The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, May 17, 1871, Image 1
VOL. 46 lie Huntingdon 3 ournal J. A. NASH, ;t. DLTRBORROW, PrBLISRERS AND PROPRIETORS. lee on the Corner of Rath and Washington street.. IlusrtNooos JOURNAL is published every Anesday, by J. It. DERBORROW and J. A. NASH, der the firm name of J. it. Dunnottnow & Co., at 00 per annum, IN ADVANCE, or $2,50 if not paid in six months from date of subscription, and if not paid within the year. No paper discontinued, unless at the option of publishers. until all arrearages are paid. NDVERTISMIENTS will be inserted at TEN srs per line for,each of the first four insertions, i Five CENTS per line for each subsequent inser n less than three months. Regular monthly and yearly advertisements will inserted at the fallowing, rates : - 1 am l .6m Bral 1v 1 13 mlem 9 inl 1 y sib 21 450 5Mi 670; V i col 9 00118 09 $37 $ 36 I I " 400 e 00.10 00.12 001 A "24 00:36 5.0 NI 61 GOO 10 00;14 03;18 00% " 00150 00 C 5 80 800 00 , 20 00:21 00j " 9 50'18 00 , 25 00:33 00 , 1 col 36 00 1 60 00 80 100 • notions will be inserted at TWELVE AND ULF' CENTS per line, and local and editorial no- All Resolutions of Associations, Communications limited or individual interest, and notices of Mar ges and Deaths, exceeding five lines, will be urged TEN CENTS per line. Legal and other notices will be charged to the rty having them inserted. Advertising Agents must find their commission :side of these figures. All acirertising accounts are clue and collectable en the advertisement is once inserted. TOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and ney Colors, il:The with neatness and dispatch.— rid-bills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, he., of every riety and style, printed at the shortest notice, I every thing in the Printing line will be execu in the most artistic manner and at the lowest Professional Cards. IC. 4ADDEN, Attorney-at-Law • 01Bee, No. Hill street, Huntingdon, [ap.19,'71- NITILLIATNI A. FLEMING, Attorney at-bitw, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention •en to collections; :mil all other legal husiness coded to with care and promptness. Office, No. Hill street. [apl9,ll. /ILES ZENTMYEB., Attorney-at- LA- L tw, Hunt ingdon, will attend promptly iegul business. Office in Cunningham's now unii.Mi I G.T. ARNOLD. Gralultte of the University of PennAylvanig, offers his pro sion4 siaviecs to thy peJi.le or Ittiniingdun anti nai!y. aErint:iXer.:—Dr. IL P. Hook, of I,6yrxille, Pa., whom 11, formerly pr. , .,:ice4; D:s. Still° atd ;new of P . :Ill.:1,11;4in. _Mize str,et, West Ilautingdon, [ap.l9,' i 1. ALLISON miux.n. 11. BUCHANAN. la & BUCHANAN. . DENTIS.TS, N. 228.1ii11 Street, iIUNTINGDON, April 5, '7l-Iy. DENGATE, Surveyor, Warriors- J• mark, Ya. • [apl2,ll. is CALDWELL, Attorney -'at -Law, —.F•No. 111, 3d street. Office formerly occupied Messrs. Woods s Williamson, Lup12,71. L. ROBB, Dentist, office in: S. T. 7f'• Br. wn's new building. No. .:20, Hill Ct.. antinplon, Pa. \R. It. It. WIESTLING, respectfully offers his professional services the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. 01fice removed to No. 6ISi Hill street, (SMITH'S "ILDING.) [apr.s,'7l-Iy. r R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at , • tflial9, Huntingdon, Pa., will prartice in the reral. Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular :cation given to the settlement of estates of dece- nts. OMze in he Jou3NALl3ailding. [feb.l,ll. 3GLAZIER, -Notary Public, corner • of Wsohlugtou and Smith streets, 'Stun- Igtion, Pa. [jan.l27l. ALLEN LOVELL, Attorney-at • Law, Iluntingtl:,n, Pa. Special attention ten to COLLECWONS Of all kinds ; to the settle.: ent of Estates, .4e.; and all other Legal Business °scouted with fidelity and dispatch. j Office in room lately occupied by 11. Milton wee, Esq. N YTO.N , Attorney-at-Law, Htkn •• tinpion, P. Office with J. Sewell Stewart, [jan.4,ll. f HALL 31ITSSER; Attorney-At,-Law, • Iluntingion, Po,. -Office, second floor of :Ister's new building., 11111 street. Dan.d,'ll. 3 M. & M. S. LYTLE ) Attorneys • at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to 1 kinds of legal business entrusted to their care. ;Office on the south side of Hill stfeet, fourth door amt. of Smith. T'gYLVANUS BL SIR, Attorney-at • Laci, Ilautingacin, Pa. Office, TIM sVeet, res doors wait of Sisitti. r 4. POLLOCK, Surveyor and Real .• . Estate Agent, Iluntingdon,.Pa., will attend Surveying in all its branches. Will alro buy, or rant Farms, Houses ' and Real Estate of et , . •y blot, in any part of the United Stet,. Send clrottlar. . J. A. DEAVER.- having. located Fraukliiivi;:,, ofrers liis pror,s;ioual set , .uP6 to fife oulututinity. 0nn.1,!71. r NV. AIATTERN, Attorp7-at-Law co aa.l G.itra!C,'l4i - ai t-,.,llnn , inunl.,n, Pa.. ;Hier? claims aga,inst theGoverument for back ay, bounty, u . sitlowa' an 4 in - raid pensions attend- I to with greet carz eel promptness. Odle, on 1.1111 5.11,2.. Ilan.: '7l. JUN SvOTT.. S. T. T.OWN. , J. If. IIIILET• ZCOTT, BROWN - P.AILL7Y., torneys-r.*-1., , ,, 11,Inting,Inn, Pa. - Pensions, id all claials of obllier, lieirs against It GJvcrnanut will be j;re - .Uptly pit,,cented. Oa.. on 111:1 sl - reet. rjan.4;7l:: FIR. D. P. MULLER, Office en 'Hill Foam formed} , oc.capiail • John ll'Culloch. Huntingdon, Pa., would res. offer his professional cervices to the (Ali. 'IS Or Huntingdon and vicinity. Lian.4;7l.. R. Ti.A.TTO.N. Druggist and Apoth / • erary, onposite thr Exchange Han n; inn, Pa. P;es,ript!olpi tp..ear..tely compoundcd. 'tire Li•liiors fur Mu licival purpuses. H9,-.23;70. R. A. B. BitI.T.M.BAUGH, offers his prefez,ional services to the eqaununity. 4.)ae.e on.117:1-shinaton :treet, one.door east of the e.tenlie NrFUTIIIgC. Dan.4,'7l, . GREEN,, Dentist. Office re •• moTed to Leisl,er's new building, Hill street tr-ttingdou. Dan.4,'7l. Ali4cellaneous. Eon. KING; iderchaut Taylor, 412 Washington street, Huntingdon, Pa.. a lib ea] sharp of patronag,e respectfully solicited. April 12, 1,71. NI4IAR THE RAILROAD DEPOT, COIL WA - YNE and JUNIATA STRZETT UNITED STATES HOTEL ItOLT - ATiAYSRUP' , . PA tUCLAIN h CO., PROPRIETORS fi7'CHANGE HOTEL; ''Htmfinudon, a-La Pa. JOIIN S. MILLER, Proklotor: January 4, 1871. CONRA p MEYER, . InventOr and Manufacturer of the CELEBRATED IRON FRAME PIANOS, Wartrooms, No: 722 Arch St.., Phila. las receive.' the Price Medal of . the World's Greet exhibition. London, England. the highest Prise. .warded when and wherever exhibited. [Estab ished in 1823.] ,idaroh.297-3mos. r 4 , , 4 . u •, 4. • • • • • ltlll. TO ADVERTISERS THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. PUBLISIIND EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING J. R. DURBORROW Sr. J. A. MASH, Office corner of Washington and Bath Sts., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. :o: CIRCULATION 1500. -:o: HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE MENTS INSERTED ON REA, SONABLE TERMS. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 per annum in advance. n5O within six months. $3.00 if not paid within the year. JOB PRINTING ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCII, AND IN TUE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED STYLE, SUCH AS I'OSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULAR, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, SEGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAPER BOOKS. 'ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC., :oi Alchls-4 Our flieilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing superior to say other establish ment in the county. Orders by mail promptly filled. All letters should be ad dressed, J. R. DURBORROW .34 CO United States Laws. OP THE UNITED STATES PASSED AT THE THIRD SESSION OF THE FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS• [GENERAL NATURE-NO. 36.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That the following be established as post roads : From Battle's Wharf to Danby's Mills. From Andalusia to Euchawocha. From Thomas Station to Midway. From Aurora to Village Springs. From Clarke's Mills to Bostick Mill. From Fredonia to Newsight. From New Hope to Point Rock Station. From Rutledge to Elba. From Demopolis, via Falkland and Bur tun's Hill, to Ilaysville. From Ashville, St. Clair County, to Hol!man's Station, on Alabama and Chat tanooga Railroad. From Springville to Aurora. From Springville to Blountsville. ARKANSAS. From Fort Arbuckle to Fort Sill. From Des Arc to Searcy. From Rondo to Mooningsfort, in Lou isina. From Mt. Ephraim. Froni Minneola to Boggy Depot. From Eunice to Camden. From Rocky Comfort, via Wheelock, Daksville, Goodland, Armstrong, Academy, to Boggy Depot, in the Choctaw Nation. FroZ - DalCis, via Kiahmioha and Doak sville, to Clarksville Feßi, in Choctaw Nation. From Rocky Comfort, via Simpson's Ferry, Nettie Box to Cove. From Burrowville to Rolling Prairie, Missouri. From Jonesboro to Crowley. From Fayetteville, via Bloomington to Washburn, in Missouri. From Eunice to Fulton, via Monticello and Camden. From Princeton to Arkadelphia. CALIFOITNIA. From Sierraiille to Dawniesville. From Colusa to Newville. From Grindstone to Ingram's. From Colusa to Lakeport. From II iles:Am to Picacho. • From Galt to Jackson. From Virginia Ranch to Linkvilie. From Chico to Big Meadows. From San Bernardino to Anaheim. From Trinity Centre, via Minersville to Weaverville. Front - Saucileto, via &linos, Woody:Ile to Olema. From Yreka, via Little Shasta. (Shasta Butte p.,st office,) Ball's at Butte Creek, Van Bremer's,_ near Hot Creek, Hot Springs Valley, Pitt River Valley, Cedar ville, to Lake City. From Modesta, via Langworth, to Knight's Ferry. From Susanville, via Willow Creek, Eagle Lake, Hyden City, Aidenville, to Pine Creek, Goose Lake Valley. From Smiauville, via Pine Civek, Grave Valley, Fall River, to Burgettville. From Yreka, via Ward's Brown's Link River, Klamath Agency, to Fort Klamath in Oregon. From Hornitas. via Indian Gulch, Union, Millertown, and King's River, to Visalia. From Kirkwood to Glasgow. From Dover to Little Creek Landing. From Centreville to Smith's Dridge. FLORIDA. From Jacksonville to Saint Nicholas. From Bluntstown to Abe's Springs. From Micosukie to Rome. From Live Oak to Cook's Hanm:k. From Freeport to Vernon. . From Waldo to Orange Spring. From Le,sburg, via Fort Cumming, Fort Gardner, Fort Kissimmee, Fort Lloyd, Fort Van Swearinger, Okee chobee, to Biscayne. From Manatee, via Fort Crawford, t, Pine Level. From Fort Capron, via Fort Vinton, Fort Drum, Kissimmee, Lake Istipoga, Pine Level, Fort Myers, Ponta Rasa, Cwt.- imbas pay to Cape Romano. Front Tampa, via Lake Thonatosassa, Ichipucksapa, Fort Davenport, Apopka, to Lake Harney. From Mellonville, via Lake Harney, Lake Poinsett, Lake IVinder, to -Lake Washington. From Monticello, via I3asley,' Fort An drew, Fort Hulburt, Fort Frank Brooke, Clay Landing, Walasassa, • Welter* Fort Clinch, lontasassa; Au6tsta,.Spring Hill, Pittitochoscolce, to Fort Harrison. Friau Jacksonville, via Callahan, to King's Ferry. Front Mclntosh, via Fort Barker, Natur al Bridge, to Fort Frank Brooke. 'Front ,Sain t Augustine, Dula is Lake, to New Smyrna. - Frfun Cedar• Key's, via Wekeyia, Ocala,- Lake Bryant, Port BUtler,Volasia, Spring Garden Lake, to New Smyrna. •• • • From Palatka, via Lake . Bryant, Lake Ranson,. Lake Dora, Ap4ka, Jernegatis,. Tehopekaliga, Lake KissiMmee,•Fort Kis., - simmer ; Fort Bassinger, Fort Centre, Fort Adams, to Fort Meyers. From Live Oak, via Charles Ferry, Fen thalloway, to Saint Marks. From -cola, via Dead Lakes, Saint Jo., sephs, to Appalachieula.. • From lola,via, Aspen Grove, Econfina, Valanibrosia, Euchee Anna; Alaqui, East River, to Milton. From Marianna, via Greenwood, to Millwood. • LEGAL BLANKS, From Milton, via Almiarante, GentE-_ vile, to Cerro ordo From Monticello, via Oseilla; Cherry Lake to Bel!villa. From Lake Washington, to Fort Kis simmee. From Taci to Saint Augustine. • • From Tallahassee to China Hill. From ilainesville, via Fort Fanning. Fort McCrab, to Fort Frank Brooke. PAMPHLETS, From Quitman to Deadinan's Buy, Florida. From Mclntosh to Hinesville. From Lumber City, via Boxville 1, Sew ard, Perry's Mills, Matlock, Beard'S ' ereek, to Johnston's Station,. From Elberton, via Cherokee Hill, to Abbeville Court House. South Carolina. ILLINOIS. From Georgetown thlranleeu Point. From Brueeville to Streator. From Staunton to Highland From Rockwood to Ave. From Tuscola to Mackvillc. From Pekin to Washington. From Salem, via Fox Ville, to Hickory INDIANA. From Ilauston to Brownstown. From Scottsville to Galena. From Wallace to Hillsboro. From Marion. via Pratt to Van Buren. From Point Isabel, via Hackleman and Sbadesville to Marion. LAWS From Delphia, via Carrolton and Lock port, to Burnettsville. From Thornton, via Darlington, to Crawfordsville. - _ From Franklin, via Oak farm, to Rlkins ville. From Cumberland to Oaklendon. From Metea to Twelve Mile. From Madison, via Bryantsbarg, to Bar bersville' and return, via - Cameo. From Seymour to Redington. From Saltilloville to Bono. From Saltilloville, via Clayville, • to La vonia. ALABAMA, From 'Dexter to Afton. From Linville to Pleasanton. From Butler to Sigourney. From Montezuma to Lynnville. From New Sharon to Union Mills. From New Hampton, via Alta Vista, to Bush. • From North• Washington to Alta Vist:►. From Dexter to Afton. • KANSAS. From Clyde, via Concordia, 'Vicksburg, Jewell City, akland, Cawker City, Gay lord, and Cedarville, to Kirwin. From New Scandinavia to Jewell. From Concordia, via Anion, Glasco, and Rock Hill, to Ellsworth. From Concordia, via Oak Creek, Mur phy, and Grover, to Minneapolis. From Jewell to Cawker City. From Cawker City, via Osborne, to Ball's City. From New Scandinavia, via Gomeria and White Rock, to Big Timber. From Waterville, via Clyde, to Concor dia, From Clyde, via Shirley, to Murphy. From Alma, via Newburg, to Saint Mary. Frern Concordia, via Granny Creek, to Beloit. From Marion Centre, via Coneburg, Holden, Sedgwick City, and Park City, to Wichita. From Ladore,7via Timber - Hill, Cherry- Ville, Morgan City, and Independence, to Louisburg. From Burksvillc, via Glider, to Celina Junction. From Bardstown to Bloomfield. From Pikeville to Warfickl. Fout Blaine to paint o ville.. 'From Coalton to Mount Savage Furnnee. From Louisa to Louisville. From Caseyville to Dixon. From Florence to • Benton. From Campton to Fitchburg. From Somerset. via Point Burnside, Tate's Store, Robert's Store, Pine Knot Tavern, to Marsh Creek. From Farmersville, via Spearsville, to El Dorado, in Arkansas. From R!ayville to Redmouth. From Forksville to Indian Village. From Arcadia to Riuggokl. From Vienna to Homer. MAINE. From Penobscot, via South Penobscot, North Brooksville, and Brooksville, to Sargentsville. From Surry to South Surrey. From Blue Hill to m McHard's Stream. From South Paris to North Waterford. MARYLAND. DELAWARE From Linwood to McKinstry's Mills. From Cookeysville, via Shawan Manton Mills, to Reisterstown. From Hampstead to Houcksville and Upperco. From Cockeysville to Warren. From Baltimore to Monument House. From Bridgeport to Harney. From Lisbon to Florence. From Sandy Springs to Brighton. From Monocacy to Bealsville. From Clarksville to Nicholas. From Middlebrook to Germantown From Silver Hill. by Oxen Hill, to Pis. cataway, • Froth Frizzlesburg to Mayberry. From Princess Ann to Mount 'Vernon. From Templerille to Marydell. From Fairview to Conooocheagno. - From Galestown to Sharp. town. From Milestown to St. Clement's Bay. From Piney Point to Leonardtown, , From Washington, by . Fort Foote, to Fort Washington. From Mount Airy, by Long's Corner, to Damascus. • From Denton to Andersootown. Fr,ut Hickory to Mill Green. From Sutton's-Barto Leland., From Alpena to Roger's:_ciey, .. - From Agusta, via Hickory Corners and Cedar Creek, to Hastings. From Richland, via Gull Lake, to Hick ory. Corners. Fr , :an Maple, via Edgerton, to Newaygo. From Peck to Tyre, in Sanaa° County. From Alaska to Hammond. From Home, via Barton, to Paris. Froin Sparta Centre, via Ensly, to HoW ard City. From. Hadley- to Lapier. • • MINNESOTA. From Young America, via Camden, Saint George, and Koniska, to Hutchinson. From Crow Wing to Brainard. From Glenwood, via Langhei and Hazel Lake, to Benson. From Fergus Falls, via Elizabeth City and Lake, to Janesville. From Pomme de Terre, via Waseoto, Moran's, Arehart's Grove, Prairie Lake, and Pelican Lake, to North Pacific Rail road, near White Oak Lake. From Saint Joseph, via Albany, to New Munich. From JaneSville to Elysian. From Jackson to Big Bend From McCauleyville., via Fergus Falls to Otter Tail City. From Benson Station, via Glenwood, to Alexandria, GEORGIA Prom Fergus Fails, viaElizal.ol City f to PeliCan Rapids. Fkom Otte; Tail City to Osakes. 1 " From Atwater, via Kandryoki, to Lake Silliau. From Litchfield. via Pipe Lake, 0 Pres ton Lake. From Cold Sprung to Mannanali. From Ilut.elimson to Dassel Station. From Aleitandria, via Leaf Valley, Nil- Clitherell, Aurdal's to Elizabeth City. From Pomme de Terre to Rusk Lake. From Monkato, via Winnebago Agency, ]Redo, Danville, to Wells. lITJNTINGDON, PA, MAY 17, 1871,..;. lOWA, Froni . Washington to Hanover. KENT al KY LOUISIANA. MASSACHUSETTS. From S!mtli Sandwiek to MaBhpee. From Hudson to Clinton. From - Foxborough to"Wye.iiham. MICHIGAN. . From Hartford, via Wart's Bridge . and Fislitrap Creek, to Crow• Wing Ricer. • From Benson, via Morris, Pomme de Terre, Fergus Falls, Elizabethtown, Pel ican Lake, to White Earth. MISSISSIPPI From Hernando, via Dixie, to De Soto Front. From Coldwater, via Arkabulta, to Hud son. From Saulsbury, in Tennessee, via Ca nan, to Ashland, Mississippi. From Ashland, via Rocky Ford, to Pon- totoc. From Ashland, via Hickory Flat, and Cornersville, to Oxford. From Roseville, in Tennessee, via north Mount Pleasant, to Holly Springs, in Mis sissippi. Prom Oxford; via College Hill and Har mony, to Tyro, Mississippi. MISSOURI. From Brooklyn td Greenfield. From Marshfield to Salem, in Arkansas. From Tenny's Grove to Dawn. From Poplar Bluff, via Cane Creek, to Van Buren. From Ozark to Gore Creek. From Bucklin to °wawa. From Connueree to Merely. From. Knob Lick Station to St. Mary's Landing. From Palmyra, via North River, to Warren. From Shelbina, via -Oak Dale, to Mil ler's Mill. Front Linn Creek, via Cane Puwp, Mack and Oak Point, to Hermitage. From Clinton, via Wadesburg, to Har risonville. From Versailles to mouth of Little Buf falo Creek. From Mooresville to Monroe Centre. From Seneca to Albuquerque. From Forsyth'to Arno. From Auburn, via Prairieville, to Lou isiana. From Prairieville to Clarksville. From Hartville, via Sunnyside, to Au, rora. From Granby, via -Pineville, Missouri, and Bentonville and Fayetteville, in Ar kansas, to Van Buren, in Arkansas. From Carrolton to Waverly. ' From Pierce City, via Sammie and Avilla, to Bower's Mill. From Grant City, via Lutztore, to Hop kins. IiEB4ASKA. From Fort Kearney to New Scandina via. in Kansas. - From Hebron to Red Cloud. From Sackson to Taffe. From Battle Creek, via Mad:a - in, to West Point. From Milford to York.. From ITlyss,s, via Cottonwood, to Oceola. From Santee Agency to Springfield, Dakota Territory; From Fort Kearney to Franklin City. From Fremont to Norfolk. • • From Fort Kearney to Napoleon. From Nebraska City to Glen Rock. NEVADA. Front Winnemuca to Paradise Valley From Belmont to Montozatua, From WadsWoyth to Ellsworth. NEW JERSEY. From Vincentown, via Red Lion and Tubernicle, to Hartford, NEW YORK. From; Staly MIL to Staly Hollow. From Willsborough to Willsborough Point. - Prom Adams. via Bishop Street, to Henderson...—. NORTH CAROLINA. From Kinston, via Fountain Hi 1, to - Ridge Spring. From Danbury, via - Park's House, to Toms Creek. From Whitesville, via Abbottsburg, to Elizabethton. OHIO. From Veston to leCoub. From Bast Liverpool to New. Waterford. From Bowling Green to Woodville. - From Lima, via Allentown, to Spencef. vile. From Barnesville, via Ilendrysburel, to Fairview, From West Salem, via Red gaw, Rows, Jeiumeville,leap; MeZena, to Plimp ton. From Findley to Forest, OREGON Froni Ashland, via Brown's, Link liv er, Lost River, Yanox,Drew'Velley, Hot Springs, in. Goose Lae Valley, to Lake City Prow Jacksouviile, via Central Point,. Bybee's. 'Ferry, to McDaniels Mills. . From Baker City to • gem - City; via Priteßard's Bridge, on Poivder River, and Augusta. From Baker City, via Auburn, Poca hontas) to RiggSville. PENNSYLVANIA, From Christiana, via Smyrna, Bart, May, 'Clotanten, Kirkwood,' Foraidale; Bartville ' anti Nino. Points to .chriatiana. From Unionville to 3,latihorOugli. - Front Palm ta..ll,.sen'sack. From Holland to Dari,iville; • k From Hughes to Glen (Jarboe!" From Moscow; via Sterling, to Ledge Dale. From . Luzerne, via Cbarlcatown, Fac tor, Oranga, latchum, and Carverton, to Lunt no. From Shickshiuney, via Town Hill, to Cumbria. From L-,:hickshinny, yia Town Line, ilarveyville, Bloomingdale, Sweet Valley, and Muhlenberg, to Shieltshinny. From Scottsville, via Jenningsville, and Lovelton.'to Bella Sylva. • From Hop Bottom, Lathrop, and Nivin, to Springville. From .Centralia to Ashland - . From Leithville to Hellentown. From Le*isburg to Milton:. From Mt, Jackson to Railroad Station. From Shenandoah to Flour Barrel :Sta tion. From •• Morrell,-' via Arch Springs, to Sinking Valley. From Tyrono to Sinking Valley. From Alpine to Rossville. . • From Bean Creek to White: Haven. From .Beliview to Arnwille.. From Birch Run.. Vile -to 14intheiton. ' Fr( 111 131d9k CiCek to:Syb'ertsvili., From Buck Mountain to Rockpott. From Conqiy:4iie to Dalmatia. From ThoMpSontown, via East, &dent and Tan West; to Thompsontown. Front Hampton, via Mill Run, AO In dian Creek, to Donegai. • From Myers Mills,. via Garrett; to Elk Lick.. • •; 1 • Via') Brookville, via Knox(lido_ and MeCalmont, to Big Ron. • From Tioga, via Farmington Hilt Fa rmington Centre, and East Chatham, to Knoxville. From West Bingham, Turner Creek, Spring Mills, White's Corner'Fi Manson Valley, Westfield, returnitig by Harrison Valley and Turner Creek; to West Bing ham. - From Meredith, via • Shambitrgh, to Personville. From Emelton, via. St. Petersburg .and Alum Rock. to Jefferson Furnace. From Kingston, via Mill Hollow, Trucksville, Dallas, Kunekle, Bowman's Creek, Lake, Lehman, Huntsville, to Kingston. From Tunkhannbek, via Eaton, South Eaton, Kcelersburg, Centre Moreland, and Vernon, to Bowman's Creek. From Brady's Bend, via Barnhart's Mills to Peachville. From Eberly's Mills to Harrisburg. From Elam to Brandywine Summit. From Flourtown to *hitemarsh From Mechanicsburg, via Hampden, Good Hope, and Hogestown, to Mechan icsburg. From Gulf Mills to Conshohocken. From half Way to Pottaown, or R. R. Station. From Hanoverville to Bethlehem, or Hecktown: - From High:lake to Equinunk. From Ashley to Wilkesbarre. From Herriottsville to Railroad Station, or Moorhead. From Hudson to Punsutawney. From• - Hummel's Store to Knauers. From Laurel Run to Wilkes Barre. From Egypt to Seifried's Bridge. From Locust Lane to Covode. From Thomasville to York. From Upper Lehigh to Eckley. From Upper Providence to Media. From Upsouville to Great Bend. From Vineyard Mills to Mount Union. From Kcelersburg to Centreville. From Herricksville, via James Mitton's and William Nesbit's, to Rummerfiold Creek. From Water Cure to Rochester. From West Greenwood to Sutton's Cor ners, From Rush, via East Rush, Rushtown Corners,.West Auburn, and East Spring Hill to Laceyville.. Frain Montrose, via Elk Lake, Auburn Four Corners, Auburn Centre, and South Auburn t,) Meiihoppon.- From Honesdale, vitt,Berlin Centre, Beach Pond, Eldred, and Milanville, to Damascus. - From Hopewell Centre, via Gatehel vine, to Bald Eagle. - From Elbinkivllle to Flint Store, 'Md. Prom Shippensburg, by Mowersville, to Roxburg. • • - • From Greenwood Furnace to Belle ville From Mints to Grant. From Cush to Burnside. From Greensburg, via Crabtree and New Alexandria, to Congruity. From Buekville, via Frankenfield's Store, Kellersville, and Connersville, to Sellersville. From Reynoldeville to Punxsutawney. From South Creek to Webb's Mills, in New York. Front Shaff Bridge, via Gebhart's and Glade, to New Lexington. From Railroad Station, via Turkey Foot, to Kingwood, Front Logansvillc to Glen Rock. Front Lower Merion to Cabinet. From Maorill to Railroad Station. From Mount Waihington to Pittsburg. From Muddy Creek Forks to Airville. From Nesquehoning to Mauch Chunk. From North Buffalo to Rosston. From North Sandy to Sandy Lake From Pallas to Chapman. From Pine Hill to York. From Rostraver to West Newton. From Six Points to Eau Claire. From Spring Hope to Schellsburg. From Tippacanoe to Brownsville. From Strinestown to Manchester. From IVlyersburg, Herricksville, to Stevensville. QVTIL CAROLINA. From Rock to Lancaster Court House. Froth Little River to Smithvillo, in North Carolina. TENNESSEE.: From Norristown to Beans Station. From Sparta to Woodbury. . From Bartlett to Porterville. From Cross Plains, via Richmond or Fountain Head, to Layfayette. •TEXSS.. -From Cats ring to Colninbus, From McKinney, - via Spring Garden, Birdville, and Fort Worth, to Johnson. • From RockpOrt teßeeville. ' From Double Horn to Mason. From Beeville, via Helena and Lodi, to. San. Antonio. -From Rosen to Waco. Frotn Rockport, Via Chittipin, to Bee ville. From Arkansas City to Clarksbur. From LynclibUrg to Cold Spring. From Maitin'to Burton. From Longview, via New Danville, to Jonestown. • ' Prom Dallas to Decatur. , Froth lionsion io Huntsville. Froriißr3ian, - Via Wheelock, to Miidis none, Leg.ikout..Leena; and Centreville, ITORMOT. . . -From Lyndon,. via South NiTheelock ana Staunfird, to East liar.lwie.k. • From South.. Newbury, to Newbury Centre. • . V ERGINIA, From Few Ca. 416 to Union, From Abingdon to Pool' Hilt; From Marrowbone .From LMurbardy Grove.. vla SmithV Cross Roads, to Cabbage Farm. From Fish Hill Station •to Walker town.. • From Holstewn to Havensness. ' From Bradford Furnace to Reed la.' land. • • .! From , Vienna to Fairfax Court House. •From -lifeeebum, via White Hall to Ste ona Prom FartaVille to Gravel Hill. From Toldeville. to Cuckoo. • 'From King. William Court House to Willers. • • From Egeleton's Springs to New River. • From Manassas to Dumfries: .From Culpepper COurt House to ' Rix eyville. From Abitikton• to Holztort From -Ohatiottenville, VIA D. M. Church, CeniralTlitint..tind FOrlicii.Tran, 'to Co:L . umbia. • : 'n, • • From Poplar Hill, • cridi.Woe Gate, Madhaniesbar - r, Crab Oreliaid:-Mereer C. :IL; Sharon; Jeffersonville, 'Lilson's Mill, :01Ympia f - Chatham Hill, • Rich''Valley; Lang Hollow, and - McCain Gap, to Glade Springs -Depot. • " From Waverly - Station to Dillard's Wharf, on James River, }NEST VIRGINIA. . . . Froni . SiVoOdland'to l'*vie . w. From Fronohtatt,,via Rock Cave, to Mingo Flats. • Front Rock Cave, via' Hacker's Valley, to Webster's' COtirt Heuse. From Grimm's Store to Selbyville. From Skin Creek to Frenebter. From Wild Cat to Middleport. From Raleigh to McDowell. Front Sisaonville to Walton. From Sutton to Clay . C. 11. • WISCONSIN. From Dupont to Pella. From Shawan, via Gillet, to Oconto City. - From Cottage Grove, via Dour Creek, to Krogliville. From Portage, via Alm, to Merri mack. From Lime Rock to Seymour. From Primrose, via. Perry and Adams vine, to Dodgeville. From Berlin, via Neshkoro, and Ritch ford, to Colonic. COLORADO. From Greeley to Jamestown. From Bent's Fort. via Boggsville, to Fort Lyon. • From Badito to Colfax. From Central City to Carib From Colorado Oity to Hamilton. From Walsenburg to Francisco's Ranch. From Laporte to Livermore. From Pueblo to Los Animas City. From Cachares to Walsenburgh. From Boulder• City to Caribou. From. Erie to Boulder City. From Greeley to Laporte. DAKOTA. From Yankton to Old Fort James. From Flandreau to Medary. From Poncak to Elk Point. From Springfield to Old Fort James. From Springfield to Ponca Agency. From Springfield, via Mineral Spring to Ponca Agency. From Springfield, via Emanuel, Marsh• ten, to Firestee. IDAHO, From Placerville to Quartsburg. From Salubria to Caddy and Tyne's Mill's. NEW MEXICO. 'From Seneca, in Missouri, Alimquei -. . From Salt Lukc City to Central City. From Payson ' via - Cc.ishen, Main7ond City, and Silver City, to Eureka, , Front Salt Lake City. to Binghain Cu- non. , . . From Stockton to Ophir, WASHINGTON. From UtsaladdY to Skogil From Utsaladdy to Centreville. • 'From •Teckalet, via Poet Madison, Moe kitto, and Tulaplip,• to Snohomish. From Seabeek to' Union City. From Arkada to Cajun City, Front Steilacooni, via Nacher's Pass and Wallula, to Walla Walla. • From.Steilacoom City, via Yokohama Talley, to Walla Walla City. - From Steilacoom City to San Francisco. WYOMING. • " - From Green River, via South Pass city,' Atlantic City, Fort Stambaugh, and Ham ilton City, to Camp Brown. From South Pass City, via Clark's Fork, Bozeman, and Fort Ellis, to Helena, Montana Territory. . From Cheyenne to Iron Mountain. From Fort Bridger to Scottsville. From Carter to Fort Bridger. . Approved, February 28, 1371. pballannaio, Rude Women as Privileged Persons. One class of privileged persons, accord ing to the Saturday Review, is typified in the woman whose forte lies in saying un pleasant things with praiseworthy coolness. She aims' at a reputation- for smartness or for honesty, according to the character of her intellect, and she uses what she gets without stint or sparing. If she is clever, she is noted for her sarcastic speeches and epigrammatic brilliance; and her mote are bandied about from one to the other of her friends, with an uneasy sense, howev er, in the laughter they excite. For every one feels that he who laughs today may have cause to wince to-morrow, and that dancing on one's own grave is by no means an exhilarating exercise. No one is safe with her, not even.her nearest and dear est; and. she does not care how deeply she is about it. But her victims rarely retali ate which is the oddest part of the busi ness. They resign themselves meekly enough to the scalpel, and comfort them selves with the reflection that it is only pretty Fanny's way, and that she is known to all the world es a privileged person, who may say what she likes. falls hard, though, on the uninitia . ted and sensitive, whoa they, are first in troduced to a privileged pelson with a talent far :;aying sutiti;t things, and, no : pity OE I),.,rliaps"tinq have. learned . ' their m:;tiner, t)o well to retort kind, if cad so•t•:;e1 theniselvas . c: - .11F.1!• ,,,, i.',1 to b.rr the unexpected smart, :is the ,SparLa:i boy did One sees thew at times endure their ltuniliati-n be fo.e folks with a . courageous kind cf Would .do honor ,to a better er:nse. 'Perhaps 'they. are too • mild' taken aback - O . be able ntar their wits for a serviceable counter thrust; all they eon do .is to is con fuSed and feel „angry ; some , time,. ;f eeidoci, , the, privileged per . son with a talent for sarcastic .sayings meets with bar match and gets paid off in her &an earn,which greatly offends .lier, while it rejoices those of her Clicids who have suffered many things at her. hands 'het;irc.: If she is rude in a more sledge 'hainuter wry, rude through what it pleases her to call honesty and the privilege of Speaking her thind-her attacks are easier to meet, as };ping more openly made and les'e dependent, on quickness or subtlely of intellect to parry. Sometiniers, indeed, by their very coarseness they defeated them selves, . . Mystery. In loyelinesh of form. or of moral char acter, or of the material. creation, it is that which is most veiled:. which- is most ,11ea,utiful.. The mysteries of the heart and of nature, are the.delight of the the.soal.and the eyes, It seems as if: the Creator had drawnashadow over whathver He has made most delieate and most- di vine, to heighten by its secrecy, out apira , tion after. it, and to soften. its lustre 'from. our gaze, in the same manner he ashas placed • Flids ever our eyes to temper the light when its impression is too great up on them, Valleys are the mysteries of landscapes ; the more we long to penetrate them, the more they try to wind and bury and hide themselves. Mist is to a moun tain. what illusion is to love—it elevates them. .• Mystery -hovers over every - 1 , tiling here below. and. solemnizes all things to the heart. NO. 2(Y A Rich Grammatical Deciabin. The Ne-s• York Tribune decades that the plural of "titmouse" is '.tittnous," and not "titmice." "On the same principle," says another paper. "the plural of a tailor's 'goose' is 'gooses,' " as indeed eve hold that it is. This reminds us of an anecdote in re gard to a country merchant who wanted two of these tailor's irons several years ago, and ordered, them from Messrs. Dunn 43i Spencer; hardivare merchants, then do ing business in this city. He first wrote this order : "Please send me two tailor's gooses." Thinking that . this was bad grammir, he destroyed it and wrote this one : "Please send me two tailor's geese." Upon reflection he destroyed thiS ono also for fear' he would receive live geese. Ho thought over the matter until he was very much worried, and at • last in a-mo mcnp..of desperation, he seized his peuand wrote the following, which was duly. mail ed: "Messrs. Dann & Spencer : Please send me one tailor's goose, and - d—n it, .send sue another' " This was the only way he knew of to ordertwo of them y but of course he had not read the above wise decision then.—Petersburg (tia) Courier. We once knew - a merchant, who wanted a dozen of the same articles, and got over the difficulty by ordering "one tailor's goose," and immediately under it "eleven ditto."--Atlonta Constitution. How to Act in Case of hilsoning. The Journal of Health says: Whatever is done must be done quickly. The in stant a perron is known to have taken poi son by design or accident, give to drink, cold or warm, as fast as possible, a gallon or more•of water, at a Mule, and as fait as vomited drink more; tepid water is the best, as it opens the pores of the skin and promotes vomiting, and thus gives the speediest cure to the poisonous article. If [ pains begin, to be felt in the bowels, it shows at least part of the poison bas pass ed downward; then large and repeated in jections of tepid , 'water should be even, the object in both cases being to dilute the pison as quickly as possible. Do not wait for water, take that which is nearest at hand cold or warm, for every second of time saved is of immense importance, at the same time send instantly fbr a physi cian,k and es .00n as he comes turn the case into his li nds, telling him what you have clone. sis sinwle thet cannot, lie too widely pub! hvd; it is not meant to say tlmt a pile or two of simple water will cure every case of poisoning; but it will cure amp and bsnefits all by its rapid diluting q4ality. News Summary. Hon. Benjamin F. Wade positively de clines to be a candidate fcor Gevernor- of Ohio, Gen. Spinner has been Treasurer of the United States for ten years, and has hand led in that time the very large sum of $5O, 000,000,000. American ladies, accompanied by k near male relative, recently Made the overland trip by sledge§fiiiiiitlieDkhotsh sea across Siberia to St. Petersburg, a distance of 7, 0 , .19 miles. Hon. Craig Biddle, United States Com missioner, has been appointed Chief Super visor of Elections in Philadelphia, under the recent law passed by Congress for, the protection of the right of voters. The population of this country is nar rowed down to abort' thirty-eight millions five hundred thousand by the census. This is rather below what was expected, but such results do follow the census returns pretty frequenty. Miss Anna E. Dickinsonis not going to England this Summer, as has been report ed, either to lecture or for any other pur pose. She is likely to spend the Sommer with Boston friends in Canada. Miss Kate Field goes to England, with her mother, in May, but not on a lecturing tour. The Hon.-Sharon Tyndale, late Secreta ry of State of Illinois, was murdered on the public streets in Springfield, a week ago while on his way from his kesi deuce to the railroad station to take the cars for St. Louis, 'He was shot probably' by robbers. There is yet no elite to the' mur derer. - •• In addition to Prince Alexis, of Russia, it appears that, we are ta hate other royal visators this sutemer, no les, personages 'than "The King of tite.Cannibal Islands." Thankawabaio I, and the heir apparent, Princes Tityteniyaktoo, the latter to re- Main' long euough to finish his education. Our aristocracy will have "high old times. ion. -.Joseph-. Buffington, President Judge of the Teeth Judicial DiStriet, has resigned._ Judge Buffingsovi hasbettu in ,ill health for sometiine, and hisresigsiation by qihysical inability to dis charge the duties of his office.: The Tenth I)strictis composed or the 'counties of In diana, Westmorelandand Armstrong. :Iron, of Vir ginia•ciled lif4: ! hotne at • Ardxandrii. on .F.4iclay last. The healli of the veteran Si . .ate,sman and r4el trader w:ps not Amax pected, but creates a general ~..ensation iu Wasilingtob; where he was very well.knowo. Fie Was horn :a Fairfax . eonnty, Ira, in 1787, and was otosespient/y .. seventy:fciiir years ~Since the , rebellion he has lived in seclusion at Ale. .nniria, • ,The valley of the. Red River, of the North is said,t3 contain 60 ; 900 siluaremiles of the richest wheat land, in the world. The air New England States,,pen4in; 65, 000 square large,pertion_ of this area is taken up by mountains. When the. Bed Biver valley shalthe ,cultivated, it is estimated that it will produce poo,poo, 000 bushels of weat andually,. The Canadians are all. for-Lain, as Gov erpor General of their new ,Joininion. It is reported, that the husband of Princesi Louise-Lora isto appointed to ' rule over our : British-American neighbors: Since the latest. Prince resident among them, has shown his Hanoverian blood by bringing disgrace to several of the most-respectable families; through the ruin:oftheiri:idingh tets, loyal todyisto quiteaslratipaut as fortherly. •.. ••, • 'A than was found dead in it•hoageerbad repute in Omaha; a few days ago; and . :up timing .he had Committed suicide, - "'the -corner's jdry so found. Nett clay one of the female inmates called on the authori ties and gave herself up as the tenrderer. On investigation it Was found that sire was innOcentof the self-aechsed crime; and then came the'evidence that the poor creature, weary of the life she list been leading, took this means to incite death at the hands of thelaw in preference to a continuance of a career of infathy. What a sermon is here for thouglitleiS•rirls whe'are now tending toward a similar life!