elje 6.lnbc. HUNTINGDON, PA Tuesday morning, Dec, 13, 1870. LOCAL & PERSONAL Itleetlitge UM Jl4,o2lOrieal'-'1.0561, No. 300, -A. Y. H., meets second tlunday - 4veningot each month, in Brown's building. Standem:bione zr. It. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the firedteseaday evening of each mouth, in Broun's .ftiniada bodie; No. 117, I 0. 0. F., meets every Friday evening4third floor,, in Leister's Mount five: Chimp of I. 0. 0. 11, meets every second and fourth Tuesdays, lu Leister's building, third floor. Standing &One Lodge, No. 65, I. 0. G. T., meets every Tuesdiii evening in third flour of Bead's building. Arrtrprdioe Tribe, 110.68, I. 0 of it. AL. meats every Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's budding- T auistian Association meets the fir.t end thild Monday ee eniugs each month, in Smith's building. Post 33, 0. A. R.; meets Third Monday of each month in Court HOMO. ' Town Cbuncit meets the first Friday evening of each tunnth. Iluntingdon Lodge, No.llo, K. of P., meets every Sat urday evening, in tnith's Huntingdon Temple of Honor, No. 71, meets the fourth Monday of each month in Good Templars' Hall. The Websterion nub meets ovary Thursday evening, in Y: M: CI. A. mom.. ....o,,esserton Maim% sa. tr. meets first and third Tuesdays ofesich month in Good Tempters Mall. L BapthJt diustii—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Plan nett. Services on Sabbath : 1014 a. m., 7p. m. Cathol:c--Washington Street. 1tev.1t..7. Aylward. Ser. vices Brat three Sundale in every month. •Evangelical.Luthenin—Mittlin Street. Rev. .7..7. Kerr. ;-Sertitts on Sabbath : 1034 a. m., 7 p. in. Geraiin Reformed—Church Street. 11ev. S. I/. Steckle. Service on Sabbath: 7. p. m. Methodist Episcopal--Church Street. Rev. M. K. Foster , • Services on Sabbath : 1014 a. m., 7 p. in. -Protestant Episcopal—Hill street. Rev. A. 11. Boyle, Services on Sabbath: 1034 a. m., -Presbyterian-11111 Street. Rev. G. W. Lalnitser. Ser vices on Sabbath : 11 a. m , 7 p.m. 40n the Wing. Saxton has a new Odd Fellows' Hall. The Altoona Daily Sun has suspended The last autumn was The hottest on record. Going like hot cakes—tickets fur Billings' lei:titre on the 20th inst. All eyes and ears—Young America in . search of Christmas gifts. "Rowdyism is on the increase in Altoona." Was it ever on the decline ? • An editor without scissors is like an old woman without s pectacles Hematkable—The way our jurors are se lected. Huntingdon can't complain. Dull sole—pork and beef at reasonable Trims: Pork S and Sic; beef 8 and 9c. Our subscribers are promptly paying up in .order to get even with the enlarged Globe. Christmas comes on Sunday this 'year— Monday will be turkey day with most people The Dorsey property in this place was sold on Thursday last to Mr. William Long for $9,025. The Globe was the only parer which gave its subscribers the President's message in an -ea'ru The last few days have been a little win teriell, and the nest few days may be n little more so A:lletlfordite bit at a "confidential" New 'York circular. We hope to hear of no such fools in our county. Everybody subscribe for the Globe now.— It trill enlarged in January nest. Terms $2.00 a year, in advance. Perrons wanting any kind of goods should .send to the agency of Brom itt Bros. No. 55 Cliambers - street, New Yolk. :Almanacs, like brooms, - may _Le ,found in every house. And some of our citizens are -well posted in "signs." Pickpockets in Philadelphia chug cigars -and give them to the nice-looking fellows .they want to pluck. They are wise who secure their tickets in -iiclsonce fur Ju:h Billings' lecture 'renter's Huh on the 20th inst. Christmas is coming, and the little folks core beginning to feel good, We hope they cony n t be disappointed. Everyb ,dy is trying to account for the lack - of cold weather, and it is remarkable bow many sages we do have. We expect our tow Gordon Job Press this -Week, when we will do all kinds of Job prin ling in the highest style of the art. Bro. Trough, of the Hollidaysburg Stand ard, paid us a visit last week. Ho looked :as gay as a peach, without the blossom. The Tyrone Herald aims high if it does lie low—it Ihas booked Chaillu and Gov. Geary •as subscribers. It must find a poor market at home. If home institutions desire home patronage will they get it by sending their printing away, when it can be done as cheap and as good at home t The West Huntingdon people now talk of erecting a market•house. Those enterpris lug people will not be long in getting this and other conveniences. Bernard Wolf and Henry Betz each paid their 55th year's subscription to the Chem beitiburg .Repository the other week. They should each hare a gold medal. It is to be inferred that on one holiday at least all the stores in our borough will be •olused. •This wonderful fact will occur next Christmas; reason is, it-comes on Sunday. We learn theta special train will be run •on the Broad Top road on the evening of the 20th inst., for the accommodation of all who desire to hear Josh Billings lecture. About the best thing, wo think, we can toffs: our subscribers as a New Years' pres ent is, the Globe enlarged. How many will Present us their names and the cash for a year? Nov is the time to subscribe. We are pleased to note that Austin K. Buoy, new.of Hollidaysburg, has taken a sol emn oath before a Squire to abstain from the use of liquor as a beverage. We hope he will have moral courage to resist when tempted by fake friends. Prof. James Stevens of the Hunting.:on Academy is teaching a night school in this place. Ifsome of those boys who "run round st.nights" would avail themselves of this op portunity there would be a brighter pros pect for their future. We must say it. D. S. Africa has the largest and best selection of Candies, Toys, Jos lry, Penknives, Ptcket-books and Hol iday Presents we have ever seen in this neck d woods. Don't put off making . your pur chases, fur now is the time for a good choice. A subscriber out of the county says our .'On the Wing" column is like a letter from home. Just so, but get a letter from borne, though often short, is not more accep table than a home newspaper, which not on ly gives all the home news of any importance but also gives the news of the day, rerAn elegant assortment of Ladies Furs, embracing Mink Sable, German Fiteb,.Siberian Squirrel, Canada Mink Water Mink, French Coney, &c., just opening at rooms of ..P10Y.: 2, 4;01. FlB.llEil SONSt Communicated A SAD ACCIDENT.—On Saturday, December 3d, George Montgomery, aged about ten ycais, who Resides with Ins parents at Three Springs, was car rying a rabbit•trap to the woods to set a shot t distance hem town, when ho caught his foot in a brush and fell with his face on the top of the trap, in which was a sharp nail about one and a half inches long, which entered his eye-ball, causing the contents of the ball of the eye to ooze out. Dr. Tompson was called in who dressed the wound. The boy is doing as well as could be expected, but the Doctor is fearful that he will lose the other eye also, through sympathy of the one that has received the wound. ANOTHEEL-Mr. Darius G. Doyle, carpenter of Three Sp'lugs borough, on Friday, December 2d, was at work putting the cornice on the gable of a building when the scaffolding gave way, and Mr. Doyle fell a distance of twenty-two feet, lighting on his right hand and the side of his head. A plank fell front the scaffold on which he was at work and struck him ou the back of the neck. He was taken up insen• sible and carried to a house near by. Dr. J. F. Thompson was summoned, who examined him and found his wrist dislocated and a bone in the hand broken. The doctor pronounced the injuries internally of a serious na ture. Mr. G. IV. Dough was on the seal. fold also at the time it fell, but saved himself by catching to a window. CHILD HUIVE—On Wednesday last Harry, a little son of Mr. Samuel A. Steele, of this place, was almost run over by a wagon containing two hogs which weighed over God pounds. The little fellow had fallen down in the street, and as Mi. Steel and another man were hauling the wagon, Mr. S., who held the shafts, was suddenly kneeked round by the wheel striking something, and on looking back be saw his son's head in front of OM wheel.— Had he not looked back, the child would have been killed, as the wheel would have guile over his week. The little fellow escaped with a slight inju ry, caused by the wheel scraping his head. A FREE PITCLI-IN.—Theeo colored women got into a fight in this place last week, which started by one calling the other a bad name, and the other one taking a part. lhoy "fought no bly" for it was with difficulty they could be separated. The broil com menced over a mash-pot, and before it ended, the mush, hair, waterffills and ribbons were scattered in all di rections. The combatants made up shortly afterwards and were' as "good as pie" to each other, and had a gay time narrating what they did and how they did it. Just as a traveler was writing his name on the register of a Leaaenworth, Kansas, hotel, a bed-bug appealed and took its way across the page. The man paused and remarked "I've been bled by St. Joe flea., bitten by Kansas city spiders, and interviewed by rt. Scutt graybaeks, but I'll be hanged if I was uver in a place before w hare the bed-bugs looked over the hotel register to see where your room was I" Lewis' is the Place to. Buy School Books and Stationery,Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellancuus Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc.; Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. InovlLtf. BAZAAR or FASlllON.—Particular attention paid to Dress and Cloak making and all kinds of sewing. Also a full line of Millin ery goods, and Paper Patterns, constantly on hand. Coffering, Fluting and Pinking done in all their various branches. Skirts, sacques and children's clothing stamped in all styles, and at low prices, at Mrs. L. A. Hamer's, corner of Mifflin and Bath streets. Get. 184. y. Filling Up for the Holidays. Lewis' lied Front Greeery.is filling up with choice goods for the Holiday season. Groceries of alt kinds, of the best, constantly on hand. Also, Toys, Fancy Goods, and goods of all kinds usually found ins first-class Grocery and Variety Store. Call and see. 3t I !rt U rr Butter 3e,35@40 as to quality; eggs 25; lard 25; potatoes BU@9O; dried apples lOcts per lb; dried peaches 15@ 25cts, per lb; beans 10@l8c quart; su gar cured hams 30 cts; shoulders 18@ 20 side 20@22 cts per lb; dried beef 80 @32 cts; flour $6,50@7,00, per barrel. Green apples 7515100, as to quality. Via.. Time and money can be saved by buying of CREME:CT BROTHERS, who have in connection with their extensive retail estab lishment at Tremont, opened an agency at No. 55 Chambers street. New York, for the baying and selling of all manner and every description of goods AT MANUFACTURERS' PRI CES. fie'- Information freely given. 4.e'. All Dram promptly filled. ,aa 41e13 We believe if a census was taken that not more than one-half the families in this coun ty would be found who take a home paper.— This is an astonishing revelation to those who think this is an intelligent county, but we think the figures would prove our asser tion. We hope it will not be soalways. LaaUcs Dresses awl /Joys CLotllalng. Mrs. B. Annie McCabe respectfully in forms the public that she lias removed to the house formerly occupied by 11. MeManigill., on Washington street, and is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. Sho respectfully invites a full share of patronage. ap7 P - Ono thousand dollars worth of Montana Buffalo Robes, direct. from Fort Leavenworth, have dust been re ceived by as and will be sold 20 per cent lower them last season. Nov. 25 Gt. FISHER & SONS. Can't be Uutleniold. Red Front Grocery receives new supplies almost every day, sells the most, and freshest, and can't be under old. CHOICE FRUIT, &C.—For the beet Raisins, Figs, Currants, Prunes, Nuts, Candies, &c , call at Lewis' Red Front. Grocery arid Variety- Store. Constantly receiving at Lewis' Red Front Grocery, every-thing fresh and good fur the floliday season. aiiir Sweet Cider and pure °idol Vinegar at Red Fro: t Grocery. MARKETS. WIIOLLYALE 3[AnSET, PIIILADELPIIM, Per, 10. 1 1 70. Superfine Flour per burial , f.L4 b0@4.75 Extra Flour per barrel 0u@5.50 Rye Flour per barrel 5.00@5.25 Red Wheat per bushel bye per bushel b7(aro3c. e. Corn 8760ticts. Oats per bushel 50052et5. Eirrenonan, Dec.l.o, 1870. White Wheat Flour, 7.00&3.00 Wheat per bushel ,white $1.3001.35 Corn per bushel 80@8.1cts. Oats per bushel 48@50ets. Eye per bushel $0,b0@0,82. burley Nothing doing FINANCIAL. Nksv Irma. Dec 10 —Gold eloseJ of $1,1134 PHILADELPHIA, occ. 9, 1870. The following are the closing prices of Do Haven & Bro., 40 South Third Street: 11. S. 6's of 'Bl, • - 1131 1131 " " '62, - - 1071 108 k " " '64, - - 1074 1071 " 4 "65, - - 1061 1071 " " '65, new, - 1071 110 k •• 109 Z. " " '6B, • -110 k 1101- " s's., 10-40's, - 1101 106 k U. S. 30 rear 0 per cent. Cy. 1001 . 1101- Cold - - - ilOt Silver, - - - - 105 108 Union Pacific 11.11Ist M. Bonds 806 815 Central Pacific It. It. - 910 . 910 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 650 670 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY Ill' HENRY & CO I=! FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $.430 Extra Flour, do 6 U 0 Family Flour, do 6.50 GRAIN—Red Wheat, per bushel, 120® \Vhite Wheat, do 1.300), Bye, do 80 Corn, new, do 70 Oats, do 40 Barley, do 1.00 SEED—Timothy, do 4 00 Flaxseed, do 1.75 Cloverseed, per 04 lbs. 5.50 Coal.—Hard cool, per ton, 4 5000.00 Broad Top coal, do 3.008,3 50 LUMBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00®30.00 SHINGLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00002.00 Joint Shingles, do G.50®7.00 AltscELLAsrsous—Bark, per cord, 0.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.00 Hops, per pound 40 Wool, do 40®45 Hay, per ton, /2.00 Hides, 7.00 Butter per pound, .35 Lard, " " 15 Eggs, per dozen, _,.)or • Fun SALE.—A half lot in West Ifun. tingdon, all fenced. Inquire at this office. (Dee. 6. t. ROAD LAW.l.—The General and Spe cial Pennsylvania Road Laws, for Salo at Lewis' Book Store—price 65 cents. The next session of the Holli daysburg Seminary begins January 4, 1871. nor 29 4t MARRIED, Nov. 17, by Rev. M. L.. Smith, DAN. lEL S. NYE to Miss LIZZIE PORT, all Of • Petersburg. On the Ist inst , by the Rev. William Gwynn,_ OBURN Miss PA• NINA SCHNEE, all of Ennisvilie. DIED, In the Asylum, at Harrisburg, on Nov. 26, JouN S. \VESTON, aged 56 years. The deceased was a citizen of Mapleton, this county, and leaves a widow and three children. In Springfield township, Nov. 25t h i MARY, wife ofJaeob Wible, aged about 88 yeare. Professors liccuANAN & Dowx of the American University, are making wonderful cures ^ t 4 of Cancers, Tumours and Ulcers by their IA new discovery A painless treatment, no knife, .no plasters, no caustic burning. • Th o most •-•— remark-'Q ~••• able effect CANCERS.. of this !til treatment . .. „ _ . is, it sopa. • P;I p rates the chemical elements of cancerous •tn Et growths, so that they shrh cd, die and dia. • .. appear nail trill not return. All those of- - flirted can call on the Professors 'Buchanan & Down; University; or address, No 514 Pine Street, Philada. AUDITOR'S NOTICE no undersigned Auditor. ;Tackled by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county to distributo the funds In the hands of D. It. P. Healy, High Sheriff, aris ing from the sale of the real estate of Geo. C. Handl ton, will attend to the duties of his appointment at Gm olilco of Simpson& Armitage in the borough of Huntingdon, on ERIDAY, DECEMBER 23d next, at. 2 o'chck, P. M., when all Parties interested will present their claims, or 5o debarred from coming In open said fund. AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned Auditor. oppointed by the Court of Common Pleas of IN nt ingdon county, to take testimony, &c., in•nn action of Account Render. between P. M. flare and 11. S. Wharton, Pending in said Court, hereby gives notice that he will meet the patties interested for the pot posos - of his appointment, nt his office In Huntingdon on FBIRAY, the 23d day of DECEMBER, 1810, at ten o'clock in the forenoon K. ALLEN LOVELT., ~ Auditor, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of ENOCH DEAN,doceascd.] The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the funds In the bonds of Matthew Campbell, Esq , executor of Enoch Dean, late of Union township, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the race of limp. on k Ar mitage, in Huntingdon, en THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22d, next, at too o'clock, P. M., when nil parties Inter ested to ill pre•ent their claims, or be debarred from cum. lug in for a shale of mid fund. . IMPORTANT TO SOLDIERS All Cavalry line officers who worn in the sees Ice ho tneen July 22,1 1061 and Jul) l'ith 1062 are entitled to allowance for me and risk of horses, amounting for the whole time to about $166; for a lees time, to a propor tionate anionnt. hisoltarges mast nccomp•mv,clniota. Ileirs of those ant: tied• but ulto were killed or died in the set, ice, and limo arrears of pay traria,. been collected, aro only required to giro a pour, of Athit ney. Farrows tinting claims of this kind, or any taller claims against the Government can havearanproniptl3 collected by appl3 Mg in person or by letter to • . K. A UAW LON'ELL, Huntingdon. Pn July 12 IR7O-tr. EXECUTOIt'S NOTICE. (Estate of JANE STEEL, late of this horo deed.] Letters testamentary on the estate of JANE STEEL, Into of the borough of Ituntingett,deceaseiLliming been granted to the undersigned, all pet sons indebted are re. .guested•tognake pa 3 silent and those hating claims to present them duly authenticatedoryittinnent. liuntingdott, the 6 61° JAMES ENTRIMIN, Executor A DM INI STRA'rORS' NOTICE. of.JAMES 11 II deceased.) Letters of admlniatration mpon the estate of dames 3liller, late of Brady ton tiallip, deceased, l firing been granted to the undeseigned, 'ell persona indebted to the estate will make immediate payment, and those haring claims will present them for settlement. V. MILLER, Orliimia, , JOIN W. HILLER, Mill Creek, Adinitilstiature. .A IDIINISTR ll ATO'S NOTICE. [Estate of DAVID 0 ARVER, deed.) otters of ad m I n bdrat lon upon the estate of DUN id Gar Nor, Into of 1...!111tbv township, deceased, having been granted to the owlet signed, nll persons indebted to th estate n 11l mat.° lot) incur, and those tiering claims toil hmeent then, for settlement. JOGS GARVER, dn., Administrator ECM ADAIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [l:sinte of Joseph Butter, aced.) I.th.rs of odium:titration, upon the estate of Josepl Rutter, late of Shirley too nship, Huntingdon County deceased, harlng s been mauled to the undersigned, all per EU.s indebted to the estate '*lll nuke immediate pa) moot, and those ha) jog doinns IN ill present then: for Oct Helmut. cHAN.KLIN D. RUTTER, Nor 1, 1870..f.t Administrator. . A. D3IINISTRA.TORS' NOTICE. t EHt.‘to of Peter Et tiler, deed.] Letters of admitustration upon The estate, of Peter Etnier, Into of Brady lowuelllp, deceased, having been grouted, o the mle' signed, all persons indebted to the estate m ill make immediate payment, and those having Claims will prestut them for settlement. DAVID ETNIED, D. N. rolls 1, ldiliCreelc, Nov. ii, MO. Ailministiators. NOTICE.— , All having umuttled accounts with rno will c4II cad settle by thul:OthorDecombor, ur find my Locke with Esquire svi N ve for car ction. Nov. 34 .10 tIN McCULLOCII. W ISE & TAYLOR, Steam Furniture Manufacturers, At their new Furniture wares:mai in S. T. BROIVA"S BUILDING, have just opened an Immense stock ol all kinds or Fur nl tura of the latest styles and tit* own um nufacture, con slating of Parlor, Chamber, Drawing room, Kitchen Furniture, Fine Parlor Suite, Velvet, Hair Cloth, Rep, Terry, and Plush. Fine Chamber Suits. Walnut, Chestnut, Oak Si Maple, in Oil, Grained or Veneered, Mattings of all kinds, Writing Tables, Secretaries, Book Cases, Breakfast, Dining and Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks, Dougbtrays, &e. In short, any and every thing in the furniture lino manufacturea.to order and koptconstantly on hand and &rimed of at CITY WHOLESALE PRICES Our present facilit les for manufacturing only enable us to manufacture a better article but Met, for lees mon ey Mao it possibly can be bought for in the eastern cities We defy competition, and guranteu n saving of 20 pr over any other Furn Ririe sold in this Waco or vicinity and will nuke the ascot lion good in evory particular.— Wye use call 1i ligthing else and be cenvinced. ManuActory : Mifflin St, west of Lutheran Church. Iran. Rooms: S. T. Brown's building, Hill Street, :gov. 15, 18704 p, THE HUNTINGDON Manufacturing Company, Is now prepared to fill orders for EATIIERBO RD I NG, And in short to do all kinds of Carpenter work-- 'refurnish HUBS, SPOKES and TELLIES, in quantities, and receive orders for FITT3ELICIUCT3"II.M. Ber All orders should lie addressed to D. IV. ARTLEY, President, Iluntingdon, Pa June 16, 18694. JOHN C. DULLER, (Successor ,to Q. IL AIILLEIt & SON,) VCALEILIN All Kinds of LEATHER, AND „ SHOE FINDINGS, - HUNTINGDON, PA. . ja12.1870 G. B. ABMIT.(OI'. ' Auditor Joshxplilliingo WILL LECTURE IN YENTER'S HALL, Under the auspices of the Citizens' Lecture Association G. B. AR3IITAGE, Auditor On Tuesday Eveling, Dan. 20, '7O. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES BAIL E Y'S, FIXT UIZES, • TEE HOWE SEWING' MACHINE in the most popular machine in lien world. Over &WO sold eoery month It makes n beautiful Lock Stitch, alike oo both siden. Will beam. quilt, hem, fell, luck, coed, bled and broil. Woe ki equally troll upon Wilk, Imco, woolen and cotton goods will. silk, cotton or lined Uncurl. is agent for Huntingdon 'county Call at his Carpet Stn. nod coo tJomacliuon. I ct 11'70, FOR C "EAP JOB PRINTING CALL AT TILL" GLOBE' OFFICE .111111 in St. Iftentilufilon, 1' FLOORING, DOORS, AND SASH, THE RENOWNED GILT GOLD SIaDES, MUSLIN SHADES, TAPE, CORD AND TASWAS 1 M ENT AT LEW/B' BOOK STORB JAMES AI BROWN A CHU ITEDIOAL DISCOVERY Dr. wpaz.Eivc C? LITOILNIIS VINEGAR BITTERS z-r ' ;fur drcda of Thousands c : „, Bear testimony 6nuornayti,t,oetparcllonder v.? ut WHAT ARE THEY'? F., P V. 2 B 2 "a' a vin r F A ' - nE, 7 . ” < 4-• t. 71 ot S t;t ' aC 141 t. 4 " g Irl t O c4 ;,3 TREY ARE NOTVILEF.; FANCY DRINK, m4s' Made of Ponisltunt, WiliStCY, PrOgif and Refimc Linnern doctored, spiced and sweet ened to please the taste, called o Toules,""teppellz cps," "Restorers," SC., that lend the I:phlcr on to drunkenness and ruin, bet are a true Medicine, made from the Nathc Roots null Becks of California, free front - all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. and A LIVE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Renos ator and Invigorator of the System, carrying sir all 'token:um Matter and restoring the Llood ton healthy comlit:on. ro person can talc there Bitters according le (tree eon and roman long unwell. OLGO will be given for an incurable case, provided Cie bones are net destroyed . k mineral hoist,- or other means, at d theNitLa crunns wasted be:, cn.d il.e point of renatr. For Difiutoteitt cry and Chronic It henturt- Ct:11 teed Gout, 2)3 apepsin, Ott IndigeNtio 0, El , Ben.lt tent scud Intermittent revere Ll' the Blood, Liver, liidneyn, and Bladder, these Bit tern lave heels most enema ta:. buch I:location arc caused II" VI timed Mood. whlch is generally produced by derangement ci the Elgearive Organs. Pitt I!EPSIA 011. ixinGasmioN, Lead ache, Pahl in the Shouldeis, Coughs, Tlghiaess et 11,1 Choot, Dizziness, Sour T.ructations of the Stemma, Ead taste to the Mouth, Bilious: Attacks, Tc.lpltatltn of tile Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Vain in h.e regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other pamtul symptoms, arc the offsprings of Dyspepsia. y invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor pidheer and bowels, which render them of unequalled eglency in cleanrinr, the blood of r.ll impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system, YOU SKIN' DISEASES, Eruptions. Totter, rale Itheutn, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, buncks, Ping-Woitus, Scald-Head, Core TycS,Erl etas, itch, Seurfe, Discolot ationa of the , and Diseases of the bkln, of Whatel or name or natur, sirs literally dug tip and castled out of the rybtel t Lt nturt tints by hiss use of these Bitters. One bottls la such eases Will convince the rno:t Inc:cantors of :h. *0 curative effect. Cleanse the VitiatcdElooff whenever 3ou find Es impurities bursting through the'sidri in Pimples, Erup tions or Scrcs ; cleanse It when you find it obstruct,' and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you whoa. ffeep the Llossi pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually de:1;m: - . ed and removed. For full directions, rand ear.c..S., tile Circular around each bottle, printed I', fanr M. • guagcs—English,Ocriunii, French cud Spanish. .J. WALKER, Proprietor. MIL .IcDONALE CC Drugg!ets una Gen. Agents, Co:, Fri.richer, awl 32 awl Si Copuger33 Strett, law Ycr CD" I:OLD Dr ALL nnucGisTs AND Dr.:LI:Jr: DR SCHENCK advises Consumptives to go to Florida in the Winter. having for the last thirty-five years devoted my whole throe and attention to the study of Inning disease and corn smnption, I feel that i 'understand tinily the course that ought to be pursue.: ton restore in tolerably bind case of dis eased lungs to healthy soundness. The first and most important step is ter the patient to meld Inking cold, and the best of all places on this continent for tins pur pose in winter; is Florida, well down inn iho State, mitere the tempenitnie Is regular, and not subject to such wart ationS its hi more Northern latitudes. Palatka is a point I Cal reconme ni. A good hotel is kept throe by Peter man. List winter I saw several persons thew ithose lungs lend been badly diseased, but who. ender tine heal ing influence ofllne climate and my medicines, wire get [Mg well. One hundred miles further down the risen is a !mint I would pt 'for to Palatka. as the temperature is more even and the air dry and biasing. Venda: n.lllO and En terprise ane Incited there. I should give a decided pre ference to Ucdutrville. It is two tulles from liver, or lake, null it seems almost Impossible to take cold there. 'rho tables in Florida might.be huller, and patients cum plain at times lent that Is gond sign, as it indicates turn of appetite, and when this to the case they general ly increase In flesh, and then the lungs must heal. Jacksonville, Iliberdia, Green Cove, and many idle r places inn %art°ss pal is of Florida, eau he safely lecoin mended to consumptives in minter:: My reagOti9 for Hal ing so ere that patients aro less liable to take cold then e than mitew there is a less roue temperature, and it is net 'necessary to .y that en home n consmnptivo person exposes linneolf to in ' , quoit colds he is eel lain to die shortly. Then efore my ails ice in, go well down into the State out of the reach el presetting Clint winds and fogs. Sacicsunt ilk, or almost any other of tine localities I have hem.lir.hower.)lo urs-ttoublett with in torpid liver, a also] derud stomach. derailsed nos, Mi, amts tit roat or cough. tun fur those mhos° thugs are dumased a more .11010111 point is earnestly recommended. For kfteett 3 ears prior to 18611. 1 was professionally in New Volk, liondon, Baltimore aril Philadelphia every meek, where I saw and eXill.lllll.l on nn average Ilse hun dred patients a meek. A pt Hence so extensive, embra cing exgry possible phase of lung disease, my caution inn regardn taking cold. A person 111 iv take vast quanti ties of ..Schenek's Putinonle Syrup, Seaweed fon is and Mandtake Pills,' and yet 'lse 11 he duos no tay.dd taking cold. . , , • In Florida; nearly everybody la swing Schenck's' Man drake Pills, for the climate is more likely to produce billions habits than more northern latitudes. It :is a is ell established fact that natives of Florida rarely ails of consumption, especially those of the southern part. On tine other hand, In Now England. one third, at least of the population die of this tetriblo dloo,liso. In the mid dle States it does not prevail so largely,a still there • aro many thousands of cases slime. q bet a vast percent• ago of life would be saved if consumptives wino us eerily alarmed in regard to taking fresh cold as they aro about scarlet fover,eunall pox, cc. Bet-they arc not. Tltey tasks what they term a Ilttlec old, v. hick they aro credit lou's enough' to believe Will wear °flu in few days. They pay no attention to it. and henca It la) s the foundation for another and another still, until the lungs aro diseas ed beyond all hope' for cure. • My advice to persons whose lungs are effected ern slightly le, to lay inn stock of Schenck's rtilmoaic dryup Schenck's Seaueed Tonic, mol Schenck's Mandrake Pills and go to Florida I t ecommend these particular mein eines became I am thoroughly aceottinted with their action. I know that utters the)• UM used in strict accor dance pith my directions they will do the work that is required. Tills itcoomplieheil, nature will do the rest.- Ihe ph) bidet* wino prescribes for Cold' cough or night sweats, and then advises the patient to mall: or ride eat every day, NI in he surd to liars it,cot;pse on hid ..hautlike fore long. My plan is to giro my time medicines, in accordance with printed ditections, except in - sumo cases whale a freer um of the Mandrake Ville is necessary. My object is togive tone to themoniaeli—to get up a good Mir 0 - titc. It is always a goon sign when a patient begins to grow lingly. I have hopes of such. With a relish fw food and the gratification of that relish coniA good blood and x ith it inure flesh,' which' is closely followed by is healing of the longs. 'I lion the cough loosens and abates. the creeping chills mid clammy •night.sweats no longer pi °stride and annoy, and the patient gets well provided he avoids taking cold. Now there are may consumptives who have not the no ors to go to Florida. Ule question may he asked, is the: o Ito hope fur such t Certainly taste is. 31y advice to ouch is, end ever tots been, to stay a viirta room daring the Winter, With a toniperat ore of libun t 0000013 0 which sltd - uld be kept n egulsrly at this point, by means of a thermometer. Let suck a patient take his exercise within the limits of the room by w alking up lied ilown as much an Isle Bttebillt avill permit, sit order to kook up a healthy enculatiou of the blouvL , I bare cored times ands by this system, and can do so again. Consumption is as easily cured as any oilier disease if it' is' taken his time, and thoproper kind of treatment to piirsued. The fact stands undisputed .on record that i•chouck's ic Syrup, Man& eke pills, and Seaweed Tonic have clued say may of what mewed to Ito hopeless cases of con sumption. Os whets you will, you will he almost cer tain to lied some pour consumptive who has been rescued from the very just s of death by their use. far,as thy 31andrake are concerned, cverphody should beep a supply of Limo on Waal. ". They act on the livor.better thancalouvel, and leaf. none of its hurtful effects behind. Its fact they hair excellent in nil eases where n purgative giedieniu; Is frequit pd„ If you balrif partaken tee-freely of frbit and dun rhoca ensues, a dose of the 31andrakes will SAM y0u..'..1f yen 'aro subject to 11iak headache, take a dose of the Nlandrakes and they will repave you In tw Id you Would obviate the enact Arai chango of water, or the too free indulgence In frith, take out of the Mondial:us every night or every other night, and you umy them drink water and water melees, pears, apples, plumbs, peaches or corn, without the fish of behtgonado sick by theta. ^ They will protect those who the in daitip"i4ttistfoi.sr icalosf,;Fialls ad f o . vele. Try thimt. They aro path:oily harmless. They can do 3 on good only. 1 have ithatillettorinty professional visits to Boston and NowcTork, Lut eodtieuo to 800 patients tit my; oflice;,No. 15 Nov th Sixth, .‘.ureet. rhilailelphia, every initurday i , frOUVO a. 1. totPp lit. ThOse'who wish a thorough ex amination with the Itespritorneter till be charged five dollars Thu Revpirometer declares the net tail condition of the lunge; and It:Wetly:can readily learn it Nether they aro cui able oc not:, ;putt desire It distinctly underatood that rho talus . of thehnedicinee depeuits - entirely upon their being taken strictly according to directions. I conclusion, I will say that when persona take my sii eilicines and their 03 steles ale Liouglit into iv healthy condition the:why, they at a nut to liable to take cold, 3 et no 0110 stilt, ,11Belteell lungs env bear a sudden change of atinesplicie vidthOut the liability of greater or less ir ritation of the bronehial tubes. . . ul.l directions in all languages accompany my mull op "OOP cie4r 11114 isuy ; mac call use them without tonenlting' MC., and 'con Mt UupgLt from any diagglst, ' ;7 ", 11. SC ENCK, 31. Sp. 12, 1870.1 y. ' No. 11 Sixth St, Philada. DIARIES'FORIB7I; For sale at Lewis' Book Store Oriik T,,hinrkistincuts. CENTRAL ROTEL, min EAST CORNER FOORTD AND SPRUCE STB , PHILADELPHIA. E.CHILCOTE, (formerly of Huntingdon Co,) Itcdolt Centrally located and the most convenient point for merchants visiting the city. A cdoinmodathins 'of the drat-class. All the modern improvements. Every at tention will ho extrude to no rs ian6-Iy* EiN T tr..l St.. N.Y. or 38 W. tl rimiz.nAl 1.0. 1 , 0" Man; the 11,..11 POI olur and host soiling 4111,4;1,11w, hor.lts pobli•hetl. and the ',my/ fib -I,ll,rms. "end i run oui rl. TiwyWill cost you t••dblog, and otay1100: great lionotit to you. 111,91 y - - ' - • .. , TS .1=4... 13-MsIINTF3, ea the Phtladelphia Caiseve hisiitais, 931 Arch St.; Prof. Dalton, 238 NY: 4th SL, Cincinnati, 0., and Dr. Greene, at Charlotte, N. C. aro mak- l o y g their s . g bi re n at puree ieerAairVa l S \c l A d 1.. , c , I without ci th 0 knife or caustic ~.4 en edt and with but little AS e, 0 Da i n. Every root and Illini is CI ,_, kl led and re \ loorod, lf taken In ,4 0 L. titneand eau not reun. 800 aro ,:,... at Id of bsgd. Ea.: fessorti, mai) their 7/ f• • bogs. treat thenta. Stealing ou r 01 07 441 advertise ments. No others ta:llttM°*thCrsholi'7ro'. For: seorvirtlarel.2adiressas above. Sept. C. liens . . . • HOTEL? • (MARBLE FRONT.) ' Chestnut Street, 'West of Fifteenth, PIILLADHLPHIA. This new and elegant Hotel Is now ay= far the reception of guesta. It Is of the most Modern Construction, and furnished In a style unser. passed by any of the Bret hotels of Europe marten. JONI?' CRUMP, Prop's. GEO. FREEMAN, Sup't. •. OSADALIS T I Groat An elic an I lalt I estt rn purifiesE iox.. d e,re,crotuiasi o pii, Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women am/ all (1110111 C Affections of the Blond, Liver and Kid mos. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and tl ~,,, +IIIId of our bent CI t hens. Rend the testionone .1 Physicians and patients who have used Itosn't oils scud for our Rosaulai is Cubic to Health. cr \,. IlltUlliiriOrql.l.4ll.llr, whichno pooblirlo fir go at Woo. distribution : - It - -ro no give you much valuable information:.: :., ~, , Ds. It. W. Carr, of Baltimore says: - 1 take Pleasure in recommending your nosadab ri is as a very poweoff roltmative. I Moro beCll it 111161 110%0 Merl milk happy] oqults— one in robe ,of secondary to, phi! is, in which the patient pre nonnced himself cured after having taken o five bottles of your medicine. The other Is It Cabo of scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly - inn proving under Its use, and tho Indications aro that the patient will soon recover. I' have care. folly examined the formula by which your Rom delis Is made, and find it an excellent compound of all alterative ingredients. Dr. Sparks. of hlcholasville. Ky., says he lois need I:medal's in cases ofscrofula and secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results—as a cleaner of oho blood 1 know no better remedy. Paired O. McFadden, Murfreeboro' Tennessee. SUB: . , MI I have need seven bottles of itoiradalls, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism; rend me four bop : ties, as Prvish it for my brother, who bas set ofu• 1005 6000 03 OS. 'BerOarnlnliecht t ol, of Lima. Oldo, writes, I have rmffered for twenty years with an inveterate mop- Don over not body; a abort thuo since tI pur chased /I bottle of Itusadalie and it effetted a -w -ill:et cure.' Rosadalis to cold by John Bead and S. B. Smith, tilantingdon, Pa., and Druggists generally. Labratory, GI Exchange Place, Baltimore. CLEMENTS & 00., I Felr.`44 yr. 20r3 p. 'Prpprieters. [ESTABLISHED 1851 Highest Premium, silver Medal, anarded ores nil competition, at 3leclsuice Exhibition, Boston, October, 186% Mc original and gOnulno SEL F•RRGULATIN G, WROUGHT-IRON, AIRTIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER in ril PATENTDD DUST SCREEN, ORATE BAR REM, and W 110 GIIT-IRON RADIATOR. and AUTOMATI.C.REGUDATOR. For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. , 10 sizes for brickwork, and two sizes Portable MkNUFACTORED ONLY BY & SON, N. W. CORNER - 131.tr-AND FILBERT STS PIIILADELPHIA, PA. " ~,,, These Waters are made of heavy Wrought-Inn, wall rig eted together, and are warranted to be absolutely gas and dust tight. They arc the only heaters that are man aged without may dampers, and to which all kinds of fuel can be burned without alteration. COOKING RANGES for hotels restaurants, '-' and families, 'Also, a FLAT-TOP, HEATING RANGE, FIRE PLACE HEATERS, - LOW DOWN •ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, - REGISTERS es 'VENTILATORS. • rullilddets giving :all description, sent free to Raj , ad dress. (Jude 21-4-10.) HOLIDAY GOODS ! . „ - 11 • • No. 002 CHESTNUT STEET., PHILADELPHIA, Now offer their entiro imiiortation of EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, FOR TELE SOLIDAYR, ?peso Goods, 'freshly arrived from London, Paris, Vienna and Heine; many' of theth en tirely' new. to this city, here been expressly made fur their retail vales, in every form,9f oindtiiiint and use that Art and TastOetin de vise, in . Bronze, Mittble, Crystal, Porelditi; Gold; Silver, bsathar, Ivary,,torloise Shell, (r7o. - aini are now ready for the inspection of all who will favoiwith a visit their MARBLE STORE,'• „, No. 902 C hes.Vit nt , Street, PliiludelpLia S. E. CALDWELL &CO RIPER & HEIIREA-CANE,7- :Manufacturers of a%00a% 13RWIR, AND IIII.&TINGDOT, PA, tyar,Fartners havinglonin Corn can get it manufactured on shares by calling on us. T6i3 sllo'P' is located NBA THE LOCK AT STONE CREEK Oct 23 3m 1870c 3 rPets' 1810 FALL ST )("K AT REDUCED PRICES. JAMES A.; BROWN, Is constantly rcccivingttk,,his Atow CARPET ETOBA IN 11U.ATTINGDONiPA:,:' I Peautifal Patterns of Carl.' te, fresh from (the , "roomi- bt the manufacturers. Ills stock comprises BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, ' COTTAGE • lIEMP, ' LIST and RAG CARPETS;-' , ' CARPET CIIAIN,• •`, COCOA rind CANTON .1IATTINQS;:•: • Fop% STAIR 4C01!'30 aIEE • A FRESH STOCK OFt WALL - P A F!'E'R',, WINDOW'-SHADES and Fixtnred, Druugels. V.ohet itug+, Poor Mole, Extra Carpet Threadittid iiileling. /; girl' make it specialty of lurniabing CHURCHES red LODGES, en City Priced, and inrito'FninidhinW,Conimit tees to call and sea goods made exprnsely for t h eir pur posed. . dnyers will, sare money and be better noised by going to.thereguiar Carpet and Oil Cloth Stortifor any of the above goods. I defy competition in prices and ;variety of beautiful pal lerns.• • s . , . CAR P RTS 25 cents per YARD oud !UPWARDS. , • I have also rte Agency for the Original • HO WE SEWINGIVIACHINE so well liarned an the beat Fatiiily the . . . . Call 4.1 the CARPET S2'o.REatici see thcm.. . • "JAMES A . INntitTgclon, 0,4.'4, '7O West fluntipgdon„FOiri*. JAMES SIMPSON: , -' mAnurLeifinis PLOWS,,,TIIREBHING: :BLE/I,AND BLEIGIWSOLESP i WA GOY ISOXESj • t:3Et r &ti±lllig' - ' ucf lor.l;'iltrnacen; Forges; Or:It iliialawililits:Tanngetil . , d f,2? . „,.„. „I S - AND JOB WORK IN GENERAL.,, AIICIIITECTUR j Ah Si ORNAMENTAL DEPAT.I'IIE•PP. Iron Portia's and Terithdalis,' - •, -• lla'cora,' Columns and ,Drop Ornament for , w9odep p.rtlrosland-rarandalnC__-- ••• ~, !I' , .7 :•: , i• • Window Lintels and Sills, -" . Cast Orninnonta for 1./go:Klan -•--'t+ - % • `-' 1 Cellar illuddw Onarila 141 0000,, • Chimney Tops utol Floes, • • '••• Sash Weights, Carpet Stripa ? „ - Iteglntera, Heater's, Coal Grates; ' 'vt - • 'Vault Castings for coal and wood, cellars ..„ ~ -Ai Imis; 'free-biome, Lampposts, illtanlng-posttr,” " porticos,. verandahs, palooulas 11?aor; Yard and F9nroter,r , yenrea u a! a , i " 7) , r n 3il Parlicptor attention paid to ` fencing ,Cemetery t .frs. Address ' 7 ! ' l , 1 1. ' • JAMES SIMPSW 8023,68 • llurliti,g4s,ll. HUNTIfidDON : IOUNDRti BLAKE 84' Nok,Eiii:, ,(Soccessorp to J.1 1 1,9!1NN/*Gfl;Alt_AS9,Nilitt - :: Iron and. Brass Totinclers; . IRON mid BRASS' OASTINOS lido Lqi i ref ciWea Foundry. Ire, have alwaya on hand. all L • "kinds 61 Plow and Stove Castings; Wash , Nettles, cellar.wifidopa, Orntra t cdal hole Olistings for pavements, Window wirighte grin 111 all sizes and weights; and Sleight soles, Wagon boxes, Mitehirm - Castings, fi g steam and wager, grist. saw: semen art plastor of all descriptions. HE A TV, RS 'AND IRON cr,s, • (11l of the most improved style, oven doors and frames,, doog sills, and in fact teerything made in MS line. " " 4 We 'MVO a larger stnek.of pattern; and can furnish cas tings at ehOrt notice: and cheaper than they' calf had iu the country. Having a good drill, we arlyprepared ,tra do drilling and fitting up of alt t,inde.' '"- Olden in Liestars' Now Ituilding,,lip,Vieet —Hunting don, Pa. Mali. 11',1868. . W. BUCU tzrk; NEWSTOVE AND TINISTOIir BUCHANAN; AbLISON4 Cb Have opened ti new Store in Yenler'e new•Lnilding,•ln the ;Almond, Huntingdon, Pa., and have ready for sale a large araortauent of " • •"'l• •'" Cook and 'Parlor Sto3ios; SPEER'S iiivomq:coli'drii,'' SFEER'S ANTI-DUST, SPIRCR'S ANTI-DUST egeK•grorp3, .;' SMITH'S REGULATOR and EuREKA„ . OOK STOVE T S: and LITTLEEIELD'S IIEATERE. 3 Abe, a largo arsortment 0e E 17: C: ir3V . 440 PIESSEP:rAgI2' and a'great variety` 'of W° fa" IN,.P qac kurd ; , ;1 7: 'it) 0 TI DI WARE .TO .O.RDER:I) ;1 MEEM!!E=='3 0417 Country Stores supplied. with TO V. Ware at . city Tatra. ,-• ;: ;ft: '3." if a .111 1.144 Confident of being able to make it ,adyantageons to their eustomore tbey reigfeethtny anfi r eit a'illiarti of piiblia patronage. • • • 1.01}.1 ROOM . YEN'yER'S IN TILEDIAVOND,'IIII fiTINGDOW;PX. 1 J0:1.6,1870C I; 11 GEOiSHAEFFER M" fleeing ur Tetnod from the east with in . • En ,',S ENDIDTOOK. • : : , • ~(, BOOTS' BITOSEAS d-44./TER4 1 ,,tC•„0.~ Which be oflire to tho inopoction cooltiroors.anil tho puhlic generatil. 'lle will Oen his stock at the moot REASONABLE' PEKES, end fhoso irho . pnrclinilo OnCo will surely call again. BOOTS'S; SHOES MADE, TO ORD R, , ,‘ • - . 11:-) .")(i and REPAIRING dodo in the ind ni,cot expe4l. liout manner.:.,•; . • I:11 'C:111:390 'Call noun Mr. Schaeffer n't life 'shop 0n...11111 atreat, low doors !eat of the Dlanohd: I : • 1::1 10.114,186 i 11 N''w.BOOT - Apn: s EIOE 5T0P,14.. . 1 •,:iii::l •'' AritiCe ° " Informs tho public thot ho hos jot °paned at ht. yid Tod ip tho Almond, Hunt gd9D, , i'if; '',l;l A , Fine ,, Asgortment of; alt fkialls , of BOOTS 'Am:if • For Ladies ,Gent/einfart.4o;_d,, MI of which ee will sell at ROT, . r Pf l utifs cflri profits.:Nl I ads] •tlanufacturing and Repotting dlona•i o nAti" , , pa. Iluntlngden, Ap. 14, IRO. • s rr ' ' • • TO . E CD F 1 4 . 561V61 Dr; [ . • ••.. - Boot. and, Shoo -En:lporturrt . "19.ELN WP , T11 3 1 1 9,9X I r.• Reapectfully,informs the , tNATAPT ,yl , l 4Arlyj viclolti , that be hatijipt Veveivettitomi eh et a. .5. 514°T,111Pcicr -• : 9CI 0 C., r. :1011ra •BO C1'1 1 ,9 'IIO,.EB,IIATS: ttr i GAPSitl, Ilbsiery,: , 'Shoe:Finilfligs; l SaVi `7II~L :Trunlisi: -cbc.," tcPa is i nil of w1t191 , 11 ,. .9As Rrprarekti, piq lat OpallYirVicaOria44 Deng forget the new eland in the Diatrind. Qldeusto. mere and the public gouerally pro invitod Waal!. /I ii r,l lien tingdon, ap. 7, 18C9. , • HE,,WINT.E.R.TER4 1,) utio -a • ':;,) ) (1 ‘ , ..1 1 - 1,-ota Willillil9:ol!.Dickin§Qll:-soloarb; A. scp.ooL.V.o,ll DOTI! SE.X.VSi. ..iir.7.TA7lil[l.l.oz '5, 1871: wil.' ilnllrliaas i tlarqn..th 131 imprn‘cd.,utur P,liihrophica.,Aprir.pwrrx.viao.y . and a lull corps of afliclura Tunglurs. • Thu nabbol js worrlr3stetll , • i i 4 President. uovB 214 BUNTINOWN, PA: l '" 1:1 :11" ••{1 ~r. x.boutrANt MEM ell Ell