The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 09, 1871, Image 1

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    VOL. 46.
e Huntingdon Journal.
e on the Corner of Bath and Washington streets.
E HUNTINGDON JOURNAL is published every
aesday, by J. R. DURRORROW and J. A. Nest',
r the firm name of J. R. Dminonnow & Co., at
per annum, IN ADVANCE, or $2,511 if not paid
six months from date of subscription, and
not paid within the year. •
paper discontinued, unless at the option of
.üblishers, until all arrearages are paid.
)VERTISEMENTS will be inserted at TEN
s per line for each of the first four insertions,
FIVE CENTS Per line for each subsequent inser
less than three months.
•gular m onthly and yearly advertisements wil
tserted at the following rates :
- 1
3m 6m oin ly
--. 1
210 430 SOG 401 1 col 9001800$ 27 $ 38
400 EOOlOOO 12 00 "21 00 1 360 501 65
600 10 00114 00,18 00 1. "34 060 00 65 80
800 14 00120 00121 03
9 501890125 00130 00 1 col 360 0 60 00 80 100
social notices will be inserted at TWELVE AND
.LP cevrs per line, and local and editorial no
at FIVTEES CENTS per line.
. . .
it Resclutions of Associations, Communications
iniNd or individual interest, and notices of Mar
es and Deaths, exceeding five lines, will be
•ged TEN CENTS per line.
2gal and other notices will be charged to the
y having them inserted. . .
avertising Agents must find their commission
ide of these figures.
' " "
11 advertising 'accounts are due and collectable
a the advertisement is once inserted.
)B PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and
cy Colors, done with neatness and dispatch.—
td-bills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, &c., of every
ety and style, printed at the shortest notice,
every thing in the Printing line will be execu
in the most artistic manner and at the lowest
Professional. Cards,
I DENGATE, Suryeyor, Warriors
'• mark, Pa. [a112,'71.
1 CALDWELL, Attorney -at -Law,
x•No. 111, 3d street. Office formerly occupied
Messrs. Woods & Williamson. [apl2,'7l.
respectfully offers his professional services
h 9 citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity.
ffice removed to No. 818} Hill street, (Sarrn's
LOINS.) [apr.s,7l-Iy.
)R. J. C. FLEMMING respectfully
offers his professional services to the citizens
Inntingdon and vicinity. Office second floor of
mingham's building, an corner of 4th and Hill
cet. may2l.
IR. D. P. MILLER, Office on AM
street, in the room formerly occupied by
John M'Culloch, Huntingdon, Pa., would res
tfully offer his professional services to the citi
s of Huntingdon and vicinity. [jan.4,'7l.
R. A B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his
professional services to the community.
/ffice on Washington street, one door east of the
.holic Parsonage. Dan. 4,11.
IR. G. D. ARNOLD, Graduate or the
University of Pennsylvania, offers his pro
sional services to the people of Huntingdon and
lEsesogea:—Dr. B. 7 ) . Hook, of Loysville, Pa.,
.h whom ha formerly practiced; Drs. &Hie and
new of Phila+. - lphia.
)IE. on IVashiagOn street, West Huntingdon,
r J. GREENE, I)getist. Office re
• moved to holster's now street
1. L. ROBB, Dentist, Mlles in S. T.
T. 'Er, wn's new building, No. 520, hill St.,
intingdon, Pu. [ap12.71.
3GLAZIER, Notary Public, corner
• of Washington and Smith streets, Ilan
igdon, Pa. . [jan.l27l.
T C. MADDEN, Attorney-at-Law.
--A-• Office, No. —, Hill street, Huntingdon,
, • Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office, Hill street,
ree doors west of Smith. rjan.47l.
r R. PATTON, Druggist and Apoth
• ecary, opposite the Exchange Motel, Ilan
igdon, Pa. Prescriptions accurately compounded.
are Liquors for Medicinal purposes. [no v.23;70.
r HALL MUSSER, Attorney-at-Law,
• • Huntingdon, Pa. Office, B.olltl floor of
eister's new building, Hill street. Dan. 4,71.
It. DURBORROW, Attorney-at
-1 • Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the
:veral Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular
.tention given to the settlement of estates of deco
-31,1 tS.
Office in he JOURNAL Building. [feb.l,7l
ir A. POLLOCK, Surveyor and Real
• Estate Agent, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend
Surveying in all its branches. Will also buy,
or rent Farms, Houses, and Real Estate of cc
-7 kind, in any part of the United States. Send
m a circular.
j W. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law
• and General Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Pa.,
oldiers' claims against the Government for back
ay, bounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend
d to with great care and promptness.
Office on Hill street. Dan.4;7l.
pr ALLEN LOVELL, Attorney-at
a-x.• Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention
iron to COLLecrioss of all kinds; to the settle
sent of Estates, tc.; and all other Legal Business
.rosecuted with fidelity and dispatch.
Atr- Office in room lately occupied by R. Milton
liner, Esq. [jan.4,'7l.
MILES ZENTMYER, Attorney-at-
Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend promptly
o all legal business. Office in Cunningham's new
P M. & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys-
A- • at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to
ill kinds of legal business entrusted to their cure.
Office on the south side of Hill street, fourth door
BA. ORBISON, Attorney-at Law,
• Office, 321 IEII street, Ilurtingdon, Pa.
torneys-at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Pensions,
aid all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against
the Government will be promptly prosecuted.
Office on Hill street. [jan.4,'7l.
T W. MYTON, Attorney-at-Law, Hun
• tingdon, Pa. Office with J. Sewell Stewart,
Esq. [jan.4,'7l.
at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention
given to collections, and all other legal business
attended to with care and promptness. Officc, No.
229, Bill street. [ap19,71.
Pa. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor.
January 4, 1871.
No. 228 Hill Street,
fAPril 5, '7l-Iy,
ROBT. KING, Merchant Taylor, 412
Washington street, Huntingdon, Pa., a lib
eral share of patronage respectfully solicited.
April 12, 1871.
t :Z 1 ~.:
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.t - 1111-
~ _ luntmgdon Journal.
Ulu Poo' Ann.
What I Live For.
I live for those who love me;
For those who know me true,
For the heaven that smiles above me,
And awaits my spirit, too ;
For those human ties which bind me ;
For the hopes that beam within,
And the good that I can do.
I live to hail that season,
By gifted mind foretold,
When man shall live by reason,
And not alone for gold•;
When man to man united,
And every wrong thing righted,
The world shall be truth lighted,
As Eden was of old.
I live to hold communion
With all that is divine;
To feel there is a union
'Twist natt're's heart and mine
To profit by affliction,
Grow wiser from conviction!
And fulfill each great design.
I live for those who love me,
For those who know me true,
For the heaven that smiles above me,
And awaits my spirit, too ;
For the wrong that needs res;•tance ;
For the cause that lacks assist ace,
For the future in the distance,
And the good that I can do.
ghe ffitorg-Zeller.
IT was a terribly stormy night; dark as
pitch and blowing a hurricane. My over
coat was wet through, and my jack-boots
completely filled with water. The light
ning kept up one constant succession of
vivid flashes, and the deep thunder rolled
in every direction. Under the most fa
vorable circumstances such a night wculd
not be considered pleasant, but whcu you
are alone in a country you don't know,
have lost your way, and can't see a foot
beyond your horse's nose, I don't think''
any one can imagine any thing more un
pleasant. In vain I plunged my spurs into
his sides and used my whip, not another
step would he move, but stood with trem
bling flanks and extended nostrils, the pic
ture of agonized fear; so I was forced to
dismount And lead him. But you may
judge of my surprise when I reached his
head to find that he was nearly touching a
wall. I stretched out my hand, and, to
my great joy, found it was a log hut.
Drawing the bridle over my arm, I led.
my horse round the building, feeling care
fully so as not to miss the doorway. I
passed down one side and turned the cor
ner, when, to my delight, I perceived a
light shining through some chinks in the
logs. 'Without pausing a moment to con
sider what guests might be assembled in
side, I hugtPitell to the doer , and beating
louly upon it, demanded admittance. I
had not long to wait. The door opened
slowly, and a tall, thin man stool befure
With his left hand he held the door so
as to be ready to close it in an instant, and
in his right a Colt's revolver.
"Wall, what's the matter now ?" said he.
"Matter !" I said, "matter enough, I
should think. I hare lost my way, and
am wet to the skin."
"There's a barn at the end of the hut
for the 'oss," said he, jerking his head in
that direction. "You had better go and
put the 'ass up, stranger, and then collie
As I saw there was no help fur it, I led
my horse to the barn, made him as com
fortable as I could, and then, taking my
saddle-bags over my shoulder, entered the
''`Pall, stranger," said my host., do
think you might-be more perlite, and just
hand over the news. I guess it isn't often
we get any down here, and, therefore, we
don't lose a chance of raising any when we
"I am extremely sorry to say that I have
no news to give you, and unfortunately I
have not the imagination of some of the
Ne s York papers, or I would invent some
for your amusement"
"Now, look here, stranger, none of your
impertinence ; I guess you are a Britisher,
'which accounts for your slowness. What's
the good of a paper if there isn't somethinr ,
in it ? S'pcse there's a murder or a erob
bery, and it's a real one, wall, you read it
and enjoy it. B• s'pose it's a false one,
'bout people you know n,:thing about; wall,
you enjoys it, and there isn't half the darn
ed...injury done. You laff or cry as much
over one as the other, and you don't know
the people; therefme, what can it matter
to you whether it's true or fhlse ? It does
just the same."
Not feeling inclined to argue with my
friend over the matter—especially as I
could see he was a man who would not
take contradiction quietly—l readily own
ed that I was wrong and he was right.
"S'pose you don't want to sleep directly,
stran s orr ?"
"Indeed I do, for I am very much tired.
I guess it isn't safe to sleep in these parts
unle,s you can manage to keep one eye
'Why, snre:y we are perfectly safe here."
"I don't know about that. I kinder
calculate you are a stranger in these here
"I am."
"But I guess you've heard -st Silas Cass
—he dwells hereabouts."
Silas Cass ! I had heard or him as one
of the most desperate and depraved char
acters that haunted the out-settlements of
America. He was suspected—nay, it was
morally certain that he had committed
more murders and robberies than• any man
in the world; but he contrived to escape
the law, for although suspicion was great,
there was nu positive proof, and the wretch
had always escaped the punishment he so
richly deserved.
As I looked at the diabolical face before
me, I was convinced that my host was no
other than the notorious Silas Cass. I felt
a cold sweat break out on my forehead,
and a terrible dryness seized my throat.—
A fiend-like expression of delight spread
over the wretch's face as he noticed these
symptoms of terror; his thin lips were
drawn back in a nevilish grin ; his eyes
were fixed on we with the malicious gaze
of a cat when Watching a caged bird.
Gathering all the resolution I could
master, I replied:.
"I have heard of Silas Cass. but really
can't believe the stories they tell about
him. Some people are born unlucky, and
it has been the misfortune of Cass to be
placed in suspicious circumstances; but
there has never been any proof of his guilt,
and, therefore, I prefer giving him the
benefit of the doubt; in fact, I think he is
more sinned against than sinning."
The monster threw himself back and
roared with laughter at what he- thought
my credulity, and pushing the whisky bot
tle toward me, he ordered me to take a
I placed the bottle to my lips, and pre
tended to take a hearty draught, but very
little of the fiery liquid entered my mouth.
"Wall, you are a queer cuss," said the
ruffian. "Now I shouldn't be surprised if
those saddle-bags hold a goad amount of
dollars ?"
"A few," I replied; "and there is a tale
belonging to them."
"Just so," said Silas, pushing the whis
ky towards me; "s'posin' you take another
i took hold of the bottle, cni kept it
glued to my lips for such a length of time
that Silas' eyes seemed ready to start out
of their sockets.
"Guess you're a tall drinker, stranger,"
he said.
"Yes," I replied, iu as drunken a voice
as I could assume; "that's how I came by
those dollars."
"Bully for you," grinned Silas; "I've
heard of many a boy drinking himself out
of a fortune, but ne'er a one that drank
himself rich."
"0 !" said he, opening wide his eyes.
"Yes," I replied; "I held a place in the
Broadway Bank as one of the chief tellers,
but I took to gaming and drinking, and
lost all my money."
"Wall, tLat couldn't make you very
"No, but in a St•of desperation I emp
tied my till, and the dollars are right there."
"Whew!" whistled Silas; "I guess you
did it up pretty spry."
"Yon hasn't any cards about you ?" I
"I guess I have though," he replied;
"s'posin' we have a game of poker ?"
My heart beat with delight as he drew a
pack from his pocket, and grasping the
cards I commenced dealing them with the
assumed eagerness of a regular gamester.
I saw the wretch cheat fine every time.
I lost and lost, still I continued playing,
only repeating my losses in a maudlin
drunken way that made my companion roar
with laughter. He commenced to thor
oughly enjoy himself directly as he saw
my misery. He lighted his pipe and be
gan to smoke. He did not puff out the
smoke as an ordinary man would have done,
but opened his mouth and let the dense
clouds roll round his horrible tusks and
long thin tongue. Each time he won he
seized the bottle and drank heavily of the
whisky. When the bottle was finished he
produced another from a smalrcupboard at
the back of the hut. This soon disappeared,
and was replaced by another; but the more
he took the better he seemed. As he swept
up my dollars he roared with delight, fling
ing his huge legs about in the most gro- ,
tesque planner. He began chanting-bits
of songs, certainly not fit for respectable
society. To make the scene more horrible
the storm without had become so violent
that the hut shook beneath the heavy claps
of thnmde•r, and the blue lightning flashed
through the cracks between the logs that
composed the walls, perfectly patiag_ska
red tight of our fire, and nearly blinding
"Lost again !" shouted Silas, as heswept
up my last few dollars. "Hear how the
boys are playing skittles above • I guess
that bowling saloon pap'; they play pretty
constant! What's your next stake ?"
"I haven't — a cent," I groaned.
"I'll play you five dollars against your
I knew they would be his any way, and
therefore staked them. Need I say I lost ?
As Silas rose to procure some more whis
ky, I took the opportunity of scribbling a
few lines upon the back of an envelope,
which I slipped into a slit in my coat lining.
He made me stake my horse, my coat
and waistcoat; in fact everything that I
possessed. I lost all, and then threw my
self back in despair, bewailing my bad for
tune and rashness in having trusted to
cards. Silas seemed highly delighted with
my melancholy, consoling me with the,,as
surance that there were plenty more banks
in the world, and I might regain my for
tune. After bearing his taunts for some
time, I pretended to cry myself to sleep,
but took care to place my face in such a
position that I could see all that Silas did
without appearing to watch him.
No sooner had my first snore sounded
than Silas rose from the ground, and,
drawing his revolver, advanced tNvard me.
"Of — all the fearful darned fools I ever
did meet, this one beats them all. He a
thief! Bah! he is a disgrace to the pro
fession. I s'pose its no use potting him ;
he can't bring anything against me. He
last all his money in play. Besides, he
won't care about kicking up a noise in case
of the Lank finding him. And yet he
would be safer."
As he spoke he levelled the pistol straight
at my head. I shall never forget that ter
rible moment. I knew that the slightest
movement would be the signal fur my
death, and so remained perfectly motion
less; but the strange, horrid, cold calm
that stole over me will never pass from my
memory. _ _
"Bali !" he said, putting up the pistol,
"let him live; - 1 - 1 , 61 - iirtlie other etie - to
attend to."
He turned away and left the hut, care
fully closing the door behind him. I list
ened to his retreating footsteps, and when
they sounded distant, I sprang to my feet.
My first idea was flight, but a moment's
consideration told me that that would be
certain death. I crept to the door and
peeped through the chinks in the wall.—
The storm still raged, and by the constant
flashing of the lightning I was enabled to
see for some distance. Silas was coming
toward the hut, carrying a heavy burden
on his shoulders. He stopped by the side
of a pond about ten yards from tht. buiid
ing, and threw down his load—it was the
body of a man. Silas then took some cords
from his pocket, and with them bound a
huge stone to the body. When this was
done he picked up the ghastly object, and
with more than human strength hurled it
into the pond. The lightning gleamed out
brightly ; the pale, ghastly thee seemed
turning one appealing look to heaven for
revenge; the cold, dull waters closed over
it, and all was still again.
Struck with horror, I could scarcely
move, and with difficulty regained my po
sition by the fire before Silas returned.
Quietly taking off his own coat and waist
coat, which were as bad as they could be,
he threw them into one corner of the room,
and then, with all the coolness imaginable,
dressed himself in my garments. Re again
left the hut with my saddle-bags, and a
few minutes afterward 1 heard the ring of
my hor c's feet as he galloped away.
In a moment I had seized his coat and,
putting it on, dashed from the hut in pur
I ran until I was almost ready to drop.
Still I pressed on; the spirit of revenge
had entered my soul and bore me up. At
last I saw a horseman crossing the hill. I
knew the figure but too well—it was Silas
Till morning I dodged from bush to
bush, keeping — as close to him as I dare.
Had I had a pistol with sue I fear Silas
would have stood a very poor chance. At
last I perceived a party of horsemen riding
towards us. and in a minute I burst from
my hiding place, and commenced shouting
as loud as I could : •
"Stop him! stop him ! he is a murder•
Silas looked quietly behind him, and
seeing me running, drew his revolver, -pre
sented and fired. The bullet whistled close
to my head, but did no damage.
By this time the horsemen heard my
cries and were close upon Silas, who hesi
tated for a moment whether to attack me
or not, but, seeing The party of horsemen
were armed, he turned his horse's head as
if to gallop across the country; but the
leader of the horsemen swung his rifle
round, and presenting it at Silas, called
upon him to stop.
`•I guess this is pretty shindy," said Si
las, coolly, "all about a fellow who has lost
his money at poker."
"Stop than man," I cried ; "he has rob
bed me of my money, horse and clothes."
"Why, you darned viper," said Silas,
"didn't you lose them to me fairly at po
ker, in the block hut ?"
"No," I cried; "lie robbed me there,
and I call upon you to help me to arrest
him for having committed murder. I saw
him throw the body into a pond by the log
hut last night. Expecting the same fate
I wrote on au envelope these words: "I
have been robbed and murdered by Silas
Cass J. M. Barter." You will find it in
a slit in the lining of my coat which that
man wears, for he is Silas Cass."
Scarcely had the words escap3d niy lips
than Silas again presented his pistol, and
this time with better effect., for the bullet
pierced my arm, but at the same instant
one of the horsemen dealt Cass a heavy
blow with his rifle that laid him insensible
on the ground.
Silas was handed over to the authorities
and searched; my envelope was found upon
him. The body was found in the pond as
I had described. My story was told and
proved true, and in a few days I had the
satisfaction of knowing that Silas Cass was
no more,
gkomt Civic
A Holy Spot.
It is common to speak of the house of
public worship as a "holy place;" but it
has no exclusive sanctity. The holiest spot
on earth' is that where the soul breathes
its purest vows, and forms or executes its
noblest purposes; and on this ground,
were Ito select the holiest spot in our
city, Ishould not go to your splendid sanc
tuaries, but to the closets of private pray
er. Perhaps the ‘.Holy of Holies" among
you is some dark, narrow room, from
which most of us would shrink as unfit for
He hears there music more grateful than
the swell of all your organs; sees there a
beauty such as Nature in her robes of
Spring does not unfold; for there He meets,
and sees and hears, the humblest, nnst
thankful, most trustful worshipper; sees the
sorest trials serenely borne; the deepest
injuries forgiven ; sees the toils and sacri
fices cheerfully sustained, And death ap
proached, through a lonely illness, with a
triumphant faith. The consecration which
such virtues shed over the obscurest spot
is not and cannot be communicated by any
of those outward rites by which our splen
did structures are dedicated to God.—
"Kiss Me, Mamma."
"Kiss inc, in awns, before I sleep." How
simple a boon, yet how soothing to the
little supplicant is that soft, gentle kiss !
The little head sinks contentedly on the
pillow, for all is pace and happiness with
in. The bright eyes close, and the rosy
lip is revelling iu the bright and sunny
dream of innocence. Yes, kiss it, mamma,
fbr that good night kiss will linger in
memory when the giver lies mouldering in
the grave. The memory of a gentle moth
er's kiss h•as cheered many a lonely wan
derer's pilgrimage, and has been the bea
con light to illuminate his desolate heart;
for remember life has many a stormy bil
low to cross, many a rugged path to climb.
with thorns to pierce, and W 3 ku4w not
what is in store for the little one so sweet
ly slumbering, with no marring care to dis
turb its peaceful dreams. The parched
fevered lip will become dewy again as re
collection bears to the sufferer's couch a
mother's love—a mother's kiss. Then
kiss your little ones ere they sleep.
GIBBON says: "Every person has two
educations; one which he receives from
others, and one more imp)rtant which he
gives himself." Hard conditions draw
out a man, and you and I are better for
such an education. A man needs to be
hackled and spun just as much as raw cot
ton ifeei. And the best gin for him is,
first oxy-gen (gin) for bodily health, and
secondly the gin of grinding circumstan
ces, to ►sake a mental man of him.
Ile needs to be pulled through narrow
places as much as the wire, before he will
be fit for bridging the great gorges and
chasms of life which swallow up the bloat
ed and capon-lined.
If a man were offered ten times as many
gold eagles as he could carry, he had bet
ter send them twenty miles from home and
swear that he will never use one of them
except that be walks back and forth for
each one by one, before he spends it. A
dollar is never worth a dollar to a Man un
til he has given a dollar's worth of work
fur it by hand or brain.
CONSULT not with one that suspecteth
thee; and hide thy counsel from such us
envy thee.
Neither consult with a woman touching
her of whom she is jealous; neither with
a coward in matters of war ; n9r with a
merchant concerning exchange; nor with
a buyer of selling; nor with an envious
man of thankfulness; nor with an unmer
ciful man touching kindness; * * *
nor with an idle servant ofmuch business:
hearken not these in any matter of coun
But be continually with a godly man,
whom thou knowest to keep the command
ments of the Lord, whose mind is accord
ing to thy mind, and will sorrow with thee
if thou shalt miscarry.—Jesus the Son of
EVERY man who does a great work be
lieves, as effective reformers always be
lieved, that one with God is a majority.
gamma ffitatistio.
Rev. E. W. Kirby on the Temperance
This early advocate of Prohibition has a
fashion of putting things ?Try squarely.
Deeply convinced of the ruin and misery
the rum traffic is constantly producing, he
feels conscientiously compelled to preach
and pray against it as he does against oth
er violations of God's law. In a very able
sermon recently delivered in Chambers.
burg, and published at the joint request of
his congregation and of McMurray Lodge
of Good Templars, he discussed first : The
power of the party who favor the manu
facture, sale "and use of intoxicating liquors,
and then, Who are responsible ? Crowed
as we are for space, we nevertheless omit
other matter to make room for the startling
statistics he produces. We say startling;
for who can read them unmoved—unawed ?
God only knows the sin and sorrow this
horrid array of deplorable facts represents !
Read ! and if you love your neighbors
who have fallen among the worst thieves,
help to rescue them !. Read and ponder well :
The point under the first general pro
position to which we invite your attention
is : First,
The Numerical Force of this Power.
From an accurate estimate it appears
that 600,001 persons per year, mostly
young men, arc brought down to the con
dition of common drunkards; 130,000
places are licensed to sell spirituous liquors
in the United States ant Territories, and
390,000 persons are employed in these
grog shops. If we add to them the num
ber employed in distilleries and wholesale
liquor shops, we shall have at least 570,000
persons employed in sending their fellow
mortals to premature graves.
The manufacture of beer alone eat-
ploys, men
Add to the above.
And you have 626,663
This is quite an army indeed, but add
to this the unlicensed places, where the
stuff is made and sold, and it is asserted
that there are three-fourths as many un
licensed as there are licensed; but, to be
on tho sale side, suppose we take one-half,
then we have 65,000 more places where
sold, and 313,332 mere engaged in it,
which gives us the number of places sold
at 195,000, and 939,995 persona engaged
in the business. Now let us look at our
figures and ascertain the result :
— Places where it is manufactured and
vended, 195,000.
_ _
Persona engaged in it.
Common drunkards.
Fashionable drinkers (say two to
one of common drunkards) 1,200,000
Beer and Ale drinkers 1,200,000 is the aggregate? 3,939,995
And this too without the 195,000 places
where it was made and sold. What do
you think of it, temperance man, philiii
thropist, and Christian ? Is there not work
rerw .re for you, to reduce thesefigurFs? But
thought COUICS up from these figures, and
it is this—that most of these persons are
amongst the very best specimens of man
hood, Loth physically and intellectuilly - .
Having presented their numerical force,
let us refer Secondly, to
Their Financial S.rength.
Under this head we propose to show the
money pledged against temperance; the
money spent; what it consumes and what
it costs; all of which is included in the
financial stcngth of this party.
Good authority asserts that $2,000,000
are pledged in Pittsburgh and Allegheny
cities, and $2,000,000 more in Philadel
phia, and $2,000,000 more in Harrisburg,
Reading and Lancaster, &c., amounting in
the aggregate to ($6,000,000), six million
dollars and more, in the State of Pennsyl
vania, against the Temperance reform, and
to uphold the power of the rum party.
Let us now notice the capital invested
in the nefarious business.
In the National Beer Congress, at their
ninth annual session, at Newark, New Jer
sey, in June, 1869, the president presented
statistics showing the total amount of capi
tal employed directly and indirectly in the
manufacture of beer to be.... 5105,000,000
Of which there is in Penn'a.,
Captlemployed in distilleries 210, 00,000
Of which there is in Penn's., .
Pet ~ilint, fixture., &e,
Of whieiithere isiti
You have au aggregate 0r...5365,000,000
What it Consumes and Dadra's.
It carries annually more than 1.590,-
000,000 dollars to Destruction. A dis
tinguished observer of the facts says: "All
the crimes on earth do not destroy so many
of the human race, nor alienate so much
property, as drunkenness."
The Honey Spent.
The paople of the United States, accord
ing to the report of Commissioner Wells,
swallowed from tha counters of retail grog
shops, in one year,
Liquors to the value of $1.573,491,856
Of which there was drank
in Penn'a 152,603,405
Now I propose to speak of what it costs
the taxpayers of this country to keep up
this power, and then make a grand aggre
gate and see what astounding results we
arrive at.
JVlzat does it cost ?
I propose to arrive at it by taking our
own county. Look at these figures, the
result of a most careful computation by the
Rev. Franklin Dyson, for the year 1862.
The whole expense of the county was $12,-
848.00, and it was discovered by close cal
culation that three-fourths of this amount,
$9,636.00, was the result of that produced
by the license system. The vending of
intoxicating liquors, viz
Poor House expenses
Prison expenses.
Court expenses
Total expenses
The revenue from license that year
was (deduct)
Balance of $7,826
was paid by the citizens of Franklin coun
ty. What do you think of this, taxpayers?
But let us look at the figures still more
startling than those. For the year 1870
(see the report of the Commissioners for
the following):
Court expenses $12,753.26
Arresting &committing vagrants 133.47
Poor House and Penitentiary 17,314.67
County jail prisoners 4,431.43
Whole expense $34,632.83
In 1862 a close calculation gave ns three
fourths of the whole expense. Now for
1871 let ns be on the safe side.
Take two-thirds, which Fives u5..623,088.56
Deduct fbr license, (and it is
less than this)
And we have $20,588.56
Which the property holders, and hard
workingmen and women paid in the way
of taxes, for the privilege of having rum
sold in their county, which produced an
untold amount of crime,suffering and deg
What do you think of this, taxpayers,
for the year 1870? If it has increased so
much since the year 1862, what will it be
in the year 1880, or nine years hence ?
Should you not take the alarm ?
For your own sake, for the sake of the
children whom God has given you, citizens
of Franklin county, I call upon you in the
name of humanity, and our common chris
tianity, to arouse from your lethargy and
shake off this fearful incubus. -
(For the above aggregated figures see
the report of county commissioners in
Franklin county Repository, Feb. 22, 1871,
properly signed and audited).
Now we take Franklin county as the
average (and it will fall below it), and
make it the basis of our calculations, what
does it give for the State of Pennsylvania?
Multiply, (throwing off the
by number of e.ontiee
And you have for Penn'a $1,358,808.00
What does it give the U. S.?
Multiply by 3B
(throwing in the Territories)
Now we have as the aggregate on money
invested in various shapes in this unfortu
nate business
First, in the State of Pennsylvania
1. Capital invested ,
Retail, Fixtures, &c
2. What this system of rum
drinking consumes in the de
struction of property, &c..* $ 20,000,000
3. Now swallowed annually
by drinkers 152,608,405
4. What it costs for pauper-
ism, crime, &c
5. Pledged by the rum power
against temperance reform,
in Pennsylvania (1,000,000
Second, in the United States :
1. Capital invested $ 365,000,000
2. What it consumes in one
3. What the liquor drank
costs in one yei . ir
4. Cost of pauperism, crime,
Return of the Sub-Committee from
South Carolina.
Deplorable State of Ilfairs in that State
—Testimony of the Victims—over one
Hundred Cases of Whiiping in one
Township--Many &publicans Barbar
ously hfultikted— What the "Conserva
tines" say.
WASHINGTON, July 2.).—The sub-Ku-
Klux Committee, consisting of Senator
Scott and Representatives Ste% enson and
Van Trump, reached Washington today,
returning from a sojourn of four weeks in
various parts of South Carolina, where
they have been investigating Ku-Klux
outrages on the spots where thy occurred.
- They first visited the Capital, Columbia.
More than 100 refugees, who had fled from
violence in various counties, were there,
but, after examining witnesses fur two
days, the Committee determined to go
closer to the scenes of alleged violence, and
wetjt to Spartanburg. They expected to
remain there three or four days, but stayed
eleven. When word got out through
Spartanburg County that they were there,
the whites and neg,roes, victims of violence,
came in by scores everyday, from all di
rections. Murders and cruel whippings
by the Ku• Klux bands had so terrified
them that in many neighborhcods nearly
every negro man and Republican white
man had slept in the woods fur months
every night. They showed scarified backs,
gunshot wounds, maimed ears, and other
proofs of the violence they 14/1 suffered.
In Limestone Springs township, 118
cases of whipping were proved. The Com
mittee awoke every morning to find, in the
yard by the hstel, a new crowd of victims
of Ku Klux, some including whites, who
had suffered outrages which cannot be
described with decency. After being
whipped, the victims, if well known per
sons, were often commanded, under pain
of death, to publish a card renouncing the
Republican Party. In a file of the South
Carolina Spartan, the Democratic news
paper, forty-two such cards were found
recently published.
At Unionville the Committee remained
two days. Not an avowed white Republi
can was found in he place, though private
ly assured by a few that they would avow
themselves if protected. The terror of the
negrous here is complete. The last elec
tion was carried by a Republican majority,
but the Republican county officers received
Ku-Klux notices, and all resigned or fled.
The policy there has been more toward
murder and less toward whipping. The
killing of ten negroes, taken from the jail
by several hundred Ku-Klux, acting under
military organization, was investigated. A
prominent lawyer of the place, Mr. Shard,
a Domocrat, on cross-examination, startled
the Committee by stating that he believed
almost every respectable unmarried man
in the community belonged to the Ku-Klux,
and he believed a thousand Ku-Klux were
within a day's march of that village. A
negro Methodist preacher, named Louis
Thompson, who had an appointment June
11th, at Goshen Hill Church, in Union
County, received a Ku-Klux notice, in the
usual Com, not to preach. He preached.
notwithstanding, to a very few, most of the
congregation fleeing when they saw tin,
notice. In the evening a clan of twenty
mounted Ku-Klux came, tied him and
whipped him, led him off several miles,
dragging him part of the way tied to the
horses, whipped him again until death,
multilated him in a way that cannot with
propriety be described, hanged him, and
threw the body into the Tiger River, leav
ing a notice forbidding any one to bury
Before the Committee returned, Senator
Scott sent Thompson's brother, now a
refugee from Columbia, to Union County,
with a letter to insure him a strong guard
of United States cavalry, to go and bury
the body, which was reported to be still
lying, half decomposed, on the wibter's edge.
Two wore days were spent in examin
ing witnesses in Columbia. On 'returning
from Spartanburg, one day was occupied
in hearing the statements and general
views of Gen. Wade Hampton and Gen.
Butler, the Democratic candidate for Gov
ernor last Fall.
The Committee then visited York
County, where they. remained nearly a
week. They discovered at Yorkville a
bitter spirit among the white citizens. At
supper at the hotel on the evening of their
arrival, Major James Berry threw a pitch
er of milk over the Hon. A. T. Wallace,
the Representative of the District, and the
Hon. J. E. Stevenson, of the Com'mittee.
They were just seating themselves at the
take, and not a word had been spoken.
Mr. Wallace jerked out a revolver and
raised it to shoot Berry—the ladiesseream
ing—but the landlord threw himself before
Berry and Mr. Stevenson coolly caught
Waliace's hand, and ordered the landlord
to take that man out of the room. Half a
dozen friends gathered around Berry, and
he went out. In the course of an hour
several citizens of prominence called to .
apologize in the amplest manner on behalf
of Berry, who was willing to go on his
knees if required for what he alleged was
an unintentional affront to Mr. Stevenson.
It was subsequently ascertained that the
business had been discussed by Berry and
his friends during the afternoon it was to
-ied - ' id that B, had
carr: out, and that .erry pro
posed to use hot coffee, but had finally de
cided on milk.
The colored band serenaded the Com
mittee later in the evening. A crowd of
young white men filled the porch of the
hotel and were about the band frequently,
cursing the negroes and the Yankees in an
insulting manner. As the band went
away the crowd followed and nearly filled
the side-walk. The band and those with
it (negroes) were kept by two village po
licemen from the sidewalk. One negro
was thrust off by a policeman, who says
the negro resisted and struck him. The
negro and two men who were close by say
the negro struggled to get away from the
grip of the policeman, who seized, cursed
and struck him, but that the negro did
not strike. As he pulled away the police
man fired at the negro, and continued fir
ing until he had inflicted fire wounds. The
man was still living when the CJmniittee
left. The testimony taken showed that
both policeman and Mayor or Intendente
were members of the Ku-Klux. No one
was arrested.
,$ 20,000,000
. 5,000,000
S 65,000,4)00
The community in York county was
found to be in almost utter slcial and p.
litical demoralization, the civil authorities
being a usaless farce and mockery of the
victims of the Ku-Klux Klan. Col. Mer
rill, in command of a small force stltioned
there, an officer of high character and
great emirgy, before the Committee
which he had investigated, s nue of them
most revolting and horrible. It was found
impossible for the Committee to, examine
more than a . small part of the crowds
of whipped, maimed, or terror-stricken
wretches who flocked in upon hearing of
their coming. When the Committee ad
journed, the building in which they had
sat was filled, stairs, halls, and porches,
with those waiting to be heard.
The usual course pursued, on arriving
at a place, was to divide the time they ex
-petted to remain between the majority and
the minority of the Committee. Judge Van
Trump usually called two or three of the
most prominent lawyers, who each occu
pied several hours in setting forth the
Democratic view of affairs, giving their
' opinions on, the relations of the two races,
the inefficiency and corruption of the State
Government, and the feeling of the—white
people toward the General Government.
They always said they had hoard of Ku-
Klux, but never saw one. Generally, the
"Conservatives" seemed to regard the
Ku-Klux as a kind of Vigilance Commit
tee, or irregular local police; did not con
sider them rnder a general organization,
but simply to repress outbreaks. The ma
jority then called for those who had seen
and felt the Ku-K-lax. The oaths. forms
of proceeding in the Klan, councils, and
modas of operation when riding on raids,
were fully developed. Score; of men whom
the proof showed to be Ku-Klux were ex
amined, all of whom, except a low whose
disclosures were lull and important, denied
any knowledge whatever of Ku-Klux. One
who was shown to have been in several
outrages swore t'lat he hid never heard of
the existence of Ku-Klux in his life.
Judge Van Trump subjected all the wit
nesses called by the majority to the most
searching cross-examination.
The Ku-Klux Committee to-day adopt
ed a resolution for the appointment of a
sub committee of three members to hear
the testimony of a few witnesses now on
their way to Washington, when an ad
journment will take place until the 20th
of September.
Nearly 100 witnesses have been exam
ined by the Congress Ku-Klux Commit
tee in this city. The testimony is printed
as the examination proceeds, and will make
several large volumes.
woman may be sourrounded by all the
luxuries which money can buy, and have
the fawning friendship of people whose
smiles-only live in prosperity; but if she
feels hereself unloved and alone in her
heart, the crown jewel in her diadem of
happiness is lost, things lose their value,
and life becomes insufferably monotonous.
The honest, tender love.of two brave
hearts who have started out, and are strug
gling to gain a home fur their little ones,
and money enough to feed, clothe and edu
cate them, makes life a thousand times
more attractive and inspiring.
The President Judges throughout the
State will receive a salary of $4,000 for
the ensuing year, commencing the Ist day
of June. The associate judges will re
ceive in lieu of the salary now allowed by
law five dollars for every day they may be
employed in the discharge of their official
duties. The salary of no associate judge
shall be less than one hundred dollars. The
judges of the Supreme Court have hid their
palaries raised to $7,000 a year.
The lady student who carried off the
ohemical prize at the University of Ed
inburg was the highest of two hundred
and forty candidates. Having been de
clared ineligible to receive the prize on
account of her sex, Sir Titus Salt sent her
£lOO, but she declined to accept it.
NO. 31.
Tad Lincoln,
The New York Tribune Bays: Most of
those who read the dispatch announcing
the death of Thomas Todd Lincoln will
never think of the well-grown young gen
tleman who died on Saturday at Chicago.
The name of "Tad"—a pet name given by
himself with his first - stammering utter
ances and adopted by his fond parents and
the world—recalls the tricksy little sprite
who gave to that sad and solemn "White
House of the great war the only comic re
lief it knew. The years that havefollowed
spent in study and travel, produced an
utterly different person. The Tad Lin
coln of our history ceased to exist long
ago. The modest and cordial young fel
low, who passed through New York a few
weeks ago, with his mother will never be
known outside of the circle of his mourn
ing friends. But "little Tad" will be re
membered as long as any live who bore a
personal share in the great movements
whose center for four years was at Wash-
'He was so full of life and vigor—so bub
bling over with health and high spirits,
that he kept the house alive with his
pranks and his fantastic enterprises. He
was always a "chartered libertine," and
after the death of his brother Willie, a
prematurely serious and studious child,
and the departure a R3bert for college,
he installed himself as the absolute tyrant
of the Executive Mansion. He was Moil
ed by both his father and mother, petted
and indulged by his teachers, and fawned
upon and caressed by that noisome horde
of office-seekers which infested the ante
rooms of the White House. He had a
very bad opinion of books and no opinion
of discipline, and thought very littl) of
any tutor who would not sssist him in yok
ing tis kids to a chair or in driving his
dogs tandem over the South Lawn. He
was as shrewd as he was lawless, and al
ways knew wether he c - mid make a tutor
serviceable 'or not. If he found one with
obstinate ideas of the superiority of gram
mar to kite-flying as an intellectual em
-ployoient, he soon found moans of get
ting rid ofThim. He had so much to do
that he felt he could not waste time in
learning to spell. Early in the morning
you could hear his shrill pipe resounding:
through the dreary corridors of the Execu
tive residence: The day passed in a rapid
succession of p!ot3 and commotions, and
when the President laid dawn his weary
pen toward midnight, he generally found
his infant goblin asleep under his table or
roasting his curly head by the open fire
place; and the tall chief would pick up the
child and trudge off to bed with the drowsy
little burden on his shoulder, stooping un
der the doors and dodging the chandeliers.
The President took infinite comfort in the
child's rudy health, fresh fun, and uncon
trollable boisterousness. He was pleased
to see him growing up in ignorance oT
books, but with singularly accurate ideas of
practical matters. He was a fearlessrider,
white yet so small that his legs stuck out
horizontally from the saddle. He had that
power of taming and attaching animals to
himself, which seems the especial gift of
kindly and unlettered natures. "Let him
run," the easy-going President would say,
"he has time enough left to learn his let
little rascal, and ilow he is t : ery • decent
boy:" .
It was evident that with all his insubor
dination and reckless mischeif the spoiled
.child was at hart of a truthful and gener
ons nature. He treated flatterers and
office-seekers with a curious coolness and
contempt, but he often espoused the cause
of some poor widow or tattered soldier,
whom he found waiting in the ante-rooms,
and it was amusing to zee the hearty little
fellow dragging his bhabby proteges into
the Executive pre.:ence, ordering the ush
ers out of the way, and demanding imme
diate action from headquarters. The
President rarely refused a grace of this
kind, and the demands were not so fre
quent as to lose the charm of novelty.
One of the tricks into which idleness
and his enterprise together drove him, was
the occasion of much laughterto the judi
cious, and much horror to the respectable
in Washington. He invested, one morn
ing, all his pocket money in buying the
stock and trade of an old woman who sold
gingerbread near the Treasury. He made
the Government carpenters give him a
board and some tressels, o<hich he set up
in the imposing "porte.cochere" of the
White House, and cn this rude coun
ter dilolayed his wares. Everyone,
b fight a toothsome luncheon of the keen
little merchant, and when an hour after
the opening of the booth a member of the
household discovered the young pastry
man the admired centre of a group of
grinning servants and toadies, he had fill
ed his pockets and his hat with currency,
the spoil of the American public. The
juvenile operator made lively work of his
ill-gotten gains, however, and before night
was penniless again.
Although still a mere child at the death
of his father, this terrible shock greatly
sobered and steadied him. His brother
Robert at once took charge of his education.
and he made rapid progress up to the time
of his sailing for Europe with his mother.
He has ever since remained with her, dis
playing a thoughtful devotion and tender
ness beyond his years, and strangely at
variance with the mischievous thought
lessness of his childhood. He came back
a short while ago, greatly improved by his
residence abroad, but always the same cor
dial, frank, warm-hearted boy. In his
loss the already fearfully bereaved family
will suffer a new and deep afflietion, and
the world, which never did and never will
know him, will not withhold a tribute of
regret for the child whose gaiety and affec
tion cheered more than anything else the
worn and weary heart of the great Presi
dent through the toilsome years of the
Gov. Jewell's exertions succeeded in
getting $134,273 on account of the war
claim of Connecticut from the General
Government. Connecticut has been very
fmtunate in having all her expenditures
far arms, etc., during the reblellion m ide
good by the United States, while other
States have yet considerable unpaid claims.
Mrs. Cooke, wife of Jay Cooke, Esq.,
the well known banker of Philadelphia,
died at Chelton Hills. on Saturday morn
ing last from heart disease.
The six Judges of the Supreme Court
Massachusetts have decided that a womzn
cannot legally act as Justice of the Peace
in that State. They say it would b 3 un
Gen. Harry White has beat re•nominat
el for Vie State Senate. The district is'
composel of the cminties of Indiana and
Westmoreland, and is called the Twenty..