The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, July 19, 1871, Image 2

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    The Huntingdon Journal
Wednesday Morning, July 19, 1871.
C(4I.IIOBRRT 13, 31EA.T 11, of Schuylkill
Union Republican , County Convention.
The Republican voters of Huntingdon county are res
pet:tinily requested to assemble In their Wards, Townships
and Boroughs, at the usual places of holding elections,
(except, that in the West Ward of Huntingdon they will
meet In the Engine House, and in the borough of Shade
(lap, at the School House), on SATURDAY the 12th DAY of
An...1%1871, In the Townships between the hours of 3 and
7 o'clock in. the afternoon, and in the boroughs between the
hours of 6 and' 9 o'clock in the evening, far the purpose of
electing TOO kFILEGATLO to represent them In the County
The County Conven t ion-will be held at the Court House,
in the borough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAy, AUGUST 15th,
at I. "clock, p. m., for the purpose of nominating a ticket
to .e presented to the Union Varna of the county at the
er Ring election.
The County Committee having made no change in the
ho s ot reprepentation, the Convention will be composed, as
heret fore, of two delegates front each Township, Ward,
Tile following officers are to be nominated :
On.: person in conjunction with Blair and Cambria
c. illties, for President Judge.
One person for Associate Judge.
One person far memhsr of the General Assembly.
One person for High Sheriff.
One person Pm Treasurer.
One person fur County Commissioner.
One person for Director of the Poor.
Ow person for County Surveyor.
One person for County Auditor.
One parson for Coroner.
Chairman County Committee.
We learn from reliable sources
that W. IL Woods, Esq., and per
bons under his cont: of are making
an effort, sine our last issue, in
which We endeavored to maintain
the unity of the party by showing
up the perfidy of those who are now
attempting to create further schism,
to have persons whom they can in
fluence to discontinue the JOURNAL.
This is a small business, but there
is no business so small but some can
be found to conductit. Our friends
will take due notice and govern
themselves accordingly. Let every
reader of the JOURNAL, who desires
the welfare of the party, send us a
new subscriber.
imp_ Hon. R. Bruce Petrikin will please
accept our thanks for a copy of the Gener
al Laws passed by the Legislature during
the Session of 1871.
ge., "We are for the 'New Departure'
until we get into power, and then the
‘niggers' may go to Guinea." This is
the Deniocratie view of it.
ast.. Gen. Hancock would make a splen
did Democratic Presidential candidate, but
he hung Mrs. Surratt ! "Aye ! there is
the rub !" and there is no rubbing it out.
It will continue to be, what it always has been, a free
and independent paper.—Globe.
Which means that the Globe aforesaid
is not "out of the Woods." It is a pretty
hard matter, we should think, to be a "free
and independent paper" when there is a
man after you with a Speer. How is it,
neighbor, you know all about it ?
We shall take some trouble to prevent him on. John
Scott) titan helping the Democracy to the Homo next
Winter.- , Glebe.
The old cry of "stop thief !" We un
derstand that little game. Mean to do it
yourself, eh? The Republicans of this
county will have a word to say in regard
to th. _mattor_beforo you pcipetrate Mr.
Speer's little trick. Furstliay ?
Siir We administered a dose of our
"pap" to the Globe last week, and it has
been down, awful sick. We are told it
makes horrible faces at our medicine. Bat
be patient, we don't always administer
angar,-coated remedies, or in homopathic
doses either. The Globe is a bad patient,
but we will "doctor" it. "Kill or cure"
New York city was the scene of a terri
ble riot, on the 12th inst., growing out of
a procession of Orangemen celebrating the
anniversary of the battle of Boyne, fought
on the Ist of July, (0. S.) 1690, between
William 111 and James 11, which has been
annually observed ever since. The adhe
rents of the former were Protestants and
those of the latter Catholics, and conse
quently the victory was claimed to be a
protestant triumph, and, under such cir
cumstances, the Irish Catholics regard,
with great disfavor, demonstrations of this
character, and whereier they have been
able to inflict insult and injury upon Or
angemen, they have left no opportunity
pass to do so. There is no question but
the Orangemen had a perfect right to cel
ebrate the day, unmolested, as , other socie
ties do, and to forbid them was only shame
i• f cowardice; The Hibernian or Catholic
s..eleties are permitted to make as many
C.,nionstrations of this character as they
see fit, without a particle of molestation,
and they must extend the same privileges
to others or put up with the consequences.
But a few weeks ago they turned out tens
of thousands to celebrate the anniversary
of the twenty-fifth year of- the Pontificate
of Pius ninth, a purely religious demon
stration, without a word of insult, but the
moment a protestant society attempted to
do the same thing, they rushed in thous
ands to the streets and determ'ned to mur
der them outright.
To this furious and murderous element
the rulers of Tammany pandered, and May
or Hall, through his Chief of Police, Kel
so, issued an order forbidding the Orange
men to exercise the rights of freemen in
a free land. This aroused the indignation
of all law-abiding people, and Gov. Hoff
man was frightened into revoking licaso's
order and assuring the Orangemen that
they should be protected, which was ac
cordingly done. If this had been done in
-.the first place there would not have been
any bloodshed, but the cowardly authori
ties, having taken the course they did, over
fifty persons were killed outright and over
three hundred. wounded. Such is the re
sult of an attempt of a party to pander to
the basest passions known to the human
family, and upon their heads rests the res
Col. Wm. McCandless, the Democratic
candidate for Auditor General, arrived in
town on last Friday and put up at the
Exchange hotel. ii is partisans secured
the services of the Silver Cornet Band to
give him a serenade, and they discoursed
some very fine music. After which Mr.
Speer, with the most soothing and flatter
ing "oily gammon," introduced the Colonel.
The introduction speech was a very good
one, but it sounded a little familiar We
think we read something very nearly like
it but a short time sitiCe.
_lt was never
theless good, very. It is not always ne
cessary that a thing should be original to
be good. The Colonel stood the flattery
pretty well. It only staggered hint the
least bit. But then it was heavy. Any
modest man would have pile down under
it, but the Colonel's nerves are good. We
thought he really felt pleasant under it.
Some people do I
Well, the Colonel began to make a
speech. It came up from the depths, slow,
halt and husky. He thanked the baud
(wonder who paid it ? for the band can't
live on thanks) and..the audience there as
sembled for the compliment paid, not so
much to himselfas to the principles (?) which
he represented. It struck us that we have
heard this before, but the Colonel went on
to say that he didn't want to talk any clap
trap or use any billingsgate to so intelli
gent an audience ; that it was unnecessary
for Democrats to do the like. He stated
that he had served in the army, and that
the only salvation of our liberties was in
State Rights. We thought the war had
settled the little matter of State Rights, at
least as the South understood them. There
might be some inconsistency between a po
sition in the Federal army and advocating
State Rights, but the Colonel failed to see
it. The Colonel began to fizzle out in less
than five minutes, but he struck out again,
but it was up hill of the heaviest grade.—
At last a passing train gave him an oppor
tunity to slope and he—sloped. The ef
fort suggested us to the difficulties under
Which a Democrat will labor in making a
speech with the negro out of the question
The crowd consisted of at least two Repub
licans to one Democrat until the Colonel
announced himself in favor of State Rights,
when the fromer thinned out. There was
only one man attempted to cheer, and it is
said he served out the principal portion of
his enlistment during the war at the Dry
Tortugas. Hon. R. Milton Speer looked
on and smiled and smoked, and smoked
and smiled and looked on—approvingly.
We have no faith in the integrity or sincerity of the
man who will deliberately and with malicious Intent de
ceive his neighbor.—Globe.
What is wrong, neighbor ? Has some•
body been "fooling" you ? Cotpe, now,
that is aJikely fellow, tell us all about it.
We sympathize deeply with you. We
know how it is to be "fooled" and themto
take the wrong scent and go howling in
the wrong direction until one's throat is
sore, only to learn that everybody is laugh
ing at us. The "fooling" don't amount to
much, but the mortification is the unpleas
ant part of it. Tell us all about it, neigh
bor, and you will experience that relief'
which women do when they reveal a secret,
and besides all this it will be a fine oppor
tunity to throw off the excess of bile you
have on hands. In fact we feel a little
indignant about this matter ourselves, and,
and—we hereby caution all persons against
tampering with the editor of the Globe in
the future. This kind of thing must be
stopped. We won't allow any of our
friends to be imposed upon no how, and
especially our unsophisticated friend of
the Globe. Neighbor, the next time you
go up to that naughty Altoona, we will
send somebody along to see that no advan
tage is taken of you. It is a shame, so it
is !
Should we Nominate a Candidate for
President Judge ?
MR. EDITOR :-As the time fixed for holding
the nominating Convention of the Republican
. is fast approaching, the political horizon
is being darkened, as it were, with a cloud of
anxious aspirants, who are willing to serve
their country in the different positions of the
party ticket to be presented to our citizens for
their suffrages at the next ensuing election.
With but a single exception, that of the ju
diciary, there are almost innumerable candi
dates for the different offices, and we are not
complaining of that, for every voter, who has
the desire, has the unquestioned right to he a
candidate for nomination in his party. But
we wish to speak now about the nomination of
a candidate for President Judge of this Judi
cial District. His honor, the present incum
bent, has declared in severial letters that it is
his intention to be an independent candidate
for that office at the next general election.—
His right to do so is unquestionable ; but since
he refuses a party nomination, and argues that
a Judge should not be controlled or influenced
by any particular political organization, is
that any reason why the Republican party in
Huntingdon county should not place some
other candidate in the field? Or, if no one
wants the honor of a nomination, is it not our
duty, as a party, to send Conferees to the Ju
dicial Conference and take an active part in
making a nomination for President Judge/
We do not propose to enter into an argument
of the question whether judicial officers should
be appointed or elected, but suffice it to say
that we are emphatically in favor of the people ,
electing them as the people have said in their
amendment to the Constitution crf our Com
monwealth in 1851. The little game going on
now is to elect Conferees to be sent to the
Judicial District Convention who will declare
in favor of making no nomination for Presi
dent Judge—in other words, declare it inexpe
dient to do so? We ask why is it inexpedi•
cut? It ought to be patent to the minds of
every reflecting voter that such a course is
party suicide, Blair county has presented a
candidate; Cambria county, too, will likely be
represented. Will it be right or honest, in a
party sense, for our county to stand aloof, and
when a candidate is put in the field from one
of the other counties, for us to say that we
took no part in making a nomination and
therefore we will vote for whom we please ?
lt is every voter's right to cast his ballot for
whom be pleases, but he should reflect when
it is done at the peril of the party—when the
party ticket will thereby be endangered. Sup
pose Huntingdon county refuses to participate
in making the district nomination, other coun
ties can, with consistency and justice, refuse
to assist or in placing one of our citizens in
nomination for Congress, state Senator,
We must not look just at the present alone,
but to the future top. We must remember
that Cambria and Blair counties arc closely
dllied to us—we are in the same Congressional
district with them.
Political parties, to be successful, must act
with consistency and integrity, as well as in
dividuals. It is to be hoped that the numer
ous gentlemen who offer themselves for nom
ination will see that it is for their interests
that the Convention sends men to the Confer
ence who will favor a nomination for President
Judge. The Democratic party will put Mr.
Banks or some one else in the field, notwith
standing the assertions of the present incum
bent's friends to the contrary. The question
must be looked at in this phase. Suppose the
Republican party puts no one in nomination,
but a Republican runs independent, will the
members of our party be under any obligation,
either personally or politically, to vote for the
independent Republican? We have no hesi
tancy In saying that every voter in the party
will then have the right to vote as he pleases,
with impunity. We submit the question fairly,
Can an independent Republican defeat a regu
larly nominated Democrat? We think he
cannot. Huntingdon county is now entitled
to elect one Representative to the Lower House
of our Legislatuae, and it is of the most vital
importance to our party and whoever oar le
gislative candidate may be, that there be com
plete organization and harmony in the party
ranks. „How is an: one to be elected if part
of our ticket be left open ? The seeds are at
once sown which will germinate in discord and
distraction. And not only the legislative, but
the rest of the county ticket is endangered.—
•We appeal to you. Mr. Editor, and the party,
if the leaking a nomination for President J edge
of the Twenty-fourth Judicial District, in con
junction with our State and County nomina
tions, is not the only safe rock upon which we
must stand to beat back the tide of Democracy
and clear the beach for a triumphant march to
victory at the next ensuing Presidential elec
[The above communication has been
handed us fur publication, and as we de
sire to give all parties a fair hearing in
our columns, we print it.
.The suggestion
in regard ti a nomination for President
Judge is the only tenable one for the Re
publican party, and we have no hesitation
in saying that we want a nomination for
every position to be filled at the October
election. It is the only manner in which
the organization of the Republican party.
can be maintained.—EntTox.]
John Scott.
The public servant who understands
how to demean himself as to secure all the
attention he may desire for his public acts,
and at the same time retain all the quiet
seclusion of a private gentleman living
aloof and away from the acrimony of bit
ter partisan life, proves he has qualities of
manhood on which it is always safe to re-
Senator John Scott occupies such a po
sition before the people of Pennsylvania.
We never had a Senator in Congress
who in so short a period established a fair
er reputation for ability among his col
leagues, who won at the very outset of his
career, so much public confidence and ad
miration, and who has continued to retain
the well wishes of his constituency and at
the same time is so little pemonally known.
The reason for this, is, Mr. Scott has
not a single element of the demagogue in
his composition. He respects men but is
no flatterer of them, he has a conscientious
feeling as to the performance of a duty,
and when that is done, his natural inde
pendence leads him to pursuits unknown
to the professional politician, but where
the man of mental culture finds his no
blest enjoyments.
On this account Senator Scott is not per
haps, so well personally known by the great
mass of Republicans as others of our re
presentative men. Ile seems to desire to
be known more by his acts than by his
personal intercourse, as his record in Con
gress proves
From the day he entered the Senate he
has been and is recognized by such men as
Sumner, Wilson, Fessenden, Colfax,
Wade, Morrell, 3organ, and others, then
and now Senators, as worthy to be defer
red to, as entitled to a front seat among
the leading debators of that body.
His speeches are all arguments full of
historic recitation and sublime truth. In
committee he is a worker on whose results
his colleagues depend; and for the promo
tion of the interests of Pennsylvania he has
never lost an opportunity to labor. On
the question of reform of the revenue sys
tem for the promotion of protection to home
industry, and the assurance of a rigid
management of civil service, he has taken
the highest ground in the advance for the
His position on the repeal of the in
ccme tax is particularly statesmanlike—
broad and comprehensive. So aro all the
views, held by Senator Scott. He acts by
conviction—is prompted by a high desire_
to do his duty, and is therefore seldom if
ever in error.
The appearance of such men in legisla
tive bodies is a guarntee, not only that the
public business is gradually passing into
the control of statesmen who will conduct
it carefully, but it is the evidence that the
peopl; are rising to a better appreciation
of the duty which devolves on- them to se
lect mon of character and ability to trans
act their business.
Senator Scott never assumes a duty
without faithfully fulfilling all its obliga
tions. In the Senate he is as conscien
tious in performing the workassigncd him
as he is in the Courts—strictly honest in
his dealings with his clients. Such men
strengthen the foundations of society - and
expand the boundaries of nations. Their
records are written not in what they say,
but in what they perform as auxilliaries to
enable others to accomplish results. - A
great State like Pennsylvania—practical in
all her enterprises—dealing constantly
with material things and representing
every variety of wealth, and engaged in all
the multiplied branches of industry, will
in the future, only be satisfied by the repre.
senatation of such men. Their calm judg
ment and pure character—their faithful
devotion and tireless industry in her be
half, will continue to add to her political
power in the councils of the nation and el
evate her still higher as the Keystone of
the federal arch. --Bellefonte Republican.
Jersey City Correspondence.
JERSEY CITY, July 10, 1871.
Editor Journal late civil and religious
strifes which have shaken the nations of Eu
rope to their foundations—dissolved Empires
—dethroned kings, and brought into question
the dogma of infallability, has enlarged its
circle until the shock is felt on the Western
shores of the Atlantic. The morning for active
movements by Protestant nations has fully
dawned upon us. The press—secular as well
as religious—should be enjoined to herald the
song of religious libery and freedom through
out the land.
Already a religious daily is started in this
city, giving its readers three editions per day.
Should you not give to your readers the lan
guage of the modern Luther—lgnatius Von
Dollinger—on Papal Infallabilty, wherein he
says ; "As a christian, as a theologian, as one
acquainted with history, and as a citizen, I
cannot accept this doctrine. Not as a christian,
because it is incompatible with the spirit of
the Gospel, and the plain words of Christ and
the Apostles • its aim is precisely to erect the
kingdom of ;his world, which Christ declined
—seeks the dominion over the congregations
which Peter prohibited to all and to himself.
Not as a theologian, because the entire tradi
tion of the church is irreconcilably opposed to
it. Not as a student of history can I accept
this doctrine, because, as such, I know that
the unceasing efforts to realize this theory of
universal dominion has cost Europe torrents
of blood, has distracted and ruined entire
countries, has destroyed the beautiful organic
Constitution of the ancient church, and gen
erated, nourished, and maintained in the
church the most abominable abuses. In fine,
as a citizen, I spurn this doctrine, because
with its claims for subjection' of sovereigns
and States, and the whole political system un
der papal rule, and by the immunities it claims
for the clergy, it lays the foundations for end
less and ruinous strife between church and
state, between the clergy and the layman. For
this fact I cannot conceal from myself that
this doctrine, by the consequences of which
the old German Empire perished, would also
forthwith implant the seed of decay in the just
erected new Empire."
The recent elaborate work, on the "Descent
of Man," by the talented scientist and natural
ist, Prof. Darwin, is leading many imaginative
minds into gross errors regarding their future
condition and final resting place. A few days
ago I received a letter from near your locality,
propounding the following questions, some of
which show the beginning of a too extended im
agination: "What are your views on the re
surrection of the body 7" "Do you believe in
future recognition, and that our dead bodies
will be raised at the last day 7" "Do you not
believe that the day will come when the ordi
nances observed by the different branches of
the christian church, such as Baptism, Lord's
Supper, 4c., will pass out of use, and the per,
pia will worship the Lord in spirit - tereiii
truth ?" In replying to the first interrogato
ries I will simply refer the writer to Ist Cor.
15th chapt., where the whole subject is ably
and plainly argued. As regards dispensing
with the Sacrament, proof is positive against
it. "Do this," "till time shall end, in memory
of your dying friend."
It is ever to be borne in mind that while the
Gospel has shallows through which a child
may wade and walk of his way to Heaven, it
has deep, dark, unfathomed pools, which'no
eye can penetrate, and where the first step
takes a giant beyond his depth. I once heard
the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher say, when speak
ing of the mysteries of Holy Writ, that he
"would as leave send a mouse to make a sur
vey of the Andes, and reader a topographical
report," as to attempt to elucidatecertain texts
—but that there will be more harmony—more
union, and greater concentration of action be
tween the ditrerent religious bodies than now
exist 3 is, no doubt, to be hoped and longed
for. "Unity of spirit and bonds of peace"
should be the motto of inscription. , Not in
the spirit that I heard a discourse delivered,
not many years ago, by an "Elder" of the
"Brethren" organization, in a school house,
known as "Gilboa," in the lower end of your
Disdaining to select any portion of • the sa
cred writ, as the foundation of, his remarks,
he attempted to elucidate the entire New Tes
tamest. Filled with apostolic zeal, and dressed
in the garb and visage of the Patriarchs of
old—lie concentrated his vast intellect in
hostile array against- those churches which
favor an educated Ministry—and against the
pastorate of such, who receive recompense for
their rainistorial duties. All these he deemed
only as hirelings. After this portray, fraught
with language more expressive than elegant,
the speaker broke out in exultant strains of
thanksgiving, that be had found the door of
the fold. His church was the door--and who
soever entered by any other way, "the same
was a thief and a robber." Such sweeping
assertions injure the character of any church,
and bring Christianity into disrespect.
w. G.: Gorzas.
The Orangemen and the Ilibernia2m—The!
Parade 4ttacked by the Rioters—The!
Battle in Eighth .Rvenue—.Men and!
Women Shot Down—The Streets Run
with Blood—Splendid Courage of
the Police and Military—Experience of
an Eye Witness—The Shame of Tam,
many—lnterference of Governor Floit:
man—Excitement of the Populace—ln
cidents and Scenes.
NEW YORK, July 12, 1871,
New York has experienced many excite
ments and commotions, but has never been
so thoroughly and so deeplyagitated as du
ring yesterday and to-day The order of
Superintendent Kelso forbidding the pa
rade of the Orangemen to-day was receiv
ed by the people of all classes, except the
rowdy element, with universal condemna.
tion. It was regarded as a base surrender
to the mob spirit, and its promulgation
made New York blush with shame. 'There
can be no doubts as to the authorship of
Police Orders No. 57. They bear the
signature of Superintendent Kelso, but
that is the only ownership he has in them.
The programme was arranged by Tam
many, and put into words by Mayor Hall.
The object of the order was to concili
ate the Catholic party and enlist their po
litical sympathies in favor of the Democ
racy. The hope of Tammany is to create
a President out of Governor Hoffman, and
the hope of Mayor Hall is to succeed Hof,.
man as Governor. The Catholics are a
large element in New York, and virtually
rule its civil affairs, so far, at least, as the
selection of municipal officers are concern
In consequence of the numerical
strength of this party and its importance
upon days of general elections, it was con
sidered expedient by the leaders of Tam
of the Hiberian societies and prevent the
Orangemen from celebrating what they
consider to be an important and significant
event in the early history of the Protestent
religion in Great Britain.
The indignation at the pusillanimous
conduct of the city officials, was heard on
Wall street among the money changers,
and in the upAoyiu avenues among the
opulent, who are generally too stupid to
become interelted in anything so vulgar as
this. The indignation roared and surged
all over the town ; it went out upon the
Hudson and was borne upon the summer
breezes away up to Albany, where it storm
ed about the State capitol, and roused Gov
ernor Hoffman to a sense of the situation
and the importance of maintaining the
principal which the issue involved. .
The Governor hurried off to New York,
and after consulation and expostulation,
succeeded in having Tammany revoke
special orders No 57. This having been
accomplished, the Governor about mid
night issued a proclamation giving notice
that any and all bodies of men desiring to
walk on the 12th of July, would be per
mitted to do so, and would be protected to
the fullest possible extent by the military
and police authorities.
This looked like the repentance of the
man on the gallows, but it was repentance,
or looked like it, and the people accepted
it and were satisfied. They went to bed
last night in shame and burnilliation, and
with a feeling that life and property were
not save while Nev7York was governed by
men who were controlled by a snob ; they
arose this morning with feelings of relief
and gratification at the altered phase which
the Governor's proclamation had given the
At an early hour this morning all was
bustle and animation at various headquar
ters of the police and military. Gen.
Shaler, a brave officer and a good stern
soldier, had issued orders to the troops of
his first division to report at seven this
morning in fatigue dress for active duty.
Befure 6 o'clock the police force began
to muster in front of the police headquar
ters. The force came in steadily from
every direction, and by 6 o'clock—Ahe
hour for the muster—the entire force de
tailed for the duty to the number of 1500
officers and men, had assembled,
and were formed into batallions for duty in
various parts of the city. The men looked
well, and seemed to be fully prepared for
any work to which they might be assigned.
The Governor and his staff and General
Shaler were at headquarters at an early
hour, receiving reports and giving orders.
During the night the armories of sev
eral regiments were connected with head
quarters by telegraph.
At 11 o'clock a messenger rushed into
police headquarters and informed the su
perintendent that a large party had at
tacked the Fenian headquarters on Ave
nue A, and demanded the arms stored.
Gen. Millen, of the Fenian Brotherhood,
assumed charge of the building and the
arms contained therein, and swore he
would not give up the arms. They drew
their revolvers and made a rush for the
building, but the determined conduct of
Gen. Millen held them at bay until the ar
rival of one hundred polieeman in com•
mand of Inspector Bilks. At the approach
of the police the men fled ignominiously,
leaving the municipals masters of the
field without a struggle. The police seiz
ed all.the arms in the place, and took them
to headquarters.
At the Ilibernian Hall, on Prince
street, the headquarters of the Irish party,
the morning war passed in drinking and
smoking, an there was considerable pass
lug in and out of the house; there were
none armed apparently, except or,e indi
vidual, who strutted before the hall with a
rusty musket. There was a rumor that
the party were to be furnished with arms,
but this did not prove correct, and the
policemen watehetithe place closely. Ahont
noon the crowd was very large probhh!y
numbering 2O JO- nntr and boles. They
were mostly intoxicated by thismme„. and
some of tlierii made frantic demonstrations,
and one of them called out in stentorian
tones : "All those for above Fourteenth
street, fall in ;" but they did not do so with
alacrity, and were jeered at by those who
were wit :niche ready to do so themselves.
. After considerable confusion, some--two
hundred were called together, and pro
ceeded towards the Bowery, and marched
up to Twenty-seventh street and Seventh
avenue, where a halt was made. Subse
quently the police, sustained by the Eigh
ty-fourth regiment, made a raid on Hiber
nian Hall, and scattered the crowd in all
directions. Numerous arrests were made
in this charge; and upon.. the p rsons Of
all the parties arrested were found revol
vers and knives. Dutiug the charge on
the hall, one of' the police officers was ob
served sneaking lie was arrested,
and upon reaching headquarters was strip
ped of his uniform end locked up with the
A large crowd collected in front of the
Fifth Regiment Armory in Hester, and
manifested a disposition to seize the arms
there. Fortunately the armory guard
ed by almost one hundred men of the
regiment, to whom forty rounds of ammu
nition had been served in the early part of .
the day. Upon ascertaining that prepa
rations had been made to take care of
things the crowd started off, at the sugges
tion of a braiviiy individual ; toward. the
Seventh ward to "clean out the damned
As we approached Twenty-eighth street,
the crowd grevk noisy and demonstrative,
and frequently yelled over the heads of
the policeman at the Orangemen who were
assembling in the next block. At Twenty . -
eighth street, the police had formed in a
solid phalanx, four deep, stretching from
the building line on one side to the same
on the other. No one except an Orange
man was permitted to pass this cordon. A
similar line was in charge of the avenue
at Twenty-ninth street, thus completely
out every one from the square s
except those who were to appear in the
This exasperated the mob, and it finally,
became so aggressive that
with great success and effect, using their
clubs indiscriminately upon the backs and
heads of the fugitives. The police arraug
ments were admirable, and the men behav
ed with remarkable determination and
courage. The phalanx that extended
across the avenue remained immovable un
til the procession started.
The skirmishing and clubbing was done
by the large details, which seemed to fill
every street. As soon as the mob showed
a riotous disposition, a charge would be
made, and it was amusing to see the scam
pering that followed. The police held the
ground thus recovered from the crowd.
The crowd on the sidewalks hooted and
yelled, and hurled missiles over the heads
of the troops into the ranksof the Orange
men, but doing little injury. The Orange
men wore flanked by the troops—the po
liceman upon the sidewalks. It was no
easy matter to reach them, and most of
those who ditl were made to suffer at the
hands of the police.
About Twenty-fifth street the real trouble
began to show itself. I cannot vouch for
what occurred there, being inside of the
store at this time, and I propose 'to con
fine myself to what I did .7.:tutilly see of
reached a — point beyond Twenty-fourth
street, one of those brief halts occurred
which are so frequent in large processions.
The Eighty-fourth Regiment was on the
left flank of the Orangemen, and were then
directly in front of the buildings north and
south of Twenty-fourth street.
The police had passed on and the corner
of Twenty-fourth street and Eight avenue
was occupied by a villainous crowd that
seemed prepared for anything. They
taunted the Orangemen and the soldiers in
the most insulting manner.
One individual was particularly demon
strative. He was perfectly mad with rage,
and it seemed to me that he must surely
rush upon the gleming bayonets of the
troops. He fairly frothed at the mouth
with rage, and leaped into the air and call
ed um the Orange cowardly s--of b—
to come out and be ground up. All this
Was amusing to the troops, and if it bad
been confined to vocal demonstrations and
harmless gymnastics, the tragedy that was
soon to follow would not have been enact
Very soon missiles were hurled into the
ranks, and men and women threw them
from the upper windows of the houses on
Eighth avenue, Finally a pistol was fired
at the Orangemen form, an upper window,
the shot from which struck ti soldier.
At the same time I noticed that an offi
cer of the Eighty-fourth was struck j 4 the
head with something, knocking, his cap off.
This officer then came to the right of his
company, and from the uniformity with
which the men brought their pieces a
"ready," I feel satisfied that he gave the
command to fire; at all events I felt sure
that officer meant business, and remarked
to my companions, "Those troops intend
to fire. Retire at once."
At this time we were directly in front
of the firing party. We immediately start
ed to seek shelter in the rear of the store,
but. had not taken six paces when the fir.
lug began. The glass from shattered win
dows was flying about us and the balls
were whizzing around our ears in closer
proximity than was at all desirable. I
got into the counting room behind an iron
safe, while my companions were securely
hid behind pies of barrels.
Ny position allowed me to look out into
Twenty-fourth -street, and I shall never
forget the terrible scene I witnessed from
that window. A dozen or more men laid
in the street and on the sidewalks killed
and wounded. A woman was struck in
the head and laid screaming in her gore.
Her cries wore heartrending, and no one
could go near to offer assistance.. I have
since heard that the woman is dead. A
man who was fleeing up the street fell
directly in front of my lookout, and laid
as if dead.
The first firing was a pretty well-directed
volley. After this the firing was main
tained for about four minutes, as if by file.
The windows and house-tops were not
neglected by the troops, and 1 would not
be surprised to hear of a number of casu
alities in the upper stories of many of the
houses on Eighth avenue. During my
imprisonment 1 noticed the plaster fly from
the wall of the counting room directly in
front of ma, and a good-sized hole ex
plained the cause of the embrasure.
After the firing ceased, the police
charged up Twenty-fourth street, over the
dead andwounded and clubbed every one
they could reach. Many of the crowd on
Eighth avenue sought safety from further
firing by flying up Twenty-fourth street.
These unfortunates had to run the gant
let of the police, and if they got past_ with
whole skulls they were luek:y.
When we emerged we found six men
dead and a number of others wounded.
i r he;;Tinaii had swooned or was dead,and
was being rietnoved. The man whom I
saw drop in the street was carried to a step
and was propped up. One man who was
in• the store wlth us was struck in the foot.
How many Aare were killed and wounded
at this point I cannot with accuracy deter
mine. Tilos:: I mention I saw, hat I have
no. doubt many a those who were fleeinr ,
up Twenty-fo u rth street were injured, by
the flying:bullets. I saw one soldier put
in a wagon and driven off, and it was re
ported he was dead.= (for. Phila. Nora
ing Post.
New Advertisements.
TU RY LIST for a Court of Quarter Sea
t, eon to be held at llontingdon, in and for the
County of Huntingdon; the second Monday, and 14th day
of August, A. D. 1071.
Llbt OF GRAND .110118.
Benjamin Brumblangli, farmer, P..
Samuel 11. Beek, blacksmith, Mania.
David Barrack, farmer, West.
Thomas J. Briggs, wagotnaker, Shirley.
William E. Corbin, larn.r, Juniata.
Silas Drake, (of Asher) farmer, Cromwell.
Blivid Font*, farmer, Lincoln.
Henry Gratlius, farmer, Porter,
G. Dorsey, ironmastm , Porter.
Hays Hamilton, manager, Franklin.
A. N. Wright, laborer. Huntingdon.
Fletcher 11.dt...i0n, wagoliimiker. West.
Basal Isenberg,. carpenter, Alexandria.
Hugh Johnston. merchant, Weet.
Michael Hyper, farmer, Shirley.
Wm. V. Miller, farmer, Oneida.
Andrew McCoy, brick maker, Huntingdon.
Wm. 11. Stevens, farmer, Springfield.
J. M. Stewart, Siemer, Ilarree.
Henry cluvely, gentleman, West.
Jacob Wolf, farmer, Clay.
John W. Yocum, farmer, Tell.
Given tinder our hands this 21th day of April, 1871.
D. It. P. NEIiLY, Sheriff.
5 4- 0 L C ,TL E :,! , ,,.... Jury Commissioners.
FOR a Court of Common Pleas to be
bold at Huntingdon, in and for the County
or Huntingdon, the second Monday, and 14th. day of Au
gust, A. D , 1811.
Samuel Anderson, carpenter, Springfield.
Alexander Appieny, Carpenter, Lubli.
W. R. Baker, teacher, °Hawaii,.
John Benson. farmer, Tod.
Samuel Barnet, carpenter, Barree.
Joshua Brown, farmer, Springfield.
Samuel Ricket, farmer, Jackson.
Wm. Buckley, farmer, Shirley.
Samuel Brooks, gentleman, atalniont.
Daniel Conrad, farmer, Franklin.
Joseph Cornelius, farmer, Cromwell.
Jacob Covert, farmer, Springfield.
John Cummins, farmer, Jackson.
Bennett Crownover, laborer, Jackson.
N..R,Corbin, merchant, Huntingdon.
Mordecai Chi!cot'', farmer, Springfield.
Miles Davis, clerk, Alexandria.
Thomas Dean, gentleman, Cassville.
David Etnier, merchant, Mt. Union.
Jacob Ellis, farmer, Tad.
Oliver Elinor, farmer, Shirley.
Casper Fisher, farmer, Lincoln.
Valentine Fink, farmer, Henderson.
Alexander Gilliland, fernier,
Morris Gutehall. fanner, Springfield.
Patrick Gettig, farmer, Berme.
Collins Hamer, fanner, Porter.
Frank Hefright, gentleman, Huntingdon.
David Hicks, farmer, Dublin.
Henry Holtzapple, West.
Joseph Isenberg, carpenter, Walker.
Daniel 11 inch, farmer, Warriorsmark.
Abner Lamp, bricklayer, Huntingdon.
Joseph McCoy, farmer, Walker.
James McGill, farmer, Jackson.
Robt. Meßuruey, Jr., merchant, Jackson.
Janice G. McCline, J. P, Tell.
Samuel Miller, farmer, West.
Snail Peightal, farmer, Wallior,
Snail Pheasant, Jr., farmer, C.,
David Rupert. farmer, Henderson.
James Seeds, farmer, Morris.
T. G. Strickler, plasterer, Huntingdon.
Richard Silvertliorn, farmer, Tell.
James M. Stephens, farmer, West.
Amos Smucker, farmer, Brady.
Daniel Womelstiorf, farmer, Juniata.
Given under our Laude this 21th day of April, 1671.
D. R. P. NEELY, Sheriff.
S. B. Cue.;
Jonx VA:MCA:MEL} Jur,.
Vor a Cowt of Common Pleas to be held
1' at Huntingdon, in and for the County of
Huntingdon, on the 21st day of Ang - ust, A.D., 1871.
John Booher, harmer, Shirley.
Anthony Beaver, carpenter. Penn.
Isaac Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn.
Henry Cook, merchant , Broad Tug.
Isaac Curfnian, farmer, Todd.
Shadrsch Chaney, farmer, Barree.
Adolphus Ctinn ingham, farmer, Penn.
David E. Conrad, clerk, Carbon.
Nicholas Creswell, gentleman, Alexandria.
Asher Drake, coachmaker, Shirley.
imothy Daily, farmer. Barree.
J. P. Doyle, farmer, shirley.
John Enyeart, farmer Shirley.
Israel French, farmer, Springfield.
E. W. Gmffins, merchant, Franklin.
Charles Green, farmer, Oneida.
George Guyer, gentleman, Warriorsmark.
Isaac Heffner, farmer, Juniata.
D. P. Henderson, farmer, Franklin.
Peter K. Hiwnish, farmer, Morris.
Geo. w. johnston,n•mgo,,, lluntingdon.
Geo. Jackson, farmer, Jackson. •
Peter Livingston, former, Barre..
Millen. Lang, former, flaming...
Samuel Miller, limner, Cromwell.
Andrew factor, {Pest,
AlMvey, faria;r, Season.
Jam.: Miller, &miler, Jackson.
Jackson Norris, farmer, Penn.
Peter Piper, farmer, Porter.
Levi Pull miller, Hopewell.
Peter Ripple, gentleman, Orbisouia,
El iFII/1 Shoemaker, fernier Oneida.
J. M. Swath, fanner, Jackson.
John G. B:ewart, gentlenutn, Mount Union.
David Tussey, fanner, Porter.
Given under our hands this 24th du of A4ri1,1871.
D R. P. NEELY, Sheriff.
JOUN TANDEVAYDUL ' l ' 7 C°"ll"k'ne"'
John 3l'Caltan's Exrs vs. A P. Wilson'. Adiurs.
James Wall. vs. William Hyper.
Samuel Caldwell'a heirs vs. SM. Barclay's admrs
Andrew Johnston vs. Powelton Coal & Iron Co.
Ann Cook et al. vs. George Mears.
Wharton & Maguire as E. A. Greene & Co.
1). 11. & B. 11. (tre,a vs. Wm. A. Orhison et al
John P. Zimmerman as. Martin Walker.
ll'Donald & Co, vs. Nicholas Lewis
Thus. W.ten's Hziu vs. Ww. Johnston
Uannah It mly
Samuel It. Douglass vs. D. R. P. Healy
v.. H. S. Wharton
Henry & Co. vs. Wm. Hatfield
Lazarus Moyer vs. Hicks & Walls
August Kotler ye. John R. Seeds of al
Jacob Hoffman v.. John Bare
Jahn S. Minor Va. iielcn7a R R Co
John Kellor's E. vs. Sanr.el Heller's Ears
J.OOl , P. Little VP. Robert Fleming et al
Pante, Caldweit's use vs George Warfield
Martin & Peterson vs. Port & Conlin
/Etna Manufacturing Co. vs. Wharton & Maguire
WIII:am Millar vs. Wm.MeClttre et 11l
M. M. Tate vs. John Hoffer
Kenzie L. Greene vs. Belli. Q. L...rd
N. 111,-11feNEIL,
July 14, 1871
IpOROCLAMATION—Whereas, by a pre-
A- cept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the
22nd day of April, A. D., 1871, under the hands and seal
of the lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of Cams
mon Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery of
the 24th Judicial District of Pa.insylvania, composed of
Huntingdon, Blair and Canibria counties and the Mos,
Anthony I. Esaver and David Clarkson, his associates,
Judges of the county of Iluntingdon,justices assigned, ap
pointed to hear, try and determine all and every indict
ments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by
the laws of the State are made capital, or felonies of death
and other offences, crimes and misdeni.nors, which have
been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated, for
crimes aforisaid—/ am commanded to make public procia
motion throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of
Oyer and Termiuer, of Common Pleas aoci Quarter Sessions
will be held at the Court House, in the borough of Hunt
iiiirden, on the second Monday (and 14th day) of August,
1071, and those who will prosecute the mid prisoners, be
then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and
that all Justices oldie Peace Coroner and Constables with
in said county, be then and there in their proper persons,
at 10 o'clock, a. rn., of said day, with their records,
tiolo, examinations and reninnibrancon, to tto those things
which to their offices respectively appertain.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 19th day of July, in the year
of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one
and the 96th year of American Independence.
julyl9. D. It. P. NEELY, Demurs.
Tbi ROCLAMATION—Whereas, by a pre
-A- erpt to me directed by the Judges of the Cote
men Pleas of the comity of Huntingdon, bearing test the
22th day of April, A. D., Is7l, I am commanded to make
public proclaumtion throughinit my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Common Pipes will be hold at the Court Hence,
in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3d Monday, d
21st day,) of August, A.D., 1871, for the trial of all issies
in said Court which remains undeterminei before the said
Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses, and suit .r ,
in the tritty ofall issues are required.
- . .
Dated at Huntingdon, the 19th day of July, in the ye , r
of our I.ord, one thouvand eight hundred and seventyo e
and the 96th year of American Independence.
D. B. P, 111441.1 t, BENJ.?.
Letters of administration having been grant
ed to the subscriber living in Cromwell township,
on the estate of henry Wicks, late of said town
ship, dee'd. All persons knowing themselves In
debted to said estate will make immediate settle
ment, and those having claims against the same wil
present them for payment.
julyt9-6t Administrator.
By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fa. to me di
rected, twill expose to public sale, at the Court
House, in Huntingdon, on Friday, the 4th day of
August, 1871, at two o'clock, p. in., the following
described real estate, to wit :
All that certain two lots of ground situate in the
borough of Mt. Union, county of Huntingdon,
fronting 112 feet more or less on Pennsylvania
Avenue, and extending back at right angles—feet
to an alley, bounded on the east by lot of Benj. F.
Douglass. and on the west by lot of Dr. S. W.
Thompson, being lots Nos. 2 and 3 in the Shaver
plot or diagram of said borough, and having erect,
ed thereon a double two-story frauto (livening
house, stable and out-huildings,
SeiSed, taken in munition, and to be sold as the
property of Peter M. Bare and Catharine Bare.
D. It. P. NEELY,
_ July 19, IS7I.
110 WE doeeiteome that poplewanting to know
HOWE to select the star Sewinn , Machine are ra
pidly flatting HOWE to settle that question by
buying the ORIGINAL HOWE MACHINE, with tato
improvementi, at Brown's Carpet Store, Hunting
don, Pa. Come thou and get a HOWE,
July 19, 1871.-2nt
New Advertisements,
Bought at BLAIR'S BOOK STORK, depot for
Ilunting,don County.
Mrs. M. R. Arinitagu, Huntingdon
" R. G. Morrison, "
William Decker, •
Morderai Gnhatimn ,
Geo. W. Garrettsou "
" Wm. Grew,
Joseph Morrison,
" John Numer,
" Isaac Fisher,
" Harry Fisher,
David E:air, 44
Glasgo, Shade Gap.
a Dorris Stitt, Shade Gap. Pa.
a William Wax. Biafra Mills, Pa.
C. Blair,
Michael Stair, Orbisonia.
Robt. Bingham, Shirleyabnrg,
R. C. Wallace,
Mimi. Jane A. Adams,
Mrs. J. E. Glasgon, Three Springs.
" Levi Putt, Saxton, Pa.
" Samuel Barr, "
" Bat r, Saxton.
Miss E. C: Ream,
Mrs. William Powell, Dudley, Pa
F. D. Mitten, lluntira.rion.
" Henry Robley,'
Miss E. Rung, Petersburg, Pa.
Mrs. Kale Brown,
" Mrs. Blaekwell. "
Mr. aolin McMullen, Ciottage.
4. S lemon Troutwine,MeAlavys Fort.
Mrs. Mary. Quinn,
Jacob' Anepach,
" J. M. Oaks, Huntingdon.
Rev. 31r. Moore, Tyrone.
Mr. J. M. Isenberg, Alexandria.
Mrs. A. H. Jenkins-, Riddlesbarg.
" John Gregory, Cottage.
" Samuel Gregory, Cottage.
" R. U. Jacob, Huntingdon.
" Win. Miller, Petersham
Benj. Jacob, Huntingdon.
Rev. M. L. Smith, Petersburg.
Mr. John Wiley,
Mr. James 3lyton, Manor Hill.
Mrs. M. D. Silkkni.ter, Snow Shoe.
" Soloman Silkknitter, "
" Is A Hamer, Huntingdon.
' Michael Hamer, "
Mr. Gm Marsh,
Mrs. E. Westb - rook,
Sties Bartol, a
" Minnie Kuntz:mut, Huntingdon.
Mrs. Caroline Schott, a
" M. Eticheon, Mill Creek.
t • 't.
.. _
" J. G. Buyer, Huntingdon.
" P. M. Bare, 3lt. Union.
" 3f. A. Sbarver, Huntingdon.
" Adam Hoffman, "
Miss Mary Fester,
Mrs. Carry Diffebaugh,
" James Dickey, "
" William {fray, Spruce Greek.
" William McMurtrie, Huntingdon.
" David Hare,
" William Yucnin,
" Sinum White,
" Maggie Oswalt,
" J. C. Smiley, Huntingdon.
" Thomas Kelly, Orbieonia.
" R. C. Craig, Newton Hamilton.
Mils Annie R. Parker, "
Mrs. Mary Brown, Mapleton.
w Geo. W. Johnston, Huntingdon,
" James Stewart, Antistown.
" John Snyder, Huntingdon.
Miss Mary J. Wise, Huntingdon.
Mrs. Sarah Irvin, Penna Furnace.
Miss Maggie Repert, Huntingdon.
Martha Ritchey,
" Sarah J. Rudy, Petersburg.
Mrs. J. G. Stewart, "
" A. A. Jacobs,
', William McGowan, Shade Gap.
" Daniel Rowland, Six Mile Run...
" O. G. McCrellis, Dudley.
" John Shaver, Mt. Unit.,
" F. D Stevens, "
" J. G. Careal, "
" Covey, Mt. Union
" Jacob Flasher, "
" Henry Snare, Huntingdon.
" Christ Mains,
" Asbury Stewart, Huntingdon.
" Augustus Fritcliy, Saxton.
" Henry Smith, MeConnelstown.
" Luden Norris, "
" John Leister. Huntingdon.
Henry Hassenplng,
" Fred Mubus,
" Paul Smith,
" Alrs. Ci.rmon,
I William Strickler, "
" J. B. Myton. Manor Hill.
" T. B. Love, Cottage.
" Bridget McCabe, Huntingdon.
Miss M. Morningstar, "
Mrs. Emma Chilcuat, CaftBVille.
" Hartman Anderson, Dudiuy.
" Catharine Akers, Conlin.%
" David Etnire, Mt. Union.
" David S. Africa, Huntingdon.
Mr. John Barrick, '-
Mn. Henry Noel,
" David Mingle ,
" Christian Peightal, Manor Hill.
" Rat. McNeal, Burnt Cain,
Pearce Young, Water Street.
Sanl V. Isenburg, Water Street,
" William B. Hicks, Huntingdon,
- Logan,
Ilannah Long, Petersburg
" Mugnne Koch, Huntingdon.
" John Isenlirg, Petersburg.
" Mary Fletcher, Huntingdon.
" Hiram Ayers, Pittsburg.
Miss Sue White Petersburg.
hi re , - Neff. Alexandria.
Mrs. Thomas Keenan, James Creek.
Men II T. Conrail. Dudley.
E. Ee-sliong, Mauer MIL
S. J. Tooutn, Mapleton.
o Alex. Port, Huntingdon
.' - McCarthey, Mill Creek.
41,0n0 (forty-four thoilinnii) re Singer Machines sold
lost year than any other made. Tow note of the Singer
Machine latt year was one hundred and twenty-seven
thousand eight hundred and thirty three.
By sundry writs of Fieri Facies to me
directed, I will expose to public sale, at the Court
House, in Huntingdon, on Friday, the 4th day of
August, 1871, at two o'clock, p. m., all the right,
title and interest of Defendents, in the following
described Real Estate, to wit;
All that tract of land situate in Ijowewell tp.,
adjoining the farm of William Pteel, dec'd, on the
north, northeast and east, on the south east and
south by the Daystown Branch, and on the north
west and west by the summit of Alagrippa Ridge,
containing 250 acres, more or less, about 150 of
which are cleared, and the balance well timbered,
and having erected thereon a good two-story log
dwelling house, a large frante.hank barn and other
ALSO, a tract of land, situate in same township,
bounded on the north, northeast and east by the
last described tract, on the south by the Raystown
Branch, on the west by the lands formerly owned
by David Mountain. doted, and on the northwest
by the Rough and Ready Furnace lands and the
summit of Alagrippa Ridge, containing 250 acres,
more or less, about 150 of which are cleared, and
the balance well timbered, .d having emoted
thereon a two-story log house, a large frame bank
barn, and other buildings.
ALSO, all the right, title, and interest of Defend
ants in a certain lot of ground situate in the Bor
ough of lientingdon, fronting fifty feet, mole or
4,e1, --- 5 o-fosnting
angles two hundred (200) feet, more or less, to
Washington street, bounded on the east by lot of
N. B. Corbin, and on the nest by lot of William
P. Orbison, Esq., having erected thereon a double
two story dwelling house, being lot No. in the
recorded plan of said borough.
ALSO, all their interest in ascertain lot of ground
situate in the same borough, fronting fifty (si)
feet, more or less, on Allegheny street, and extend
ing back at right angles one hundred (100) feet,
more or leas, to lot of J. G. Miles, Esq., on the
north, bounded on the west by lot of J. Simpson
Africa. nod on the east by an alley, having there- I
on a double two-story dwelling house, part brick
and part frame, being lot No. in the recorded
plan of said borough.
Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold no the
property of William Eutrekin, Jane Steel, deed,
and Hetty Steel, deed., whose executor is James
Eutrekin. and Maria Steel, deed., whose executor
is J. R. - Simpson, Esq.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, I will nil at the time and
place above mentioned, at public gale, all the right,
title, and interest of Maj. James Steel, deed., in
the above described lot of ground on Hill street,
being about the one-ninety-sixth part thereof.
Terms cash on confirmation of sale at August
Court, when deed will be made.
Adms. of James Steel, deed.
By virtue of the power and authority given --
by the will of William Steel, dee'd„ I will sell at
piddle sale,
.et the time and pint, moerinnerj, nil,
the right, title, and interest of William Steel. deed.,
in the nbuye described lot of ground on Mill street,
being about the one ninety-sixth part thereof.
Terms cash. Deed will be made at August Court.
The purchaser will thus obtain the entire title to
the above described real estate.
Executor of IVilliam Steel, dee'd.
A LOT OP GROUND, eituate in the b'orough of
Huntingdon, cast of Standing Stone Creek, bound
ed on the north and east by land of Isaac Long,
on the south and west by the Standing Stone
Ridge road, having erected thereon a two-story
frame dwelling house, There is also, on said lot,
a stone foundation ready for the frame work.
ALSO, a lot of ground, situate in Penn town
ship, Huntingdon county, bounded by lands of
Nathan Snare on the west and north, by Jesse
Snare on the northeast, by Mrs. Sophia Dean and
John Johnston on the east, southeast and south.
containing about li acres, more or less. Also nil
the water rights connected with said property and
used to run the mill, Erected on mitt iot of ground
is a three-story brick house grist Souring mill,
known as "Grant Mill," having three runof stones,
a smut maohine, and complete machinery, also'a
double frame dwelling and tenatnent house,
a frame store room, stable and other out
. . . .
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Richard F. Coplin and Henry Post.
ALL that certain lot or parcel of ground, situate
in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the corner of
Church and ith streets, fronting 50 feet on Church
street, and extending back on ith street at right
angles, 100 feet. more or less, bounded on the east
by lot of Elias harlot and on the south by lot of.
Wil,, Bricher, and being the northern end of lot No.
214 on recorded plan of said borough, has thereon
a two-story log house, etc.
Seined, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Daniel Montgomery.
ALL that certain tract or parcel of land, situate
in Hopewell township, Huntingdon county. I'a.,
hounded as follows: On the cast and southeast by
the Raystown Braueh, on the Northwest by the
summit of Alagrippa Ridge, and un the north by
land of Daniel Brumbaugh, containing 250 acres,
more or less, about 150 of which are cleared, and
the balance well timbered, having erected there
on alog bank barn and other buildings.
Selma taken in execution, and to he sold as the
property of Willi S. Eutrekin and William
Steel, dee'd, whose Executor is James Entrekin.
inly 19/. Sheriff.
New Advertisements.
[Estate of John Trawl'. fleece'
Leiters testamentary having been granted t.
underoi3ned un the estate of John Wa!son. la
Franklin tuntisbip, deceased, all persons km
th elli ,! ves indo,ted are requested to make i
diatc and those having &oims to pi
thew dolt authenticated for settl;ment.
July i 9, 1.571—..
that a rule has been granted, by the Court of
mon Pleas, of Huntingdon county, to show •
why satisfaction should not be entered upon
twin mortgage, given by John Milliken to D
Cowan:Hu:en, dee'd April 7th, reeorde
page 179, &e., in book No. 2, in the Recur
Huntingdon county, and which is a lien 0
acres and 92 perches of land iu Barren town
Huntingdon county, Pa.
july 12. 4t IL R. P. NEELY, Sher
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. to me di;•
I will expose to public sale, at the Court Hon.
IlunTing i in, on Friglity, the 4th day of Al
Nil, at ono o'cloek, p. m., the following , eleite
real es•ate, to wit :
All that c..etain tract of timber land; situ:,
Black 1.. o; n.M!,y. Shirley township, Boutin
county. net lom.led as follows : On the Wet;
lands of William .Morgan, on the east by .lan.
John Leironl. Sr., on the south by lands of I.
R. Campbell and jobs Morgan, ansl on the
by lands of James Morgan, containing 311 r
more or less, hd acres of which are elearet
the balance well timbered, principally with I .
Oak, and having thereon erected a plank dw.
house, with Basement and Sommer Kitchen. F
Stable, a new Water Power Saw Mill Wit:
Circulrr Saws, one Power Crosscut and ono
saw, ~bore is connected with the Mill a l•
Cutte, two Steam Chests and Steam Boiler
Force Pump. All of the above improvement:
now, having been made within the past
years. Black Log Creek runs through the
erty affording an ample supply of water.
property is situated on the township road al
eight miles from Mt. Union.
prila a rV'
Myers with notice to George J. Smith terra tet
D. R. P. "NEELY.
June 7, 1871
[E.tate of JOHN ARMOY,
The uniersigned will expose to public sal
the premises, in Barree township, Ifuntin ;
county, on
SATURE./11 - , the 12 day of August,
at o'clock. p. m., the following described
Estate, late of John Armon, deed., to wit:
A certain tract of toad. in said township, he
ed by lands of Samuel Myttin, Robort B. M'
John Hagan, Patrick Gettis and William Clic,
containing One Hundred and Thirty-Six A
One 11 !red nod Twenty-Fine clewed and
good Ma, of cultivation, and Elev. Acres of
Timber Land, haring thereon eri.ct^il a Two,
Log noose, plastered, a Log Barn 6Cx4O feet,
necessary outbuildings.
Also, a two-story Log House. suitable for lei
Log Stahl; and good Log Carpenter's Shop. 1
is also two good bearing Orehar a of choice
There is good limestone water at both hooves.•
The said lands lio bete/eel' the' public high
leading from Peters.hurg to MeAlavy7s Forf,
public hi-4hway from PetM-sharr; to Pinez
Mill,, seem, Tulles from Petersimrg, conrcnici
market, sohools and churches.
TERMS.—One-third of purchase money
paid on confirmation of sale, and the balane
two equal annual payments, to be secured by
judgment bonds at the purthaFer.
Neff's Mills, June 28, 1871.
[Eslate of Samuel Thompeon,
. . .
Letters of Administration having been gre
to the undersigned on theestate of Samuel Tht
son, late of Franklin township, dec'd., ail per
knowing themseives indebted are requeste ,
make immediate payment, and thoseharing ch
to present theta duly authenticated for settlen
June 11, 1871.
ri [Estate of Jane filverald, de
. . . . . .
Letters of adMinistralion having been gre
to the undersigned on the estate of Jane Firs
aids, late of Jackson towrithip, deed., all per
knowing themselves indebted are raity.rate.
make immediate paymeht, and those lming eh .
to present them duly authenticated for settletr.
June 7, 1871.
[Etreate of Samuel Booher.
Letters of Administration having been gr.tritt
the audersigm.l on the estate of Samuel
late of Springtiehl township, deceased, all per
knowing themselves indebted to said estate an
quested to make immediate payment, and t.
having claims to present them duly authentic
for settlement.
June 7, le7l*.
[Extt.te of Jacob Hawn, der
Notice is hereby given that letters testamen
on the estate or Jacob Ilawn,late of Juniata to
ship, Huntingdon county, dec'd., have been gr
ed by the Register of said county, to the sub:
hers, and all persons indebted to said deceased
required to make immediate payment, and tl
having claims against said estate wilt present t;
to the undersigned, residing in Walker tcwne
in said county. HENRY HAWN,
June 14, IST!
~ZHERIFI."S SALE.—By virtue of
writ of Vend. Ex. to me directed I will exi
to public sale, at the Court House, in Hunting.
on Thursday, JULY 27th, 1871, at two o'ch
p.m. the following described real estate:
All that certain tract or praeel of land, silt
in Brea.' Top City borough, bounded us folio-
Fronting on Broad street 80 feet, and extend
book at right nnglcs Lill feet to nn atfry. and
erecter . ti7o7
frame house used as n bate'. frame stable and o•
outbuildings. Seize.", taken in execution am.
be said as Lke property of Joseph Peek.
julyl2 D. R. P. NEELY, StleriO
The best Sugar and Molasses, Colce, and '
Chocolate, Flour, Fish, Salt . end Vinegar, Cerro
tionariea, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, eel spirts
the best, and all kinds, and every oilier arziele
ally found in a [.,merry Store.
Also--Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs. Paints, V
nisheli, Oils Sias. Turpentine, Fluid, Alebol
Glass, Putty, & e., &e. The hest Wine and Br
dy for medical purposes. and all the brit Pat
Medicines, not a variety of article. , too twiner
to mention.
The public genoralls will view rall red exa
hoe fur themselves, and IvAra try priers.
S. S. &MITI!
Jan. 4. '7l
crEArral-Tral; crr.orm:
TUE sabseriia, would respectfully inform
old friends and customers, that he has just
mired from the East a large and will selected st,
For Men, Women and Children,
which he is prepared to sell a tribe lower thee
other establishment in town. Being a praeti
- shoemaker, and having had considerable expc
enca, be flatters himself that his stock cannot
surpassel in the county.
(live him a call, at the
(Wed end of the Diamond)
Curtomor work made to order, in a neat
durable manner.
Jan. 4, '7l
Bane into business at this plat,
prop.: to ,V 1) my private 'widen, at Ledtnt
Pennsylvania, tit private sale.
it is unnecessary for DIP to give a description
it to those who are acquainted with it, and to lb ,
who have not seen it, and who desire to rumba
a neat and con: Otte residence I would say go at
examine it. The house was entirnly overhaul
and renovated but a year or two ago. It is local
upon a full lot or ground, at feet by 210, on E e
Pitt street, and the corner of an alley leading
the Steltm Mill. which makes it one of the ink
public places in.thirtown in a business point
view. The lot is under drained by numcro
drains, noel is second to none in the place. It b
produced all the garden vegetables used by
family for years. In addition there is a flow
garden and a considerable quantity of c.elle
fruit. There is a perpetual insurance upon t
house. _ _
Address sue at iluutingdon or Bedford, Pa.
Huntingdon, Pa., !by 31, 1871.