Williamsport, for the accommodation of the United States courts, three thousand dollars. Tor improvement and repairs upon the rooms in the State-house.of Mississppi, which have been heretofore occupied by the register and receiver of public lands at Jackson, Mis sissippl, the sum of six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be ex pended under the direction of tile Secretary of the lnterlor : Provided, however, That the register and receiver , foressid be allowed the continued u-e a•pl occupation of said rooms on the same terms as heretofore. SEC 3. That the foP. o ,,ing sums b e appra . priateti for the purpose, ir:rein spec v.O FOR LIGIIT-lIOUSRS : ARACONS, AND FOG-STNAL: For I.larti:-Co.dif . a.t.or ight statio,:sl l / 2 fra beacon itgats, to serve as a. raw, on the cna: IftWitrOtrMileentreefte,-#"'-'-''' Fo:;ll.itaivitir,Pock.Uglit,E,tation 11,711f-holt-se on llultway rod:, oil: the cu,st of le,' thous:met For Vortsmontit : building r. dwelling for the keeper of .the light house at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, two thousand dollars. For Whale's Back light-station : Completing the construction of the a - Orks at Whale's Back light-station, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, any balances that may remain unexpended -of the existing appropriation of June thirty, eigh teen hundred and seventy-one. For Baker's Island light-station : Rebuilding on a proper site the front light of the range on Baker's Island, off the coast of Massachusetts, five thousand dollars. For Salem. Harbor light-station Comple ting the three small lights at Salem harbor, Massachusetts, any balance of the existing appropriation which may be unexpended June thirty; eighteen hundred and seventy-one. For Plymouth, Duxbury, and Kingston light station Completing the light house to mark the pier at the harbor at Plymouth, Duxbury, and Kingston, any balance.of the existing ap propriation that may be remaining June thir ty, eighteen hundred and seventy. one. For Wood's Hole depot: Continuing the improvement at the light-vessel and buoy depot at Wood's Hole, Massachusetts, five thousand dollars. • cote lirit-cl;iss steam fog signals for Beaver Tail, Rhode island, Little Gull Island, Long Island Sound, and at. Sandy hook, New York, light-stations, fifteen thousand dollars. For Sabine's Point light-station Erection of alight-house on or near Sabiue's Point, in the Providence river, [node Island, forty thou sand dollars, For Race Rocklight station : Continuing the construction of the light-house authorized on Rs.c.rocki Fisher's Is:and, forty-two thou sand donors. For Penfield Reeflight-station : Completing the light-house on Penfield reef, Long Island sound, twenty-five thousand dollars. For Black Rock light station: Building a buoy wharf and shed for storage of buoys at Black Rock light station, eight thousand dol lays. Per . Elm Tree beacon : Protecting the site and repairing the Him Tree beacon on Staten New York; one thousand five hundred dolfars.• - • For West Poiat-light-station : Rebuilding the light - house at West P4int, Hudson river, New York, one thousand live hundred dollars. For CM:Oberland Head light station : Pur chase of additionol "and at the Cumberland Head light-station, Lake Champlain, New York, three thousand dollars. For Juniper Island light-station: Construe tion, of a suitable landing and boat house at Juniper island light-station, Late Charuplainf three thousaad five hundred dollars. For Split Rock- light-station Construction of boat ways and providing a suitable enpstau for hauling up the boat at the Split Rock light station, Lake Champlain, six laiudrtil aoliars. . For Burlington Breakwater light-station Bret:tin:rola ti.ition and a dwelling tar the, keeliet:l3ll. the breatiwnkr at Burlington, Ver mont, 4elall five hundred dollars: For atnner daoal. iieaeun: Rep4;ria4 the stone day`-heaeou on Rower shoal, New bay, :ice thou:sand dollars. Fur 6taten Liana depot ....Continuing the wark on. imicovanents of Lae basin, wharves, and station at the light-hoes, depot, Staten Island, Few York, thirry live thousand dollars. For Absccuna light—stations: Protecting the site of the light-Louse of'Absccona, New Jer • scy r against' encroachments oc the sea, four thousand. dollars. For Christiana depot: Completing the wharves awl works of the Christiana light - station-depot for light vessels and buoys, four teen thousand dollars. For Lambert'•s Point light -station : Erection of an irpn screw-pile light-house on Lambert's Point Shoal, entrance to Elizabeth river, Vir ginia, fifteen thousand dollars. u Fur Bodie's Island light station : Comple ting the first light house on Bodie's Island, sea coast of North Carolina, sixty-five thousand dollars. For Sullivan's Island light. station: Erection of two small lights on Sullivan's island, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, to serve as a range for the 'inner channel ten" thousand dollars. For Danfuskie Island light station: Erection of two -small lights• on or near Daufuskie island, Savannah river, Georgia, instead of Braddock's point to serve as a range for th , channel front the Savannah river to Caliboque sound,- fifteen thousand dollars. For Oyster Racks beacon : Erection of day beacons ou the Oyster rocks, mouth of Savan- Ruth river, Georgia, two thousand dollars. For north beacons, Amelia islands: Re building the two beacons on the north side of Amelia island, to guide vessels into Saint Mary's Gut, Fernandina, Florida, twelve thou sand dollars. For Dame's Point - light station : Erecting an iron screw pile light house on the shoals off Dame's point, Saint John's river, Florida, twenty thousand dollars. For Saint Augustine light station: Com mencing the rebuilding of.a first-class sea coast light at Saint Augustine; Florida, sixty thousand dollars. . • For Alligator ltcef light • station : Comple ting the first-tlass.iron screw pile light house at Alligator reef, 'Florida, sixty thou Sand dol lars. For Fiorida Beef beacon's Building new and restoring old iron pile day bet:Mons from Cape Florida to Dry Tortugas; on the outer - Florida reefs, forty thousand dollars. For Saud Island. light station: Continuing the reconstruction of. a first class sea coast light house at Saud island, entrance to Mobile bay, 'Alabama, seventyfire thousand dollars. For. Oat Island light station : Ile-erection of the light house on Cat island, Mississippi sound, former appropriation reverted so tee treasury, twenty thousand dollars. For Mobile Point light station : Re erection of-the light house on Fort Morgan goint,- east side-of .entrance to Mobile bay, Alabama, fif teen thousand dollars. For Battery Gladden light station: Comple tion of:the IrOn pile light house on Battery gladden, Mobile boy, Alabama, five thowsaad dolrara. • • Por Proctorsvi;le light station : Raising and .le/atting Ilia light- house at Proctorsville, Loaistana;-tive thousand dollars. CdrVass Alonebac; light:stittion: Construe , . tion , Oft, I,eakwater to peoteet' the light hhuse as Punt .:11.elme, Loai6inna, one thour,antl seven hundred dollars. For fog , signals, delta of First clusg•6teatn fog &iguals at l'ass a Loutre and Southwest Pass .iglzt , houses, Louisiana, ton thousand dollars, • For Point Aux llerbos station: rec tian light house-st Point Aux Ilerbes, to take the•plaee of the .ae at Boofop., I,ooi-si anit; fire theasand.dollarr, - For Thalialier light station: Reb,ildiug the sea coast light al , Tiinbaleer bay, i.ouisiana, destroyed by'a tornado, fifty thou . Sand - For Trinity Shoals light Station : Cotatnenc- Lig the. -construction of an iron serer; pile light lieitise on or near Trinity shoals, off' the ilta,attst'of LoaiSiana, sixty thousand dollars. Fur Calcasieu light station : Ereetion.of an iron screw pile light house at Calcasieu, coast or Louisiana, tweniy thousand dollars. • For Swash light station ; Re-establishing the - light house at the Swath, Texas ; fifteen • thoasand dollars. For Matagorda light station; Rebuildiu;r ou proper sight the cast iron light house et Matagorda, Texas, twenty thousand dollar,. For Fort Niagara light Station: Rebuilding light house at Fort ,Niagara, Ncw York, sixteen thunsand dollars. Por Buffalo - depot; fleconztrnetion, and im provement Of the light hotme depot Wharf ilcritato, - New York, ten thousand Fati Hacen : Tor creak' of a pier light house cud dwelling for keep.. at Pair Useen, New York, nine thou,and nine hundred dol- Ws. 'Tor Presque Isle light station: Itpuovating :aid improving the Presque Isle light station, Erie, Pennsylvania, two thousand dollars. For Conneant light station": Erection of a 4.lTvelling . kr the keeper of the Conneaut light house. Ohio, rout, thousand dollars. For Ashtatula light station : Erection of a dwelling for the keeper of the :15 1 italitil ,, high' liduse: Ohio, four thousaud.dollan, For rcbuiidiug light houae at Cleve Cid°, Artj thousand troll.;. For grand River, Ohio, light st!ttion : Coln . pieting the tower and nonstrnqing a dwelling for the keeper at Grand . river, (File l'ort,) hio, ten' thpuVarid dollars ' yor pier - head beacon lights . oit the lakes c Making such pier heads belonging to the United States nn the northern and northwestern lakes as may require lights; erect:on tic it I.e con light and fog eigual on the end id the pier iit rand lf.en, Uranil ricer, Michigan, twenty-nine thou:4.l,i della,. For Vernulli.n I,llt Station.,i,..Erection of a dwelling for the keeper lA . VenniWon I.glitf hou6e, Ohio, four thou :a:ld .1"11mrs. For II ttroa I 441:t r•tat;on : Erettion or a for the er et Huron hon. r, OWL foarAitont , ancr doHarv. lor Slanwre llght : lilrket:oLt-toi :Ntdavelling for "1 the ..nzertallga-I.4l4g;Ohicioliree;, . • - FM . CJII /It I 1,114 : !Mho; Ilia c,,u ztrnet.on of the tut, I _::i iaira amt ritopaih• Ifie ileir •:1:1111:0 nt &11. t. 14. g. M OW. ilurly-three thou , Spectatrie R Cr stitt:tm: Comph,olg the I: St 11.1 e AV,htS 9:3 :"I,Z, reel, ta on • him ;110 sAiPen tl.ou-an • For log 6.goald ot. tim 141, - e.; ttg fog s:Pt.s. the C.llow:eg I...isas on Lie or ttttt o's tVi.iteli, point i;cloor, 1 t go-biore, .:1/14 1.;11111,i.P t./g. b111;at Pre•que Isle, Itiffilton-i-batld 11.1111. on theinkeln,lif -reit 111,,tt...ivi ion , : Completing the re eoll.ellallon of 111 P SOW, le.ho t••,St • itl,,t‘ t, the I , :tlanc. of the tormer :.ppropriation, I wetity thOussini For South haven beacon: Eree o a beacon light . South Haven. 1l ich iga six ti,011,a11.1 lollar4 For Calumet light sloth.: Ilmettabliehing the light et Calumet. lilinols.and erecting ti dwelling for the keeper, ten thoneand 1:61. Chivago light station Removing the main light frßin Chimgo pier to Grusee point, as a lake coast light, and Air putting a bearen ranga on the pier, thirty-Rye thewand dollars. Fer Pox River range lights: Election of two eniitll lights at the mouth of Fox river, Green bay, to serve as a range I. a the channel, eleven thousand dollars. For Unroll Island light nation: klutting a road from the lauding to light-houve on flawed island, Lake Superior, two thonsadd or Portage nuige lights: Protecting the eite and filling in the marsh :it Portage range light station, Lake Enpe rior, nine hundred antlers. For Eagle River light station: Itelittilding,upon n prop er site thelight hotmd at Eagle river, Lake Superior, four teen thousand dollars. For erection of heacon light and dwelling for the keep er on Lake Superior, at the terminus of the Northern ra dii, niilroad, Minnesota, ten thousand dollars. For Cape Fon!weather light station : Erection of a Sod den sea most light at or noir Cape Foulweal her, Oregon, ninety tionmand For Fauntleroy Rock beacon: Erection of a day beacon, Fauntleroy rack, Orescent Ciry harbor, California, flue thousand dollars. For Point Bonita light station: Establishment of a &st elass steam fog signal at Point Bonita light station, en trance to San Francisco harbor, California, ten thousand dollar'. For Sian Pablo Straits light station: Erection of a light house and fog signal to goide through the straits of San Pahlo,California, twenty thousand dollars. • For Pige.n Point light nation : Continuing and corn _pktiug_the_ tight 1,,000 gaud fug shatal work.. Piguou point,. a coast of California, ninety thousand dollars. For Point Conception light station Establishment of a first-clan stoma fog &goal at Point Coneoptiou light sta tion, on the FM COWL of California, six t.ousand dollars. For Point Arena light-station: E-tiablisliment of a first class steam fog signal at Point Arena light station, Cali fornia, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For C'npo }lnnis light station! Establishment of a lint class steam fag singal at Cape Ilattery tight station, en trance to Puget hound, Washington Territory, ton thou sand dollars. Fora life saving elation on NatTagsnsett beach, Rhode Island, under ace approred July twenty, eighteen hun dred and sixty-eight, and March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, seven thousand dollars. FIRST, SECOND, AND TIIIRD DISTRICTS. For light house and buoy tandem: Stearn teurter for the first and .4:owl light lipase districts, (Maine and Alassa cliusetta,) lily thuamnd dullard,. . For waive; ieieler for the third light house distrkt, fifty thouraud dollars. That whenever it shall be shown to the satisfac tion of the Secretary of the Treasury that, parties are en fitiel to refund of dotes muter. the twenty-sixth section ,r tile act of July thurtaen, eighteen hundred and seventy, and joist resolution approved January thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, it shall be the duty of the Secre tary of theTreirsury to draw his warrant upon the Treas— urer, directing said Treasurer to refund the stuns out of imy zuoney in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. ti.se. 5. That there be appropriated; out of any money is the treasury nut otherwise appropriated the sent of seventeen thousand five hundred dollars the the salary of 111/ envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary and twenty-live hundred dollars for the salary of a secretary, and eighteen hundred dollars for that of an assistant sec retary of legation to the German Empire. SEC. G. hat the approprindon made March three, eigh teen latudeeil and sixty-nine, having been covered into the treasury, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is here by, authorized writ directed to cause s tn be constructed, iron the site already gives to and owned by the United States, a suitable building,, fire proof, at Columbia, South Carolina, fur the accommoihition of the post otlice and United States circuit and district courts ; and for this pur pose there is hereby appropriated, out of any money is the t ream ry, not et I ierw is appropriated. seventy-five thousand &Oars. to i.e expended under the dir el au of the Secre tary of the Treasury, who shall cause proper plans and e dimities to h- made, so that no expenditure shall ho made mitlwriwol for the Mt: completion of said building be- yowl thenlilollUt het°. appnipriateil; Provided, That no 1 money hereby sipriipricleil math be used or applied for the purposes meat °net until it shall appear Illat the State has duly veleaseil and felingoislied to the United States 1 the right to tax or in any nay asse. the site. or the pro perty of the United States that ality he thereon, daring the this that. the United Slates shall be or remain the owner thsrefff. Sri.. 7. Vint nil fines, penalties and forfeiture., hereto fore or that may be Inveatter incurred, the acts entitled re peciirely. `‘An act to extend the laws of the United Sates relating 10 tit:dome, .nit diem, and navigation over the to; rdery ceded to the United States by Ittlidia, to Colleerbei a;,. riet thivein, and ho other pnr poses," epproveil July twenty-seven, ichteen hundred and i4xtr-eigtit. and *An act to prevent the extermittatMo of fur-hearing tininials in Attoika,' . approve,' .luly one, eigh teen hundred and seventy. shall be di,posed of according to tie- provisions of the act erviUell ',in act to regulate the dixposition of the proceeds of fines, penalties, and for fe!tures Mcurreil under the lays relating to the customs, and for other purposes," approved March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. for. 8. That the Secretary of thp Interior be, and he berehy is, authorized to increase the compensation of A si4ant marstisle in taking the census of eighteen hundred and eeventy, whenever, in his judgment, the same ehall be necessary Provided, That in no onto such increase ex ceed fifty per centilln of the Amount of entopenentiun now allowed by low, nor shall the entire ennipenSation be more than eight dollars per day for the time actually employed; and lion Joint resolution entitled "A resolution in rub tion to the Viampeneation of a...ievant Marelinle for taking the census of eighteen hundred and Fertility," approved dune ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy, Ire, and the mane is hereby, repealed. . - . . . See'. o. That. the President of the United States be, and .110 is hereby, authorized to prescribe such roles and regu lations for the admission of persons into the civil service of the United States en IV ia best promote the efficiency there of, and ascertain the Mal,. of each candidate in respect .to age lmilth, character, knowledge, and ability for the branch of service into which he seeks to enter ; and tin this pth•pcse the President is authorized to employ suitable persons to conduct said inquiries, to prescribe their ditties, and to o,tablisli regulstiens for the conduct of persons who may i'efZeiTe appointments in the civil service. Approved, March 3, lei 1. The Huntingdon Journal, J. R. DURBORP.OW ---------- - HUNTING DON, PINN'A Wednesday Morning, June 14, 1871. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR Althrioß. CENERAL : COL. DAVID STA NTON, of Beaver. roit SURVEY“It ‘ - ;ENERAL : COL. ROBERT B. REATH, of Schuylkill The Democrats want votes, end - consequently they accept the situation, but wlicn th. , y approncli..:Sambo be stys "de. lion. A. K. McClure, of Philadel phla, will deliver the l oration before the Literary Secivties Of Lafityate College on' Tue.,:lay, the _'oth inst. L'.". The Democrat,: are predicting the dissolution of the Repubiican party. This is an oft-t,ll tale. luetcad of pieces we are going to hSYC PEACE. 1 . 1, Two bruisers, named Edwards and G , liins, were sent t , ) the pnitentiary, in .N.:w 'fork, for undertaking a prize tight. The 7.;ewrerk- Peines,447 is terribly out rapid. The Local Optim Bill the Senate because the•Dantoeratie majori ty tr.te in the tatereA el' the Whisky Riug. Whisky iind Deninerney are inseparable! Sheridm is about to ba ap pointed to the command of the States in the Tina Kh11: are operating. We gut-..ra th::t coon might es well come down. a 4,„.; 'lle New York Her , ild says .“,tike phttrurins the Keyi , t , %no and Buckeye State Datip)ertley are the key-nGtez of De up,eratie v:eoary."—Patr:ot. The Wills-key -notes. rThe pcople of ,Pennsylvon:a will vote, tilia 141], for or against a Constitu tiounl r,f):o people will. of course, votofin, and the taouop.aint*, cqe ulators Dotnot:rijtic: againe ate Conventioa. SCHIC kir "White Man's Party' . owns: finding their Gumption, like Othelht'i, Lione, shed many. hitter tears ,:tier the ~ N ew Depttrtare ihts! how bare. it nwst Etc tti hiSe their eitOro stoek in-tr4le at one 15-3.. Russell Erretr, Eq.. (a . Pittsburg,_ has been selected as the Cha.irruan.of the Stattl Ccutral o , ,mulittee cf this to,:pulitpacat a fir as We are able to ler.rt; ye ; at `-1 faelian. tos,„ The Democrats arc alreVy casting askant glances at Chief Justice Chase with a view of making him their candidate for the Presidency since their lam departure. illy :a _Detuodrat Con iven• ion was ihing to manage than : the Mace-G•burn affa i r, but 131::{ was equal to ii •th. Billy is ahways eady to t,k,! a hand iu rowdy gather:l-t.ts. The .flon.tor intends putting up its e:;t:rc negraph. bia et. ek-in-trade At pubic auctiAt. an Evric's pnalueti,ns can be . porch. f-r A lucre The "Neiv Departhr uhtd, the. va!ileieis. Go- lag! gong! cio:NE! rel,, A great battle between the' frogs and toadsis going on in the Democratic party. The frogs want the toads to "de •part" and they, insist upon drowning the latter if they do not. Such croaking was never before.heard. t%.,. The Democrats, to secure the votes of the negroes, have east off their fernier effete doctrines and endeavored to steal all the Republican thunder, but it won't pay. They-may hide themselves under the lion's skin as much as they please, but the tell tale long ears will appear. ser The Jeffersonian, a Democratic pa per published at West Chester, is very much outraged at the "New Departure." The Patriot thereupon reads it rather a testy lecture, expltnatory of the necessities of the ter:Vied. -We pity them. If they keep on at this r.:te they will soon make the wool fly ! Depart ye! E l so_ The- several Democratic conven tions, which have already assembled, have resolved that they are in favor of strict economy and so on, but when they have an opportunity of giving practical illustra tion of their honesty in this respect, as in the Senate of this State and in New York city, they fail to carry out their resolves. By their works shall ye know them. tle,„ Some of the Democratic papers are terribly worried at Jelf. Davis for blubber ing out his treason in his Atlanta speech. It is all right enough , to hold such senti ments quietly, but it is outrageous, to pro pagate them publicly to-the injury of the L.-emocraey. Ile will have to be muzzled. That fellow, we verily believe, is determin ed to ruin the Democratic party Ziker Jeff. Davis called to see Mr... Hor ace Greely while the latter was on his way back from Texas. It is said that Jeff. was very dignified and reserved, while en the other hand Horace was •bland and child like" and chatted quite freely. Jeff. said nothing about being a Democratic candi date for President. He only desires to be the candidate of those who refuse to de part. r. The world dues move ! • The people of Pennsylvania have been discussing a proposition for . a Constitutional Conven tion for three or four years, and were only waiting until there was no legal barrier in 'the way to call one, but the Democratic Senate of Pennsylvania, 4. highly conser vative body, came-to the conclusion that a vote must be had on the -subject to • ascer tain whether the monopolists, speculators and politicians were ready for it. Truly; the world moves! air The Democracy of Blair nominated the following ticket : For Assembly, Wis. C. Baily, of Hollidaysburg; County Com missioner, Thomas McClain, of Tyrone; Director of the Poor, James M. Bookhatn user, of Houston ; D:sttict Attorney, S. B. L3singer, of Martinsburg; Register and Recorder, John A. Baer, of Altoona ; County Surveyor, Christian Memo', of rrankstown; County Auditor, James T. , Carothers, of Catharine. EDlrox SW-The Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, which we believe has the reputation of being a sound Democratic paper, after quoting comments of the Press and the New York Evening Post ou the 9th res olution of the recent Democratic State Convention, says : "We could fill a column with this sort of ridicule, if we had the room, but the above quotations will serve our pg.' , pose. They show bow worse than unless it is fur the Dem ocratic party to make any verbal declaration on the sub ject of negro suffrage, in so far as public credit of their sincerity is concerned, and how grossly they are losing con, fldence and strength even with Donnie-rats by such sopa, Hoots and mendacious resolutions as that passed at liar risburg, only a fortnight since. We give Mr. Lewis C. Cassidy and his comrades, in that mean, lying, humilia ting, dirty business, the discredit of having passed a reso lution which will, in other States at least, prey a doe him-edged sword. It will cut two ways. It will nut only disgust and drive off many Democrats, but prevent thou sands of honest and independent Conservatives from vo ting with a party that has forged is lio to win un election." Correspondenea of the Journal. Menu°ND, Ye., June 10, 1871 MR. EDITOR affords me pleasure, after a residence of more than two months in the Capital of the ex-Confederacy, to furnish your readers the result of a few observations. In common with Northern people, we, at first, felt considerable anx iety to go round and look at the city. Ma ny plaCes of intereit Attracted our attention. On approaching Jeff. Davis' raunsipp we discovered it had been reconstructed and converted into a public scho,l building, for the education of the white children in that portion of the city. But, close by, our eye rested on q..large and beautiful edifice, the finest school building in the State, built by Northerm capital, for a colored Normal and High School. The enterprise is a grand succe.s; the ~,chool is in a west - flourishing .condition. Libby Prison is for rent; and Castle Thunder is full of tobacco. The ruins of the Spottswood House still remain, a sad monument of 4 single night's dissipatbn by the boasted chivalry of this city. The cld cliurcb, where the early Congress met, and Is which l'atrick Henry made his far 7: famed Liberty speech; is still standing and: used as a Place of public worship. The Capitol holdings, presenting a somewhat dilapidated appearance, attract very little attention; but suddenly a grand eight strike.* fi f e •jsiori. It is Washington-, Monument with its se rrooncli4g statuary —unsurpassed, doubtless, on this or soy other continent. The Capitol grounds pontain a Magnifieent grove; and until re- . 1 cently the My }tiles }melodious with the sonnet of the'many birds inhabiting ita itt viting slindeti. But one day Undo Phil Green, passing, to iw supposed innocently, thrcugh Capitol Square, .c.nit. A stopa one.of the birds; whereupon the keen eyes I of - one of .tkie DcliCr.Teu, whose duties are - i to keep peace in the sacred enclosure, pounced demanclCol file' pay-1 merit of One dollar....As the immortal dol- lar was handed over, Uncle Phil bre.alted a prayer or revenge and went home and petitioned (leaven "tlett it weld?' give whip to the birds, end that they might, depart to othm regions where. iblks were free to fling melts tit 'cm much: aS flicSe pleased." The birds are all done; and he " 'elars for God" his7eatriustiTfrayer czarSed, their departure. So much for the darker I shall not attempt a desci iption of Bell . Isle, as it lies spread out under the scorch ing rays of al;uuning Stlll. The Tre.le:.:itr, iron Works. in winch :nanuf.e . tiirel c): i CI, re beLb u, now otitr.,:i :H.il-ucipally by Northern capitalists, and arc in a flourish ing condition--constantly employing up wards of three, hundred Richmond is the largest city s , ..uth of Washington; except New Orleans; and is distinguished for the beautyof,its appear ance, the delightfulness of its climate, and the wickedness of its inhabitants. As it was the capital of the Confederacy, so it-is the centre of Southern influence and pre: judiees. Her prejudices against Republican government are deeply seated, and doubt less will only be removed •by the funeral process. During the recent tour through the South of the sixty Northern editors and clergymen, no pains -were spared to impress them with the fact that they had been deceived by the unfavorable reports from loyal people in the South. This overwrought kindness towards Northern visitors would not be regarded a political seheme, if any kindness were shown towards Northern people who live . 'here: But while these latter are totally ostracised, on what ground shall weaccount for public demonstrations of kindness to wards visitors? A. It. MILLER. News Summary. Andrew Johnson is said to ba willing to take the field as a Prcsidental candidate of the Democracy. Mrs. Lineoh. and her son Thad. return ed from Europe in the steamer Thissia, on the tenth. General Sheridan also retur ed in the Russia. A Desmoines, lowa, despatch says the the Democratic papers in that section "threaten to refuse their supports to the Va Ilan d ighain platform." James A. Leuan, Big., has been appoint ed President Judge of the Tenth Judicial District, composed of Westmoreland, In diana and Armstrong counties, in place of lion. Joseph Buffington, resigned. • The wealth of the oil regions of Penn sylvania can be easily appreftiated when statistics carefully compiled develop the fact-that the average monthly production is some where in the neighborhood of half a million barrels, each worth over three dollars in each. Ada/if Guyer, a resident of Morrison's Cove, Bedford county, committed' suicide last week by cutting his throat with a pocket knife.. He was a minister of the Gospel. in what is called the River Bre thren denomination and was aged about 55 yours. He :ewes a wife and family. The new dogma, promulgated by..the late Councile at Rome, is rejected by Dr. Von Pollinger, of Bavaria, and by many other German. Catholics .There is such a strong tendency to Protestantism iu the German States that this rejection is not sur prising. . Father Hyacinthe his written a letter to Dr.llollinger approving his course.. The dogma of Papal infallibility seems to be looked on as the result of Jesuit rule, and is denounced by their opponents.. Ou conclusion of the argument of Mrs. Fair's counsel, on the motion for a new trial Judge I)winnell informed Campbell, counsel for the people, that it was unneces sary fi r him to reply, as an attempt to impeach the juror's had tailed, and he would overrule exceptions taken during the trial. He then briefly alluded to the crime and the prolonged and impartial trial she had, and sentenced Laura Fair t., be hanged on the 28th of July. letter from Jacksouboro, Texas,says: On the 18th of May, a band of about 100 Indians attacked Warner's train,-20 miles from that place, killing seven men belong ing to the train and wounding one. • Gen. Sherman, was at Fort Richardson at the time, ordered four companies of cavalry in pursuit, with instructions to drive the In dians into Fort Sill, saying. if he found they were Fort Sill Indians, he would stop Indian trade in that quarter. In reference - to the difficulty - of selecting a jury in the case of Foster, indicted in• New York for the murder of Mr Putnam, the Philadelphia Tay sap: The twelfth juror in this case has been found at last, and. exhibited remarkable qualifications. He could neither read nor write, and earn-' estly affirmed that he didn't "know noth ing whatsoever about anything." All par ties were satisfied, and the twelfth man took his seat in the jury box. In hisspeoch at New Orleans, Mr. Gree ley is reported tai have said : "There would not be a Ku-Klux in the land now if there bad been getter.' amnesty five years ago.. it would have united the people and healed the wounds produced during the , war." A short time ago, when General Sherman made a speech in .IN'ew Orleans, in which he was reported to have said that the Ku-Klux bill was unneessary, the 7rl6 urie called him an unsafe politician. Will it rebuke Mr. Greely -for nut supporting the the policy of the party. The brutal murder of the Archbishop of Paris brings to mind that thu office lass been a most unlucky and unfortunate one: In 1848 Archbishop Allie was ki:led at a barricade, where ho was endeavoring to mitigate Settle of the horrors of the rev olntionary strife. His successor, Mgr. Si beiir, woe a s sassinated in 1857, by an in sane priest, .whilst celebrating nuts's. The next in order, Cardinal Moriot, is wild to have spent both his private fortune and his off : ial income on the restoration of Notre. Dame and similar works. He died in 1863, and was succeeded by Bishop l)arboy of Nantes, whose sad fi:te has just been announced. - Parliaggo. the 6th test., et, the ree:- deuce of the Itkitle's father, by 1,. P. Steeket. Mr. W. if • of )tetto‘O, to ITi, iota titie Port, of 011,1>ISON—Elt WlN.—Ott the 7:1;11,Ft., Pas. S. A. (.'reveling• Mr. Theme A. Orlti,on, ,t 00,i -:tont:I:, litttatittgolun county, to Mietrt AertOolla Brwin,, , of county. WAIIKEL.—Pn the Otli inAt., Mary A.; onlyekild of George.T.mml linttin Warfel, aged JO months aml 7 days. Oh Tl've out our darling ,Minnin E . orlv hi * oh. Just Wiiife vartiii:l"dt,;:,;ed tun 1,e.: Flowers ieldiug FWC , It !f , Vell one, clod has coiled the, !i•N'llt And even in nits 4. ,, h4tir4;, • 1:7,,,0 How we low to Hilo. Too rode the earth for paid; a LiOFSOIII. Only kilt, thou wert not given; " • Yet we fondly hope to meet thee Minnie; yes, we'll meet in Heaven. HUNTINGDON MARKETS, Re portc.l in. the JOURNAL by it2,l i•y• 4: Co. I rENTINI:DON, PA., June 13, IS7I. Whole... Retttil. Berm S - ' lO . <: , S Arr (.I.,Fiilt, 0. ii. .1,1, ~.. ........ . .............. : 4-- 2i .f:, !IS - .• :11.trie,., rte. 21 1 2340 • -1(.,., ch ,, ce ~ .. ~. .- 21422 flku2o . A ....0,....„,..„.... A". _- ••, 17,„._ _• _. •••••••-• O. U. i , ava, roasted 33 4, Ilaricobii, 44 2.8 4 4 Rio, choice, 44 “ Rio, good, " Erna FLoes, white wheat S (II 4 red wheat- ....... . -....._.,.... . 7 , 13 to 740 WHEAT, while, per 144, ... „I 1 40 ..red, " - lly.: S• 1 .i.‘se.,s, Port Rico " New Orleans . SI-, A n, loaf. • • powdered l., 111 `• granulated .‘ A 1 , ,,, i1•5f,T1.1.5 " extrakC. , .!.? 2 7 the for IK, " yellow C I troW ti l2 7 11, lo.• 75 T.,, Young Ily.on ‘• GIII,VOWde, floe '••,(•,.So 1,0 " Gunpowder, funs.[ 1 15(0.1 50 170 " Imprial, fine 65/g oU 1 (AL " Imperinl.lllrest • 1 000 179 I -It, Salem, fine - 76.61 00 IIU " Jeleut, finest 1 .4,1 25 140 Oolong, lion 60,e70 70 " Oolong, finest A::( 4 ,I 2.5 1 .50 " Sonchoog, fine 6.1'5,0 20) " Soncliong; English Prenklio•t ...., I 001,0 59 140 Srnri.,silver drip 1 00 1 2o • 'Crystal 1 75 1 50 slieluonit drips O5 1 11) .. P.. g01k.1.1 ` l•ee - 111ve 7" • • 75 Lest linking 55 . Hams; layers" 50 25 " valenela lO IS " mats Pnrxee • 13 15 CURRANTS IT 15 • Rico 19 " 12 STARCH 8 1,410 SOAP • PA 10 SAL , ODA... 4% 5 Balms, two Loops, 22 " three hoops • 25 TEANETS, roosted, per 1,4.1 3 59 per qt. 20 ESSENCE COFFEE, per gross 425 per boo 5 Cliss-s, Goshen l7 20 CANNED PEACHES, 31L mus 4 59 • 40 " 2 115 cans 3 St 119 " TouAtorF, 3it eans 21't ...1114 2 o • 10 " Eon PLus,2lT• cona . 4 59 40 " GALEN GAULS, " " Run Cuenum " " WOITE CrIENIIII, 4 51.1 40 " Wt,tkow's Conti 3 50 • .73 LIMA BEANS, 2 01C:11184 0;, " GREEN PEAS, 2Lb cans 3 75 MINCE MEATIO rotatoeA SI 00 t, a 1,„ PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. :Time 12.1571. FLOUR, Extra family .$7 Mt Superfine 5 50_ friary brands R Ou " Rye 5 Oil CORN MEAL 4 00 IIEAT, white, per bu-hel lO3 ..red, " Coax Bll RTZ.. 1 eo OAT 9 New Advertisements. "fiI . XECUTOIIS' NOTICE. . . [Eskree - of-Jacob Hawn, deed.]] Notiee is hereby given 'that letters testamentary on the estate of Jacob Hawn, late of Juniata. town ship, Huntingdon county, dee'd., have been grant ed by the Register of said county, to the ruhieri bers, and all persons in.lebted to salt( de,asrl ore required to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against said estate will presentthern fo tho undersigned, residing in Walk,. township, in said county. HENRY HAWN, ALBERT HAWN, June 14, Til 1. [Executors. ADMLNISTRATORS' NOTICE.. [Estate of .S earl Thompson, dec'd.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the cs:ate of Samuel Thomp son, late of Franklin township, dee'd.. all 'persons knowirg themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and thoselinviugclaims to present them duly authenticated .for settlement. NANCY THOMPSON, JOHN Q. AbAMS, June 14, 1571. [Admrs. S, IeCABTIIY, I ti. B. 31 . CARTIII",. I J. A. roLLocK. FRANKLIN MANUFAQTUR rscr COMPANY. [Lead, Huntingdon Manufacturing Company.] Manufmtur,s Flooring, Siding, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Bleu ls, Moulding, Scroll Work, Counters, Shelving. Wood Turnings. 1(01m, Spokes, 'Bent Work, Forks, Rakes, .11;coms, Pick, and Hammer Randles, Furniture, Se.. Our Machinery being of the very best quality and giving oar entire atten tion to the business we are able to manufacture all of the aboved named articles, us well as , many others, in the best style and always promptly. All orders addressed to the FRANKLIN MANUFACTURING , COMPANY, Huntingdon, Pa., will recel, our inme , e attention. Price farni,hed. • June 7. 1,7 I. THE FA:I,I%IEIIS- FAVOMTE. , . 4 • _. • •- -: ... , ,__ .. _ ... 41 , .. A,l A • f,i : 4lll ( .„.Ig4 ' ,-,rst-mx;i 7 WI 4ksi' 1p if, at I , ll,lrip, ) . 1, 1 iv, The most peri'ect Drain Drill in the world. Will sow all hinds of grain and seeds from the coarsest to the finest, with accuracy, without eloging, skip ping or breakage of seed. Works equally well up and down, or side hill, a strictly first-Aare Drill, warranted to give entire satisfaction, nminufactur -oin the most approved manner by Bickford Huffman, Macedon, N. T. If you have the slightest notion of purchasing a Grain Drill, please /send us your address , it will pay you well to dO Bu.' • Prices reasonable. Tenns accommodating,. Address, . P. L. SWINE. • Shirleysburg, Pa. Agent Cur If untinglon, Fulton and Franklin counties. June 7. 1571. 3m A n NI STRATOR'S NOTICE. ()Testae fJane Fitage ralel, dec'd.] • . . . . . Letters or wfministrtition haring been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Jane Fitzger aids, late of'Jackson township, deed., all persons knowing themselyes indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those hosing claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. " JAMES W. MAGILL, [Adta'r, .Inne 7, IS7I. A D3IINISTRATOIVS NOTICE. - [Estate of Stint.' Booher, deceased.] Letters of Administration having been granted to -thg undersigned on the mante of.. Samuel IPmher,, late of tipringlield township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment; •nnd thetas haring claims to preaent them duly 'authenticated for -settlement. BENEDICT STEVENS, Aaminibtrator. June 7, 1571.. • 'Q.HEM:IT'S SALE. By virtu: of a writ of Ft. Fa. to me directed I will expose to politic sate, at the Court Moose, in Huntingdon, on Friday, the 4th day: of August 1871, at one o'clock, p. m., the. following described .real estate, to wit • All that certain tract of titnber bind, citrate in Black Log Valley, Shirley township, lluntingdon ,county, and bounded as l'ol:ows : On the north by lands of William Morgee, on the east by latslN , of John Leflbrd, 5e.,.0r.. - th.: south by lends of Hamm li. Campbell and Joke Morgan, and uta . the west. by lauds of James Morgan, containing 311 norm, more or less, 5.0 acres of which mse cleared end tl:e balance well timbered, principally with White , Oak, and baring thereon erected a pl-ank chrdlling , house, with Baseman, and Summer Kitchen,Frame • Stable, an. w Water Power Saw Mid wlth two Cirealrr Saws, one Power Crosscut and one Sash there is connected with the Mitt a Stave Cutter, tees Steam Chests and Steam Buller with Fore, Pump. Xll of tit, 3ev :1e teats are new, haring been made • within - Sae past three years. Biaele Log Creek runs %rough. the- prop erty affording an ample sapply .of .water. Tiles property is situated on the tuomship rued altumd. eight miles from Mt. Union. Seiznal,taken in execution. and to Fe edit as the property of D.W. I itmer, jaeob Sueath, I.eyi . , Myers with noiic, to iteorge .1. Smith tar ee tenant. It. H. P. NE . KLY, June 7. hilt. - Slteritf. . . T TNITED STAT ES INTERNAL REV k., EN DISTRICT OF ' PENNSI . LVANIA, Murd.rx hiaio a-S -ees:meat for the above-narned lilrisiou of .all pet•—. eons liable tk it. 41 , :, telt i.neoute,,and shin of all per- , sons refinirta to pay a speeiat tat 7 O4 lirewero, Wholesale oust Ilettiers, 31anardc torero and dealerodif 1:11.1 Cigars,' haring been completed, notice is-hereby glvtn ditad titsi taxes aforesaid have h'.:conte due and payalJe . , and will be received at the following places' and time; to wit: At Mike of Assessor, in Lewi,town. 'fitters cloy: g44,yrde:sy . , 27.4 an.t . iluie prior tf , Jun, „ PENALTI !..!! !, ~yrrznal to !,.i ! J,ls .111 1, duly mot, .•• . . h,.. ,1,••:, tk `( willbe • addett; •••• : •.; t r t ,s_ pee( to perso, . Persons dow: ' : I illncj opr,ial tar: HI, :. • f toe un • •:,. for NK Deputy Cilii;e:tor X\ II: f )i,frtet:' June 7. 1671-21.. -New Advertisements DIIIN'ESTE_VI . III NOTICE. [1..."1"1e dere'd.] Letter, Of :..,:ministratio72 hasi, m7 ham g,ra urea to the uniurs; . ..;Mq - oM tlratritate Ckerge Copen hict !:• ,ot all person t knowiu, hem,alres itMeWl are requested to maw payment, am-06oee hewing claims to pre, i':( . 1:1 ',113 - natio:4lo,l,d for settitment. K 1 of uoPENHAVEIt. my .31 Mmes. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of JOHN McCRACKE2+; Lettera of administration huvingbeen grantedta the undersigned on the estate of John McCracken, late of Oneida town,hip, deed.. all persons indebted mrseequage. 6 ker.dalokm , i.MlA44ll6,loo4Ol l 4-a.R6I those having claim,. to present theta duly au!lien ti,,,,,,l ror April in, 1971.. LA dm', EXECITTORS NOTICE. • Letters testamentary' having I;cen ' to the undersigned living in the toWnship ofFrarrk. lin, on the estate of Nancy Travis, of .said town. ship. deceased. All persons knowing. thcmselvet indebted to said estate will make immediate pay. ment, and thoSe having claims against the saint .wi:l present them for settlement. • JOIIN L. TRAVIS, GEO. T. TRAVIS,' April 12,'71—St. • Execntors. ILTIN.ECIJOICS NOTICE. - [ t Srdelmon Sbrirp, de.r.,a4cri.l . Letters testamentary on: the estate' oi' So:otnon Sharp, Of -Brady. township, e,ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing .themsetves indebted to his estate, are requested to make itomediatO payment, and haying claims will present them for settlement. SAMUEL SHARP. JOEL KATTEFMAN. Executors. .day 17, 1,471-Gt. ,, E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. [E.stat4 of Samuel 4rankle, dec.:fetid Letters testamentary on the last will of Samuel Sprankle, of Porter' townShip.''deceased. haiing been granted to the undersigned,rtil persons know ing themselves indebted to his estate, are requzited. to make immediate :pa3 - ment, and those having claims to present them for settlement. Alexanaria, May El. 1871—Gt.. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned - AuditCr, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds .arising from Sheriff's Sale of the personal property of Richard G. bloc 'risoti, will attend to the duties of said appoint ment, on Frithiy,the 23rd day of June, A. D., 1.87 l; at one o'clock, p. tn., at his office on Hill street, 'Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested will present their chiims, or be debarred froin coin ing in fora share of suit fund. June 7, 1871-Zt. .. . . 'DP RIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. Having goon into business at this place I propose to sell my private residence at Bedford,. Penusylvenia, at private sale. It is unitevessai•- Tar one to giro a description of it to those who are acquainted with it, and to those who-have not seen it, and who desire to purchase a neat and complete residence I would say go and examine it. The house was entirely overhauled. and renovated but a year or two ago. It is located upon afull lot of ground, 60 feet by 240; on East Pitt street, and the corner of an alicy. leading to the Steara"Mill, whin makes it - one of the most public places in.the town in a business point of view. The lot is under drained hi numerous drains, and is second to none in the place. It has produced all the garden vegetables used by my family for years. In addicion there is a dowef garden and a considerable quantity, of excel:cal: .fruit. There is - a lierpctual insurance upon the house. Addre4s ina-nt liuntingdfm or Bedford ; Po. • J. R. DURBORROW, Rauthig,lou, May 31, 1371. 1E IV STORE, NEW GOODS, an LOW PRIG S. 1T::1; HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA The undersigned respectfully • informs the citi, see s of Han:ingdon and vicinity that he has upen ed a Variety Store at N. :;13 Hill st,eet, where all kinds of goods can be had as cheap as nt any other establishment in tie cisun ty.. .ffis line of DRY-GOODS. GROC ERIE& •, • - - NOTIONS, &C., is complete, and will he at reasonable prime. Ile is agent for. be Wilson :-4:wing B. L. 61.7. KNITTER. . MILLINEny STORE. Mrs. Kati/ A. Si !knitter, has op, ned a faehion ablo Miliim-ry and Dress Making, establishment at /fill stri..-t, and respectfullyasks a share of public patrona:;-... Work will he done in the host style, mil ratio faction-guaranteed.. All kin'„lS of Patterns for sale' cheap: • She to in receipt .uf- ail the htttst styles ant is prepared to exceute all kiwis of woric in her line in a,tylelhat cannot fail to please the most fastidious. Call and exateine. May 17 4 1, 1371. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times. "The best, cheapest, and moat successful Family Paper in the Union." 'HARPER'S WEEKLY SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Notices of Cie Presa. The Donuts NEWSPAP7.II of onr country. Complete in ii!! the departments of an American Family Paper, Harper's Weekly bas earned for itself a right io ita title, "A Journal of Civilization "—New Yin*. I..).ening S/ar. The best publication of its class in America_ and no far ahead of all other weekly journals as not topermtt of any comparison between it an•d any of their number. Its art umns contain the finest collections of reading-matter that are printed. • • a Hz illustrations aro numerous and beautiful, being furnished by the chief artists of the conntry.,Bo!foti Traveler. llarier's Weekly is the best and most interesting trated newspaper. Nor does its value (lepers on its Mar trations shine. Its readitg-itatter is of nigh order of literary merit- varied, instructive, encertaining and no olooptionable.—N. bun. SUBSCRIPTIONS.-IS7I. Ttalms Harrer's Weekly An extra copy of either the Magazine Weekly or Bazar. will be supplied gratis Tor every club of Ave subscriber, at 1-11 00 each, in one.remittauce ; or, six copi- , for t 0 without extra copy._ _ Subsoriptions CO/lama's Alfigasine, Weekly and Bazar, to one address for one year, sla u 0; or, two cf Harper's Perioliels, to one address for otie year S 7 00. Rack Nu;Merit can be supplied at any time The Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for .$7 00 ouch. A complete set, comprising fourteen volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of 05 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Volume XIV, ready January Ist, 1171. The postage on //arper's Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's Post office. Mayl7 Address 13110T11ERS, New York AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The excelcier Reaper and Mower, manufac tured by 11. J. F. Seibering k Co., Akron, Ohio, is 'no. experiment but a tried reality. Having been • before the farmer's for eleven years. cnd Mcin of theta now being in use, specks well Cro the ma chine. t took the first primittaa at tie trial of machines at the Agricultural tiollege, Centre Co. 'Pa., - July '27th and 2Stb; 1570. ' The Kirby, Champion; Keystone, World, Dodge self. Rake, Obiollamster, Hubbard andthe Excel sior were represented.. lite: Excelsior took, . the 'first premium as . 1.11:, hest dropp, and as the Lest 111.1th:ems account of simplicity of constructitib, lightness of. draft,.and other important features in the machine. fits undersigned is prepared to till orders for the - Shove inanbines at. short notice. Send in your orders early'on our supply wfll riot . meet the increasing demand. I can supply farmers wanting lirq ...ftirks, with the best Fork in the market (Mel Altus). Orders by mail for Ober or the shove articles viii receive prompt atention. Orders for machines leO at Wharton A •Magetires hardware steer will reeoive prompt attention Pamphlet awl price list sent free by addres , ing W. M0nt.,4,.11.ry. Nen'', Iluntisgdon County I's. may . 24.. . . . _ - TATURE'S Ii it RESTORATIVE Contains no Lae Sulphur—No Sugar of Lead —No Lithare,e—NO Nitrate or Silver, and is en tirely free from the Poisauous and Ilealth-destroy in; brugs used in other Hair Preparations,, Tiabsnareut end clear as errnial, it Nen! not soil the li neat fabric—Fa:n.4 SAFE, CLEW and EFFICIENT,-- desideratums LONE SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAM • insteres and prevents the Ilair (reps beer...wing Graz, impiuta a soft, glossy appearance, removes Dandruff', w eooF.and refreshing to the head. Checks the Flair renal falling off, and restores it to a great extent when promo- surely lest. prevents heatkielies, cares all hamar, cutane ous eruptions, and unnatural Lent. Asa Lkrestin9 for (he flair ii is the best article in the market. DR. (I. SMlTll,Vatentee, Mips. Prepared only by PROCTOR BRPTIIERS, Glonceeter, Masa. The genu tr, is put up in a pipet bottle, madoexpressly for it, with the name or Mee natleb, blown In the Oa.. .4,1, put Druc,Eist for Nyrtian's Main I;tsTenaTrya, and - ditto no other. Seel two three coot stamp; to'Proetorßrotheet for' “Traltise on the Human nor." The information. It cer,tlinF , is Worth f 500,00 to Rey pereon. itny.lo'7l-yr. Fee ,ate trc JOttS ttEAD, Ilutstingeett. • • I;arber aftlY - 08.1rfre,..el. i / 11 :the rrnelilin !louse. All T„,tlc, I:umaiics „,:.1 for sale. (ap19,716m ..1% .1. t )ItI.3IS()N, Atioruey,at-Law, -a-t• Office. :S2l IF!l street. lluntingdon. Pt. F RESH ARRIVAL OF -, • " BOOTS AND SHOES, AT SIISFFER'S NEW STORE. -- ‘ 7 9140'10 THAN TUE CHEAPEST. E 4 Ire er would , 'etfull inform his ol• As- eustomer4limt Le Y has 'nn re n Ise. roni m - East a large and well selected stook ) of which he is prepared to sell a trifle lower than any crestabllshinent in_ r" towo„„Being a practical, haviu ,, had considerable cape ince, he liatters himself that his etock cannot be serpassea in the county. 'tiler him a call; at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE; Custonvar,,work made to order, in a neat and duraLle manner. Jan. 4, '7l , ROBERT U. JACOB. IN THIS BEST QUALITY OF A NTIIRA CITE & BROAD TOP COAL, STOVE ; BLACKSMITHING, STEAM GENERA TLNG PURPOSES. HENRY G. NEFF. SAMUEL SPRANKLE, txecutor, All sizes and kinds kept constantly on hand, and all orders filled promptly at the lowest market rates. Orders received either at the office near Broad Top Corner, room, formerly occupied by the Union Bank, or by A. B. Flood. Maki f. LITKE REILLY. lIANUFACTIMER OF AND DEALER IN tREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERY, H. C. MADDEN, Auditor. (UIOCERIES, SYRUPS, &c., &c., &c., Bakery on Hoare, street, and Store at the Corner of Fourth and Allegheny. - Dealers will be supplied at prices as low us can be had from Philadelphia. fark.26,'7l. GLAZIER /c, BRO. DEALERS IN GENERAL :MERCHANDISE, DRYOOODS, NOTIONS, . BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, SMITH Street. between Wa.Abington and Mira GROCERIES, rnovistOxs, . • QUEENSWARE, WASHINGTON Street, near Smith. Jan. 18, '7l. IN HIS, NEW BUILDING CALL ANDEXAMINE. IF YOU WANT GREAT BARGAINS GO TO - SMITH'S NEW STORE. The best Sugar and Nolasses, Coffee, and Tea Chocolate, Flour, Fish, Salt and Vinegar, Confec tionaries, Fruits. Cigars, Tobacco, and spit:es of the hest, and all kinds, and every otherartiele usu ally found in a Grocery Store. Also—Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Var nishes, 'Oils Sid, Turpentine, Fluid, Alcholtol. Glass,•Putty, &c.,.,Le. The best Wine and Bran 'dy for tnedic4l purposes,. and all the Lust Patent Medicines. and a va.riety of.articles too numerous to mention. The public generally will please caii and cm:tw ine cor themselves, and learn my prices. • Jan. 4,'11. . . WILLIAM L STEEL, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, Has removed to his New Rooms, on Main strew three doors east of the "Washington House," wher he has ample room and facilities, and is now prel pared to accommodate his old customers, and al. others . who may desire anything in his line of trade Plain and Fancy Buggy Harness, Carriage, Tug, and lankee Farness. Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Blankets. alwa . ye on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. Also, a good assortment of Horse Blankets and Sleigh Bell, Haring had twenty-fire years practical experience in the business; he flatters himself that he can ren der entire satisfait ion to all who may patron..., lad establishment. Work warranted and Repairing ncaily dune. Huntingdon, Oct. 19, 1870. MO THE WORKING CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Easiness new, light and profitable. Perstms of either sex easily earn from 50c. to S 5 per evening, and a propor tional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That aii-that see this notieo may send their address, and test the business, we make this un paralleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied, TO will send $1 to pat' for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The l'e.,ple's Literary Companion—one of thii largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E.' C. ALLEN A CO„ Augusta, Maine. April . l2, 11-31un. W.M. WILLIAMS , - NUFACTURER or MARBLE MANTLES, 'MONUMENTS. HUNTINGDON, PA PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, ALSO SLATE MANTLES FUENSIIED Ti' ORDER. Jan. 4, '7l. SUCHANAN. P.ALLISON. J.ll. PCCILINAN B UCHANA N , .4111 SON" k; CO„ No. 509 hare reeeived tiwir Spring Stock, and among it will be found every - thing necessary • for housekeeping. Twit as COOK STOVES, iv endless variety, WOOD - AND WILLOW WARE, TIN AND JAPANED 3111 i a thousatml other thing., both useful slot mei. Itmental. . RDDFIAt!• AND OFQVTINp, .4 au hinds of .T9l,l,inz dopt promptly. Two Inuit BRASS NUMBERS', • foe• put up for' aerc.nt-flyc ;:cutt, 1110 - T:t Sexle,s for titan, Mouse:an:ors watt taboo isi:ll Ruin motley by calling at:369 JIM Ftrect. "la; - c:i 22. TO $lO 1 El. DAY.—Men Joey, R0y,5,04 Gi.l; whq crfsrt.c,e !•tr• 4 t , itteFn titttli!• 44l 4 ittt per day ta•thair partietziar# and instructions lent by Mail. Thosoln need of permanent, profitable wort:, should address at once, GEORGE STINSON• 1 CO., Portland, 31,tine. Laprl2;7l,3uto. - 112 Lt) DE I) FOWLS.—The uncle ~gt}- cd Is prep, ed T 41.11141 the eggs or yhtte erslnnn, Mac& Spanish, Buff Cochin, and' part Game' Chickens. The eggs will be guaranteed. • Orders kit at Ready Drag :17•Iwe will reccie prompt st Huntingdon, Pa. March 22-3 mos. [May3l:7l Miscellaneous.. - BOOTS AND SHOES For Alen, Women and Childeen, (fleet end of Mir Diamond) HUNTINGDON, PA. GEO. SHAFFER. Wholesale and retail dealer for all LIMEBURNING, AND ID,ALER IY UUNTINGDON, PA k S. SMITH. ILEADSTONES, &C. MOULDINGS. &C Groceries, Notions, &c. B E II I V F.!! B E H 1 V L P!: 0 SALES AN I) THE MOTTO of TIM E E II I V E 11. 0 C 1: ;t nap St.. year-Me Brood s' Jr ••• HUN TING DO.N, .1' 1 7 , NS 'a. N. B. C Ult .II I N Bus just returned from the Part with a large s. varied assortment of arti3Oes usullly.foued io Erst-class Grocery, cl,nsisting in I,art of SUUARS, • TEA, • COFFE CRACKERS, FRUITS, TOBACCO SEGARS, and everythin, else to be found in an eatablit nt..n of tb/S kind. SPICES of ail kinds, pure and fresh, such as Ciour.mun, Aluetard PfPF.nk Ginger, Mil; all ol:er articles usually kept in n first-eh BAK E Y I , lcontin,e to carry on my Bakery, and at all tithes prci.ared to ; supply _MEAD, CAKES AND VIES, easnnable prices. The following Fancy Cal rays on band or baked to order: Pound Cake, Fruit Marian •' Parties stipplietl• with confections nt short 'notiei all kinds of cakes a 0 and rra,onnblc tutee for brand. alniays on bin [ho eboapeot. Family dour. of suporic and for rale us otitsip as tl CANDY NANUFACTORY In connection- with my other business I ht commenced the manufacture of Candies, and prepared to supply country dealers with It FANCY and COMMON at as low rates as tt can be purchased outside of the Eastern Citi If you want to save money, Make your porullu at this establishment. TOYS!! TOTS!: TO T This dcpartreent is r -nt etc and muter. everything in the Toy line fro a lumping .1, to an Elephant. I eon sel To e—er.per than a other bonne in the county. Ind all I a.l: in a vi from tit, public to substan iste the asrei tion. Thankful to the public for the .cry iit.oe i p ronage exterde , l to Inc in tho I will ca lay best efforts to merit its cont:nui.nre. flutilingdon. Jan. 4. I Fri .RAFI3I'S CONFECTIONEEY AND GROCERY STORI (One done wee! of Josiah Cumanyhernee,) Is • now stocked with a choice assortment of kinds of goods wag found in a store of this kind, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA,. PEPPER, SALT, d together with an oldies. variety of CANDIE.y, TO YS. JEW ELRY, NOTIONS, all of which will be sold As cheap As at any otl store in Huntingdon. A Anglin, brand of Tobacco and Segars always hind. Pure Cider Vinegar ea band at all times. I respectfully ask a share of pulfiiC patrons; feeling confident that my 'prices will be sada'. tory. K. 1111031. Jun. 4, NEW GOODS FOR SPItING AND K 261311: at the new cheap store of CONOVER & DECKER, No. 63:, Hill street. Our stoek ecniists in part of Dry Goods, Gr eeries, Notions, Bats and Caps, Boots and Skin Icouil, Willow, and Qlieensware. Baepn, Flot Feed, Glass, Nails, and also a full line of 11E.‘DY-11A Dr. er.o-rniN6. Our prices are as low as 11, lowest, sad we r sp,ettully ask a liberal share of pubila patroaat pr2Gl r. G RAND DEPOT FOR N 1 W G.O 0 1) 6 L. P. ,OVIN INFORMS TIIE PUBLIC THAT H. HAS .1 !.:T OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOOD CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. CALL AND SEE. P. P. GWIN. Jan. 4, '7l. Pianos and Music. IXTY-FIA - F. FIRST PRIZE MET ALS THE GREAT. BALTIMORE PIANO ?-1 AN W I I, LIAM KNAI3E & CO OF SQUARE AND 1.711.1G1V. I• i ANO FORT Ez;, I; 1. TIMGRE, MI) Th..sc In. , t,tavilt., have ilf(ja before the publi tl,ar:y'lT?tttv 3•4.11-1 , ., and hyGirtheir exetaleue 3:011e an atiparenaged rrrn inonee, whit th..u: u.no4v.:dh,d. 'their TONE .ines rent 'tower, .yieetn, ss ard Ere Orgill, weli tts great panty Qt IntopatiesiAi , . SW , th,ou : , 'out ,te tatire EclOr. Theit TOUCH sat•l:iiaut and e!..!..t.ie, and rtntirely free from I.lt Eiffursa found i in so many Pianos. IN WORKMANSHIP they are uttrien:lled, nsing'none Lot the very hit a in:tree:ll large capital employed h "", 4,04.1.1t7,40141#fggit ;.0 liF9r c94tiittlallf at iLairivusie !ztuvk of iuinhcr, .(c., - on hand. 2; ,13 our Sputre Pin.* hat., unr I mpr9l* fite Sehle ulot !be A , erdfre Trf:l•;., Wq Winiq naatbtotetati attr'utiou to our lute vroveyoents tll GrOnd rio.nos :Ina Square (immix, eptcorc4 Millist 11, 1813 7 ialob the ripa i never perfection than, hue yet been attained. FRV 1.1. t No FrIAT WARRANTED FOR rivF, vrAps. We ;lave wade airrangentents for the Sole rile- Cole Ageuey for the most t'elebretect • FA R LOit OR OA N S AND M ELC DZANS, w)aieE ac utter H.holcsale and Detail, of 4 , 01 , •14 Factory Pricer. WILLIAM KNA . DE 4 CQ. .TAMES DELLAIi, Depat, 239 I 281 South 4tb flavat, PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 21, 1878-Bm. CANDI] CIIEES Lady emit; t:itron Sponge "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers