Ile Huutingdon Jounial Wednesday Morning, March 29, 1871. LEADING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE, _ LOCAL AND PERSONAL. MEETINGS, MT. MORI. IX., 30, A. Y. )1., meets second Mon- Isy evenout "fetch mon.b, in Brown's building. t , TEMING STONZ It. It. A en OT , R ',OP, meetT the irst Toesday evening .1 each m .11, in Brown's building. JII` , IATA bora, N 0.1,7, I. O.U. K, meets every Friday venintr, t•ii d floor, Lefster's building. Moust Ilov Code or I. 0. 0 F., meets every second trnd ourth Tnevdsys, third Mar, Leister's Timm No. tO, 1 0. of It. M., meets every ivirAay evening, third floor, Leister's Your. M .7 . 2f1:1,11S ASSOCIITIO,i meetK time fir. and Moaday eta wings each m. , nth, in Smith's buildinz I.,)sy 33,6. A. R., meets third Monday of each month in , ourt (Lam. Tow"' conscri. meets the Ent Friday evening of each - 11 . ;11,30D03 LODGE, N 0.149, H. of I'., meets every Sat nlaj in Smith's building llurnsontvs TExrEE or Hoyou, No. 71, meets the fourth londay of each month in Goal Templar's Hall. TOEWro:op.r.ito Cum meats every Thursday eveninE, 3 the Y. M A. room. • 0,17.5 en, 0. U. A. M, meets first and third urnittyi , eldit month in Goal Terniilar's Baptist Church—Washington street Rev. J. W. PL4N ETT. Serriceq on SAbbatli : 10!4 R. m.,7 p. m. Cathoilc—Washingten street. Rev. P. B O'll LORAN. armee drat three Sundays in every month. Evangelical Lutheran-111111in street. Rev. J. J. Butte. CEv:Ces on Si' dobath a p.m German Retwmed—Church street. Rev. S. D. SyscaLs. sry,ces fn. Srbliath :y p. m, . . . _ Method:et ipi.opalZehtireb street. Rev. 31. K. Fenn.. ervi..i on Sabbath : n. m., i p. m. Prot:NAlnt street„ Ko Pastr.r. . . Presloyteriat;-11111 street. Rec. G. W. ZAtisizEtt. Ser 'ces on Sabbath : 11 a. zu , i p. ra. .rief Mention--Horne-Tilade and Stolen. Gipsy hats are the style. Fort Neely has five inmates. Near at hand—Uoving time. Our farmer friends are plowing. The country rook - 1g are inc-,able. Harrisburg has a steam laundry Lent is rapid:y drawing to a close. On the increase—Our job patronage. Trout fishing is legal on Saturday next. Becoming dull—The matrimonial market. Judge Woods, or Lewistown, has a live deer. For bargains, consult our advertising col The greatest want of the age—Want of nds. Titusville has two parses valued at $5,000 Mrs. Randall had a good house on Thursday ht. The wind blew a perfect gale oa Thursday .glit. Collapsed-71e Paper, published at Pitts mg h. Lancaster is about organizing a board of ade. Scarlet fever prevails, to a limited extent, in is place. It is said that "Curly Harris" is a native of Looming' up—• The foundation of Rash Fish 's new residence. • , The beautiful snow" fell in copious show s on Sunday last. A raid has been made on the shovers or the tuner" in Harrisburg. The juveniles are now turning their atten on to willow whistles. For all kinds of printing call at the JOURNAL flee, No. 213 Fifth street. Slightly previous—The young num who .orted a straw hat last week. The Presbyterian churelt property was sold Dr. John McCulloch for $3,150. Farmers should be careful in giving negoti le notes to patent right venders. A portion of the $20,000 fund has been dis limited to the ItiMintoorn sufferers. An indication of the approach of warm eather is the falling off in marriages. The frequent and fantastic changes in the ember are very trying to the system. New York swindlers continue to flood the )B'f-offices with confidential circulars. A retyhr of plteat tit, kindlers held forth the Diamond on Thursday night last. Ebensburg has three hundred dogs. A . fine ,ening for a bologna sausage manufactory. The Silver Cornet Baud treated our citizens some excellent music one night last week. The first circus of the season will visit Har ;bnrg on the 16th prox. Slightly previous. King, of the Radical, has been appointed ssistant Revenue Assessor for Blair county. We observed Congressman Speer upon our reets on Saturday last, looking remarkably A horse in Mifflin county died of lock-jaw, !casioned by getting a splinter in one of his ad legs. Brainerd, of the Tyrone Herald, was inter caving the region round abort Spruce Creek st week. A dead child was found in a bureau drawer the Exchange hotel, Wilkesbarre, a few The Pennsylvania legislature has made all omen over twenty-one years of age eligible ;school directors. Low necked dressei are again in vogue at ills and evening parties. Consumption is so on the increase. Several of our merchants are in the cast aking their spring purchases. Consult our ,iurans for particulars. The Perry county Freeman has been enlar !d to a seven column paper and otherwise aproved in appearance. Mrs. Charlotte Gonden, recently tried in the ,dford court for the murder of her husband, 3 married a man named John Row. Lewistown boys are arrested and punished t. throwing stones in the streets. Some of tr juveniles should share the same fate. Gee. Nagle, an employee in the railroad ,filer sl:op, in Altoona, bad one of his eyes locked out by being struck by a piece of rivet. Ebensburg has just Loused a first-class fire igine, which forces an inch. stream of water rough two hundred feet of hose a distance IGS feet. We understand that an attempt was made at ghway robbery, one night:lazt wa2k, between c race bridge and Henry's store,. We w e sable to give particulars. Hollidaysburg council appropriated $1,350 d Gsysport council $650, and with that sum excellent steam fire engina hi; just bean rchised in Philadelphia. The )Morrison House, opposite the Pewee. . H. Depot, was opened by Messrs. Sheibly & oward, on Monday last. The traveling pub_ ~ is invited to patronize them. An exchange sensibly says that a man who ill take a newspaper for a length of time and ad it back refused and unpaid for, would callow a blind dog's dinner, and then stone ,e dog for being blind. Brother Brainerd, of the Herald, will please mttider oar hat tipped, a la mode, for a "corn, imentary" t Anna E. Dickinson's lecture •fore thn "Junmtitta Club," in Tyront., on atirday evening. April 22. Subscribers to the JOURNAL who contemplate ranging their places of residence this spring ill please notify us nut only- where they move , but where they nrive from. This is neces ry in order to make the proper change in the rectiou of their papers. Our friend Rev. J. C. Clarke, for several ,ars a resident of our town, has been station -lat Suubur:, I'a. We wish him success in new field of labor, and assure Isis brethren .ere that in him they will find a man willing id abundantly able to do his duty. He leaves ssts of friends behind who are loath to pair ith him, but he goes iu a good cause and they him God-speed. OLDEN WEDDIN , . PorLr, Esq., of Alexandra, county, one of the oldest and most respeeted citizens, of that county, and 'cell known here, en the lath of this month celebrated his .rohieo wedding. As events of ths kind rar iy happen, and c, we have never known one to have occurred this part of the State, we desire to give no account of it, so far as it may be of public in terest. Porter was married on the 13th March, 1821, in Alexandria, to Maria, daughter of the late Conrad Bucher, Eq., of tile same place. The 11ev. James Thompson was the officiating clergyman. Israel Graf Esq., of the same place, was on that occasion the groomsman, and Miss L;tewart, afterwards niArried to Mr. Thompson, was the brides maid. Of course the usual assemblage of friends was present as witnesses and guests, and it is remarkable that after the lapse of fifty years a number of the original witnesses were present to bestow anew their congratu lations upon the bride and groom on this their golden wedding. Esquire Craffius, now a widower, once more took his stand at Mr. t'or ter's right, and, though bent with the wtight of years, was ready to support Isis venerable groom in the trying moment. The same bridesmaid—now the widowed Mrs. Thompson —still well preserved, stepped briskly to the side of Mrs. Porter, as she had done fifty years before, and the picture of bait a century ago was traced again, but in graver and more sombre lines. The young people of that day were here again, but they were the old men and women of the party. Charles Porter, Esq. and his wife were there; Nicholas Cresswell, Esq., Col. John Cresswell, of Petersburg, and John Umnmil, Esq., and wife, anti a number of others Were preacnt, as they had E3CI). long ago, and thins furnished niditionul evidence of the r mar;mble character of event. The ceremonies, if they may be'called such, were of simply a social and religious chant:- ter. Mr. Milliken, a son-in-law, produced an old, time-stained copy of the Huntingdon Ga aette published in 1821, which had curiously been prezerved by some antiquarian, and read therefrom the originally published marriage notice. The entire company, accompanied by the piano, then sung the second part of the Old Psalm, which will be found beautifully appropriate. Some passages of scripture were read and suitable remarks made by Rey. T. C. Porter, son of Mr. Porter, after which was sting, "Blest be the tie that binds" and then prayer and the long metre doxology. Then came the congratulations of the friends. just as cordial and fervent and happy as of fifty years ago, except that to these were now added the salutations and greetings of the children and grand-children who delighted to honor their venerable parents on this extraor dinary occasion. Then the feast at the table, the re-union of friends long since separated, with little knots and groups here and there discussing- many ass many a ny-gone, the eye ing passed quietly away, and the occasion was made one long to be remembered. No one present could fail to be impressed with the changes of time. A retrospect of fifty years of united married life, with its numerous in cidents and 'changes, was for the honored pair alone. For others—how many a loved help mate bad long since been dropped by the way-side—how many a loved child had been followed to the grave. A rare thing is a golden wedding, and all the sons and daughters there which God gave them, save only one little lamb ! Great interest seems to have been taken, by the friends outside of the family in this uni versal event, and kind wishes and conaratula lions were received from all quarters—amongst others from lion. 11.Itoit Speer, at Wash ington, and Hon. 11. Bucher Swoope, at. Pitts burg. Valuable and appropriate presents were made by the children and others to the i.bride and groom," who in turn proved snore than generous to those who hart nvrt to houor Mr. John loiter was born in Huntingdon county, Sept. 3d, 1897, aid has resided iu that county ever since. He was for many years engaged in. the mercantile and shipping busi ness, but latterly has retired from business and contented himself with looking after his farms and coal land. He has always enjoyed a character fur intelligence, probity and worth in his county and wherever known. He has bees for fifty years a member of the Presby terian Church, and for about that period has becu Ruling. Elder in the Alexandria church. He Las been Superintendent of the Sabbath School for forty-four years, and whilst he has most generally been the delegate to Presby , tery, he has twice been commissioner to the General Assembly. He was a member of last General Assembly of the entire church: when it met at. Pittsburg, and was again a member of the re-united church at Philadel phia, 1870. Thus 1837 and 1870 are no less memorable to him than 1821 and 1871. Du ring the administration of Governor Snyder he was commissioned by him 2nd Lieutenant of Ist company of 2nd battallion of 29th regi ment of retina. Militia, and v." 11.3 afterwards made Adjutant of the regitnent. He was elected to the Legislature for the sessions of 1831-:, and though often importuned since to run for the same and other positions of honor, he has steadfastly refused. He has delighted, far many years, in giving much of his time and mesas to the church with which lie has been so long connected, and we know lie esteems it no greater honor than to be a faithful servant of the Master whom he ims long and faithfully endeavored to follow. - The children are : Rev. Thomas C. Porter, D. D., Professor in Lafayette College, Easton. Ile was married to a Mss Kunkle, sister of the late John C. Kunkle, Esq., of Harrisburg. George B. Porter, Pennsylvania Furnace, who was married to a daughter of the late John Lyon, Esq. Maj. Jim. M. Porter, who is mar ried to a daughter of Maj. W. Moore, of Al eaandria. C. Howard Porter, who is married to a dam :fitter of lion. Thad Banks, of Holt, daysburg. The daughters are Mary, wife of Sawa. Milliken, Erg., of 110111daysborg; An nie, wife of Geo. W. Lyoa, Esq., of Peansyl vania Furnace; Clara, wife of Dr. S. T. Charlton, of Harrisburg, and Ellen, wife of Aug. S. Landis, Esq., of lionidaysbnrg. There are also living eighteen grand children. Mr. and Mrs. Porter still reside in Alexan dria. All their children haze married and left the parental roof, and thus, as fifty years ego, Viey arc alone. But they are in the enjoy ment of good health, and in the posseasion all their mental faculties. And so, after a family re union perhaps never to lie ro tented, they turn from the congratulations and kind wishes of their children, their grand chil dren and friends, once more to the comforts and enjoyments of their quiet home. And who, as he stepped out on the threshold of that hospitable roof, or as the carriage roiled away from the door, would not in the fullness of his heart invoke the richest blessings of Heav en upon its honored and venerable inmates.— Hot. Standard. HANGING ON WAGONS.—A swan boy. aged three years, son of D. S. Africa, of this place, whilst hanging oa a hoary wagon, one day last week, was thrown off and ore of the wheels passed over the little fellow's breast in flicting severe bruises and perhaps more seri ous injury. This practice is very common and the only wonder is, that more accidents do not occur. Parents, why do you leave your chil dren pursue this practice? You see it almost daily, sad yet you do not train your children better or it would not be done. Do you want your children to be crippled? Certainly you do not, then see that they keep away from wagons. Widow Glass find Potty at Patton's. .March 22. tf. A : , iOST INFAMOUS SCILWITAT;ON.— The following infamous circular has been ex tensively ciren:ated all over the country, and as a specimen of impudence and criminal so licitation, it excced3 in infamy all the many e:renlar letters which the scoundre:s, who live their headquarters in New York City, have been able is concoct. We hope there are none so verdant as to yield to a solicita tion or this kind. But when we remember, that almost weekly, we hear ofa simpleton who has been '•token in" and "done for" we would not be ,urprised in bearing of ...body get ting into the clutches of the lair : Aar Sir :—While conversing with a gen tleman Irmo your locality recently, you were named a- a shrewd and reliable person, guff one likely to enter into a business the nature of which will be explained in this :ester. At ali events, he said whether you go in or not, you would keep a still tongue, and would not ex pose me. lie totd me that under no cireuni • stances must I inform you wito recommended you, and as I claim to be a Mall of honor, I will never violate a pledge. Ile who recom mended you shall never know that you took Cold of it. I have on hand and am constantly manufacturing large quantities of the bess counterfeit money ever produced in the world. The sizes are $2, $5 and $lO bills and Su cent stamps. They are printed on first , class bank note paper. The signatures are per.eet and the engraving is admirable. Not one banker in 500 can detect them. I will take a solemn oath that the bills which I send you will never be detected, unless you make your business known to persons who have no right to know it. The least amount I sell at one Hine is $509. I charge $45 in good money for a package. For a $1,005 package 1 shalt charge you $BO. For a $2,500 package I shalt charge $l9O. For a $5,000 package I shah. charge you To af f ord you to attest the matter thoroughly before you invest much money, I shall requ ire but one fourth of the 111011 ey in advance, and will wait 30 days for the re maining three-fourths. Therefore, if you pur chase a $5OO package, you must scud me 4jll 23 in ads - auce by express, and I will wait 30 days for the balance. If you desire more than $5OO of my money, all you have to do is to send me one-fourth of the price, and I will immediately forward you the stuff. When you send me any money or letters, go to the nearest railway station, ask the ex press agent for a money envelope, insert your letter with the money and see that it is prop erly directed to me. Never send any money in a registered letter, as the clerk in the regis tered letter department has a suspicion of my business. Your express agent never heard 01 me and he will have no idea of the nature 51 the business you are about to transact with use. When writing to me, always write your name very plainly, also the name of your town and county. If you can spare time come 011 and see me. Call at my private office, No. 11 Ann street, room 8, second floor. Don't make any inquiries of any person, bat come straight to the office. I will then conduct you to my manufactory, where you can select whatever quantity of the bills you desire. No person in the building k ows what business I carry on ; therefore you arc just as safe as if you were going into a theatre. Homy person suspected my business 'would not have yAt cal. Now. ' sir, if you manage this business properly you can make $20,000 in a year. You have unu sual advantages for passing the bills with per fect safety. Always ruffle them up to stake them appear slurry and old. You can pass one of my bills at every store, and, as the c'•^-ge you receive will be geouille, you will be able to clear at least $2,000 a month. Not one in ten thousand of your neighbors can distiugu Lab a genuine bill front one of mine. There- fore you are foolish for not grasping an op portunity to make money that may never oc cur again. I could name a man in your vicin • sty who made a fortune in the same way. All his neighbors wonder how he made it. Gut he keeps a still tongue. Probably you know who I mean. I deal on the “square" and if you are true to me you will never regret it. I pray you will not betray me in ease you do not go in. You will find by dealing with me that I have the best counterfeit money in the coun try' and that I deal more honorably than any other man in the business, because I deal on the "square." The reason I ask you for any cash in advance is, it will be a guarantee of good faith, and satisfy me that you really mean business. Read my terms carefully and remember them. Bear in mind that I will I I give no more credit thanl state in this letter. - One or two of my bills have already been passed on you, and you have in turn, 'sassed them on others. Therefore you should be fami iar with their appearance and quality ; of course you did rot know they were counter feits. Read the following instructions care fully. Be sure and follow theta. Then no mistake can be nettle. If you come on call at 11 Ann street, roses 8, up stairs, but if you send ne money or letter by express, direct it to sty manufactory as follows ALBERT HACKETT, 85 William store'., New York City. P. S. Let me know if yon could use Tointe co stamps, if so I can supply you on reasonable tears. A Fus, EY IVOMAN.—A few weeks ago it was our fortune to have a genuine Miss Fussey committed to cur charge, and of all the "worry" that we have gone through, in this troublesome sphere nothing in our experience bordering on the ridiculous was to us half so ridicuously ridiculous as this. We intended to leave on the eleven o'clock train. It is now half past nine ; an hour and a half till train time. Here she come, "Oh dear, Fin so worried all day. I've just been going constantly to get ready. Do you think the train will soon be here? Uh, it is so slow ! An hour and a half yet? Indeed! I thought it would be here in a couple of min utes. I think I've everything ready now. Woiider whether my trunk has gone to the station? See the porter, do, its got my name on it—he can't mistake it. What if they would mistake it? Do you-think I would ever get it again ? Oh, yes; checks, exactly! Ido wonder what I was thinking about. There ! Ain't that the whistle? Yes it to. Let's go! Only ten o'clock? Well, is it possible? Let me see ! have I got everything ? Where arc my artics ? Bless me 1 did I forget- my over shoes ? Do run and get them I The train will be here before you get back and I can't go without theta? However it will not be very cold in the train, do you think it will? Oh, yes, I can go without them 1 But here he comes with them! glad I am that I missed them in time ! I could not have gone without them! I thought I had everything. Now I guess I am ready. Pretty near time now ain't it ? Only half past ten ! Are you sure your time is right? Suppose it was teo slow and it went and left us? Yes, we would take the next train, but it is such a trouble to get reedy again. You say we will walk down? Very well, I'm ready! Let me-see! Where is my basket? Did you see my basket any where? I certaialy had it here! Didn't you See, it? Oh my here it is hanging on my arm ! Pm all through other ready now ! Where is my veil? I'm sure I put it in my bas ket before I left home! Its not in my pocket now? Oh on my bonnet! \Veil, did you ever! Such a mix as I am in I Do you think the porter took my trunk down ? I do wonder ? What if we were to go °if and leave it? Where did I put the check? Oh, you have it? But suppose the baggage -master forgot it? You think it will all be right? I do hope it will ! Is this ticket right? Are you sure it is? Tilers ! vogue is the train ! Where is my basket, my veil, my ticket? Hurry! hurry! or we will be left! Why not get iu this car ? Oh its tic mail car is it? This one then? Baggage, eh? !low provoking! What a pleasant fellow that conductor is 1 Bow kind! Such a nice mustache I Bless me ! I've lust my glove ! Oh run into the ticket office and get it for me I must have dropped it there? I ant sure I had it ! Its . too late now the train is starting 1 Wonder if the conductor would stop the train a minute if I were to ask him ? Be is so pleasant ! Oh, see here, I've got my glove ! It was in my pocket! Tickets I where is my ticket ? You gave tug one I Well what could I have cone with it! What a pleasant conductor! Who is that fine looking gentle man in front of us ! What fine whiskers I Olt, here is the ticket sticking in my glove! Such a stew as I ant in I" Anil we are sorry to say that she remained in that sort of a "stew" until the end of the trip while we were constantly in hot water. Norway Oats and Seed Barley, for sale at Henry's, [mli. 22 3t. itTUILY LIST—APRIL TRR3I. ::AND JURORS. II :loam ,ttipittliy, farmer, Ditltim illitim Africa, Ameniaker, Samuel heaver, farmer, Penn John 11. Donidilsou, lithowr, Hopewell Andrew (ilea-on, merchant, Carton Robert (liven, farmer, II ai ker 31ord litiglffigan blacksmith. Huntingdon 31.1. Harrison, tomer. t?llirley,,berec Ilutchimat, farmer, Henderson henry misc., surveyor, Clay Wm. Hardy, latairer,Jaektton Joel Isentstrg, Mistier, Cromwell Thomas Irvin, Farmer, Union ( lira:van hong, gentleman, tn. t:ngilon Jmettli Miller, farmer, Shirley James 31cl51roy, P rter liiiiiert /Jai:num. farmer, Union Alex Rantrey, homier. t‘iirtmtliel.l Alex Rouse, 'antler, 'fell John ,tonertid, carpenter, Warriorsluark .beat haul 14'ilsen. farmer, West 1:,•••:•,e limner H111,11,10:1 D. L. Wray, eke:, 1 rankl,ll henry 11 11,11, Milner, Oneida TR AVERSI JURORS—FIRST WEEK. Alex Armitage, carpenter, Huntingdon Peer Burliett, farmer. arrtorsinark Wm IMllinher. farmer, Clay IFanittel thick. larnier, 11111141101:: 'armee, fell Imniel herlisitres e, Maine, Laa, BrialaLatigh, thrift,. Cass A twain Crot her, Inn keeper, tirkisonia. Richard Cole ale, .1. Y.. ,iitrley I%to Clyinans, Eiliv.ira lrSae, I,arree AlelreW Chaney, thrmer, itarree OaltleS Clayton, farmer, Tell Jelin tarnier, It ird John M Donaldson, farmer. Lite, tin John C. Di X.Ott, cull ier, tl error.-mark Eplitaiat Doyle, cabinetmaker, leystitirg A. IC. Evans, .1. P. Cassville Isaac Enyeart, tanner, Cromwell Abram Grubb. thyme, Penn ! Imne HorAtch, Braly John Uensimore, thriner, Warriur.iimak. John (leaning, lartinn, WeAt Lathe: !Woman, tanner, Cromwell James Henderson, fanner, Ca,,itto Frank Harrison, Hinter, 311. Union David Hamilton, litriner, Adana Healer. homier, Clay A Ili-on fleeter, laborer, Stapleton Frederick daemon}, farmer, Shirley .11.1111 Ilumiltoty Citrpenter, CiAihrieet John Illitelieva, larnier, NVarriorsteark Emannal Herne:one, limner, Shirley Tit olens Jackson, laritie, Barrett Georg. , Kimlierlatia, tanner, trimmed .1, Lainlienmn, merchant, IltudimMon 11. IV. Lattiliermit, farmer, Spring ' held Munuel Lutz. farmer. Shirley lonus .1. Ililittr, lamer. Lamm Irani.; Mel 1,11. miner. Carbon •10,11 13: lay John Randolph, Lama, Jack-iii lienedict Stevens, J. 1., Springlield John A. tangier. farllle, CA, A. W. Swoope,.l. P. 3lapleton M. L tit:diner. farmer. tautly Etiwaril Thontioton, tarnier, Juniata AO!. Wlll.ll Al. coal operator, Carbon TRAVERSE .11 1101I7—SECOND Andrew Anderson. arm, porter i lam I,arket, Warriordmar% Clingty, .1. P., Alexandr!a. , &Muer, Jacki•t ,• ,1 ni111,1_11:3111., farmer, .lark,on I ,tmel t • t L'ol.l,ett, mrutcr, Lincoln 'lamest; C'rntlters, Ihrmen, ISreir Andrew Cria-ley, Inman, Ca:s Ira ian, Decker, farmer, darkc.,n Jame , lath*, ma-on, 31,eltael Eagle. farmer, Imfdln John Flenner, ,entlemaa, 1;1'1111,1"n .lam,s mer.danzt. Cannon I'. 1:11.,13. 1,111 , 111., I,:arrer Geo. IV. Wane:, farmer. Cramwell lindlard Hecli. farmer. .lin•oli II Nit. I Jacob Penn K. U..larah, coal dedler, .lehn hetterman, :antler, i4neoin 1,0,3 hno, le, Ltrinet., Porter John 31 , 111,k, Nina,. Imblin Madden, larmer, Cromwell 11. I. 3lCCdrtiiy, , , a , ent.enrn Megn:ian, .1. P., Penn barb, 3Trit 111, farmer, Penn Abra ihriver, east Penn Jao es Ithen.d. P., 'fell .1,4,11 L. Iteploulr, farm., Port, D av id 1te,1.4.1„ sh.,etnAke:, Worr,,-.171C ./14111 NV. t, 1,111116, .1 . 01 • U ar;el,, Pra•ly ADVERTS tqNO AGENC!ES.—An article written by us, a few weeks ago, upon adver tising agents, has been copied into several pa pers that have come to our notice, and we feel gr-' , ed to know that a number of our co temporaries are willing to join us in an effort to establish the independence of the country press. We have every respect for the ad , er tisin:.; agency which deals fairly and squarely, and treats us like out gentleman treats another, but we cannot be bullied into accepting what ever is offered us, and if our prices should be accepted, be sharped into doing twenty time the amount of work that would be re quired by a home advertiser. The following copied from the Carroll Couhty (Ill.) Gazette is suggested by our article, we think, and though in the interest of so af;eney, some handsome truths: "In looking over the lists is this vicinity, as made out by this firm, we very frequently see ineltnled papers of very small circulation in counties that contain other first class jour nals of good circulation. The reason of this may be that the rates of the former are so much lower, tb•it tho agents give it the prefer ence on account of the old adage t "Put money in thy purse." At the same time the circula tion may be worth nothing to advertisers, while the other paper might benefit them ma terially. We know of papers whose printed terms are as much as these of the best paper in the state, and who charge their home cus tomers these prices invariably, and at the same time will insert foreign advertisements, for advertising firms at half or quarter of these rates and allow them twenty-five per cent corn mission. No conscientious publisher will do this. He wll give his home customers cer tainly as fair a show as he will strangers. This is a mattter that must .be remedied, in fact must remedy itself. If the patrons of these agents were confined to New York and other eastern cities ; there would be no diffi-. cultj; in palming off all these papers as the best in their respective localities. But busi ness men in different parts of the country are constantly becoming the patrons of these agents, and they arc very apt to form an opinion of their lists, from the papers included. therein, that are published in their own int imcdiate neighborhood. The dependence on general patronage for success, must actually force all these advertising agents into a re vision of their lists; weed out second, third rate and no rate at all journals, and substitute only first class." ComiNo.—The approach of the Spring months brought with it the notes of busy preparation for building and improvement in all parts of our borough and suburbs. Already the masons, carpenters and other mechanics can be seen at work on dozens of new build ing,. To get a correct idea of the amount of labor of this kind in progress, it is but neces sary to ascend one of the bluffs in the rear of town, from which a distinct view can be ob tained for miles in different directions. The bright, mild weather of March has been very favorable and many who did not intend com mencing operations until later in the season are making their arrangements to begin at once. All this has been takng, place without any very positive assurance that the various improvements, such as furrmees, factories, rolling mills, he., so much talked of recently, and which are so desirable as a means of giv ing. employment to our increasing population, would ever be erected. Now, however, we know that the Penna. Canal Company has commenced a work of importance to Hunting don and one that will give a new impetus to the progressive spirit of our people. The en largement of the Canal will make this the point for the transfer of heavy freight, such as coal, lumber, ete., from railroad to canal. We obtain important information on this sub ject from the Legal Opinion of Harrisburg, which we lay before our readers '•Over 700 men are employed on the Penna. Canal between Clark's terry and Columbia (the eastern division) 200 between Clark's ferry and Rockville, 175 between Rockville and Harrisburg, 175 between Harrisburg and one mile below Middletown and 175 between that point and Columbia. This force is en gaged in deepening the channel sufficiently to admit of six feet of water (one foot in advance of the old depth), increasing the width of the bottom and strengthening the banks. Before letting the water into the canal it is the in tention to have the contemplated improve ments finished between Clark's ferry and the point below Middletown, which it is thought can be effected by the Ist of April. The ob ject of the Pennsylvania canal company is ulti mately to have cimilar improvements perfected along the entire line, but before its full' accent plishment several years will necessarily elapse." CONDITION OP THE BROAD TCP R. R. —Repairs are rapidly going forward on this road. The cid trestles are being rapidly re placed with sew ones, while at least one has been filled up so that the road is assuming a most substantial character. Under the man, agment of Superintendent John M'lCillips the road has been paying and at the same time been kept in an excellent state of repairs. Mr. M'Killips deserves great credit for his success ful management of this enterprise and we be• hove it is universally conceded to him. UNTEsai DON JOURNAL—MO Huta thgdon JOURNAL is a good paper, indeed, one of the best of our local exchange . The town of Huntingdon is situated on a first class rail road, and will, before long, be at the head of slack water navigation. The people of the town and county of Huntingdon aria an enter prising class, and need, and deserve, the en couragement and support of the local news paper. To do this properly and with enect should be the study and delight of such an enterprising and go-ahead paper as the Jove- SAL. But such is not the case. The editor of that sheet imagines lie can attend to other people's business as well, if not a little better, than to his own. He imagines himself "mon arch of all he surveys," and several counties thrown in. L . our streets are muddy, if a poor, but honest, man in Bedford county builds a hen roost at what the editor of the Ic^asaL thinks to be the wrong place, he at once makes him the subject of severe news paper criticism. What interest the people of Huntingdon can possibly have in our affairs, purely local, we cannot for a moment &Aide. But the JOURNAL seems to think otherwise. And on this rock we split. We once heard of a man in Kentucky who got immensely wealthy by—minding his ow n business. Let the editor of the Jounxat pro fit by his exaraple."—Brafford Gazette. The Bedford fellows don't like an outsider to say any thing about their "lien roost," the Poor-House. Outsiders can compliment their springs, town clock, water works, etc., etc., as much as they please and they are wonderfully tickled, puffed up, and feel their keeping, but the moment there is any allusion to their Poor ilou,e the claws of the auhnal appear in all their ugliness. This .;:s our business, howev er ; we help "to pay the piper." The local of the Gaz2ite is only mad because we give our Bedford county readers more of their local news than he does But, friend John, you can draw on our columns us much as you please. We won't complain. Do publish our article on the Poor House. To NEERAbIiA, CALIFORNIA, AND KANSAS, 'AND THE O. & M. R. R. LANDS.— ilie "Burlington Route," so called, lies right :n the path of the Star of Empire. It runs almost immediately in the center of the great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and lowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of the trans-Missouri re- The Northern gate is Omaha, where the great Pad is road will take you to the laud of ...old and grape,, sunny mountains, and per petual summer. The middle gae is Piattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, souai of the Platte river, a region unsurpassed on the continent for agriculture and grazing- Just here are the B. S; ti. Rdilroad lamb. con- corning Geo. S. Harris, the land officer at lowa, can you all informa time, and in the heart of then] is Lincoln, the :itate Capital and present terminus cf the The L,itther., gate Mails to Kansas, by eon nectioas with tine rit. Joe. (toad at 'Limburg, running direct to :tit. Joe and Kansas City. The trains of the Burlington run smoothly and safely, and make all connections. It runs the best of coaches, Pullman Palace and Pullman dining cars, and should you take the journey for the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; or take it to find a home or a farm and you cannot find either better than among the It. 5: M. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price. T EMPE:LANCE Ae rurcTmENTs—E DITOIt HuNTING DON JOURNAL-Dear &T.—Arrange ments have been made with 11. D. 3l'tdaw, of Pittsburgh, to lecture on the subject of Tem perance in this count - . Will you please publish the appointments in your paper, you will confer a favor on many of your subscribers, and give aid to a good cause. Mapleton, Wednesday March 29th. Mt. Union, Thursday Z.:Oth. Shirleysburg, Friday 4: 31St. Urbisonia, Saturday April lot. Cassvillr, Monday 3d Broad Top City lt , 'Tuesday 4th. Coalmont, Wednesday Mtr;desl,l'lrg, ThurEd7i; McConnelslown, Friday Mr. M'Gaw has been in the lecture 'field for year;. He is an able lecture, and we bespeak for him a large audience. Let the people, young and old, turn out, and we are sure they will be pleasantly and profitably entertained. All admitted free. A. IL WEIDMAN, } Dis. Dop , s. D. R. FRY, 111. C. R IL—We are pleased to learn that the extension of the above named road, from M'Kee's Gap to Martinsburg, is now a fixed fact. Chief Engineer Joe. A. Wilson has adver;ised that proposals for grading the road to Martinsburg will be received up to the 25th inst. This will be welcome news to the people of Martinsburg and vicinity, as it will give the farmers and business ma of the Cove an outlet to the world which they have long felt the need of. We had the pleasure of tak ing a ride with engineer Young and conduc tor Stroup on Saturday, over the road to Brooke's to which point it is now completed, and from the energetic manner in which the work has thus far been pushed, we may reasonable expect to ride into Martins burg behind the iron horse before the autumn leaves begin to fall. So mote it be. Haiti daysLery Standard. TUE eh D!iESUIP.—We do not wish to take up the political cudgel on any general question agitating the public ; but on matters of a local character we feel it our duty as a journalist, to say that great care shoal l char auter:ze the se!ection of our nest President Judg,e. Among the candidates brought before the public, we know of no man better qualified for the position than Kensic 0. Lovell, Esq., of Huntingdon. If piety, honesty, temperance and ability are necessary characteristics ; all those arc found in the gentleman named. Who will second the motion ? and give their in fluence in placing a worthy citizen—a good man on the bench.—Tyrone Blade. HUNTINGDON IMPROVING VERY RAU. IDLY. —Look where you will you see new build inns going up and old ones being repaired. There will be at least one hundred new build Tugs erected here this season. We ore frequent ly risked whether Huntingdon is a good place to locate and to go into business, and to all s.uch we answer, unhesitatingly, that there are few places in the State that are growing more rapidly and have better advantages than this place. If you want to establish a shop, start manufactories or play the gentleman, we kuon, of no better point than Elenting,don. 1315iINED TO THE GROUND.—The dwelling house or Donald St. George Frazier, Esq., near Saxton, Bedford county, was entire ly consumed by fire on last Thursday. The inmates of the house were sitting at the din ner table, unconscious of the presence of the devouring clement, when they were first arousod to a sense of their danger by their neighbors giving the alarm of "Fire!" The greater portion of the furniture was saved. A large New Foundland dog, belonging to Mr. Frazier, is said to have accomplished wonders in carrying out articles of value belonging to the house. The fire is supposed to have orig inated from a spark falling upon the roof from the stove-pipe. The ions is estima'ed ut $4OOO. No insurance. HUNTINGDON, %larch 27, '7l. Mr. Editor :—ln behalf of the Smith field Sabbath School, I desire hereby to tender thanks to the gentlemanly managers of the Randall texture, delivered in the Court House last week, for their donation to the saidschool, of the balance of receipts, over expenses, of the lecture, being $8.75. The additional do nation of $l.OO from the Globe editors being the same charged the managers for printing, but now handed over for the Sabbath School is also thankfuliy received, JAMBS A. BROWN, Superintendent. AN EVENING WITII THE Pit,:s.toss.— J. Prescott Eldridge, the °Prince of Elocution ists," whose wonderful histrionic genius magnificent powers of imitation, personation and complete rendering of the language of the passions, have elicited the highest laudations from the press and the strongest encomiums from John B. Gough, Edwin Forrest, Presi dents of Colleges, etc., announces that he will entertain the citizens of this place on this (Tuesday) evening, at Yenter's Hall, with a choice programme of character readings. Tickets, 25 cents; reserved scats 35 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; commencing at half past 7. INFORMATION WANTED.—Stunuel Dcrr disappeared from Reading about a month since. Ile served during the whole of the rebellion, and at the close became paralyzed in the right side and speechless, and has re mained so since. Be is about 30 years of age, is five feet seven inches in height, and has sandy hair and complexion. Any information of his whereabouts will be thankfully receiv ed by his uncle, Charles Breneiser, corner Seventh and Penn streets, and newspapers generally are requested to make a note of his disappearance. THE Sons of Temperance meet in Read's Hall, every Tuesday evening. The prospect for a large and successful division is very flattering, many of our leading citizens intend ing to unite with the division, and give it their aid and encouragement. We are glad to note this and would urge every man and woman in the town, and every boy and girl above 14 years, to join in the good cause in which all should work. We learn no meetings keep la ter than nine o'clock, NI licit is a good move to bcain a ith CHANGE or 13Asn.—Osz young friend I). E M'Murtrie, has been engaged as a sales man in the popular establishment of Hess, Rogers Sr. I:hambers, No. 411 Market street, Philadelphia, dealers in White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, &c. They also sell the prize collar, every box containing a prize of jewelry, and for every thousand boxes sold the purchaser is !riven a gold watch free. - '1 his is a first-class house, and we bespeak f, our young townsman a liberal trade from our merchant. readers. U NTINGDON AN t> RILOAD TOP RAlL uoAD—Rcport of Coal Shipped: TONS. for the week ending March 25, 1871 8,074 Same date last year 1,028 Increase for week Shipped for the year 1871 6tune date last year fuer.. for year 1871 INSTALLATIONS.—J. I. Noble, Esq., D. D. G. M., of Bedford county will instal the of ficers elect fur the term commencing on the let of April, pros. of Hopewell Lodge, 30th March; Six Mile Bun Lodge, 31st; Saxton, let April, Bloody Run, 3d April; and Bedford, 7th April, 1871, at which times and places he hopes all those concerned will meet hint TUE Huntingdon Manufacturing Com pany will offer at Public Sale, on Wednesday, April 12, 1871, their splendid two story brick Planing Mill. To persons wishing to en gage in a first class business, a rare chance is here offered. For particulars, and for descrip tive circulars, address R. Allison Miller, Hun tingdon, Pa. mar.29-2t. Net, Broom and Gill Twine, at Henry & Nos. 732 & 734, 11111 'street. [m11.15.3t. The weather has been damp for a day or two and consequently MeKiernan has made a fine sale of tobacco, cigars, pipes, tobacco pouches, &c. &c., call and see him at Broad Top corner. March Ist 21. Some folks use the Prescription yeast Pow der! Patton has it at the Depot Drug Store. 'March 22, 4t. Reliable Flower and Garden Seeds at Pat ton's. March 22, 4t. GET I'o UR NUMBERS —Amongst the great vareity of numbers being put u 2 our citizens, we see none nearer perfection than those manufactured by Levi IL Chaplin. They are gotten up in good taste, and at the same time much cheapsr than theprice asked for in ferior looking ones. Orders left at Chaplin's Barbershop will receive prompt attention, and the work will be executed in an artistic manner. Norway Oats and Seed Barley, for sale at Henry's. [mh. 22 3t. Have you tried the genuine Imported Mus tard? lib equals 2 of ordinary—at Patton's. March 22, 3t. GENUINE NORWAY OATS for sale by Glazier & Bro. Price, $1.50 per bushel. [ Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts, at reduced prices, at Henry & Co.'s. [ Gum Diapers 1,00 a square at' Henry & Co's. 4t. Drugs, Essences, Oils, etc. supplied to dealers at lowest rates, at head's, ' 410 pill street. [inh29 3t. Norway Oats and Seed Barley, for sale at Henry's. [mh. 22 3t. NUTICE.—We hereby caution everybody and all their friends to pass by the firm that offers PAPER SOLED Suocs at 20 per cent. below our prices. We sell first-class goods at fair prices and make no misrepresentation. DENRY & CO. SOMETHING NEW AT THE BAZAAR OP Fasmos.—Sirs. L. A Hamer respectfully an nounces that she is now making a specialty of cleaning and coloring ladies' and gentlemen's Kid Gloves, and white and mixed Furs. Call at the corner of Bath and MiMin streets, Hun tingdon, Pa. Fumit and after the first day of April next, the patients of R. Allison Miller, Dentist, will receive his personal' attention. Office hours from ii to 12 A. M., and from 1 to 4 r. M. FISHER & SONS will receive, during the next thirty days, their large spring stock of carpet ing, mattings, &c. They show the largest and beet selected stock is the county and sell the cheapest. March 8,6 t. PEARL DROP.—This is an excellent article for beautifying the complexion, as will he attested by those who hare tried it. Man ufactured and for sale by Mrs. L. A. Hamer. Druggists and Milliners supplied. SUBSCRIBERS to the JOURNAL who in tend changing their places of residence on or about the first or April, will notify us of the fact and corrections will be made accordingly. Broad Top corner is looking up. Everybody buys their line cut chewing and every other variety of tobacco, cigars, snuffs, &c., of Mc Kiernan. March Ist. it. ROO3lB TO LET.-A number of rooms, suita ble for offices or small families, can be had in Cunuingham's building, on Railroad street. Call at S. B. Chancy & Co.'s store. tf. All 'he notions of the people can be sup plied by the notions at KeKiernan's at Broad Top corner. A great variety on hand March Ist. 2t. Go to Orbison &. Miller's, Orbisonia, Pa., for cheap Dry Goods, Groceries and Cook Stoves. Splendid table Syrup for 00 cents per gallon. March 15.3 t Qualiies warranted 1,2, k 3, Mackerel, Lab rador, Portland and Lake Herring, at fair prices, just received two full car loads at Henry k Co's. 3t TUE best thing out Weie j as Revolving Smoothing Iron, for sale at A. R. Stewart & Co. March 8, 2-ni. C. E. McKiernan (successor of J. Lomber, son.) has the finest brands of tobacco, cigars. snuffs, kc., at Broad Top corner. March Ist, t, Dry Goods and Groceries. SMITH IN lIIS NEW 'BUILDING CALL ANL) EXAMINE. IF YOU WANT GREAT BARGAINS GO TO SMITH'S NEW STORE. The best Sugar and- Molasses, Coffee, and Tea Chocolate,Flour, Fish. Salt and Vinegar, Confec tionaries, Cigars, Tobacco, and spices of the best, and all kinds, and every other article usu ally found in a Grocery Store. Also—Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Var nishes, Oils Spts. Turpentine, Fluid, Alchohol. Glass, Putty, &c., &c. The best Wine end Bran dy for medical purposes, and all the best Patent Medicines, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. The public generally will please call and exam ine for themselves, and learn my prices. Jan. 4, '7l. GLAZIER & BRO. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Sze. SMITH Street, between Washington and Midi GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, WASHINGTON Street, near Smith. Jan. 15, '7l. GRAND DEPOT FOR NE W 'GOODS D. P. GWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JTST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. CALL AND SEE. This department is e nl tie and embraces everything in the Toy lint fro a lumping Jack to an Elephant. I ern eel To:, • c..eaper than any other house in the county, :net all I ask is a visit from the public to substan 'jute the assertion. Thanktnl to the public for the very liLern.l pat ronage extended to me in the pait. exert my best efforts to merit its continuance. Huntingdon, Jan. 4, W RAHM'S Cortv.n. tilt, Diamond. in Saxton's - Building • Jan. 4, 71 .... 2,046 65,279 .... 52,020 FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS 13,259 at the Cheap Store of BENJAMIN JACOBS, I Imre just reecired a largo stock of Ladies' ele gant Dress Goods, Gentlemens' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Sho,s, lists and Caps of all kinds, in end less variety, for ladies, gentlemen, misses and children. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, GROCERIES, Coffee, Teas of all kinds, best and common Syrups, Spices, &c. Tobacco and Segars, wholesale and These goods will be sold as cheap, if not cheaper, than any other house in town. "Quick sales and small profits," is my motto. Thankful for past patronage, I respectfully soli cit a continuance of the same. January 4, 1871. NEW STORE. Jahn Itagey has just returned from the city with a fine assortment of choice goods, consisting in part of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOOvo, NOTIONS. SHOES', GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, and a general variety of white and yellow QUEENS ARE. These goods have been carefully bought, in regu lar houses, and will be sold at reasonable prices, as he has advantages over others, his expenses being trilling. Every artical usually found in a first-class store will be kept on hand. Thankful to the publie for the very liberal pat ronage extended to him in the past, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. Store on Washington street. Jan. 4, '7l. Miscellaneous SMUCKER, BROWN & CO., AT THEIR FURNITURE WAREROOM, In Smith's Building, HUNTINGDON, PA., Have just opened an immense stock of all kinds of FURNITURE, of the latest styles and best manufacture, consist ing of PARLOR, DINING-ROOM and CHAMBER FURNITURE, MATTRESSES OF,;ALL KINDS, Cottage and Walnut Suits of all Styles. Purchasers will find the largest stock of GOOD FURNITURE ever offered in Central I'ennsylvnnia, which will be sold WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We Luy dime front manufacturers, for cash, and will sell for cash only. We can oll'er greater Lar gains than are to be had in the cities. Huntingdon, July 13, 1570.-31 n. T OWN LOTS As West Huntingdon for Sae. Buy Lots Frcni First Hands at TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS Purchasers desiring to build, can have very lib eral terms as to payments. Now is the ti ne to invest. Apply to R. ALLISON IIILLER. Jan. 1, '7l. TT ROBLEY, A • MERCHANT TAYLOR, tins removed to one door south of the Bee Hive, on Montgomery street, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business. lie has just received a full line of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and he solicits a call from the public, promising to make goods to order, in a workmanlike manner. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY PUBLIC SALE. T The undersigned offers at Private Sale his Valua ble Mill Property, situated on the Juniata river and Pennsplvania Railroad, at Union Furnace, now Morrell P. 0. In addition to the Mill, which is a new and sub stantial frame building, furnished with the best machinery, there arc Eighty-Five Acres of Land lying on both sides of the Juniata river, awl on Sinking Spring creek, embracing all the valuable and available Water l'ower In that vaeinity. Erec ted on said lands are a New louse, for miller's residence, and a Large Bank Barn. This property is in every• respect in good condi tion and being located in the midst of a rich agri cultural community, having easy communication up sod down the Juniata, with Canoe Valley, and with all points by railroad, Is one of the most de sirable properties of the kind in the State. My attorneys, I'. M. k M. S. Lytle, will give further information to persons desiring to purchase. Apply to them or to myself on the premises. J. A. UAGERTY, 310,re1l P. 0., Penn, Jan. 4,71 3m.. Groceries,-Notion!;, &o. B EE HIV' El! 1111,4!! QUICK SALES' AND THE MOTTO OF THE BEE HIVE GROCERY Mont,pmery near the Broad Tr.? Dern', 11 UNTIN PENN'A. . S. SMITII. N. B. C it B IN• &as just returned from the East with a large and varied assortment of artier,' usually found in a first-class Grocery, consisting in part of SUGARS, TEA, COFFEE, IfOLASSSE.S, CRACKERS, CANDIES, FRUITS, TOBACCO and everytbin else to be found in an oatablish mein of this hind. SPICES of all kinds, pure and fresh, such as Cinnamon, 31usta, and all other articles usually kept iu s test-elasa establishment. B'A h F. 11.: Y. - :Icon:dim: to carry on my Bakery. and ain at all times prepared to supply .)ICE 1 , , A h SA , scasonabh) pricxs. The following Fancy Cakes I rays on hand or baked to order: Pound Cake, Fruit Marble '• Parties supplied with confections at short notice Family flour, of superit and for sale as cheap as tl CANDY 311i\ UFACTORY. In connection with my other business I have commenced the manufacture of Candies, and am prepared to supply country dea!ers with beds FANCY and COMMON at as low rags as they con be purchased outside of the Eastern Cities. If you want to save money, Make your purchases at this establishment. TOYS!! TOYS!! D. P. GIVIN. CONFECTIOXEirf AND ii 1.10:1:11`; ST94E, (One d.or of .I,Blai Cann inghaw . e,) IS now SiOCk.l With a choice assortment of al kinds or goods trally found in a store of this kind, eons:sting ui SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, PEPPER, SALT, AC. together with an endless variety of CANDIES, TOTS, JE lIELII A , 0 TIOAA Itc. all of which will Le sold as cheap as at any other store in Minting:4.n. A choice brand of Tobacco and Segars always so hand. Par, Cider Vinegar On howl at ail times. I respectfully ask a share of public patronage, feeling confident that my prices wiil Le satis!ae tory. Jan. 4, '7l HEADQUARTERS FOR CHOICE GROCERIES, CANDIES, TOYS, CAN- NED FRUITS, &C., D. S. AP_ Ms stock consists of all kinds of Groderies, Teas, Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits, Cider Vinegar, Common and Fancy Soaps, Hair Oil, Perfemery, Pen Knives, Pocket Books, ae. Call and exam— ine his stuck. Don't forget the place. North-ca,t corner of the Diamond, Ituntingdon, Pa. J.. 4, '7l. Pianos and Music. SIXTY -FIFE FIRST PRIZE MET ALS AWARDED THE GREA BALTIMORE PIA-NO WILLIAM KNABE &CO., MANUFACTURERS, OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTI3IORE, MD The.° Instruments hale b.. before the public for nearly Thirty years. and upon their exeellesee alone attained an unpurehamd 'imminence, wliiel pronounce. them unequalled. Their combines great power, sweet., aril Ene singing quality, as well as great purity or Intonation, and sweetness throw "out the entire scale. Their aupplient and thistle, and rcntircly free from 'fie stinflCP. founkin so many Pianos.. IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequalled, using none hat the very lest seasoned material, the large capital employed in our business enabling us to keep 'eentlnually an immense stock of lumber, on band. ; All our Sckuare Pianos have our New Improved Orerstrung Scale and the Agriee We would call special attention to our late itt ` in Tirane n. 03 Gradds Patented August 11, 1,166, which brants--41.."...vir nearer.perfection than bas yet been attained. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTER FOR; We have made arrangements for the Solo irkele sa!e Agency for the most Celebrated PARLOR ORGANS AN 3TRLODT.ANS: - which we of:--- Wholesale and Retail, at Loatest Factory Pe WILLIAM KA - AXE # CO. • JAMES BELLA X, Wholezale Depot, 279 k 281 SGtith Std stmt, P.HILADELPHIA. Sept. 21, I.Sn-ern. MUSIC STORE. You can save from ten to thirty percent. by buy ing your Instruments from OVERCOATINCS, E. J. GREENE, STEINWAY & CHICKERINU & SONS', THE UNTOVIANO:FOitTt CO., THE WEBER, RAVEN & BACON'S. GEO. M. GOULD & CO.'S, CONRAD MEYERS' AND ALL OTHER MAKES OF PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S - and Geo. Weeds it Co.'s celebrated Orgaas, and any other make desired. Also, Melodeons, Guitars„ Violins Berman Accordeons, Sheer liege, Natio Books, New and good Pianos for Mt and npwards. " five-octave Organs for SO " • " Melodeons for 70 " .• All Instrainents warranted fer five yeari. Agents supplied at wholesale Rates, as law as in the cities. Cull on, or address, E. J. GREENE, Huntingdon Pa., 2nd floor of Leister's new bnildirti6 January 4, 1871. ...,:: SMALL PROFITS IS - CHEESE, SEGARS, Cloves, Peppers, Giriger, Lady Cake, Citron " Sponge all kind" of cake. and iur brand, always on hand, the cheapest. T W. K. RIIOU. IS AT D. S. AFRICA. MANUFACTORY. TONE TOTTFI FIVE YE-UtS. Dealer in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers