The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, March 29, 1871, Image 1

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    VOL. 46
e Huntingdon Journal
tae Corner ctf Rog. Ma 11:141i high
.i. R. Drnponnow 'and J. A. NAszi.
r the firm maul, of J. IL Drnnonnow 3: Co.. at
per annan!. Anv ; tscm 0r , i , 2.50 if not paid
6ix month , from da:e suhieription, amt
not lucid within tho year.
rarer cliieontintml, unit, at the ortlon of
üblisher, until all arrearages ar, paid.
IVERTISEMENTS will he inserted 40it TON
per line for each of the Grit:, four insertions
. I%t. CENTS pc: line for each subsequent inset.
than three month,
:War monthly and yearly ativertisements will
erted at the - following rates
4 00'5 0 6 00 , 4r,d 00l'18 00!.$ 27 $36
600:: 0110 00 12 001 2 ' :24 00,'36 10i tO: 65
6 00:10 00 14 00,15 i 34 03,'60 OUI 65' 80
8 03;1800 2.) 00.24 00! 1 I
e-. 1 CO n9' 69 00 8O 100
vial notices will be inserted att TWELVE AND
.r cr.,crs per line. and local nn4 editorial no
at FIFTEEO CENTS per line.
Resolutions of A.ociotions. Communication,
!al owl oth, notices will he ehar,;:il to the
havinA th,ln insertA
cerlising Ag
le of th.
,nts must And Ihei;
l'olor, done with neatness and dispatch.-
301, Itlan!is. Card, Pamphlet?, tc.. of every
y and style. printed at the shortest notice,
:ere thin,., in the Printing line will he exec:,
the most artistic maaner anti at the loweq
Travellers' Guide
Winter Arrangement.
X. ' N.
, , ;!
.. 12 14
12'23 7 ii! C
•- !I:
~.~ C'r
... 1 4 ,
Fart L7r,
rives at linntinTion at 1
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. x., and arrive• r.t
tic Exprc, iia•dward, leant , .
11-KACR Ilitatinolona
innati Expre, Westward.
and arrive= at Altoona at 4 ZO A.:7.
hot Lim Wettward. mare. iltintiag,t,
Ind arrives at Altuena at 8 P. M
— leave;
at; 05
tltoona at 7 15
Winter Arrangement.
um, after Wednesday. Nor. 21.1. Ino,
will arrice and depart 1/3 fuilOWS :
A. 31.1 P. M.
g Sal' An 4 10
S •2B' 402
613; 340
.1. A. M.
LE 9 00 nuatingll,o3.
9 0 , Long Siding
42 9 21 51c1:099E4144w°
49' 930 Plea.ant
09 942 Markle..mrg
Is 10 00 C.ffeo nun
4. 10 OS Rough awl Ready
40 10 '23 Cove
4 , 10 f. 7 Fishers Sulam:
05 10 .13 c az .
10 10 .50.-
11 IG llopewell.
11 56 Tats
12 OS!Blocsly gun....
jss.l2 12;Monnt Dallas.
is G4. , AR 2 On
la is 10 skSaxton,
11 10 17011.1.
11 15. Craws
T. , 6I; LE 1 eo
113mmdZm_city .
JofiN 31'iiILLIi S,. S C PT.
22. 1870.
Professional Cards
'ILES ZENTMYER, Attorney-at,
ALLEN LOVELL, Attorney-at.
•• Law, liantEngdwt. Pa. lzitcelal attentito
to C0m...1105% of all kiwis; to the settle
of Estates. A.e.; and all other Legal Businee
cute,' with folvlity awl dispatch.
Offiee in room lately occupied hr MI:01
Esq. [jau.4,'7l.
W. Y TON . Attorney-at-Law, I.lun.
tingdon, Pa. Office with J. Sewell Stewart,
pan. 4,11.
BALL MUSSER. Attorney-at-La
Huntingdon. Ps. °flit, se•con.l n‘.nr
w's new handing, Hill Ljan.l,'7l
P. W. JOHNSTON, Surveyor
• and Scrivener, Huntingdon, Pa. All kinds
drartin,;, donent short notice.
Wood, S;
[marl ^,'69.
M. & M. S. LYTLE, Attorneys
nt-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will attend to
ttrusted to their care.
Inn street, fourth do
SYLVANITS BL AIR, Attorney-at-
Law, Ilantinplop. 1.. Otiki., rtreet,
doors w-st , Smith. [inn. l'7].
A. I'OLLOCK, Surveyor and :Real
Estate Agent, Huntingdon, Pa.. will attend
,eying in nll its branches. Will also buy,
rent Farms. Houses, and Real Estate of ov
al, in any part of the United States. Send
i min r. pan.4'7l.
R. •J. A. BEAVER, having located
at Franklinvillc, offers his professional err
to fat, community. Lian.l,7l.
W. MATTERN, Attorney-at-Law
• a.' General Claim Agent, Huntingdon. Pa..
Bets' claims against the Government for back
, bounty, widows' and invalid pensions attend
., with great care and promptness.
ace on Hill street.
torneys-at-Law. Huntingdon. Pa. Pensions.
all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs against
Government will be promptly prosecuted.
flice on Hill streeL fjan.4,7l.
IR. D. P. MILLER, Office on Hill
street, in the room formerly occupied by
.Tohn M'Cullocb, Huntingdon. Pa., would res
tfully offer Lis professional services to the cal
= of Huntingdon and vicinity. [jan.l:7l.
I'ATTON, Drug gist and Apoth
• teary, opposite the Exchange Hotel, Hun
;don, Pa. Pre: riptions accurately compounded.
, Liquors fur Medicinal purposes. [n0v.23,'70.
R. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his
to the community.
one door cart .4 I
Dt11.1,'7 I.
profe,sional yen ic.
•ffice . Washingt9n at
J. GREENE, Dentist. Office re
l• more:! to Leister'F new building, Hill street
,linglon. Ljan.4,"7l.
ALLISON MILLER, ~;entist, has
L• remove., to the Brick now, opposite the
,rt House. Dan.4;7l.
iXCHANGE HOTEL, Huntingdon,
I Pa. .1011 N S. MILLET, Proprietor.
R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at
• Law. Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the
prat Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular
•ntion given to the settlement of estates of deco-
, thee in the JOI - R!,L Building. .[feb.l,7l.
4 r;
0.; 1
71 , -f
s7f .
—_L -
„.,,n in on Journat
Office corner of Washington and Bath Sts.
_ ~?
4 57 9 07
4 4 9 ou
4• • V
:; ;•
1 05
ILE I 00
$2.00 per annum in advance. $2.50
within six months. $)3.00 if not
paid within the year.
Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job
Printing superior to any other establish
ment in the county. Orders by mail
promptly filled. All letters should be ad
Legal Advertisements.
JohnCahan's Errs. vs. A. P. Wilson.
(:co. C. Hamilton vs. David rouse.
W. W. and D. C. Entri-
ken V, James Entriken.
Same vs. Wm. S. Entriken.
Andrew Johnson vs. Powelton C. and I. Co.
Ann Cook et al vs. Ge 01.., ,Year:.
Wharton A Maguire vs. E. A. tireen Co.
Same vs. Richard Langdon.
John P. Zimmerman vs. Martin Walker.
McDonald A. , Co. vs. Nicholas Lewis.
John .M . Kelvy and wife VP. E. C. RObiIISGII. et. al,
P. S. Brackenridge :vs. I). C. Salsburg.
11. C. Lockhart et. al. vs. ,Janes Bricker.
D. li. and B. 11. Good vs. W. A. Orbison, et. at.
S. A. Hughes & Bro. VP. E. A. Greene Co.
Hannah Rudy vs. D. R. P. Neely.
S. R. Douglas. holder vs. H. S. Wharton.
Henry k Co. vs. Wm. Hatfield.
Johnston Moore's Ears vs. James P. Moore. gar.
Wm. A. M yer
Lazarus It yer
August Kohler vs. John E. Si
Aaron Beightal. vs. Reuben DI
Jacob Hoffman vs. John Bare
.Toi n.
Martin S Peterson vs. Post Coplin.
William Miller vs. William M'Clure.
M. M. M'NEAt
Prothoaatory's Office, Mar. 15. Prot
hereby given. to all per,ons interested, that
the following named persons have settled their ac
counts in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon, and
that the said a:mounts will be presented for con
firmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court, to
be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of
Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 12th day of
April, neat, (1871.) to wit:
1. Administration account of Jacob Shay, one
of the Executors of Jacob Detwiler, late of Brady
township. deceased.
2. Final administration account of David P.
Owin, administrator of Hon. James (l win, late of
Huntingdon borough, deceased,....
Administration account of Hiram Shadle, ad.
ministrator of Mary Shaine, late of Brady tp., do.
d. Account of Dr. Wra. P. 31'\itc, administrator
of Catharine Rutter, late or Shirley tp., ulcerated
5. Administration account of Theo. H. Cremer,
Esq., administrator of Wet. W. Hildebrand, late o.
Huntingdon Born. deceased.
0. Final account of Peter Varnish, adn:inistra•
torof Jacob Harnish, Into of Morris tp., deceased
S. Administration account of WmAlutschall, lix.
township, deeeascd.
8. First and par;
and John B. Peters
terson, Into of Shirl 4
9. Administration mi . ,
ministrator of Jos. nut
la. Trust acemmt of S,
Trustee to sell the Real
htt,or Cass tp.,
11. Administralioa ttee,unt tiVmamm
surviving administrator of Curfman,
13. Admistration account of Abraham Grubb
Executor of Andrew Fruker, late of Walker town
ship. deceas,l.
' • ' • • ' " '
Dirt atiminisftation and trust account of I;
D. Armitage, Etl., administrator, with the will an.
nexcd or Joint Armitage, late of iluntingdon lore
,eerie, execato, of •
irs• Bark iloccasod.
21. Administration account pi
utor of Alexantlor Duffield, tats
2. Administration
eoln tp.. deceased,
ti. Administration
,viri.,rat, •
Administration a,
We,t act:
32 Atlininistration aceoun.
awl David I'. Pheasant, exe
late of Union town:Alit}, glee,
. .
Athnini,traticu act,c,zl:l
Samuel Ptightni, administrat ,
late of Wa!lter township,- der
REGISTEn . S Ocetco. )
Ilantiuttdon, March 13.
"VOTIOE is hereby given to ail per
interested that the following Inventori
the goods and ChilttiCS set elntrt 19 widows. I
the provisions of the Act of l Ith o'," April,
1851, have been filed in the °Mee or the Cie
the Orphans' Court of Ilinitiug:l, , n (own:v . ,
will be presented o ur "a pit e vnl t'ourt
Wednesday, April 1:!th. 1,;-1
Invent ,
property. 1.11,,
John , ••• • ,•
property. toi.on I,y
Mill, 'ale of
Inventory and appraistno
property, taken by I
Smith, late of Maplet
Inventory and apnrai,,ment of the p
property, taken by .tlnrgorel horning, widor
I,real Horning ' ' - '
Inventory n n
property, taken
Chriet ian
Inrcntory an.l apin,i,e:ent
property, Wan I.y Elizabeth .Y.,(
Win. rileCarthy. late of Brady fp..
Inventory and apprai,enn,“ of tar person:
property, taken 1.3 - t•usan Stryker, widow of Mal
lon T. Stryker, late of West township, ,:coca: cal.
Inventory nod appraisemeut of the person:
properly, taken by Saran Walker. widow of Hem
C. Walker. tar of . Alexandria Lore., eieeeaied.
Inveutory and appraiseotent of the person;
property, taken Jane Peightal, widow of San
uel Peightal, late of Oneida tp.. tieee,e•l.
Inventory and appraisement of the personal
property, taken by Martha C. Weston, widow of
John Weston, !ate of Mapleton hero, deceased.
Inventory and appratseroent of the personal
property, taken by Ally Clark, widow of Amos
Clark, late Tod tp., deceased.
Inventory and appraise meat of the personal
property, taken by diary Green, widow of George
Green, late of Oneida township, deceased.
Clk Orphans' Court.
Huntingdon, Pa., March 15.
Notice is hereby given that Wm. P. Ram
sey and Eliza S., his wire, of Dublin township,
Huntingdon county, Pa., by deed of voluntary as
signment, dated February 9, 1871. have assigned
all the estate real and personal of the said Wm. I'.
Ramsey, (except so touch thereof as is by the laws
of Pennsylvania, exempt front execution.) to John
S. Nimmon and A. A. Skinner, of Franklin county,
in trust, for the benefit of the creditors of the said
Wm. P. Ramsey. All persons therefore indebted
to the said Wm. I'. Ramsey will make payment to
said Assignees, and those having claims will make
known to the same without delay.
Fannetsburg, Franklin county, Pa.
Feb. 22.'71.-Gt.
No matter how well the track is laid,
No matter how strong the engine is made,
When you find it running on the downward
Put down the brakes !
If the demon of drink has entered the soul,
And his power is getting beyond your control,
And dragging you on to a terrible goal,
Remember the adage, "Don't trifle with fire,"
Temptation you know is always a lair;
If you want to crush out the burning desire,
Are you runing in debt by living too fast?
Do you look back with shame on a profitless
And feel that your ruin is coming at last?
v., David Fousr.
vs. Bias A; WOl
Whether for knowledge, for honor or gain,
Your fast wearing out your body and brain,
'Till nature no longer can bear the strain,
v. P. R. It.
The human is weak, since old Adam's fall,
Beware how you yield to appetite's call,
"Be temperate in all tb;ngs," was practiced by
Put down the brakes!
Ali, a terrible thing is human life
Its track with many a danger is rife;
Do you seek for the victor's crown in the
Put down the brains !
"Really, Minnie, I do wish you would
try to be a little more sociable; you are so
quiet that every one remarks upon it. Peo
ple will soon really believe that you are
unhappy—that I abuse you perhaps."
And George Marshall frowned as he
spoke these words to his young wife.
"What nonsense, George ! I was always
"I am sure you are always lively and
full of fun when we spend a quiet evening
at your mother's or cvhen we remain at
home ; that is to say, if we have no visi
"Because I am happy then."
laid her head upon his shoulder.
know I never did care to go out.
al aecou
enjoy all these balls and Parties."
"flon't, Minnie, it is undiguified." And
he pushed her away. "I should like to
know what you do enjoy. You must not
allow these inerbid and „loamy feelings to
grow upon you. It will sour and embitter
our lives."
"I do not think it is just to call me
morbid or gloomy, or any one who can
take such real comfort, such perfect hap
piness in her home, in the company of her
husband. I have always heard it was the
sign of a healthy mind."
"Well, I repeat, when I take you out, I
should like to see you try to make your
: elf mrseeable, and not go off in a corner.
Look at 'lrs. Winsount Why can't you
be a little more like her ? She always
looks bright and happy. In fact, she is
the life of the company."
"I will beg to remind you that it is well
known Mrs:Winsome keeps her smiles,
and all that gayety which charms you-so,
for the world. At house she is die-away
and ill-tempered. L'ut I supposeyou would
appreciate a wife like that."
:ccec-~ : t.
'W. w. Ea
"There is moderation in es. erything. I
certainly do not appreciate one who acts
as though she had not got two ideas in her
head. With all Mrs. Winsome's faults,
her husband has no reason to be ashamed
of lam."
Mordecai 1;.
I,lt, T
"Am I to understand from that, you are
ashamed of me ?" And Minnie's face
flushed crimson.
"Well, I must confess, it is not very
gratifying to know my friends think I
have married little better than an idiot,
and what makes ice more angry is the
knowledge that you are iu every way su
perior to her, if you would only try to
make yourself agreeable. Another thing
is rather annoying—to see Mrs. Winsome
always dressed so handsomely—always in
the latest style, while you have worn that
one deem at least half a dozen times; and
yet• I know that. her husband does not
make as much money as I do. The fact
is, she is a good manager."
"If I am so stupid, it is a pity you mar
ried me. I wish I was home with mam
ma 1"
of George Eby
A:1.! It
Pt int t
It L. II
of ,orge Ifollinan, late
talon Wright,
Isant, late of
, F. Campbell
of Leri
Tiprry, cx
-1: fp, deceased.
mite) 11. Grove,
And Minnie could restrain herself no
longer. She covered her face with her
bands, and cried as though her heart was
George fe:t that he had Leen unkind,
and putting his arm around her, he tried
to soothe her ; but his words had made too
deep an impression on Minnie's sensative
nature to be soon forgotten. She did not
tell him, us many would, to go away ; hut
she did not return his fond caresses.
The truth was. although George Mar
shall loved his wife fondly, he was to gay
and thoughtless to fully appreciate her
virtues. - He like many others, labored
under the delusion that we were placed in
this sorld tor the express purpose of en
joying ourselves, and believed in doing
so to the fuilest extent, while he was still
yuung. l;sing a areat favorite, there was
rarely au evening butwhat he had an in
vitation for himself and wife to either a, or some amusement. This kind
of life he enjoyed. He thought one quiet
creabaj a week, passed at home was enough.
Minnie took a very different view of
things. She thought pleasure in modera
tion was decidedly good; but her idea was
one evening a week for excitement, and
the others spent quietly at home. She
thought it was really wicked, at least for
persons in their eireumstances, to carry it
to a greater excess, and not only a waste
of time, but an utter disregard of health ;
besides, she felt they could not afford it ;
and she had made up her mind, if possible,
to awaken her husband to the fact ere it
was too late, for she saw the love of ex
citement. was growing upon him..
the oil
WidOW of Inv.
of Iltrree tai
gist Puoto' gowtx.
Put Down the Brakes.
Put down the brakes !
Put down the brakes I
Put down the brakes.
Put down the brakes !
The next morning shewas cold and in
different, although she saw lie was rather
irritable, she took no notice whatever of it.
When he arose from the table to go, she
took up a paper and began to read.
In a moment he returned with his hat
and coat on, ready to start. He was an
noyed at her strange conduct. He bad
been accustomed to have her stand by his
side every morning and kiss hiui half a
dozen times before he went. This new
freak was anything but pleasant, and he
could not understand it; so he said, in
rather a sharp tone :
"Well, how much longer am I to ,be
kept waiting this morning ?"
"Why, I am not detaining you, George."
"Don't you intend kissing ma goodby,
then ?"
"I have no objections; but I really do
not think Mrs. Winsome wastes her kisses
upon her husband."
He felt the rebuke, and did not answer ;
but stooping, kissed her. She returned it,
though not in her usual way. This was
not lost upon her husband ; buthe thought
it best to take no notice, hoping the cloud
would pass away before dinner-time.
When he had gone, the affectionate lit
tle wife arose, and clasping her her hands
tightly together, exclaimed :
— "Oh, dear, it 'was hard to let him go
with that one cold kiss; but still he did
deserve it. I must teach him a lesson,
and one he will not forget, for our future
happiness is at stake." _ _
Minnie then went up stairs and took the
baby from the girl ; it was as much as she
could do to keep from having a good fit of
crying; but she made up her mind to be
brave, so she pressed her little darling to
her heart, and tiled to forget by rattling
all sorts of baby talk, as all fond mothers
She dressed the baby, then herself, and
leaving word with Mary to have dinner at
the usual time, and to tell Mr. Mashall she
should not be home until evening.
It is hardly necessary to say that Mr.
Marshall was astonished when the message
was delivered, and scarcely worth saying
that he was decidedly angry; still, he was
determined she should not know it. Ile
would appear to take it as a matter of
So, when he returned in the evening,
he tried to act as usual, but it was not as
easy as he supposed; and Minnie, who un
derstood human nature well, and could
read her husband like a book, saw plainly
that he was anything but pleased.
As for Minnie, she was too busy to greet
him with her usual kiss, and when he sat
down and rested his hands, instead of go
ing and putting her arms aroand his neck,
and, with loving words, frightening the
ugly blues away, she merely said :
"Come, George, supper is ready. and we
must hurry, for I promised Mrs. Winsome
we would go to the theatre to-night "
Mißie could scarcely help laughing at
the look of astonishment which her hus
band gave her. Then he said :
"Indeed ! You seem to be improving."
"I am. I have been taking a few les
sons from your charming friend, Mrs. Win
some. She is a delightful companion. I
knew you would be delighted to go with
her thisevening."
And she
"Well, to tell the truth, I feel rather
tired to-night; but as you promised I will
I never
"Oh, no! don't go on my account. If
you feel tired, you had better remain at
home. Mrs. Winsome said if you did not
care going, I could go with - her."
You might have knocked him over with
a feather at that speech from the lips of
his loving Minnie. It is needless to say
he went.
She dressed herself with the greatest
care, and looked as pretty as a picture,
Just as they are ready, Mr. and Mrs.
Winsome came, and before he knew what
he was about, he found Mrs. Winsome
waiting for him to offer her his arm. Min
nie and Mr. Winsome had gone off to
At one time he would have been pleas
ed, but now he was actually annoyed, and
before he arrived at the theater he was
disgusted at the frivolous tone of Mrs.
Wins:an e's conversation.
It was a difficult part of our tender-heart
ed little heroine; neverthelss, she played
it well. She was not very strong, and,
therefore, it was no wonder she felt tired
after spending the two last evenings out.
At one time she would have got up to see
her dear George off, no matter how tired
she felt, but now, as she was takinc , the
character of Mrs. Winsome, she thought
she would play it thoroughly; so she told
her husband she felt tired, and therefore
would not get up yet—that Mary would
attend to him. Then she added:
4 •You know that Mrs. Winsome never
gets up until about ten. She thinks it is
nonsense to see her husband off; she says
they do not appreciate it, and I think she
is right."
So saying. Minnie turned over, as though
to take another snooze.
Mr. Marshall did not like this indiffer
ence at all; but as he had so often said he
wished she was a little more like the
charming Mrs. Winsome, what could he
say? He was obliged to swallow the mor
tification and his breakfast in silence.
No sooner had he gone, than Minnie
jumped up and hurried, so as to make up
for lost time. All the morning she was
as busy as a little bee ; but as the time
drew near for her husband to come home,
she took a novel, and began to read. This
was another surprise for our friend George
Marshall; but he was still silent.
Just as he was going out again, Minnie
called him back.
"George, I want to f. c e you about some
thing very important."
His heart was up in his throat. He
hoped she wanted a goodby kiss, and per
haps, to lay her bead upon his breast, and
ask him to call her his loving little wife
again. •
"Well," he said, in a flattering voice.
"I wanted to remind you to be home
early to-night; for I have made up my
mind to go to that surprise party."
"But, my dcar, it is a fancy dress."
'I am well aware of that, and, what is
more, well prepared; for I went with Mrs.
Winsome yesterday, and selected my
Minnie did look lovely as the pretty
flower-girl, and when she came into the
room where her husband was waiting, and
looked up saucily into his face, and said,
"Buy some flowers sir ?" be could not help
giving her a kiss.
But still he wished she was his affec
tionate little wife again, and, and he was
just going to tell her so, when she very
coldly said :
"lie careful! There, that will do; you
will disarrange my hair."
It was evident there were many others
beside her husband who admired herthat eve
ning, by the undivided attention she re
ceived; in fact, she was so continually sur
rounded, that at last Mr. Marshall was
obliged to acknowledge to himself that he
felt actually jealous; and the best part of
the joke was, that Minnie, though appar
ently unconscious of her husband's pres
ence, was nevertheless watching him nar
rowly; therefore, the fact was not lost
upon her.
It would be impossible to tell the many
things Minnie did, and the many surprises
our poor friend Marshall had.
One evening, when lie returned home,
he found her lying upon the sofa, and
naturally asked what was the matter.
"Oh, I am half dead, I am so tired ! Mrs.
Winsome and I have been out shopping
all day, and oh, George,l have bought the
most lovely new silk dresses, and hat, and
cloak, and ribbons, and laces !"
"But, my dear, where did you get the
money from ?"
"Why, told them to send the bill in to
you—that is the way Mrs. Winsome does.
They are all in the latest style too—so
superb !"
"Dash that woman !" thought Mr. Mar
shall; and turned upon his heel, not in the
best humor possible.
Minnie did not look as neat and tidy as
she used to do; but after supper she went
up to dress, and when he asked her why
she dressed then, she said:
"As we are not going out this evening,
I thought I would get Mr. and Mrs. Win
some to come up, it is so dull and stupid
alone; anything to kill time, you know."
This was too much—they hadn't spent a
quiet evening together for so long, that he
would have given the world for a few
of those hours when she sat upon her little
stool at his feet, and her head upon his
knee. Alas, could this be his Minnie!
So changed—he sighed at the thought.
The next morning he put on a clean
shirt, and found there was no button on
the neck; he took another, there was one
off the wrist.
"Why, my dear, how is this? There
are no buttons on my shirts; it is the first
time sudi a thing has happened since our
"There, now George, do notbe unreason
able; I can't do everything; I have no
time to see to your shirts. I shall be
obliged to have a seamstress to help me."
When our hero went to the drawer for
a clean pair of socks, he found about half
a dozen pairs with large holes in. Almost
exasperated, he exclaimed:
"Really, Minnie, this is going a little
too far. There was a time when you was
not above mending my clothes; then you
thought it a pleasure."
"Yes, that was when I was foolish. Mrs.
Winsome never mends her husband's
clothes; she says it not a wife's place."
“I wish you would never mention that
woman's name in my presence. I hate
and despise her !"
And George Marshall ground his teeth
in rage.
'limes have changed. You were once
one of the loudest in her praise:"
"For heaven's sake don't remind me of
the time when I was a fool !"
"And don't you remember when you
wished I was like her? I think I have
been a very apt scholar, George,—don't
you ?'..
little too apt to please me."
And with something like an oath, George
Marshall left the room.
Minnie buried her head under the bed
clothes to keeping from laughing.
Marshall did not feel very happy all
day; he could not help thinking of the
great. change in his with, and he felt he
bad himself to thank for it. When she
had been as good and affectionate as it
was possible to be, he had not appreciated
her—in fact, had only found fault. Now
he would have given the world for some
of those loving kisses and fond caresses
which at one time she lavished upon him;
now she never condescended to give one.
Ile returned in the evening, weary and
low spirited. He longed for her sympa
thy, for a quiet evening with her, and he
made up his mind lie would remain at
home and enjoy one for the first time since
that fatal quarrel; but, alas! the first
words that greeted his ears were:
"Oh, Georr , e, we shall not be obliged
to mope at home this evening, after all;
for I have bought two tickets for a con
Pcor fellow, he was so disappointed he
could not answer.
"You do not seem over-pleased."
"No, I do not care about going out this
evening. Ido not feel well enough.
"That is provoking! but I suppose you
will go to bed early, and I can go with
Mr. and Mrs. Winsome. I would not
have you go out on my account."
"Marshall did not say anything, for he
hoped Minnie would change her mind;
but he was mistaken, for after tea she went
up to dress, and when they called for her,
she merely came in and told him she was
sorry he could not go, started off in thebest
of spirits.
Then it was George Marshall felt the
treasure he had lost; how weary, how
lonely, how miserable he was! He could
have cried, as he thought how he had
taught her to love pleasure and frivolity,
and now—oh, what would he not give
to have his quiet little Minnie back! He
was depressed in spirits, so sick at heart,
that he laid his head upon his hands and
sobbed aloud.
"Oh, Minnie forgive me—love me once
A gentle hand smoothed his hair back,
and a fond kiss was pressed upon his
brow. He raised his head, and there
stood Minnie, with the old loving smile
upon her face.
"Minnie, my own darling, do you still
love me !"And he clasped her in his arms.
_ _ . .
But she drew back, and in a cold tone
that chilled him, said:
. .. .
"Stop, stop; this is going a little too
far—it is undignified ! Mrs. Winsome
would not allow it."
_ _ _
"For God's sake, Minnie, trifle with me
no longer, unless you wish to break my
heart ! Oh, darlin g , if yon knew how I
have suffered, you would forgive me—you
would feel you had your revenge.
Can't you forget and forgive, darling, and
be once more the loving little wife you
were ?"
And he looked up so imploringly at her,
that Minnie's heart could withstand it no
longer, and she threw herself into her
husband's arms.
"Oh, George ! do you really love your
silly little Minnie best ?"
"You were not silly, darling. I was the
foolish one, not to appreciate your virtues,l
was blind, but I am wiser now, and love
you ten thousand times more. Only say
that you will forgive me Minnie !"
"I do forgive you with all my heart,
dearest; but tell me where are you the
happiest—at a ball, a party, theatre or
opera ?"
- -
"Ah, Minnie, I have found the truth of
what you have so often said—real happi
ness is only found at home !"
"Then you will not be angry, if I do
say I do not enjoy parties, and want to
stay at home with you—will George ?"
"Angry, darling ? No; you have taught
me a lesson I shall never forget ! Be once
more my loving wife, and I shall never
want to leave our home."
"And will you promise never to ask me
to take lessons from Mrs. Winsome again ?"
And Minnie looked up with a mischievous
smile. _ _ _
"Oh, Minnie, if you knew how I des
pise that woman; and how I hate myself
for ever insulting my dear, good little
wife, by ask her to be more like herself !
How could I ever be such a blind fool ?
But thanks to you, my eyes are at last
open !" And George drew her closer to him.
George had never felt happier than at
that moment, as he looked down upon that
sweet face, and saw those pretty blue eyes
beaming so full of love.
He kept his word ; from that time they
passed their evenings at home. He often
told Minnie he had never known before
what real happiness was; and he never
ceased to thank her for having played her
part so well.
Five years have passed, and it would be
hard to find a happier family. George's
Marshall's chief delight is in the company
of his dear Minnie, and sporting with the
three little rosy-checked children who
make up their family.
gleatling to the 4;11lion.
Fashion-Ridden Women.
One thing must be conceded to women,
says Fanny Fern in the New York Ledger,
namely, the grit to endure any amount of
inconvenience, or even positive rain, for
the sake of dress. Now men—what fail
ings soever they may have, and time would
fail me to enumerate them—always, to my
knowledge, stop short of physical torture,
when they must choose between tnat and
"the fashion." Catch them at it ! The
good fellows, loving their ease better than
wives, houses or lands, shake their heads
with a most decided negative at tight
boots, tight hats, tight gloves; and wel
come flannel undergarments and gum
shoes, though their proportions may be
thereby increased. This much I will say
for them. But women ! I have seen
them pale about the mouth, trying bravely
to walk on those absurd pegs of heels run
under the middle of their feet, while every
muscle and joint were crying out in vain
for mercy. I have seen them shivering,
with defiant blue noses in the frosty air,
while they tried, in our January snows, to
keep their throat warm with—a necklace.
I've seen their fingers looking like stuffed
sausages, in gloves at least, two or three
sizes too small; and when it was impos
sible for them to bend one finger joint.
I've seen them walk miles with a heavy
water-proof cloak hanging over their
aims, because that silk velvet suit must be
worn, at all costs, and rain would ruin it.
And now, io.t nvery woman outside of
a lunatic asylum ought to rejoice in eman
cipation from long skirts in the streets,
fashion say they must be worn. And for
one, I am heartly glad, when they are, to
see a good quarter of a yard of mud em
broidering these expensive silk and velvet
trains; and, better yet, embroidering, as I
knOcthey must, their stockings and un
derskirts. As to catching cold, the world
can spare such fools before they bring
others into the world. So I don't wear
mourning for them.
Now, do you suppose women like these
care about 'female suffrage." No, sir.
They prefer female suffering. It is well
to break ground for the car of progres, but
You can't hoist women like that into it
against their will. You've got to begin
upon the little girls. Stop their candy
feeding; their hot pastry luncheons at
school recess ; their "children's parties
from seven to eleven" at night; their un
suitable clothes at all times, if' you want
women who will ever have sense enough
to know their rights from their wrongs, or
breath enough or philanthrophy enough
to care. when their own lives are easy,
whether those of other women are hard or
not. That's the whole of it! Give wo
men healthy bodies and an intelligent edu
cation and you'll have no need to be jog
ging their elbows in the direction of their
"rights." They will walk up and take
them, just as inevitably and just as na
turally as a man takes his wife after the
marriage ceremony; and they won't care,
any more than be either, what bystanders
think about it.
Tit-Bits, Taken on the Fly.
Look before you leap.
Live not beyond your means.
At a great bargain pause awhile.
A faithful friend is a good defense.
A chaste eye exiles licentious looks.
A good maxim is never out of season.
A bitter jest is the poison of friendship.
Give not ear to tale-bearers or babblers,
nor be scurrilous in conversation.
A coquette is a rose, from which every
lover plucks a leaf—the thorns are left for
her future husband.
All efforts to make hay by gaslight have
failed; but it is discovered that wild oats
can be sown under its cheerful rays.
Eve did not know as much as her daugh
ters of the present day. Had they been in
her place, instead of being deceived, they
would have deceived.
Keep doing, always doing—remember
ing that wishing, dreaming, intending,
murmuring, talking, sighing and repining
are all idle and profitless employments.
He who toys with time trifles with a fro
zen serpent, which afterwards turns upon
the hand that indulged the sport, and in
flicts a deadly wound.
Human nature shows many strange in
consistencies. How often do we find the
strong and great possessed of petty fuibl's
that would seem ill in even the lowest and
weakest; and how often do we find in the
weak temporary gleams of greatness.
Many a man has lived in poverty and
want, compelled by force of circumstances
to do small actions which he loathed, who
had the heart of a prince; many a prince
has lived whose soul was unworthy the
body of a peasant.
I have known vast quantities of non
sense talked about bad men not looking you
in tho flties. Don't trust that conventional
idea. Dishonesty will stare you out of
countenance any day in the week, if there
is anything to be got by it.
A "Cypher."
A London contemporary gives us the
key to the following cypher :
"Fetnkpi cnh.—Uqtty yqw cig knn ugpt
cp offtgnu vjev k ocy ytkvg gxgty vjkpy
ncetgf cu vig itexg ecppqv efxtvkug cick
ngpt hkxg rqwptu vq ightcy gargpugn cp
k pknn ycky. PGNNXO."
Which being translated is:
"DARLING Arx.--Sorry you are ill.—
Send an address that I may write. Eve
rything sacred as the grave. Cannot ad
vertise again. Send five pounds to defray
expenses and I will wait.—NELLIE."
The cypher is a very easy one. Take
certain words, and shift the lettere two
spaces onwards in the alphabet—and you
do it at once by drawing two alphabets,
and placing one above the other and you
have a cypher. Thus, Ais the first letter,
use C, the third; L the twelfth, me N;
is the sixth, you use fl; and yen have the
Russian-looking word qv,
NO. 13.
Ulu pule Muir.
[Written for the JouRNAL.
The Bible.
Full oft doth stripling youth, and hoary age,
Neglect the teachings of thy sacred page,
When 'mid the crowded, bustling scenes of
Or merged in pleasure's glittering vortex, rife
With hopes, whose lambent beams a moment
Pouring around the gorgeous flood of day
In one broad, bright, unflickering, dazzing
- •
stream ;
But 'tis alas! an evanescent gleam,
Fleeting age, transient as the morning dew
Whose vapors meet in Heaven's unclouded
blue ;
Too soon alas I is quenched the expiring blaze,
Involving us in grief's bewildering maze •,
Too soon the lustrous orb of Hope goes down,
And chill Adversity's stern, withering frown
Tortues the very vitals of our soul
With anguish deep, beyond our weak control.
But when our spirits feel the scorching blight—
When keen Afflictions gloomy. sunless night
Math trown around us sorros's deepening pall,
And in its darkest shades enveloped all—
Then heart-sick of this wearying life,
Its never varying, ceaseless, joyless strife ;
From low communion with earth's grovelling
We turn away, to that pure gushing stream
Whose limped waters can our thirst appease,
And fit our souls for realms of blissful ease.
Out-of-Work Christians.
The vast and melancholy multitude of
those who though members in what is
called "good standing" of evangelical
churches, are doing next to nothing for the
cause of Christ, and are therefore harming
it, presents a curious variety of moral and
spiritual phenomena. Many of them find
in their hearts a chronic and many-sided
disinclination for duties which God has
placed within their reach. Others seem
perpetually to fall victims to the pride
which forbids their undertaking work in
which they are not likely to shine. Besides
these, not to speak of the large class who
are unmistakably, if not confessedly, cold
and indifferent, because absorbed in, and
overwhelmed by the things of this world,
there is enough for a dozen armies who
are, if we may take their own word for it,
entirely ready and willing to display an
untold degree of zeal and energy, "if they
only knew what to do."
It is not that they are divided in mind
by the pressing urgency apparently distinct
and opposite calls to duty, or that tho
breath and luxuriance of the harvest puz
zles them as to the proper place for their
own particular reaping, but that, spiritu
ally, they are actually "out-of-work," and
don't know where or how to find it. They
forget Christian labor is the most wonder
fully self-propagating thing on the face of
the earth ; and lovingly that thing which
may seem least—if they would but bind
that one sheaf and lay it by, tall grain
enough will soon stand before them ripe
and ready for the reaping.—Chronicle.
The Loneliness of Christ.
Did you ever think of Christ where he
spoke of Himself as being alone, and in
stantly said that He was not alone ? You
will find in the Berlin gallery one of Ra
phael's pictures of Madonna, in which there
is an exquisite seizing of one of the most
fugitive passages of time. The mother has
a book, and she is reading, and the child
is putting its hand in her bosom, and she
has the expression of being absorbed in
the book, and yet of having sufficiently
noticed the child to look up. Her expres
sion is caught just at that subtle moment
of time, when she is thinking of the book
which she is reading, and yet not quite
thinking of it, but thinking of the child.
The whole picture presents that thought,
and you see it clearly. And where Christ
speaks of Himself in this instance, it is one
of those subtle transitions where he is
thinking of himself in His relation to the
world, and he speaks of himself as being
alone, and yet, instantly lifting His thought
to God, says, "Not alone." This sublime
discrimination, how full it is of meaning,
and comfort, and consolation to us, in our
various relations of life.
Spiritual Religion.
Unlettered and unknown, poor and press
ed down by toils and cares, a man may yet
rear a structure which shall stand, in its
strength and beauty, through eternal ages.
He could not carve a figure, or chisel a
statue, but he can build a living temple.—
He could not paint a picture for his house,
but he can hang the living virtues upon
the inner walls of his soul. He could not
number or name the powers of his own
mind, but he can set them all upon their
noblest objects. He is bewildered amid
the distinctions of philosophy, but at home
in the doctrines of God. He is lost, it may
be, among the ignoble throng, while the
great ones of this world roll past him, bright
in splendors of evanescent life, but a great
crowd of celestial witnesses have hint in
survey, and there is a crown and a kingdom
awaiting him above. Our God hides these
things from the wise and prudent, and re
veals them unto babes.
Living Epistles.
Christians are living epistles to be read.
The world reads them every day. How.
important that this living gospel, which
walks and trades, and stirs about in public
places, should be correctly printed I Yet
how many of these living epistles have
been printed from battered type, from mix
ed fonts, on spotted paper, and in dim ink.
nut, after all, orthodoxy is safer in the
consecrated heart than in the theological
library. Evang elism is an upright, open
eyed, warm-haned, advancing thing, not
the flat flimsiness of a mere programme, to
be written and put away on the shelf, for
safe keeping ; it is always alive, alert and
growing; it is not dead Latin, but vital
mother tongue in this country ; it is not
steepled to church, cadenced in ritual, or
robed at the altar so much as hi:arted in
living people, and radiated in work day
I compare the troubles which we have to
undergo, in the course of a year, to a bun
dle of faggots, far too large for us to carry.
But God does not require us to carry the
whole at once. He mercifully unties the
bundle and gives us first one stick. This
we might easily manage. If we could only
take the burden appointed for us each day;
but we choose to increase our trouble by
carrying yesterday's stick over again to-day,
and adding to-marrow's burden to n- load
before we are required to bear it.—John
Is we would h — s - vepowerful !Muds wu
must think,