The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 06, 1870, Image 2

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    (C'e 61,0bc.
Teesday Morning, Dec. 6, 1870.
The "Globe" has the largest number of
readers of any other paper published in the
county. Advertisers should remember this.
To our Friends, Patrons, Readers,
Enemies, and the Public in
We take pleasure in informing all
interested that wo bare made arrithge-
meets to enlarge• and improve the
Globe as early in January next. as pos
.Our new o pOwer press fin the
paper, ono of the best make in uso,
will be finished and placed in our office
by the first of January, and a n©w and
improved power press for fino job
printing will also bo on hand in a short
time, when we' will be
_ready to do
Nv ork with any office outhido of the
cities, and most work equally as good
and as cheap as it can be done in the
cities. Of course, we will be at a
heavy expense in making the itnprove7
'vents we have determined upon, but
we feel very sure the friends of the
Globe will como to our assistance in
good time. New subscribers received
at any Limo
The Change.
‘Ve'learn from Cremer's last Reitub
lican that that establishment, (Cromer
excepted,) has been purchased by J.
It. Durborrow, Esq , of Bedford, and
also that the same gentleman has par-
Chased the Journal & American, and
that both offices aro to be thrown into
one, and but one paper to be issued
about the 15th inst., under what name
is not stated. Outside of the announce
ment of the Republican we learn that
Mr. Nash of the Journal & American
will continuo to hold an interest in the
new arrangement. We can't say who
kber Mr. 'Cromer speaks for the now
arrangement or new editor or editors
or.not in his Valedictory. If ho does,
then we call the attention of the' Re
publicans of Huntingdon county to the
fact that we here and now enter our
protest against the spirit of the new
arrangement. Mr. Cromer says :
"It (the Republican) would not have been
parted with had it not been for the fact that
the success of the Republican party required
that the Republican papers in thc county
should pass out of, the hands and out of the
control of their present owners into 91e hands
of one who is a stranger in the county and to
the unhappy strife in the Republican party.
.This, it is hoped, has been accomplished."
For cool impudence, the above para
graph goes ahead of anything wo have
seen in the Republican for some time.
By the new arrangement, the Republi
TUE COUNTY have passed into the hands
of Mr. Durborrow. The Globe is "read
out" by the new arrangement. It, is
not to bo considered a Republican pa
per by the new political doctors, at
least so says the . Republican, but we
are willing to wait until we hear from
the new arrangenient before wo strike
for our rights in the Republican or-
We are in no way responsible for
the "unhappy .strife in Me Republican
party" Mr: Cramer speaks of. In '6B
we worked hard , for, 'the success of
Grant, Morrell., and the AN hole ticket.
In '69 we' worked- hard for
the success of , the whole ticket—but
where' was Mr. Cromer & Co. and Mr:
_Political patronage in that
campaign ? It was then
-that the strife
began•that defeated Republican nomi
- and the same strife was continued
by the same men, andlir. Morrell and
other nominees were, defeated at the
late election. „ '
We want peace-in the party. We
waOt'party success, and shall contend
for both.. We want the party to roll
up again the majority we gave for
Grant—but,while ,we may desire, and
will work,for a, great political siotory
for-the• Republican party, we . will not
agree to submit to the political teach
ings of Mr. Crerher,Ar, any other min,
or . set of men,- who. have proscribed
and .may continue to proscribe us and
our-Republican friends. All Republi
cans have rights iii their 'party and
those rights 'must be• respected by'tbe:
powisie that be, to secure certaiesuc-.
cess to the party. in, the future. We
hope : tol•see the day, and that soon,
when common sense :and juatieci . will
Oleg sibiitrt:Verfe`?t harmony and
fee_liegin the Repuhlidap party Of the
countyk-r: ;• • •• . 1,1 - •
THE GENsus.:--The complete :official
figures . of- the' "ninth censusi for -the
State of-Pennsylvania, sho'w • a'''popu•
lation of 3,482,593, an increase of 586-
,383 in the last decade,' larger increase
than any other State in the Union, ex
oept Illinois. The population (if Hun
tiligdon county is 31,252; an increase
of 3,152 since 1860. _
Vermont ; Legislature . is a
tnodhl body.' It _sits only twd or three
weeks every two years. —Exelta'age.
Wish wo could - say half tts rnitehqor
our: Legislature, When it !•gets to
going," it never knows when to stop:.
Ea-Thar dead' have a hard time
burying the dead.., .
The . State Treaiiirership,
It matters little to us who is or who
is not the State Treasurer. Looking
at it in a purely business or—political
point of view, it is of little importance
to any person : or. any party, lint the
individual who aspiresle the position
and the few banking institutions who
happen to be friendly to the success•
ful aspirant and through him got the
use of a portion of the public money
during his term of office.- This is real
ly the true cause of,the bitter fight made
over it every year, disguise it as you
will. The Legislature makes the laws
by which the State Treasury is gov
erned, and the Treasury is merely time
custodian of the public funds, and has
little else to do than to carry out the
laws, pay all just demands upon the
Treasury and render an account of it
to the law-making power of the Com
monwealth. Ile has no patronage to
bestow, other than the three or four
clerkships to carry on the business of
the office, unless he uses the money in
trusted to his care, to provide the
means, at a low rate of interest, for a
few favored banking institutions to
carry on their business, which would
not only be a direct violation of the
law but also a violation of his oath of
office. The salary of the Treasurer
was $1,700 until'tho present year,
when it was increased to $5,000 per
annum, yet wo have heard of • men
who have spent immense sums to se
cure their election, and only for one
year, for there is no certainty about a
A savage and bitter contest, repug
naut alike to every honest man, is now
being waged throughout the State, as
to who shall have control of the"mon
ey bags" the corning year, which is
likely to create a schism in our ranks
before the Legislature gets organized.
We hear of quite a number of candi
dates already in the field, the more
prominent amongst whom are:kr.
Mackey, of Pittsburg, defeated for re
election last winter, G. Dawirm Cole
man, a Lebanon county millionaire,
and an ex-State Senator and who has
consented to allow his name to be
used provided Mackey cannot be elec
ted, both said to be Senator Cameron's
candidates. George D. Hutf, of West
county, another candidate,
is a young banker of considerable
meant; and is pushed forward by a few
banking firms to the West of us. Mr.
Huff has never rendered any great
service to the party, that we are
aware cf, which entitles him to any
great consideration in the matter: He
was a candidate for the same position
last year, but was feebly supported.—
Gen. Irwin is also mentioned, but we
hear it said that he is not a candidate
for re-election. He is the fight any
how. M. If. Taggart, Irwin's cashier
of the Treasury, is also spoken of as a
candidate. A bitter, merciless and un
ceasing warfare %mild be .waged
against him. So with all wo have
Wo do not like the manner in which
Gen. Irwin was elected last wint'y.
We aro not in fi t yßy of conilimations
with Democrats—they aro dangerous,
especially when wo have a majority
and something to spare. We have no
personal feelings in the choice of a can
didate but in order to prevent a dis
ruption in our ranks and secure peace
and harmony to our party, wo are in
favor of some new man, who is not in
any way connected with-,any of the
present Treasury rings, and we feel
assured that all candid, right-thinking
and unprejudiced minds will agree
with us. Wo do not care who ho may
be, so that ho will take the control, of
the . Treasury out: of the hands. of
sharks and political "blood-suckers,"
Who use tho'hard earnings of the tax
payers to enrich themselves, and per
form the duties of his 'office, honestly,
faithfully and,conscientiously. - •
The foundation of a strong cen
tral authority in our Republic was
laid by General Jackson in 1830. le
compelled, by armed fence, local obe
dience to those laws,OfCongresswhich
the authorities and people of one State
bad refused, to..Ohey,:on the iround
that, in their opinion, they- were pal
pably unconstitutional, and for:this,
reason he was'` opposed by Mr. Cal
houn and his friends.;
The next step; was' taken by Mr.
Fillmore in 1850, when United;'Statee
Marshals could enter States:at:ld' take
out therefro`nt Shiiee; have
escaped from other. States
. next groat step was the *civil'
war under PreSident Lincoln 'where
the laws of Cengre'ss werp..ex,o r
nu t ted byi armedforce , and in many
localities, .as: also under , President'
Johnson. Under. Pfesident Johnson
and Grant we have seen the ,reienne,
laws of Congress, executed
,the -
tiOnalirObis,.detaekir.ents e( , ma rin es.
destroying Apanufantories ;whore the
laws were intentionally evaded. ,, "And
now, we have ',jot soon "President
Grant sending troops , to New Xprk to
execute the "Congressional
, • eleetion'
laws. ,
Such has been the historic toirdeney;
of centralization, and so farit must be
admitted, it has been
,efficacious , ; , but
` then this national authority should
only bo-.exercised .fot the - palpable
good of the country—in other words,
the laws'of Congress should be :made
in the true interests of the *bolo
•n. The provisions in Paris are al
most exhaused; seareely a fortnight's
supply remains. _
Journal (f American makes
a very broad assertion when it says
that some seven or eight hundred profess
ed Remblimns in this county disgraced
their manhood by supring themselves
to be BOUGJIT with Free Trade
money to vote against' Mr. Alorrell
That's' a serious charge against so
many Republicans. But wo don't
believe the editors believe what they
say—nevertheless they make the
charge, and we leave the question
with the editors and the seven or
eight hundred "professed Republi•
cans" to settle in any way they see
preper z Perhaps the old editors want
to inatioan impression in a (=Win
quarter by slandering better Republi
cans they can claim to be, that they
may stand a chance to get another
small bone to pick. ll' Mr Nash re
mains in the new arrangement ho may
have some trouble"fixing up" satisfuc.
torily such a charge against men ho
will ask to support the new paper.—'
Then again, the Republicans who vo
ted against Mr. Morrell may be con•
sidered at least about as good Repub
licans as those who a year ago defeat
ed other Republican nominees. if
the bolters of both years are only
"professed Republicans," the party 'of
genuine Republicans is very small,
and would make a bad show single
handed in a fight with the Democrats.
Now we are of the opinion that both
wings of the party have gone just
about as far in the fight as it is safe
to go if it is important to keep the
county Republican by a handsome or
even by a small majority. The "pro
fessed Republicans" of '69 and the."pro
fcssed Republicans of '7O aro all wanted
in one solid column to defeat the De
mocracy in the future, and especially
in the next Presidential campaign.- 7
Then, we give public notice that wo
are ready to "read in" all who will
work and vote with us fur the success
of the Republican party.• Wo can't
afford to • "read out" men • willing to
vote with us, even should they be con
sidered by our neighbors of the Journal
& itnwricanas only "professed Republi
cans." Their votes will count, and
count as heavy as Gen. Grant's, Sena
tors Cameron's, Seott's,or the votes of
he editors of the pure Journal di Amer
appeared in the last Journal & Amer
ican from Mr. Morrell in which
he informs all interested that ho will
not contest the seat in Congress with
Mr. Speer.
' In his letter he says :
"By hunting up the scattered fraudulent
votes, over ono hundred of which have been
reported to me, I could doubtless make tt suc
cessful contest, but being fully satisfied that
my defeat—indeed anything short of 1200
majority in the district—is duo to the base
treachery and debauchery of professed Ito•
publicans, I should spurn to hold the seat at
the coat of gathering up the petty frauds of
our opponents."
His defeat was due to the "base
treachery and debauchery of professed
Republicans?" How was it a year
ago—was the regularly nominated Re
publican i0c9.1,-tisfeL , L. , /- by - t-ho base
treachery and debauchery of professed
Republicans? Who gave the power
and who debauched Republicans then?
It was impossible for the guilty to es
cape unpunished.
Letter from Charleston, W. V.
C A RLEBTON ; • W. V., Nov. 23, MO
EDS. GLOBE .—This you no doubt are
aware is the capital of the State of
West Virginia,, and is ,destined nt no
distant day to become a large city.—
Cbarleston,is situated ou the Kanawha
river, sixty miles from the Qhio river.
We have steamboat navigation to this
city, and steaedioats run some thirty
five miles above this point. The ,pop
elation is said to be about five thous
and, about ono thousand of whom aro
American citizens of African descent
(partially) 'More than one-half of the
white population aro of,.rebel proelivh
ties, and can drink more forty .rod
whiskey, tell 'bigger yarns, and swear
harder Oaths than any otber,place on
tho.contipera of America; • (that is a
large SeoPO "of land, ain't it, but;Ais
true as pre'aching.)
One of the latest sensations :here AR
a white snake, which was captured in
August last, being ut that time hitt 2
feet,lopg, but now measures 5 feet,-=
it'find when capturedla poisonous horn
in "its tail with which it struck a dog
andnatiSeti its death,in thirty minutes:
The horn or fang has been taken out
and his snakeship now is harmless,
liassing by an ,old grave-yard • this,
afternoon I. walked . in and my.eyes
reated on 'an ancient looking. tomb-
Steno upon ; whicb . Was inseribed,fill of
.the following inscription ,and, nanelt
more, but sti'Mucli of it:was oblitera
ted-that this is all I' deuld,Make out:
•' To the Memory.of
11 . 1` II A U. a
Wife ofJoSeph L.. Fry, arid Daughter ;
of3ames'nrid Jane Wilson.
Sho was bornOdi, 18,fh, 1807, Married'
Oct.'lBth, 184', 1 Pied October
15ib,, j aud Was BuriCd Oct.
' 18th l • 1830„,,,... . .
lies llnsband, Pip:pnlYs,atid'fonr„Ohil
'dren iiUrvived her;
,011 e of whom,
' "Mar:l.'ll:l4dd; Born February, ,
21st, 1830, "'Died Nov,
2;nd, 1830,
And Hoe Buried beneath this lemorial
• , by her side.
Underneath this stone doth lie,
' As much virtue as could die;
Which wheti-alive did vigor give,
To as much beanty• as could live.'
Lewis' is the Place to Buy
School Books and Stationery, Bibles, lrymn
Books, MiscellaneaUs Books of all, kinds,
Blank Books, Stinday'School Books ; etc.,
Inks of all kinds, NottonS;•'Porfumery, Peck.
et Books Peel: et Kni , ,es, , l4lns,ical
Meats, Wall Paper,. Window Shades land
Fixtures, etc., etc., e te. ' [
American Politics.
Political lifts is a curious study. In
England the most dazzling prizes aro
political. In the english novels polit
ical- -success is represented as the
gratest triumph. Ilowever illustrious
in rank a man may be, however rich
the real crown of his lifts is' political'
distinction. It is very numb so in fact.
Men of the highest culture, of the ut
most refinement and 'delicacy of na--
ture, enter the lists. Parliament, to
the young and accomplished English
gentleman of to clay, is what the tour
nament and the field were to his ances
tor. The Church. the army, and po
litical life are the three careers open to
a"gentlenian." And of these the high
est in general estimation is unquest
ionably the last. It is hardly less so
it: Prance. The hero in the vaudeville,
which is a picture of contemporary
lifo, triumps at last in receiving his ap
pointment as embassador; Upon• the
actual stage of life scholars, historians,
savans, are politicians and statemen
also. Guizot, Lamartine, Ara
go, do nut disdain an active part in
political position as of their literary
To cross the Atlantic to America is to
reverse the fact altogether. The
American "gentieman""upon his trav
els who remembers with more real
pride than any °Oar incident of his
tour the fact that he was invited to
dinner by the Primo Minister •in
England, or by the Foreign Minister
in France, in his own country won
ders that any-gentleman can dabble
in the dirty pool or politics. His
charitable excuse for his neighbor who
interests himself In political affairs is
that he is rather needy, and would
lilce a respectable living as minister
to Monaco, and so pays the necessary
price by shutting his eyes and rolling
a little in the dirt If you ask him
whether Mr. Gladstone and John
Bright, Canning, • Burke, and Lord
Chatham, also rolled in the dirt, he
smiles,. and says they manage these
things differently in England. -If you
ask him whether -upon the whole.
those men could have employed their
talents more usefully, and would have
done more wisely for themselves, for
their country, and for civilization, if
they had left politics to inferior men,
he is
,astonished than a man of your
sense should rot be able to make dis
tinctions. If you ask him again
whether he is of opinion that a gov
ernment like ours would be mare
honestly and economically admin
istered if it were left wholly to black
guards, ho shakes his head. .If you
then press him to know whether such
a government will take care of itself if
decent and honorable men decline to
take any interest in its managment
he bows politely, and wishes you good
morning.—Editor's Easy Chair, in
Harper's Magazine for December.
'r RAY STE 111.1 - :
A co,. to the pi cruises of the subscriber Ito Porter
tom I,olip. about the hat of July last, a red and white
steer, r,upp0...,1 to be rising two wire. with n piece out or
each ear. .rlie owner is reque,ied to conic torrent, prove
property, par charges and take hint away, °there inc ho
wilt be disposed of octet ding totalw.
Porter tap., Dec. 3, 1570-.
'the undersigned And iter, appointed by the Court of
COIIIIIIOII l ie a of Illintiogdoli county. to take Itoitimonr,
,Sc •In an :lent - nil of A cconnt it ender. beto eon P. 31. Barr
and It. 5.111111,6,11. renilim in said Cn, t, her, by given
notice that ho will meet the in tie 4. interei,ted for the
put pi , ,, - of his appointment, at his Miler in Huntingdon
on 6111111 Y, the they or DI:01.31111.3i, 167 U, at ton
o'clock in the foreman.
1 1 ---1' 17,1 Anri-71i.MibIt" 111.:AN:Akeenm.i -
Auditor. appointed Iry the Orpharve
Com t of Ilmaingdon county, to libitt Unite tho fumbi lu
the bon/14 of Matthew Campbell, Foq , executor of Enoch
Dean. late of Union townshlp.deeenAed, will attend to the
dotira of Ilia appointment fa the race of Shop•on & Ar
tnitage, in Huntingdon. on TEIVIISDAY, DFCEMBEII
:22d, next. at too o'clock. P. it, when nil parties inter
oAted w fll pro , ent their claims, or be debarred from coin.
ing in for a shut of 'Fold fund.
The undersigned Auditor. [nmb led by the Com t of
Common Pleas of Ilinningtion county te distribute the
funds In the hail& of D. It. P. Neely. High Sheriff. aris
ing from the sale of the rent estate of Den. C Hamilton,
will attend to the duties of his nppdint moth nt the office
of Simpson A: Armitage In the borough of Huntingdon,
on FRIDAY, DECEMIIIM 20,1 next. nt 2 o'chelc, P. M.,
when nit Parties interested %sill present their claims, or
6o deterred from coming in upon said tnud.-
[Estate of JANE STEEL, late of this horo deed.] -
Letters testamentaly on tho estate of JANE STEEL,
Irate. of the borough Of limit' ngensleceitsed.,liaving been
granted to the undernigned, all perilous indebted are re
noested to nlsk . e pa 3 'runt and those hoeing claims to
present them duly authenticated for settlament.
Huntingdon. Dre 6 61* - Executor.
(Estate of J A MES MILLER, deceased.)
betters of administration upon the estate Of James
31/ller, tato of Brady ton oship, di eenzeil, having been
granted to the undepigned, all persons Indebted to the
estate will make immediate payment, and those hiving
claims will present them fo e
r sttement.
' V. l
MILLER, Orbisonia,
• •• 'JOHN %S. MILLER, Mill Creek,
U "
lira ceo en, 041,{5f Glanders.—Aaron, Su} dor , U.S. As
sist:rut Asressor, Mount Aetna, C ff.rcon, cry'
Stable, Sunbury.. , • ' , I ' •,
Norse, orredaf Wit lodul,
Pa.; A. 1:1111, Iferelmat, Washingtonville, Pa; A. Stuart:
aker. Jer.ey.
Horne erred of Lung Fever—Um, A Brother, Lem is:
bring, Pai
'llerec mad of Collic—Tbotna; Clingan, Union county.
(logs curerhif Choleta—lL flat r. If, A A. Cadwallader.
Cows cured—Dr. J. Ma:leery, IL .110 C • rntick, Milton.'
Chickens cured of Clunk-rut and (tapes—Dr U. Q Davis,
Dr. D. T. I: L eve, C, W. Sticker, John and .1111110 H Floury.
II unrlreda inure could tea cited ',ohm stock is as sat ed
by tiring ' • • • -•
Send f rchcnlnrn ertlia . wondet fat sittes p‘rfortueil.—
Preioluid by , - CYRUS BROWN, ,
Druggist, Chemist and Horseman,
. tlecC-3m • ' Pa.-
Now offer their on tiro iinportiop of
FOR'THB Tiomturrs,
'These Goods, k , 'slify arrived from London,
Paris, Vien'na find Rome, many' of them en
tirely new to this city, here been expressly
made for their retail sales, in every form of
ornament and nse that Art and Taste can de
viee,ini •
BrOn:e, .31itrble, CrystalpPorcelaio, Cold,
L2alltee, Ivory, flbrloisc Sleep, the.
and are now ready for the inspection of all
who will favor with visit their 51AIIBLE
N 0.902 Ohestnet Street, Philo:delpiliA
1)110C LA i\ IAT lON.--IVIIEIIEA S, by
_ a taccept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the
2titli of Nnveinber, A. D. 1.8711. bud. r the hands and on al
of ' the Ifoh. avenge Taylor, Pi edilent of the Count of
Contrition Pleas, Oyer and 'fermi°. , and g( 0 , .. 1 jail dUtr_
ory of Cho Judicial DWI let of Pennsylvania, compo
sed of Huntingdon. Blain end Cando is counties; and the
Hons. Anthony J. Beaver and Dan al C1 , 111,,,11. 11i1;14501•1-
mites, Judges of the county of Hunitingdon, justices as
signed, appointed to hoar, try and deter mine all and every
iuillctinents inado or token for or concerning all erimes,,
which by the laws of the State m r made capital, or felon
ies of death, and other oillnices, CHOWS and misdemeanors,
which hate been or shall here: ttet be committed or porno.
initial, for mini, aforesaid—l 11111 commander! to wake
public pr oclamation thlougliont my in hole barrio wit, that
a Clara of ibilr 111111 Tel 1 niner. id COIIIIIIOII 111.119 111111
(plot ter Se r e. rOll4, N 1 P. I ton held nt the Court Homo. in the
Irmough of Huntingdon. on the second Monday (and 11th
day)' al Joirico e. ir,i 1. and tho, rho will pr u4eurte the
F. 11.1 in korner+, ire Cheri and there to pro routelrwin 114 it
shall be pat. and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner
and Coiwrold., utthin sand roomy, be then awl there tin
propoi pm coos, at JO o'clock, a. rn. of said day,"nitH
their Jerrold, irionkitiorbt. examinations ninth' reirieinbrati
cec, to do Howe things oluch to their tare, e•pootively
appel I.t.n.
Dated et Ilootingdou , the sth Dec. tuber. in the year of
oar Laid olio tholeiniel eight handled idol cozen t),
and the 9311, y ear of A111011(.1111 Independence.
D. It. P. NEELy, Siteriff. ,
13110 C LAM AT 1.0N.--Wilkat E A S, by
a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Conn-
Man Pleas of the county of Iluntingdon,` beanbfg test the
_6th of 1,DV01111.10., A. D .IS7II, I lUD iC.olllllllllldeli to make
public Preektnattuu tit uoglitilit al) INliole bailiuielz, that
Court of Comploh Pleas o ill We hold at the Court. !WIMP
ill tile laitiotglo of Iltallingilob. on the fled Monday (and
16th day) r f JANUARY, 1551 for the trial of all is
sues in said Court %Odell I entail, undeten mined before
tine said Judges, no hen nod NI here all Jun ols, a ittnes,e4,ltont
xuiun x, inn the [dais of all haloes one I omit ed.
Dated ant jlinnaingdou, the Olin December, In the . ) ear of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred 'and seventy,
- unit the 0511, year of Annelle:la :Independence. •
D. a, I'. NEELY, ,57teriff.
BEST INDUCEMENTS.—.This quarter's 13 num
b. a sent freo to all subbet Wing, before/camber 20, lib
for next years fifty two numbers of
The greet illuatiated Rural and Family Weekly for town
and country=
The Rural. tom fit Its 21st year, to not only the larg
est, boat and cheapest, but by far the Largest Circulating
Journal of its class in the world! National in chant cter,
übly edited, superbly Illustiated and Printed it Is the
It Is the standard authority on all branches of agricul
ture, Horticulture, dm. As a Literary and Family raper
itis a farm Hu in many of the beat fvaillos all over the
Union, Canada Le. Indeed, :g00n...A Hoag has no rival
In its hilure t and in thu largest Hi ustratcd Journal on the
Continent —each number ci n mining Sixteen Five column
Pages. (double thusly.° of most papers, of its class.) It in
the piipur for the East, West, North and :Ping,.
TERMS :—s3 a year of 52 numbers, and only $2,50 in
clubs area. This quarter's 13 numbers sent free, us of
fatal above. Our inducementa for Mil are unprecedent
ed. Ppechnena Premium Mats, &u.,sant free to all for
lying clubs — nod we-want a live lub agent In every
town. Address, D.'D. T. MOORE,
Nov. 29. 41 Park Row, New Yolk.
An eiglit pogo weekly , now in Its eleventh year,
publishes sermons, ti serial story for the family, a new
chilthen's story es ery ouch - , chats with the little folks,
Editorials by the best Methodist writers and others, for
eign and Domestic Correspoodenco, full departments of
Religious and Secular Intotligenco. Price $450 a year.
Liberal premiums or cash commissions to canvassers.—
Subset ipt lens commence at one time. For specimen, en
d°, it too cent stamp to prepay postage; address TUE
3111Tel1eDloT, 114 Nahrtu Strout, New York. ,
[J O c li1:I
r,o„i JOURNALstorv.
S.c.. 48 pages illustrated. Sent free on receipt of
ono stamp for postage. Add, ess, ADAMS & CO., pub -
Agents wanted. bond for ell color. Address;
31At , .0.N10 PUB C0.,132 Broome st., Now Yot k.
To all yearly subscribers to Apolotoit's Journal,
pt b.rdicil Weekly. Two months sub s et tpl ion gratis.—
The !ihmtlia of November and December, 1070, given gra
tis to all sulawaibers remitting $4 I )r the year 1570.
Any one desirous of a litaidaa . a Li tnt of the Journal
to w incliner Choy :Usti it can have it her tuo moutlim on re
mitting us Fifty; pant .
s Dictinespie Muni lea, consisting of splendidly exeell.
tent views el Amen iCall C001:11Ca, 0.1 to November
1). A P1'..1..T.1N F CJ., Ptiblishela, New Verb.
jr Nearly rends for Publication the Biography of
Gen. Bob.. I: Bee by John Eagteu Cool.e, author of the
"Life of Stol.esvalt Jaelrion." , Ireting the Grey." etc.
1 N01..S y0..5611 pages illustrated. To be sold by nob.
wription. Agents ~anted. D. APPLE COS S. CU., pub.
Sea Vol k.
110 la II A ND.-
IZO words n ininuto iu Foui-Iteelt.t. „9,...nd 2 otantipt
for ci.cular. .1. (MAY, l', 11.11 ox 4547, New Itotic.
1.111; :ND ACCIDENI• 'NSW!. tNCE CO.. of
Hal [ford. Conn. Cool, 0m44, S1,5(10,0110
t 11.09 1.111 , a1,1 Etel,twownt polieh,of all zip.
proved loom. Au g ibu nmurity. low tat,
t . Abu .gamut act: blunts cau,ittg death
or told ilkalltlity Policies orittm by the
3, or or month: liar paid $7OO per lay Im,eis
3 or benefits to policy huhttli.
°et. IS.
by ',thine; an old axe. Send $1 5 , 1 to Lippincott S:
bal,A, IL l'itte•balgh, and they will 6CIDI you It till
expressago paid. Halt ‘t day lost In grintltng
x ill Into be sastal.
B]~'lNTEi E Nt. PI,o Y NI ENT
:Yon Explosive -.111 - elaliv Kerciscne - Lamp,
Is absolutely info fi on, explo , ion in breaking; burns:my
coal oil, gaud ua; given Duna tibia, 110 odor, and tiles
"It is perfectly,uop explosive. Thu light is be tt er than
is produced b., nay other lainp:'—W. S. Mirk, President
31 aseachusettan grleul fund CAleg...
It is perfectly nen ex pl,l\ e, gie CS a Later light light
and is flora economical than ally oilier tamp in usu."—
W. W. Wells, late Supt . Pub. Schools, Chicago.
The appalling deaths and tires Pont glass latups'explo
ding and ht caking cleats ugteat Ant and for this lamp.
It pay s to sell it. Sold by canaassers; agents wanted
e 'cox here; Send for circular and terms to 31ONTflo31
E ItY & CO., Cleveland, 0., 42 Baralay et. New York.
h t Young men wantml as local arid travelling
aiesmen. Address. with stump, R. 11. WAT.KER, 34
Park Row, New Yotk.
$3O A DAY, SURE. LAITA h: CO., Pittsburg, Po
T • •
-Rita D II IS -
We will pay agents a salary . of $3O a meek and
expense=, or allow ,t large'commis.on. to sell ouq new
and wonderful inventtens. Address U. WAtANillt.t& Co.
Withal], Michigan.
1896 P USE TUE ^l2rn STABLE
The oltebt. butoda otl remedy foncoughs, colds, eoruunp
tlon,NUtltinis boner. CUTLIiit 131 W. & Cp., LVitqn....,
V,/ Are superior to all others for coug he, cable, nth
ma, bronchi al and lung difficulties, ere exceedingly pala
table, have none of that, nominating horrible cubtb loath
eta tery soot lung mid act liken charm, ministers, sing
ers, and pa blio speakers mill /1.1 they are especially Ad
apted to the yoke. :old by druggists. Also,
Rushion'itT. J r . ) Curl Licer Oil,
for consumption and sorofillo; uso 110 oiler.
J DER,4l66tet ianifeifinons hair to tiro Unities,
N‘nliout Wm%) to the Ain. rent by mail for $1,25.
UPILAII'S ,15111.4.111 A CUR
Relieves mob!. violent parux3iapu, )u ,f)92 . iulinules and
effects a spCulli.idilii. , ,Price $2,1)3.
The Japanese Hair Stain, ,
Colors the xhiskersaud bait beastiful black•or brawn ,
It consists of only one preparation, 75 cents by mail. Ad -:
dress 8: 6:11Illlolq; No 721 .I,iynu Citclabirs',
sent free. 6old by all druggists.
Pt 17. US calholl and Informutibit furnishe d by fill) .
U ellA 31, Pt o idence, ,R. 1.
NiA n G i I g
t ? 11',3615. A . "
Z'TiR/ Wateithigt2;trel e tl32 l 4;ltiy ir
t ( 1 .
:11 :L r y to A. TIIO3IAS,
1)0SYCI:101ANOY:--Any lady or
g entiomo .qua mike $l,OOO 0 11101101, oycuro theii;
on n happiness' and independence, by obtitininl. -Psycho.
munch, Fascination Chin ninig: 4 00.Idiges; cloth.
Volt instsuLtions to use this power user
rt will, liow'tn MCsinerize, buctuno Ti ance - or Wtiting
Divinailon,,:philuali,m, Alchesny,_ll4.doso
plij- • f Ummta and Urn onis, Brigham - Voting's Innen',
Unido to Marriage ,Cu., all contained in this book; 100:000
sold; mice by roan lis,tioth $1,25, ; pailercoverd
nen—Any Kr.oi willing to act act4eat atilt ;,recolvk a.
sample copy 0.1 the nod: ' - ‘1 s no - capital is requirie
all des it oils of genteel siiiploi in, ut thould send for the
book, enclosing In cents - push:ge, T.' W. EVANS
, SI tioolli Sib st.,
A Clergyman aline residing in South America
as a missionary, discos ered a sale and simple comedy for
the Care of boa cons !'caps so, Early D corny, Diseases of
1130E11,ml and Seminal organs, slot the whole train. of
disorders though elm 41..0101 and vicious habits.. Great
number.; have been prod by this noble I emetly. Primp.
ted by a dome to benefit the no antortanite,
will tend the tecegro for mepat mg and wing this methr
cube, in a sealed t n,elope, to coy a to nto neelk it free
of 41144 e. A ddie.4i T INMAN, Station D
Dade nettle, Nu, 1 . 011, - . City.
Fst a toot Peter tattiei,idoeil.)
Lettere of adminietrutiett open the valet° 'of Peter
Etnier, late of Brady township, ilere.ried, having been
granted to the untletnignisi, all pelootio indebted to dm
estoto wdt make immediate pay meta, mot those having
claims mill titeftlit them 101' rntll,llent.
— 3llllCieek, Noy. la, ISTO , itthniiiisttatore.
Liberal Inducements to Pur-
A Plan Deserving the Attention of
is a regimen. en gauezed under the I,ioe of the :moo or
New Yorl:: and ttaiislieting its bovine, thrmaAlt tb a
.4genry of Brothers. at 411 3liirray sheet, New
Yol Cu). It olloi `I to the [white its
nu. boxes of - 40 lbst, nt $5 a Vox, and glees purchasers nu
opportunity for din Wends oil each box—the d.vidoiols
ranAiip; from , V.l to $25,0n0. On e tell - 15,00U boxes sold
and tti coon as each 111,000 chill be sold, lluire be
327 yeah dividends made, varying from $), 10 $ . lO, and
nmoun ling to 51,1501.1. And Is lion, 50,(05' boxes 01,111
have been sold, thorn on ill be a Final Claud Dividend of
532,000—e1z :
th0.,k131. ( the deed of m Well has been left a ith the Safe Company, 1.113 'Mid 134 troadwn)), in [lust of
the purchaser of the fortunate box, and the balance In
cash di/ Metll, from • js to VOW/ each. 't here will be
in 1,586 Serial Di/Wends, and 836 Find Dividends, mok•
tug 2,501 di/ itltlllll/ //I all. •
i'urelLisers ()CO)
will rtcaivo a properly numbeled bill of, purchate for
each and every box - purchased. the holders of which
will share in the dividends in each of the 10,000 boxes
to which their bills elperchaso belong, and then ALL
will share in the Final (hand Dividend, when 60,00 u
boxes shall have bone sold.
This should notbe classed with the numerous gift on•
terprke humbugs, It is an honest and legitimate bust
ness plan for introducing to public notice the Superior
Goods of an Established and Reputable Corporation.—
The plan is set forth in detail iu mho Circulars of the
Company, which can ho bad at . 40 Murray street or of
any of the numerous too d agents, and iu which rote
menet, is made, by permission to a large number of
welbknown business and public men nit to tho Integrity
and honorable management ofe h o Myrtle Soup COMO
Purchasers will get a box of soap at as low a price as
Alm name quantity Coss be purnased in any market; ad
mite.° warranted to be of the very first quality of fatal
ly andl dry soap.
It Jellabas cleaner and quicker than any other soap with
less labor.
It to invaluable to Mechanics, Printers, Painters. and
others using faits, oils„ Lc.
It saves time, as Clothes stash quicker.
It saves motley, as one pound will go as far as two of
ordinary soap.
It will mako tho best Soft Soap at a very small cost
and very litre labor.
It removes Oreaso spots, Paint, etc., thorn clothing.
Iteleanses and softens the 85.0, not chapping.
It is equally good for Mu Huth, Toilet and :Amin.
It saves labor end clothes need lees 1111..1 , 1n5.
It mill not injure the halm fabric.
le la put up in boxes, 50 hots, 40 pounds.
It is bt.tuiped Stith the name of the Compouy .on each
IL is nt article every family wants and must have.
It is au article uerilt every cent pair for it.
- And la addition to this, without tho risk sr loss °roue
cent purchnsets uhl share in ;he liberal divi deeds to be
Ask your grocer for it ; if ho does not keep it and will
not get it, eteace write to us, and we will semi it to •you
or send you the address of the niureit grocer who keeps
On the corner, opp.i.ite the Exchange II ,tel
11A10 A D STUD la, •
hu. u 'ol.llollltgoff ti,, 01,000 It iGlieti
lii lig Store, Minh 5,t4 fill bought aca•
soh stion of On ‘leiheines, Se., nee %%urinated to •ho
et the best kind, bought twin tali:tine Druggists. Moo,
A Variety of Fancy At:Liqtei,
Perfumery, Patent Mcdieinel
- "foOot Soaps, Brusbee, Dye Stuffs,
Paints of every description.
Will be conducted by Dr .lame} It. Patton, echo basSeri
ed a teguleVapiirenticOildb VIII tint claw nr ng Store - in
Pt ibab urgb, not etmb , d mtdtchio , also. but ditt not bare
any thing to do v ilb the pt Hulce of umbel Preecrip
liana trill be carefully pawl onoded, and el. cry attention
gircu.' I .' '• " J t MES It. PATIOS.
()et 254870. ,
2; TEERfY (jiff/EM.
H. - ROMAN. - -
• l. -POR
- -
• -
11. _RO'MAN'S
'V.F./E4P - 01 0 TWIN' STORE.
For Octitlintien's Clothing of (holies t miiterial,nolfinade
ha tho best iinkinstilike manneiycoil at
'•-• 11. ROMAN'S,'"
opposite too 'Franklin !louse In Shirk et Ware, ILungng,
OR, Viu ; 1•: .
. ,
Apmt! PAP - B - 4,11 PAPY A R I
Tracing Paper,
Impression Paper,
, •• :
Drawing Paper, • •
Deed Paper,"' , •l• • • r
TiflBllo Paper, •
• Bilk Paperfor
Perforoted Paper,.
* ' Prieto! Donid,
Flat Cap,Paper, 1 •• '
Foolscap Paper, • •
Letter •
Comdsarcial Note Ptiper, ; : 1.
(lilt Edged Letter an. Noto Paper,
' - ' Ladies' Plain and Fancy Netts Paper,
White and Colored Card thAbii; iii3P46.kin a/ad...She - 4i V.
or sale at LEWIS; 11 0 0E,FIatitaterY and ?/11914.84-Ta•
All Cavalry Line oftleets nbo were in the ,sep ice' be
ta all July 224 100 l'and Jaly 17tti .1862 Ale egiitled to
allowance for in.° and tick at hordes, Amounting for the
m hole time tu'About $1511,.; fol. a Issi time, to a Proper
t tonate atatattit."'llikthat,..^6.s !nag a'econtp4ny,9l4illlB.
ileirei"[WthV)4l.eVittlila‘ Niill3'lrerOTlTied or died in
the set, lee, and the elm cats of pay hartnu . , been Fpilepte'll,
RIO only ieguired to gl, a a tamer of A rnso.y.'
Parson.; baring chants el this kind, or any taint . cldints
against the Government can hare th, in pt omptly 'collected
by applying in person or by letter to
duly 1 . 1 167(..t . f; • "IlunFinodn..-Pa."
i.s.; 'e,tit . of whin iltdrut ~,, ti - btattS of Darld.Car•
rem, litre el :ntl..) , lon trillitt deceased, haring been
grant‘rd to the undersighed. till persons Indebted to the
estate'will mate pa) moot, and those haring claims will
present them for settlement. '
Jolts °An - yr:Lc, Jo.. •
Nov. 8.61. Ashninistrator.
A DAIINISTItATQWS, tr , t)Tl.olil.
[Estate of :fot , eidi Rutter.' dai'd
, Lotus. ot 101°1,1,1 , 0.1114u; ttpqn• the estate of .lowpft
,Itut ter. latdot .iihrtey • llontingdon Comm ,
deceased, hat lag ta , ett gt ted to the undetz , g prt
sonA indebted to •
the emote will make Lotto ilt.tfo
turtir, and those tinting claitu, - ‘, hit pte.leat tlo_to rot .:et
Nov 1,1670 XI AtTinitilstiator.
. .
_NOTICE.— , . . .
. •
All having unsettled nccounta svillt me mill
c ill tuul settle by tho . 2Otti la l)eeemhtr, or find my booke
.1% itli I:erm it e Swoops to, cull ,, ti...' t ' " .t•
Nov. 32 - ' • ' - - 7 • JOHN .MaaiI.LOGII. 1 / 4 _
- :
On 'l'aemlay, December 13, 1870
Situated in Penn ',wt.-Lip, Huntingdon
county, vialt,iinin g 134 ACHES- and allow
anse, Inult.detl on the east by Joseph Grove,
on the soutkeast and south .by Andrew
Grave eel Big Trough Cc eel:, and on the
we-t :trot north by Roy:down branch, about
. 14 mite- front Mat lt4esburz station on liroad
fun rail, oat% and :atom 2 in'l , 2s from Mar
klesborg, with t-ehnt.l-I.t.uses, chtmdtes and
store.; all comrui. nt. 13t h‘ eon 00 and 100
Acres rue nit, rot thee, it, and i n a gond
state of I ulti‘l4. , n. Tie t emainder is well
tiinboied, nit!, a ;rod
W a go n ' , hod, necc , -ary outbuildings, a good
spring ctf I narei-liiiling water at the house,
and a goal bearing young' Orchard of chbice
fruit. There is ale on the same premises a
<Amid mill seat, and Iron Ore.
The widow's thirds to remain in the place
by the pluchaser paying the interest thereon
annually to the widow, and the one-third of
the residue in hand paid when deed is made,
and the remainder in two annual payments•
with interest, secured by bonds and mortga- -
ges. Possession given when deed is made•
soon after day of sale.
Any nerson wishing to see the property!
before day of sale, can do so by calling on•
M. W. Enyeart, who now resides on the pro
The Farm will be sold between the hours
oflo a. m. and 2 p. m.
of the heirs of Thos. Enyeart, deed.
On the same day and on the same premises
the following Personal Property will bo sold:
ONE GOOD BROOD MARE, 'with foal,
1 English blooded Bay Mare, 7 years old, 1
horse colt 2/ years old, 1 mare colt , 1/ years
old, 1 mare colt six months old,..Three Milch
Cows, 2 beef cattle, 4 hCad young cattlo from
3 years to . B months old, 15 head Sheep; 2
brood sows and pigs. 2 Sheets. f twu•horse
wagon, 1 fanning mill; plows, harrow, horse
gears, and farming utensils. Also, 1 cook
store, pips, and other household Furniture,
a lot of corn by the bushel, about 2G acres of
grain in the ground, and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock of said day
when due attention and a reasonable 'credit
will be given by
Penn tarp , Nov-29-qt
The heirs of James Reed, deceased, offe r
f. r sale, their valuable farm, containing 125
acres, situated on Shaver's Creek, about
a mile front PetersbUrg Station on the P.R .
R , in west township,lluntingdoti county.—
Having erected thereon, a large
house, a good bank barn 75 feetxss feet,
with the additions of two sheds 12x18 ft well
finii-hed off, and all other necessary outbuil
dings. Also a good Orchard ; a well of wa
ter at the door, a never failing opt lug, and a
stream of running- water in the barnyard.—
The farm is in the best state'df cultivation.—
Possession given, April let, 1871.
They also offer fir sale a tract of Timber
Land, containing (lout 120 :Imes of the best
Oak, Clie-tnut and Pine thither situated oil
Warrior Ridge about one mile from Peters•
Term.: and the . balance
to be agreed upon. full particulars call
at the l in, or at Lititd Reeirb Back S:ure,
Tyrone., Pa.
Heirs of JAMES REED, dec'd
Tyrone Oct. 25, 1870.
• 1.01: SALE.
'I he nnl,sfgned olier at public on tho pre-
On Thursday. December Bth, 1870
'llia certain lot and a half of grmin I in the borough
of Huntingdon. neer the diamond fronting about 713 feet
on Ilill sheet. nod I xteinitog 200 feet to , litAiington
street, adjourng lot 01 Vt nr. Lets is or, Lae and lot of J.
A . non O. the West. having Ilterron a thereon a don
tl- iao-sttl,l birds 1,11... a Etabill .nit oilier outbuild.
ing, now oveninvil 1,3 Ger, A. Steel and SI 8. Lytht.
In toe., .., a ill i.e sold either as a whole or in par
cels to run putv a as tnny be advantageous to nit
Tr II %LS ti tLE :-011,11 or or ptuclurae money. to
be paid on rho Ist 010 iy April Itql. ulien poestion
and dry d made. and the balance hi two equal
annual payments thereafter, a ith interest, is be ensured
judgineor bond VI hill deed delivered. s'ooo for the
u•ha.l., or if do bled proportionately, to ha paid or secured,
at tinie of sale and d sale een,uunivited to be credited.
.110BEItT A. DOBS}.Y, Trustee.
11131. PI, DORSEY,
Nov. 8, IS7B•W
Situated on the Ilayetown Branch. of theJunintatiier,,
at the mouth of Janice track, one a half miles from Mar
kleabarg Station. ou tlio Huntingdon und!Rroad
Railroad, Ilantingdbn county,
Mill House, 43x6Q feet one story stone.,
and two of Frame
Taiy'strong and permanently Lulli. Four pairs of mill
stones, two water IN Iv 01,14 feet high, over shot, in good
A Two-Story Brick liousd
For miller; with einblo, Kalil.. de, •
Farm contains 320 ACRES, 150 acres 'cultivation.
50 in meadow, having therpon a largo
tirostories bhp; bank barn, wash house, and other out
buildinge. ideo, two toLant housaed autf Blackenakith
shop. Forloither particulars, liitzi:o of '
"daniee brook Y. O.
Aug. 23 tft••"'
'I • • ••
Bob Lots' from first hands at
9 , • ;
._ 'll.
Purchasers desiring to build can bavo vary liberal
. .
.;. :r,tl
torqut.a!p e wtmente. n !folv 111ttlietimMoAttypq,
ply to t•t Lly2ltf , t-E. ALLISON,MILLER.
AND 'Ft/ft gALE.--; •,. •
TIIO subscriber desires to dispo'se; withpari of his land
attest along the lltg sughwick Creek, in CrOnfwelt twp.
Huntingdon county,. and one mile west from Orblsonia.
This land 'WM' a good van& of bottom-land;" well sap,
plied with never-foiling springs' and sufficient amount of
gdod timber, con'tretilent to mills, stores, markets, Post
offices and Churches. V. ill sell to suit purchasers, both
in nowt, nt °Valid I . (qiNtto Ogre ,upsia[tls]andinfterms
There is it sairnilli on rOl l n'rentiscs in 'ample; Order, to
sow all kinds of building lumber. ,'Titles good. Como and
see! Now is the time to secure yourselves pleasant
homes. Apply to the subscriber on the promises or ad
dress. , . ..301111,11. SHENEFELT, •
Otbisouta P.O. hunt. co. Pa
OP Nos:prom Timm, 1810. No. 32.
Rachel J 0144," Thoinal M. Onicksall and Emma his
ilobert L. Orr, William D.Ol r, Robert U. Orr Oc.
'Law,Humphrey lb Law,' Helena T. Law,
John Hear) On ea, SaMucl Thati.her and Mary
lib, wife, hank Fitlifan, Frank S. bacon, Rachel Lower
Jacob Beam, Charles Noma. Isaac tlopper, Joseph Hop.
per, Rcuj.uniu C. Hopper, Jacob C. lloppor, Edward P.
flipper, Jana. 31 Happer, Challes'Fitlilan ;and MAry
N. let 1)11o, Cringe Illininoind Rachel F. his wife, if.
ale CleAvbi . , .131 in Cleaver, Elltabelh 'Andre, Jacob An-
Aro, Velb W. T. Andre, John /I. tield and
A: 'lds wife. Win. W. Hicks and Henrietta A.
bin wife, l'aithl 31, Elliott end 11 Fn A • WA.
- " Vei
JEssp OW - .
for• furtj . nor.a of loud mein tir-less,eittlate
in Big Ttough Cret I: in the ton nship of Carbon in ,thti
'county of Huntingdon, hounded on the nOith aiid east
by laud; of 'niched .1. 31.1rpn, and on tho southwest by
,141..r4,1,1t,1tib, to ,
• Tu Ja sit, Ou,n : Von utll t the notice that on the 15th
NtAtit.ber 1,`,71, the I out I, on mutton of j. Sylvanua
Atttut,e, fin PI antittl,, giant,' a rule, on you to
'appear unit plod valor before the twetitylsfxth day :01 ,
Junualy,.lo7 l , or judgment.
31. 11. 31eNEIL, Prothonotary.
Non 2;.„..
VNTANI'ED —l,OllO cords of Bgrk,
, yy Aare. Tk . t, highest market
jo co paid 1 . 7 ookk (Jim I Gni] • 1.14:111tY .14 CO: