The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 11, 1870, Image 3

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TiH - J NO A
.morning Oct • VI --1870.',
• •
-- 1.. r; t„mitetAD t
Xt. iloriah Lodge, No. am, A. r.M., meets seeen - d .
3lutulay evening at oath month, In lknarn's building.
Shading Stone' H. R. AL.-Chapter, No. 201, meets the
Beet Trieetbrl evening of each month, In Brown's building.
Janiala Lodge, N 5.117, ro: 0: F Meets every Ride);
evening, third. floor, In Lelater's.
Mount /for (Map of I. O.'o. F.; meets every second
and fourth Tuesdays, in Loister's building, third floor. , ,
Standing Stone Lodge, No. St. 1. G: T., meets every
Tuesday evening in third door of Bead's building.
Arvopahoe Tribe, .No. GS, L O. of Si. if., meets every
Tljnesday ermine:thin' Bair, Leister's building.
bung !Isn't Christian Association moots the first and
third atoculay evenings each month, in Smith's building.
Pose 33, G. A. Si, meets Third Monday of each mouth
lu Court Some, • - - ' g - •
TIMM Cbantil meets late - first Friday evenin- of each
month. .
'Huntintafnie.rodge, To. CIA, E. of P., meets (-very Sat
urday evening, in Smith's bonding
iluaringdon Temple etf finnot, .ffie . 71, swots stint fourth
Tlonday of each mouth in Good Tomplars'
'The 'lltrboteristri tra meets nvery Thursday evening, is
tho T. H.U. A'. rivets,. ' • " ' '
Runtingdon thirncil, 0. C. A. M., meets first and third
Ifinessloys °teach month in Good Templars Hall.
. .
De . tpliailainrehi—lieshington Street. 1 0v..47..:V. Plan
',Sorrier's:on SabWhr,l:l 7 ,4 a 7.p,rn:
taktlielle— Washington street. Rev. H. J. Aylward. Far
- aim Lrsktbfee earalays in every Month. -
Evangelical Lutheran-311tRin Street. Itev. J. Al.iterr . .
tendon on Sabbath : 10%a. m.,7 p. m.
fjetruan Reformed—Church Street. Rev. S. D. Stechle.
Service MiSillhath:l. p..m. = .."
Ilelhodist.E,Eilscoval—C hutch Etcpet.. Rev. by. R. Faster
s rervices`oa Sabbleth 10.V4 I. m.,7p. met •
.01 . 06Stabt. kidsebpalL-HIII elfeet.' Rey. A. H. Doyle,
Services au &MAUI: o% s• EL; 6 11
Presbyterlaolllll Sneer. hem' G. W. Zahnieer. Sea.
sire. on Sabbath: 11 a. m , 7 p.m.
:Ditto-our cash receipts
Chestnntsnre large end plenty. " •
SOhUoi-flouse hill is shadeless.
.Stewed fruit is healthy and nutritious
'Tyrone is, having a mammoth tannery.
The Cameron Press is 'printed, in ri'jnil
, Brigham Young has twenty-fire marriage
'-itble (laugh
The hunters fer,turkeys. aro baring good
luck. Other game is given the go-by.
,Caitabria'eOunty recently
stetted oiler twenty-fire hundred dollars.
Sweden housewives bake bread to last a
unouth,:and bang it round the room.
Our public school is in gond condition to
educate-the risinggeneration„
•Chnmborsbnrg has a -sweet potato which
...weighs seven pounds:, . .
; ;Rnterprieing—the - lluntingdon• Manufac
turing Corkianyi .
:The latest - trick of a pedlar is M give chlo
•rofurm and then lamina the house.
The saliries'of city female teachers are be
ing increased.
Naisport cow Was bulked by a paosao
lice:and iot , up alive and sound. •
04e i "oc !hif most poitted *lssissippi;pnpors
is - edited by and Spear's: '
„....,lairoon are being caught in the Saw) .
..iiannitA ire': weighing- five to' ten pounds. .1.
Chinese - converts to Christianity-are prep.
• hil•23ireets of San I rnneleco.' F ,
'bail as.."one of. the graduates of crime.'!:'.
.Rooney,Ahe Naval cadet from
has passed. examination.
{ '^Aliew German-tatholie:ciurch. is to be
If evor4lo4filefi:; ; :ilit . ip,,
.„ tow„
A ftiri*Tri;-anAii:in7ocitnatlr_li:R.*enty:
. Tilk-11* - SeWi4t.sdonit COrnplain i ti,iiiig a
laektotrnin _
JOltit: Allen ',Tie wickedest man iri New
York , ?' is ;:lead,::.".on whom faits hie Minflo
0 rei on e -hundre dt lof : our- eitir:aria,atten d ed
the jest week:. - There: may
lave t3eeii:iC.dozeit:A.lMOnians
A yonyi#mitnin,Altc . iona:rdireed:Wir. Mon
roe Ake t i!wils - alMoilt insjantlYAll:ed'hy some
heavy timbeiut;tllinglifpWliiin from a car.
The boys are playing "deer." , From the
mmotint4it raining :and yellinethey ',fejt
• should be 'c'alled 'queue:"
„Took out for circular swindlers.. They
‘mike big promises on paper, but are mighty
bad pay.: _
Altoona slaughtered a nest of forty-nine
water-snekes- The largest were thirty-three
iinthea in length. ' :
in &Nous, named Gilmore,
;died , froze the effects of dwalleWing some
~concentrated lie which had been•left in a tin
- • "Ilarailton's humbug Indians were in' Eh:
•finibu'rg recently, but .as there Were too few
efeole there they . didt'extribit.- •
The ladies afe s donning'fall loirgeTy. •We
itrb lhappy . to state you can seen. ore'of the
.dress than you can of the "fixins." , ;
• • ,
The, : ,•ironiOn are rejoicing over :Abe; an
nonneeineni Atu4 . the qtd atyle bonnet's ate
.coming in fashion., .
The invalid who 'seeks the valleys, for his
:health frequently experiences the benefits of
the grept i li t eal of the foot of the mountain.
'The iVyoMing women priittie of ‘split.
kets," "scratching," , and "voting early .and
.often" with charming volubility :, : .
- Ad-intelligent chairman of a' &seri 'acts.
laTialltry committee decided that roosters were
,rutty wben.they corrode. Shouldn't wonder.
yoting tidy about to be married says she.
viini,nert : Promise to honor and obey,'
but will say inaMed 'love, honor and be gay.'
A. hay 'farmer in lowa, 'it is said, recently.
Built ti barn titer bin stack, in order to save
(the trouble Of moving the hay. •
The latest fashion - at weddings is to -pre-
Bent .a,;'.box of wadding coke : to all the de-.
-,l . l,atting:gueste-tettbe door, ~Some leave early
to get - the first.bite. . , .;
I.lllumbOldt was • mistaken in saying , that :
3 !0,1d letters lose their yitolity"—nearli,aery
-itriach of promise case shows what eatremei
iy lively things' old lettere are.
'RObeit.kbrii4ell, a former resident - 'of
'iiamsburg„ county, wasstruck by light
ning at Davenport, dowa,:recently, and in
stantly killed.
The wear and tear, trip and -sweat of the
.nice little game of putting .up ptoves has com-
Why don't some fooldriverit : Steves
'that don't need lifting.!
A woman in 'Kansas city became possessed
.of the hallucination that .her chimney was
ithe Toner of Babel and had it half pulled
.down Lefore,ber. friends stopped hor.!..
VA -young man named William Price was
,cently.killed in ;the .Cambria Iron Company's
coal mine ty a lot of coal and slate falling
upon law.
Sit,tmErnr,.—Last Tuesday evenipg
was the occasion of a wedding in our
town, and the event brought out ;'tt•
band of serenaders. who congregated
about the 'doer, the which the ceretiaoitywas to talfe-pliie;Yl
and 'comMenced th'eirliideotis 'ells,
blowing : A o .hortrs _ap,d i pottnding. of
bOxeii,.'each the" .. ,c.roWd
wiih` - the other in MititibgitiCAbudest
noise. TheAhtfm'ping coiriteeneed at
about 7' andiditl chttse, until the
wedding party got aboard the 10:21
train. The conduct of the crowd at the
houS'e wits shameful. in-the extreme)
eetu!'mitdo' et-very' irisultine„hin-,
gunge ; while ()Ahem threw, eggs at
the house and at whoevei ventured
out. Several gentlemen were •egged,
and bud their coats badly soiled in
We are of the opinion that this kind
of serenading shbuld bo abolished; and.
wo look to our borough
pass an ordinance to that fle•dti•lf
I his is-not tr.mnisiinces . , eidon% jknow
what auct ihe,Sooner Amt. matrimo
nially dispoied blends eatrhnjny their
rights u RhiolcAted* the better, it' will he
for the, community.' ,We hope our
iboraugh•fatborsWill impose a heavy
penalty on all ineh 'offenders; and one
example will suffice to break •up the
outrage. ,
A TRICRS GAMBLER. - Campbell's
Circus or rather self-styled "Zoological
and Equestrian Inititute," which di
bibited in this place recently, is de
,nonnee,d,wherever; it has been. The
short itself is as gbod as the common
run,,b t ift,itjis;-.v.rongly,suspeoted that
it is kepi alsip ; tiy - The Card' gamblers
who acconialany it - It 'is said that
this part of the show Made over $4OO
at kly.; ' 41,t_thnt
place, a gonticznau, accompanied by
his wife, went thozganrblers and
having lOW ,has wife that' ho:was "up
to the game;" and was going to make
enough to talto - a teip,'Ke — bet sls°, but
the showman proved that ho was the
sharpest of the two.bylaringing up the
right, card for Aitrioehf and pocketing
the pile. The- ,ge.nittletnatVe Wife, com
placently gave atterance : "Dear, I
guess we'll not tit h e that trip 1" \lre
left for reflection.
, WEAMER. AND _TM 1....0rT,E.
Wedoe't knew whether to Write about
tile people•or the Weathetibut as each
go together and depend_on thaother it
don't make any difference which." re-
ceive, the - most 'attention. Let two
men meet cfn the atieet, and if it is
pouring down, rain, one. or the other
will say, "It is a wet day;" let ladies
call on each other; and one of them
say,: if the • 'suit "Shines,
"Isn't this,tt pleasant day '4" Now, xve
aDiays, like', pi. hear
„ people. ,telt. the
triVbitt ik . .'appear" , fithi , Web
ttuths , are unnecessary; as' they that
ke7Utii " Why Aviiy. , "don't
people . tay,',Kanat - tiiag ;else.; I and i toll
119 beats,, what, %they
are thiokingabout w or , •who they saw
last—,anything but. theiweathem :•,
TUE Er.EcrioN.—The election is
'over.* ..Thanks to 'the fl.evei.'ni:les' tfnl.l
Sheriff's proclamations for having set
a day on whielettin boilin'g j • bubbling,
igtypg fra tRs b eev) i Opp!. s
etin'•'-filiT Their proper - levet Whit
would'Otitlilliion'be, what would • our
people , becoind y !was there election can.
vasses the whole year 'round ? Men
would then be buktpnless, notwitstand•
ing the indwatr3Wood wives; shoe
makers would liiii'etmtinually buying
up sole ?wither ; iigii hats would be at
a premium fur eritttns could not stand
the pressure; anii;itilatie the insane asy
lums would. bo - ,cidwded,.for editors,
candidates; and 'ptiliticiantit would . all
find a habitation, there. Let Ms be
thankful for 'the peace' that has come
at last. - - -
Down —Neighbor_ cornman, who
has been notieing,others for improv
ing, deserves I np_w 4 tit_he remembered,
for he also haslaken . :anto himself a
new home, adjoining his office. Paint
and plaster:has .been scattered in rich
profusion l over ; the,domistile, ; and•it is
in all 'respects fit for:an editor. We
hope' sorne - daSt;''however;:t6:See,ltint
occupy a t : breestbry , brick, or, better,
a brown stone., Wby not.?
,ra—Tyrone. -is to,have Ok•
ive LogabiicSo rt goeth.• Almost
ery town—some larger and some
smaller than Huntingdon can make it
suit to have big guns to Iceture for
'them, and' interest %their , community
thereby. The Young, Men's Christian
ASsobitition Of `hid plabe tried' bard to
get the people ipprested in this kind
of enjoymerrl,last , 4in't6r, but after
some, most miserable I tiles - they
gaietit rip Our &bpie are toidarne,
certainly. . 0., ,
is not toplate.".o..'malm
mention-of , tlmfackhat our, youngle
al friend lltiles.&Otmyer 'who . *A's
recently; admitted, bas fitted tip'reorns
imCenninglianN-nevi rbniltling,- where
he will be pleased to -see .all .who de
sire ,his services., •;..
: . tai-We learn• of a change in 'the
opanagernent otho Huntingdon Jl4lll
- Conipany, .51r. Artley in
tending to give it his entire attention.
We•may look for' increased business
in , that' awe ko . part of Own.
The OompanY intend enlarging the
building4oaccommOoto 00ot-increas
ing business.
Every businesvur should nse printed bill
heads, Vetter" heeds, 'Mid . eitielOpes. They
have to use the paper-and envelopes, any
_way, and we, furnish the ; material at whole
sale prie6s," and print them at less than the
material wouhreosi at retail-pviee.
-;,SED',Pl 6 .fit. o 34E.o4lcerjs,prepared tp
Petecatii till/ ag. 45f Job Printin
the Merchant, Manufacturer, Coal Op
erator„iiiidicitiler otiiii#2436 idol, at less
ratesthan,sape..can hp,llad in tho
city. G
, 1 7r49g 13 „of u tlte tray d, ‘vrae, presented
with a six •pound eel the other : day. : The
donor must hvedhought him a slippery fel
loW, and he thought right.
. „
WilliaMsbtirg,' Blair colinty;,is` forming a
colonization society ,scone point on . !be
Pacifoit railroad . Perhaps they. will not se_
lect a "dry" loCation.
,As n Tfirishorg , convict' was leaving the
court Toom,,nfter being sentenced to the pen-.
itentiari a little datightbri who' had been sit-,
tint uktltitu'difection'ateiioried out, "GoOd
m.FiBh.or'B . B9,llB gt•tx:erica at coBt
InMemoria - m.
Judge „Jonathan', Mellri!lien* funs
'born at Spruce'Creck:in"lluntingden
county, Pa.,, in, the,-,3 -par- , 1797. Ilis
parents, were_Scotch,lrish, a - clans, of
,people to whoth Peiihaylrania is much
indebted:,l - Ile . , married. in : , 1819,_ and
joined the Presbyterian church the
'same year. He.,was elected a Ruling
'Eld‘r. , : hi) the i.:Spluee 'Creek 'Ty.rea
by,, which, office.
With , till ,five ' year's
age:, tilieti,''on : acCou4 ofhis -age he
d celyne&sdrvi rtnyo en ger: do was
otiose cr ;_htsz'
Member of the State Legislature,
whiCh body he serveq, hi , the years
1842. and .1843. Possessing a vigorous
constitution, and.nover abusing it, he
was never confined to bed a day in
his life, till the sieknesdulhat in five
days took , „hi m, ayray in the,,seynoty
third year of his - age.
The deceased waslt man of marked
charabierikle's; well'ivOrthy
A',llllOlctirialiii by i;racle,'hA earn
§037 his b`onest,,tOil, a competency , foi'
6iy fancily,,, eductttion, by
diligent application and select reading
he stored' his mind With:ini3eful infer
niation, and became a man of eaten=
sive icquirementii. Early in life be
vas impressed witti'a 'Sense of hiLOre'•
sponsibility to seciety• and, to, Gad.—
Ile felt that ,hp was placed kere, for a
purpose, and beyesolved to ,meet the
demand as God should \ give, him pow
er. Renee' he studiously avoided all
manner of diFisipation of both body
and mind. Ile-teas always an advo
cate of evcry . meastme that promised
to,. elevate .the ,humanrace. Thirty
years agii IM'stood Mane in ,his county
the open
_enmity ni an, slayery
and has frequentlysbe,ed heard to ex•
press his gratitude that he,.had lived to
see' that stain • rip,,pur''natienar honor
Itis' Pea,' titi' 'Well' 'as' his
tongue, ' was- 'frequently- '''employed
against oppressions aod wrongs and
in behalf of liberty, truth and right
oeoustie4t., .11piwasA.firin: ,believer ,in
the trull3s of revealed religion. His
conversation •Wsta!titi"lleaven, Christ
was lavonite theme. Ris,,reliance
for'Salvation Was solely. in, the Rodeo
mer.'• None:ll'od itslOosci he died,,we
IrniiWl4tv'he'liVed, and that:is enough.
five ; -years ago• he settled in.,-.lllc
feytown:. 13 - e' seemed to reel thae ,
end was near. wished' to spend
his remaining days,ln quietude,: and
as he 'Welke& along ottretreeta, or sit tat
our firesidai,fti appeared us'-one'Who
was ready and ivaitinir; for 'the sum
mons from above,. "comb • Once,
indeed, afew,weekshefore,his demise,
seized his pep and wrote . ,a few articles
for thePresS;Werningtheyoungagalost
the cor . rupt,tons
_of •tlyir mesi - and:: tux.
in-the honest men
for places.oe truat i ; ; and when the last
article NVak, conblittled,'he'saidi ' "That
isAbeAldr.matesllast,-cOntribatibaT to
the cauppoLtrisice.untry
.the nrni,na..of tle_,2nd Sep
lerii~c , i;'ttt'tti~`s4Elll6h - do,' the Pres
ence ot 4ie fttnkily,-...hje 1 -spirit. took its
deparit6; Ebnimitteti to did" keeping
of 'ivliorki" trusted.—
There is a gap in the ranks of society
now; but we are rich in the - Memory
of one who, "though deit'd:,'',et speak
eth." T.—.Letoistount 'Gazette.
..Theslection yesterday brought out
the coloreil men to the polls in this place, ma
ny of' theta casting their first vote. We do
not knoir , olif orie Democrat who staid away
on that account..but 'ono voter was heard to
exclaim, ns if deeply:ortified, "My God,
has it come to 'the colpred men ap
peared to realize the importance' of
. their
new-made right and also the fraportance of
the party that gave them the tight. , for: they
nearly all voted the Republican ticket, and
swore,vengeance ppon, the few !that
RetallAlfulret r
3CqOl as to qUality ; . :eggS
18; liird:-25 ;•pcittAoei3 - 875@51,00.; dried
apples 10,ets_per,11!i dried peaches NC)
1b; beans 1418 e quart; su
gar eured-hams.BCtrets.; ttrofilders 20@
22 side,lB@2o.ets per ; dried beef 80
@32 co; flour .$6,60@7,00, per barrel.
Green app1e5.,.7,500.0,. as. toquality.=
Let eandidatei'whe have been ansu'e
cessfulliAnt And Fave, the victory was for the
briiie';' let 'oCeins roll
and billoiya,waye, so,wa all, our bacon save,
by going to Vika Reilly; the baker, and get
ting,some of his splendid,l3reao, And Cakes
anddl ,
eif feir.:stitig oh :deme chieltiod
will do well to call'on IVhnhton•& Ma"-
gain and examine the Willoughby
gum-spring grain drill, either with or
without phosphate attachment, before
purchasing. •: • : tf
rta- A largo,stook of the best Stone
ware, of all , ki-nde, now on band at the
Red'Frolit'Grocery, and for sale cheap.
or than . anywhere , olse in the county.
Ladies will ; I.)gar, in mind
that FiSherA, Sol2:s ti a 4 just
a large lot of Gros Grain Silks and fine
Dress Goods; in overt' variety,'at voiy
low prices: , , : 4t,
8~ Cider Mille , Grain Separators, Clover
Hullers and Stammers, Cultivators, Washing
Machines, etc 4 etc., at MeLanaban, Stone &
Isett's, Hollidaysburg, Pa. , fe9-8m
p.rolay, crowds of men and boys perambu-'
late' our. 'otvietu'.crit ""They will be,
tempted Yo to soni6 , Miaoillef it limy are al"
lowatireontinue. ;•• t
Bloody itun hne big eggs. trio were laid
the other day which measured respectively
six and!oite:halE inchs iit2eireiniferenee oho'
way, and seven and one-half the other.
Clint!. bp Undersold ?, •
- 'wont - Giveei7 recoivee ri ew;
Sutop,lipsi.„lol - nOSti., the
'sfsost sine ft:011116st; - On d ea tet tie Tin def.-
M., tea annil Riillet 4 :find Ginn Spring;
Grain Art le, et 4 41,ebennlian i Stone.&,Aiett'o,
dlellidaYkliaig,:Pa: • ••••fe9.863.2%.`
ttsfoishei.. ; &(Stili's 'are Agents for
the colebrlty4)_llanover, Pack Gloves.
,supplied at a discount. 4t
if€XflC.aytOne Cideti ' 111.1114 for solo
by k: J 2 Steiwan Co.;: so,n d • tik
color. I (July. 26 a in.,
Xtße•All - .Crr'lW`tirir , of *odd' ' , Cook and
par!orstoves . should call at A. R. Stew
art & Co. [Oct-11-6t.
SEir Per 'neat JOB PItINTING; 4 call a
tce "GI,OIIF, 3,111 PRINTENCI OFFICE, " at Hun
ngdon,' Pa
tts„; Fisher -Sz.,Son'e aro opening a
fine lot of fall and winter goods. 4t
ul.l6ori be for • 'Dim klLouli
On Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1870, by Rcv:
G. W. Zahniser, Mr. CHAS. R. ANDER
!of Huntingdon.
Oct 6, 1870, by Rev. J. Frazier, Mr.
,J. W. SIMONTON, of Johnson county,
!Huntingdon county.
On the 22d Septenibor, by Rev. 3.
:W. Love, Mr. WILLIAM W. MoLA - ni of
.Franklinville, to Miss AGGIE PLYMP
TON, of the vicinity of Spruce Creek.
On the 29th September, by Rev. L.
D. Steckel, Mr. Jesuit liEss LO Miss
MattaAnv.p:ANlT.l4iNettriLboth of Me-
Connelbiteti7n: "
At the parsop,age, Sept. 27, 1870, by
Rev. J. M.. Rice. Mr. JOSEPH E. ARNOLD
of Mifflin county, to MieP - VIOLET JANE
DAVIS, of lluntingdpn-cou v r
• •• ,;;; r
% l On the 29t11.1:SepletnberAyaleir.l.
D. Thomas. Mr. D. W. lioann to Miss
MAROARET Cc)4lirßoNST,k)99t9k I3arreo
Near Orbiriindii,!Amber 22d,
CIJARLEB 111)0mq:some ot:J. AV:and - C.
M. Booher, aged-2 years, 9 months
andt.6 days: • • V'." - • " •
In Shirleyshurff eft October Ist, 1870
HERBERT MONTEGUE, - 130n of Genl.
EL Lane, aged 8 months and 20 days.
, Near- Saltillo, lltintingdon tOuuty,
On September 19th,- SAMIALEDOAR;
youngest, son,of George, W.. and Mar
garet t3ohill, nod 2 years.
In 'the commencement of his sick=
noes he - suffered ,- much; but ass death
approached: he seemed , to suffer no
puin, but as 'if closing :his- eyes .in a
gentle sleep, ho. sweetly, fell.uslepp, in
Jesus., Little . Eddie bpd,,learned,,to
'sibs several 'lanes, among others the
ehorus'.. , olinging'to'the 'Orbs's." - Thig
was his 'faVorite -pitee,'"'ah'd' the Wit
words he said• wire '"Clinging;Oling=
ing;" trying to sing' this'ehoriirw 'Poor
little Eddie wafr.elinging to.the Cross,
and was unconscious; •of -it: .• Bereft
friends, sorrow not for your dear boy,
`r`eyen as others which have , no hope."
He is not lost but gone before.., ; .
. l t , FultAnit.entn, *4lO. WO. '
Superfine Flour per barrel .. ............ .... z..¢4.50(46.00
Extra Flour per barrel 0(4510
Ryo Vlonipor 1nirre1....'.... , '
'l' ' • 4540E:66.00
Red Wheat per bushel $1.38(01,35 .
Ryo per bushel ' ' "'''' 87 @Went.
Corn 944196ct5.
pate pqr ttu5he1........,.... ..... 1..... ~ ... 5005?,Oto.
• yrrrsnuiaiti, Ott, 10, WO. •
White ' oar' ' 1 — - • 7.60(0.00'
Wheat per burhal $/. 30 43 1 . 35,,
. Cer p
a er barbel 12@)35ete.
"'Oath pd• " . . .....
ityt per PlLlwitSzw,vo
Barley ' Nothing &fag
• - v,..NANci/kft.'• , •
' NEW Vona, Oct. 10. —0614 c10e0 .. 0151,4014.
• • •"Pfiitairogi.rltlA; 041:1118711: ,
the follotring are.the , clOging2prices of 41° ,
!laver% & Bro., 4,o,Souar pir.l,Streekl E
U. S. pe of!81, !,, ,• ,t 113,1,!, ,1141
•,1121, 113
'O4; llli 1118
"'65; rim; '" 110.1" 110 k
. . -110 i, 110#
" , 1101. -110 i
" Ws, 10-40'3, - 10G1 10Gf
U. S. 30 rear G per cent: Cy. e 11.1 k 1111
Gold - - 1131 11,4
- " to ' 108" 110
Mame' Pac(fit'R.lllla 21:11onds 830 CS 'B4O
Central. It: • '- . 805 , ••• 905
Union Pacifie,Lantl . Grant Boticts.6oo
• - ' mioLeB.4.l.E PRICEki , :• •
ILoot- 7 -Superfine Flouroper,barrel, 44:00
Extra Flour, do 6 50
Family Flour, do 7.00
GRAIN—Red Whcat,..ptc 120®
White Wheat', - do 1.30®
nye, do
Corn, now, ; do '
Barley, • •
Cloverseed, per 64 lbs.
d 4.00
do • 1.75
CO - AiLirlii'd Oar:TO iblii e 4.0.9a6 : 00
`l3,ro . ad Top 1. 00 3.00 3.50
Liffinzti, per 10001'4k el
SOINGLiss-Ilipp§r:looo,,t4 19.00611.00
MiceLLAxeoes—Bark, per cord, 9.00
Bran, per owt., ' 1.00
Hops, pe,r, pound, ; ..- r, 40
Wool, 1 -516 1 ' '"1- irj
Hay, per ton, 10.00
REAL ESTATE' • ''• • •
•:.) • . 1 •'
.• .• • •
Vi • ..) " •
'Farms, Town. Lots,. houses, and, all kinds of 'REAL
.ESTATE., bouglitpv, soM, , DTI!, Mortgagee and •Peeds
accurately prepared. Money loans negotiated on Real
Estate security.
, Lot No. di, West. Huntingdon, vacant. First wholo
lot west of MEM; Street 'oti - Southeru side of Mifflin et.,
Good lot and splendid location.
Too story frame Lando' largo Shade, good well and
whole of lot No. 224 Good location. Price learnable
Large Frame Duelling on Washington street, West
Huntingdon, west of Fulton, ton rooms; good water,—
Prtae,• , t . WOO.
Frame Dwelling on Washington street east, of Chest
nut. ' • " Price, $2600.
Three lots of ground in Wilsontown.
A good liraestarit4•Zrm toitl.bllr .re. miles
from it. R. Stiflini: 2.51.) acres •
For any information in regovd• to, conditions, Myer- •
tieing, de., apply, in persOn, orbi letter, to
- -• ,, HUPT/NGLIO - 10-z/
•• °tribe, 'opposite the Court- soeSe.''
Professors Peals:ten d: Pewit of the American
',. tiniversityhare making wonderful cures • "
'of Canters, Tumenitniaud ,Ulcanit brzthetr
now discovery. A painless treatment, no g
knifo,„ no, Oast° :* , o caustic. l?urning,
Tlio most •-- • - rembrk".
~,,,••• able etreetof • A lti a
- 01 - treatment ' . in: it )§elia-
la rates the chemical elements of *ulcerous . ".
H growths, so that they shrivel, die anil„tils. • "
-.. appear and will not return. All th'esii all . .:
dieted can call on thoProfesiors Buchanan A Drove, .-
University ;,or,riddress,-NO, 4 . l4'Pitie Street, Philada.
Lewis' is the Place to'lluk 1
SOllOOl Booke and Stationery, Bibles, Hymn!
Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinde b l
Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc.,l
inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pocki
et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instil ,
ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades WO&
Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. [ novl
Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing.
Mrs. B. Annie McCabe respectfully ina
forms the public that she has removed to the
house formerly occupied by 11. MoMenigill:
on Washington street, and is prepared to
make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of
all kinds. She respectfully invites s, full
share of patronage. ap7
•T •r - Tr ,
'L. '
Manufacturing Company,-
Is now prepared to fill orders for
And in abort to do nll kinds of Carpenter
work-- r n
furnisb.ll4l*,S,§P9l.9•.;§ nod ppLIAES,
I , in'quentities,intid receiie'orders'foi• •
.I:,t f,•• •
sEr•All ordii‘idillatitgl;craVrepeed to
D. IV. AIPPLEY, President,
f . : • 1 •." ,;' 11 1 , =ifuntingdon,•Pd.
1§60tr. , • • ,
• • r • • •,t
Dealer in
Ladles' Gents and Children's Furnishing Goode, and
Krinimings, of ull kinds. A large stock of
4111. TE GOODS,
" IngliA.s INDIA TWILLS, "
LINENS, of all grades,
and Hosiery for men, women mid Children. Tlabet and
Cashmere shad Is,
A general assortment of goods, al
ways at lowest cash prices, and of the
best quality.
Butter, Eggs, &c., taken in exchange
I . l Jun9° l44 °P , . ARrit 20,:070;,! t,i ; • !
New Furniture, &c.
t r irmttneersi e n-bd would 'i•spectttilly
nnnounco flint he manufacturesand keeps contitanilp
on bandit and splendid assortment of
Windsor and cone neat chairs. clipboards, gilt and tone.
wood moulding for utterer and picture frames. and a vari
ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to
ho satisfactory. ,
Ile it also agentlinr the yreillepeiyerrlitiloy & Decamp
patent spring Bed Bottom.
The public are invited to call end oxamino his stock
before purchasing elsewbere. •
I' Work airrIUMM Yoom on 11111 street, near Sinn, one
door west of Tenter's Moro.
" ;I '
Ang. I, 1865
New neap Store.
Crownover & Deckee,
• Ink their :nevi Flford,: WeSt
end of Hill Street, next 'dlioll'to:the
Hotel, near Fisher's Mtn, in Huntingdon, a
large and selected stock of ,
EtOtin ' tiiid CHOP,
And everything else generally kept in
Scat claps atone.
Everything new'tfraf idling' cheap, fur
;411 ' V ..,L1
ivi. AFRICA - '
intonate Hintilor,ltail Altai *
, ogr i t g a d i i Ids' old !mild
. 115 Hialuoud,
A Fine Assortment of all kinds of
For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.
• DAllor which he'uill 8611 at Adr (hack sides and
vnallitreizs. ('4U and flaming my etpck., ,
ldiunducluring rind' Repotting"done tn order as utrutd ;
Huntingdon, gp. -J.
• • •:; • ,- .1 . .f;
Boot and Shoe tmpormm.
'A • JOIT.N 11. !WBSTBROOK1" 1.
Respectfully informs the citizens of HanliaglloVnnd
vicinity that he has just received front the city a New nod
eplendid stock of
Hosiery, Sitoe Fikdings, Carpet Sack
'• 7 1; 1 1T-ruitiald7414fc;44;i'ati..9;;•
all of iehinh preiriatid to soft at grentlY iodated pilaw
Don't forgtethe Deis' 'stand la the Dineloell - 41
mere and the public generally are Invited to tall.
Huntingdon, np. 7, 1869.
• '
- •
‘"lfitsJ4st returned from the east with A"
800 „orap; • GAITERS, &C.,
Which ho offers to the inspection of his customer? and
the public generally. lie will sell his stock:at tbemost
and those who purchase once will surely' Crill
and REPAIRING 4poelftf:tion?titest and most wadi.
Goss manner.
Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, a
few doors west of the Remand. ap. 14, ISM
' This Ins't fin lief; Itiffot de r stlpetior adran tags!' of ecluelt
.l.lon unilheral terms.- Every department, eFroncb, Ger
man, Painting, priming, and Music included, Ailed ,y
competent and Inrgely experienced teachers. Expenses
for the year, PM. Fall term opens
Wednes/ay, Au
. vit,it 31st, .1870.
For Catalogni f;➢ 1 - f
MARTIN 310111,FR, Principal,
Ji11y,124•18715.3nt. toKl4l.7ll,e'•d'i:lr'js,l`l,lin;977ll.lll"'a.
Not o
toforo effAlfrru. fultr;this nobs° of-D.J11017,51;AN 201 4 11 ,
Saddle au !artless it . liirs; Is dialed:trellis Ilth day of
September, 1870. The business will hereafter be coudue;
ted by the malersigned, who will attend to the settling ,
Of the books of the old firm. All indebted will please;
hell and settle, and pose d,avingbillsugainst the firm'
bleMe 'preflesl thplib;
ifeCohifelltitowlf:Sept 6,18 n ee2o
Markle/Uri, inUv
en by dietetical inatysia fb be: of the , haat quality, con
atantly kept and for Bale in any quantity, at the depot o
tho Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad.
Hi-Appl y to Henry Lelater, Proprietor of the
Top Rouse . " uneAYEtf
Nanny ;•.I)F.A.I4F,SIi,qI
LEsAtlt as t cbetip ab thoy caln rn t
liev'n a alloteattle elms in Yldhulal~hih.
l X l5 . R13N1113,4
Oritg `A.b.ertisoinitiqs.
• 0 „....... ,...... ,,L
3 Ihtrehy lA.. 'N.Y.., 33 WA :Wit., eireelnnan.,o. , •
If they want. the innq poradar and hest ;selling'' '
Suh , eript,loti,bool;•,; paid iihed. and the most hi).
evil km e Sett ti for eiren In fa. Theywill cost you '
nothing, and maybe/A to eat benefit to you: . .
feb 94 Y • , • ” , : .., ,
. _ .
- At is MARY AER '
I .• ", •
rm nomthrio AND DAY SEIIOOL
- -‘ "9EPT/611711/tlll,lliO,
AL24:TrOpolrockon street,(;,! •.r.) • !!! /. • „ ;.
1' , 1.f 13•_! .1!!" ,
.111 V-For circulars, apply to ilia Principals, jyr.lin
aua kflitt:lllYSOCif t;
A SEW 400 K of the grrotest Interest and Impogionee
Writteti froni n high World And pli'yehildgica I s'anditoint
by 'eminent phrtivianatrid medial profoosor, it shows
how Satan is workitin entitle and &timorous de.
elgoi,through our ntotoacred domectio t and social plan!
tattoos. Pure•m(adul, but outspoken 'and aggressive,
the author handles thetlelleuto oubjecta treated of witk,
out gloves, but in inch a manner no not I. idolater ton
Prurient curiosity. hyblqi I • llrgeneratlOn, nr„thP
lino, is a subJect,justly enlisting the interest and ern.'
puttly of all ono plillantlirapble,'end tido hook, It is he
'loved, will contribute to that end J ust in proportion • all
it hasreadere: A circulaement fro 4 Mdteinidg, at.full
description and synopsis, of the work with liberal ex.
raete.. • ' •‘J ' • 1,0. , F. etIT, Publither
PerC-It , E ego Place he. 3(
• •
./ i!tzia •
toLotntilli l t
nr,6 T•E'L?: •
mahltilit most) ; • 0
• aiestn t a Street, West of Fifteenth,
•Rht. new md elegant Rotel a amp oyes ..
• ha reamitloa of pasts, /CU 6(lhr - toast Main
• onstruction, and runtish.' to ts Mate name.
.• .I,by szky, of the first hotel. of Nampa o
• , „ 74tr, Z'"rozer . .
CEO. PREE3I.4 , Up 1.
"' ,•;;;,;, L
746,..k7 . /1r :
, f t ; ANSI DI AV.. Tll4 • H
' ;.•
1 ; II i n , • . "
Mutual- Life Insurance ADompany
•::: " - ‘•fl ." •••
-MbPrA iP4ucements.ptfeyed,l
- e 1 opld gpcompany.npitlic:at!on for sten,47;;(
pilAcela Wo4.4l.lltTA,Wriient.:
7,,Pelf G 4 ; '1121w,!au1,E'ir4T5,1011.1,17
0 S A I}A{ly I S
_THE (treat American Health Restorer, purifies
the blood and Mtree Seri:fobs,Byphility ;Skin
Diseases. Ilherimattem. Diseases of 'Women and all
Chronic Affections of the Blood, Liver and, Hid.
oeys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and
thousand of our•bgebeitizong.,, ' :; : ',
Read the testimony of Physicians and patients
who hare used Itlisadatis:sond for our Rosa:falls
lOulde to Health or Almanac for this year, which
(we publish_ fdr, , gbatuitone. distribution; k (sli t give you to ffili ;nimble information.
Dc. nAr,cart,.ornmtithore•eays:f , . ,,,- !, ~
1 take pleasure in rcomumending vow Resod*
iyae'kvery powOriuralteriAlv's: Vithei seen' it
used In two caeca with happy results one In case
,of Secondary syphilis, In' whlcli tlie 'patient 'imi•
nouncal himself cored after having taken five
bottlbs'cif your mmlleinci: ' l 2'hif other le n-casi ' of
scrofula of long standing, which le rapidly, Ira
prSvirig Wider 'its no and this"liwileatiOnti 'are
that the patient will soon,recoyar. s I have cara•
rolfir examined the formula by Which' your 'Roads
dna, Is mndcwpnd find (tan wpm:Dent compound
Of ail alterative ingredietitii.' ' • " ' '' '
Dr. Sparks, of Nicholaprille. Ky., ,eays ho hap
Wed ftesadalliirt cases' lif sercifula ' and eecondaiy
Sy,philis with satisfactory results—as a cleaner of
blood I know IW:better remedy. ' '
s Ponsuel 0, 31c,Fadgen,31urfroeboro' -Tennessee,
..„I hays wed seven bottles of Rosadalle, end am
entliilf diked of Rheumatism; eend Mecum' bob
tlesi as: I 'vie it Apr my brotherosho bas sciefu
lend sore eyes. " - • " " '
, ,Boßlwrolu Itecht4l, of;Linla, Ohlo,:serlice, I bsIS
suffered felt twenty yeAre with an - inveterate en:us
"tion,bver my,p,ody ; ,a, ehost time •stnee ,I, pus',
elufsed a bottle of itosadalis and it effected a
ileXt Ofiresol'il ! ,l ; -,:j";,.; -•, , • • ,
I • hosadalis le sold by John Read and S. B.lmith,
Muntingdoo;,Pa„and,Druggiste generally.i , 1 , ~ f
Libratory, d 1 Exchange Place, Italtimore.
I .i:•,11 nv_.3 il
p. ti. , •CLIIMENTBtt,CO.,,
*Fpb.43.l yr. 2or 3 , ' Proprietors.
,-,l:til I f I.'-' , l , {:" "I', t':', , • , f 1 . :::•:r.
rf '
lif_1:1;;;.!.. 1. -,
1 , J ur
.; 1.: ~;;z•.).,
z) Dr-c
; A ,
GLOBS, ;1( f-1
tit)o • I_
0 • - • , '.11xivEns; ,
,' ' •
. 1 ; 3,1 r CASSIMERES
GEO. F. ?itilAltSH
:;,.1,1 1 4,001i60,:l'ail0,
•:.,S~eeaid,storf.of7teail S ssscao au=iat~+~.
INatifigdoi?,,Oc,,t 30
- DO 'Not i;
..; pAss 43Y, ;
HAS' "- '
r..i a A , •
; 2:;
`ir:;:ol9.N . "± Rt . 1.41A.4',
•, A t •
AND'StE , "
fiktetitioon,, legp
I.III:IVTIN.ypAcy , " ; PA
I .' ," " e 433"
and beet manufacture' of ,
" 1' "• •1 1
l o -•; t • Tit.; y••E••.
%or! vr ,:)foCHAMBER 'FURNITURE,:
61iill - 14;i;i:s:
t• :COTTA G & W - ALNIII:,SI3 ITB;''
o - • • • I _
f 'all 'styles `
. f
Puichnseps•will find the.lardest . stock 'fir
good furnitureovor'nfrei!ed hi 'Centre' Penn
syivn n ( II
.ii) ?!.:. I il• ...;; L . (i,
WY ci buy direct, from niruAufeibturpi43 ..11;r
cub and will for 9,1!, uni t t, aT
ntiled to - offee"' I " '
.pwAnk,A)NR.GAT§;' . ;;
ditto •tartl
'i. CA:lit: Af.ND 'CUR`STOCIC: •
j;if y ,v , i,j;: n. f • u f; .31 i 7r
:o 1,• v:',l:. r. 1.111! C.,;
es[ puntAng,aofittetmary,
'JAMES . ' ` , 8.13.11 3 g0N ' 1 ;
•7 ,
fig BUI2d, "
t lt,ll ,;! t,•,
Fur Farnaces, Forges , Or;si and Savr t ltliila,Tannertes
and inlakFardafl,''i!.; S^—,7";,-1
l• - • I'3l COII 'lO trir.l - 1 '
' Iron Poriicoe and' Ver,hAmbf=f) (I: 1 ";
..-Ikaconses, l eolumr p9,piop,9fnamen ,. t,,Ear . 959913
portiroo'ned ' ' •
Window,Lintolia nod .9111 , 1, ••, ' I
-- cairbendthofirJeta tediha,• •
(,Cole* wina?vOnerdl4tdi.l l s..t: tti l I 3 r
Chimney Tope ilidliues;
l a4l 'Meigh ls4 •Pec
Gn,te r,f;; 1, , ;;;:: - .; 3Z .
Heaters, Cinil
Nonit-Cartingof,nr.knor,find,lront kellArs;', I 9 ; j5 , 't
A TIN)6, Tree-boxes;Lamppostn. Hitching - posh!, ,
Iron linithig (Or:portions, iiinudniniiLbtAcobleri novo , '
; yfir!l, find Cemetery,Flocee, J elf., 3 , 101 .
, Paiv
urt A r allin pfkid tofenCinq f. einitterf .
1 " • 1 : 1 SA ` mmi'ifiin4ifq,
PA 6 i l. l; , ,:;)
.4tlstootio - 4,7 - toOtiptty:,:
1171 I CE: 1 JOY I . ,:1 31 .7 3 1? S ! " ; NE I L :
ijIAME.BO/101VEXT:4 j
6:1 .ez.“..1 •,./11“.
-• 7 •
Iron and lirasEpPoutideroi
tiuliiiiNat3oir,44.l , / ,, t) -1
-! iftmi uttia r ito i TiitNija, VALI su'it' ftreieltas
IfiVo r riliZit i rk a o l d w olVirct • rta n a l e
MR Kettles,Celhar•v.ipx.lova a Gnttes,vend hots
';- „„,„ all l ees nod; for - parehterds, Window weights
• oi all si wrighte, Pitiejoletts, ed
and oleigh soles, 'Wagon' bbies t Mftchinti Castingi, for
steanrand opter. ea,w. kttfutiettq,plitster •runts of
all descriptions.
b '
r J - crion‘..)
orp.o most imPraTed 1 4 1 0, even Oars and frames, goof
sit s, and in fact everything madt.'id this '•
.15;eherstejargerspek a( paterns, and can furniali cas
tings idellort hattde, and eneaperthin'tl,l4 , aw ' had
fa i th° colitttry,f caving a goal drilioas einpcfpfued, tp
do drilling and fitting uti of altlthids.''-• f r••••••• •••
• 9MCORftfvgrs'iZyw 144 , ,119,0,111 . 11treit„ , 19g.
don, ISs. • i
Meh• 17, 1809' .2" •I Jdll i ',4fl4.lAnf
"Tr,“: mmi Cr!-ll
,:f , BUCELANAN, , •:ALPISPNI&iCar',"
'llia l / 4 ` o . o Dentd 'a nett ot4aiinitenteyleltiely
the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa.., and kayo toady for sale
it large, assottaletKot is: r...•.) 1• • ,
Cook-and - Parlor Stoves,-
-•" tetitivi nttoLviNaTiffint! 4 - 0 •i r ' ' '
e 7 EPEPt'S ANTI-}BUST, j i;
Eittaaa'aitac STOW
;.; ; f aud , LirusFigLwodulATEß,s.,:w.) i
/apt:or' lin tgc , q 4 "P ll PP3l Gill
13t , l'AR0 freIESEII) : VA3121,
egrea - farieo bedoodijiitti , er beibire
Taco. •YYe slag T.M?:_r u f e rui ; i !!,
TIIT4t T9PPgA t1;:i tfX,A .
' ' 1 7, I ;
~..47.11raworitsg-.o444ftmat oUc
Confident' of beSng " n{~Setb woke SL'ddonhteg2oue to
their cuetpmarp tite • TreiTeettlitr, wile!t a ql. r iFei otpubllc
`pativinege." - • - • • • ' .• • ••• • - -
zri t tne pi t lnopMWU:slTXNanifig4.
Jen. 5,1870 ,
91i, - .• • iiiiii!V)lt • WV . / ":
ro.l-i If
, r
1(111 •t
(Succoosof to C. H. AILLER I, Sot•ty) 01 •
),! .1"...1 'is> ./ ii`JiE•lll,,l
• )!.17 t
'ffilliitids of 'ILE/MEER'.
, If ri9;
1,1 .
FlaiNTY,ql).l4 - THAN.
'i .1.1
I , itun4 9.7.717 T
,:,=:H;. , ROMAN.
14-Elli'A'Nt7'436 l 2B l,- 01X)TIIING'
) VALii 'AND
. • '
12. L • STORE:- •
ciothlnktetifeinsitmatiirialitliirmii to
lusthe l trant;typrkw!ipllr puyti . uft, !it .
TeOlf A'N7 s,
dt.poe(te the Fthibbh liduite In. Nea3t Square., Ibinthot
don, Pa.
. 4
WAVIt',I):•-L 10,600 irtib
sroahill wool for utldh the lalgbder:Markat
wlllbennid. [Jun 16m] ;
IRTANTED.4-1;0,00i cord* Atli-Bark,
vV, . 0)110 Mammoth:3 Moro. the higla•nt market
linen in nab (Jun l'tnuf , ' 1(8 0 .111Y 01). •
to /1:1;1._')::
' ill I) "7 1
: y l. ALLiBON....~q
•,.7J4r4q o ":"
)1%,!.77 ,Joi.i;?ii)
f , ANI?
E 1
JUST nEcatvga),
'1 ir•fti ,11; if