The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, May 31, 1871, Image 1

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    VOL. 46.
United States Laws.
[Published by Authority.]
L _1 W S
4 ACT making appropriations foi's.the
legislative; executive, and judicial
pauses of the government for the year
ending June thirty, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two, •
Be it enacted by the Sciatic and House
Representatives of the United States of •
nerica in Congress assembled, That
a following sums be, and the same are
reby, appropriated. out of any money in
a treasury riot otherwise appropriated,
• the service of flui ti Cal year ending the
irtieth of June, eighteen hundred and
rarity-two, for the objects hen:Meer
pressed, namely:
For compensation and mileage of Sena
•s, four hundred thousand dollars.
For compensation of the officers, clerks,
n3sengers, and othcrd receiving an annual
ary in the service of the Senate, viz :
cretary of the Senate, four thousand
ree hundred and twenty dollars; officer
arced with d:sbursements of the Senate,
e.hundred and seventy-six dollars ; chief
:rk, three thousand dollars, and the ad
:ional stun of one thousand dollars while
e said office is held by the present in
mbent, and no longer; principal clerk,
incipal executive clerk, minute and jour
clerk, and financial clerk, in the office
the Secretary of the Senate, at two
otisand five hundred and ninety-two dol
:s:each ; six clerks in office of the Secre
cy of the Senate, at two thousand two
indred and twenty dollars each ; keeper
the stationery, two thousand one hun-
ed and two dollars and forty cents; two
cPsenge!s, at one thousand twohundred
d ninety-six dollars each; one page, at
ven hundred and twenty dollars; Kr
aut-at-arms and Doorkeeper, four thou
nd three hundrdd -and twenty dollars:
rovided, That here:alter he shall receive,
rectly or indirectly. no fees or other corn
m..,,-.ltion or emolument whatever for per ;
rming the duties of the office, or in con
tetion therewith; assistant doorkeeper,
to thousand five hundred and ninety-two
)liars; Postmaster to the Senate+ two
ousand oue hundred dollars; assistant
)stumster and mail-carrier, one thousand
ven hundred and twenty-eight dollars;
ro mail-carriers, at one thousand two
indeed dollars; superintendent of the
icument-room, two thousand one hundred
td sixty dollars; two assistants in doeu
ent-room, at toe thousand lour hundred
id forty dollars each; superintendent of
ie folding-room, two thousand one hun
!ed and sixty dollars; three messengers,
ming as assistant doorkeepers, at one
iousand eight hundred dollars each;
venty messengers, to be appointed and
moved by the Sergeant-at-arms, with the
pproval of the Committee to Audit and
ontrol the Contingent Expenses of the
enate, at one thousand four hundred and
arty dollars each; secretary to the Presi
ent of the Senate, two thousand one hun
red and two dollars Ad fifty cents;
lerk to the Committee on Finance, two
aousand two hundred and twenty dollars;
lerk to the Committee on Claims, two
hbusand two hundred and twenty dollars;
lerk of printing records, two thou Sand
wo hundred and twenty dollars; clerk to
!ommittee on Appropriations, two thous
nd two hundred and twenty dollars; su
erintendent in charge of the furnaces, one
housand four hundred and forty dollars;
ssistant in charge of furnaces, eight hun
red and sixty-four dollars; one laborer in
harge of private pasiag.e. eight hundred
nd sixty-tbur dollars; one laborer in sta
ionery-room, eight hundred and sixty-four
iollars • one special policeman, one thous
ad dollars; chaplain to the Senate, nine
iundred dollars;chief engineer, two thou
and one hundrd and sixty dollars; three
asistant engineers, at fourteen tiindred
.nd forty dollars each ; two firemen, at one
housandandninety-five do Lars each ; three
aborers, at seven hundred and thirty dol
ars each; making, in all, one hundred and
wenty thousand two hundred and seven
y-three dollars and twenty cents. .
For temporary clerks, ten thonsand dol
F. contingent expenses of the Senate.
For stationery—and newspapers for sew
mty-four Senaturs, at the rate of one hun
lred and twenty-five dullars each per an
nuli, nine thous•ind two hundred and fifty
• For' tationery fur committees and officers
lght thousand dollars.
For clerks to committees, fourteen pages
for the Senate chamber, two riding pages,
one page far the Vice-President's room,
and one page for the office of the Secretary
0' the Senate; making eighteen pages in
ill, at the rate of three dollars per day
while actually employed, and horses and
earryads, filly thousand dollars; said pages
to be appointed and removed by the Ser
seant-at-arms, with the approval of the
Counnitteelo Audit and Control the Con
tingent Expenses of the Senate.
Por fuel Ibr the heating apparatus, eight
thousand chi lars.
. For furniture and repairs of furniture,
ten thousand dollars.
For labor, thirteen thousand dollars.
For folding documents, and materials
therefor, twelve thousand dollars.
For packing boxes, seven hundred and
forty dollars.
For miscellaneous items, exclusive of
labor, thirty thousand dollars.
For the usual additional compensation
to the reporters of the Senate for the Con
gressional Globe, for reporting the pro
ceedings of the Senate tbr the session of
the Forty-second Congress, beginning on
the first Monday in December, eighteen
hundred and seventy-one, eight hundred
dollars each, four thousand dollars.
For one captain, one thousand eight
hundred dollars; two lieutenants, at one
thousand five hundred dollars each; twen
ty-five privates, at one thousand two hun
dred dollars each, thirty thousand dollars;
and eight watchmen, at one thousand dol
lars each, eight thousand dollars; making,
in ail, forty-two thousand eight hundred
dollars, one-half to be paid into the con
tingent fund of the House of Representa
tives, and the other halt to be paid into
the contingent fund of the Senate.
For compensation and mileage of mem
bers of the House of Representatives and
Delegates from Territories, one million five
hundred and sixty-five th , ,usand dollars.
For compensation of the officers, clerks,
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messengers, and others receiving an :tuna
, al salary in the service of the House of
Representatives, viz : Clerk of the House
of Representatives, four thousand three
hundred and twenty dollars; chief clerk
and journal clerk, three thousand dollars
each; five assistant clerks, at two thousand
five hundred and ninety-two dollars each;
one assistant • clerk, at two thousand five
hundred and twenty dollars; eight assist
ant clerks, including librarian and assistant
librarian, at two thousand one hundred and
sixty dollars eaelt; onb chief messenger,
r and clerk to Speaker, at five dollars and
seventy-six cents per day eta ; for three
messengers, at one thousand four hundred
and filly dollars each; one nie , senger in
• the House library, one thousand four hun
dred and forty dollars • one engine*, ono
thousand eight hundred dollars; three as
sistant engineers, at one thousand four
hundred and forty dollars each; six fire
men, at one thousand and ninety-five dol
lars each per annum; for clerk to Commit
tee of Ways and Means, two thousand five
hundred and ninety-two dollars; clerk to
Committee on Appropriations. two thous
and five hundred and ninety-two dollars;
clerk to-Committee of Claims,• two thous
and one hundred and sixty dollars; clerk
to Committee on the Public Lands, two
thousand one hundred and stay dollars;
Sergeant-at-arms, four thousand three hun
dred and twenty dollars: Provided, That
hereafter he shall receive, directly or in
directly, no fees, other compensation, or
emolument whatever for periorming the •
duties of his office, or in connection there
with ; clerk to the Sergeant-at-arms, two
thousand five hundred dollars ; messenger
to Sergeant-at-arms, one thousand four
hundred • and forty dollars; Doorkeeper,
two thousand 44a hundred and ninety-two
dollars; first assistant doorkeeper, two
thousand five hundred and ninety-two dol
Postmaster, two thousand five hun
dred and ninety-two dollars; first assistant
postmaster, two thousand and eighty dol
-four messengers, at one thousand
seven hundred and twenty-eight dollars
each; five mail carriers, at one thousand
' and eighty dCyliars each; -chaplain of the
House, nine hundred dollars; two stenog
raphers. four thousand three hundred and
eighty dollars each; superintendent of
folding room, two thousand one hundred ,
and sixty dollars; superintendent and as
sistant of the document-room, at five dol
lars and seventy-six cents per day each ;
document file clerk, one thousand eight
hundred dollars; eleven messengers, five
at one thousand eight hundred dollars, and
six at one thousand four hundred and forty
dollars each ; twelve messengers-during the
session, at the rate of one thousand four
hundred and forty dollars per annum ;
making, in all, the sum of one hundred and
fifty-two thousand two hundred and twenty
seven dollars and sixty cents.
For contingent expenses of the House
of Representatives, viz :
For cartage, three thousand eight hun
dred dollars.
For clerks to committees, and temporary
clerks of the House of Representatives,
forty-one thousand three hundred and
four dollars.
For folding documents, including pay
of folders and materials, eighty thousand
For fuel, seven thousand dollars.
For horses and carriages for transpor
tation of mails, and saddle-horses for the
nse of messengers, ten thousand dollars.
For furniture and repairs of the same,
eighteen thousand dollars.
For packing boxes, two thousand six
hundred dollars.
.For laborers, eighteen thousand two
hundred and fbrty dollars.
For miscellaneous items, fifty-five thou
sand dolars.
For newspapers and stationery for Mem
bers and delegates, at one hundied and
twenty-five dollars each per annum, thir
ty-one thousand two hundred and fifty
&Mars • and for stationery fbr committees
and of ficers of the House, five thousand
For twenty-three pages, (including three
riding pages,) seventeen thousand six hun
dred and thirty-nine dollars and thirty
tour cents.
For the usual additional "compensation
t 7) the reporta.s of the House for the Con
gressionol Globe for reporting the procee
dings of the House for the session of the
Forty-second Congress, beginning on the
first Monday in December, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-one, eight hundred dol
lars each, fuur thousand eight hundred
For compensation of the Congressional
Printer, and the clerks and messengers in
his office, twelve thousand five hundred
and fourteen dollars.
For contingent expenses of his office,
'viz: For stationery, postage, advertising.
furniture, travelling expenses, horses and
wagons, • and miscellane nts• items, two
thousand five hundred dollars.
For the public printing, six hundred
and fifty-five thousand nine hundred and
ninety-six dollars and fifty cents : Provi
ded, That so much of section ten of the
act approved dune twenty-five, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, entitled "An act
to expedite and regulate the printing of
public documents, and for other purposes,"
and provides that the " Superintendent of
Public Printing," under certain conditions
therein stated, may furnish extra copies of
any document to persons applying there
for, be, and the same is hereby, so amen
ded that ten per centum shall be added to
the cost paid for said documents.
For paper for the public printing, seven
hundred and twenty-five thousand nine
hundred and fifteen dollars.
For.the public binding, five:bundred
and twenty-eight thousand three hundred
and nineteen dollars and sixty cents.
For lithographing, engraving, mapping
copies of maps, plans, and diagrams in
fac-simile on tracing-linen, ninety-one
thousand dollars.
For compensation of the Librarian, four
thousand dollars.
For three assistant librarians. at one
thousand four hundred and forty dollars
each, four thousand three hundred and
twenty dollars.
For two assistant libiarians, one at one
thousand two hundred dollars, and one
at nine kundred and sixty dollars, two
thousand one hundred and sixty dollars.
For one messenger, one thousand seven
hundred and twenty-eight dollars.
For three laborers at eight hundred and
sixty-four dollars each, two thousand five
hundred and ninety-two dollars.
For purchase o(bouks for said library,
eight thousand dollars.
For purchase of law books for said li
brary, two thousand dollars.
For purchase of file of periodicals and
newspapers, one thousand five hundred
For expenses of exchanging public doe•
uments for the publications of foreign gov
ernments, one thouiand five hundred dol
For shelving a room underneath the
library fot copyright boAts, and an iron
stairway to communicate therewith, five
hundred d..;llars.
For constructing cases of shelves for
the alcoves in library, five hundred dol
For contingent expenses of said library
two thousand dollars.
For botanic garden, grading, draining
manure, tools, fuel. and repair 4, mg:
purchasing trees and shrubs, under the
direction of the Library ommittee of
Congress, five thousand dollars.
For pay of superintendent and assistants
in botanic garden and green-houses, under
the direction of the Library Committee of
Congress, eleven thousand two hundred
and ninety-six dollars.
For clerk in the office of Public Build
ings and grounds, one thousand two hun
dred dollars.
For mesiienger in the same office, eight
hundred and tbrty dollars.
For compensation to the public garden
er, one thousaad four hundred and forty
For compensation to the laborer in charge
of the water-closets in the Capitol, seven
hundred and twenty dollars.
Ftr compensation of a foreman and twen
ty-one laborers employed in the public
grounds. nineteen thousand two hundred
and ninety-six dollars.
For compensation of four laborers in
the Capitol, two thousand eight hundred
and eighty dollars.
Fur compensation of furnace-keeper in
chorge of heating apparatus under the old
hall of the House of Representatives,
eight hundred and sixty-four dollars.
For compensation of furnace-keeper at
the President's house, seven hundred and
twenty dollars.
For two policemen at the President's
two thousand six hundred and
forty dollars.
For compensation of two night watch
men at the President's house, one thous
and two hundred dollars.
For assistant doorkeeper, seven hundred
and twenty dollars.
For compensation of two draw-keepers
at the bridge across the Eastern Branch
of the Potomac, and for fuel, oil, and
lamps, one thousand six hundred dollars.
For watchman in Franklin Square, seven
hundred and twenty dollars.
For compensation of the person in
charge of the - heating apparatus of the
Library of Congress, and other steam-heat
ing apparatus in the central building,
eight hundred and sixty-four dollars.
For electrician .for the Capitol, one
thousand two hundred dollars.
For compensation of-five watchman in
reservation number two, three thousand
For salaries of five judges of the Court
of Claims, the chief clerk and assistant
clerk, bailiff, and messenger thereof, twen
ty-seven thousand three hundred and forty
For compentistion of attorneys to attend
to taking testimony, witnesses, and com
missioners, three thousand five hundred
For stationery, books, fuel labor, and
other contingent and miscellaneous expen
ses, three thousand dollars.
For reporting the decisions of the court,
clerical hire, labor in preparing and su
perintending the printing of the sixth vol
ume of the reports of the Court of Claims,
to be paid on the order of the court one
thousand dollars.
To pay judgments of the Court of
Claim•, five thousand dollars.
For compensation of the President of
the United States. twentg i five thousand
For compensation of the Vice President
of the United States, eight thousand dol
For compensation of Secretary to sign
patents tor public lands, fifteen hundred
For compensation to the private secreta
ry, assistant secretary, (who shall be a
short-hand waiter), two executive clerks,
at two thousand three hundred dollars
each ; steward and messenger of the Pres
ident of the United States; thirteen thous
and eight hundred dollars.
For contingent expenses of the execu
tive office, including stationery thereof,
four thousand dollars.
For compensation of the Secretary of
State, eight thousand dollars; two Assis
tant Secretaries of State, at three thousand
five hundred dollars each; for chief clerk,
at two thousand two hundred dollars; ten
clerks of class four, additional to one clerk
of class four as disbursing clerk, nine clerks
of class three, three clerks of class three,
three clerks of class two, eight clerks of
one, one messenger, one assistant messen
ger, nine laborers, and four watchmen ; in
all, seventy-four thousand five hundred
five hundred and twenty dollars.
For publishing the laws in pamphlet
form, and in newspapers of the States and
Territories, and in the city of Washing
ton, fifty thousand dollars : Provided,
That hereafter no laws or treaties shall be
published in newspapers except those
which are of a general nature, which laws
shall be selected by the Secretary of State ;
and the same shall in all cases be publish
ed without delay.
For proof-reading, and packing the
laws and documents for the various lega
tions and consulates, including boxes and
transportation of the same, three thousand
For stationery, furniture, fixtures, and
repairs, five thousand dollars.
For books and maps, two thousand dol
For extra clerk-hire and copying, four
thousand dollars.
For contingent expenses, viz : rent, fuel,
lights, repairs, and miscellaneous expenses,
thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars.
For compensation of the commissioner
on the part of the United States, four
thousand five hundred dollars.
For compensation of umpire, three
thousand dollars.
For agent, four thousand dollars.
For secretary, two thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For legal assistant to agent, three thous
and dollars.
For two clerks, at one thousand four
hundred dollars each.
For two translators, at one thousand
five hundred dollars each.
For one inesseng,er, six hundred dollars.
For one assistant messenger, three hun
dred dollars,
HUNTINGDON, PA., MAY 31, 1871.
For contingent expenses, five thoniand
For the compensation of the Secretary
of the Treasury, eight thousand dollars;
two Assistant Secretrries of the Treasury,
at three thousand five hundred dollars
each; chief clerk, two thousand two hun
dred dollars, and three hundred dollars ad
ditional for acting as superintendent of the
building; forty-nine clerks of class four,
additional compensation of two hundred
dollars to one clerk of class four disbursing
clerk, thirty clerks of class three, twenty
six clerks of class two, twenty-seven clerks
of class one ; thirty-two female clerks, at
nine hundred dollars each; eleven messen
gers, one assistant messenger,
and ten la
borers; one clerk of class four and one
clerk of class one ; to assist the chief. in
superintending the building; one captain
of the watch, one thousmd four hundred ,
dollars ; one engineer, one thousand four
hundred dollars; one machinist and gas
one thousand two hundred dollars;
sixty watchman, at seven hundred and
twenty dollars each, and to two of said
watchmen, acting as lieutenants of watch
men, two hundred and eighty dollars in
thirty laborers, at seven hun
dred and twenty dollars each, five firemen,
at six hundred dollars each ; ninety chair
women, at one hundred and eighty dollars
each; in all, three hundred and sixty-one
thousand nine hundred dollars.
In the construction bratich of the Treas
ury : For Supervising Architect, three
thousand dollars; assistant supervising ar
chitect, two thousand five hundred dollars;
chief clerk, two thousand dollars ; photo
grapher, two thousand dollars; two assis
tant photographers, one at one thousand
six hundred dollars, and one at one thous
and two hundred dollars ; two clerks
of class four, four clerks of class three,
three clerks of class one, and one messen
ger ; in all, twenty-seven thousand two
hundred and forty dollars.
For First Comptroller of the Treasury,
five thousand dollars; chief clerk, two
thousand dollars; ten clerks of class four,
twelve clerks of class three, twelve clerks
of class two, six clerks of caws one; six
copyists, at nine hundred dollars each;
one messenger, one assistant messenger,
and three laborers; in all, seventy-seven
thousand three hundred and twenty dol
For Second Comptroller of the Treas
ury, three thousand dollars; -chief clerk,
two thousand dollars; twelve clerks of
class four, twenty clerks of class three,
twenty-eight clerks of class two, twenty
one clerks of class one; twelve copyists, at
nine hundred dollars each ; one messenger,
at seven hundred and twenty dollars; and
two laborers; in all, one hundred and
thirty-six . thousand eight hundred dollars.
For enamissioner of Customs, three
thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thous
and dollars; two clerks of class ibur, six
clerks of class three, eight clerks of class
two, five clerks of class one, one messen
ger, and one laborer; in all, thirty-six
thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars.
For first Auditor of the Treasury, thee
tnousand dollars ; chief clerk, two thousand
dollars; three clerks of class four, ten
clerks of class three, ten clerks of class
two, thirteen clerks f class one, one mes
senger, one assistant messenger, and one
laborer; in all, fifty-eight thousand two
hundred and eighty dollars.
For Second Auditor, three thousand
dollars ; chief clerk, two thousand dollars ;
six clerks of class four, fifty-four clerks of
class three, one hubdred and nine clerks
of class two, one hundred clerks of class
one, one messenger, five assistant messen
gers, and seven laborers; and for addition
al to disbursing clerk, two hundred dol
lars; in all, three hundred and eighty-four
thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.
For Third Auditor, three thousand dol
lars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars;
fourteen clerks of class four, additional to
one clerk of class four as disbursing clerk,
two hundred dollars ; thirty-two clerks of
class three, ninety-two clerks of clams two,
eighty-six clerks of class one ; ten copyists,
at nine hundred dollars each ; two messen
gers, three assistant messengers, and seven
laborers; in all, three hundred and thirty
one thousand and eighty dollars.
For the Fourth Auditor, three thous
and dollars; chief clerk, two thousand
dollars • five clerks of class four, eighteen
clerks of class three, twelve clerks of class
two, eleven clerks of class one, one messen
ger, one assistant messenger, three labor
ers, and eight female clerks at nine hull,
dred dollars each; in all, eighty-three
thousand seven hundred and twenty dol
For the Fifth Auditor, three thousand
dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars;
four clerks of class four, eight clerks of
class- , three, eight clerks of class two,
twelve cleiks of class one ; seven copyiits,
six thousand three hundred dollars; one
messenger, one assistant messenger, and
two laborers; in all, fifty-nine thousand
pine hundred dollars.
For compensation of the Treasury for
the Post Office Department, three thous
and dollars; chief clerk, two thousand
dollars; nine clerks of class four; addition
al to one clerk of class four 'as disbursinh . ,
clerk, two hundreddollars; forty clerks of
class three, sixty-four clerks of class-two,
thirty-seven clerks of class one, one mes
senger, one assistant messenger,and eleven
laborers; also, four additional clerks of
class three, and four additional laborers
for the money order division; in all, two
hundred and forty thousand five hundred
and sixty dollars.
For compensation of the Treasurer of
the United States, six thousand five hun
dred dollars; assistant treasurer, twc thou
sand eight hundred dollars; cashier, two
thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant
cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars;
five chiefs of division, at two thousand
two hundred dollars each; two principal
book-keepers, two thousand two hundred
dollars each ; two tellers, two thousand
two hundred dollars each; one chief clerk,
two thousand dollars; two assistant tellers,
two thousand dollars each ; fifteen clerks
of class four, fifteen clerks of class three,
eleven clerks of class two, nine clerks of
class one • sixty female clerks, at nine
hundred dollars each; fifteen hundred dol
lars each ; fifteen messengers; five male
laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dol
lars each ; and seven female laborers, at
two hundred and forty dollars each; in all,
one hundred awl eighty-nine thousand
four hundred and eighty dollars : Provided,
That ten thousand dollars are hereby ap
propriated to be expended in the office of
the Treasurer of the United States at the
discretion of the Secretary of the Treas
For compensation of the Register of the
Treasury, three thousand dollars; assistant
register, two thousand dollars ; chief clerk,
two thousand dollars; five clerks of class
four, twelve clerks of class three, twenty
four clerks of class two, ten cleik4 of class
Cute, one messenger, two assistant messen-
gers st seven hundred and twenty dollars,
.and twolaborers ; in all, eighty-four thou
sand five hundred and twenty dollars :
Provided, That the Secretary of the Trea
sury may employ three additional clerks of
class four, and eight female clerks at nine
hundred dollars each per annum, in lieu
of nine of said clerks of class two.
For comptroller of the Currency, five
thousand dollars; deputy comptroller, two
thousand five hundred dollars ; eleven
clerks of class four, thirteen clerks of class
three, ten clerks of class two, eleven clerks
of class one, twenty-four female clerks,
four messengers, two laborers, and two
night watchmen ; in all, one hundred and
three thousand one hundred and forty
For Commissioner of Internal revenue,
six thousand dollars; deputy commission
er, three thousand five hundred dollars;
seven heads of divisons, at two thousand
five hundred dollars each; thirty-four
clerks of class four, forty-eight clerks of
class three, fifty-two clerks of class two,
thirty-eight clerks of class one, ninety-five
copyists, five messengers, three assistant
messengers, and fifteen laborers; in all,
three hundred and ninety-two thousand
and sixty dollars.
For dies, paper, and for stamps, two
hundred thousand dollars.
For salaries and expenses of collectors,
assessors, assistant assessors, supervisors,
detectives, and storekeepers, together with
the expense of carrying into effect the va
rious provisions of the several acts pro
vided fur, five million four hundred thous
and dollars.
For detecting and bringing to trial and
punishment. persons guilty of violating the
internal revenue laws, or conniving at the
the same, in cases where such expenses are
not otherwise provided for by law, oue
hundred thousand dollars.
For chief clerk of the Light-house
Board, two thousand dollars; one clerk of
class four, two clerks of class three, one
clerk of class two, one clerk of class one,
on•: female copiest, one messenger, and one
Ifbarer; all twelve thousand and sixty
For the officer in charge of the Bureau
of Statistics, two thousand five hundred
dollars; chief clerk two thousand dollars,
twelve clerks of class four, eight clerks of
class three, ten clerks of class two, five
clerks of class one; five copyists, at nine
hundred dollars cavil; one messenger, one
laborer, and one char-wowan, at four hun
dred and eighty dollars; in all sixty-five
thousand four hundred and forty dollars.
For temporary clerks for the Treasury
Department, forty thousand dollars : Provi
ded, That hereafter n temporary clerk shall
reeieve a greater compensation than at the
rate of twelve hundred dollars par annum
for the time actually employed.
For stationery for the Treasury Depart
ment and the several bureaus, forty-five
thousand dollars.
For postage, books, newspapers, arrang
ing and binding cancelled marine papers
sealing ships' registers, care of horses for
mail and office wagon, repair of wagons
and harness, washing towels, investigation
of accounts and records, and the other mis
cellaneous items required for the current
and ordinary business of the Department,
not herein otherwise provided fur, sixty
five thousand dollars.
For furniture, carpets, desks, chairs,
shelving for file-rooms, boxes and repairs
of furniture, cases, oil-cloth, matting, rugs,
chair covers and cushions, repairs and lay
ing of carpets, and other miscellaneous
articles of the like character, fifty thou
sand dollars.
For fuel, light, soap, brooms, brushes,
feather-dusters. sponge, chamois, spittoons,
shades, awnings, wall paper, clothes-hooks,
drop-lights, and tubing, blank keys, crash,
cotton, water-coolers, tumblers, hatches,
and matches, oils, pitchers and basins,
towels, tacks, traps, thermometers, candles,
buckets, and other miscellaneous items,
fifty thousand dollars.
Office of the assistant treasurer at New
York: For assistant treasurer, eight thou
sand dollars ; for deputy assistant treasur
er, three thousand six hundred dollars;
chiefs of division, tellers, registers, clerics,
book:keepus, messengers, keeper of build,
ing, watchman engineer, detectives, and
porter, one hundrel and twenty-seven
thousand six hundred and eighty-eight
dollars; in all, one hundred and thirty
eight thousand six hundred and eighty
Office of the assistant treasurer at Bos
ton : For assistant treasurer, five thousand
dollars ; for chief clerk, two thousand sev
en hundred dollars; f'or clerks and mes
sengers, twenty-three thousand dollars;
for three watchmen, .two thousand and
sixty dollars.
dice of assistant treasurer at San Fran
cisco : For assistant treasurer, in addition
to his salary as treasurer of the branch
mint, one thousand five hundred dollars;
for cashier, three thousand dollars; for
book-keeper, two thousand five hundred
dollars; for assistant cashier, two thous
and dollars ; for assistant book-keeper,
two thousand dollars; for stamp clerk, two
thousand four hundred dollars; for one
clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars;
for three night watchmen, four thousand
five hundred dollars ; for one day watch
man, nine hundred and sixty dollars.
Office of assistant treasurer at Philadel
phia: For assistant treasurer, in addition
to his salary as treasurer of the Mint, one
thousand five hundred dollars; for clerks.
messengers, and watchmen, thirty-four
thousand eight hundred and twenty-three
Office of assistant treasurer at St. Louis :
For assistant treasurer, five thousand dol
lars; for clerks, messengers, and watch
men, ten thousand dollars.
Office of assistant treasurer at New Or
leans: For assistant treasurer, four thou
and dollars; for chief clerk and cashier,
two thousand five hundred dollars; one
clerk, two thousand dollars; two clerks,
three thousand: dollars; one porter, nine
hundred dollars; two watchmen, one thou
sand four hundred and forty dollars;
amounting in all to thirteen thousand eight
hundred and forty dollars
Office of assistant treasurer at Charles
ton, South Carolina : For assistant treas.
uer, four thousand dollars ; one clerk, one
thousand eighthundred dollars; one thou
sand six hundred dollars; one assistant
messenger, seven hundred and twenty dol
lars; and two watchmen, one thousand
four !pillared and forty dollars.
Office of assistant treasurer at Balti
more : For assistant treasurer, five thous
and dollars ; for cashier, twenty-five hun
dred dollars; for three clerks, five thous
and four hundred dollars; for two clerks,
two thousand eight hundred dollars; for
one clerk, one thousand two hundred dol
lars; for messenger, eight hundred and
forty dollars; for five vault watchmen,
three thousand six hundred dollars.
Office of depositary at Chicago : For
cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars;
for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred
d dlars; for two clerks, three thousand
dollars; for one clerk, one thousand two
hundred dollars; for one messenger, eight
hundred and forty dollars.
Office of depositary at Cincinnati: For
cashier, two thousand dollars; for one
clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars;
for one clerk, one thousand five hundred
dollars; for two clerks, two thousand four
hundred dollars; for two clerks, two thou
sand dollars ; for one me senger, six hun
dred dollars; for two watchmen, one at
seven hundred and twenty dollars and one
at two hundred and forty dollars, nine
hundred and sixty dollars.
Office of depositary at Louisville: For
cashier, two thousand dollars; for one
clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars;
for one clerk, one thousand two hundred
dollars; for watchman, seven hundred and
twenty. dollars.
Office of depositary at Pittsburg: For
cashier, one thousand eight hundred dol
lars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred
dollars; one watchman, seven hundred and
twenty dollars; amounting in all to three
thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars.
Mee of depositary at Santa Fe : For
depositary, (in addition to ,his pay as re
ceiver,) two thousandlollars; one clerk,
one thousand two hundred dollars; two
watchmen, each seven hundred and twenty
dollars; amounting in all to four thousand
six hundred and forty dollars.
For compensation to special agents to
examine the books, accounts, and money
on hand at the several depositaries, inclu
ding national banks acting as depositaries
under the act of the sixth of August,
eighteen hundred and forty-six, six thous
and dollars.
For c•lntingent expenses under the act
of the sixth of August, eighteen hundred
and forty-six, for the collection, safe-keep
ing, transfer, and disbursement of the'
public revenue, fifty thousand dollars :
Provided, That no part of said sum shall
be expended for clerical services.
For checks and certificates of deposit for
office of assist int treasurer at New York,
and other offices '
eight thousand dollars.
For additional clerks under the act for
the better orzinization of the treasury, at
such rates as the Secretary of the Treasury
may deem just and reasonable, ten thous
and dollars.
• For mimics of the Director, treasurer,
assayer, welter and refiner, chief coiner
and eng,ral er, assistant Assayer, and seven
clerks, thirty-seven thousand nine hundred
For wages of workmen and adjusters,
one hundred and twenty-five thousand
For incidental and contingent expenses,
including wastage and repairs, thirty-five
thousand dollars.
For specimens of ores and coins to be
preserved in the cabinet of the mint, six
hundred dollars.
For freight on bullion and coin, five
thousand dollars.
For salaries of superintendent, treasu
rer. assayer, melter and refiner, coiner,
and six clerks, thirty thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For wages of workman and adjusters.
one hundred and seventy-eight thousand
For ino:dental and contingent expenses,
repairs, 'and wastage, fifty-nine thousand
five hundred dollars.
For salary of superintendent, four thou
sand five hundred dollars; for salary of
assayer, three thousand dollars; fir salary
of melter and refiner, three thousand dol
lars; for salary of assistant assayer, two
thousand dollars; for salary of deputy
treasurer, three thousand dollars ; for com
pensation of clerk, ten thousand two hun
dred dollars.
For wages of workmen, sixty-eight thou•
sand dollars.
For incidental and contingent expenses,
twenty-two thousand dollars.
For assayer, (who shall have charge of
said mint,) two thousand five hundred dol
For welter, two thousand five hundred
For wages of workmen, fifteen thousand
three hundred and thirty-five dollars.
For three clerks, at one thousand eight
hundred dollars each, fire thousand four
hundred do lars.
For incidental and contingent expanses,
including repairs and wastage, five thous
and dollars.
For salaries of superintendent, assayer,
melter and refiner, coiner, and four clerks,
seventeen thousand nine hundred dollars.
And hereafter there shall be in said mint
a superintendent, with an annual salary of
three thousand d• - dlars; a melter and refi
ner, an assayer and coiner, at an annual
salary of two thousand five hundred dollars
each; one clerk at an annual salary of two
thousand dollars, and three clerks at an
annual salary of one thousand eight hun
cried dollars each. The offices of chief
coiner, assistant coiner, assistant assayer,
and assistant welter and refiner; are hereby
For wages of workmen and adjusters,
fifty-four thousand dollars.
Far. chemicals, charcoal, and wood, in
cidental and miscellaneous expenses, sev
enteen thousand six hundred dollars.
For assayer, fitleen hundred dollars.
For wages of workmen, fourteen hun
dred and ninety-two dollars.
For chemicals, charcoal, incidental and
miscellaneous items, one thousand three
hundred and thirty-five dollars.
For salaries of superintendent., assayer,
welter, and clerk, seven thousand four
bundred dollars.
For wages or workmen, three thousand
For incidental and contingent expenses,
one thousand five hundred dollars. -
Vor salaries or governor, chief justice,
and two associate judges, and secretary,
thirteen thousand five hundred dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Territo
ry, one thousand dollars.
For interpreter and translator in the
executive office, five hundred dollars.
For salaries of governor and superin
tendent of Indian affairs, chief justice and
two associate judges, and secretary, thir
teen thousand three hundred dollars.
For compensation and mileage of the
members of the ass Inbiy, oit,-
cere, clerks, and c litirr 4 ent expenses there
of, twenty thousand dollars.
For contingent expdrovs of said Terri.
tory, one thousand dothrs.
For salaries of goreruor and super:ntendent
of indian aifdrs, chief justice and two aissoci
ate judges, and secretary, thirteen thousand
three hundred dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one thbusantt dollar.
For salaries of governor and superintendent
of Indiannffairs, chief justice and two associ
ate judges, and secretary, thirteen thousand
five hundred dollars.
For compensation and mileage of the mem
bers of the legislative assembly, officers clerks,
and contingent expenses thereof, twenty thou
sand dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one thonsind dollars.
For compensation for governor and super
intendent of Indian atrai., chief justice and
two associate judges, and secretary, thirteen
thousand five hundred dollars.
For compensation and tulle:To of the mem
bers of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks,
and contingent expenses thereof, twenty thou
sand dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one thousand
For salaries of governor, chief justice and
two associate judges, and secretary-, and es
officid superintendent of public bnildings and
grounds, thirteen thousand five hundred dol-.
For compensation and mileage of the mem
bers of the legislativeassembly, officers, clerks,
and contingent expenses thereof, twenty-one
thousand dollars.
For contingent expenses of said Territory
one thousand dollars.
For interpreter and translator in the execu
tive office, five hundred dollars.
For salaries of governor, chief justice, two
associate judges, and secretary, thirteen thou
sand five hundred dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Tcrritoy, one
thousand dollars.
For compensation and mileage of the mem
bersof the legislative assemldy, officers, clerks
and contingent expenses thereof, twenty thou
sand dollars.
Eor salaries of governor, chief justice, two
associate judges, and secretary, fourteen thou•
Sand dollars.
For contingent expenses of said Territory,
one thousand dollars.
For compensation and mileage of 04 mem
bers of the legisle.tive assembly, officers clerks,
and contiageut expenses thereof, twenty five
thousand dollars.
For salaries of governor and superintendent
of Indian affairs, chief justice, two associate
judges, and secretary, thirteen thousand eight
hundred dollars.
For contingent expenses of the Territory,
one thousand dollirs.
For compensation and mileage of the men
hers of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks,
and contingent expenses thereof, twenty- thou
For compensation of the Secretary of the
Interior, Assistant Secretary, chief clerk, four
clerks of class four, any of whom may be paid
two hundred dollars extra if the Secretary of
the Interior deem it necessary and proper;
five clerks of class four, one of whom may be
designated by the Secretary to act as super
intendent of the building, who shall receive
two hundred dollars additional compensation
per annum ; additional to three disbursing
clerks, three clerks of chats three, four clerks
of class two, and , one clerk of class one, one
messenger, two assistant messengers at seven
hundred and twenty dollars each, and three
laborers in his office ; in all, forty-seven thou
sond five hundred and forty dollars.
For twenty-eight watchmen for the general
service of the Interior Department building,
and all the bureaus therein, to be allotted to
day or night service, as the Secretary of the
Interior may direct, twenty thnnsand one hun
dred and sixty dollars.
For stationery, furnitur-, books, and maps
or the library, and miscellaneous items, nine
thousand dollars.
For expenses of packing and distributing
official documents, including salary of super
intendent, seven thousand dollars.
For rent of rooms for the nse of the Pension
Office, and for the Bureau of Education, four
teen thousond dollars.
For casual repairs of the Department build
ing, ten thousand dollars.
For fuel, light, and salary of the engineer at
fourteen hundred dollars, and repairs of the
heating apparatus, eighteen thousand two bun•
dren dollars.
For Commissioner of the General Land Of
fice, recorder, chief clerk, three principal
clerks of public lands, three clerks of class
four, twenty-three clerks of class three, forty
clerks of class two, forty Clerks of class one,
draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, two
messengers, three assistant messengers at sev
en hundred and twenty dollars each, two
Packers, seven laborers, employed in his of
fice; in all, one hundred and seventy one
thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars.
For compensation of additional clerks in the
General Land Office, viz: For one principal
clerk as director, one clerk of class three, four
clerks of class two, thirty-five clerks of class
one, and two laborers, fifty-two thousand six
hundred and forty dollars. For cash system,
maps, diagrams, stationery, furniture,-wad
pairs of the saute; miscellaneous items,in
eluding two of the city newspapers, to be filed,
bound, and preserved fur the use of the office ;
advertising and telegraphing ; miscellaneou..;
items on account of bounty lands and nflitary
patents, and contingent expenses under the
swamp-laud act, twenty thousand dollars ;
making a total appropriated for the General
Land Office of two hundred stud foriy-four
thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.
For translation of the abridged report of the
Commissioner of the General Land Office into
foreign languages, fifteen hundred dollars.
For compensation of the Commissioner of
Indian Milan, chief clerk, three clerks of
class four, seven clerks of class three, five
clerks of class two ; in all, twenty-eight thou
sand six hundred dollars.
Temporary clerks: For one clerk of class
three, seven clerks of class two, twelve clerks
of class one, and four female copyists at nine
hundred dollars each; in all, twenty-nine
thousand four hundred dollars,
For one messenger, une assistant messenger
at sevou hundred and twenty dollars, and one
laborer ; in all, two thousand two hundred
and eighty dollars.
For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel,
lights, and miscellaneous items including two
city newspapers, to be filed, hound, and pre
served for the use of the office; five thousand
For compensation of Commissioner of Pen
sions, chief clerk, of class four, forty-eight
llerks of class three, seventy six clerks of class
two, seventy eight clerks of class one, sixteen
female copyists at nine hundred dollars each,
one messenger, five assistant messengers at
seven hundred and twenty dollars each, and
five laborers in his office; in all, three hun
dred and forty three thousand eight huffilred
For stationery, engraving, and retouching
plates, for bounty land-warrants, office furni
ture, and repairing the same, and miscellane
ous items, including two daily newspapers, to
be filed, bound and preserved for the use of
the office, and for detection sod investigation
of fraud, forty thousand dollars.
For compensation of the Commissioner of
the Patent Office, four thousand five hundred
dollars ; for Assistant Commissioner, three
thousand dollars; for chief clerk, two thous
and firc hundred dollars; three exrminers-of
chief, at three thousand dollars each ; exam
iner in charge of interferences, two thousand
five hundred dollars; twenty-tiro principal
examiners, at two thousand five hundred dol
lars; twenty two first assistant examiners, at
one th3usand six hundred dollars each, two of
whom may be females; one librarian, two
NO. 22.
Mmsand ; one• machinist, one thous
ind six hundred dollars; five eterks of class
four, eight clerks of class three, fifty clerks of
:;lass two, and tort}-live clerk of class one ;
:inking in all three hundred thousand seven
hundred dollars. -
For thirty permahent clerks, at one thous
and dollars each, thirty thousand dollars.
For forty permanent clerks, at also hun
dred dollars cacti, thirty six thousand dollars.
For two ski Led drazghtsmen, at twelve
hundred dollars each, two thousand four hun
dred' dollars.
For thirty fire copyists of drawings, at the
rate of one thOusand dollars per annum each,
thirty-five thousand
r,oae messenger and purchasing. clerk,
one thousand dollars.
For one skilled laborer, ono thousand two
hundred dollars•
For eight attendants in model room, at one
thousand dollars each, eight thousand - dollars.
For eight attendants in model room, at nine
hundred dollars each, seven thousand two
hundred dollars.
For thirty laborers, at seven hundred. sad
twenty dollars each,: twenty-one thousand six
hundred dollars.
For six laborers, at six hundred each, three
thousand six hundred dollars.
For contingeant and miscellaneous expenses
,f the Patent Office, namely: For stationery
for use of office, furniture, repairing, papering,
painting, carpets, ice, advertising, books for
library, moneys refunded, printing engraved
patent-heads, international exchanges, plumb
ing, gas-fitting, extra labor on indexes and ab
stracts for annual reports, fitting rooms, tem
porary clerks, laborers, and draughtsmen, and
other contingencies, ninety thousand dollars.
For photo-lithographing, or otherwise pro
ducing copies of drawings of current and hack
issues, for use of the office and for sale, forty
thousand dollars, to be used only for purpo
ses not embr,aced in the joint resolution pro-
Fining for publishing specifications and draw
ings of Patent Office, approved January clew
en, eighteen hundred and seventy-one.
For compensation of surveyor general of
tna, two thousand dollars, and for clerks
in,his office, two thousand five hundred dot.
Fer surveyor gieral of Florida, two thous
and dollars, and for clerks in his office, two
thousand five hundred dollars.
For surveyor general of Minnesota, two
thousand dollars, and for clerks in his office,
thousand three hundred dollars.
For surveyor general of Kansas, two thous
and dollar,, and for clerks in his office , six
thousand three hundred dollars.
For surveyor general Of Colorado, three
thousand dollars, arwil for clerks in his office,
four thousand do.lars.
For surveyor general of New Mexico, -three
thousand dollafgrand for clerks in his office,
four thousnd.
For surveyor general of California, three
thousand dollars, and for clerks in his office,
elcvan thousand dollars.
For sur. - eyor general of Idaho, three tlioas
and dollars, and for clerks in his office, four
thousand dollars. •
For surveyor general of Nevada, tbree thong
and dollars, and for clerks in his office,-four
thousand dollars. •
For ~urveyorgeneral of Oregon, two thong ,
aod five hundred dollars, and for clerks in bin
oftlee, four thousand dollars.
For surveyor general of Washington Terri
tory, two thousand five hundred 'dollars, and
for clerks in his office, four thousand dollars.
_ For surveyor general of Nebraska and lows,
two thousand dollars, and for clerks, in Ms
office, six thousand three hundred dollars.
For surveyor general of Montana, three
thousand dollars, and for clerks in his office,
four thousand dollars.
For surveyor general of Utah Territory,
three thousand dollars, and for clerks ire his
office, four thousand dollars.
For surveyor general of the Territory of
Wyoming, three three thousand dollars, sad
fur clerks in his office, four thousand chil
For surveyor general of Arizonia, three
thousand dollars.
For compensation of Commissioner of Ake
culture, three thousand dollars ; chief clerk,
two thousand dollars; entomologist, two thou
sand dollars ; chemist, two thousand five hun
dred dollars ; assistant chemist, one thousand
six hundred dollars ; superintendent of experi
mental gardens and grounds, two thousand
dollors ; statistscan, two thousand dollars;
disbursing clerk, one thousand eight hundred
dollars; superintendent of seed-room, 'one
thousand eight hundred dollars; librarian,
one thousand eight hundred dollars; botanist,
one thousand eight hundred dollars; four
clerks of class four, five clerks of - class three,
six clerks of class two, seven clerks of class
one; engineer, one thousand four hundred
dollars ; superintendent of . folding-room, -one
thousand two hundred dollars; asasistant su
perintendent of garden and grounds, "one
thousand two hundred dollars; assistant su
perintendent of the seed,room one thousand
two hundred dollars ; three dtyists, at nine
hundred dollars each ; two attendants in mu
seum, at one., thousand dollars each ; chief
messenger, eight hundred and fifty dollars -
assistant asstant messengers, at seven hundred
and twenty dollars each ; one carpenter, at
nine hundred and sixty dollars; three watch
man, at seven hundred and twenty dollars
each ; and eight laborers, at seven hundred
and twenty dollars each ; Making in all, 'ilev
enty-ave thousand one hundred and seventy
Far collecting statistics and compiliftg and
writing matter for monthly, annual, and spe
cial reports, fifteen thousand dollars.
For purchase and distribution of new and
valuable seeds and plants, forty thousand dol
For expense of putting tliktho same, fbe
bor, bagging, paper, twine, gum, and other
necessary materials, fire thousand dollars,
For later on experimental garden, and 00W
er-pots, repairs to greenhouse, and heating
apparatus, gravel for walks, and purchase of
new plants and see Ls for the same, five then
sand dollars.
For stationery, two thousand - 1011%ra.
For freight and charges, one thousand eight
hundred 'Jolters.
For fuel, one thousand eighthuudred dollar .
For lights, 6ve hundred dollars.
For repairs of building, furniture, fewcee,
and water pipes, one thousand two hundred
For keep o: horses, one thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For new furniture, one thousand dollars.
For paper, twine, and gum for folding-room,
lime hundred dollars.
For cases for the Department mnsem, one
thousand five hundred dollars.
For collecting and modeling specimens of
fruit, one thousand dollars.
Fur eases for the library, one thousand dot-
For entomological works of reference, five
hundred dollars. ,
For incidental and miscellaneous items, five
thousand dollars.
For cases for the herbarium, and for collect
ing and preparing specimens far the same, one
thousand dollars.
for botanical works of reference, three bun
[red dollars.
For balances, chemicals, and apparatus fbr
the laboratory, eight hundred dollars.
For foreign glassware, and glassware and
glass case for philosophical apparatus, six
hundred dollars.
For Page's or Ruhmkorff's coil and other
electrical apparatus for experiments upon
growing vegetation, Spugle's mercury .ppap
and double-acting air pump, five .hundrod•and
fifty dollars.
For works on chemistry, mineralogy, and
agriculture, five hundred dollars.
For meteorological apparatus ant datums,
one thousand five hundred dollars.
For current agricultural works for the libra
ry, two hundred and fifty dollars.
For miscellaneous agricultural , perlodleals,
two hundred and fifty dollars. _
Eor completion of valuable sets in the libra
rr, two hundred and fifty dollars.
For Commissioner of Education, three thou
sand dollars ; one clerk at one thoueind eight
hundred dollars; one clerk at one' thousand
six hundred dollars; one transhttor, one thou
sand six hundred dollars; one clerk at one
thousand four hundred dollars; one messen
ger at eight hundred add forty dollars ; sta
tionery, one thousand dollam; library, ono
thousand dollars; collecting statistics and
writing and compiling matter' foi annual and