The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 09, 1871, Image 2

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    The Huntingdon Journal,
Wednesday Morning, August 9, 1871,
COL. ROBERT B. BEATH, of Schuylkill
Union Republican County Convention.
The Republican voters of Iluntinplon county are res
pectfully requested to a,emhle in their Wants, Townships
and Boroughs, at tho le.usl places of holding electbms,
(except, that in the West Want 4,f Huntingdon they will
meet in the Engine House, and in the bough of Shade
Gap, at McGrowan's Hotel, and in the Bora' of Mt. Union
in tbo Born' 'School House), en SATURDAY the lgth DAY of
Avamx,lB7l, in the 'townships between the hours of 3 and
7 o'clock in the afternoon, and in the loroughs between the
bourn of 6 and 9 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of
electing TWO nnnnaoona to rcpre,cut them in tho County
illeC7ut;ty Convention will he held at the Court Rouse,
in the borouol of Iluntinetlon, on TUESDAY, Amos? 15th,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of nominating a ticket
to s, promoted to the Union Voters of the county at the
er ming election.
The County Committee having undo no change in the
bans of representatian, the Cenrention trill he COMpOSOII, as
heret lore, lf two delegates from each Township, Ward,
Torough . ,ml District. . . . .
The following officers are to lie nominated
Ong+ person is conjunction with Blair and Cambria
col:Mies, for President Judge.
e One person ler A...jitte Judge.
Om; iMmou f r 1 . 1 . 1eml::! of thr - Oeneral A.embly.
One person fur High Sheriff.
On; 'permit' fin• Treasurer.
One person for County Coininis.ioner.
One person for Director of the Poor.
One person !ar County !nrynyor.
One Per.n !'w couut'y Audifor.
Chairman County Committee.
Republican Mass Meeting I
The Republicans of Huntingdon
county will assemble in Mass Meet
ing, in Huntingdon, at the
AUGUST 15TH, 1871.
All those who favor the course of
the National Administration in pay
ing the Natiohal Debt; the suppres
sion of the Ku-Klux Outrages; the
peaceful and honorable settlement
of the Alabama Claims ; protection
of the industries of Pennsylvania;
and the peace and unity of the
Party, arc cordially invited to at
The meeting will be addressed by
Hon. JOHN SCOTT, and others.
Let the campaign be opened with
a grand ratification meeting.
Twelve o'clock trains will stop at
all points in the county, east ar d
Come One ! ! Come All !! !
We have determined not to insist upon
the strict letter of our terms until after
the August Court, and therefore give those
who are still in arrears to us for subscrip
tion, until that time to pay up at the rate
of $2.00 per year. We want everybody
to have the JOURNAL at $2.00, so avail
yourselves of Court to bring in or send in
your cash. Send along your money, or
_yuu must nay $2.50. and at the end of th
year $3.00. It is only $2.00, and anybody
who takes our paper can raise that much
mon.T j . Don't wait until you are two or
three years in arrears and then get out of
humor because your bill is so large. Pay
up! P. up!
Eleven Pregnant Facts Brought to
Light by the Congressional In
vestigation Committee.
Its Democratic Paternity, its Hellish
Features and Party Purposes.
The Congressional committee investiga
ting the Ku-Klux villainy—a sub-commit
tee in Washington, and another sub-com
mittee in South Carolina—have now been
in daily session more than two months, and
have had before them many scores of wit
nesses from all sections of the late Insur
rectionary States—men of both high and
humble station—President Elders, Preach
ers, ex-Members of the Federal congress
and ex-Members of the Confederate Con
gress, ex-Generals of both Armies, Govern
ors and ex-Governors, Judges, Solicitors,
Sheriffs, Revenue Officers, Officers of the
Army, Postmasters, School Teachers, Re
pentant and Non-repentant members of
Ku-Klux Klaus, and dozens of their
maimed and suffering victims, black and
And what has this patient and thorough
investigation established—and established
beyond all future ca il and question? These
atrocious Facts ?
1. That in all the late Insurrectionary
States, and generally diffused, though not
found in every County, is an oath-bound
Secret Organization, working only at night,
and its members always in disguise, with
Officers, Signs, Signals, Pass-words, Grips,
and all the necessary paraphernalia, with
the Pledged and Sworn purpose of putting
dawn the Republican and putting asp the
Democratic_ Party; known in 'different
localities among the initiated by different
names, but everywhere recognized by the
general cognomen "Ku-Klux."
2. That the organization came intA, be
ing a few months previous to the last
Presidential El !ction, during which can
vass it was in its most vigorous condition,
but is now through all the South, with
more efficient discipline and effective di
rection than ever, reviving, in preparation
for the next Presidential campaign, when,
as the told one of their victims in Ten
nessee a few weekt, since, "no d-d Rad
ical voting is to be allowed in any Southern
States, by black or white."
3. That this Ku-Klux organization is
the premeditated and determined scheme
for carrying the South at the next election
of President, and so, by securing the en
tire electoral vote of that section, make
sure the election of the Democratic nomi-
4. That the officers and establishers of
these "Pens" (as they appropriately call
their separate bands) are the leading and
active Democratic politicians of the South.
5. That the scheme has the hearty good
will of a large section of the Democratic
Party in all those States, and the acquies
cence of nearly the entire Party.
6. That the direct and chief purpose of
the organization, as sworn by all the Vic
tims, as the assertion uniformly made to
them by these midnight assassins, and cor
roborated by the universal testimony of
the repentant and divulging members of
the Order, is this : The putting down of
the Republican and the putting up of the
Democratic Party.
7. That while the Democratic and Ku-
Klux Witnesses on their direct examina
tion usually deny the political purpose of
the Order, asserting that the Kb-Klux are
a social necessity growing out of the aboli
tion of the old Petrel; that they have to
ride the country to "keep the Niggers in
their places;" "that under the influence of
Radical Legislation and Methodist Preach
ing./ the Niggers are liable to become saucy;'
and without an occasional Ku-Klux visit
would "begin to think themselves as good
as white folks ;" and that these frequent
floggings, and an occasional murder, are
necessary to maintain such a state of mor
als among the Blacks as will permit the
vice-hating Whites to live in their neigh
borhood ; yet, on the cross-examination,
these Witnesses all very generally, as well
as very reluctantly, confess that the intim
idation of Republican voters is a prominent
and not to ba regretted result.
8. That to secure this purpose, the put
ting down of the Republican and the put
ting up of the Democratic Party, Intimida
tion is the grand measure—the intimida
tion of Republican voters, black and white,
but especially the humble and defenceless,
by Midnight Raids; by Burning Houses
and Stores, and the Destruction of Crops;
by Whippings of such extreme cruelty as
often to end in Death; by most indecent
and painful Maiming; by Assassination
and Murder in such cowardly manner and
with such hellish device as may strike ter
ror into whole counties, and bring down
the Republican- vote from two or three
thou Sand to less than a single dozen. _
9. That "School-teachers," and 'Preach
ers of the Methodist Church North," seem
to be the especial abhorrence of these
Democratic Assassins; and hundreds of
School-houses and Methodist Churches
have been given to the flames; and Chris
tendom will stancraghast when it is made
known the scores of School-teachers and
Methodist Preachers, who, by this Demo
cratic agency, within these three years,
have been Whipped ! Shot!' Hung I and,
in some instances, it is believed, Burned
at the Stake !
10. That in nearly one-half the States
of this Union this work of hell is now
going on, night by night—every month
extending the range of its bloody opera
tions, and fearfully multiplying the num
ber of its victims !
11. That it is solely and immediately in
the service of the Democratic Party—a
large portion of the party South heartily
approving—large numbers of the party
North attempting its palliation by excuse,
and its shelter from scorn by covering up
or denying its crimes, as if cowardly As
sassination could be palliated, and brutal
e 1 NUILIPT ex enstn&—nrui tho Tin.mner.t;,
Party throughout the land rejoicing in its
promise of help. So, either by open and
acknowledged action, or by the no les s
criminal and the more cowardly participa
tion of extenuatingand shielding the crime,
the Party, South and North, become be
fore the people and before God equal
sharers in the responsibility.
Out of the mouths of more than two
hundred Witnesses is every syllable of this
established; and more than ten thousand
of the shroudless Dead, from hidden places
by wayside, in swamp and mountain, and
from the sleepless ashes of fired houses,
shout their ghastly AMEN !
A single instance of these thousand
Outrages perpetrated upon an American
citizens on foreign soil, would be thought
ample cause for War ; and our entire Navy
would hasten to enforce the Nation's in
dignation. And• such abuse as is daily
meted out to these humble Methodist
Preachers, if offered one of our Missiona
ries on heathen ground, would arouse the
whole American church until every mind
was laden with demands for "Protection."
The thanks of all citizens who love
Right and hate Repine are due the faith
ful men of this Committee, who, forgetting
their own ease, have so industriously de
voted these hot months to the unearthing
of this giant Villainy.
Christian men of our country ! Humane
men ! All decent men, we appeal to you!
Is a party worthy of life in this land which
seeks supremacy through such hell-born
measures ?
pa c . The Louisville Courier is credited
with saying that one or two New England
ladies, who went South to teach the negr, o
children, were ostracised for no other of
fence than that of bathing in the river
with a number of colored gentlemen. This
is one of the Democratic ways of apologi
zing for the Ku Klux. All that we have
to say is: the editor who takes the advan
tage of a female, when he knows she is
unable to chastise him for his conduct, to
perpetrate such a slander, is as much of a
coward as one of those midnight assassins"
The man who slanders a man slanders his
equal, but the man who slanders a woman
is a coward.
um _ People frequently wonder how it
is that men who control railroads, at only
fair salaries, make princely fortunes. Our
attention has been directed to this matter,
for the last three months, and facts have
been placed in our possession, which, with
out explanation, show an organized system
of tariffing, (to use a mild phrase,) of ship
pers, for the benefit of those who control
the operations of the Pennsylvania Rail
road, that will startle some people who do
business with that giant corporation. We
intend to pursue our investigations until
we are fully satisfied that we are not doing
any one injustice, and when we have done
this, "we will publish right or wrong."
Is_ Confidential communications are
universally regarded as sacred among gen
tlemen. It were strange if it Wore other
wise, and yet it seems there are those who
do not know this, or who take every op
portunity to violate the rule.
Sii?" A Democratic cotemporary, more
frank than discreet, says:
The party never did, and does not now
endorse the doctrine of negro equality or
negro suffrage; but holds to its oft-repeat
ed declaration, that this is a white man's
government, and that none but white men
should vote or hold office. The ninth re
solution of the State platform simply re
cognizes as valid and binding, the amend
ments to the constitution, including the
obnoxious XVth article."
Well, we hope they will stick to this
position. All the negro votes that they
will catch, if this is their thecry, will not
pay for the paper upon which the ninth
resolution is written.
Ale- We are told that Gen. Lane is
charged with being the author of the com
munications which have appeared in the
JOURNAL, over the signatufe of "A Tax
payer," ventilating Poor House affairs.—
We are free to say that Gen. Lane, to the
best of our knowledge, has never written
a single line fur the JOURNAL, and we
know he did not write the communications
in question. We say this in justice to
the General. We are not a recipient of the
Herald and, therefore, only casually learn
ed that the General has been wronged by
a charge of this kind.
isE r r We have stated clearly and impli
citly, we think, our own, as well as the
position of others, in these columns, in the
last three weeks, and in addition to this we
have n.ade an unbiased statement of the
facts pertaining to the case in question,
and no successful contradiction has been
forthcoming, therefore, we have done. No
amount of personal abuse or misrepresenta
tion will induce us to depart from this
resolution. Personal detraction is very
much like a boomerang; it is just as likely
to strike the detractor as the person as
gel. Hon. John Scott, who has been in
South Carolina for the last month, taking
testimony in regard to the horrible practi
ces of the Ku Klux, arrived at home on
Monday evening the 31st ult. He bears
the marks of hard labor. The Committee
adjourned to meet on the 20th of Septem
ber. We hope Mr. Scott will give us the
advantage of his investigations in the ap
proaching campaign. He is prepared, no
doubt, to satisfy our Democratic brethren
that there is such an organization in exis
tence as the Ku Klux.
SEX - The Democrats claim that they have
found a leak in the Treasury, and the way
they hold on to it is a caution. They evi
dently think it a good thing. Stick to it,
and get all out of it that you can ; it may
be possible that you may not have another
such a chance in an age. The Democrats
like leaks; they pick up the little drop
pings—the waste, and they all hold their
Ser Again we would urge upon the
Republicans of this county to attend the
delegate elections on Saturday next, and
see that none but true and honest men,
who cannot be controlled by Mr. Speer or
his allies, be selected as delegates. Let
the best men in the county be sent here
next Tuesday to make a ticket for our sup
port this fall. Turn out ! Turn out and
Da- We direct attention to the call for
a Mass Meeting to be held on Tuesday
evening, the 14th inst., for the purpose of
ratifying the nominati Ais and opening the
campaign. Hon. John Scott will present,
no doubt, his experience among the Ku
Klux and many of the sworn facts which
are in his possession. The late trains will
stop at all way stations. A large attend
ance is expected.
Se — We would call attention to the fact
that a change has been made in the place
for holding the election for delegates to the
County Convention to be held on the 12th
inst., in Shade Gap and Mount Union
boroughs. The election will be held at
McGowan's hotel in the former, and at the
borough school house in the latter.
lam. Another "Sockdoleager !" The
public debt statement for July shows that
nearly $9,000,000 have been paid. How
do you like it, apologists for the Ku Klux?
European Correspondence
LONDON, England, July 22, 1871
Data JOITIIIIAL :-I left the city of Glasgow
on the 14th inst. At this place our company
was cut down to two of us, The Rev. Mr. J,
W. Evans left us for Wales. The Rev. Dr.
Bell and myself will continue our European
journey together. From Glasgow to the city
of Edinburg, forty-nine miles, the country is
rolling and is considerable of a mineral district.
We arrived in Edinburg in the forenoon and
put up at the Caledonian hotel. Edinburg is
the capital of Scotland. It is situated on two
ridges of hills, within two miles of the Firth
of Forth and contains 200,000 inhabitants. It
is said Kainburg, for its size, is one of the most
imposing, interesting and magnificent cities in
Europe. Through its centre a deep ravine
extends. But this ravine has been converted
into beautiful gardens, and is crossed by two
spacious bridges at different points. On the
summit of a tremendous precipice, in the cen
tre of the city, some four hundred feet high
and nearly round, with commanding view,
stands Edinburg Castle, whose origin is clou
ded in obscurity. It is one of those fortresses
which, by the articles of union between Eng
land and Scotland, must be kept fortified.—
Here are crown jewels, widen are kept guarded
in an old apartment of this castle. This castle
is teeming with romance and history. The
room is shown here where that unfortunate
Queen first became a mother, and a window
where her son, afterwards James VI, when
only eight days old, was let down in a basket
several hundred feet to be conveyed to a place
of safety. In this castle a cannon is fired off
every day at 1 o'clock, by electric telegraph,
in order to keep the correct time with Green
wich. The principal street is Princes street.
Here most of the hotels are located, and also
the stupendous monument of Sir Walter Scott.
It is 200 feet high and has 287 steps leading
to the top of the gallery. The National Pic
ture Gallery is of the Greek order, and is filled
with ancient paintings. There are several
large equestrian statues of the Duke of Wel
lington, Nelson, and Burns, and the National
Monument erected to the memory of the he
roes of Waterloo. There are several large
cathedrals and church edifices. In the centre
of Parliament Square stands tip equestrian
statue Of Charles 11. - Another important me
, morial of Scotland's ancient splendor is the
remains of Holyrood. It must have been a
magnificent building in former days. The most
interesting rooms in the palace are those last
occupied by the unfortunate Mary. Her bed
chamber remains in the same state as when
she left it, and the cabinet, where her secreta
ry, Rizzie, was murdered. In the picture
lery are over one hundred portraits of Scot
lead's kings, queens and lords. The Abbey of
Holyrood was founded by King David. 1, in the
twelfth century. The King's Palace, which is
attached to Holyrood Abbey, was built in the
fifteenth century by King James V, and it is
a magnificent structure. Queen Victoria pays
a visit once a year, and spends a few weeks, to
please the people of Scotland. l also visited
the Queen's Park and Margaret's Well, and
drank some of its refreshing Water. Deans
Cemetery is the finest, most beautiful and well
laid out cemetery that I ever visited, I saw
the house in which John Knox resided. The
morning of the 15th, when I awoke and gazed
out of three-story window of the hotel, and
saw that wonderful Castle, towering up towards
heaven, which is right opposite to me and
within one quarter of a mile, with her high
guns pointing in every direction, I felt, while
here, perfectly safe front all surrounding ene
mies. Scotland is _a healthy country. Here
you see no pale, consumptive-looking faces,
but all looking fresh, hale and robust. It
would be a good inv&tment for some of our
young single American gentlemen to come
here and select a companion from some of theso
cheerful, bright looking bonnie lassies. The
most novel costume I have seen in my travels
is here worn by some of these Highlanders.—
You will see now and then men in the streets
of the city wearing a tight body made of white
pressed flannel, a short blue or red over skirt
from the waist down to the lower part of the
thighs ; their legs from there down below the
knees to the calf entirely bare, with long
Stockings buckled up, wearing shoes, and
black cap with broad scarlet band.
There is a peculiar feature in the buildings
in Glasgow and Edinburg, in contrast from
other cities I hove ever seen. Here - the build
ings ere built all with fine granite stone, the
fronts of the buildings are dressed with smooth
face, and you see no building- less than three
story, and some hove ten, so that the rich and
poor are alike as respects houses, only that the
poor are crowded with more or less families in
each building, end occupy those streets that:
are narrow and bock from the business and
more fashionable thoroughfares. The pave
ments arc all laid within., large granite stone,
and wide ; streets are paved with square blocks
of stone. Oumibusses and cabs are the vehi
cles for travelling; the fare in omnibusses is 2
pence the entire length of the streets, and in
cabs four shillings per hour.
On July 15111 - 1 left the city of Edinburg in
the lamming for York, in England, distance 207
miles by rail. Passed several large towns be
fore we reached New Castle, in the northern
part of England. The country is mostly level
and finely improved, but the farms much lar
ger than I expected, and not as thickly settled
as in Dauphin and Lancaster counties in your
State. The chief products are oats, barley,
potatoes, turnips, beaus and some little wheat.
No corn fields seen since we lauded. We passed
through fine grazing settlements, and number
less flocks of sheep are raised and fed far the
market of the finest and largest growth.
New Castle, on the river Tyne, has a popu
lation of over 200,000. It is situated near the
mouth of T.. se where it empties into the North
or German sea, and is the great depot city for
the large coal district—the most extensive in
Europe. From there we passed through the
city of Darlington—a large iron manufacturing
city. We reached York in the afternoon and
took lodgings at the Black Swan hotel, in Co
ney street. This street is the most fashionable
in the city. We spent an hour or two strolling
through some of the streets, and then turned
in for the night. Here my friend Dr. Bell con
cluded to have his hair cut and dressed pre
paratory to the Sabbath. Be stepped into a
barber-shop, when he, for the first time, had
his hair combed and cleansed by a machine,
a rather new and novel instrument, all for six
pence, and if there had been any vermin there
they would have been scattered instanter.
Sabbath morning, July 16th, we attended
Baptist Sabbath School at 0 A. a, and Baptist
preaching at 101 o'clock. In the absence of
their pastor, the Rev. Mr. Smythe, the Rev.
Mr. Henderson, of the Wesleyan church sup
plied his pulpit. His text was the Ist chapter
and 21st verse of Phillipians. In the afternoon
at 4 o'clock we attended Episcopal services--
coral singing and prayer. In the evening, at
6i o'clock, Rev. Dr. Bell preached in the Bap
tist church front Isaiah 286 chap. 16 and 17
verses. At 8} o'clock I heard a Wesleyan
preach in the Park on the river side, from the
words: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and.
thou shalt be saved."
The city of York contains a population of
DO,OOO, and is situated in the centre of a beau
tiful plain, on the river Ouse, .which is navi
gable to its entrance into the German Sea; the
city lies on both sides of the river, and is
crossed by two fine bridges. This is a very
ancient city. The hotel we stopped at has
been built over 400 years since. The streets
are narrow, only admitting two carriages to
pass; the pavements are only about five feet
in width; both streets and pavements are sub
stantially paved with stone. If two persons
walking together meet a couple, either one or
the other um,t step down on the street while
the others pass, but they always give Ameri
cans the preference. This city is only second
in rank in the Kingdom. York hat always held
a conspicuous place in all the disturbances of
the country, particularly in the war of the
"Roses." It is said it dates back nearly 1000
years before Christ. During the time of the
Romans A. D. 150, it was captured by Britain.
teal u~ ueea 0 1250 by Edward I.—
The walls now form a fine promenade around
the city. Constantine the Great, the first
christian Emperor, was born here in 272, and
his father Constantine died here in 305. The
Cathedral was founded by Edwin, King of
Northumberland, A. D. 625, and is the second
largest in the Kingdom, its length is 524 feet,
breadth 240, transepts 222, nave 264, height
of ceiling 99, and western, towers 204. York
Castle is an object of general interest. It is
enclosed with a substautial stone wall, laid in
cement,• well finished, and is 35 feet high and
1100 yards in circuit, and cost £203,530, com
prising cliffs, towers and prison, covering four
acres of ground. The Museum Gardens, St.
Leonard's Hospital, St. Mary's Abbey, Sir Wil
liam's College,
and the City Walls overlook
ing the railroad depots are of great interest.—
We took a promenade of over half a mile on
the city walls before leaving the city.
We took the train for London this day at 11
o'clock; distance 200 miles; passed through a
magnificent country, part of it very level, not
unlike the Western prairies, and part rolling.
Went through some dozen tunnels, some of
them over a mile in length. Passed through
the cities of Doncaster, Retford, Newark, l'e
tersbury and Grantham. The latter place is
not-d for the manufacture of grain harvesters.
This North-eastern railroad makes better time
than our Pennsylvania Central, averaging 35
miles per hour, including stopages at every
large town.
We reached London, the capital of Great
Britain, the metropolis of the civilized world,
at half-past 5 r. M., and put the Shirley
House, on Queen's Square. Our programme
from this city will be a tour in Belgium, the
Rhine district, Switzerland and France, and
return via. London, Walef, and Ireland.' You
shall hear from me from one of those points
next week. So far we have enjoyed good
health and arc in good spirits.
You;s, 1:c
Mississippi Correspondence
JACKSON, Miss, July 28, 1871.
MR. EDITOR :—To a person reared in the busy
North, where energy of cheracter, good will
and progress is apparently the legacy and
birthright of every child, stimulating it in
youth to the acquisition of knowledge, and as
it attains maturity, to the many useful objects,
the pursuit of which ourglorious Constitution
and broad free country accord the most un
trammelled and encouraging liberty; to a per-
son reared amid such influences and associa
tions, a sudden transition to many portions of
the South would create in him the belief that
he had been waftcdby the hand of some friend
ly (or rather unfriendly) genii into a country
and among a people distinct Irons his own in
a geographical, political and social sense.—
Doubtless the first thing which would attract
his attention would be the peculiarity of the
population, consisting, as it does, of all shades
and colors, front the thick-lipped Ethiopian to
the beautiful, graceful, sprightly Octoroon,—
The predominating color, however, among the
black race and its several different grades, is
the genuine ebony, particularly so among the
rising generation, as the intermixture of the
two races has been greatly on the decrease
since the war.
• The next thing that would strike our suppo
sed tourist as peculiar, would be the indiffer
enceand lack of energy displayed by the peo
ple, notably so among the whites. Were he
inspired with hopes of finding a genuine spe
cimen of "Southern chivalry," his ideas of
knightly bearing, and bald, dashing address,
would he strangely at variance with his
thoughts, as he confronted a bitter, descend
ent, moody adherent of the "lost cause" who,
like his vanquished leader, "accepts nothing,"
curses the "new departure," and exhausts his
eloquence in senseless tirades against the Ad•
ministration,the "thieving carpet-baggers" and
.the liu•lclux band,
Were he questioned on the commercial, ag-,
ricultural, or financial interne,' or his neigh
borhood' he worth.' assert the folly of attempt.,
ing any enterprise or improvement as long as
they were plundered and defrauded out of their
property by the detested tax-collectors,
Into their midst, and protected by Federal
hayonets, for the purpose of enriching them,
selves and masted at the expense of a ',tax
ridden people." These imagined oppressions,
I need hardly say, arise from their decided
reversion to contribute, by the payment ofjustr
ly assessed tales, toward the support of a 'gov
ernment they vainly endeavored to destroy by
force of arms. •
This spirit of opposition and bitterness ex
erts the must deplorable influence on the inter
ests of the community where it manifests Itself.
Confidence in the motives and policy of the
government is wanting, and as an almost nat,
ural result local, and even individual enter
prise, find no encouragement. Were the effects
of this stubborn folly, entailing, as it does,
idleness and consequent poverty on the mass
of the people, confined to those blind fanatics,
to whom it can be clearly traced, its retribu
tive action would appear just and almost Pro
vidential; but when we consider the following
facts: that the South is largely populated by
the freedmen, landed into a state of freedom a
few years ago, penniless, and dependent on
their daily 1.-.bor for a livelihood ; that during
their bondage they were made to feel their
utter dependence on their owners for every
want; that they were reared in brutal igno
rance . and superstition by their conscientious
masters; when we consider these facts can we
be surprised that, intoxicated by the thought
of freedom, yet at the same time unable to
comprehend the degradation and misery they
were released from, cut off from all sympathy
and advice of their former masters; can we be
surprised that many of them are drifted into
idleness, vagabondism and crime? To whom
can this state of affairs be charged? To those
very men who, at the present time, by their
implacable hatred and contempt of a govern
meet and administration, kind, just and mag
nanimous in its policy towards them, have
excited the disgust and "departure" of their
Northern sympathizers, and who are the loud
' est in their complaints of the shiftless and idle
character of the negro.
Bat let us hope a new era is dawning on the
South. The senseless jabberings of such
fanatics as Davis and Stephens may have a
tempering influence on the minds of their old
adherents, but cut off from the sympathy and
support of the political party in the North
-they were wont to call friends, perceiving the
folly of acting independently as a party, the
Southern Democracy is, we are willing to haz
ard our opinion, on the eve of relinquishing
forever its old prejudices and animosities, and
in accepting in good faith the issues of the
war and the legality of the Constitutional
Amendments, secure for themselves lasting
peace and harmony, and shed additional lustre
on the wisdom and purity of the Republican
party. AMERICUS.
The Poor House
• 3ln. EDITOR: The interests of the Tax-payers of
our county demand a thorough investigation of the
proceedings of the present Poor Directors and
of John Logan—the nominal steward. Tho
public wish to be informed how much was
kept back from last year's report, and the ob
ject of so doing? Is this the conduct of honest
men, who wish to snake a faithful exhibit of affairs?
MOre light is wanted on the corn-crib and wagon
shed question. Do the $225 cover the expense, or
do some other items in the report make the cost
really much more?
Questions are asked in all parts of the county,
whether John Logan, or the Directors, or some out
side parties, manage the affairs of said house,
that they may know where the responsibility be
longs? Who can answer? Let the public know
why all the patronage of the House is given to
Democrats. We should like the editor of the Sxlo
Shirloysburg Herald to continue hii explanations
why the Poor House buy all their goods of him and
another Democrat.
How about the paints and oils? When the Poor
House was painted, why were not proposals re
ceived and the job done by contract, as Mr. Garret
wanted to do it, and instead, a "pet" Democrat got
the job at his own price, while the Baptist church
received proposals for painting, from the same per
sons. and Mr. Garret underbid the "pet" Democrat
some $5O. and did the work. Let us have some
light, if it is true, why preference wasgiven a Dem
ocrat over a Republican, as physician for the
house, when the latter proposed to do it lower and
was a man of eq"al experience and ability.
Let us know ;vhethe; it is true that Mr: Drake—
s skilled wagon and coffin maker, and a good Re
publican, who hail always given satisfaction, was
thrown overboard, and his work given to a Demo
Lei us know too, whether Mr. Kerr, a sound Re
publican, and a man to whom the nominal Steward
is said to be under obligations, for saving his prop
erty from levy and sale, at the hands of his army
of creditors, was sacrillecd, because he could not be
bought to o the work of the clique, and Democrats
in his stead ?
Is not your buying and sellir,go cheap, confined
to the interests of the clique? ' Let us know about
the following points. Is it true that when the
Steward buys scgars by the box, for the use of the
Directors, from the aforesaid immaculate editor,
they are always required to be ch:.rged as sundries?
. .
Is it true that Mr. Adum Heater--a former Poor
Director—bought of the Poor House, two setts of
harness, two jridles, two butt chains, and one pair
of homes, for $lO, which were worth more than
double the amount?
Is it tru* that _Mr. Miller—another guardian of
the interest of the Poor, charged the county 545
for a sett of breaehings, without homes, or butt
chains, or collars, or bridles?
Is it true that Dr. McKnight—physician of the
house, sold the county an old worn out, rode-to
death army saddle fur Sit, and that the Steward
gave ;qr. Miller—the Poor Director, 54 for repair
ing the same ?
°roe ST.
of Win. llarris,said to be worth only $4O
by a competent carriage maker, and sold the same
to the county for $lOO ?
What is the real cause of the patronage going
where it does? Is it true that John Logan and the
editor of the Sx 10, poured out their anathemas
against every citizen, who, desiring to reduce taxa
tion, signed a petition, to have the law changed so
the Directors would meet only once eicry three
months, instead of once every month? Is it true
that Logan went to Harrisburg, at the expense of
the county, to get the names of said citizens, and
to ,nark and withdraw all patronage of the House
from them? What a shame that the Steward
placed there and paid to protect the interests of the
county should prove recreant to his trust and frown
upon any effort of reform to lower the taxes.
Let us have more explanations, Mr. Editor—for
thou art a consistent jewel—better as an editor and
Poor House .Ifamoyer, than class-leader, or you
would long before this, have informed the members
of your class and the citizens of Shirley, why you
did not publish a couple of letters received from a
certain lady beyond the mill.
"Well W. A., we hate no doubt you'll say—
Curse her! curse her! she'll rue the day,
That those fatal letters were sent,
Which have not all my venom spent."
But remember W. A.,
Tender handed touch a nettle.
And it pricks you for your pains;
Grasp it like a man of mettle,'
And it soft us silk remains.
• Now you little Bxlo'er—
"Fife away, you Ms' feller,
You may fife till you are yeller."
The Judgeship. -
EDITOII.—As the day designated for the
appointment of Conferees approaches, the
interest in the contest for the President Judge
ship inc,eases. Within a few days the Repub
licans of Huntingdon county will be required
to decide upon their choice for that important
office. Through correspondence and personal
interviews with intelligent men throughout
the county and the Judicial District we are
firmly of the opinion that Judge Taylor neith
er wants, nor will accept of the nomination,
but that he does want and is strenuously ask
ing the control of the Conference of Hunting
don county, that he may nominate Mr. Read,
of Cambria county, or some other man than
John Dean, of Blair. In brief he won't accept
a Republican nomination, yet wants to make
it, and wants to make such a one as can be
easily beaten, thus breaking down and des
troying the Republican party. Good men,
staunch Republicans, those having the best
interests of the Republican party at heart,
should be elected Conferees and none other.
W. B. E
Poor Direotor.
31R. EMTOR.—Permit me to my (in justice) to my
friends, that the ankh. beaded Poor Director 1 and 2,
were not written by me as charged by my political ene
. . .
The same parties have been charging me with unfaith
fulness while I was comity Treasurer, when they knew
that their statements are utterly and maliciously false in
every particular. They knew that all my official acts are
on public record. so that any ono enn examine for himself.
My enemies hope thus to prevent my nomination for the
Assembly, by prejudicing the minds of the people
against me.
They refer in a scandium way to "Dr. Legislature."
While I WM Treasurer, the new militia law came in force,
tinder which the State claimed the militia money and the
militia of the county claimed it al-o. I was compelled to
pay the money to each claimant; and I got an act pnoeed
authorizing the State to refund the amount shown to
have been twice paid us per vouchers. This was the only
act I asked for and it was granted. The State also charg
ed me with a large amount of money more than the coun
ty commissioners had assessed or provided for, which I
rerused to pay. There Was also a discrepancy in the re
port of the State Department and out County Auditors. I
tried to set a hearing before a court and jury, but I
never got a trial and was compelled to pay a large amount
of money that I did not owe. lam ready to compare soy
record with any one who has ralsrepresented me.
F. 11. LANE.
Shirleysburg, August 7, 1571.
DEATH OF MRA. 13unristuE,=The
many friends of Mrs. Rachel J. Burnside,
widow of the late Judge Burnside and
eldest daughter of General Cameron, will
regret to learn that she departed this life
at three o'clock this morning, after a pro
tracted illness. During her life she was
always a devoted Christian, a friend of the
poor, and a faithful mother and daughter.
She was much esteemed wherever known
for her many good qualities—"none knew
her hilt to lave her, none named her but
to praise." The bereaved funily have the
sincere sympathy and condoleuce of our
citizens generally, and have the hlessed
assurance that the deceased mother, &ugh. :
ter and friend is at rest In the arms of her
Saviour, whom she so faithfully served
and devotedly loved.--Har. Telegraph,
Frightful Calamity !
The boiler of the Staten Island Ferry
boat Westfield exploded at about 11 P. M.
of Sunday, just as the vessel was starting
on her trip from the foot of Whitehall
Street, near the Battery. The particulars
of the accident we copy from the New
York Standard. There were on board at
the time, as nearly as can be ascertained,
nearly four hundred persons, generally of
the working classes. The explosion shiv
ered the upper works of the forward part
of the boat, hurling the fragments of wood
and iron and bodies of men, women and
little children into the air.
The scene was utterly indescribable. In
the ship lay the dismantled hull, surround
ed by a heavy cloud of dust, steam and
smoke. On the docks, on either side, were
the dead bodies of those who had been
blown thither, with pieces of boiler iron,
huge beams of oak, and shattered timbers.
The hull of the Westfield was.a complete
wreck. Forward of the wheel-house the
upper works of the boat, even to the side
raillings, were shattered into fragments,
some of which had been bdown to great
distances, while others had Wien into the
hold of the boat.
Those who witnessed the fearful scene,
say that the explosion was accompanied by
three distinct reports, similar in sound to
the report of gunpowder exploding in an
enclosed space. As the last dull thud
was heard, fragments of the wreck, and
human bodies were seen to mount high in
the air with fearful velocity, and then to
fall into the water or on the piers on ei
ther side. The hurricane deck—a mass of
timber, probably thirty by fifty feet—was
lifted bodily from the vessel, raised to the
height of twenty or twenty-five feet, and
then fell into the water near the end of
the slip. Then came a cloud of smoke,
and hot steam, and the scene was fora mo
ment invisible to the horrified by-standers.
When the smoke cleared away a scene
of horror,
too intense for description, was
presented. There lay the dismantled hull,
still bearing a portion of her living freight,
while around her, struggling in the water,
were at least two hundred persons of all
ages and both sexes. Clinging to theside
rails, at the stern of the boat, were many
terrified women, some of them suffering
intensely from scalds. Then: gave vent to
their fright and suffering in heart-rending
screams, which were swelled by the groans
of the wounded and dying in the cabins,
on deck and in the forward hold, and magni
fied into a very Babel of agonizing confu
sion by the outcries of those who were
struggling for life in the stream.
For one moment those on the piles to
piers on either side were paralyzed, but
only a moment. The region abounds in
boatmen, some few of whom witnessed the
explosion. These noble men flew to the
aid of the drowning people, and in an in
credibly short time the river was swarming
with boats. Abovt fifteen boats, each
manned by an oarsman and a man in the
stern, pushed into the stream, each retun
ing shortly with a load of seven or eight
persons. Those on the piers stood on the
stringers, and stretching down managed to
grasp the hands of a few who were strug
gling near by. Some ruehed aboard the
hull, when the smoke had partially cleared
away. and devoted themselves to recover
ing the bodies of the dead or aiding the
Many of the rescued were badlyscalded,
and some of them bad wounds inflicted by
spliutula taf-aLe- wreck— The scene after
the rescue was as affecting as the explosion
itself was horrible. The efforts of the
batman had saved many, but many also
had sunk beneath the surface, drowning
before the very eyes of those who stood on
the pier and witnessed their desperate
buffetting,s with the destroying element,
without being able to raise a hand to as
sist them. Altogether at least seventy-five
lives were lost by the accident. Thahos
pitals were literally filled with the wounded,
numbering about two hundred.
The Connecticut Borgia
Mrs. Sherman, alleged poisoner of hus
bands and children, is in close custody at
Derby, Connecticut, the scene of most of
her nefarious exploits. The main facts of
her later life have already been given. But
her whole career has been a history of ex
traordinary criminality. The daughter of
a Trenton butcher, she married Edward
Shrunk when seventeen years old, and be
came in time the mother of six children.
Then began the series of awful events for
which she is now held to account. First
her husband was taken sick and suddenly
died, and subsequently all the children also
died within two years, with no assignable
cause. The woman soon moved to Connecti
cut and married Mr. Hurlburt, of Hunting
ton, a man of considerable property; but he,
too, died suddenly, shortly after making
over all his wordly posessions to his wife. 1
Suspicions now began to be aroused, which
were not allayed when it became known
that the widow had married her third hus
band, a widower with four children, two of
whom were also "suddenly taken ill" and
died. The father followed them in June
last, and the physicians, now thoroughly
aroused, made a post mortem examination
and discovered the presence of arsenic in
large quantities. Subsequent examina
tions disclosed that the same deadly drug
had been the cause of the deaths of Mr.
Sherman's children and Mr. Hurlburt,
and the presumed murderess was accor
dingly arrested at New Brunswick, N, J.,
whither she had betaken herself. Her
manner is cool and self-posses-ed, and her
countenance betrays firmness and cunning.
he says little, but expreses the belief in
her ultimate acquittal. It can hardly be
doubted, however, that she has actually
committed no less than eleven most foul
and unnatural murders.
WILLIA MSON.—In Huntingdon, on the 29th
ult., Mrs. Elizabeth Williamson, wife of John
Williamson, Esq., aged 72 years.
CORBIN.—At the residence of her son-in
law, Henry Steel, in Henderson township, on
the 2d inst., Mrs. Lydia Corbin, aged 101 yrs.
New Advertisements.
regular meeting of the
Huntingdon County Agricultural Society will be
held in the Court Ilouse, on Wednesday evening of
the coming Court. (16th inst.)
By order of Society,
augS. li. AI'HIVITT, Secretary.
This popular summer resort is now open
for visitors. The hunting and fishing grounds are
unsurpassed, while the scenery is the grandest and
most romantic in the State. It is the intention of
the lessees to keep the Springs open the whole year
and no pains will be spared to make guests com
oug.9-tf. lI4R4ISQN k GEISSINGER.
You are hereby notified that at the meeting to
be held at the Court Wiese. in Huntingdon, on
rupszmy, 4uqusr 15 2W, 1871, aril o'clock,
P. at., persons will be plumed ip nquination to be
voted for as officers and directors of paid Associa
tion: The election will take place at the annual
meeting to be held'ai the Court Ifonse, on the 4th
Monday of August, 1971, (28th day,) at 14 o'clock,
p. m. P. M. LYTLE,
A ug9-2t, Secretary.
Political Announcements,
Feea—Presiilent Judge, $5,00 ; Assembly, $l.OO ; Asso
ciate Judge, Sheriff; mid Treasurer each, V 3.00; COMMib
Khmer mid Poor Director each, s2.uo. vi_l7ie fee mug
invariably be paid in advance...7,M Communications re
commending gentlemen tor office, ten cent, pee line, which
must be paid, invariably, in advance.
To the Republican Voters of Huntingdon county: I
respectfully announce myself a candidate for the Legisla
tors, subject to the coining Republican Convention.
We are authorized to announce G. A. Ilatvott, of Carbon
township, as a candidate for the Sheriffality, subject to the
decision of the Republican County Convention.
We are authorized to announce Capt. Jots BREWSTER,
of 31cConnellstown, as a candidate for ugh Sheriff, sub
ject to the decision of the Republican County Convention.
We ate authorized to announce J. HARRY►.n. of
Mt. Union, as a candidate for Mich Sheriff of 11t1 utingdnn
county. *whinct to the decision of the Itepublic.ut County
We are authorized to announce the name of JACKSON
LANDERS., of Ituntingdots, as a candidate for the office
of Sheriff, subject to the umgm of the Republican party.
We are authorized to announce AXON 11017 CR, of Broad
Top City, as a moilidate fur High Sheriff of Huntingdon
county, suldect to the decision of the Republican County
The Totem of the Republican party in Huntingdon
county are respectfully informed of my intention to be a
candidate at the ensuing Republican Convention for 110111-
ioation to the office of Sheriff.
We, voter 4 of Alexandria and Porter township, recommend
W. S. VARNER as a suitable candidate for Sheriff, subject
to the decision of the County Convention.
We are authorized to announce the name of SAYIIKL
Szarezz, ofJacknon township, as a candidatedlir the office
of Sheriff, subject to the usages of the Republican party.
We are authorized to announce the name of A. C.
II trctuson. of Warriontmark, lib a candidate fir the office
of Sheriff, subject to the usages of the Republican patty.
We are an thorized to announce the name ofJoulz Bisset,
of Alexandria, SIB a candidate for the office of Director of
the Poor, subject to the usages of the Republican party.
We are requested to announce the unmoor JAMEIi STEW
ART, (farmer), of Barre° township, ay a ca ra i te for the
office of Director of the Poor, subject to the usage of the
Republican party.
We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN C.
DAVIS, of Oneida township, as a candidate for the office of
Associate Jodge , subject to the decision of the Republkon
County eOll yen don.
Friends and fellow-citizens of Huntingdon county: I
stand before you as a candidate for the office of Associate
Judge for one terns, subject to the usages of the Repub
lican party, and should honored with your gratitude
in the result, I shall then go en deck second mate and
watch while our honorable chief issues mirth., orders.
Your humble citizen. M. F. CAMPBELL
ire are regretted to announce the name of J.SHIIA
GREENLAND. of Huntingdon, as a candidate for the office of
Astociate Judge, subject to the usages of the Republican
We are authorized to announce L. E. EDWARDS, of Hun
tingdon, as a candidate for Connty Treasurer, subject to
the decision of the RepublicanCouuty Convention.
We are requested to announce the name of Newton
Madden, of Maddensville. us a candidate for Tr• murer,
subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven
We are authorized to announce the name of J. K. TEX
PLISTON. of Spruce Creek, for Treasurer, subject to the de
cision of the Republican County Convention.
We are authorized to announce the name of LEZ T. Wt.
80S. of Huntingdon, as a candidate for County Treasurer,
subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven
We are authorized to announce the name of Jones
Macao; of Porter township, as a candidate for the office
of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the coming
Republican County Convention.
New Advertisements.
A good and experienced stage driver, to
drive between Shade Gap and Mount Union. Wa,
ges $2O per month. Must be temperate in habits.
None others need apply. Address. at once, with
good reference, J. W. SCOTT
. .
Prop. Cham . hersbum and Mt. Union Stage Line.
Shade Gap, Aug. 2,1871.-2 w
Aug. 9.-2 t. Principal.
[Estate of John C. Dixon, deed.]
Letters of administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of John C. Dixon,
late of Warriorsmark township, deed., all persons
knowing themselves indebted are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
~to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Aug. 9, 1871 [Adm'trix.
At Valley Farm, Smithfield, one mile west
of Huntingdon, of •
On Thursday, the 17th of August, 1871,
at one o'clock, p. m., comprising
5 COLTS, three years old, broke to
harness, 2 COLTS,two years old,
a BULL, several COWS,
Wagon, Reaper, Tread-power, Thresher, Hay Rake,
Cornplanter, Windmill, Cradles, Scythes, and nu
merous other small implements.
TERMS—Nine and twelve month endorsed notes
Huntingdon, Aug. 9, 1871,-2w
QTRAYED—From the residence of the
t•—• 7 subscribers in Huntingdon, on or about Thorn
day,-"July the 27th ult., a bay horse, medium sire,
and about three years old. No particular marks.
Any person returning him or giving any informa
tion in regard to his whereabouts, will be liberally
rewarded. W. T. HOWARD.
aug9. Morrison House.
Birdsell's Combined Clover Thrt,iler alai. Separator.
This Machine Threshes, Separates, lulls and
Cleans Clover Seed at one operation; capacity
ranging from 15 to 50 bushels per day according
to yield of seed. Its operation needs only to be
witnessed to convince the most skeptical that its
principles are perfect, its capacity wonderful, and
its thoroughness of work such as to defy complaint
from the most exactness:
2000 now in axe throughout the United States
and Cumulus.
Awarded first Premium at 75 State Fairs since
Send for "Cluny Leaf" and Colored Engraving,
which give complete description.
Home Factory, South Bend, Ind. Harrisburg.
New Enterprise, Bedford Co.
Agent for Bedford, Blair and Huntingdon coun
ties. august2-3m.
LUTL & "into, v, rropnetorn.
All kinds of binding done on short notice and at
reasonable rates. Old books rebound and made as
good as new. Albums repaired etc.
The American Agriculturist, Harpers' Magazine,
The Galaxy, Lippincott, Atlantic Monthly, Seri!,
nor's Monthly, Godey's Lady's Book, Demurest La
die's Repository, Peters Musical Magazines.
Chureß Magazines, and all other Magazines bound
up in handsome volumes at the very lowest tigun s.
Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazar, Hearth and
Home, The New Verk Ledger, Weekly. Saturday
Night, Sunday School and Church Papers. and all
other papers bound into retinues on shortest notice.
Sheet Music and Musical Monthlies put up in
handsome volumes:which make an ornament to the
What young laity hasn't enough music on hand
to make a nice volme.
To have your binding done. thither up your mu
sic, papers and Magazines. Bring in your broken
hacked books and albums, and leave them at the
Tesl44oo of
REV. W. B. WAGNER, No. 622 Church
St., near 7th St., Huntingdon, Pa.,
who is our agent, and he will forward them to or.
and we will put them in any
You wish, and return them to our agent, who will
deliver them without any trouble or ineonvenineep
to you.
Rates, de., can be seen with the Agent. Terms
cash on delivery. august2-3m.
New Advertisements
lie virtue of sundry wrlts of Vend. E..x)
Fa. niol Fi. Fas.. to me 4livele.l, I will ex
public sale, at the C.ittrt House, in Ifunti
on Monday, the 1 ith day of August, ltiTl
o'clock, p. tn., the following real estate . , to t
ALL the right, title and interest of At
Conk, one of the defendants, in all that lot of gene
ate in the BOroligli of nrtiall Top City, in said
fronting forty feet on Broad Street and extending
right angles., to said street, one hundred and lift:
Hazel alley, bounded on the north by lot of C. K.
and un the month by lot of Mary Elwanls, tanning
erectol a tws4tory brick house and twet,ary out lei
. .
Also, all the right, title. and it-•erect of Thorn
one of the at•reuant,, in that certain lot of grout)/
in the Borough of Broad Tel) City, fronting forty
Broad street, and running back at tight angle,
street one hundred fifty feet to an alley, horn
the north I.y bd n(3.) eph Perk, an the south by
hayi ug thereon two-.story hOll ,
Stable, and Other olltl,ll:hting,
11;1;11the right, title, and iittere4t of henry
of tit. 4.itetelants, in all that certain 1.4 of ground
in the itormigh of Broad 'fop City, fronting forty
Broad street, and running hark at right angles
tat wet one hundred and hill . re. 111 an alley, Input
the north by another lot of tearyCook,llllllllll tll
by 10( Ofeatharille IlOrtoll, IlaVlllg thereon erecte
ttrmstory plank 111.11,1. and neee, , ,try
all the right, title, :111.1 of Henry Cook. in I
lain It .4 ground, in Broad r,, City, fronting fl
oullnat.l street, and running hack at right angle.t
street one lattalre.l and forty feet, bounded on the t
011 the .111111 hy 1.4 .f the Alllll. Hear,
having thereon erected a small home awl shll.le.
ill° right:title, and interest of the 111111 !teary it..
that secant 1.4 of ground satiate in the Iforough
Top City, fronting forty feet on timid street,and ex
back at right angles to the said ..treet (Par hand
fifty feet to an a ley, bounded on the north awl sw
other lots amid Henry Cook.
Seized, taken in execution, and to 1.. sold as the
ty of Tilollll.l Cook, Henry Cook, Anthony Cool
Sheets, trailing under the nanie of Cook, Sheets &
ALSO, all that certain tract or pal
landotittiate in Cromwell township, bounded as
North by 11111.6 of Vuaael Gilliland, suet by lan&
net Leonard, w. by Royer and Dewees, netth
:minuet Bolinger, containing :MO aores, more or b
ing thereon eree rd two two-story log houses, ban
and other outbuildings.
taken in execution, and to he sold as the
[3. of William Johns.
ALSO, all that ccrtifin farm situate in
town,liip. Huntingdon county, hounded on north I
of John Finless heirs, south l•y Weavers, Wtedly.
Bmthersomst by Mary Ann Skinner, containing Y.
Seised, taken in execution, audio besoldas the'
of Wm. P. Ramsey.
ALSO, all that certain tract or pat
ground, situate in Pa try, Carbon township, bon
the north he lot of Solomon Miller, east by lands
Horton, trot ty pilau; road, south by tote of It
bison, (muting 50 feet on the public road, and ex
at right angles 100 feet, thereon emetell a plank
honse,l,ci story, butclu , t shop, 1 . 2,14 feet, 1% sto
a slaughter 1..1,0165t:0 feet, :tad other outbuildin
Seized, taken in execution, and to basal as the
ty of James Brady.
ALSO, all those certain two lots of g
situate in the borough of Mount Union, county of I
don, fronting 112 feet more or less, on Penneylva
nne, and extending hack at right angles fe,
alley, bounded on the cant by lot of Benjamin F. D
and on the west by lot of Dr. G. W. Thompson, Is
Non. 2 and 3, m tilt, Shaver's plot or diagram of .
ongh, and having erected thereon, a doable two-ston
dwelling house, stable and nut-bui
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
ty of Peter M. Bare and Catharine Bare,
ALSO, all that certain piece or pa:
land, situate in Dublin township, Iluntingdon eon
State of Pennsylvania, be; inning at a pwt in the
teem the hands of the heirs of James Hudson,
land of Henry Robinson, at the point where the a
IS road, leading to Shade Gap, crosses said lint
north, sixty-nine degree, west, seventeen perel
post, on the line between now or former!
by Geo. W. Rouse and hinds of Joshua Price, then
sixty-one degrees, west thirteen perches to a poet
Sot mentioned line, thence south lifty-seven degrr
three perches to the margin of the aforesaid nan
north eighty-two degrees, esast with said road two
en perches to the place of begining.
Seined, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
ty of John McKelvey and Nancy Jinni MCKlitheY.
ALSO, all that certain tract or pa
land, situate in talon township, hounded on the n
lands of Henry Coffman, east by lands of Wm.
west by John Gayton, south by Andrew Wise, cue
six acres, more or less, thereon erected a twos
house, frame stable, and other outlmildinm.
Sel;ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
ty of Samuel Harvey.
I Y 26,
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue o
of Fi. Fa', to me directed, I will eoi
public sale, at the Conrt Home, In Huntingdon, .
UHDA F: the 12th day .logurt. 1871, at two o'.
tn., the following described real estate, to wit
All that certain house and lot sits
Oneida township, adjoining the borough of Hun
fronting 50 feet on Dorland street, and extending
angles 2N. feet to an alley, adjoining lota of Jame
and Samuel Coder, haring thereon erected a play
home, 15:20 feet, 'With mall back kitchen at tad..
Sanaa, taken In execution, and to be sold aa the
of Richanl WOW.
ALSO, All that certain tract or pa
Janil situate in Jack... towimitip, bounded north I
ly Strunk. south by William Miller, east by Find!,
and west by Mrs. Ann Wilson and °thou, roman
acre, more or les s , haring thereon erectml two
bow - -
Ave., blackfunitt; shop, gam, and other nlithuild
Seized, *Mien in execution and Vibe sold. thet
of gannet Salley.
D. is P. NEELY, P
July 2'.
[Eon, nj Samuel Strinart,
Letters of Arhuinistratiun having, been 1.
to the undersigned on the estate of Samuel
art. late of Cromwell township, deed., all
knowing themselves indebted ore requested t
immediate payment, and those having eln
present them duly authenticated for settlem
July 26, 1871.' , [As
_AZ Letters of adMinistration Lavin
granted to the subscriber, living. in Ale,
borou g h, on the estate of Samuel Mel'herr
of said borough, deed.. all persons k
themselves indebted to said estate will mat
meet without delay, and those havin g
against the same will present for them payii
J. A. 3111'11E1MA;
Lath, Pickets, &c., constantly on
FRAMES, &C., at manufacturers' pri
BY the TON, CAB, or BOAT L
Feb. 15 1871.
Attractively situated in a healthful and
ful region. one-fourth of a mile from Penn's
Four regular graduates, assssted by other
tent instructors, constitute the corps of taste
The Principal, (for sunay years in charge t
carom Academy, and, since 1552, t e head
institution), ref, rs to his numerous pupils
the learned professions, and in every depa
of business. 3lusie and Painting, spec
Fall session will commence SEPTEMBE
187 1 . 5209 per ,rn I! PIM. Address,
Port Royal P.
IT - ‘IITITY,Ir %NTT 1 , 4, 11() ‘I'M
Jan. 4, '7l.
H. S. 51 . 1,1,111 Y, I NS. I, 11 . t ,
[La,ly Ihrutingfloa Manufireittrill Comp
Msmufactures Flooring, Siding, Doors.
Shutters, Minds ' Moukling,Seroll Work, Cu
Shelving, Wood Turnings, Mubbs, Spokes.
Work. Forks, Rakes, Brooms, Pick. and II
Handles, Furniture, &c. Our Machinery
the very best quality and giving our entire
tioa to the business we are able to manufact
of the shoved named articles, as . wellk as
others, in the hest style and always prompt!
. .
All orders addressed to the
Minting,lon, P.
Mill reveler our immediate attention. Prii
furni.sheil when desired.
June 7, 1:,71.
turers of Locomot ve and Stationary Boilers. •
Pipes, Filling-Barrows for Furnaces, and
Iron Work of every description. Works on
street, Lewistown, Pa.
All orders tip attended to. Ae)
done at short n, [Apr a,
P 1.1 NT