The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, May 03, 1871, Image 2

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    . U 0.31 And be lt lartlor enacted, That ovary inspector or
ether chief officer of the customs shall retain on file all
original certificates of the impactors required by tie act
to be delivered to him, and shall glee to the master or
owner of the vowel therein atoned three certified copier
thereof, two of which shall be placed by such master or
owner in conspicuous places in the vessel where they will
be most likely to be observed by passengers and others,
and there kept at all time., famed wider glass; the other
shall be retained by ouch master or owner as evidence of
the authority thereby conferred; and if any passenger
shall be received on board any steamer not having the
certified copies of the certificate of apprciml as required
by this act, placed and kept as aforesaid, or if any passen- ,
gee steamer shall receive or carry any gunpowder on
board, not having a certificate authorizing the same, and
a certified copy thereof placed and kept as aforesaid, or
shall tarty any gaup wder at a place or in a manner not
authorised by such certificate, such st-amer shall ho 1.1.1
liable for a penalty of one hundred dells ls for each offense,
to be rm.:wenn! in any court of competent jurisdiction .
SW. 32. And be it further sanded, That every inspector
who shall willfully certify falsely touching any vessel pro
pelled in whole or in part by steam, as to her 11111 i, accem
modatione, boilers, engine., machinery, or their appurtm
mime, or any of her equipments, or any matter or tiling
contained in any certificate ,igned and sworn to by him,
ops conviction thereof, be punished by tine not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceed
:tug six mouths, or both.
Sec. 33. And be It farther enacted, That no person. in
'Wrested, either directly or Indirectly, in any patented life
preserver, life-boat, gauze. or any articls required to be
used roomy eteamer by this net. or who is a member of
any association of owners, masters, engineers. or pilots ..f
steamboats, or who is directly or indirectly pecuniarily
interested in any steam vessel, or who has not the quali
fications and acquirements as prescribed by this act, or
whole Intemperate in his habits, shall be eligible to hold
the office of either supervising or km inspector, Cr di.-
charge the duties thereof; and if any person shall attempt
to exercise the functions of the office of steamboat inspec
tor, it shall be a misdemeanor, for which he shall be sub
ject to a penalty of flee hundred dollars, and shall be dis
missed from aka.
bac. 34. And be It farther enacted. 'JIM any inspector
mho shall. upon any pretense, receive any fee or reward
for his service rendered under this act, except what is
herein allowed him, WWI forfeit his office, end if found
guilty, on indictment. or otherwise, punished, according
to the aggravation of the offense, by fine exceeding
five bombed dollars, or imprisoutneut not exceeding six
months, or both. . . .
— ) And be it further enacted, That every boiler
inaneaetured after twelve mouths front the passage of
this set, tot be need on steam vessels, and made of iron or
atml plates, shell be constructed of plates that have been
.tamped in accordance with the provision of this act; and
if any Pen. , e ehell vonstruct a boiler, or steam-pipe con
necting the boilers, to be AO used, of iron or steel plates
which hare not been stamped and Inspected according to
the provisions of this, or otherwise as herein provided, or
who shall know:ugly use any del ctive, bad, or inulty iron
pr steel in the construction of s ch loiters; or shall draft
a tay rivet ho/e, to make It come fair; or shall deliver any
sods boiler for use, knowing it to be imperfect to its floes,
ganging, riveting, bracing, or in any other of its parts.
shall be tined one thousand dollars, one-half for the use of
the Informer: Provided, however, That nothing in this act
shall be se construed as to prevent from being used, on
way steamer, any boiler or steam-generator which may
"pot be constructed of rivitel iron or steel plates, when the
;veld of supervising inspectors shall have satisfactory
dissidence that such boilers or steam-generators is equal in
strength, and as safe from explosion, as a boiler of the bed
quality, conetrurted of riveted iron or steel plates.
Ste. 36 And be it farther enacted. That after twelve
from the passage of this act; every iruu or nee!
Ostia teed in the conerraction of "tet;ml3Zat boiler, and
, widish shah be sub feet to a tensile "train, shall I* inspect
ed in such manner asehall be perscribed by the board of
supervising Inspect°rs and approved by the secretary of
the Treasury, so as to enable the inspectors to ascertain
Its tensile strength, honlogeneousucm, toughness, and abil•
Ity to withstand the effect of repeated heating and col
ing; and no iron or steel plate shall he used tu the con
• otructlon of such boilers which has not been so inspect •t.l
mad approved under the rules prescribed as aforesaid.
sti. 11l And he it further enacted, That every such
plata of boiler iron or steel, mad, for to in the constr.-
'ion of steamboat boilers, shall be distinctly and permit stamped by the manufacturer the eof, not, if prac
ticable, in etch places that the mark" shall be left vie blo
when such plates shall be worked Into boilers. with the
name of the manufacturer, the place where manufacture
and the number of ponndo tensile strain it will boar to
the sectional square inch; and the inspectors shall keep a
record In their office of the stamps upon all boiler plate'
and bailers made under the provisions of this act, which
they shall inspect.
S . A.C. as. And be it further enacted, That if any person
shall counterfeit, or cause to le. counterfeited, any of the
marks or stamps required by this act, or shall designedly
stamp or cause to be summed falsely any boiler iron or
steel plates, or if any person shall stamp or mark. or
cause to be /tamped or marked, any such iron or steel
pista with t a name or trade-mark of another, with the
intent to misled or deceive • any such person or lemons
shall. upon conviction thereof, be fined two thousanddol
tars, one-half to the use of the informer, and may, in ad
dition thereto, at the discretion of the court., be imprison
ed not exceeding two year..
Sac. 39. And be it further enacted, That aft, one year
from the passage of title act, no iron or steel plates shall
be used in the construction of boilers for ammo sel.els
llieSPI they have been inspe c ted in accordance with the
provisions of this L,1./2......ul
strain to exceed ene-sixth of the tensile strength
of the iron or steel plates of which such boilers ale coo
. .
strutted; but where'll. longitudinal laps Wirtecylintlre
cal parts of much boilers are i..oubloriveted, and the rivet
holes for such boilers have been fairly drilled instead of
punched, an addition of twenty per centum to the wotk
tag pressure provided for single-riveting may be allowed:
Pfocided, That all o her parts of said boilders shall coo
revised In strength to the additional allowances so made:
and no split calking shad in any case he permitted. Atel
every such boiler shall tie provided with a good, well-coos
denoted safety valve or valves, of such another, dimeo
alone, and arrangements as shad be prescribed by the
board of supervising Impactors, shall also be provided
with a tofeclint number or Mr...cocks and a reliable low
water indicator that will give alarm when the water falls
below its prescribed Had.; and in addition thereto there
shall be inserted, inn eultable manner, in the flans, ccuwo
sheet, or other parts of the boiler most exposed to the long
of the furnace when the water falls below it premribed
limits, a plug of good BAUM tin, and nu boiler to which
the heat is applied to the outside of the shell thereof shall
he constructed of woo or steel plates of more twee ty
sixth one-hundredth. of an inch in thickness, the code or
beads of the boilers only excepted, and every such boiler
employed on steamers navicating rivers flossing into the
Gulf of Mexico, or their tributaries, shall have not less
than three inches space between sod arotmd its internal
dues ; and the feed-water 'hall be delivered into the bott
om in such manner no to prevent it from contracting the
metal, or otherwise injuriug the boilers. And when boil
ers are Do arranged on a steamer that there is employed a
water-connecting pipe through which the water tuay pow
team one boiler to another, there shall also be provided a
similar steam connection, having an area of epeniug into
each boiler of at least one square inch for every two
means feet of effective heating unlace contained in any
oat of the boilers w connected, half the flue and all other
lire surfaces being computed as effective. Aud adequate
provielon shall be made on all steamers to prevent sparks
or thanes from being driven back from the are doors into
the vessel.
Sec. 40. And be it farther enacted, That if any person
Amid intentionally load or obstruct, or cause to be toad.'
or obstructed, in any way or manner, the safety valve of
a boiler, or shall employ any other means or device
whereby the boiler may be subjected to a greater pressure
then the amount allowed by the certificate of the ins ac
tors, or abed lateutioually derang e or hinder the operation
of any machinery or device eoployed to denote the state
of the water or ethos iu any boiler, or to give *flaming of
approaching danger, or shall intentionally permit the
water to tall below the prescribed low-water line of the
boiler, it doll, in any such case, to a misdemeanor, and
any and every person concerned thereiu, directly or in
directly, shall forfeit two huudrod dollars, and niay, at the
discretion of the court, be, in addition thereto. imprisoned
not exceeding five pars.
Sec. 41. And be it further enacted, That all steamers
navigating the lake., bays, inlets. sounds, rivers, harbors,
or other navigable waters of the United:States, when !web
waters are common highways of :commerce, or open to
general or competitive navigation, shall be subject to the
provisions of this act Provided, That ;hie act shall not
apply to public vessels of the United States or vassals of
other countries, nor to boats, propelled, in whole or in any
part by Meson, for navigeting canals.
Sac. 42. And be it further enec ed, That on any steam
ers navigating rivers only, when, front darkness, fog, or
other cease, the pilot or watch shall be of opinion that the
navigation is unsafe, or from accident to or derangement
of the machinery of the boat, the chief engineer shall be
of the opinion that the further navigation of the vessel is
unsafe, the vessel shall be brought to anchor or teamed as
noon as it can prudently he done: Provided, That the ver
sion In onnmand shall, after being 80 admonished by either
of such officers. elect to pursue 611C11 voyage, he 111. y: do
such Shall Ee answerable for all damages whita
eitall arise to the peoton of any passenger or his baggage
from said causes in ito pureeing the voyage, and no tiegree
of career diligence shall in such ease he held to justify or
excuse the person in command or said owner..
Sec. 43. And be it further enacted, That w. enever dam
age is sustained by any passenger or his badge from ex
plosion, fire, collision, or other cause, the taastar and the
owner of such vessel, or either of them, and the ve.eal, shall
be liable to each and every person so Injured to the full
amulet of damage. if it happens through auy neglect or
failure to comply with the provisions of law hereto pre
erribed, or through known defects or imperfections of 1110
steaming apparatus or of the hall, and any person sustain
ing lee or injury hrough the carelessness, begligence, or
willful misconduct of any captain, mate, engineer, or
pilot, or his neglect or refund to obey the provilione of
law herein pre.ribed as to navigating euclasteamers, maY
sue such captain, mate, engineer, or pilot, and recover for any such injury caused as aforesaid by any
such captain, mate, engineer, or pilot.
Enc. 44. Asd he it further enacted, That every steam
boat of the United States 'Mall, in addition to having her
name painted on her stern.. now required by law, alto
have the same conspicuously placed in distinct, plain let
tere, of not less than six Inches in length, on each outer
ells of thepilotbotute, if it lota "itch, and tin case the acid
boat has side-wheels) also on the outer side of each wheel
hones; and If any such steamboat shall be found without
having her name placed as herein ornired, she shall be
subject to the same penalty and forfeiter. se is now pro
vided by law in the ease of a vessel of the United Slates
Stead without having her name and die name of the
port to which she belongs, painted on her stern as requir
ed by law.
Sec. 46. And be it further enacted. That no master,
wooer, or agent of any ves.l of the United Statesshall,
is any env, change the name of each vessel, or by any
device, advertisement, or contrivance, deceive, or a.tempt
to deceive the public or any officer or agent of the United
States government, or of any State, or any corporation or
agent thereot, or any person or persons, as to the true
mune or character of such vessel, on pain of the forfeiture
of such vessel.
Sec. 40. And bait further enacted, That every bang.
carrying passengers while in tow of any etettner, shall be
subject to the provisions of this act for the preservation
of the lives of passengers so far as relates to fire-buckets,
axes, life-preservers, and yawls to each an extent as ehall
be prescribed by the board of supervising inspectors; for
the violation of this section the penalty shall bo two hun
dred dollars, one-half for the use ef the informer.
Sac. 47. And be it further enacted, That every river
steamer navigating waters Sowing into the Gulf of ?dea
l., and other tributaries, shall retry the following lights,
win, One red light on the outboard side of the port smoke
pipe, .d one green light on the outboard side of the star
board emotteepipe ; these lights to ehow both forward
and abeam on their respective aides. And upon each and
every coal boat, trading boat, produce boat, canal boat,
oyster-boat, fishing boat, raft, or o her water craft, navi
gating any bay, harbor, or ricer, by hand-power, bore.
power, sail, or by the current of the river, or which shall
be anchored or moored in or near the channel or fairway
of any bay, harbor, or river, there shall be carried, from
stuseet to sunrise. use or more good lights, which shall be
placed in sucb manner aa shall be prescribed by the board
of supervising lasp.tore; and every vessel or raft, when
ninnicg in a fog or tnick weather, or shall be .ohored or
=mad In or near the channel or fairway as aforesaid, and
not in say port, shall sound a fog-horn, or equivolent
eigeeel, at intervals of not more than two minutes, which
shall make a wend equal to a steam whistle ; and all
steamers navigating in a fog or thick weather shall sound
their steam-whistles at intervals of not more than one
Linn.. Beery coasting 'stoup., and every steamer nay-
-gating bays, or other widen, other than
ferry boots and those above provided for, shall urry the
rod and groan lights as provided for ocean-going steamers,
and, is addition thereto, • central range of two et hits
lights ; the after-light being carried at an elevation of at
least fifteen feet above the light at the head of the vessel,
Sim head light to be so constructed as to ,how a good light
through twenty points of the compass, namely, from right
ahead to two points abaft the the beam on either side of
the vessel, and the after-light to show all around the 'Pr
isms ; the lights for ferry-boate shall be regulated by such
rales as the board of supervising inspectors shall pie
terlb• ; and that the provision for • foremost head-light
for steamships, In nu act entitled “Ati" not fining certain
ralee and regulations for preventing collision on the
miter," approved the twenty•ninth day of April, eighteen
hundred and duty-four, shell not be construed to apply to
other than oceangoing steamers and steamers carrying eail,
Sae. 411. And be it further enacted, That the inspectors
shall state la every certificate of inspection growled to
=amen carrying passenger., other than ferry beats the
mmber of palmate= of each class that any such eleamer
I as accommodations for, and can carry with prudence and
sa. - ty and it shall not be tan fal to take on board of any
each .termer a greater number of passengers than is so
stated we certificate as aforesaid; and for every viola
tion of this provision the master and owner, or ei her of
them, ehalibe liable, to any person suing 11;r the same,
to forfeit the amount of pease'. money and ten &Altus fur
gath passenger beyond the number that allowed: Pro
sided however, That deny suds steamer Usti snagc in
excertions, inspectors shall iliac to each steamer a spe
cial pelmet, M writing, fir the occasion, M which shall be
stated the additional feather of passenger., that may be
carried, and the number end kind of life-saving appliances
that shall be provided for the aatety of such additional
pas-angers ; net they shall also, in their dieretion, limit
the rim e and distance for such excursions.
Sac. 45 And be .t farther enacted, That ft shall be the
duty of the master of every passenger steamer to keep a
correct list of all the passengers received and delivered
from day ti day, noting theplaces where received and
where landed, which record s hall be open to the inspec
tion of the iupeciore and office: aof the customs at all
times, and t e aggregate number of add passengers shall
be furnished to inspectors as often as called for; but on
routes not exceeding one hundred miles, the number of
passengers, if kept shall Le sufficient; and in case of de
f telt through negligence or design, the mid master shall
forfeit one hundred dollare, which penalty, as well as that
fir excess ofpaseeng re, shall tie ali n upon the vessel :
Provided, however, That a bond may, as provided in other
canes, be given to secure the satisfalion of the judgment.
SEC. 50. And be it further enacted, That eve: y master,
or commander of any steamer carrying passengers shall
keep on board of each steamer at least two copies of this
tvd, to Le furniabed to him by the Secretary of the Treaa
nry; and if the muter or commarele" neglects or refuses
to do so, or shall mu esarulay refuse to exhibit a copy of
the same to say passenger who shall ask for it, he shall
forfeit twenty dollars.
Sac. 51. And be it further enacted. That all coastwise
sea-going vessels, and vessels navigating the great lakes,
shall be subject to the navigation laws of the United
mos, when navittating within the jurisdiction thereof;
and all vessels, propelled in whole or in part by 'steam,
and navigating as aforesaid, obeli be treblect to all the
rules and regulations established in pursuance of law En
the government of steam- easels in passing, as provided by
this act; and every coast-wise sea-going steam-vessel sub
jut In nandig lawn of the Unded States, and to
the rules regulations aloruaid, not sailing under
register, shall, when under way. except on the high seas,
be under the control and direction of pilots licensed by
the spectara of steamboats. And no State or municipal gee
crassest shall impose upon pilots of steam-vessels herein
I provided for any obligation to procure • State or other
license in addition to that tuned by the United States, nor
other regulation which wilt impede such pilots in the per
formance of their duties, as required by this act ; nor
I shall any pilot charges be levied by any such authority
upon any steamer piloted as herein provided, and in no
C.V. shall the fees charged for the pilotage of any steam
vessel exceed the eristornary or legally established rates
i n the State where the same is performed : Provided, how
-1 ever, That nothing in this act shall he coutniced to an
' mil or affect any regulation established by the laws of any
State requiring treads euterlng or leaving a port in any
such State, other than coast-wise steam-vessels, to take
a pilot duly licensed, or authorized by the laws of such
State, or f a State situate upon the waters of such State.
Sac 52. And be it farther enacted, That every steamer
navigating the ocean, or lake, lay. or sound of the United
S aced, shall be provided with each numbers of life-boats,
floats, rata, lifo-preservers, and drags, as will Lest secure
the safety .1 all persons on board ouch vessel in case
of disaster; and every sea-going vessel carrying passen
gers, end every such verse' navigating any of the northern
or northwestrdn lakes, shall have the ife-boats required
b., law, provided anti; suitable boat-disengaging wiper:anis
so arranged no to allow soh buts to be safely launched
while such vusels are under speed or otherwise, and so
as Mall sw such disengaging apparatus to be operated by
one person, disengaging both ends of the Lost aim:titans
maly from the tackled by which it may be lowered to the
water. And is shail be the duty of the board of super
vising inspectors to fix and determine, by their rules and
regulations, the glad of life-boats, floats, rafts, life-pre
server., and drags that shall be used on sue , vessels, and
also the kind cud capacity of pumps or other appliances
for freeing the steamer from water in case of housy leak
ego, the capacity of aald pumps or appliances being suited
to the navigation in which the steamer is employed; and
if the owners Many such steamers neglect or refuse to
provide such drags, life-boats floats, rafts, life-pt eaervera
pampa. Or ii ph as shall be required by the board of
okra visinglneputors. and approved by the Secretary. of
the lasurv, such °sitars shall 1, tined one thouund
SEC. 53. And be it further eaaeted, That
every sea-going steamer, and every steamer
navigating the great northern or northwestern
lakes, carrying passengers, the building of
which shall be completed after six months
from the passage of this act, shall have not
less than three water-tight cross-bulkheads,
said bulkheads to reach to the main deck in
single-decked vessels,
otherwise to the deck
next belOW the main deck; the same to be
made of iron plates, sustained upon suitable
framework, and properly bemired to the bull
of the vessel; the position of such bullsbeatis
and the strength of material of which the
same shall be constructed to be determined by
the general rules of the board of supervising
Sec. 54. And be it farther enacted, That it
shall at all times be the duty cat all officers
licensed under the provisions of this act to
assist the inspectors is their examination of
any Snell vessel to winch any such licensed
officers betook, and to point out all defects
and imperfections known to them in the hull,
equipments ; boilers, or machinery of such ves
sel, and also to make known to the inspectors,
at the earliest opportunity, all accidents or
occurrences producing serious injury to
the vessel, her boilers, or machinery ; and
in default thereof the license of any such of
ficer so neglecting or refusing shall be revok
SEC. 55. And be it further enacted, That if
any licensed officer shall, to the hinderance of
commerce, wrongfully or unreasonably refuse
to serve in his official capacity on any steamer,
as authorized by the terms c.• his certificate of
license, or shall fail to deliver to the appli
cant for such service at the time of such re
fusel, if the same shall be demanded, a state
ment in writing assigning good and safficient
reasons therefor, or if any pilot or engineer
shall refuse to admit into the pilot house or
engine-room any person whom the master or
owner of the vessel may desire to place there
for the purpose of learning the profession, his
license shall be revoked upon the same pro
ceedings as ar° herein provided in other
cases of revecation of such licenses.
SEC. 56. And be it 'further enacted, That
every captain, chief mate, engineer, and pilot
of any such vessel shall, before entering upon
his duties, make solemn oath before one of the
inspectors herein provided for, to be recorded
with the certificate, that he will faithfully and
honestly, according best skill and judg
ment, without cor- not or reservation,
perform a 1 the dut sired of him in this
act. And if any su- 'ain, chief mate, en
gineer. or pilot, or any .son summoned un
der this act as it witness, shall, when under
examination on oath by any saah inspector,
knowingly and intentionally falsify the truth,
such person shall be deemed guilty of putjury,
and if convicted be punished accordingly :
Provided, however, That when any such li
censed officer is employed on a steamer in a
district, distant from any board of inspectors,
such inspectors, or the supervising inspector
of the district, may grant a renewal of his li
cense without such licensed officer being per
sonally present, under such regulations as the
board of supers ising inspectors shall prescribe
SEC. 57. And be it further enacted, That
any captain, engineer, or pilot, or other per
son employed on any steamboat or vessel, by
whose misconduct, negligence, or inattention
to his or their respective duties on such ves
sel, tit,: life of any person shall be destroyed,
or in consequence of fraud, connivance, mis-
WALIAIIta,.., Va. SJ . I/ •••• • 7 QV.
inspector, or other public officer, the life of
any person shall be destroyed, he or they shall
be deemed guilty of manslaughter, and, upon
conviction thereof before any circuit soust of
the United States, shall be sentenced to con
finement at hard labor for a period of not
more than ten years.
. _ .
Sec. 58. And be it further enacted, That
the hull and boilers ofevery ferry-boat, yacht,
or other small craft of like character, .propel
led by steam, shall be inspected under the
provisions of this act. And such other pro.
visions of law for the better security of life, as
as may be applicable to such vessels, shall, by
the rules and regulations of the board of su
pervising inspectors, be required before a cer
tificate of inspection shall be granted; and no
such vessel shall be navigated without a li
censed engineer and a licensed pilot.
SEC. 59. Aud be it further enacted, That the
hull and boiler or boilers of every tug-boat,
towing-boat, and freight boat shall be inspec
ted, under the provisions of this act; and it
shall be the duty of the inspectors to see that
the boilers, machinery, and appurtenances of
such vessel are not dangerous in form or
workmanship, and that the safety-valves,
gauge cocks, low water alarm-indicators,
steam-gauges, and fusible plugs are all at.
tached in conformity to law ; and the officers
navigating such vessels shall be licensed in
conformity with the provisions of this act, and
shall be subject to the same regulation of law
as officers navigating passenger steamers.
Sec. Gt. And be it further enacted, That
before issuing any license to ally steamer, the
collector or other chief officer of the customs
for the port or district shall demand and re
ceive from the owner or owners thereof, as a
compensation for the inspections and exami
nation made for the year, the following sums,
in addition to the fees for issuing enrollments
and licenses now allowed by law, according
to the tonnage of the vesssel, to wit : For each
steam-vessel of on hundred tons or under,
twenty-five dollars ; and, in addition thereto,
for every ton in excess of one hundred tons,
five cents. And each captain, chief engineer,
and first class pilot, licensed as herein pro
vided, shall pay for every certificate, granted
by any inspector or inspectors, the sum of ten
dollars • and every chief mate, engineer, and
pilot of an inferior grade shall pay the sum of
five dollars, which shall be paid over to the
chief officer of the customs in such manner
and under such regulations as shall be pre
scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Sec. Gl. And be it further enacted, That
each local board of inspectors shall keep an
accurate account of every such steamer board
ed by them during the year, and if all their
official acts and doings, which, in the form of
a report, they shall communicate to the super
vising inspector of the district, at such times
as the board of supervising inspectors, by
their established rules, shall direct.
Sec. 62. Anti be it further enacted, That in
addition to the local boards of inspectors now
appointed by law, there shall be local board
designated and appointed for the district of Pe,
get Sound, Washington Territory ; for the dis
trict of Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; for the dis
trict of Albany, New York ; for the district of
Apalachicola, Florida; for the district of
Evansville, Indiana ; and for the district Of
Huron, Michigan; and also at Marquette, iu
the district of Superior. And each local in
spector of the several districts, respectively,
shall be paid annually, under the direction of
the Secretary of the Treasury, the following
compensation, to wit: One inspector of Hulls,
and one inspector of boilers, for the districts
of New York and New Orleans, two thousand
two hundred dollars each ; for the districts of
Phiaidelphia, Baltimore, Buffalo, St. Louis,
Louisville, Cincinnatti, Pittsburg., San Fran
cisco, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,
Huron, and Galena, two thousand dollars each;
for the districts of Mobile, Memphis, and
Cleveland, one thousann five hundred dollars
each ; for Portland, in the district of Oregon,
New London, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah,
Galveston, Albany, Wheeling, Nashville, Port
land, Maine, and Evansville, one thousand two
hundred dollars each ; for the district of Pu
get Sound, Apalachicola, Oswego, and Bur
lington, and also at !Marquette, eight hundred
dollars each ;
and, in addition thereto, the
Secretary of the Treasury may appoint in such
districts where there services are actually re
quired, as. 7 atant inspectors, at a compensation,
for the district of New York, two thousand
dollars ; and all other districts, not exceeding
sixteen hundred dollars per annum to each per
son so appointed ; or may appoint a clerk to any
such board at a compensation not exceeding
twelve hundred dollars per annum to each
person so appointed. And each supervising
inspector shall be paid three thousand dollars
per annum ; and every inspector shall be paid
for his actual, reasonable traveling expenses,
at the rate of ten cents per mile, when incur
red in the performance of his duty; and also
for transportation of instruments, which shall
be certified and sworn to under such instruc
tions as shall be given by the Secretary of the
Sec. 63. And be it !father enacted, That the
President of the United States shall, by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate,
appoint a supervising inspector general, who
shall be selected with reference to his fitness
and ability to systematise and carry into ef
fect all the provisions of law relating to the
steamboat inspection service, whose duty it
shall be, under the direction of the Secretary
of the Treasury, to superintend the adminis
tration of the steamboat inspection laws, pre
side at the meetings of the board of supervis
ing inspectors, receive all reports of inspec
tors, and receive and examine all accounts of
such officers, report fully at stated periods to
the Secretary of the Treasury upon all matters
pertaining to his official duties, and produce
a correct and uniform administration of the
inspection laws, rules, and regulations ; and
the said supervising inspector general shall
be paid for his services at the rate of three
thousand five hundred dollars per annum, and
all his reasonable traveling expenses, or mile
age at the rate of ten cents per tulle, when on
official duty.
Sec. 64. And be it further enacted, That the
Secretary of the Treasury may, upon applies.
tion therefor, remit or mitigate any line or
penalty provided for in this act, or discontinue
any prosgention to recover penalties pronounced
in this act eeeenting the penalty of imprison
ment, or of removal from ghee, upon such
terms as he, in his discretion, shall think
proper; and that all rights granted to inform
era by this act shall be held subject to the
said Secretary's power of remission, except in
Cases where the claims of any informer to the
share of any penalty shall have been deter
mined by a court of competent jurisdiction
prior to the application for the remission of
said penalty ; and that the said Secretary shall
have authority to ascertain the facts upon all
such applications, in such manner and under
such regulations as he may deem proper,
Sec. 65. And be it further enacted, That
the Secretary of the Treasury shall procure
for the several supervising inspectors and
local boards of inspectors, such instru
ments, stationery, printing, and other things
no.e.e.acnry Cs,, tha i.nn of thoir risAppetion of
fives as may be required therefor ; and shall
make such rules and regulations as may be
necessary to secure the proper execution of
the steamboat ac.s.
Sae. 56. And be it further enacted, That
the salaries of ail supervising inspectors, local
inspectors, assistant inspectors, supervising
inspector general, and clerks, heroin provided
for, together with their traveling and other
expenses when on official duty, and ali instru
ments, books, blanks, stationery, furniture,
and other things necessary to carry into effect
the provisions of this act, shall be paid for
under the direction of the Secretary of the
Treasury, out of the revenues received into
the treasury from the Inspection pf stesm ves
sels, and the licensing of the officers of such
vessels, as provided for by the terms of this
act; and the same is hereby appropriated for
the payment of such expenses, or so much
thereof as may be required for such purposes.
Sec. 67. And be it further enacted, That
supervising and local inspectors of steam.
boats shall execute proper bonds, in such form
and upon such conditions as the Secretary of
the Treasury may prescribe, and subject to his
approval, conditioned for the faithful perform
ance of the duties of their respective offices,
sod the payment in the manner provided by
law of all moneys that may be received by
Sec. 68, And be it further enacted, That the
penalty for the violation of any provision of
this act that is not otherwise specially pro
vided for shall be a fine of five hundred dol
lars, one-half for the use of the informer.
Sac. 69. And by it further enacted, That if
any shipper or shippers of platina, gold, gold
dust, silver, bullion, or other precious metals,
coins, jewelry, bills of any bank or public body,
diamonds or other precious stones, or any gold
or silver in a manufactured or unmanufactured
state, watches, clocks, or time-pieces of any
description, trinkets, orders, notes, or securi•
ties for payment of money, stamps, maps, wri ,
tings, title-deeds, printings, engravings, pic
tures, gold or silver plate or plated articles,
glass, china, silks, in a manufactured or un
manufactured state, and whether wrought up
or not wrought up with any other material,
furs, or lace, or any of them, contained in any
parcel, or package, or trunk, shall lade the
same as freight or baggage, on any boat or
vessel, without at the time of such lading giv
ing to the master, clerk, agent, or owner of
such boat or vessel ryceiving the same a writ
ten notice of the true character and value
thereof, and having the same entered on the
bill of lading therefor, the master and owner
or owners or sara ooat or vessel shall not be
liable as carriers thereof in any form or man
ner; nor shall any such master, owner, or own
ers be liable for any such goods beyond the
value and according to the character thereof
so notified and entered.
Sac. '7O. And be it further snactod, That it
shall be the duty of all collectors, or other
chief officers of the customs, to require all sail
ing vessels to be furnished with proper signal
lights, as provided for by the act of April
twenty-nine, eighteen-hundred and sixty-four,
entitled "An act fixing certain rules and reg
ulations for preventing collisions on the wat
er," and every such vessel shall, on the ap
proach of any steamer during the night-time,
show a lighted torch upon that point or quar
ter to which such steamer shall be approach
ing. And every such vessel that shall be na
vigated without complying with the terms of
the said act of April twenty-nine, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, and the provisions of
this section, shall forfeit and pay the sum of
two hundred dollars, one half to go to the in
former ; and for which sum the vessel so navi
gated shall be liable, and may be seized and
proceeded against by way of libel, in any dis
trict court of the United States having juris
dic tiou of the offense.
See, 71, And be it further enacted, That
the act entitled "An act to provide for the bet
ter security of the lives of passengers on board
vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam,"
approved July seven, eighteen hundred and
thirty-eight; also, "An act to modify the act
entitled 'An act to provide for the better secu
rity of the lives of passengers on board of ves
sels propelled in whole or in part by steam,'
approved July seven, eighteen hundred and
thirty eight," approved March three, eighteen
hundred and forty-three; also, "An act to
amend an act entitled 'An act to provide for
for the better security of the lives of passen
gers on board of vessels propelled in whole or
in part by steam,' and for other purposes,"
approved August thirty, eighteen hundred and
fifty-two; also, "An act for the prevention
and punishment of frauds in relation to the
names of vessels," approved May five, eigh
teen hundred and sixty-four; also, "An act
to create ad additional supervising inspector
of steamboats, and two local inspectors of
steamboats for the collection district of Mem
phis, Tennessee, and two local inspectors for
the collection district of Oregon, and for oth
er purposes," approved June eight, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four ; also, "An act to pro
vide two assistant local inspectors of steam
boats in the city of New York, and two local
inspectors at Galena, Illinois, and to re-estab
lish the board of local inspectors at Wheeling;
and also to amend the act approved Juue
eight, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, en
titled 'An act to create au additional super
vising inspector of steamboats, and two local
inspectors of steamboats for the collection din
drict of Memphis, Tennessee, and two local
inspectors for the collection district of Oregon,
and for other purposes,'" approved March
three, eighteen hundred and sixty-five • also,
"An act further to provide for the safety of
the lives pf passengers on board of vessels
propelled in whole or in part by steam, to
regulate thp salaries of steamboat inspectors,
and for other purposes," approved July twen
ty,five, eighteen 'hundred' and sixty-six, are
all and severally hereby repealed; glen all
ether acts and parts of acts inconsistent with
this act are hereby repealed.
Approved, February 28, 1871.
The Huntingdon Journal.
Wednesday Morning, May 3, 1871
&lir The Border Damage Bill has pass•
ed both branches the Legislature and
will become a law.
The Harrisburg Patriot and other De
mocratic papers have been throwing great
quantities of dirt at the Republican victory
iu Washington. A fox is represented to
have said of grapes, which lie could not
reach, that they were sour !
seu The handsome victory of the Re
publicans in Washington City (the Terri
tory of Columbia) has dampened the ardor
of our Democratic (*temporaries considera
bly. Their great reaction is "going back
on them." In truth they are making haste
slowly and seem to be looking through a
glass darkly. Oh, the "nasty nigger."
zr By the Ku Klux bill the President
is authorized, in certain cases, to suspend
the writ of habeas corpus. We would pre
fer to hear of him suspending, at the end
of a rope, a number of the midnight assas
sins who have wade such a law necessary!
It would be a capital suspension in more
ways than one.
go_ The Monitor recommends J. Simp
son Africa, of this place, f m the Dome
cratie nomination for Surveyor General.
Mr. Africa would make a splendid officer
if it were within the range of possibility
to elect a Demucrat, but as it is not we
should be very sorry to see this gentleman
SW - We will announce candidates for
the carious offices to be filled at the ap
proaching Octpher election at the %How
ing reasonable rates, viz : President Judge,
$5 ; Assembly, $4 ; Sheriff, $3 ; Treasurer,
Commissioner and Director of the Poor,
$2 ; Auditor and Coroner, each $l. The
Da.. The Apportionment Bill, passed by
the Legislature, it strikes us, was very
handsomely manipulated to make this a
Democratic Senatorial District for the ben
efit of our bland friend Bruce. But we
mean to see about this. Huntingdon, arise
like Sampson, and shake thyself as hereto
fore, and these cords will become as burnt
la, This Senatorial District was, after
a great deal of tribulation, forged into a
Democratic District. Huntingdon, you
must get down under a Democratic dead
weight of 800 and erect yourself, and when
you do so, you will be a head and shoulders
higher to the tune of 1000—a clear major
ity of 200. Let peace and harmony pre
vail and all will be well=:but not with R,
ter The Democratic Convention for
the nomination of candidates for Auditor
General and Surveyor General will convene
in llarrisburg, on Wednesday, the 24th
day of May, 1871. A handsome reward
will, no doubt, be paid the individual who
will get up the best sliding scale of meas
ures for the adoption of the Convention
upon which to conduct the canvass. Ad
dress Wallace, Myers & Co., Harrisburg,
Slar The Democratic papers set up a
wail over the passage of the Ku Klux bill
that indicates the deepest seated sympathy
fur those cowardly miscreants who have
made the South a reproach to the age in
which we live. If they do not desire the
powers conferred in that bill to be exercised,
let them advise their Ku Klux brethren to
discontinue their cowardly practices. Per
haps they want to help to give them anoth
er drubbing, and by their justifications of
their conduct, are only nerving them for
the contest. similar course of conduct
was pursued before the rebellion.
giD — President Grant, who had been on
a visit to his farm near St. Louis, passed
through here, accompanied by Gen. Por
ter, on last Thursday evening, on the Cin
cinnati Express, on his way to Washington.
He was met at the depot by a large crowd
of citizens. The President presented him
self on the platform of his car, and he was
heartily cheered. A few were presented
to him when the car moved off amidst lusty
cheers. He remained over night with
Hon. J. Cameron, at Harrisburg, and
reached Washington on Friday. He was
met with great enthusiasm all along his
route. The people have unbounded con
fidence in his administration and they feel
like expressing it whenever an opportunity
is afforded.
The Judicial Muddle.
Invisible, the racy correspondent of the
Blair County Radical, gives us to under
stand that the Republicans are not going
to have all the judicial muddle to them
selves, but that the Democrats are expect
ed to take a hand. lie says:
"The Democratic Judicial muddle in
your district, is becoming interesting to us
denizens outside. The determination to
make Pershing the nominee is no longer a
secret with those having Democratic ears
here. There have been several caucuses
of influential Democrats from the district,
in this city, during the past week. Persh
ing has a strong outside pressure in his &-
von His friends say they will not be bound
by the bargain made between Speer and
Banks last year—that Banks was to give
Speer the Congressional Conferees iron
your county, and Speer, in return, was to
secure Huntingdon county for Banks fur
Judge. Pershing's friends say further that
he can secure the railroad influence, and
through it, materially lessen the Republican
majority in your county. And, further
still, Banks cannot possibly get the Cath
olic vote, though just why, lam not able
to state—more than that a letter of some
kind gave offence to that portion of the
party. But while all this is going on,
Pershing is meeting with some opposition
front home, and it is pretty well understood
that R. L. Johnson, of Ebensburg, will ask
the conferees to throw them to Banks.
Prominent Huntingdon Democrats, who
were here last week, say openly that they
do not care what Speer 's private arrange
ments were, they will go in for the most
available man. It looks to me as though
Pershing would have an easy victory in the
Our Washington Correspondence.
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 28, 1871
. •
A review of the proceedings of the Ist
session of the XLIId Congress, which ad
journed sine die on- the 20th inst., pre
sents, as a leadinr , ' feature, the passage of
a most important bill, entitled "an act to
enforce the fourteenth amendment to the
Constitution of the United States, and for
other purposes." While this bill was
pending, it was most fiercely assailed by
the Democratic leaders in Congress, and
the Democratic Press in every section of
the Union, as a premeditated violation of
the fundamental law, as a contemplated
centralization of power in the General
Government, and as an infringement of
the rights of the States. Precisely the
same line of denunciation and argument
was adopted by the opponents of the meas
ure, as that resorted to by leading public
Ispeakers and writers in opposition to every
law enacted, during the late war, for the
suppression of the rebellion. Had Demo
cratic counsels prevailed at the commence
ment of or at any time during the war, the
I Union would have been severed, and the
Confederacy recognized as an independent
Government. Now, these same counsel
lors, or their successors, would have us
yield to the conquered foe nearly every
thing for which he fought. They tell us,
that the very uttermost limit to which
they will be willing to go is to recognize
the amendments to the constitution since
the war as experiments, to be adandoned
when, in the opinion of the white people
in the late insurrectionary States, Pt
may be advisable. In a word, when the
former master of the now enfranchised
slave shall be so inclined, he may deprive
the colored man of the ballot, or indeed
remand him to his original state of ,bond
age. This is the hoped-fir future to which
the old slaverocacy look with anxious solic
itude, and this realization is to be the re
sult of a return of the Democratic party
to power.
The Democratic Senators and Repre
sentatives, at the close of the late session,
issued an address to the people of the
United States, breathing, in every line,
the same spirit as that which gave life to
the party that inaugurated the late rebel
lion. In the years preceding the com
mencement of hostilities, the opponents of
slavery were warned not to interfere with
the sacred institution, else war would fol
low. Now, when Congress enacts a law to
punish the fiendish outrages upon the
freedmen, and loyal white people of the
South, we are told, in this address, that
"it is not surprising that the greatest ap
prehension for the future peace of the nation
should be entertained." In the one in-1
stance, war was inaugurated to preserve
the institution from what was then sup
posed to be danger of innovation, and that
institution having been overthrown as a
result of the effort to guard it. in this, lat
ter day, we are again menaced with war,
if the Government dare extend prOWetion
to the unoffending freedman, who has been
raised from the most abject state, to an
equality before the law, with his white
neighbor. When, in answer to appeal
atter appeal from the South for protection,
the State and Local authorities being eith
er unable to defend the innocent, or-indif
ferent to the cries for help, the National
Congress puts forth an arm to shield the
victims of organized bands of desperadoes,
this address tells us that "nothing is left
to the citizens or the State which can long
er be called a right." It should be born
in mind that, prior to any Congressional
investigation, it was boldly asserted in the
Senate and House of Representatines, and
by the Democratic Press, that all the
stories of outrages in the Southern States
were mere myths, or gross exagerations of
small crimes which are common to all lo
calities, North as well as South. An in
quiry, limited as yet, by a committee of
the Senate (now made a Joint Committee
of Senate and House) has revealed to the
public gaze a very different picture.
Though not a tithe of the enormities com
mitted with impunity have been investi
gated, yet enough has been exposed to
shock the moral sense of the country. In
view of these damaging developments, and
the consequent injury done to the Demo
cratic cause in the North, the subscribers
to this Democratic address appal to the
Ku Klux fiends, in the following endear
ing and persuasive language : " We earnest
ly entreat our fellow citizens in all parts of
the Union to spare no pains to maintain
peace and order. * * * Let us earn
estly beg of you not to aid the present at
tempts of Radical partisans to stir up
strife in the land." Here we have the
recognition of the fact, that the out rages
complained of have been, and are being
committed, and tie leaders of the great
Domocratic party claim of these devils in
carnate the right to dissuade them from
their work of blood, at least for the time
being, as a matter of party policy. It is
now to be seen, if the members of the Ku
Klux organizations in the Southern States
will listen to the exhortations of those who
would control their actions. Of course,
the appeal would not be made, if they were
not assured that the petitioners have influ
ence with these miscreants. If they have
not, they should have, for it has been truly
averred, that while every Southern Demo
crat may not be a Ku Klux, every Ku
Klux is a Democrat.
This Democratic address is as remark
able for what it does not embrace as for
what it (lees. While the 14th and 15th
amendments to the Constitution, and the
Reconstruction acts of Congress have been
the prominent subjects of Democratic de
nnociation, not a single direct reference is
made to them. The great and vital ques
tions involved in them are shirked, in the
very face of the fact that their obliteration
is the grand design of the Democracy of
the country. Although the address is
silent, Hon. Frank P. Blair has, on the
floor of the Senate, given the key-note to
what is to be one of the main objects of
the Bemocracy in the future. It is sim
ply to undo all that has been done, since
the close of the war, in the way of recon
structing the rebel States, and to deprive
the colored man of the ballot.
The Address is open to criticism and
refutation in all its premises and deduc
tions, Indeed, the greater portion of
them have been exploded, time and again,
as false in theory or filet. As an example,
the Address contains the following state
ment in relation to the number holding
office under this Administration : "The
public offices have been multiplied beyond
all precedent." Now the truth is that
there has been a continuous reduction in
the number of officers, both in the military
and civil service, during the two years
which have elapsed, since the inauguration
of Gen. Grant us President, until, at pre-
sent, the army is scarcely large enough for
the ordinary demands upon it,—the offi
cers in the Internal Revenue service have
been cut down to a number absolutely
needed, and will be further curtailed as
rapidly as the public interest will admit,
during the coming fiscal year—and all the
Executive Departments have been pruned,
so as to leave only those which the most
economical working of the machinery in
each imperatively demands. In the reor
ganization of some of the Bureaux, while
hundreds have been stricken off, it has
been found necessary to create a few new
offices, in order to facilitate the public bu
siness. These, in number nor in amount
of salary, do not reach the hundredth part
of the saving by reduction. As compared
with the Administration of President J ohn
sen that of Gep. Grant has been one of the
stricteat economy. The People recognize
this fact, in the lessening of the public
debt as well as in the amount of taxition.
A noticeable change has come over the
spirit of the dreams of the Democracy. On
the reception of the news, that New Hamp
shire had wavered in her fealty to the Re
publican cause, the Old Liners in the Dem
ocratic fold were wild in their joy,
making the very welkin ring with their
shouts of triumph. Notwithstanding that
result in the Granite State was brought
about by local causes, National politics
having had nothing to do in shaping it,
the claim was made that it was a decision
against the Administration of General
Grant. But these jubilations were ephem
eral. The Connecticut election, which
was really fought or National issues, knock
ed things all awry in the Democratic camp.
Then the local elections in several of the
States, which came off similtaneously with
or shortly after, the Connecticut election
served to increase the discomfiture of the
Democracy. It was made manifest that
the Republican party, instead of being
dead, is as vigorions and defiant as it ever
has been. As additional proof of this, we
have the more recent glorious victory in
this, newly formed Territory (the District
of Columbia )w here the Democracy brought
into requisition all the strategy, effort and
applicances of every kind at command to
secure the defeat of the Republican can
didates. This last reverse has crushed out
all hope of a reaction. The exultation of
Republicans is in proportion to the dejec
tion of their antagonists, not so much on
account of the beneficent results which
will be realized by the people of the new
Territory as per the lesson it teaches the
Republicans in every section of the Union.
It shows that to perpetuate the ascenden
cy of the Republican party, all that is re
quired are harmonious concert and .vigor
ous effort on the part of the loyal masses
who icre-appotted-ccr a
political organization which dominated the
country prior to, and inaugurated the late
During the recent session of Congress,
a Joint Committee, "consisting of seven
Senators and fourteen Representatives,
was appointed, whose duty it shall be to
inquire into the condition of the late in
surrectionary States, so far as regards the
execution of the laws and safety of the
lives and property of citizens of the United
States." The Committee is composed of
Senators Scott of Penn'a., Chandler of
Mich., Rice of Ark., Bayard of Del., Pool
of N. C., Blair of Mo., and Pratt of Ind. ;
and Representatives Poland of Vt.. May
nard of Tenn.. Scofield of Penn., Cook of
111., Coburn of Ind., Stevenson of Ohio,
Buckley of Ala., Lansing of N. Y., Cox of
N. Y., Beck of Ky., Voorhees of Ind.,
Van Trump of Ohio, Waddell of' N. C.,
and Robinson of 111. The Committee or
ganized on the 20th inst., by the appoint
ment of Senator Scott, of Pennsylvania, as
its chairman. A sub-committee of seven
will meet on the 10th pros., for the pur
pose of drafting _ a plan of procooding in
the investigation, to ha submitted at a
meeting of the committee on the 17th pros.
This Joint Committee takes the place of
the former Select Committee of the Sen
ate, of which Senator Scott was also chair
New Advertisments.
For the purpose of closing out the sale of lots in
West Huntingdon, the undersigned will offer at
public sale, on the corner of Fourth and Hill
streets, in Huntingdon,
On Saturday, the 13th day of May,
at ten o'clock, A. w., the following described LOTS
side of Moore street, between 13th and 14th streets,
being NO, 275, 284, 291, 299, 306 and 313.
side of Moore street, between 13th and 14th streets,
being Nos. 274, 285, 290, 300, 305, 314, 317 and 326.
COT NO. 268, on corner of 13th and
Moore streets, and four traotionol Loto adjoining,
being Nos. 257, 250, 230 and 222.
FRACTIONAL LOTS, Nos. 166, 167,
178 and ISA, at the rear of out lot owned by Was.
Dorris, Esq.
aide of Moore street, South of 11th street, being
lots No, 112, 143, 151 and 155.
of 9th and Moore streets, being Nos. 46 and 48.
LOT NO. 118, on East side of Moc,re
street North of 10th street.
TERMS:—One-third in hand, and the residue
in two equal annual payments, with interest, to Le
secured by bonds and mortgage.
Agent for J. Edgar Thompson.
WM. 11. KING,
The subscriber will also offer, at same time and
place, and upon same terms :
SIX AtJOINLNG LOTS, under fence,
on west side of Washington street, between 13th
and 14th streets, being Nos. 294, 300, 310. 321 and
LOT NO. 217, on east side of Wash
ington street.
May 3, 1671.—t5,
[Estate of George Copenharer, deed.)
. .
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, the undersigned Administra
trix of the estate of George Copenhaver. late of
Shirley township, deed., will expose to public sale,
on the premises, on
Tuesday, the 23d day of 4 1 ay, 1871,
at 1 o'clock, P. a., the following described real es.
tate. to wit:
Two certain Lots of ground, situate on Shirley
street, in the borough of Mt. Union, fronting on
the North side of said street ninety-four feet and
extending back at right anglts thereto one hundred
and sixty feet to an alley, the said lots being Nos.
9 and 10 in the plan of said borough of Mt. Union.
TERMS:—One-third of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the resi
due in two equal annual payments, with interest,
to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the
For further information applE!!)
or to I', M. Sc M. S. LYTLE, her Attorneys,
my.3—ts] Huntingdon, Pa.
U. S. Assessor's Oats, 17th District of Penn's.,
Lewisrown, April 21, 1071
Notice is hereby given that the annual lists, val
uations and enumerations made and taken by the
Assistant Assessors of said District, including Tax
es on Incomes for the year 1870, and Special Tax
es assessed for one year from the first day of May,
1871, in pursuance of the Internal Revenue Laws
of the United States, may be examined at the offi
ces of the Assessor and-Assistant Assessors in said
And notice is hereby given that appeals from the
proceedings of said Assistant Assessors will be re,
ceived and determined at the office of the under
signed, in LEWISTOWN, on THURSDAY and
FRIDAY, MAY 4th and sth, IST!, or at any time
previous thereto.
All Appeals are required to be in writing, and
must specify the particular cause, matter, or thing
respecting which a decision is requested, and also
the ground or principle of error complained of.
my.3,71-Iw] Assessor nth District, Penn a.
fly virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp. to me di
rected I will expose to public sale, at the Court
House, in Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 18th day
of Mug, 1871, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following de
scribed real estate, to wit:
All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in
Juniata township, bounded as follows: north by
W. H. Woods, east and south by J. Hciffncr, west
by Lininger, containing about B acres, more or
less, having thereon a story and shalt' log dwelling
house, stable, and other outbuildings. Seized, ta
ken in execution and to be sold as the property of
David Weight, I). R. P. NEELY,
May 3, 1871. [Sheriff.
The Commissioners of Huntingdon county
will receive sealed proposals, at their office, up to
two o'clock on the 13th day of May, 1671, for the
building of two bridges—to be open canal truss
bridges—one across Shade Creek, below Shade Gap,
in Dublin township, on the road leading to Noss
ville, 50 feet long and 12 feet wide in the clear;
and one across Black Log Creek, at Orbison's Mill,
in Cromwell township, 60 feet long 111.1 72 feet
wide in the clear.
..Pli . xns , a l d o ssecifications can be seen at the Com.
Bidders will come prepared to give bond and
enter into an article of agreement on the day of the
Ey order of the Commisaionera.
May 3,1971.-2 w
New Advertisements.
MONDA; APRIL 3811, 1871.
Great Trunk Line from the North and North-West for
Philadelphia, NifiVyork,!teadjnF, Potta:9e, Tama-
qua, labh . uul, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allet;town,
Easton, Ephrata, LW; Lancaster, Columbia, Sc.
Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as follows: at
3.10, 8.10, a. m. , and 200 p. m., connecting with similar
trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New
York at 10.10 a. m.,3.50and 10.00 p. m. respectively. Sleep
ing Cars accompany the 3.10 a. m. train without change.
Returning: Leave New York at 9.10 a m. 12.05 noon and
5.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.30 a. m., and 3.30 p. m.
Sleeping Cars accompany the 5.00 p. m. train from New
York without change.
Leave Harrisburg for Reading. Pottsville, Tamaqua, ?C
-arnevale. Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown and Philadelphia
at 810 a. m., 2.00 and 4.03 p. m., stopping at Lebanonand
principal way stations; the 4.05 p. m. train connecting for
Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Potts—
ville, Schuylkill Mean and Auburn, via Schuylkill and
Susquehanna Railroad leave Harrisburg at 3.40 p. m.
Past Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for
Allentown, Easton and New York at 5.80,10.80 a. m, and
4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. m.,12.00
Neon and 500 p. m. and Allentown at 7.20 a. m 12.25
Noon, 2.15, 4.21 and 0.43 p. m.
Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m
connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad,
returning from Reading at 6 20 p. m., stopping at all sta
Leave Pottsville at 9.00 a m. and 2.30 p. m. ' Herndon
at 10.00 a m., Shamokin at 5.40 and 11.15 a. m., Ashland at
7.05 a. M., and 12.43 noon, Mahanoy City at 7.51 a. m. and
1.20 p. m., Tamaqua at 8.35 a m. and 2.10 p. m. for Phila
delphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg, Or.
Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail
road at 8.15 a. m, for Harrisburg, and 12.05 Noon, for
Pinegrove and Tremont.
Reading Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 5.40
a. m., passes Reading at 7.30 a. m., arriving at Philadel
phia at 10.20 a. m. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15
p. m. passes Reading at 7.53 p. m., arriving at Pottsville
at 9:6 p. m.
Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown. at
6.30 a a,., returning, leaves Philadelphia ar 4 30 p. m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.20 a. tn.,
and &15 p. m., for Ephmta, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, dtc.
Perkiomen Railroad trains leave Perkiomen Junction
at 7.15, 9.05 a in., 3.00 and 6.00 p. m.; returning, leave
Schwenksville at 6.30, 810 a. m., 12 50 Noon and 4.:0 p. m.
connecting with similar trains on Rending Railroad.
Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9.40
a. no. and 1.15 and 6.45 p. m.. returning leave Mount Pleas
ant at 7.10, 11.25 a. m. and 3.00 p. m., connecting with sim
ilar trains on Reading Railroad.
Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport at 8.30
a m., 2.05 and 5 :12 p. m. , returning, leave Downingtown
at 6.40 a m., 12.45 noon, and 5.15 p. m., connecting with
similar trains on Reading Railroad.
On Sundays: leave Ne; York at 5.00 p. m , Philadelphia
at 8.10) a. m. and 3.15 p. to., (the 8.00 a. m. train running
only to Reading.) leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. m., leave Har
risburg at 3.10 a. m. and 2.110 p m. ; leave Allentown at
8.45 p. m.; leave Reading at 7 15 a. m and 10.05 p to. for
ai4licnif.4l9l4l9l42l4Anke, :ov-k _no d .9.4.0 a. _Au
- •
Commtliation, Mileage.. Season, School and Excursion
Tickets. to and from all pain ta, at reduced rates.
Baggage checked through; ItO pounds allowed each
Amt. Supt. At Eng. Mach'iy.
[Estate of Nicholas Goshorn,dee'd.]
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Hun
tingdon county to distribute the fond in the hands
of David MeGarvey, Trustee, to sell the real es
tate of Nicholas Unshorn, deed.. arising from the
sale of said real estate, will attend to the duties of
said appointment at his office, in the Borough of
Huntingdon, on Friday, the 19th day of May,
IS7I, at 9 o'clock, A. m., where all persons inter
cut will present their claims or be debarred from
coming in for a share of said fund.
Apr. 26 , T. W. MYTON, Auditor.
JE:s!ate of qeorge etyesiharer, decy.l
Letters of Administration having been granted
to the undersig ned on the estate of George Cullen
haver, late of Shirley township, dee'd., all persons
knowing themselves indebted are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims to
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
at the new cheap etore of
No. 62511111 etrect.
Our stock consists in part of Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Wood, Willow, and Queensware. Bacon, Flour.
Feed, Glass, Nails, and also a full line of
Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we re
'Tactfully ask a liberal share of public patronage
Bakery on Moore street, and Store at the
Corner of Fourth and Allegheny.
Dealers will be supplied at prices as low as can
be had from Philadelphia. [1'1,26;71.
-&-` The undersigned will sell, at public sale, on
the premises, in Walker township, on
Wednesday, the 24th day of Nay, 1871,
at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described real
estate, to wit:
A farm of 220 acres, situate in Walker township,
Huntingdon county, three miles from Huntingdon,
and two miles from licConnellstown, having there
on erected a good two-story stone House 37140 ft..
a double Bank Barn 67x45 ft.. Wagon Shed, Corn
Crib, Stone Spring House, and other outbuildings,
with a good well of water sear the dose.
There is also two good bearing orchards of choice
fruit, and an endless supply of good iron ore on
the premises, within 500 yards of the Broad Top
Terms made known on day of sale.
apr.26, 1871-ts.pd. MOSES HAMER.
A R. BECK, Fashionable Barber
• and llairdiesser, Hill street, opposite the
Franklin House. All kinds of Tonics and Pomades
kept on hand and for sale. (ap19,11-6m
Notice is hereby given that the ea-partnership
heretofore existing between Joseph C. Shoemaker
and Mordecai Gahegan. blacksmiths. doing busi
ness in the name of Shoemaker &" Gahegan, has
been dissolved by mutual consent. The business
hereafter will be conducted by Mordecai Githegan,
at the old stand, near Fishers' 31111, Huntingdon.
April 19, 1911.-31
[Estate of JOHN MeCRACKEN. deed.]
Letters of administration having,been granted to
the undersigned on the estate of John McCracken,
late of Oneida township, dec'd., all persons indebted
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
April 19, 1871, [Adm.,
[Estate of SAMUEL STEWART, dee',l.l
The iindersiglied will expose to public sale, on
the premises, in Jackeon township, Huntingdon
county, on
THURSDAY, the Ist day of June, 1871,
the following Real Estate, late of Samuel Stewart,
deceased, to wit: A certain tract of land, known
as the "Old Mansion Farm," containing about One
Hundred and Eighty-Two Acres, and allowance,
having thereon erected a Two-Story Log House,
and Lug Barn.
ALSO—A tract of Mountain Land. situate in
Jackson township, containing &Lout 312 Acre,
ALSO—Another Tract of Mountain Land, ad
joining the above ,:escribed tract, containing about
75 acres, known as the "Johnston Tract."
TERMS.—Ono- third of the purchase meiney to
be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the balance
in two equal annual payments thereafter, with in
terest, to be secured by the judgment bonds of the
Sale to commence at ten o'clock, A. M.. of said
April 10. 1871.-31 Adtu'r.
liTANTED.—Agents and Peddlers to
sell a thoroughly good domestic article,
wanted in every family. No competition. Ex
clusive territory given. Business very pleasant.
Agents have sold 3 dozen, netting VA profit per day
One sold 250 in a small town, another 1000 in five
towns, another 31 in calling on 33 families. Outfit
$3. No danger of imposition. Best of references
given. Send for oircular to 102 Washington street
Boston. Mass. LITTLEFIELD dc DAME.
April 12, '7l-10
Letters testamentary having been granted
to the undersigned living in the township of Frank
lin, on the estate of Nancy Travis, of said town
ship, deceased. Ali persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against the same
will present them for settlement.
April 12,'71-6t. Executors.
5 TO $lO PER DAY,—Men Wo
men, Boys and Girls who engage in ovr
new business make from $5 to $lO per day in their
localities. Fnll r articulars and instructions sent
by mail. Those in need of permanent, profitable
work, should address at once, GEORGE TINSON
,t CO.. Portland. Maine. [aprl2,'7l,3mo.
The undersigned has estallished
daily stages between Petersburg and
Fort. leasing the Fort at 7 a. m., arri % ing
burg at 12. and startin at 1 p.
The coaches are good, ' and are in the I
careful and c.,nipt•ent driver,.
The patronl4, sf tha traveling pu;blie
12. 71-Zutut
has removed to nue door pool It of the Ile
on Montgomery street, w!lere heis prepare
all kind. of work be line of Mine..
He has jest reeei% ei a lull line of
CAS c/311:liES,
and ho solicits a call trove the public, prom
make goods to ord.., in a workmanlike mat
TORY. n, 1::1,1. 12th Avenue, Alto.
The undersixued, takes this method of iul
the citizen. of liantingdon . county, that la
pared to manufacture to order, CARR.
NESS WAGONS, S.C.. of the latest style
to Philadelphia and New York make.
hand, a large supply. Sarvin's Patent Wh
Terry Brothers' Patent Elastic Reach—
when desired.
Jolly R. K 1
April 5,1371-31 no-..
In West Huntingdon f•
Buy Lots From First Hands ai
Purchasers desiring to build, eau gavo v
end terms as to payments.
Now is the time to invest.
Jan. 4, '7l.
John Ilagey has just returned from the c
fine assortment of choice goods, consisting
and a general variety of white and yellow
These goods have been carefully bought. i
lar houses, and will be sold at reasonable p
he has advantages over others, his expense
. . .
Every artieal usually found in a firet-ela
will be kept on hand.
Thankful to the public for the e ery libe
ronage extended to him in the past, he reap
solicits a continuance of the tame.
Store ou Washington 1. treet.
Jan. 4, '7l.
at the Cheap Store of
Corner of the Diamond, in Saxton's Bt.
I have just received a large stock of Lad
gent Dress Goods, Gentlemons' Furnishing
Boots, Shoes, lists and Caps of all kinds,
less variety, for ladies. gentlemen, miss
Corea, Teas of all kinds, best and common
Spices, &e. Tobacco and Sugars, wholcan
The. goods will be sold as cheap, if not c
than any other house in town. "Quick sa
small profits," is my motto.
Thankful for past patronage, I respectful
cit a continuance of the same.
January 4, 1871.
Solicits accounts from Banks, Bankers, a
ere. A liberal Interest allowea on time DI
All kinds of Securities bought and sold forth
Collections made on all points. Drafts
parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates.
Persons depositing Gold and Silver will
the same in return, with interest. The parts
individually liable to the extent of their wht
perty for all deposits.
C. C. NORTH, Cs.
January 4, 1871,
( a. T. 111
S. E. HENRY, /
- a" ciz
Wholesal and Retail Dea!ers
Pr opriat ,' the.
Flour and Feed congantly on hand.
Caen paid for nil kinds of grain. Froth
ken in exchange for goods at the Mammoth
Feb. 15, 1871.
Is constantly recciviny at his net
5254 Hill Street.
Beautiful Pattern. of Carpets, fresh free
looms of the manufacturers. Ilia stoet !OW
and a large stock of
Window Shades and Fixtures, Itcugget, V
Rugs, Door Mats, Extra Carpet'Thread and
ing. I rocks a speciality of furnishing Chu
and Lodges at Ci!y Prices, and invite Furnif
Committees to earl s.,e z eoas made expt
for their purposes.
Buyers wilt 'UV!' money and be better suite.
going to the regular Carpet anal Oil Cloth
for any of the above rods. I defy compel
in prices and variety of beautiful patterns.
1 have also the Agency for the Orignal
so well known as the best Family Machine in
Call at the CARPET STORE and see them.
Jan. 4. 1871.
For a kinds of priotim.