VOL. 46 .e Huntingdon Journal, DURBORROW, a on the Corner of Bath and Washington streets. is HUNTINGDON JOURNAL is published every nesday, by J. R. DURIIORROW and J. A. NASH, 'r the rirm name of J. R. Dunsonnow h Co.; at per annum, is ADVANCE, or $2,50 if not paid a six months from date of subscription, and not paid within the year. paper disco•ttinued, unless at the option of >nblishers, until all arrenmges are paid. ArEnTISEMENTS will be inserted at TEN' rs per lino for each of the first four insertions, FIVE CENTS per line for each subsequent inner less than three months. :gular monthly and yearly advertisements will melted at the following rates : .m 1 y. 3ml Gm 19m1 ly uo' 000 2 00 1U 00 1.00 114 0118 00 4 ,20 00 21 001 i 25 00 30 00 , 1 col 250 4MI 400 E 001: 00 10 001' 8 00 14 000 9 50 18 00 1: leeial notices will be inserted at TWELVE AND ,Lr CENTS per line, and local and editorial no at FIFTEEN CENTS per line. . . . I Resolutions of Associations, Communications mited or individual interest, and notices of Mar es and Deaths, exceeding five lines, will be ged TEN CENTS per line. • ' " " " " ,gal and other notices will be charged to the y haring them inserted. dvertising Agents must find their commission ide of these figures. 11 advertising accounts t due and collectable the advertisement is once inserted. )B PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and ny Colors, done with neatness and dispatch.— d-bills. Blanks, Cards. Pamphlets, &c., of every ety and style, printed at the shortest notice, every thing in the Printing line will be excel'. in the Meg aradie manner and at the lowest Professional Cards DENGATE, Surveyor, Warriors • mark, Pa. [ap12,71. CALDWELL, Attorney -at -Law, r•No. 11.1, 3d street. Office formerly occupied qessrs. Woods & Williamson. [apl2,ll. IR. R. R. WIESTLING, • respectfully offers hie professional services he citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. ffice removed to No. 618} Hill street, (Sutra's mime.) [apr.s,ll-Iy. IR. J. C. FLEMMING respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens tnntingdon and vicinity. Office second Boor of ningham's building, on corner of 4th and Hill et. may 24. 'SR. D. P. MILLER, Office on Hill street, in the room formerly occupied by Jot 1 M'Culloch, Huntingdon, Pa., would res- Sully offer his professional services to the °W- I of Huntingdon and vicinity. [jan.4,'7l. IR. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his professional services to the community. Mee on Washington street, one door east of the holie Parsonage. Dan. 4,71. J. GREENE, Dentist. Office re i• inured to Leister's new building, Hill street Itingdon. pau.4,71. I L. ROBB, Dentist, office in S. T. I• Brc wn's new building, No. 520, Hill St., ntingdon, Pa. [apl2,ll. A-GLAZIER, Notary Public, corner • of Washington and Smith streets, Hun ;don, Pa. [jan.l2'7l. iC. MADDEN, Attoruey-at-Law. • Office. Xo. —, Hill street, Huntingdon, Lap.ta, - SYLVANUS BLAIR, Attorney-at • Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office, Hill street, so doors west of Smith. [jan.47l. It. PATTON, Druggist and Apoth • scary, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Hun gdon, Pa. Prescriptions accurately compounded. re Liquors for Medicinal purposes. [n0v.23;70. - HALL MUSSER, Attorney-at-Law, • Huntingdon, Pa. Office, second floor of islet's new building, Hill street. [jap.4,7l. R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at • Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the .oral Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular cation given to the settlement of estates of dece ots.• Ofßee in leo JourviAL Building. [feb.l;7l A. POLLOCK, Surveyor and Real • Estate Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend Surveying in all its branches. Will also buy, I, or rent Farms, Houses, and Real Estate of ev r kind, in any part of the United States. Send • a circular. Dan.47l. W. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law • and General Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., ldiers' claims against the Government for buck 3 , , bounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend to with great care and promptness Office on Hill street. ALLEN LOVELL, Attorneyat • Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention ven to COLLECTIONS of all kinds; to the settle sat of Estates, She.; and all other Legal Business osecuted with fidelity and dispatch. _X V- Office in room lately occupied by R. Milton mer, Esq. Dan.4;7l. auEs ZENTMYER, Attorney-at- Law,N-1- Huntingdon, Pa., will attend promptly all legal bneiness. Office in Cunningham's new iilding. [jau.4,7l. 3 M. & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys - • at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to I kinds of legal business entrusted to their care. Office on the south side of Hill street, fourth door est of Smith. [jan.4,'7l. pp A. ORBISON, Attorney-at-Law, • Office, 321 Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. [may3l,'7l. MIN SCOTT. S. T. BROWN. J. M. BAILEY aCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, At torneys-at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Pensions, sd all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against is Government will be promptly prosecuted. Office on Hill street. [jan.4,'7l. nW. MYTON, Attorney-at-Law, Han • tingdon, Pa. °dice with J. Sewell Stewart, :sq. [jan.4,7l. WILLIAM A. FLEMING, Attorney at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention iven to collections, and all other 1 algal business ttended to with care and promptness. Office, No. 29, Hill street. [apl9,'7l. Miscellaneous I'XCHANGE HOTEL, Huntingdon, Pa. 30IIN S. MILLER, Proprietor. January 4, 1871, L, ALLURE MILLER. R. MILLER & BUCHANAN, DENTISTS, No. 223 Rill Street, HUNTINGDON, PA. April 5, 'TI-Iy. N EAR THE RAILROAD DEPOT, COR. WAYNE and JUNIATA STREETT UNITED STATES HOTEL, TIOLLTDAYSBURG, PA M'CLALN d& CO., Plegentrrons ROBT. KING, Merchant Taylor, 412 Washington street, Huntingdon. Pa., a lib eral share of patronage respectfully solicited. April 12, 1871. .EWISTOWN BOILER WOIMS. -1-4 SNYDER, WEIDNER 4 CO„ klanufx turers of Locomotivgand Stationary Bgilere, Tanks, Pipes, Filling-BarroWs for Furnaces, and Sheet Tron Work of every description, Works on Logan street, Lewistown, P. . . . . All orders p^ .^-,ly attended to. Repairing done at short n 0.... [Apr 5,11,1y.* ( he Huntinoodon Journal. - Election Proclamation GOD DAVO MI CommoarwEsuu. J. A. NASH; PROCLAMATION. -NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1871. Pursuant toau act of the Genenil Assembly of the Com mouwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled *An Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, Anna Domini 1630, 1, D.& P. NEELY, High Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said county of Huntingdon, on the Ist Tuesday after the second Monday of October, (being the lath day of OCTOBER), at which time the mllowing officers will be elected: One person for tho oft& of Auditor Oenoral of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. - _ W One ;n lorift;oiieeTor Surveyor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvonta. Hue person IM the otlicia of President Judge of the coml• ties of Cambria, Blair and Huntingdon. - - One person fur the office of Aa4olate Judge of Hunting don county. . One per - son to represent the county of Huntingdon in the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. O: 0 50 361 ,50 00 65 One iterion for the office of High Sheriff of Iluntiogdon t,ottnty. OuO person fur the office of Treasurer of Huntingdon county. On; person for the office of Coroner of Huutingdon county. Oneperson for the office of County Commissioner of Huntingdon couuty. One ;ere= fur till: office of Director of the Poor of Hunt ingdon county. Ume poreuJi fur the ulliuu of Auditor of Iluntingdou comity.. liTii r Ursuance of said act, I also hereby make known and give notice, that the labiaes of holding the aforesaid general election in the several election districts within the said county of Huntingdon, an: as follows, to wit . . let ilistrict,comjio.ed of the township of Ilendorson, at the UuLou School House. 2.1 df.f.rict, composed of Dubl.n township, at Pleaant Hill School House, near Joseph township. • ' . _ district, conliosed of so'intich of WOxriorsivark ship, as is not included in the 10th district, at the school house adjoining the town of Wurrioisulark. 4th district, Composed of the township of Hopewell; nt ReughntidHeady Nurunce... - . . sth district, composed of the township of Barree, at the house of James Livinpton, In the town of thiulsburg, in said township. 6th districi. composed of the borough of Shirleysburg, and all that part..[ the township of Shirley not included within the innibi of District No. 24, as bereinidter men tioned and described, at the house of David beaker, deed. in Sturleyaburg. ith di;tricCconiposed of Porter and part of Walker township, and so touch of West township as is included in the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the south west corner of Tobias Caufnian's Facto on the bank of the Little Juniata river, to the lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a northwesterly direction to the most southerly part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees west to the top of 'hissers mountain to Inter sect the line of Franklin township, thence along the said line to LittleJuniata river, thence down the same to the place of beginning, at the public school house opposite the Uermau liefonned Church, in the borough of Alexan dria. Bth district, composed of tho township of Franklin, at the hoTe2Df tie°. W. Mattorn,iu said township. Uth district, composed of 'Tell township, et the Union school house, near the Union Meeting house, in said town. sh.p. filth district, composed of Springfield townshipost the school house, bear Hugh Hapen's, to said township. 11th district, cotup7sed of eniOn township, at'tirant school house, in the borough of 3121311,t0n, in said township. . . , 12th district, composed ofirrad/township, at tho Centre school house, in said township. . . 13th Cistiict, composed of Morris township, at public school house N 0.2, in said township. . . . 14th district, composed of that jail of West township not included in 7th and 26th districts, at the public school house on the farm now owned byles LOUIS (formerly owned by James Ennis), in said townslum. . . 15th d(6trict, cumpostZ or Walker township, at the how. or Benjamin Magatly, M'Connellstovrn. _ _ 15tlidadrict, aomiLsed of the tawnahip of Tod, at the Greet' school house, in said toa - nehip. . „ 17th district, composed of Oneida township, at the house of William Long, N 1 arm Springs. . v 18th district,'Coniposed - oaromwell township, at the house now occupied by David} tnire, in Orbisouia. . . 19th district, composed tho borOugh of Birmingham, with the several tracts al laud near to and attached to the same, now owned and occupied by Thomas M. Owens, John K. McCahan, Andrew Robeson, John Gensimer and Wm. Geusimer, and the tract of land now owned by George and John Shoenberger, known as the Porter tract, situate in the township of Wiu riortimark, at the public school house In saidborough. 20th district, composed of the township of Cass, at the public school house in Casscille, at said township. 21st district, composed of the township of Jackson, at the public house of Edward Little; at Itnalavy's hOrt, in said township. 22. d district, Composed of the township of Clay, at the public school house m tteottevale. . 2ad district, composed of the towushipot Penn, at the public school house he Marklesburg, iu stud townehip. 24th district, composed and ertare'd as tulles., to wit:— That all that part of Shirley township, Huntingdon coun— ty, lying and being within the following described boun daries, (except the borough of Mount Union), namely: Beginning at the intersection of Union and Shirley town of ; thence along said Union townehip line for the distima, of three miles trom said river; thence eastwanlly, by a straight line, to the point where the main from Eby'e mill to Germany valley, crossos the sununit of Sandy ridge; thence northwanlly along the summit of dandy ridge to the river Juniata, and thence up said river to the place of beginning, shall hereafter forma separate election district; that the qualified voters of mid election district shall hereafter hold their general and township elections in the public s.chot!l house Mount Union, in saiddistrict. 25th district, composed of all that part of the Borough of II untingdondylog east of kdtt street, and also all those parts of Walker and Porter townships, heretofore outing iu the Borough of lluutingdon, at the east window of the Court House, in suit Borough. . . . _ . 25th distri . et, composed of all that part of the Borough of 1, untitegdoo, lying west of ktfili street, at the wee window of the Court llouse. 27th district, composed of the borough of Petersiturp and that part of West township, west and north of a line be tween Henderson and West townshipe, at or near the Warm Spring', to the Franklin township line on the top of TM. eey's mountain, so as to include in the new district the houses of David Waldemith, Jacob Looganecker, Thos. Hamer, James Porter, and John Wall, at tuo school house in the bcnrgh of Petersburg. . . . . 26th distigii, composed of Juniata township, at the house of John Peightul, ou the laud. of Henry Isenberg. 27th district, composed of Carbon township, recently erected out of a part of the territory of Tod township, to wit commencing ut a Chestnut Oak, on the summit of Ter race monutain, at the Hopewell township lice opposite the dividing ridge, to the Little Valley; thence south fifty-two degrees, east three hundred and sixty perches, to a stone heap on the Western Summit of Broad Top Mountain; thence north sixty-seven degrees, east three hundred and twelve perches, to a yellow pine; thence south fifty-two degrees, east seven huudredaud seventy-two perches, to a Chestnut Oak; thence south fourtesu degrees, east three hundred and fifty-one perches, to a Chestnut at the east end of Henry S. Green s land; thence south thirty-oneand a half degrees, east two hundred and ninety-four perches, to a Chestnut Oak 011 the summit of a spur of Broad Top, on the western 'ide of John Terrel's farm; south sixty five degrees, ems. olne hundred and thirty-four perches, to a stone heap on the Clay township hue, at the Pu blic School House, in the village of Dudley. [jan.4,'7l 30th . district, composed of the borough of Coalmont, at the public school house,iusajti borough. 3(st Listrict, composed of Lincoln township, beginning, at a pine on the summit of Tuasey mountain on the line between Blair end Huntingdon count., thence by the division line south, fifty-eight degrees east seven hundred and ninety-sight perches to a block oak in middle of town ship; thence forty-two and one-half degrees east eight hundred end two perches to a pine ou summit of Terrace; thence by line of Tod township to corner of Penn town ship ; thence by the lines of the township of Penn to the summit of Tuseey mountain; thence olorg mid summit with line of Blair county to place of beginning, at Coffee Run School House Std district, composed of the borough of Mapleton, at the Grant school house, in mid borough. SW district, composed of the borough of Mount Union, at the school house, in said borough. 34th district, composed of tbe borough of Broad Top City, at the public school house, in said airough. 35th dietnct, composed of the borough of Three Springs, at the public school house, in said borough. 36th district, composed of Shade Gap borough, at the public school house, in said borough. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed, that "every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under tho gov ernment of the United States, or of this state, or of any city or corpomted district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legisla tive, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or Incorporated die trict, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, commissioner of any incorporated district, le by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that nu inspector orjudge, or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for." Also, that in the 4th section of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to executions and fur other pur poses," approved April 16th, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section "shall not be so constructed as to prevent any militia or borough officer from serving as Judge, or inspector or clerk of any general or special elec tion in this Commonwealth." By the Act of Assembly of 1869, known as the Registry Law, it is provided as follows : . . 1:"Elee - tion Officers are so open the polls between the hours of six and seven, A. M. on the day of election. Before six o'clock in the morning of second Tuesday of October they are to receive from the County Commis sioners the Registered List of Voters and all necessary election blanks, and they are to permit no man to vote whose name is not on said list, unless he shall make proof of his right to vote as follows: 2. The person whose name is not on the Ust, claiming the right to vote must produce a qualified voter of the district to swLar inn written or printed affidavit to the residence of the claimant in the district for at least ten days next preceding mid election, defining clearly where the residence of the person was. 3. The party claiming the right to vote shall also make an affidavit, stating to the best of his knowledge and be lief where and when he was born, that he is a citizen of Pennsylvania and of the United States, that he has resided in the State one year, or, if formerly a citizen tho - ein and removed therefrom, that he has resided therein six months next precediagnaid election, that ho has not moved into the district for the purpose of voting therein, that he has pald a Statii or county Mx within two years, which was assessed at least ten days before the election, and the affidavit shall state when and where the tax was assessed and paid, and the tax receipt mast be produced utile,s the aMant shall state that it has been lost or destroyed, or that he received none. 4. if the applicant ben naturalized citizen, he must, in addition to the foregoing proofs, state in his affidavit when, where, and by what conrt he was naturalized end produce his certificate of naturalization. 5. Every person, claiming to be a nate milted citizen, whetter on the registry list, or producing affidavits as aforesaid, shall be required to produce his naturalization certificate at the election before voting, except where he has been for ten years consecutively a voter in the district where he offers to vote; and on the vote of such a person being received, the Election Officers are to write or stamp the word "voted" on his certificate with the month and year, and no other vote can be cast that day in virtue of Said certificate except where sous are entitled to vote upon the naturalization of their father. Mehls-tf 6. If the person claiming to vote who is not registered silo make an affidavit that ha to a native born citixen of tho United States, or, if born elsewhere, shall produce evideqce of his naturalisation, or that be is entitled to citigenship by reason of his father's naturalization, and further, that he is betweea 21. and 22 years of age, and has resided in the State one year, and in the election distrtct ten days next preceding the election, he shall be entitled to vote though ho shall not have paid taxes." In accordance with the provision of the Bth section of so act entitled "A further aupplement to the election Lawa of this Commonwealth," 1 publish thefollovring \taints., By the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act to amend the several acts hereto fore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out of the national forces, and for other purposes," and approved March 3d, 1865, all pennons who have deserted the military or naval services of the United States, and who have not been discharged or relieved from the penalty or disability therein provided, aro deemed and taken to have volunta rily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizenship and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof: And whereas, Persons not citizens of the United States aro not, under the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania qualified electors of this Commonwealth. Suction I Be it enacted, ctc., That in all elections here after to he held in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlaw ful for the judge or inspectors of any such elections to re ceive any ballot or ballots from any person or persons embraced in the provisions and subject to the disability imposed by said act of Congrees, approved March 3d,1865, and it shall be unlawful for any such person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots, _ _ Seed. That if any such judge and inspectors of election, or any one of them shall receive or consent to receive any each unlawful ballot or ballots from any such disqualified person. he or they so offending shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court of quar ter session of this commonwealth; he shall for each of fence, be sentenced to pay a fine not less than one hundred dollars,and to undergo an immisonment in the jail of the proper county for not less than sixty days. Sac. 3. That if any person deprived of citizenship, and eafter to gie't afore s aid, shall, a v t o l e ny o e r l!c e tla r hg cora thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any per son so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter session of this commonwealth, shall for each offence bo punished in like manner as is provided in tha preceding section of this act in taco of officers of election receiving any such nnluo ful ballot or ballots. Sze. 4. That if any person shall hereafter pursuade or advise any person or persons, deprived of citizenship or disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to the officers of any election hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall pursuade, or advise, any such officer to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, each person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall be punished in like manner as provided in the second section of this act in the case of officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. Particular attention is directed to the first section of the Act of Assembly, passed the 30th day of March A. D. 1866, entitled "An Act regulating the manner of Voting at all Elections, in the several counties of this Common wealth." the vela:led voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and special elections, are hereby, hereafter authorised and required to vote, by ticket, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: Ono ticket shaft embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for, and be labelled outside 'judiciary ; ' one ticket shall embrace all the names of State officers voted for and be labelled "State;" one ticket abaft embrace the names of all county officers voted for, including office of Senate, member and members of As.4embly, if voted for, and members of Congrese, if voted for, std labelled ucounty." . . . . FUniltint to the provisions contained in the 67th section of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid district shall respectively take charge of the certificates or return of the electton of their respective districts, and produce them at ameeting of one of the judges from each district at the Court Home, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the third day after the day of election, being for the present year on FRIDAY, the 15th of OCTOBER, then and there to do and perform the duties required by law of said judges. Also, that where a judge by eacknea or unavoidable acci dent, is unable to attend said meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken in charge by one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis sties, and shall do and perform the duties required of said judge unable to attend. Also, that in the 61st section of mid act it is enacted that "every general and special election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment un til seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed." EXECUIIVE CHAMBER, I HARRISBURG, Pi. August 27, 1870. f To the County Commissioners and Sheriff* of The County of Huntingdon WELREAS, The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is as follows: "Scum. 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previa.us cron dition of servitude." "Sscnots 2. The Congress shall have powder to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." And whereas, The Congress of the United States, on the Blst day of March, 1870, passed an act, entitled "An Act to enforce the right of citizens of the United States to rote in the several States of this Union, and fur other purposes," the first and second sections of which areas tollo,es : "SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senhte and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress aesembled, That all citizens of the United States,who are, it shall be otherwise qualified by law to vote as any election by the people, in any State, Territory, district, comity, city, parish, township, school district, municipali ty or other territorial sub-division, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections., without distinction of nice, color, or previous condition of servitude; any Consti tution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any Territory, or by, or under its authority, to the contrary notwitn standing." "Szciieff 2. .1 nd be it further enacted, That if by or en tier the anthnrlty of the f`neortittrt4nr. nr Imre of net Wen.: or the laws of auy Territory, any act is ur shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, and by such Constitution or law, persons or officere are or shall be charged with the performance of duties in fin nishing to citizens an opport .ntty to perform such prerequisite, or to become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of every such person and officer to give to all itizens of the United testes the mine and equal opportunity to perform such prereqnim Ste, and become qualified to vote without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude; and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give lull effect to this suction, he shall, for every such of fence, forfeit and pay the sum of the hundred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by on action on the case, with full costs and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem just, and shall also, for every such offence, be deemed guilty of a misdeineanor,and shall ou conviction thereof, be fined not leas than five hundred dollar., or be imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court." And wherecur, It is declared by the second section of the Tlth article of the Constitution of the Untied States, that "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land, * * * * anything iu the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary nottoethatanding." And wherca;, The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the Bth day of April, A. D. 18:0, passed an act, entitled, "A furthei supplement to the act relating to elections In this Commonwealth," the tenth section of which provides as follows: "Socnov 10. That so much of every act of Assembly as provides that only white freemen shall be entitled to vote, or be registered its voters, or as violating to vote at any general or special election of this Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen, without distinction of color, shall he enrolled and regis tered according to the provision of the first section of the act approved seventeenth April, 1865, entitled "An Act further supplemental to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," and when otherwise qualified under existing laws, be entitled to vote at all graced and special elections in this Commonwealth." And whereas, It is my constitutional and official duty to "take cans that the laws be faithfully executed ;" and it has come to my huowledge that sundry assessors and reg isters of voters have refused, and are refining to asxeueood register divers colored male citizens of lawful age, and otherwise qualified as electors: Now, Tanzioaz, Iu consideration of the premises, the co inty commissioners of said county are hereby notified and directed to Instruct the several assessors and registers of voters therein, to obey and conform to the requirements of said constitutional amendment and laws; and the sheriff of mid county is hereby authorized and required to publish in his election proclamation for the next ensuing elections, the herein recited constitutional amendment, act of Con froze, and not of the Legislature, to the end that the same may be known, executed and obeyed by all assessors, reg isters of voters, election officers and others; and that the rights and privileges guaranteed thereby may be secured to all the citizens of this Commonwealth entitled to the name. Given under my hand and the great sad of the State, at Harrisburg, the day and year first above written. [SEAL.] Amex: JNO. W. GEARY. F. JORDAN, Secretary of Commonwealth. Divan under my hood, at Huntingdon, the 30th day of August, A. D. 1871, and of the independence of the Uni ted States, the ninety-third. D. R. P. NEELY, Sheriff. Iluntingtlon, August 30,1871. The qualified electors will take notice of the following Act of Assembly, approved the 2d day of June; MI: Ace Act, to authorize a popular vote upon the question of call ing a convention to amend the constitution of Punneylva nia: gamma 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of reunsylviuda in General Amicably met, and it is hereby enacted by the au thority of the saute, That the question of calling a con vention to amend the constitution of this commonwealth be submitted to a vote of the people at the general elec tion, to be held on the second Tuesday of October next, the said question to be voted upon in manner following, to wit: In counties and cities in which slip ticket voting is authorized by law, votes for and against a convention may be expressed and given upon the ticket, headed or endorsed with the word "elate," and not otherwise; and the words shall be "constitutional convention," and under neath "fora convention, or "against a convention ;" and in counties or districts in which slip ticket voting shall not be authorized by law, each elector voting upon said question shall cast a separate belot, endorsed on the out side "constitutional convention," and containing on the inside the words "for a convention" or "against a conven tion;" and all votes cast as aforesaid shall be received, counted and returned by the proper election officers and return judges as votes for governor are received, counted and returned under existing laws. . . SeCTION 2. That the elections aforesaid shall be held and be subject to all the provisions of law which apply to general elections; the sheriffs of the several counties shall give notice of this act in their election proclamation the present year, and the governor shall cause all the returns of too said election, as received by the secretary of the commonwealth, to be held before the legislature at its next annual election. JAMES U. WEBB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WA ~ACE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, tho second day of June, Anne Domini one thousand eight hundred and seveuty-one. JNO. W. OEARY. 'PRIVATE RESIDENCE Fog SALE. -A- having gone into business at this place I propose to sell my private residence at Bedford, 'Pennsylvania, at private sale. It is unnecessary for me to give a description of it to those who are acquainted with it, and to those who have not seen it, and who desire to purchase a neat and complete residence I would say go and examine it. The house was entirely overhauled and renovated but a year or two ago. It is located upon a full lot of ground, GO feet by 240, on East Pitt street, and the corner of an alley leading to the Steam Mill, which makes it one of the most public places in the town in a business point of view. The lot is under drained by numerous drains, and is second to none in the place. It has produced all the garden vegetables used by my family for years. In addition there is a flower garden and a ounsiderable quantity of excellent fruit. There is a perpetual insurance upon the house.• Address me at Huntingdon or Bedford, Pa. J. R. DURBORROW. Huntingdon, Pa., May 31, 1871. HUNTINGDON, PA., SEPTEMBER 27, 1871. Pone Nowvr, The Resurrection Will it be at morn ? At the fading of the stars, Will the fetters long worn, he forever laid by? Shall we rise with the sun in bright radiance dress, Receive the glad summons to our mansion on high ? Ring, ring, ye morning chimes, an anthem loud and clear, The last trump is sounding, to the resurrection here ? Will it be at noon ? As the perfect noonday sun Shines with resplendent light o'er many a fair clime? "Will this corruptible put on incorruption?" And the freed soul find rest beyond the bounds of time? No need of twinkling stars, bright suu, or pale moon In the blest, glorious Resurrection noon. At even? As the sun sinks in low splendor On a world with tumultuous passions rife? "Shall we be changed in the twinkling of as eye" Rise from our silent graves quickened into life? Join the throng of ransomed as they gladly press along, Clothed with immortality, singing the new song. At midnight's still hour? Will the sapphire vault above Creation unclose, to mortal eyes revealing The throne of God, the spotless Lamb at His right hand, Angels in glory with harps, all kneeling? "I am the Resurrection and ie Life," no more fears, God, your Father, will wipe away all sorrow ing and tears. ghee ffitorg-gdier. THE LOADED DICE, IT was in the Fall of 183) that the writer of this sketch, while detained at Louisville awaiting the rise of the Ohio river, to begin his journey to New Orleans, first made the acquaintance of Mr. Harris, a wealthy young merchant of the above named city, who had been spending the summer in Cincinnati, where he had gone to settle up some accounts of long stand ing. He was now on his way home, car rying with him a large amount of money, which he had collected for the firm of which he was the junior member. The season had been remarkably dry, and, in consequence, the river was lower than could be recollected by the oldest set tlers, but as the Autumnal season advanced, when the semi-annual rise of water might be confidently expected, many travelers arrived at Louisville to take advantage of the earliest boats for the lower country. After many disappointments the river began to rise in good earnest, and all hur ried on board of their respective steamers to secure their passage home. Mr. Harris and I, after having selected our state-room and seen to the safety of our baggage, had leisure to look around us and make the acquaintance of our fellow. travellers. We found to our intense dis gust it had been our misfortune to take .... . la, 40 a .1,11•314 set of gamblers as ever disgraced decent societ:.. They were bound down the river on a professional tour through the South ern States." As soon as we were well under way the implements of their nefarious trade were brought forth. "Faro," "rouge et noir," and various other games were exhibited to tempt the unwary to risk their money. At first, many of the gentlemen on board ob jected to having the boat turned into a gambling hell; but the professionals loudly protested that they played on the square, and furthermore declared, that should one of their number be detected cheating, that the stakes should be forfeited, and he put on shore on the nearest land. After this no more was said, and the numerous games went on went on without interruption. For some time Harris, who was known to have a large amount of money in his possession, and who was evidently an ob ject of the gamblers' especial re g ard, firmly declined all invitations to 'try his luck.' But one evening , after the supper table had been cleared , he, weary of their im portunity, or yielding, as he afterwards told me, to a natural love for the excite ment of play., consented to make one of a party of four, who were about to sit down to a game of cards for small stakes, "just to pass away the time." The players took their seats—the cards were dealt, and the game began. For a while my interest in the fortune of Harris induced me to remain at his side and watch the chances of the game; but as the sums staked were small, and the par ties seemed evenly matched in point of skill, I soon tired of such uninteresting employment and retired to a distant part of the cabin to amuse myself with a book —in the contents of which I almost imme diately became absorbed.. I read on for some time, probably an hour and a half; but while pausing'a few moments to cut the leaves—the book was a new one—l became conscious that an unusual stillness pervaded the room. There was no longer to be heard the rattle of dice, the sharp click of the ivory "faro check," or the sub dued murmur of the players. Raising my eyes to see what could be the cause of this unusual silence, I saw that all the "banks" had been deserted and the players were standing motionless around the table, at which I had left Harris and his compan ions engaged at euchre, Wondering what could induce men who were accustomed to risk the largest stakes on the turn of a card to take such an in terest in so small a game, I threw down my book, and approaching the party, soon made my way close up to the table. I saw at once that a great change had taken place since I had been a looker-on. The stakes were largely increased, and two of the party, either unable, or too timid to risk such large amounts, had withdrawn from the table. Harris and one of the gamblers, however, still retained their seats, and eager faces and shaking hands, shuffled and dealt the cards. For tune seemed to favor Harris, for just as I reached the spot he marked the last point in a closely contested game while the pro fessional, with a fierce oath, dashed down the cards and challenged hint to give him his revenge with dice, to which proposition, after a moment's hesitation, Harris assent ed. The dice and cup were produced, and the excited gamesters again bet their mon ey, but no longer with the same result.— H.'s "good luck" seemed to have deserted him, and his antagonist won stake after stake. Harris seemed wild with excitement. He doubled every time, and at last not less than ten thousand dollars lay upon the ta ble to be won or lost at a single shake of the dice. Again was the gambler success ful. Harris now sprang from his chair and calling on his antagonist to remain where he was, repaired to his state-room and returning in a few minutes he dashed down upon the table a large roll of bank notes, saying at the same time to the gam bler, "You have already won from me over fifteen thousand dollars. These bills re present double that amount; dare yon risk a like sum and let the ownership be deci ded by a single cast ?" The gambler at once expressed his willingness to do so, but declared he had not so much money in his possession. The deficiency was, however, made up by others of the fraternity, and they prepared to resume the game. There was a large carving-fork lying near Harris which the waiter had neglected to move when he cleared the table that evening.— This Harris, with a careless and apparent ly (as he took his seat) accidental move ment of his arm, drew close to his side. All now dreg near in eager expectation. Harris seized the cup, and shaking the dice violently for a moment, dashed them down before him. I could scarcely repress a cry of exultation when I saw he had thrown double fives, within one of the highest number it is possible to make.— The professionals cast uneasy glances upon each other, but flarris' antagonist only smiled scornfully, and drew the ivory cubes toward him. Just, however, as he was placing them in the box, they slipped throug his fingers and fell upon the floor; he stooped and recovered them in an in stant, but as he reached forth his hand to take the cup, Harris, whose face had a fixed, determined look, and whose eyes had never for a moment been off of him, sud denly seized the fork, and with a movement quick as that of the deadly rattlesnake, stuck the sharp prongs through his wrist, literally pinning it to the table, at the same time ho presented a cocked pistol full at his head. There was a yell from the wound ed man, and a volley of imprecations burst from his associates ; a dozen of weapons were pointed at the breast of Harris. He, however, was equal to the occasion. Not a muscle of his t'ace moved and his yoke was not raised the least when he spoke. "One moment, gentlemen," said he.— "You yourselves have declared that, should one of your number be detected in foul play, the stakes should be forfeited." . l lf the dice under the hand I now hold imprisoned be not false, then do with me as you will. If, however, I prove correct in my assertion, I demand the fulfilment of your threat." By this time every male passenger had collected around the table, and the gam blers saw by their stern looks and drawn weapons that they were not to be trifled with. So they were forced reluctantly to admit the truth of what Harris had said. The gambler was held secure in his chair; the fork was withdrawn, the dice examined, and found to be loaded—the true pair were concealed in his sleeve. His fate was Ftaled in _spite of his desperate resistance. Strong arms stripped him of his weapons, forced him into a boat and rowed him to the nearest land, a low sand bank entirely surrounded by the river, and whose rapidly rising waters promised soon to submerge it. Upon this island, deaf to his piteous appeals, they forced him; and the steamer resumed her course down river. - But long after we had lost sight of him in the darkness, there came to us, out of the black night, wild cries, that sounded in our ears, high above the dash of our ponderous wheels and the rush of the mighty river. Screams for mercy, fearful imprecations, and chilling blasphemiessuch as might have been uttered by a lost soul when it hears the dread sentence : "Depart from me ye accursed into outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." _ _ Harris hid his — face in his hands and wept like a child. Strongmen turned pale. and the very gamblers looked at each other with whitened cheeks and trembling lips. Of his fate there could be no doubt.— The strongest swimmer could not for one moment stem the fearful torrent, and to remain upon the bank was but to choose a lingering and more fearful death. There was no more playing on board that boat on that trip, and at the first land ing most of the passengers left her, fleeing from it as from a place accursed. Among those who left was Harris. Yearsbad passed when we met again, but he trembled when he spoke of that fearful night on the Ohio, and said he had not touched a card since then. ioalinutouo. The Chivalry and Shovetry. A good anecdote is told of a New Eng lander who audaciously settled down in one of our southern cities, and, by force of tact, talent and energy acquired a high po sition at the bar. With the intrepidity of a man who believes in his mission, arid who does not consider himself inferior to the arrogance around him, he was one day ad dressing a court of law, when he was in dignantly assailed by one of the old prac titioners, who wanted to know "whether the sons of chivalry and the descendants of the Hugenots were to be insulted by a Yankee interloper, who came here after having failed to earn a living in his own section ?" "Your honor," said the young lawyer, "my ancient friend seems to have forgotten that the chivalry of the south are being rapidly superceded by the shovelry of the north, and that the Hugenots of this section are being steadily displaced by the pine knots of my own." Stand Up. Heaven help the man who imagines that he can dodge enemies by trying to please everybody! If such an indis idual ever succeeded, we should be glad of it—not that one should be going through the world trying to find beams to knock und thump against, disputing every man's opinion, fighting and elbowing, and crowding all who differ from him. That again, is an other extreme. Other people have their opinions ;so have you. Don't fall into the error of supposing they will respect you more for turning your coat every day so much the color of theirs. Wear your own clothes, in spite of wind and weather, storm and sunshine. It costs the irresolute and vacilating ten times the trouble to wind and shuffle and twist than honest, manly independence to stand its ground. A BFAUTIFUL ANSWER.—"What is conscience 2' said a Sunday School teacher one day to the little flock that gathered around to learn the word of life. Several of the children answered—one saying one thing, another another—until a little timid child spoke out : "It is Jesus whispering in our hearts." Tim sweetest word in our language is love. The greatest word is God. The word expressing the shortest time is now. Love God now. Tattlers. Every community is cursed by the pres ence of a class of people who make it their business to attend to everbody's affairs but their own. Such people are the poorest specimens of humanity which exist upon this blighted earth. It is well known that. almost every person is sometimes disposed to speak evil of others, and tattling is a sin from which very few can claim to be entirely exempt. But the object of this present article is to speak of that distinct class of tattlers who make tale-bearing the constant business of their lives. They pry into the private affairs of every family in the neighborhood; they know the ex act state of one neighbor's feelings toward another; they understand everybody's faults, and no little blunder or misdemean or ever escapes their watchfulness. They are well posted upon everything connected with courtship and matrimony, and know who are going to marry whom, and can guess the exact time by every movement of parties suspected of matrimonial inten tions, and, if there is the slighest chance to create a disturbance, excite jealousy, or "break up" a match, they take advantage of it, and do all in their power to keep people in a state of constant vexation. They glide quietly from gentleman to lady, from mother to daughter, from father to son, and in the ears of all they pour their bitter whispers of slander and abuse, and, at the same time,'pretend to be the most sincere friends of those they talk to. Their nauseous pills of slander are sugar-coated with smiles and words of friendship. Tattlers are confined to no particular class, and they operate in all. We find them among the rich, and the poor—"up per ten" and the "lower million," in the church and out of it. They are people who have no higher ambition than to be well informed in regard to other, people's private business, to retail soandal of their neighbors, and to exult in fiendish tri umphs over the wounded feelings and bruised hearts of their innocent victims. A Youth Who Never Saw a Woman Meadow's history of the Chinese, lately published in London, in a chapter on Love has the following : "A Chinese, who had been disappoint ed in marriage, and had grievously suffer ed through the women in many other ways, retired with his infant son to the peaks of a mountain range in Cweichoo, to a spot quite inaccessible to little footed Chinese women. He trained the boy to worship the gods, and to stand in awe and abhor rence of the devils; but he never mention ed women to him, always descending the mountain alone to buy food. At length, however, the infirmities- of age compelled him to take the young man with him to carry the heavy bag of rice. As they were leaving the market town together, the son suddenly stopped short, and point ing to three approaching objects, cried. "Father, what are these things. Look ! look ! What are they! The father instantly answered with the peremptory order, "Turn away your head ; they are devils !" The son, in some alarm, turned away, noticing that the evil things were gazing at him with surprise from behind their fans. He walked to the mountain in si lence, eat no supper, and from that day lost his appetite, and was afflicted with melancholy. For some time his puzzled and anxious parent could get no satisfac tory answer to his inquiries, but at length the young man burst out crying with in explicable pain. •'Oh, father, that tallest devil ! That tallest devil, father." Affection A short time since, just at sunset on a summer's day, I went to the grave of a dear sister of mine. Her two little boys went with me. When we had arrived there, two at the head and two at the foot of the grave, bending over, as if to meet and hang over the grave. 'That is her grave—our mother's grave," said one of the boys. "And those rose-bushes ?" said I, as the tears started in my eyes. "Those," said ihe - eldest, "brother and I and father set soon after she was laid there. Those two at the head she planted in the garden herself, and we took them up and set them here, and call them 'Mother's bushes.' " "And what do you remember about your dear mother, my boys ?" "Oh ! everything." "Whit in particular ?" “Oh ! this, uncle, that there never was a day since I can remember in which she did noif , `take us to her closet, and pray with us, unless she was sick on the bed !" Never did that sister seem so dear to me as at that moment; and never did my heart feel so full of hope in the words which were engraved on the tombstone "No mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch her soft repose." Little Sins. There are two ways of coming down from the top of a church steeple—one is to jump down, and the other is to come down by the steps, but both will lead you to the bottom. So also there are two ways of going to hell ; one is to walk into it with your eyes open—few people do that—the other is to go down by the steps of little sins, and that way, we fear, is the only too common. Put up with a few little sins, and you will soon want a few more; even a heathen could say, "Who was content with only one sin ?"—and your course will be regularly worse every day. Well did Jeremy Taylor describe the progress of sin in man : "First it startles him, then it be comes pleasing, then easy, then delightful, then frequent, then habitual, then confirm ed. Then the man is impenitent, then obstinate, and then he is damned." Read er, the devil only wants to get the wedge of a little allowed sin into your heart, and you will soon be all his own. Never play with the fire—never trifle with little sins. MOTHERLY acOvr7E::::When Andrew Jackson left his home in North Carolina for Tennessee, his mother gave him this advice, as related by himself to W. H. Sparks, of Georgia "Andy," said she, (she always called me Andy), "Yon are going to a new country, and among rough people; you will have to depend on yourself, and cut your own way through the world; I have nothing to give you but a mother's advice. Never tell a lie, nor take what is not your own, nor sue anybody for slander or assault and battery; always settles them cases yourself." I have promised, and I have tried to keep the promise. I rode off some two hundred yards to a turn in the path and looked back. She was still standing at the fence and wiping her eyes. I never saw he; after that. tolitiral. KU-KLUX. A LEADER OF THE FREEDMEN , A SELF-EDUCATED STATESMAN AND PHILOSOPHER. BITTERNESS OF THE EX-REBELS! The following statement we copy from the Philadelphia Press: Rev. Elias Hill is the most remarkable man in South Carolina. He is a pure black, and was born near Clay Hill, York district, in 1819, of slave parentage. When but seven years of age, to use his own words, he became "afflicted ;" that is, rheumatism, from which he had been a chronic sufferer from infancy, so contract ed his lower limbs that he was unable to walk. From that time, 1826, to the present, the contraction has continued, and in turn attacked all his limbs. His legs now resemble more the talons of a large bird than anything else, while his arms are so deformed and his fingers as contract ed that he has almost entirely lost the use of both. His upper and lower jaws are as tightly clutched as a vice, and to enable him to receive his food his front teeth :iad to be extracted. He is utterly un able either to walk or crawl, and has to be carried in every instance. With all this hideous deformity of body, he has a mas sive, intellectual head, a clear, sonorous voice, and an intelligent, eagle-like expres sion. When sixteen years of age he began his self-education. From passing school children he picked up an occasional letter of the alphabet until he finally mastered that elementary study. Then he under took reading and writing, and succeeded in both. His first lessons were conned from the Bible, and, possessing all the natural fervidness of his race, he became deeply impressed with its teachings, and early began the preaching of the Gospel. Three different times has he been com pelled to change his manner of writing. At first he was able to hold the pen in the ordinary way; next be lost the use of his forefingers, and was obliged to grasp the pen with all his fingers knotted in a bunch around it. The process of contraction con tinuing, in his fifty-first year he has the power only of folding his hand around the pen, and of scribbling thus the best he can. With all this limited opportunities he compares favorably with any man in the State. Contrasted with General Wade Hampton or any other Southern leader, he is a marvel. They have trod the most widely divergent paths—the one the des cendant and heir of an aristocratic line reaching back for centuries, raised in lux ury and afforded the best educational facilities of the land—the other born in slavery, of ignorant parentage, raised in a miserable log cabin, and shut out of all opportunity for intellectual development. However, in all York county, its legal and medical professions included, there are not a dozen better informed men than old Fliaa nnr rm.., with a. tstrolia-cr He is a leader amongst his people. Edu cated, eloquent, and withal deformed, un til he is almost a monstrosity, he has im pressed them with a superstitious rever ence, and is implicity followed and obeyed. And yet this old man, who is unable to raise himself from the ground, who cannot crawl a foot, this poor creature has felt the stinging lash of the murderous Ku-Klux, has had their halter around his neck, and been maltreated almost to death. On the sth of May last a band of disguised men came to his cabin, drove away a small boy who attends him, and after destroying all his books and papers, more valuable to him than his life, and, after his God, most worshipped, took him out, gave him some twenty or thirty lashes, and, with a halter around his neck and pistols pointed at his head, extorted a promise that on the follow ing week he would renounce, through the columns of the Yorkville Inquirer, his Re publican principles. At the time the Ku Klux whipped the old man they char,sd him with having preached political ser mons, with having inflamed the passions of the negro congregation over which he pre sides, of' having incited inecndiarism, and of having been president and organizer of the Union League in York county. All these charges, except the last, the old man denied and was guiltless of. His religion, he says, is "universal love, universal peace, and universal worship of God." His heart overflows with kindness toward all men; and, poor cripple as he is, with his body still smarting from the blows of the lash, he has no resentment against the man who maltreated him. The visit of the Congres sional Committee to Yorkville, be hopes, will result only in a restoration 4.4' peace, and not in the punishment of any one. He himself is in correspondence with the American Colonization Society, and pro poses emigrating in November next with some seventy-five or eighty families of his flock to Liberia. He is firmly convinced that'the white men of South Carolina and other Southern States will never allow the negro to live in peace, or enjoy the fruits of his labor, while he votes with the Re publican party. 1 remonstrated with Hill for leaving the United States just at this time, when his race had taken a "new departure," when a new life was opened to them, and when the West offered so much to industrious agri culturists. The old man replied that the negro was acclimated to the South, that he was trained to the cultivation of cotton and corn :lime, and that he believed that no where else in the world save Liberia had he a free and full opportunity under his normal conditions to develop into a full and vigorous manhood. That as much as he loved the United State, which he cher ished as his own native land, he felt a pride and an interest in the rising young negro Republic; that it was his desire to see a United States of Africa arise, and that he was determined to co-operate in the attainment of that object. I was sur prised at the full investigation Jlill had made. Every Congressional and State document on the subject of the lands of the West an 3 South, and the homestead and pre-emption laws, he had read and di gested in his mind, and, after this full in vestigation, Africa was his choice. There the lands were rich. Cotton could be grown, and free schools could be had. There there was no animosity nor preju dice against his race • the soil was his by right of occupation. No argument of mine could change the old man's determination. He is an enthusiast on the subject of his race. He has proven by himself what it is capable of, and although I believe be is an e=aptlon, he himself clings to the belief that he is only an average man; that with schools and books and newspapers the children of his color here, naked and dirty as they are, may become educated, intelli- NO. 38. gent, self-reliant beings, model citizens of any country. God grant that the old man may be right, but I am sorry to see him leave South Carolina. He and his race have a lien upon every acre of its soil. With their present noble aim for a higher life, they must ultimately dominate here. The ignorant, debased, poor whites, with their slovenly habits, insolence, and natur al outlawry, must die out in one or two decades. Queries for William M'Candless. General William M'Candless, you were a member of the Senate in 1869, when the Fifteenth Amendment to the Federal Con stitution was before that body for ratifica tion. On that amendment yon made a speech, and that speech is published in the Legislative Record, page 954; and in that speech, speaking of the friends of that measure, you said : "They are sapping the very foundation of our liberties by the theory contained in the so-called Fifteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution." Speaking to General Fisher, one of the Senators from Lancaster, you said : "The shade of Thaddeus will rise to your sup port, and give you some reason fir sur rendering to Federal power the very cita del of the liberties of the people of your State." Further on you said : "The patriots of the revolution battled for years on many a doubtful and bloody field to establish, which they did success fully, the right of local self-government on this continent, and now, in the apace of three hours, tne majority in this chamber will set aside, as far as in them lies, the handiwork of the fathers of the Republic." “The solar system acts by the immuta ble laws of nature; our system by the po litical necessities of an unscrupulous party. If their action tends to a centralization of power in the Federal Government (as the passage of this joint resolution will assure) your State rights and personal liberties will melt away as would the planets were they in like manner drawn by the sun, their central power, from their respective orbits." "If you succeed in doing this, you not only overthrow our form of government, but tear up its very foundations." "Can we approve the present proposi tion, and hope in the future, to control any domestic relation of the State if the centralized power at Washington says nay ? Assuredly not." "Can you preserve your form of govern ment if you permit a power existing out side of the State to regulate and control the vote of the people within it ? To ask the question is to answer it. Common sense must teach you that the vital power of the States, in their separate capacity is gone, and y ou are governed by a centralized despotism.' "What more fatal measure can be adop ted than the one now proposed." "A human being might as well be declar ed to live after the breath had left the body, as a State to exist when it shall have parted with this vital principle." Now, General, we take it for granted that in using his_language you were speak ing yoTiFtrsue sentiments; that you verily believe that the Fifteenth Amendment "says the very foundation of our liberties," surrenders "the very citadel" of those lib erties and "sets aside the handiwork of the ;athers of the republic;" that undir it our "State rights and personal liberties will melt away," that it "overthows our form of government" and "tears up its very foundations," that it is a "fatal measure," and that it leaves the State dead—devoid of all "vital principle." Very good. If you thought so, then, you were right in saying so. But, do you think so still? If not, why do you not take back the many bard things you said then, and acknowledge like a man, that you were all wrong, and that all these mut terings were but the sickly vapors of a dis eased brain ? But, General William M'Candless, if you do think so still (and we take it for granted you do), how, as a good citizen, much less as a good Democrat, can you now "acquiesce" in an amendment so rev olutionary, so fraught with direful conse quences, and confess ..your willingness to treat it as an integral part of the Consti tution ? Either you were vaporing, then, or you cannot be honest, now. No honest man, no good citizen, can acquiesce in an amendment which he characterizesas "sur rendering the very citadel of onr liberties," sapping the "very foundations" of our government, a "fatal measure" which de stroys the very life of the State. If he believes this, he is a recreant to his State and a traitor to his principles if he now "acquiesces" in it all simply because it is an accomplished fact. We leave to the accomplished William the task of wriggling out of this dilemma. He is either a false prophet or a traitor knave. If what he said in 1869 was mere bumeonthe or blarney for effect, he is an'unfit man for a public trust. And if that speech was the honest utterance of what he really thought and believed, he is of all men the most dangerous, because he now expresses a willing ness to submit to what he believes to be a fundamental wrong, and thus confesses that, no matter how wrong a thing may be, he will submit to it without resistance. In 1869 he re garded the Fifteenth Amendment as a usurpation and revolutionary. In 1871, the usurpation and revolution being ac complished, he submits without further cavil; and then he gives the world notice that he, William M'Candless, does not re sist, but acquiesces in usurpations and rev olutions when they are successful, no mat ter how destructive they may be to civil liberty. What lie wants is an office ; and it is all one to him if it is under a govern ment which according to his own showing, has been overturned. 161 - The Republicans of Huntingdon county have nominated Frank H. Lane for Assembly, and good men for the offices. The Republican papers of the county, throwing aside their personal animosities, unite in cordial support of the ticket, and there can be no doubt of its election. We are glad to see that our friends are recov ering their good sense, settling their dffi culties and uniting to win victory. No defeat is so inglorious and disgraceful as that caused by dissensions. If men fail after a fair effort, they forfeit little of the respect of their fellow men ; but when a party is destroyed by internal broils and bickering, those guilty thereof become, and deserve to be, objects of scorn and con tempt.—Bedford County livss. ALL advices from Ohio indicate that the Republicans will elect their Governor, and carry the State by a large majority.— Tremendous meetings are being held in all portions of the Commonwealth, and the canvass is an active and enthusiastic one.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers