The Huntingdon Journal. tam and fingittold. Useful Recipes. Cure for Corns.—Take a lemon, cut off a peice of rind, then nick the lemon so as to let in the toe with the corn—the pulp next the corn; tie this on at night so that it cannot move ; in the morning with a blunt knife you can par it away to a great extent. Two or three applications of this will make a poor ciipple happy for Sun Stroke.—The Fr,illenblatt con tains a correspondence from a traveller who, on March 23, 1866, was near tir_i Dead Sea with a party of eighteen, cue of whom fell from his horse overcome by the excessive heat of 42 dig. E. 126. 5 deg. F.) On•e f the 11ed•,uin guides bathed his hand, head .ind nee with lemon juice, after widell the sufferer was able tii ride two hows to t.he 111 r ,evf,rci coy sei:L Cnrraia C7 , ;t.iti l ;.—Nic, fully r:pc. cur ants 4 , agar. 1.4 lb.; cinnamon 1 tabiespo..niul ; salt, with ground cloves and pepper, each ore teaspoonful; vinegar, one pin:. Stew the currants and sugar until quite thick ; then add the oth er ingredients and bi..ttle fio. use. Small Pox.—A physican in Sioux City. lowa, uses an ointment made of charcoal and lard to prevent 'lifting in small pox. This is applied freely over the surface of the face, neck and hands as soon as the disease is distinguished, and continued un til all symptons of suppurative fever have ceased. The application allays the itching, and seems to shorten the duration of the disease, and leaves the patient without a blemish, the eruption protected by the ointment not even showing signs of postu lation, the charcoal preventing the action of light and the lard that of air. Moths.—The following recipe is said to have kept out moths from a furniture ware house for ten years past. May it do so for ten years to come : "Flour of hops, one drachm; Scotch snuff, two ounces; gum camphor, one ounce; black pepper, one ounce; cedar sawdust, four ounces. Mix thoroughly, and strew, or put in papers among the goods." Cream Sponge Cake (very superior.)— Six eggs, two cups of flour, the same quan tity of sugar, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar well mixed in the flour. and one-half of a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a very little hot water; beat together the yolks of the eggs and the sugar until perfectly light and creamy; add to it the well beaten whites, then the flour, and last of all soda. Bake in round tins, about an inch thick. To Restore the Taste of Wood.—A new keg, churn, bucket, - or other wooden ves sel, will generally communicate a disagree able taste to anything that is put into it. To prevent this inconvenience scald the ves sel well with boiling water, letting the water remain in it until cold : then dissolve some pcarlash or soda in lukewarm water, adding a little lime to it. Wash the in side of the vessel well with this solution. Afterward scald it well with 11-t water. and rinse with cold water befbre you use it. The reason roe this is the ready combina of resinous matter, with alkalies to form ci•tupounds soluble in akhoi ,llai,•e Stale Bred Fr.-s.'i.—Put the loaf iuto clean tin, and cover closely to ex: guile all water, and set inter a steamer or kettle of boiling water flu. half an hour; then remove from tin. and it will look like fresh bread, and be really ahm.,st equ I to a new loaf. Gargle for Sore Throat.—Strong sage tea, half pint; strained honey, common salt, and strong vinegar, one table spoon ful of each; . Cayenne pepper, pulverized, one rounding tea spoonful; steep the Cay enne with the sage; strain ..and - mix in a bottle for use. Gargle from four to a do zen times daily. according tr the severity of the case. Milk Clean. hi some careful experiments made by Dr_ Anderson, the quantity of cream oh tatred from the first drawn cup of milk was in every case smaller than the beat drawn ; and those betweth aff,rti...d less or rn-re, as they were nearer th 3 beginning or the end. The quantity of the cream obtained from the last drawn cup fcoin s,we exceeled that fr..m the first in the proper tion of sixteen to one. In others the pro portion was not so great, -PrAably," says Dr. Anderson. ''.ol an average of a great. many cows, it. way be found to run Pa ten or twelve to one. - The difference in the quality of the cream was als, much greater than the difference in quantity. From this it appears that the person wh:, by bad milking of his cows los _s but a pint of his milk, losses in fact about as much cream as would be afforded by six or eight pints at the beginning, and losses, besides, that part of the cream which alone can give richness and high flavor to butter. Felon on the Finger, Many persons suffer extremely from fel ons on 'the finger. These affretions are not only painful. but frequently occasion permanent crippling of the members af fected. The following simple prescription is recommended as a cure for this distress ing ailment : 'rake e , moron rock salt. such as is used for salting down pork or beef, and mix with spirits of turpentine in equal parts; put it on a rag and wrap around the cffoeted part, and ;is it gets dry. put on more, and in twenty-11,ur hours you are cured. The . felon will be dead. It will do no harm ti try it. WHEN TO KILL 13U SIIES.-B. F. Tulley writes the Rural New Yorker that the best time to kill trees and bushes is to -cut them in the dark of the moon in July or August, when the sign is in the heart. There will be DO trouble in killing any kind of a tree or shrub. This year the days to be chosen should be the 18th and 19th days of July. I speak from experi ence; have killed the Black Locust with a single stroke of the ax." WE made a test the other day to see what effect Tobacco would have on a Pota too Bug. In two minutes after the appli cation of the Tobacco, the Bug was as dead as a Mackerel. Try it. Miscellaneous, DRUGS!! DRI.TGS!! DRUGS!! (Stock New and perfectly Pure,) J. R. PATTOR Near the Depot, Huntingdon, Pa. PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, TOBACCO, SEG ARS, AND PIPES, FAMILY GROCERIES. Crackers, Nuts, Fruits,. &c., &c., &c., Choice Wines, Brandy, Gin, &c., &c., cad pure old Monongahela Rye whisky for fiunily medicinal use. Special care given to filling Prescriptions. Call at the Depot Drug Store for any and everything you may need in our line. MEDICINES. M ED IC INES. Jan. 4, '7l. Clothing. ,OTHING C] I READY-MAR P {I 11 0 ; ;g We have made] The Largest lo u r Establish -1 Stock; the Finest ment "THE Goods ; the New -1 HEADQUAR lest styles ; thel ITERS OF! Best Workman -I 'COUNTRY ship; the Great• TRADE" in lest Variety, at Clothing, and we MARKET an d (SIXTH Streets, eau ainure ours friends from out' i 0 i lof town that they need look no Further than ? 0 0 jOAK HALL for satisfactory BOYS 'I nothing and aat-1 WEAR we have] lisfactory Prices. level y kind of ma• Full Stock all the Iterial and every lyear round. 1 variety of styles! MARKET and !suitable fcrl SIXTH Streets. IYOUTH from 16 i i i It o 2 0, BOYS :iron 9 to 19,1 ; k ; land CHILDREN' Our CUSTOM From 5 to 9 years WORK is of the lall durable and (very best charae-I Istrong, made ter. Easy rules with special ref- Ifor measurement,, arence to rough, Iprices, &c., sent) usage. In thisl free to any part lepartment o u r lof America, and PRICES are as- good fits guaran- 1 onishingly low. !teed. MARKET MARKET and. laud SIXTH Sts. SIXTH Streets. § § i i i ft PHMADELP7 [A, PA. janlB REMOVAL. READ, PAUSE AND REFLECT. SEEK NO FURTHER FOR A CHEAPER, BETTER SELEC TED AND MORE FASHIONABLE STOCK OF CLOTHING, Than that at GEORGE F. MARSH'S, in the second story of Read's new building, en 11111 street, cannot be found, besides a fine snort meet of READY-MADE CLOTHING, he is prepared to offer to the public the finest line of AMERICAN, ENGLISH & FRENCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ever brought to town, which will be MADE 70 ORDER IN THE LATEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES, at rates never before equalled since the war. Those in want of Clothing will consult their own interest by examining my goads and learning my prices before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past patronage and being deter mined to guard his customer's interests, he solicits a continuance of the same. GEO. 7, MARSH. Jan. 4, '7l. 1871. 1871 CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, JUST RECEIVED AT IL ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE For Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material and made in the best workmanlike manner, call a It. Roman's, opposite the Franklin House, in Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. apr 28, 11. New Advertisements. T 0 ADVERTISERS THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. PUBLISRED EVERY WEDNESDAY. MORNING J. R. DITRBORROW & J. A. NASH Office corner of Waahin,gtbn and Bath Sts., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. CIRCULATION 1500. HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE MENTS INSERTED ON REA- SONABLE Tfors. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 per annum in advance. $2 50 within six months. $3.00 if not paid within the year. JOB PRINTING ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE WITH IsINATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND IN THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED STYLE, SUCH AS POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCUL IRS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, SEGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, ETC., ETC„ ETC., FTC., ETC., Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing superior to any other establish ment in the county. Orders by mail promptly filled. All letters should be ad, dressed, 3, R. DURBORROW b M. Boots, Shoes and Leathei. REMOVED TO THE NORTH EAST Corner of the Diamond. CAN'T BE BEATEN ! JOHN H. WESTBROOK Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he has just received from the city a new and splendid stock of LEATHERS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Fist:blue, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &e., &e., 6•c•., All of which he is prepared to sell at greatly re duced prices. Don't forget the new stand in the Diamond. Old customers and the public generally are invited to call. Jan. 4, '7l. DOWN WITH PRICES. WILLIAM AFRICA has just opened up a large and varied assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, IA DIES' GAITERS, GLOVE KID SHOES. and a large supply of heavy work, suitable for men and boys, at very low prices. I have at all times an assortment of HANDSOME BOOTS AND SHOES on hand, which will be disposed of at as reasona ble rates as the market will admit of. My stock was seleeted with great care, and I can confidently recommend all articles in my establishment. . _ Particular attention paid to the manufacture of customer work, and orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed in all orders. _,, .. ____ WILLIAM AFRICA. Jan. 4, '7l LOOK WELL TO YOUR FEET. Ladies wishing to he supplied with neat and good shoes, will find it to their advantage to call ou DANIEL lIERTZLER & BRO., at their shop, on Railroad street, opposite the Bread Top Depot, where they can be supplied with almost es - cry style, at moderate prices. . . . . . . Gentlemen having repairing they 'wish durably and neatly executed, will be promptly attended to by giving them a call. Terms CASK. HERTZLER & BRO. Jan. 4, 11 JOHN C. LLE R. (Successor to C. H. Miller tt Son,) DEALER IN EVERY VARIETY OF LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PENN'A. Jan. 4, 1871 Planing Mills, Furniture, &c. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! SELLING OFF AT COST! The undersigned now offers to the public his en tire stock of Plain and Fancy Furniture, eonsist ing of BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WASH AND CANDLE STANDS, CRAIRS, MATTRESSES, Spring Bed Bottoms, and a great variety of PARLOR Sz. KITCHEN FURNITURE, and*Chumber suits of every price and description. Home-made work of the best workmanship offered t city pricas. Several different kinds of Spring Bed bottomsconstantly on hand. Bargains are of fered to all who need furniture, as he is closing out at cost. Work awl sale rooms on ' , tract, opposite the Monitor ale, JAMES iInIGINS. jan2s,'7l. I"' 'ORTANT TO BUILDERS, BURCHINELLS' NFOV PLANING MILL, T. Baselinell & Son having just completed the erection of a first-class Planing Mill at Hunting don, Pa., arc prepared to fill all orders for Build ing Materials of all kinds, such as yellow and white pine flooring, Weather boarding, Door and Window Frames, Blinds. Sash, Shutters, Doors, Brackets and Scroll Work at shortest notice and on reasona ble terms. Wood Mouldings of every description. and turned work in all its varieties. Their mill being situated on the main line of the Penna. Rail road and Canal, they enjoy superior facilities for the shipment of material to all sections of the State. - The senior proprietor of the firm being a prnoti nal builder and architect is prepared to furnish plans, sprifinations and detailed drawings for buildings in whole or in part as may he desired. All orders promptly and faithfully filled. Address T. BURCHINELL & SON. Huntingdon, Pa. Jan. 4, 'IL T HE HUNTINGDON MANUFAC TURING COMPANY le now prepared to till orders for pLoonixa, . WEATIIMIOARDINO. bOOIIS. and, in short, to to all kinds of CA RPENTER WORK, to furnish Hubs. Spokes, and FeHoes, in quantities and receive orders for FURNITURE, A large supply of Lumber of all kinds constant ly on hand. All orders should be addressed to D. W. ARTLEY, President, Huntingdon, Pa. Tan, 4, '7l. IMUCKER, BROWN & CO., AT THEIR FURNITURE WAREROOM, In Smith's Building , HUNTINGDON, PA., Have just opened an immense stock of all kinds of FURNITURE, of the latest styles and best manufacture, consist ing of PARLOR. DINING-ROOM and CHAMBER FURNITURE, MATTRESSES OF ALL KINDS, Cottage and Walnut Suits of all Styles. Purchasers will find the largest stock of GOOD FURNITURE ever offered in Central Pennsylvnnin, which will be sold WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, We buy direct from nianutsoturers, for cash, and will sell for cash only. We can offer greater bar gains than arc to be had in the cities. Huntingdon, July 13, 1870.-3 m. Wharton & Maguire's Colutnn. 11. 8. WHARTON. J. M. MAOIIIRE. WHARTON & MAGUIRE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* IN FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, LEISTER'S NEW BUILDING, HUNTINGDON, PA., OFFER VERY GREAT INDUCE- MENTS TO BUILDERS, GLASS, GLASS, GLASS, G LASS, WHITE LEAD, PAINTS OF ALL KINDS, OILS, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, OILS, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, OILS, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, OILS, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, And Everything Pertaining to Builders, -ALSO DOTY'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE CLOTHES WRINGERS, TORRY'S PATENT ICE CREAM FREEZERS, OF ALL SIZES WE ALSO OFFER THE FAMOUS "NIAGARA" "NIAGARA" "NIAGARA" "NIAGARA" "NIAGARA" COOK STOVE, COOK STOVE, COOK STOVE, COOK STOVE, COOK STOVE, So highly recommended by every person using the same. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR HEATING 4NI) COOK STOVES, Of all descriptions, including the POPULAR MORNING-GLORY -ALSO REAPERS ANP MOWERS, SASH, HORSE HAY-RAKES, GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILLS, FLOTTGHO, SHOVEL MOULDL, HARROW TEETH, HORSE SHOES, IRON, &c., &c. HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SHAFTS, TONGUES, SLEIGII RUNNERS AND FENDERS, SLEIGH ROBES, SENECA FALLS AND READING THIMBLE SKEINS, & PIPE BOXES Ever before offered in this part of the State. SEND FOR OUR PRICES 1871 A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE PITTSBURGII DAILY DISPATCH, One of the LARGEST, LIVLIEST and most WIDELY CIRCULATED PAPERS IN THE UNITED STATES. THE DAILY DISPATCH Is printed from now type, on fine white paper is in dependent in polities, and contains TIItitTY•SIX COLUMNS of matter, embracing The Latest News by Telegraph, The Most Reliable Market Reports, The Latest Cable Telegrams, The Fullest Local Reports, With the Latest News by mail, including the most interesting Personal and Political Items, full Tele graph market Reports from all Points of Import ance, East and West, and much other matter of an entertaining and instructive character. The DISPATCH is furnished by mail at OS 00 a year, or may be had from our agents every morn ing in any town or village within one hundred and fifty miles of Pittsburd at Fifteen Cents a Week. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN • COPY. THE WIEKLY DISPATCH. A PAPER FOR THE FAMILY ONLY ONE - DOLLAR A YEAR ! GLASS, In issuing their Prospectus for 1871, it affords the Publishers gratification to be able to state that their WEEKLY, like their DAILY, enters upon the new year under flattering auspices. It has been enlarged to more than double its former size, and now contains THIRTY-SIX COLUMNS Of matter, printed on clear new typo, makinT it ono of the handsomest. as it long has been one of the cheapest, if not the cheapest, Weeklies in the country. . _ It contains all the Latest News of the day—Po litical, Commercial and General, and as an enter taining and receptable FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Is not excelled by any paper in the State. The WEEKLY DISPATCH is furnished to single sub scribers at Si 50, or in clubs of 10 to one address at $1 each, with a free paper to the party getting up the club. Subscribers may remit us by mail, either in hills or by Postoffice order, which is the safer mode. Postmasters receiving subscriptions for the DIS PATCH, either Daily or Weekly, are authorized to retain 20 per cent. on our published rates, for sin gle subscribers. or 10 per cent. on our club rates of ten papers for $lO. THE SUNDAY DISPATCH A CHOICE •VAMILY PAPER, DEVOTED TO NEWS, LITERATURE, PERSONAL AND POLITICAL GOSSIP, &c. Is published every Sunday morning, and is one of the most entertaining, instructive and readable journals published. THE SUNDAY DISPATCH Is furnished to single subscribers, by mail, at $2 00 and to clubs of ten or over, at $1 50 each per an num. Address O'NEILL & ROOK, Publishers of Daily, Weekly and Sunday Dispatch. (DISPATCH IRON BUILDINGS.) 67 AND 69 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA, .jan.18,1371 THE STATE JOURNAL. ___. THE WEEKLY STATE JOURNAL Was established at Harrisburg to supply a want long felt in all parts of the State. No ellort willbe spared to make it an acceptable weekly visitor to the - intelligent families of Pennsylvania. It will be devoted to Independent Journalism, will defend and advocate the rights and interests of the people and will assist every effort to advance the religious educational, moral and social condition of humani ty. So long as the Republican party continues to be, as it now is, more than any other political or ganization, the enactor and defender of liberal and impartial laws, the protector of American Labor, the promoter of American Manufitetures, and the leader in all great reforms, the Journal will advo cate its principles and defend its policies. The mining and manufacturing interests of the State, and the rights of the laboring men employed therein, shall always find favor in these etdillims. National and State measurel and enacted for the protectign f i f America. industry will ever be urged, advocated, and defended. The latest news, political, commercial, agricultural and social from all parts of the world, will be published weekly. _ . _ The proceedings of the Legislature throughout the session will be reported fully and promptly, so that the readers of the Journal may know what is transpiring at the State Capital. The Weekly Journal, like the Daily, is a first-class newspaper, thoroughly sound in politics, education, temperance and religion. It is a good agricultural paper, a good educational paper, a good temperance paper, a good religious paper, a goad family newspaper. The Journal is published by the "Ilarrisbnrg Printing Association," a corporation chartered by the Legislature, and composed of gentlemen of am ple means, whose sole purpose is to publish a first class newspaper fur Pennsylvania. The best talent and the ablest writers have been employed to con duct the aifairs, and contribute to the columns of The Journal. Send for specimen copies of Daily and Weekly. The club rates have been placed len, ;a that all may secure the paper at the smallest possible cost. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION FOR WEEKLY. (Invariably in advance.) 1 copy, ore year, 4 200 5 eopie., " 10 " to one address l4 00 10 " to name of enbscribere 20 " " to one addresa 20 " to =MOS of oubsoribors, mono P. Q. •27 Oo to t• t. to ono Ociraia 00 4 1 It to {llµlllB of subscribem, Immo P.O 2 00 An extra copy will, in every ease, be gent to the person who gets up the club. SUBSCRIPTION TO DAILY. Ono copy, one ye* Address all cotunionloatlon to STATE JOURNAL, Harrisburg, Pa. MUSIC STORE, Yoa cap save from ten to thirty percent. by bay. tag your Instruments from STEINWAY & SONS', CHICKERLNG & SONS', THE UNION PIANUGATE CO., THE WEBER, RAVEN & BACON'S, GEO. M. GOULD & CO.'S. CONRAD MITERS' AND ALL OTHER MANES OF PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S and Goo. Woods & Co.'s celebrated Organs, and any other make desired. Also, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins, Herman Accordeons, Sheet Music, Music Books, &c. New and good Pianos fur 7CO and upwards. " five-octave Organs for •` " Melodeons for 70 " " All Instruments warranted for fire years, Agents supplied at wholesale li , silefb So low no in the cities. Call oa, or address, E. J. GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa., 2nd floor of Leister's new building. January 4, 1871. . .UMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, -R--4 Hemlock and Pine Bill Stuff, Boards, Plank, Shingling, Plastering and Shingling Lath, con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice, at lowest cash prices. Worked Flooring, Sash. Blinds, Doors, Door and Window Frames furnished at manufacturer's prices. Grain .1 Country pro duce generally bought at market prices. WAGONER & BRO. STEEL TYRE, Jan. 4, '7l FOR ALL KINDS Of GO TO TUE Miscellaneous 1871. TO Tilli 16 00 0.1 CO E. J. GREENE Dealer in Phillipsburg, Ccntre county, Pa. PRINTING "JOURNAL BUILDING." Medical. THE KIDNEYS The Kidneys are two in number, situated at the tpper part of the lion, surrounded by fat, and con noting of throe parts, viz: the Anterior, the In crior, and the Exterior. • The anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tis sues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the urine and convey it to the exterior. The exterior is a .lonductor also, terminating in a single tube, and .ailed the Ureter. The ureters are connected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into part, viz: the Upper, the Lower, the Nervous and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a (Imam, to urinate without the ability; others urinate without the ability to retain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these affections, we must bring into ac tion the muscles, which are engaged in their var ious functions. If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware, that how ever slight may be the attack, it is sure to effect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from there sources. Goer, on RUEVMATISX.—Pain occurring in the ins is indicative of the above diseases. They oc ur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky meretions. Ton GRAVEL.—The gravel ensues from neglect ur imroper treatment of the kidneys. These or gans king weak, the water is not expelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish, and sedinient forms. It is from this de posit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensues. Dnorsv is a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names. according to the parts affected, via: when generally diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the abdomen, Ascites ; when of the chest, llydrothorax. TREAT3lexT.—Helmboldt highly concentrated compound Extract Bucks is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism and gout affections. Under this head we have arranged Dysuria, or dif f iculty and pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hemp tuna or bloody seine; Gout and Rheumatism cf the kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase in color, or dark water. It was always highly recommender by the late Dr. Physiok, iu these affections. This medicine increases the power of digestion, and excites the absorbents into healty exercise by which the watery or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and in flammation. are reduced. and it is taken by men, women and children. Directions-for use and diet accompany. PIIII.IOELPHIA, PA., Feb, 25, ISG7. 11. T. llELmaut.o, Druggist : Dear Sir:—l hare been a sufferer, fur upward of twenty years, with gravel bladder and kidney affections, during which time I hare used various medicinal preparations, and have been under the treatment of the most eminent Physicians, experi encinglitt:e relief. Having seen your prepnratiuns extensively ad vertised, 1 consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extratt lluehtt. . _ I did this because I had used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worthless, and, some quite injurious: in fact. I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no reme dies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. An you advertised that it was composed of oubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with his advice after an examination of the article and consulting again with the druggist, I conclud ed to try it. I commenced its use about eight months ago, at witioh time I was confined to my room. Fre.ta the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing yen a full statement of my can at that time, bat thouglit toy IMprovithent Mignt only be a temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and en if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to yen, and more satisfactory to Inc. - _ I am now able to report flout a cure is effected after using the remedy for five month!. I have not used any now fur three motif e, and fell as well in nil respects. cc I ever •lid. Thus Iluabn being deceit of any unpleasm.t taste and odor—a nice tonic and invigorator of tte !system. Ido not mean to be without it whenever oeeasion may require its use in such affections. M. McCORMICK. Shnula any doubt Mr. McCormick's Matenrel; be to to the following gentlemen : Hon. Wm. Bigler, ex-Governor, Pennsylvania. Hon. Thos. B. Florence, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox. Judge, Philadelphia. . Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor, Philathlphia Hon. Kite Lewis, Judge. I% S. Court Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia. lion. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Philo& Lia. Hon. John Bigler, ex-Govenor, California. Hon. 5, Bank., Auditor General, Wrshinglon D. C., and many others. if 'memory. Sold by Druggist and Dealears everywhere. Ee ware of counterfeits. Ask for ilelmLold's. Trk , no other. J-Wee.-4i 23 per bottle, or 6 Lott its to $6 50. Delivered to any address. Pcseribv sytap toms in all communications. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, 59$ Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS done up in steel engraved wrapper, with fae-simile of my Chemical Warehouse and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. In-1,7C-Iy. Miscellaneous, THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE 1871. Through struggle and Fuffer,ing,iiit of multiform agonies, bereavement, deva.statim American Idea embodied In the preamble to our Declaration of Independence approaches it. alliation. The liable, Inspiring marertion that "all u created eqnal," and endowed by their "reatar will: able rights to lit', liberty, and the pursuit of tetpp: no longer a gilt:ern, generality, a FAA . , fancy, a opher's speculation, but the reaoqoize.l base of our cut fabric. Tire Loin Revolutioo, which dates fn Bostou Mtuericre of 1770, finds its logical completio one century later, in the XVtli Ammelment, whist to the equal political and civil rights of every man I naturalized in our Republic the shield and defense Federal Conatitutiou. The billows of Caste and l•r may roar and.rage around that rock, and may tram seem on the poin of washing It away: but its foots are deep laid and steidiait,and the breaker. of Pa and Slavery are borled against and dash their :pm t in rain. Va'e do not underrate the forces of Pmjnoice and A racy. We do act fur et Coat a very large minoriy Aar ican People stall hold in thane inmost heart Blacks have no rights which 1111 it. are hound to r. We fully appreciate the deame. - ation wherewith all ti ring elements of hatred to itapuldicanachievement combined and hurled kninat the lattlements of Mt eau :ascendency of 1,7, We do nut tonsil that Inc cram., facilitated by Itcpubl.canfendsanadiesenalot inspire the chargins boaat with:: sanguine hope or v such as nerved it to put forth its ummat strength earlier stage, Of the castesis of ISnal and 1,615. faith is clear and etreeg that that American Poop bless Clod that, un the ted barna-Saida of our la. War, the Union wad upbeat rad Slavery destroy. never conmmusly decide tiaM the precious bloo. on poured out was lavished in vain. Tan 'fatness believe, in the prosecution of the struggle by legitimate means to bonelinera ends. T. Sovereignty. It tams cs intitssoluble-bational Intagr tlavery for Blacks, babetty for All; to Proscriptic fmnchraetnent; to rolauiar Ignocenve, Universal tine; to intensity and eternity of 1, rathful Plate, un and invincible Good Will. It would tam do it can hasten the glad day when the Sandia shall vie a. North in exultation and gratitude over the dhappe of the last trace or taint of that evil:it which impede to exult in the ownership and chm telhcod of his fella. Profoundly do we realised that the contest is ended—that Millions mourn, niece or less public downfall of the Slaseholders' Confederacy, and rear children to hate those by whose valor and consta overthrsw was achieved. If we ever meta to differ tinily from other Ilepublicans, oar cfmvictimt that r nimity is never wealme-s, that veugrance is never and that devlla are not crst unit by thaelsebub. must to captain alleged eccentricities Chose perk, cinch we leave to Time and Ildlectimt. - Ta.Tsuscs. his Leen, is, and met Le, a zesdou. cafe of Pt utection toflorae Industry. Regarding br idleness as the greatest foe tobturam progress, the t human happiness, we seek to win oar cuaatryn Man. from the ensnaring lures of Speculation, of end of alway. overcrowded Proleastons, to the tr paths urProductive Inductry. We would gladly d our overcrowded c:tio-, who, tit:situ:4v audy jest crowd in misguided quest of “Something to Do " to prairies and phtins with colonies absorbed in Auk' Mechanics and Itiannfactnre • , and constantly proj into the blank, void wilderness the homes and the of civilized Man. Holding the Protection of Home try by discriminating duties on imported Wares an rim essential to the rapid, beneficient diffusion of P ties in all Its phases and departments, and" so to t strnction of our people in all the gainful arts of Pea urge our countrymen to adhere to and uphold that in undoubting faith that the true interest, net of& c a section, lilt of each section and every useltd ci tbeteby snbserved and promoted. T. Tannvz aims to be preeminently a lvccespap• eorrespondeuts traverse every State, aro present on Important battle-field, are early advised of every Cabinet decision, ob,erve the j roceedings of Congr LegisLatum, and of Conventions, and report tom h graph all that seems of general interest. We h. for one day's momentous advices from Europe by far more than our entire rereiptee for the issue in those a.. /ices reached our readers. If lavish cattle sleeping vigilance, and unbounded faith in the lilt and discernment cf the reading public, will enable maha a jGnimil which Las no superior in the ace variety, and fresluiess of its content,. T. Tranum be such a journal. To Agriculture and the subservient arts. we ha voted, and shall persistently devote, mote mtnn space than any of our t into. We aim to mak Warta! Ttuncvo such a paper that nu farmer can to do without, however wtdely his polities may diffet ones. /Mr reports of the Cattle, lioru , Produee au, eral Markets, nut no full and arenrate, our essays in t ation of the fencer's calling. and our regular repi the Farmers' Club and !awned gatherings, are so eating, f hat the footed to mer will find the: ein a n. suggestion and connvel, of which he Calniut remain rant moth positive and serious loos. We sell T. W to Clubs for less than its value in dwellings for was per, and, though its subscription Moiready very lag believe that a lira Million inure farmers will [shalt ever it shall be commended to their attention. Ii our friends everywhere to aid us in 30 ...matting i TERMS. DAILY TtIDCNI, Mail Subscribers. SlO per swum. 6.1-WYLICLY Tarmirs, Mail Sob cr:Lern, i 4 par at Five copies or over, f.J each ; an extra eo•p7 wilt be fur everyclub of ten sent for of one torso; or,:f prof copy of Recollectiotut of a Busy i.•ifo, by Mr. 0704) TERMS OF TILE WEEKLY TRIERRS, To Mail Subscribers. One Copy, one year 52 issues Five Copies, one year, &I isenev To Ono ADDIUSS, ,To Krum or Sen' all at ono Post-OMCe. i 411.77 , neio;t:Cffl; 10 Copies $1 5. , eaob.!lO Copies $1 60 21 Copies 1 23 eacb. , 20 Copies 135 50 Copies 1 1.0 aaeb. 50 Copies... 1 la And Vile Extta Copy to each , And One Extra Copy tx Chit. I Club. Addrexs TIIE TRIBUNE, New Yo Aprs. MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELE Dat the Diamond Skectactcs will Prescrre THE DIAMOND GLA6SES,. MANUFACTURED I, J. E. SPENCER & CO., .V. Y. Which are now offeryl to the public, are prone. by all celcl,rated Opticians of the World • t the -110SfPERFECT, Natural, Artificial help to the human eye ever kr They are ground under their own supervi from minute Crysial Pebblts, melted together, derive their name "Diamond" on 'account of hardness and Tile Scientific Principle on which they are eructed brings the core or centre of the lens di ly in front of the eye, producing a clear and dis vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and venting all unpleasant to:mations, such as g 'tiering and wavering of eight, dizaiaess. &c., liar to all others in cue. They are Mounted i Fincet 11anner, in frames of the best quality, materials used for that purpose. Their Finish Durability ..CANNOT D E SURPASSED. CAUTION.—None genuine nn!ces bearing $ trade mark !tamped on every fra:•tc. AARON STEWART, Jeweier gthi Optieiai Sole Agent for llnutingdon, Pa.. flow whom can only be obtained. These goad!, ...tout sup] to pedlere, at any price. Linn! 15,•71 LIME, - From the Kiln of George Taylor, Sir! burg, proven by chemical analysis to be of the 'duality, constantly kept end for sete in any q: tity, at the depot of.the 11. Js B. T. Railroad. Apply to Henry Lcister, "Eroad Top lions:•. Jan. 4, IL A SEAT MEDICAL DISMWEE D. wAixErva C A LLFORNIA VINEGAR BIB" o g Hundreds of Thousands 2; ,- , ti , o . Dear testimony to tgLl t i,nter. tsi WHAT ARE THEY? t - ig Nei evg :ill o'lg iffp; C g g TEXT AIM NOT AVlr.c. "Vs FANCY DRINK.; Wade of Poor Tara, Wlz:ska:7, Proof Soli . ; and r.cfnita doctor.d. trice," .^_nd sw, coed to plow thc tote, caled Tonlcs,"...t.p.pc; 0;5," 1+ Deaerern," Vic.. I exd iwo t:pplc.r an Creatermcso Ctd rut, cro c trri,, Ear Poet the Nztica reom sad Ler). co California, fr from nil Aiootvilo T.-rive I GREAT BLOOD rvzivEza and LTI GIVING IMINCIPLE a per:zct :Renovator a Invigorator cf Cl.l6.7stc=, carrying og glt polsono matter aad restoring the 14804 to a healthy eondlth No person eon two Mom Litton; eccorCh4; to din tion and rc.aln I ong Sleo will be g:rcn fcrca hienrchle cao, proshl the bones tro not dmtro7cd by mbcrol poison other means, umcl Pao 11.41 crgrx, wasted beyond t potot of revzlz. For Inflow...tory nun Chronic I:berm tin= nud Coot, dyspepsia, or Indlgest:e =Lour, IZtusts tout nud intermit: rut Fere Dionnece of tho Blond, Llidueyo, as 7.lladecr„ tLcso Dittos. Lave been =oft yucca fol. Snob Dlzenses me cztrtd Ly Vltintc Blood, which is gcncrany I radecod derazzcsac of thz Digesci ro Org.tin. C::: INDIGESTION, re: riche. Path la tha Ehocl.:cts, C. otter,. Ticl.thers ef t: Q:c‘t, Dlzz . .ccm, Lor.: cf the Etcmse Tad taste la the Lahous I,lCclx, religtath of thereart, Itilarettatioa of the Loom rain to tl trgiona of the Kidneys, oral a hcatlrcd other pato: iyetptctov,cro the cf.s' pence ef Th , y lurigoreta the Stet:tech .ct stimulate tho tc p!dllver oad bowel; rldelt readcr ol'eneergt:: , eM,..ey la cleanolaz the ',Aced cr cal tevpnrit.los, hop:L .- Clognew life sma tiger tathe systet:. FOR SlilN DISZAiES. trur ione,Tctter, Pa Lcum, Blotch., rrot, l'ln :lc:. I t tt:lc C: bancles, Lll, £Curts, Llscoh.ruLlo,s cf the CLlzt, and Discuses c f tho Lldo, of t-Latccor acme cr nattr tiro litersl:}• erg up stud cznictl out of the cystcut In short taco by the use of Mesa Coo' bottlo 1 such cases wirrconvlacc tho =cut lucterfous of tht cnnuco orcct. Manna tho VA:afc.:l Blond vh=escr you flail is impurlthr I)nretirg threngh the cl;In to limping, Ern; tlons er Sere s; cleanse It when yon find It obstracte and clugg:sh la tha rein.; eennza it when It Ls for. and your fceLtngs will tell yea when. Lecp the bloc peel end the-henlth of tho system will follow. "PM, TAPS and other WORMS. luthing System of to msny thousands, are effect: lolly deatre: cnd rzmarcd. Ter fill ell:cottons, carece.l: the drcr.:= nrceand cool' bottles, printed In tour I;.: goals—Zogl;slt,Gcruton, Frondrand Spaoibb. J. W. 11,1117.::, Proi.rictor. P. li. ILcDOFALD 6 CO DrazzLlts cod Gen. Azonts, San Francisco. Cal and Cornstom Ctrcet, Nov Sark. Pr COLD DT ALL DIWOOTSTS LSD =ALS= o tl T.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers