rOL. 46 United States Laws, [Published by Authority.] LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES PASSED AT THE SESHON OF THE FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. [GENERAL NATURE-NO. 46.] ACT making appropriations for sun g civil expenses of the government • the fiscal year ending June thirty, ;hteen hundred and seventy-two, and •other purposes. it enacted by the Senate and house I Trescntatives of the United States of -ica in Congress assembled, That )Ilowing sums be, and the same are appropriated, for the objects here -3r expressed. for the fiscal year end he thirtieth June, eightoon hundred eventy-two, viz : STATE DEPARTMENT r defraying the expenses of defimding s under the convention with Mexico sly four, eighteen hundred and sixty , to be expended under the direction e Attorney General, twenty thousand rs. r the compensation and expenses of ommission for determining the pend uestions between Great Britain and United States, twenty-five thousand rs. or the compensation and expenses of a iission for determining the questions ing between the United States and 1, growino ' out of the acts of the ish officials in and about Cuba, fifteen mod dollars. .r the increase in the expenses of the matic and consular officers of the Uni ltates in Paris, caused by a state of and also for compensation for extra tary services performed by such offs during the war; and also for the ad nal expenses caused to the legations consulates of' the United States in rid, Paris, Berlin, and London, by m of the war, and by reason of the action assumed by the United States mrsons, legations, and consulates of • powers in Paris, a sum not to exceed thousand dollars in all, or so much of as may be necessary, to be expend nder the direction of the Sesretary of t, on the approval of the President, an vouchers to be filed in the Treasn epartment, and a statement thereof to :parted to Congress by the Secretary tate. ) defray the expenses incurred by the a States legation in Paris, in protect the subjects of the North German 'ederation in France during the war reen France and Prussia, including ex compensation to the secretaries, mes er, and we of carriage of said lega , four thousand dollars; and the fore g appropriations are hereby made [able immediately upon the passage of act. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. CRVISING INSPECTORS OF STEAM• VESSELS. or carrying out the provisions of the of thirtieth August, eighteen hundred fifty-two, for the better protection of lives of passengers on vessels propell d Thole or in part by steam, and of the amendatory thereof, the following s, viz 'or salaries of fifty-nine local,,inspectors team•vessels, and clerk in local offices Tew York and New Orleans, fifty-eight isand two hundred dollars. 'or ten supervising inspectors of steam ;els, nine at two thousand dollars each, one at two thousand five hundred dol , twenty thousand five hundred dollars. , or special agent of the department, two usand one hundred and ninety dollars. ?or contingent expenses, viz : Travel ; expenses of ten supervising inspectors, tot to exceed eight hundred dollars in toy one year each, eight thousand dol t. For traveling expenses of fifty-nine in ctors, fifteen thousand dollars. ?or traveling expenses of the special nt of the department, one thousand r hundred dollars. ?or oopoooro. rd of supervising inspectors, including VW, and necessary incidental expenses, I printing of manual and report, four •usand dollars. f , ur stationery and postage stamps; fur are for offices and repairs thereof; in intents, repairs, transportation, and ring thereof ; office rent, janitors, and I ; printing and binding certificates of mse for pilots and engineers, and mis laneous items. twenty-five thousand dol l. For life-saving stations : Salaries of two perintendents of the life savit ' , stations the coast of Long Island and New Jer -,.at one thousand five hundred dollars three thousand dollars. For fifty-five keepers of stations, a two ndred dollars each, eleven thousand dol- For pay of six experienced surfmen to at each of the boats at alternate life ling stations on the New Jersey coast, mmencing at the first station from Sandy 3ok, from December fifteenth to March teenth, to be appointed by the keepers ereof, at forty dollars per month, ten ousand and eighty dollars. For contingent expenses of life-saving ttions on the coast of the United States, thousand dollars. EEVENITE-CUTTER SERVICE. For pay of officers, viz : Thirty-five unp ins, one hundred and two lieutenants, d fifty-one engineers, three hundred and teen theusapd three hundred dollars. For rations fur officers, twenty thousand id thirty-nine dollars. For pay of crews, viz : Eight hundred id seventy-eight petty officers, seamen, oks, stewards, and boys, three hundred .ousand five hundred and twenty dollars. For rations for crews, including liquor iuivalent, one hundred and twenty-one tousand seven hundred and seventy-nine illars and ten cents. For fuel for twenty-four steam-vessels, ie hundred and twenty-five thousand dol- For repairs and outfits, of thirty-two yes :ls, one hundred thousand dollars. For ship-chandlery for the same, forty tousand dollars. For the traveling expenses of the offi rs traveling on duty under orders from le Treasury Dapartment, ten thousand °liars. For temporaiy employment of pilots, eretofore permanently employed, and nnparisation included in estimates for pay f officers, ten thousand dollars. Tor •commatation of quarters for officers n shore duty, ten thousand dollars. Continent expenses': For payment of xpenses Incurred in the transaction of The Huntin g don Journal. the business of the two boards of examin ers, (engineer board at Baltimore, Mary land, and that for the line officers at Wash ington, District of Columbia;) also, for that of the special commission, for rent of offices, including quarters for examining surgeon, and for miscellaneous expenses, exclusive of clerk hire or compensation for service of any kind except consulting en gineer employed to supervise construction of engines, five thousand dollars. MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE. For supplying deficiency in the fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. LOANS AND TREASURY NOTES. For paper, engraving, printing, express charges, and otker expenses of waking and issuing the national currency, seventy five thousand dollars. For expenses in detecting arid bringing to trial and punishment persons engaged in counterfeiting treasury notes, national bank notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, as well as the coins of the [sited States, and other frauds upon the Government, one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. MISCELLANEOUS. For payment of the necessary expenses incurred in defend suits against the Secre tary of the Treasury, or his agents, for the seizure of captured or abandoned property; and for the examination of witnesses in claims against the United States pending in any department; and for the defence of the United States, in respect to such pro prety, in the Court of Claims, to be ex pended under the direction of the Attorney General, sixty thousand dollars, no part of which shall be paid to attorneys-at-law for professional services, for appearing and as sisting in thetrial of causes in the Supreme, circuit, or district courts of the United States, or Court of Claims; and that the Attorney General make report to Congress at the end of the fiscal year of the manner of the appropriation of this fund, awl to whom and for what purpose paid. For this sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General in the detection and prosecution of crimes against the United States, filthy thousand dollars. For expenses to be incurred in the pro secutim and collection of claims due the United States, to be disbursed under the direction of the Attorney General, twenty- five thousand dollars. For continuing the collection of statis tics of mines and mining, to be laid before Congress, to be expended under the direc tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, ten thousand dollars. For compensation of clerks and for ad ditional compensation to same in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, twenty two thousand five hundred dollars. For facilitating communication between the Atlantic and Pacific States by electric telegraph, forty thousand dollars: Provi ded, That no part of this amount shall be paid to any company which shall refuse or neglect to perform telegraphic service for the government of the United States in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled "An act to aid in the construction of telegraph lines, and to secure the gov ernment the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes, approved July twenty-four, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. For construction of revenue vessels in accordance with recommendation of the special commission, approved by the Sec retary of the Treasury, two hundred thou sand dollars. For furniture and repairs of furniture for public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For fuel, lights, and water for public buildings under the control of the Treasu ry Department, two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. For boating apparatus for public build ings under the control of the Treasury De partment, flay thousand dollars. For vaults, safes, and locks for public buildings under the control of the Treasu ry Department, one hundred thousand dol lars. For photagraphing, engraving, and printing plans of public buildings under 11.--eeutret of the Treasury Department, ten thousand dollars. ig of the For pay of custodians and janitors for the public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, two hundred thousand dollars. For repairs and preservation of all pub lic buildings under the control of the Trea sury Department, two hundred thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay for repairs of government buildings in San Francisco, used by the assessors' department of internal revenue service in the years eighteen hundred and sixty-six and eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, the same being in lieu of rent authorized to be paid for offices of assistant assessors, and not so paid during the occupancy of said building, seven hundred and eighty one dollars and-eighty-eight. cents. To paylbr inciaenial printing, for the Territory of Montana, the amount due to Messrs. Wilkinson and Ronan, six hundred and forty-one dollars. For rent, fuel, lights, postage stamps, stationery, printing and incidental expen ses of the Secretary's office of Idaho Terri tory for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, three thousand dollars. To pay T. L. McElroy balance due for printing journal of house and council of Washington Territory, session of eighteen hundred and sixty-five and sixty-six, of legislature thereof, eight hundred and seventy-five dollars and sixty-one cents. To pay the United States marshal of Wyoming Territory the sum of five hun dred dollars for superintending taking of the census of that Territory in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, pursuant to the organic act. For amount to pay Charles Prosch for printing for legislative assembly, Wash ington Territory, session of eighteen hun dred and sixty-seven and sixty-eight, nine hundfcd and seventy-four dollars and forty ty-five cents. To pay for incidental printing for the Territory of Idaho the amount found due to Frank Kenyon, four thousand eight hundred and one dollars and thirty-eight cents. For necessary expenses in the erection, furnishing machinery and putting up the same, outbuildings, fencing grounds and superintendence of the branch mint at Car son city, thirty thousand three hundred and twenty-six dollars. UNITED STATES COURTS. For defraying the expenses of the Su preme Court and circuit and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia • and also for jurors and witnesses, and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecuting offenses committed against the United States, and for the saf-keeping of prison ers, two million dollars. For the support and maintenance of con victs transferred from the District of Co lumbia, ten thousand dollars. To pay expenses incurred in arresting William Kelly, under the direction of the territorial authorities of Wyoming, six hundred and one dollars and twenty cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. PUBLIC LANDS. For rent of office of surveyor general of Louisiana, fuel, books, stationery, and oth er incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Florida, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, oue thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Minnesota, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand two hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Dakota, fuel, books,stationery, and other in cidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Kansas, fuel, books, statiorery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Colorado, fuel, books, stationery, and inci dental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of New Mexico, fuel books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of California, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, seven thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Idaho, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Nevada, fuel books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, three thousand seven hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Oregon, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Washington Territory, fuel, books, station ery, and other expenses, two thousand dol lars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Nebraska and lowa, fuel, books, station ery, and other expenses, two thousand dol lars. For rent of office of surveyor general of Montana Territory, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thou sand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of the Territory of Utah, fuel, books, station ery, and other expenses, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of the Territory of Wyoming, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor general of the Territory of Arizona, fuel, books, sta tionery, and other incidental expenses, in cluding the necessary furniture to estab lish his office, three thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay the account for services of the superintendent of construction of the pen itentiary in the Territory of Montana, the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, or as much thereof as may be neessary. EXPENSES OF THE COLLECTION OF REV- ENUE FROM SALES OF PUBLIC LANDS. For salaries and commissions of registers of land officers and receivers of public moneys at eighty-one land offices, three hundred and minty-one thousand two hun dred dollars. For incidental expenses of the land offi ces, thirty-nine thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars- For expenses of depositing moneys re ceived from sales of public lands, ten thou sand dollars. METROPOLITAN POLICE. For salaries and other necessary expen ses of the Metropolitan Police for the Dis trict of Columbia, two hundred and seven thousand eight hundred and seventy dol lars : Provided, That a further sum, amounting to one hundred and three thou sand nine hundred and thirty-five dollars, shall be paid to defray the expenses of the said Metropolitan Police force by the cities of Washington and Georgetown, and the county of Washington, (beyond the limits of said cities,) in the District ofColumbia, in the proportion corresponding to the number of privates allotted severally to said precincts; and the corporate authori ties of said cities, and proper authorities of the District of Columbia, are hereby au thorized and required to levy a special tax, not exceeding one•third of one per mutual, which shall be specially deposited once in each week, as such collections are made, to be appropriated and expended for saidpur pose only, soy the service of the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR TILE IN- SANE. For the support, clothing, medical, and moral treatment of the insane for the army and navy, revenue-cutter, and volunteer service, who may have become insane since their entry into the service of the United States, and of the indigent insane of the District of Columbia, in the Government Hospital for the Insane, including five hundred dollars for books, stationery, and incidental expenses, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For repairs and improvements of the west wing of the hospital edifice, fifteen thousand dollars. For completing the inclosure and build ing the wall along the river front, ten thousand dollars. For inclosing the tract of land known as the "Sheppered Farm," three thousand dollars. COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. For the supply of the institution, includ ing salaries and incidental expenses, the maintenance of the beneficiaries of the United States, and five hundred dollars for books and illustrative apparatus, forty thousand five hundred dollars. For continuing the work on the joules ure and improving and grading the grounds of the institution, six thousand dollars. For necessary expenses in the erection, furnishing, and fitting up of the buildings of the institution, in accordance with plans heretofore submitted to Congress, eighteen thousand dollars. COLUMBIA HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AND IY,INO-IN ASYLUM, AND OTHER CHAR- 'TIES, For the support of the Columbia Hospi tal for Women and Lying-in Asylum, over and above the probable amount which will HUNTINGDON, PA., JUNE 14, 1871 be received. from pay patients, fifteen thousand dollars. For rent of building, three thousand dollars. For purpose of surgical instruments, five hundred dollars. For the Nation Soldiers and Sailors' Orphans' Home of the city of Washington, District of Columbia, fifteen thousand dol lars, to be disbursed under direction of the Secretary of the Interior. For care, support, and medical treat ment of sixty transient paupers, medical and surgical patients, in some proper med ical institution in the city of Washington, under a contract to be formed with such institution, twelve thousand dollars, or so much thereof us way be necessaay, under', the direction of the Secretary of War. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION For preservation of the collections of the surveying and exploring expeditions of the government, ten thousand dollars. For the completion of the hall required for the government collections, ten thous and dollars. BOTANIC GARDEN, For concreting and paving walks around the buildings of the Bontanic Garaen ; for general, repairs to the buildings; and for improving the large basin with brick or stone wall, and with white marble coping, six thousand dollars. For the completion of the pavino. ' of the main walk through the Botanic Garden with Seneca brown-stone flagging, and taking up and removing the blue-stone flagging now in the main walk, and relay ing the same in Maryland avenue, along the south side of the Botanic Garden, nine thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For two additional laborers at Botanical Garden, eight hundred and fifty dollars. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. For compensation of librarian of the Senate library, in the office of the Secre tary of the Senate, two thousand two hun dred and twenty dollars. Under the direction of the Architect of the Capital extension : For improving the heating and ventil ating of the Senate, under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol extension, three thousand dollars. For furnishing and repairing the work on the Capitol extension, and for curbing and flagging upper terraces, sixty thousand dollars. For enlarging air -shaft, plasternig ceil ing or corridors, re-adjustment of flues un der the floor, new registers, and for new floor in the hall of the House of Repre sentatives; for additional fans for the ex haustion of vitiated air from the hall, and for engines to operate them, and for addi tional ventilators in the roof of the hall, and for necessary operation in the light ing, heating, and ventilating apparatus, twenty thousand dollars, or so much there of as may be necessary. For widening the passage-ways between the Senate and House wings of the Capi tol, ten thousand dollars, or so much there of as may be necessary, if the Architect shall deem the same safe and practicable ; and any expenditure on a plan that shall cost a greater sum to complete it, shad be unlawful. For annual repairs of the old portion of the Capitol building, painting, glazing, keeping roofs in order, water-pipes, pave ments, and approaches to the building, ten thousand dollars. For finishing and repairing the work on the new dome of the Capitol, five thous and dollars. For continuing the work of grading and filling the grounds around the Capitol, twenty thousand dollars. For capleting the north front of the Patent Office building, and grading and paving G street from Seventh to Ninth streets, and to replace amount returned to the treasury under the fifth section of the act approved July twelve, eighteen hun dred and seventy, two thousand five hun dred dollars. For the extension of the Government Printing Office building, upon the plans prepared by the Architect of the Capitol extension including the cost of hoisting works, said appropriation to be available during the present fiscal year, forty-five thousand dollars • and any expenditure on a plan that shall cost a greater sum to complete it shall be deemed unlawful. SURVEYING THE PUBLIC LANDS. For surveying the public lands in Lou isiana, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per lineal mile for township and eight dollars for section lines, twelve thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For surveying the public lands in Flor ida, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per lineal mile for standard, seven dollars for township, and six for section lines, twelve thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Min nesota, at rates not exceeding fifteen dol lars per lineal mile fir standard lines, twelve dollars for township and tan for section lines, forty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands of Dako ta Territory, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per mile for standard lines, seven dollars for township, and six dollars for section lines, twenty thousand dollars : Provided, That not less than ten thous and dollars of this amount shall be expen ded within the limits of the Pembina laud district in said Territory. For surveying the public lands Of Mon tana Territory, at rates not exceeding fif. teen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollat s. For surveying the public lands in Ne braska, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, six dol lars for tewnship, and five dollars for sec tion lines, forty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Kan sas, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, six dollars for township, and five for section lines, forty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Colo rada, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars. For the survey of the public lands with in the limits of (he land grant to Kansas Pacific Railroad Company in the Territory of Colorado, thirty thousand dollars : Pro vided, That the foregoing appropriations for surveys of public lands within the limits of the above railroad land grants shall be conditional upon the compliance of said companies or parties in interest with the requirements of the twenty-first section of the act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled 'Au act to amend an act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal. military, and other pur poses," approved July first, eighteen bun- r . dred and sixty-two, Statutes volume thir teen, page three hundred and sixty-five. For surveying the public lands in Idaho, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dol lars for township, and ten dollars per sec tion lines, thirty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in New Mexico, at rates not exceeding fifteen dol lars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars, for section lines, twenty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Cali fornia, at rates not exceeding fifteen dol lars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, seventy thousand dollars : Provided, That the Commissioner of the General Land Office, in his discretion, may hereafter authorize public lands in said State, and also in Oregon and Washington Territory, densely covered with forests or thick undergrowth, to be surveyed at aut . , mented rates, not exceeding eighteen dol lars per mile for standard parallels, fifteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines. For surveying the public lands in Ore gon, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, thirty-five thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Wash ington Territory, at rates net exceeding fif teen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars fur section lines, forty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Ore gon situated west f.t" the Cascade moun tains, densely covered v i h forests or thick undergrowth; at the ra!tii of not exceeding sixteen dollars for township and section lines, fifteen thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Utah Territory, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, fifteen thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Neva da, at rates not exceeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, forty-five thousand dollars- For surveying the public lands in the Territory of Wyoming, at rates not ex ceeding fifteen dollars per lineal mile for standard, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, forty thousand dollars. MISCELLANEOUS To mark and define the boundary lines between the Territory of Utah on the north and of Idaho on the south, six, thousand four hundred and eighty dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay the expenses of the survey of the diminished reservation of the Great and Little Osage Indians, in the state of Kan sas, seventy-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary : Pro vided, That the amount so paid for said survey shall be refunded to the treasury from the proceeds of sale of sale reserva tion; And provided further, That the compensation for making survey shall not exceed the respective prices per mile al lowed by this act for surveying public lands in Nebraska and Kansas. For continuing the geological survey of the Territories of the United States, by Professor Hayden, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, forty thou sand dollars. For continuing the completion of the survey of the Colorado of the West and its tributaries, by Professor Powell, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institu tion, twelve thousand dollars. or expenses of prosecuting the inquiry authorized by law into the causes of the decrease of the food fishes of the coast and the lakes, five thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Sec retary of the Treasury. For additional compensation to Henry Douglass, in the employ of the Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, for the present fiscal year, one hundred dollars; and his regular amount, a sum sufficient to pay which for the next fiscal year is hereby appropriated, and hereafter his compensation shall be eight hundred and twenty dollars per annum. And Godfrey Weitzel, of the corps et engineers, United States army, and in charge of the improvement of the Louis ville canal, is hereby empowered and di rected, subject to the approval of the Chief of slid corps of engineers, to adjust and pay, out of any money appropriated for the improvement of said canal, to John B. Brown, any legal or equitable claim he may have against the United States aris ing out of his contract by him to perform work on said improvement of said canal, in eighteen hundred and seventy: Pro vided, That there shall not be paid to him in any event over eight thousand two hun dred dollars, nor more under that sum than, together with any sums already paid him on account of said contract and work, shall be equal to the fair and reasonable value to the government of the work done by him for the government under such contract. To pay Vinnie Ream, for making the marble statute of Abraham Lincoln, ten thousand dollars, which, in addition to the sum of five thousand dollars already paid, shall be in full of all claims of said work. To reimburse S. Wolf, recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia, for certain books of record and indexes purchased by him for the use of his office, one thousand two hundred and forty-eight dollars. To Mary B. Walker, widow of Rob rt J. Walker, for money expended by him when territorial governor of Kansas, thirteen thousand and three dollars and seventy five cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid on vouchers to be submitted to the proper accounting officers of the treasury. For defraying the expenses of taking ninth census of the United States, one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For the payment of pensions, under the "Act granting pensions to certain soldiers, and sailors of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, and the widows of deceased soldiers," approved February fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, four million five hundred thousand dollars. WAR DEPARTMENT. BUILDINGS AND ODDUNDS IN AND AROUND WASHINGTON, For repairs, care, and improvement of public buildings, grounds, and works in the District of Columbia, under the direc tion of the Chief Engineer of the army, namely : For casual repairs of the Navy Yard and Upper bridges, five thousand dollars. For repairs of government water-pipes and fire-plugs on Pnnsylvania avenue, five thousand dollars. For care and improvement of reserve• tions on New York, Massachusetts, Ver mont, and Maryland avenues, fifteen thou • sand dollars. For cleaning out sewer-traps along Penn sylvania avenue, one thousand dollars. For improving Massachusetts, Connecti cut, New York, Maine, Delaware, and New Jersey avenues, twenty-five thousand dol lars. For annual repair of fences around re• servations, two thousand dollars. For care and improvement of public re• nervation number two, and Lafayette square, seven thousand five hundred dol lars. For removing snow and ice from pave ments and public walks, one thousand dol lars. For manure, and hauling . the same to public grounds and reservations, three thousand dollars. For painting iron fences around Lafay ette square, in front of the War and Navy Departments, two thousand dollars. For improvement, care, and protection of seats and fountains in Capitol grounds, two thousand dollars. For hire of carts in the public grounds, three thousand dollars. For purchase and repair of tools used in public grounds, two thousand dollars. For purchase of trees and tree-boxes, and to whitewash tree-boxes and fences, five thousand dollars. For purehzse of flower-pets, mats, glass es, and twine, one thousand dollars. For lighting the Capitol, Executive Mansion and public grounds, forty thou sand dollars. For pay of lamp-lighters, plumbing, gas fitting, lamps, lamp posts, matches, and repairs of all sorts, ten thousand dollars. For fuel for center building of the Capi tol, one thousand five hundred dollars. For annual repairs of the Executive Mansion, five thous tnd dollars. For refurnishing the Executive Mansion five thousand dollars. For care and improvement of grounds south of the Executive Mansion, five thou sand dollars. For fuel for the Executive M. :. three thousand dollars. For repair of green house at the Exec utive Mansion, and purchase of plants, three thousand dollars. For an iron bridge across the canal at Thirteenth street west, and improvement of Monumental reservation, five thousand dollars. For repairs of green house at Propaga ting Garden, three thousand dollars. For contingents of office of Public Build ings and Grounds, two thousand dollars. For improving Franklin square, opening and graveling walks, and planting trees and shrubbery, five thousand dollars. For the improvement of circle at the intersection of Massachusetts and Vermont avenues, six thousand dollars. For paving on Pennsylvania avenue and Fifteenth street in front of the property of the United States, in accordance with the law making change of arade, fourteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-two dollars. For paving Pennsylvania avenue in front of the Botanic Garden, from the northwest gate of the Capitol grounds to Third street west, including grading, laying side-walks, flag footways, resetting curb, paving, and building sewer, under act of July eight, eighteen hundred and seventy, twenty-five thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight dollars. For cutting street through the Presi dent's grounds as per plan, one thousand one hunred and ninety-two dollars. For construction of circular fence around and through the President's grounds to Seventeenth street west, including founda tion walls, curbing, flagging, and iron fen cing, forty-five thousand five hundred dol lars. WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT. .For finishing coping and iron railing on bridgcs numbers one, two, three, and four, ten thousand dollars. Fur widening embankments over conduit and macadamizing roads ; ten thousand dol lars. For completing gate-houses at distribu ting reservoir, twenty thousand four hun dred and ninety-six dollars. For completing high-service reservoir, four thousand dollars. For ventilators over conduit, two thous and eight hundred dollars. For fencing reservoirs, three thousand six hundred dollars. For building office at R )ek Creek bridge, three thousand three hundred dollars. For engineering, superintendence, and repairs for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, twenty thousand dollars. For completing earthwork and making the slope-wall of division dam, twenty thousand dollars. For completing slope-wall of distributing reservoir, twenty thousand dollars. ARMORIES AND ARSENALS, For Springfield armory, Springfield, Massachusetts: Repairs and preservation of grounds, buildings, and machinery, twenty thousand dollars; macadamizing public roads in and around the armory grounds, two thousand dollars. For completing the bridge at Rock Is land, being an unexpended balance covered into the treasury under the act of July twelve, eighteen hundred and seventy, five hundred thousand dollars. For Rock Island armory and arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois : Containing the de velopment of water-power, two hundred thousand dollars ; constructing permanent workshop, two hundred thousand dollars; purchasing and layingpipe, eight thousand dollars; two blocks of subaltern officers' quarters, fifty-five thousand dollars; mac adamizing main avenues and streets, five thousand dollars; tools and machinery re quired for new shops nearly completed, twenty thousand dollars. For Alleghany arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa.: For repairs to public buildings, grounds, and machinery, one thousand five hundred dollars; one-half the cost of grading, pa ving, and curbing on Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets, from Butler street to Penn avenue, and on Penn avenue, between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars. For Augusta arsenal,-Augusta, Georgia : Quarters for married soldies, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For Beniciaarsenal, Benicia, California: Permanent barracks for enlisted men, and cistern fcr same, fifty two thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars; cistern for new office, two thousand eight hun dred and fifty-seven dollars; brick reser voir, fourteen thousand two hundred and eibhty-six dollars; guard house and fire engine house, eleven thousand four hun dred and twenty-nine dollars ; grading and improving arsenalgrounds, five thousand dollars; repairs of public buildings and machinery, one thousand dollars. For Columbus arsenal,'Columbus, Ohio,; Cisterns and wells, one thousand dollars;. grading grounds, making ror ds, and drains, five thousand dollars ; repairs to buildings, one thousand dollars. For Charleston arsenal, Charleston, South Carolina, repairs of officers' quar ters, enlisted men's barracks, and other public buildings, grounds, fences, and draines, five thousand dollars. For Detroit arsenal, Dearboruville, Michigan, repairs to public buildings and grounds, five hundred dollars. For Fort Monroe arsenal, including gun-yard with new fence, three thousand dollars ; repairing two store-houses, one thousand five hundred dollars; painting and repairing public buildings, one thous and five hundred dollars. For Fort Union arseuel, New Mexico, one set of quarters, one thousand five hun dred and seventy-five dollars; repairing buildings and grounds, three thousand dollars. For Frankford arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, introducing water into quar ters and offices, one thousand dollars; re pairing boundary walls and embankments, three thousand eight hundred dollars; re pairs to public buildings, one thousand dollars; repairs to machinery, five thous and dollars. For Indianapolis arsenal, Indianapolis, Indiana, Guard-house and gateway at main entrance, ten thousand dollars; improving grounds and roadway; five thousand dol lars ;repairs to public buildings, drains, and sewers, six thousand dollars. For Leavenworth arsenal, Leavenworth, Kansas, repairing buildings, fences, cis terns, and walks, five thousand dollars ; painting public buildings, one thousand five hundred dollars; macadamizing road ways, on account of wagon-road leading from Missouri slyer bridge to the main road to Leavenworth, three thousand dol lars ; erecting a new magazine for storing ammunition, twelve thousand nine hun dred and fifty dollars. For New York arsenal, Governor's Is land, New York harbor, repairs of build ings, quarters, and grounds, six thousand nine hundred dollars. For Pikesville arsenal, Pikesville, Mary land, repairs and preservation of arsenal, barracks, quarters, workshops, stables, magazine, and inclosures, two hundred dollars. For Saint Louis arsenal, Saint Louis, Missouri, officers' quarters on Jefferson Barracks ordnance reservation, eighteen thousand dollars. For San Antonio, Texas, erecting a store building for stables, wagon-house, and store-room for forage, harness, and tools, three thousand dollars; repairs of officers' quarters, office, and painting fences, roofs, and gutters of public build ings, two thousand five hundred dollars.• For Vancouver arsenal, Washington Territory, repairs to public buildings and grounds, one thousand dollars. For Washington arsenal, Washington, District of Columbia, improving magazine grounds, two thousand dollars. For Watervleit arsenal, West Troy, New Nork, repairs to buildings, roofs, and per manent sheds, three thousand dollars, re pairs to bridges, roads, fences, and inclos ing walls, one thousand dollars. For Watertown arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts, repairs of buildings, grounds and machinery, five thousand dollars. For contingencies of arsenals, repairs of smaller arsenals, and to meet such unfore seen expenditures at arsenals as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, ten thousand dollars. BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN, AND ABANDONED LANDS. For collection and payment of bounty, prize money, rnd other legitimate claims of colored soldiers and sailors, viz : For sala ries of agents and clerks ; rents of offices, fuel, and lights; stationery and printing; office furniture and repairs; mileage and transportation of officers and agents; tele graphing and postage ; eighty-seven thous and five hundred dollars. For support of Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum at Washington, District of Colom bia, viz : Pay of medical officers and at tendants; medicines, medical supplies, and rations; clothing ; rent of hospital build ings, fuel, and lights; repairs and trans portation, seventy-eight thousand dollars : Provided, That no part of said appropria tion shall be used in the support of, or to pay any of the aforesaid expenses on ac count of any persons hereafter to Le admit ted to said hospital and asylum, unless persons removed thither from some other government hospital. SIGNAL OFFICE. For manufacture, purchase, or repair meteorological and other necessary instru ments; for telegraphing reports; for ex penses of storm-signals announcing proba ble approach and force of storms ; for in strument shelters; for hire, furniture, and expense of offices maintained for public use in cities or posts receiving reports; for maps and bulletins, to be displayed in chambers of commerce and boards-of-trade rooms; for books and stationery; and for incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, one hundred and two thousand four hundred and fifty-one dollars : Provided, That no part of this appropriation, nor of any appropriation for the several depart ments of the government, shall be expend ed for telegraphing between said depart ments and their officers or agents, except at rates first to be established by the Post master General, under section two of chap ter two hundred and thirty of the Statutes of eighteen hundred and sixty-six. MISCELLANEOUS. For contingencies of the army, namely: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to settle the accounts of disbursing officers for expenditures already made in pursuance of law, which will not involve any actual ex penditure, but merely transfer on the books of the treasury, two hundred thous and dollars. To enable the Secretary of the treasury to settle the accounts of disbursing officers for expenditures already made in pursuance of law, which will not involve any actual expen diture, but merely a transfer on the books of the treasury, seventy-five thousand dollars. For payment of costs and charges of State penitentiaries for the care, clothing, mainte nance, and medical attendance of United States military convicts confined in them, fifty thousand dollars ; For continuing the surveys of the northern and northwestern lakes, one hundred and sev enty-five thousand dollars. LIGHT-HOUSE ESTABLISHMENT. For repairs and incidental expenses in refit. ting and improving light-houses and buildings connected therewith, two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. For salaries of seven hundred and thirty two light-house keepers and light-beacon keepers, and their assistants, four hundred an 4 thirty-nine thousand two hundred dollars. For seaman's wages, rations, repairs, sale ries, supplies, and incidental expenses of twenty-five light vessels, and seven relief light vessels, two hundred and sixty-one thousand six hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents. For expenses of raising, cleaning, painting, repairing, removing, and supplying losses Os' buoys, spindles, and day-beacons, and for chains, sinkers, and similar necessaries, two hundred and seventy five thousand dollars. For repairs and incidental expenses in re- NO. 24. newing, refitting, and improving fog signals and buildings connected therewith, thirty thousand dollars. For expenses of visiting and inspecting lights and other aids to navigation, two thou sand dollars. For supplying the light houses and beacon lights on the Atlantic, Gulf, Lake, and Pacific roasts with oil, wicks, glass chimneys, cha— mois skins. spirits of wine, whiting, polishing powder, towels, brushes, soap, paints, and other cleaning materials, and for expenses of repairing and keeping in repair illuminating apparatus and machinery, and of gauging, testing, transportation, delirery of oil and other supplies for light-houses, and other in— dental necessa, expenses, three hundred and thirty-one thousand.seren hundred and seven teen dollars. SURVEY OF THE COAST. For continuing the survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coast of the United States, and Lake Champlain, including compensations of civil ians engaged in the work, and imclinding pay and emoluments of officers of the army and navy and petty officers and men of the navy employed in the work, three hundred and ninety-one thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the western coast of the United States, including compen sation of civilians engaged in the work, two hundred and roily thousand dollars: Provided, That the operations shall include a hydro— graphic development of the dangers of ocean navigation between San Diego and Panama. For pay and rations of engineers for the steamers used in the coast survey, no longer supplied by the Navy Department, fire thou sand dollars. For continuing the publication of the obser vations made in the progress of coast survey, including compensation for civilians engaged in the work, the publication to be made at the Government Printing Office, ten thousand dol lars. For repairs and maintenance of the comple ment of vessels used in the coast survey, forty five thousand dollars. For extending the triangulation of the coast survey so as to form a geodetic connection between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, including compensation of civ— ilians engaged in the work, fifteen thousand dollars : Provided, That the triangulation shall determine points in each State of the Union which shall make requisite provisions for its own typographical and geological surveys. UNDER THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. FOR NAVY YARDS. For navy yard at Portsmouth, New Hamp shire : Repairs of all kinds, seventy-five thou sand dollars. For navy yard at Boston, Massachusetts : Repairs of all kinds, seventy—five thousand dollars. For navy yard at Brooklyn, New York : Re pairs of all kinds, one hundred thousand dol lars. For navy yard at Philadelphia, Pennsylva nia : Repairs of all kinds, forty thousand dol lars: for building landing-wharves, dredging and filling in, commencing quay-walls, store houses, carpenters' shop, joiners' shop;smiths' shop, machine shop, offices, steam-engines, scows, boats, derricks, and machinery and tools of all kinds at League Island, two him dred thousand dollars. For navy yard at Washington, District of Columbia Repairs of all kinds, seventy-five thousand dollars For navy yard at Norfolk, Virginia ; Repairs of all kinds, seventy-five thousand dollars. For navy yard at Pensacola, Florida; Re pairs of all kinds, twenty-five thousand dol lars ; permanent improvements, twenty-five thousand dollars. For navy yard, at Mare island, California t Repairs of all kinds, one hundred thousand dollars ; permanent improvements, three hun dred thousand dollars, For naval stations at Sackett's Ilarbor.New York: Repairs of all kinds, one thousand dol lars. For naval station at Mound city, Illinois; Repairs of all kinds, four thousand dollars. For naval station at New London, Connecti cut: Care and protection of public property, five thousand dollars. For naval station at Key West, Florida: Repairs of all kinds, thirty thousand dollars. For emergencies that may arise at naval stations, fifty thousand dollars. For the purchase of twenty—five Galling guns and ammunition therefor, fifty thousand dollars. ENDER THE DEPARTISEbiT OP AGRICIILTURI. Fur iiaproveuient of grounds, as follows : For labor, twe,ve thousand dollars; materials for completing roads and walks, six thousand dollars; for finishing terraces, four thousand five hundred dollars; for vases, three hundred dollars ; for tools, repairing, blacksmithing, and similar contingencies, one thousand dol lars ; and for completing the heating apparat us for the new green-house, three thousand dollars ; in all twenty six thousand eight hun dred dollars. Sac. 2. That the following sums be, and they hereby are, appropriated for the various government buildings as hereinafter expressed : and any expenditure for any building pro vided for under this section, otherwise than in accordance with the limitations and condi tions affixed, shall be deemed unlawful, viz: GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS UNDER tars SUPERVISING AROHITNCT OP THE TRIBE:MY. For custom-house, Astoria, Oregon : Com pletion of the building, ten thousand dollars. For custom-house, Cairo, Illinois : Comple tion of the building, including grading, pav ing, and fencing the grounds, thirty-three thousand seven hundred and sixtyeight dol lars. For custom-house, Charleston, South Caro. lina: Continuation of the construction, fifty thousand dollars. For custom-house, Knoxville, Tennessee : Continuation of the construc tion, twenty thousand dollars. For custom-house, Portland, Oregon : Con tinuation of the construction, one hundred thousand dollars. For custom-horse,Saint Paul, Minnesota: Completion of the b uilding, ninety-four thous and four hundred and eleven dollars. For post office and court-house, New York : Continuation of the construction of the build ing upon plans that shall limit the ultimate cost of the completion of the building above the sill course to a sum not exceeding three million dollars, and subject to no other limita tion or restriction, one million three hundred and ninety-four thousand eight hundred and ninety seven dollars: Provided, that theplans, estimates, and expenditures for the object shall be so made that in no event shall the total cost of said building exceed the sum herein named. For post-office and court house, Omaha, Nebraska : Continuation of the construction, fifty thousand dollars, subject in all respects to the conditions and limitations in other ex isting appropriations for said purpose. For post-office and sub-treasury, Boston, Massachusetts : Continuation of the construc tion upon plane that shall limit the total ulti mate cost of said building to a sum not ex ceeding one million five hundred thousand dollars, and subject to no other limitation or restriction, nine hundred and forty-two thous and five hundred and seventy-four dollars. For branch mint, San Francisco, California Completion of the building, five hundred thous and dollars, Far Treasury building, Washington, Dis trict of Columbia : For annual repairs and improvements, fifteen thousand dollars. For protection of Treasury building on Fif teenth street, and repairs of side-walk, nine teen thousand eighte.n hundred and sixteen dollars. For custom-house, New Orleans, Louisiana: Continuing the completion of the building un der the last modified plans submitted by the Supervising Architect of the Treasury in his letter of February six.eon hundred and seven ty-one, or that portion thereof which substi tutes a east-iron cornice, and reduces the total estimate for the completion of the building to six hundred and twenty thousand dollars, of which estimate the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars are hereby appropria ted. For the purchase of a site and the erection of a building for a customhouse and post— office at Machias, Maine, twenty thousand dol lars heretofore appropriated. To complete the construction of the custom house building in Portland, Maine, forty-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-three dol lars and ninety-nine cents. For the preparation and furniture of as ad ditional court-room in the Mirk-119;0c 144
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers