The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, November 29, 1871, Image 3

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    e Huntingdon Journal,
dneoday Morning, Nov. 29, 1871
MOIL i LODGZ, No. 303, A. Y. IL, meets second Mon—
'ening of each month, in Brown's building.
WING 870. H. R. A. en serca. No. 201, meets the
uesday evening of each month, in Brown's building.
lOTA LODGE, No. 117, I. 0. 0. F., meets every Friday
tntrd floor, Leister's
. mc Hon CAMP or I. 0. 0 F., metets every second and
Tuesdays, third tl,or, Leistor's building.
:Armes Tam, No. 43. I 0. of R. M., meets r very
day evening, third Boor, tauter's building.
ae MsN's Cifiurriszt Associ trios meets the first and
Ittondsy evenings of each month, in Smith's building.
r 33,0. A. R., meets third Monday of each month in
COLINCM meets the first Friday evening of each
ITINGD3N LODO/I, No. 149, K. of P., meets every Sat
evening, in Smith's
frustum TZXPLA or horns, No. 71, meets the fourth
,y of each month in hood Templar's Hall.
Wsuurrtiusx Om meets every Thursday evening,
Y. MC. A. room. . .
"mown 1,01:1:4411., 0. 11. A. M., meets first and third
'pi of each moutts in Good Templar's Hell•
Sat Church—Washington street Rev. J. W. PLAN-
Services on Sabbath : lt` , A a. m.,7 p. m.
ottc—Washington street. Rev. P. II O'llat.touaN.
es first three Sandaye in every month.
igelical LutheranZMitßat street. Rev. J. J. Kann.
es on Sabbath : 10% a m- 7 p. m.
nen Reformed--Chnrch street. Rev. S. D. SrzcshE.
es ou Sabbath p.
Eptecopal—Chtweb street. Rev. M. K. Forza.
IN on Sabbath: 1)34 a. tn., 7 p. m.
extant street. So Pastor.
byterian -Hid street. Rev. G. W. ZUINIZIM. Ser
a Sabbath : 11 a. m .7 D. at.
OND SESSION.—A gentle...n residing in
ngtoo, D. C., wbo has had a large newspaper ox
en, and is in a po4itian to Pc:nye early .ntelligenee
ial and contemplated moremeuts in Congress and
partments, will supply a daily or weekly letter to
two additional newspapers during the winter. on
able t rms.
;7:hieEditor of the Ifuntination Jorrtr tt, or ad..
'SOLON," 731 Twelfth St., Washington, D. C.
week I gave notice to all persons in
dto me, residing in Huntingdon, that
the 25th inst., their accounts would be
din the hands of an officer. lam mak
ut bills, at THREE DOLLARS A YEAR,
vill put them in the hands of a Justice
)ut delay. I have been compelled to do
I could neither beg, coax, or scald' you,
will'now try what . virtue there is in a
)se residing out of town will be given until
'day, December 9th, to settle their in
:tines& Where lam forced to bring suit
charge myadvertised terms for subscrip
s3 00 per year. My books must be set
and ALL persons failing to attend to this
e will find their accounts in the hands of
roper officer for collection, after the
2-2 t. J. A. NASH.
f Mention--Home-Made and Stolen
member the poor.
rrisburg has pig races.
nrsday is Thanksgiving.
od boys stay at home nights.
noying—Printing office bores.
sting—Scarlet fever, in this place.
ieves arc operating in Mifflin county.
e latest hat out is called the "Alexis."
toons reports ten deaths from small pox.
e hog-committee were busy on Sunday.
Ayes are troubling Juniata county farm-
e we to have a rifle tournament this win-
Min county school teachers institute this
mpleted—The Sunbury and Lewistown
ro inches of snow fell in this place on
ay last.
e brick house for sale or rent on Wash.
,n street.
44quest e dying porkers 13 heard in
r direction.
me yon paid the printer ? If not, do to
re you sleep.
e woman-suffragists meet in Convention
week in Pittsburgh.
)th saint and sinner stoqd on slippery
es on Sunday morning.
le post office ail be closed from 10 a. m.
p. m. on Thanksgiving day.
•owding the thing a little—The fellow who
e an attempt to sleigh on Friday.
' all the nuisances extant, the printing
e bore carries off the blue ribbon.
de bills printed at this office at short no
in good style, and at cheap rates.
post office, at Tyrone, w .8 burglarized,
other night, of one thousand letters.
ae hundred and thirty-three deaths in
adelphia, last week, from small pox.
icendiary fires are so numerous in L.cas
;ounty that farmers employ night watch-
ome again—Over, of the Hollidaysburg
aver, from his western trip, and he looks
large machine shop and foundry was de
yed by fire, at Columbia, on Wednesday
it of last week.
n exchange suggests that church collec
s would be materially increased if taken
)y young ladies
man named Joseph Harpster, of Franks
n township, Blair county, fell dead from
horse, the other day.
re understand all places of business will
dosed on Thursday. Take due notice and
ern yourselves accordingly.
. physician has discovered that the night
. 43, in nine cases out of ten, is produced
n owing a bill to the printer.
he Bethlehem Tinaes says the surest sign of
dd, hard winter, is the number of marriages
dished in all parts of the State.
ay the printer his just dues, and by so do
enhance your chances of receiving a safe
sport to the other side of Jordan.
t paper was received at the Bethlehem post
ne, last week, addressed to the "Professor
Earthquakes, Lehigh University."
to Altoonian, named Geo. Arble, killed two
;s, the other day, that weighed respectively
and 610 pounds. Some pork, that.
ir. David Zook, of Morris toweship, Mifflin
inty, shot a bear, the other day, which
ked the beam to the tune of 240 pounds.
)ur young friend, H. Clay Saxton, of this
.ce, ragged three wild turkeys on Thursday
ruing last. -As a "huntist," Clay is a suc-
Due of Eve's frail daugiters, who Las been
ing around loose" for some time past, was
•niched quarters in our county prison on
nday evenillg.
Ur. Blain McCormick, yard dispatcher, at
toona, was presented wills an elegant gold
ker and handsome chain by his admirers in
at city, the other day.
A free fight came off at a shanty, on Seventh
•eet, on Wednesday night, which resulted in
couple of the participants being provided
th quarters in Fort Neely.
Loring Jones, of Lewisburg, had three teeth
tocked out of his mouth by being struck be
•een the chin and nose while playing "shin
.." Was Jones "shineying" on his own side?
Yenter's Hall, this (Tuesday) evening, will
! ablaze with the French Can Can Troupe,
e only one on this side of the waters. "Paris
Gas Light" is red hot, so Harry Conrad,
e gentlemanly agent says, and he knows.
We understand quite a serious fracas came
fon Railroad street, on Saturday night. As
.ual, whiskey was the cause of it. The par
zipants have been held to bail to answer at
e next term of Quarter Session.
A lady editor of a western paper advertises
for a husband, and says he must be a printer,
and have a press. Our Paul wonders what
kind of a press she wants, and says, "if she
means a press to his bosom, he is her honey
The bones of Hannibal, the monster cle
pliaot, who died at Centreville, BedroM coun
ty, in 1865, and whose remains were interred
there, were removed recently, by Prof. Boyd,
of the Chicago Medical College. It took two
large store boxes and a hogshead to hold them.
A reckless young mall in Erie asked a young
lady at a ball to dance with him, without
waiting for an introduction. The next thing
he did was to dance against the fist of the
girls beau so forcibly that his nose was re
duced to a fragmentary state by the concussion.
A printer, named Charles Bence, has been
operating in various places, to the disadvan
tage of hotel keepers.—Exchange.
We know one who "operated" to our "dis
advantage," last week, by relieving us of a
portion of our wardrobe. For parti,lars see
another column.
neighboring county of Bedford, resides a noble
son of toil, whose head and beard are now
silveried over with the frosts of many winters,
named Bridenthal. He is to this day, an ac
tive, energetic man, who fears neither man nor
devil, and has much less belief in ghosts than
either of the first named parties. We have
known him for years, and surely we have
known him to be an excellent citizen, yet he
has always been the champion of the weak
against the strong, and in behalf of Right and
Justice he has fought, single handed, his hun
dred battles, nor did he ever stop to consider
the result of the contest, sot he, he only
wanted to know that some one was being im
posed upon and he was ready for the affray,
and beneath his ponderous blows the aggres
sor found it convenient to do the fair thing.
This was many years ago when the common
schools had not done as much for the eleva
tion of the race as they have since done.
A long time since, Bridenthal secured a res
deuce in St. Clairsville, a small village named
in honor of General Arthur St. Clair, who was
the firstProthonotary of Bedford county, about
ten miles from Bedford, on the public road
leading to Hollidaysburg, and moved into it.
A short time after Bridenthal occupied the
house lie learned that a report was in circu
lation, among the neighbors, that the house
was haunted, and that the immediately pre
ceding occupant had left it on that account.
He was very much annoyed at the report, not
that he cared anything about it, as far as he
himself was concerned, but lest the family,
which consisted of an excellent wife and a
number of small children, should bear it and
become alarmed. The report was, to the of
feet, that unearthly noises, something like the
moaning and wheezing of a child, were heard
to issue from the house, at all hours of the
night. It was but a short time until the fam
ily was terribly alarmed and Bridenthal's
worst fears realized.
One night he was aroused, from a sound
sleep, by his wife, who was in a wild state of
trepidation, and his attention called to a pecu
liar moaning and wheezing noise, such a pecu
liar noise as lie had never before heard. lie
did all he could to allay the fears of his wife,
but fear of the supernatural is difficult to re
move. He invented many plausible theories
to account for the unnatural noise. And yet
lie bad considerable difficulty in reconciling
himself to them. The truth of it is, that the
man who, in daylight, under the eye of his
officer and the flag of his country, will march
up to the cannon's mouth, will tremble, at the
rustling of the leaves, in the woods, at night.
Bridenthal did not like it a bit. But he com
posed himself as best he could, until daylight,
when his head and nerves would be steadier.
Several sleepless nights thus passed away, and
ever and anon the noises were to be distinctly
heard. The neighborhood was very much
alarmed, and the house became famous in a
few days.
No traces, however, were visible of anything
that could produce the noise. At last Briden
tbal, who is a man of strong common sense,
and who laughed at the idea of a ghost, deter
mined to make a thorough investigation. At
tached to the rear of the house was a summer
kitchen, which was seated almost flat upon the
ground. Ile procured a lever and pried up
one end of this structure, when out popped
a cat, and ran up the street. It stopped short,
when a few yards away, and made the same
noise that they had heard, night after night,
and began to retch, and in a short time it
relieved itself of something, and on examina
tion it was found to be a bone of a chicken,
whiclibad, evidently, been fast in its throat
for a long time. There were no noises of the
kind heard after this. It were well always to
do as Mr. Bridenthal did, and there would he
a very agreeable termination of all ghost sto-
A TUIEVING "TRAMP."—We think it
our duty to warn our brethren of the press to
keep both eyes open for a drunken, worthless,
thieving jour printer named John R. Keelly,
alias Foster, alias the devil knows who. He
visited this place last week, and after begging
money sufficient to keep him drunk for two
days, on Wednesday night he took his departure
for parts unknown—he should be in the coun
try where it is unnecessary to kindle fires a t
night—taking with him, from this office, a
heavy beaver overcoat, a new cloth sack coat,
of a bluish cast, in the pocket of which was a
memorandum book, containing two passes,
and greenbacks sufficient to keep him drunk
for a few days. Said individual is about 5 fee t
6 inches high, slimly built, swarthy complex
ion, long black hair and moustache, slightly
sprinkled with gray. While here he wore a
cap, part of a pair of canvass gaiters, a black
frock coat—rather seedy looking—and half a
pair of pantaloons. lle talks glibby, and at
first sight would be taken for an honest man,
but upon closer scrutiny, any person, ac
quainted with physiognomy, could detect the
true character of this thieving vagabond. Ras
cality is depicted in his countenance, and his
every action characterises him as a first-class
scoundrel, who lives by begging and stealing
from members of a profession which he dis
graces. We hereby give notice to all profes
sional "tramps" to give the JOURNAL establish
ment a wide berth in their wanderings, as we
have "shut down," now, henceforth, and for
' ever, on all such nuisances. As far as we are
concerned, these professional beggars can find
quarters in the poor houses of the country or
starve. We again warn our brethren of the
quill to be on the alert for this thief and
drunken desperado, and we ask, as a special
favor, that they give him the benefit of this
notice. Go for him
Santa Claus has established his headquarters
at the Bee Hive Grocery, for the present sea
son, and Toys and every imaginable article
suitable for [holiday Presents are there in
great abundance. Up to this time several car
loads of goods have been received, and more
are being manufactured expressly for this es
tablishment, so that by the time the Holiday
season fairly sets in there will be a stock on
band equal to any outside of Philadelphia or
New York. Corbin has several tons of Fancy
and Co:nmon Candies on hand, and is prepared
to fill orders for any amount, on the shortest
notice, and at Low. terms than the same ar
ticles can be purchased in the east. If you
want to save money send your orders to the
Bee Hive.
The new M. E. Church, at Mapleton, will be
dedicated on Sunday, December 3d. Several
distinguished ministers will be present. The
public are cordially invited.
ing from a Building.—Yesterday morning soon
after seven o'clock, a terrible accident occur
red which resulted in the death of Mr. Richard
Greenland, carpenter, who lived on Maple
street, near Eleventh. Ile had the contract
for the woodwork of Williams' brick block,
which is now being erected on Court Avenue,
opposite the Turner block, and was engaged
in setting a joint on the top of the building
when the accident occurred, which ended his
life. Ile, in company with two of his men,
had gone to the top of the building soon after
seven o'clock, where they at once went to
lay the joist. The deceased and one of his
men, named Davis, were working near each
other, and as they were so engaged Mr. Green
land happened to stand on the brick wall,with
his face toward the inside of the building, in
order to lift the end of the joist. As he was
doing so, one of the bricks on which he stood
gave way, and he fell backward to the roof of
the store of Mr. Newman, which adjoins the
Williams' block, thirty two feet below where
he was standing, and, falling on his head, was
instantly killed. The two men who were at
work with him on the building, at once low
, cred themselves to the roof of Newman's store,
where Mr. Greenland was lying, and found
that he was quite dead. His head having
struck the corner of a brick which was lying li
on the spot on which he fell, his skull was
found to be crushed in, and death must have
resulted instantaneously. His body was taken
from the roof of Mr. Newman's store as soon
as possible, and taken home, his wife having
first been apprised of tae melancholy fate of
her husband, by some friend of the family.
Mr. Greenland had lived in Des Moines for
about ten years, and was very much respected
by all who knew him. He has always been
known as a straightforward, hardworking, in
dustrious man. He leaves a wife and two
children, one eight years of age, and the oth
er only a year old, to mourn his untimely loss.
His remains were last night takes to Saline,
Jefferson county, to be there interred. Yes
terday afternoon, funeral exercises were con
ducted at his house by Elder Nash, at which
there were present a large number of sympa
Hazing friends of the friends.—Dee Moines
(Iowa) Register, Oct. 27th.
Christmas is coming, and everybody wants
something nice. All they have to do is to call
at Corbin's and get their nice Doll and all
kinds of Toys.
Pitor•. JOAN C. CLARKSON.—We had
the pleasure of taking by the hand, one day
last week, our highly esteemed friend, and co
laborer, of former years, Prof. J. C. Clarkson,
now connected with the Cassville Soldiers'
Orphan School. He is an accomplished, genial
gentleman, and one of the most successful
teachers in Central Pennsylvania. We became
acquainted with Mr. Clarkson when located
at Bloody Run, Bedford county, and we re
member, with him, making almost the entire
canvass of that county, in the year 1864,
starting in at Bridgeport and coming out at
Woodberry and winding up at Bedford. Most
of his speeches, in that campaign,were marked
by great clearness, and were delivered with
splendid effect. We performed heavier labor
in that canvass than we have ever performed
since, which, we suppose, was also the case
of Mr. Clarkson. We labored hard then to
elevate some persons to office, at our own ex
pense, who, in all probability, "went back on
us" before oc, words were cold. This has
generally been our experience. In the spring
following, Mr. Clarkson was a candidate for
County Superintendent of Common Schools,
of Bedford county, and came within six or
seven votes of being elected. Ile shortly af
terwards left the county, and for the last few
years has been connected with the above
school, where he has been brilliantly success
ful. Long may he wave.
All kinds of China Toys on hand. Fancy
Candies, put up in pound boxes, just the thing
for Holiday gifts. Call at the Bee Hive.
HUNTIN.DON, Nov. 20, 1871
Mr. Editor:—The Ladies of the Relief Soci
ety beg leave to state, through your columns,
for the benefit of those who responded so prompt
ly to their call for aid for the North West; that
two W boxes of beddingand clothing, (and bag
of potatoes ,the contribution of Mr. Jno. Thomp
son of Mount Union,) have been forwarded,
freight free, by Penna. Central, and they are
now preparing a third, which they expect to
send to Chicago during the latter part of this
They would be glad to receive contributions
for it also, in money, clothing, groceries, ect..
which can be lett with Mrs. W H. Woods, at
whose house the next box will be packed.
One box was sent to Relief Committee at
Green Bay; the other, iu answer to an appeal
which we give below, being an extract from a
letter received by one of our number from a
"We have just forned a Relief Association
for assisting the destitute in our congregation,
also any special class which may come to our
knowledge—such persons as have not been
able to yet help from the General Fund.
"In the multiplicity of its duties, the G. R.
Association often neglects per.oos who are
really needy. Many of us having knowledge
of such cases, we have concluded it is our
ditty to take up a special work, but our only
way for carrying it on, is by donations from a
distance, as most of our members have lost so
much by the fire, that they are unable to give
much, if anything, to such a fund.
If your town or church has not already done
all you can, could you not send us something?
You may be sure that anything we receive will
go to those only who need it, which, I am sor
ry to say, is not, cannot always be the case, in
such a large body as the G. R. A.
You may ask what shall we send? we nay
anything, anything ever used by man, woman
or child, as there are many families who only
got away from the fire with what they had on.
I hope if you can, you will do something for
us; it would make your heart sick to hear the
tales of distress that we hear, and no way to
help them. I sometimes feel leaving the
city to get rested from the continued excite
ment we have, but if it were right, I cannot
leave my household duties.
Boxes should be directed Fullerton Ave. Re
lief Society, care General Stockton, General
Fright Agent, Chicago. Send the bill of lading
when you start the goods, and put a note into
the box telling where it was sent from.
Truly yours, A. G. W.
RELIEF COMMITTEE, Huntingdon, Pa.—Your
goods for relief of sufferers by late fires in this
State have arrived in good order. Please ac
cept our thanks for your generous sympathy
and aid. In answer to your inquiry, we would
•say we need now pork, Hoar, hay, grain and
money. We have clothing plenty.
Com. of Relief.
Green Bay, Wis., Nov. 16, 1871.
D. S. Africa has just opened the largest as
sortment of Watches, Jewelry, Pen Knives,
Pocket Books, Toys, and Fancy Articles in
Huntingdon. Call and see.
TRIBUTE OF RESPECT.-At a meeting of the
Huntingdon Light Inf intry, N. G. of Pa., held
on the 19th inst., to take action on the death
of Private George Couts, the following prelim
ble and resolutions were adopted :
Whereas, Our late comrade, George Costs,
after long and honorable service as a soldier
during the late Rebellion, and after passing
safely through all the dangers incident to such
a life, has come to a sudden and violent death
under circumstances in which danger was so
little to be expected that it could scarcely be
guarded against
Resolved, That in the deportment of Com
rade Couts, as a soldier and gentleman, we
have an example which we may well remember
and follow, and that to do so will make us
better as members of society and as members
of the military organization to which we be
long. . _
Resolved, That we will attend the funeral
of the deceased in a body, and wear the usual
badge of mourning.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet
ing be spread at large upon the records of the
Company, that these resolutions be published
in the newspapers of the borough, and that a
copy of them be presented to the family of the
deceased. W. K. BURCHINELL,
The writer of the following note, called upon
us during Court, and stopped the JocaNAL, on
his return home, the family, a very intelligent
one, induced him to order it again :
HILL VALLEY, Nov. 20, 1871.
Ma. J. It. DURBORROW, bear,Sir :—Please
continue sending the JOURNAL. After I ar
rived home and told my family that I had
stopped the JOURNAL they insisted so hard that
I should scud for it again that I shall request
you to send it to me. Send last weeks issue
as that will close .the link. Yours truly,
Take a peep in D. S. Africa's Variety Store
and see the animals on wheels, the Walking
Baby and the Gymnasts.
PROMOTION.—Our young friend, James
A. Stewart, of this place, who has been a
brakeman on the passenger trains of the Pa .
Centr.l for some years past, was, on Friday
last, promoted to the position of Baggage
master. We are happy to notice this promo
tion of our young friend ; but it could not be
otherwise, as he discharged the duties of his
first position in such a satisfactory manner as
to win the confidence of his employers.
"Jeemes" is an ex devil of ours, and we take
great pleasure in witnessing his success in
life. Long may he ware.
All kinds of Cakes constantly on hand, and
baked to order, at the Bee Hive. This the
place to buy in order to save money.
FIRE—On last Wednesday evening,
between seven and eight o'clock, fire was dis
covered in the stable in the rear of the "Broad
Top Honse," which, being frame, was, in a
few minutes, almost entirely consumed. The
flames were happily arrested and but little
damage done beyond the destruction of
the stable, though in close proximity to many
valuable buildings. The fire is supposed to
have been the work of an incendiary.
Send in your orders not only for Candies,
but for Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Dates, ac., kc.—
All these articles can be had at the Bee Hive,
and by calling there first you will avoid the
trouble and inconvenience of running from
place to place to replenish your stock.
To THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned de
sire, in this public manner, to express their
gratitude to those good citizens of flutingdon,
who, at the fire in Leistcr's stable on Wednes
day evening, the 22d inst., by their noble and
disinterested efforts, succeeded in saving our
adjoining properties trom the ravages of the
Huntingdon, Pa., November 24,1871.
SErtious ACCIDENT.—Mr. Martin Brum
baugh, of South Woodbeary twp., was danger
ously hurt, on Monday last, by the bursting
of a circular saw which he was attending. A
piece of the saw struck him in the breast, cut
ting some of the bones and making an ugly
and dangerous wound. When last heard from,
hopes were entertained of his recovery. Mr.
Brumbaugh is a brother of Commissioner J. S.
Brumbaugh and a very worthy man.—Bedford
ACCIDENTS.—One day last week Mr.
Brant was thrown from a buggy and seriously
scratched and bruised.
On last Saturday Mr. Davidson, the General
Agent for Juniata Valley Fire Insurance Com
pany, was, also, thrown from a buggy and had
his leg broken above the ankle.
Mr. W. W. Sheibley has retired from the
Morrison House, and Mr. Clover, of McVeytowu,
takes his place. See card in another column.
♦zINE, for December, is a capital number. It
contains articles on The Eternal City; An
Autumn Memory ; The Haunted Lake ; French
Royal Chateaux; Witnesses; A Good Invest•
meat; Jonny ; The First American
Expedition ; The Old Norse Colonies of Green
land ; The American Baron ; Henry Brougham;
The Darkness and the Dawn ; The Arithmetic
of God; Bella's Beginnings; Not To-Day;
Apian Psychology and Sociology; In the
Heart of a Hill ; Last Days ; Editor's Literary
Record, Scientific Record, Historical Record
and Drawer. Hnrper C Bros., New York. Price
$4 per annum. For one at Blair's Book Store.
Yortio FOLKS, for December, is a charmi.g
number. It is the grandest juvenile Magazine
published. This number c.mtains Jack Haz
zard and his Fortunes; In the Fisher's Hut
(poem); A Trip to the Big Trees ; Bluebirds
in Autumn (poem); How Tommy rode the
Horse to Water ; The Dog of Melrose and his
Mistress; Fido's Fancies (poem); Major Nash
and his Bear Stories; A Stormy Day's Pas
time; The Story of the Panay; "Give them
Mothers" (poem) ; Our Young Contributors ;
The Evening Lamp; Our Letter Box. Price
$2 a year. For sale at Blair's Book Store.
EVERY SITURDAY.-With the close of the
year 1871, Every Saturday will drop its picto
rial character. Its last number in pictorial
form will bear date December 30, 1871. On
and after January 1, 1872, its publication will
be continued in the original character in
which, during a period of four years (1866-
1809), it gained the highest favor from many
thousands of intelligent and thoughtful read
ers throughout the country. The publishers
confidently hope by making it emphatically
"A Journal of Choice Rending" to commend
it, not only to its earlier readers, but to those
who, during the two years of its publication as
an illustrated journal,have afforded it the most
substantial tokens of their appreciation and
good will.—Standard.
AMERICLN HottEs:—The December number of
this popular dollar magazine contains several
excellent illustrations, and interesting articles
or stories by Col. Thos. W. Knox, Col. It. IL
Conwell, Julius A. Palmer, Jr., Geo. E. Mc-
Neill, C. Henry St John, Miss Mary E. Leon
ard, Edwin Ballard, and other able and fasci
nating writers. The various departments de
voted to The Household, Table Talk, Sabbath
Thoughts, Physiology, Our Boys and G.rls,
Witty Sayings and Doings, Farm and Garden,
Mechanics and Artisans, Masonry, Odd Fel
lowship, Grand Army, and Knights of Pythias,
are filled with interesting and appropriate mat
ter. The words and music of a popular hu
morous song are also given. This magazine
which is only one dollar a year, is meeting
with great success. It is for sale by all news
dealers, and is circulated for subscription by
agents who work on cash commissions, and
are wanted in every city and town in Ameri
ca. Chas. H. Taylor It Co., 51 Water St.,
Boston, are the publishers.
"CHRIOT3IAS CIIIMES."—A choice collection
of Christmas Carols. Juit published by J. L.
Peters, 599 Broadway, New York. It is issued
in pamphlet form, Psalmody size, and contains
the following Hymns :
Babe of Bethlehem—Brightest and Best—
Christ is Born—Christmas is here—Come, ye
Faithful—Hail to the Lord—Hark ! the Angles
—Holy Voices—Expected Jesus—Babe is born
—Holy Night—Christmas Eve, Little Children
—Star ofßethlehem—Merry Christmas—Noel I
Noel I—Christmas Tree—Whisperings in Bea
yen—Snow on the Ground—and While Shep
herds Watched.
Sent, post-paid, for 20 cents each ; 50 for
$8; 100 for $l5.
Sent, per express, 500 for $O5 ; 1000 for $l2O
to hand, containing nineteen choice pieces of
Vocal and Instrumental Music, all of which
can be had for 30 cents. It seems bard to
believe that so much can be furnished for such
a small sum, but we know that it is. It comes
regularly every month, and contains nothing
but good music.
Bound volumes for 1871 are offered, post
paid, for $5. They come elegantly bound in
crimson cloth, gilt sides and edges, and are
guaranteed to contain $5O worth of choice
Piano Music, (some 200 pieces.) If ordered
per express, $4.50 will secure it. We would
advise all those seeking Holiday Presents to
bear this work in mind. Music is always a
proper present to a lady, and in noother shape
can the same amount of good music be
bought. It is published by J. L. Peters, 599
Broadway, New-York.
AN OPENING.—We know of a good
opportunity for some enterprising person or
persons to buy out a store in a railroad town.
The present firm is doing a good business, and
trade still increasing. For particulars address
"Herald" office,
nov22-2t. Tyrone, Pa.
BEDFORD Cot:mos.—Proposals will be re
ceived at the Contract Office, of the Poet Of
fice Department, until 3 p.m., of March 1, 1872,
(to be decided on or before March 30, 7872)
for conveying the mails of the United States
from July 1, 1872, to June 30, 1876, on the
routs, and by the schedules of departures and
arrivals herein specified. Alt bide of $5OOO
and upwards, must be accompanied by a check or
draft, of not Less than five per cent. of such bid.
2889 Prom Chambersburg, by St..bomas, Mount Perm),
Loudon, M'Connelleburg, llarrisouville, Ray's Hill,
and Bloody Run, to Bedford, to miles and bask, six
times awe k.
LeaveChumbersburg daily, except Sunday, at 1.30
Arrive at McConnellsburg by 6 p.m.
Leave McCounellsburgh daily, except Sunday, at
_ .
4 a. m.
Amy, at Chambersburg 1,710 a. ni
Leave Mceotinelleburi daily, except Sunday, at 4 a.
A rrive at Bedford by 11.30 a. m.
Leave Bedford daily, except Sunday, at 11 a. ru.
Arrive at McCoimellaburg by 6.30 p. m.
Thin route will be let subject to curtailment, by reit
. „. .
eon 75.17; . 7 ail ;;;;1 exteosiOzul hom ChamberolMri and
289 i From Lewistown to Strode's Mills, 6 miles and back,
three times a week.
Leave Levrlitown Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
at 4p. m.
Arrive at Strode's Mills by 6 p. m ;
Leave .S'troile's Mills Tuesday, Thursday, and Satar•
day at . l ; p.m;
Arrive at by 3 p. m.
2898 From Newkm 11 unllton to Atkinson's Mills, 5 miles
and back, twice a week.
Leave IN eviti.o Hamilton Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m.
Arrive at Atkinson's Mills by 7.15 p: m.
. .
LeaveAtkiuson's Mills Tues . day and Friday at 4 p.m.
Arrive at Newton Hamilton by 5.3 u p. m.
2899 From Reedsville, by Kisbacoquillas, Belleville, Men
a, A lienville and Airy Dale, to Mill Creek, 25 miles
and back, six times a week to Belleville. 9 miles, and
three times a week the residue
Leave Reedsville daily, except Sunday, at 4 p.m.
Arrive at Belleville by 6.30 p. m.
Leave Belleville daily, except Sunday, at 6 a. m.
Arrive at Reedatille by 8.3 u a. m.
Leave Belleville Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
8a m.
Arnve at Mill Creek by 11 a. in.
I.eave Mill Creek Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
at 10 a. m.
lit;;;;; LelWyllie by 3 p. m.
2902 From Vineyard Mille to Mount Union, 0 nines and
back, ?nee a week, bye schedule otdepartnrea and
arrivals satisfacto;y 'to the postmaster at vlueyard
NO3 From Mount Union, by Aughwick Mills, Shirleys
burg, Orbisonia and Shade Gap, to Burnt Cabins,
26 miles and back, six tunes a week.
Leave Mount Union daily, except Sunday, at S a. In.
Arrive at Burin Cabins by 3 p. w.
Leave Burnt Cabins daily, except Sunday, at 5 a. m.
Arrive at Mount Union by 11 a. m.
2904 From Mount Union, by Hill Valley and Saltillo, to
Three Springs, 14 miles and back, three tiniest&
Leave Mount Union Mouthy, Wednesday and Friday
at 2 p. m.
Arrive at Three Springs by 6
Leave Three Springs Monday, G and Friday
at 6a. m.
Arii;eUiMount Union by 10 a. m.
2.905 From Mapleton Depot, by !lair's Talley, Ilubbels—
vine, New Grouses and Spearsville (n. o.) to Well's
Tannery 25 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Mapleton Depot Saturday at 8 a. m.
Arrive at Wells Tannery by 4 p. m.
Leave Wells Tannery Fi'idti'y at S a. m.
Arrive at Mapleton Depot by 4 p. m.
Proposal invited for twice a week service, also for ex.
tension from Wells Tannery, by tiraceys Store (n.
2906 From Mill Creek, by Collar, Calvin, Cassville, Tod,
and Eagle Foundry, to broad Top, 26 miles and
buck, three times a week.
Leave 31111 Creek Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at 4.30 p. ni.
Arnve at Caasville by 8.30 p. m.
Leave Cssaville Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
S a. m.
Arrive at Mill Creek by 12 m.
Lenve Cassville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
7 a. m.
',rive at Broad Top by 10 a m.
Leave Broad Top Tuesday, Tburs.l..y and Saturday M
1 p. m.
. .
Arnie at Casstille by 4p. m.
2907 From Broad Top by New Grenada, Dublin Mills and
Fort Littleton to Burnt Cabins, L miles and back,
twice a week.
road Tup Tuesday and Friday at II a m.
Arrive at burutCabius 1;y 4 p. m.
Leave Burnt (shim, Monday and Thursday at 10 a. ns.
Arrive at lir,itlyop by 3 P.. m.
Proposals invited fur tii-we ' ekly service.
2908 From Three Springs by Dublin Mills, Ilustontown
and Harrisonville to sipe's Mills, 30 tulles and back
once a week.
Leave Three Springs Friday 7 a. to.
Arrive at Sipe's Mills Saturday at 5 p. m.
Leave slpe's Saturday at 7a. ;
Arrive at . Tliree Springs by 5 FL m.
2009 From Orblsonia, by Meadow Gap, Maddeneville, Fort
Littleton and Knoblawille, to 51Tonuellsburg, 25
miies and back twice a week.
Leave Orbieoma Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p. m.
Arri at Fort Littleton by 6p. to.
Leave Fort Littleton Tuesdays and Saturday at 7.70
tt, m.
Arrive at Orbisonia by 11.30 a. to.
Lease Fort Littleton Monday and Friday at 9.30 t at.
Arrive at 51Tonnellstarg by 11.30.
Leave ArCunnellsburg Slinilay and Friday at 1 p. m.
. .
Arrive at Fort Littlet n by 4 p. m.
Proposals invited for three times a week Pervice.
2910 From Dudley to Broad Top. 2% miles .d back, six
times a week, by a schedule of departure and arri
rids satisfactory to the postmaster at Broad Top.
2911 From Huntingdon by Wilsonia (n. o.) to Donation, 8
miles and back, twice si week.
Leave Huntingdon Monday and Friday at 4 p. m.
. .
Arrive at DoniTtion by 6 p:m.
Leave Donation idmday .d Friday at 1 p. ni.
Arrive at Huntingdon by 3 p.
2912 From Shaver's Creek, by Cottage, Neff's Mills, Man
or Hill, Saulsburgh. Eoniaville, M'Aley's Fort, and
tireenwoud Furnace to Belleville 21 miles and back,
threw timer, a week.
Leave Shaver, Creek Monday. Wednesday, and Friday
at 10. So a. m. or on arrival of mail Hain.
Arrive at Belleville by 5 p. m.
Leave Belleville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
Arrive at Shaver's Creek by 12 in.
Proposals invited for sin times a week service to Mc-
Alevy's Fort, (14 miles,) and three times a week the
2913 From Spruce Creek by Cotentin Forge, Frauktinville,
Graysville, Rock Spring, Pine (trove Mills, Heals
burgh, and Leaden Hail, to Centre Hall, 30 miles
and back, six times a week.
Leave Spruce Creek daily, except Sunday, at 9 a. m.
Arrive at Centre Hall by 6 p. m.
Leave Centre Hall daily except sunolay, at 6 a. nt.
Arrive at Spruee Creek by 3 p. m.
2914 From Warrionmoark to Olivia, 2% miles and back,
six times a week by a schedule of departures and
arrivals satisfactor, to the postmaster at 91 urriono
2915 From Rays Hill, by Ackersvilla, Gapsville, Emma
ville, Locust Grove, Sideling Hill, and Warfords
burg, to Hancock (Md.) 28 miles and back three
times a week.
Leave Ray's Hill Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
Arrive at Hancock by 4 p. w.
Leave Handcock Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
7 a. m.
Arrive at Ray's ill by 3p. m.
92 From Bloody Run by Clearville, Robinsonville, Buck
Valley, aiid Franklin Jlilis, to WaribriLsburg, 30
miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Moody Run Tuesday and Friday at 7. a.m.
Arrive at Warfordsburg by 3 p. m.
Leave Wartbrdsburg Wcdneiday and Saturday at S
a. in.
Arrive at Bloody Run by 4 p. m.
2926 From Mount Dallas Station (n. o) to Bedford, 6%
milm and back, six times a week, in close connec
tion with the mail traius, in a manner satisfactory
to the postmaster at Bedlord.
This route will not be let; covered by railroad ser-
2927 From Clmrville by Percell aml Green Point to Or
leans Crass Roads, West Va. 75 milmand back twice
a week.
Leave Clearville Tuesday and Saturday at 1030 a. m.
Arrive at Purcell by 1.30 p. to.
Leave Purcell Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a. m.
Arrive at Clearville by 9 a. in.
Leave Purcell Monday and Friday at 10 a. in.
Arrive at Orleans Cruse Roads by 2 p. in.
Leave Orlmns Cross Roads Monday and Friday at
Arrive at Purcell by 7 p. m.
2928 From Bedford by Bedford Springs, Charlesville, Rains
burgh, Chaneysville, Elbinsville and Flint Stone, to
Cumberland, Md., 37 miles and back three times a
Leave Bedford Tuesday, Thursday and Satur . day at
7 a. 111.
Arrive at Flint Stone by 3 p. m.
Leave Flint Stone Mxrday, Wednesday and Friday
at 10 a. m.
Arrive at Bedford by 0 p.m.
Leave Flint Tuesday, Thereday and Saturday at
3,10 p. m.
Arrive nt Cumberland by 6.30 p. m.
Leave Cumberland Monday, Wedrienday and Fri
ay at 7 a. m.
Arrive at Flint Stone by 10 a. m.
2929 From New Bridgeport to Cumnerland Talley, 4 miles
and back, by a schedule of departures and arrivals
in close connection with mail trains, and to be antic{
factory to the postmaster at Cumberland Valley.
Proposals invited for six times a week service,
2930 From Schellsburg by New Buena Vista, to New Bal
timore 9 miles and back, twice a week.
Leave Schellsburg Monday and Friday at 1 p. m.
Arrive at New Baltimore by 4 p. m.
Leave New. Baltimore Monday and Friday ac 9 a. m.
Arrive at Schellsburg by 12 m,
1 From Spring Hope to Schellsburg 5 miles and back,
once a week, by a schedule of departure and arri
_ vale satisfactory to the postmaster at Spring Hope.
PrUP;aaleft;;;;;a j fUr twice a week service. ---
2 2 From Schellsburg to New Paris, Six Roads, Alum
Bank and Spring Meadow to St. Claireville, 10 miles
and back, mice a week.
Leave Schellsburg Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a. m.
Arrive at St. Clairsville by 12 m.
Leave St. Clairsvii le Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p. m.
Arrive at Schellsburg by 7 p. m.
2933 From St. Clairsville, by Mowry's Mills to Pavia, 10
miles and Inca,twice a week.
Leave St. Clairsvile Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p. m.
Arrive at Pavia by 4 p.m.
Leave Pavia Tuesday and Saturday at 9 a. m.
Arrive at St. Clairsville by 12 m.
293/ From Bedford, by Stuckeysville, Schellsburg, Burns'
Mills, B uckstown, Stoyeatown, den ue r's Cross Roads,
Jeinierstown, Laughlintown, Ligonier and Youngs
towu to Latrobe, 39 miles and back, 6 times a week.
Leave Bedford daily, except Sunday at 6 a. m.
Arrive at Laughlintown by 6 p. ca.
Leave Laughlintown daily, except Sunday, at 6 a. m.
Arrive at Bedford by 6 p. m.
Leave Laughlintowu daily except Sunday, at 6 a. m.
Arrive at Latrobe in time for mail for Pittsburg, say
by 10.30 a.m.
Leave Latrobe daily, except Sunday, at 1.30 p. m.
Arrive at Laughlintown by 6 p. m.
2935 From Bedford by Imlertown, St. Clairsville, Sarah
and East Freedom to Newry, 28 miles and back. sif
times a week.
Leave Bedford daily, except Sunday, at 7 a. m.
Arrive at Newry by 3 p. m.
Leave Newry daily, except Sunday, at 11 a. tn.
Arrive at Bedford by 7 p. m.
2936 From Hopewell, by Yellow Creek, Pattonsville, New
Enterprise and Waterside to Woodbury, 15 vales
and back, six times a week.
Leave Ilopewell daily, except Sunday, at 12 m.
Arrive at Woodbury by 4 p. m.
Leave Woodbury daily, except Sunday, at 7.30.
Arrive at Hopewell by 11 a. m.
2737 From Hopewell by Well's Tannery and West Dublin
to Harrisonville, 32 miles and back twice a week.
Leave Hopewell Wednesday and Saturday at 12 m.
Arrive at Harrisunville by 6p. m.
Leave Ilarrisouville Wednesday and Saturday at
5 a. m.
Arrive atHopewell by ll a. in.
2937 From Riddleaburg to Six Mile Run, 2% miles aud
back, six times a week, by a sehedule of departure
and arrivala satisfactory to the postmaster at Six
Mile Run.
Foa SALE.—A dwelling house and half lot
of ground, situated on Muffin street, in the
borough of Huntingdon, numbered 209 iu
plan of said borough, is offered for salt. The
house contains nine rooms, with ga3, in all of
them, and a well of good water at the door,
with stable and carriage-house on rear of lot.
For pirtieulars apply at or address No. 111,
4th street, Huntingdon, Pa. oetlB-tf.
Country dealers must not wait too long if
they want to have a nice stock of Fine and
Common Candies for the Holidays. You can
buy them right at the Bee Hive.
The name of ales Howe
Is proclaimed by every tongue;
Bring laurels, and a wreath for his brow,
Who invented the blessing for old and young.
oar For genuine Original Howe Sewing Ma
chines improved, go to Brown's Carpet Store.
Brown manufactures and sells choicest styles
of home-made Rag Carpets. Go to his Carpet
Store. [n0y.29.2w
Alaska Furs, Canada Furs, American Furs,
at prices to suit all, and manufactured express
ly for our sales. FIBRIN% k SONS.
If you want to save one-third of your fuel,
buy one of Corbin's Patent Stove Dampers.
BLANKETS, Spreads, Flannels of all kinds
Plaids, Waterproof, &c., &c., just received at
Glazier & Bro's., and selling rapidly. Now is
the time for bargains. [nov.l6-3t
Fon choice Goods and reasonable prices, go
to Glazier & Bro.'s. [Novl6-3t.
Velvets( n from 85 cents up. White Volvo
Cord, for Ladies' Sacques, at Henry & Co.'s 3
Fon Clothing that fits well, looks well,
wears well, and is sold cheap, go to Glazier At
Bro's. [Novl6-3t.
ROM 11. JACOB, wholesale and retail dealer
in Anthracite and Barnet Broad Top Coal,
105, 4th street. [jun. 21.
Buffalo Robes, Fancy Robes, Lap Robes, at
Fisher & Sons. [nl6.4t
Furs, Robes, Robes, Furs, Robes, at Fisher
& sons. [nls.4t
Look out for Patton's Prize Rebus.
Window Glass and Putty at Patton's.
March 22, tf.
LADIES Fars from $3 to $lB per bet, at Gla
ziers" [Novl6--3t.
VvILVETEEN from $l.OO per yard up, at Gls
ziers'. plovl6-3t.
Ladies' Shawls from $1 to $35, latest styles,
at Henry & Co.'s. [nl6.3t
Osi lot, 50 feet front, and two lots, 30 feet
front, situated in Mifflin street, West Hunting
don, between 10th and 11th streets, for sale
apply to Robt. U. Jacob, 105 Fourth street
Hntingdon, Pa. june2l
ONE good second hand buggy, suitable for
one or two horses, for sale, at a bargain, only
$lOO at the Huntingdon Livery Stables, A.
B. Flood, Manager. [jun. 21.
Two good second hand buggies, 1 trotting
buggy, 1 sulky, 1 new spring wagon, and sev
eral sets of good second hand harness, also
1 two seated carriage for sale at the Hunting
don Livery Stable. Call and examine. jun2l.
Hey, Corn and Oats wanted, highest market
price paid at the Huntingdon Livery Stables.
A. B. Flood, Manager. [jun 21
RoAD—Report of Coal Shipped: TONS.
For the week ending N0v.25, 1871 72,15
Same date last year 49,47
Increase for week 2268
Decrease for week
Shipped for the year 1871 292,662
Same date last year 281,407
Increase for year 1871
FOR the best qualities of all kinds of coal go
to 105, 4th street. [jun. 21.
_ _
Frog, Rtes.—Ladies' and ChiWrens' Furs
from $3 to $5O per Oct. Call and examine, at
Henry & Co.'s. [nl6.3t
BURLINGTON.—Liaving the East and
arriving at Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall
we reach the West ? The best Line is acknowl
edged to be the C. B. & Q., joined together
with the B. Ix M. Railroad by the Iron Bridge
at Burlington, and called the BURLINGTON
The main line of the Route running to Oma
ha, connects with the great Pacific Roads, and
forms to-day the leading route to California.
The Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at
Plattsmouth, passes through Lincoln, the State
Capital, and will this year be finished to Fort
Kearney - , forming the shortest route across the
Continent by over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. IL, diverging at
Red Oak, falls into a line running down the
Missouri through St. Joe to Kansas City, and
all Kansas. Passengers by this route to Kan
sas, see Illinois, Southern lowa, and Missouri,
and, by a slight divergence, can see Nebraska
also. _ _
Lovers of fine views should remember the
Burlington Route, for its towns "high gleam
ing from afar"—its tree-fringed streams—its
rough bluffs and quarries—its corn oceans
stretching over the prairies further than eye
can reach.
Land-buyers will be sure to remember it, for
they have friends among the two thousand
who have already bought farms from Geo. S.
Harris, the Land Comissioner of the 13. & M.
R. R. at Burlington, lowa, or among the four
thousand home- steaders and pre-emptors who
last year filed claims in the Lincoln land or
flee, where "Uncle Sam is rich enough to give
us all a farm."
Reported Weekly for the JOURNAL by
Henry & Co.
HUNTINGDON PA, Nov. 28, 1871.7
Corr., O. G. Java 26 2 3
" Mexicali° 21021 M 026
Rio, choice 21(022 23
" ltio, good 19(0)20 21
', Rio, lair 17(8119 20
" 0. O. Java, roasted 33
Maricabo, ..
' Rio, choice, "
" Rio, good, -'
Foos 25
}lour., white wheat 7 50
• red wheat 675 to 709
WHEAT, white, per labak 135
" red, " 130
CORN Old 75, New 63
OATS . 43
MOLASSES, Port Rico 6O
" New Orleans lOO
SUGAR, laxf l5 16
'• powdered l5 16
" granulated l5 16
A 1447 lbs for 1 05
extra C 13%7 lbs for 95
" yellow C l2 7 the for 85
brown , l2 7 lbs for 75
TEA, Yurng Hymen 65E01 25 1 30
". Gunpowder, fine 9400 90
" Gunpowder, finest 1 150,1 50 170
" Imperial, line 555080 1 (II
" Imperial, finest 1 00(01 30 140
Japan, flue 75(01 90 110
" Japan, finest 1 (10(01 25 140
„ Oolong, fine 607)0 70 70
Oolong, finest 85(01 25 140
" Souchong, fine 60(080 90
" Sonehoug, English Breakfast 1 00(1 50 1 •10
SYRUP, silver drip lOO 120
" Crystal 1 35 150
" diamond drips 95 110
" extra golden BO 90
" bee hire 7O 75
" best baking 55 65
RAISINS, layers 3 50 25
" valeueia l6 18
" mats l6 20
PRUNES l3 15
Riot l O. l2
::: 5
3 50 per qt. 2?
BUCKETS, two hoops,
" three hoop;
PEANUTS, masted, per bushel
EssENcz COFFEE, per gross 425 per Los 5
Con z, Goshen l7 20
CANNED PIA,IIOB, 3,h cans 4 50 40
" " 21b cans 3 30 30
" TOJI trozs,3 lb cam 275 25
2 lb cans 2OO 18
" Eoo PEuat,2 lb cans 450 40
" GREEN °nom " 4 50 40
" RED Citzams " 4OO 35
" WHINE Comma; 450 40
" Wisnow's Cwt.( 3 50 35
" LIMA BEANN 21b cans 1
" GREEN PE., 2To cans 35
Potatoa 4O to 50
Nov. 27. 1871.
Fiore, Extra family r 00
" Superfine 550
fancy brands BOO
" Rye 5OO
Coax MEAL 4 00
WHEAT, White, per buAllel 165
April 5, 1871-Iy.
the Journal Mike, at Philadelphia price..
New Advertisements
Tha AILION PIANO FORTE bne ,regttrrower
than any other Piano-Forte manufactured
It will Stand in Tune 1,
and in its mechanical constructicn it is more per
fect, and, therefore,more durable, than any instru
ment constructed in the usual modern style.
The arrangement of the Agraffe, the manner of
strineng, the peculiar form and arrangement of
the Iron Frame
Tho use of a bar (which is a part or the Iron
Frame on a line with the Leavy steel stringing,)
where moat needed, and in this respect all other
pianoes fail.
The construction of the WREST PLANK, into
which the tuning Pins are inserted, is such thtV it
i 9 impossible for the pins to come loosened, or the
Wrest Plank itself to split, as is too often the case
34, I
in other Piano-Fortes.
The Extraordinary Evenness
throughout the ecale, the excellent Singing Qnali•
ity, the
all go to prove what we claim, viz : that the
Is the Best Instrument Manufacturee
universally acknowledged to be the BEST Organ
made for Sunday Schools, Churches. l'arlors and
' Having more power, with a sweeter tone, than
any other Organ in the market notwithstanding
the representations of agents interested in the sale
of other Organs, we do fully warrant every Organ
for the period of fire years, (at mer own expense.)
We have no agent in Huntingdon at present, there
fore all who may want one of the beet Organs ex
tant may receive, by corresponding with ns,
price and descriptive list from which a selection
may be made, to which we will give our personal
attention, and guarantee satisfaction,
Send your orders to
No. 16 N. ith Street,
nols Philadelphia, Pa.
1 05
New Advertisements
;ought at BLAIR?S hooic STORE, depot for
Huntingdon County.
Mrs. M. R. Armitage, Ihstmgdon.,
" R. G. Morrison,
" William Decker,
" Mordecai Daimon, "
" G.. W. Garrettson,
" Wm. Draw,
" Joseph Morrison, "
'• John Numer,
" Isaac Fisher,
" Barry Fidler,
David Blair,
" Dorris Statt, Shade Gap, Pa.
" William Wax, Blairs Mills Pa.
Alex. C. Blair, „
" Michael Stair, Orbieonia.
Nobt. Bingham, Shirleyeburg,
" R. C. Wallace,
Min Jane A. Adams,
Mrs. J. E. Glasgow, Three Spring.
Levi Putt, Saxton, Pa.
" Samuel Barr, "
John Fnlton,
Mrs Wsßums rowel', Dudley, Pa
•• F. D. Rutter, Huntingdon.
Henry Robley,
Mies E. Rung, Petersburg, Pe.
Mrs Kate Brown,
•• Dire. Blackwell.
r. John McMullen, Cottage.
9 lemon Truutwine,3lcAlarye Tort.
re Mary Quinn,
" Jacob Anspacb,
" .1. M. Oaks, neutingdon.
.v. Mr. Moore, Tyrone.
r J. M. leenborg, Alexandria.
re. A. H. Jenkins, Riddlesberg.
John Gregory, Cottage.
Samuel Gregory, Cottage.
" A.D. Jacob, Elontingdom
" Wns. Miller, Petereburg.
▪ Benj. Jacob, Hantirgdon.
,v. M. L. Smith, Petersburg.
John Wiley,
James 3lyton, Manor Hill.
31. D. Silkkni ter, Snow Shoe.
Soloman Silkknitter, •
L. A Hamer, Huntingdon.
Michael Hamer,
Mr. Geo. Marsh,
Mm. G. Westbrook,
Miss Dartol,
" Minnie Kollinlutan, Huntingdon.
Mrs. Caroline Schott.
" M. Badmen, Mill Creek. •
" S. A. Hughes, •
" J. G. Boyer, finntingdon.
••• P. M Bare, Mt. Union.
" M. A. Sharrer, Huntingdon.
" Adam HolTmao,
Miss Mary Foster,
Mm. Carr, Diffebaugh,
" James Dickey, "
•• William Wray, Spruce Greek.
•• William Medurtrie, Huntingdon.
David Flare.
" William YIkIIID,
" Simon White,
" Maggie Oswalt,
" J. C. Smiley . Huntingdon.
" Thomas Kelly, Orbisonia.
" R. C. Craig, Newt. Hamilton.
Miss Annie It. Parker,
3lrs. Mary Brown, Mapleton.
4 Geo. W. Johns , on, Huntingdon,
James Stewart, Antistown.
" John Snyder, Huntingdon.
Miss Mary J. Wise, Huntingdon.
Mr.. Sarah Irwin, Peoria Furnace.
Miss Maggie Raped, Huntingdon.
•• Murtha Bartley,
" Sarah J. Rudy, Petentburg,
Mrs. J. 1.1. Stewart,
•• A. A. Jacobs,
William McGowan, Shade Gap,
" Danbl Rowland, Six Mile Run.
" 0.0. McCrellis, Dudley.
John Sharer, Yt. Union.
" F. D Stevens,
J. G. Covert, "
" Jacob Flasher, "
" Henry Sure, Iburingdon.
Christ Heins, "
" Asbury Stewart, Huntingduu.
" Augustus Fritc y, Saxton.
" Henry Smith, McConne!stow.
" Lucien Norris, "
JOll3l Lebiter. thin'ingdor.
Henry Hassenplug, "
" Fr,wl Mob's,
" Paul Smith,
Ale. Cannon, "
" William Strickler, "
J. B. Myton. Manor Hill.
" T. B. Love, Cottage.
" Bridget McCabe, Huntingdon,
Miss M. Morningstar.
Mrs. Emma Chilcoat, Caseville.
s• Hartman Anderson, Dudley.
" Catharine Akers, Collmont.
" David Einire, Mt. Union.
‘• David S. Africa, Hantingdor.
Mr. John Derrick, i•
Mrs. Henry Noel,
" David Mingle,
" Christian Peightal, Minor Hill.
" Robt. McNeal, Burnt Cabins.
" Pierce Young, Water Street.
" Samuel V. Isenhurg, Water Street,
" William It. Hick., Huntingdon.
" - Logan,
" Hiumah Long, Petersburg.
" Muguus Koch, 11 untingdco.
" John Denburg, Petersburg.
" Mary Fletcher, Huntingdon.
" !firkin, Ayers, Pittsburg.
Miss Sue M hite Petersburg.
Mrs. - Neff, Alexandria.
Mrs. Thomas Keenan, James Creek.
Mrs 11 T. Conrad, Dudley.
E Deshong, Manor 11,11.
" S. J. Pornm, Mapleton.
" Alex Port, Huntingdon. •
" Jamos.t.L Corbin. csrewitie. --
44,00 U (t,ty-roar thousand) more Singer Machines told
last year than any other made. Total sale of the Singer
Machine last year was ore hundred and twontPs'av'm
thousand eight hundred and thirty three. julyl2
compwo ROSADALIS are published
lon every package, therefore it is not a se
,ret prepuation, consequently
It is a certnin cure for Scrofula, Syphilis
lin all its forms, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, and all diseases of the
will do more good than ten bottles of the
Syrups of Sarsaparilla.
!laved used Itosadalis in their practice for
•he past three years and freely endorse it as
reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier.
DR. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore.
DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicholaa
vile, Ky.
IDR. J. L. McCARTHA, Columbia,
S. C.
DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb,
N. C.
J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Riv
er, Mass.
P. W. SMITH, Jackson. Mich.
A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio.
B. HALL. Lima, Ohio.
CRAVEN & CO.. Gordonsville, Va.
freesboro, Tenn.
Our space will not allow of any extended
.emarks in relation to the virtu. of Ross
i:oi.'. To the Medical Profession we guar
lintee a Fluid Extract superior to any they
mre CV, used in the treatment ordiselu d
',stood; aml to the afflicted we say try Rosa
•lali3, and you will be restored to health.
Ilosadelis in sold by all druggists, pries
q.:;tl per bottle. Address
j e0pt6,1,,. BALMIOIII,
JOHN READ, AGENT, Huntingdon, Pa.
509 Hill St., Huntingdon, Pa.
THIS is the place to get your fruit jars
and tin cans wholesale and retail, aleo a fine
assortment of jelly glasess.
We bare the cheapest, largest and best assortment
this si•.le of Philadelphia. We keep Spears' Calo
rific, Excelsior, Penn, Olive Branch, Morning
Light, Cottage, Star, and Regulator. We warrant
every stove.
WARE, &c.. &c., &c., &c.
Persons going to House Keeping can get every
article they nerj from a clothes pin up to a cook
ing stove.
and all kinds of Job Work done at abort notice.
Give us a call and we feel satiefled you can ssr•
money. july 12.
Hemlock and Pine Bill Stuff, Beards, Plank,
Shingling, Plastering and Shingling Lath, con
stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice, at
lowest cash prices. Worked Flooring, Sash, Blinds,
Doors, Door and Window Frames furnished at
manufacturer's prices. Urain and Country pro
duce generally bought at market prices.
Phillipsburg, Centre enmity, Ps.
Jan. 4, 11
Has removed to his New Booms. No. 623 Hilt St.,
whore he has ample room and facilities, and is now
prepared 'o accommodate his old customers, and all
others who may desire anything in his line of trade,
Plain and Fancy Buggy Harness,
Carriage, Tug, and Yankee Harness,
Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Blankets, &e..
always on hand, or made to order on the shortest
notice, and most reasonable terms. Also, a good
assortment of Horse Blankets and Sleigh Bells.
Having had twee ty-fl ve years practical experience
in the business. he flatters himself that he can ren
der entire satisfaction to all who may patronise his
Work warranted and Repairing neatly done,
Huntingdon, Oot. 19, 1570.