l,t C Lobe. HU.N,-,TINGOON,•PA, Tuesday morning, Nov. 22 , 1870. ,LOCAL & PERSONAL Meetings 31f. Sforiah Lodge, .No. 300, A. meets: second Monday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Standing Stone IL R. A. Chapter, 1 . 0. 201. meets the Asst Tutsday evening of each Month. in limn Ws building. Juniata Ledge, IVO.llr, 10. 0. P.. meets every Friday cloning, third floor, in Lelster's building. ilount Her Camp of I. 0. 0. F., meets every second and fourth Tuesdays, in Leiateths building, third floor. Standing' Orme Lodge, No. Bb , I. 0. C. 3', meets every Tuesday _eveititig in third floor of Head's building. .Arrapg.hoe Tribe, CS, I. O. of R. AL, meets every Thuridny evening, third floor, Lehner's building. Young .Ifen's bliristian Association meets the first and third Mondayevenitigs each month, in Smith's building. i'ort In; G. A. IL, meets Third Monday of met mouth in Conrt. [IOUS& Town CounestM'ents the first Friday evening of each mouth. - -•- Ifardingdon Lodge, N 0.149, K. of meet. every Sat- Urd.ty evening, tu _with'. Ilunfiagoon 7enir.le of Honor, No 71, meets the fourth ,Itlooday of each month in Good lempl.tre Hall. The Welosterian Club tato ts every Thursday evening, in the Y. ?1.11. A. room. . . Huntingdon orunCit, 0. U. A. 211., meets first and third Tnrsda3e viench month in Good Templars Churches. Baptist Chareb—Washington Street. Rev..l. W. Plan nett. Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. m, i p m. Cathol c—Washington Street. Rev. It. J. Aylward. Ser. vices Bret thrceSundays in every month. Evangelical Lutheran-3liMin Street. Itev. J. J. Kerr. - - Services on Sabbath : 10;4 a. m., 7 p. tu Reran Reformed-Church Street. Rev. S. D. Steckle Service on Sabbath: 7. p. m. Idethodtst Episcopal—Church Street. Rev. 31. K. Poster eels ices on Sabbath: a. m: ' 7 p.m. protestant piecopal—llill street. Rev. A. 11. Boyle, • - Set, ices on Sabblth : In% a.m., b 3.5 p m. treeb3 terian-1101 Street. Rev. G. W. Zahniser. Ser vices on Sabbath: II n. m , 7 p.m. , CErPrints from 6 cents to 12i at 2t. Gays' Patent Muffs. Call and erlamine them at Henry & Co. ViY - Crystal Syrup. The wonder of the age, at Henry & Co. lair Whole leather Boots and Shoes, at the 0. P. S. store of Henry & Cu. Nov. 22-2 t. KirKentucky-Jeans, from 15 ets. pi yard, up. Drown muslios from 6 ets. jip, at Henry & Co. 21 VSi'Latest out from New York.— Hats and Caps,_for.men and boys at, -Henry_ & Co. , • - It. 6Zr O. ,P. S of "L.& Co. That etands for One Price Store of Henry & CT;tivti6telypbtla of every description can be had•At aTair figure. • FURS FURS I . FURS !I! - ..,8uy your fats at Headquarters and sacs. mousy. Ladies furs from 63,50 to $5O per set, at Herirys'. 2t. . you want a nice set of Furs tali`'at• 'Henry's: Mr. Johnston has just re!Hro.c.cf fron?,Xevirork acid Phila. .witli.a S elpet ip to suit tic tastes and purses of everybody. Revolution In Europe. Capt. Johnston has just returned from'New York with a largi stock of childrens', Misses' and Ladies' Furs, which will be disposed of at extreme ly low figures, at Henry & Co. 2t. W'Clue thousand do'hirs worth of _Montana Buffalo Robes. d;reet from Fort-Leavenworth, have just been re ceived by us and will he cold 20 per 4.:ent, lower than last season. Nov. 25 6t. FISHER & SONS. Erin elegant assortment of Ladies Furs; embracing Mink Sable, Geridan Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, Canada Mink Water Miak, French Coney, &c., ,suet opening at rooms or N0v.22 Gt. FltrIER & SONS A slight fire occurred on Sun day. The roof of the colored church was set on fire by a stove pipe But little damage was done. v The sale of real estate of John Wertz, deceased, of Blair county. will he, sold on Dee. Gth, at Court Hnuso, Hollidaysburg, at 10 o'clock. IMPRoVEMENT.—Our borough au thorities deserve credit for the im provement made in the uppe; end of Bill street, in NcAdamizing IL If all the streets in our borough were sub jected-to a•similar dose of stone, we. would have less dust and better roads TIIE LECTURE.-WO would like to speak at length upon the lecture of Paul du Chaillu in this place on Tues. day evening last, under the auspices of the Citizens Lecture Association, but space will not permit. The lectu - rer spoke for an hour and a half, and• gave a good description of his explor ations in Africa, and more parficular ly.of his encounter with a gorilla.— The majority of his hearers appeared tcrbo entertained, although in our es timntion he might hare done bettor. ger.The firm of Piper A: lierrencane broom manufacturers of this place, and whose advertisement appears in the Globe ; have our thanks for a broom and brush presented us last week.— The brooniti'and,,hrusl;cs made by this firm wilttiiiripate=lavot'ably with the Veitilitati manufacture, d . us. ,th ey kiffe ,, tlMniat manufacqui.6iit'' prices, , our dealers should not faifto patronize Ahern in preferiinde to foreign manu facturers. Bedford andUridgeport Railroad. Oti]Tuesday last, the President and Board of Directors of the Bedford and tk3ritigeport . .Rtiilniad, let the eastern ! or .nt.;ll"allas...e.rid ,of . road. .! The .sueeiißsfiiChidders were Messrs;' Low !!:if?;this county, t!tncl'J. eamphell,-Esq., .pf Altoona. • The s former got five Mites of. the road west of Mt. Dallas, the grading of which they are to receive $68,455.26' and which is to be ready for the ties by July Ist, 1871. 'Cho latter got the remaining three sections for which ho to receive V 21,344.74, and which is to be ready for the ties by July 15th, 1871.—Betiford Gazette. Lewis' is the Place to Buy School Books and Stationery, Bi hies, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds; Blank Books, Sunday Szhool Books, etc., Inks of 411 kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock. et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru-: meats, Wall Paper, Window Shades and , Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. [nov 11.tf. Every business man should use printed bill heads, letter heads, and envelopes. They have to use the paper and envelopes, any way, and we furnish the material at whole; sale prices, and print them at less than the matufial would coat at retail price. Call. ' Letter from Three Springs The following is a sample local cor respondence a' friend sends us from Three Springs borough, in this county, under date of Nov. 19. Is there not one friend in each township and born. who will send us the local news in their respective localities? We Want the GLOBE to give the news iri all piirts of the county jand not only of; the coun ty-seat, and as we can't be every where at once, we must depend upon our friends :to assist us. here is the news from Three Springs : Wm. Cutchall, of Springfield town ship, shot a buck within three-fourths of a mile of this place, which weighed 217 pounds. Abraham Lane, of Clay township, has shot, eleven wild turkeys since the Ist of October. The Rocky Ridge coal mines, which are five miles west of Three Springs, are doing an extensive trade. The Path valley farmers have been en gaged since harvest hauling coal from these mines for burning lime. The East Broad Top R. R. & Coal Company have been engaged for some weeks past, in prospecting in Clay, Cromwell and Shirley townships, for minerals. This company is also get ting the right of way for the Railroad from those who are magnanimous enough to give the said company six ty feet broad through the farms.— Messrs. Ashman, Hudson, Ileeter, and others in this locality. have released to this company the minerals on their lands, conditionally that the company commence operation inside of one year from date of lease. The Three Springs people are going to observe Thanksgiving day. Preach ing in the forenoon in the M. E church by Rev. B Shoemaker; services also in the evening. COURT PROCEEDINGS.—The following criminal cases wore disposed of last week : Commonwealth vs James Barrens. Indicted fur assault, was tried and found guilty. _Hugh Trimbath, indicted for rape, assault with intent to commit rape, and assault. Jury returned a verdict of guilty on the second count, and not guilty on the first and third counts: William Smith, indicted for mali• cious mischief, was found not guilty, but was to pay one-third the cost and prosecutor• two-thirds. A 11. McCarthy, indicted for prac ticing medicine without liaiing ob tained a diplopa.; was fopml not„gail ty and the: proseciitor Dr. A F. .COn rad pay the cosy. Famuel Bowser, Jeremiah Need, Eli Shore and Gebrgellockenberry indict ed for negterting and refusing to open a public road, were found not guilty, and Edward for ton, prosecutor, pay costs• 11 B Stouffer, indicted 'for 'assault and battery, was acquitted on the ground of insonity. George L Smith,, indicted for shoot ing at with intent to kill, and shooting at with intent to maim, disable and disfigure, was found not 2nilty • John Whisky was found guilty of assault , and - battery. The same was also found guilty of resisting a,constable, assault and bat tery on an officer, and assault and bat tery. SOLD. it a common habit with some people in our borough to u 9 to the coal wharf "along the canal, and take for their own use without price or permission a bagful! of coal, and some nights a number of such individ uals may be seen toiling through our streets with these dusty bags upon their. shoulder. The other night one individual, who, by .the way, some times buys his coal, was unfortunately out of coal, and as ho wanted to keep fire over night he must•, get some somewhere. So he started to the' above•mentioned wharf, loaded his bag with lumps and wended his way homeward, staggering,- with the weight of the plunder. Having got it home he at once placed it, in the stove, and left it, expecting to have a bright fire and cosy room in the 'morning; but what was his wonder when on looking at it in the morning, he found that he had patio iron ore instead of coal.— He fell cheap, and remarked that that was the heaviest load that he had ever carried from the coal wharf. pc~'l'o secure friends'wo must show 'ourselves friendly, and deny ourselves of much promised pleasure if it be nec essary for their enjoyment, and not seek,..for our comfort alone, but for the happiness of those around us. A good man 'will .show himself friendly even to his enemies. To, obtain friends we must thew ourselves friendly in out looks. ~A cheerful smile is calculated to soften the hardest heart. If we pur on a pleasant, agreeable, cheerful coun-: tenanco,. the result will be, both plea sing and profitable. Looks and words are cheap; therefore we should show ourselves friendly in our actions— Friendly looks must 43 . followed by friendly ‘ words ; In , !lang,oilgo of truth, angry words-produce anger, but ,ta,) , koft.'finswor turns a waywrath.' Retail 1 intir ke Pr lc e a Butter 30,35@-l0 as Co quality; eggs 25; lard 25; potatoes 80@90; dried . apples lOcts per lb; dried peaches 150 25ets, pe'r lb; beans fo@lBe quart; su gar cured lhams 30 ets - ; ssoulders 18@ 20®22 ets per lb; dried beef 30 . q - 482:ets; flour $6,50®7,00, per barrel. Green apples 75®100,_aa-to quality. BAZAAR or FASlJlON.—Partienlar attention paid to Dress and Chink making , and ,all kinds of sewing. Also a full:line of Millin ery goods, and Paper Patterns, constantly on hand. Golfering, Fluting. and Pinking done in all their various branches.'Skirts, sacques and children's clothing, stamped in all styles, and' at low prices, at Mrs. L. A. flamer's, corner of sfittlin and 'Rath streets. Oct. IS ly- set• For neat JOB •PHINTING, 6all he "Gunn J.lll PRINTI'd(i Cin(CE.." at Ilan ItgaQll,, Pik.. MARKETS. wuntrzeter MARKET. 1 • ' , ' finleAnumuu 4. Nor.'l4, 1,70 Superfine Fleur per bane] .. ' • i 41004.75 Extra Flour per barrel di'.. 0005.50 • lip Flour per barrel $5.0005.21 lied Wheat per busbel ' ' ' ui.nh9l.4u Rye per bushel b7(iitil3e e. Corn - 87AUla1, Oats por bushelsl. l (ys2ctB. . . Pirrenvnan, N0v.14, 1670. White When/ Flour, 7.50®3.00 ' Wheat per bushel.,white $1.301 35 Corn per buehel. ' 80@)84ete. ORM per bushel .. .` - 48@50e1 e. Ilya per bushel e.O 80@0,02 Barley Nothing doing FINANCIAL. NE YORK, Nov. B.—Gold closet) at j'l,ll PIIIIADEMPLII9, Nov. 12, 1870,: The following are the closing prices of De Haven $.: 8r6., 40 South Third Street: U. S. 6'.s' of 'Bl, - 4131 1131 " " '62, - = 108 k 1081- " " '64, - 107/ 1071 " " '65, - 1071 1071 " " '65, new, - 1091 1091 d " t )67 , 44 1091 1091 " " '6B, - 1091 1003 " s's, 10.40'5, - 1061 1001 U. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy. 111 1111 Gold - - - 111 111.1. Slicer, - - "; 105 - 107 Union Pacific li.R let 31: Bonds 825 835 Central Pacific R. R. - 905 915 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 730 745: EIUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY HENRY & CO I= nova—Superfine Fluor, per barrel, $5.00 Extra Flour, do 0 50 Family Flour, do 7.00 GRAIN—Red' Wheat, per bushel. 120@ White Wheat, do 1.30(0. Eye, do Corn, Onts, Barley, SEED—Timothy, Flaxseed, now, Cloverseed; per 64 lbs. 6 00 COAL—Hard coal, por ton, 4 5000.00 Broad Top coal, , do 3.000/3 50 LUMBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00(00.00 SHINGLES—Lap, per 1090 ft., 10.00(012.00 Joint Shingles, do ' ' 5.0061,6.50 MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, , 9.00 Bran, por cwt., 1.00 Hops, per pound 40 Wool, •do ' . 40(4)45 Hay, per ton, 12.00 hides; 6R7 BOtior per pound, Lard, " "'• Eggs, per dozen, P NNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD TIME OF. LEAVEN OF TRAINS • WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ST WARD. • ' RA ST WA RD I I ; I 02 co I gl ST ATIONS. r i• N.A.X 11 43 12 52 , 12 011 2 101 1225 12 471 12 531 1-07 1'23 1 32 15, '1 531 1 58, 2 20 1 P. al.l N. liamilton, M. Union,. Mapleton,..... Mill Crook,— Peter-13nm— Barreo SpruceCredi., Birmingham, Tyrono Tipton Fostoria, MIN Mills,.. Al tomat,. o .1‘) A. )1 Tito FAST lAN i Busts, and 'le'avea A. M.. and arrives at Ilnunaglion at I The CINCIMCVII EXPRESS Eastward 6 55 P. M. and an Ives nt liantmgdon PACIFIC ENTRE,' F.dxncdrd. leitTb9 N. and passys Huntingdon nt7 25 A. al CINCINNATI RXI•REbB IraV 3 35 A 31 and arrive. , nt Altoona 4 50 S. The FAST LINE Westwoni, passes Huntingdon at 7 35 P., M. and satin, at Altoona nt 3 45 P. 61. TIUNTINGDON &• BROAD TOP ItAILROAD4 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and Idler Ara Inaal ty, NOV. 16th, 1570, P.m:ma Ea, Trains n 111 arrive and &part flB MHO% a: UP TRAINS. DOWNIRAINS. MEE MEI ETAIIONS, P. M. 1 A. :If . , to 5 201st 9 00111nntingdon,. 5 28 9 OS bong Siding__ 5 42 9 21 McConnollstown, 5 49 9 00 Pleasant Grose,- 6 r 3 9 40 31arklemburg, 6 IS 10 00Colfee Run I 625 -10 0, Haugh& Ready,. 640 10 03,Cove, 6 44 10 211Fishern Summit, Alt 7 051 10 431 5 . w ., ...,' LE' 1 10 10 WI .... _.... i 1169 111 iddlaburg. 11 16 11open ell, .... 11 36 Piper's Run,.. 11 ..... 12 09 Bloody Run,. AP 12 18 iMolita Dnllo =1 Lo 7 10 1 Ls 10 55 1 F.axten • 7 261 .11 10 Coxluoont , 7 30, 11 15 Crawford, AR 7 401na 11 25, Lindley, Woad Top City, le 10, '7O:- .7011 N ❑untingdon-Jnn Ladles Dl:essoe and,lloys Clothing Mrs. B: , Annie McCabe 'respectfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by 11. MoManigill, on, Washington street. and is prepared to make Laging',Drestes fitid.!Brtys' Oletfiing, of all hinds. She respectfully invites - a full share of.patrotage. , ap7 tier The 'ol.6nk Office is prepared to execute all kinds of Job Printing for the Merchant, Manufacturer, Coal Op erator, and other bm,ineAs men, at loss rates than the same can - be had in the city. Give us' a call. gm; rarfficira needing a Grain-drill, will do well to call on Wharton &,Ma. guire and examine the Willoughby gum-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate altach . ment, before purchasing. tf Can't be Undertold Red Front grocery receives new supplies_ iltrtoqt evci,r3. 1 ..day, sells the most and freshest, and can't be under sold: MARRIED;' . . • On th e Siblnut;'nt•fhe"Cesidenee Of the bride's parents birlfeti 0, V: -Wil son, Air. ANDREW KEAGY ,of. Main C 0 .., to Miss At,tql ..tNY.I3ATT of this county. On the 27th, Oetober, by Ilev. J. P. Long, Mr.' \VASIIINGTON _MORGAN to MiSstSARAII JANE RUN1,:(111 ,t)T.Ctdm well township.,,„ • DIED, 11,11! pringliyld .lopti§bip, 1y9v,.17 1 t,h, =1,116 only Aauglitei• of John arid tll9 blo, aged 4 years. , At Three Spriggs, Noy 13th, Earns E , son'of add' O. S'svo'pe, aged 14 •111531"Msi-P Those who' are' Sick, or Afflicted N% pay chronic diflicolty,aliould Without delay o rite f0r,105 jiamilton a I teiv.TreattEd, .tent freo to any addres4. It. LEONIDAS II %mit:rm. M. D.. n01.4t. . P. 0. Box 4,1 W, Now York City. N & DOWN of filo university..aro making' wonderful cures,. ' of Cancers, Tumours and Ulcers by their now discovery A painless treatment, no cl ' knife, no plasters,- nor:caustic ;burning. t'l Tho most forniirk- CI able fleet CANCERS.. of, this tii treatment Id, tt, stit- • g • rates the chemical, elempnts of cancerous : grawths,Po.that they shrivel, die and dis- . • , appear and will not return. All those of- 1 - flictpd coq call on tho Professors Duel4anqn 4r, Dpwn, , ! University; or 'Wives; So 'PI4 RI nt Strati Phi hula. Almanacs for 1871, GERSIAN AND ENGLISIF,- Lett43' A nREAT V:IETTEE PIS AVERY Dr. WALF..EIVZ LIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS' Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to their 'Wonder: o p t ful Curative Effects. P ti WHAT ARE THEY? if F, e .f. ...j ;"g ~ 7 ti e = 2 n P: a N .o,' 3 0 g' 7, 0 0 i'', E!, Li. , d rsi . ' Eq b 4' o ... ~'..:: ; " Eq 4 82; Pl 1: 2 F .. . "Z' i 14 1. f.', Er ..^ P .1 .I.' 2 ~ ; , . ....-;:.:45 - . 401 ,i •y-vill.— - .. g " N. Ml ' '2 ''‘V‘` Arf".va - v . r 2 0 41 t: - ='"="-f - = - 4" • , ' 4 ;.f.' g TREY ARE NOT A VILE • 1 -% V, 5 FANCY PRINK, Pg trade of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proar Spirito and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced and sweet ened to please the taste, called " Tonice, ,, "Appcilz• ers," "'Restorers," ac., that, lead the tippler Oil to drunkenness and ruin, but 'are n true Medicine, made from the Native 'Boots and Dubs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stimulants: They are the GREAT /MOOD , PURI Firm ana•A LINE GIVING rRINCII , LE'n mesa fienovrifor and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood ton healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. SIAM willbe given thrall incurable case, provided the bones aro rot destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital Gizans wasted beyond the' point of mall'. For I nillammia ory and Chronic Riseurza- Gina and Gout, Dy sacpsia, or Indigestion, Billet., I:mittens and Intermittent Pewit' Diseases at'tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Pandifcr, these Diners have been most success fun Sods Diseases are sauced by Vitiated 111 ood, which is generally produced by derangement cf the Digo:taro Organs. ' DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Bead ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste lit the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Ealpitatten of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Nidneys, and a hundred other pathtui symptoms,nre the offsprin'gs of Dyspepsia. Titsy invigorate the Stomach, and stimulate the tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. 70 40 1.00 400 1.75 FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tatter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Roils, Con. bubbles, Bing-Worms, Scald-Dead, Sore Eyes, 'Erse.; else, Itch, Scarfs, Diseolorstions of the Skin, Plume. and Diseases of the Mein, of whatever name or pature, are literally dug up and marled out of the system is a short time by the use of these Bitters. Ono bottle la such cases will eons Ince the meet Incredulous of thc:r Curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Elo s od whenever you rt..ct its Impurities bursting throngh the skin in Pimples, Erup tions or Sores; cleanse It when you fled it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when It is foul, and your fecllngo will tell you wham , Seep tile blood pure and the health of the system willfollow. . TAPE. and other:WOIVSIS, hutting In the system of so many thousands, aro effect - 1101Y deiticip cd and removed. For full directions, road carefully the circular around each hottic, , printedfn four Gnages—Engllsh,Gerinan, French and Sr anlsh. ~ • - J. WALKED, Proprietor. li. 11.11cDONALD 6 CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents.' SIM • Francfsco, CAI, • and 82 and 84 Commerce Street, NewSorlt. • es Elig 147 - SOLD BY .ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. PIPER &•lIERRENCANE, 1M 10 00 P. Bt. A Rimla at eaves - Altos' t 765 P M. Altoona at 6 25 A ME 11:11 BROCILTAa, ea Iluntlagdon at 31AIL 434 10 1 02 3 40 333 3 23 3 OS 3 UO 2 46 2 41 nuNTINGijoN . ,,pA xr.r),s A. Sl. Ina 8 20 8 11 7 51 7 40 7 33 7 20 7 1 4 fl Farmers having Broom Corn can got it manufactured on shares by calling on us. 00, 6 561 Lx e AR C 6 06 5 59 The SHOP is located NEAR THE LOCK 'AT' STONE CREEK 0ct2541m 1 05 L 1 00 5 10 LE 5 05 COIANGE OF HANDS:; DRUG STORE. CIE 6 20 LE 6 16 Kt LLIPB 2 00 ILE 1 00 On the Corner,-opposite the Rielinege troth!, RAILROA D STREET, ' 1 Z. 11 • Thenadersignettican"pnrchmiht•the above- mentioned Mug Store, which was all bought new last May. The selection of Drugs, Medicines, Ac.. are warrantLd to be of the beet kind, bought from reliable Druggists. -Also, A Variety of Finley Articles, Perfumery, Patent Medicines ' , nide of erre; de.,e(irda'ff"l'll'!lsi?'D-I.ll'ff'' THE DRUG DEPARTMENT Will be concluded by Dr. Jayne, R. Patton, obn has Revv ed a t egular appronticcebip PI a DM cline Drag Store in Pi wit, argil, and 6110(11 Int... Heine, anal; nal 'ail) nuthavo anything to don ith t lie practice of medicine. Proven') lions rill be carefully compounded, and every attention given, JANES It, PATTON. Oct 25-1870. SELF BASTING A Patent Self Beater low been attached to the eaten. tel GROVER & BAKEMPAUNG MACIUSES The above machinea will make eithei the chain or Luck Stitch, (stitch mike, me Malt sur(ac")., Call and eu them woik. For further habituation write to or cal GREENE & DRO , ".', 4 ' s ''`l.eiste r . 4 Building, Op stairs: n~ra.zc+lf.. . Yi ,h i lluMib~dm2, Pn SWING MACHINES rrlE H 0 NIkE . S.VSVi - SG lll.liidHINE In the moat populnr machine in the werld. Over 4,000 sold every„ month I It makes it beautiful Lock alike nn both giikig, 11111 senntsqullt, hub, fell, tuck, refit. bind rind brat I. Worts equally w ell upon pllk, Iluen,,woeletr andmkton., goods with, nilic 5 cotton or linen thread." " • JAMBS A BROWN r - is agent for IluntinpAun county Call nt Liv Carpet Stara and see the machines. Oct 11'70; JTRAY S El EEP.- Came to the premises of the nnderslkned in West township, about the middle of August last, nine head of sheep, ono buck, one wetter and - i ewes. The owner is requested to come (onward, prove property, pay chary. no and take them away, otherwlso they will ve diapoded of cccordiug to law. JACKSON WILSON., Nov. 8, IS7O-lt QTRAY HEIFER A Came to the in miens at the subscriber in Jackson towosiu p i about the acidic of August hint, a Ited Heifer about two years old. The onurr Is requested to comp hot rcnid. pt eve property, pay charges, arid take her away otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. lIUOII CAR Y, • McAlevey'e Fort, Oct IVA* -INVELOPES— o box, pack, or lees quantity, for sale at IVIS' BOW( AND STATIONER Y STOI4. Manufacturers of DEgsaAn.,;, iJ' 1 - .Mni ~ '- 1 - 1 - r: - . 11L1N17.261D0N, PA SE WING MA CHINES: 1 ,CI r. 1,01. SEIM MI LYt~rV:ritertisements. C.B,TPIRAL :110TE "! - sOOII,EAST CORNFR POUL7III AND SPRUCE NPR E 011IIXOTE 1 ,(formeily of- liu,ntingil C 0.,) Cent , a ne,t convenient point for rovrcisanta slatting the city. Accommodations of the lirat.clalq. All the modern itnproN omen la. Every at tendon will be ex temle to 113401 1005.13* : :, if,.L.1..•:.,13.31,,zeg ro 'Ry E 1 1 " 1--1 1 p 1 ) • _i' ' ,: ' ,'.. ; .1 , 4 . --,- . -,..,., . - - 1 1 1 11 i 1 11 41 4.31A 4 EA _pa 1 i T 1 zi i' irehnt M., N.Y. or 33 IV. 11104.. l'imPlyintl/.0. It 1 hey te•ntt 11, Most pOplAtrand 1),1 11Ing ..pl.,•lipll