The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, April 12, 1871, Image 1

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    VOL. 46
'he Huntingdon Journal ,
Vice on the Corner of Bath and Washington weal,.
TEE linsrixonost Jon.At, is published every
ednesday, by J. It. DURBORROW and J. A. Nam,
*dor the firm name of J. IL. Denaortnow & Co., at
,00 per annum, IN ADVANCE, or $2.50 if not paid
r in six months from date of subscription, and
• if not paid within the year.
No paper discontinued, unless at the option of
e publishers, until all arrearages are paid.
ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at Ten
sirs per line for each of the first four insertions.
td FIVE coons per line for each subsequent ht.,
m less than three months.
Regular monthly and yearly advertisements will
inserted at the following rates:
6ml I
'tsch l
2.50 400 5 OC I i 00 1
_ I_
400 8 00110 00112 001
" 6 00 10 00,14 00,18 00
8 00 14 00 20 00 21 001
" 050.18 00 20 0040 00
ir 216 34 :POI
Special notices will be inserted at TWELVE AND
HALF CENTS per lino, and local and editorial no
es at FIFTEEN CENTS per line.
All Resolutions of Associations, Communications
limited or individual interest, and notices of Mar-_
ages and Deaths, exceeding five lines, will be
arged TEN CENTS per line.
Legal and other notices will be charged to the
sty having them inserted.
Advertising Agents must find their commission
taide of these figures.
All advertising accounts arc due and collectable
ten tie advertisement is once inserted.
JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and
uscv Colors, done with neatness and dispatch.—
and-bills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, &c., of every
riety and style, printed at the shortest notice,
d every thing in the Printing line will be execu-
I in the most artistic manner and at the lowest
Travellers' Gnide
Winter Arrangement.
I 7
I.l.s7liN.Hazailton-. -
12 05 1 7 43i Mt. Union. 1
12 141 'Mapleton
t! 23,7 56'5E11 Creek 1... ....
'l2 3 i 8 081Husrutonow t
12 58
1 28 'Birmingha
m-1 3718 551 Tyrone
1 48,--,Tipton ..
35 5 20'
131 1
. llO 46
, .
1 55
2CO lBell's
2 2. , 930 Altoona 1C 1 .15 0.1
P - X A.X.I P. Y.
I :I° .1
Che Fast Lino Eastward, leaves A Itoona at 12 45 A. N.,
4 arrive at Huntingdon at 157 A. N.
The Cincinnati Express Eastward, leaves Altoona at
55 P. N.. and arrives at Huntingdon at 7 05 P. M.
Pacific Express Eastward, 'canoe Altoona at 7 15 A. X.,
d passes Iluntingdon at
Cincinnati Express Westward, leaves Huntingdon at
15 A. N., and arrives at Altoona at 4 50 A. st.
the Fast Line Westward, passes Huntington at 7 35
N., and arrives at Altoona at 8 45 P. X
On and after Wednesday, Nov. 22d, 1870, Passenger
wins will arrive and depart as follows :
A. M. I
Li 900 Huntingdon
fl OS Long Siding
9 211 McConnellatown
9 3JPleasant Grove
9 45 Rarklesburg
10 00 Coffee Run
10 08 Rough and Ready
10 23,Core
10 27' Fiehere Summit. ... .
10 43 3arton
11 08 Riddlesbarg
11 10 Hopewell..
11 30 Pin.--
lAR A Ii M 4 . OI
8 29
I g
7 50
7 35
5 20
5 281
5 421
6 49i
6 18
8 25
6 40
6 41
7 06
1 10
P4ien . Run
11 56 Talesville
12 08 Bloody Bun
La 12 12 Mount Dallas
ILE 10 55;
It 101 .... ..
11 15 Crawford.
as 11 25 Dudloy, ,
Broad Top City
JOHN 111
Professional Cards,
FILES ZENTMYER, Attorney-at-
Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend promptly
• all legal Inisineco. Office in Cunningitm'p new
Dan. 4,71.
ALLEN LOVELL, Attorney-at
-1-3..• Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Special attention
iven to Com...mks of all kinds; to the settle
ent of Estates, &c,; and all other Legal Business
rigioeuted with fidelity and dispatch.
AV , Office in room lately ocMipied by It. Milton
peer, Esq.
p W. MYTON, Attorney-at-Law, Ran
a- • tingdon, Pa. Office with J. Sewell Stewart,
'q. Ljan.4,ll.
HALL MUSSER, Attorney-at-Li.w,
• Huntingdon, Pa. Office, second floor of
eister's new building, Hill street. fjunA,'7l.
P. W. JOHNSTON, Surveyor
• and Scrivener, Huntingdon, Pa. All kinds
f writing, drafting, &c., done at short notice.
Office on Smith street, over Woods & Williamson's
,aw Office. ' [mayl2,'69.
PDL & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys
• at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to
11 kinds of legal business entrusted to their care.
Office on the south side of Hill street, fourth door
eat of Smith. Dan. 4,71.
s Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office, Hill street,
nee doors west of Smith. [jan.4'7l.
T A. POLLOCK, Surveyor and Real
• Estate Agent, Huntingdon, Pa.. will attend
3 Surveying in all its branches. Will also buy,
ell, or rant Farms, Houses, and Real state of en
ry kind, in any part of the United States. Send
3r a circular. Dan.4'7l.
DR. J. A. DEAVER, having located
at Franklinville, offers his professional ser
ices to the community. Dan. 4,71.
W. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law
1 -
• and General Claim Agent, Huntingdon, Pa..
!oldiers' claims against the Government for back
.ay, bounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend
-1 with great care and promptness.
Office on Hill street. Dan. 4,71.
~,,„„,— I COTT, BROWN & BAILEY, At•
J to racy. - at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Pensions,
n• 1 all shams of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against
he Government 1011 he promptly prosecuted.
Office en Hill street. [jan.4.7l.
DR. D. P. MILLER, Office on Hill
street, in the room formerly occupied by
)r. John SPCulloch, Huntingdon, Pa., would res.-
motfully offer his professional services to the Gal
:ens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Dan. 4,7 1.
T R. PATTON, Druggist and Apoth
• ecary, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Han
ingdon, Pa, Prescriptions acearately compounded.
Pure Liquors for Medicinal purposes. [n0r.23,'70.
DR.. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his
professional services to the community.
Office on Washington street, one door east of the
:latholie Parsonage. tjan.4,7l.
EJ. GREENE, Dentist. Office re
• moved to Leister's new building, Hill street
Frltingdon. Ljan.4,7l.
RALLISON MILLER, _Dentist, has
removed to the Brick }tow, opposite the
oart House.
Pa. JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor.
January 4, 1871.
R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at-
J• Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the
several Courts of Hunting& . county. Particular
attention given to the settlement of estates of dece
dents in he JOURNAL Building. [feb.l,7l
The Huntin g don Journal.
.1. A. NASII,
1800 $ 27438
381 0 501 85
Office corner of Washington and Bath Sts.,
15 13 9 23
5 05 9 15
457 907
4 48 9 00
4 3318 45
II 15 8 30
4 06 8 23
4 00 8 17
3 4618 06
33918 03
3 29 7 51
3 29 7 45
3 18 7 41
3 00 7 25
! MArL
!as 2 00
2 00
Ls 1 00
$2.00 per annum in advance. $2 50
within six months. $3.00 if not
paid within the year.
Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job
Printing superior to any other establish
ment in the county. Orders by mail
promptly filled. All letters should be ad
John MeCahan's Ears. vs. A. P. Wilson
Geo. C. Hamilton vs. David rouse.
W. W. and D. C. Entri
vs. James Entriken.
Same vs. Wm. S. Entriken.
Andrew Johnson vs. Powelton C. and L Co.
Ann Cook et al vs. George Mears.
Wharton .t Maguire vs. E. A. Green do Co.
Same vs. Richard Langdon.
John P. Zimmerman vs. Martin Walker.
McDonald & Co. vs. Nicholas Lewis.
John M'Kelvy and wife vs. H. C. Robinson, et. al.
IP. S. Brackenridge :vs. D. C. Salsburg.
H. C. Lockhart et. al. vs. James Bricker.
D. H. and B. IL Good vs. W. A. Orbison, et. al.
S. A. Hughes & Bro. vs. E. A. Greene & Co.
Hannah Rudy vs. D. R. P. Neely.
S. R. Douglas, holder vs. H. S. Wharton.
Henry Co. vs. Wm. Hatfield.
Johnston Moore's Ears vs. James P. Moore. gar.
Wm. A. M yer vs. David Fonse.
Lazarus M yer vs. Hicks & Walls.
August Kohler as. John E. Seeds, et. al.
Aaron Beightal vs. Reuben Duff.
Jacob Hoffman vs. John Bare.
John S. Miller vs. P. It. R. Co.
John Keller's . , Ears vs. Samuel Keller's Ears.
State Bank vs. Matthew Stewart.
Sabob F. Little vs. Robert Fleming.
Martin & Peterson vs. Post & Coplin.
William Miller vs. William M'Cltire.
Michael Boring • vs. Robert Hackett.
Prothonatory's Office, Mar. 15. Proth'y.
NTOTICE is hereby given to all persons
-A-N interested that the following Inventories of
the goods and chattles set apart to widows, under
the provisions of the Act of 14th of April, a. d.,
1851, have been filed in the office of the Clerk of
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, and
will be presented for "approval by the Court," on
Wednesday, April 12th, 1871 :
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, taken by Nancy Westbrook, widow of
John Westbrook, deceased.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, taken by bleu Mills, widow of Wm.
Mills, late of Dublin township, deceased.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, taken by Hose Smith, widow of Irwin
Smith, late of Mapleton, dec'd.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, taken by Margaret Horning, widow of
Isreal Horning, late of Barre° tp., deceased.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, tuken by Elizabeth Miller, widow of
Christian Miller, late of Cass tp., deceased.
. .
Inventory anil appraisement of the personal
property, taken by Elizabeth McCarthy, widow of
Wm. McCarthy, late of Brady tp., Pa.
Inventory and approisement of the personal
property, taken by Susan Stryker, widow of Mah
lon T. Stryker, late of West township, deceased.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, taken by Susan Walker, widow or Fleury
C. NValker, late of Alexandria boro., deceased.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property taken by Jane Peightal, widow of Sam
uel Peightal, late of Oneida tp., deceased.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, taken by Martha C. Weston, widow of
John Weston, late of Mapleton boro, deceased.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, taken by Ally Clark, widow of Amos
Clark, late of Tod tp., deceased.
Inventory and appraisment of the personal
property, taken by Mary Green, widow of George
Green, late of Oneida township, deceased.
Clk Orphans' Court.
. .
Huntingdon, Pa., March 15.
hereby given. to all persons interested, that
the following named persons have settled their ac
counts in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon, and
that the said amounts will be presented for con
firmation and allowance, at an Orphans Court, to
be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of
Huntingdon ' on Wednesday, the 12th day of
April, neat , (1571:) to wit:
1. Administration account of Jacob Sharp, one
of the Executors of Jacob Detwiler, late of Brady
township, deceased.
-- • • • - - •• • - ^
2. Final administration account of David P.
Owin, administrator of lion. James °win, late of
Huntingdon borough, deceased.
3. Administration account of Hiram Shadle, ad
ministrator of Mary Shadle, late of Brady tp., de
4. Account of Dr. Wm. P. M'Nite, administrator
of Catharine Rutter, late of Shirley tp., deceased.
A. Administration account of Theo. H. Cremor,
Esq., administrator of Wm. W. Hildebrand, late of
Huntingdon Boro deceased.
6. Final account of Peter llarnish, adminietra
tor of Jacob Harnish, late of Morris tp., deceased.
. .
. •
7. Administration account of Wm. Gutschnll, Ex
ecutor of Abraham Gutschall, late of Springfield
township, deceased.
S. First sod partial account of Benjamin Davis
and John B. Peterson, administrators of David Pe
terson, lata of Shirley tp., deceased.
. . - .
9. iidmiuistration - account of F. D. Rutter, ad
ministrator of Jos. Rutter, late of Shirley tp., de
10. Trust account of Solomon Curfman, surviving
Trustee to sell the Real Estate, of Peter Curfman,
late of Cass tp., deceased.
11. Administratiop account of Solomon Curfman,
surviving administrator of Peter Curfmpn, late of
Cass tp., deceased.
12. Administration account of Siunuel Peightal
and James Ward, administrators of Sarah Peightal,
late of Walker township, deceased.
. . .
' " "
13. Admistration account of Abraham Grubb,
Executor of Andrew Fraker, late of Walker town
ship, deceased.
. . . . . . .
1%, First administration and trust account of G.
H. Armitage, Hag., administrator, with the will an;
mixed of John Armitage, late of Huntingdon boro,
15. Partial account of Isaac Book, executor of
John Fultz, late of Tell tp., deceased.
16. -Administration account of David Douglas,
executor of Jesse Hollingsworth, late of Shirley tp,
17. Administration account of lion. Olarkson
and Joseph Park, administrators of George Querry,
late of Cass township, deceased.
18. Administration account of George and Henry
Stone, administrators of Michel Stone, late of Tod
township, deceased.
19. Administration account of Frederick Klep
sor, executor of W. W. Enyeart, late of Hopewell
20. The first and final administration of J. R.
Lowrie, Esq., executor of John IVrye, late of War
riors' Mark tp.. deceased.
21. Administration account of James Coulter, ex
ecutor of Alexander Duffield, late of Tell tp., deed.
22. Administration account of Mary P. - Weaver,
late Keith, administratrix of Lewis Keith, late of
Lincoln 5p deceased.
_ _
23. Administration account of Charles W. Steel,
administrator of John Steel, late of Union town
ship, deceased._ . . .
24. Administration account of Mordecai D. Chit
cote, administrator of Amon Chilcote, late of Tod
township, deceased.
25. Administration account of George Eby, ad
ministrator of Miles Hampson, late of Brady tp.,
26. Administration account of Robert Glenn, ad
ministrator of Samuel Rhodes, late pf Franklin tp,
27: Administration account or George Schaffer,
administrator of Jacob Schaffer, late of Walker tp,
28 First admiuistration account of Dodd Gra
zier, executor of Henry Grazier, late of Warriors
mark township, deceased.
29 Administration account of Christiana Parks,
administratrix of George Parks, late of Penn town
ship, deceased.
. . . -
30 Administration account of Elizabeth L. Holt
man, administratrix of George Holtman, late of
West township, deceased.
31 Adminigtration account of Simon Wright,
Esq., administrator of Philip Pheasant, late of
Union township, deceased.
32 Administration account of 31. F. Campbell
and David P. Pheasant, executors of Levi Dell,
late of Union township, deceased.
. .
33 Administration liCeount of Peter Tippery, ex
ecutor of Sam'! Keller, late of Morris tp, deceased.
34. Guardianship account of Samuel B. Grove,
Guardian of Charles, Kate and Bruce Ilampson,
minor children of James U. llampson, late of
Brady township. deceased.
35. Administiation account of James Ward and
Samuel Peightal, administrators of John Peightal,
late of Walker township, deceased.
. .
36. Administration account of Daniel A. Grove
and Benjamine H. Grove, Executors of the last
will and testament of Benjamin Grove, late of
Penn township, deceased.
REGISTERS Omen, I Register.
Huntinxdon, March 15.
Inventor and Manufacturer of the
Warerooms, No. 722 Arch St., Phila.
Iles received the Prize Medal of the World's Great
Exhibition, London, England. The highest Prizes
awarded when and wherever exhibited. [Estab
lished in 1823.] • March 29-3inos.
Legal Advertisements
gltv glum' pw,er.
John Burns of Gettysburg.
Have you heard the story that gossips tell
Of Burns of Gettysburg?—No ! Ah, well ;
Brief is the glory that heto earns,
Brief r the story of poor John Burns ;
He was the fellow won renown,—
The only man that didn't back down
When the rebels road through his nat ye town
But held his own in the fight next day,
When all his townfolk ran away,
That was in July, sixty-three,
The very day that General Lee,
Flower of Southern chivalry,
Baffled and beaten, backward reeled
From a stubborn Meade and a barren field.
I might tell how, but the day before,
John Burns stood at his cottage door,
Looking down the village street,
Where, in the shade of his peaceful vine,
He heard the low of his gathered kine,
And felt their breath with incense sweet ;
Or I might say, when the sunset burned
The old farm gable, he thought it turned
The milk that fell, in a bubbling flood
Into the milk-pail, red as blood I
Or how he fancied the hum of bees
Were bullets buzzing among the trees.
But all such fanciful thoughts as these
Were strange to a practical man like Burns,
Who minded only his own concerns,
Troubled no more by fancies fine
Than one of his calm eyed, long-tailed kine,-
Quite old-fashioned and matter-of-fact,
Slow to argue, bat quick to act,
That was the reason, as some folks say,
He fought so well on that terrible day.
I And it was terrible. On the right
Raged for hours the heavy fight,
Thundered the battery's double bass,—
Difficult music for men to face!
While on the left—where now the gritves
Undulate like the living waves
That all that day unceasing swept
Up to the pits the rebels kept—
Round shot plow'd the upland glades ;
Sown with bullets, reaped with blades;
Shattered fences here and there
Tossed their splinters in the air ;
The very trees were stripped and bare;
The barnsthat once held yellow grain
Were heaped with harvests of the slain ;
The cattle bellowed on the plain,
The turkeys screamed with might and mai
And brooding barn-fowl left their rest
With strange shells bursting in each nest.
Just where the tide of battle turns,
Erect and lone stood old John Burns.
How do you think the man was dressed ?
He wore an ancient long buff vest,
Yellow as saffron,—but his best ;
And, buttoned over his manly breast,
Was a bright blue coat, with a rolling collar,
And large gilt buttons—size of a dollar,—
With tails that the country-folk called "swel
He wore a broad brimmed, bell-crowned hat,
White as the locks on which it sat,
Never had such a sight been seen
For forty years on the village green,
Since old John Brown was a country bean,
And went to the "quiltings" long ago.
Close at his elbows all that day,
Veterans of the Peninsula,
Lnnburnt and bearded, charged away;
And striplings downy of lip and chin,—
Clerks that the Home Guard mustered in,—
Glanced as they passed, at the hat he wore,
Then nt the rifle his right hand bore ;
And hailed him, from out their youthful lore,
With scraps of a slangy repertoire
'How are you, White Hat I"Put her through !'
"Your head's level," and "Bully for you !"
Called him ('Daddy,"—begged he'd disclose
The name of the tailor who made his clothes,
And what was the value he set on those;
While Burns unmindful of jeer and scoff,
Stood there picking the rebels off,—
With his long brown rifle, and bell crown hat,
And the swallow tails they were laughing at.
'Twas but a moment, for that respect
Which clothes all courage their voices checked;
And something the wildest could understand
Spake in the old man's strong right hand ;
And his corded throat, and the lurking frown
Of his eyebrows under his old bell-crown ;
Until, as they gazed, there crept an awe
Through the ranks in whispers, and some men
In the antique vestments and long white hair
The Past of the Nation in battle there ;
And some of the soldiers since declare
That the gleam of his old white hat afar,
Like the crested plume of the brave Navarre,
That day was their oriflamme of war.
So raged the battle. You know the rest :
How the rebels, beaten and backward pressed,
Broke at the final charge, and ran
At which John Burns—a practical man—
Shouldered his rifle, unbent his brows,
And then went back to his bees and cows.
That is the story of old John Burns;
This is the moral the reader learns;
In fighting the battle, the question's whether
You'll show a ha; that's white, or a feather!
ght to rp-Ztlltr.
Ezra Newton had just finished looking
over his yearly acramos, asked
his wife, looking up, "how do you come
"I find," said her husband, "that my
expenses during the last year have been
thirty-seven cents over a thousand dollars?"
"And your income has been a thousand
dollars ?"
"Yes. I managed pretty wall didn't
'Do you think it managing well to ex
ceed your income ?" said his wife.
What's thirty-seven cents ?" asked Mr.
Newton, lightly.
"Not Irina - to be sure, but still some
thing. It seems to me that we ought to
have saved instead of falling behind."
"But how can we save' on this salary,
Elizabeth? We haven't lived extravagant.
ly. Still it seems to have taken all.
"Perhaps there is something in which
we might retrench. Suppose you mention
some of your items."
"The most important are house rent, one
hundred and fifty dolLrs. and articles of
food, five hundred dollars."
"Just half."
"Yes, and you'll admit that we can't re
trench there, Elizabeth. I like to live
well. I had enough of poor board before
I married. Now, I mean to live as well as
I can."
we ought to be saving up some
thing against a rainy day, Ezra."
"That would be something like carrying
ad umbrella when the sun shines."
"Still it is well to have an umbrella in
the house."
'•I can't controvert your logic, Elizabeth,
but I am afraid we shan't be able to save
up anything this year. When I get my
salary raised, it will be time enough to
think of that." •
"Let me make a proposition to you,"
said Mrs. Newton. You say that one half
of your income, has been expended on arti
cles of food. Are you willing to allow me
that•sum for the purpose ?"
"You guarantee to pay all bills out of
it ?"
"And relieve me of all care on that
"Then I will shift the responsibility up
on you with pleasure. But I can tell you
beforehand you wont be able to save much
out of it,"
"perhaps not. At any rate I will en.
gage not to exce ed it."
"That's well. I shouldn't relish having
any additional bills to pay. As lam paid
every month, I will at each payment hand
you hale the. money,"
The different characters of the husband
and wife may be judged from the conver
sation which has been recorded. Mr. New
ton had but little prudence of foresight.
He lived chiefly for the present, and seemed
to fancy that whatever contingencies might'
arise in the future, he would somehow be
pro•. ided for. Now trust in Providence is
a very proper feeling, but there is a good
deal of truth in the old adage that God
will help those who help themselves, and
in proportion as they are disposed to. help
Mrs. Newton, on the contrary, had been
brought up in a family which was com
pelled to be economical, and although she
was not disposed to deny herself comforts,
yet she felt that it was desirable to procure
them at a fair price.
The time at which this conversation took
place was at the commencement of the sec
ond year of their married life.
The first step which Mrs. Newton took,
on accepting the charge of the household
expenses, was to institute the practice •of
ming cash for all articles that came under
her department. She accordingly called
on the butcher and inquired :
"how often have you been in the habit
of presenting your bills, Mr. Williams ?"
Once in six months" was the reply.
"And I suppose you sometimes hive bad
bills ?"
"Yts, one-third of my profits on an av
erage' are swept off by them."
"And you could afford, I suppose to sell
somewhat cheaper for ready money ?"
"Yes, and would be glad if all my cus
tomers would give me a chance to do so."
"I will set them an example then," said
Mrs. Newton. "Hereafter whatever arti
cles shall be purchased of you will be paid
for on the spot, and we shall expect you to
sell as reasonably as you can.
This arrange - menE was also made wah
others, who it is scarcely needful to say,
were very glad to enter into the arrange
ment. Ready money is the great support
of trade, and a cash customer is worth two
who purchase on credit.
Fortunately Mrs. Newton had a small
supply of money by her which lasted till
the first monthly installment from her hus
band became due. Thus she was enabled
to carry out her cash plan from the begin
Another plan which occurred to her as
likely to save expenses, was to purchase
articles in large quantities. She had Km
saved enough from the money allowed her
to do this For example, instead of buy
ing sugar a few pounds at a time, she pm
chased a barrel, and so succeeded in saving
a cent or more on the pound. This, per
haps amounted to but a trifle in the courAe
of a year, but the same system carried out
in regard to other articles yielded a result
which was by no means a trifle.
There were other ways in which a care
ful housekeeper is able to limit expense
which Mrs. Newton did not. overlook. With
an object in view she was always on the
lookout to prevent waste, and to get the
full value of what ever was expended.
The result was beyond her anticipAtions.
At the close of the year, on examining
her bank book—fir she had regularly •dc
posited whatever money she had not occa
sion to use in one of these institutionshe
found that she had one hundred and fifty
dollars besides reimbursing herself ibr the
money during the first month, and having
enough to last another.
"Well Elizabeth, have you kept within
your allowance ?" asked her husband at
this thee, "I guess you have net found it
so easy to save as you the ught
"I have aired something, however." said
his wife. "But how is it with you?"
'That is more than I Call say - . Howev
er, I have not exceeded my income.
That's one goad thing. I find I have' ex
actly spent all. But I can't see how yea
have saved anything. We have lived full
as well, and I don't know but w!lat better
than last ycer, when we spent five hum
"It's ktrick, Ezra," 8111 his wif , . Rail.
She was not incline.] to mention bow
tinich she had aave.i. She. wantei some
time . or other to' suprise. him with it
when it wou4l be of some service.
"She. may possibly have sal-el up
twenty-five dollars," thought Mr. New
ton, "or some such trigs,' and so dismiss
ed the matter from his mind.
At the end of the second year, Mrs.
Newton's savings, including the interest,
amounted to three hundred and fifty dol
lars, and she began feel quite rich.
Her husband did not think to inquire
how she had succeeded, supposing, as be
fore, that it could be but a very small sum.
However he had a piece of good news
to communicate. His salary had been
raised from a thousand to twelve hundred
. He added, "As I before allowed you one
hale my income for household expenses,
it is no more than fair that I should do so
now. That will give you a better chance
to save up a part of it than before. In
deed, I don't know how you succeeded in
saving anything thus far.
As before Mrs. Newton merely said
that she had saved simething without
specifying the amount.
. _
Hei allowance 'was increased to six hun
dred dollars, but her expenses were not
proportionally increased at all; so that
her savings tor the third year swelled the
aggregate sum in the saving's bank to six
hundred dollars
Mr. Newton, on the contrary, in spite
of his increased salary, was no better off
at the end of the third year than before.
His expenses had increased by a hundred
dollars, though he would have found it
difficult to tell in what way his com
fort or happiness had been increased there
• In spite of his carelessness in regard to
his own affairs, Mr. Newton was an excel
lant man in regard to business, and his
services were valuable to his employer.
They accordingly increased his salary from
time to time till it reached sixteen hun
dred dollars. He had steadily preserved
the custom of assigning one half to his
wife fur the same purpose as heretofore,
and this had became such a habit that he
never thought to inquire whether she
found it necessary to employ the whole or
Thus ten years rolled away. During
all this time Mr. Newton lived in the
same hired house for which he bad paid an
annual rent of one hundred and fifty dollars.
Latterly, however, he had become dissatis
fied with it. It had passed into the hands
of a new landlord, who was not disposed
to keep it in the repair which he consid
ered desirable.
About this time a block of excellent
houses were erected by a capitalist, who de
signed to sell or let them as he mighthave
an opportunity. They were more modern
and much better arranged than the one in
which Mr. Newton now lived, and he felt
a strong desire to move in one of them.
He mentioned it to his wife one morning.
"What is the rent, Ezra ?" inquired his
' Two hundred and twenty-five dollars
for the corner house; two hundred for
either of the others."
"The corner one would be preferable, on
account of the side windows."
"Yes, and they have a large yard besides.
I think we must hire one of them. I guess
I'll engage one to-day; you know our
year is out next week."
"Please wait Ezra till to-morrow before
engaging one."
"For what reason."
"I should like to examine the house."
. "Very well, I suppose to-uur:ow will be
sufficiently early."
Soon alter b;eakfast Mrs. Newton called
on Squire Bent, the owner of the new
block, and intimated herdesire to be shown
the corner house. The request he readily
complied with; Mrs. Newton was quite
delighted with all the arrangements, and
expressed her satisfaction.
"Are these houses for sale or to let ?"
she inquired.
"Either ," said the owner.
"The rent is, I understand, two hundred
and twenty dollars.".
"Yes, f consider the corner house worth
at least twenty-five dollars more than the
"And what do you charge for the house
to a cash purchaser?" asked Mrs. Newton
with subdued eagerness.
"Four thousand dollars cash, was the
reply; and that is but a small advance
upon the cost."
"Very well, I will buy it of you ;" ad
ded Mrs. Newton, quietly.
"What did I understand you to say ?"
asked the Squire, scarcely believing his
"I repeat that I will buy this house at
your price and pay you the money within a
"Then the house is yours. But your
husband said nothing of his intention, and
in faq I did not know—"
"That he had the money to invest, I
suppose you would say. Neither does he
know it, and I must ask you not to tell him
for the present."
The next morning Mrs. Newton invited
her husband to take a walk, but without
specifying the direction.
"They POOll stood in front of the house
which he desired to live in."
"Wouldn't you like to go in ?" she
"Yes. It's a pity we haven't got the
"I have the key," said his wife, awl
forthwith walked up the steps and pro
ceeded to open the door.
"When did you get the key of Squire
Bent ?" asked the husband.
"Yesterday when I bought the house,"
said his wife, quietly.
Mr. Newton gazed at his wife iu pro
found astonishment.
"What on earth do you mean Elizabeth ?"
Ile inquired.
4°Just what I say. The house is mine,
and what is mine is thine. So the house
is yours, Ezra."
"Where in the name of goodness did
you raise the money ?" asked her husband,
his amazement still as great as ever.
"I haven't been a manving wife for
ten years for nothing," said Mrs. Newton
With some difficulty i♦Mrs. Newton per
suaded her husband that the price of the
house was teally the result of her savings.
He felt when he surveyed the commodious
arrangements of the new house, that he
had reasons to be grateful for the prudence
of his managing wife.
priding foe the iflio c.
The Wild Men of' California.
A correspondent of the Antioch ',edger,
writing from Grayson, California, says :
saw in your paper, a short time since,
an item concerning - the 'gorilla' which is
said to have been seen in Crow Canon,
and shortly alter in the mountains of
Orestimba Creek. You sneered at the idea
of there being any such 'critter' in these
hills, and were I not better informed I
should Sneer too, or else conclude that one
a your recent prospecting parties had got
lost in the wilderness, and didn't have
sense enough to get back to Terry's.
I positively assure you that this gorilla, or
wild man, or what ever you choose to call
it, is no myth. I know that it exists, and
that there are at least two of them, having
seen them both at once not a year ago.
There existence had been reported at times
for the past twenty years, and I have heard
it said, in early days, an ourang-outang
escaped from a ship on the Southern coast :
but the creature I have seen isnot thatani
mal ; and if it is, where did he get his
mete ? Import her us the Web-feet did
their wives r
"Last fall I was hunting in the moun
tains about twenty miles south of here,
and camped five or six days in one place,
as I have done every season for the past
fifteen years. Several times I returned to
my camp, after a hunt, and saw that the
ashes and charred sticks from the fireplace
and been scattered about. An old hunter
notices such things, and very soon gets
curious to know the cause. Although my
bedding and traps and little stores were
not disturbed as I could see, I was anxious
to learn who or what it was that so regu
larly visited my carols—for clearly the
half-burnt sticks and cinders could not
scatter themselves about. I saw no tracks
near the camp, as the hard gonnd, covered
with dry leaves, would show none. 6o I
started on a circle around the place, and
three hundred yards off, in damp sand, I
struck the track of a man's feet—as I sup
posed—bare and of immense size. Now I
was curious, sure, and resolved to lay for
the barefooted visitor. I accordingly took
a position a hillside, about sixty or seventy
feet from the fire, and securely hid in the
brush. I waited and watched. Two
hours or more I sat and wondered if the
owner of the feet would come again,
whether hG imagined what an interest he
had created in my inquiring mind, and
finally what possessed him to be prowling
about there with no shoes on. The fire
place was on my right, and the spot where
I saw the track was oc my left, hid by
"It was that way that my attention was
mostly directed, thinking the visitor would
appear there, and, besides, it was easier to
sit and face that way, Suddenly I was
startled by a shrill whistle, such as boys
produce with two liners under their .
tongue, aud, turning quickly, I ejaculated,
'Good God r as I saw the object of my
solicitude standing beside my fire, erect and
looking suspiciously around. It was in
the immage of a man, but 4 could not
have been human. I was never so be
numbed with astonishment bpfore. The
creature, whatever it was, stood full 'five
feet high and disproportionately broad and
square at the shoulders, with arms of
great length. The legs was very short,
and the body was long. The head was
small compared with the rest of the crea
ture, and appeared to be sit upon his
shoulders without a neck. The whole was
covered with dark brown and cinnamon
colored hair, quite long on some parts, that
on the head standing in a shock and
growing close down to- the eyes, like a
Digger Indian's. While I looked, he
threw his head back and whistled again,
and then stooped and grasped a stick from
the fire. This he swung round and round,
until the fire on the end had gone out,
when he repeated the manoeuvre. I was
dumb, almost, and could only look. Fif
teen minutes I sat and watchedhim, as he
whistled and scattered my fire about. I
could have easily put a bullet through his
head, but why should I kill him ? Having
amused himself, apparently all he desired,
he started to go, and, having gone a short
distance, he returned, and was joined by
another—a female, unmistakably—when
they both turned and walked past me,
within twenty yards of where I sat, and
disappeared in the brush. I could not
have had a better opportunity fbr observ
ing them, as they were unconscious of my
presence. Their only object in visiting
my camp seemed to be to amuse them
selves with swinging lighted sticks around.
I have heard this story many times since
then, and it has often raised an incredu
lous smile ; but I have met one person
who has seen the mysterious creatures,
and a dozen who have come across their
tracks at various places between here and
Pacheco Pass.
Male Dressmakers,
The Times says that there are half a
dozen dressmaking establishments in New
York where 6e sewing upon dresses is al
most entirely performed by men, although
they are not visible to the ladies who call
to give their orders. In the second story
are big, bushy-headed Hungarians, Aus
trians and Poles, sewing with great rapidi
ty on fabrics of many hues and textures.
They earn by the piece from $22 to $32
pea week, and as high as $37 by working
over time at 25 cents per hour. The cut
ter is a man at $25 per week.
They vary in age from twenty-five to
sixty, and have all served an apprenticeship
in their several native countries.
In die same establishments are girls em
ployad on machines who earn from $9 to
$l2 per week.
Each bastes his dress and prepares it
for fitting; and when fitted, finishes it with
rapidity at all points. Two dozen women
are often found at work upon a dress, work
ing piecemeal at its different parts. Wo
men from want of training, arer arely per
fect. Some excel in one or two depart
ments, and are deficient in others.
A figured organdie was shown, finished
in a day and a quarter , with hems, bands,
trimmino- of waist and drapery , high in
neck - .
"Men dressmakers," men milliners, men
in the cook room, men everywhere! Really,
women's sphere is getting narrow—too
narrow even for old time notions, In the
nurseries, we have go-c trts, baby jumpers,
and cradles, which being wound up, rock
themselves. And when the Celestials come
to our aid as kitchen boys and housekeep
ers, what then ? There is but one thing
left—maternity ; and I verily believe, if it
were in the range of possibilities, that men
would compass that also masculine privi
lege. Everything in the line of woman's
labor that can be made to pay, men are
crowding themselves into. Still every pub
lic journal tells us there are more women
than men. A noted French writer says
that the world is growing feminine ; and
judging from the present peculiar adapta
bility of men to feminine employment, we
should say that there is more truth than
fancy in the assertion. If our progrosasive
male members of society are really aspiring
to become womanly in their employments,
what shall we do ? It is hoped that these
"vexed questions" about woman's labor will
some day work themselves clear, as also
the muddled brains in the community in
regard b them.—The Revolution.
Some of Dickens' Characters.
Mrs. Bardell was a Mrs. Ann Ellis, who
kept an eating-bouse near Doctors' Com
mons; a blustering Sergeant Buuipus was
the original of Sergeant Buzful ; and Mr.
Justice Stareleigh was a caricature, by no
means extravagant, of Sir Steven Gaselee.
Mr. Fang, the truculent Bow street mag
istrate in "Oliver Twist," was a faithful
portrait of Mr. Laing, a London police
magistrate, whose conduct had long been a
subject of bitter criticism in the newspa
pers. "Oliver Twist" caused his rern,val.
Traddles is said to have been Sir T. N.
Talfourd; Esther Snmmerson a Miss So
phia Iselin, sister-in-law of Moxon, the
publisher; and Detective Buckett, the
well-known inspector Field, with whom
Dickens nude several interesting tours of
observation. In 'Dombey and Son" sev
eral characters arc said to have been drawn
from life. Mr. Dombey is supposed to
represent Mr. Thomas Chapman, ship-own
er, whose offices were opposite the Wooden
Midshipman. As if to make Mr. Chap
man undoubtedly identical with Dombey,
we have, as messenger of the commercial
house of "Dombey and Son," one Perch,
actually taken from a funny little old chap
named Stephen Hale, who•was part clerk,
part messenger, in Mr. Chapman's office.
Old Sol Gills was intended fur a little fel
low named Norio, who kept a very small
shop in Leadenhall street, exactly opposite
the office of John Chapman & Co, Cap
tain Cuttle was one David Mainland, mas
ter of a merchantman.
TASTE NoT.—Drunk ! Young man, did
you ever stop to think how terrible that
word sounds ? Did you ever think what
misery you brought upon your friends when
you degraded your manhood by getting
drunk. Drunk ! How the word rings in
the ear of a loving wife. How it makes
the heart of a mother bleed. How it
crushes the hopes of a father, and brings
shame and reproach upon sisters. Drunk !
See him how he leans against the corner
of a friendly house. He stands ready to
fall into the jaws of hell, unconscious as
to his approaching fate. The wife, with
aching heart sits at the window to hear her
husband's foot steps—but they come not.
He is drunk ! he it spending the means of
support for liquor while his family is starv
ing for bread, his children ibr clothing.
Drunk ! His reputation is going, gone !
His friends, one by one, are leaving him to
his fate. He goes down to his grave "nu
honored and unwept."
#l4'Wisdom is the olive which springs
from the heart, blooms on the tongue, and
and bears fruit from the action,
NO. 15.
A Mistaken Notict.
The Cincinnati Times truly remarks •
That man makes a big mistake who sup
poses his personal affairs take' up. any great
portion of public attention. He is assail
ed in the newspaper, for instance. He
reads it in the morning in a high state of
excitement. He can't eat his breakfast in
consequence. He imagines the public
equally excited about it, and hasn't the
least doubt but what the public is . going
without its breakfast as well ache.
When he goes down town he is morally
certain everybody in the street car is
thinking about that newspaper attack, if
not talking about it. He meets people
on the street. He feels they are thinking
about that article, and the blood motulta
to his temples every time a man looks at
him. He daren't look around him when
he passes a group of men, for he knows
that they are pointing him out and per
haps laughing at him. He wonders when
he thinks of it, that his wife- and 'children
ii i dn't call in the neighbors and publicly
scard him before he left his house.
Presently he meets an old - friend. To
his surprise his friend greets him cordial
ly and wakes no allusions whatever to the
subject uppermost in his mind. At length
he &kers forth :
"Did—did you—did you see it ?"
"See what!" says his friend with a puz
zled air.
"Why that—that article on me • in the
paper ?"
"On you ?--in the paper?—oh yes,
(suddenly recollecting), I did see it. That
is, I glanced over it. Fact is I had for
gotten all about it." .
Glanced over it! Forgotten all about
it! Great heavens can this be
. possible?
So thinks the the Victim of the terrible
newspaper outrage. And then if he has
any sense, it may creep through his hair
that perhaps the public at large don't Tiel
that consuming interest in his affairs h 3
thought they did. People are too ranch
engrossed in their annoyance and troubles to
give much heed to those of their neighbors.
Out of ten thousand readers of a daily
paper eight thousand would prebably over
look the item entirely, cne thousand.might
read the heading, five hundred gjance over
it, four hundred and eighty read it through
and forget it the next minute, nine think
about it once during the day on seeing
the subject of the article, and one (the
subject) get cutrageously mad, helieving
the eyes of the world are inextinguisha
bly fixed upon hipi for the remainder of
his life.
It is very hard to make men believe
this, though. We have recently had an
' illustration of the way in Which an indi
vidual sometimes makei himself publicly
notorious in attempting to "set . himself
right" before the public when few beside
himself knew he had, been set wrong, al
lowing that he had been. A newspaper
paragraph appears re , garding some, person
whose name is kept iu the background,
audit is forgotten by every one as soon as
read, except some man who insists on
wearing the coat. We will call him John
Smith. John feels immediately impelled
to publish a card over his own name, cal
ling attention to the paragraph, declailng
he is the individual meant, and "it's no
such thing." That is the first the gener
al public know such a paragraph had been
published, that there is a man by the name
of John Smith in the city, or that he was
the man indicated.
Some people might save themselves a
heap of trouble by discarding the :idea
that the public ara overseeing their little
personal affairs to an absorbing extent.
Co-operative Building.
It is announced that a building associr.-
tion, with a capital of $40,900, has been
incorporated in West Flushing, to aid men
in moderate eironmstances to build houses.
We are not aware of the particular plan
which this association proposes to pursue.
It is, however, a matter of surprise than
more co-operative building enterprises have
not been undertaken in New-Rork and
other cities. Those in . Philadelphia have
proved highly • snecessfu4_ and cotifered
homes upon•vast numbers of families who
otherwise might never have been able to
sit under their own vine and fig-tree. So
popular are those building associations in
the Quaker City that forty or fifty new
ones are projected every year. Individu
als desirous of forming one must draw up
a constitution in accordance with the law
and submit it to the court. If this con
stitution is favorably passed _upon, they
can proceed at once to work. One pro
viso stipulates that no association shall
issue more than 3500 shares, and no mem
ber can purchase more than.'fifty shares.
The design of this is to keep thee manage
ment of the association out of . the hands
of speculators. The tax upon each, share
is one dollar a year. Each share entitles
the bolder to draw two hundred dollars
from the association ibr buildine'purpo
ses on givinc , a mortgage. If, for exam
ple, a member has ten shares, he can draw
out two thousand dollars. but no more.
Associations are required to hold: month
ly meetings and pay their tax when due.
If an association has disposed Of, say two
thousand shares, two thousand dollars will
be paid into the treasury each meeting.
After the preliminary business has been
transacted, this purse is put up and sold
to the highest bidder. There are two
methods of doing this, the old and the
new. In accordance with the former; the
members bid what amount they are willing
to leave in the treasury of the, whole sum.
One bids ten per cent; a second fitteen
per oent.; a third, twenty per neil.p, t and
so on. If the purse is struck off to the
twenty per cent. bidder, he is entitled
(provided he owns ten shares in the asso
ciation) to receive from the treasurer:the
two thousand dollars, minus twenty per
cent. He gives a first or second. mort
gage on the building which he buys or
builds as security for the sixteen hundred
dollars, and pays to the association six per
cent. interest on the entire two thousand
dollars; at the sauce time he keeps Up'the
monthly dues on his ten shares. Wileu
the settlement is finally made, the amount
of those dues paid in, together with his
share of the revenues df the society deriv
ed from fines, good investments, etc.,are
added to his payments. If the agerigate
sum equals the amount' of indebtedness,
his mortgage is restored, and his account
cancelled ' . By the new mode of disposing
of purses, the members offer to pay so
much per month on the sum loaned from
the association. IP the
. parse be two
thousand dollars, and it is iffnek brat
five per cent. everymonth of. the - :amount
borrowed. By means of such asnoutations,
poor men are enabled to build homes on
small incomes, and Philadelphia and the
surrounding country are totted all over
with their homes.
A is an angle of blushing eighteen,
Ab.i , saboW