The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, February 15, 1871, Image 2

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    The iluntingdon Journal,
Wiinesday Morning, February 15, 1871.
We commend the following estimate of
the New York Tribune to the attention of
those over-sanguine Democrats who have
Made up their minds that they are going
to elect a Democratic President in 1872.
In thir view the TrMune has been liberal
in its allowance of States to the Democra
cy; and there are few even of that party
who know anything of the politics of the
country who will deny that the estimate is
a fair one.
We have heard it remarked that should
the elections of 1872 copy those of 1870, a
Democrat would be chosen President. But
that is a miscalculation, as the following
table will show :
Rep. States. Electors Dem. States. Electors.
6 Connecticut
Massachussetts.....l2 New York
New Hampshire... 4 Delaware
Rhode Island 3 Maryland
Vermont 4 Virginia
New Jersey 8 North Carolina
Pennsylvania 26 Georgia
South Carolina..... 6 Alabama
Mississippi 8 West Virginia.
Louisiana 7 Kentucky
.... 3 Tennessee
.. 7 Indiana...
...20 Nevada ...
....19 California
....10 Oregan
... 9 Missouri..
...10 Total..
Illinois ,
.. 5 Republican maj.. 22
.. 3
Arkansas .
We have assumed 150,000 as the prob
able ratio of representation under the new
census; a higher would reduce the number
of electoral votes, as a lower would in
crease it, but neither would materially af
fect the majority.
Missouri was not carried by the Demo
crats in 1870, but by the Schurz and
Gratz Brown Republicans; but we assume
that enough of these will probably go clear
over to put the State against us in 1871.
We trust they will get sick of their strange
company, and come back in season for
Connecticut was carried by the Demo
crats in the April State election of 1868,
but went Republican in the ensuing Pres
idential contest, as she probably will in
Oregon went Democratic in 1870 by a
far smaller majority than at her State
election of 1868, yet, when she came to
vote for President, she gave Seymour but
164 majority over Grant; while California,
(also Democratic in her preceding State
election,) went for Grant by 514 majority.
We regard both of them with Nevada, as
very doubtful for 1872.
Virginia, Indiana, and Alabama were
barely carried Democratic in 1870, and
may all be recovered upon the full vote al
ways east for President. So may North
Carolina, especially if the Democracy turn
Gov. Holden out of office, as they are
quite likely to do.
Of the States we have placed in the Re
publican column, only Pennsylvania, Flor
ida and Arkansas, are at all questionable.
Arkansas gave somej,ooo Republican ma
jority on Congress, though . we threw away
two of the three Representatives in Con
gress by personal feuds; but the Legisla
ture is very strongly Republican. Penn
sylvania was very close on the popular vote
last October, but, if a fair allowance is
made for the districts distracted by person
al feuds, there is a Republican majority.
Florida is disputed, but Republican by a
close vote.
We drifted astern much further in 1862,
than in 1870, but more than recovered our
boat ground when we came to a Presiden
tial year, when almost every legal voter
comes to the front. We purpose to repeat
the dose in 1872.
Tin GOLDEN AGE, a new weekly Jour
nal edited by Theodore Tilton, devoted to
the free discussion of all living questions
in Church, State, Society, Literatuze, Art,
and Moral Reform, will be published every
Wednesday, in New York. Price, $3 a
year, cash in advance. Mr. Tilton, having
retired from the Independent and the
Brooklyn Daily Union, will hereafter de
vote his whole editorial labors to The
Golden Age. Persons wishing to subscribe
will please send their names, with the
money, immediately to
P. 0. Box 2,848,
New York City.
se_ Mr. Cessna has at last, says the
Evening Telegraph, made an explanation
of his action in the Chorpenning claim case.
His story will of course be accepted for its
full face value, but we hope that Pennsyl
vania will not send many more members of
Congress who are so "over-zealous" or
"confiding" as to present resolutions which
are officially construed to require the pay
ment of nearly $500,000 of the public
money on old and poorly founded claims,
and which direct Postmaster-Generals to
ignore evidence favorable to the Govern
am. Col. George F. McFarland, Super
intendent of Soldiers' Orphans, on the 2d
inst., tendered his resignation to Governor
Geary, which was accepted by the Gover
nor in a neat little letter in which he paid
a handsome compliment to the Colonel for
his unwavering fidelity to the trust imposed
upon him. The Governor appointed Hon.
J: P. Wickersham, Superintendent of Com
mon Schools, to fill the vacancy. This
unites the two Departments under one
head. No better selection could have been
ask. The Altoona Sun names Col. John
C. Everhart, of Martinsburg, Blair county,
as a suitable Democratic candidate for Au
ditor General. The Colonel is one of the
best men in the Democratic party, and
we would be sorry to see him set up to be
knocked down by some good Republican.
We have known the Colonel for many
years, and we can bear testimony to his
character aa a gentleman and worthy citi
The propietors of this pallet liave a Gor
don Cylinder Folio Post Press, bed 13x19,
in excellent conditioNjust new; also a
Newbury Press, as gbod as new, both of
which they will sell On reasonable terms,
and at half the original cost. They have
also about 200 pounds (X Primer and the
the same amount of Brevicr type, in good
condition, for which they will take half
price. 'Address JOURNAL, Huntingdon,
Ths., The entire wooden portion, just re
cently erecfedat a very heavy eiiiiense, ofthe
Glamorgan Iron Works structure, at Lew
istown, Pa., was burned down on Friday
morning last. The amount of loss and
cause of fire not ascertained.
afar It is said that the Legislature has
authorized the publication of a daily Jour
nal, but it can't be so, because we have not
seen any thing of the kind in this "neck 'o
timber." Where are our representatives ?
They ought to know.
Thm, The next Clerkship of the Lower
House of Congress will be conceded to Hon.
Edward McPherson ; the present incum
bent, without opposition.
.... 6
M' WE are sorry that our Washington
correspondence did not reach us until too
late for last week's issue. in the future
it will he up to time.
The following is the Bill which passed
the House of Representatives, and is now
pending in the Senate, to give soldiers,
sailors, and their heirs, Bounty lands:
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled, That every private sol
dier and officer who has served in the Army of
the United States during the recent rebellion,
for ninety days, and was honorably discharg
ed; and who has remained loyal to the Govern
ment, including the troops mastered into ser
vice of the United States by virtue of the
third section of an act entitled 'An act mak
ing appropriations for completing the defenses
of Washington, and for other purposes,' ap
proVed February thirteen, eighteen hundred ,
and sixty-two, and every seaman, marine, and
officer, or other person, who have served in
the Navy of the United States, or in the Ma
rine Corps, during the rebellion, for ninety
days, and who was honorably discharged, and
has remained loyal to the (government, shall,
on compliance with the provisions of an act
entitled 'An act to secure homesteads to ac
tual settlers on the public domain,' and the
acts amendatory therefore as hereinafter modi
fied, be entitled to enter upon and receive pa
tents for a quantity of public lands (not min
eral) not exceeding one hundred and sixty
acres, or one quarter-section, to be taken in
compact form according to legal subdivisions,
including the alternate reserved sections of
public lands along the line of any railroad or
other public work, or other lands subject to
entry under the homestead laws in the United
States, wherever public lands have been or
may he granted by acts of Congress Provid
ed, That said homestead settler shall be allow
ed twelve months after locating his home
stead within which to commence his settle
ment and improvement: And provided also,
That the time which the homestead settler
shall have served in the Army, Navy, or Ma
rine Corps aforesaid, or if discharged on ac
count of wounds received, or disability incur
red in the line of duty, then the term of enlist
ment shall be deducted from the time hereto
fore required to perfect title And provided
further, that any homestead settler, as afore
said, may assign his homestead certificate
within twelve months from she date thereof to
any citizen of the United States over twenty
one years of age, or person who has declared
his irtention to become such, who
has not previously availed himself of
the benefits of the homestead or preemption
laws, and said assignee shall succeed to all the
rights of the said homestead settler; but no
such assignor of a homestead certificate shall
thereafter have the .right to avail himself of
the benefit of this act or the acts heretofore
passed granting homesteads to actual settlers,
nor shall such assignee hare the right to ac
quire any other homestead under said acts
Provided however, That no patent shall issue to
a homestead settler or his assignee who has
not resided upon, improved, and cultivated
his said homestead for a period of at least two
years, except as provided in section four of
this act. .
"Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That any
person entitled under the provisions of the
foregoing section to enter a homestead, who
may have heretofore entered upon the home
stead laws a quantity of land less than one
hundred and sixty acres, shall be permitted to
enter under the provisions of this act so much
land as, when added to the quantity previously
entered, shall not exceed ono hundred and
sixty acres.
"Sec. 3. And be it
.further enacted, That in
case of the death of any person who would
be entitled to a homestead under the provis
ions of the first section of this act, his widow,
if unmarried, or in case of her death or mar-•
riage, then his minor orphan children, shall be
entitled to all the benefits enumerated in this
act: Provided, That if such person died dur
ing his term of enlistment, the whole term
of his enlistment shall be deducted from the
time heretofore required to perfect the title.
"Sac. 4. And be it further enacted, That
every private soldier, and every seaman, ma
rine, and officer who served in the Army or
Navy for the said period of ninety days, and
is now inscribed on the pension rolls of the
United States, or is entitled to be so inscribed
on account of wounds received or disabilities
incurred in the line of duty, may, in lien of
the rights, privileges, and benefits hereinbefore
conferred, enter upon, by an agent or at
torney, and receive a patent for one quarter
section of land, as provided in section one of
this act, and shall be entitled to all the bene
fits of said first section, and liable to all the
provisions thereof except as to the actual resi
dence, and that all acts and things required
to be done by said homestead settler, by said
first section, may be done by said agent or at
torney: Provided, That no such agent or at
torney shall act as such for more than one
person at the same time.
"Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all
declarations and proofs required under this
act and the former acts granting homesteads
to actual settlers may be taken before the
judge or clerk of any court of record in the
United States, or of any State or Territory,
and, when duly authenticated under the offi
cial seal of such court, shall be of the same
force and effect as if taken before the register
or receiver of the proper land office.
"Sec. S. And be it further enacted, That the
Commissoner of the General Land Office shall
have authority to make all needful rules and
regulations to carry into effect the provisions
of this act."
Our Washington Correspondence,
WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 6, 1871
Your correspondent was unavoidably
prevented from indulging in his "chit
chat" with your readers, in the last issue
of the JOURNAL. Although he is well
aware that they have lost nothing by the
omission, he will endeavor to make the in
fractions of his promise "few and far be-
As the sine die adjourment of the 41st
Congress approaches, there is a general
bustle in the Senate and I - louse of Repre
sentatives, resulting from an anxiety to
perfect as much of the legislation on hand
as possible.
In the Senate ; the bill for the repeal of
the income tax, (of which Senator Scott
has had charge) was passed some days ago.
To this action of the Senate, _the Hous e
has taken exception, on the ground, as held
by that Branch, that it is a measure affecting
the revenue, and must, as provided in the
Constitution, originate in the House of
Representatives. The bill was returned
to the Senate, and on the parliamentary
question at issue, a committee of confer
ence has been appointed by Senate and
House, to settle the point.
'When the bill was returned to the Sen
ate, Senator Scott very clearly demonstra
ted that the House had misapprehended
the purport of the bill. It is not an origi
nal proposition to raise revenue, but one to
reduce taxation—that, if the position
taken by the House is tenable, then much
of the legislation for years past, in grant
ing private claims, in giving subsidies, and
in many other ways had been in violation
of law.
This question of the constitutional
power of the Senate is not a new one.
The committee of conference will, it is to
be hoped, define the prerogative of the
House, and propose some rule embodying
its view of the matter at issue, by which
both Houses will be guided hereafter.
There has been a very decided expres
sion throughout the country in favor of
this repeal of the income tax. During
the last session, your Senator advocated
the total abrogation of this exaction, but
in which he was only partially successful.
At thissession, he introduced a bill having
for its object the entire wiping out of the
tax. In the debates, then and now, on
this question, he has covered the whole
ground. His speeches have been given to
the public. They meet general approval
here, and there is no doubt they express
the sentiment of a majority of the people
of the United States.
The House of Representatives having
passed the bill granting pensions to the
soldiers and sailors of the war 1812, the
Senate has passed the same with some
amendments in which the House has non
concurred and asked a committee of confer
ence. The bill, as it passed the Senate,
requires the service to have been, at least ,
for two months. It gives the penison to
widows who were married at the
time of the war, excluding those
who have since remarried. It also
extends the provisions of the bill
to the widows of Revolutionary soldiers.
This pension is an act of simple justice.
The House of Representatives has pass
ed the bill giving to each soldier of the
late war for the suppression of the rebel
lion 160 acres of land—the title to be ac
quired under the provisions of the Home
stead Law, but which provisions have been
so modified as to allow a deduction of the
time of military service from the required
time of occupation of the land before a
Patent issues. This bill is now in com
mittee in the Senate, and will, undoubted
ly become a law. In the Senate, it will
be advocated and voted fur by the Pennsyl
vania Senators. The opportunity presen
ted to the "brave and true, who faced the
music" in the late struggle for the life of the
Nation, to secure a home for themselies
and their children, will be embraced by
thousands. It will be an additional evi
dence that we live under not only the
best but the most generous Government
that has ever been established among the
inhabitants of earth.
The attention of the country is now di
rected to the investigation of the alleged
outrages in the Southern States, by the
Select Committee ef . the Senate, of which
committee Senator Scott is chairman. At
the close of the war, when, by the triumph
of our armies in the field, the rebellion
against the Government of the United
States had been suppressed, conquered
traitors had no claim upon the clemency
of that Government other than that which
springs from considerations of mercy and
Christian charity. In the spirit of that
forgiveness, inculcated in the teachings
of our religion, the vanquished were
spared the gallows and confiscation, and
bidden "go and sin no more." The law
of self-preservation, however, suggested
the guarding against a recurrence of an
effort to re-inaugurate a rebellion for the
subversion of the Government. From
time to time, the stringency of these laws
enacted for the public safety have been
relaxed, until now, within the very brief
period of less than six years after the sup
pression of the rebellion, a general amnesty
is proclaimed throughout the land. The
history of the world does not present so
striking an example of lenity towards those
who, having plotted treason, arrayed them
selves in armed hostility to their govern
ment, in defence of which so much of
blood and treasure had been expended.
In view of the enormity of the crime
and the mercy extended, it was reasonable
to expect that the rebels of the South
would accept the situation, and act in good
faith in the renewal of their allegiance.
Has such been the course pursued by
them ? That is the question to be an
swered by this investigation. If it be
true, as we are told, that, in certain por
tions of the Southern States, a man who
was loyal to his country in the dark days
of strife cannot live in safety—that such
have been murdered in cold blood, and
their property destroyed, that the perpe
trators cannot be punished, for the reason
that the law cannot be administered, owing
to the general sympathy for its violators—
then it must be the purpose of this inves
tigation to propose the proper legislative
remedy. But the country should have
the proof of the truth or falsity of the
charges preferred. If such organizations
as the Ku-Klux-Klan exist and cannot be
suppressed, (or will not be suppressed,) by
the local authorities, the government owes
it to its legal adherents that they shall be
protected by its strong arm.
The Georgia Senatorial difficulty has
been partially disposed of. Mr. Hill, one
of the Senators elect, has been sworn in.
The ease of Mr. Miller, another claimant
for a seat, it is supposed, will be determin
ed to-day. If he be admitted, then for
the first time since 1860, every seat in the
Senate of the United States will be filled.
The lovers of fun are all agog on the
subject of the approaching Carnival, which,
you are aware, is to come off on the 20th
and 21st inst. We are to have all kinds of
shows, "free, gratis, for-nothing," from a
"Goat Race" to a "Grand Tournament
There will be an imposing Military dis
play for the serious, and an exhibition of
"Fantastics" for the merry. In truth,
this bids to be a novel and highly interest
ing affair, to witness which will repay a
visit to Washington.
Feb. 11, 1871
The efforts being made in Congress, to es
tablish a National System of Education is,
certainly, rue that should cowbell,' itself I
to the patriotic, thinking men 6f the coun
try. It will hardly be credited,(yct it is
true) that of the 38,000,000 ef people in
the United States, nearly 5,000 oof that
number can neither read nor w rte. When
it is admitted, that the general telligence
of the necessary to tl perpetua
tion of a Republican film of , erninent,
it becomes a'question of vital portance,
that Congress should legislate al as to se
cure the general education of the people.
It is true, in the Northern and Western
States, such Congressional acti' is not
required. In .Pennsylvania, sitnalised as
she is by a system of Common Schools,
through the instrumentality of which
classes can be educated, and which system
is sustained by the munificent libeialitY of'
her tax-payers, such legislation is not ne
cessary. But this is not the situation of
all the States. We must not close our eyes
to the fact, that, by the overthrow of the
Institution of Slavery, and the enfranchise
ment of the colored race in the Southern
States, a vast number have been made par
ticipants in the Government of the country,
who have never had the advantages of ed
ucation. In the days of human bondage
in that portion of the Union, it was a penal
offense to educate the colored man ; pre
ventive State laws having been enacted, on
the principle, that 'slavery and knowledge j
are antagonistic. Now, that the shackles!
have been stricken from the limbs of the
slave, the opposite principle, that intelli
gence is necessary to freedom, looms up
and demands the attention of our legisla
tors. The freedmen must be educated, and
it is the duty of the National Government
to see to it, that the facilities be afforded
to them for acquiring an education.
The House of Representatives has a bill
under discussion, which, (or sotua, one of
a smilar character,) it is to be hoped, will
become a law. By its provisions, "a di
rect tax of fifty millions of dollars is im
posed apportioned among the States, the
sum raised in each State to be expended
for the purposes of education in that State;
but any State may, in lieu of paying the
tax, provide for the suitable instruction of
all children within its borders; and if the
President be satisfied, at the expiration of
twelvemonths, that there is established in
that State a suitable System of Common
Schools, no further steps shall be taken for
the appointment of officers or the assess
ment of the tax thereon." It will thus
be seen, that it is not designed for Penn
sylvania, or any other State in which pro
per measures have been adopted for the
education of the people of all classes.
This bill encounters the violent opposi
tion of the Democratic members of the
House. They would not have the colored
man enlightened, for the simple reason that
they would not lift him up from the deep
of ignorance, in which slavery bad kept
him, to the plane on which the white man
stands. What more convincing evidence
of the sympathy of that party for an In
stitution, to uphold which the late cruel
war was inaugurated, and the suppression
of which was a result of the triumph of
loyalty over treason.
The bill granting pensions to soldiers
and sailors of the war of 1812, has been
reported from a Committee of conference,
to which it had been referred. The report
has been adopted in the Senate and House,
and the bill only awaits the signature of
the President to become a law. The bill,
as passed, provides pensions to the surviv
g -
in officers and enlisted and drafted men,
including . militia and volunteers, who
served sixty days in the army or navy in
the Revolutionary war, or in the war of 'l2,
and were honorably discharged, and to the
strviving widows of such officers and en
listed and drafted men, pensions are to be
at the rate of eight dollars a month.
The most important event of the week,
has been the nomination to the Senate, by
the President, of a commission, to act
jointly with one of a similar character, on
the part of the English Government, to
settle the claims of the respective Govern
ments, one upon the other. • The Senate
has confirmed the nominations, so that
is to be expected that the Alabama Claims,
the Fishing difficulties, and all other mat
ters at issue touching claims will be peace
ably adjusted.
Great apprehensions are felt for the safe
ty of the Commissioners sent by the Uni
ted States to the Republic of Dominica, to
I make personal investigation of the country,
I its productions, its people,and as to public
sentiment on the question of annexation.
The Tennessee had on board, when she
left nort, Messrs. Wade, White and Howe,
the Commissioners, accompanied by a num
ber of distinguished gentlemen, who went
as representatives of the press and in the
interest of science. There is a painful
anxity for some intelligence of the arrival
of the vessel at the place of destination.
Now all is doubt and fear.
On Thursday last, the death onion.
John Covode was announced in the .House
of Representatives. Several Representa
tives delivered eulogies on the life and
character of the deceased. On Friday his
death was announced in the Senate,
on which occasion eulogistic addresses
were delivered by Senators Scott,. Sum
ner, Sherman, and Cameron. These
obituaries will be published in pam
phlet forms, for distribution. They
were eloquent tributes to the memory of
au honest loan, and faithful public servant.
To LET—Four rooms. Possession immedi
ate. Inquire at this office.
built garment—thick, warm and durablel--
comfortable enough to drive to market and
genteel enough to wear to church, is the new
overcoat sold by Wanamaker & Brown, to ma
ny of our neighbors, at but fourteen dollars a
General News Summary.
There are about 200 postinititte!ises•hi
the United States.
- It has cost a Maine physician $13,000
fur bungling in setting a boy's broken leg.
The largest monastery in the world is
being built near Dubuque, lowa, by the
The three elephants iu the Jardin des
Plantes. Paris, were lately sold to a butch
er for £BlO.
Lame quantities of' grain are being pur
chased' in Prince Edward's Island for
The Dean of Ripon has been waging war
against stained glass windows in the En
elish churches.
The cold in France is intense; inS:Bor
deaux so severe a winter has not been felt
since that of 1830, when the wine froze in
the store houses.
Iu the little eity . of Johannisberg, Prus
sia, one mad dog 'bit twenty-six per Sons,
recently, of which thirteen fell victims, to
the dire disease.
It is said that not less than $lO,OOO is
sent every month from East Tennessee to
the swindlers in New York who advertise
to supply their dupes with counterfeit mon
3laj. Zagonyi, who led the famous
charge of Fremont's body-guard at Spring
field, 310., the first year of the war, is said
to be keeping a cigar shop in Presth, Hun
Mr. Jerome Patterson, a Bonaparte,
and gtand-son of Jerome Bonaparte, late
king of Westphalia, was one of the de
fenders of Paris at the advanced post of
Two families in the State of Massa
chusel ts were affected by trichinm during
the past year, one at Lowell and one at
Framingham. In both instances the dis
ease was caused by eating pork that was
either raw or imperfectly cooked. The
State board of health,,having examined
the matter recommend that pork, and es
pecially, lean pork, be thooughly conk
ed befbie it is eaten.
An old man, who, on Thursday, went to
the depot in Wilmington, Delaware, to
meet his daughter, who had come from
Maryland to visit him, joyfully greeted her
in :the waiting room, but hid seacely
spoken his words of welcome when he
tottered, fell and died. The physician said'
the cause of his death was enlargement of
the heart.
A party of expert burglars entered the
Kensington bank, Philadelphia, on Thurs
day night, under the guise of policemen,
overcame the watchman, , and then broke
into the vault, where they found many
minable packages on special deposit.
They hammered nearly all night on the
burglar-proof safe in which the money of
the bank was kept, but failed to break it
open. The special depositors are the only
losers, but they lost all that is convertable
by the thieves.
Through division of opinion in the Su
preme Court, the decision of the Court of
Claims in favor of Lieutenant Joseph W.
Price for transportation and pay from the
place of his discharge, at his own request, on
the surgeon's certificate, to the place of en
listment, is confirmed and remains the law
on the subject. The drain on the Treasury
n consequence will be immense, as the At.
tomey General conceded in his argument it
applies as well to private soldiers as officers
of volunteers. Many millions will be re
quired to meet the claims.
Grand juries in Michigan have been
abolished. The law provides that the
District Attorney shall present all crimes
for trial by information instead of by in
dictment, and that no information shall be
presented except in cases which have been
first examined by Jnstioos of the Peace.
Should the District Attorney decline to
draw an•information, he is directed to re
port the case with the evidence to the
Circuit Judge. The law further provides
for an arraignment before the County
Judge, so that if the defendant should
p'.hal guilty, he may at once be sentenced,
and not be compelled to lie in jail awaiting
the session of the Circut Court. A simi
lar law has been introduced into the
Wisconsin Legislature.
The accident on the Hudson River rail
road last week, at New Hamburg, N. Y.,
was caused by an oil train bound north
catching fire, and setting the bridge at
New Hamburg also on fire. The Pacific
Express came up and ran into the oil train,
and caught fire also. The bridge gave way
under the weight, when the train went
down in a jumbled mass. The locomotive,
express car, baggage car, Pullman car, and
coach, and a sleeping-car of the express
train, went down with the crash. The en
gineer of the express train was killed, also
the conductor of the Pullman car, and
brakeman. Several passengers on the Pull
man and sleeping cars were unable to get
out when the crash occurred, and were
burned to death or drowned. The scene at
the track is a fearful one. A corps of phy
sicians is there from Poughkeepsie to at
tend the wounded and dying, and a search
is now being made for deaebodies. Over
twenty persons were killed and many
County Finances,
vy 314 ,to _January - • • •-•-
From .M. M. Logan, Esq., late Treasurer
Balance in his hands at last settlement,.s7BB 90
County Tax from the several Col
lectors, as follows :
liende.on, 1862, WII Elenner, $ 1 59
Cr0mwe11,...1565, Caleb Kelly 267 47
Union " Levi Smith, lOl 65
Juniata 1566, Levi Ridenour 7l 00
Cam 156 i, Christian sliller 22 80
• Hopewell... " Jackson Enyeart 602
Lincoln " David rouse 538 76
Morris " James Piper 136 39
Orbisonia... " Robert Gehrett 92 68
Shirley " Isaac Smith 135 23
Union " Jackson White l4 12
Brady....-.-1868, R K Allison l9l 75
Case " Benjamin Fink 9B
Cromwell.. " Rlt Heck 155 46
Carbon •' William Ryan 375 00
Dublin " William Clymans 162 92
Hopewell.. " Solomon Lynn 150 00
Juniata " Wm Geissinger 24 40
Lincoln " 11111chison 130 79
Morris " Nathaniel Lytle 4ll 91
M L Rex
A Carothers ...... —...
........„ . .........-
Penn " John Lee 434 60
Porter " Benjamin Isenberg 791 11
Shirley.-- " R Colgate l6B 27
Springfield. " Morrie Gutshall..„ 168 88
Union " Andrew 5mith...._..... 43 00
Walker " Moses Hamer 75 70
Warlor'm'k " Geo W Owens 125 06
West " Henry Davis Bll 01
Alexandria.lB69, William Christy..„.... 241 26
Brady " Adam Warfel 469 78
Broad Top .. " C K Horton 29 15
Carbon...... " Sheriff Neely 7BO 00
Cass " George Smith...._sl2 00
Quartile— " Isaac Ashton 46 46
Clay " Ephraim Kyler 495 43
Cromwell... " It D Heck.._.. 1110 41
Coalmont... " T W Eastep 3O 07
Dublin " Wm Clymaas 328 45
Franklin.... " D L Wray.... 641 28
Henderson. " John Nightwino 314 46
Hopewell-. " George Berkstreseer 7l 96
Ituntingiln " Alexander Carman 695 53
Jackson " Joseph Colobine 965 90
Juniata " Wm Geiseenger . 126 19
Lincoln " C Shonts lBl 91
Mapleton-. " R S Henderson l3l 87
M0rrie....... " Tobias Foreman 1055 50
Mt. Union.. " E K Rodgers 338 09
Oneida " John C Davis 384 14
Orbisonia... " Wli Miller 99 91
Porter " R A Laird 1939 01
Penn " Wm B White 550 00
Shirley " Benjamin Davis 835 26
Shirleysb'g " Geo Leas l5B 73
Springfield. " Morris Gutshall 167 25
Tod " Isaac Taylor 716 23
Tell " A 0 Briggs 340 69
Union " N Greenland. .» 225 94
Walker " William Reed 800 76
Warlor'm'k " Richard Wills 1095 67
West " Henry Shively 2100 70
Alexandria..lB7o, Samuel Isenberg ..... - 210 61
Brady " Aquilla Long .... 320 00
Barree " Jonas Books 285 00
Carbon " S B Donaldson 420 78
Coos " Joseph Curfeaan 237 00
C.aville " Isaac Ashton 29 00
Clay " Charles Corbin 6l 00
Cromwell... " Joshua Booker 260 00
Coalmont... " Thomas Eastep 69 00
Franklin ... " Samuel Wigton 1225 35
Hopewell... " John W Russell 2.40 24
Henderson. " Jos Showalter 217 19
ll'utPngd'n " A Carman 1489 01
Jackson " James Lee 6OO CO
Juniata.-- " Peter Snyder ...... ..-- 9O 00
Lincoln " Henry Shultz .. 160 00
Mapleton ... " H H Swoops 4O 00
Morris....-- " James II Davis...... 271 00
Mt Union-. " L R Morgan 319 00
Oneida.....„ " John C Davis lOO 00
Orbisonia... " Samuel Carothers ......
Porter " George Wallheater....... 285 00
Penn " David Harris BlO 00
Shirley " Jonathan Doyle l4O 00
Springfield. " John F Ramsey 9O 86
Shirleysb'g " George Leas 76 56
Tod " Solomon Houck 181 78
Tell ..... ..... " Samuel W Waters 75 00
3 Springs... " George Heater 47 00
Union...-... " Thomas Irvin 294 00
Walker..,.. " Wm States l5O 00
War'ior'mk " Eli. Zeelc l6B 00 33925 72
State Tax received from the following
named Collectors
Cromwell 1865, Caleb Kelly 125 54
Barre? 1667, John Logan .... 12 21
Case " Christian Miller 9 35
Henderson " John Nightwine 1 92
Hopewell " J Knyeart 7 85
Lincoln " David Fouso 22 94
Morris " James Piper 3O 52
Orbisonia " Robert Gehrett... 5 22
Shirley " Isaac Smith • 47 29
Union " Jackson White l2 07
Brady 1E63, It K Allison 4 61
Cromwell.-- " It D Heck l5 96
Carbon 5OO
Dublin :
.Z;na ni 11.7 n......... ...........
CI mans 1 69
Juniata ...... .. " Wm Geissenger 5 68
Lincoln ..... .... " II Richison
Morrie " Nathaniel Lytle 2B 7 0:
Mapleton " M L Rex.....: 1 06
Oneida " E Shoemaker l6 86
Orbisonia " A Carother 245
Penn " John Lee 37 76
Porter " Benjamin Isenberg 6l 38
Shirley....— " It Colgate l9 00
Snreed... Morrie Quishall....
iakr Moses
Hamer 9 87
Warriorsm'k .` Oro W Owens 2 13
'WeA Henry Davis 33 60
Alexandria...lBs9, 'Wm Christy 5 00
Borree : ByOreene,.. ........ a
Brady " Adam Warfel 25 ~,.
Broad Top—. " CFL Horton 433
Carb0n........' . Sheriff Neely.. 10 00
Cass " George Smith l2 00
Caseville " Daum Ashton 477
Cromwell .. R D Heck 5l 81
Coalmont " 1' W Bmtep 8 10
Dublin ...... .. " Wm Clylnans l5 00
Franklin " D L Wray 4O 68
Henderson.- •' John Nightwino l3 00
Hopewell '• George Berkstresser 7 80
County Finances.
59 03
10 00
4 00
... 300
A Carman
Joseph Colabine
Wm Getasenger
C Shouts
Ituntingdon "
Juniata "
Lincoln. "
T Foreman 34 96
John C Davis 509
W H Miller 2OB
R A Laird B6 06
Beni Davis ... 35 00
Geo Leas 6 05
Isaac Taylor l5 49
A G Briggs l3 36
N Greenland 437
William Reed 9 34
Richard Wills 24 04
Henry Shively l5 00
, Samuel Isenberg lO 00
Aquilla Long.. lB 00
Jonas Books 2O 00
B Donaldson 5 00
Joseph Curfman l2 00
Joshua 800ker.... 2O 00
Samuel Wigton
J W Russell lO 00
Joe Showalter.-- .... 8 00
A Carman 5O 00
Peter Snyder 5 00
Henry Shultz lO 00
Morris "
Oneida "
Port er rery ......
Shirleysbn.g "
Barree 4
Hopewell "
Henderson "
Huntingdon "
d H llaris l2 00
!,11 Morgan 3 CO
Mt Union...
3 C Davin'
Geo Walheater lO 00
Daniel Harris 35 00
Jonathan Doyle l6 00
John F Ramsey 7 00
Solomon Houck 9OO
Thomas Irvin —. 10 00
Shirley "
Springfield- "
West. " Elias Zeek lO 00 1411 07
County tax on IJuscated lands 744 60
State "
School 40. II
Bounty •'
Redemption Money Received.
Mlles Putt 23 46
James Entriken Ol 23 52 69
Received for rent of Court Room 4.5 09
from John A Nash, in full 23 89
" B X Blair for store 25 00
J IC lifetkihan, part Bond 300 00
1C A Lovell, lines a jury foo 37 00
M M 51`Neal, do 4.P0
'• M Casady, tine lOO
" James Barnes, coats & tine 26 34
" Sheriff Neely 63 48
" Interest BO9
Sundry persons for coal ll 25 540 05
Borrowed from First National Bank for use of the
County 4OOO 00
On Commonwealth Prosecutions. paid to Pros
Att'y, Prot'y, Sheriff, Witness, /lc $ 2610 04
Constables for making returns and election
fees 7BB 89
Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court Crier, Tip
staves and Constables 4015 19
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections 916 36
Inquisition on dead bodies B7 21
Assessors for making the Assessment and Reg
istry Lists BB2 00
Premium on Fox scalps, Wild cats, & r
Road and Bridge views 595 75
" Damages, Geo M Park 100 00
" Mary J Hunt 2B 00
" " Jos McCahan .. .....
" Henry Taylor 45 00
" Andrew Park...—.... ...
86 00 811 75
Blank Books and Stationery for the ....c of
and Court 405 88
51 M M'Neal, Req., Fees as Prot'y, Clerk of Ses
sions, dm 273 15
Refunding orders to sundry persons l9B 48
Road Tax on Unseated Lands to sundry
Limit; Stever, Cass township 67 05
J B Weaver, Hopewell township 3l 87
R A Laird, Porter " .. l7 55
John 0 White, Cass '
School Tax on Unseated Lands to sundry
Persons :
Jegse Yocum, Brady .....
5 85
R A Laud, Porter
Bounty Tax on Unseated Lands to
.1' Iran Moser, Jackson township 65 02
It A Laird, l'orter . 23 37
Abram Elias, Tod
Adam Fouse in full 64 00
Samuel Cummins in full 372 00
Simeon Wright on account 302 00
George Jackson 2OO 00
A B Miller
Commissioners' expenses in going to road views
for damages, Bridges, Jtc
Commissioners' Clerk in full for 1889 75 00
44 " 1870 700 00
Auditors and Clerk for 1870
Win Long, boarding Jurors in care of Crewel
Printing for the County.
J S Cornman
T II Creamer
. 37 00
103 23
-« llO 25
Wm Lewis...
J A Nash....
N K Covert 4B 89
43 IV Shoots 63 15
R 31"Divitt, reporting Court proceedings
Isaiah Coplin, for bridge at Rock 600 00
J Lamberson, " " armee Shaver's
Creek B4B 00
John M'Comb. for bridge at Stapleton 2OO 00
in Tell twp— 525 00
" repairing bridge at Bridge
port lOO 00
Albert Nall, repairing bridge at Union
Fnrnaee 359 25
Nicholas Rider, repairing bridge acres
Anemia 357 90 3090 15
Paid First National Bank ......... ...—....--- . 8538 05
Paid Teachers' Institute.
Agricultural Society
Pennsylvania State Lunatic Asylum for the
keeping of D Brotherline, C flower and D
L Jones 212 35
Western Penitentiary for sppport of convicts 361 10
Sheriff Neely, for summoning Jurors, boarding
persons, and conveying convicts to the Pen
itentiary, kc 2318 40
Repairing Court House, Chairs, Cushion., 80 B3 41
Jail, lightning rods, bedstead, white
washing, papering, lec 226 38
Merchandise for Jail 3122 14
Fuel for Jail and Court House
Cleaningeourt House, carpet, to 47 00
snow from pavement 7 75
Washing for prisoners in part....„ 2O 00
Gas for Court House and prepairing fix
Janitor, John C Miller
Postage 4B 31 271 91
Commissioners' Attorney, J Hall Musser 242 73
Auditing accounts of Prothonotary, Register &
Recorder, Dr Brumbaugh, physician at Jail 29 25
8 J Cloyd, fees on sale of Unseated Londe, Ac 2l 78
Redemption Money paid out 23 48
G B Armitage, auditing Prothonotary and Reg•
liter's accounts lO 00
Paid Treasurer of Huntingdon County Poor
House 7510 56
Bodenburg and Bohner expenses.
Guard at Jail, Anthony White. *2 60
David Long • 215 00
" Frederick Fouite l6l 50
rriah Lewis 2O 00
J Ltunbetson 3 75
II C Weaver 8 00
Execution, gallows, lumber, to BO 18
Boarding Jurors 9B 00 808 91
II Crit - z,Vaffin and burying l4 00
Paid on Indebtedness to the State..-.- . ........ 4171 64
Treasurer's commission, 674,960 19 at i% per c 1124 40
Balance in the hands of B. J. Cloyd at last settle
went with Auditors 842 36
Wu, the undersigned, Auditors of Ituntingdon county,
Pennsylvania, elected and sworn according to law, report
that we have met, did audit, settle and adjust according to
law, the accounts of Samuel J. Cloyd, Esq., Treasurer of
the County, and the orders of the Commissioners, and re
ceipts for the same for and during the past year, and find
a balance in the hands of Samuel J. Cloyd, Esq., Treasurer
of eight hundred and forty-two dollars and thirty-five
cents. ($842 118.)
Given under our hands at the
lltTotingdon, the lith day of January, A. D., 1871.
WH. H. RE2C,
the County at the settlement with the Audi
tors for the year 1870.
Tow:IMPS. Tel COLLECTORS. ro. T. tfrslau.'r
Cromwell 1865 Caleb Kelly 1 3471.. ........
Juniata..— ..... 1656 ' Levi Ridenour- , 101 01 21 591 650
Juniata lB6 7 l*JnGeissenger .l 98 32 DO 49i 998
Carbon lB6B William Ryan... 52 60 24 43,54 50
Hopewell Solomon Lynn.., 117 22 892 550
Springfield-- MorrisOntshalll 80 25 10 16 923
Alexandria 1869,1Vm Christy 1 102 42 750 860
Dublin. ........ -... I tWm h Clyne... 283 Si 13 1113 50
Lincoln. C Shonte 36 91 256 500
Mt Union.
Penn Wm B White... 349 21 20 13 31 00
Shirley - 1092 79 40 35 15 50
Springfield.-- ....- Morris Gutshall 329 00 24 45 18 00
Alexandria-- 1870 S Isenberg-- 235 86 18 60 9 50
Broad Top..—
Carbon B Donaldson 441 63 13 97 18 00
Clay Corbin.... 451 75 34 73 13 00
Coalmont Thomas Eatep... 68 48 289 550
Franklin 'l Wigton.. 1597 60 1 2 6 29 25 00
Hopewell no W Russell.. 60 82 884 500
Huntingdon—. tAlex Carman.. 2508 02 501 56 50
Juniata Peter Snyder.... 158 32 13 03 900
3lapleton - 125 58 11812 00
Mt. Union L evi
iu, R Morgan 250 34 79620 95
Oneida. John C Davis... 330 92 19 69 6 50
Orbiaonia--- ... 'I Carothers 62 21 697 360
Penn - 966 3t 37 07 21 00
Shirleysburg,.. - 206 70 38 60 5 50
Tod .. -. Ea t Tl: o m'n Houck 494 91 37 24 16 50
Three Springs.
Wmrioramark. ... Miss Leek....- 1961 33 95 77 40 00
Total amount of County tax, 119,547 59 ; State, 52155 86;
Net P. M. L... ..-- -
Militia, $ll2B 76.
Judgment against P. M. Lytle, Esq., for money collected
by him as Commissioners' attorney from delinquent collec
tors in the years 1966 and 1969, and not yet paid over to
the Treasurer-8577 26 with interest.
Balance of Judgment Bond against J K. Weshan, S7E
-00 with interest.
•Since paid in full. }Since paid in part.
Given under Hui seal of the Commissioners' Office, the
14th day of January, 1871.
_ _ .
Cuunty Finances,
JOHN LOGAN, toward, in account with the Hunting
don County At Ifonse, from the 6th day of December,
1869, to the 6th day of December,l,7o, inclusive.
To amount &Oro from county tre.nrer on orders 86. 6 1 67
Amouurreceittl in sundry cries, 76
By e stry tape nditures for u.e of house," pe r
monthly statements, numbered to : follows, TM:
Statement .No. 1, December 1869.
BY pair
to II untlngdon 2 00
Cash paid for travelling expenses
1 25
-• • •
Cash pitid in going to Tyrone City, in Mary Lightner's
ease, 500
Cash stage fare from Mt. Union,
.! In going to Ilollidaysburg and back,
Statement N. 2, January 1870.
By attending court in the Mary Lightner case, 3 70
Cash paid car fare and expense for Mary Lightner, 245
" For cordial for her child, 15
" Mary Thompson fur keeping Mrs Pope,
(pauper), 2 00
Cash paid for stamps and paper, 80
going to Alexandria in the case of Beoj.
Jenkins, 230
Stalentent 1%,.3, February.
By going to Mifflin county in the case of the Mort
family, 150
Cash paid H. Hartzler for eye-water,
" " for fare to Huntingdon, for counsel in sew
eral cases, 70
Ca+h paid for throeand lodging, 1 f,O
Statement X. 4, March.
. .
By expenses to 51iMin county in the Mort ease, 1 50
Cash paid for cabbage seed from New York, 40
" " for stamps, Go
for one quart of rye whiskey,
•' •'car fare to Coffee Run in Mary Lyon's
ca., 1 90
Cosh paid for mods and lodging (4 meals), 2 00
" " J. I'. Brumbaugh for keeping Mary Lyon's
three weeks, - 300
Cash paid going to Huntingdon and Alexandria, in
Robiumn's case, 200
Cash paid for car fare, 1 10
" car litre fur Jane Hagen 's, to see her son, 75
$42943 74
Slatement No. 5, April.
By extensor in taking Mary Lightner to court at
Huntingdon, 2 20
Cash paid tor same, car and stage fare, g 5
•• •• for one meal, Jane Hagen's at Flemming's 50
'• •• for stamp, 60
Statement No 6. May.
By expenses and stage fare ou horse collars, 50
Cash paid Newton Alexander, for one turkey, I 00
" " for stamps, 60
" " Showalter for castrating about., 75
" .. David Zimmerman, half day planting corn, 37
Statement N 0.7, June.
By expenses to lluutiogdon to see It Mary Moore
and child, I 20
Cash paid, car fare, to Mapletou, to see after Platt
family, 20
" " for etamps, 54
Statement No. 8, July.
By expenses to Petersburg after Miss Campbell
1 70
Cash paid for stamps, 45
" " for me pint whiskey, 50
Staiment No. 9. A uest.
By expenses to Mapleton to see after the Pratt family,
Cash paid car faro to Mapleton, in the Calegan case,
" " William Beety for threshing,
" " Miller, a way-faring pauper,
" " car fare, to klu.ingdou, dc.,
" " for sumps,
" " David
Statement No. 10, September.
By expenses to, and at Huntingdon, in the case,
Bien county vs. Huntingdon county. I 20
Cash paid In going after llughs, 1 CO
•••• for stamps, (0
" " horse feed at Mt. Haien, 25
" " for wind-mill screen, 1 70
150 39
Statement No. 11, October.
By expenses to Walker township, after pauper, 1 50
Cash paid Dade Wilhelm's fare, home and leek, 1 10
" pauper's dinner at Anita' 40
for stamps, 36
" for pair pantaloons for pauper,
" to Iluntiugdon with stove grate, and seeing
pauper, 1 70
973 00
775 00
118 00
98 00
Statement N 0.12, Noreinber.
Bp expenses to Huntingdon in Mrs. Watkin's case, 170
Cash paid freight on store grate, 25
" on blind bridles, 35
Cash paid for stamps, 00
. " for one pair gloves for David Irvin, 40
. " ink of Isenberg, 20
. " Sarah Couch, house labor, 100
" . John H. Lightner for painting, 2 Ott
283 50
109 84
125 00
By salary as Steward 1 year, 1 month and 6 days
(6th Dec.) 491 00
Allowance to M,s. Logan, as 3latron of House, 55 06
351 bushels wheat, 218 bushels outs, 150 bushels pota
to., 2000 bushels ears of corn, 6 binhels twang, 10 bushels
beets, 12 bushels onions, 2000 heads of cabbage, 3 bbls.
kraut, 20 tone hay, 14 (four horse) loads corn fodder, 2191
lbs pork, 336 lbs lard, 7 milch cows, 5 he. young cattle,
1 breeding sow, / pigs, 6 shoats.
Articles Manufactured.
125 00
100 00
12 women's dresses, 35 pre pantaloons, 46 sheets, 34
chimese, 17 aprons, 27 sheets, 12 sacks, 13 sun-bonnets, 2
slips, 50 pre stockings, 11 bed-ticks, 53 pillows, 11 towels,
13 haps, 10 bolsters,4 shrouds, 11 shirts, 9 caps, 1 pr mit
tens, 11 prs suspenders, 4 pillow-ticks, 35 yds carpet, 4
Stock on Hand,
133 bushels wheat , 150 bus oats, 1700 corn easy, 7
bus potatoes, 15 bus turnips, 14 (four hone) loads corn
fodder, 14 tuna bay, 6201 Its pork, 10 bus beets 12 bus
onions, 2000 heads cabbage, 3 bids kraut, 336 lbe lard, 5
young cattle, I breeding sow, 7 pigs, 6 shoats, 4 horses, 1
broad-wheel wagon, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 spring wagon,
1 two home sleigh. 1 “bob sled," hay rake, wind mill,
threshing machine and fixtures, patent hay ladders, grain
drill, two iron plows, 2 double-shovel plows, hillside plow,
2 cultivators, 1 (two-horse) cultivator, 6 sets horse gears,
hay fork and tackling, patent cutting box, 2289 lbs beef,
6,.5 !WI lard, 7 snitch cows.
461 68
Showing Admissions,
1870. I I
January - 1870...« 8
February, "
March, " 1
, Augunt, "
$42943 74 I September,"
:_ji 1
December, "
Of the inmates, of
sane, and 1 idiotic.
In testimony of the correctness of the above account
and statement, we do hereunto set our hands this 6th day
of Dec.& er, a. d.,1670.
JOHN MILLER, }Directors of
SMITH, ~,,„ P o o r .
J. P. STEWART. '''""'
Arum: 0. W. WIIITAKER, Clerk.
.office, in
HOUSE, from December 6th, 1869, to December eth, 1870,
To amount drawn from Co. Treasury, on orders,- $7471 67
John Logan, Steward, for sundries in his account 93 78
For Farm, marked Fide P.
By sundry persons for amithing, No 1 to 7 9 114 57
David Smith, wages as farmer, no. 8 284 20
Daniel Isenberg, a three-years old colt, no. 9 l5O 00
Sundry persons for harvesting, nos, 10 tole. 47 37
Frank Harmony, labor on farm, no. 17 123 22
Sundry persons for sundae', noe. 18 to 39 302 58
For Provisios, marked Pik P.
By sundry persons for 4381 Um bee 4 no. Ito 14 3336 08
" 4156 " pork, no 15 to 21.-- 495 50
Kerr & Withington, Book, and Jacobs, summer•
meat, no 22 to 26 65 24
Sundry persons to sundries, no 27 to 31 26 94
Fbr Merchandise, marked Fde M.
By W. A. Fraker, merchandise,
W. B. Leas,
W. IL Brewster "
Sundry persons,
cha Awr Erptterer, marked File 0. D.
By relief afforded in six rases continuous during
the year, 130 I to 6 320 00
Relief in several cases, less than a year, no 7to 38. 385 85
Relief in numerous eases, without regard to time,
no 38 to 64 267 33
Sundry Physicians, out-door medical eervies, no 65
to 194 25
Penneylmnia State Lunatic Hospital, 34 weeks
and 2 days board and medical care of W. Nor
ris, no 76 l3O 75
Blair Co. Alms House, keeping paupers, no 76 42 30
Miltlin " " " " no 77 529 25
Myton & °burn, provisions for R. Mlllonly, no 78 52 16
Jackson Harmon, ont-door Berrie., uo 79 to 81 29 00
Adam Heater, " no 82 to 83 44 00
John Miller, " no 84 to 87 97 10
Jam. Smith, " no 88 to 89 4l OD
$2132 99
Miscellaneous and Incidentals, marked File I.
By sundry persons, publishing report, no 1 to 1 $ 90 00
Asher Drake, on aoconnt of wood, no 4 to 5 3l 60
DI. S. ilarrison;npoutin4house and tinware, no 68 74 55
.1. 11. Lightner, painting house, no 9 6B 28
David Blair. 11% tons lump coal, no 10 67 38
John Dougherty, shingles, lath and coal, no 11-14 147 07
Benjamin Douglass, clothing, no 15 to 16 7O 00
Dr. K. Baird, 32 cords of wood, no 17 56 00
William Drake, coffins and wagon work, no 18-19 4O 50
F. D. Stevens, hardware, no 20 to 21 22 14
.1. C. Seckler, plow points and freight, no 22 2l 95
Philip Kalb+, crocks and lumber, no 23 to 24 7 14
Hawker Son, crocks, no 25 to 28 27 45
J. B. Erb, 1000 feet poplar boards, no 27 2O 00
Sundry persona, to sundries, DO 28 to 51 lO2 67
Miss Sarah Couch, house labor, no 52 --... 91 93
By sundry Justices, for orders issued, no Itolo ; se 30
Sundry persons, removing paupers to honse,ll-19... 45 00
By . Adjlc.. eeter, service. so Director, 1 , ? , i
month. I 851
Jona muter,
Jaen Smith, ••
John P. St!wart,
K. L. Lovell, FA., Attorney, 12 " .2t/
Dr. R. Baird, attending Physician, 4 " 48
Dr. W. P. M'Nite, 8 " 83
John Logan, Steward for amount of his account... 829
Geo. W. Whittaker, services se clerk one year-- 60
8629 43
Nora—By order of the Directors of the Poor rd s
county, the following statement or exhibit la made, oho
log the sum of $6,813 12, as the actual, legitimate emu,
expended for the nee and support of the Institution pro
during the current year, 1870--after deducting the toll(
Jag sums, of which $ll3O 71, were for previous yew.:
-- • •
- •
Blair and Malin ionntiea Alms Roused!, keeping .
pauper. for prolong yeare 81000
Pennsylvania State Lunatic asylum kis. piog pau
pers for previous yews l3O
Wagon eked and two corn cribs.
Painting, glazing and @pouting hot. l4B
Three years old mare - ISO
Gears for four hon. le°
512 95
We the undersigned Auditors of the county of 'fund
don, do hereby certify that we hare examined the ordt
youchersoiccounts, *c.,of the Direct°. of the Poor
said county, and find th same to be correct as above .tat
And we do further find that on examining the Treason
account he has paid on Poor House Orders since last set'
meet the sum of $7,510 66, of which amount the sum
6117 67 was expended for the ;ear 1869, making total
penditures of 187 U, (so farm paid,) amount to the sum
of 87392 89.
$ll 40
— iVitrae4;Our hands at Huntingdon, this 11th day of J
nary, A. D., 1871.
W3l. H. REX,
KGLAZIER, Notary Public, corn
• of Washington and Smith greets, Ho
tingdon, Pa. [jan.l2'7l.
[Estate of William Wilson, decease(
Letters of Administration having been granted t
undersigned on the estate of William Wilson, la
of Jackson town ship, deceased, all persons Imo'
ing themselves i sdebted to make immediate pa
ment, and those having claims .to present the
duly authenticated for settlement.
Jackson township, Jan. 18, '71.3 Adm..
(Estate of MARL ON STR YKER, deed.)
Letters of Administration having been grant
to the undersigned on the estate of Mahlon Ste
ker, late of West township, deceased, all perso
knowing themselves indebted are requested
make immediate payment, and those having dais
to present them duly authenticated for settlemet
Petersburg, Jan. 25, 1871.-6 t.
[Estate of James Moore, dee'd.]
Letters testamentary on the estate of Jam
Moore, late of .M'Connelstown, deed., having be,
granted to the undersigned, all persons knowie
themselves indebted to said estate are requested
make immediate payment, and those having elate
to present them duly auther*.icated fur settlemen
M'Connellatown, Feb. 8-1811. More.
[Estate of Alice Detr;ek, deems.
Letters of Administration having been granted
the undersigned, living in the borough of Birmin,
ham, on the estate of Alice Detrick, late of an
borough, all persona indebted to said estate sr
make payment without delay, and those havit
claims against the same will present them du
authenticated for settlement..
for thr.hing,
Feb. 1, 1871
signed Auditor appointed by the Orphan,
Court of Huntingdon county, to hear the exception
to the account of J. K. McCahan, Trustee of Thom
as S. McCahan, (now deceased,) under the will c
his fatber,John McCahan, late of Walker townahil
deceased, and to make distribution, &a., horeb
gives notice that he will attend at his office, i
Huntingdon, on THURSDAY, the 16th day of F.
RUARY, next, at ten o'clock, a. tn., for the purpos
of his appointment, when and where all persons in
Greeted may attend and be heard if they see prop
er to be present.
Jan. 23,71
The undersigned auditor appointed by tb
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, t
make distribution of the balance in the hands o
Israel thefts, Trustee of Elizabeth and Willies
Itinger, hereby gives notice that he will attend a
the office of SiMpson A Armitage, on Monday, 21111
of February. at 10 o'clock, p. in., next, for tb•
purpose of making said distribution, where all in
terested may be present and heard if they so.
$629 43
Fcb. 1, 1971.
The Largest
Stocki the Fi
Goode ; the New•
Fes, de- during the year.
est styles ; the
Itamatahsg ati
'itch month. vity.
& TRY ill
Ifi.Oil :1.1?
Best Workman•
!ship; the Greet -1
lest Variety, at
SIXTH Stieets.l
i i i
Is colored, 6 114-
lln BOYS
IWEAR we }nivel
:very kind of ma-
t 565 43
jterial and every
(variety of styles)
!suitable fcr!
YOUTII from 16
91026 94
It o 20, BOYS,
from 9 to 16,
$923 78
!from 5 to 9 years)
)1 to li r 876 71
12 W 13 269 50
14 46 3 . 2
15 to 18.. ..... 128 18
fall durable and
$1320 71
!strong, an ad el
(with special ref-
;mine to rough
1 usage. In this'
'department o u rl
!PRICES are aa-I
Itonishingly low.
[MARKET and .
'SIXTH Streets.'
i i i
$928 14
$Bl 30
County Finances.
We have made
u r Establish-
it "THE
'TR A DE" in
!Clothing, and we
1 friends from out
lof town that they
Ineed look no
1 further than
for satisfactory
(Clothing and sat-1
lisfactory Prices.
1 Full Stock all
ISIXTH Streets.
i i i
WORK is of thej
Iva" , beet ebuae-1
Iter. Easy rules
for measurement
'prime, &a., sent
'free to any partl
America, and
(good fits gnarls-
(teed. MARKET
land SIXTH Ste.
§ i i