• The HuntrAgdon Journal.1 1 1, •J. R. DURBORROW HUNTINGDON, PENN'A Wednesday Morning, February 8,1871.1 Support Your Local Paper. The local paper occupies a peculiar niche. It has a singular mission to perform. It fills, in other words, a characteristic posi tion. It may be the mouth-piece of some party, or sect, or independent in all things, and while those, whose views it presumes to uphold, are expected to_ support it, yet over and above this, it has an important mission to fill that is not conceded to any profession or other branch of business. In short it is expected that it advance every interest which will have a tendency to build up the community in which it is published. It advocates, advises, agitates and exhorts people to do whatever the editor believes to be to the best advantage of his readers, and though he may be mistaken in his views, yet his efforts set men to thinking and to acting, and while they may not feel like doing exactly what he suggests, yet they are stirred into action and something is done, and good comes out of the agita tion. Do people ever think what a few lines in a newspaper may be worth to them ? Do you ever think, reader, when you refuse to subscribe for a local paper, or pay a reason able rate for a little advertisement, for which you would receive three times more value than for the same amount of money invested in any thing else, that two or three lines in that paper may be worth hundreds of dollars to you ? If you do, and still re fuse, you are a bad citizen, and the com munity would be well rid of you, and don't go West, because you are not the kind of men the people want there. They want live and liberal men. But, perhaps you are incredulous and flatly deny that any such advantages are ever realized. Then, listen: A few years ago a gentleman wrote a paragraph or two and inserted them in a newspaper. The paper met the eye of a gentleman who acted upon the information imparted, and to-day one of the finest im provements in the State is the result. Land was scarcely worth a song in that neigh= borhood three years ago, to-day it is worth hundreds of dollars. Who receives the advantage of the enhanced value of the land ? The parties who live in the imme diate neighborhood, and, yet, if those very men were asked this hour to subscribe for the newspaper that has made them thou sands of dollars, they would do, in all pro bability, what you do, refuse to subscribe. People very frequently complain and say : " Well, these editors don't do any thing for the community. They ought to agitate the matter. We could have furna ces, rolling-mills, and all kinds of manufac tories if they would only tell men of capital our resources and our advantages. If I were an editor I would do," thus and so. Yes, you would, indeed ! Editors are only men, and sometimes not the best specimens. Being only human they feel like other por tions of the "earth earthy," and allow them selves to be influenced by some very little things. They are generally "poor devils," without any money invested in lands, or any to invest - in manufactories, and they feel that they have nothing to make by such a course as you suggest ; they feel that you who grumble at them, own all the lands and have the capital, and that you would realize everything, and yet when you are asked to subscribe for a paper, or to insert and pay for a little advertisement, you offer to pay half-price or say that you can get somebody else to do it for so much less. Ain't this your fit, exactly ? In stead of not only subscribing and adverti sing every thing you have, and paying lib erally therefor, you should encourage every body to do so, and then you could expect to have some claim upon the editor and have hint to act in conjunction with you. It is the duty of every good citizen to sup port his local paper in return for the ad vantages he is sure to receive. Good papers are only to be maintained by proper support; and one good paper, gotten up respectably, making a creditable appearance, has more influence than a half-dozen such papers as were printed by our misguided Southren friends during the rebellion. It is said justly that "commu nities are judged by their newspapers," but unless the community in which they are located stands by them they cannot be maintained. Good papers cost more money than bad ones, and they are worth more to their patrons. If you desire newspapers to make money for you, yon must expect to pay them a fair equivalent in return for what you ask them to do for you. No charges are made for what they say in fa vor of the best interests of the community, but you have a right to sustain the bridge that carries you over. A great many per sons are very anxious to have their town written up, but the moment it becomes ne cessary to contribute any money toward supporting the paper that does so, that its proprietors may make a decent livelihood, they are off. This is our experience. The following is the text of the Joint Resolution relating to an increase of compensation to Assistant Marshals, intro, duced into the House of Representatives at Washington, the 31st of January, 1871 and referred to the Committee on the Re: vision of the Laws of the United States : "That in all cases where the average per di em compensation of assistant marshals for field-work in enumerating inhabitants at the ninth census of the United States, under the rates of payment fixed by the law of eighteen hundred and fifty, and the act or acts supple mentary hereto, shall not amount to five dol lars a day, the Superintendent of the Census is hereby authorized to add to such pay an amount sufficient to give to each of said assis tant marshals the total sum of five dollars per day for such field-work: Provided, That the number of days for which such additional al lowance shall be paid shall in no case exceed the number of days fixed by the act of May six, eighteen hundred and seventy, for completing the enumeration upon schedule one." A bill providing that Assistant Mar shals, who did the field work for the cen sus, and whose pay did not amount to $5 per day, receive pay to that amount passed the House a few days since. ie. col. George F. McFarland, Super intendent of Soldiers' Orphan Schools of . Pennsylvania, will please accept our thanks for a copy of his Annual Report for the year 1870. The Local Option Bill. Below will be found the text of the Local Option Bill now pending before the Legislature of this State, and of which we spoke lasi week : EDITOU AN ACT To permit the voters of every Ward, Borough and Township in this Commonwealth to vote every three years on the question of granting Licen ses to sell intoxicating liquors. SECTION 1. Be it enacted, 4.c., That at the next annual municipal election in every ward, borough and township in the Commonwealth, and at the annual municipal election every third year thereafter, in every such ward, borough and township, it shall be the duty of the inspectors and judges of election in said wards, boroughs and townships, to receive tickets, either written or printed, from the legal voters of said ward, borough and town ship, labelled on the outside "license," and on the inside, "for license," or "against license," and to deposit said tickets in a box provided for that purpose by said inspectors and judges, as is required by law in case of other tickets received at said election, and the tickets so received shall be counted and a return of the same made to the clerk of the Court of Quar ter Sessions of the county in which such wards, boroughs and townships are situated, duly certified as is required by law, which certificates shall be laid before the judges of the said court at the first meeting of said Court after such election shall beheld, and shall be filed with other records of said court; and it shall be the duty of the mayors of cities, and of the constables of boroughs and townships, or of any other odlcer whose duty it shall be to perfom such service, to give due public notice of such special election above provided for, three weeks previous to the time of holding the next annual municipal election in every such ward, borough or township, and also three weeks before the annual municipal elec tion every third year thereafter. SEC. 2. That in reviewing and counting, and in making returns of the votes cast, the icapectors, judges and clerks of said election shall be governed by the laws of this Common wealth regulating general elections, and all the penalties of said election laws are hereby extended to and , shall apply to the voters, inspectors, judges and clerks voting at and attending upon the election held under the provisions of this act. SEC. 3. Wherever, by the returns of election in any ward, borough or township aforesaid, it shall not be lawful for any license to issue for the sale of spiritous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors in said ward, borough or township at any time thereafter, until at an election as above provided a majority shall vote in favor of license. Sec. 4. Any person who shall hereafter be convicted of selling or offering for sale in this Commonwealth any intoxicating liquors, spir ituous, vinous or malt, without a license, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars, and confinement in the work-house or county jail for six months for the first offence; for the second and each subsequent offence a fine of one hundred dollars, and confinement in the work house or county jail one year Provided, that it shall not be unlawful for the miners of vineyards to• sell, on their own premises, wine of their own manufacture, in quantities not less than one gallon, to be removed and not drank on the premises. We have not had any time to examine the abo - Ve bill critically, but presume it will cover the existing evils so universally felt under the present miserable system. There is not a par ticle of doubt in our minds, that the majority of the voters in any ward, borough or town ship should say whether there should be li censed hotels or not. It is a question for the tam-payers because they have to foot the bills in the end either in the Courts, Jails or Alms- Houses. Intemperance costs every county in the State of Pennsylvania at least one-third, and we believe one-half, its annual expenses. This looks like exaggeration but it is never theless true. And under such circumstances, it being a fundamental principle of our gov ernment thatthe majority shall rule, why should not the majority of the voters say whether they will have license or not? If they desire to pay for trying men, who get into difficulty through the excessive use of ardent spirits, board them in our jails and alms-houses, let them do so. We are disposed to pay our own way, and do not feel like "paying the piper" for anybody else if we can avoid it, and, therefore, will vote against license. We have often thought that some system should be devised, to levy a tax upon men who deal in ardent spirits, to pay all public expenses which can be traced directly to the excessive use of intoxicating drinks. It would materially interfere with the business we have no doubt. We want it distinctly understood that we make no war upon the creatures of a vicious and abomuiable system, but upon the system itself. Men who engage in a legal business are entitled to the respect which courtesy ex tends to any man endeavoring to make an honest living. So we respect the man while we deplore his business, and we intend, to the beat of our ability, to make his business, now legal, disreputable, and if possible, vote it out of existence. This it is our duty to do as a good citizen and as a well-wisher of the com munity in which we live. But since we are upon the subject of tem perance, there is another feature of the tem perance question that we desire to look at for moment or two, and then to refer the subject to our readers. We are frequently asked why so little is accomplished in behalf of temper ance and that a constant agitation is kept up to so little purpose. We are told that temper ance organization after temperance organiza tion has arisen and gone down until the most sanguine dispair of ever being able to accom plish anything. This we admit, and we con fess that we have tried hard to cypher out the immediate cause, but have uniformly failed, and unless it is to be atributed to the fact that the most impracticable men in the world get into, and thrust themselves to the lead, of the majority of the temperance organizations of our period—men who have but one idea, and that a very small one—we are unable to an swer the question. Some cynic has said that the temperance organizations consist of strong minded women and weak minded men, and there has been considerable ground for the snarling clasification. These people will be at Harrisburg to doctor or oppose this bill. They were at Harrisburg last winter and yet they consider themselves the best of temper ance folks, but they are as impracticable as the merest noodle, and as illiberal as they are impracticable, and by their illeberality they drive all liberal and seuelble peurle away rrom - them. We hope if the bill does not please them, they will at least have sense enough to stay at home and keep their peculiar ideas and notions to themselves. If we cannot get total prohibition, let us get at something that may be an improvement upon the present sys tem, certainly it cannot be made worse. We have little fears of Parker vs. The Common wealth. The questions raised in that case have been overruled and ignored in anY number of instances. 11%.. Gov. Geary has appointed Wm. M. Hall, Esq., of Bedford, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Hon. Alexander King, President Judge of the XVlth Ju dicial District, composed of the counties of Somerset, Bedford, Fulton and Franklin. This is an excellent appointment, and will give general satisfaction throughout the District. Mr. Hall is a ripe scholar, and his legal attainments eminently fit him for the place. He will make an excellent judge. FOR SALE. The propietors of this paper have a Ger_ don Cylinder Folio Post Press, bed 13x19, in excellent condition, just new; also a Newbury Press, as good as new, both of which they will sell ou reasonable terms, and at half the original cost. They have also about 200 pounds of Primer and the the same amount of Brevier type, in good condition, for which they will take half price. Address JOURNAL, Huntingdon, Pa tf. General News Summary. There is a horse in Mount Vernon, Il linois, near fifty years old, that did farm work less than a year ago. A Michigan man has been fined $2OO just for knocking another man down with his fist and killing him. A bill has passed both branches of the Ohio Legislature, and become a law, to pro vide for the appointment of guardians for habitual drunkards. A Norwich, Conn., woman, who ran a needle into her left foot, a year ago, by ac cidentally stepping upon it, recently had it pulled out from between her shoulders. Senator Buckalew's bill for cumulative voting for school directors seems to have gone quite easily through, the effort to have certain counties exempted front its operation not proving successfnl. Secretary Boutwell's debt statement for January is a splendid financial exhibit. The decrease last month amounted to $4, 040,986.75, and the decrease since March 1, 1870, $110,301,670.17. A Chicago widow has recovered a ver dict of $1,112 92 against her grocer, who verbally promised, when her husband was very sick and she was unable to leave him, to pay the premium upon his policy of life insurance and forgot to do it. The Governor of Mississippi recom mends a tax on bowie-knives and pistols; and further that the carrying of concealed weapons be declared a misdemeanor, punish able by fine and imprisonment, and the use of them except in self defense, a felony. Shoddy society in New York is overrun with Counts and Barons—runaway bar bers, probably, who have sought refuge in the land of tl.e free and the home of the brave, and thus escape the necessity of shouldering muskets in the armies of Bis mark or Gambetta. No other country in Europe is so bankrupt as Spain. Its present debt is twelve hun dred millions, and the annual expenses of the government one hundred and fifty mil lions, about trice as much as the revenue. Its treasury is soon to issue new obligations to the amount of fifty millions of dollars. A mixture made up as follows, and taken in quantities equal to an ordinary dram and as often as the desire for strong drink re turns, it is said, will cure the worst case of drunkenness: Sulphate of iron five (5) grains; peppermint water, eleven (11) drama; spirits of nutmeg, one (1) dram. The preparation act as a tonic and stim ulant, and so partially supplies the place of the accustomed liquor,,and prevents the absolute physical and moral prostration consequent upon a sudden breaking off from the use of stimulating drinks. PersNiale Jenny Lind will be fifty next October. Hon. A, H. Stephens weighs seventy four. Sheridan is expected in New York in about three weeks. The Princess of Prussia makes her own dresses and bonnets. Governor Geary was the last Alcalde of San Francisco, in 1850; and its first Mayor. Twenty-five years ago Governor Lindsay, of Alabama, was teaching school in Wil mington, N. C. The Chicago Tribune laments that Mr. Greeley in his work upon farming neglect ed to treat of the relative cost of crops of plain-handled brooms and the red and blue variety. The second daughter of P. T. Barnum, Mrs. Helen M. Hurd, has sued and lately obtained an Indiana divorce froni her hus band, Samuel H. Hurd, a resident of New York city. The California papers praise John Grum met, a veteran hunter, who went out the other morning at sunrise and in half an hour had shot four huge grizzly bears with his Spencer rifle, in one-two-three-four or der. Alexander Dumas' daughter, who is a model of piety, has written a letter to 31. Veuillot, of the Univers, in which she calls him "dear apostle," and informs him that her father died a Catholic, after having re ceived the last sacrament. When the Delaware Democrats serenaded Eli Saulsbury, their new Senator, he invi ted them to an entertainment conducted on strict temperance principles, and we can easily believe they now see their mis take in preferring him to his brothers. Vice-President Colfax has received from a leading capitalist the tempting offer of $25,000 a year salary if he would resign his present position and take charge of an important branch of business. Mr. Colfax replied that he would not do such a thing. The safety of Dr. Livingstone, the cele brated explorer of Africa, has at last been positively established. A cable dispatch announces the fact from London, based upon a letter to that effect received from Africa by the venerable practitioner and patron of science, Sir Roderick Murchison. Spurgeon, the famous London preacher, began life as an usher in a school at New market, England, and he delivered sermons at the age of seventeen, being known as the "boy preacher." For several months he drew large congregations in a barn at Waterbeach. Sergeant Robinson, who saved the life of Secretary Seward at the time of the assassination of President Lincoln, has re ceived a fiworable report upon the petition for an appropriation of $5,000. He is un able to do heavy labor on account of his wound then received. The Texas Legislature has elected to the fbrit Pull - term Gen, Joseph J. Reynolds to succeed Morgan C. Hamilton, whose term expires upon the 3d of March. Gen. Reynolds is a native of Kentucky and graduated from the mili tary academy in 1843, in the class with President Grant. John W. Forney and other journalists of Philadelphia, propose on February Bth to give a substantial proof of their esteem to John D. Stockton, editor of the Post, as a successful dramatist. For that purpose John S. Clark tenders the use of the Wal nut Street Theatre, and will play Mr. Stockton' comedy of "Fox and Goose." =into, MITCHEL—HIGHT.—On the 31st ult., by Rev. J. W. Plannett, Mr. James A. Mitchel, of Philadelphia, to Miss Maggie J. Hight, of Hun tingdon, Pa. ETKIER—JOHNSON.—On Thursday, the 2d inst., by the Rev. J. W. Evans, Mr. Alfred Etnier to Fannie Johnson, all of Vineyard Mills, this county. gratim HORTON.—Near Newburg, this county, on the let inst., Henry F. Horton, aged 50 years, and 2 days. HOUCR.—At Shirleysburg, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. M. Baird, on the 27th ult., of Dropsy, Mrs. Delia Houck, in the 76th year of her age. PLUCKER.—In Shirley township, at the residence of Mr. Rex, on the Ist inst., ofDrop sy, Mrs. Mary Plucker, in the 76th year of her age. MILLER.—In Cromwell township, on the 23d ult., Henry Miller, in the 86th year of his age. New Advertisements. T GLAZIER. Notary Pubjie, corner I Of Washington and Smith streets,}fun- tingdon, Pa - pp MILTON SPEER, E. S. Mc-. -a-w• Murtrio and S. E. FIEMING. NE TV L _l IV F / R S. E. Fleming has become a member of the Law Firm of Speer & Mellurtrie, and the business will be hereafter done in the name of Speer, Mc- Murtrie & Fleming. Attorneys-at-la Ir, Huntingdon, Pa. Feb. 8-3 t. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, Hemlock and Pine Bill Stuff, Boards. Plank, Shingling, Plastering mad Shingling Lath, con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice, at lowest cash prices. Worked Flooring, Sash, Blinds, Door, Door and Window Frames famished at manufacturer's prices. Grain and Country pro duce generally bought at market prices. WAGONER lb BItO. Phillipsburg, Centre county. Pa. Jan. 4, '7l EXLi'CTITORS' NOTICE [Estate Of JO al Ca Moore, deed.] Letters testamentary on the estate of James Moore, late of M*Connelstown, deed.. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES M. LLOYD, JAMES WARD, M'Connellstown, Feb. 8-1811. Ears. TY THE COURT OF COMMON -A-Plens for the City and County of Philadelphia. In the matter - of the ASSIGNED ESTATE of the FREEDOM IRON AND STEEL COMPANY. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle and ad just the second and final account of JAMES S. MIDDLE and M'CREA .ASSIGNEES of the FREEDOM IRON AND STEEL COMPANY, and to make distribu tion of the balance, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Tuesday, the 21st day of Febru ary, A. D. 1871, at 3 o'clock P. 81., at his office,' No. 300 Locust St., in the City of Philadelphia. JOSEPH A. CLAY, Auditor. Feb. 8-2 t. AUDITOR'S' NOTICE. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Court of Cditnion Pleas of Huntingdon county, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of Israel Graffius, Trustee of Elisabeth and William Ringer, hereby gives notice that he will attend at the office of Simpson ,t Armitage, on Monday, 20th of February,at 10 o'clock, p. m., next, for the purpose of making said distribution, where all in terested may be present and heard it' they see proper. G. R. ARMITAGE, Auditor. Feb. 1, 1871 „,,ZIIERIFF'S SALE. K.- , By virtue of a writ of Vend. Exp.. to me di rected, I will expose to public sale, at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 25th day of February, 1871, at 2 o'clock, p. ut.. the follow ing real estate, to wit : All that certain tract of land situate in Tod township, adjoining lauds of John Weist, W. E. M'Murtrie, heirs of Conrad Snare, dee'd., contain ing 275 acres more or less, having thereon erected' a log house and barn, now in possession of Fisher ' formerly occupied by Thomas L. Hall, Susan Morningstar, et. al.. part of which is clear ed. Also, Another tract of land, situate in Hope well township, adjoining lands of heirs of Jacob Russell, dee'd., Leonard Weaver. heirs of Win. Stone, dec'd., et al, containing ISO acres more or less, and now in possession of Henry Clapper, Amos Myers, et. al., having thereon erected a dwelling house and other oat buildings, including Rough and Ready Furnace, dc., part of said tract is cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Entrikin, with notice to all tern-tenants. ALSO—AII that certain farm or tract of land, situate in Shirley township, containing 300 acres, more or less, hounded by lands of Adam Crouse, Daniel Brant, John Garver, jr., Jacob Spanogle, •and others, having thereon erected three dwelling houses, a ;large bank barn and other outbuildings, about 200 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Piles. D. B. P. NEELY, Sheriff. Feb. 1, 1871. County Finances, RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF lIUNTINUDON COUNTY, from Janu ary :10, MO. to January 2d, 1871 RECEIVED. ' From NAL Logan, Esq., late. Treasurer : Balance in his hands at last settlement, $7BB 90 County Tax from Me several Col lectors, as follows: Ilenderson,lB62, WII Flenner,...- ...... $ 1 09 Cr0mwe11,...1665, Caleb Kelly, 267 47 Union : . Levi Smith, lOl 6., Juniata 1866, Lev I Ridenour 7l 00 Cass .IM, Christian Miller 22 80 Hopewell.- .. Jackson Enyeart 6 82 Lincoln " David Fosse 538 76 ' Morris a James Piper 136 39 Orbisonia... " Robert Gehrett 92 53 Shirley " lonic Smith 135 23 Union. .... .... " Jackson White 24 12 Brady 1868, R K Allison 194 70 Cass " Benjamin Fink 9B Cromwell... " R D fleck 155 45 Carbon " William Ryan 175 00 Dublin...- - William etyma. 162 92 Hopewell " Solomon Lynn 150 00 Juniata " Wm Geissinger 24 40 Lincoln " II Richison ........ 130 79 Morris " Nathaniel Lytle 43 91 Stapleton... " 31 L Rex 29 40 Orbisonia... " A Carothers 2 85 Penn " John Lee 434 60 Porter " Benjamin Isenberg 791 11 Shirley...... " R Colgate la 27 Springfield. " Morris Gutshall l6B 88 Union " Andrew Smith ...... ..... 43 OS Walker " Moses Hamer 75 70 Warlor'm'k " Geo W Owens 125 06 West " Henry Davis Bll 01 Alexandria.lB69, William Christy 241 20 8arree........ " C T Greene .1559 02 Brady " Adam Warfel 469 78 Broad Top .. " C K Horton...-- 29 15 Carbon...... " Sheriff Neely 7BO 00 Cass . George Smith *512 00 Cassville.... " Isaac Ashton ......... - 46 46 Clay " Ephraim Eyler ...... ...... 495 43 Cromwell " R D Heck 1116 41 Coalmont... " T W Eastep 3O 07 Dublin " Wm Clymans VS 45 Franklin.... " D L Wray.-- 641 28 Henderson. " John Nightwine...... 314 40 Hopewell... " George Berkstresser 7l 98 Huntingd'n " Alexander Carman. 695 53 Jackson " Joseph Colabine 965 90 Juniata . Wm Geissenger _ . 126 19 Lincoln.-- " C Shouts 151 91 Stapleton... " R S Henderson l3l 87 Morris " Tobias Foreman 1055 50 Mt. Union.. " E K Rodgers 330 00 Oneida . John C Davis 384 14 Orbisonia... " Wll Miller 99 91 Porter " R A Laird 1939 01 Penn " Wm B White 550 00 Shirley " Benjamin Davis ...... -.... 835 20 Shfrleysb'g " Geo Leas l5B 73 Springfield. " Morris Gnishall 167 25 Tod " Isaac Taylor 7lO 23 Tell ...... ...._ a A G Briggs 940 69 Union ...... .. " N Greenland 12.5 94 Walker " William Reed 800 76 Warlor'm'k " Richard Wills 1095 07 Weal " Henry Shively 2100 70 Alexandria..lB7o, Samuel Isenberg ...... 2lO 64 Brady " Aquilla Lon- 320 CO Barren " Jonas Books 2ES 00 Carbon " 5 D Donaldson 420 IC Cans " Joseph Curfman 2 37 00 Cassville " Isaac Ashton 29 00 Clay " Charles Corbin...-. 6l 00 Cromwell-- a - 7 .sbaa Booker ISO be coalmont... " Thomas Eastep 6., 00 Franklin .1. a Samuel Wiet0n..„......_1225 35 Hopewell.- . John W Russell 240 24 Henderson. " Jos Showalter 217 19 H'nti'ngd'n a A Carman 1469 01 Jackson__ " James Leo 6OO CO Juniata a Peter Snyder 9O 00 Lincoln " Henry 5hu1tz..:...... .. 169 00 Mapleton a II If Swoope 4O 09 M0rri5........ " James H Davis-- 271 09 Mt Union... " L R Morgan 319 00 Oneida " John C Darla-. ......... ... 100 07 Orbisonia " Samuel Carothers B6 05 Porter " George Wallheater....... 285 0) Penn a David Harris B4O 00 Shirley " Jonathan Doyle l4O 00 Springfield. " John I , Ramsey 9O 811 Shirleysb'g " George Leas 76 56 Tod " Solomon Ilouck l5l 78 Tell " Samuel W Waters; 7 5 .60 3 Springs.- " George Heater 47 00 Union " Thomas Irvin 4OO Walker " Wm Slates l5O 00 Warlor'in'lc" Elias leek lOB 00 33925 72 State Tax received from tlie followisg named Colketone Cromwell 1865, CftlehKelly 125 54 Banes 1467, John Logan ' 12 21 Cass . Christian Mi11er....„..... il 24 Henderson " John Nightwine lB2 Hopewell '. J Earart 7 86 ~. Lincoln " Daria Fonse . 94 Morris.. Orbisonia....- " Robert Oehrett.-.......„ 5 . 22 Shirley " Isaac Smith 47 29 Union " Jackson White l2 07 Brady IFtii, R K Allison 4 61 Cr0mwe11...... " R I) Reck l5 lid Carbon " Wm Ryan 5 00 Dublin Juniata . Wm Geisseuger 51:.5 Lincoln " 11 Richisou 275 Morris " Nathaniel Lyt1e.....„. 26 uS Mapleton " 21 L Rex lOO Oneida " E Shoemaker l6 66 Orbisonia..... " A Carother 2 45 Penn •• John Lee 27 711 Porter " Benjamin Isenberg Ol 89 5hir1ey........ •' R Colgate l9 00 Springiled... •• Morris Gutsball 5 00 Walker " Moses Hamer 9C7 Warriomm'k •• Geo W Owens 2 IS West " Henry Davis etlexandria..l9l9, I . l"in Christy Barree " ' C T Greene' no sr Brady " Adam Warfel 25 00 Broad Top... " C K Horton 43.1 Carbon " Sheriff Neely Cass " George Smith l2 00 Cassyille " Dane Ashton 4 77 Cromwell " It D !leek 6l 81 Coahnont " T W Eastep e 3 16 Dublin " Wm Clymana l5 00 Franklin " D L Wray 4O 66 Henderson.- , John Nightwine l3 00 Hopewell " George Berkstresser 7 86 County Finances, Huntingdon. " A Carman 59 03 Jackson " Joseph Colubine lO 00 Juniata " Wm Geimenger 4OO Linc01n........ " C Shouts. 2OO Morrie " T Foreman 24 06 Oneida ...... .. "John C Davie.... . .- ..... SCO Datt.l . 2il oiifiZila - - iv II Miller 205 Porter “ 14 A Laird B6 06 Shi r l e y " Benj Daub 35 09 Shirleysburg " Oeo Leas 6 05 Tod " Isaac Taylor.-- ...... ... 15 49 Te11..,..—. . 'Union .' N Greenland 437 Walker " William Reed 934 Warriorsm'k " Richard Wills.- ......... - 2 l 2l 04 West " Henry Shively ls'oo Alexandria-IE7 O , Samuel Isenberg lO CO Brady " Aquilla Long IS 00 Barree " Jonas Books 2O 00 .Curium " 8 B Donaldson 5 00 Cass " Joseph Curfman l2 09 Cromwell " Joshua Booker 2O 00 • Fraitklth " Stunuel Wigton ... 44 tri Hopewell " J W Russell lO 00 Henderson-. " Jos Showalter.-- ....... Huntingdon. " A Carman lO 00 Juniata " Peter Snyder 5 00 Lincoln “ Henry Shultz lO 00 Morris " JII Davis l2 00 Mt Alien-- " L R Morgan 3 CO Oneida " J C Davis 7 00 Orbisonia.... " Samuel Carothers Porter......_. " Gee WaTheater lO 00 Penn ..... -.„ " Daniel Harris 35 00 Shirley " Jonathan Doyle l5 00 Springfield.. " John F Ramsey 7 00 Tod " Solomon Houck 9OO Union " Thomas Irvin lO 00 West " Elias Zeek lO 00 1411 57 County tax on Unseated lands 741 CC State “ " School " " 439 30 Road “ “ " Bounty " " " • Redeniption Money Received. Mlles Putt 23 46 James Entriken...— 2923 52 09 Received for rent of Court Room 45 06 W„ from John A Nash, in full 'T 23 Pit " B X Blair for stove 25 00 J H McCahan, part Bond 300 00 " " A A Lovell. fines •jury fee 37 00 " 31 M 31`Neal, do 400 51 Casady, tine lOO " James Barnes, costs A One 25 34 " Sheriff Neely Ol 48 " Interest " Sundry persons for coal ll 25 510 05 Borrowed from First Nationarlifinik for use of the County 4OOO 00 EXPENDED. On Commonwealth Prosecutions. paid to Pros Att'y, Prot'y, Sheriff, Witness, do $ 2610 04 Constables for making returns and election fees. 7BB 89 Grand and Traverse Jurors, Court Crier, Tip staves and Constables 4015 19 Judge, Inspectors And Clerks of Elections 9lB 36 Inquisition on dead bodies B7 21 Assessors for making the Assessment and Reg istry Lists BB2 00 Premium on Fox scalps, Wild cats, Se 2lO 65 Road and Bridge views 595 75 " Damages, Geo M Park lOO 00 " Mary J Hunt 2B 00 " Jos McCahan 7 00 Henry Taylor 45 00 " Andrew Park 36 00 811 75 Blank Books and Stationery for the Public OD cm and Court 465 88 M M Esq., Fees as Prot'y, Clerk of Ses sions, &c 273 15 Refunding orders to sundry persons l9B 48 Road Tax . on Unseated Lands to sundry Persons Lewin Stever, Cass township 67 05 B Weaver, Hopewell township 3l 87 It A Laird, Porter " John O White, Cass ' School Tax on Unseated Lands to sundry Persons : Jesse Yocum, Brady E Thompson, Juniata " 8 70 R A Laird, Porter "585 d _ To .... . Bounty Tax on Unseated Landa to J Hall Milner, Jaeloon towiphip B5 02 R A Laird, Porter E Thompson, Juniata " Abram Elias, Tod " Commissioners. Adam Pouse in full 64 03 Samuel Cummins in full 372 00 Simeon Wright on account 302 00 George Jackson A II Miller • " 1.1.1 LIJ gm C,ommissioners' expenses in going to road view for damages, Bridges, &c 6O 05 Commissioners' Clerk in full for 1863 75 00 46a 1870 7OO 00 775 00 Auditors and Clerk for 1870 llB 00 Wm Long, boarding Jurors in care of Crewet OB 00 Printing for the County. S Cornman 33 00 T 11 Creamer 37 00 Wm Lewis lO3 25 J A Nash llO 25 53 50 Jury Commissioners. N K Covert 46 03 IV Shouts 63 15 109 84 B 3l'Divitt, reporting Court proceedings 125 00 Bridges. Isaiah Coplin, for bridge at Rock NHL— 000 00 J Lamberson, " across Shaver's Creek 848 00 John M'Comb. for bridge at Mapleton 300 00 " in Tell twp 525 00 repairing bridge at Bridge port lOO 00 Albert Nall, repairing bridge at Union Furnace - 359 25 Nicholas Rider, repairing bridge scrods Aughwick 351 90 3990 15 Paid First National Bank Paid Teachers' Institute 125 00 Agricultural Society lOO 00 Pennsylvania State Lunatic Asylum for the keeping of D Brolherline, C Bower and D L Jones 212 15 Western Penitentiary for support of convicts 384 19 sheriff Neely, for summoning jurors, boarding persons, and convoying convicts to the Pen itentiary, &c 2318 40 Repairing pourtlfouso, Choirs, Cushions, &c B3 41 " Jail, lightning rods, bedstead, white. .. washing, papering, &c 226 33 Merchandise for Jsil 362 14 Blaksnilthing " .. 2B 95 391 09 Fuel for Jail and Court House • -- 461 ai Cleaning Court House, carpet, Ac 47 00 snow from pavement 7 75 Washing for prisoners in part 2O 00 Gas for Court House and prepairing fix tures 65 00 Janitor, John C Miller 53 25 Postage 4B 31 271 91 Commissioners' Attorney, J Hall Musser 242 73 Auditing accounts of Prothonotary, Register k Recorder, Dr Brumbaugh, physician at jail 29 25 S J Cloyd, fees on sale of Unseated Lands, Ac 2l 78 Redemption Money paid out 23 46 G B Armitage, auditing Prothonotary and Reg ister's account. lO 00 Paid Treasurer of Huntingdon County Poor House 7510 56 Bodenburg and Bohner expense.. Guard at Jail, Anthony White 22 50 David Long 215 00 " Frederick Pease l6l 50 Uriah Lewis 2O 00 " .1 Latdberson 3 75 11 C Weaver OOO Execution, gallows, lumber, Ac BO 16 Bottriling.inrors 9B 00 606 91 11 eras, coffin and burying l4 00 Paid on Indebtedness to the State 4171 64 Treasurer's commission, $74,960 19 at 1% per c 1124 40 Balance in the hands of S. J. Cloyd at last settle went with Auditors 842 35 Wr., the undersigned, Auditors of Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, elected and sworn according to law, report that we have met, did audit, settle and adjust according to law, the accounts of Samuel J. Lloyd, Esq., Treasurer of the County, and the orders of tho Commidaioners, and re ceipts for the same for and during the past year, and find a balance in the hands of Samuel J. Cloyd, Esq., Treasurer of eight hundred and forty-two dollars and thirty.five cents. ($Bl2 35.) Given under our hands at the Commissioners' Office, in Huntingdon, the 14th day of January, A. D., Ha. WII. H. REX, BARTON GREENE,} Auditors. HENRY NEFF. •—, O UTSTANDING BALANCES DUE the County at the settlement with the Audi tors for the year 1870. TOWNSHIPS. TE . R . COLLECTORS. kO. TAX STAIR. I ma's' —.. Cromwell lS6s.Caleb Kelly , 34 71 ... .. ..' Juniata. .. -... ISs6'Levi Ridenour 101 01 . 2.1 . 59 . 6 . 50 Juniata 1667,Jn0 Geissenger.' 98 32 20 49 998 Carbon lB6B,Williant Ryan.- 52 60 24 43,54 50 Hopewell Solomon' Lynn..; 117 22 8 92' 550 Penn Springfield jMorrisCutehilli 30 25 10 16, 923 Union Alexandria-- 1869 Wm Christy I 102 42 750 660 Bnirly -.. Carbon Casa • Clay Dublin- ....... - IfWm Clymans.. , 263 34 13 11'13 50 Itenderson.--- Ji Nightwine ; 240 56 21 60! 700 Jackson Juniata I Lincoln Mapleton Mt Union. I 1E K Rodgers.... 2(0 92 27116 60 Wet B White.- 349 21 20 13 3t 00 Ari ' rty i tlienj Davis...-. 1092 79 40 35 15 50 Springfield ' . Morris Cintshall 329 00 24 45 111 00 West , Henry Shively.. 588 06 34 37 42 00 Alexandria IS7o'fS Isenberg...-. 235 86 18 60 9 50 Brady Rarree -Jonas 800k5... 1293 62 97 59 32 00 Broad Top ! Carbon Cass .. . ......... .. ' - hlos Curftnan... 287 73 20 31 660 CassviNe Cloy - 451 75 34.78 13 00 Cromwell Coalniont ' ' l'homaa Estop-. 68 48 069 550 Dublin fD S Peterson.. iali 93 28 68 11 50 Franklin Hopewell' Henderson Joe Showalter.. 2SI 10 32 75 13 00 Huntingd...... Jackson flames Lee 1026 52 , 118 20 39 00 Juniata Lincoln Mapleton , lf II Swoops 125 56 11812 00 Morris.. Mt. Union Uneida. .., ' l -Johu C Baste... 330 92 19 69 6 50 , Orbisonia. Sain'l Carothers 62 21 697 350 r Porter I . Penn Shirley ...... fJonatbn Doyle 1411 81 97 60 13 00 Springfield.-- ltlno F Ramsey. 331 10 21 58 11 50 Shirleysburg... 'George Leas.-- 206 70 38 60 550 Tod ...... fSolltin Houck 494 91 37 26 16 50 Tell Three Springs., - 31 65 424 150 I Union . Thomas Irvin... 152 91 12 71 15 60 Walker Warriommark. ' IfElfas Seek 1961 33 95 77 40 00 West li - Jno Henderson 2738 67 91 56 10 00 'leered troll.- 7er to Judgment against P. M. Lytle, Esq., for money coil by him as Commissioners' attorney from delinquent tors in the years 1866 and 1869, and not yet paid cc the Treasurer-8577 28 with interest, Balance ofJndanient Bond against J K. DlValian, $375- 00 with interest.. •Since paid in full. tSince paid in part. Given under tho seal of the Commissioner' Office, the 14th day of January, 1871. 'SIMEON WRIGHT, GEORGE JACKSON, }Comm'iins. ABRAM R. MILLER. fel.B4t. County Finances STEWARD'S STATEMENT. JOHN LOGAN, Steward, In account with the Hunting don County Alms House, from the 6th day of December, ISekto the 6th day of December, 1810, inclueive. To amount drawn from county treasurer on orders $535 67 Amount received in sundry cases, 93 76 By sundry expenditures for use of Louse, as per monthly statements, numbered as follows, viz : Statement No. 1, December 1E69. By pair pants for Galagan, (pauper), 2 00 Cush paid for travelliug expenses to Huntingdon Pope case, 125 Cash paid in going to Tyrone City, in Mary Lightner's ease, 500 Cash page are from Mt. Union, aid stage f f .. - 50 75 . - •• Stamtm, • Freight on tobacco, " " In going to llollidaysburg and back, Statement No. 2, January 1870. By attending court in the Mary Lightner case, S ;0 Cash paid car fare and expense for Mary Lightner, 245 it " For cordial for her child, 15 " " Mary Thompson for keeping Mrs Pope, (pauper), 2 00 Cash paid for stamps and paper, 00 going to Alexandria in the case of Benj. Jenkins, 230 Statement N 0.3, February. By going to Mifflin county in the case of the Mort family, 150 Cash paid If. Hartzler for eye•water, 75 " .` for fare to Huntingdon, for counsel in sev eral cases, 70 Cash paid for three meals and lodging, 1 50 " " for stamps, 60 Statement No. 4, March. By expenses to Mifflin county in the Mort case, 1 50 Cash paid for cabbage seed from New York, 40 " " for stamps, _ . " for one cp in of rye whiskey, Coffee Ban in Mary Lyon' Ca T h P4ll. S. r i ,ne ltum a tu k' gM E og (* ee m g; ) '3lary Lyon' three weeks, Cash paid going to Huntingdon and Alexandria, Oath paid for car fare, •` car titre for Jane llagen's, to see her son, $42.943 74 Statement Na. 5, April. By expenses in taking Mary Lightner to court M Huntingdon, 2 20 Cash paid fur same, ear and sta;te fare, 85 .• •` fur one meal, Jane Hagou'd at Flemming's 50 " •• for stamps, 00 Statement No Nay. By expenses and stags fare on horse collars, 30 Cash paid Newton Alexander, for one turkey, I 00 " " for stamps, GO " " Showalter for castmting shoats, .75 " " David Zimmerman, half day planting; corn, 37 Stafentetat .n. 7, Junt. By expenses to Huntingdon to see after Mary Moore and child, 120 Cash paid, ear fare, to Mapleton, to see after Platt faulty, 20 " " for stamps, 54 Statement No. 8, .7111. y. By expenses to Petersburg after Mimi Campbell (Pauper), 1 70 Casb paid for stamps, 45 " " for one pint wbiskey, 10 Statement 11 - o. 9.,1 vans/. By expenses to Mapleton to see after the Prutt family, 50 Cash paid car fare to Mapleton, in the Calegan rare, 50 " " William Beaty for threshing, 50 " " Miller, a way-faring pauper, 50 " " car fare, to Huntingdon, tee., 190 " " for stamps, 45 " " David Zimmerman for threshing, 50 4t I - Statement 14 .10, September. By expenses to, and at Uuntitigdon, in lb. came, Blair county vs. Huntingdon county. 120 Cash paid in going after Ilughs, 1 60 for stamp 4, 60 " " horse feed at Mt. Union, 20 " for wind-mill screen,l 70 • Statement .110. 11, October. By expenses to Walker township, after pauper, 1 50 Cash paid lade Wilhelm's fare, home and back, 1 10 •• " pauper's dinner at Aults' 40 " for stamps, 10 " for pair pantaloons for pauper, 2 00 •• " to liontingdon with stove grate, and seeing pauper, 1 70 Statement 110.12, Norember. Bp expenses to Huntingdon in Mrs. Watkin's owe, 170 Cash paid freight on store grate, 25 " “ " on blind bridles, 35 Cash paid for stamps, 00 " " for one pair gloom for David Irvin, 43 " ink of Isenberg, 10 " " Sarah Couch, house labor, 100 " " John H. Lightner for painting, 2 00 ALLOWANCES. By salary as Steward 1 year, 1 month anal 6 days (6th Dec.,) 495 00 Allowance to Mt s. Logan, as Matron of llonoe, 55 06 Products of Form. 351 bushels wheat, 218 bushels oats, 150 bushels pot. toes, 2/00 bushels ears of corn, 0 bushels beans, 10 bushels beets, 12 bushels onions, 2000 heads of cabbage, 3 bbl. kraut, 20 tons hay, 14 (four horse) loads corn fodder, 2194 lbs pork, 336 lbs lard, 7 milch cows, 5 Lead young cattle, 1 breeding sow, 7 pigs, 6 shunts. Articles Manufactured. 12 wosuen's dresses, 35 pro pantaloons, 46 shoots, 34 chinless, 11 aprons.= sheets, 12 sacks, 13 son-bonnets, 2 slips, 50 pre stockings, 11 bed-ticks, 53 pillows, 11 towels, 13 haps, 10 bolsters, 4 shrouds, 11 shirts, 9 caps, 1 pr rait tons, 11 prs suspenders, 4 pillow-ticks, 35 yas carpet, 4 vest., 133% bushels wheat ,150 bus oats, 17W corn ears, 7 bus potatoes, 15 bus turnips, 14 (four horse) loads corn fodder, 14 tons bay, 6291 lbs pork, 10 bat beets 12 bus onions, 2000 heads cabbage, 3 bbls kraut, :216 lbs lard, 6 young cattle, 1 brooding sow, 7 pigs, 6bhoista, 4 horses, 1 broad-wheel wagon, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 two horse sleigh, 1 "bob sled," bay rake, wind mill, threshing machine and fixtures, patent bay ladders, grain drill, two iron plows, 2 double-shovel plows, hillside plow, 2 cultivators, 1 (two-horse) cultivator, 6 seta horse gears bay fork and tackling, patent cutting box, 2233 Ilia beef, 935 lbe lard, 7 mllch cows. MONTHLY TABLE. Disehargu, ete_ during the dear• Showing Admistie a ' g ~ U . s • r January, 1870 February, ... March, April, . May, June " July,— August, September," October, " November, " 22 1 2 2 2 1 b 2 2 1 2 11-1 I-I-111-1 SM43 74 !•••121••• Of the inmates on December 1,1870,1 is colored, 5 in- In testimony of the correctness of the above account and statement, we do hereunto set our bands this 6th day of December, a. d.,1810. JOHN MILLER, 1 Directors o[ ' JAM V.S J. I'. STEWART. P oor. Arrest: G. W. WIITTAKER, Clerk. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE HUNTINGDON COUNTY ALMS BOUM from December Bth, 1869, to December 6th, 1870, Inclusive: RECEIPTS. DR. To amount drawn from Co. Treasury, on orders,- 57471 67 John Logan, Steward, for sundries in his account 93 76 EXPENDITURES. For Farm, marked File F. Ny sundry persons for smithing, No 1 to 7. $ 114 57 David Smith, wages as farmer, no. 8 284 20 Daniel Isenberg, a three-years old colt, no. 9 l5O 00 Sundry persons fur harvesting, nos, 10 1018 47 37 Frank Ilarmony, labor on farm, no. 17 l2B 22 Sundry persons fur sundries, not. 18 to 31 302 58 Ibr Provisions, mashed File F. By sundry persons for 4381 tbn beef, no. 1 to 14 B=6 08 • •' 9156.'• pork, no 15 to 21 195 50 Kerr & Withington, Book, and Jacobs, summer meat, no t./ to 26 65 21 Sundry persons to sundries, no 27 to 31 26 94 Ibr Merchandise, marked Pyle M. By W. A. Fmker , merchandise, no 1 to 11. $ 876 71 W. 11. Leas, 66 no 12 to 13 260 50 W. 11. Brewster " no 14... 4B 32 Sundry nervous, no 15 to 18. l2B 18 $1320 11 Out Door Expensea,suarkul Fife O.D. Ity relief afforded in nix pees continuous during the • 1 to 6... .ao year, no . Relief in seveml mks., lees than a you, no 7 to 38,7 385 85 Keller in numerous eases, without reused to time, _ no 38 p 3 64 oo al to 64 Sundry Physicians, out-door media) service, no 65 to 14- 194 25 Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hoituital, 34 weeks and 2 dap board and medical care of W. Nor• _ _ ris. no 76 130 75 Itioir Co. Alms Mu, keeping pauper., no 76.-- 42 30 Mifflin " " " " no 77 529 25 Myton & °born, provisions for R. lifflinnly, no 78 52 16 Jackson Marmon, out-door services, no 79 to 81 29 00 Adam Herter, " no 82 to 83 44 00 John Miller, .• " DO 84 to 87 97 10 James Smith, " " no 88 to 89 4l 00 Xiscellantoess and Incidenta4, marked Fik I. By smoky persons, publishing report, no 1 to 3 $ 90 00 Asher Drake, on aoconnt of wood, no 4to 5 3l 50 M. 8. Harrison,:spoutiniChouse and tinware, no 63 74 56 J. 11. Lightner, painting house, no 9 6B 28 David Blair. 14% tons lump coal, no 10 e7 38 John Dougherty, shingles, lath and coal. no 11-14 147 07 Benjamin Douglass, clothing, no 15 to 16 7O 00 Dr. It. Baird, 32 cords of wood, no 17 56 00 William Drake, coffins and wagon work, no 18-19 4O 50 F. D. Stevens, hardware, no 20 to 21. ta 14 J. C. Stickler, plow point. and freight, no 22 2l 95 Philip Italie, crocks and lumber, no 23 to 24 7 14 Hawker 4 Son, crocks, no 26 to 26 27 46 J. B. Erb, 1000 feet poplar boards. no 27 2O 00 Sundry persona, to sundries, no 28 to 51 lO2 67 Miss Sarah Conch, house labor, no 62 Bl 93 Remote's, *larked File R. By sundry Justices, for orders issued, no 1 to 10.... $36 34 Sundry persons, removing paupers to house, 1149... 45 5 141 3 County Finances. By Adam fleeter, aervlces as Director, 10 months $ 84 00 John Miller, 12 " 151 20 James Smith. 12 U 6340 , John P. Stewart, " " 2 " 22 8) H. L. Lovell, Esq., " Attorney, 12 " 20 GO Dr. B. Baird, attending Physician, 4 " 48 00 Dr. W. P. M'Nite, . " 8 " 83 29 John Logan. Steward for amount of hla account... 13 . 4 43 Geo. W. Whittaker, servicee as clerk one year...—. 50 00 $62943 $7666 43 Norz—By order of the Directors of the Poor of eald county, the following etatemeat or exhibit to made, show ing the sum of $5,813 19, as the actual, legitimate amount expended for the use and support of the institution proper during the current year, 1370—after deducting the follow ing ann., of which $ll3O 75, were for previous yews: Blair and Mifflin counties Alms Houses, keeping paupers for previous yearn Imo 00 Pennsylvania State Lunatic Asylum keeping pau pers for previous years l3O 75 IVagon shed and two corn cribs 225 00 Painting, glazing and spouting house 146 49 Three years old mare— l5O 00 Gears for four horses $l2 95 Wz, the undersigned Auditors of the county of Hunting don, do hereby certify that we have examined the orders, vouchers, accounts, &c., of the Directors of the Poor of said county, and find the same to be correct as above stated. And we do further find that on examining the Treasurer's account he has paid on Poor Howe Orders since last settle ment the sum of /7,510 56, of which amount the sum of 4117 67 was expended for the year 1869, making total ex penditures of 1870, (so far as paid,) amount to the sum of of /7392 89, $ll 40 Witness Our hands at Iluntingdon, this 11th day ofJan nary, , A. D., 1871. Miscellaneous j IL DURBORROW, Attorney-at t., • Law, Huntingdon, Pa., will practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular attention given to the settlement of estates of dece dents. Office in the JOURNAL Building. [feb.l,ll $l4 25 AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under signed Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of lluntingdon county, to hear the exceptions to the account of J. K. McCahan, Trustee of Thom as S. McCahan, (now deceased,) under the will of his father, John McCahan, late of Walker township, deceased, and to make distribution, &0., hereby gives notice that ho will attend at his office, in Huntingdon, on THURSDAY, the 16th day of FEB RUARY, next, at ten o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of his appointment, when and where all persons in terested may attend and be heard if they see prop er to be present. Jan.25,'71 ORPHANS' COURT SALE! Estate of JOHN PEIGHTAL, deceased. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, the undersigned will expose to public sale, on the premises, in Penn township, in said county, on FRIDAY, THE 10TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. '7l, at 10 o'clock, a. m., all the following described real estate of John Peightal, late of said township, de ceased, to wit: ONE HUNDRED and THIRTY ACRES of land, more or less; eighty acres of which are cleared, in a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a large log DWELLING HOUSE, barn and other improvements. The above tract of land will be sold as a whole or in parts to suit pur chasers. It is situated on the line of the Hunting don and Broad Top Railroad; is in a pleasant com munity, convenient to market, and in every way desirable for agricultural purposes. TERMS OF SALE : One-third of the purchase money to he paid on confirmation of sale. and the residue in two equal annual payments to he secured by bonds and mort gages of purchasers. SAMUEL PEIORTAL, JAMES WARD, Administrators of John Peightal, deceased. WConnellstown, Pa., January 25—ts. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, I will expose to public sale, on the premises, in Henderson township, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH, '7l, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following property : 1. All that certain messuage tract of land situate in Henderson township, aforesaid, bounded as fol lows Beginning at a chestnut oak, thence south thirty degrees, west one hundred perches to a white oak, thence south sixty-seven degrees, east eighty perches to a post, thence north thirty de gree., east one hundred perches to lands owned by Maria Corbin, thence by the line of the said Maria Corbin, north sixty degrees, west eighty perches to the place of beginning, containing FORTY-SIX ACRES and one hundred and thirty perches, more or less, and having thereon erected a LOG DWELLING HOUSE, log stable and other out-buildings. About twenty acres of this land are cleared and under cultivation; there or four acres of good mead ow, and the remainder well timbered with $829 43 WHITE OAK, &C . The farm is situate on the line of a public road leading from the Union School House to Warm t p u r n in tig s,r n d about four and a half miles from TERMS:—One-half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the balance in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchaser. Further credits of sale will be made known on day of sale, by JOHN WARFEL, Administrator of Catharine Duncan, deed. jan2s—ts. Remaining each month. 1 1 1 1 R I II S I riPir ORPHANS COURT SALE OF VAL. LIABLE REAL ESTATE! Estate of ARMSTRONG WILLOUGHBY, deed, By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Coart of Huntingdon county, the undersigned will expose to sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, 11th day of FEBRUARY, next, at one o'clock, m., of said day, the follow ing described real estate, late of Armstrong Wil loughby, deceased, to wit : 17—l'house and part of a lot of ground fronting twenty-one feet and two inches on the south side of Hill street, and extending in depth, one hundred feet, to lot now owned by Adam Sciunierman, ad joining lot of F. B. Wallace, Esq., on the west, and lot of John Read, on the east,being part of lot No. 67 in the plan of said borough of Huntingdon, and having thereon erected a . LOG DWELLING HOUSE, weatherboarded, now in the occupancy of Dr. E. E. Wiestling. 2.—Also, a lot of ground, in said borough, east of the Cemetery, bounded on the north and west by lands of J. S. Stewart, Esq., on the east by lot of Wm. Morningstar and others, and on the south by Moore street, which is not opened, but so located as to separate the Catholic Cemetery from the above described lot, containing two acres more or less. TERMS :—One third of purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, one-third in one year thereafter with interest, and the other one-third at the death of the widow of said Armstrong Willough by, deceased, with interest, payable regularly and annually to said widow during her natural life. Said deferred payments to be secured by bonds and mortgages of the purchasers. DAVID BLACK. Trustee. January 25-ts. $7565 43 PIMMO SALE OF VALUABLE REAL E . STATE : 8w26 94 In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, the undersigned will expose to sale, on the premises in Cass township, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1871, the following described properties : I.—A tract of land situate in said township, bounded north by lands of George Wilson, east by lands of David Hamilton and C. Miller's heirs, south by other lands of C. Miller's heirs, and west by lands of George Wilson, aforesaid, containing FIFTY-EIGHT ACRES and ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE PERCHES, more or less, with a two-story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, and a fine spring of water thereon. 2.—Also, a tract of land situate in said township, bounded north by lands of Jos. M. Wilson, east by lands of A. Henderson, south by lands of John Spangler, and west by lands of C. Miller's heirs, containing ti= 76 TWENTY-FOUR ACRES and One hundred and twenty-one Perches. more or less. The first tract above described is situate on the line of the public road leading from Cassville to Paradise Furnace, about two miles from the former place; and also on the line of the public road lead ing to Huntingdon and Mill ('reek. Twenty-five acres or more of this tract are eleared and under good cultivation and the balance is well timbered. The smaller tract is located near the public roads above described, is well watered, and is covered with a very fine growth of $2l 3 2 99 WHITE PINE TIMBER, as good as can be found in the county. Opportunity will be given purchasers to buy either or both tracts. Sale to commence at one o'clock. p. m., of said day. Terms OF i3ALE :—One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the balance in two equal annual payments thereaf ter, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchasers. Further conditions of sale made known on day of sale, by 1). CLARKSON, N. A. MILLER, Administrators of Christian Miller. deceased. jan2sls. $928 86 A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. [Estate of Alice Uetrirl.•, derea“d.] Letters of Administration having ha•en granted to the undersigned, tiring in the borough of Itinninf ham, on the estate of Alice Detrick. late of satti borough, all persons indebted to said estate will make payno.nt without delay. and those having claims against the same wilt present them duly a uthent iented for settlement.. Salaries. $ll5l 12 Feb. 1, 1871 A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Eseuts of William Mhos, deceased.] Letters of Administration baring been greeted tLe undersigned on the estate of William Wilson, late of Jackson township, deceased, all persons know ing themselves indebted to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ROBERT WILSON, Jack on townA,ip, Jan. 18, '7l. ETRAY NOTICE.—Came to the premises of the subscriber, residing in War rior'i Mark township, Huntingdon county, Pa., about the first of Novtmber last, a red steer two years old, and no marks. The owner is requested to ease forward, prove property, pay charges, and take it away, otherwise it will be disposed of ac cording to law, jan.25,3t $1752 24 GEORGE ROSS. ALD3IINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. , 7 (Eatate of MAHLON STRYKER, dee'd.) WM. H. REX, BARTON GREENE,}- Auditor.. HENRY NEFF. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Slablon Stry ker, late of West township, deceased, all persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. W.M. W. STRYKER. Petersburg, Jan. 25, 1871.-6 t. APPEALS. The Commissioners of Huntingdon county, will hold their Appeals at the following times and places, between the hours of 9 and 3 o'clock. Itendereon township, at Union School House, on Tuesday, the 7th day of February. Brady township, at the house of Thomas 111'Har vey, on Wednesday, the Bth day of February. Union township and Mapleton borough, at the house of J. S. Pheasant, on Thursday, the 9th day of February. • Mount Union borough, at the house of J. Covert, on Friday, the 10th day of February. ' ' ' Shirley township anciShirleysburg borough, at the house of F. Eyler, on Saturday, the llth day of February. Cromwell township and Orbisonia borough, at the house of A. Carothers, on Monday, the 13th day of February. Tell township, at Nosiville at the public school house, on Tuesday the 14th day of February. Dublin township, at Shade Gap, at the house of W. M'Gowan, on Wednesday, the 15th day of February. . . . THEO. H. CREMER, Auditor. Springfield township, at Meadow Gap, at the public school home, on Thursday, the 16th day of February. Clay totjuship and Three Springs borough, at the house of D. G. Hudson, on Friday, the 17th day of February. Case township and Cassville borough, at the public schoolhouse, in Casscille, on Saturday, the 18th day of February. Tod township, at Green's School House, on Monday, the 20th day of February. Carbon township and Broad Tup City borough, at the house of 1%. T. Pearson, on Tuesday, the 21st day of February. Coalniont borough, at the hunsa of A. Ilykes, on Wednesday, the 22d day of February. Hopewell township, at the school house, at ough and Ready, un Thursday, the 23d day of February. Lincoln township, at Coffee Bun Station, at the house of - Brumbaugh, on Friday, the 24th day of February. Penn township, at the house of A. Zeigler, in Marklesburg, on Saturday, the 25th day of Pel:ru ary. _ _ Warriorsmark township and Birmingham borough, at the house of James Chamberlain, in Warriorsmark, on Tueeday. the 28th day of Feb. .. . . ..• ' " Franklin township. at the public eehool bowie, in Franklitiville, on Wednesday, the let day of March. Morris township, in Wateretreet, at the house of W. A. Black, on Thursday, the 2d day of March. Porter township and Alexandria borough, at the house of Jame. Maul!, in Alexandria, on Friday, the 3d day of Marsh. West township and Petersburg borough, at the house of A. Graffiti., in Peterburg, on Saturday, the 4th day of March. . Barree tovrnship, at the homy, of Jacob Hallman, in Sauleburg, on Monday, the 6th day of March. . .. . Jackson township, at the house of 'Jacob Little, in M'Alevy's Fort, on Tuesday, the 7th day of March. Oneida township, at the Public House, at the Warm Springs, on Wednesday, the Bth of March. Walker township, at the house of W. Lang, in M'Connellstown, un Thursday, the 9th day of March. Huntingdon borough, at the Commissioners of fice. on Friday. the 10th day of March. Juniata township, at Hawn's School House, on Saturday, the 11th day of March. Jan. 18, '7l. (READY -MAD: 0 0 f The Largest, Stock; the Finest (Goods; the New. lest styles ; thel Best Workman-! (ship; the Greatd est Variety, at MARKET and !SIXTH Streets.l i i i 0 0 il lin BOYS'I !WEAR we have! levery kind of ma -1 terial and every va.riety of otylesl Ignitable fcr YOUTH from 16 It o 2 0. BOYS from 9 to 16, land CHILDREN j (from k to 9 yearn' lall durable and !Strong, mad el with ppeeial ref- lerence to rougk I usage. In thisl (department 0 u rl PRICES are ae-I tonishingly low. MARKET and ISIXTH Streets.l :1 i Miscellaneous. K EZIA II DETRICK, Adminietratrix. 1 E C] (THING ! ; We have made! lo u r Establieh-I Iment • 'THE HEADQUAE ITERS OF) COUNTRY, 'TRADE" in (Clothing, and wel !friends from out lot town that they need look no 'further than FOAK HALL , Ifor satisfactory (Clothing and eat-1 lisfactory Prices. Full Stock all the Iyear round. IMARKET and SIXTH Streets. k it i ;g ; Our CUSTOM WORK is of the Ivery best aurae-, 'ter. Easy rules prises, &c., sent' !free to any part lof America, and !good fits guaran- !teed. MARKET and SIXTH Sts. k k i :LPHIA, PA. PHILAD]