The Huntingdon Journal. J. R. DURBORROW, HUNTINGDON. NN'A. Wednesday Morning, May 24, 1871. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL: COL. DAVID STANTON, of Beaver. FOR - SURVEYOR GENERAL : COL. ROBERT B. BEAT 11, of Schuylkill wk.. But few Democratic papers have the hardihood to openly defend the Ku Klux outrages upon helpless and inoffen sive citizens of the Southern States, but• they find a means to do it covertly by flat and insipid ridicule. Mir The Democratic press endeavor to make every violation of law, perpetrated in the South. an offset to the political of fenses of the Ku Klux. There is a great difference between individual wrong and organized systematic outrages. The miners have gone to work in the Anthracite region. Many of them are finding new places of employment. A large number have sought employment on Broad Top where hands hare been ex ceedingly scarce. The dill - allies are to be adjusted by arbitratiun. ea_ We place the names of Col. Dtvid Stanton, of Beaver, and Col Robert B. Beath, of Schuylkill, Republican nominees respectively for Auditor and Survey ~.. General, at our editorial head, to-day.— These gentlemen are strangers to us ; and we presume to the great ntasses of the par ty, but we are assured that they are both "honest and capable" and this is enough. We feel satisfied that they will be elected by handsome majorities. Ur The Democrats are very much an noyed and mortified over the discovery of their Scheme to cheat Gov. Jewell out of his election. They invent any amount of plausible stories to cover up their dirty tricks. IF the Democratic party cannot be maintained honestly let its adherents have the manliness to throw upthe sponge and quit. Republicans want nothing but a fair fight and if they are licked they will stand it. I Why does the Democratic party defend the Ku Klux ? Must it encour age the shedding of bleod and the destruc tion of property in the Southern States to maintain an existence? If this is so, we assure it that while it secures the vote of one assassin in the South it will lorse the votes of ten honest christian men in the North. There appears to be a bad angel hovering around the leaders of the Demo cracy. "Whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad." in.. On the outside of our paper to day will be found a poem from the pen of Dr. Wm. J. Mullin, of Sehellsburg, Pennsyl vania, entitled "Rum's DELIRIUM." We regard this as one of the finest amongst the many efforts of this truly poetical ge nius. Dr. Mullen has written many very fine things which have gone the rounds of the press years ago, but none better than this. - We learn that he has been solicited to write exclusively for the New, York Ledger or some other New York Literary paper, but he assures us in a letter now before us, that he will occasionally con tribute to cur columns and we thank him most heartily for this mark of favoriteism. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. At the hour of twelve o'clock Mahlon Dickerson, chairman of the State Central Committee, called the Convention to order. Mr: Quay nominated Messrs. William Green, A. F. Fields and James Bonebrake as doorkeepers of the Convention, which was agreed to. The Chairman then directed• Geo. W. Hammersly, Esi., t> call over- the roll of delegates. After the list of delenates had been prop erly corrected, Mr. Reeder moved that the Flou. Jas. R. Kelley, from Washington county, be selected as temporary chairman. The motto' was agreed to. Mr. Kelly, on assuming the chair, wade a few well-timed remarks, which were en thusiastically received. Mr. Reeder then moved that the follow ing gentlemen act as temporary Secretaries. viz: - Ezra Lukens, Philadelphia; R. G- M, Lawrence ; Isaac Cohen, Allegheny; Dr. Wm. J. Routing, Lehigh ; R. M. Frick, Northumberland, and Cyrus T. Fox, Lan caster. Mr. Johnson of Crawford, moved that all resolutions offered by delegates be re ferred to the etiunnittee on resolution; without debate. Agreed to. Mr. Errett moved that a committee equal in numbcr to the senatorial repre sentation be appointed by the delegates, to draft resolutions. which was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Mann, the rules of the House of Representatives were adopted for the government of the Convention. Mr. Mumma moved that a committea of thirty-three gentlemen be appointed for the purpose of selecting permanent officers of the Convention, which was agreed to. Mr. Wa , reoseller moved that the Penn sylvania lepublican delegation from Washington city, D.C., be invited to places upon the floor during the sessions of the convention. Agreed to. Mr. Wagenseller also moved that the delegation have a representation of two members in the State Central Committee. —„ Mr. Johnson, of Crawford, hoped the motion would not be adapted. Mr. Wagner, of Philadelphia, moved to postpone the question for the present. Agreed to. . The delegates then selected the follow ing gentlemen as the committees, viz: 001111LITTEX ON PIIINIANENT ORGAIELTION. Lt district-Edward U. Coady 2d John McCullough. ad " Jseepl! 111..513. Stk P. F. Smith. John L. Teolaud. Mh • " B. C. Purse I. 7th " Robert Peyeert. Sth " (Digs L. Jenkins. Lth " Wm. IL Levan. 19th " Oen. Wm. Lilly. 11th " Daniel W. Sorriil. 12th • " A. N. Grier. 1311 a " B. B. String. 11th " D. D. Meyer. 19tlt K. AL Frick. 16th " David Mamma. 17th " F. Niers, B. P. Rowe. 16th 11. C. Stuyser. 19th John M. Kranth. 26th John N. Been. Ist , " P. B. Lytle, W. W. Brown. " D. S. Porte, 2.34 " IL A. C. Finney. 21th George W. K Jmenty, John Paul. 26th " James P. Hart 27th " Dr. John W. Lawrence. 29th " P. R. Gray. 29th " Cyrus Kitchen. cograrrm Oa RESOLICTIONi. lit Dialrict-Win. J. Pollock. 2d Wm. R. Load. Zd " Clarks W Ridgway. 4gb George R. Schoch. th Chttriea R. Yennypteker, Richard Young. Gth " A. P S. , 1117.. 7th " Jonathan Reinhart. Bth " J. Warren Tryon. 9th " W. D. eltzer. h " SE. Dinnotek. 11th ' 11. F. Scott. 1.311 It. W. Palmer. •, lgth " John S. Mann. 14th " Jos. R. ()orig. fth " George Wageroeller. loth " Eaumel F Burr 17th " P.R.'. C. Mower. 16th " Robert M. Henderson. loth " Jo,is Rowe. 20th " Wm. 11. Koontz. 21st • W. 11 WOOllll. W. W Brown. 224 " Daoirl Ramey. 2 .14 " J. W. Phelps. 24th " J. B. Lonlel. 25th " Bnsell Errett, W. C. llorland. 26th " oCnt Henry. 27th s' All.ort G. Henry. 25th " F. G. Braggins 29th " George W. Starr. Mr. Quay presented the platform of the Labor Union party, which was referred to the Committee on Resolutions. The convention then took a recess until half-past two o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Convention again assembled at half past two o'clock. The Chairman stated that the first business in order would bo the reprt of the Committee on Perman ent Organization. Mr. Mumma, chairman of the commit tee. then presented the following as the permanent officers of the Convention, viz Hon. Wm. Elliott. District. TICE PIIESIDENTEL Wm. J. Pollock. 24 —Wm. R. Leeds. 4tb—Hon. Wm. F Mlller. 5111--John J. llowlatid 6th--ralpt. A.-P. Soon. 7th—Howard J. Reeder. th—Sonmel Shearer. 9th—Wm. R. Smith. 13th—Wm. LilleY llth—W. H. Carnorhan. 19h--Gen. M. H. Hoyt. 13th—R. T. Wood. 14th—Theo. Hill. 15th—Deorge Wagenseller. 13th—Johatloin Ely. Fith—Theo.Heistaud. t e "eider 19th—Thoddens M. Mahan. 21th—D. S. Elliot. 21st—lurk lloires. 22+1 —A J Monk. l —A. C. Froley. 24th—D. S. Athimon. 2 , th—u• C. Shannon. A. Hobson :9111—Col. M. S. MollY• th—Dr Atom Look. h —J. J. Brodhead. 29t1I—Geo. K. A oder., Ezra Lukeng. R J. Dill, LaWl7ll , O. Josiah Cohen, Allegheny. W J. Romig, Lehigh. I). M. Fro c k. Ziortl herland. John 8. Lainhy. Allegheny. John Schwartz, Blair. Cyr. T. Fox, Lanutater. NOMINATIONS. On motion of Mr. Quay, the Convention proceeded to nominate candidates for Audi tor General. The following nominations were made : Col. David Stanton, ofßeaver; Col. Francis C. Hooten, of Chester; Gen. Harrison Allen, of Warren. A ballot re sulted in Stanton ninety-five. Hooters six teen, Allen twenty-two. Dr. Stanton's nomination was made unanimous amid ap plause. Col. Robert D. Beath, of Schuylkill, and Samuel L. Smedley, of Philadelphia, were nominated for Surveyor General— Gen. Wilson, of Centre, and Col. Campbell, of Cambria, were also nominated, but de clined. Ballot—Beath eighty-seven, Smed ley fbrty. The nomination of Col. Beath was made unanimous amid loud applause Dr. Stanton and Col. Beath were waited on by a committee, informed of their nom ination, and conducted to the Convention, where t' ey were received with prolonged applause. Dr. Stanton made a speech, which was exceedingly well received. He was followed by Col. Beath, who said be was ready for work. TUB PLATFORM. Mr. Errett, from the Committee on Rea.intimns reports the following : The Republicans of Pennsylvania, assembled in Convention, declare : First, We demand of the Legislature the immediate passage of an act cull. ing a State Convention to revise and amend the Constitution, for the purpose, among other things, of abolishing and prohibiting special legislation, [applause] ; securing the election of all State offi cers by the people applause] ; establishing a judi• eiary system which will make justice prompt and sure, and providing for the passage of general laws that shall so encourage industrial enterprise that Pennsylvania will be entitled to take her just place in the front rank of all the State's, [Applause.] Second, We demand of Congress that the credit of the nation be faithfully maintained,home indus try encouraged and protected, and an adequate civil service system established for regulating ap pointments to office; taxes reduced to the lowest possible limits consistent wit the steady but not too rapid extinction of the national debt; the hon or of the Republic suet tined at home and abroad, the rights of every mail protected in all States, and every man entitled thereto socurcif in the polling of one vote and no more at each election. [Loud applause.] Third, They declare their unalterable attachment to the principle of prottetion to home industry in the levying of tariff duties in accordance with the wise policy which Las existed since the formation of the Government. Fourth, They gonnnend the policy of retrench ment and wholesale eniiireement Otte laws, which has prevailed since General Grant was eteeted to the Presidency, and which has resulted, in the first two years of his adminstration, in reducing the national debt over two hundred millions, and cur tailing taxes to the extent of eighty millions an nuftily. They also eonimend the similar policy which has prevailed under Republican rule in Pennsylvania, moulting in the paying utfof the war debt of three and a balfmillions, reducing the State debt from forty to thirty millions, and in abolish ing the State tax on real estate, j.t is to the fact that both the State and nation have bey) in Re, publican hands that we owe the tioeotuplisbinent of such gratifying results; to the continuanee of that party in power the people must alone look for the continuance_of this policy. The return of the Dei,ocrats to power, either in the State or nation, must inevitably be attended with the return of ex travagance in expenditures, to the improvement of the State or national credit, and the abandonment of that pmteetion to free labor under which our industry has thriven sad the people hare been made prosperous. That in the judgment of this Convention the time has now arrived when the State tax on personal relate may be safely abolished, and other taxes Imposed by State laws may he prudently re duced without injuring the credit of the Common wealth. .67.ett, That as an indication of what the people may fear from the return of the Democratic) party to power, we point to the criminal waste of the time and money of the people by the present Dem ocratic majority in the State senate. [Applause.] The Legislature has now been nearly live months in session, end is not nearly through its legitimate business, owing to the Mentractive policy of this maletrity. Alrthis time seareely it taeasnre of pub lic Interest has been perfected. and the time han been wasted in their efforts to fume on the State an unjust apportionment, and break down the regis try law against illegal voting, that they might thereby pave the way to their return to power through violenee eu,l fraud, [Applause.] Serenth. We cotniueual to the iiiippnrt of the peo ple of the State the candidates thin day nominated f oe State Officers. They are honest, capable, and faithful to the Constitution, and in every way wor thy of public confidence. We ask their election as an radon anent of the State and national adminis trations, and as an approval of the time-honored principles of the Republican party, !Thiel' we reaffirm iu their nomination and an a fitting rebuke to the Demouratte party fur its detractive national policy; for its adh relics to the side of vielenao and wrong in the South. and for the spirit it betrayed in the Senate of this State this winter, where it has made everything bead to theproteotion of partition interests, defeated the holding or a Slate Conven tion to amend the constitution, wasted the public time in childish trilling, and entailed upon the State a huge bill or expeu. fur a session prolonged beyond endurance, and which has prevLuted the accomplishment of any public good. LApplause.) Eighth, That our own confidence in the firmness; wisdom and iutergrity of our praient worthy Gov ernor, John W. Geary, remains unshaken, and that we believe his qualifications for the Mike he sow holds are unquestionable ' a , . eleoriY Peeved by the manner in which he lirmaght the State in safety through every storm. [Applause.] Ninth, That the administration of President Grant meets the full approval of the Republican party of Pennsylvania; his financial play, by which the national debt is steadily reduced; the re duction in expenditures of the Government; the honest collection of the revenue; his fidelity to the principles of human rights, through whirls liberty to all in to he secured is every part of the land; his loyalty to the people in having nopoliey to en force agalont their wit!, and the spotless integrity of his aihninstiatiou merit the continued confidence of the Ainerican people and point to him as the 'honored leader of our party sow, anal tins imp. - slumlord bearerof the ltepubican party in 167 - 2. [Applause.] Goy. CALDWELL of Narth Carolina has issued a Ir:clam:tie!) of warning to the Ku-Klux. ills arraignment of the Ku- Klux. which •he recites in the first para graph, is by far the severest accusation which has been mad. egainst them either et the North or South. But it is evident that something more effective than hard words and plain thre.its will be required to dissolve tte secret societies and dis• p.nse the marauders. Ji , Edam. BECK—RID:KIEL—On the 15th inst., by John D Murray, 55.4., Ur. R. A. Beek to Mats Annie Wegger, all of this place. FLECK—RODGEES.—On the 19th inst. by Peter /Iwo.:pc, Esq... 31r. Daniel F. Fleck and Ain Nancy Rod gers both of Skirleysburg. "CYPHER—LLOYD.—Co the IStls inst, at the Broad Top Hotel, llms [iambus, Pa., by Peter Swoops, Rag, Mr. James E. Cypher and Miss Martha Lloyd, both of ;Saxton Bor ough, Bedford county, Pa. WILSON—SMITH. — Oa December 2R, MO, by Rev. Cr W. Zahniser, Mr. John W. Wilson to Mks C. A. both of Huntingdon. Po. LOGAN—]FILLER—On the 11th Inst., by Roy. M. K. Foster, Mr. M. M. Logan to Miss Ida K. Miller, both o r Iluntingdon, Pa. MAUS—DOUGLIERTY.—On the 4th inst.. by Rev. J. W. Minion, Mr, John H. Manua HolLidayeborg. to Mies Rebeekali M. lioughterty. at Cypress. Cottage, Hunting- New Advertis men ts DR. J. C. FLEMMING respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office second door of Cunningham's building, on corner of 4th and hill Street. may 24. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of JOHN PEIGHTAL, deed.] The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the balance in the hands of Samuel Peightal and James Ward, adminietratoro ofJohn Peightal, late of Penn township, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment. on Tuesday. the 13th day of June. 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the office of Simpson lc Armitage, N 0.230, Hill street, Hun tingdon, when and where all parties interested will present their claims, or be debarred from coming in fur a share of said fund. G. 31. ARMITAGE, May 24. Auditor. BRIDGE LETTING. Scaled proposals will be received by the Burgess and Town Council, of the Borough of Huntingdon, until 7 o'clock, p. m., on Friday, the 2d day of June next, for the erection of a bridge over the tail-race of Fisher's Mill, on Hill Street in said Borough. Bids will be reeeived for the masonary and so perstruction separately or together. Plans and specifications can be seen on applica tion to the undersigned. By orderer the Burgess and Town Council, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Chief Burgess, J. WILSON GREENL4ND, Secy. may 24. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. All persons interested are hereby notified that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distrib ute the fend in the hands of Peter Harnish, admin istrator of Jacob Ilaruish,late of Morris township, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his aointment, at his office, in Huntingdon, on TUESDAY, the Gth of JUNE next, at one o'clock, p. m., when and where all persons are required to present their claims upon said fund or be debarred from coming in for any share of the same. THEO. 11. CREMER. Huntingdon, May 24- Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons con cerned that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court. of Huntingdon county, to dis tribute the fund in the hands of Frederick Klepsor: executor of W. W. Enyart, lag of Hopewell town ship. dee'd. will attend to the duties of his appoint want, at his office, in Huntingdon. on FRIDAY, the 2d of JUNE next, at one o'clock, p. tn., when and where all persons having claims upon said fund are required to present them or be debarred from coming in for any share of said fund. THEO. IL CREMER, Auditor. Huntingdon, It nyl6 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of SARAH PEIGHTAL did.] The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or phans' Court, of Huntingdon county, to distribute the balance in the hands of gatnnel Peightal and James Ward, administrators of Sarah Peightal, late of Penn township, deed, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of JUNE, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. 'p., at the office of Simpson k ArMitiSSO, No. 230, Hill Street, Hun tingdon, when and where nil parties interested will present their claima,or be debarred front coming in for a share of said fund. G. B. ARMITAGE, May24-3t. Auditor. NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY.— On and after May Idth.trains will leave Har risburg, as follows: NORTUWA RD. .1 I STATI: NS. Id P 4. 1:51 11 laSI 2T? Harrisburg, Leave Williamsport, Arrive Elmira, 635 640 4CO 655 10 35 10 55 ♦. P. V._ Buffalo Niagara 14113,, • :1 1 STATIONS. 1 1 g 4 C I g2l' . m • • Harrisburg leave ' B2B %00 11. 251 't 2 I LI 125 Baltimore P. It P. M. 6lO 800 Washington arrive P. '1 3 0 66 ° 0 6 4 251 825 10 00 ALFRED R. FISKE, General Supt. IN , 2 , 4 1871. A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. The excelsior Reaper and Mower, manufac tured by 11. J. F. Seibering t Co., Akron, Ohio, is no experiment but a tried reality. Raving been before the farmers for eleven years. and 50.000 of them now being in use, speaks well for the ma chine. It took the first premium at the trial of inuehlnea at tho 4gienitural College, Centre Co. Pa.. July 27th and 29th, lsrp, - The E'irby; Champion. Keyitrine, World, Dodge- self Rake, Ohio Harvester, Hubbard and the Excel. eior were represented. The Excelsior took the first premium as the beet dropper and as the best machine on account of simplicity of construction, lightness of draft, and other important features in the machine. The undersigned is prepared to fill orders for the above machines at short notice. Send in your orders early an our supply will not meet the increasing demand. I can supply farmers wanting Hay Fork, with the best fork in the market (McFaddens). Orders by mail for either of the above articles will receive prompt atention. Orders for machines loft at Wharton & Maguire§ hardware store will receive prompt attention. Pamphlet and price list sent free by addressing T. W. Montgomery, Neff's Mill; Huntingdon County. Pa. may 24. NEW STORE, - NEW GOODS, and LOW PRICES, AT 313 HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA The undervigned respectfully inform• the citi am, of ffuntingdon and vicinity that he hae open ed a Variety Store at Wu. 3J3 street, where all kinds of goods eau be had as cheap an at any other establishment in the county. //is (local DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, &C.. Is ouiapkte, ani will be sold at reasonable prices. He is agent ror tlos Wilson Sewing Machine. B. L. iSILKNITTER. MILLINERY STORE. ,lira. Katy A. Si'knitter, has opened a fashion able Minutes) , sad Dress Making establishment nt 3134 Hill street, and respectfully asks a share of public patronage. Work will be dune in the best style, and satis- faction guaranteed. All kinds of Patterns for sale cheap. "sl3e is in receipt of all the latest styles and Is prepared to execute all kinds of work in her line in a style that cannot fait to plattae the twat fastidious. Call and examine. May 24, ISTI. QHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp. to me di rected I will expose to public sale, at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on Thuredtty, the Sth du, of June, 1371, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following dt seribed real estate, to wit: ♦H that acetain tract Or pared of land, situate in Cromwell township, bounded as follows; North by lands of Samuel Gilliland, east by lands of Sam : uel Leonard, west by Roger and Dewees, south by lands of Samuel Bollinger, containing 300 acres, more or• less. having thereon erected two two story Log Houses, Bank Barn, and other out . Seize l, taken ht exallutioN np4 tO he sold as the property of William Johns. All that certain tract of land, situate in Brady township, bounded by Jacob tloodesan, Emaiine Bell, H. J, They., Samuel J. Grove and others, containing 108 acres, more or less, having thereon erected a l¢ storied log house, log bars and other out buildings, about .'2o aorta cleared and under fence. Seized, takencin execution, and to be sold as the property of Bernard Dagley. All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in Juniata township, bounded as follows: north by W. 11. Woods, east and south by J, 4eitraer, west by Lininger, containing about d acres, wore or less, having thereon a story and ahalf log dwelling house, stable, and other outbuildings. Seized, to ken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Weight. D. R. P. NEEbli, May 11, 11171. [Sheriff. • LE'ISTOWN BOILER WORKS. SNYDER, WEIDNER 4 CO., Manufac turers of Locomotiveand Stationary Boilers, 'bulks, Pipts. Filling-Barrows for Furnsoee, and Sheet Iron Work of every description. Works on Logan street, Lewistown, Pa. _ . All orders r , attended to. Repairing done at short is. .. (Atm 5,'71,1y.. New Advertisements. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Solomon Sharp, deceased.] Letters testamentary on the estate of Solomon Sharp, of Brady township, deceased, bating been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselvesindebted to his estate, are requested to make immediate payment. and those having claims will present them for settlement. SAMUEL SIIARP, JOEL KAUFFMAN. J. SYLVANUS BLAIR, Executors. Auditor.. May 17, 1871-60 • A UDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Henry Grazier, deceased.] The undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Court to distribute the balance in the hands • of David. Grazier, Executor of henry Grazier, late of War riorstnark township, deceased. will :Arad to tfte duties of said appointment at hid office, ::d•i 11111 street, Ilantiugdon, on Saturday, lie 27th ,May, at one o'clock, a. so.. wherayll interested ore in vited to attend. r May 10 1871-3 t. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE: . [Ertate ,of George CapinOM, deeti.l . Letters of Administration having been gr.itiNtV to the undersigned on, the ega.te bleorge.Coperi haver, late of ghirley -town Ship. dee'd„ nit persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to nal immediate payment, and those having 'claims to present them duly authenticated for settlenient. REZIAII COPENIIAV-Elt. my.3] • • Admex... ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.. [ENtute of JOHN McCR.I.CKEN; . . . . . . . . Lettersof administration hay ing:hein granted to the undersigned on the estate of John McCracken, late of Oneida township, deed., all persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authen ticated for settlement. JAMES MeCRACKEN, April 19, 1871.. [Atha', EXECUTORS NOTICE. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned living in the township of Frank lin, on the estate of Saucy Travis, of said town ship, deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate pay: ment, and those having claims against the same will present them for settlement. , JOHN L. TRAVIS, GEO. T. TRAVIS, April 12,'7 I—Gt. Executors. AUDITORS' NOTICE.— • •. [Entate of Ihteid Peterson, dee'd, . , . The undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court, to distribute the balance in the bands of John R. Peterson and Benj. Davis. administrators of David Peters° late of Shirley township, deed will attend to the duties of said appointment; at his office, on Rill street, Huntingdon, on Saturday, May 3, 1871, at one eolock, P. a., when, all per sons interested will present their claims or be debarred front coming in fora share of saidelaint. R. C. MADDEN. May I 7-3 t Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. [Estate f,( JOHN AILKON, deed.) The undersigned will expose to public sale, on the premises, in Barren township, Huntingdon county, on SA T CRD AY, the 10di day of Jane, 1871, at 1 o'clock, r. a., the following described Real Estate, late of John Armon, dee'd., to wit: A certain tract of laud, in said township, boundi ed by lands of Samuel Myton, Robert B. Myton,. John Hogan, Patrick Gads and William Chesney, containing Ono Hundred and Thirty-nix Acres, One Hundred and Twenty-fire cleared and is a good, state of cultivation, and Eleven Acres of good Tim ber Land, having thereon erected a Two-story Log' House, plastered, a log Barn 60140 feet, with ne , censary outbuildings. Also, a two-story Log House, suitable Log Stable, and good Log Carpenter's Shop. There , is also two good bearing Orchards of choice fruit,; There is good limestone water of both houses. The said lands lie between the public highway; leading from Petersburg to McAlavy'n Fort, 'sold public highway from- Petersburg. to PinFgrtP4 Mills, seven mks from Petersburg, convenient tb market, schools and churches. TERMS.—One-third of purchase money to bei paid on confirmation of sax, and the balance .ird two equal annual payments, to be secured l.y the judgment bonds of the purchaser. T. W. MONTGOMERY, Executor. Nero Mills, May 10, 1871.41 VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PUB-! SALE.-The upclersigued will sell, 14 pulilic sale, op Saturday, the Vile, day of May , 1874 1 his splendid two-story Frame House, situate on the corner of Washington and Ninth streets, Hun tingdon, Pa. The house contains four large rooms on the first floor and six sleeping chambers on the second fluor, with a well of water on the porch, a.. Brick Cistern holding 300 barrels of water, which' is all filtered as it goes into the cistern. The Lot is 75x150 feet with all the necessary out buildings at tacked, each as Stable, Pig Sty, Hennery, Smoke !louse, Ice House. Wood and Coal House, and an Office, all in the best condition. On the same day and place, a vacant lot, on the corner or Mifflin and Ninth street. Also, At the same time, an Out Lot containing Fogs Acres, under good cultivation. This Lot lies immediately opposite the liuntinglon Manu facturing Compa,y Mills, between the - Canal and Railroad. TERMS OF SALE.—One-third to be pbid on the 4d day of June, one-third on the Ist day of April 1172, the balance on the lot day of April 1873, with interest secured by bonds and mortgage on the property. • D. W. ARTLEY. May 10, '7l-tr, lib 1 10 20 NTATURE'S HAIR RESTQRATIVE A. Contains no Lac Sulphur—No Sugar of Lead —No Lithargc—No Nitrate of Silver, and is on,. tirely free from the Poisonous And Ilealai-destroy-• ing Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear as crystal. it will not soil the fi nest fabric—per:ectly SAFE, CLEAN, and EFFICIENT,--: desideratum, LONG SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND ier LAST! . jt restores and prevents the Flair from becoming Gray,' imparts a soft, glossy appearance, removes Dandruff, ix cool and refreshing to the head, checks the flair from kiting off, and restores it 'to q great extent when prema tare.y lost, presents headaches, cures alt humors, cutane, ous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a Dressing for the Hair it is the beg article in the market. BR. G. SMITH, Pateniee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only . by PROCTOR BROTHERS, Gloucester, Muss. The genu ine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with Bto paint or the erode blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for kappa'. H4itl ftesroserivr, and take no other. Bend two three cent stamps to Proctor Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human The information It contains is worth s.:H:o,u° to any person. [my.lu7:•-yri 'A Complete Pictorial History of the Timed.' • ' "The best, cheapest, and most 'successful Fami ly Paper in the Union." n ARPER'S WEEKLY ERLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED, Notices of the Press, The MoDD. NEWSPAPER of our country. Complete In aft! the department. of an American Family Piper. flame:Ns iVeekly has earned for 'tacit a right io its title, "A Journal of Civilization "—Nile Pick Evening Star. . . . -- The best publication of its ultra iti'Anierics and to fat, ahead ofall other weekly journals as not to permit of any comparison between It and any of their number. Its sof- • glints eontoin the onost collections of reading-matter that are printed. * Its Ilinstrittlorui are ntunGrons tofu beautiful, being furntshod by the chief artists of run cortry. 7 /3nstret Trarder. . . Liarp'er's Weekly is the best and most interesting, M... trated newspaper. Nor does its value depend on its illus trations alone ita readirg-matter ie of a high order or. literary merit - vu ie 1, InntructiVe, entertaining and ttn exceptiottable.—X. P. Si.n SUBSCRIPTIONS.-I'7L Tun. Harper's Weekly id GO An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar, will be supplied gratis for every club of five subscribers at f 4 00 each, in one remittance ; or, six-coRP.s for sal't 0 without extra copy. Subscriptions to H arper's dllgarine, Weekly and Barer; to one address for one year, flii 00 ; or , two of Ilarper's Periodicals, to one address for one year S 7 00. Beef lilunbers eon be mooned at any time The Annual Volumei of Harper's Weekly, in next cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $ 00 each. A complete set, comprising fourteen volumes, lent on receipt of cloth nt the rate of $.5 25 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Volume XIV, ready ! January Ist, 1,71. The postage on Harper's Weekly Is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the sul.scriber's post office. Mayl7 Addrpss HARPER & 1311 0T 1 IENS. New York, • • • - --- PITTSBURGH & CONNELLHVILLE -,14. R. R, • • Passenger Trains between Bridgeport and Cumber-. Trains will leave Bridgeport at 7 o'clock, a. m. ? , for Cumberland. Leave Cumberland, by Mt. Savage ears, at three o'clock, p. m., changing ears at lireighauin's fox. Bridgeport. 22mar. ITEADQUARTERS FOR FINE' '• CANDIES. TOYS,.FRUITS, (C=o , ,• is at D, S. Africa's Variety Store, No. 42:i, in Dro Diamond. Also, eon be had, a line assortment of WATCIIES, JEWELRY. PEN KNIFES. IOCK I ET BOOKS, TRAVELINU SATCHELS; FANCY, SOAPS, RAID OILS. PERFUMERY, . Celebrated Ice Cream Soda Water, in Petition., at. D. S. Africa's Variety Store. N 0.423, in the•Dlaniond: March 15. tf. BOARDM. Persons wishing to obtain boarding, con be accommodated by applying at No. 424 Washing-. ton street, between 4th and sth South side. ,„ May 10, IS7I--It. SETTLE, UP.- The books of the Grin of Port b Kopetin, tate doing business in Penn township, haVebeen left in the hands of the undersigned for settlement. Call and Fettle at on,. HARRIS' RIMARDSON, Nair Run l' mayli:t A • ' . BECK, Fashionable Barber • and Hairdresser, I ili street, opposite the Franklin !louse. All kinds or Tonics and Pomades kept on hand and for sale. [apt:4'7l—qm FOR ALL. KINDS 01 GO TO TILE 'JOURNAL BUILDING." New Advertisements, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Sanaa., Sprankle, deceased.] Letters testamentary on the last will of Samue! Sprankle, of Porter township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons know thetnselves indebted to his estate, are rlgucsted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement. HENRY G. NEFF, SAMUEL SPRANKLE, Executors. Alexandria, May 13. IS7I-Bt.. FIVE HUNDRED VOLUMES IN ONE. AGENTS WANTED FOR The Library of Poetry and Song, acing Choice Selections from the Beet Poets, Eng lid], Scotch, Irish and American. With an Introduction by int. Cullen Bryant, Under whose critical supervision the volume was .compiled. The handsomest and cheapest subscription book extant. Over 800 pages, beautifully printed, choice ly illustrated, handsomely bound. A Library of sOO Volumes in one book, whose contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, will never grow old or 'stale. It can be, and will be, read and re-read with pkasure by old and young, as long us its leaves hold together. perfect surprise. Scarcely anything at all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is neglec ted. It is a hook for every household."—Nrw York Mail. • "We know of no similar collection in the English language which, in copiousness and felicity of *eke , Jinn 4,1 arrangement, can at all compare with it." Ma York Times. Terms Liberal. Selling very rapidly. Send for Circular and Terms to J. B. FORD & Co., 27 Park Place, New York. [May 17, 1871.—1 t. CLASSIFICATION OF MER- N..../ -- CHANTS, Ac. in Huntingdon county, by the Appraiser of Mereha utile Tiutes, for the year 1571: Thompon $l2 50 00._rnient Medicine, A. P. Owens . H 700 A. P. Kinney l4 700 Mattern A Patterson l2 12 1.0 Je, ry Ey , r l2 12 50 C. A. Addleruan L. Clabaugh l2 12 50 Franklin Township. • 11. A. Bathurst ... 14 7 00 A. Ewing .4 l3 10 00 Shorn, Stewart & Co l2 12 50 M. G. Koutley a. G. 6: J. 11. Shoenberger l4 700 .{Wharton . & llagnire .Wallace & Cletiieut ...... .S . otae;tl IWm. 13 10 00 '4 7 00 JosinL Cu::uiugLnm....„. J. C. Blair. $. B. Corbin l3 10 00 'C. E. McKiernan l4 7 00 I•u!”‘.1 1, !TY. 3. R. Patton. Jolla Smearman 2 billiard tables 4O 00 Daniel Africa ll 7 00 S. D. Chanax & CO 7 40 00 W. B. Zeigler IL 700 14 700 JaCohAfiica.. J. H. Westbrook. •sq)on Liteesr l4 7 00 D. S. Africa C. M. Africa l4 7 00 II Roman l3 10 00 Fisher & Sffil 14 U.2r . en!mrs. P. V. Ovrin.: ituchnn., Allieou & Co l4 Z. Fent... •14 700 .IVin, Lewis, Book etore l4 - 7 00 • Feed etore. f lames 1Irowu it, B. Stewart & Co Mareh.& Brother 12 12 SO Conover rf Decker l4 7 00 Rhimies & Co lenry & Cn 9 25 00 Bilincker, Bron aCo l3 10 00 s. smiih l4 700 Patent Medicines..._ Johnll.Miller ~/.11. Wise l4 7 00 a. i4charet B. Jacobs 7OO 74 7 00 J. Farrer. Wm. Africa R. U. Jacob E J. Green M M: iinnie r..... Johu Ilugcy. Glazier i'lfrothers B_ Lewis. :Tier La; gdu a Petersburg. J. c- wfilker .. . 11 15 00 Übbn Cr , mwell & Son ll 15 00 W. A: Keister l4 7 00 J. U, 11unter k Co ....11 15 00 Morris Township. Y. IL Templeton l2 12 60 E.W. °ratline 'lsett & Thompson ll 15 00 Welt Township. Sonmel Trontnine l3 10 00 dolinson & Son .Jos. Oburn Tenry FAkeher. Wilsfin l4 7 00 21. Crownorgr. l3 10 00 11. Green l3 10 00 Jackson Toumship. R. ilarPyr 'John G;inn. S. W. Mnon l3 10 2' J. 31. Smith. Logan In, otol Steal Co l2 12 50 '3loßuruoy & Seplipwa l3 10 00 Brady Township. Thirnhani & Borland l3 IC 0 0 Etnier & Foust 0 25 00 George Metz l4 7 Ot . Burolutm l4 700 CrontweU Toumship. Orbison & Miller 11.gyor & Doweea ll 15 GO Shade Gap. 14 7 CO Shearer& Gray.. W. C Swan J. A. Shade .1. C. Roddy .J. C. McClure ...:. ....»... Blair & Morison, Person C Southers Smnea Crve l4 700 T. 11. A gm. f 1..! Deacip ......... W.A.Minim JuLo R. Barn. P. 11. Cumplmll 4 5 00 B. F. Douglass l4 7 00 John Rummell l4 7 00 T. nave, Jr BI; kAppleby ...... a. H. George McLaughlin Henry Smelker Ft,q Isaac Lap,. U:ni. B. Lean, Brewster. W. A. Frakar. Springfield Township. L C. Browmter. D. locker. r. L. Stereos. ICASIII.4 Cucart a i1erk....... T. R. Ileuiler.o Caws Township. J. P. Heaton ll.dersoa. eieorgo tireeat Todd Township, 'JackAon bun Lemon BrGad Top f'lo. IV. '2. Pparsup & Co l3 10 00 iAmon Houck: lO 7 00 Jacob Hoffman l4 700 lieorge Meat* ll 15 00 Itenk!rt & rother J. 11 . pitc(,., .r. ........... 11 Toole ,A, &J. Gleason l3 . .10 00 J. J. Reed l2 - 12 C.O Coalmount, C. 11. Reed...... l4 7 04 George A. Ileutou l3 10 00 S. Colin P. Brumbaugh 'David Weaver Jinn Township. W. E. Spang. _ . _ G. lt. Brumbaugh l i 4 700 Huff A i. A. Dell l4 700 A. Zigter l4 7 03 M. W. Heaton l4 7 al Grove & Beightel l4 700 Iraiker 7bionship. J. Dolygllls. A. M. Wiird John Brewster A W. Swoops. Jerry Bownian 9 25 00 l'orter 7i:terns/tip. O. D. Orem.... Km. Phillips - J. Kennedy '501; ii.ilregi; . ry l4 7 00 S. Walker l4 700 Wm Moore.-- ........... ..... 11 700 1.5. Williams W. Davis T.Weight The above is the corrected essetsment tinpr the eppeel, held at Ituutingdon, April 29th, IbiL Any persons who believe theneeelves improperly wesessetl, and were notified as above, will he leennl l.y sending me affidavit to that effect, tee nee on or lwfiere the 25th day of may at War riorsmark. Seventy-five cents additional trill be charged as fees on each of the obese licenses: A. C. HUTCIIISON, Blerthautile Appraiser. Nance: By an act wooed the Ilth day of April, 1862, it Is the duty of the County Treasurer to sue out all liceneas not lifted oa or before the first day of July. All licenses remaining unpaid after the (hut day of July, if sued t. in addition to riots of eu.t, fire per cent will be:added. It is not, by law, required of the Tramurer to give any other than this notice for the payment of the above assessments. t•t maylfidt Co. Manna. PRINTING Miscellaneous FRHP ARRIVAL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT : 3IIAFFER'S NEW STORE. CIIIWER THAN THE CHEAPEST. ,'..,' THE stlbscriher would reepeetfully inform his Old friends and customers, that ho has just re- Ceired_frdia the East a large and well selected stook of which be is prepared to sell a trifie lower than any other establishment in .town. Being a practical shoemaker., and having bad considerable experi ence, he Hatters himself that his stock cannot be surpassed in the county. Give him a call, at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Custom, work made to order, in a neat and durable manner. Jan. 4,11 ROBERT U. JACOB, ANTHRACITE & BROAD TOP COAL, STOVE, STEAM GENERA TING PURPOSES. All sizes and kinds kept constantly on hand, and all orders filled promptly at the lowest market rates. Birmingham, Orders received either at the office near Broad Top Corner, room formerly occupied by the Union Bank, or by A. B. Flood. Marltt LUKE REILLY, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERY, Huntingdon. 9 25 cta 12 12 50 GROCERIES, SYRUPS, &c., &c., 12 12 511 14 700 14 Bakery on .3loore street, and Store at the Corner of Fourth and Allegheny. 14 Zoo Dealers will be supplied at prices as low as can be had from Philadelphia. [ap.26,'71. 14 700 LAZIER & BRO. 00 1; 12 50 DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c.• 13 14 06 4 5 00 SMITH Street, between Washington and miffi GROCERIES, 14 7 (KI i 4 7 00 ..1{ 700 7 00 WASHINGTON Street, near Smith. Jan. 18,11. 13 10 00 11 15 00 13 700 SMITH IN HIS NEW BUILDING c,t4L AxpE-YAMINE. IF YOU WANT GREAT BARGAINS GO TO The hest Sugar and Molasses, Coffee, and Tea Chocolate, Flour, Fish, Salt and Vinegar, Coffee. tionaries, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, and spices of the best, and all kinds, and every other article usu ally found in a Grocery Store. Also—Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Var nishes, Oils Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alchohol, Glass, Putty, Ac., Ac. The best Wine and Bran dy for medical purposes, and all the best Patent Medicines, and a variety of articlea too numerous to mention. 13 10 00 ............. - ...... - --- 14 7 00 The public generally will please call and exam• ine fur themselves, and learn my prices. S. S. SMITH. 13 1O On 14 Jan. 4, '7l WILLIAM I. STEEL, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, Has removed to his New Rooms, on Main street three doors east of the "Washington House," wher he has ample room and facilities, and is now peel pared to accommodate his old customers, and al. others who may desire anything in his line of trade Plain and Fancy Buggy Harness, - 12 12 EA 12 12 50 Orlrisoni a. Carriage, Tug, and Yankee Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Blankets, &c., always on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. Also, a g ood assortment of Horse Blankets and Slei g h Bells. pacing had twenty-five years practical experience in the business, be flatters himself that he can ren der entire satisfaction to all who may patron . * his establishmett. Work waticanted and /Impairing neatly done. Huntingdon, Oct. 19, WO. i i i CZ 14 7 110 TeU Tonishir. It 7 00 13 10 IX, 11 15 00 13 10 00 4 500 11 15 00 TO THE WORKING CLASS.—We ore now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the. spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50e. to :5 per evening, and a propor tional sum by devotina their whole time to the business, Lap; and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all that see this notice may send their address, and tent the business, we make this un paralleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a espy of The People's Literary Companion—one of the largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN A CO„ Augusta, Maine. April 12, '7l-3mn. ll 1:2 :p 20 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 p Air4Qmburg. ... 13 10 6,5 1:1 10 00 12 12 50 14 7 00 ii is li i 4 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 WM. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTUAER OF MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. 14 7 04/ 11 i oe 14 i OU 11 700 Dudley. 13 10 CO PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, . lO moo IQ 20 00 ALSO SLATS MANTLES FURNISHED TO ORDER. Jan. 4, '7l. Cope R. W. BUCHANAN. P. ALLISON. J. W. BUCHANAN. 1113CHANAN, ALLISON tit CO., No. 509 MU Street 14 7 OO 14 7 00 14 7 00 have received their Spring Stock, and among it will be found everything necessary for housekeeping, It 700 1 . 1 700 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, TIN AND JAPANED WARE, and a thousand other things, both useful and orn• imental. 13 10 00 14 7 00 Napldog. 10 20 00 ROOFING AND SPOUTING, and all kinds of Jobbing done promptly. Two inch BRASS NUMBERS, for houses, put up for seventy-llva cents. Buffalo Scales for sale. ...... 12 12 50 11 15 M 11 15 00 12 12 00 lloneekeepers and others, will rave money by calling at 509 JIM street. . March 22. TO $lO PER DAY,blen Wo, men, Boys and Oirin who engage in our new business make from $5 to $lO per day in their localities. Full particulars and instructions sent by mail. Those in need of permanent, profitable work, should address at once, GEORGE STINSON h CO., Portland, Maine. [aprl2,'7l,3mo. 14 7 P; ... ...... 13 10 00 BLOODED FOWLS.—The undersign eft is prepared to furnish the eggs of White Brahma, Baud., White Spanish, Black Spanish, Buff Cochin, and part Game Chickens. The eggs will be guaranteed. Order. W. at Read's Drug Store will reeeive pr attention. Address so. Li. FISHER, BOOTS AND SHOES For Men, Women and Children, ( West end of the Diamond) HUNTINGDON, PA GEO. SIIAFFER. Wholesale and retail dealer IN THE BEST QUALITY OF fur all BLACKSMITHING, LIMEBURNING, MANUFACTURER Or ♦ND DD.... IN UUNTINGDON, PA, QUEENSWARE, SMITH'S NEW STORE. HEADSTONES, &C., HUNTINGDON, PA MOULDING-8. &C such as COOK STOVES, in endless variety, WILLIAM KNABE & CO. JAMES BELLAK, Wholesale Depot, 279 & 251 South sth street, , PULLADELPLIA. Huntingdon. Pa. Sept. 21, 1570-6 m. Groceries, Notions, &o. BEE lIIVEHBEE HIVE!! QUICK SMALL SALES PROFITS AND IS THE MOTTO OF THE BEE HIVE GROCERY Montgomery St., near Me Broad Top Depo , ,, HUNTINGDON, :PENN'A. N. B. CORBIN Has just returned from the East with a large and varied assortment of articles usually fond in a Bret-class Grocery, consisting in part of SUGARS, TEA, MOLASSSES, CRACKERS, FRIIITS, TOBACCO SEGARS, and everythin, else to be found in an establish men' of this kind. SPICES of all kinds, pure and fresh, such as Cinnamon, Allspice, Mustard, and all other articles uenall, ly kept in a first-eltui. BAKERY, I ilcontinse to carry on my Bakery, and am at all times prepared to supply BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, . vasonable prices. The following Fancy Cakes t rays on band or baked to order: Pound Cake, Fruit " Marble " Lady Cake, Citron " Sponge " Parties supplied with confections at short notion i all kinds of cakes and us and reasonable rates. for brand, always on hand, the cheapest. Family flour; of avert', and for sale as cheap as t CANDY MANUFACTORY. In connection with my other business I have commenced the manufacture of Candies, and am prepared to supply country dealers with both FANCY and COMMON at as low rates as they can be purchased outside of the Eastern Cities. If you want to save money, Make your purehass a at this establishment. TOYS!! TOYS!. TO Y IGSS This department is covir eta and embraces everything in the Toy line fro a Jumping Jack to an Elephant. I can sel To, • c..eaper than any other house in the county, sod all I ask is a visit from the public to substan iate the assertion. Thankful to the public for the very liberal pat ronage extended to me in the past. I will exert my best efforts to merit its continuance. Huntingdon, Jan. 4, 1811. WK. RAHM'S • CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY STORE, (Ooe door irea of Joeiah Conoiogianie,) Is now stocked with a choice assortment of al kinds of goods nsally found in a store of this kind, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, PEPPER, SALT, &C. together with an endless variety of CANDIES, TO YS, JEWELRY, NOTIONS, &c. all of which will be sold as cheap as at any other store in Huntingdon. A choice brand of Tobacco and Segars alwa) a on band. Pure Cider Vinegar on band at all timea ... • I respectfully ask a share of public patronage, feeling confident that my prices will be satisfac tory. W. K. RIIOM, Jan. 4, '7l NEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, at the new sheep store of CONOVER & DECKER, N. 825 11111 street, Our stock consists in part of Dry Goode, Gro ceries, Notions, Hate and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Wood, Willow, and Queensware. Bacon, Flour, Feed, Glass, Nails, and also a full lino of READY-MADE CLOTHING Our prices are as low of the lowest, and we re spectfully ask a liberal share of public patronage. apr26ly. G RAND DEPOT FOR NEW GOODS D. P. GWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T 138 BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. CALL ANP SEE: D. P. OWDT, Jan, 4, 'Y 1. Pianos and Music, SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEP. ALS AWARDED THE GREAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY, WII 4 LIAM KNABE k. CO., MANIJFACTIIRZRI3, O GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT NAND FORTES, BALTIMORZ, MR. These Instruments have been before the public for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excellence alone attained an unpurchased prominence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE eonibiues groat power, sweetness and tine singing quality, as well as great purity of Intonation, and sweetness throurvut the entire scale. Their TOUCH suppliant and elastic, and rentiroly free from the stiffness fotmdlin so many Pianos, IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequalled, using none but the very best seasoned material, the large capital employed in our business enabling us to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, &c., on hand. Ali our Square Pianos hale our New Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. . . We would call special attention to our late im provements in Grand Pianos and Square Grande, Patented August 14, 1866, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. EVERT PIANO FULLY WARRANT= FOR FIVE YEARS. We have made arrangements for the Sole Whole sale Agency for the most Celebrated PARLOR ORGANS AND MRLODZANB. which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowed Factory Prices. Miscellaneous, 'STAGE LINE. The undersigned has estal.lished a lint daily stages between Petersburg au.l Antler Fort, leaving the Fort at 7 a. in., arriving at Pet burg at 12. and starting at I p. tn. The coaches are good, and are in the band careful and mpctent driver.. . The patronag'e of the travelins public iv prcttnllp moticiteil. April 12, 71-3 mu.. Tr ROBLEY, . MERCHANT TA IL, Has removed to one door south of the Ike 11 on Montgomery street, where he if prepared to all kinds of work in his line of business. Ile has just received a Cull line of CLOTHS, CA. SIMERES, and he solicit, a call from the public, promising make goods to order, in a workmanlike manner COFFEE, WAGON AND COACH MANUK4 TORY,No I3IG, 12th Avenue, Altoona, The unlersigned. takes this methodsof inform the citizens of Huntingdon county, ihat he is I pared to manufacture to order, CARRIAG BUGGIES, PHAETONS, EXPRESS AND BU NESS WAGONS, AC.. of the !atest style—eq to Philadelphia and New York make. Also hand, a large supply. Sarvin's Patent Wheel t Terry Brothers Patent Elastic Reaoh—adc when desired. CANDIES, CHEESE, Cloves, Pepper'', Ginger, April 5,1871--3 mo-o. T OWN LOTS h. We Iluntingd. for S. Buy Lcta From First Hanis at TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR Purchasers desiring to build, eau have Tory eral terms as to payments. Now is the time to invert. Apply to R. ALLISON MILLER Tan. 4, '7l, NEW STORE. John Hagey has just returned from the city w a fine assortment of choice goods, consisting in p of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOO.DO, NOTIONS, 511058. GROCERIES, PROVISIO2 ands general variety of white and yellow QUEENSWARE, These goods have been carefully bought. in Tel lar houses, and will he sold at reasonable prices. he has advantages over others, his expenses bei trifling. . _ . Eve 72 / artical usually found in a first-class at. will be kept on hand. Thankful to the public for the very liberal p ronage extended to him in the past, he respectfu solicits a continuance of the Tame. • Store on Washington street. Jan. 4, '7l. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at the Cheap Store of BENJAMIN JACOBS, Corner of the Diamond, in Saxton's Bnildit I have just received a large stock of Ladies' e gent Dress Goods, Gentlemen? Furnishing Goof Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps of all kinds, in en less variety, for ladies, gentlemen, misses a children. CARPETS, OIL CLOTIIS, • GROCERIE, Coffee, Teas of all kinds, best and common Byrn! Spices, ke. Tobacco and &gars, wholesale as retail. These goods will be sold as cheap , if sot cheap. than any other house in town. "Quick sales as small profits," is my motto. Thankful for past patronage, I respectfully so cit a continuance of the same. January 4, 1871. W. H. WOODS, W. IL LEAS, JADES SOD., E. MILTON SPEER, ma. DAVID Mail(' THE UNION BANS OF EIUNTIN( DON, HUNTINGDON, PA., CAPITAL, PAID UP 8100,000, Solicits accounts from Banks, Bankers, and of era. A liberal Interest allowed on time Deposit All kinds of Securities bought and sold for the situ Collections made on all points. Drafts oa parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates. Persons depositing Gold and Silver will reeei• the same in return, with interest. The partners a individually liable to the extent of their whole pr perty for all deposits. C. C. NORTH, Cashier. Jsnuary 4, 1871. T. IS.: S. Es ti s. 5 ...1 8 0 1 11 1 711705, -5' s. HUNTINGDON, PENN . ., s . FORWARDING h COMMISSION MRRCHAN7I Wholesal sad Retail Dealers is DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, . . BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, FURS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS GROCER! E S • HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, CLOTHING, IRON. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS, SALT, PLASTER, &C., &C - • . Pevaiet,, of the WARRIOR RIME FLOUMNO MILLS. Flour and Feed eonatanity os hand. CAsH paid fur all kinds of grain. Produce to ken in exchange for goods at the Mammoth Store Feb. 15, 1871. CARPETS!! CARPETS!! CARPETS! SPRING STOCK. AT REDUCED PRICES JAMES A. BROWN Is constantly receiving at his nesc CARPET STORE, HUNTING DON, PA., 525} II ill Street, Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from tar looms of the manufacturer.. His stock eomprieet BRUSSELS, VENITIAN, COTTAGE, LIST and RAG CARPETS CARPET CHAIN, COCOA AND CANTON MATTINGS, FLOOR, STAIR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, and a large *rock at WALL PAPER, Window Shades and Fixtures, Drugget, Velvet Rage, Door Mats, Extra Carpet Threacland Bind. ing. I make a speciality of furnishing Churches and Lodges at City Priers, and invite Furnishing Committees to call and see goods made expressly for their purposes. Buyers will .are money and be better suited by going to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth ,Store, for any of the above goods. • I defy eompetitiost in prives and variety of beautiful patterns. CARPETS 25 ets. per YARD AND UPWARDS. I have also the Agency for the Orignal HOWE SEWING MACHINE, so well known as the best Family Machine is the world &11 nt the CARPET STORE and see them. JAMES A. BROWN. Jan. 4. 1871 GTO THR JOURNAL OFFICE, 1- 1 4 For all kinds of printing. J. F. T.ITTLI OTNRCOA TIN JOIIN R. KRMF 1871. INGRAINS, WOOL DVTeH, HEMP, •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers