tte HUNTINGDON, PA. ' Tuesday morning Oct. 4, 1870, WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, 1 EDITORS. The" Globe" has the largest number of readers of any other paper published in the ounty. Advertisers should remember this. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR CONGRESS, DANIEL J. MORRELL, OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. FOR STATE SENATORS, D. WALKER WOODS, of Malin Co. WM. P. WILSON, of Centre County. FOR ASSEMBLY, DAVID ETNIER, of Mount Union borough TIIOS. T. McCOY, of Mifflin county. FOB ASSOCIATE JIIDOS. A. J. BEAVER, of Penn township FOR COUNTY COMBIISSIOIVER. ABRAM B. MILLER. of Burros Township FOR DIRECTOR OP TILE POOR JORN P. STEWART, of Oneida township FOR JURY COMMISSIONER. S. BRYSON CTIANEY, of Huntingdon, FOR AUDITOR. HENRY NEFF, of West township XcEirJams S. Graham is the candi date of the Labor Reform Party in Now York, for Governor Republicans Remember Tuesday next Go to the polls and vote, and vote the Republican tickot. UV - Judge Robert C. Grier, died at Philadelphia on Sunday evening, the 24th inst. He was born in Cumber land county,on the sth of March, 1794. On the 4th of August, 1846, he was appointed an Associate Justice of the United States by President Polk, as the successor of Justice Baldwin.— From that date up to the close of Jan uary last he was actively engaged in the discharge of the duties of this im portant and responsible position. Ex Congressman John Morrisey, Democrat, undertook to carry on a public gambling houso at Saratoga Springs last summer, but ho had not progressed far with his brilliant scheme when the Young Men's Christian As sociation took him in hand, and had his establishment e/osed. He is to be triedat the Saratoga county Court, and it is to be hoped that the laws of New York, which are very stringent upon gamblers, will be executed with .out fear or favor. ,Bismarck addressed a letter to 'the North German representatives •abroad, in which he says "It is Imes.- - Leilal what kind of a government the French people formally establish for themselves. The government of the Emperor Napoleon has hitherto been recognized by ns." if a treaty is ef fected between the two powers, Ger many will probably have to treat with the present Republic rather than with The defunct monarchy: Bismarck teems determined to have Strasburg and Metz as part of the German con quest. um.Ex-Governor Packer, who died en Tuesday, September 27th, was 64 years of age. He was chosen Gover nor of Pennsylvania at the October election in 1857, over David Wilmot, Republican, and Lease Hazelhurst, American. He served as Governor from January, 1858, until January, 1861, when be was succeeded by Gov. Curtin. Prior to his election as Gov ernor, Lie had been State Senator from the Lycoming District, and had been Printer and editor. He was a gentle man of pleasing address and manners, and a fine specimen of the vigorous manhood of the interior of Pennsylva mitt: M. Wood's Household Magazine, published by S. S. WOOD, Newburgh, N. Y. 61.00 per annum, single copies 10 ets. is the largest and the best dol lar monthly in the world. It is high toned, interesting and thoroughly household in character. Every num ber of Vols. VII and VIII will con tain a $lOO prize story complete. Be sides furnishing $1,200 worth of prize stories, during the year, Mr. WOOD purposes to publish all the best stories entered in competition for the $lOO prizes. Also, each number will con tain about twenty-five pages of other matter designed to entertain and in struct all classes. • THE FAIR.—The County Fair,which was held four days 'last week, was at tended by a large number of people, notwithstanding the inolemeney of the weather—a rain commencing on Wed nesday evening, which lasted until the .exhibition , closed. There was.a good display in every department, and the Fair would have been agrand success ftnanciatl,y had it not been for the in terference of the rain; As it is, almost enough money was realized to pay the expenses. History shows that eight•bas been a fatal number to the French sover eigns. Eight have died violent deaths, and eight have been prisoners. Napo leon the 111. makes the ninth. Henry is also an unlucky name for French .sovereigns; there have been only four •on the throne of France, and only one of them died in bed. A. Republican Adadnistration in alit tie over one year bus reduced the pub. lie debt nearly one hundred and sixty millions, and a Republican Congress in one session lightened the burdens of taxation over eighty millions. -Out of 28,664 pupils enrolled in the public school of Cincinnati, 11,233 are .studying German. The Nine and a half Million Swindle Bill, Some years ago the public works wore sold to the Pennsylvania Rail road, they giving their bonds for the same to the amount of $9,500,000; this amount was placed in the sinking fund to be applied to pay off the State debt. The interest on this:;s9,soo,ooo amounts annually to the sum of $570,- 000. As long as the public works were controlled by the State there was a tax on real estate and as soon as the works were sold the interest on the purchase money enabled the legis lature to take off the tax on real estate. In the legislature last winter there was a bill passed to take this $9,500. 000 out of the sinking fund and loan, or in other words, make it a present to certain railroads. The bill passed the House and Senate, but was vetoed by Gov. Geary. So important did Geary consider this matter and so material to the interests of the State that be issued a letter to the people of the State of all parties, calling upon them in their primary nominations, to nominate good men and men who would stand pledged against this ini (pitons swindle and wholesale robbery of the people, and mon who could not be bought to perpetrate this outrage. At the Democratic Conference that met in Lewistown, which nominated R. B. Petrikin and Doctor Crawford, a series of resolutions were offered, pledging these candidates against this swindle bill, which resolutions were voted down by the friends of Petrikin and Crawford; below will bo found a copy of these resolutions as published by the Democratic Watchman of Belle fonte. On the other hand, David W. Woods and William Wilson, the nomi nees of the Republican party, stand pledged against this swindle bill. If this bill becomes a law and the sink ing fund of the State is robbed of this $9,500,000, real estate must again be taxed; every farmer and all who own real estate will have to pay an addi tional tax on their real estate sufficient to make up $570,000, the interest on this $9,500,000 which it is par. posed to take out of the Treasury of the State and give it to some railroad corporations, and it is for the honest voters of the district to determine whether they will vote for Petrikin and Crawford, who stand pledged for this bill and thus increase taxation, or for Woods & Wilson, who stand pledged against it. The following aro the resolutions offered in the Democratic Senatorial Conference and wore voted down— thus pledging their candidates for this bill : WHEREAS, We believe with Jefferson, that "a wise and frugal government which re strains men from injuring each other, but leaves them, otherwise free to pursue their own ideas of industry and improvement, and does not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned is the aunt tete' of a good goVernment," and therefore the establishing a system of internat improvements by,and at the expense of the State is contrary to the fundamental idea of a free government, and can only be excused in the earlier history of a community, when capital is not sufficiently aggregate to enable such improvements to be conducted by individual or corporate enter. prise, which period has long gums - passed in the history of Pennsylvania ; and Wnamis, The people of this Commonwealth in 1857, by solemn constitutional enactment, provided for the establishment of a Sinking Fund which should consist in part of the net annual income of the public works owned by the State and the proceeds of the sale of such public works; and further provided that no part of said Sinking Fund should be used or applied otherwise than to the extinguishment of the public debt as long as such debt exceed ed five millions of dollars; and at the same time prohibited the State loaning its credit to any individual, company, corporation er association, or becoming a joint owner or stock holder in any company, association or corporation; and also prohibiting the State assuming any portion of the debt of any municipal or other commotion or association, unless the same was created for the public defencein time of war; and also took from the Legislature the power to authorize any municipal corporation to become a stock holder iii, or loan its credit to any corpora. tion, association or institution:—Therefore be it RESOLVED. ISt. That we ate in favor of maintaining inviolate the principles thus incorporated in to the constitution of Pennsylvania, and of preserving with sacred fidelity the faith of the State thus solemnly pledged to our public creditors. 2nd. That we are in favor of preserving the securities now in the Sinking Fund, arising from the sale of the public works, and such as have already been substituted therefor, in their present form and securities, both prin cipal and interest shall be paid according to the tenor and effect of the obligations,- and that the proceeds thereof shall be honestly appropriated to the payment of the public debt. • 3rd. That we denounce all schemes by which the eecurities now in the Sinking Fund, are to be diverted to any other use, loaned to any corporation, or exchanged for the obliga tions of any other corporations, or in any other manner tempered with, as a violation of the spirit of the constitutional provisions above recited, a breach of public ,faith, and part and parcel of-a scheme of gigantic cor ruption and public robberf. 4th. That it is the duty of the candidates this day nominated by the Democracy of the 21st Senatorial district of Penn. to give pledge to support and maintain throughout their Senatorial term, the principles end pol icy enunciated in the foregoing preamble and resolutions. James Stephens has offered France 8,000 Feniana. Kentucky expects to raise 55,000 hogsheads of tobacco ibis year. 00ne New York ward contains nearly 100 000 people. There were ten deaths from yellow fever a New Orleans on,Sunday. There are .twerity-seven candidates for U, S. Senator inNebraska. The population of Ireland is about five and a quarter In Richmond, ;Virginia, there are 34 white and 30 colored schools. Texas is elated over its first'suit for broach of promise of marriage. A valuable bead of lead ore was lately die covered near Clearfield, Pa. Two men named Nathan Saundero and Clark, employed as trackman, were killed last week, while walking through the tunnel at Gallitzin. nm. John Covode, Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, has issued an address from which wo make the following extracts : Ever anxious to relieve the people from the burdens ofen oppressive tax ation, resulting from our efforts nec essary to crush out a Democratic re bellion, the Republican party has sought to adjust the internal revenue laws so as to afford immediate relief to alt classes of the people. It has abolished all the special taxes that were so irritating and annoying, and now the merchants and manufac turer, the lawyer, the farmer, and men in most other occupations, can pursue their avocations without receiving via. its from the tax : gatherer. There now remains a tax on only a few articles, such as liquors, tobacco, stamps, bank dividends, and one or two other things, which belong to the class of luxuries rather than of necessities. The delicate question of so adjusting the duties on imports as to afford the best possible protection to our Ameri can manufacturers and their laborers against the low wages and cheap capi tal of Europe, was most carefully con- Sidered by the Republican majority in Congress, and in spite of the hostility of the Democracy, an act was passed carefully discriminating between those articles which we could not manufac ture or produce and those which we could, affording adequate protection to the latter and admitting the former at low rates, or free of duty. In the controversy over this act the Democratic party was always in uni son with the foreign free traders, and gave its whole influence to the inter ests of foreign manufacturers, and im porters, and against the American la borer. By this reduction of the internal rev mane and income taxes, and the duty on imports, the Republican party has relieved the people of burdens to the estimated amount of eighty millions of dollars per annum. In addition to this,it has reduced the army roll to a considerable extent, and the expenses of the army and navy several millions per annum. The public debt has been its especial care. By a careful husbanding of the resources of the people, by exacting a: rigid accountability from all persons employed in the Revenue Department, by a closer collection of the tax on whisky and Tobacco, by a prosecution of defaulters and violators of the rev enue laws, it has managed to secure to the Treasury millions of money that, under a profligate Democratic Admin istration, were allowed to go into the hands of dishonest ofßee-holders. By this economy and vigilance the reve nues have boon greatly augmented, and the results may be seen in the ex tinction of one hundred and sixty mil lions of the public debtsince the pres ent Administration came into power. This reduction may be still further increased when a prosperous state of the money market, now disturbed by European wars, may enable the Seere. tary of the Treasury to fund the pub lic debt at a lower rate of interest, as is provided by a law of the last ses sion. * * * * Holding it as a cardinal principle of Republican faith that a Government should prefer the welfare of its own people to that of other nations, the Re publican party, both in its State and National legislation, has kept that end constantly in view, and labored faith fully to promote it; and, despite of the clamor of the free-trade Democracy who wish to Rood the country with cheap goods until their foreign friends can obtain the American market by destroying American manufactures, with a view to then advancing prices to suit themselves, as they have here tofore done, the Republican party de clares its unintormitting resistance in the advancement and protection of American labor. * * * Every member gained by the De mocracy in our State or National Leg islature will be an encouragement to that party to pursue their disastrous measures, and will discourage and dis• hearten Republicans ; while every member gained by the Republicans will strengthen their hands in doing good for the people. Lot all dissensions, then, wherever they may be in our ranks, be healed. Let every candidate consider himself a representative having the care of the party interests rather than of his own, and let private wishes and personal aspirations give way to the public good. By division we occasion bitter ness of feeling that will not be soon allayed; we defeat our candidates and elect those who are hostile, as we be lieve, to the hest interests of the coun try. Let personal feelings everywhere be sacrifioed on the altar of our country's welfare; let us be united, for "in union there is strength," and we shall show results at the election that will gratify every ono who has at heart the wel fare of the State and nation, and strengthen the Republican party, which has thus far been so great a suCeeSB. Pennsylvania must maintain her Republican majority in Congress, or her dearest interests will be ruthlessly sacrificed. The next Legislature is charged with the duty of apportioning the State for Legislative and Congressional purpos. es; giving it an importance which oc curs only once in seventy years, and the loss of Pennsylvania now will, in all probability occasion the loss of her electoral vote to the Republican candi date for President in 1872, and a Dem ocratic Legislature., if elected, will so apportion the State as. o prevent the Republican party from regaining the position they have held so triumphant. ly for the last six years. Lot only those who were loyal and true during the rebellion bo trusted now, and the world will see that a free Republic can not die. Lot no feeling of confidence or apathy as to the result hoop a Repub. lican voter from attendance at the polls at an early hour upon election day, and a victory as glorious and as complete as greeted you last October, will again crown your efforts. JOAN COVODE, Chairman. Every business man should use printed bill heads, letter heads, and envelopes. They .have to use the paper and envelopes, any way, .and wo furnish the material at whole sale prices, and •print them at lessAban Abe material would cost at retail price. 'Call. •M .Best Gum Roller and Gum Spring Grain Drills, at MeLanahan, Stone &Isett's, Ilollidaysburg, Pa. fco•Sn+ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. URSERY STOCK FOR SALE: The undersigned, ronidiug in Union ton nelrlp, near Mill Creek, respectfully Intorrne the public that he hoe on howl and for Bale ALL KINDS OF NURSERY STOCK, :Low for Caeb. Applo Trees at $lB by the hundred and all other trees at low rates, Alma, about 25,000 Grape vines at roaaonablo velum oc4-3t A. J. MUNE DISSOLUTION. Notice ft hereby given that the partnership here, bolero existing under the firm name of STATES A WARD in the mercantile business at McConnellstown, le dis solved by mutual consent this first day of October, 1870. The books win be iu the hoods of George W. Staten for settlement. All persons indebted will please call, and those having claims optima the firm will present them. The business will hereafter be conducted by A. M. WARD, who will ho pleased to receive thocustom of bit former patrons and the public generally. A. M. WARD.' AlcConnellatown, Oct 1. TOD TWP. LOCAL BOUNTY Prosent indebtedness Amt. In hands of Collector A, Elias for 280 and 1869 $2,161 82 Amt. of duplicate In Banda orlarael ' - Baker for present year 2,576 00 Amonut yet to Le assessed $2,215 22 The above is a condensed statement of the Local Bonn y acCounte of Tod township. Witness our bands this 24th September, It7o. E. PLUMMER, ALLEN EDWARDS, 1:1E0. KEITII, eel.* Auditors. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. (Nate of GE)IM QUERRY, decd ) In pursuance of an ostler of tho Orphans' Court of Hun• tingdon county, the undersigned Trustees appointed to sell the real estate of George quarry, do'cd., will sell at Public 8010, On the prenii sos, ON T LIURSDAY, NOVEMBER Bth, 1870, of one o'cloct, 14 m.i This following described VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, situate in Cromwell township, in said county, adjoining lands of Thos. E. Orbisen, David Irvin, and the heirs of Benjamin Boors, doc'd., containing 227 ACRES, or thereabouts, being mostly Aughwick creek bottom, of which about 150 acres are cleared; the residue in timber and haying thereon A GOOD TWO-STORY LOG HOUSE, new (rant. bank Barn, with wagon shed and corn crib' and other buildings; also, an applo orchard. This (arm is two miles smith west of Orbisonbi and has an excel lent meadow thereon, and good water. TERMS OF SALE Ono-third or the purchase money to be paid on the con. iirmation of the gale one-third in one year thereafter, and the other third es the death of Elizabeth Quarry, widow of said deceased, the interest to bo paid to her yearly during her life, and to ho secured by Judgment bend and mortgage. . JOWN M. QUERRY, EPORAISI BOWMAN. Trustees READ AND BE POSTED! TO THE NEWLY _MARRIED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Furniture THE undersigned would respectfully announce , tint ho manufactures and keeps constantly on band a lingo and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSPEADS. WASH, AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cane mat chairs. cupboards, gilt and room wood moulding for mirror nod picture &auto& and a Vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prima that cannot fail to bo satisfactory. Ho is also agent for the well known Bailey 3 Docamp patent spring Bed Bottom. • • The public are Incited to call and examlno Ma stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work and sales room on Hill street, near Smith, one door west of Yenter's store. Huntingdon, Aug. 1,1868 New Cheap Store. Crownover & Decker, Have just opened at their new store, west end of Hill Street, next door to the National Hotel, near Fisher's,Millyin Iluntingdon, a large and selected stock of DRESS-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENS-WARE FISH and SALT, FLOUR and CROP, And everything else g,,enernily kept in a first class 'store. Everything new and selling cheap, for CASH OR PRODUCE,. May 21 Cm. 0110WNOVER a DECKER. NEW BOOT A 141.) SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA I'Worms the public that he has just opened at hie old stand in tho Diantond, liuntlagdon, A Fine Assortment - of ail kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. All of which no will sell at fair prices. Quick sales and small profits. Call and examine my stock. Mauutenturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, Ap. 14, 1809. TO TIIE N. E. CORNER OF DIAMOND. Boot and Shoe Emporium. I JOHN" IL WESTBROOK Respectfully informs the chisel. of Huntingdon and vicinity that he hen just received from tho city a Nsw and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sack Trunks, ot,c,, ctc., &c., &c. all of which he dB prepared to cell at greatly reduced prices Don't forget the .new stand ku the DioniontL Old canto. mere and the public generally are Invited to call. Huntingdon, op, 7, 1509, FM GEO. SHAEFFER Llasjust returned from the east with egiale SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, (&C., Which 10 offers to the inspection of his customers and the public generally. Ile will tell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purabase•ance will surely cull again. BOOTS a , SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the rmatest and most expedi• Mous manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his alKp.ctu 11111 street, a few doors west of the blame Jul. AP. at, 1861 pIPORTANT TO SOLDIERS AU Cavalry Line ofilcore who were in the service tice• town July 22d 1861 and July 17th 1862 are entitled to allowance for use and rid( of horees, amounting fort ho whole time to about $l6O t fora lens time, to a proper t hrnoto amount. Dhchorges most accompany clotnro. • noire of thoseantallaP but who were killed or died in the service, and the arvenrs of pay having been collected, are only required to give R power of Attorney. Parsons having Cligalq.a this Lind, or any other claims against tho Government couirove them : promptly collected by applying in person or by letter to . ALLEN LOVELL, Iluntiugdon. Pa. atily 12 1870-tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. .LEState of Rev. W. R. MILLS, deed.] Lettere of administration upon the estate of Rov. W. It. SHIN tate of YORK COUNTY, deceased, having boon granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate will matte payment, and those having claims xvlll present them for settlement. OAKE% Sn. APininistfltter. Aug. 30 Ot ADIIIINISTRATOR'S NOTIC.E. [Estate of Frankltn,Laird, deed.] Lettere of administration upon the estate of Franklin Laird, late of Dublin township, deceased, having been grunted to the undendgued, off poroone indebted to tho estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them:for settlement. WILLIAAIISI. MINA, . Admlniett Mos. eliado Onp, Sopt. 2043 t WIINTED.-1,000 cords of Burk at the Mammoth store. The bifhest inarko price paid in taxi (Jun 1 Gni] RnZi KY St CO. I.B7o,RairPtrtAB7o AT REDUCED PRICES. JAMES A. BROWN, • Is constantly receiving at his new CARPET STORE, IN HUNTINGDON, Pii, Beautiful Patterns of Carpets. fresh front the rooms of the manufacturers. ills stock comprises BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, VENITIAN, WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE HEMP, LIST and RAG CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, COCOA and CANTON MATTINGS, FLOOR, STAIR and TABLE $7,942 04 CIO XMI OIA C) 1 1 1 X-X El, WALL PAPER, 4.726 82 WITDOWSIIADES and Fixtures, Druggets, Velvet Bugs, Door Mots, Extrit Carpet Thread and Uinding• make a specialty of burnishing CIIURCIIKS end LODGES, at City Prices, end invite Furnishing Commit tees to call and see goods tubule expressly for their pur poses, Buyers will save money and bo better suited by 'going to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store for any of the above goods. 1 defy competition in prices and variety of beautiful patterns. CARPETS 25 cents per YARD and UPWARDS. 1 have also the Agency for the Original HOWE SEWING MACHINE eo well known es the beet Fondly bhuthine In the world. Ca// at the CARPET STOREand see thou. JAMBS A. BROWN. Ituntingdon, Oct. 4,10 MAGGIORE. I TTSE MAGOIORE .BAKING POWDER Warranted to make Light, Sweet, Nutrltioua,) and Healthy Waits, Ginger and Cbrn Bread, Buckwheat, and alt ((ad, of griddle eates) Pot Pica, Puddings, Pastry, do. In every way superior to Soda and Cream of Tar ter. 8020-tt Saxon Green, Ie Brighter, will not Fado, Coate lees than any other Because it will paint twice as much surface. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN PAINTS. J. H WEEKS & CO.,' Manufacturers, ee2o-Iw. 122 North 4th Street, Philadelphia. AVOID QUACKS.- A victim of early indlse rotion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c., having tried in vain eve. ry advertised remedy, has a simple means of selkure, which lie will send free to his iellow.saliferers. Address 7. li. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau Street, N. Y. psychornancy, Fascination or soul. charming.-400 pages; cloth. This wonderful book has full instructions to enable the reader to fascinate either sex, or any an nimal, at will. Mesmerism, Spirit ualism, and hundreds of others curious experiments. It can be obtained by sending address, with 10 cents post age, to T. W. EVANS & Co., No. 41 SO. St., Philadel. plata. PRICE REDUCED. VIE DEBT IN THE COUNTRY, NEW YORK OBSERVER $3 .SER ANNUM. ONE MONTH FREE 0.1 , 7 TRIAL. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., & CO., ge2o-7w 27 ratx Row, Au' rOftK. =1 WANTED.—Lands in Pennsylva nia for cash and good stooks. TOWNSEND BROS, ]3 South Third Street, Philndelphin. ACHANCE SELDOM. OFFERED! I own interest Mono of tho best Silver Mines of to day, developing, &c., near Georgetown, Col. Can sat isfy you of its undoubted value as a good investment and a paying ono. Bost of reference,' given. I wish to sell one - half of M very cheap for cash. Atidross my atty's., TOWNSEND CRCS., 134 Si:. Titled et . Sbiladoij.hia. $lOO.OOO IN SIX SIONTIIS can be made by a ehromt and reliable man ill a sure, auto business. An Investment of $25- will 'retina a clear profit of $175. Nor particu'ars call on or address the NORTFI AMERICAN CO., No. 85 Nassau st., New York. NTEWSPAPER ADVERTISING-. A Now Cook of 128 pagan. Price 38 oto. by mail AMEBICAN NEWS CO„ Now York. F OR GROCERIES, GO TO RED FRONT GROCERY yggaßarg - iam J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Deafer in .76 1 TY Mt. W'tl EL3EI, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on MI It., Huntingdon, in the rear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where ho rogrinfactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. gogf- Also, undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber liana zrEir Aivp .6760,ANT zrza,asz and is prepared to attend Funeralsat any place fn team or country. J. Lt. Huntingdon, May 9,1860-1 f • .113 , ..1=1.... IE6 x.xxiirxii, /U fa 1.. put Calmar fnehfute, 931 Arch St.; prof. palter, 238 W. ith St, Ortolan/41, 0., sad Dr. Clreane,at Charlotte, N. 0., are mak- leg tuvtordshing ar , e r e A l i al s it A. ei 'oy their great \ kali% or mastic. ili l 2, el tk .withoutai o 1..` „! and withbut little Z. Ve, CI paha. Every root and fibre le 0 ,,,, killed end ra moved, if taken In % a, 0 C. oroom:dem:t -ag return. Beware .'",.., i.,‘ `el of bora Pro. foram, with their W to d° Wee tmat meets, etealingeur fel tll tft adve. , - I -- ‘l - M - Vecieia treatments. None other should ever be need.- For articulars, send for circular, call, or address as above. Sept. 2e4mne KISHACOVILLAS BEMINARY, This Institution affords superior advantages of edged- Lion on liberal terms. Every department, French, G*r. man, Painting, Drawing, and 'Music included, filled by competent and largely experienced teachera. Expenses for the year, $2OO. Fall term opens Wednesday, August 31st, 1870. Nor Catalogue address IkIARTIN MOHLER, Principal, Nisbacoquilics, Mifflin Co., Ps, July 11, 18ieqam DDISSOLUTION of PAIUNERSIIIP Notice is hereby giVOU that the partnership here tofore exlstiog under the name of D. 1 , 1t0T.7.1.1&N & SON, Saddle and Harness makers, is dissolved this 6tll alay of September, 1870. The business hereafter ho conduc ted by the undersigned, who will attend to the settling of the books of the old firm All Indebted will pleat° cull and settle, and those having bills against the firm will please present thou, BlcConnelletown, Sept 6,1870 WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Sta tiouery and Nude, ladtrttmente,conaer of the Diamond. ou -I d I AtE. Front the kilp i e 3. Taylqr, Mat klesbyrg, prov y chemical annlyaia to bo of On ,beet quality, con stoutly kept and for aalo,lotuy quuutlty, ut:ttio.ilupot o tlio Iluutingdou awl Broad Ttls Itatlroad, AG — Apply to Henry Letstqr, I',roprietor of Om “Ikond Top Mute." unc-int I - ,COUNTRY DZALTatS &An bpy CLOTIIING from me in Ituntingdou,qt %110LES/ILE as cheap as they can in the I .have a nholesale store in 11. OMAN. V Li VEX, P ES- A Ry the box, pack, or tete quauttty, rex late et LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONKKY KTOBit A FRESH STOCK OF MAGGIORE. CONFECTIONBRIES, PROVISIONS, &O DANIEL C110T7.110. se'2o REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. MILES LEWIS & CO Farina, Town Lots, Houses, and all kinds of REAL ESTATE, bought or sold. Bonds, Mortgages and Deeds accurately prepared. Money loans negotiatod on Real Estate security FOR Betz Lot No. 14, West fluntingdon, vacant. First whole lot west of Fulton Street on Southern aide of bliftlin et., Good hot and splendid location. Price 5750. Two story frame bons& largo stable, good well and whole of lot No. 224 Good location. Price reasonable • Large Frame Dwelling on Wsehlogton street, West Huntingdon, west of Fulton, ton rooms; goal water,— Price, EONS. Frame Dwelling on Washington street east of ellod- Price, V6OO. Three lots of ground in Wilsontown. A good limestomi flume in Wert township, Boron miles from K. A, Station, 250 acres. For any Information in regard to conditions, salver hang, &c., apply, in person, orby totter, to SIMPSON & ARMITAGE, HUNTINGDON, Pa., • Office, opposite the Court souse. July 12311233 n. DO NOT PASS BY GWIN'S. D. P. CW!N INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN Huntingdon, 4.19, 1.870 WILLIAM B. ZEIGLER, Dealer in Ladles' Gents and Children'a Furnielling Howie, and Erinuniogo, of all kinds. A largo stock at NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, BRILLIANTS, NAINSOOKS, PIQtJAS, INDIA. TWILLS, LINENS, of all grades, GLOVES, and Ifoslory for men, women and Children. Thibot and Cashmere !Maeda, CASSIMERS, DOMESTIC GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. A general assortment of goods, al ways at lowest cash prices, and of the best quality. Butter, Eggs, &c.,talcen in exchange Huntingdon, Apell 26,1870 'VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE By virtue of en order of the Orphans' Court of Blair couniy, directed to the undersigned, Administiators, there will he offered for sale at the Court House, iu lidayaburg, on On Wednesday, October 12th, 1870, at 10 o'clock, a, m., all the real estate of John Wertz, late of Catharine township, Blair county, deceased, consist ing of Three Valuable Farms, to wit NNTLIC.II33. INTO. M. A eptendid tract of land, (formerly owned by Walter Crahnin. Esq.,) beantlfrilly located on the Huntingdon & Indiana Turnpike, within one mei a half miles of the 14,. .Goal, in Canoe Valley, !Oak county. on of the best grain growing valleys in the State. This Form coutaina 300 ACRES of the beet limestone land, perfectly clean. and in a high elate of oultlration. The buildings conaist of a LARGE MANSION HOUSE, and other dwelling homes, n huge haul: hare, a Grfet Mill, with water power, and all the necessary outbuild ings for the form. An unfailing stream of pure water dam through tkistract, aul the house Is supplied by a fountain pump with good spring water. There are two good apple orchards on the premises.— There are four churches, all Within Ono and a half mileg, and a school house and poet office at I' ellow Springs, within one-ball mile of the property. Taken altogether this is one of the bet !Crated and. best whim, producing fame in glair county. Said Turnpike divides the Farm into two winal parts, thereby forming two forme lidotared. This Farm will be offered In two separate parte, as above elated, or of, a whole, eawill best suit purekaeore. 30 - "arrro. No. et- Situate on Clover Creek in Woodberry township, Blair' county, one and a half miles east of the town of Wil• Harnsburg, and contains 140 AntEs of good limestone land. in good farming order. 012 this tract is erected a good STONE DWELLING DOUSE, a stone spring house, a bank barn, a carriage house and corn cribs, and all necessary outbuildings. An uncom monly fins spring of limestone water is neat the house and beautifully enclosed with a wall of cut stone. On this Farm is a good apple orchard In good bearing condi tion. Bchoola and churches couvanient. aPaalt".lXL .INTcp. 8, Situate on the Juniata river, one mire east erffirrili dayeburg, Pa., containing about 160 ACRES, on Which to erected a BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, And bank barn, together with all necessary outbuildings Port of this Farm lea rich alluvial soil—the other part good Limestencf—both in good state of cultivation. On this Farm is also a good Apple Orchard Its proximity to tho thriving town of Hollidaysburg makes this a very desirable location. EMI One•third of the purchase money to be paid on confr• motion of the ; the other two-thirds in two equal an nual payments, with interest, to im secured by the bond or theykurehaser. Further informatten can be .atalued lby athigeedag J.ll. IS El'l'. JOAN CLARg. Rprings, P. Q. 1 Admiaietratc e. Bletr.Co, Pa, *30,0.27.) LRE M AGELLO SALE ROUSES AND LOTS Owing to ill health , thezubscrlber Is dadrouß of dispo slug of a large proportiou ,of ,bin real estate at Dudley, OA Tuesday, October 25th, 1870, THE LARGE DOUBLE lIOJJSB, Formerly occupied by ilfre.'llattkin aa a hoarding bouac, with the ground attached: The dwelling hen fourteen bed rooms, parlor, two hallo, sitting and dining room. with two kitchens. There are besides a bath house, wood house. etablo and ico home, all In good condition Ile will sell et the same limo ell on easy terms, on ex cellent NEW STONE HOUSE end Frame Stable with four acres of grese land attached. About 100 dluilding tots will be offered at tho same time, ,000 or more together to suit purchasers. Possession of the housea.capnot bQ „ghee emit April Ist. bat the rent ,from execution of tha deed Will pass' to ptltchatter, soV OWATTSOI,7,. T AND DOR. BALE.- jl Tie subscriber desires to dispose,ith part of histland situate Alone, Cite Big hpglnvlclCrek, in Cromwell tap. COuaty, and.Ove mile west from Orbisonia. This land is of a good (polity of bottom-laral,_ well sup,- plied with 4a,ver.failingapringl atld sufficient atuoupt of gond timber, convenient to mills, stores, markets, Post offices and Churches, Si ill sell .to suit pm chasers, both In amount of laud Vow ono acre Aunt ardi)and in toms There is a sawmill on said p remises in utopia order, to saw all kinds of building lumbar. Titles good. Como and Inn l Now is the time to secure yourselves pleasant ; homes. Apply to tho subscriber on the premises or act- Areas. .4 r olly B. 842:NEFt11f, Orbleouffi P.O. Illun..co7l;a. MEM BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! JLP It You want your card neatly printed on caret epee, call at ,LEIV.IS 13001 C .AND r ATIONER.r.STORE. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. [Estate of Dr. Eliphas Bigelow, deceased.] There will be sold at public sale, on the promises, in Jackson Township; Huntingdon county, Pa., on FRIDAY, 1414 day of OCTOBER, 1870, at 10 o'clock, a. m,, the following Real Estate : THE MANSION FARM, containing 230 acres, nearly all °bared, fen ced and cultivated; bounded by lands of Robt. Huey and Sarah Porter, on the west ; by lands of Vm. Cole's heirs on the south ; by John Barr's heirs on the east; by Wm. Heed and others on the north; having thereon a large log-frame house, bank barn, good tenant house, stable, three orchards, &e.— This is it valuable praperty, having about 72 acres of meadow, and is in good condition. 2d.—A tract of about 72 acres of timber land, adjoining the south-east corner of the Mansion Farm. Matt 3.1.—A lot of ground containing obout 169 perches, bounded by lands of Samuel Watt, John Ayers and Samuel Bickets, formerly owned by NV m . Porter, 4th.—Tract of 15 acres, more or less, in Jackson township, bounded by land of Jas. Bell on the west, Samuel Watt on the north, Samuel 'Musser on the east, and Stone Creek on the south, having house and stable there on. sth.—Tract of 0 acres of meadow land cleared,*.known as the Alexander Johnston lots, bounded by lands of John Triester and Wm. Davis on the south, and Stone Creek on the north, and Win. Davison the east. No buildings. The above lands lie on Stone Creek, about two and-a-half miles north-east of 3.lcAlavy's Fort. There will be sold on the premises near Masseysburg, Huntingdon county, On Saturday, October 15th, 1870, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described TRACT OF LAND, containing 111 Acres, composed of three smaller tracts, bounded by lands of Samuel Croyle, Joseph Powell and others, being nearly all cleared and cultivated, and hrving thereon a house sad stable. All grain in the ground reserved. Possession given on 14th November, 1870, subject to the rights of the tenants. There will be sold in Belleville, Mifflin county, Pa., on FRIDAY, 21st October, 1870, at 1 p. m., the following property : About 2 acres of ground, in Belleville, fronting on the public street, bounded by lands of Shun Yoder and others, having thereon a brick house and stable. Also, a lot of ground in the adjoining vil lage of Mechanicsville, containing about half an atre, fronting on main street, and bounded by lot of Joseph Potts on the south, and an alley on north and oast, having thereon two frame and one log dwelling houses, log sta ble and other improvements. Possession given on let April, 1871. TERMS OF SALE.—One-third of the purchase money to ho paid at Huntingdon, on the 14th November, 1870, when deed will be made ; one-third in one year thereafter, with inter est, and the remaining third at the death of the widow of Dr. Bigelow. the interest there. of to be paid to her annually during her life, the whole to ho secured by the judgment bonds of the purchaser. ISRAEL BIGELOW, MARY JOB:MN, LEI:WEER BIGELOW, NANCY MILLER, JAS. H. BIGELOW, LEWIS Btratorr, REBECCA BIGELOW, JACOB BIGELosv, WILLIAM NALE, Guardian of Brown and Francisco Bigelow. MoAlevy's Fort, Aug. 30-td lIERIFF'S SALE. L 7 ;By virtuo of. writ of Loverin Fa. directed to Ma, will expoee to public sole, on the prenii,es, on SATUIt. DAY the 16th ilny of OCTOBER, 1810, at 1 o'clock : D. in., the following property to wit: All that certain lot of ground con-. /fisting of parts of Lots Nos. S. 9 and 10 in the record plan of the borough of Huntingdon. bounded on the south by Allegheny street, on the west by Smith street, on the north by alloy ton feet wide. (which is appurten an t to the premises.) and on the east by lot of George G. Tate and W. W. Hildebrand (hereinafter described) on which descti hal premises to erected a atone and brick du oiling house. ALSO—AII that port nix lot of ground nitwite in the said borough of Huntingdon extending from Allegheny to 11111 street, adJuinins. tutor Thomas Fisher, Sr., on the east. the above described premises on the west, Bomber edB in the recorded plan of enid borough of Huntingdon, bounded anti described as follows, to wit: That part thereof which fronts on mad Allegheny street, from the western ilne of the said lot of Thomas fisher,Sr.. to the eastern line of the above described lot, an extending back frotn Allegheny siren towards 11111 street, the die. tonce of eighty feetA f. that pet of said lot owned au , ‘ occupied by R. brut.' :ctelket, Esq. Selo d, takeni • execution and to be sal. as the pt.tperty of Ore. G. Tab Theodore If. Cremer, Esq., administrator of If. W. ft debrund, dec'd„ and John Hildebrand, tette tenant. PRIVATE SALE VALUABLE MILL AND FARM, Situated on the Raystown !Ranch, of theJuniata dyer, at the mouth of James Creek, one a half miles from Mar klesburg Station on the fluotingdon • and Broad Top Railroad, iluutimplon county, Pa. Mill House, 43x60 feet one story stone, and two of Frame, Tory Wong and permanently built. Four pairs of mill atones, two water wheelie 14 feet high, over Chat, in good order. A. Two• Story Brick House For }Miler; wills stable, garden, de, Farm containa 329 ACRES, 150 acres ;in cultivation, 50 in meadow, having thereon a large STONE MANSION HOUSE, two stories high, bank barn, wash bruise, and other oat• buildings, also, WO tenant bonus, and Blacksmith shop. Tor further particulars, Irululre of JACOj3II,IBETT, James ere& P. 0• Aug 23 tf pRIVATE SALE stl TAZU4LUE FARM LA,611). The undersigned oars for sate a VALUABLE FARM Located to Barree township, Huntingdon county, near Goss' Nill,land containing NO acres of good fanning toed, well watered, and in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a good TIVO-STO.RY LOG HOUSE, Weather boarded, A LOG BARN, Wagon shed. Corn Crib, blacksmith shop excellent spring house and other outbuildings. Thera is an orchard of choice ap. pie trees ou the promises. For terms and other information regarding the prop. erty, apply to the undersigned on the premises. JNO, 2.131,L18EN. Cornproust Mills, P4O July 26, 1870.2111 3m, TOWN LOTS FOR *AWE IN WEST lIIINTINGDON, Ilyy Lots kaal BOt Afivift.fa $2410 ry.rohasers deidring to build cap 44.V0 Teri iibors terms as to payrsogts., Vox, la too timo to Ivireet. Ap. Uy2ttc] ALLISON .v4II,LER„ ply to "MEW GOODS - , - jig ANS PIJE:N. - TTOP VIE* H. ROMAN. MEN AND BOYS' CLOTIIINQ .X'Arots AND WINTER, lIIST P,FAEINF,D 11. ROMA.N'S CHEAP CLO.TH,ING STORE. For Graitlignen'e Clothlag ottbabeat material, and made in the beat workmanlike manner, call at XI. ROMAN'S, opposite me Frauklin novae In Marlot Square, Hunting• don, Pa. WANTED. 10, 000 pounds Tu washtd wool for which tho higheek Market ii,;l wi,ll Gepatd. [Jon 1 Om] HENRY EEC