The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, September 06, 1871, Image 3
.e Huntingdon Journal. dnesday Morning, Sept. 6, 1871 •:ADING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. MEETINGS, . Mom. Longs, NO. MO, A. Y. N., meets second Mon— Toning of each month, in Brown's building. NEIN° STONE 11. R. A. Custiven No. 201, meets the Cnesliay evening of each month, in Brown's CIATA LODGE, No. 117, I. 0.0. F., meets every Friday ng, third flog, Leister's trxr HOE CAMP Oe I. 0. 0 F., meeM every second and a Tuesdays, third floor, Leister's building. " " " • ;A1 , 7.0s I O. of R. M., - meets every ;day evening, third floor, Leister's :sG MEN'S CHRISTIAN Assoc...non meets the first and Monday evenings of each month, in Smith's 33, G. A. R., meets third Monday of each month in _ _ . „ COUNCIL meets the lint Friday evening of each ;TIN.. LODGE, No. 149, H. of P., meets every Sat evening, in Smith's building. NTINGDOO TEMPLE OP Ilovon, No. 71, meets the fourth ay of each month in Good Templar's Hall. %Vans/eau:l CLLR meets every Thursday evening, T. 31. C. A. room. . . . vrixon. Canaan, 0. U. A. M., moats first and third ays of each month in Good Templar's Hall• tit Church—Washington street. Res. J. PLAN. Services on Sabbath: a. m.,7 p. m. holic—Washington street. Itev. P. D Olisucnt.tx. :es first three Sundays in every month. _ _ :agelical street. Rev. J. J. KERR. ,es on Sabbath WA a 7p. m. man Reformed—Chimch street. Rev. S. D. Srscm.s. :es on Sabbath p. Episcopal—Chnrch street. Rev. M. K. FOSTER. MS on Sabbath : 10X. a. m., i p. an. testant Episcopal—Hill street. No Pastor. sbyterian —Hill street. Rev. G. W. ZAIINIZER. Ser. on Sabbath: 11 a. m p. m. 3f Mention—Homo-Made and Stolen 'nit cans are in demand. to leaves arc coloring slightly. it farmers are busy threshing grain. is public schools opened on Monday last. oming up—The new Presbyterian church Lrrisburg is cursed with Sunday rowdies. Irertisers in the JOURNAL are doing a good filin county has had two slight fires re• ightly numerous last week—Printing office :suming magnificent proportions—Miller's ery. we you sent us a new subscriber? If not, not ? e dais are growing perceptibly shorter at ends. brisk business in slander suits is going on ttsburgh. intingdon snpports three market cars and dairies. handsome structure—Watson's new house llegheny street. African giant, eight feet high, is on his to this country. ie people of Union county are opposed to Tow gauge railroad. w crossings have been laid at the corner ,urth and Mifflin streets. •t your neighbor to subscribe for the NIL. Only $2 per annum. scissor-grinder and a juvenile violinist e" this place on Thursday last. stern peaches, of medium quality, are ig in this place at $2652,25 per box. e Lutheran Sabbath school scholars pic 1, at Burchinell's Grove, on Thursday. 1 of penny-royal is a popular antidote ist the voracious attacks of mosquitoes. e Fultz wheat is so called after a gentle by the name of Fultz, residing in Mifflin ,e Young Men's Christian Association of mylvania will meet in Erie on the 12th att. e ministers of the oil regions are preach sermons against pumping oil wells on lay. veral inebriated individuals have been ided with quarters in Fort Neeley by our week days you buy your music by the t : on Sundays you have it by the choir iothing,. it merchants are fixing up for the fall 3. Consult our advertising columns for iculars. woman seventy years of age is in jail in >burgh for forgery. She is old enough to • had better sense. snake, of the "new departure" species, killed at the corner of Fourth and Mifflin As one day last week. mutiful—The specimens of marble work at isms' shop. The Colonel knows how to Ile the chisel and mallet. cow was stolen from Rev. Mr. Thrush, of istown, driven to Mt. Union and sold for An enterprising thief. se political campaign has fairly opened.— n, Republicans, and don'tallow yourselves ome out of the fight second best. ie pews of some of our churches ought to on pivots, so that the occupants can see comes in without straining their necks. he State of Pennsylvania contains 11,515,- acres of Cultivated land, 5,740,864 acres of dland, and 737,371 acres of unimproved he oldest inhabitant has no recollection of .mmer when we had so much lightning.— .ourse his statement does not apply to New very valuable mill property is advertised sale in another column. This will be a d investment for some gentleman who has "spinners." sarcastic young lady says she never was much in love with a man that two rainy 3 together, in a country house, would not ;Wally cure her. ur imp of darkness was rusticating in the 11 districts on Sunday last, feasting on the )f the land, and returned home with a pain er his waist-band. large bull attempted to stop the Cincinnati .ress, near Patterson, the other day. It is dip necessary to add that the 'train went and the bull went off. - ur young friend, John Africa, had several is toes severely cut, the other day, by corn in contact with some of the machinery in •chinells' planing mill. 7e have just supplied our job office with a of tip-top rollers, and are prepared to do kinds of printing in the best style of the Call and see specimens. Vithin the past two weeks we have added names - of over two hundred new subscri s to the JOURNAL. Still room for more. Send he names and the cash. .rowing small and beautifully less—The wd of blackguirds that congregate about Methodist church door every Sabbath even . So much for the police. , ur stock of cards, envelopes, bill head, let head and note head papers is now complete, we are prepared to do all kinds of print in this lin3 at short notice and on reason. e terms. Give us your orders. 'he "Abyssinian stretch" has superceded Grecian bend and the kangaroo droop ong the belles of fashion. It is supposed .t this will have a short run as the ‘.llada car flutter" and the "Feejeean sprawl" are icing to be adopted. fear Norristown, on Thursday, there was served coming through the air what appear• to be a small snow storm. Its flakes, on pection, proved to be flies, built after the del of the yellow-jacket, with long sheeny gs and small heads. For an hour the host s seen going southward. Some of them re caught, and found entirely unlike any fly herto seen in that section of the Union. CLOSING EXERCISES OP TOE COUNTY NORMAL ScncoL.The Huntingdon County Normal School, located at Alexandria, Pa., closed its second annual term on Tuesday, August 18, 1871. There was about fifty students in attendance during the term, most of whom intend to teach in the county, the coining winter. We have already seen sufficient results to cause no to feel well satisfied with our sum user's work, and to warrant the assertion that the school has been a success. In commendation of our students, we arc glad to say that through their careful demean. or and their courteous conduct towards the citizens of Alexandria, they have now a high moral reputation in the community; and by their strict obedience to the regulations of the school and their willingness at all times to perform the duties assigned them, they have secured our highest esteem and warmest friendship. The closing exercises of the school took place on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. We were glad to have so many of our friends from the borough and vicinity with us to wit ness the exercises, and especially gratified with the presence of Prof. Gast, of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. The following is the programme: Prayer, by Prof. Gast, Lancaster, Pa.; Salutatory Es say, "The Head and the Heart," Miss Beckie Patterson, Alexandria ; Recitation, "Green Ap ples," Mr. S. B. Hall, Alexandria; Eulogy, "John Quincy Adams," Mr.Wm.Crowel, Birm ingham, Pa.; Referred Questions, "which is the greater invention, the Steam Engine or the Sewing Machine ?" The question was answered first by Mr. P. H. Bridenbaugh, of Arch Springs, Blair Co., who argued that the "Steam Engine" is the greater invention. He was followed by Mr. D. 11. Knode, of Alexandria, who presented the c:aims of the "Sewing Machine." Declamation, "Voice of the Dead," Mr. J. W. McMahan, Neffs Mills, Pa.; Referred Ques tions, "which, has the greater curiosity, Man or Woman r Mr. J. B. Cutshall, of Dublin Mills, Fulton Co , Pa., opened the dies scion with a humor ous argument in favor of the greater curiosi ty of "Man." His opponent was Mr. W. Scott Wilson, of Shavers Creek, Pa. Oration, "Our Nation's Progress," Mr. S. H. Isenberg, McConnellstown, Pa.; Recitation, "The Drowned Child," Miss Rattle McDivitt, Alexandria ' Pa.; Valedictory Oration, "The Levelers of Society," Mr. N. P. Corbin, Hunt ingdon, Pa. The above persons who represented the school in the closing exercises were selected partly because of scholarly ability and liters ry acquirements, and partly because by their deportment they had won the Confidence and merited the approbation of the authorities of the school. . _ Without commenting on each exercise, I simply remark that all did exceedingly well for the amount of culture they have had and the length of time allowed them to make prpara tion. The closing remarks to the school was made by Mr. S. I'. McDivitt. In an address which I will not mar by epitomizing, he argued the importance of having pure and noble ideals of character as models for imitation, and of striving earnestly to reach these ideals. • '• We never rise higherthan our aspirations and hence the necessity of aiming high if we would have our lives result in anything good, noble or good. Ile aimed also to impress upon teachers the nobility of their work, cause them to properly appreciate its claims and responsibilities, and create in them a desire to attain higher litera ray and professional qualifications. The exercises were then - closed with the benediction, by Prof. Gast. It. M. McilEet. SMUCE CREEK AND FRANKLINVILLE. —The following notes of places in this county we cut from the Harrisburg Patriot : is a little village on the Pennsylvania railroad, in the Huntingdon county, right in among the big hills, with three or four stores, a mill and one hotel. Spruce Creek runs through it, ever which you may pass without toll. Little regularity is observed in the streets, and the architecture of the houses is not remarkable for great beauty. The church is only a small and plain structure, without ornament, but is used by an honest and devout christian peo ple. From the slight opportunities afforded us for forming acquaintances we should judge that the people are a hardy and happy class who did not envy their neighbors, nor strive after positions they cannot reach. A very flue religious influence is felt antoug them, and a good division of the Sons Temper ance is doing its work well. A ride of about four miles "up the valley by the side of the • little babbling brook," brings you to This is a mere hamlet, but is romantic in ap pearance, and the inhabitants are kind and intelligent. A couple of churches, a few shops of various kinds, two stores of small dimen sions, and a few unpretending dwellings coin prise the buildings of the place. They have no hotel, as no ardent spirits can be sold in the town, and temperance hotels are not very profitable, the morals of the people are good, and like other places of the same kind, there is a spirit of contentment and happiness among them beautiful to behold. Here a di• vision of Sons of Temperance is also at work, and doing the preventive office of the reform. A very remarkable cave is near this place, but the weather was too oppressive to invite an examination of its peculiarities. We were struck with the beauty of the scenery around, and the healthfulness of the inhabitants. Fur naces and kindred establishments are frequent among the bills along the valley of the Spruce Creek. _ _ It is good to breathe the pure are and drink the clear water of these mountain towns, and we were not anxious to see the dirty hack and lean horses coming to take us away. REMENISCENCE OF THE PAST.—Some forty-five or fifty years ago, there was a camp meeting held at what is now called the Old Taylor Camp Ground, near Cassville, this county. During the progress of this meeting, a colored woman came to Cassville, and was captured by a constable of the place, who supposed her to be a runaway slave, and that be might make some money in the operation. On Sabbath, before going to camp, he confined his prisoner in the garret of an did house near where Isaac Curfman now lives, in Trough Creek Valley, and also near to Cassville. But when he returned to sec hisprisoner, he was horror stricken to find that she had hanged herself to a beam of the rafters. This news was soon conveyed to the campmeeting, and hundreds went to see the horrible sight. An old gentleman that witnessed the scene, says that they bared her shoulders and breast, and he feels satisfied that he could not have put the point of his finger on her breast or shoulders without putting it on a scar from the whip. She proved to be a Virginia slave and chose rather to take her own life than be taken back to cruel bondage. Her master pursued her as far as Three Springs. There he heard of her death andturned back, fear ing no doubt, if he went on he might have to be at the expense of burying her. This is what slavery was fifty years ago. BURGLAR SHOT AND CAPTURED.—We learn that the public house kept by A. Leisher, in Hollidaysburg, was entered about two o'clock last Wednesday Morning by a burg lar, and robbed of a pair of pants, twenty dol lars in money, a gold watch, and several other articles. By some means Mr. Leisher was aroused and gave chase, and overtaking the thief a tussle ensued. Mr. L., being struck on the head with a jimmy returned the compli ment by sending a bullet through the rascal's shoulder from his pistol, when, after .another tussle, assistance coming up, he was secured and lodged in jail. The watch was secured But the pants containing the $2O in a purse was not—which leads to the belief that there was an accomplice in the job and that they were thrown out of the window to him.—Al toona Tribune. ON Satuaday week the barn of James H. Lyons, near New Enterprise, Bedford coun ty, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Mr. Lyons is an industrious colored man, and the loss falls heavily upon him. We are glad to know that the people of Morrison's Cove are showing their sympathy for their neighbor, a meeting having been held, on Tuesday evening following, and $llOO raised to assist him in rebuilding. Such actions are characteristic of the people of Morrison's Cove.—Press. A Mosr disgraceful scene occurred on the express train of the 11. & 13. R. It. on Sat urday night last. At Saxton three or four drunken rowdies got aboard the train and at once became boisterous to the great terror of several ladies, and the annoyance of the pas sengers generally. The appearance of the gentlemanly condudtor, Mr. John Rohm, we supposed would at once quiet these reckless specimens of humanity, but not so, they con tinued their noise and cursing. When remon strated with by Mr. Rohm two of them abused him by words and blows till "forbearance ceased to be a virtue" when he rang the bell, summoned his engineer and fireman, (there being no brakeman nor baggage master on the train), who seized the rowdies and ejected them from the car. It was only after the grosest insults that these cowardly villains were thus dealt with. We hope to see the officers ofjustice on their track and hear of them receiving the highest penalty of the law. Ought there not be a law prohibiting drunken men from riding on public convey ances ? ADVERTISING.—There is a class of per sons who imagine they are doing very judi ciously by advertising through the medium of circulars. They scatter a few thousand through the city, announcing their business, and await the result, fully convinced that in so doing they have taken all necessary prelim inaries to success. Various circulars are al most daily to be found on the doorsteps and in the entry-ways of respectable houses. Their fate is, generally, that they are either thrown into the street by the indignant servant girl who answers the bell, or summarily pitched aside by the man of the house who finds them when he returns house, and who desires no suggestions of new methods of lightening his purse. The use of circulars may, in certain limited cases, answer every purpose; but the vast majority of those who have made money by advertising have found that the columns of a newspaper are the best and surest, and in the end the cheapest, medium of communica tion between the business world and the pub lic.—Ex FIRE.—The dwelling house of Daniel Magahen, of MeConnellstown, this county, took fire, it is supposed, from the spark of an oil lamp, and burned to the ground about eight o'clock on last Sunday evening. A large por tion of the furniture and other valuables were consumed. There was no insurance. 31r.Maga hen is a laboring man, and by this severe loss is left without the means to replace his house. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA A(;RICVL TITRAL SOCIETY.-The Third Annual Exhibition of this Society (formerly Altoona Park Asso ciation), will be held at the City of Altoona on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 1871. The grounds are the largest and most complete, and the driving course equal to.the best, in the State. The very liberal premiums offered by the Managers must command the attention and attendance of all parties rearing good stock, or interested in agricultural and other inventions. The following summary of pre miums will convey an idea of their magnitude: Thoroughbred horses $399 00 Roadsters B9 00 Horses for general purposes l2l 00 Draft horses lO5 00 Matched, driving and saddle horses GO 00 Jacks and mules 57 00 Thoroughbred, native and grade cattle 912 00 Sheep and swine 204 00 Farm and yard fowls 149 00 Farm implements l5O 00 And all other premiums to correspond. The speed premiums amount to $2,000, di vided into seven purses : One of $25 ; one of $4OO ; one of $lOO ; one of $5O ; one of $lOO ; one of $500; one of s2so—the whole making over $6,000 in premiums for the present sea- The complete success of former exhibitions of the Society, and the general_ satisfaction given, should guarantee a larger turnout this season than heretofore. Entries of blooded stock and valuable inventions are being made, and there will be beauty and diversity to look upon. Excursion tickets will be issued from all stations on the main line and branches of the Pennsylvania Railroad, from Monday until Friday, good for return trip on Saturday. Any of our readers who wish bargains in Woolen Goods, should call on Glazier & Bro., 309 North Third street. They have a large as sortment of Woolen Goods, Flannels of all kinds, Tweeds, &c., which it would be to the advantage 'of consumers to purchase now, as they will undoubtedly be higher during the coming season. [aug.3o-2w ANY person desiring an Estey & Cu's., Cottage Organ, at any price ranging from $l4O to $7OO can be supplied by applying to this office. Terms: One-half cash, and the remain der in six months in bankable paper. Organ warranted. A good chance for a church or society. tf. FRESH VEGETABLES.—The market car ot Messrs. Africa & Black will arrive every Wednesday evening, where vegetables of every kind can be had, wholesale or retail, as cheap as the cheapest. [aug 9—tf. Alpacca Poplins of all colors, Figured Reps, &c., a good assortment, at Glazier & Bro.'s. [aug.3o-2.w AXLE Grease, in Boxes, at Stewarts' Hard ware Store. 23aug3t. LEATHER, Gutta-percha, and Britania Tour ists' Cups at Stewarts' Hardware Store. [23-3t 1000 tons Anthracite coal, the best ra rities, at lowest market rates for sale, whole sale or retail, by Robert U. Jacob 01=21 Window Glass and Putty at Patton's. March 22, tf. CELEBRATED "Barnet" coal in the Lump, R:n of mine or Fine for sale, wholesale and retail by Robert 11. Jacob. Dune 21. 5000 bushels land lime, best quality, for sale at ten cents per bushel. Also, 1000 bush eles Juniata fresh lump lime, quality guaran teed, at eighteen cents per bushel. Apply to Robert U. Jacob. Dune 21. Muslins, Prints, Tickings and Shirtings of all kinds for sale, cheap, at Glazier & Bro.'s. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RAIL ROAD—Report of Coal Shipped: TONS. For the week ending Sept., 2 1871 3,412 Same date last year 5,187 Increase for week Decrease for week 1875 Shipped for the year 1871 223,719 Same date last year 205,894 Igerease for year 1871 To NEBRASKA, CALIFORNIA, AND KANSAS, AND THE B. Sc M. It. R. LANDS.- The "Burlington Route," so called, lies right in the path of the Star of Empire. It runs almost immediately in the center of the great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and lowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of the trans-Missouri le gion. The Northern gate is Omaha, where the great Pacific road will take you to the land of gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and per petual summer. The middle gate is Plattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a region unsurpassed on the continent for agriculture and grazing. Just here are the B. & M. Railroad lands, con cerning Geo. S. Barris, the land officer at Burlington, lowa, can give you all informs tion, and i❑ the heart of them is Lincolii, the State Capital and present terminus of the road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by con nections with the St. Joe Road at Ilamburg, running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. The trains of the Btirlingtou run smoothly and safely, and make all connections. It run the best of coaches, Pullman Palace and Pullman dining cars, and should you take the journey for the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; or take it to find a home or a farm and you cannot.find either better than among the 13, & K. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price, tf. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Reported Weekly for the .JOURNAL by henry & Co. Iltrxrugoaosr, PA., Sept. 8,1871. Wholesale. Retail. BUTT"". $ 25 $ 2 5 COFFEE, O. O. Java 26 ,1 " Mark:al.° 2 i ki.24 23@28 " Rio, choice Rio, good 1,4,20 21 " Rio, fair 177,19 20 " O. 11. Java, roasted ;75 . " Marimba," • " Rio, choice, " • 2.6 Rio, good, " 17015 l5 notra, white wheat 711) red wheat . 675 to ;03 WOE., white, per laidt 1 30 " red, " 120 Ilre SO Coax 7O OATS 4O MOLASSES, Port Rico • 63 " New Orleans 1 00 Sim., loaf l5 16 ;., powdered*. l5 .16 " granulated l5 16 A 14%7 ihs for 1 05 " extra C 13%; 7 ths for 95 yellow C l2 7 tbs for 85 • brown l2 7 Ths for 75 TEA, Young Ilyson 6541 25 1 30 " Gunpowder, line 65480 00 " Gunpowder, finest Imperial, fine 55480 100 " Imperial, finest 1 0041 30 140 Japan, flue 7541 00 110 " Japan, finest 1 0041 25 140 " Oolong, fine 60(0)70 70 " Oolong, finest 859y1 23 140 Souctiong, fine 60460 90 " Simi:hong, English Breakfast 1 0041 50 140 SYRUP, silver drip lllO 1 20 Crystal . 1 35 1 50 " diamond drips 95 110 extra golden Ni 00 " bee hive 7O 75 " best baking 55 65 Raisin, layers 3 50 25 valencia l6 18 " mats l6 20 Prmsks l3 15 CIatR.TS RICE STARCH lO OAP - $ 10 SAL , ODA 5 BregeTs;two hoops, 22 " three hoops 25 PEANUTS, roasted, per bushel 3 50 10r qt. 20 ESSENCE COFFEE, per gross 420 per box 5 CIIEE - E, Goshen l7 20 CANNED PEACHES, 311, ennq l5O 40 " .. 2 lb eaus 3 30 30 " TOMATOES,3 lb Cllll3 2 75 25 "" 2 II) caw. " EOO 1'4.3734,2 10 Cllll4 4 50 40 " GRI.S GAGES, n " R. CHERRIES " " 'Mime CIIFAIIIIES 4 50 44) " Wranow34CoßB 3 00 35 " 1084 A 14e))48, 21D cans 4 .10 . 15 " (14t888 PEAS, 2l1) cans 3 75 80 MINCE 3IEAz 14% IS 6 i rotatoc.4 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS, Sept. 5. 1871. noun, Extra family $7 00 " Superfine 550 fancy brands 8 00 Rye 5 00 CORN 31eal 4 04.! WHEAT, white, per bushel. `• red, Conn New Advertisements MUSIC STORE You can save front ten to thirty per cent. Ity buy. ing your Instruments front E. J. G ii.E EN E Denier in • STEINWAY & SONS', CHECKERING & SONS', THE UNIONPIANVGATE CO., THE WEBER, RAVEN & BACON'S, GEO. M. GOULD & CO.'S, CONRAD MEYERS' AND ALL OTHER MAKES OP •PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S and Geo. Woods ct, Co.'s e,lebrated Organs, and any other look° desired. Moo, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins. Herman Aeeorde6no, Sheet Music, Music Books, and good r1:11103 for iti:1:10 and upwards. " llye - oct ave Organs for 80 " " Melodeons for 70 " " All Instruments warranted for fire years. Agents supplied at wholesale Rates, as low as in the eities. Call on, or address, E. J. GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa., 2nd floor of Leister's new building. January 4. 1871. AIRY VIEW ACADEMY !! ! PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN'A. FUR, :011,ILE .1,1.7.31 A Attractively situatad in a healthful and beauti ful region, one-fourth of a mile from Penn'a.R. B. Four regular graduates, assssted by other compe tent ins:ruetors, constitute the corps of instruction. The Principal, (for many years in charge of Tus carora Academy, and, since 1352, t e head of this institution), ref rs to his numerous pupils in all the learned professions, and in every department of business. Music and Painting, specialties. Fall session will commence ,S'EPTEMBER lst, 1511. Terueft,,i,,42oo per fjf!!ifit _AdAress, DAVID WILSON, A. M. A. J. I'ATTERSON, A. M. Port Royal P. 0., Pa. july26-em, WM. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, &C., HUNTINGDON, PA PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, MOULDINGS. SLC ALSO SLATE MANTLES FURNISHED TO. ORDER. Jan.. 4, '7l. FARM FOR SALE.—.The undersign ed, will sell, at Public Sale, in Juniata town- hip, on Tuesday, the 3d day of °doter, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following deseribel real estate. A farm, situate is Junists,toWnship, about fire . miles -from Iluntin,gdon ' containing about 180 acres, more less,lls of which nre cleared, and the balance well timberdd, having thereon erected a saw-mill, log house, a tenant-house, and a frame Bank Barn, with other necessary outbuildings. Also, a good orchard in a thriving condition. TE8318,--One-lhird of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the bal ance in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured by bonds and mortgages of the purch ase, A general variety of personal property of , said deceased, will be uttered on said dew. lIENItk HAWN, ALBERT HAWN, Executors of Jacob Hawn, deceased. ALSO. At the same time and place, a tract of land, in said township, containing 35 acres, about 11 acres cleared. Aug. 16, 18;1—ts. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. U• D. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pa. I This is to give notice, That on the 10th day of August A. D. 1871 a Warrant in Bankruptcy • was issued against the estate of Paul Ammerman, of Broad Top City in the county of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to such Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of ally property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register in Bankruptcy in the Court House, in Hunting‘lon, belbre John Brotherline, Esq., Register, on the 20th day of September, a. d. 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. no. : 17,825 A. AMRDOCII, U. S. Marshal, 83 Messenger. Ang. 16,1871-It. T HE WARM SPRINGS. This popular summer resort is now open for visitor,. The hunting and fishing grounds are unsurpassed, while the scenery is the grandest and most romantic in the State. It is the intention of the lessees to keep the Springs open the whole year anal no pains will be spared to make guests com fort:tide. aug.ii-tf. HARRISON Si GEISSINGER. W. BUCHANAN. P. ALLISON. . J. M. BUCHANAN. 500 Hill St., Ilitntingdon, Pa. 'PHIS is the place to get your fruit jars -A- and tin cans wholesale and retail, also a find assortment of jelly glasses. COOKING STOVES. We have the cheapest, largest and best assortment this side of PhilaJelphla. Wo-hoop Spears' Calo rific, Excelsior, Penn, Olive Brand, Morning Light, Cottage, Star, and Regulator. We warrant every stove. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, JAPANED WARE, TIN and PAINTED WARE, &c., &c., &c., ke. Persons going to Those Keeping. can get every article they need from a clothes pin up to a cook ing stove. ROOFING, SPOUTING, and all kinds of Job Work done at short notice. Give ay a call and we feel satisfied you can save mono•. July 12. New Advertisements, A LIST OF PERSONS USING THE' SINGE!! SEWING MACHINE 8,::tOt BOOK STORE, ,lerrot for Huntingdon County. 138 I/T THIS LIST_ Mrs. M. R. Armitage, Huntingdon IL G. Morrison, " " William Decker, " Mordecai Gahagan, " " Geo. W. Garreitson, " Wm. Gram, •• Joseph Morrison, •• John Kutner, •• Isaac Fisher, " Harry Fisher, David Blair, " Dorris Stitt, Shade Gap. Pa. " William Wax, Blairs Mills, Pa. Akx. C. Blair, .• Michael Stair, Orbisonia. " Debt. Bingham, Sliirleyshorg, R. C. Wallace, Miss Jane A. Adams, " Mrs. J. E. Glasgvw, Three Springs. Levi Putt, Saxton, Pa. " Samuel Barr, " John Fulton, Miss B.C. Rayon, Mrs. William Powell, Dudley, Pa " F. 1). Rutter, Huntingdon. " Henry Robley, " Miss E. Rung, Petersburg, Pa. Mrs. Kate Brown, . Mrs. Blackwell. " Mr. John McMullen, Cottage. S demon Troutwine,McAlarys Fort. Mrs Mary Quinn, " Jacob Anspach, " J. M. Oaks, Huntingdon. Rev. Mr. Moore, Tyrone. Mr. J. M. Isenburg, Alexandria. Mrs. A. U. Jenkins, Riddlesburg. • John Gregory, Cottage. Samuel Gregory, Cottage. R. U. Jacob, Huntingdon. " Wm. Miller, Petersburg. " Benj. Jacob, Huntingdon. Rev. M. L. Smith, Petersburg. Mr. John Wiley, " Mr. James Myton, Manor Hill. Mm. M. D. Silkkno ter, Snow Shoe. " Soloman Silkknitter, " L. A Hamer, Huntingdon. " Michael Hamer, Mr. Geo. Marsh, Mrs. E. Westbrook, " Mies Dario!, Minnie Knotgelman, Huntingdon. Mrs. Caroline Schott, M. Eticluton, Mill Creek. " S. A. Hughes, • " d. G. Boyer, Huntingdon. •• P. M. Bare, Mt. Union. " M. A. Sharver, Huntingdon. " Adam Hoffman, Miss Mary Foster, Mrs. Carry Diffebaugh, •• " James Dickey, " " William Wray, Spruce Greek. " William McMurtrie, Huntingdon. " David Hare, " William Yocum, " Simon White, Maggie Oswalt, . • " J. U. Smiley, Huntingdon. " Thomas Kelly, Orbisonia. " R. C. Craig, Newton Hamilton. Miss Annie R. Parker, " Mrs. Mary Brown, Mapleton. Geo. W. Johnston, Huntitcplem, 6 ` James Stewart. Antistown. " John Snyder, Iluntingib qt. Miss Mary J. Wise, Huntingil.m. Mrs. Sarah Irvin, Penna noise. Miss Maggie Kepert, Huntingdon. " Maritsa Ritchey, a " Sarah J. Rudy, Petersburg. Mr, .1. G. Stewart, " " A. A. Jacobs, `. McGowan, Shade Gap. Daniel Rowland, Six Mile Run. O.G. McCrellis, Dudley. John Shaver, Mt. Union. " F. D Stevens, " J.O. Covert, " " Jacob Flasher, " Henry Snare, Huntingdon. 35 10 12 ... 1 n 5 - . " Christ Mains, " " Asbury Stewart, Huntingdon. " Augustus Friteby, Saxton. " Henry Smith, NteConnelstown. " Laden Nor's, " John n Leiskr, Huntingdon. henry hasseuplag, - -- " Fred Mobus, " Paul Smith, " Alex. Cannon, " William Strickler, " J. B. Myton, Manor Hilt. " T. B. Love, Cottage. " Bridget McCabe, Iluntingdon. Miss AL Morningstar. " Mrs. Emma Chilcoat, Cassville. " Hartman Anderson, Dudley. " Catharine Akers, Coalniont " David Etnire,Mt. Union. " David S. Africa, Ifuntinmlon. Mr. John Barrick, Mrs. Henry Noel, " David Atingle, " " Christian Peightal, Manor Hill. " ltcbt. !McNeal, Burnt Cabins. Pierce YOtinZ Water Street. " Sanmel V. Isenburg, Water Street, " William D. Hicks, Huntingdon. - Lopo, " Hannah Long,, Petersburg. " Mugons Koch, lluntingdcn. " John Imnburg, Petersburg. " Mary Fletcher ° Huntingdon. " Ilimm Ayers, Pittsburg. Miss Sue White Petersburg. MN. Nefl; Alexandria. Mrs. Thomas Keenan, James Creek. M. H T. Conrad, Hadley. " E Dwhong, Manor Hill. " S. J. Yocum, Mapleton. " Alex. Port, Huntingdon. " James G. Corbin, Cassville. 44. 0 .tr n yte 11,4.1,..ner *MR last year than any Miler Mail, Total sale of the Singer Machine last year Was one hundred and twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and thirty three. E XECUTRIX'S NOTICE. [Edam of John decettneel.] Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of John Watson, late of Franklin township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARY ANN WATSON, Executrix. July 19, 1171—.. ITOWE IS THIS ? HOWE does it come that people wanting to know HOWE to select the BEST Sewing Machine are ra pidly finding HOWE to settle that question by buying the ORIGINAL HOWE MAcnINE, with lat.: improvements, at Brown's Carpet Store, Hunting don, Pa. Come thou and get a HOWE. July 19. 1871.-2 m AD3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been grant ed to the subscriber living in Cromwell township, on the estate of Henry Wicks, late of said town ship, deed. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will make immediate settle ment, and those having claims against the same wil present them for pay:neut. GEORGE AV. lIAFFLEY, Administrator. julyl9-C! SMITH IN Ms NEW BUILDING CALL AND EXAMINE. IF YOU WANT GREAT BARGAINS GO TO SMITH'S NEW STORE. The best Sugar and Molasses, Coffee, and Tea Chocolate,Flour, Fish, Salt and Vinegar, Coulee lionariesFruits, Cigars, Tobacco, and spices of the beat, and all kinds, and every other articlejtsu ally found in a Grocery Store. Also—Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Var nishes, Oils Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alchohol, Glass, Putty, &c., &c. The beet Wine and Bran dy for medical purposes, and all the best Patent Medicines, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. The public generally will please call and exam inc fur themselves, and learn my prices. S. S. SMITH. Jan. 4, '7l FRESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT SHAFFER'S NEW STORE. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. VIE subscriber would respectfully inform his old friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the East a large sad ...ttset,,tcttet.eir BOOTS AND SHOES ! For Men, *omen and Children, which he is prepared to sell a trite lower than any other establishment in town. Being a practical shoemaker, and having bad considerable experi ence, he Hatters himself that his stock cannot be surpassed in the county. Give him a call, at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, ( it'e.t .cl of the Diamond) HUNTINGDON, PA, C.tomqr work made to order, in a neat and durable manner. Ton. 4, 'U. PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. Having gone into business at this plane I propose to soil my private residence at liedtbrd, Pennsylvania, at private sale. It is unnecessary for me to give a description of it to those who are acquainted with it, and to those who have not seen it, and who desire to purchase a neat and complete residence I would say go and .examine it. The house., was entirely overhauled and renovated but a year or two ago. It is located upon a full lot of ground, 60 feet by 240, on East Pitt street, and the corner of an alley leading to the Steam Mill, which makes it one of the most public places in the town in a bosinees paint of view. The lot is undef drained by numerous drains, and is second to none in the place, It has produced all the garden vegetables used by my family for years. In addition there is a flower garden and a considerable quantity of excellent fruit. There is a perpetial ineuranee upon the house. Address me at lluntiagdon or Bedford, Pa. J. R. DIIRBORROW. Huntingdon, Pa., May 31, 1871. R. BECK, Fashionable Barber A• and Hairdresser, Hill street, opposite the Franklin House. All kinds of Tonics and Pomades kept on hand and for sale. [aplB,ll-8m New Advertisements GRAND DEPOT FOR NE VT GOO I) 8 INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY CALL AND SEE. Jan. 4, 11 LUKE REILLY, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERY, GROCERIES, SYRUPS, &c., &c., &c., HUNTING D ON, PA. Bakery on Moore street, and Store at the Corner of Fourth and Allegheny. Dealers will be supplied et prices as law as can be had from Philadelphia. [ap.26;71. BEE HIVE!!BEE HIVE QUICK SMALL SALES PROFITS - AND IS 7'HE MOTTO OF THE BEE HIVE GROCNRY! Montgomery St., wear the Broad TOl3 Depot, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. N. B. -CORBIN lies just returned from the East with a large and varied assortment of articles usually found iu a first-class Grocery, consisting in part of SUGARS, CRACKERS, FRUITS, TOBACCO and everythin, else to be found in an establish ment of this kind. SPICES of all kinds, pure and fresh, such as Cinnamon, Allspice, Mustard, and all other articles usually kept in a first-class establishment. BAKERY. f plJontinxe to carry on my Bakery, and um at all times prepared to supply .;P.EAD, •CAKES AND PIES, , easonable prices. The following Fancy Cake. ; rays on hand or baked to order: Pound Cake, Fruit " Marble " Parties supplied with all kinds of cakes and mfections at short notice and reasonable rates. Family flour, of superior brand, always on hand, ad for sale as cheap as the cheapest. In connection with my other business I have commenced the manufacture of Candies, and am prepared to supply eouatry dealers with loth FANCY and CUMMON at as low rates as they eon be purchased outside of the Eastern Cities. If you want to save money, Make your purchases at this establishment. TOYS!! TOYS!! T) Y ! TO Yg This department is can ete and embraces everything in the Toy line fro a Jumping Jack to an Elephant. I can eel , c.maper than any ether house in the county, sod all I ask is a visit from the public to substan iate the assertion. Thankful to the public for the very liberal pat ronage extended to me in the past. I will exert my best efforts to merit itq continuance. Huntingdon, Jan. 4, 1871. WK. RAHM'S • CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY STORE, (One door west of Josiah Ounnionjkam's,) Is now stocked with a choice assortment of al kinds of goods wally found in a store of this kind, consisting of SITUAR, COFFEE, TEA, PEPPER, SALT, &C. together with an endless variety of CANDIES, TOYS, JEWELRY, NOTIONS, rte. all of which will be sold as cheap as at any other store in Huntingdon. A choice brand of Tobacco and Segal.a always on hand. Pure Cider Vinegar on hand at all times. I respectfully Judi a share of public patronage, feeling confident that my prices will be satisfac tory. Jan. 4, '7l N' GOODS FOR . SPRING AND SUMMER, at the new cheap store of CONOVER & DECKER, Our stock consists in part of Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wood, Willow,' and Queensware. Bacon, Flour, Feed, Glass, Nails, and also a full line of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we re spectfully ask a liberal share of public patronage. up r 26 ly. EW STORE, and LOW PRICES, AT 313 HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA The undersigned respectfully informs the citi zens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he has open ed a Variety Store at No. 313 Hill street, where all kinds of goods can be had as clamp as at any other establishment in the county. His line of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, &C., is complete, and will ho sold at reasonable prices. He is agent for the Wilson Sewing Machine. B. L. SILKNITTER. MILLINERY STORE. GEO. SHAFFER. Mrs. Ant!, A. Silknitter, has opened a fashion able Millinery and Dress Making establishment at 3131 Hill street, and respectfully asks n ~bare of public patronage. Work will be done in the best style, and satis faction guaranteed. All kinds of Patterns for sale cheap. She is in receipt of all the latest styles and is prepared to execute all kinds of work in her line in a style that cannot fail to please the most fastidious. Call and examine. May 24, 1571. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CANDIES, TOYS, FRUITS, NUTSra.c, is at D. S. Africa's Variety Store, No, 423, in the Diamond, Also, east bp had, a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, PEN KNIVES, POCK ET BOOKS, TRAVELING SATCHELS, FANCY SOAPS, HAIR OILS, PERFUMERY, &C. Dow's Celebrated Ice Cream Soda Water, in season, at D. S. Africa's Variety Store, N 0.423, in the Diamond. March 15. tf. L_EIVISTOWN BOILER WORK, -1.4 SNYDER, WEIDNER it CU„ Manufac turers of Looomtivcand stationary Boilers, Tanks, Pipes, Filling-Barrows for Furnaces. and Sheet Iron Work of every description. Works on Logan street, Lewistown, Pa. All orders pr—rl - tly attended to. Repaiaing done at short noli,e. (Apr 54'714.. D. P. G WIN THAT D. P. GWIN. COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSSES, CANDIES, CHEESE, SEGARS, Cloves, Peppers, Ginger, Lady Cake, Citron " Sponge " AUTO. , W. K. RHOM. No, 625 21111 street. NEW GOODS, Election Proclamation, GOD SAVE TILE COM2dONWEALTII. PROCLAMATION. -N OT ICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1871. Purstuint to an act of the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pen.ylVaDlll, entitled "An Act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, An. Domini 1800, 1, D. R. P. NEELY, High Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said county of Huntingdon, on the lst Tuesday after the second Monday of October, (being the 10th day of OCTOBER), at which time the following officers will be elected: One person for the office of Auditor General of the Cunt monweal th of Pennsylvania. One person fur the office of Surveyor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for the office of President Judge of the comi ties of Cambria, Blair and Huntingdon. One person for the office of Associate Judge of Hunting don county. One person to represent the conn ty of Huntingdon in the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. One person for the office of Treasurer of Huntingdon county. . - - One person for the office of Coroner or Huntingdon county. One - person for the office of County Commissioner of Huntingdon county. One person for the office of Director of the Poor of Hunt ingdon county. One person for the office of Auditor of Huntingdon county. . . . iiiiiiirsuance of said act, I also hereby make known and give notice, that the places of holding the aforesaid general election in the several election districts within the said county of Huntingdon, are as follows, to wit : lot district, composed of the township of Henderson, at the Union School House. 2d district, composed of Dubl:n township, at Plesaut llill School House, near Joseph Nelson's, in :Aid township. lid district, composed of so much of Warrioramark town ship, oats not included in the 10th district, at the school house adjoining the town of Warriors:nark._ 4th district, composed of the township of Hopewell; et Rough and Ready Fur. e. sth district, composed of the township of Banco, at tbe house of James Livingston, in the town of Sauhburg, in said township. 6th district. composed of the borough of Shirleysburg, and all that part the township of Shirley not included within the limits of District No. 24, as hereinafter .men tioned and described, at the house of David Fraker, decd. in Shirleysburg. _ _ _ 7th di;trict,'composed of Porter and part of Walker township, and no much of West township . as is included in th. Mi.wing.hontidaries, to wit Beginntng at the eouth wt.:4 corner la lianas tjan....a.., Lit tle Juniata river, to the lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a northwesterly direction tri the most southerly part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees west to the top of Tussey's mountain to int. - sect the line of Franklin township, thence along the said line to Little Juniata river, thence down the same to the place of beginning, ut the public school house opposite the German Reformed Church, in the borough of Alexan dria. . Bth district, composed of the township of Franklin, at the house of Geo. W. Mattern, in said township. 9th district, composed of Tell township, at the Union school house, near the Union Meeting house, in said town elbp. 10th district, composed of Springfield township,at the school home, near Hugh Madden's, in mid township. 11th district, composed of Union township, at Grant school house, in the borough of Mapleton, in said township. 12th district, composed of Brady township, at the Centre school house,.in said township. 13th district, composed of Morris township, at public school house N 0.2, in said township. 14th district, composed of that part of West township not included in 7th and 26th districts, at the public school house on the Sum now owned by Miles Lewis (formerly owned by James Ennis), in said townshsp. loth district, composed of Walker towuehip, at the house of Benjamin Magahy, in 31 - Counelbdown. lath district, composed of the township of Tod, at the Green Erllool home, in said township. 17th district, composed of Oneida township, at the house of William Long, W arm Spring, 18th district, composed of Cromwell township, at the house • occupied by David Etnire, iu Orbieonia. 19th district, composed the borough of Birmingham, will, the several tracts of laud near to and attached to the same, now owued and occupied by Thomas 31. Oweus,John K. McCaban; Andrew Robeson, John Gensimer and Wm. Gensimer, and the tract of land now owned by George and John Shocaborger, known as the Porter tract, situate in the township of Wat riorsmark, at the public school house in said borough. 20th district, composed of the township of Cass, at the public school house In Cassville, in .said township. 21st district, composed of the township of Jackson, at the public house of Edward Littler, at McAlavy's Fort, in said township. 22d district, composed of the township of Clay, at the public school house in Scottsville. ..;Md district. composed of the township of Penn, at the public school house in Marklesburg, to said township. 24th district, composed and created as follows, to wit:— That all that part of Shirley township, Huntingdon coun ty, lying and being within the following described boun daries, (except the borough of Mount Union), namely Beginning at the intersection of Union and Shirley town ship lines with the Juniata ricer, on the south side there of; thence along said Union township line for the distance of three miles from mid river; thence eastwardly, by a stmight line, to the point where the main from Eby's mill to Germany valley, crones the summit of Sandy ridge; thence northwardiy along the summit of Sandy ridge to the river Juniata, and thence up mid ricer to the place of beginning, shall hereafter form a mparate election district; that the qualified voters of said election district shall hereafter hold their general and township elections in the public school house in Mount Union, in saiddistrict. 24.,th district, composed of all that part of the - Borough of Huntingdon, lying east of Fifth street, and also all those parts of Walker and Porter townships, heretofore voting iu the Borough of Huntingdon, at the east window of the Court House, in said Borough. _ _ . 25th district, composed or all that part of the Borough of Huntingdon, lying west of Fifth street, at the Engine House. Tith district, composed of the borough of Petersburp and that part of {1 est township, west anU north of a line be tween Henderson and West townships, at or near the Warm Spring., to the Franklin township line on the top of Tn. sey'. mountain, so as to include in the new district the houses of David Waldsmith, Jacob Longenecker, Thos. Hamer, James Porter, and John Wall, at the schooLhouca• r.f Ih•to,..! , nkg . . 20th district, composed of :Tenant. township, at the house of John Peiglital, on the hinds of henry Isenberg. 27th district, composed of Carbon too reship, recently erected out of a part of the territory of Tod township, to wit; commencing at a Chestnut Oak, on the summitof Ter race mouutain, at the Hopewell township line opposite the dividing ridge, in the Little Valley; thence south fifty-two degrees, coot three hundred and sixty perches, to a otono heap on the Western Summit of Broad Top Mountain ; thence north sixty-seven degrees, rest three hundred and twelve perches, to a yellow pine; thence south fifty-two degrres, east seven hundretland seventy-two perches, to a Chestnut Oak; thence south fourteen degrees, east three hundred and fifty-one perches, to a Chestnut at the east end of Henry S. Green's land ; thence south thirty-one and a half degrees, east two hundred and ninety-lour perch., toe Chestnut Oak on the summit of a spur of Broad Top, on the western side of John TerrePs farm; south sixty five degrees, east nine hundred and thirty-four perches, to a stone heap on the Clay township line, at the Public School House, in the village of 4ndley. 30th district, composeTof the borough of Coalmont, at the public school home, in said borough. 3lst Listrict, composed of Lincoln township, beginning at a pine on the summit of Tnasey mountain on the line between Blair and Huntingdon counties, thence by the division line south, fifty-eight degrees east seven hundred and ninety-eight perches to a black oak in middle of town ship ; thence forty-two .d one-half degrees east eight hundred and two perches to a pine on summit of Terrace; thence by line of Tod township to corner of Penn town ship; thence by the lines of the township of Penn to the summit of Tussey mountain ; thence iclorg said summit with line of Blair comity to phice of beginning, at Coffee Run School house. 32d district, composed of the borough of Mapleton, at the Urant school house,insaid borough. d district, compose) of the borouilli of Mount Union, at the school house, in said borough. 34th district, composed of the borough of Broad Top City, at the public school house, in said , orough. ;13th district, composed of the borough of Three Spring?, at the public school Louse, in !nyldboirough. 36th'district, composed' of Shade Girri;orqugh, at the public school house, in said borough. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed, that ' , every person, excepting justices of the peace. who shall bold any office or appointment of profit or trust under tho gov ernment of the United States, or of this state; or of any city or oorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legisla tive, exocutive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of auy city or Incorporated dis trict, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of the select of common council of any city, commissioner of any incorporated district, is by Inn- incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector or judge ' or other officer of any anch - election shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for." Also, that in the 4th section of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to executions and for other pur poses," approved April 16th, 1810, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th sect!. "shall not be so constructed as to prevent any militia or borough officer from PerVipg us judge, or inspector or clerk of any general or special elec tion in this Commonwealth." 13iTh7AciriiA;;;;1171iof 13C9, known t 1.3 the Registry provided as folloWs I.'llec e tlon Officers are to open the polls between the hours of six and seven, A. M 7 on the day of election. Before six o'clock in the morning of second Tuesday of October they are to receive from the County Commis sioners the Registered List of Voters and all necessary election blanks, and they are to permit comae to rote whose name Is not on mid list, unless he shall make proof of his right to vote as follows:. 2. The poreon whose name is not on the list, claiming the right to vote must produce a qualified voter of the district to swear in a written or printed affidavit to the residence of the claimant to the district for at least ten days next die right to vote shall also make an affidavit, stating to the best of his knowledge and be lief where and when he was born, that he is a citizen of pennsylvania and of the United States, that he has resided in the State one year, or, if formerly a citizen therein and removed therefrom, that be has resided therein sin months next preceding said election, that he has not moved into the district for the purpose of voting therein, that he bas paid a State or county tax within two years, which was assessed at least ten days before the election, and the affidavit shall state when and where the tax was (assessed and paid, and the tax receipt must be produced unless the affiant shall state that it bas been lost or destroyed, or that he received none. _ 4. If the applicant be a naturalized citizen,he must, in addition to the foregoing proofs, state in his affidavit when, where, and by what court he was naturalized and produce his certificate of naturalization. 5. Every person, claiming to lie a naturalized citizen, whether on the :egistry list, or producing affidavits as aforesaid, shalt he required to produce his naturalization certificate at the election before voting, except where he has been for ten years consecutively a voter in the district' where he offers to vote; and on the vote of such a person being received, the Election Officers are to write or stamp the word "voted" on his certificate with the month and year, and no other vote can he cast that day in virtue of said certificate except where sons are entitled to vote upon the naturalization of their father. 6. If the person claiming to vote who is not registered shall make an allidavit that he is a native born citizen of the United States, or, if born els.ewhere, shall produce evidence of his naturalization, or that he is entitled to citizenship by reason of his father's naturalization, and further, that he is between 21 and 22 years of age, and has resided in the State one year, and in the election district ten days neat preceding the election he shall be entitled to vote though he shall not have paidtaxe,' _ _ In accordlnce with the provision of the Sth section of an act entitled "A further supplement to the election Laws of this Commonwealth," 1 publish the following: Waassas, By the act of the Congress of the Unitel States, entitled "An Act to amend the several acts hereto fore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out of the national forces, and for other purposes," and approved March id, 1865, all persons who have deserted the military or naval services of the United States, and who have not been discharged or reticent from the penalty or disability therein provided, ace domed and taken to have volunta rily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizenship and their rights to become citizens, and aro deprival of exercising any rights of citizens thereof ; nd whereas, Persons not citizer.s of the United Staten are not, under the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania qualified electors of thin Commonwealth. SzcrioN 1 Be if enaticd. d.c., that iu all elections herr after to be held lu this Commonwealth, it shall be unlaw ful for Chu judge or inspectors of .y such elections to re- ceive any ballot or ballots hone any person or persona embraced to the provisions and subject to the disability huposed by said act of Congress, approved March ad t, and it shall be unlawful for any such person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots. SEC. 2. That if any such judge anal inspectors of election, or any one of them shall receive or consent to receive any sash unlawful ballot or ballots from any such disqualified peison, be or they so offending shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court of guar ter session of this commonwealth; be shall for each of fence, be sentenced to pay a fine not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the proper county for not less than sixty days. Sec. 3. That if any person deprived of Citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any election hereafter to be held in this commonwealth, vote, or tender to the offi cers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any per son to offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter session of this commonwealth, shall for each offence be punished in like manner as is provided in tha preceding section of this act in case of officers of election receiving any such unlawful ballot or ballots. SEC. 4. That If any person shall hereafter persuade or advise any person or persons, deprived of citizenship or disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to the officers of any election hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall pursued°, or advise, any such officer to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, such person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall be punished in like manner as provided in the second section of thin act in the case of officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. Particular attention Is directed to the first section of the Act of Amenably, passed the 30th day of March A. D. 1866, entitled "An Act regulating the manner of Voting at all Elections, iu the several counties of this Common wealth." "That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and special elections, are hereby, hereafter authorized and required to vote, by ticket, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for, and be labelled outside "judiciary r one ticket shall embrace all the names of State officers voted for and be labelled "State;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for, including office of Senate, member and members of Assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress, If voted for, and labelled "county." Tharsitant to the provisions contained in the 87th section of the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid district shall respectively take charge of the certificates or return of the electton of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one of the judges from each district at the Court Rouse, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the third day after the day of election, being for the present year on FRIDAY, the 15th of OCTOBER, then and there to do and perform the duties required by law of said judges. Also, that where a judge by sickness or muivoidable acci dent, is unable to attend said meeting of judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken m charge by one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis trict, and shall do and perform the duties required of said judge unable to attend. Also, that in the 61st section of said act it is enacted that "every general and special election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment un til seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed." PA. Ansi:427, is'arj T Me County MonotisaionersandSherT of Me County of IMAM,9don:, The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is as follows: "Scutt. 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied Or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of nice, color, or previous con dition of servittule.” "Sum. 2. The Congress shall hare powder to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." And whereas, The Congress of the United States, on the 31st day of March, 1870, passed an act, entitled "..ta A a to enforce the right of citizens of the United States to rote in the several States of this Union, and for other purposes," the first and second sections of which are as tollows : "SECTION 1. Be it enacted - by the Senate and Hann of Representatires of the United Slates of America in Cos y/mai oesombled, That all citizens of the tutted States,who are, or shall beotherwise qualified by law to vote at any election by the people, in any State, Territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school district, municipali ty or other territorial sub-division, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all.such elections, without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude; any Consti tution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any Territory, or by, or under its authority, to the contrary notwith standing:' "SecTiox 2. And Ce it farther enacted, That if by or un der the authority of the Constitution or laws of any State, or the moo of any Territory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualification fur voting, and by such Constitution or law, persons or officers are or shall be charged with the performs ace oi tint ies in futnishing to citizens an opport .nity to perform such prerequisite, or to become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of every such prison and officer to give to all citizens of the United states the same and equal opportunity to perform such prerequis ite, and become qualified to vote without distinction of race, color, or previonsmondition of servitude; and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to this section, he shall, for every such of fence, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the person aggrieml thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with full costs and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem just, and shall also, for every uncle offence, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than ono month and not more t itan one ytar, cr b o th, at the discretion of the court:" And whcrea.:, IC is declared by the second section of the Vlth article of the Constitution of the United States, that “This Constitution, and the laws of the United States, whicb shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme lam, of the land, i * anything in the Cbrtstitntion or law, of any &ate to the contrary nobeethstandiny." And whereas, The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the Gth day of April, A. D. 1870, passed an act, entitled, "A tbrthet supplement to the net relating to elections iu this Commonwealth,' the tenth section of which provides as follodds: --- ‘Sicsion 10. That so much of every act of Assembly as provides that only white freemen shall be entitled to Tote, or be registered . voters, or as claiming to rote at any general or special election Of this Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen without distinction of color, be enrolled and m 4; tered according to the provision of the first section of the act approved seventeenth April, 1889, entitled "An Act further supplemental to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," and when otherwise qualified under existing laws, be entitled to Tote at all general and special elections in this Commonwealth." And whereas, It is my constitutional and official duty to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed ;" and it Ilan come to my knowledge that sundry assessors and reg isters of voters hate refused, and are refusing to assess and register divers colored nude citizens of lawful age, and otherwise qualified as electors Now, Ta mtjairifiiillgiotiers of said county are hereby notified and directed to instruct Pie several assessom and registers of voters therein, to obey and conform to the requirements of said constitutional amendment and 'EMS; and the sheriff of said county is hereby authorized and required to publish in his election pioclarnation for the next ensuing elections, the herein recited constitutional amendment, net of Con gress, and art of the Legislature, to the end that the tame may bo known, executed and obeyed by all assessors, reg ister,. of voters, election officers and others; and that the rights and privileges guaranteed thereby may be secured to all the citizens of this Commonwealth entitled to the same. Given under my hams and the great seal of tbe State, at Harrisburg, the day and year first above written. [SEAL.] Arum JNO, W. GEARY. F. JORDAN, Secretary of commo,;;eaitti: Div. under my hand, nt Huntingdon, the ZOth day of August, A. D. 1871, and of the independence of the Uni ted States, the ninety-third. D. IL P. NEELY, Sheriff. "Huntingdon, August 30,1571. The qualified electors will take notice of the following Act of Assembly, approved the 2cl day of June; 1811: AN Acz, to authorize u popular vote upon the question of call ing a convention to amend the constitution of Pennsylva : Secritix 1. De it enacted by the Senate and Reuse of Representatives of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assenibly met, and it is hereby enacted by the au thority of the same, That the question of calling a con vention to amend the constitution of this commonwealth be submitted to a vote of the people at the general elec tion, to bo held on the second Tuesday of October next, the said question to be voted upon in manner following, to wit: In counties and cities in which slip ticket voting is authorized by law, votes for and against a convention may be expressed and given upon the ticket, headed or endorsed with the word "state," and not otherwise; and the words shall be •constitutional convention," and under neath "for a convention, or "against a convention ;" and hi•connties or districts in which slip ticket voting Mall not to authorized by law, each elecor voting upon void question shall cast a separate balttit,eatiorscd on the out side "constitutional convention," and containing on the inside the words "fn• a convention" or "against a conven tidn;" and all votes cast as aforesaid shall bo received, counted and returned by the proper election °dicers and return judges as votes for governor are received, counted and returned under existing laws. Suction 2. Tlutt the elections aforesaid shall be held and be subject to all the provisions of law which apply to general elections ; the sheriffs of the several counties shall give notice of this act in their election proclamation the presetit year, and the governor shall cause all the returns of tne said election, as received by the secretary of the commonwealth, to be field before the legislature at its next annual election. JAMES 11. WEEB, Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives, WILLIAM A. WALLACE, _ _ _ Approved, the second dey of Jtine, Auno Domini one thoumnd eight hundred and seventy-one. JNO. W. GEALY. New Advertisements, T II E INQUIRER" BOOK BINDERY, BED.FOBD, PA. LUTZ & JORDAN, Proprietors. reasonable rates. 013 books rebound and made as good as new. Albums repaired etc. INTERESTING TO EVERYBODY. Magazines. 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