assistant, shop and tools, iron and steel for shop for Shawnees, tire hundred dollars. Fur third of six instalments for pay of black smith, and for necessary iron and steel and tools for Peorias, Kaskaskias, Wean, and Piankeshaws, one thousand one hundred and twenty-three dol lars and twenty-nine cents. SHAWNEES. For permanent annuity for educational purposes per fourth article treaty August three, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, and third article treaty May ten, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand dollars. For permanent annuity, in specie, for educa tional purposes, per tburth article treaty Septem ber twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and third article treaty May ten, eighteen hun dred and fifty-four. two thousand donors. For interest, at five per eentum, on forty thous and dollars, for educational purposes, per third article treaty May ten, eighteen hundred and liftylonr, two thousand dollars. SHOS HONES. EASTBRX BANDS. For eighth of twenty instalments, to be expend ed, under the direction of the President, in the pur abase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per fifth article treaty July two, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, ten thousand dollars. WESTERN BANDS. For eighth of twenty instalments, to he expend ed under the direction of the President, in the pur chase of such artreles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen. per third article treaty July thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, live thousand dollars. NORTHWESTERN BANDS. For eighth of twenty instalments, to he eapend ed under the direction of the President, in the pur chase of each articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as bunters or herdsmen, per third article treaty July thirty, eip..,hteeen hundred and eixty-tlune, five thousand dollars. GOSHIP BAND. For eighth of twenty instrilm;dts, to be ,gpsnd ; ed under direction of the President, in the pur chase of ma articles, including cattle for herding or other , purposes, as he shall deem mitable to their wants and condition as hunters or herdsmen, one thousand dollars. 6110SUONES AND BANNOCKS. Fur brat of Ihr, instultnnits for the pur elittee of wed and itop:,nents to the heads or fami lies or !ougm who continue to form. k soy one linoarea it . I i.../1.11.1 For 'second of thirty instaiments to purchase eight hundred suits ~f cyghingfor males over tour -4,2,1 ycarSor the tiii.ourl. hose, calico. and do mem eight hundred b males over the age or twelve years, and such g 00.13 as may be needed to wake suits for eig t boys and girls, thir teen thousand eight !inutile:land seventy-four dol lars. For fired of ten instalmeuts far the purchase of such ar ticles as may be considered proper by the fiecrctory of the Interior for one thousand eight hundred persons roaming, and six hundred persons ended in agriculture, thirty For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, engineer, farm er and blacksmith, as per tenth artmle treaty July three, eighte. n hundred and sisty-eight, six thousand eight hun dred dollars. For ffrid of three instalmanta to be expended in preninta fir the ten persons win, grow the moat valuable crcps, tin der the mime net and treaty, bra hundred dollar. For pay of second blacksmith and furnishing iron and steal and other materials. under same article of said treaty, BANNOCES. For second of thirty instalments to purchase four hun dred suits of clothing for males over fourteen years of age, the daring, hex, calico, and domestic. for four hundred denudes over the age of twelve years, and inch flannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make emits for four hun dred boys and girls, mix thousand nine hundred and thirty- For second of ten instalments for the purchase of suck articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior for eight baud's.' persons roaming, and four hundred persons engaged ID agriculture, sixteeti thousand dollars. For purchase of seed. , and wicultuntl implements to be furnished the beads of families or lodges who dootro to commence farming, too thousand dollars. For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, engineer, flinti er. and War,ksmith, six thou-and eight hundred dollars. For second of three instalments, to be expbuded in pres ents for the ten persons a ho grow the most valuabla grope, five hundred dollars. For transportation of goods that may he purchased for the Shush.. and Bannocks, fifteon thousand dollars. SHOSIIONES AND BANNOCKS, AND OTHER BANDS -441 i ID A.-0 JYDODIiT. emmux ow BOON. For this amount, to I, expended in nue. goods, provim ions, or other articles as the President may from time to time determice, including insurance and transportation thereof; in instructing in ngricultuml pursuits; in pro riding employees, educating children, procuring medicine arid medical attendance ; care for and support tithe aced, nick, and infirm ; for the helpless orphans of said ludiaus and in any other respect to promote their civilreatiok couu fort, end improvement, forty thousand dollars. SIX NATIONS OF NEW YORK. For permanent annuity in clothing and other useful article., per sixth article trinity November seveutemsev *titan' hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hun dred dullard. IFIOCX QV DIFFERENT TRIBES, INCIATDINO AANTSE OON IN THE STATE OF NEBEASEA. _ . _ - - ----- For the erection of a steam circular sawmill, with grist mill mul shingle-machine attached, eight thousand d 011.,.. For Sat of three instolnients for purchase of seeds and implements to he furnished !wads of lam'''re or lodges, (may six hundred), flit en thousand dollars. For pay of second blacksmith, and furnishing irou, tweet, and other material, two thousand dollars. For moan I of thirty instalments to purchase clothing tor males over fourteen year. of nee; for flannel, hose, calico, and domestics require,' Mr females over twelve years of age; and for such flouted and cotton goods ws may Tae needed to make snits for boys and gide, oue hundred and fifty-nine thousand four hundred dollars, For second of thirty instalments to purchase s .ch ales as may be considered proper by the Secretary of t• e Interior for petwous reaming and fir persomi engaged in agriculture, two hundred and thirty-aix thousand dollars. For emoted of fear iostaiments for purchase of beef and floor, under tenth article treaty of April twenty-nlae. eighteen hundred elid sixty-eight, and for snl,l,tence or Taiikton Sioux, one mitten three hundred and tourteea '''''''''''' fire tendiere, one carpenter, one miller, one engineer, one fernier, cid one bl,teloni.t4, ton Lhipinind four hundred For second of bees instalments, to be expended is pre,- •nts to Meter' persons who grow the most valuable crops, glee hundred dollars. For insurance, tranvortation, and the necessary ex penses of delivering goods to be purchase.' for the different baada of the Sioux Indians, under treaty of April twenty ninth, eighteen hundred and slaty-eight, seventy-five AISSE ON AND WAIIPETON AND SANTEE SIOUX OF LAKE TRAVERSE AND DEVIL'S LAKE. For this amount, to be expended in such goods, provis- Zoos, or other articles as the President may from time to time determine, including insurance and transportation *hereof. in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pur suit; in proridtSgsruployess,sducating children, procur ing medicine and medical attendance, ears for and support of the aged, sich, and infirm, f.r the helpless crpiams yf mid Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvsment, seventy-five thou sand dollars. S'KLALLA3IB. Fes Peened of five insMintents on sixty thousand dol are, (being the link series), under the direction oldie President, per fifth article trea:y January twentyeix, eighteen huu tined and Afty-ti vie, two thousautl four hundred dollars. For Melt J. of twenty instalment. fur the support of nn agricultural nod industrial school, end for pay for suitable teacher., per eleventh article treaty Orttiber twentPsiX, ieighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand five hint dred I'or 7 irTeii;h of twenty instalments for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and o physician, who shall furnish metli&ue for the nick, per trimly Julia twen ty-six. eighteen handed and tlfty-tire, four toowand Ids hundred dollars. For support of a smith and carpenter shop and to pro vide the necessary tools therefor, tive hundred delbus. TADEGUACHE BAND OF UTAH INDIANS. For the eighth of ten instalments for the purchase of Roods, tinder the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. per eighth article treaty of October seven, eighteen hun dred and sixty-three, and Senate antontitnent of March twnty e-live, eighteen hi reil nid and sixty-four, ten thousand dollars. For theeighth of ten instalments, per eisblll article of ,aid treaty, for the purchase of powisfous, under the ditpm two of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. For tile purchase of iron, steel, and tools a••ceasary fur Iskackesaitli's shop, as per (emit article of said treaty, two hundred and tweuty Mdlars. For pay of blacksmith and assistant, as per same article of mama treaty, one thousand one hundred dollars. !'or insunniCe, tranaportation. and general incidental expenses of the delivery of goods, provisions, and mock, as per same article of same treaty, twu thousand dollar.. TABEGUACIIK MUACIIE, CAPOTE. WEEMINUCAE, TAMPA, GRAND RIVER, ANu UINTAII BANDS OF CTS. For pay of carpenters, two milhas, two firmer; and one Idackwalitla, as per fifteenth article treaty of Karel, two, eighteen hundred and sixty-night, nine thousand denim. For pay of two tea hers, per same article, two thoumuld dollars. For the purelnase of iron, steel, and the necessary tools for blacksmith's shop, two hundred and twenty dollars. For third of twenty instalments, to ha expended under the direction of the Secretaryiuf the Interior, for clothing. blankets, and such other articles as he may think proper and nece . esni, under eleventh article of taunt tyi at), Shirty For annual amount, to be expended under the direction of the Seeretaty of the Interior. In supplying staid Indians with beef, mu tton, wheat. Hoar, beans, ithd potatsuw, as per twelfth article mine treaty. thirty thousand dollars. For insurance end transportation of goods as niay be purchased tor said Indians. seven thousand five hundred dud UKPQUAS, (COW CRXEI: BAND.) For .1 Often tb of twenty instalments lo lilankete cloth ing. provioone.and stork. per third article treaty &Own lier nineteen, eig , teien hundred and fifty-three, five hun dred and fifty dullard. IMPQUAS AND CALAPONAS OF UMPQUA VALLEY, OREGON. For second of fise instalments of the fourth series of amenity for beneficial objects, to be espeutled as directed Ily the President, per third article treaty Norember twen ty-nide, eight.n Istindred and fitly-fotsr, cue thousand lot Lrs . . . _ trot eeveuteeeth of twenty instalments for the pay of a teacher and purchase of books and stationery, per sixth article treaty November twenty-nine, eightecu hundred and fit y-fonr, one thousand four hundred:aud Ofty dollars. As. AND OTHER AFFILIATED BANDS. AND INDIANS IN COUNTRY LEASED FROM CHOCTAWS. For thin amount. to he expended In such goods, provis ;tram, and ether artful... the President may from time to time determine, nieluding insurance and transportation thereof. in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pur suits, in providing enneloyeee. electing children, pnrut , lug medicine and oiled:cal atteudinthe, care for and summit at the aged, sick,und infirm, for the helpless orphan: of mid Indians, and in any other re,ect tto promote their Atilization, comfort, and improvement, fortyllonmand tole lees. WALLA-WALLA. CAYUSE, AND UMATILLA TRIBES. For second of flee Instalments of third series, to he ex panted under the direction of the President, per locoed Article treaty June nine, eighteen hundred and liftplive, lour thousand dollars. -- lotTeelithOll;siity instalments for the porches of all necessary will fixture+ and mechanical tools, wadi eines, and hospital stores. books and stationery for school+, repairs of school imildiug , soil furniture, and for employ e...three thousand dolhirg, _ . . . . - For I..uuh of twenty instalments for the pay and sub eldrence of one superintendent of tanning operation, one tamer, two millers, one blacksmith, one wagon and plow undoer, one uarpenter and joiner, one phynielan, nu . two learbee, per tunrth article treaty Juno nine, eighteen hundred and flity4ive, eleven thousand two hundred dol lar.. For twelfth or twenty intaberode for the pay of each or the heed chiefs of the Walla-Walla. Cecil.. and Umatilla bench', the sum of de hundred duller, ja., annum. per firth article treaty June a ijlt, eight. it hun•lred and fifty-6v°, tie thousand five heeded ,jut *Street on eipt hundred and ninety-fist: thousand four hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifteen cents, at five per eentmn, per lieu, tit article treaty NOVelllbYr oar, eighteen hundred and titirty,eveit, and joint restilution July seventeen, eigu teen hundred and sixty-two, forty-tour thouvitild seven hundred and SeVouty-four dollrrs awl six ty-six cents. For twenty-fifth of thirty instalments of interevf on seventy-six thousand one hundred and sixteen dollars and ninety-two cents, at five per commit, per Murat article treaty October thirteen, eighteen hundred and forty-six, three thousand eight hundred and five dollars and eighty four cnt, . . . . . For interest on one 'mud; and if:Only-nine thousand and ninety-eight dollars and sixty-three tenni, at fire per column, to be expended under the direction of the Secreta ry of the Interior, for the erection of hotcust,improvement of their allotments of laud, purchase of stockogricultural Implements, Stiehl, and other beneficial purposes, eight thousand nine hundred and fitly-four ham awl ninety three cents. _ . For the proportion of one linuilred and sixty persons of one million dollars, phwed to the credit of mid Indians on the books of the trwisory, as per fourth article of the treaty November one,cighteen lindre.l and thirty-seven, whole number of the tribe being one thousand five hun dred and thirty-one persons, one hundred and four thou sand flee hundred and six dollars and eighty flee cents. For the proportion of nue hundred and sixty persona of eightplire thousand dollars, plot-ad to the credit of said Indians on the books of the treasury, ais per fourth article treaty October 'bluetit'. eighteen hundred and Limy- s ix, whole number one thougand five hundreil and thirty-one. eight thousand eight hundred and eighty three dellars and eight cents. For the proportion of one hundred and sixty persons of two hundred thousand dollars, placed to the credit of said Indians on the books of the taeasury, Imlng the amount in part tak a from their tribe funds to pay the expenses of thdir removal from Minnesota, provided fiir in public actsomumlier one hundred and eighty-seven, opproved July fifteen eighteen hundred and seventy, whole nand et one thousand five hundred and (Con,bided on fourth page ) The Huntingdon Journal. .1. R. DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON,. PENN'A. Wednesday Morning, June 7, 1871, REPUBLICIPiSTATE TICKET. • FOR AUPIT , R (4ExEnAL: COL. DAVID STANTON. of I3eaver. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL: COL. ROBERT B. B 1 ATf L of Schuylkill um, Jeff: Davis weeps for the "cause" and lrallandighani accepts the situation.— Between them the Don , cracy is in a fix. Since the Democratic State Con vention the Democratic politicians take off their hats to their ellored brethren. Im, The Ku Klux and the Democratic press appear to be one and the same. The one does the violence and the other apol ogises for it. The National Debt Statement for May shows a decrease of $4,439,358. If Grant's Administration did nothing else, this would be sufficient for the people. TM. The Democracy have taken one "departure" already, and on the second Tuesday of October they will takc another. Good-bye, Johnnys ! There is no necessity, since the new departure, for the New York Day Book, so that great oracle will cease to dilate on shins and wool. Yallandigham has "dpparted" and Jeff. Davis has appeared. There is an ap parent gulf between the apostles of Demo cracy. A house divided cannot stand ! the isky Ring will hold a Con vention in Huntingdon in 'due tituo. R. Milton Speer will sign the call and publish it a la Union Sabbath School Convention• Mrs. Clarkson will be excluded. SW" The Ku Klux continue to strike down Union WO in %nth Carolina, Ala bama. Kentucky and Missouri, The De mocratic press have tan apologies for each act. of violence P. The Democratic Convention, by the ninth plank in its platform, accepts the results of the w a r. henceforth the "nigger" . has rights which a ...emocrat is bound to respect ! um_ The Democrats who swore so lustily, that, if the negroes were ever permitted to Tote, that they would caw to cast their ballots, will find consolation in the, New Departure. fieic- The Bedford County Press has been enlarged and much improved. Our friend Elliott prints a good piper, and furnishes now altogether as much reading matter as any other paper iu the county. Va.. The Cittriun Democrat comes to us enlarged and very much improved. A Campbell press has been added to the es tablishment. Brown prints an excellent local paper, and we wish him pecuniary success. Capt, 14, 11, Rauch, (Pit Schwef flebrenner,) editor of the Ke,vslona Good Templar, illuminated oar sanctum one even, ing last week. The Captain is a capital fellow, and his whole soul is in the. tem perance. movement. Beer The Ku Klux of the South mur der, commit arson and every othor crime in the catalogue, while the Ku Klux of the North who control the Democratic press, make the apologias fop this sort of thing. It has always been so. la_ The Legislature adjourned on Sat urday, the 27th ult., after a long session of five months. All the lab3r performed by it could have been - performed in one Mouth, and with the exception of a very few little measures the swim) could, very readily, have been entirely dispensed with. ise- On the 2d inst., Col. McFatland, who hao conducted the Soldiers' Orphan Department of Penusylvqpia, nr the last four or five years, with sa much credit to himself and to the State, transferred the control to Prof. Wickersham, the efficient head of Common Sehoe.s. Hencaf ath the Departmeuts will be one. LW" The Versliiies I.4;verumant, head ed by M. niers ; has overcome all opposi tion. The destruction of life in Paris was tha most fearful and horrible recorded in the annals of history._ The birbarity of both parties was enough to make any one come to the eenclosion that the French are a nation of madmen and unfit t., con trol themselves. no,„ The American Missionary Associa tion, a benevolent society 6,r the elevation of the Freedmen, has expendeds3Bl,l73,- 87 for clothing and supplies within the last ten years. It has pAid $1,8f1,344 96 for" missionaries, superintendents, &c., &c. It has employed 3,470 missionaries teachers in ten years. 164,723 day school and 156,376 night school scholars have attend' ed its schools. 343 schools and 309 teach ers have been employed. Its efforts have not been as fully appreciated by the be. nevolent of the country as they should be. We hope that those who are able to con tribute to its wants will do so. e Th.2re is a roport put in eireulati rt that Hon. Simon Cameron is a candidate for re-election to the United,States Senate. Whether this is correct or net, we do not know, but we do hope that he will be ph ced on the ticket with Gen. Grant fur Vice President. Stich a ticket would sweep the country with a perfect hurricane. We are foi• Grant and Omicron. us, Tha Democrats Imvc began to move on the colored people. A Democratic po liCei.tit 1 , 7115 overheard, a 4ew days since, telling a c,lored brother that it had not been foifhe ignorant Irish, tho Democrats' would have been their best friends long ago." He thinks that the negro can be of more serviceto them now than the sons of the Emerald Isle. lel,. The Democrats of Bedford county have presented John W. Dickerson, of Bedford, as their candidate for the Le gislative nomination. This isan excellent selection. Mr. Dickerson has the requi site talent to make an excellent legislator, and his courteous bearing, towards all who approach him, will make him a most pp ular candidate. Since it is not probable that a Republican can be elected in the Bedford district, we do hope Br. Dicker sen will receive the De:tx:rate nomination. EUTfOR The seyenth Annual Convention of the Pennsylvania Stets Sabbath School Association will be held at Allentown, Penu'a, on Ttr.,sday, Wednesday and Th,rsday, the 13th, 14th, awl 15th of .June. All the earnest Sunday-School workers of the Keystone State arc cordial ly invited to be present. Each evangeli cal school is requested to send to or more delegates. Those who propose to attend should ootify A. J. 13reiilig. Allentor•n, Pa., who is Chairman of Local Committee of Arrangements, on or before the 7th of June, so that entertainment may be secur ed, and orders for excursion tickets pro cured and forwarded. u 91,, One of the Democratic oracles says that "the D3ruocratie party has eliminated the negro from politics." do it really pos sible ? After fifteen years of hard labor to, convince the people that the Republican, party was in fitvor of Emancipation and Negro Suffrage, the Democratic party has not only drip*en•all the Republicans up to these advanced positions,, but educated itself up to these measures. We say here Nithout fear of successful contradiction, that the Democratic party is entitled to the major part of the credit of makiqg these great political questions successful, and we here accord them that credit. Their agitation did for the Republican party what it was almost impossible to do other wise. They continually harped upon these measures until they had no terrors for the people, and they swallowed them without even sugar coating. Terrible Oqal ?IliAO Disaster, Forty Men in a Burning ifincßescue of the Living and Dead. PITTSTON, PA., May 28.—The Knight Shaft in West Pittston, owned by the Le high Valley Railroad Company, and ope rated tinder lease by C. A. Blake & Co., of New York, took fire phput two o'clock Saturday afternoon, it is supposed teem friction in the hoisting appartus at the top of the braker, and burped fiercely to the I ground. At the time from thirty-five to forty men were iu the mine, to which there is but one outlet, by means of the shaft, 300 feet deep. A few were hoisted out while the shaft was burning. The engineer stood at his post hoiatiag away until the timbers which supported the rope burned away. The carriage was as cending when this occurred, and all the miners who were on it were precipitated below and clashed to peices on the bottom of the shaft. Two steam fire engines from Scranton and Wilkesbarre, were soon after to work on the ruins. At half past six the shaft was cleared and ready for opera tions. Timber and pulleys were rigged. After a dog had been lowded and brought up alive, Wm. Law, a miner of linginur from the Pennsylvania Coal Mining Com pany, was lowered 'twenty-five feet, as as far as he could go with safty, and re porte4 the air at the distance below sur face favorable for meu in the mine. By midnight the bottotu of the shaft was reached with safety, and the work of search ing for the miners commenced. The ef forts of the explorers were continued du ring the rest of the night, and by to-day at noon thirty-seven men had been brought out, ten of whom were dead; and eight died soon after : All wero insensible when brought out, but several rccovero sufficiently in the course of a few hours to give an account of themselves. Fifteen of the men had barricaded one of the chambers, and for a long time were not discovered. The exploring party were compelled to proceed with great cau tion, and were frequently brought out as phyriated with lbul gases. At half-past two the last mail, Benjamin J. Jones, who was supposed to be embed under the car riage, was brought up alive. He was dis, co , ered in a distant portion of the mine. During yesterday, last night and to-day the excitement at the sceane of disaster was indescribable. Thousands of people crowded around the mouth of the pit; and in their eagerness to see and hear all to be seen and beard, were with difficulty kept outside the ropes stretched asouod the shaft. Vehicles of all descriptions were constantly approching the ground from all directions, and from every portion of the Wyoming and Lackawanna valleys, and the streets of Pittston and West Pittston are croweded with pedestrians hurrying to and from the wane of the catastrophe. On the ground, inside the rope, a busy scene, was presented, the citizens of Pitts t•di and West Pittston, together with the miners and mine superintendents, to the number of hundreds, being engaged inces santly ip alt!lost superhunian efforts to raise all the bodies of the tin fortnnate men. Mrs. Lincoln has gone to Chicago. She will reside for the present with her son, Mr. Robert T. Lincolu,a rising young law yer of that city. Her youngest son Thom as, commonly known by his pet nick rilme of tiTad," returned with her. He has grim' up a tall, fine N )16 lig jack of 18, who be_irs but a faint rtr'setublance tg tip tricksy lit tle sprite whom visitors to the White House saw during the exciting years of the war. He has been attending school industriously in Europe, has acquried a good knowledge of php French and German languages, and has come to look mush; Pie the "Bob Lin • coin" of tho early dp of the Mrs Sherman wife of General Sherman, Nrs. Dahigreon. Mrs. Catharine E. Beech er, and other ladies or prominence, arc in dustriously engaged in producing signa tures to a petition t) Congress prow: Ling against an extension of suffrage to wo atm. In furtherance of their object a trouthly paper called The True Woman is publish- - ed at Baltimore under their auspices. News Summary. John Greiner, of New 31exko, author of the famous "Log Cabin Song" of 1540, died at. Toledo, Ohio, on Saturday, of par alysis. A volcanic "truption and eirthquake have shUken the island t f Rua. The country was terribly devastated, and 400 lives we;e lost. The British Columbia papers are great ly excited over the prospect of the loss of the island of Sin Juan, even g.ring so far as to advis^ the gOernmont to seize and hold it by force. The political campaign in Main will open shortly. The Democratic State Con vention has been called to meet on August ; 27. Gen Charles NV. Roberts will be re nominated. The election will take place September 11. Four thousand men are to be mustered oat of the 11. S. army on the Ist of July The War Department is now preparing to 'make other reductions as fast as the eir cumstances of the case will pmnit The indications from the receipts in the Trensury are that the tariff act of last con gress, which was intneded to effect a re duction of 82,1,000,00 in the customs, will not reduce the duties 85,000,000 a year. The Chicago Common Council has or dered that the tax levied on the grave of Senator Douglas he paid out of the gener al fund, and the sale advertised by thecol lector be discontinued. Gay. Geary of Pennsylvania has eousen ed to grant a personal interview to Dr. Shoeppe, under sentence for the murder of his betrothed. The doctor has strong hopes of persuading the Goveuor to cons urite 11'.s sentmee. The reduction of the Public Debt for the month of May has been only about $4,- 000,000. The semi-annual payment of pensions brings down the amount of reduc tion this month to about one-third of the voyage for the last two years. One hundrd and forty vetoes from Gov •ernor Hoffman, of New York, were recent • ly made in one batch. This knocks Gen eral Jacks,in, Captain Tyler and Andy Johnson, all taken together, completely out of time; and the best of it isthat these vetoes of Gov. Hoffman, of big jobs and jibe, are hailed with satisfaction by the maws of the people of both parties. . The Homestead Law is uow being claim ed as a result of Democratic legislative lib erality. Like all sucle other claims, it is fallacious. Galusha A. Grow, a radicil Republican ofthe rankest order, is the au thor of the homestead law ; having taken more trouble to pass it than any an in 4 luanrn ihat luult , _ The Pennsylvania railroad company now light thirty fiv.a passenger cars with gas, and additions ti the number are bf,- lig made as rapidly as possible. Hach cur with it enough gas for sixty hours' steady burning. They have five barners and are so brilliantly lighted that reading is an easy matter in any part of the car. GPQPgc Woloott , t who killed a 40Idier at Frankfort, Ky., some time since, and for whose arrest Gov. Leslie offered $5OO re ward, had himself arrested by a friend who drew the reward, and gave it to Wal cott. Walcott immediatly gave the mon ey to the widow of his victim. He was drunk when he emnalitted the Grime. glaniugeo, IrLAUGULLN—WOOD.—On the Ist inet., at the M. E. Parsonage, at Petersburg, by Rev. 31. L. Smith. Mr. Edward G. 31'Laughlin to Miss Rachel R. Wood, all of Porter township. egertlito. L4ILEIL—On the 21st ult., nt Mt. I:niou, Willie, infant out of IL•nr; and Thvinals Loiter, sged months. 4 .lb , areFt thou [Last left er, Here thy loss we deeply feel, But 'tis G. 04 who has bereft so, He can ail our sorrows heal," New Advertlsm crite, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Jane Fitzgerald, deed.] Letters of administration having been granted to the undersiped on the estate or Jane Fitzger lateof.L.ckson township, dec'd., ell persons knowing. themselves indebted are revekted to make immediate payment, and thosehavingelairus to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES W. MAGILL, June 7, 1871. [Ada. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [E4lote of &Mud 800 her, deceneed.] Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of a Samuel Mather, late of Springfield township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted to soid estate are re nuesteeto none immediate payment, and those having claims to present theta duly authenticated fur settlement. BENEDICT STEVENS, Administrator. June 7, 1871 3 . ii-UDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditcr, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the proceeds arising from Sheriff's .94.1 e 14 ttm personal property of itielierd p, Mor. than, will attend to "the'tlutie. of slid appoint ment, on Priday t the 23rd day of June, A, D., 1871, at one o'clock, p. ro„ at his office on Hill area, Huatingdon, when and where all persons interested will present their olaltna, or be doborrod from um- . ing in for a share of said fund. H. C. MADDEN, Auditor. June 7 1871-3 t. • SERIFFS SALE. Ili virtue of a writ ofFi. Fa. to me directed I will expose to public sale, at the Court House, iu Huntiagdon. on Friday, 1110 4th dity . of Angust 11.71, o one o'elooh, v. to., the following described rent estate, to wit : All that certain tract of timber land, situate in Black Log Valley, Shirley township, county, and bounded as follows : On the north by lands of William Morgan. on the east by lands of John Lefford, Sr., on the south by lands of Hance It. Campbell and John Morgan, and on the west by lands of James Morgan, containing 311 acres. more or less, 50 acres of which are cleared and the balance well timbered, principally with White Oak; and having thereon erSoted a plank dwelling house, with Basement and Summer Kitehen,Frame Stable, an. w Water Power Saw Mill with two Cireuirr Saws, one Power Crosscut and one Sash saw, there is connected with the Mill a Stare Cutter, two Steam Chests and Steam Boiler with Force Pump. All of the above improvements are new, having been made within the past three years. Black Log Creek rnns through the prop erty On:acting an ample supply of water, This property is situated on the township road almost eight milestrom Mt. Union. 11eizod, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of D. W. Witmer, jacoh Sneath, Levi Myer, with native to George .1. Sinith terre tenant. D.. 11. P. NEELY, June 7, WI. Sheriff. TTNITEDSTATESINTERNAL REV- Exch-,.-.•4!.,..,0 vim Discznps ee Pzxxxyl,vANlA, Ocemraiaixo 111 NTINGDON Axa MIFFLIN COUNTIES.—NOTICE.—The annual as sessment for the above-named Diviston of all per- SOPS liable to a tax on income, and also uf all per sons requlred to pay a special tax, as Brewers, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealers, Manufac turers and duelers in Tobacco and Cigars, having been completed, notice is hereby given that the taxes aforesaid have beeo:nc due - and. payable, and *ill be received at the following places and time, to wit ; At oftice of Aiiessor, loeWistown, Th.-- day and Friday, Jane 22(1 and 2:ld, And at my allies in Huntingdon; at any lime prior to Jan', 30rh, PENA LT t the who fail to pay their annual taxes prior to the 10th day of July will he duly notified of their neglect, for which a fee of twenty cents, and for each mile traveled in serv ing the notice, will he charged. and for ail taxes sentuining• unpaid on the 20th ofJuly the penalties wiii ite•airfletl' sod tram-into iatte,d without res pect to per,mus. PerSOns duipg business sailboat having paid a special tax therefor, lire Italic ton penalty of three flews the it.tuom,t of ' , aid tax, a One of five hun dred and imprisonment fur three rears. 1 , 11,12 K 'ii'. 3T}:5l ALIT, Deputy Colitcter NVLIth District Pennsylvania. June 7, 1871 -tit, A. ORBISON,, R• om c e, nt Hill atreet, Huntingdon, Pa. [wV31,71. New Advertisements IL S. =; CA lrrfr Y. IW. C. m'cAirrnr, IJ. A. PC LLOJIi FR NIC LJN MANI? FACT tllt IN(} COMPANY. [Late Huntingdon ifourefachr,ipy ( Manufattittres FL:wing, 'Sank, ShrAters, Scr.ll Work, Ontn44, Shelvin7. Tit:Ling*. Hobbs, Spoke. Lent Work, lo,ks, Brooms, Pick, not Minuni;r Handles, .Farnitore, ,to. Our Machinery tieing 'of the very best. ouality noel giving our entire atten tion to the liosineas we nre aiile to manufactura all of the ahoved iimac,l coI W:11 r many others, in the hcsi style ling always pronrWy, , . All tor,ler, to lb, , VII AN.KI.IN 'MANUFAt'Ti7ItI:iI/ COM I'ANY will couch, our ininmila'_e attention. Price li. feintighbtrothtn desired. June 7, IS7I. T HE FARMERS FAVORITE. The most perfeet Grain Drill in the world. Will sow ail kinds of grain and seeds from the coarsest to th_ uncsr,with accuracy, withomt ringing, skip ping ur breakage of seed. Works equally well up and down, or rids hill, a rtriegyfiest-cla,g warranted to give tiatirw satisfaction, menuffictur ed in the most approved manner by Bickford & Huffman, Macedon, X. Y. If you have the slightest notion of purchasing a Grain Drill. please send us your address, it will pay you well to do sc. Prices reasonable. Terms accommodating, Address, P. L. SWINE, Shirleysburg, Pa. Agent for Iluntingdon, Fulton and Franklin counties. June 7, 1871. L'in A UDITOR'S ACCOUNT OF RE CEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES of the torongh of M. Union for the year endin3 Moy, : 4179 GC. 25 Oil And. nu duplicate J2linßarc,saticeription . W. 11. Itosimsteel Son. ...„ 75 eo Jacob Hoffman 75 00 --.,.,.---. $7OO CO Martin °rube. It,bt 'root lem J. S. Africa, Surveying 62 45 T. 11. Adams, material 5 62 F. D. Stecetm, hardware 2 60 Benj. Brindle, street commissioner...- SOS A. E. 'tiller, labor onstreets 2O 95 Register Sltnow, labor on streets 74 20 San'. Hap, labor on streets . 2l 70 Cline. Jfclntyre, labor un str, eta 805 Barney s!re, .7_. I:lltiSs . port..istror on streets. J. Meinfian, labor on Amnia €3 00 Blair k Appleby, material j Na Wm. Dean, labor on 9txtuti lO - Iluoby Putts, labor ou strut,. 2O 47 D.C. Plod:. masonry L 40 Shavar, hardwarO, ot4 T. W. Bolinger, Inho'r on strooti. Nine Presslarjahor, on streets 11 F. Keechart, labor on streets J. Flasher, malting J. C. Lockard, labor on streets .1. Hooper, .. • F. Hooper, " ' Jamey Horgan, ‘.‘, E.W. near, " J. S. Slmver, 6441'1. ItoHu - lugh Wai. 301103 S. Mine, , Win. MeD mall, labor on streets ... . ..... 1 44 i . 5 3 .1 E. P. MeKittrien, polithing Oen. nollobaugh, labor on streets 2 In F. Fee, labor on drools 3 'ii J. McDonald, loam on tarots 1 40 E. I; Dever, material 1 72 B P. Bare abut.. streets 3 50 M. °rube, Lanling 2 ...31 05 10000 800 ZO E. IC Rogers, hauling W. Briggs, hauling J. 11.11),!g ace. Smith & Sou, I;nutter 8 4.9 D. Etnier, expenses to lluntingdou...., 2 t 1 o . Wm. Dt,n, serving u, - ..tiet t s ' John Thompson, labor on streets 5 62 Wm. Dean, collecting tax 23 98 J C. Soehlor, treasurer lO 58 1). Etmier, sa;rvicus as clerk Auditor's too Total . . 11.394 13 Receipt (less) 7Ol CO Otitstai?ding deb!. We the u r nilereigird Anctitor certify to the correctness of the shore. . .---... T. A. APPLEBY, PAL DATIL And:tom. Id Aud. alvent. ATDITOWS ACCOUNT OP THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES of the Borough of Mt. Union for the year ending 31ay,1570: Amt. on duplicate :421 a And. reed for tr. of school holm 3 3, And. reed for we of school Wino ......... ...„ n -.3427 25 I S.PANDITUREE , , Debt iemaining dne from 1865 I..!Mman, printmg. Jacob 1 , 11,11er, f:erviog - notice3 Jim Thom/von, costa of eWill with J. Dough- arty .1. A. 1. Postlethwaite services as St. Cum... 37 O'J James Morgan, labor as Ararts.... ........... 7.5 Z. S. IVootlZ 1;bor on streets, lO Si 'I heophilus 31elnlyre, labor on streets Wm. V Shaver, labor on streets l7 25 J. C. Ross, labor on streets 1 1:: R. B. Harvey, labor on streets 1 7.0 Costner Miller, labor ou streets esetnar liillor, usstustusnt bet 2 ou P. R. ,ituons, labor on strgebs ' 825 So il llollabangh, labor at streets John S. Shaver, labor on streets 5O Graham Sough, labor on streets 5O .111. Tatter. ?Luling . IL K Rogert;.for IK:i'rdwalk 5 20 J. Plavher, sndthing . 1 TO John Thompson, lahor on streets 7 60 g ppler Shaver, putt* do , . ar.0413 . K. llogers,htbbr on strqsts 3 50 pia!! .. 4judel . .y . lumber and hauling • 7 0:.,i O. P. Millar, I;tror on streets 0 00 J. Thompson, labor on streets 8 00 L 4. Ilriggs banling . . .4 sn D, Ilaou~Mk , hauling. on'!itrcets 8. 11. AilaMe, material John Moo - non. collecting tag J. C. Sichler, tren.urer. D. Etnier, services as clerk Auditor's fees Total nvp'.4.4 . . . 97 the lindersfool And;tors certtfy 0, du , Corn,Mlle. of Ole ikltovr. T. A. APPLEBY,) } Auditor.. D. 11. BAIIt, ad And. almont. nIiPHANS' COURT SALE. V [Estate of JOILV AR MOS, dee'd.] The undersigned ;sib expose to public sale on the premises, in Barree township, Hunting:don county, on S A TURP4 r , the 40th day of'June , lB7l, at 1 o'clock, r, it, the following described Real Estate, late of John Amon, deo'd., to wit; - A cortaiu tract of laud, in said township, bound ed by lands of Samuel Myton, Hobert B. Myton, John lingua, Patrick Gettis and William Chesney, containing One Hundred and Thirty-six Acres, One Hundred and Teens) fire cleared and in a. good eau of cultiration, and Eleven Acres of good Tim her Land, having thereon erected a Two-story Log House, plastered. a log Barn 60x40 fed, with ne cessary outbuildings. Also, a two-story Log House, saltulde for tenant, Log Stable, aad n f.og tiaspenter'o Shop. There is also two good bearing Orchards of choice fruit. There is good limestone water at built houses. The said lands lie betwoen the piddle highway leading from Petersburg to McAlavy's Fort, and public highway from Petersburg to Pinegrove Mills, seven miles front Petersburg, convenient to market, schools and churches. I'l:RMS.—One-third of purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the balanea in two equal annual payments, to bo uccurcd by the jukvo, lit bund4ol the poohaser, ..... . - . MONTGOMERY, ENeci:tur. Neffs Mills, May 10, 1F.;71.—T,0t AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The excelsior Reaper anal Mower, manufac tured by 11. J. F. Seiberiug & Co., Alcoa, Ohio, is no experiment but a tried reality. Having been before the farmer. fur eleven years, and 80,000 of them non being in mte, speak. well for the ma chine, It took the tirat premium at the trial of machines at the AgricUltural College, Centre Co. Pat.. July 27th and 28th, Ink The Kirby, Champion. Keystone. World, Dodge self Rake, Ohio Harvester, Hubbard and the Excel sior were represented. The Excelsior took the first premium as the best droppei and as the best machine on account of simplicity of construction, .fightness of draft, and other important features in the mnehine. The aduieesigned 4e prepared to till orders for the above machines at short notice. Send in your orders early as our supply will not meet the increasing demand. I can suiTly farmers wanting Hay Forks, with the heat bock in the market (MeFaddeu.). Orders by mail for ebber of the above articles will receive prompt ntention. Oeders for machines left at Wharton J; Maguires hardware store will receive prompt attention Pamphlet Lull price list sent free by addressing T. W. Montgomery, Neff's Mill, Huntin •don County Pa. tw.Ly2 !. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Con tains no Lac Sulphur—No Sugar of Lead —No Litharge—No Nitrate of Silver, end is en tirely free from the Poisonous and llealth-destroy , ing Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the fl nest fabric—per:ertly SAFE, CLEAN, and EFFICIENT,— desideratum) LONU SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! jt restores end prevents the Stair twin becoming Gray, huratte a snit, - gles,,y appearance, removeb Dandruff, is coo i l anal refreshing to the head, cheeks the Heir from t i mel l ' o r jrp ‘ i i e r ven 4 t ' s r ta " dae ' lle ' e g , c re at e :ll ' ll ' l mwti!resn premo cotano- oas eruptions. and unnatural heat. As a f , ressing for the Apr it to the beat art,* ire the way!. Dit. G. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Frepared only by PROCTOR BROTIf EBB, Gloucester, Mass. The geny hie Is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly far it, with the name of the article blown in the ghtm. Ask Your Druggist for Narr.'s Halo gesiroßATlvs, and take no Ober. ,rsh. Send two three cent stamps to Praetor Brothers for .Treatise on the human Hair." The • information it contains is worth $:,C0,00 to any person. Liwy.loll-yr. New Advertisements. AD IN I: - ;TRATRIX'S NOTICE. (horge Copenharer, deed.) ,:,oinitoratian having been granted ta , 11e1,,,•1,•r5i ;Ll,l on the cs,:te of (:,..,rge Copen h,Jr, I,tt• t"wnship. dee'd., all persons kn.kwit, tht.a.,!vesin.l,;ded art:requested to Naito homed., ps: ~ ; ' am! those baring e!aim, to pr, sent 1 , ! auth, far sefflement. KG'L: ;ll COPENHAVER. ' Adnar's. AI)3IENISBATOR'S NOTICE. of JOIIN McCRACKEN, dee'd.] Lor, I,lblidist ration bating-been granted to en.lerdgned an the estate of John McCracken, la, of Od,bla township, dec'd.. all persons indebted ere rlairet,fl to make immediate payment, and thy., liaxing. claims to present them duly authen ticated for settlement. .117,11:1S MeCRACKEN, April 19, 1671.. [Adm . , LAXECUTORS NOTICE. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersizned living in the township of Frank lin, on the estate ar Nancy Travis, of said town ship. ileeease.l. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will u.ake immediate pay went, and those having claims against the same will presant Curn for settlement. JOHN . L. TRAVIS, OEO. T. TRAVIS, 12;71-3% Executors. • A I7DITOR'S NOTICE. SAlLtif PEIGHTAL ded.] Thu und.,rsigw;dAu.iPur, appointed by the Or phans' Court, or Huntingdon county, to distribute the science in the hands of Samuel Peightnl and James Ward, administrators of Sarah Peightal, late of Penn township, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 1:1th day of JUNE, IST!, at. 10 o'clock. a. in.. at the office of Simpson Armitage, No. DM, Dill Street, Dun ' • 1 . ,; , 1 , ,n. when an .1 were all parties interested will presznt the:r claims.or he doharred from coining in for a share of said ihni. f;. B. ARMITAGE, Auditor. lIERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp. to me di 'meted Y will eXpo,c to public sale, at the Court itqese, klunt:ng.lon, on Thttreebty, the Sth day at S o'clock. p. to., the following de ti,:ri!,c4 real estate, to wit: that cerZain tact or parcel of land, situate in Cromwell township, bounded as tbllows: North by lu, Is of Samuel liillilau,l, east by lands of Sam uel I. snarl, west by Itogcr and Dewees, .south by Isms of Samuel Bollinger, containing 300 acres, o, less. having thereon erected' two two story Log• Houses, Batik Barn, and other out buill!ngs. • seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property . of William Johns. All that certain tract of land, attoate in Brady township, bounded by Jamul, Goodman, limaline Be!!, IL J. Hueys, dam.] J. Grove• and others, containing ton acres. more Or lees, having thereon erected a 11 storied lox house, lug barn and other out buildings, abort 35 acres cleared and under Cone,. Seized, token in execution, and to be sold as the property of Bernard Dagley. Ail that c,rtain tract or pared of land, situate in Joni:lto township, bounded no follows: north by W. 11. Woods, cast and south by J. Heiffner, west Lininger, containing about 6 acres, inure or less, having thereon - a story and a ha:f log dwelling hoot , stable. and other outbuildings. Seized, ta ken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Weight. D. It. P. NEELY, :Way iSi L [Sheriff. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. v.S`oloaion Sharp, deceaaed..] . , Letterg testamentary on the estate of Solornot; F.harp, of Brady township, deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to his estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having, claims will present them for settlement. . 31. y 17, IP7I-61.. VXECIITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Sanitt!l bj>ranble deceased.] Letters testamentary on the last will of Samuel Sprankle, of Porter township, deceased, Lavitrg been granted to the undersigoed, nll parsons know ing themselves iqdoted to his estate, are requested to maim immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement. aOB9 53 Alexandria, May i:, 1811-6 t.. FIVE HUNDRED VOLUMES IN ONE. AGENTS WANTED • • EQII The Library of l'betry and Song, Being Choice Selections front the Best PoctP, Eng fish:Scotch. filch and American. With an Introduction by Wm. Cullen Bryant, Under whose supervision the volume was complied. The handsomest and cheapest subscription hook extant. Over 800 pages. Lea uti fully printed, choice ly illustrated, handsomely bound. A Library of 500 rolionex in one book. whose contents, of no ephatuerul nature or interest, trill never grow old or . . . . .5293 6I . 125 . 2 tu stale. It eau be, an,: will 1., read tuul re-read with pleasure by uld and youzig. as lung as its jeat•eo bold together, "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything at all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is neglec ted. It in a Look for every household."—Xeic York 31d 17. " Ire know of no similar collection in the English language which, in copiousness and felicity of solen tine and arrangement, can at all compare utifh it." Nem York Time. Teri. Liberal. MTh,. very rapidly. Send for Circular and Terms to J. B. FORD dc Co., 27 Park Place, Now York. [May 17, 1871.—1 t. PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. Having gone into business at this place I propose to sell uty private residence at Bedford, Pennsylvania, at private sale. It is unnecessary for use to give a 4o4ooption of it to those who are aequainted with it, and to those wit° have 00t sees it, aml who desire to purchase a neat and eotnidete residence I would say go and examine it. The house was entirely overhauled and renovated but a year or two ago. It is located anona full int nt• 5lO lw 010. -- .11 . . " Fitt street, and thecorner Qt . an alley leading to the Steam Mill, which makes it one of the most public places in the town in a business point of view. The lot is under drained by numerous strains, .d is second to none in the place. It has produced all the garden vegetables used by my family for years. In addition there is a 44wels garden and a consieeruble eptauttsy of eceellept fruit, There !ri a rerprtumf insurance upon the house, Address uto nt Huntingdon or Be 1t r 1, Pa. J. R. DURBORROW. Huntingdon, Pa., May 31, 1871. 4 'WANTED to make $BO to $2OO per month by selling GREAT FOR TUNES and How They Were Made. By J. D. McCabe. Jr. Profusely illustrated and beautifully bound. The most universally sought after book issued for yearn. It shows how a poor sehoolums ter made $10,Q00,000 ; how a poor half-blind sailor became a banker, aLI teller's apprentiae the wealth iest man in America, a unknown mechanic a mil lionaire in seven years—with many more suck ex amples ; hone energy, talent, and patient industry hence always met with success when propeely exerted; how money can be made honestly and without sacri fice of principle. Bond for circular, etc.. and no tice. my extra terms. GEO. MACLEAN, 119 San som Street, Philadelphia. • A UDITORIS NOTICE. [Estate of JOHN PEIGHTAL, decA] The nn lersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the balance in the hands of Samuel Peightal and James Ward, administrators ofJohn Peightal, late of Penn township, &ceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment. on Tuesday, the Llth day of June, 1011, at la o'clock, a. m„ at the office of Simpson & Armitage, No, 200, Rill street, Hun tingdon, whey and whet, all parties interested will present their claims, or be debarred. from coming in for a share of said fund. G. B. ARMIT.IE May 24. Auditor. NEW STORE, NEW GOOPS, and LOW PRICES, A T 313 HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, I'4 The undersigned respectfully informs the citi zone of Huntingdon and vicinity that he has open ed a Variety Store at \0.31311111 street, where all kinds of goods can he had as cheep as nuy other establishment in the eor.n•y. His line of DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES, OTIONS, &C., is colt:Otte, :nisi sold at reasonable prigs. He is agent for the Wilson Sewing Machine. L. Si i.IiNITTER. MILLINERY STOIt , Mr, Katj A. i , 111 . 1i rf, 1, has opened fashion able Millinery awl Dro.ts Makinr, estahlistiment at II street, ond asl:s a share of publie patronage. Work will he done in the hest style, and srlis fa,tlen guaranteed. All kinds of Patterns for sale cheap. She is in receipt of nli the latest .tyles and is prepared to etteeote of work. in her line in a style that ..,ati,ott iieit to please the 211. t illStilliOUS. (!ail 371,1 examine, May 24. It=7 I, AR. BECK, Fashionable Barber • end Hairdresser, Hill street, opposite the Franklin House. All kinds of Tonics and Pomades kept on hand and for sale. [aplo,ll-6m Miscellaneous F RESH ARRIVAL. OF BOOTS AND SHOES AT SHAFFER'S NEW STORE. CHEAPEft THAN THE CHEAPEST. THE nib:vs:tier would respectfully inform his old friends and customers, that he has juet re ceived from the East ralargwand well selected stock for Atcn, 'Vona,. and Children, which he is prepared to sell a trifle lower than any ~ther establishment in town. Being a practical shoemaker, and haring had considerable experi ence, he flatters himself that his stock cannot be surpassed in the county. Give bits a call, at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Customer work made to order, in a neat and durable manner. Jan. 4, '7l ROBERT U. JACOB, IN THE BEST QUALITY OF ANTHRACITE & BROAD TOP COAL, STOVE, BLACKSMITHING, STEAM GENERA TING PURPOSE& All sizes and kinds kept constantly on, hand, and all orders filled promptly at the lowest market rates. Ordera received either at the uMoe near Broad Top Comer, room formerly occupied by the Union Bank, or by A, B. flood, LUKE REILLY, MANCFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERY, GROCERIES, SYRUPS, &c., &c., &c., Baker, rne on r 0 .115 p : un andoorsrtereet AU anti S tore at the heny. Dealers will be suppli a f ed at priers as low 7l 7in be had fra3a Phdadelplai GLAZIER 45; BRO. DEALEILS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SA:tIUBL SHARP, JOEL KAUFFMAN, Executors. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c. S3IITII Street, between Washington and Mita GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARi., HENRY G. NEFF, SAMUEL SPRANKLE, Ex.utors. WASHINGTON Street, near Smith. Jan. 18, SMITH IN HIS NEW BUILDING CALL AND EXAMINE. IF YOU WANT GREAT BARGAINS GO TO The best Sugar and Molasses, Coffee, and Tea Chocolate, Flour, Fisk, Salt and Vinegar, Confer tionaries, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, and spice; of the best, and all kinds, and every other arttole usu.: ally found in a Grocery Store. Also—Drugs, Chemicals, 4ye tutti, Paints, Var nishes, Oils Spts. Turpeatine, Fluid, Alchohol, Glass, Putty, so., &c. The best Wine and Bran 44 for medical purposes, and all the best Patent Medicines, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. The public generally will please mill and exam. ino for themselves, and learn my prices. S. S. SMITH. Jan. 4.'71 , WTLLIAM I. STEEL, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER. Rae removed to his New Rooms, on Main %treee three doors east of the "Washington M 05..," wher he has ample room and facilities, and is now prel pared to accommodate his old customers, and al. others who may deoiro anything in his line of trade Vials and Fancy Bum , Harness, Carriage, Tug, and Yankee Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Blankets, &u., always on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. Also, a good assortment of !Leese Blankets and Sleigh Bells. inThe 6usiness,lie flatters hint ell that he can ren der entire satisfaction to all who may patronixo btr . . Work warranted and Repairing neatly dune. Huntingdon, Opt, ISIU, TO THE WORKING CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sea easOy earn from Sac. to S 5 per evening, and is propor tional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly es much as men. That all that see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this un paralleled offer t To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People's Literary Companion—one of the largest and best family newspapers published—all rent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO„ Augusta, Maine. April 12, '7l-3mn. WM. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. HUNTINGDON, PA PLASTIER rAms CORNICES, ALSO SLATE MANTLES EURNISRED TO ORDER. Jan. 4, '7l. W. BUCHANAN. 15.A1.4,18.. J. M. BUCHANAN. B UCHANAN, ALLISON IL CO., No. bO9 IEII Street have reeeived their Spring Stock, and among it will he found everything nec!asary for housekeeping, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, TIN AM) WANED WARE, and a thousand other things, both mend and ern. amental. ROOFING AND SPOUTING-, and all kind,' of Johbing done promptly. Two inch BRASS NUMBERS, for houses, pat up for seventy-five cents. Iluffalo Scales for sale. Must:keepers and others will swcv WoutY by calling at 509 Hill street, lil7C/1 22. • STO $lO I'ER DAY.—Mee Wo- HIV men, Boys and Girls who engage in our new business make frou. SS to SlO per day iu their localities. Full particulars and instructions scut by mail. Thom in need of permanent, profitable work, should address at once, GEORGE STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. [apr12,71,3m0. BLOODED FOWLS.—The undersign el is prepared to furnish the eggs of White Brahma, Blanton, White Spanish, Black Spanish, Buff Oacbin, and part Game Chickens. The eggs will be guaran!eed. Orders left at Read's Drug Store will receive prompt attention. Address W. IL FISHER, Marok22-3 mos. //untingd‘O, BOOTS AND SHOES ! (Wept end of the Diamond) HUNTINGDON, PA, GEO. SHAFFER. Wholesale and retail dealer for all ~.. LIMEBURNING, .gUNTINGDON, PA. S3IITIPS NEW STORE. HEADSTONES, &C., MOULDINGS. &C such /1.8 COOK STOVES, in enillces variety, Groceries, Notions, &c. BEE HIVE!! BEE HI QUICK SALES AND SM•L PROF] THE MOTTO, 01' THE BEE HIVE GROCE 31'""2*m't. near the 8ra:4.24 lit? FENIVA• PThcaDON, : N. B. ( 1 0 It B I N "being returnoi from the East with a . In varied assortment ut articles anisilly fona firer-eloss (:r eery, ronsistink it) part of Si; GARS, TEA, MOLASSSES, CRACKEr.S. FRI;IT6, CI SEGARB, TOBACCO and everythin, else to he found in an et went of this kind. SPICES of ail kinds, pure and fresh, such as Cinnamon, Aliapine, Mugn,rd, and all other articles usually kept in a it 1: A K El It r. I ' Ileoutinue to cams' on my fakery, a at all times prepared to supply inEAD, CAKES AND Pi , easonahlo priors. The following Fancy rays on hood or baked to order pound Cake, Fruit Alart.lo Lady C% Citron. Sponjp Parties supplied with confections at short uotie• all kinds of oak :e and reasonable r ior brand, always of the cheapest. Family lour, of superi, and for sale as elwnp as t CANDY MANUFACTOICT. In connection with my other business commenced the manufacture of Candies,' prepared to supply country dealors wilt FANCY and COMMON at as low rates a can be purchased outside of the Eastern If you want to sure money, Make your pin at thin establishment. TOYS!! TOYS!! TO Y This department is e. - n 1 ete and em everything in the Toy lint fro a lumping to an Elephant. I ewe sol To e-taper th To, other house in the county. inail I ask int from the pnhlie to sobs,. hate the asserticm,. . . _ . Thankful to the public for the very litmus mine extended to me in the past. I - sill my teat effort! to merit its oontinuanne „ oi.mgdon. JILE, 4, _ NIT . K. RAHAT'S CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY ST( (Otte &tor wee( of Joet'ah Cuuttiegkeeee, Is now stocked with a choice assortment kinds of goods usaily round in a 'torn I this kind, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA. FEPPIA, SALT together with au endless variety of CANDIES, TOYS, JEWELRY, worms: all of which will be sold as uheap as a 1 any store in Huntingdon. A choice brand otTobaeua sad Began saws hand. Pure Cider Vißevu'n" heed at all time& I respectfully ask a share of public paten eonfldent that my prices will be sat W. K. RIR Jan. 4, Ti. NEW GOODS FOR SPRLNO AND HITN/ at the new eb,top store ut• CONOVER & DECNrak Nu- 625 }till etztOts Our stock consist• in prt, of Dry Goods, OCR., Notions, flats and Caps, Boots and E Wood, Willow, and Qtteeasware. Bacon. Feed, Glass, Nails, and. also a full lime of r. EADY-31ADK CLOTHING. Our prices are as tow as the lowest, and speettully ask a liberal share of public patrol apr2Bly. GRAND DEPOT FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. GIVIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT : HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOO TA AT CAN'T it I SEA IN CIIBAYNESS AND QUALIT' CALL AND SEE. - D. P. GIVE% Jan. 4, '7l Pianos and Music. SIXTY-FIVE MST PRIZE ME . ALS AWARDED THE GREAT BALTIMORE PIAN MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE &CO \:_►N L F.ACTI:IIEKS, OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGF 1•L NO FORTES, BALTINOKE, AID Them; r ,:raueuts have been Wm , C..% r t ./ for ue,triy Thirty )earn, and upon their wipaU Moue attained an unpurehund pretnir dm a , pronounces them unequalled. Melt TONE combines great parser, sw,,tmues-an.l - rne singi quality, as well as Mor i ► gurity of Intonation, a sweetness thron; `•vat the entire scale. Their TOLIC'•II suppliant and elastic, and jentirely free from .1 stillness fuuntkin nu many Pianos. IN WORKNANSIIIt they are unequalled, using none hui the rosy he seasoned material, the large capital employed our business enabliug U 9 to keep continually a immense stock of, de.. en hand. .. . All our tiquare rialtos have our New leaprovi Overatra4g ...kale and the Agruro Treble. , We would call special ntiention to our late in provements in Grand Pianos and Fquare Grand Patented August It, lsen, which bring the Piss nearer r.-rttction than Las yet bctu attained. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FO' FIVE YEARS. We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholt sale Agency for the most Celebrated PARLOR 01:43ANS AND NVLODEANN. which w, orjer IVlloksole •nu Retail, at Lime. Factory Prices.. WILLIAM KNABE d CO. JAMES EELLAK, Whokeale Depot,. 2ZU 281 South sth etre,* PILILADELPUItit. Sept. 2:1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers