The Huntingdon Journal. .I. R. DURBORROW, lIUNTINGDON, PENN'A. Wednesday Morning, August 23, 1871 REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR OENERAL : COL. DAVID STANTON, of Beaver. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL: COL. ROBERT B. BEATH, of Schuylkill. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. FOR ASSEMBLY Franklin H. Lane, of Shirleysburg. FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGE David Clarkson, of Cassville. FOR SUERIFF Amon Honk, of Broad Top City. FOR TREASURER Alfred W. Kenyon, of Barree Township, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER : Jonathan Evans, of Tod Township. FOR DIRECTOR OF THE POOR: Harris Richardson, of Lincoln Township. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR Henry Wilson, of Oneida Township. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR: Samuel P. Smith, of Union Township. FOR CORONER: James Bricker, of Huntingdon SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION! We have determined not to insist upon the strict letter of our terms until after the August Court, and therefore give those who are still in arrears to us for subscrip tion, until that time to pay up at the rate of $2.00 per year. We want _everybody to have the JOURNAL at $2.00, so avail yourselves of Court to bring in or send in your cash. Send along your money, or you must pay $2.50, and at the end of the year $3.00. It is only $2.00, and anybody who takes oar paper can raise that much money. Don't wait until you are two or three years in arrears and then get out of humor because your bill is so large. Pay up ! Pay up ! REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN- TION The Republican County Convention, as will be seen by the proceedings in another column, assembled in the Court House, in this place, on last Tuesday afternoon, and organized, with some little difficulty, owing to the immense crowd which thrust itself upon it and the intensity of the heat, and proceeded to nominate tke following ez cellent ticket, viz: For Assembly, Geo. FRANKLLN H. LANE, of Shirleyaburg, who is one of the most sober, honest and upright christian men in the county, and whose vast experi ence, great ability, gentlemanly qualities, and untarnished name present him to the Republican voters as in every way worthy of their earnest and united support, and, if we do not mistake the signs of the times, he will be elected by a larger majority than any man who has run on the Republican county ticket for yearn . Hon. 'DAVID CLARKSON, of Cass- Wag re-nominated for Associate Judge• Judge Clarkson is one of those honest and upright men that Republicans love to hon or. He has occupied a position on the bench for the last five years, and in all that time he has been equal to every em ergency and given universal satisfixtion.— He is a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and never fails to make his walks accord with his professions. He will be re-elected by a handsome majority. AMON HOUCK, of Broad Top City, a one-armed soldier, was nominated for Sheriff. Mr. Houck is the present post master at that place, and bears an unblem ished character, both as a man and a sol dier. He is a thorough Republican, and will make an able and efficient officer. He will be elected by a 1. • .;e majority. ALFRED W. KEN YON, of Barree, was nominated for Treennwer. -Mr. Ken yon, we learn, is a wounded soldier, and he is said to be fully qualified to make a good accounting officer. We have never had the pleasure of meeting him. We feel sanguine that he will be triumphantly elected by a large majority. JONATHAN EVANS, of Tod town ship, was nominated for Commissioner.— Mr. Evans belongs to one of the best fam ilies in Bedford county. He will make a faithful and judicious officer. HARRIS RICHARDSON, of Lincoln township, was nominated for Director of the Poor. He is a good, honest farmer, and when elected will see that the Poor House is conducted in the most economical and business-like manner. HENRY WILSON, of Oneida town ship, was nominated for County Surveyor . He is the present incumbent, and has fill ed the position for several terms. This is the best recommendation which can be given him. SAMUEL P. SMITH, of Union, was no minated for County Auditor. He is a good accour .t and will see that the county accounts are properly examined and au dited. JAMES BRICKER, of Huntingdon, was nominated for Coroner. Mr. Bricker is well known to the great mass of our readers, and we therefore hand him over to them, remarking that in case of the death of the Sheriff he would be the right man in the right place. The Convention was harmonious through out, and the nominations have given gen eral satisfaction, and they will be supported earnestly in every quarter. There is a unanimity of sentiment upon the ticket which was hardly to be expected, but which warrants us in saying that Huntingdon county will be on her feet on the second Tuesday of October next and Democracy will be begging for an existence. an_ In accordance with a resolution passed by the State Central Committee, at its last meeting at Altoona, Hon. Russell Errett has appointed Hon. William Elliott, of Philadelphia, one of the Secretaries of the Committee. Rooms Nos. 13 and 9 have been opened in the La Pierre House, Broad street, below Chestnut, where all are cor dially invited to cal DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVEN- TION The Democracy of Huntingdon county, after great consideration and distress, as sembled in County Convention, in this place, on last Wednesday, at 1 o'clock, r. Mt., and proceeded to nominate a full tick et, as follows, viz : Assembly, J. Simpson Africa, Esq., of Huntingdon ; Associate Judge, John Myerly, of Union township; Treasurer, G. Ashman Miller, of Hunting don ; Sheriff, Thomas Henderson, of War riorsmark; Commissioner, Solomon Chil cote, 'of Broad Top City; Director of the Poor, Robert Johnston, of West; Auditor, Charles C. Ash, of Barree ; Cor oner, Dr. D. P. Miller, of Huntingdon.— This is pronounced, by those who know, to be an excellent ticket, and we believe it to be such, but it is Democratic, and, there fore, it can expect nothing from Republi cans. Mr. Africa, the nominee for Assem bly, was nominated with a special refer ence to his popularity. He is unquestion ably a very excellent gentleman, a good citizen, and in every sense an honorable and upright man in his social relations, but the same is said of Gen. Lane, the Re publican nominee, and it is not a question whether Mr. Africa, as a citizen and as a gentleman, is to represent us in the next Legislature, but whether we shall be re presented by a Republican or a Democrat. Timis is the all important questionf4Wheth- EDITOR er we shall elect a Democrat, who will fa vor the election of a Democratic United States Senator for the next six years and the passage of a Congressional Apportion ment Bill which will make this district Democratic for the next ten years, or whether we shall elect a Republican, who will vote for a Replblican United States Senator and a Republican Apportionment Bill ? And Republicans will settle this question by rolling up a majority for Gen. Lane unequalled in the history of the county, but our friends must go to work, and work unceasingly until the polls are closed on the night of the second Tuesday of October. The Convention declared in favor of Thad. Banks, Esq., of Blair county, for President Judge, and for Gen. Hancock, for President, in 1872. It was evident that there were none ,of Mrs. Surratt's friends on hand. It was amusing to see the gravity which pervaded the delegates to this Convention They looked as if they were whipped 1000, and they will be. A DEMOCRATIC CIRCULAR, We have been favored with a private lithographed letter, says the Harrisburg Telegraph, circulated by the Democratic State Central Committee, and invite the careful attention of our readers to its con tents. Mr. Wallace is no doubt very ac tively engaged in its circulation, and we therefore extend to him the use of our columns, and publish the same verbatim. Mr. Wallace represents the contest this fall as of great importance, and we hope our Republican friends will make a note of that part. He next speaks of the tide being "in our favor, and the extravagance, misrule and negroism of the enemy are silently, but surely destroying them." This is exeoedingly . unkind, Mr. W, when it has been proven that the session of one Democratic Senate has almost dou bled the expenses of that body. His party everywhere—when in power—has cost the taxpayers millions more than under Re publican ascendancy ; and now having just' adopted the "new departure," it is really too bad to speak so unkindly of aegroism. The circular betrays on its face the weak ness of the cause in which the party is engaged, and we hope that every Republi can will study its contents carefully, and see that every Republican voter is duly enrolled on the registry list and his vote deposited in the ballot-box. Hera is the document : [Confidential,] DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE ROOMS, CLEAR FIELD, PA., July 17th, 1871.—Dear Sir: I ad dress you as an earnest and active Democrat. The present contest is one of great importance, and its result will be potential upon the Presidential elec tion of next year. The tide is in our favor, and the erxtravagauce, misrule and negroism of the enemy are silently but surely destroying them. Notwithstanding this- they possess the spoils and offices, and will make a desperate struggle to hold them. We ean and will beat them, if our efforts are seconded everywhere by men like yourself. Vic tory must be won by work, We will do our utmost, but we cannot win uniess our efforts are supported, ;;;:i ;I;e ' work perfected in every locality. 'There- eponsibility in reality is upon the earnest men of the people, and to them will belong the honors of the triumph. The secret of success is attention to details. It is for you and those you call around you to work out these details in your locality. Get ready to poll every Democratic vote. If this be done, our majority will be very large. Now is the time to begin the work, Do not wait for your associates. Go at it yourself, and they will follow. See that every Democrat is registered. See that nc fraudulent names are put on the lists. Mark down suspected names, and trace out the fraud. They will commit any fraud that will get them a vote, and then plate about honesty. Make out your lists of reliable democrats, hopeless Radicals,- and doubtful men. Go over these lists and com— pare them with the registry, and verify and cor rect them. One will be a check upon the other. Bring influences to bear upon the doubtful men; use every fair argument to convert them. Set be fore them the characters and records of our candi dates. Both are spotless and above attack. Give ate the names of d4,,ubtfitl men in your district, t.s for as you can, but do not neglect Democrats in order to attend to this. Let your great olikpt be to poll creep Democratic cote—make • this the great end of all that you do. Ascertain et once who need to be naturalised, and give it attention now. Do pot wait until September. The prudent map acts pretpptly if he wishes to attain his object. Tbia work inn be done now quietly and effectively, and everything on our side made to move without jar or contest. Do this first, and then devote yourselves to fight ing your antagonists. Call to your aid the young men of the party. They are the best arm with which to strike. They will work with energy, and ill be encoornged by your confidence. - Harmonize diarautipm, if any exist. Concen- trate our people upon the ritpt iftemojeucce.—for in its wake will come power. good' governmeut, and the just rights of the people and of the States, Very respectfully yours, WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Chairman. sel, We are under the impression that several parties, who were nominated for important offices on last Tuesday, do not take the JouttNAL. Come, gentlemen, we support you and you in return must sup port us. One good turn deserves another, yon know. The man who wants to be a politician and to be elevated to offices of profit, who does not take his county paper, ought to know that no man can be elected to office without newspaper support. We give it cheerfully, but we want reciproca tion. - illEtt. in 1861 the Democrats insisted that there was no power in the General Govern, ment to coerce a State, and that it could only punish individual citizens thereof; it+ 1871 they insist that the General Govern ment cannot rtnielt individual citizens, but must punish the State, THE RECORD AND THE "DEPAR TURE." Our Democratic friends have a record, on the adoption of the fourteenth and fif teenth amendments, that is so new that it is very surprising that they have forgotten it. We desire, briefly, to direct their at tention to it. On the 11th of July, 1870, in the House of Representatives, Mr. Ferris, of New York, offered the following resolution : Retrolege, That the fourteenth and fifteenth arti cles of amendment to the Constitution of the Uni ted States, having been duly ratified by the Legis latures of three-fourths of the several States, are valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution of the United States, and as such binding and obligatory upon the Executive, the Congress, the Judiciary, the several States and Territories, and all citizens of the United States. The yeas and nays were ordered and the resolution was adopted by a vote of 138 yeas to 32 nays, and 60 not voting. See CengressiOnal Globe, page 5,441, part 6, of 42d Congress, second session. Every Democrat voting voted against the adoption of the resolution. Again, on the 14th of March, 1871, Mr. Wilson, of Indiana, introduced in the House a series of resolutions withdrawing the assent of the Senate of the State Of Indiana to the ratification of the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution, followed by two resolutions, the last of which read thus, viz : And be it further resolved, That the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth articles of amendment to the Constitution of 'the United States have been duly ratified by the Legislatures-of three-fourths of the several States. and that said amendments are valid to all intents and purposes as a part of the Constitution of the United States, and as such binding and obligatory upon the Executive, the Congress, the several States and Territories, and all the citizens of the Culled States. On the motion to suspend the rules to permit the passage of this resolution the yeas and nays were demanded, and 110 voted yea, 75 nay, and 38 not voting.— Twc-thirds not voting in the affirmative the resolution was lost. See Daily Con gressional Globe of 14th March, 1871. Of the 110 who voted for the suspension of the rules we do not recognize a single Democrat, hnt on the other hand every vote against the suspension was voted by a Democrat, and prominent among those from Pennsylvania is the name of Hon. R. rtHLTON.SPEER. This was on the 14th of March last, mark you. Now, then, turn your eye upon the following resolution, adopted by the Democratic State Conven. tion on the 24th of June at Harrisburg: 9th. That we recognize the BINDING OBLIGATION of ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION Of the United States AS THEY NOW EXIST, and we deprecate the discussion of issues which have been settled in the manner and by the authority consti tutionally appointed. Here is consistency fur you. On the 14th of March, 1871, Speer believed the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to be null and void, and on the 24th of June following hp recognized them as binding. What a wonderful transformation ! How is this to be accounted for ? Mr. Speer acounts for it, we understand, that they want to get into office, and when they do, they will not be so likely to see the "BIND ING OBLIGATIONS OF ALL THE PROVI SIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION." It is- a mere trick to catch votes, and happily it is so understood. GRAND MASS MEETING Senator Scott's Speech on the Ku-Klux The Mass Meeting, _called for Tuesday: evening of last week, in the court nous% was the occasion of the assembling of a great crowd of persons who remained until the close, at a late hour. The meeting was called to order by S. T. Brown, F,'sq., who named PERI.Y MOORE, of Morris township, for Presi dent; SA3IIJEL MCVITTY, of Clay, T. E. ORBISON, of Orbisonia, JOHN CUMMINS, of Jackson, Dr. J. H. WINTRODE, of Penn and lENRY coxpßoßsT, of Barree, for Vice Presidents; and Capt, J. C. HAM; MON, of Petersburg, and G. B. ARMI TAGE, of Huntingdon, for Secretaries. Mr. Scott was loudly called for and came forward and addressed his neighbors and fellow-citizens it, a speech covering two hours and a half, which was listened to, with profound attention, until its close.— It is not our purpose to give even the briefest outline of his remarks, as he in tends to submit them to the public, at an early day, in a clear and concise form, and so well fortified by unimpeachable testimo ny that they must carry conviction to the heart of the most obtuse and reluctant Democrat. The wrongs and'horrors which have been perpetrated upon the defence less people of the States of. North Carolina, South Carolina, and part of Georgia, as portrayed by him, were never equalled in the history of civilization. Much has been published, but when Mr. Scott's facts come to light, as they will in a short time, the country will be appalled, and the brave and patriotic everywhere will rise up and cry for the suppression of the monsters who now go unharmed and who wreak their barbarity and vengeance upon a poor de fenceless people, tbr no other reason than that they bless the hand that made them free. Mr. Lysinger, the Democratic nominee for Dis trict Attorney, lost his arm by an accident while working at a threshing machine, before the war.— We refer to the matter loarcly to assure our Peace Democraric friends that he was not in the army, The above item appeared in the Blair Coun y .11a4ical some weeks ago, and we cut it out at the time with the intention of correcting our friend King. Our recol lection was that Mr. Lysinger lost his arm at Martinsburg, on the 4th of July, 1858, by the premature discharge of a cannon while firing a salute in commemoration of our National Independence, But we were no longer certain. Our recollection was that we were present d' ring the day. We submitted the matter to our better half and she confirmed our recollection by relating the same facts. We correct the above in justice to Mr. Lysinger, who is an excel lent conservative gentlemami and the only fault that we find with him is, that he has allowed himself to he connected with a party that both his heart pod conscience tell him is wrong. sm. Justice John Dl. Reed, of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania, authorizes the PittoburF, Legal Journal to say that -'he is not about to resign his seat" on the bench of that Court. We are very sorry to hear it. Justice Reed has been unable to fully discharge the heavy duties devol ving npop u member of that Court for some time, and we think if; an imposition for him to "stick" to a position which bur dens his brothers. CZ"' The last Bedford Gazelle, edited by Hon. B. F. Myers, contains a column article, entitled "No Half Way Work," that is intended to whip in all the grum blers at the "new departure," and is the usual lash applied by Mr. Myers on such occasions. He says : " There he some well-meaning men who because they cannot. get a platlbon to suit them in every respect, seem willing to sacrifice all they have con tended fur during their whole lives. Our friends who are thus disposed, net on the principle that if the fire has destroyed the roof of the house, it is not worth while to attempt to extinguish the flames in order to save the remainder of the struc ture. They also seem to forget that when the fiery demon is driven out, the carpenter may re-enter the building. new-roof it and make the fabric stronger and more durable than before." This is' a covert confession that the "departure" is only a dodge to catch votes, and as soon as they have succeeded in their design they. can "throw it to the dogs."— We can assure him the game won't work They won't catch votes, and beyond this honest Democrats won't stand it. ONE Or OUR BOYS GONE.—Ten years ago one of the members of our household —a good boy--and exc e llent printer—was D. W. Itadebaugh. He left us and loca ted in the •Smoky City," and here is what the Pittsburgh. Gazette of the 11th inst., says he went and did : "A large and fashionable audience assembled at the Sixth Avenue Cumberland Presbyterian Church, last night, on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Dan W. Radebaugh to one of the most accomplish ed daughters of the Second ward of our city. Set-. dom has there been a wedding better attended. Rev. Dr. Sqtaiers, a minister us good andsanctitied as he is zealous and eloquent, after a very appro priate address, unite,' the happy young couple for life. They have our best and heartiest wishes for their present and future welfare. God bless them." Yes, so say we; "GOD BLESS THEM !" Se" The Democratic Judicial Confer ence of the counties composing the XVlth Judicial District net at Bedford, on the 11th inst., and after repeated adjournments on Monday following nominated Wm. J. Baer, Esq., of Somerset county, for Presi dent Judge. The contest was between the latter and Hon. J. McDowell Sharpe, of Franklin. Mr. Baer is claimed to be a very popular matt in Somerset county, but he is not likely to make up more at home than he will lose in Franklin, so that the probabilities are that he has been set up to be pretty badly knocked down. 10_, The Republican Legislative Con ferees of the district composed of the coun ties of. Bedford and Fulton have jointly signed a card, without a formal meeting, declaring Hon. S. P. Wishart, of Fulton county, the Republican nominee for As sembly. Mr. Wishart's course in the last Legislature gave universal satisfaction.— He is a man of integrity and ability, and should be re-elected, and if the proper ef fort is made we believe he can be. AG: ,.. : The Democratic press appears to be very touch tickled at the nomination of a temperance ticket. We wish them all the amusement they can find in it. While they are being amused with this nice little toy let Republicans go to work ana roll up such a majority for Stanton and Beath as will chakrin these easily tickled fellows for the next ten years to collie. raft. The-Bedford, Gazette is trying to convince itself that Wm. J. Baer, Esq., can be elected President Judge of the XVlth Judicial District. The Gazette bel2nzs to the, sanguine kind, and the Rice it, 11 iii iekluiL, Neiy lI,Ie evltteuce to satisfy it. Judge Hall will just have 800 majority when the votes are counted out. Stick a pin there! tel. Hon. James R. Kelly, formerly Speaker of the House of Representatives, and for the last live years one of the edi tors of the Washington Reporter, died bn the 9th inst.,.at Washington, Pa. lie was a man of decided ability, and was respected by all who knew him. ler* The Xonitor still holds on to the. idea that it can catch some votes by crying "Nigger ! Niger !" Some people never learn anything, and this appears to he the case with some newspapers. European correspendenoe, BASLE, SWITZERLAND, July 29, 1871 DEAR JOURNA ' L :-We left the city Of Brus sels July 24th for the city of Cologne, distance 150 miles; passed through a fine farming coun try and several large cities and towns. The first was the city of Louvrine with 40,000 in habitants—a great manufacturing city for woolen goods and dimities. There is also a University here and some 850 students. Also the city of Liege on the river Muese, some 400,p0u initahitants, and g grtat raaattlitctnr ing place--"the Pittsburgh" of Belgium. Next place of note was Aix La Chappel, with about 50,000 inhabitants; this place is toted for its manufacturing of buttons and needles. Here we entered the Prussian lines, and reached Cologne at 3 o'clock, p, and put up at the Hotel De Holland, on the bank of the river Rhine. Cologne is situated on the left side of the river Rhine, and contains a population of 125,000. It is the capital of the Province and is the third city of importance in the irussian Kingdom. The chief glory of Cologne is its magnificent Cathedral or Minister of St. Paul. It was commenced in 1248 and is still unfin ished. Its length is 500 feet, width 391 feet, it 9 tower, when finished, will be 500 feet high ~,the steeple is 350 feet high. The work is still progressing and 628 masons are now at work at the towers, The organ has 42 stops and 0,000 pipes. Behind the alter is the chapel of Magi, or the three Kings of Cologne—our guide told us that the silver cast contains the three wise men who came from the east to Bethlehem, to present their presents to the infant Christ, and that the surrounding valu ables of jeweils, Re., are worth $6,000,000. There is considerable of manufacturing iu this city; there are twentyrfive manufacturers of the article the ladies and gentlemen use, called cologne ; every visitor here boys a few bottles. Left 'Cologne July 25th on the steamboat for the city of Mayence, 130 miles southeast, but'' up the river Rhine ; our party here increased, others joining us at this place. The country on each side of the Rhine for some twenty , miles was level and beautifully cultivated; until we reached the seven mountains from there, over 100 miles, the country on either side was more or less moustaneous, or high bills, continually changing in aspect, the slopes of the hilfs col.oped to the very top for from o ! _ourth to half mile With grapes, in tersected now and then with small patches of grass and grain; some of those mountain slopes are es steep as the cut through Jacks narrows • the stalls has been gathered and walls made from 5 to 15 feet high, and terraces between from 20 to 100 feet wide planted with grapes. I counted over thirty of these lines of walls from the base to the summit of the slopes of these hills. The Rhine is dotted with towns on each side, some of them fine business points; every four or five miles you will sae old Castles, stuck up on souse high , cliff of rock,, some of then, are kept up and others are crumbling down ; one of thoSe as ties or fortresses called Elirenbreitstein, justly termed the Gibraltar of the Rhine, is built on a precipitous rock 377 feet above the Rhine ; it never was taken but twice, once by strategy, and once by famine. At this place the city of Coblenz is situated at the confluence of the Moselle and the Rhine, one of the most beau tiful cities I have visited. The-fortt , ess on the opposite side, overlooking the city, with the Moselle flowing into the Rhine, gives it a delightful appearance to the eye of the visitor. Speak of your Hudson river l The Rhine throws every river I have seen, far in the shade. This has been the most interesting day I have ever put in through all my travels in life; no pen can describe the ever changing scenery of the noble Rhine. No wonder the Prussians fought so nobly to prctect and defend their country along the Rhine. We passed the no ble Palace of Prince Frederick, of Prussia, now the summer l'alace of the Crown Prince, 250 feet above the Rhine, built on a solid rock, with beautiful surroundings of trees and shrubbery. Along the river Rhine, and at hlayence, we saw several grist mills built on large flat boats, anchored in the stream, and the wheels turned by the stream in the river; the stream being much swifter than in our waters. We arrived at the city of Mayence the eve ning of the 25th inst., and put up at the Hotel De Holland. Next morning (26th) we visited the barracks and parade grounds, and viewed the military drilling—some 7,000 are stationed here. This city contains 45,000 inhabitants, and is in Hesse Darmstadt. These German soldiers area splendid looking set of men, and we find more or less wherever we stop, sonic returning from the seat of war. We left this city this forenoon for Heitlle burg, distance 60 miles; passed through a beautiful valley, the flats or plains were culti vated with grain of various kinds. Here was the first corn we saw growing since we left the United States. All along the slopes of the bluffs vine-yards were planted. We stopped off the train, for two hours, at the city of Worms. As early as 1253 its popula tion was 70,000. At the commencement of the 30 years' war this number was reduced to 40,000. At the present period 11,000. The Cathedral is a massive building, consecrated in 1010, in the presence of Emperor Henry 11., with many paintings and sculptures in it ; one of the most striku,g sculptures is the repre senting of Daniel in the lion's den. The Bap tistry has some large sculptures. We visited the monument and gardens of Luther, which are magnificent; also the spot where the Diet of April, 1521, in which Luther defended his doctrines in the presence of Charles V, six electors and a.numerous assembly. He being defended by McLanctlion anti the Roman Catholics by the Dean Jacob Von Eltz. Lu ther's language was,"here 1 stand, I cannot do otherwise, God helping me." We arrived at Ilerdleburg in the evening, and put up at the Ilotel De Darmstadt. The place contains 17,000 inhabitants, situated on the river Necker ; it has a University, with 800 students. The town itself contains little of interest, except the Castle,which is situated on a wooded slope 320 feet above the town, and erected in the year 1400. In the Orleans war the French caused the Castle to be partly blown down; there is a cask in it which is said to bold seven hundred thousand bottles of wine; it has been filled three times ; there is a dancing room on the top of the cask, and, it is said, the man who attends to the room drinks ten bottles a day himself. The church of the Holy Ghost is a fine building ; the one part of it is occupied by the Lutheran ProteS taut, and the other by the Catholics. We left this morning, (July 27th), by rail road, for Baden Baden, some 70 miles, passed through a wide and fertile plain, dotted here and there with fine villages peeping from among innumerable trees, passed the town of Kislow, formerly a hunting seat, now a peni tentiary for women. We passed through the Black forest, near Baden. Arrived at Baden Baden, at 2 p. m., and put up at Hotel Victoria. This is a great watering place, both cold and hot springs, This is a rich city, here the lords and aristocracy reside; the population is 40,000. This place is noted for gambling— gambling houses are situated in the centre of the town, and splendidly fitted up and licensed, accompanied with fine bands of mus c to at tract and draw the strangers. We visited this gambling bell, and it was fearful to see fine looking ladies and gentlemen throwing down their stakes and taking their chance. We also visited the New Castle on the hill, 400 feet above the river Oos ; it was founded in 1479, and has been beautifully fitted up in the interior with paintings and gnilded work ; it is now the residence of the Grand Duke of Baden. ,It has subterranean vaults 100 feet under ground, various apartments and cells, with massive stone doors, which were used in former Hales for dungeons; the gardens and fish ponds around it are beautiful. We left Baden Baden this morning for Strausburg, 43 miles by rail ; arrived there at 10 -o'clock, a. m. Strausburg, formerly the capital of Lower Alsace, in France, now in Germany—before-we reached Strausburg we passed through Kehl, on the Rhine, in Ger many, where the French made the first attack and burned the town. The Germans, after wards, blowed up the bridge—Strausburg has a population of 100,000, and has two canals passing through the city. It is-the strongest fortified city on the Rhine and has the largest arsenal. Four of us hired a carriage and drove outside of the city and viewed the forts and battlements; they have small canals, filled with water, on the side of each fortification ter She eitv: but, notwithstanding all of their fortifications, the Germans made them surrender, taking fields of guns; you can see cannon and caisons by the acre. The city is well guarded by German soldiers, and the burnt houses, churches and forts are giving way for more beautiful ones, under the domin ion of th. Germans. Our party, which now has increased to some eighty,(and according to the arrangements of Mr. book), ok), met in the great Cathedral a few minutes before 12 o'clock, and, when the mo ment arrived, the wonderful and interesting clock began to strike the hour of twelve; one old man, with his hammer, came out on the platform and struck it, and following him the twelve Apostles, as large as life, in their old apostolic dress, passed around the Saviour, making a bow to him, cone by one in-succes sion, the Saviour saluting them. The gay old cock clapping his wings three times and three, crowing at three distinct intervals. The cathedral is a massive structure, the tower being '524 feet high, ascended by some 700 steps, with three large platforms, to the first, 245 feet from the street, to the second, 300 feet, and third, 70 feet ; when you get to the top, as your correspondent did; you will begin I to think you are most at the top of Jacob's ladder; from this point you can see the Black forest, 50 miles distant. We arrived at this place, Basle, Switzerland' this evening, and put up at the Hotel of the three Kings; it is the largest hotel we have seen on the banks of the Rhine; there are two hundred visitors here on their way to the mountains of Switzerland. As my letter is now too long, I bid you adieu for the present, Fours, Porter Township Accounts Ma. Rum', Township Auditors are required, by a late act of our legislature, to publish a state ment of the accounts in their respective townships as they find them or as approved by them at their annual settlements. If I am correctly informed the Auditors of this (Porter) township, have only partially attended to the duty of settling the town ship accounts, and as yet, they have published uo statement. The law, I believe, impo.•es a penalty of fifty dollars, for neglect of duty. Our Auditors, we believe, have entirely neglected to settle with the Treasurer of the School funds, and in looking user the annual reports for the last three years, J. have come to the eomlusion that there are same things that need an explanation. For exampla fur the year ending June, 1609, the rate is reported 5 mills: the amount of tax levied, $2,006 22; the amount paid over by the collectors,s2,ooo 75; and the State appropriation, Sib!, making the total amount received, 02,151 73. The cost of instruction is reported - - $1,200 00 Fuel and contingencies, - - - - - 222 00 Repairing School Houses, &c., - - - 470 9t A eeording to this statement there should remain $ll9 78-in the Treasurer's hand+. but the district is reported to he Indehted $l2O, There was no building done this year, and no mere than the us ual amount of repairing, and 1, as a tax-payer. would like to hove the items named that cost the di s t r i c t the s um of f 3,111 07, and also to have the diserepeuey of over $l5O in the halanee explained. For the year 1870, the rate is reported 11 mills on the dollar; the amount of tax levied, $3, , 52 39; the am't paid over by collector, $3157 00 State appropriation, - - - 115 41 Cost of instruction, - . - $1 too 00 Fuel an.l contingencies - :191 7-t Coat of School llotl o, , - 1220 1,0 According to this statement there should remain in the hands of the Treasurer a balanc, of $481,60, but the reported balance is $330 26. Now, I wish to have explained how a tax of five mills on the dollar for the year 1869, amounted to $2,137 73, and the next year with about the same valuation, a tax of 11 mills on the dollar only ... t ints to $3,482 36. If I have not forgotten the principles of proportion the amount of the dupli cate fur MO, should be about $1,400 00. I wish to have the item for the fuel and contingencies named, and the discrepancy of $l5O in the balance explained. For the year ending June, ISM the Around Re port is not publi,licd, but there are some things in the accounts of this year, if the directors have in formed me correctly in regard to them, that needs explanati. also. The rate was ten mills on the dollar and taking into consideration that each citizen subject to an occupation tax, was taxed on his occupation, and two dollars beside; the tax if fairly and equitably laid most have ftwouute4 to abont $4,200 08 the Stag' appsopitatuM $lOO, Making. a total of $4,330 00, • Cost of instructitm - - - $1,300 00 500 11$ iucl and contingencies, say 1,500 00 houei This statement, Supposing the accounts to have been square at the end of last year, would leave a balance of $1,150 00 in the Treasurer's hands, and if th e A nnua l Reports for the two preceding years are correct,a total balance of near 51,500 00, but I am informed that at toe annual settlement there was only a balance of about 5200 in the Treasurer's hands. The Annual Reports on which I have based my statements arc certified to under oath by the President of the School Board, they are attest ed by the Secretary. and approved by the County Superintendent. Now, what I ask in that the Auditors, School Directors, County Superintendent or some one who knows, will explain satisfactorily the financial condition of our township in regard to the School funds, and then in regard to Bounty and Road taxes. TAX-PAYER. The Judgeship. Me. EDITOR : In reply to the communication in the JOURNAL of the Uth inst., headed t'The.Judge ship," it may be fairly said that Judge Taylor was at liberty to accept a nomination front the Repub licans, if he could procure it; and he was, therefore, clearly justified in making an effort to have confe rees appointed favorable to himself. As he is more familiar with the qualifications of the candidates for this office from Blairand Cambria, than perhaps any other man in the district, it may also be fair ly replied. that so far as he has expressed any prefer ence for the nomination of Mr. Read, such prefer ences is the result of a conviction of the superior qualifications of this gentleman for the office. From the signatures of numerous leading Republi cans in Blair county, to the letters requesting Judge Taylor to be an independent candidate, as well as front conversations with otherleadingparty men in that county, it is manifest much dissatis faction prevails there towards Mr. Dean; while in Cambria county, no leading Republican has sign ed any such letters. and the whole party is firmly united upon Mr. Meade. From consideration of fitness, as well as of availability, the nomination of the candidato from Canil,ria would scent to hr de sirable. A REPUBLICAN. The Genuine Ku Klux, The city of Raleigh, North Carolina, was thrown into a wild state of excite ment on Friday on the arrival of the west ern train, when the fact became known that Assistant United States Marshals J. G. Hester and M. Keith had in limbo a - band ofdisguised Ku - Klux, captured by them the night previous in Moore county. The marshals had in charge and marshaled through Fayetteville street about a dozen white men, live of whom were in full uniform. The disguise, which •was of the most fright ful and ludicrous character, was made of black glazed cambric, lace-covered with the same, with holes for the month and eyes, touched off with a white substance. The hat made of like material, is cone shaped, and about thirty-six inches in height. These gentry were marched up to United States Commissioner Shaffer's of fice, where an examination was waived. The Carolina Era gives the following account of the capture of the band : Deputy Marshal Hester and Deputy Keith arrived at Swan's Station Wednes day, 3d, at 12 o'clock, as tobacco peddlers. They met a man by the name of *John Gager, who hailed them and asked, "what the news was." Ile was asked what kind of news he wished to hear, and he replied "Conven tion news." He approached Keith and gave him the Ku Klux grip, which was returned. The marshal an his deputy were at once taken into confidence. Glaster was confident they were Ku Klux, and whenever their loyalty to the Klan was questioned he vouched for them. Gaster told Keith he had helped to send many a negro to hell before the election, and that as soon as the excitement was over lie intended to send as many more. On the Saturday preceding their arri val a meeting of the klan at Jonesboro had passed sentence upon a colored man and a white man ; the white man was to be hung until he was dead, and the colored man was to be whipped. Owing to the arrival of a squad of United States soldiers in the neighborhood on the night appointed for the raid it was postponed until last night, when the klan was to meet at the Marshal's (tobaceo ?) wagon and uniform themselves for the raid. The man who kept the uniforms was in this city trying to give bail for a Tormer offense. -train Ets. AlSence the di,ifbrnis were -removed from - his house to the house of Murk. M'Keiver. A man was sent to his house and -the disguises, ten in number, obtained. The party assembled at the wagon and were at once arrested by the Marshal. The followin g are the names of the men arrested: William W. Wicker, Jesse Bryan, It. NI Bryan, J. W. Gaster, William J. Bryan and D. M'lver, all of Moore county. Bryan and Wicker, who are charged with the murder of Murkerson M'Ctne, were com mitted to jail to await an examination, which is postponed two weeks for want of witnesses. The other four were allowed to give bail in the sum of two thousand dollars each for their appearance at the Septem ber term of the United States Circuit Court. John Plaster turns State evidence, and hi .developments will reveal a state of affairs which will startle the public, and implicate parties little suspected. Marshal Hester deserves special credit for his earnest artd successful efforts to ar rest and bring the members of this diabol ical organization to justice. It seems that the Ku Klux Klan is still in existence in the State, and though several hundred have bean detected and arrested it will re quire considerable vigilance on the part of the officers of the law to entirely crush this diabolical organization. A Telling Rebuke to Southern Arro- fiance, Hon. B. 11. Hill, of Georgia, in a re cent address before the Alumni of the State University, alluded to the evils which had been brought upon the South by Slavery, and, as a consequence, a large part of the Georgian press opened upon him with the most violent denuncir tions. This led Mr. Hill to write a letter, in which appears the following para graphs : • With every ingredient more abundant at home, we send to the originally barren North for fertilizers to give life to our originally fertile, now deadened soil: with the line.t wee and ea hanstirm wont beds peeping at us from our own hill sides; with the richest land on the continent, we send North for bread to feed our children; with the noblest trees that ever lifted their tops toward heaven, if we want a finer church in•-which to worship, or a wore convenient residence in which to live, we send north for the plan, for the archi tect, and for the builder! We spend mil lions of dollars sending our children North to be educated, and refuse the smallest pittance for the endowment of universities at home. $2,001 97 Our physicians and surgeons send North for their medicines to heal, and for the tools that secure skill in their delicate art; our lawyers send North for the books in which to learn the rule of justice for our people ; our preachers send North for commentaries on the Bible to teach their flocks the way of salvation ; our editors send North for type to print their papers ; and lawyers, preachers and editors make low , speeches, say long prayers, and fill whole columns, thanking God for sn parlor tionthorn genies, parity and learn ing! And our politicians, all . shades of Demosthenes and Cicero, bend down and hear the matchless periods of true patriot ic eloquence. Our politicians strut like condescending Jupiters to the hustings, with Northern hate on their beads, North ern shoes on their feet, and Northern coats on their books, and prove to gaping crowds their unequalled fitness for office in straining their lungs as the thundergust doth the yielding clouds with noisy de, nunciations of Northern weakness and greed and climactic enlogies on Southern power and independence!. The Pittston Tragedy , Volunteers at Work to Baku, the Entomb ed Aliners—All the Bodies Recovered— Nantes of the llEtterlEntointed. PITTSTON, PA., At7gust 15.—At the present time it is difficult to estimate the full damage caused by the explosion, but it is not believed any of the men at work in the mine will be recovered alive. In the entering chamber, where the explosion occurred, a fallen rock was found which laid partly upon a car completely blocking up one side just sufficient for a man to force himself through. Some distance fur ther on there WaS another fall of rock which completely filled the passage, and beyond this the men are walled so completely in that it will take most persistent labor to reach them. Volunteers are now at work endeavoring to get around this fallen rock so that they can reach the entombed miners, but the density of black damp prevents them from prosecuting the work with much effect.— They are continually being brought up in an exhausted condition, but their places are immediately supplied by other volun teers, and the work goes on unremittingly. Al that mortals can do is being done to rescue the unfortunates, but only blacken ed, disfigured remnants of mortality have thus far rewarded the toilers. On the outside the scene is heartrending in tne extreme. Thousands of sympathizing ci tizens, miners and others are present, ren dering all the assistance possible under the circumstances. Women and children are weeping, wring in. their hands and mourning aloud fur the lost, awaiting with an anxious and hopeless expectation_ eitch..nesv_TPPorAL -rQm-, the poisonous pit. The women are every where doing what they can to minister to the wants of the exhausted volunteers as they are borne like helpless children from the mouth of the pit. Great caldrons of stemming coffee are ready, and all known restoratives are on hand. Sad hearts are everywhere to-night. Some display sym pathy with the bereaved friends who are mourning for their dead. This mine has been nearly exhausted, and was known to be filled with black damp, but it was considered safe, and has been constantly worked since the conclu- sion of the strike, although not at its full capacity. Twelve feet of gas was found in the heading, just off the gangway, which had been traversed all day by explorers with naked lights, and the merest accident would have caused another and worse ex plosion, involving a loss of at least fifty lives during the forepart of the night. Those assuming control have ordered the pumps reversed. The water has been forced down the shaft, thus helping to in crease the volume of pure air and expel the foul. Superintendent Kendrick and in spector Belewitt are preparing to descend into the mine, but should they find their expectations of replenishing the avenue with pure air realized, they will hardly be able to draw away the debris necessary to reach the imprisoned miners before morn ing. The following persons are known to have been in the mine at the time of the accident : David Harris, James Morgan, Thomas Levshon, Evan Jones, Benjamin Davis, Robert Hughes, Benj. Williams, Edward Owen, John Mangan, Richard Owen, M. Quinley and Martin Mangan. There are many theories as to the cause of the disaster, but the general opinion .is that it is due to the explosion of fire damp, the first intimation that anything was wrong being the rattling and jostling of the descending car, as the air rushed out of the shaft with such velocity as for a motnentto stop it. Midnight—:Three volunteers have just been taken out insensible, and no further attempts will be made before daylight, Five bodies only have been taken out. The body of Benjamin Davis was brought up shortly after the explosion, and about three o'clock the body of Evan Jones was brought up. During the afternoon the dead bodies of Thomas Levshon, James Morgan and D. Haines were recovered from the mine. The Democratic county convention of Mifflin county, assembled in the Town Hall, Lewistown, on the 7th inst., and made the following nominations :—Assem bly, George V. Mitchell; Associate Judges, George Weiler and N. J. Rudi sill ; Treasurer, John A. Shimp; Prothon otary, etc J. T. Roop ; Register and Re corder, John Baum; District Attorney, J. S Rskerd; Commissioner, Albert Horning; Surveyor, John Swartzell ; Di rector of the Poor, W. M. Fleming; Au ditor, William A. Orr. New Advertisements. A D3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. fE4ture offienryettr flee'dd Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Henrietta Briggs, late of Warriors:nark township, dec'd., all persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. RICHARD WILLS, Adiu'r. Wirriormark, Aug. 23, 1371.. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Ertate of Elizabeth Stewart, dee'tl.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estaie of Elizabeth Stew art, Into of Cromwell township, deed., all persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN P. STEWART, roug.. [Adm'r. AGENTS 1V ANTED.— We want 5000 active, enterprising, thorough men and-women, to whom we will give constant work and good pay. We publish the Best Books; we give our agents the Best Terms. The best selling Book now is EC: r ir(v4'Scau Describing his wonderful feats and tricks, with laughable incidents and adventures. Agents are selling from 20 to 40 copies a day. Also, our NEW FAMILY BIBLE, containing Blackwood's Com prehensive Aids to the study of the Scriptures, and Nevin's new and improved Dictionary of the Bible,,together with Sixteen Fine Steel Plates, four gaps in colors, and 200 superior engravings on wood; Family Record, Family Album, &e., &c. A Complete Prospectus of this Bible and agent's outfit furnished Fore to all who mean work. Our programme of New Books for the Fall includes a New Work by Mark Twain. _ _ SuccOssful :1„ tints will receive find choice of territoryon Mark TlVltill'H forthcoming great work. Circular.. Terms, .te., with full information, sent free on application to 2 3a ug u 3:3 1!): FFIELD A i ohr, sdt e rlepehti a FARM FOR SALE.—The undersign. cd, will sell, at Public Sale, in Juniata town• ship, on Tuesday, the 3d day of alober, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following (1(.5,11.1 real estate. A farm, situate is Juniata township, about five miles from Huntingdon, containing abill1;. ISO acres, more or less, 115 of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered, having thereon erected a saw-mill, log house, a tenant-house, and a frame Rink Barn, with other necessary outbuildings. Also. a good orchard in a thriving condition. TERMS,—One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the bal ance in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured by bonds and mortgages of the purch aser. A general variety or personal property of said doccavd, will be eered ou said day. HENRY HAWN, ALBERT HAWN, Executors of Jacob Hawn, d.cen,-..d. ALSO. At the same time and place, a tract of land, in said township, containing acres. ahout II acres cleared. Aug.l6, 187145, New Advertisements T , INQUIRER " BOOK BINDEB BELFORD, PA. LUTZ & JORDAN, Proprietors. Litil:s ,lone un Floe notice an, reaconable rate,. 4111 In,,,ka rehountl and mad. good 1444 u.n. .11tanns repaired etc. INTERESTING TO EVERYBOI. Magazines. The American Agriculturist, Harpers' Magaz The tialaxy, Lippineott, Atlantic Monthly, Sc ner's Monthly, tiodey's Lady's Book, Demurest die's Repository; Peters Musical Magazi Church .Magazines. and all other Magazines ix, up in handsome volumes at the very lowest figu Papers. Harper's ekly, Harper's Bazar, Hearth ]tome, The New V.prk Ledger, Weekly. Satnr Night. Sunday School and Church Papers. and other papers bound into Volumes on shortest nol .hfusic. Plied Masic and Musical Monthlies pnt np handsome volumes which make an ornament ti PARLOR AND CENTER TABI What young lady hasn't enough music on h to make a nice volume. NOW IS THE TIME T. have your bir.ling done. gather up your ',opera Magnrines. Brim in your brc backed hooks nod alhumv, allla leave them at resiJence of REV. W. B. IVAGNER, No. 622 Chu near 7th St, Huntingdon, Pa., Who is tour agent, and be will forward them t. and wo will pat them in any STYLE OF BINDING Ton wish, and return them to otir agent, who deliver them without any trouble or inconveni to you. itates, &c., can be seen with the Agent. T 4 cash on delivery. august2-3t - ptiBLIC SALE -A- At Valley Farm, Smithfield, one mile of Huntingdon, of HORSES, COLTS, CATTLE, r FARNiThiG IMPLEMENTB,i On Thursday, the 17th of August, 76' at one o'clock, p. ra., comprising 2 SPLENDID WORKING MAR 5 COLTS, three years old, broke t harness, 2 COLTS,two years old, a BULL, several COWS, • and YOUNG CATTLE. Wagon, Reaper, Tread-power, Thresher, Hay P Comphinter, Windmill, Cradles, S.cythes, ant; memos other small implements. TERMS—Nine and twelve month endorsed r R. R. BRY A Ilanting , lon, Aug. 9, 19`1.-2w HUNTINGDON ACADEMY WILL AGAIN OPEN MONDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 187 JAS. A. STEPHENS. Princip Aug. 9.-2 t. AD3IINISTRATRIX'S NOJICE [Eetete of John (7. Dixon, 41. Letters of administration having been gr: to the undersigned on the estate of John C. D late of Warriorsmark township, deed., all pc, knowing themselves indebted are rcqueste make immediate payment, and those having cl to present them duly authenticated for settle, SOPHIA DIXON, [Aduftr Aug. 9, 1871 ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. [Setate of Samuel Stewart, J. Letters of Administration having been grr to the undersigned on the estate of Samuel art, late of Cromwell township, dee'd., all pel knowing thern.elves indebted are requested to immediate payment, and those having Oulu present them duly authenticated for settlemen WAS lIINGTON STEWAR JOHN F. STEWART, • July 2d, 1871.. [Adel ADM I N ISTICA TOWS NOTICE.— Letters of administration having granted to the subscriber, living in Alcoa, borough, on the estate of Samuel MePherran of said borough, dee'd., all persons kno themselves indebted to said estate will make meat without delay, and those having ci against the came will present for them payme J. A. MePIIEHRAN Administmt - - IJENRY & CO'S. aly26-Gt LUMBER AND COAL DEPOI LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, Lath, Pickets, &c., constantly on h FLOORING 4 SIDING, DOORS, SAS FRAMES,. &g., at thaiinfacturers' price ANTHRACITE, BROAD TOP, Al. GHANY, SANDY LIDGE ANY PITTSBURG COAL, BY the TON, CAR, or BOAT LO Feb. 18, 1871. .. AIRY VIEW ACADEMY PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA COUNTY, PEN FUR ...41,1LE ./I ND FEMALE Attractively situated in a healthful and be ful region, one-fourth of a mile from Penn'a.l Four regular graduates, assssted by other co tent instructors, constitute the corps of instruc The Principal, (for many years in charge of carom Acndetny, and, since 1852, t e head of institution), ref rs to his numerous pupils i the learned professions. and in every depart of business. Music and Painting, specia Fall session will commence SEPTEMBER 1871. Term., $21,0 per . 0111111111. Address, DAVID WILSON, A. M. A. J. PATTERSON, A. 1% Port koyal P. 0. jaly26-3m, WM. WILLIAMS, MAN UFACTUREI MARBLE MANTLES, MONITME HEADSTONES, &C., HUNTINGDON, PA. PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, ALSO SLATE MANTLES FURNISHED ORDER. Jan. 4, '7l. M'eAlPrllir, w. B. lei:AR/By, IJ. A. POI.r FRANKLIN MANUFACTI LXU COMPANY. llontinylon 311711(fierhar:og roropan Manufactures Flooring, Siding. Doors, : Shutters, Blinds, Moulding. Scroll Work, Coot Shelving, Wood Turnings. Itubbs, Spokes. Work. Forks, Rakes, Brooms, Pick. and lint Handles, Furniture, .ke. Our Machinery beit the very best quality and giving our entire a tion to the business we are able to manufactul of the aboved named articles, as well as others. in the best style and always promptly • All orders addressed to the - FRANKLIN MANUFACTURING COMP,' Huntingdon, Pa. will receive our iinmediatc attention. Price furnished when desired. June 7, IS7I. MO THE MEMBERS of THE fIU IN(I)ON BUILDING AND LOAN A CIATION. You are hereby notified that at the meetv be held at the Court Muse. in llnntingdm TUESII:I tW CST 15/11. 1871, at 71 o'cl p. m.. per,ons will be Owed in nomination Toted for as officers and directors of said Ass tion. The election will take place at the ae locating to be held at the Court House, on the Monday of August, 1871, (28th day.) at 11. n'e p. m. I'. M. LYTLE. Aug9-2t. Seeretai LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, Hemlock and Pine Bill Stuff, Boards; P Shingling, Plastering and Shingling Lath, stantly on hand, - or furnished on short notb lowest cash prices. Worked Flooring. Sash. 11l Doors, Door end Win,low Frames furnish.. manuravturt r*, nu,l 42.•untry duce generally b 00,710 at market tires. WAGONER k DRO Phillipsburg. Contra county, I Jan. 4, 71,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers