The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, September 20, 1871, Image 1

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    - OL. 46.
Huntmgdon Journal.
at the Corner of Bath and Washington streets.
HUNTINGDON JOURNAL is published every
sday, by J. R. Donnonnow and J. A. Nem,
the firm name of J. R. Duanonnow di Co., at
•er annum, IN ADVANCE, or $2,50 if not paid
six months from date of subscription, and
at paid within the year.
,apur discontinued, unless at the option of
alishers, until all arrearages are paid.
"ERTISEMENTS will be inserted at TEN
per line for each of the first four insertions,
YE CENTS per line for each subsequent inser
-313 than three months.
star monthly and yearly advertisements will
rted at the following rates :
3mlom 9mily 3m 6m 9 mlly
2111 4.70 t OCIO f'col 9130 18 00 $ 27,6 38
400 50010001209" 2400360' 501 65
000 10 00 1 ,14 00,18 00 4 34 00 50 00 65 80
800 14 00'20 00124 00
950 18 00:25 00130 00 1 col 36 00 60 00 80 100
ial notices will be inserted at TWELVE AND
• CENTS per line, and local and editorial no-
FIFTEEN ecsrs per line.
. .
tesolutions of Associations, Communications
ted or individual interest, and notices of Mar
aud Deaths, tome ling fire lines, will be
d TEN CENTS per line.
d and other notices will be charged to the
saving them inserted. . .
3rtising Agents must find their commission
of these figures.
zdvertieing accounts are doe and collectable
ie adeertieement is once inserted.
PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and
Colors, done with neatness and dispatch.—
bills, Blanks, Cards. Pamphlets, Ire., of every
• and style, printed at the shortest notice,
ery thing in the Printing line will be axe.,
the most artistic manner and at the lowest
Professional Cards.
DENGATE, Surveyor, Warriors
wark, Pa. [ap12,71.
CALDWELL, Attorney -at -Law,
No. 111, 3d street. Office formerly occupied
oars. Woods & Williamson. [apl2,'7l.
respectfully offers his professional services
citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity.
e removed to No. 1318} Hill street, (Slimes
am.) [apr.s,7l—]y.
t. J. C. FLEMMING respectfully
,ffers his professional services to the citizens
tingdon and vicinity. Office second floor of
sgham's building, on corner of 4th and Hill
may 24.
i. D. P. MILLER, Office on Hill
street, in the room formerly occupied by
hn M'Culloch, Huntingdon, Pa., would roe
ly offer his professional services to the citi
' Huntingdon and vicinity. Dan.4,'7l.
1,. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his
professional services to the community.
e on Washington street, one door east of the
is Parsonage. [jan.4,7l.
Office re
kg, 11111 street
J. GREENE, Dentist.
moved to Leister's new buildin,
L. ROBB, Dentist, office in S. T.
Brcwn's now building, No. 520, Hill SL,
agdon, Pa. [apl2,'7l.
. GLAZIER, Notary Public, corner
s of Washington and Smith streets, Bun
n, Pa. [jan.l27l.
C. MADDEN, Attorney-at-Law.
c Office, No. Hill street, Huntingdon,
SYLVANUS BLAIR, Attorney-at-
Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office, Hill street,
loon west of Smith. Dan.4'7l.
R. PATTON, Druggist and Apoth
ecary, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Hun
.n, Pa. Prescriptions accurately compounded.
:Aquors for Medicinal purposes. [n0v.23,'70.
HALL MUSSER, Attorney-at-Law,
Huntingdon, Pa. Office, second floor of
is new building, Hill street. [,'7l.
R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at-
Law Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the
.1 Conksof Huntingdon county. Particular
ion given to the settlement of estates of dece-
oe in he JOURNAL Building. [feb.l,'7l,
A. POLLOCK, Surveyor and Real
Estate Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend
vveying in all its branches. Will also buy,
r rent Farms, Houses, and Real Estate of ev
nd, in any part of the United States. Send
W. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law
and General Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Pa.,
:re claims against the Government for back
3ounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend
with great care and promptness.
cc on Hill street. Dan.4,'7l.
ALLEN LOVELL, Attorney-at
•• Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention
to COLLECTIONS of all kinds ; to the settle
of Estates, &c.; and all other Legal Business
outed with fidelity and dispatch.
P. Office in room lately occupied by R. Milton
Esq. Dan. 4,71.
- ILES ZENTMYER, Attorney-at
- Law, Huntingdon. Pa., will attend promptly
legal builiness. Office‘in Cunningham's new
ing. Dan.4,'7l.
M & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys
s at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to
nds of legal business entrusted to their care.
ice on the south aide of Hill street, fourth door
of Smith. Dan. 4,71.
A. ORBISON, Attorney-at-Law,
• Office, 321 Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa.
torneys-at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Pensions,
oil elaims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against
iovernment will be promptly prosecuted.
ice on Hill street. Dan.4/71.
W. MYTON , Attorney-at-Law, Hun
• tingdon, Pa. Once with J. Sewell Stewart,
at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention
n to colleetions, and all other hgal business
oded to with care and promptness. Office, No.
Hill street. [npl9,'7l.
2WHANGE HOTEL, Huntingdon,
Pa. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor.
tattary 4, 1871.
Lusox. s ri.L.R. H.
o. 223 Hill Streot,
pril 5, '9l-Iy.
)OBT. KING, Merchant Taylor, 412
I , Washington street, lluntingdon, Pa., a lib-
I share of patronage respectfully solicited.
Lpril 12 1871.
era of Loeomotive and Stationary Boilers, Tanks,
les, Filling-Barrows for Furnaces, and Sheet
a Work of every description. Works on Logan
,et, Lewistown, Pa.
11l orders prn-nnly attended to. Repairing
is at short noL, e, [Apr 5,71,1y.*
_ ntingdon
• e
Election Proclamation
GOD DLIT on CommoxwrAtre.
Pursuant to au act of the General As4embly of the Cunt
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act relating to
the elections of this CommonwatltlL" approved the second
day of July, Anna Domini ISO:, I, MR. P. NEELY, High
Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, do
hereby make known nod give notice to the electors of the
county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said
county of Huntingdon, on the lst Tuesday atter the second
Monday of October, (being the 10th day of OCTOBER), at
which time the following officers will be elected:
one ;rson for the office a Auditor Oen the Com
tuouwealth of Pennsylvania.
Th.TheTorsou fur the office of Surveyor General of the
Commouwealth of Pennsylvania.
Ono person for the Olt; of President J udge of the coon•
tied of Chrubria, Blair and Ifoatingilou..
Oue pen.ou for the office of AssoZiate Judge of Hunting
dou couuty.
. .
One person to represent the county of Huntingdon in the
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn
One person fur the office of High Sheriff of Huntingdon
One person for the office of Treasurer of Huntingdon
On; perm,' for the office of Coroner of Iluutingdon
One - person for the office of County Commissioner of
Iluntint;luueounty. _ .
tine 'Lemon Lim tl;o oLlico of Director of the Poor of Hunt•
ingdon county.
Una person fur the office of Auditor of Huntingdon
In pursuance of mid act, I also hereby wake known and
give notice, that the places of holding the alormlid g neral
election iu the several election districts within the said
county of llunttngtion, ato as follows, to wit :
. .
tat ilietriet,comi7osed of the towuihip of ilenderson, at
the Union &boot Louse.
21 district, composed of Dub!.n township, at Plmant
Hill School House, near Joseph Nelson's, in said township.
Al district, composed of so nmch of Warriorsmark town
ship,as is not included in the 19th district, at the school
house adjoining the town of %Vurrionnuark.
. .
4th district, composed of the township of Hopewell; at
Rough and Ready Furnace.
sth district, composed of the township of Barren, at the
house of James Livingston, in the town of Saulsburg, in
said township.
. . . . . .
tith district, composed of the borough of Shirleysburg,
and all that part the township of Snirley not included
within the limits of District No. 24, as hereinafter men
tioned and described, at tho house of David Fraker, dec'd.
in Shirleysburg.
. . - .
sth datrict7composed of Porter and part of Walker
township, and eo much of West township as is included in
the following boundaries, to wit : Iteg,inuing at the south
west corner of Tobias Caufman's Farm on the bank of the
Little Juniata river to the lower end of Jackson's narrows,
thence inn northwesterly direction to the most southerly
part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence florin
SO degrees west to the top of Tussey's mountain to inter
sect the line of Franklin township, thence along the said
line to Little Juniata river, thence down the same to the
place of beginning, at the public school house opposite
the German Reformed Church, in the borough of Alexan
Bth district, composed of the township of Franklin, at
tliekuuseot (leo. li.klatterit t yitaid towunhip.
9th district, composed of Tell township, It the lJnion
school house, near the Union Meeting house, in said town
Ibth Metric!, composca ot Sprinz,fiehl township, nt the
school Louse, n ear 1111,01 :W.W.I'S, 11l Sititi 10..1111,.
. , . .
11th district, conapiised of CniOn township, at (Irani
school house, in the borough of Mapleton, in said township.
12th district , comixised .71 linid,itown;lnp, /thaw Conttn
school house, in said township.
. . . . . .
13th distl'ict, composed oiThlorrls township, at public
school Looms Nm. 2, in said township.
14th district, composed of that part of West township
not included in irk and _Bth districts, at the public school
house on the farm now owned by Miles Lewis (tormerly
owned by James Ennis), in said township.
15th tirstrict, composed of father township, at the house
of Benjamin 31agahy, in 31'Connellstown.
15th district, composed of the township of Toil, at the
Green school house, in said township.
17th district, composed of Oueidalouuship, at the house
of William Long, Warm Springs.
18th district, c Zotnposed of &some!! township, at the
house now occupied by David Endre, iu Orbisonia.
19th district, composed tho borough of Rirmingham,
with the seveml tracts of laud near to and attached to the
same, now owned and occupied by Thomas M. Owens, John
K. McCahan, Andrew Robeson, John Geneinter and Was.
tiensimer, and the tract of land now owned by George and
John Shoonberger, known as the Porter tract, situate in
the township 01 War rioremark, at the public school house
in said borough.
. . .
20th district, composed of the township of Cass, at the
public school house lu eassville, iu cud township.
21st district, composed or ihe townshipor .;ekson, at
the public lame of Edward Littlos, at illcAlory's Fort,
in said township.
. .
22d district, 'composed of the township of Clay, at tho
public school house in Scottsville.
23d district, composed of the townehipof Peon, at the
public school house iu 3furkleshurg, iu Nuid township.
24th district, composed and ere:di:llas follows, to ti . it :
That all that part of Shirley township, Huntingdon coun
ty, lying and lining within he fntlnwince efogorzhorl bonn
duri, (except the borough of Mount !howl), namely:
Beginning at the intersection of Uuiuu and Shirley town
ship lines with the Juniata river, on the south side there
of; thence along said Union township line for the dist:ince
of three miles irom said river; thence roatnardly, by a
straight line, to the point where the main from Eby's mill
to Cormany valley, crosses the summit of Sandy ridge;
thence northwardly along the summit of dandy ridge to
the river Juuiata,aud thence up said river to the place of
beginning, shall hereafter form a separate election district;
that the qualified voters of said ele..tion district shall
hereafter hold their general and township elections in the
public school bon. in Mount Union, in said district.
•15th district, composed of all that part of the Borough
of Iluutingdon, lying east of Pilth street, and aleo all these
parts of Walker and Porter townships, heretofore voting in
the Borough of liuntingdeu, at the east window of the
Court House, iu said Borough.
25th district, composed of all that part of the Borough
of ...,uutiugdort, lyiu" , * west of Fifth street, at the west
window of the Courtßouse.
Ifith district, comp.:dui the borough of Petersburp and
that part of West township, west and north of a line be
tween Henderson and West townships, at or near the Warm
Springs, to the Franklin township line on the top of Tu.
sey's mountain, so as to include iu the new district the
houses of David Waldemith, Jacob Longanecker, Thos.
Hamer, Jam. Porter, and John Wall, at toe school house
kill, borough of Petersburg.
. .
28th distriZt, composed of .7uniat. township, at the house
of John Peightal, on the land- of Henry Isenberg.
23 th district, composed of Carbon township, recently
erected out of a part of the territory of Tod township, to
wit : commencing at a Chestnut Oak, on the summit of Ter
race mountain, at the Hopewell township line opposite the
dividing ridge, in the Little Valley; thence south fifty-two
degrees, mist three hundred and sixty perches, to a stone
heap on the Western Summit of Brood Top Mountain;
thence north sixty-seven degrees, east three hundred and
twelve perches, to o yellow pine; thence south fifty-two
degrres, east seven hundred and seventy-two perches, to a
Chestnut Oak; thence south fourteen degrees, east three
hundred and fifty-one perches, to a Chestnut at the coot
end of Henry 8. Green's hand; thence south thirty-oneond
a half degrees, east two hundred and ninety-lour perches,
to a Chestnut Oak ou the summit of a spur of Dread Top,
on the western side of John Terrors farm; south sixty
nee degrees, east nine hundred and thirty-four perches, to
a stone heap on the Clay township line, at the Public Schad
House, in the tillage of Dudley.
30th district, composed of the borough of Coalmont, at
the public school house, in said borough.
31'St district, composed of Lincoln township, beginning
at a pine on the summit of Toasty mountain on the line
between Blair and litudingdon counties, thence by the
division line south, fifty-eight degrees east seven hundred
and ninety-eight perches to a black oak in middle of town
ship; thence forty-two and one-half degrees east eight
hundred and two perches to a pine on summit of Terrace;
thence by line of Tod township to corner of Penn town
ship; thence by the lines of the township of Penn to the
summit of Tussey mountain; thence alorg said summit
with line of Blair county to place of beginning, at Coffee
Run School !louse.
32d district, composed of bhe borough of Mapleton, at
the Grant school house, in said borough.
Mid district, composed of the borough of Mount Uuion,
at the school house, iu said borough.
34th district, composed of the borough of Broad Top
City, at the public school house, in said ,orough.
35th district, composed of the borough of Three Springs,
at the public school house, in said borough.
36th district, composed of Shade Gap borough, at the
public school house, in said borough.
I also make kIIONVII and give notice, as in and by the
13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed, that "every
person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold
any office or appointment of profit or trust under the gov
ernment of the Vatted States, or of this state, or of any
city or corporttted district, whether a commissioned officer
or agent, who is or alien he employed under the legisla
tive, executive or judiciary department of this State, or
of the United States, or of any city or Incorporated dis
trict, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the
State Legislature, and of the select or common council of
any city, commissioner of any incorporated district, is by
law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time,
the office or appointment of Judge, inspector or clerk of
any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector
or judge, or other officer of any tech election shall be
eligible to any office to be then voted for? ,
_ .
Xlso, that in the 4th section of the Art of Assembly,
entitled "An Act relating to executions and fur other par
pores," approved April 16th, 1340, it Is enacted that the
aforesaid 13th section "shall not be so constructed as to
prevent any militia or borough officer from serving as
judge, or inspector or clerk of any general or special elec
tion in this Commonwealth."
By the Act of Assembly of 1809, known as the Registry
Law, it it provided as follows:
1. “Election Officers are to open the polls between the
hours of six and seven, A. 111. 2 on the day of election.
Before six o'clock in the morning of second Tuesday of
October they are to receive from the County Commis
sioners the Registered List of Voters and all necessary
election blanks, and they are to permit no man to vote
whose name it not on said list, unless lie shall make proof
of his Tight to vote no follows:
2. The'person whose name is not on the list, claiming
the right to vote must produce a qualified voter of the
district to swear In a written or printed affidavit to the
residence of the claimant in the district for at least ten
days next preceding said election, defining clearly where
the residence of the person was.
3. The party claiming the right to vote shall also make
an affidavit, stating to the best of his knowledge and be
lief where and when he mas born, that ho is a citizen of
Pennsvlvania and of the United State, that he has resided
in the State one year, or, if formerly a citizen therein and
removed therefrom, that he has resided therein six
months next preceding said election, that he has not moved
into the district for the purpose of voting therein, that he
has puid a State or county tax within two yenta, which
was amassed at least ten dnys beforn the election, and the
affidavit shall state when and where the tux was *messed
and paid, and the tax receipt moot he produced unless the
aftlant shall state that it has been luster destroyed, or that
he received none.
4. If the applicant be a naturaliald citizen, be must, in
addition to the foregoing proofs, state in his affidavit when,
where, and by what court he was naturalized and produce
his certificate of naturalization.
5. Every person, claiming to be a naturalized citizen,
whether on the registry list, or producing affidavits 114
aforesaid, shall be required to produce his naturalization
certificate at the election before voting, except where he
has been for ten years consecutively a voter in the district
where he offers to vote; and on the vote of such a person
being received, the Election Officers are to write or stamp
the word "voted" an his certificate with the month and
year, and no other vote can be cast that day in violet, of
said certificate except where sons are entitled to vote upon
the naturalization of their falter.
6. If the person claiming to vote who to not regNered
shall make en affidavit that he is a native born citizen
of the United States, or, if born elsewhere, shall produce
evidence of his naturalization, or that ho is entitled to
citizenship by reason of lily father's naturalization, and
further, that he is belle°. St and 22 ;seals of age, and has
resided in the State one year, and in the election distrtct
ton days neat preceding the election, he shall be entitled
to vote though be shall not have paid taxes."
In accordance with the provision of the Sth section of
an act entitled "A further supplement to the election Laws
of this Commonw!ph," 1 publish the following:
. ,
II DERE., By the —. act of the Congress of The United
States, entitled "An Act to amend the several acts hereto
fore passed to provide for the enrolling and calbng out of
the national forces, and for other purposes," and approved
March 3tl, 1:433, all persons who have daserted the military
or naval services of the United States, and who hate not
been discharged or relieved from the penalty or disability
therein provided, aro deemed and taken to hare volunta
rily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizenship
and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of
exercising any rights of citizens thereof:
And wEereit's, Rums not citizens of the United Staten
are not, under the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania
gnnllHed electors of this Commonwealth.
SECTION 1 Be it enachil,d , c., That in all elections here
after to he held in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlaw
ful for the judge or inspectors of any such elections to re
ceive any ballot or ballots from any person or persons
embraced in the provisions and subject to the disability
imposed by said act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1865,
and it shall be unlawful for any such person to offer to
vote any ballot or ballots.
SEC. 1. That if any such judge and inspectors of election,
or any ono of them shall receive or consent to receive any
such unlawful ballot or ballots from any ouch disqualified
person. he or they so offending shall be guilty of a mi.
demeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court of quar
ter session of this commonwealth; he shall for each of ,
fence, be sentenced to pay a fine not loss than one hundred
dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the
proper county for not less than sixty days.
SEC. 3. That if any peruon deprived of citizenship, and
dqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any election her eafter to
be held in this commonwealth, vote, or tender to the offi
cers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any per
son so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter session
of this commonwealth. shall for each offence be punished
is lihe manner us is provided ill dill preceding act:lien of
this act in rase of officers of election receiving any such
unlawful ballot or ballots.
SEC. 4. That if any person shall hereafter pursued° or
advise any person or persons, deprived of citizenship or
disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to
the officers of any election hereafter to be held in this
Commonwealth, or shall pursuade, or advise, any such
officer to receive any ballot, or ballots, trout any p••rom
deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, such
person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof In any court of quarter sessions
of this Commonwealth. shall be punished in like manner
as provided in the second section of this act in the case of
officers of such election recoiling such unlawful ballot or
L'a•iieuLsr attention is direct-d to the first section of
the Act of Assembly, pabed the 30th day of March A. D.
1866, entitled ..An Act regulating the manner of Voting
at all Elections, in the several counties of this Common
"That the qualified voters of the several counties of this
Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and
special elections, are hereby, hereafter authorized and
required to vote, by ticket, printed or written, or partly
printed and partly written, severally classified as follows:
Ono ticket shall embrace filenames of all Judges of courts
voted for, and be labelled outside 'judiciary ;" one ticket
shall embrace all the names of State officers voted for
and be labelled "State;" one ticket shall embrace the
names of all county officers voted fur, including °dice of
Senate, member and members of Assembly, if natal for,
and members of Congress, if voted for, and labelled
"county." •
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the Gith section
of the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid district
shall respectively take charge of the certificates or return
of the election of their respective di_ , trlcts, and produce
them at ameeting of one of the judges from each district
at the Court Rouse, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the
third day alter the day of election. being for the preiient
year on FRIDAY, the 15th of OCTOBER, then and there
to do and perform the duties required by law of said judges.
Aloe, that where a judge by tfickne.n or unavoidable acci
dent. is unable to attend said meeting of judges, then the
certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken in charge by
one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis
trict, and shall do and perform the duties required of said
judge unable to attend.
_ . .
Also, that in the Wet section of said act it is enacted
that "every general and special election slain be opened
between the honra of eight and ten in tbe forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjournment un
fit seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be
liAlutisnuso, .I.A. August 27, IS7O. j
To t& Clangly Cbminissioners and Sheriff of the tounize qf
Iluntintolon :
Winnizas, The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution
of the United States is us fellows:
"SECTION 1. The right of citizens of the United States to
vote shall not be denied or abridged by tho United Staten,
or by nuy State, on account of race, color, or previtnts con
dition of servitude."
"Sscrtos •2. The Congress shall bare powder to enforce
this article by appropriate legislation."
Anil evliereas,'rhe Congress of the Unit.! Statee, on the
31st day of March, 1810, pwated an act, entitled "An Act to
enforce the right of citizens of the United Slates to rote in
the several States of this Union, and for other purposes,"
the first and second sections of which are as lotions :
“Szeriou 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the thdted States of America in °sti
gmas assembled, That all citizens of the United States,who
are, cr shall Le otherwise qualified by law to vote us any
election by the people, in any State, Territory, district,
county, city, parish, township, .hool district, municipali
ty or other territorial sub-division, shall Le entitled and
allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of
race, color, or previous condition of servitude; any Consti
tution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any Territory,
or by, or under its authority, to the contrary notwith
.l.lllg. '
“Szcztots 2. And be it farther enacted, That if by or un
der the authority of the Constitution or laws of any State,
or the laws of any Territory, any act is or shall be requireil
to be done as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, and
by such COUSUtutiuu or law, persons or officers are or shall
be charged with the performance of duties in tut nishing to
citizens au opport .nity to perform such prerequisite, or to
become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of every such
person and officer to give to all Anions of the United states
the alma and equal opportunity to perform such prerequis
ite, and become qualified to vote without disttuction of
race, color, or previous condition of servitude; and if any
such person or officer WWI refuse or knowingly omit to
give lull effect to this suction, he shall, for every such of
fence, forfeit and pay the sum of live hundred dollars to
the person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action
ou the case, with fall costs and such allowance for counsel
fees as the cettrt shall deem jute, and shall .1., for every
such offence, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall
on c..uviction tbereul; Its lined not less thaii five hundred
dollars, or be imprisoned not leas than one mouth and not
More than one year, or both, lathe discretion of the coal.”
dud tohereai, It is declared by u«eecond section of the
Tlth article of the Constitution of the United States, that
"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States,
which shall he made in pursuance thereof, shall be the
supreme law of the laud, • anything
. . .
in' the Constitution or 'taws of any Slate to the etintrar;
And whereas, The Legislature of this Commonwealth,
on the oth day of Apra, A. L. Wio, passed an act, entitled,
furthet supplement to the net relating to elections in
this Commonwealth," the tenth section of which provides
as follows:
"Sacrum 10. That so much of every act of Assembly as
provides. that only white freemen shell ho entitled to vote,
or be registeml as voters, or as claiming to vote at any
general or special election of this Commonwealth, ho and
the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen,
without distinction of color, shall be enrolled and regis-
tered according to the provision of the Hest section of the
act approved seventeenth April, I$6U, entitled "An Act
further supplemental to the act relating to the elections of
this Commonwealth," and when otherwise qualined under
existing laws, he entitled to rote at all general and special
eiectious in this Commonwealth."
And whereas, It is my constitutional and official duty to
"lake care that the laws lot faithfully executed;" aud it
has come to my knowledge that sundry assessors and reg
isters of voters have refused, and are refnang to assess and
register divers colored male citizens of lawful age, and
otherwise qualified at electors:
. .
Now, Tutheroaz, In consideration of the premises ' the
co inty commissioners of said county are hereby not itcd
and directed to instruct the several assessors and registers
of voters therein, to obey and conform to the requirements
of said constitutional itmendment and laws; and the sheriff
of said county is hereby authorized and required to publish
in his election pmelamation for the next ensuing elections,
the herein recited constitutional amendment, act of Con
gress, and act of the Legislature, to the end that the IRMO
may be known, executed and obeyed by all assessors, reg
isters of voters, election officers and others; and that the
rights and privileges guaranteed thereby may be secured
to all the citizens of this Commonwealth entitled to the
Given under lay hand and the great seal of the State, at
Harrisburg, the day and year first above written.
[ SEAL.]
Arrnsr : .3NO. W. GEARY.
JORDAN, Secretary of Commonwealth.
GIVEN under my hand, at Huntingdon, the f.Oth day of
August, A. D. 1871, and of the independence of the Uni
ted Status, the ninety-third.
D. L P. NEELY, Sheriff.
Huntingdon, August O. 1811.
The qualified electors will take notice of the following
Act of Agsensbly, approved the 2d day of June; 1811: AN
ACT, to authorize a popular rote woe the queition of call
ing a convention to amend the couetitutiou of
Sum. I. De it enacted by the Senate and Home of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in
General Assembly met, audit is hereby enacted by the aft
thority of the saute, That the question of calling a con
vention to amend the constitution of this commonwealth
be submitted to a vote of the people at the general elec
tion, to be held on the second Tuesday of October next,
the said question to be voted upon in manner ibllowing,
to wit: Iu mantles and cities in which slip ticket voting
is authorized by law, votes for and against a convention
may be expressed and given upon the ticket, headed or
endorsed with the word "state," and not otherwise; and
the words shall be "constitutional convention," and under
neath "fora convention, or "against a convention ;" and
in counties or districts in which slip ticket voting shall
not be authorized by law, each elector voting upon said
question skull cast a separate ballot, endorsed on the out
side "constitutional convention," and containing on the
inside the words "for a convention" or "against a conven
tion;" and all votes cast as aforesaid shall be received,
counted and returned by the proper election officers and
retina judges as votes for governor are received, counted
and return,d under existing laws.
Societe ii. That the elections aforesaid shall be held and
be subject to all the provisions of low which apply to
general elections ; tho sheriffs of the several counties shall
give notice of this act in their election prochunation the
present year, and the governor shall cause all the returns
of too raid election, ac received by the secretary of the
commonwealth, to be held before the legislature at Its
next annual election.
Speaker of the Rouse of Representative.,
Speaker of the Senate.
hundred Approved, the cc!ut ? is :Ll:re, Anna Domini one
thouaaud eight seventy-one.
Having gone into business at this place I
propuseto sell my private residence at Bedford,
Pennsylvania, at private sale.
It is unnecessary for me to give a description of
it to those who are acquainted with it, and to then
who have not seen it, and who desire to purchase
a neat and complete residence I would say go and
examine it. Tno house was entirely overhauled
and renovated but a year or two ago. It is located
upon a full lot of ground, 60 feet by 240, on East
Pitt street, and the corner of an alley leading to
the Steam Mill, whieli makes it one of the most
public places in the town in a business point of
vicar. The lot is under drained by numerous
drains, and is second to none in the place. It has
produced all the garden vegetables used by my
family for years. lu addition there is a flower
garden and a considerable quantity of excellent
fruit. There is a perpetual insurance upon the
Address me at Iluntingdon or Bedford, Pa,
Huntingdon, Pa., May 31, 1871.
pl4o' Por.
Smile Whenever You Can.
When things don't go to suit you,
And the world seems upside down ;
Don't waste your time in fretting,
But drive away that frown ;
Since life is oft perplexing,
'Tis much the wisest plan
To wear all trials bravely,
And smile when'er you can.
Why should you dread to morrow
And thus'despoil to-day?
For when you borrow trouble,
You always have to pay.
It is a good old maxim,
Which should be often prear:led
Don't cross the bridge before nu,
Until the bridge is reached.
You might be spared much sighing,
If you would keep in mind
The thought that good and evil
Are always here combined.
There must be something wanting,
And though you roll in wealth;
You may lIINS Irons your casket
That precious jewel—health.
And though you're strong and sturdy,
You may have an empty purse ;
(And earth has many trials
Which I consider worse!)
But whether joy or sorrow
Fill up your mortal span,
'Twill make your pathway brighter
To smile when'er you can.
ghe ffilorg-gdier.
THE twilight filtered through the crim
son curtains, and shed a soft glow over the
beautiful woman who sat beside the harp.
She was a gloriously handsome creature,
queenly as Juno, with the grace of Venus
added; dark, lustrous eyes, jetty hair, and
olive skin glowing with crimson. Her
white hand strayed carelessly over the
harp strings, as though unmindful of her
companion, a fair-haired youth, who hung
over her with an abandonment of devotion
such as only youth can feel and show.
The twi light grew deeper, and the French
clock told the hour. The woman seemed
to start from her reverie; she held up her
finger with a half chiding air, and said,
"Maurice !"
The boy blushed deeply.
"Pardon me, but the minutes fly so fast."
"Minutes !—you should say hours,
naughty boy."
. -
"lours! Were they years, they would
go as quickly."
"Fie !" but the soft, bright glance denied
the reproof. "You must really go now."
She held out her hand. He bent over
it reverently. A footstep sounded outside,
and she quickly withdrew it, saying care
lessly, "Good-bye."
"Good-bye," he replied, and left the
The twilight had thickened into night,
and the lamps burned brightly when he
reached the street. He walked briskly on,
his head in Utopia, and his feet sometimes
in snow, till he reached the modest house
in•whi, h wt. - 4 - th4
The front door creaked as he opened it,
and a slovenly housemaid looked up the
kitchen stairs to see who came in.
"It's only that soft-headed painter on
the third-story back," she reported to a
sister below.
The "painter" went up the stairs till he
reached the "third-story back," which he
unlocked and entered. It was a large room
with a mixture of dreariness and cheerful
ness, comfort and discomfort, produced by
the disorder of its contents, which, if man
aged by a deft hand, would have made it
almost luxurious.
Maurice added to the mass by tossing
hat and coat on the nearest chair; and
then, after filling a tiny kettle and putting
it ou the grate, he walked to an easel that
stood in the middle of the room, and draw
ing aside the cover, gazed in wrapt devo
tion on the picture it held.
It was thewoman he had just left. How
the soft eyes seemed* to beam, and the red
lips to smile, and the crimson on the cheek
to deepen beneath his eyes! The kettle
sang louder and louder, and at last bubbled
over into the fire, but it. did not awaken
hint front his dream. Suddenly a hand
fell on his shoulder, and a cheerful voice
cried, "Heigh% Maurice ! Worshiping at
your own shrine?'
The boy turned, and saw a tall, bearded
man in the prime cf life. He had a strong,
proud face, with a broad, high- brow; a
mouth firm and kind, around which care
had drawn some lines, and eyes that were
usually sad, but were now smiling kindly
on the boy.
"Peyton," said ho, grasping his hand,
"Thanks," repeated Peyton. "But let
we see the beauty that has so enchained
Ile looked at the picture andgrew white;
with one hand he grasped Maurice by the
shoulder, and pointing to it with the other,
he cried, "Great heaven, Maurice, has she
crossed your path ?"
. .
The blood 'mounted to Maurice's brow.
He threw off the hand and drew himself
up haughtily, but did not speak; and with
the sad light flooding his eyes, Peyton
continued, "My poor boy, has that beauti
ful fiend wound her deceitful wiles around
you ?"
Maurice's eyes flashed.
"How dare you speak thus of the purest
and most beautiful woman on earth Y Pey
ton, you are mad !"
"No, but when I see that face I wonder
that lam not. Maurice, listen to me. I
love you with a love man sometimes gives
to man—a love that is not often born, but
which, when once awakened, dies but with
life; and, in the name of that love, I ask
you, I beg you, to flee from that woman !
Avoid her as you would a deadly serpent!
Destroy that picture, and tear her memory
from your heart. Ah, Maurice, do it for
my sake ! I love you far better than she
ever can."
"Peyton, do you know that you speak
of the wife of a gentleman ?" •
"Wife of a gentleman ! In heaven's
name, Maurice, not ours ?"
The burning pain in his eyes forced
Maurice to reply, "No."
"Thank hea;en ! I would rather kill
you with my own hand than hear you call
that wretched woman wife."
Maurice sprang forward, and clutched
him by -the throat.
"Coward ! How dare you? You shall
answer for this! I see it all—you love
her yourself!"
_ _
With a calm hand, Peyton pushed him
"Love her ? Yes, I loved her once with
a strength that wasted all my youth, and
made my manhood desolate; and, to save
you from a like fate, I will tell you a secret
that I thought to carry to my grave. That
woman is my wife !"
His face was ashy, and great beads stood
on his brow. Maurice stood like a statue
a second; and then, looking Peyton boldly
in the fac.g,hobaaid, "You lie!" and, fold
ing his arms, calmly awaited the result of
his words.
The veins knotted on Peyton's brow, and
his face grew crimson. He raised his hand
but it fell quickly to his side. He stepped
close to Maurice.
"Maurice, no other man has ever said
those words to me, and had another than
you said them now, I should have struck
-him to the earth ; but I cannot harm you.
It is not you, but the spirit of that devil
there, that speaks ;" and he dashed the
picture to the ground. His lip trembled.
"God bless you, Maurice; I forgive you,
but henceforth we must be strangers."
He left the room.
* * * * * *
In the drawing-room soft music filled
the air, and fair forms glided in the drea
my waltz. In the conservatory, far enough
from the festive hall to have its brilliancy
toned down to intoxicating softness, Mau
rice stood by Isoline. Grandly beautiful
she was, her crimson dress falling in long,
gleaming folds, and the diamonds on her
arms and hair flashing a tribute light to
her dusky eyes. She leaned heavily on
Maurice's arm, and her hair almost touched
his cheek. The music grew softer, fainter;
Maurice turned his head, and a:drooping
branch swept his hair upon his forehead.
Isoline raised her hand and swept it back.
The touch sent the blood like fire through
his veins. The place swam before his
eyes, and in an instant he was pressing the
hand to his heart, and pouring forth wild
words of love.
A look of triumph flashed for an instant
beneath her downcast; she had won her
game. She liked the boy, and, if she da
red, she would give back love for love ; but
her life already held too many dark secrets
to risk another. She withdrew her band.
"Maurice! Mr. Maur ! How dare you ?
Is this your return for my kindness ? Oh,
base ingratitude !"
"Ingratitude! Oh, Isoliue, what have
I done ?"
"Forgotten that I am a wife I'
Had * Maurice been a man, he would have
flung back that she had first forgotten that;
but he only murmured, with pale lips,
.Forgive me. You are my life. My very
soul is yours."
"Again . hat insult ! Leave me, sir, or
I call my husband."
Her voice was haughty and her eyes
cold. Mutely Maurice turned away, and
left her. She waited till he left the con
servatory; and then, with a low laugh, she
returned to the drawing-room. She left
too soon to hear the bushes part, and a
man, with a stern, white face, step out and
walk to the door, whence be watched her
as she mingled with the throng. The man
was Peyton. He glared at her with hate
ful eyes, and when, in reply to a remark,
her light laugh came to him, he slipped
forward. But he checked himself, and
said, "For Maurice's sake I will not. I
will go to him. He must let me help him."
He left the door, and went to look for
Maurice. No Maurice there. A servant
said a gentleman had-left a short time be
"Poor boy !" he muttered. "I will fol
low him. She shall nor take him from
He called a carriage, and drove hastily
to Maurice's home. The door stood open.
He entered, and ran quickly up to his
room. No light was visible within. He
knocked; no answer. tie knocked again;
still no reply. He tried the door; it was
fast. A vague ferr stole over him. He
put his shoulder to the door; it yielded to
his strength, and swung open. He enter
ed. His foot struck something. He pick
ed it up, and knew it to be a Florentine
dagger that ho had given Maurice; the
blade was wet.
cold horror ran over him. Holding
the dagger fast he went towards the man
tel. At his next step his foot struck against
something. Great heaven ! what did it
mean? With a mighty stride he
passed over it, and seized the matches.
He tured on the gas, and fleeing darkness
unveiled a sight that froze his blood.
He did not cry out. He gazed a second,
and a wild hope seized him. He knelt
beside him and felt his heart; iu vain;
the dagger had gone home. He raised
the fair young head in his arms, and cov
ered brow and lips with kisses such as
men but seldom gives to man ; then he
tenderly laid the body gown; and, as he
be saw, lying where he had dashed
it a few hours ago, the picture of the woman
with a scarlet blood smear across her brow.
With a curse, he dashed his heel through
the canvas, and rushed from the room.
Oat into the darkness he hurried, towards
the gay scene where he had left her. He
reached the house. Music, and dancing,
and laughter continued. He laughed too
when he thought how soon he would turn
that joy to horror. He entered the house,
and looked for her among the crowd; she
was not there. He asked for her, and was
told that she had left the house few min
utes before.
Out again-in the night. Her residence
was not far away, and he soon reached it.
Lights were still burning and he rang the
door•bell violently.
"Have your master and mistress reti
red?" he asked of the servant.
"I must see them."
The servant looked uncertain ; but Pey
ton heard voices, and saw a light stream
ing through an open door. He pushed
the servant aside, and went towards the
sounds. He paused on the threshold. It
was the room in which he had first saw
her with Maurice. A bright fire burned
in the grate. Isoline, : still in her
ball dress, reclined in a lare chair before
it, and a man she called her husband, a
noble, white-haired man, with gentleman
stamped on every feature, was mixing a
soothing drink for her.
Peyton lingered on the threshold, and a
cry of pity went forth for that proud old
man; but the fair face, all blood-stained,
was between them, and he advanced.
Mr. Russell looked up. Astonishment
filled his face when he saw Peyton, so
pale and haggard; but he suppressed it,
and, extending his hand, said, "You are
welcome, Mr. Peyton, but I fear no pleas.
ant errand has brought you here. May I
ask what it is ?"
Peyton did not reply. His gaze was
fixed on Isoline. She had risen from her
chair, and clutching the back4or support,
she turned at him, white as marble, and
with eyes full of horror.
Mr. Russell repeated the question.
'Pardon me, Mr. Peyton, but may I ask
what you want ?"
Not once did Peyton move his eyes
from the cowering woman. He railed his
arm, and pointing his finger at her said,
"I want my wife !"
A death-like silence followed the awful
words, and then Mr. Russell reached for
the bell. Peyton stopped him.
"I knowNvhat you think—that I am
either drunk or mad; but I am neither.
Ask that woman if I tell the truth ! Ask
her if I found her among the slums of a
foreign city, and thought her a pure lily
blooming amid pollution, till dazzled by
her beauty and blinded by her arts, I mar
ried her ; and she repaid me as such out
casts always do; dishonored my name, and
fled with another. Ask her ! Isoline, is it
She did not speak ; but the stricken old
man saw in her face a more fearful confir
mation than words could make. He stag
gered to a chair, and Peyton continued—
"l know not how she has ensnared 'you,
nor do I care. I would have left her in
peace had she not again crossed my path,
and robbed me of all I had left. You know
Maurice Maur; I loved that boy more
deeply than man often loves woman. That
devil there cast her wiles around him, and
drew them closer and tighter till she held
his heart in her hand; and when, at last,
lured on by her arts, he told his love, she
cast it back on him in outraged virtue !
Her virtue ! Ha ! ha! Woman, look at
me 1 Maurice Maur now lies a bloody
corpse! The world will call his death sui
cide, but God will call it murder at your
hands ! Come and see your work 1"
He grasped her arm. Mr. Russell star
ted up.
"Stand back !" said Peyton. This is my
wife—do not interfere. Come, Moline.'
She tore herself away, and fell at his
"Mercy, mercy, Edward! Do not take
me to that fearful place ! The sight would
kill me!"
"Kill you! Would to heaven that it
would ! Come, Isoline; you must go."
He raised her to her feet, and tried to
lead her away; but she burst from him,
and, with one wild shriek, fell senseless to
the floor. Mr: Russell rose, and knelt be
side her. He did not speak, but lifted a
pale, imploring face to Peyton.
"I understand," said Peyton. "I have
done my work; I leave her to you now.
Old man you love her. I pity you; but
your course will soon be run; you will soon
be free. Do not quite hate me; spare one
tear for the weight that I must bear for
long, long years. lam going now. Fare
well forever.
The next day the world had two things
to prate of—the suicide of Maurice, and
the sudden illness of Mrs. Russell.
Poor Maurice was buried, and, soon after
the sods were piled upon his grave, his
name was heard no more. But Mrs. Rus
sell was more than a "nine days' wonder."
She was never seen again. Shortly after
her illness, a carriage was seen one night
to leave her house with several trunks on
the top; and soon after the place was shut
up, and Mr Russell went abroad, some
said to meet her ; but others said she had
eloped with Peyton. But nothing was
ever known except that some years after,
as one of her old friends was lounging in
a French cafe, he remarked to a friend
that the face of one of the singers remind
ed him of Mrs. Russell.
Mr. Banks' Legislative Record.
The 'Standard last week attempted a
biography of Thaddeus Banks, Esq., the
Democratic candidate for President Judge,
and dwelt at some length upon his legisla
tive career. We propose to add thereto
from the official records now befbre us.
When the war broke out in 1861, Mr.
Banks, with a great flourish of trumpets,
announced himself a War Democrat. He
was nominated by the Democratic party
for Assembly, was elected by Republicans
who believed him honest, and took his seat
on the ith of January, 1862. In that
House were such War Democrats as Hon.
John Scott, Hon. John Cessna, and Hon.
John Rowe, all elected, like Mr. Banks,
from Republican districts.
The House was Republican, but to
prove that the Republican party were will
ing to unite with honest War Democrats,
the Republican caucus nominated Hon
John Rowe, of Franklin, for Speaker.
The Democrats nominated Hon. William
Hopkins, of "Washington. The vote stood
—53 for Rowe, to 47 for Hopkins, Mr.
Banks voting for Hopkins, and against a
Democrat sincere in his opposition to
Treason. [See Logislative Record 0f1862,
page 6.]
On the 28th of January, 1862, Mr.
Cowan, of Warren, introduced the follow
ing resolution :
WHEREAS, Jesse D. Bright, of the Uni
ted States Senate, has given evidence of
treason and disloyalty to the government
he was and is sworn to support, and has
written the following letter :
WASHINGTON, Mar. 1, 1861.
MY DEAR SIR :—Allow me to introduce
to your acquaintance, my friend, Thomas
B. Lincoln. of Texas. He visits your capi
tal mainly to dispose of what ho regards a
great improvement in fire-arms. I com
mend him to your favorable consideration
as a gentleman of the first respectability,
and reliable in every respect. Very truly,
To his Excellency, Jefferson Davis,
President of the Confederate States."
Which lettor recognizes the slavery re
bellion as a de facto government, and
could only have been written with a trai
torous intent: therefore be it
RESOLVED, By the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met,
That our Senators from this State be and
they are hereby instructed to vote for the
immediate expulsion of the said Jesse D.
Bright from his seat in the United States
Two days later, Mr. Lowry, of Erie, in
troduced a similar resolution in the Sen
ate, which was passed. On the following
day it was reported from the House Com
mittee on Federal Relations and on a mo
tion to suspend the rules to proceed to its
consideration, the vote stood—ayes, 51;
nays, 32 ; Mr. Banks voted NAY. Less
than two-thirds having voted affirmatively,
the resolution went over. [Legislative
Record, page 170.] On the same day, Mr.
Bingham, of Allegheny, moved to consider
the joint resolution offered by Mr. Cowan.
Agreed to—ayes, 47; nays, 36, Mr. Banks
voting NAY. The resolution being now
before the House, Mr. Cessna, to avoid
any confusion which might occur between
the two Houses by reason of each having
a similar resolution, and also, to afford Mr.
Bright an opportunity to defend himself,
moved to strike out the whole of the orig
inal resolution and insert the following :
Resolved, That in case the Senators from
Pennsylvania in the Congress of the Uni-
ted States, Messrs. Cowan and Wilmot,
after an investigation of the facts in the
case, should come to the conclusion that
the substance of the charge set forth in
this preamble is established against said
Bright by the evidence, or that in the
present struggle his heart is not with his
country but with her enemies, then they,
the said Senators, are hereby instructed to
vote for the expulsion of said Bright,
whether in their opinion the evidence may
or may not be technically sufficient to con
vict him of treason in a court of justice,
unless in their judgment there be some
constitutional barriers against such expul
Mr. Cessna's amendment was agreed to
by a vote of 57 ayes to 37 nays, Mr. Banks
seeing that his persistent voting in the in
terest of the Rebels, was attracting atten
tion, this time voted aye. On the sth of
February the resolution was returned from
the Senate, that body having refused to
concur in the House amendment. Mr.
Armstrong, of Lycomiug, moccd that the
House recede. Disagreed to—ay 40;
nays, 41, Mr. Banks seeing little prospect
of the two Houses agreeing, and knowing
that a failure to agree was all that would
defeat the resolution, again voted NAY.
Committee of conference were appointed
who failed to agree. [Legislative Record,
pages 171, 172, 485, 203.] Had he voted
to recede, the Senate resolution would
have passed. Thus, Mr. Banks' great tri
umph as a War Democrat, was in prevent
ing by his vote the passage of a resolution
denouncing the treason of a Northern
United States Senator.
On the 3d of February, Mr. M'Clellan,
of Chester, offered a resolution giving the
Hall of the House to Rev. George B. Chee
rer to deliver a lecture against the Rebel
lion, on the following Wednesday evening.
Agreed to—ayes, 43 ; nays, 36, Mr. Banks
voting NAY. [Legislative Lecord, pg. 166.]
Mr. Cheerer's offence consisted in publicly
denouncing the Rebellion.
On the 17th of March, Mr. Williams,
of Allegheny, moved to suspend the rules
to allow him to offer a resolution granting
the Hall the Wendell Phillips, to deliver
a lecture in, on the succeeding Thursday
evening. Disagreed to—ayes ' 29; nays,
37, Mr. Banks voting NAY. Mr. Phillips
has no sympathy for Slavery or Treason,
and hence, he did not suit Mr. Banks.
(Legislative Record, page 489.]
On the 26th of March, Mr. M'Manus,
of Philadelphia, moved that the House
proceed to the consideration of bill No.
253. Agreed to—ayes, 61 ; nays, 23, Mr.
Banks voting NAY. This bill provided
that all persons holding offices of profit or
trust, within the Commonwealth, shall take
and subscribe an oath of allegiance to sup
port, protect and defend the Constitution
of the United States and of this State
against all enemies, whether domestic of
foreign. This blow at the sympathisers
wit,, toe newlyon was too much for Sir.
Banks' boasted War Democracy, and he
went plump into the Rebel camp. [Legis
lative Record, page 666.] He, doubtless,
could have stood an oath to protect the
Constitution against Foreigners, but to ask
Pennsylvanians to swear not to take part
with Southern Democrats, was too much.
On the 9th of April, while the Congres
sional apportionment was pending and the
XVIIth district under discussion, Mr.
Banks, in a speech, and the longest one of
his legislative career, too, advocated the
adding of Clearfield county to our district,
so as to put this county completely under
the heel of Wallace and his coffee-pot fol
lowers. That the proposition to annex
Clearfield to our district, was entirely in
the interest of Wallace; that nobody in
this county desired it, and that Mr. Banks,
consistent Presbyterian as the Standard
claims hint, was willing to sacrifice truth
to Rebel Democracy, we quote from his
'•I hope that the amendment of the gen
tleman from Cambria, [Mr. Pershing,]
will prevail. * * * I have
received letters front persons living in
Clearfield county, in which they ask that
that county be attached to our dis
trict. * * * Their business
relations are entirely with us. * *
I may also say that the amendment now
proposed will not interfere with the other
portions of the bill whatever. It simply
proposes to detach a county front the dis
trict and attach it to another. [Legislative
Record, page 943.]
On the 9th of April, Mr. Williams, of
Allegheny, moved to consider the follow
ing resolution, it having previously passed
the Senate :
WHEREAs, The Constitution of the
United States was ordained and adopted to
establish justice and secure the blessings
of liberty to the people,
AND WHEREAS, It is provided in the
eighth section of the Constitution that
Congress shall have power to exercise ex
clusive legislation in all cases whatsover
over the District of Columbia,
AND WHEREAS, A bill is • now pending
in Congress providing for the abolition of
slavery in said District; Therefore, RE
SOLVED, By the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennslyvania, in General dlssembly met,
That it is the unquestionable right and
manifest duty of Congress to abolish slave
ry in the District of Columbia.
That our Senators in Congress be and
they are hereby instructed and our Repre
sentatives requested to vote for the total
and immediate abolition of slavery in said
District on such terms as may be deemed
just and equitable to slave owners therein.
That the Governor .be requested to for
ward a copy of these resolut/bna to each of
our Senators and Representatives in Con
The motion was disagreed to, the vote
standing—ayes, 40 ; nays, 50, Mr. Banks
voting NAY. [Legislative Record, page
—Such is Mr. Banks record as a leg
islator. We have recorded it faithfully
and quoted him correctly, giving the page
of the official record upon which every vote
and speech referred to, may be found. If
his record is one of devotion to, and
sympathy with Treason, when Treason was
raising its blood-red hand and aiming at
the heart of the Nation, he made it so
himself. We have followed him through
his entire legislative career—from the
hour when he confessed that his professions
of War Democracy were a fraud, at the or
ganization of the House, to the day when
he gave his full - measure of devotion to
Rebel Democracy by voting against the
abolition of Human Slavery in the District
, of Columbia—and at almost every turn of
NO. 37.
the page, the official record shows his
sympathy with the Slaveholders' Rebel
lion. His sympathy with the Rebels crop
ped out on every occasion that offered—
sometimes in the cowardly Copperhead
way of voting against the consideration of
a measure, as in the case of the Bright res
olution, and sometimes in the open Rebel
way, as in that of granting the Hall to the
Rev. Mr. Cheever in which to deliver a
lecture against the Rebellion ; but always
in the interest of the Rebels in their effort
to destroy the Government. We submit
these votes of Mr. Banks, cast when the
life of the Nation was trembling in the
balance, and when every motive of patriot
ism oug ht to have impelled every legisla
tor from a loyal State to vote and act for
his country, to the careful scrutiny and
consideration of every voter in Blair county
and throughout this Judicial District, con
fident that they will not again place in
office one who used his voice and vote, as a
legislator, to further the Treason of the
country's worst. Traitors.—Blair Vounty
Ito Escavo of G. 0. Evails.
Assistance of the New York Democracy.
George 0. Evans has, at least for a
time, escaped the strong arm of the Com
monwealth. An officer of the law left
Harrisburg for Albany on Friday last
with all the necessary documents, under
the great seal of the State, empowering
him to arrest a fugitive from justice, in the
person of George 0. Evans, then known
to be in the city of New York. The offi
cer arrived in Albany on Saturday after
noon with a requisition from the Execu
tive of this State for the surrender of
Evans. This requisition required the en
dorsement of Gov. Hoffman to render it
effective ; but Governor Hoffman was
conveniently absent from the seat of gov
ernment, and the officer was compelled to
await his return, which he was told would
be on the Monday morning following. Ac
cordingly on Monday morning, at the
usual time for opening the Governor's of
fice, Lieut. Hoopes, (the officer referred to)
presented himself and exhibited the requi
sition 'from Gov. Geary for the endorse
ment of Gov. Hoffman. The Governor
was not present—but the Clerk in the of
fice was about to comply, when be was
prevented by the Private Secretary of the
Governor, who informed him that he knew
all about the case—that the Governor had
received a dispatch from Harrisburg on
Saturday morning, informing bins that a
requisition had been issued by Gov. Geary,
and that Judge Parker, an eminent law
yer residing in Albany, had called on Gov.
Hoffman -and rertneatti to liAoloati
took any action in the matter.
(The question suggests itself, who tele
graphed to the Governor of New York,
informing him of the action of Gov. Geary,
thereby aiding the escape of au embezzler
from this State ? This will no doubt, be
discovered by an investigating committee
of the Legislature.)
But to resume. Lieut. Hoopes was then
informed that the Governor would return
at eleven o'clock, when he might call and •
have an interview with him. Punctually
at the time specified he entered the Exec
utive chamber and met his Excellency,
from whom be learned that Judge Parker
had appeared before him as counsel for
Evans, and that he had given him until
four o'clock to examine the papers present
ed, and hear an argument on the same.—
Lieut. Hoopes reminded the Governor that
this proceeding was extraordinary ; that
requisitions of this kind were generally re
cognized at once, or rejected if not in form.
The Governor, however, persisted in his
decision, and Lieut. Hoopes had to wait
until four o'clock before he could learn
what the Governor intended to do. At
the hour specified the Lieutentant again
called, and was finally informed that the
Governor would permit the surrender of
the fugitive, on the requisition of Governor
Geary, if he could be found in that State.
Before the Governor of New York had
agreed to endorse the requisition, Mr.
Evans, who was in New York, was inform
ed by telegraph what the authorities at
Albany were doing; thus giving him am
ple time to leave the State, or secrete him
self in any of the many dens so notorious
in that city. Lieut. Hoopes was compelled
to wait nearly three whole days before the
requisition was endorsed by Gov. Hoffman.
There can, therefore, be no doubt that the
Tammany thieves were aiders and abettors
in the escape of Evans.
We understand, also, that Evans has
' counsel employed in New York, who have
already a habeas corpus issued, so that if
by chance Evans should be arrested there
he could be at once taken before one of
their own partisan judges, who would no
doubt discharge him without hesitation.—
We predict that Evans will not be arrested
in New York before the November elec
tion. He would be valuable at that time.
He is a good repeater, understanding the
ten per cent. business to a fraction.
Is. Richard Yana and twenty-four
other Democrats of Philadelphia have
issued an address to the Democracy of
Pennsylvania, in which they declare over
their names, "the negroes of right never
have been and never should be a portion of
the political power of this country," and
reaffirm the immediate belief of the unde
filed Democracy that "this is a white man's
Government, formed by white men for
White men and their posterity forever."
They denounce the assumption of authori
ty by which the Harrisburg convention
dishonored the time-honored principles of
the organization, and by one resolution
settled as dead issues they will resist to the
bitter end. A vote for any candidate of
the Democracy, we repeat, will be a vote
in favor of negro suffrage. Are the Dem
ocrats of Pennsylvania prepared for this ?
—State Journal.
10.. The action of The Republican
County Convention of Huntingdon, on
Tuesday, is especially gratifying. Both
wings seemed disposed to harmonize ex
isting differences, and once more wheel in
to line and place a ticket in nomination
which would be elected by the old fash
ioned Republican majority. We believe
the Republican Party of Huntingdon will
be a unit in October. A desperate effort
will be made to elect Mr. Africa to the
Legislature, but we believe his defeat is as
probable as that of his Democratic compeers.
—Tyrone Herald.