The Huntingdon Journal. J. A. DURBORROW HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. Wednesday Morning, Sept. 27, 1871 REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL COL. DAVID STANTON, of Beaver. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL: - COL. ROBERT B. BEATH, of Schuylkill REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET, PRESIDENT JUDGE John Dean, of Blair county. FOB, ASSEMBLY Franklin H. Lane, of Shirleysburg, FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE David Clarkson, of Cassville. FOR SHERIFF: Amon Houck, of Broad Top City. FOR TREASURER Alfred W. Kenyon, of Barre Township. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER : Jonathan Evans, of Tod Township. FOR DIRECTOR OF TRE POOR: Harris Richardson, of Lincoln Township. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR: Henry Wilson, of Oneida Township. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR: Samuel P. Smith, of Union Township James Bricker, of It autiugdon "NEW DEPARTURE." Republicans Squint on This Rave you heal d the news from Colorado, Wyoming, California, Connecticut, North Car olina, New Mexico, and last but not least, " Little Delaware," all Democratic States, have gone almost solidly for the Republicans. Maine, "all honest and true" increased her majority 3000 over her vote of last year, giv ing a Republican majority of ELEVEN TUOUS AND. To keep the ball moving, public meetings, addressed by able speakers will be held at the following named times and places : Shade Gap—Friday evening, Sept. /lid. Orbisonia—Seitarday afternoon and evening, Sept 231v1. " "''' Beottavalo--Mondayevening, Sept. 25th. Cassetik—Tuesday evening,, Sept. 26th. Green's School Souse, (Tod twp.)—Wednesdny eve. Sept. 27. Broad Top Clly—Thursday evening, Sept. 28th. Markle:burp—Friday evening, Sept. 28th. Alexandria—Saturday even ing. Sept. 30th. Birntingham--Monday evenin g , Sept 26th. Warrior:mark—Tuesday eveni6g, Sept. 26th. Spruce Creek—Wednesday eveniUg, Sept. 27th. Shirleysturg—Thursday evening, Sept. 2Sth. Ilestieves Ibrt—Friday evening, Sept. 29th. . , The Green Tree, (Uppei West twp.)—Saturday eve.Sept.3o. Huntingdon—Thursday evening, October 7th. liapieton—Saturday evening, Oct.. 7th. Petersburg—Saturday evening, Oct. 7th. Hotan's lbhecl House, (Juniata tp,)—Saturday eve. Oct. 7. Sheridan's &hoot House, (Union twp.)-3L3nday eve. Oct. 9. The above meetings will be addressed by two or more of the following named speakers; lion. Walter S. Johnston, Washington, D. C. Prof. A. L. Gass,lM. S. Lytle, Esq. Theo. H. Cremer, Esq.[John W. Matters, Esq. T. W. Myton, Esq. H. C. Madden, Esq. J. R. Simpson, Esq. Samuel T. Brown, Esq. G. B. Armitage, Esq. William Dorris, Esq, J. S. Blair, Esq. J. Hall Musser, Esq. David Blair, Esq. R. A. Orbison, Esq. W. H. Woods, Esq. ALLEN LOVELL, La County Committee, K. Chairman Republica] ler REGISTER TO-DAY ! gek. Vote for a Constitutional Conven tion. _ Don't forget the Fair on the 3d, .4th, sth, and Gilt of OptobcF.nant,. Der Judge Clarkson is an honest, up right man. Vote for Clarkson ! .. Register on or before Saturday next. )m.Judge Clarkson's experience on the Bench cannot he dispensed with. Vote for Clarkson ! bar Mr. Africa expects to Legislate the little fish out of and the big fish into our streams. There is nothing scaley about this ! nek. The Republican who talks of cut ting the ticket opens the way to have his friends cut. We hope no such opportu nities will be afforded. Vote the whole ticket! The Monitor says we arc as famil iar with the Republicans who charged Mr. Dean with bribery as it is. This is simply not true. This kind of come-off, Mr. Monitor, won't do. Come, own up! vs.. See that every Republican is REG. ISTERED ! sm. The cheering intelligence comes to us from Blair county that Mr. Hewitt will be triumphantly elected by a large majori ty. Wallace's little games are bound to be beaten. ter The great Evans FRAUD has settled down to be nothing but the ret-n -tion of 10 per ceutum for services. And where is the respectable attorney who would collect for less ? we. Every Republican should be REG ISTERED I tom. Some temperance men, in the pay of Wm. A. Wallace, talk of putting up a temperance ticket in this county. How much does Wallace pay for this contem plated little diversion ? Zig - Don't forget to vote for a Consti• tutional Convention. * We have in type a reply of S. T. Brown, Esq., to the letter of Hon. George Taylor, in last week's JOURNAL, which we, through the heavy pressure upon our col umns, are compelled to hold over until next week. is. The Monitor gives notice that it is going to assail Mr. Dean's private charac ter. We expected this. It would assail the character of the Arch Angel Michael if he were running on the Republican ticket, the only ticket upon which it would be possible for him to run. va_ The Monitor wades through two mortal columns to show up Geu. Lane's record, which proves in the end that lie paid every dollar that was ever demanded of him. This is the boldest farce that we have read for many a clay ! Dol. The Monitor tells its readers that Thad. Banks, Esq., Was not in the United States Senate. That is right. Democrats are not supposed to know. But did Mr. Banks approve or disapprove of the expul sion,of the. traitor Jessee D. Bright? REGISTER before you sleep ! Gen. Lane Vindicated ! Infamous Conduct of )Ir. Africa and Ills Friends EDITOR READ ! READ ! ! READ ! -!.! The Monitor last week published a state ment, covering nearly two columns, which does great injustice to Gen. F. H. Lane, the Republican candidate for Assembly.— Of course the design of the article was to injure Gen. Lane and to aid J. Simpson Africa, the Democratic candidate, in his canvass fur the same office. The article was no doubt prepared by Mr. Africa or some one of his 'ring" for his special ben efit, regardless of the rights of other citi zens. A few grains of truth are thrown in with pounds of misrepresentation, so that the facts may give currency to the fiction. If the whole of the facts were given fairly, without any of the falsehoods interwoven with them, every one would see that Mr. Lane, although he had much trouble in getting his account fairly ad justed, and probably failed at last in having it properly settled after several attempts and much delay, yet in the end no one— . neither the State nor his bail—lost any thing in the final... Adjustment of all dis putes in the case. Mr. Lane was elected county treasurer, as is alleged in the Monitor, and in Jan. 1858, he took charge of the office and ser ved till Jan 1860, the end of his term.— ' If, then, Mr. Lane *as a defaulter he had beeetne such while in office, and not after he ceased to be such. During his term there was no law making default a misde meanor punishable criminally. The penal code, a section of which is paraded in large letters, was not passed till the 31st of March, 1860 ; and no lawyer who has any reputation to lose would say that the pee tion quoted has a retroactive operation ; and if it had it would be an export facto law and therefore unconstitutional and void.— That law, being penal in its character, and making, that a misdemeanor which was not such before its passage, must be construed strictly, and its operation is therefore con fined to defaults which take place after its passage and not to those that occurred be fore the law was enacted. Neither the Attorney General nor the accounting offi cers of the State deemed Mr Lane's case as a misdemeanor embraced by the new penal code ; and hence instead of institu ting criminal proceedings they brought a civil action against him, so that a jury of the country could pass upon his case and fix the amount due from him to the State. In what here-follows the writer is fully borne out by the record evidence and other facts in the case : In 1857 the Revenue Board at Harris burg, through a clerical error, fixed the valuation of this county for State taxation at nearly $BOO,OOO more than its real val uation by the several assessors in the coun ty, and upon this error the State charged against the county three mills upon the dollar for the year 1857 and two and a half mills for the two succeeding years, which accumulated an apparent indebted ness from the county to the State of over $6,300, which was, of course, charged to the amount of the. 4:ouut, truauxer, would appear to be due after all the State taxes collected in the county had been fully paid over by the treasurer. This state of affairs was perplexing to the treasurer and the county commissioners, who were all Acting under the belief that the Revenue Board had increased our valuation, while. the State tax was based on the assessments as filed in the Commissioners' office, Mat ters worked on in this way to the great annoyance of every one, who was immedi ately concerned, until towards the close of the session of the next Revenue Board, in February or March, 1860, when the error was discovered and the cause of the appa rent indebtedness was explained; but neith er the Revenue Board nor the accounting officers of the State could exonerate the county from the payment of this apparent but not real indebtedness to the State, and the sovereign power of the State—the Le gislature—had to be invoked to correct this error and blot out the tax which had accumulated on account of it against the county,and consequently an Act of Assem bly was passed, approved on the 3d of April, 1860, correcting that error and de claring "that in the adjustment and pay ment of the said taxes, the sum of $5,- " 108,596 shall be taken and considered "as the true amount of property subject "to a tax of three mills on the dollar for " the year 1857, and two and a half mills "on the dollar fir the years 1858 and " 1839, assessed and payable in the said " county of Huntingdon." This act was passed while Mr. Africa was in the Legislature, and it is no doubt well known to him and by the writer for the Mon'itor, as it is contained on page 649 of the pamphlet laws of 1860, the same from which another law is copied into the Monitor's article. Why then was this im portant feature of the case withheld from the published Statement ?, Mr. Lane claimed credits for licenses, charged to him which had never been lift ed, aim from which he should have been exonerated but was not; and also for com missions for which he should have been allowed credit. Gen. Wilson was one of the bail of Lane. Under his advice Lane went to Har risburg and employed an attorney who had been recommended to him, to whom he paid a fee to attend to. the adjustment of his account in the suit referred to. Tho counsel turned out to be intemperate and lost Mr. Lane's statements and vouchers, and Mr. Lane had to employ other counsel, but his papers were never returned to him but remained lost; and in Mr. Lane's ab sence the suit was tried and judgment was rendered in December, 1864. Next exe cutions were issued to Huntingdon county against Mr. Lane and against his sureties. Mr. Lane was at that time out of the coun ty, living in the oil region. The Execu tors of James Lane, the other surety, were not called upon, and Gan. Wilson hastened 'to pay off the execution. As soon as the Sheriff roceived the executions, Mr. Lane was written to by his attorney here, and he immediately telegraphed back that although the judgment was unjust, his bail should not suffer, and in a few days he would be reimbursed. The writs came to the Slier- A's bands probably about the 18th of Jajary, 1865, and were paid off the same or the next day, and on the 23d day of the same month and year Geni Wilson was paid back for every dollar and cent that he had paid for Mr. Lane, with interest, as his receipt filed with the record of the case fully shows. With these facts staring then► in the face from the record, Mr. Africa and his friends, the persecutors of Mr. Lane, with out giving the dates, put their charges iu such a shape as to create the_ impression that Gen. Wilson was not reimbursed for a long time and after strenuous efforts, and "finally, under the most positive assnran " ces from Gen. Wilson that be would pro " secute Lane, the latter raised the money " and paid Wilson." We repeat, Wilson paid the State on or about the 18th of January, 1865, and Lane paid Wilson on the 23d of January, 1865, in full of debt, interest and costs, and we refer to the re cord of the case for proof of the fact, This conduct on the part of Gen. Lane towards Gen. Wilson was at the time con sidered gentlemanly and praiseworthy by those who were acquainted with the cir cumstances of the case; and it is believed now that Mr. Africa and his friends will be able to put all they make out of this into their eyes without bringing tears to them. Mr. Lane acted under the impression that (he taxes charged to him on account of the error referred to had all been cred ited to him several years after he was out of office; but the statement in the Monitor raises a doubt whether he was not in the end compelled to pay the whole of it. That paper says : "In January, 1860, his ac " counts were settled by the Auditor Gen " eral and he was found and declared to be " indebted to the State in the sum of $7,- " 053,54." At that date the error referred to had not yet been discovered. It was not discovered till March, 1860, and the law relative to it was passed on the 3d of April, 1860, three months after that set tlement. In March, 1860, Mr. Africa had a law passed authorizing the opening of Mr. Lane's account to settle the military claims, under which he was charged with $2,052 09, and credited with $5,671 02, but no other credits were allowed at that settlement except payments to the military brigade; and that settlement left a balance against him of $3,434 61 on the Bth of June, 1860, for which sum, with interest thereon, i4dglnent was rendered against him and his bail. If this is really as the Monitor makes it appear, then Mr. Lane was indeed almost acroughly handled by the lawyers at Har risburg as he is by the honorable gentlemen of Huntingdon. pt r If you waqt to yoto, XNQISTEE.! AN INFAMOUS OUTRAGE. The honorable gentlemen, who aro en deavoring to manufacture capital for Mr. Africa, sent a special to Harrisburg to as certain the condition of Gen. Lane's ac counts, and he came home with a flea in his ear, but so much labor could not be lost, and a statement is published that shows conclusively that Gen, Lane paid every dollar that was ever demanded of trim, but a charge is made in the face of this admission, by the honorable gentlemen connected with this bu=iness, as follows : "Frank H.Laue, WE OBABBE YOU HERE AND NOW WITH HAVING BEEN A DE FAULTER AND EMBEZZLER oF THE PUBLIC MONEY." This conduct is simply; infamous I Here it is admitted that Gen. Lane paid all the money demanded of him, a great part of which was wrongfully charged against him, but fur the purpose of making capital for a rival candidate he is thus publicly and maliciously assailed and we believe Mr. Africa is a party to this business. Gen. Lane should hold these men to a strict ac countability for thus libeling and wilfully misrepresenting him. A STALE BAIT. When Mr. Africa was a member of the Legislature, in 1860 he took out of the treasury $2OO of the pegpiff# ;Roney, which he admits he had no right to, and being a candidate for re-election that year, he dis tributed the plunder among the several school districts of the county in sums ranging from $l3 06 down to $1 84; but that did not buy him votes enough to re-elect him. This year Mr. Africa is a candidate again, and his state circular letter and di vision of the spoils is again published with a view to making votes by it. _ _ If Mr. Africa had a right 'tto take the money out of the treasury he had a right to keep it, and his distribution of it did not make it right to take it if it was not so before. Neither his own nor the state's money will purchase Republican votes to elect a Deinocrat of the copperhead per suasion, to the Legislature from Hunting don county this fall. xisi. It appears, that when Mr. Africa was in the Legislature, some years ago, he promised some persons, who have no idea what the services of a respectable man are worth, that he would have the Legislative salary reduced from $7OO to $5OO, and the Legislature refusing to acquiesce in his view of the matter, he distributed the ex tra $2OO among the school districts of the county. This was an ELECTIONEERING DODGE, but it didn't win. J. Simpson didn't have an opportunity to go back on his colleagues again. It satisfied him that the people have very little respect for the man who places so little value upon his public services ; however, we suppose, it was all they were worth. liter' The hfonitor, full of bluster, asks : "Where was Beath when Cooper was thundering grape and cannister into the Southern ranks in the seven day's fight." We answer : He was then suffering from A woupd received in the foot at second Bull Run, though he coptinued to do duty, and subsequently he was again wounded in the same foot and had it amputated. Cooper, we believe, escaped with both feet ! ye_ Whenever pm hear of Republicans going to cut their ticket just set it dpwn as a Democratic fabrication. The Demo crats are responsihie for this kind of trick and we caution our Republican friends agains listening to such idle talk. VOTE FOR THE CONVENTION. Our readers arc aware that in pursuance of an Act passed by the Leisliture at its last session, the people of the State will have an opportunity at the approaching election of voting jar or against the calling of a convention to amend the Constitution. In one of the resolutions adopted by the Democratic State Convention, which as sembled at Harrisburg last May, the pro ject of a Constitutional Convention was fully endorsed and recommended to the Favorable consideration of the party through. out the State. It is a question of great and paramount importance to the people, irrespective of party, and overrides all issues of a purely political character. In the action of the Convention every taxpay er in the commonwealth has a direct inter est which far transcends everything of a mere party nature. The reasons why convention should be called are so numer ous and at the same time so obvious, that a detailed statement of them at ocr hands is not at all necessary. They are appa rent to every thoughtful and intelligent man, and if heretofore there existed any doubt about the propriety of such a conven tion, the disgraceful history of Pennsylva nia legislation for the last five years, admit ted on all hands, has effectually removed that doubt and clearly demonstrated the absolute necessity of a reform convention in order to protect the interests of the people and speedily arrest the shameless and triumphant advance of legislative plunder and corruption. The blighting curse ewith which our State is and for years has 'been afflicted, is unlimited special legislation. More than three-fourths of the time of each session of the Legislature is devoted to it, and it will go on constantly increas ing, unless it receives an effective check through the restraining force and power of a constitutional prohibition. That is the only sure remedy to arrest this growing evil—tne only balm that will heal this spreading and festering legislative sore. No more conclusive argument in favor of a Constitutional Convention could belre sented than an inspection of the hugs and ponderous volume just published, contain ing the laws passed at the last session. It contains 1,670 pages and one thousand fonr- hundred and fifteen acts of a public and private, besides twenty-two Joint Resolutions. It is literally piling Pelion upon Ossa. . We are firmly convinced that our legis lature should not meet oftener than onee in two years, unless convened by the Gover nor for some special reason, and that the Constitution ought to be amended so as to bring about that desirable result. It is a wise maxim and especially applicable to this country, that the "world is governed too much." We trust, therefore, that the Democrats of the county will east a solid, united vote in savor of calling a conven tion. If the project is sanctioned by the people at the ballot-box, as it undoubtedly will be, and if the Legislature will throw aside itg narrow partisan prejudices and provide for the election of delegates to the convention so as to produce as nearly as possible an equally divided political senti ment among its members, and thus divest it of the objectionable character of a pure -ly peliacted neeemblage, She wow Isauttes.4.l and happy results may be confidently ex pected from its deliberations.— Cambria Freeman. THE REGISTRY TAW. What Must he done in Order to vote. READ, EXPLAIN AND CIRCULATE See that Your Names are on the List. To the .14TubIkons voters of fentingdon county : Your attention is directed to the follow ing explanation, of the Registry Law. Read it carefully, in order to ascertain what is your duty in the premises, and then see that your names are placed on the Assessor's lists. NATURALIZED CITIZENS will eee that the Legislature has imposed additional chafes upon them. Let them comply fully with the law, it order to se cure them at the coming election. EXAMINE TUE ASSESSOR'S LISTS, One of which is posted on the house where the election is to be held, and the other is in the assessor's hands. You have a right to examine them, free of charge. These lista should contain your name, and the name of all other qualified voters in the district; they should state, if you are a house-keeper, the number of your house; the street it fronts on; your occu pation ; if you board, where and with whom you board; if you work for another, your employer's name ; and opposite your name should be written the word "voter." If you have been naturalized, there will also appear the letter "N." If you have merely, declared your intention to become a citizen, the letters "P. I," If you are between 21 and 22 yearn old, the word "age." If you have removed in to the district since the last election, the letter "IL" will appear opposite your name. Make it your personal duty to see that your name is on the list„ Do not trust this matter N any one else. NOW TO GET REGISTERED. If you find your name not on the list, go yourself to the assessor, and make your claim to be put on. He is bound to add your name. He cannot question your right. You need not discuss the matter with him, your "claim" is enough. Give him also residence, occupation, &c. He will mark "C. V." opposite your name. ATTEND TO Tills AT ONCE, If you delay until within ten days of the election, yon may lose your vote. TAXES. The law in relation to the payment of taxes is unchanged. If you have paid neither State or county tax, within two years, do it without delay. Take your last fax receipt with you to the polls. Do not delay registering or paying your taxes ; attend to the matter now, for fear something may prevent hereafter. OATPIPAY NEXT i§ the last day for Registering. Republicans, attend to this important matter. Temperance Men Reed This ! To TILE EDITORSOF PENNSYLVANIA Gentlemen :—Having read the selec tions from sixteen papers published in the STATE JOURNAL Of ,August 26th, con demning the policy in regard to the tem perance ticket of August 9, lam satisfied the character of this movement is not un derstood. Without intending it, some of you are doing a great wrong to the main body of temperance men. You speak of it as an action for which the temperance cause is responsible, and as if it had some official character. It is only a movement by a very few dissatisfied men who have separated themselves from the main - body, and in the language of their address of August 25, "formed a party, adopted a platform, and nominated candidates." This movement had its origin with the present editor of the official organ of the Good Templars, who was joined by a few men of good character, he havino• ' made them believe that the cause had been "sold out" by the President of the May Convention, and thus induced them to unite with him in a call for the August meeting. On the 30th of June, the State Central Committee was appointed, and the leaders of this August movement accepted positions in that committee, and met with it July 11. Having accepted this posi tion under the authority of the May Con vention, the August Convention should have been abandoned, as the reasons as signed for it no longer existed. But these men met, and in spite of all efforts to pre vent it, placed in nomination a State ticket. To justify their action, they then mid "we are acting as individuals, without any offi cial authority." Now they claim official character, and say they "have formed a party, &c. 7 frOm these facts it will be seen this ac tion is nothing less than rebellion against, the authority of the May Convention, of which these men still claim to be a part. Temperance men, as a body, therefore are in no way responsible for this ticket. Al ready several District Conventions in vari ous parts of the State have repudiated this action, the State Central Committee are preparing to do so, and other organizations will follow. Let this faction be treated hereafter so as not to involve any man who is true to his priciples and faithful to his pledges. P. COOMBE. Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 29th, 1871. gm,. Any Democrat who votes for Frank Lane, or any candidate on the Radical ticket, will vote for a man who denounced him as a "traitor," "rebel," "copperhead," and the whole list of dirty epithets used by ignorant "loyalists" during the war.— Monitor. The Republicans will take due notice that no Democrats are permitted to vote the Republican ticket, but stupid Repub licans are expected to vote for Democrats. Cool, ain't it? xteu Gen. McCandless remarked on one occasion in the State Senate, when speak ing of his military record, that he had only drawn his sword to put down treason at one end of the line, and was now ready to commence at the other, meaning the Republican party. Lat every Republican voter make a note of this, and help him, at this end of the line, when they go to the ballot box. tel. "I would much rather you would come home than to see you offered up in Lincoln's slaughter pen." So wrote J. Simpson Africa to a rela tive in the Union army, at the very time when the contest with treason was the most desperate. Loyal voters of Hunting- not, vote for Gen, Lane. VS— It is supposed that Cassville bor ough will go solidly for Mr. Africa, because in his distribution of the extra $2OO, it received $1.84. Quite enough to buy a good big broom with which to make a clean sweep. The tax-payers must have expe rienced a great relief when they received this heavy donation ! I€ o .. Are you REGISTERED ? to, "Last week," says the Monitor, "we neglected to state the Radicals carried Cal ifornia." In the issue in which this state ment is made it neglects to state that there were Republican triumphs in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Maine, &c., &c. How negligent its editor is ! Some people are singularly oblivious to. Republican vic tories. Young men, the Republican party owes you much ! You have given it much of the enthusiasm which has characterised it and made it triumphant. Are you do ing your duty now ? If you are not, turn in and work for the ticket, and not only for a fraction of it, but for the whole tick et. Go to work ! Go to work !! 18:. Republicans, REGISTER ! A friend writes us that the bland Dem ocratic candidate for Assembly was up the Raystown Branch, a week or two ago, and he assured the Republicans up there, that if they voted for him he would have shad up the river within a year after his elec tion. Now, Mr. Africa, ain't this a little fishy ? ltd Soidebody, editorially, in the Hol lidaysburg Standard, discourses upon the merits of Mr. Banks and Mr. Dean, and argues that because the latter never "tried" any causes in the Supreme Court that he is no shakes beside the former. The Su preme Court don't generally try causes, we believe ! se* The Democratic candidate, for Legislature, in this county, is growing des perate. He is beginning to realize that the complimentary vote business is played out, and he lends himself, in his phrensy, to infamous attacks upon his opponent. Shame! l el. Mr. Africa expects, if the Repub licans of Lincoln township rote for him for Legislature, to introduce whales into Coffee Run in less than a year after his election. If there should not be sufficient room for them to blow, Mr. Africa will do that himself for them. i From Mr. Africa's efforts he must regard his chances as extremely fishy. If he only knew whether eels run up or down the river he might save himself, but there is the rub ! He has, however, a dead sure thing on the SHAD! After the slander that Gen. Lane had pocketed "those military funds" has had a ten years' run, the "copperhead lie" is suddenly refuted by a statement in the Monitor, lasF week, showing that those funds were all paid and Touched for in July, 1861. am. Mr. Africa, while up the Branch, met a sound Republican and asked him if the eels run up or down the river? He wanted to know so that be could change the order. of things when ha goes to the Legis lature. ~The Hollidaysburg Regist, gets off the following squiblets : He is honest; he is capable; he is worthy—John Dean—vote for him. If Dean is elected Judge you won't see a half column of old causes published every-three months. "An honest man in the noblets work of God"—the people believe Pope—and will elect John Dean. Vote for Dean for President Judge. He comes up to the Jeffersonian standard—he is honest and capable, John Dean, Esq., will make one of the best Judges in the State. Vote for him. Republicans, work with a will, give Dean not less than 1,200, and the whole ticket 700 majority, in the county. You can do it. Was Thaddeus Banks, Esq., a Know Nothing—an Orangeman—or a "What- Is-IV--at the time Col. Murray was an applicant for Post Master in Hollidays burg ? Contemptible—the manner in which the Huntingdon Monitor backs down from its mean insinuations against or candidate for Judge. When Dean is elected Judge, the peo ple of the Twenty-fourth Judicial District will point with pride to one of the purest and best Judges in the State. "If the slaves are made free I will fight for the rebels." Will men who were Union men all the time, will colored voters cast their ballots for a man, for President Judge, who uttered this sentiment? That's the question, Mr Banks. Our Candidate for Associate Judge Ma. EDITOR: Will you permit me to occu py a small space in your paper on our candi date for Associate Judge? The impression is, that almost any man can fill this position. Now, this is certainly a grand mistake. In the first place he should be a man well posted in the local laws, and be able to counsel the Presideut Judge, if necessary • again he should have a good geographical knowledge of our county. If a petition is presented to court for a new road, or to vacate a road in any part of the county, Judge Clarkson's knowledge of the county is such, that he will be able to see at once, whether the petition for the new road, should be granted, or whether the old road should be vacated. His judgment in re gard to bridges will also be good. Now, if we just look at our local interests, every Republican in the county should vote for Judge Clarkson, and we have no doubt but they will do it. We heard a leading Democrat say a few days ago, "It is not often I cut my ticket, but I will do it this time; Judge Clark son has always been such a good friend of mine, lam bound to vote for him." We have no doubt that many others will do the same thing. Tile fact that he has held the position five years, is no objection to his re-election. He certainly gave universal satisfaction, and his experience will enable him to fill the position with more ability a second term. In conclusion we would just say, Judge Clarkson is a gentleman in every sense of the word, is well posted in law, and fully able to fill the position in every respect, and well worthy the support of every Republican (and some Democrats) in the county. From the Lower End, EDITOR JotraNAL :—Perhaps a line from the "Lower End" may be of some slight interest. As politics appear to be trump just at this time, we will briefly state that all things are working harmoniously, and we think will tell well on the second Tuesday. Our county ticket is a good one, end should—and win receive the support of every Republican. Our attention was called . recently to an . strtiele that "smut machine" (whose circulation does not exceed that of one hundred thousand) issued monthly, by a rampant locofoco, known as W. A. Fraker. The article referred to, was an attempt to impeach the character of Gen. Lane. Lest an article of this kind might work upon the minds of some, we will just state—as a disinterested party—living in close proximity to both gentlemen that were the characters of both placed in the balance—the editor would most assuredly kick the beam. . . _ Gen. Lane is too well known in the "Lower End" for the Herald to affect anything. A man universallmateemed, a man of talent, and a chriatian, and with the General at our mast, we will come in large on the important Tues day. By the way, we are up to the times in a military point of view, a company of volun teers haibeen organized in 11111 Valley, num bering at this time, forty-five men, finely uni formed in Zouave costume. This company, we think, will make a star company, the men are all of good size, and fine appearance. The organization is titled tho "Russell Zouaves." Its officers are Capt. W. L. Sprankle, let Lt. D. C. Fleck, 2nd Lt. H. T. Quearry. We feel assured that the little "Capting" will have them proficient in a short time. sußscrugrt, Shirley twp., Sept, lgth, European Correspondence. BELFAST, IRELAND, August 29, 1871. DEAR JOURNAL :-In my haste in closing up my letter, mailed at Swansea, Wales, I neg lected to give you a full description of this city. We formed an acquaintance with the Rev. Mr. Roberts, an aged minister, who spent a day with us in taking us from place to place. The mountains of Wales are not only tilled with iron ore and coal, but many other valu ble minerals. This city is a second Pitts burgh, but on a more extensive scale. There are silver, zinc, copper and tin works, as well as iron, coal and other manufacturing estab lishments. We left Swansea for Milford on the Irish Sea. There we took the steamer for Waterford, Ireland; at this place the sea or channel is over 100 miles in width; we had a heavy rain and a.strung west wind. We put in a terrific night in crossing the sea; wash basins were brought into requisition, cud no one escaped the sea sickness. From Water ford we went to the city of Cork, where we spent the Sabbath, attended the service of the Rev. Mr. Thomas. The city of Cork has a population of 100,000. The streets are wide and well paved, houses substantially built, and generally four stories high on the principal streets. In Ireland you can tell at once the difference iu civilization from other countries. Here, the moment the trains stop, the traveler is beset on every hand by girls and boys with fanciful boquets of wild flowers, and stick them at you to buy. And besides this, they make more ghastly ap peals to the public sympathy; unfortunate boys with twisted legs and deformed limbs scramble towards you ott crutches, with pain ful eagerness, asking for alms, and the nearer you get to Cork, the worse the begging becomes. In the county of Cork begging is made an art. In other countries where we traveled, it was merely a matter of fun. Nine miles from Cork is the city of Queens town ; it has one of the finest natural harbors in the world. The steamers all stop here on their way to Liverpool. The country from Cork to the city of Dublin is far from being an agricultural one ; C.e most of the way the land is low and of a wet buggy soil, generally used for pasture and hay ; and much of it is a turf or peat, dug up and dried for fuel; the turf runs to the depth of ten feet and is the chief fuel used in Ireland. This has been the longest harvest that I have ever experienced. We were cutting grain in Pennsylvania in June when I left, and they were cutting grain in Switzerland, France and England as I traveled through, and now they are in the midst of harvest in Ireland. The potato disease is making fearful havock ou the crop in Ireland. We visited the town of Blar ney. I wanted Dr. Bell to kiss the Blarney, stone, but he declined by replying that nature had supplied him fully teith . that faculty; he proposed that I should perform the task ; but its it is difficult to accomplish, the stone being placed in the wall of the Castle, some feet from the third story window, and a person has to be left down by the heels, and then put himself in the shape of the letter S—l also de clined. We passed through the city of Lime erick, on the river Shannon, where the Gels, brated limerick fishing hook is menufftetnred. We also passed through the town of Tharels, where Smith O'Bryan surrendered and was con victed as one of the Chartists leaders. We pass ed a very singular high mountain only a few miles in length but peculiar for its shape ; i t is called the Devil's mountain, and it is said he took a bite out of it as he passed over it, and it appears so, for there is quite a gap in it. We reached the city of Dublin on the even ing of the 28th, and put up at the noted Shel bourne hotel, (Continental like). Dublin is the metropolis of the Island; it is situated on the river Liffey, which passes nearly directly through the city, in almost a straight line, con fined between two well-built. cut stone walls some thirty feet high ; •e-eels can ascend the river to near the center of the city. Dublin is distinguished by the magnificence of its public buildings, and is regarded in external appearance as one of the finest cities in Eu rope. Dublin is the seat of a Protestant Uni versity, styled Trinity College, which dates its foundasion from Queen Elizabeth, and coy- ers 30 acres of ground; there are over 2000 students here. The next principal object of attraction is the Castle, the official residence of the Lords. St. Patrick's Cathedral is very large and highly finished, and is dear to all Irishmen. It was erected in the 12th century. We next visited the bank of Ireland and drew the last of our money, on our letter. It is situated on College Green, a magnificent stone structure, and was formerly the Irish House of Parliament. We were taken through part of the building, and also shown the room former ly used by the old House of Lords. We saw the paintings representing the battle of Boyne in 1601, which has caused and continues to cause so much strife between the Catholics and Orangemen. The custom house is considered a beautiful structure. There are also other fine public building and Cathedrals. In St. Patricks Cathedral there are numerous monuments ; that of Boyle, Earl of Cork, is particularly de serving of notice ; the Earl and his Lady are represented, surrounded by sixtem of their children; a;so near this place is the resting place of Dean Swift. As I shall write you again before taking the steamer Anglia, which will sail on the 2d of September from Londonderry for America, I shall not trouble you with a long letter at this time. Yours truly, New Advertisement, AUDITED account of the School Board of the borough of Mapleton, for the year ending May 30, 1871. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. RECEIPT. Amount assessed. Less exoneratiens . -- Received of H. H. Swoope, collector 527 92 " " A. W. Swoope, for old S. House 196 00 " " E. Robley, " " 5B 66 " " Bell subscription 5B 66 " " For use of Hall 25 00 Total receipts 893 73 EXPENDITURES. A. W. Swoope (contract) J. L. Yocum, M 32011 work M. Decker, work at well J. Montgomery, " J. W. & B. Baker, J. Truax, 11. 11. Swoope, collector Stamps for bonds Writing and stamping deed for lot Making duplicate 11. H. Swoope for out building Lumber for out building Freight on desks Covering well Putting up desks Henry Long, for work Elias Thomas, for work M. W. Chase, for desks R. S. Henderson, for work J. S. Pheasant, hauling J. M. Conahy, work S. Montgomery, for umbrellas H. F. Campbell, for lot Freight on bell Deeds for old School MOW, Recording deeds H. 11. Swoope, for extra seats.. A. Wise, for executing deed Recording claims on old School House, School Bell G. J. Henry, calling sale J. Dayton,claim on old School Lot A. Cook. or work Henry Wilson, for surveying Wm. Lowis, printing A. W. Swoopc, treasurer Miscellaneous (expenses CLAY. Amount of expenditures Less receipts Amount of debt, OUT.TANDING INDEBTED.SS. Marchall Yocum. A. W. Swoope John Moore M. F. enmphpli Interest ... Less E. Robley's notes. Actual debt, May 30, 1871 $ 9 252 20 Wo the undersigned, do certify that the above is correct to the best of our knowledgeand belief. JAMES lIAMILTON,} M. YOCUM, Auditors. Third auditor absent. 11.11. SWOOPE, Clerk. AUDITORS account of the School Board of the Borough of Mapleton, Hun tingdon county, Pa., for the year ending, May 30, 1811. RECIEPTS Amount of Duplicate Less exonemtions. State appropriations . Extra tuition Total reciepts. EXPENDITURES. R. S. llenderson, for teaching , J. F. Stewart " 11. 11. Swoope, collector ~ , J. Itauman, fuel, ,t 0,,, A, W. Swoope, treasurer Total expenditures Less receipts Amount of indebtedness, May 30, 1871 IG 51 We do certify that the above is correct as shown by the books of the School Board. JAMES HAMILTON, M. YOCUM, Auditors. Third Auditor absent. H. IL Swoore, Clerk. DepL27,7l-It. RECEIPTS and Expenditures of Morris Township, for 1870 and 1871. FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES. Tax rate 11i mills (51 school, 5i building) on the dollar. RECEIPTS. Gross amount of duplicate State appropriation Balance in hands of treasurer at settle went (1870) $2:41 41 Deduct exunorations $3l 46 Collectors it Treasurer's commission 73 55 Total receipts_ EXPENDITURES Paid 4 teachers each $lO per mo for 6 months *960 00 Fuel and contingencies l4O 83 Secretary fur service lO 00 New S.lllouse, No. 3, built 1870- 1105 00 School Lot, No. 3 --$22:2 08 Balance in treas's hands at set tlement 1871 $ 137 31 [sept.27;7l-It. RECEIPTS and Expenditures of the Supervisors of Morris township, for 1870 and 1871. RECEIPTS. Total amount of Road Tax levied, 1870 $ 383 31 Deduct exonerations $1 28 " commission for collecting bal 2 30 —$ 304 Total receipts EXPENDITURES. Amt paid for work done on roads $331 76 Auditors, Clerk and Supervisors for ono day setting 5. 00 Blacksmith for work done 2 95 339 71 Bal. in hands of Supervisors for the year 1871 Balance in hands of Supervisors of pre vious years and for which orders have been drawn in furor of present Sn pervisors Total balance S 146 69 We the undersigned Auditors certify that the above statement el the financial condition of Nor ris township, is correct and just to the best of our knowledge and belief. DAVID lIILEJEAN, SIDNEY TUOMPSON. f Auditors. JAM. 11. Divas, Clerk. [wept. AIJDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, apppinted by the Orphan's Court to distribute the funds in the hands of Benj, F. Stitt, administrator of Benj. E. Stitt, late of Dublin tp., dec'd., will attend to the duties of said appointment, at his office, in the borough of Hunt ingdon, on Tuesday, the 17th of October, IS7I, at one o'clock is, te,, at which time and place all per suns interested will present their claims or be de barred from coming in thereafter upon said fund. H. C. MADDEN, Auditor. sept27-3t. G 0 TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE For all kind. of printing. New Advertisements. IST OP LETTERS REMAI -A-4 in the Post Office, at Huntingdon, Pa tetnber2sth, 141, when called for say "advc and give date. Annie Bridget, Jna. Corehrun,* Mrs. D. Carter, T. B. Davies. Belle. Da% S. P. Day, Jesse. tloedman. Wren. B. Greene. Jennie.lluntsbcr,er Labatt. Hall. Miss. L. C. Hank. Mary. Harding, D. A. Yown, Held for non-payment of postage: Enron Coy, Alexandria, Pa., Thos. Hafpany, Mane England. THE NEW YORK BRANCH ST• We would respectfully call the at to the citizens of Iluntingdon, and vicinity, immense stock of FALL" AND WINTER DRY GO. Parties visiting hero during fair week wall to call on us as we are selling good than ever. Look ut our prices. Best calicoes it, 10, and 11 cents. Best inuslins 10, 16, and 14 cents. Best ladies' stockigns, 2 pair for 24 cents. Finest alpacas of all colors, 25, SO, 40, an Finest poplins. 30 and 90 cents. • Dress goods, of all designs, cheap ! Together with a fine selection of ribbot collars, kid gloves, corsets, handkerchiefs, b shawls, blankets, bedspreads, towels, n: ladies' and gent's underwear, table linen, et Lace, balmoral skirts, satchels, flannels, st etc. All goods warranted as represented. NEW `:ORK BRANCH STOB Smith's Building, Iro. 618 flit Huntingd sept27-2t. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF poisTmENT.—la the District Court United States, for the Western District of P. vanio. . In the matter of 1 Paul Ammerman, Bankrupt. In Bankru To lawns it may concert. : Theundernigno by gives notice of his appointment as Aesi Pant Ammerman, of Broad Top City, in the of Huntingdon, an State of Pennsylvania, said District, who Glis been adjudged a Be. upon his own petition, by the District Court District, dated September 2Uth, 1871. SIMON B. BAB Assi et M. AFRICA'S v • Sept. 27,71-3 t .$535 02 . 7 10 Fancy candy, 1 variety store is now stocked with a choice cc of french and common candies, nuts, raisii etc. The largest assortment of toys in to received. Gold, silver, plated, and fr.& jewelry, bnittelets, chains, pocket books, china and was dolls, cigars. tobacco, pif Come and examine my stock before buyit where. C. M. Anti(' .$2398 00 . .80 00 15 42 22 57 69 35 48 30 26 39 3 00 septa;-Em NIGHT SCHOOL.-A Night for giving instruction in Business an. menial Arithmetic, Book-Keeping, Menge ' Surveying, Ac. will he opened thel6th of C The school will be open the instruction, four in the week. Persons wishing to become m may apply for terms, Ac., to 50pt.27,7—1t. H. L. ATKIN. 1 00 10 00 5 00 20 75 1 01 CARPET RAGS WANTED. Fifteen cents for extra fine, and 121 per pound for good, is kooks, if delivered s BROWN.S CARPET STORE, Huntingdon, Sept. 27,—lee 167 00 6 65 5 00 5 60 1 00 1 00 3 56 3 00 2 25 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE [Estate ofHenrietta Briggs, dee'd Letters'of Administration havii4 been to the undersigned, on the estate of lit Briggs, lute of Warriorsmark township, de• persons knowing themselves indebted are re, to make immediate payment, and those claims to present them duly authenticated tlement. RICHARD WILLS, A, Warriorsmark, Aug, 23, IS 2 50 00 3G 2 00 20 00 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE [E,a, : a. of Elizabeth Seeterat, Letters of Administration having been p to the undersign.' on the estuie of Eltiabett art, late of Cromwell township, dee'd., all knowing themselves indebted are requested t immediate payment and those having eta present them duly authenticated for settlem JOHN F. STEWAR [At 2 50 10 00 14 63 .$3058 87 893 73 23aug, .$2164 94 AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- The undersigned Auditor appoir the Orphans' Court, of Huntingdon couuty, tribute the funds in the hands of Samuel administrator of Samuel Wilson, late of J 1000 00 . 164 94 . 700 00 .100 poantment, at his office, in the borough Of ingdon, on Thursday. October 9th, at 1 o'cl • m., when and where all perzous interested a quired to present their claims or ho debarre coming in for a share of said fund. 201 66 117 34 87 32 Septl3 CAUTION.— Whereas my wife, Eve, has left u and board without just cause or pruvoca hereby notify the public not to trust her account, as I will pay no debts of her contr. JACOB BRENNEM Union township, Sept. B. 1871.* feept.27l7l-It. A RIVER BOTTOM FARM AT VATE SALE. The subscriber, on account of ill health family, will sell his farm, situated in Porter ship, adjoining Entree Station, on the Penn aia Central Railroad, at private sale. . . _ . .$274 81 8 30 266 51 43 00 3 10 , The farm consists of about one hundred a farming land in the highest state of culti , about fifty-five hundred bushels of lime I been used upon it within the last four years buildings comprise a good two-story frame ing house, a bank barn, wash-house mud necessary outbuildings. There is a very tine orchard of choice fruit upon it, also a well o er-failing water near the door. The propert very desirable one owing to its proximity railroad, churches and schools. ...$ 312 61 .$l6O 00 . 120 00 13 45 ... 45 67 .- 10 00 Tenn; : One third in hand on the first of next and the balance in tiro equal annul ments to he secured by .349 12 .312 61 sept2g4t U. S. IeCARTUT, I W. B. IeCARTUY, 1 J. A. PO FRANKLIN MANUFACT ING COMPANY. [Lately Huntingdon Manufacturing etunpa Manufactures Flooring, Siding. Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Moulding, Scroll Work, Col Shelving, Wood Turnings, Dobbs, Spokes, Work, Forks, Rakes. Bruotus, Pick, and Hi Handles, Furniture, Sc. Our Machinery be the verylest quality and giving our entire lion to the business wean: able to manufact of the shoved named articles, as well as others, in the hest style and always promptl All orders addressed to the FRANKLIN MANUFACTURIIO COMI .$2362 41 . 89 26 62 74 Huntingdon, Pi will receive our immediate attention. Pris furnished when desired. June 7, 1871. $lO5 01 HENRY it cos. .$2409 40 LUMBER AND COAL DEPO. LITNIBER OF ALL KINDS, Lath, Picket,, &a., constantly on FLOORLNG, SIDING, DOORS, SA: FRAMES, &C., at manufacturer? pric ANTHRACITE, BROAD TOP, Al GHANY, SANDY •LIDGE ANI PITTSBURG COAL, BY the TON, CAR, or BOAT IA Feb. 15, 1871. MUSIC STORE. .$ 379 67 You oan save from ten to thirty percent. In ing your Instruments from E. J. GREENE, 39 97 STEINWAY & SONS', CHICKERING & SONS', THE UNION PIANO:FGATE THE WEBER, RAVEN & BACOI` GEO. Di. GOULD & CO.'S, CONRAD NEVI AND ALL OTHER HAKES OF PrA MASON & lIAMLIN'S and Gee. Woods & Co.'s celebrated Organs any other make desired, Also, Melodeons, Os Violins, Berman Accordeons, Sheet Music, Books, &o, NOW and good Pianos for WO and ups 44 five-octave Organs for SO " " Melodeons for 70 '• All Instruments warranted for five years, Agents supplied at wholesale Rates, as low the cities. Call on, or address, .$ 106 73 E.. 7. GREENE, Iluitingdan, Pa 2nd floor pf Leiatcr's new buildi January 4, 1871. COLORED PRINTING DONE v the Journal Office, at Philadelphia pri, Sophia Jackson. ;Jos. Johnston. I - A ndrew Lippert, C. A. 3FK W. McCarthy. S. F. O'Grady, jM. Osten, , Jno. Sherlock, Clara Swoop, Dame. Minx, I. P. Weaver, BRICE X ALAI Bostma: No. 420, next door to MILES ZENTSITE And .165E1 , 11 L. REPLOG Dealer ia
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