, our
females have fallen in love with Chinese
costumes and customs, in some respects,
and accepted them as models. The pic
tures of Chinese ladies to which one has
been accustomed for many years, bear a
close resemblance to the American belle of
today. The repulsive hump, the crippled
feet and the mincing gait of our women, if
they do not fortify the Dawiniau theory of
the origin of the species from monkeys, at
least give the appearance of retrograding
monkeywards. The dress, uncouth and
deforming as it is, would not of itself de
serve notice; but the high heels, crippling
the feet and distorting the limbs, are an
outrage on grace, on anatomy, on human
ity, entitling the authors, could they be
detected, to criminal responsibility.
A convention of corn doctors, in the in
terest of their trade, could not devise a
better scheme for good times. Women
whose pedals are solidified may escape with
only corns, of which we hope and pray
they may have a full crop. But that a
whole generation of little girls should have
their toes jammed into the points of their
boots to do the work of heels, and their
legs should be thrown out of their natural
balance, and the pliant bones bent into
semi -circles, is a sacrifice to fashion which
would disgrace a nation of Hottentots.
Should the wicked custom hold a few years
there will not be a decent foot or an aesth
etic leg in our female population, except
among the washerwomen and the like.
All this is a trifle compared with the
mischief done to the pelvis, spine and chest
by the constrained attitude with abnormal
elevation of the heel must of necessity
induce. Fashion is at best a cruel tyrant;
but the whole history of her capricious
rule does not exhibit a grosser violation
of natural laws and a more unpardonable
assault on the beauty and health of wo
man than the invention of high-heeled
boots.—Pacific Medical Journal.
Hints for Housewives
Perhaps some of your housekeeping
readers do not know of certain economical
expedients in domestic managment, that
have somehow crept into our practice.
Brooms are so generally used and abused,
that their freshness worn off they are too
soon discarded. When a broom begins to
succumb to wear and tear, place it in a
pan of boiling water for a few seconds
shaking it well, and drying it quickly in
the sun or near the fire. If the bottom
edge is wearing unevenly, tie a string
around it until it is dry, and trim off the
uneven edge carefully. Whisk brooms
should be treated in the same way.
Clothes pins boiled a few moments and
quickly dried, once or twice a month, be
come more flexible and durable. Clothes
lines will last longer and keep in better
order for wash day service if occasional!)
treated in the same way.
We have discovered a first-rate home
made cement for filling up . cracks in an
old stove or range. The ingredients are
wood ashes and salt ; reduce to a soft paste
with cold water, and fill the cracks when
the stove or range is cool. The cement
will soon become perfectly hard. We
keep an iron spoon in an old tin pan on
hand, ready for duty whenever a crack ap
pears. Fire clay (obtained at the stove
dealers) will sometimes answer, but our
homemade cement is always at command.
NO. 48.
Zhe orne Cale.
Trust Your Mother.
Trust your mother, little one,
In life's morning, just begun,
You will find some grief, some fears,
Which, perhaps, may cause you tears ;
But a mother's kiss may heal
Many griefs that children feel.
Trust your mother—seek to prove
Grateful for her thoughtful love.
Trust your mother, noble youth,
Turn not from the paths of truth ;
In teptation's evil hour
Seek her ere it gains new power.
She will never guide you wrong;
Faith in her will make you strong.
Trust your mother—aim to prove
Worthy of her fondest love.
Trust your mother. maiden fair,
Love will guide your steps with care;
Let no cloud e'er come between—
Let no shadow e'er be seen,
Biding from your mother's heart
What may prove a poisoned dart.
Trust your mother—seek to prove
Worthy of her sacred love.
" Follov — i - My Leader. "
In all sheep-grazing countries you will
find the land all crossed over with little,
narrow, well-beaten paths, formed by the
sheep as they follow each other in regular
order. It is one of the peculiarities of this
animal to always hillow a leader, and one
of great advantage to those who have them
to drive. It would be a difficult matter for
the shepherd to collect his scattered flock at
nightfall, if it were not for this trait. Once
start them on the right road and all is well.
But there is one difficulty about this
blind way they always have of following
the leader. It sometimes happens that the
leader falls over a precipice or makes some
foolish and dangerous move. But his ex
ample is not heeded by the silly sheep.
They all press onward, and do as their
leader did. If he leaps, in a moment of
fright, from a high bridge. all the rest are
quite likely to do the same, unless some
one can reach the spot, and by force turn
them aside.
Boys are fend of playing "Follow my
Leader," and often the play or the reality
goes on when they least think of it. There
are boy-leaders in every school and neigh
borhood; and as their leaders are, so are,
in a large measure, the boys that follow
him. While the boy-leader is a noble,
Manly lad, with his Ligh principles, he is
a blessinc indeed to the little circle. But
where his character is the reverse of all
these, woe to the poor lads who follow his
lead. Not more disastrous is the fate of
the poor sheep who heedlessly follow their
leader over the dreadful precipice, to be
dashed to pieces on the cruel rocks.
1)o not follow the boy who uses bad
language, speaks slightingly of his moth
er's authority, goes rambling off in the
woods on the Sabbath day, and is ready to
fight anye smaller boy who offends him.
To go in his paths is to walk in the ways
of death. The noble Christian boy, who
loves his mother's fireside and reveres her
name, is a far safer associate and guide.
After all, there is no pertect human guide;
but God has given us, in his word, an ex-
Jesits Christ, 'whose example is spotless,
and who will help us to grow more like
Him, if we will but yield ourselves to His
Cheap Pleaiure,
D:d you ever study the cheapness of
some pleasure ? asks some writer. Do you
know how little it takes to make a multi •
tude happy ? Such trifles as a penny, a
word, or a smile, do the work. There are
two or three boys passing along—give
them each a chesnut, and how smiling
they look ! they will not be cross for sonic
time. A poor widow lives in the neigh
borhood who is the mother of half a dozen
children. Send them half a peck of sweet
apples, and they will be happy. A child
has lost his arrow—the world to him, and
he mourns sadly; help him to find it or
make another, and how quickly the sun
shine will play over his sober face; a boy
has as much as he can do to pfle up a load
of wood; assist him a few moments, or
speak a pleasant word to him, and he for
gets his toil and works away without mind
ing it. Your apprentice has broken a
mug, or cut the vest too large, or slightly
injured a piece of work. Say "you scoun
drel !" and he feels miserable ; but remark,
"I am sorry," and he will try and do better.
You employ a man ; pay him cheerfully
and speak a pleasant word to him, and
he leaves your house with a contented
heart, to light up his own hearth with
smiles and gladness. As you pass along
the street you meet a familiar face ; say
"good morning," a' though you felt happy
and it will work admirably in the heart of
your neighbor. Pleasnle is cheap. Who
will not bestow it liberally ? If there are
smiles, sunshine and flowers all about us,
let us not grasp them with a miser's first,
and lock them up in your hearts. No ;
rather let us take them and scatter them
about us, in the cot of the widow, among
the groups of children in the crowded
mart, where men of business congregate,
in our family and everywhere. We can
make the wretched happy, the discontented
cheerful, the afflicted resigned, at an ex
ceedingly cheap rate. Who will refuse
to do it?
"Nona to Whom Ho Can Pray."
Confucius, the greatest and most subtle
intellect China ever produced, once said,
"He who offends against Heaven has none
to whom he can pray." This was the high
est conception of the attributes of the
Eternal, the Maker, to which the heathen
philosopher could attain.
To a thoughtless soul, who is conscious
every day that he "offends against heaven,"
and that "no one liveth and sinneth not,"
what an infinite sadness and despair are
in those words, "None to whom he can
pray." No propitiation for sins, no atone
ment, no salvation,ne hereafter,no heaven.
Acc)rding to the dark creed of Budd
hism, that religion of death, the soul which
has ffended against heaven, when it goes
out from this world, pass... 3 through vari
ous transmigrations, until-it vanishes at
last into the blackness and darkness of
nothingness. It becomes annihilated.
0 awful word ! Annihilation ! To the
fearful and shuddering soul of the heath
en, as it goes out on its dark flight to an
nihilation, what a prospect ! Even the
angels when fallen forever from heaven,
shrunk from the frightful thought of losing
their existence.
"For who would lose,
Though full of pain, this intellectual being,
Those thoughts that wonder through eternity,
To perish rather, swallowed up and lost
In the wide womb of unereated night ?"
But Christianity is the religion of life.
It bids the sinner live. It teaches that he
who offends against Heaven has One to
whom he can pray, who yearns to be sought
in prayer, and who himself intercedes
daily and hourly before the throne of the
Father in his behalf.