The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, February 22, 1871, Image 2

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    The Huntingdon Journal.
Wednesday Morning, February 22, 1871.
On the approaching 10th of March the
Republican State Convention assembles, in
Harrisburg, for the purpose of placing can
didates in nomination for Auditor General
and Surveyor General, and for the further
purpose of selecting a new State Central
Committee. The selection of a Chairman
by this Committee will be no small part of
the duty to be performed. The canvass
will, most likely, be a very spirited one.—
The Democrats made heavy gains last fall,
through the dissensions in the Republican
ranks, and they will make very effort to
maintain their ground. Therefore it will
require work—thorough organization—and
to accomplish this successfully, it will re
quire a man, at the head of the State Cen
tral Committee, who is no novice in politics,
but one who can plan his campaign and by
his personal influence enforce its successful
execution. If the party has no confidence
in the ability of the Chairman of the Com
mittee, defeat must overtake us, because in
politics men are prone to lethargy any way,
and when they have no confidence in their
leaders, defeat follows as a matter of course.
It is also of great importance that the
gentlemen who receive the nomination, for
the offices of Auditor and Surveyor Gener
al, should be men of great personal popu
larity. No mere representatives of factions,
but men who can command great personal
influence. There will be very little outside
of the mere personal popularity of the res
pective candidates upon which to conduct
a canvass, and consequently the Convention
should select its men with this important
consideration prominently before them.
In selecting the respective members of
the State Central Committee for the differ
ent counties, men should be selected with
out Democratic diction, who know the
value of organization and know how to or_
ganize. It is the duty of the member for
a county to see that the objects of the Cen
tral Committee are carried out, and to
properly apply the_ means_ placed in his
hands. If he is a drone or an unskilled
novice as wise as Solomon, and more re
markable for conceit than any thing else, the
probabilities are that the party will be all the
worse for having any body to act in that
capacity. We have every respect and ad
miration for the novice who can make up
his mind to do, and who has decision of
character enough to execute his resolutions,
but we have only pity for him who sets up
his own judgment against all experience. '
He invariably follows the counsel of a very '
foolish fellow to say the least. Experience
and a willingness to work is what is wanted
and especially in the county of Hunting- I
don. Give us, then, a man for our mem
ber of the State Central Committee who
will not sit down in his office or counting I
room, or shop, fold his hands and —do I
nothing. We want a live man, one who
knows how to work to advantage, and who
will do it. Give us such a representative,
and the same kind of a man for Chairman
of the County Committee, and Huntingdon
county will take her usual place in the
Republican ranks.
The people of Huntingdon county, we
mean that portion that has heretofore acted
with the Republican party, are as good
Republicans as they ever Were, and they
mean to stand by the party in the future,
and the man who does not, they will place
where he belongs, and he can expect to
have no choice or lot with them.
The Bedford Inquirer in its issue of the
17th instant., contains some very pertinent
reflections upon the subject of "A Repub
lican U. S. Senator," and while we in the
main agree with the force of its logic, we
beg leave to correct some of its facts. But
lest we do injustice, we will copy the major
portion of its article. It reads as follows :
"Pennsylvania will again elect a United States
Senator next year, and aspirants after that desira
ble position are already coming forward. Among
them we find prominent the names of Gov. Geary
and John W. Forney. John W. Geary has made
a good Governor, and John W. Forney is as able
editor, but we don't want either of them for the
Republican United States Senator for 1872. It is
about time we take a new departure and elect a
few original Republicans to office. It is well to
give a fair share of the offices to those who came
over to us during the dark days of the rebellion,
but we doubt the propriety of givingthem all. No
doubt many of them came from patriotic motives,
but there are also many who came late in the day,
when the dark hour had passed, and it was becom
ing evident to all that the Republican party would
he the great party of the immediate future. Of
these late comers nine out of every ten may be set
down as having come for the loaves and fishes,
and the fact that they are constantly pushing
themselves forward for every empty place is only
the stronger proof that they are time servers and
demagogues, whose fealty to party is measured by
the number of fat offices they can obtain. The
number of times we have been betrayed by this
class of persistent office seekers, from Andy John
son down, the constancy with which they put
themselves forward for every place of profit or
honor, and the meek uncomplaining spirit with
which the party accepts these tyros in Republican
ism in preference to true and original Republicans
is becoming so intolerable as to offend and disgust
original Republicans, whose life service has been'
given to the party. To-day we have half, or more
than half, our principal offices filled with these raw
recruits, and they make it their business to ap
point and keep in office their own kind against any
and all original Republicans. Every one can sat
isfy himself of this who will take the trouble to
look over the list of our public officers, both elected
and appointed, for the past four or five years. We
have now a recruit from Democracy for Governor,
one of our United States Senators is of the same
class, and perhaps half our Congressmen, besides
an innumerable host in smaller places. In view
of such facts, without hostility to the class men
tioned, we demand that at least one of our United
States Senators be an original Republican."
It strikes us that the Inquirer does
great injustice to a numerous class of men
who joined the Republican Party in the
hour of peril and danger to the nation.
Men who were willing to sacrifice their
lives, their property, and their sacrad hon
or for the maintainance of oar government
and the preservation of - our liberties.
Where would the Republican Party have
been during the dark days of the Rebellion
without the aid and countenance of these
men ? Had the Democratic Party cooper
ated, as a party, with the Rebels, it is very
doubtful whether the Bedford Inquirer
would be in existence to accuse these men.
We admit that "time servers and dema
gogues, whose fealty to party is measured
by the number of fat offices they can ob
tain," may have taken advantage of the op
portunity afforded and joined us. For one
of these, the Inquirer in this very issue,
blushingly apologizes. There was a day,
if we are not mistaken, when the Inquirer
would have spurned even the thought of
doing so, but it appears that even the In
quirer has becofl the apologist for acts of
corruption and ft'aud, that have sent the
blush of shame, and brought down the se
verest condemnation, of every honest Re
publican in the land.
But to return to the text. The Inquir
er says we have now a recruit from the
Democracy for Governor, and, therefore,
does not want John W. Geary for U. S.
Senator. Why? Not because he is now
Governor, but because he is a recruit from
the Democracy How long does it take to
domicile a Democrat in the Republican
party ? How long must he act, in good
faith, with the Republican party to entitle
him to all its rights and privileges ? Or,
does the Inquirer deny that any such es
tate can be acquired ? If it does not, then
what length of service is necessary to enti
tle him to any of the emoluments of the
party to compensate him for his services ?
The services of men like Governor Geary,
made the Republican party, and they were,
in our estimation, entitled to immediate
preferment. But does the Inquirer pro
fess to to know when Gov. John W. Geary
became a supporter of Republican princi
ples? Now, if our recollection serves us
right, Governor Geary was appointed Gov
ernor of Kansas, and assumed the duties
of the office, in September, 1856, and from
that day to the present, he has never hesi
tated to let people know where ho stood
upon the Slavery question, and the slavery
question made the Republican party. Fif
teen years' advocacy of a set of principles
ought to entitle most any man to an upper
seat in the synagogue. If we are not mis
taken, the senior editor of the Inquirer
only landed in the Republican party a few
years later, when it swallowed up the Amer
ican and old Line Whig parties. We pro_
test against classifying Governor Geary
with any of the newcomers into the Repub
lican party, and though he may not have
been called a Republican for years later,
his acts in Kansas entitle him to the posi
tion of an original Republican. And out
side of this, Governor Geary has made one
of the best executive officers the State of
Pennsylvania has ever had, and his sacri
fices and his wounds and his labors during
the war, entitle him to any position that
the Republican party has within its gift.
Dm. Judge Hall was sworn in and en
tered upon the duties of his appointment,
as President Judge of the XVlth Judicial
District, at Bedford, on the 13th inst. He
tried several cases and then passed the
Court over to Judge Rowe to try such cases
as he (Hall) was retained in. Judge Hall's
demeanor and his rapid dispatch of busi
ness won the commendation of everybody
present. He is an able lawyer and possesses
the judicial temperament to a remarkable
degree,and we have no hesitation in saying
that he will make a most expeditious, able
and popular judge. The busines of the
county is very much behind, and if he has
his way, it will be brought square up, in a
very short space of time, and litigants will
save thousands of dollars and lawyers will
be enabled to get business off their hands
that has been pending for five or six years.
The propietors of this paper have a Gor
don Cylinder Folio Post Press, bed 13x19,
in excellent condition, just new; also a
Newbury Press, as good as new, both of
which they will sell on reasonable terms ,
and at half the original cost. Address
JOURNAL, Huntingdon, Pa tf.
Death of Hon. John Covode.
A message from the House of Repre
sentatives, by Mr. McPherson ,
communicated to the Senate information
of the death of Hon. John Covode, late
a member of the House of Representa
tives from the twenty-first congressional
district of the State of Pennsylvania.
The resolutions of the House of Repre
sentatives were read.
Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, again, and
for the third time during this short ses
sion, are we reminded that the robes of
office will not ward away the shafts of
death. Another of our colleagues has
fallen, and we lay aside our labors for a
few brief moments to pay a tribute to his
Hon. John Covode, late Representative'
of the twenty-first congressional district
of Pennsylvania, died at Harrisburg, on
the 11th of January. He -had left this
city a few days previous, proceeded to his
home, and with his wife went to Philadel
phia, and made arrangements to place two
of his younger children at school. In
tending tosesume his duties in the House,
he started to return by way of Harris
burg. There, in his usual robust health,
he retired to rest for a few hours before
leaving for Washington. Attacked by
acute pain in the region of the heart, he
awoke, called his wife, and had medical
aid summoned. Remedies were adminis
tered, but within an hour he died.
John Covode wast born in Westmore
land county, Pennsylvania, on the 17th of
March, 1808. His father was of Dutch
and his mother of Quaker decent. An
untarnished name was the only heritage
they had to leave their son. His facilities
for acequiring an education were very
limited. His after life, however, demon
strated that his will would yield to no dif
ficulties which perseverance could over
come, that obstacles in his path gave birth
to the resolve that he would surmount
When quite young he left his home and
traveled on foot to the State of New York,
wishing to acquire a knowledge of some
branch of manufacturing industry. He
selected the fulling business, correctly cal
culating that one of the necessities of his
native district could be supplied by the
introduction of a fulling mill. He learned
the trade, returned and established what
was known for years as Covode's Woolen
Factory. Although his factory was small,
compared with the huge enterprises of
the present cay, it supplied the wants of
the neighborhood.
When these improvements by State and
company enterprise were completed, he
was among the first to originate schemes
for utilizing them. He became a trans
porter on the canal, and, while the railroad
was in progress, organized companies to
develop the coal-fields in western Pennsyl
vania, which it made accessible. In all
these he was a ruling and active spirit,
and aided to a great extent by his prudent
management they have prospered largely
and rewarded his sagacity and labors with
abundant success. His perseverance,
foresight, self confidence, his hopefulness,
and his honesty of purpose had all been
exercised in behalf of his immediate neigh
borhood, county, and State, but it was not
until he entered upon his political career
that those qualities became so conspicuous
as to attract the attention of the country
Before his election to Congress in 1854 h•
had been a candidate for the State senate
in the district composed of the counties
of Westmoreland and Somerset. Defeated
by small majority, the canvass demonstra
ted his hold upon the confidence of the
people. His party was in the minority,
but many opposed to him politically waiv
ed their adherence to public rule, casting
their votes for him as the Whig candidate.
In 1854 Mr. Covode, was for the first
time, a candidate for Congress in the then
nineteeth congressional district of Pennsyl
vania, and was elected. Ile was re-elected
in 1856, 1858, and 1860. In the legisla
tion immediately preceding the attempted
secession of the southern States he was a
prominent and courageous actor in resist
ing the encroachments of conspirators
against the Union and in exposing the
schemes for the extension of slavery. In
opposing the efforts to force the institution
upon Kansas lie battled with all his en
ergy, and became conspicuous for his in
dustry and labors as a chairman of a com
mittee to investigate the influences by
which this result was sought to be accom
In the Thirty-Sixth Congress, that im
mediately preceding the election of Mr.
Lincoln to Presidency, he contributed
largely in preparing the public mind for a
change in the policy upon which national
Government had been ministered. When
that change came and secession followed
Mr. Covode stood unflinchingly by the flag
of his country. He was not a man of
soft words and persuasive speech. The
time had come when it was to be decided
by the arbitrament of the sword whether
the Union should be preserved or be sev
ered into fragments. He advocated the
strengthening of the arm of the Govern
ment to meet the attack of its enemies.
His patriotic exhortations, though not
couched in the flowery language of the
rhetorician, were such as carried convic
tion to the minds of the people and roused
them to a sense of the impending dangers.
From the inauguration of the rebellion
until the 4th day of March, 1863, when
Mr. Covode voluntarily retired from Con
gress, after having served four successive
terms, he was recognized as the enthusias
tic defender of his country's weal and
safety, serving during that time with vig
or as a member of the joint Committee on
the Conduct of the War. Bat he gave
even stronger proof of his loyal devotion
than by his individual efforts as a member
of Congress. He gave to his country
three of sons to do battle in the field,
one of whom, Col. George Covode, was
killed in battle near Richmond; another
returned from the prison-house at Ander
sonville broken in health, and now re
mains a lingering evidence of the cruelty
there inflicted upon the unfortunate Union
prisoners; a third completed his term of
enlistment and was honorably. discharged.
At the close of the Thirity-Seventh
Congress Mr. Covode retired temporarily
from public life. Though in no official
position, he did not remain an inactive
spectator of the continued struggle of
parties. In 1862 and in 1864 his district
was carried by the Democrats. To effect
a change in the representation he again
became a candidate in 1866. His person
al and political popularity, backed by his
great energy, secured an election. In 1868
he was again chosen to represent his dis
trict in the House of Representatives, and
in 1869 he conducted the political 'cam
paign as chairman of the Republican State
central committee. Such is a brief sketch
of the leading incidents of his business
and public life, and they to a great extent
indicate his character.
He was not a man of learning ; he was a
man of intellect.. It was not cultivated
intellect which often led men to be mere
thinkers, whose thoughts end in dreams
and are sometimes afterward caught up
and made practical by the earnest workers
of the world. His was that busy, practi
cal brain which made him a man of action,
a type of the untiring working men who
are making their mark upon this active
century, who study their fellow-men more
than books and who are indispensable to
the earnest thinkers of the age. Earnest
thinkers and earnest workers need each
other. Earnest thought is earnest work
in one sense, but not in all senses. The
;earnest thought of the commander who
plans a campaign or maps out a battle
field may be earnest work for him ; but it
is not that kind of earnest work which
carries forts and routs opposing armies.
The men who do this kind of earnest
' work should live in history, as well as those
who plan it and direct it to be done.
I saw recently a large painting of the
battle of Gettysburg, ordered by the State
of Pennsylvania. It represents the pinch
of the fight, the repulse of Picket's
charge. Its central figure is a private
Union soldier—tall, muscular, with all the
energy of determined action apparent in
every feature and in every limb—with a
musket clenched frantically in hands, and
drawn to strike an assailant. He seems to
be the real leader of all who are behind
him. The commanding generals are in the
dim distance. I thought, as I looked upon
it, that the men of action are in our day
coming to the front.
Such a man was John Covode. His
speeches do not fill many columns of the
Globe. His actions have influenced events
which will employ the pens of
many historians; and if the thoughts and
the reasonings during our years of trial,
of such men as Stevens and Fessenden
among the dead, of others whom I may
not in good taste here name among the
living, shall afford food for the students
who shall come after us, the deeds of John
Covode, as they stand upon the same re
cord, in the same years, will command the
gratitude of the patriot's heart. In the
word-painting of history his name will
not be left out.
He was bold, energetic, self-reliant, and
persevering. He investigated for himself,
he decided for himself, and when he de
cided the next step was to act. Some
friends were proposing to him to examine
into the practicabillity of a railroad up the
Platte, and wished to submit the opinion
of an engineer. "Let us go and see for
ourselves," said Mr. Covode, and he went,
taking some of his friends with him. His
own examination decided his course upon
that question.
But although energetic and self-reliant,
he was not repellant nor selfish. Warm
as a partish, he was genial and generous
in social life and as a personal friend. I
will not say of him that he had no ene
mies; for if I did it would imply, in my
belief, that he had failed in some of life's
duties. He had the nerve to do right as
he saw the right ; and the man who does
that, either in private or public life, will
have enemies.
He was the friend and trusted counselor
of the poor and dependent. Having him
self come up from the vale of poverty, he
sympathized with the sorrows of those in
want. He certainly had never read in the
original Dido'a address to /Eneas, and it
may be could not have quoted Dryden's
translation of her sentiment—
"l learn to pity woes so like my own,"
but he did what was better than scanning
Latin or quoting English verse. When
the needy came to him he did not exhaust
his sympathy for the poor in sentiment for
their class. He ministered to the needy
man or woman before him asking aid.
I cannot refrain from expressing here
the thoughts that were prompted by the
scene at his funeral, which I attended up
on the invitation of the committee appoin
ted by the llouse. His residence was in
a deep and narrow valley. As we neared
it, Hendricks creek, named by the ances
tors of Senator Hendricks,
came in sight,
windin„(rits way along the foot of a high
hill. Steep hills were on every side of us,
and there seemed that there was no entlet
for the struggling stream. Butit fins its
way after many winding, and p4sing
through the tributaries of the Alle*any
flows on to the Gulf, mingling its inters
with that stream which, by its pnial
warmth, breaks up the frozen region of
the North. Was it this surrounding that
impelled John Covode to action ? Did
he look out over the high hills which on
every side shut him from the busy world
beyond, and resolve that he, too, with his
strong German common sense, keeling
him ever on the plans of right, with 'ais
warm Quaker heart throbbing in unison
with the aspirations of the oppressed for
freedom and the equal rights of men,
would go out and cast his influence into
the great gulf stream of enlightened and
advancing public sentiment which was
breaking up the polar sea of human bond
age ? This he had done, and he had lived
to see liberty proclaimed "through all the
land to all the inhabitants thereof."
But his race was run; and there he was
dead, his sorrowinc , b friends and stricken
wife and children, his sympathizingneigh
hors, all shocked by the suddenness and
severity- of the affliction. The loss sus
tained by the bereavedfamily is one which
no earthly hand can temper, no human
sympathy can lessen. The loss sustained
by the community in which he lived was
attested by the presence of the people of
all ranks and conditions of life to pay the
last tribute of respect to his memory. High
and low, rich and poor, were there. On
foot, on horsedack, in the road wagon, in
the carriage, in every way that men and
women coud travel, did the long funeral
procession wend its way to the little vil
lage church-yard in the county of his
birth, to lay him in his last resting-place
by the side of his gallant son, and sur
rounded by the tablets which tell the
"short and simple annals of the poor."
If a man's life has not impressed his fel
low-men, his funeral will not. But his
funeral may tell how his life has impressed
them ; and, standing there, no man can
doubt the sincerity of the sorrow which his
death had occasioned amono• ' those who
knew best. A bad man could not be so
mourned. Waken as he was, without warn
ing, away from the busy scenes of life's ac
tivic,.s, when looking forward to new and
imp +rtant enterprises, his death admonish
es us who are engaged, as he was, in public
cares and duties, of the uncertainty of life
and of the value of our time, that we
" Part with it as with money, sparingpay
No moment but in purchase of its worth ;
And what is worth, ask death-beds ; they can
for furnishing artificial limbs or apparatus
for resection, or commutation therefor, as
provided by acts of April twenty-three,
eighteen hundred; February twenty, eigh
teen hundred and forty-seven; August
eleven, eighteen hundred and forty-eight;
April five, eighteen hundred and fifty-ssx;
July fourteen and seventeen, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-two; June thirty, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four; June six and July
twenty-five, eighteen hundred and sixty
July twenty-seven, eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight; June seventeen, June
thirty, July eight and July eleven, eigh
teen hundred and seventy, one hundred
and fifty thousand dollars.
For navy pensions of widows, children,
mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters of
sailors and marines, as provided by acts of
August eleven, eighteen hundred and for
ty-eight; July fourteen, eighteen hundred
and sixty-two ; July twenty-five ' eighteen
hundred and sixty-six • and July twenty
seven, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight,
three hundred and fifty thousand dollars:
Provided, That the appropriations for navy
pensions be paid out of the navy pension
• .
Mr. President, I offer the following res
olutions :
Resolved, That the Senate has received with
deep sensibility the announcement of the death
of the late Hon. John Covode, late a member
of the House of Representatives from the State
of Pennsylvania.
Resolved, That as a mark or respect for the
memory of Mr. Covode, the members of the
Senate will wear the usual badge of mourning
for thirty days.
Resolved, That as a further mark of respect
for the memory of the deceased, the Senate do
now adjourn.
United States Laws,
JOINT RESOLUTION declaratory of
the meaning of the act entitled "An act
to reduce internal taxes, and for other
purposes," approved July fourteen, eigh
teen hundred and seventy. .
Be it resolved by the Senate and Home
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That all
foreign merchandise which arrived at a port
of th United States on or before the thir
ty-first day of December, eighteen hundred
and seventy, and not entered or transferred
to a public store or bonded warehouse, shall
be entitled to the benefits of the twenty
sixth section of an act entitled "An att to
reduce internal taxes, and for other purpo
ses," approved July fourteen, eighteen hun
dred and seventy, the same as such mer
chandise would have been entitled to had'
it actually been in public store or bonded
warehouse on or prior to the thirty-first
day of December, eighteen hundred and
seventy : Provided, That the owner of such
merchandise shall, within thirty days from
the passage of this resolution, make appli
cation threfor in writing to the collector
of the port at which such merchandise ar
SEC. 2. And be it further resolved, That
the said act is hereby further amended by
inserting the word "herein," in the twen
ty-first section thereof, between the words
"otherwise" and "provided," wherever the
said words occur .together in the said sec
tion, and this amendment shall take effect
from and after January first, eighteen hun
dred and seventy-one.
Approved, January 30, 1871.
A RESOLUTION difecting the Secretary
of War to sell Bergen Heights Arsenal.
Be it resolved by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled, That
the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby,
authorized and directed to sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder, the lands
and tenements belonging to the United
States, situate in the county of lludson
and State of New Jersey, and known as
Bergen Heights arsenal. The sale shall be
made on the ground after thirty days' no
tice in the Newark Daily Advertiser and
Newark Evening Courier, papers published
in the city of Newark ; in the Daily Times
and Evening Journal, papers published in
Jersey City, New Jersey ; and in the New
York Times and New York Tribune, pa
isers published in the city of New York ;
and the proceeds arising from said sale shall
be paid into the treasury of the United
States; and the Secretary of War is hereby
authorized upon the said sale to make a
good and sufficient conveyance of the said
property to the purchaser or purchasers
Approved, February 3, 1871.
AN ACT for the relief of Pierpont Sey
mour, of East Bloomfield, New York.
Be it enacted by die Senate and House
of Representatives of die United States of
America in Congress assembled, That the
Commissioner of Patents is hereby author
ized and required to hear and decide the
application of Pierpont Seymour, of East
Bloomfield, in the State of New York, for
an extension of the letters-patent granted
to him by the United States on the twenty
fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and
fifty-five, for an improvement in seed plan
ters, or grain drills, and shall have power
to extend said patent for the term of seven
years, with the same effect that such ex
tension might have been granted had the
said Pierpont Seymour, made application
for such extension, and paid the fee requi
red by law, within the time prescribed by
law, upon the notice and under the regula
tions prescribed by law and the rules of
the Patent Office : Provided, That no dam
ages shall be collected of any person for an
infringement of said patent between the
time of the expiration of said patent and
the time of the renewal of the same.
Approved, January 25, 1871.
AN ACT making appropriations for the
payment of invalids and other pensions
of the United States for the year ending
June thirty, eighteen hundred and sev
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of ,
America in Congress assembled, That the
following sums be, and the same are here
by, appropriated out of any money in the
treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the
payment of pensions for the year ending
the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred
and seventy-two :
_ _
For army invalid pensions, and for furn
ishing artifical limbs or apparatus for resec
tion, or commutation therefor, as provid
ed by acte of April twenty-four, eighteen
hundred and sixteen ; May thirteen, eigh
teen hundred and forty-six ; July fourteen,
eighteen huidred and sixty-two; June six,
eighteen hundred and sixty-six ; July
twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and sixty
eight; and July eleven, eighteen hundred
and seventy, nine million five hundred and
fifty thousand dollars.
For revolutionary pensions, and pensions
of widows, children, and mothers, fathers,
brothers and sisters of soldiers, as provided
by acts of March eighteen, eighteen hun
dred and eighteen ; May fifteen, eighteen
hundred . and twenty-eight ; June seven,
eighteen hundred and thirty-two ; July
four, eighteen hundred and thirty-six;
July seven, eighteen hundred and thirty
eight; March three, eighteen hundred and
forty-three ; June seventeen, eighteen hun
dred and forty-four ; February twenty, eigh
teen hundred and forty-seven ; February
two, July twenty-one, and July twenty
nine, eighteen hundred and forty-eight;
February three, eighteen hundred and fif
ty-three; June three, eighteen hundred
and fifty-eight; July fourteen and seven
teen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two;
June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty
four; July twenty-five, eighteen hundred
and sixty-six; and July twenty-seven,
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight; and for
compensation to the pension agents and ex
penses of the agencies, and fees for prepar
ing vouchers and administering oaths, nine
teen million dollars.
For navy invalid pensions, including the
compensation to pension agents, expenses
of the several agencies, and fees for prepar
ing vouchers and administering oaths, and
County Finances.
H I P u
n ik ,c4 N D D O
u PI T N Y D r I r
o T m U
J R a E n
u S
ary 31, 1870, to January 21, 1871
Prima M. .31. Logan, Esq., late Treasurer:
Balance in his bands at last settlement, $7BB 90
County Tax from the several Col
lectors, as follows :
Henderson, 1862, WII Flenner, - $ 1 89
Cromwell,.-1865, Caleb Kelly, 267 47
Union " Levi Smith, lOl 65
Juniata 1566, Levi Ridenour 7l 00
Case .1167, Christian Miller 22 80
Hopewell... " Jackson Enyeart 6 82
Lincoln . David Fouse 538 76
Morris " James Piper 136 39
Orbisonia... . Robert Gehrett O2 18
Shirley " Isaac Smith 135 23
Union . Jackson White 24 12
Brady 1868, R K Allison l9l 70
Cass .'Benjamin Fink 9B
CromwelL. . RI) Heck 155 45
Carbon . William Ryan 375 00
Dublin a William Clymans 162 92
HopewelL.. " Solomon Lynn 155 00
Juniata . Wm Geissinger . 24 40
Lincoln " II Richison l3O 79
Morris . Nathaniel Lytle 43 91
3lapleton... " 31 L Rex 29 40
Orbisonia... " A Carothers 2 85
Penn " John Lee 434 60
Porter " Benjamin Isenberg 791 11
Shirley....- " II Colgate 165 27
Springfield. " Morris Gutshall..—..._ 168 88
Union " Andrew Smith 43 00
Walker " Moses Hamer 75 70
Warlor'm'k " Geo W Owens 125 06
West " Henry Davis Bll 01
Alexandria.lB69, William Christy 241 29
Barret, 0 C T Greene .1559 02
Brady " Adam Warfel 469 78
Broad Top .. " C K Horton a 15
Carbon...... " Sheriff Neely ....... ......- 780 00
Cass " George Smith 512 00
Casaville.... . Isaac Ashton 46 46
Clay a Ephraim Kyler 495 43
Cromwell... " R D Heck ................„ 1116 41
Coalmont... . T W Eastep 3O 07
Dublin ” Wm Clymans 328 45
Franklin.... " D L Wray 641 28
Henderson. " John Nightwine 314 46
Hopewell... " George Berkstresser 7l 96
ituntingd'n . Alexander Carman 695 53
Jackson " Joseph Colabine 965 90
Juniata...... " Wm Geissenger 126 19
Lincoln " .0 Shonts lBl 91
Mapleton.- " R S Henderson l3l 87
Morris.-.... " Tobias Foreman 1055 50
Mt. Union.. " E K Rodgers 338 00
Oneida . John C Davis 384 14
Orbisonia... " W H Miller 93 94
Porter " R A Laird 1939 01
Penn . Wm B White 550 00
Shirley " Benjamin Davis 835 36
Shirleysb'g " Geo Leas l5B 73
Springfield. " Morris Gutsball 167 25
Tod . Isaac Taylor 716 23
Tell ....... ..._. " A G Briggs 340 63
Union " N Greenland 225 94
Walker..-... " William Reed BOO 76
War'ior'm'k " Richard Wills 1005 67
West " Henry Shively 2100 70
AleaandrialB7o, Samuel Isenberg 2lO 64
Brady " Aquilla Long 320 00
Barree " Jonas Books 285 00
Carbon " S B Donaldson 420 36
Cass " Joseph Curtlnan 717 00
Cassville " Isaac Ashton 29 00
Clay " Charles Corbin 6l 00
Cromwell... . Joshua Booher 2lO 10
Coalmont... " Thomas Eastep 65 00
Franklin ... " Samuel Wigton-- 12/5 35
Hopewell... " John W Russell 2lO 24
Henderson. . Jos Showalter 217 19
H`nti'ngd'n " A Carman 1489 01
Jackson " James Lee 6OO 00
Juniata.-- " Peter Snyder 9O 00
Linc01n...... . Henry Shultz .. 160 00
Mapleton ... . H H Swoop° 4O 00
Morris " James H Davi5............ 271 00
Mt Union " L R Morgan 31.9 00
Oneida " John C Davis.- ...-....._ 100 00
Orbisonia " Samuel Carothers B6 00
Porter " George Wallheater....... 285 00
Penn . David Harris B4O 00
Shirley " Jonathan Doyle 140 00
Springfield. . John F Ramsey 9O 86
Shirleysb'g . George Leas 76 56
Tod " Solomon Houck 181 78
Toll . Samuel W Waters 75 00
3 Springs... " George Heater 47 00
Union " Thomas Irvin 294 00
Walker . Wm States l5O 00
Warlor'm'k " Elias Zeek l6B 00 33925 72
State Tax received from the following
named Collectors
Cromwell 1565, Caleb Kelly 125 54
Barree .1867, John Logan 2l
...... —.,...... o
Casa " Christian Miller 9 35
Henderson—. " John Nightwine 1 92
Hopewell " J Enyeart 785
Lincoln " David louse S2 94
.... 30 52
James Piper.
Robert Glebrett— ......
Shirley lsaac Smith 47 29
Union " Jackson White l2 07
Brady 1669, It H Allison 4 11l
Cromwell.-- R D k Rec
1? 96
5 00
Wm Riau_
Wm Clymans
Juniata " ELllCiesenger 5 II!
" Nathaniel Lytle 2B OS
Mapleton " M L ............ 1 06
Oneida " E Shoenyiker l6 86
!' A Car?ther
37 76
John Lee.
---. .
Porter " Benjamin Isenberg...._.. 61 68
Shirley " RColgate l9 00
Springfied... " Morrie °Mahal' 5OO
Walker " Moses Hamer 9 E
iir;;;Toram'k W Owens
west " Honry Davis
Alexandria-1369, Wm Christy
Barren ------"'
C T Greene' 3O 67
Brady " Adam Warfel 25 00
Broad Top.,. . C K Horton 433
Carbon ' Sheriff Neoly lO 00
Cass ...... ...... ' George Smith l2 00
Casavillo' Isaac Ashton 477
Cromwoll • R D fleck 5l 81
Coalmont ' T W Etistep 316
Dublin ...... -. ' Wm Clymano l5 00
Franklin . D L Wray 4O 68
Henderson.- • John Nightwino l3 00
Hopewell ' George Berketresser 786
County Finances.
Huntingdon. " A Carman
Jackson " Joseph Culabine..—
Juniata . " Wm Geissenger....
Lincoln " C Shout.
Morris " T Foreman
Oneida " John C Davis
Orbisonia " W 11... Miller
Porter " R A Laird
Shirley " Benj Davis
Shirleysburg " Dec Leas
Tod " Isaac Taylor.-- .......
Tell " A G Briggs
Union a N Greenland
Walker " William Reed
Warriorsnik " Richard Wills... --
West a Henry Shively
Alexandria..lB7o, Samuel Isenberg
Brady " Aquilla Long
Barret, " Jonas Books
Carbon " S B Donaldson
Cass " Joseph Curfman
Cromwell " Joshua Booker ........ ..—.
Franklin " Samuel Wigton ...
Hopewell " J W Russell
Henderson... " Jos Showalter
Huntingdon. " A Carman
Juniata " Peter Snyder 5 00
Lincoln " Henry Shultz lO 00
Morrie " JII Davis l2 00
51t Union—. " L R Morgan 3OO
Oneida " J C Davis 7OO
Orbieonia.... " Samuel Carothers 5 00
Porter " Geo Walhecter lO 00
Penn " Daniel Harris 35 00
Shirley " Jonathan Doyle l5 00
Springfield.. " John F Ramsey 7 00
Tod " Solomon Houck 9OO
Union " Thomas Irvin lO 00
West " Elias Zeek lO 00 1411 07
County tax on Unseated lands 741 60
School "
Road "
Bounty ".. '
- ... 59 03
...- 10 00
2 00
.... 34 96
44 44
Redemption Money Received.
Miles Putt 23 46
James Entriken 2O 23 52 69
Received for rent of Court Room 44 09
" from John A Nash, in full 23 89
" B X Blair for stove 25 00
" JIC McCahan, part Bond 300 00
" K A Lovell, fines *.inrY fee 37 00
" M M 3l'Neal, do 400
.. M Casady, fine 1 00
" James Barnes, costs & fine 26 34
" " Sheriff Neely 63 48
Interest 3 09
" " Sundry persons for coal ll 25 540 05
Borrowed from First National Bank for use of the
County 4OOO 00
On Commonwealth Prosecutions. paid to Pros
Att'y, Prot'y, Sheriff, Witness, Ac $ 2610 04
Constables for making returns and election
Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court Crier, Tip
staves and Constables 4015 19
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections 916 116
Inquisition on dead bodies B7 21
Assessors for making the Assessment and Reg
istry Lists
istry .
Premium on Fox scalps, Wild cats, du 2lO 65
Road and Bridge views 595 75
Damages, Geo Id Park 100 00
Mary J Hunt 29 00
•' Joe McCahan ........ .—.-- 700
" " Henry Taylor 45 00
Andrew Park 3B 00
Blank Books and Stationery for the Public offi
ces and Court
M 31 3F31.1. Esq., Fe. as Prot'y, Clerk of Ses
sions, &c
Refunding orders to sundry persons
Road Tax on Unseated Lands-to sundry
Lewis Stever, Cass township 67 05
J B Weaver, Hopewell township 3l 87
R A Laird, Porter " .. l7 55
John G White, Cass '
School Taz on Unseated Lands to sundry
Persona :
Jesse Yocum, Brady township lB 89
Thompson, Juniata " ... 8 70
Bounty Tax on Unseated Lands to
J Hall Musser, Jackson township 65 02
It A Laird, Porter " M 37
E Thompson, Juniata "
Abram Elias, Tod
Adam Pause in full 64 00
Samuel "''mins it _
50 00 150 39
. Cummins in full
Simeon Wright on account
George Jackson "
A B Miller
Commissioners' expenses in going to road views
for damages, Bridges, Ac o'
Commissioners' Clerk in full for 1889 75 00
" 1870 700 00 775 00
Auditors and Clerk for 1870 llB 00
Wm Long, boarding Jurors in care of Crewel 9B 00
Printing for the County.
J S Cornman 33 00
T H Creamer 37 00
103 25
110 25 233 50
Wm Lowis.
J A Nash...
Jury Commissioners.
N K Covert.
%V ow
G W Shontz 63 13 10$ 84
R. 51'Divitt, reporting Court proceeding
Isaiah Coplin, for bridge at Rock BM— 600 . 00
.1 Lamberson, " across Shaver's
Creek ' 348 00
John sCComb. for bridge at Mapleton 300 00
in Tell twp 525 00
repairing bridge at Bridge
Albert Hall, repairing bridge at Union
Nicholas Rider, repairing bridge across
Aughwick '
Paid First National Bank
Paid Teacbers' Institute.
Pennsylvania Stab; Lunatic Asylum for the
keeping of D Brotherline, C Hower and D
L Jones
Western Penitentiary for support of convicts
Sheriff Neely, for summoning jurors, boarding
persons, and conveying convicts to the Pen
itentiary, &c
Repairing Court House, Chairs, Cushions, &c
" Jail, lightning rods, bedstead, white
washing, papering, &c
Merchandise for Jail
Fuel for Jail and Court House...--,
362 14
Clealaing Court !lon., carpet,te... ......
7 75
_ 2O 00
" - snow trots pavement.
Washing for prisoners in part
Gas for Court "tone and prepairing
Janitor, John C Miller.
Commissioners' Attorney, J Hail Musser
Auditing accounts of Prothonotary, Register it
Recorder, Dr Brumbaugh, physician at jail
9 .1 Cloyd, fees on sale of Unseated Lands, he
Redemption Money paid out
(I It Armitage, auditing Prothonotary and Reg
ister's accounts
Paid Treasurer of Huntingdon County Poor
83 25
.... 48 31
Bodenburg and Bohner expenses.
Guard at Jail, Anthony White.
David Long
Frederick Fouse
Uriah Lewis
J Lamberson
- 22 50
.... 161 50
8 75
lIC Weaver 6OO
Execution, gallows, lumber, An BO 16
Boardingjorore 9B 00
11 CHU, coffin and burying
Paid on Indebtedness to the State
Treasurer's commission, $74,960 19 at 1% per c
Balance in the hands of S. J. Cloyd at last settle
meet with Auditors
WI, the undersigned, Auditor. of Huntingdon county,
Pennsylvania, elected and sworn according to law, report
that we have met, did audit, settle and adjust according to
law, the accounts of Samuel J. Cloyd, Esq., Treasurer of
the County, and the orders of the Commissioners, and re
ceipts for the name for and during the past year, and find
a balance in the hands of Samuel J. Cloyd, Esq., Treasurer
of eight hundred and forty-two dollars and thirtyilve
cents. (5842 35.)
Given under our hands at the
[ltuatingdon, the 14th day of Januai r i; . A. D„ 1871,
WM. 11. REX,
I B I A EN RTO RY N N O EF R F E . ENE,} Auditor,
the County at the settlement with the Audi
tors for the year 1870.
TORNEIIIIPB. I.'lll commons. lee. TAXI BTAT/LlEer
Caleb Kelly I
Levi Ridenour )
I*.ln Geleaengeni
John Lee
Morrie Gatehell
ifinbbrieli ---
j-Adant Warfel..
Sheriff Neely....
*Gorge Smith..
tEphram Kyler
j - Wm Clymana.
J Nightwine
Jos Colabine.....
Mt Union
Wm Geissenger
C Shouts
R 8 Henderson
E K Rodgers
Wm B White.-
Morris G utsnau
Henry Shively
quilla Long
onas Books
Sam? 13 Miller
S B Donaldson
Isaac Ashton-.
Broad Top
Mt. Union
fJoehua Booker
'Morons Estep...
t1:10 S Peterson-.
klam'l Wigton
no W Russell
Jos Showalter
retex Carman
James Lee
er Snyder
tHenry Shultz
II II Swoope
Junes II Davis
Levi R Morgan
John C
'I Carothers
tO Walheater
Daniel llarris
reonathu Doyle
Jno F Ramsey.
orge Leas--
gortrin Houck
W Waters
Three Springs
i-lWm Ste.
tElkfie Ze at ek
fJno Hendenen
...of County tan, $29,547 59 ; State, S2F
Total ammo'
Militia, $ll2B 7
Liu et P. M. Lytle, Req., for money collected
'Wieners' attorney from delinquent collec
t 1866 and 1869, and not yet paid over to
1577 26 with interest.
lgment Boud against .1 H. Weahan, t 375.
full. Vince paid in part.
Judgment ag
by hint as Com
tors in the year
the Treaenrer—
Balance of Jo
00 with intorem
*Since paid it
tho seal of the Commissioners' Office, the
luau, 1871.
Given under
14th day Of Jo,
County Finances.
JOHN LOGAN, Steward, iu account with the Hunting
don County Alms House, from the 6th day of December,
1869, to the 6th day of December, 1870, inclusive.
5 63
2 08
86 06
35 00
6 05
15 49
13 36
To amount drawn from county treasurer on orders $5.3 67
Amount received in sundry cases, 93 76
By sundry expenditures for use of Loo-e, as per
monthly statements, numbered as follows, Ida
Statement Ao. I, December 1869.
By pair pants for °Megan, (pauper), 2 00
Cash paid for travelling expenses to llnntingiloo
Pope ease, 125
Cash paid in going to Tyrone City, in Mary Lightner's
case, 500
Cash pahl
stage from Mt. Union, 50
•• Freight on tobacco, 25
" " In going to llollidaysburg and back, 3al
Statement Xn. 2, January 1870.
By attending court in the Mary Lightner case, 3 V)
Cash paid car fare and expense fi,e Mary Lightner, 245
" For cordial for her child, 15
" " Mary Thompson for keeping Mrs Pope,
(pauper), 2 00
'Cash paid for stamps and paper,
" " going to Alexandria in the case of Benj.
Jenkins, 2 30
Statement No. 3, February.
By going to Mifflin county in the case of the Mort
family, 150
Cash paid 11. Hartzler for eye-haler,
" " for fare to Huntingdon, for counsel in sev
eral cases, 70
Cash paid for three meals and lodging, 1 50
" " for stamps, 00
Statement No. 4, March
By expenses to Mifflin county in the Mortcase, 1 50
Cash paid4l)
, for cabbage seed from New York,
for stamps,
. _ . . 60
for one quart of rye whiskey, 1 00
" car fare to Coffee Run in Mary Lyon's.
Cash paid for meals and lodging (4 meals), 200
J. P. Brumbaugh for keeping Mary Lyon's
three weeks, 300
Cash paid going to Iluntiugdon and Alexandria, in_
gobinson'scase, 2 00
Cash paid for car fare, 1 10
” " car fare for Jane Ilagen's, W see her son, 75
$42943 74
Slalenival X. 5, April.
By e!penees in taking Mary Lightner to court at
11 - untingdon, 2 20
Cash paid for same, ear and stage fare, Ku
for one meal, Jane Hagen s at i
" for stamps, GO
788 89
Statement Na 6. May.
Ily expenses and stage fare on horse collars, 50
Cash paid Newton Alexander, for one turkey, I 00
forstamps, 60
" " Showalte - r'for castrating shoate, 75
" David Zimmerman, hall day planting, corn, 37
Statement Yo. f, June.
By expenses to Huntingdon to see after Mary Moore
and child, 1 20
Cash paid, car fare, to Mapleton, to see otter Platt
famiiy, 20
" " for stomps, 54
811 75
985 88
273 13
198 48
Statement Nn. 8, July.
By expenses to Petersburg after Miss Campbell
(pauper), 1 70
Cash paid for stamps, 45
" " for one pint whiskey, 50
Statement X. 9. August.
By expenses to Mapleton to me after the Pratt family, 50
Cash paid car fare to Mapleton, in the Calegan case, al
" " William Beety for threshing, 50
" . Miller, a way-faring pauper, al
" car fare, to llantingdoa, ate., 1 90
" " for stamps, 45
" " David Zimmerman for threshing, 50
Statement No. 10, September.
By expenses to, and at Huntingdon, in the cave,
Blair county vs. lluntingdon county. I 20
Cash paid in going after Hughis, 1 60
" . " foiataiiips,
" " horse feed at Mt. Union,
" " for wiud-mill screen,
iai 55
Statement N. 11, October.
By expenses to Walker township, after pauper, 1 50
Cash paid lade Wilhelm's fare, home and back, 1 10
pauper's dinner at Aults' 40
" " for stamps, 36
" for pair pantaloons for pauper, 2 00
" " to Huntingdon with stove grate, and seeing
pauper, 1 70
Statement 11 o. Norember.
Bp expenses to Huntingdon in Mrs. Watkin'tt case, 170
Cult paid freight on store grata 25
on blind bridles,
Cash paid for stamps,
66 4 for one pair gloves f
" " ink of Isenberg,
" Sarah Couch, house labor,
" John H. Lightner for painting,
By salary as Steward 1 year, 1 month and 6 days
(6th Dec.,) 495 00
Allowance to Mrs. Logan, as Matron of House, 65 06
3090 15
6538 05
125 00
100 00
351 bushels wheat, 218 bushels oats, 150 bushels
toes, 2000 bushels ears of corn, 0 bushels beans, 10 lu
beets, 12 bushels onions, 2000 heads of cabbage, 3
kraut, 20 tons hay, 14 (four hone) loads corn fodder,
Ws pork, 336 lbs lard, 7 witch cows, 5 head young
1 breeding sow, 7 pigs, 6 shoats.
212 35
364 10
Articles Manufactured.
12 women's dresses, 35 pre pantaloons, 46 sheets, 34
chimese, 17 aprons. 27 sheets, 12 sacks, 13 eon-bonnets, 2
',lips, 50 prs stockings, 11 bed-ticks, 53 pillows, 11 towels,
13 haps, 10 bolsters, 4 shrouds, 11 shirts, 9 caps, 1 pr mit
tons, 11 prs suspenders, 4 pillow-ticks, 35 yds carpet, 4
2318 40
93 41
2.3 99
133% bushels wheat , 150 bus oats, 1700 corn mins, 7
bus potatoes, 15 bus turnips, 14 (four home) loads corn
fodder, 14 tons bay, 6201 lbs pork, 10 bus beets 12 bus
onions, 2000 heads cabbage, 3 bbl, kraut, 336 lbs lard, 3
young cattle, 1 breeding sow, 7 pigs, 6 shoats, 4 hones, 1
broad-wheel wagon, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 Ppring wagon,
1 two horse sleigh, 1 "bob sled,“ buy rake, wind mill,
threshing machine and fixtures, patent hay ladders, grain
drill, two iron plows, 2 double-abovel plows, hillside plow,
2 cultivators, 1 (two-horse) cultivator, 6 sets horse gears,
hay fork and tackling, patent cutting box, 2289 lb. beef,
935 lbs lard, 7 milch cows.
461 68
271 91
242 73
Showing Admi,
tl s'' NI tg g 5?", Remaining ati
4 2. n = each month. vity.
Z rf,•Ti
..* i
1870. I i
g ; 2 1i101! lit
i : g li Ig lil l 5 - I`P
1,1 ?ri
January, 1870 8 26 04 0 00 - 48; 0
February, "
March, "
April, "
May, "
June "
July. "
August, "
October, "
December, "
. ... 22 23 6 1511 45 6
7510 56
606 01
14 00
4171 64
1124 40
842 35
812943 74
Of the inmates, on December 1,1870, 1 is colored, 5 in
sane, and 1 idiotic.
lu testimony of the oorreetnese of the above account
and statement, we do hereunto set our Lauds this ttth day
of December, a. d., 1870. _ _
JOHN MILLER, ) Directors of
J. P. STEWART. the Poor.
Office, in
HOUSE, from December 6th, 1869, to December 6th, 1670,
To amount drawn from Co. Treasury, on orders,. $7471 87
John Logan, Steward, for sundries in his account 93 76
21 59 0 50
20 49' 9 98
24 43 54 50
892 : 5 50
Ibr Farm, marked File F.
By sundry persons for smithing, No 1 to 7 $ 114 57
David Smith, wages as farmer, no. 8 284 20
Daniel Isenberg, a thremyean old colt, no. 9 l5O 00
Sundry persons So harvesting, nos, 10 to 16......- 47 37
Frank Ilannony, labor on farm, no. 17 l2B 52
Sundry persons for sundries, nos. 18 to 39 302 50
For Provirions, marked Fik P.
By sundry persona for 4381 IN beef, no. Ito 14 4336 08
" 4156 " pork, no 15 to 21 495 50
Kerr & Withington, Book, and Jacob., summer
meat, no 22 C., 26:
Sundry i;j9on. to sundries, no 27 to 31 26 94
For Merchandise, marked I* M.
By W. A. Braker, merchandise, no 1 to 11,. $ 876 71
W. B. Leas, no 12 to 13 269 50
W. 11. Brewster " no 14 46 32
Sundry persons, " no 15 to 18 l2B 18
Out Door Expenses, marked File O. D.
By relief afforded in six cases continuous during
the year, no 1 to 6 4 320 00
Relief in ascend cases, less than a year, no 7to 38. 385 85
Relief in numerous cases, without regard to time,
no 38 to 64 267 33
Sundry Physicians, out-door medical Berries, no CA
to 74 lO4 25
Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital, 34 weeks
and 2 days board and medical care of W. Nor
ris, no 76 l3O 75
!nit Co. Alms House, keeping paupers, no 78 42 30
11 00
39 00
9 00
10 50
12 00
16 50
20 95
6 50
Mifflin " " •` no 77... 529 25
Myton & ()burn, provisions for R. M'Oinnly, no 78 52 18
Jackson Harmon. ont.door no to 0. in nu ott
Ad m lieeter,
John Muller, " " no 84 to 87... 97 10
James Smith, " " no 88 to 89... 41 00
38 50
71. 00
13 00
11 50
5 50
16 50
22 00
1 50
Miscellaneous and Incidentals, marked FT& I.
By sundry persona, publishing report, no 1 to 3 $ 90 00
Asher Drake, on aocount of wood, no 4 to 5 3l 50
M. B. ilarri.n,:spoutinghouse and tinware, no 68 74 55
J. 11. Lightner, painting house, no 9 6B 29
David Blair. 1134 tons lump coal, no 10 6l 311
John Dougherty, shingles, lath and coal, no 11-14 147 07
Benjamin Douglass, clothing, no 15 to 16 7O 00
Dr. B. Baird, 32 cords of wood, no 17 56 00
William Drake, coifing and wagon work, no 1849 4O 50
F. D. Stevens, hardware, no 20 to 21
. - . . 22 1.1.4
J. C. Seekler; plow points and freight, no 22
Philip Malts, crocks and lumber, no 23 to 21
Hawker & Son, crocks, no 25 to 26
.1. It. Erb, 1000 feet poplar boards. no a
Sundry persons, to sundries, no 28 to 51
Miss Sarah Couch, house labor, no 52
Remora's, marked File R.
By sundry Justices, fir orders issued, uo 1 to 10 ... $36 30
Sundry persons, removing paupers to house,ll-19... 45 50
By Adam Heeler, set view as Director, 1.. Lll .01/ 0 04 00
John Miller, •• ' 12 " 151 20
James Smith, " •• 12 .. 62 40
John P. Stewart, "
R. L. Lovell, r...i., .• Attorney, 12 " Sue 0
Dr. R. Baird, attending Physician, 4 " 44 10
Dr. W. P. 51'Nite, •• 8 " 63 39
John Logan. Steward f,r amount of his account— 629 43
Geo. W. Whittaker. ..view as clerk one year 6O im
- _
37035 a 3
Nora—By f•rder 14 the Directors of the Poor sa.d
county, the following etatement or exhibit is made, show
ing the sum of 35,813 Lb as the actual, legitimate amount
expended fur the use and support of the institution prayer
during the current year, 1670--after deducting the follow
ing sumo, of which $ll3O 75, were for pretioni yews:
Blair and Mifflin counties Alms /louses, keeping
paupers for previous years 41000 00
Pennsylvania State Lunatic Asylum keepicg pau
pers for previous years l3O 75
Wagon shed and two corn cribs 226 00
Painting, glazing and spouting bowie 146 43
Three years old mare l6O 00
Gears for four horses lOO 00
$1.2 95
We, the undersigned Auditors of the county of Hunting
don, do hereby certify that we have examined the orders,
vouchers, accounts, &c, of the Directors of the Poor of
said county, and And the same to be correct ashore stated.
And we do further find that on examining the Treasurer's
account be her paid on Poor House Orders since last settle
ment the sum of 17,510 56, of which amount the sum of
$ll7 67 was expended for the year 1669, making total ex
penditure. of 1070, (so for as paid,) amount to the sum of
of 97391 99,
$ll 40
Wittu.s our hands at lluatingdon, this 11th day of.llo
- A. D., 1871.
WI GLAZIER, Notary Public, corner
• of Washington and Smith streets, Hun
tingdon, Pa. [jan.l2'7l.
R. DURBORROW, Attorney-at
J• Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in th •
several Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular
attention given to the settlement of estates of dece
$l4 25
Office in the JOURNAL Building. (feb.l,'7l.
[Estate of William Wilson, deceased.]
Letters of Administration having been granted the
undersigned on the estate of William Wilson, late
of Jackson township, deceased, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Jackson township. Jan. 18, '7l.] Admr.
(Estate of MAHLON STRYKER, dee'd.)
Letters of Administration has ing been grantee
to the undersigned on the estate of Mahlon Stry
ker, late of West township, deceased, all persons
knowing themselves indebted are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
to present them duly autht ( nticated for settlement.
Petersburg. Jan. 25, 187 1 .-6 t.
[Estate of Jame Moore, deed.]
Letters testamentary on the estate of James
Moore late of M'Connelstown, deed., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persona Itntrortng
themselves indeLted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
M'Conncllstown, Fob. 8-1871. Ears.
[Eidetic ofAlice Detrick, deceased.]
Letters of Administration having been granted to
the undersigned, living in the borough of Birming
ham, on the estate of Alice Detrick, late of said
borough, all persons indebted to said estate will
make payment without delay, and those having
claims against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement..
Feb. 1, ISTI
Lath, Pickets, &c., constantly on hand
FRAMES, &C., at manufacturers' prices.
$629 43
Feb. 15, IS7I.
; ;
The Largest
Stock; the Finest!
'Goods; the New-
lest styles ; the
:harges, itc. during the year,
Beat Workman-
'ship; the Great
lest Variety, at
I SIXTH Street& I
*1 i i
cg 0 0
iln BUYS']
IWEAR we have;
'every kind of ma -I
Iterial and every
'variety of styles'
!suitable fcrl
YOUTH from 16
Vat; ea
It o 20, BOYSI
Ifrom 9 to 16,
.... 65 25
8923 76
from 5 to 9 yearsl
all durable and
$1320 71
strong, made
(with special ref
lerence to rough)
1 usage. In thisl
'department o u rl
'PRICES are as -1
no 82 to 83... 44 00
Itonishingly low.
$2132 99
!SIXTH Streets.
i i !I
7 14
27 45
20 00
102 67
81 03
028 58
881 80
County Finances.
$ll5l 12
$1752 24
W3l. H. REX,
i 7
We have madej
lo u r Establish -I
,went "THE
!TRADE" in
'Clothing, and we
(friends from out
lot town that they
need look no
'further than
!for satisfactory
Clothing and sat-
lisfactory Prices,
Full Stock all the
lyear round.
SIXTH Streets.
§ i i
k 0
WORK is of the!
Ivery best eharac-
Iter. Easy rules
prices, &c., sent
(free to any part,
lof America, and
Igood fits guaran- 1
(teed. MARKET
land SIXTH Sta.
§ k i
lA, PA.