The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 27, 1870, Image 2

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    fdril 61,0bt.
Tuesday morning, Sept. 27, 1870,
The "Globe" has the largest number of
readers of any other paper published in--the
aunty. Advertisers should remembel' this.
D. W ALDER WOODS, of Mifflin Co.
WM. P. WILSON, of Centre County.
DAVID ETNIER, of Mount Union borough
THOS. T. McCOY, of Mifflin county.
A. J. BEAVER, of Penn township
ABRAM B. MILLER. of Barree Township
JOHN P. STEWART, of Oneida tewnebip
S. BRYSON CHANEY, of Huntingdon,
HENRY NEFF, of West township
sql,, The latest .news from Cuba is
that the patriots have been successful.
Is,. Seventy Chinese have invaded
New Jersey. They are going into the
laundry business.
i On account of no appropria
tions having been made for continu
ing the work Of the Freedmen's Bu
reau, its work, in the South has been
I:a-Enthusiastic: politics, all over
the State, seems to be a dead cock in
the pit. Still somebody will be elect
ed, and the Democratic party will
come out second best.
THE TICKETS.—The regular Repub
lican tickets have been printed and
are in the hands of J. Sylvanus
Chairman of the County Committee,
for distribution in each election dis
trict in t h e county.
The Republican party in lowa has
never lost a State election since the
party organized. It carries every
Congressional district, and out of one
hundred co - unties all but six. Its
usual majority in the State is about
Next Tuesday a week the Republi
cans of the county are expected to go
to the polls and elect the Republicans
nominated by the party. Every Re
publican knows the importance of
electing the'. ticket, and we have no
doubt a full vote of the party will be
at the polls.
To the Editors of the Globe:—HaN%-
ing been nominated for the office of
County Commissioner by the Work
ingman's Union Party, upon mature
reflection I would respectfully decline
being a candidate and would take this
opportunity to- return my thanks to
my friends for the honor conferred up-
on me and for the friendly feeling man
ifested in my behalf.
Stir The DeMocracy of ,New York
met in Rochester, on the„ 20th, and
nominated John T. Hoffman for Gov
ernor. A number of resolutions were
passed, in substance as follows : De
nouncing the present Administration,
advocating free trade, upbraiding Con
gress, tickling the Germans, palaver
ing the Irish, throwing dirt on the im
ported Chinese, and a heap sore bun
War and pestilence have renewed
their old friendship, and are stalking
along the earth arm-in-arm. The
cholera rages on the shores of the
Black Sea, the black vomito is devast
ating the Spanish cities, the most vir
ulent form of the , camp disease deci
mates the Prussian armies, and the
foot of the enemy has been set upon
our own country in the shape of the
dreaded yellow fever. New Orleans
is his' landing place.
The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows
at Baltimore, have elected the follow
officers: Grand Sire, Frederick Stew.
art, of Washington; Deputy Grand
Sire, A. C. Logan, of Kansas; Grand
Secretary, James L. Ridgely, of Mary..
land ; Grand Treasurer, Joshua Van.
sant, of Indiana. The report of the
Grand Treasurer was
• presented. It
shows a cash balance in the Treasury,
on September 19th, of $20,271 and
other assets to the amount of about
lion. HENRY Wir,sou, of llassachns.
etts, in his address before the Repub
lican Invincibles at the Academy of
Music; Philadelphia, on' Friday, the
16th, said that under Gen. 'Grant, wo
have introduced refortias in the Gov
ernment, reduced the expenditures
and secured to every citizen his just
rights. Our debt has been reduced in
eighteen months $170,000,000, while
during the same period in Johnson's
time the reduction was only $1,500,-
000, and to-day the currency of .the
'country — is worth $75,000,000 more
than it was when Gen. Grant was in
augUrated President„ The Republican
party. was born for the purpose of re
form, and within its ranks all reform
will be found.'
It is estimated that 821,000,D00 is
nnnualy'spent for beer in the United
The Hearth and flome,a,finely illustra
ted family journal of a high character,
hitherto issued by Messrs. Pettengi
Bates & Co , has been ,purchased by
Messrs. Orange Judd & Co., ''of 245
Broadway, New - York, the well known
publishers of the American Agricultur:
ist. Messrs. Pettongill & Co., whose
great Advertising Agency, established
in 1849, isone of the largest and most
reputable in the world, find that their
extensive business requires their ex
clusive attention, and they therefore
transfer Hearth and Home to the now
publishers, whose long experience and
abundant facilities will enable them
not only to maintain the past high
character of the paper, but to add ma
terially to its value. The news pub
lishers also announce ' , it 'reduotion of
the terms to $3 per year. The change
will not at all 'affect the American Ag
riculturist, which will continue on in
dependently as heretofore. The illus
trations and reading matter of thitwo
journals will be entirely different--
Either of the journals will be furnish
ed from now to the end of 1871 (15
months), at the yearly subscription
rate, viz: the weekly Hearth and Home
at $3; tbo monthly American Agricul•
turist at $1.50; or the two for $4.
WAR SUMMARY.—The Prussian fo r
oes surround Paris, and communica.
tiou with the French capital is entire.
ly cut off. The French show no signs
of yielding. General Trochu claims to
have an army of over 400,000 trained
soldiers within the Paris entrench
ments. On Monday a portion of this
force under Gen. Vin Vinay sallied out
and made an attack upon the besieg•
ere. The French, after severe loss on
both sides, were driven back into•their
entrenchments. Strasburg still holds
out, and so' does Bazaino at Metz.—
There is no show of capitulation in ei
ther fortress, on the part of the French
On the night of the 20th the Italian
troops under Victor Emanuel forced
the gates of Rome and entered the
city. Tho foreign soldiery offered but
slight resistance. The population is
nearly crazed with delight.
agt,„THE GLOBE is a most interest
ing country newspaper, published at
Huntingdon in this State, and among
our best exchanges. It is well edited,
and the choice selections are chosen
by a hand, which thoroughly under
stands what is wanted by the news
paper reading public. Mr. WAI. LEWIS
and Mr. Huou LINDSAY aro the pub•
fishers. The latter gentleman was in
our office a day or two ago, on hie re
turn from an extended tour of obser
vation. We wish him much pleasure
and abundant success. City advertis
ers desiring to reach Huntingdon and
Cambria counties, should remember
the "Globe" as a first class medium in
the interests of their trado.—Philadel
phia Trade Journal.
Thursday last, Mr. William Wise, a
young farmer in the prime of life, resid
ing about four miles northeast. of Ha
gerstown, died from an attack of lock
jaw,, produced in a somewhat singular
manner. A week or ten days previous
ly he had injured, the bottom of his foot
by, tramping upon the point of an
old porn stalk, but the
. wound did not
give him'much uneasiness and' healed
up very rapidly. On Sunday last,
however, the foot inflamed, giving him
much pain, and soon . brought on a
violent contraction of the muscles of
the jaw and the entire body, so that
the latter became perfectly rigid, and
in this condition he died. After death
hie foot was opened, and a small piece
of the cornstalk was found in the
wound, which no doubt caused the in
flamation and subsequent death. He
leaves a wife and child, and was very
much esteemed by a large, circle of
of friends and acquaintances.
Chicago will open a women's med.
ical college during the fall.
, Mount Hood has again boon meas
ured, and is found to be 11,200 feet
Davenport has tho honor of being
the largest city in lowa. Its popular
tion is 20,141.
The population of Cleveland 92,985.
The gain in ten years bus been almost
Montana, lowa,
has a female cabinet
maker, a Swedish woman, who is mak
ing money at the trade.
Chesapeake College, :Virginia, has
been purchased by the government as
a house for disabled soldiers.
• The census has demonstrated Mil
waukee to be the most populous city
of Wisconsin, 'and Fondu-Lao the
nest. . -
Some men drilling a well in Hart
ford, Wisconsin, have struck a bed of
solid iron ore twenty-two feet :thick.
George Wells is the most extensivo
farmer in lowa. His •farm embraces
8,000 acres, nearly all under cultiva
A Grocer in Cincinnati haean apiary
on the top of his house which yielded
him last year 1,775 pounds of honey.
Tbo American Scientific Associatitin
proposes to establish an-•observatory
on the highest point of the Pacific rail
A Newark man and his wife, aged
eighty and seventy years respective
ly, wore arrested'the other night - for
Among the bequest of the late JObn
Nesmith, of Lowell,Muss , is one leav
ing $250,000 to that city for the bene
fit of the poor.
Joseph .Rodman, of Benton county,
lowa, got in a rage at something the
other day, began to swear, and sud
denly fell dead. .
Two mon near' Memphis, Tenn.,
shot each other dead on Tuesday• eve
ning last ne the result of a quarrel
over a game of tenpins
In every county- lo sell 14)1301v:fee improved
IiTABLE CLI/ANEIL To good agents inducements to
make money Me winter address: '
No. 1215 North 7th at.; Philo
Offico In Cunningham's new building, Montgomery et
All legal buelneee promptly attended to. ae2710
Owing to ill health the subscriber Is • desirous of Map°
sing an !ergs proportion of his real estate at Dadley,
Oa Tuesday, October 25th, 1870,
Formerly occupied by Mre.:llankin no a Boarding house'
with the ground attached. The dwelling has fourteen
bed rooms, parlor, two halls, sitting and diming ram,
with two kitchens. Thorn are besides a bath' house,
wood house. stable and ice house, all in good condition
Ile w ill sell at the same time all on easy for ms, an ex
and Promo Stable with four acres of grass loud attached,
About 100 Building Lots dill be offered nt the sumo time
ono or more together to suit purchasers. roassallon o
the houses cannot be given until April let. but the rent
from execution of the deed will puss to purchaser.
e 027 L. T. I4ATTSOII.
For Gentlomon's Clothing of thebest material, and made
In the best workmanliko manner, call at
11. ROMAN'S,
opposite the Franklin Rome in Marl St Square, Hunting
don, Pa.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Blair
courtly, directed to the undersigned, Administrators,
there will bo offered for sale at the Court House, In Hol
lidaysburg, on
On Wednesday, October 12th, 1870,
at 10 o'clock, a. in., all die real estate of Jobn Wertz, late
of Catharine lownebtp, Blair county, deceased, consist
ing of Throe Valuable Facial, to wit :
Farm IVco., M.
A splendid tract of land, (formerly owned by Walter
Graham. gsq ,) beautifully located on the Huntingdon &
Indiana Turnpike; 'within ono and a hnlf miles of the Pa.
Canal, in Canoe Valley, Blair county, on of the best
grain growing valleys in the State. This Farm contains
300 ACRES of the boat limestone land, perfectly clean,
and in n high state of cultivation. Tho buildings consist
of a
and other dwelling houses, a large bank bare, a Grist
Mill, with water pen er, rind all the necessary outbuild
ings for the farm. An unfailing stream of pure water
naves through thietrect, and the house is supplied by a
fountain pump with good spring water.
Thero ere two good apple orchards on the premises.—
Then are four churches. all within one and a half
and a school house and post office at Yellow Springs,
within ormilialf mile of the property. Taken altogether
this is ono of the hot locafed and best wheit producing
farms in Blair county.
Said Turnpike divides the Farm into two equal parts,
thereby forming two firms if desired. This Farm will be
offered in two separate parte, as above slated, or as a
wholo, as will beat snit purchasers:
M'Etacre. IVtco. Qt.
Situate on Clover Creek in Woodberry township, Blair
county, ono and a half milts mist of the town of \PII•
liamsburg, and contains 140 AORES of good limestone
land. In good farming order. On this tract is erected a
a stone spring house, a bank barn, a carriage house and
corn cribs, and all necessary outimildiegs. An uncom
monly fine opting of Ilmostono avatar le neat the house)
and beautifully enclosed w ill, a trail of. cut atone. On
this Farm Is a good arplo orchard In good bearing condi.
Lion. Schools and churches convenient.
3Part.rrl DTc). O■
ituato on tiro Junintn river, ono mtio orst of Ifollf
dayeburg, Pa., containing about 160 ACRES, on xliich is
erected a
mid bank barn, together m ith all necossary outbuildings
Part of this Farm is a rich alluvial soil—the other part
good Limestenc—both in good state of cultivation. On
this Farm is also a good Apple Orchard Its proximity
to the thriving town of Hollidaysburg makes this u very
desirable location.
One-third of the purchase money to ho paid on soar.
motion of the sale ; the other two-thirds in two equal on
float PoYthent., with interest, to be securedtiy the bend
or the purchaser.
Further information can 1;6 obtained by addiessing
• . .
Yellow Springs, P.O. 1 - Administrators.
Blair Co, Ps., Sept. 27. f
Notice is hereby given that the partnership here.
.fore existing under the name of D. IOtOTZMAN & SON,
ddlo nod Ilarness makers, is dissolved this Gth day of
ptembcr, IRO. The business will hereafter be sondes
d by the undersigned, who will attend to the settling
the books of the old firm. All indebted will please
ii and settle, and those having bills against the firm
ill please present then,
SlcConnelistown, Sept 6, 1870 51,20
Wirranted to make Light, Sweet, 11utritioue,1
and Ilea'thy
Ginger and Corn Bread,
Buckwheat, and nil kiude of griddle eats.
Pot Pies,
Puddings, •
Pastry, rte.
Iu every way (evertor to Soda and Cream of Tar
ter. ee2o-1t
Saxon Green,
le Brighter, will not Fade, Costs Ices than any other
Because It will paint twice as much surface.
J. H WEEKS & CO., Manufacturers,
ee2Q•tw. 122 North 4th Street, Philadelphia.
A victim of early indisc ration, miming nervous
debility, premstme decay, &c., having tried in vain eve
ry advertised remedy, has n simple means of self-cure,
which ho will send free to his tellomeatforers. Address
7. H. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau Street, N. Y.
psychornancy, Fascination or soul•
t l charming.-400 pagea; cloth. This wonderful book
ins full instructions to enable the reader to fascinate
either sex, or any an pima], at will. Mesmerism, Spirit
ualism, and hundrede of others curious experiments. It
eau be obtained by sending address, with 10 cents post
age, to T. W: EVANS & Co. ; No. 41 HO. St., Philadel
phia. ,
PRlbh REDUCED: — "
$3 PER ANN= -
SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., & co., •
go2o-4w 37 PARK Row, Now Yon'.
WEDANT.—Lands in Penneylva
nia for cash and . good etoeka. TOWNSEND
BROS, 131. gouth Third'Streot, Philadelphia.
own interest iu one of the beat Silver Nines of
tee day, developing, Ac., near Georgetown, Col. Can sat
isfy you of its undoubted value as a good investment and
a paying one. Beat of references given. I wish to soil
one-half of it very cheap for cash. Address my atty's.,
TOWNSEND BROS., 131 sth. Third et., Philadelphia.
$lOO.OOO IN SIX :MONTHS can be mado by a
shroud and rollablo mono In a stwo,
saki business. All investment of $25 will retnrn a clear
profit of s47d. For particulars call on or address mho
New York.
A Now Cook of 128 paps. Prico 30 cts. by mail
1310 AN NEWS CO., Now York.
WANTED. 10,000 pouiida Tu
washed wool for which tho highest market pri
wt 11 lo paid. ',Jon ',Cm) IMMO' '
' Pursuant to an act of the - General Assembly_ of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act role.
Ling tp the elections of this Commonwealth," approved
ilie second day of July, Anne Domini 1830, I, D. R. P.
NIIELY, High Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon,
Pennsyylsnia, do hereby make known and give notice to
the electors of the county aforesaid, that -an election will
be held in the said county of Huntingdon, on the let
Tuesday after the second Monday of °etcher, (being the
11th day of OCTOBER,) at which time the following of
will be elected:
Ono person to represent the counties of Huntingdon,
Blair, Cambria end Jlitilin , In the House of Representa
tives of the United States. -
Two person I Pirepresent the counties of rhintlngdon,
Blair, Centre, MI MI:), Juniata, and Perry, in the Senate of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Two persons to represent the counties of Huntingdon.
Joniata and Mifflin, in the House of Representatives of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Ono pekson for tho once of Associate Judgo of Hunt
ingdon cbunty. •
Ono person for the office of County Commissioner of
Huntingdon County.
Two prone for-the office of Jury Commissioner of
Huntingdon county. • •
On, person fur the office of Director of the Poor of '
Hun ngden cotin ty.
One person for the °Me of Auditor of Huntingdon Co.
In purtmance of said act, I also hereby make known and
give notice, that the places of holding the aforesaid Bpi
dal election in the several election districts within the said
county of Huntingdon, aro es follows, to wit: •
let district, composed of the township of Henderson, at
the Union School House.
2,1 district, composed of Dublin township. et Pleasant
Hill School Rouse, near Joseph Nelson's, In said township.
3d district, composed of so much of Warrionimark
ship, as is not included In tho 19th district, at the school
house adjoining the town of Warriorsmark.
4th district, composed of the township of Hopewell, at
Rough and Ready Furnace.
sth district, composed of the township of Barrer' at the
house of .lames Lit ingstou, In the town of Saulall ' urg, in
said township.
6th district, composed of the borough of Shirleysburg,
and nll that part of tho townshipof Stalky not Included
within the limits of District No. 21, its hereinafter men
tioned and deem ibod, nt the bunco of David Frau:, don't!,
in Shirley slourg.
7th district,composed of Porter and part of Walker town
ship, and so much of West township an is included in tho
following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the south-west
corner of Tobias Caufman's Farm on the bank of the Little
Juniata river, to the lower. end of Jackson's narrows,
thence in a northwesterly direction to the most southerly
part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north
40 degrees w est to the top of Tnssey's mountain to inter
sect the line of Franklin township, thence along tho said
line to Littlo Juniata river, thence down the samo to the
place of beginning, at the public echdol house opposite the
German Reformed Church, In the borough of Alexandria.
Bth district, composed of the township of Franklin, at
the house of Geo. W. Matters, in said township.
6th district, composed of Tell township, at the Union
school house near the Union Meetinghouse, In cold twp.
10th dist rict, composed of Springfield township, at the
school house, near Hugh Madden's, in said township.
11th district, composed of Union township, at Grant
school house, in the borough of Mapleton ' in said twp.
12th dish ict, composed of Brody township, nt the Centre
school house, in said township.
13th district, composed of Mc7pris township, at public
school house No. 2, in said 'township.
14th district, composed of that part of West township
not included in 7111 and 26th districts; at the public school
house on the farm now owned •by Miles Lewis, (formerly
owned by James Ennie,)ln said township.
15th district, composed of Walker township, at Outhouse
of Benjamin Magaby, In M'Connellstown.
16th district, coinposcd'of the township of Tod, at the
Green school house, in said township.
17th district, composed of Oneida township, at the house,
of William Long Warm Springs.
1811, district, composed of Cromwell township, at the
house now occupied by David Etnire, in Orbisonia.
10th district, composed of the borough of Birmingham
with the several tracts of land near to and attached to tho
same, now ciwnerl end occupied by Thous 11.0 wens, John
McCellan, Andrew Robeson, John Gcnsitner and Wm.
Gensimer, and the tract of land now owned by George and
John Shoenberger, known its the Porter tact, situate In
the township of Warriorsmark, at the public school house
In said borough. • •
20th district, composed of tho township of Cass, nt the
public school house in Geeslin°, in said tom nsbip.
21st district, composed of tin township of Jackson, nt
the public house of Edward Littics, nt McAlcavy's Fort,
Itt said township.
22,1 district, composed of the township of Clay, at the
public school house in Scottsville.
231 district, composed of the township of Penn, at the
public school house In Marklesburg, in said tow nship.
24th district, composed and crusted. follows, to wit:—
That all that part of Shirley township. Huntingdon -eolith
ty, I) ing and being within the following described bdun•
dories, (except the borough of Mount Union,) namely:
Beginning at the intersection of Union and Shirley
township lines with the Juniata river, on the south side
thereof; thence along said-Union township lino for the
distance of three miles from said river; thence east
wardly, by a straight line, to the point where the main
from Eby's mill to Germany valley, crosses the summit of
Bandy idgo ; thquce. northwardiy along the summit of
Sandy ridge to the river Juniata, and up said liver
to the place of beginning, shall hereafter form a separate
election district; that the qualified latere of said election
district shall hereafter hull their general and township
elections In the public school house in Mount Union, in
said district.
25th district, composed of all that part of tha Borough
of Huntingdon, lying east of Birth street, and also all
those parts of Walker,and Porter townships, heretofore
voting in the Borough of Huntingdon, at the east win
dow of the Court House, in said Borough.
20th district, composed of all that part of the Borough
of Huntingdon, lying west of Bilth street. at the west
window of the Court House, in mild Borough.
27th district, composed of the bororigli of Petersburg
and that part of West toe nship, west and north of a line
between Henderson and West townships, at or near tire
Worm Springs, to the Franklin township line on the top
of Titssey's mountain,' sir as to include ht the new district
the houses of David Waldsmitli. Jacob Leng:anecker,Thos.
Hamer, James Porter, and John Wall, at the school-house
In the borough of Potersbure.•
28th district, corkposed ofJuniata township, at the house
of John Peightal, on the lands of Henry Isenberg.
22th district, composed of Carbon toss nship, recently
erected-out of a part of the territory of Tod township, to
wit: commencing ate Chestnut Oak, on the summit Ter
race mountain, at Hl°ll°l,oll.oll ton usurp 800 opposite tire
dividing ridge, in the Little-Valley; thence south fiftrtwo
degrees, east three hundred and sixty per circa, to a stone
heap on the Western Summit of Broad Top mountain,•
thence north sixty-seven degrees, east three hundred and
twelve perches, to n, yellow pine; thence south fifty-two
degrees, east se, en lumulrod and seventy-two porches, to a
Chestnut Oak ; the,nco south fourteen degrees, east three
hundred and fifty one perches, ton Chestnut at the east
end of Hem y S. Green's land ; thence south thirty-one and
a half degrees ' east two hundred and ninety-four perches,
tonChestuntOnk on the summit of a spur of Broad 'Top,
on the western side of John Terra's farm; south, sixty
five degrees, east nine hundred and thirty-four perches, to
a stone heap on the Clay township line, at the Public
School House, in the village of Dudley.
30th district, composed of the borough of Coalmont, at
the public school house in said borough.
31st district, composed-of Lincoln township, beginning
at a pine on the sumtnit of Tussey mountain ou the hire
between Blair and Huntingdon counties, thence by his
division line south. fifty-eight degress east seven hoods
red and ninety-eight perches to a black oak in middle of
township; thence fovty-two and ewe half degrees east
eight hundred and two perches to a pine on summit of
Terrace; thence by lino of Tod township to co coiner of Penn
township; thence by the lines of the township of Penn to
the summit of Tussey mountain; thence, along end sum
mit with lino of Blair county to place of beginning, at
Coffee Run School House.
31st district, composed of the borough of Mapleton, at
the Grant school houso in said borough.
3.3,1 district, composed of the borough of Mount Union,
at school house No. 1, in said borough.
34th district, composed of the Borough of Broad Top
City, at the Public School House, In said Borough.
:33th district, composed of the of Tin. Sp rings
at the public school house in said borough.
I also mike known and give notice, as In nod by tho
13th section of the aforeenid act lam directed, that "ev
ery person, exceptingJuatices of the i;eacc, who shall
hold any office or appointment of profit, or trust under
the government of the United States, orpf , this , State or
of any city or corporateddistrich, ulio,licr a commis:dun•
ed officer or agent, who is or shall ho emplOyed under
the legislative, executive; orjudiciary depot Uncut of this
State, or of the United States, or-or any city or incorpo
rated district, and also, that every member of Congress,
and of the State Legislature, and of the select or ann
mou council orally city, commissioners orally Incorpora
ted distt let, is by law incapable of holding or exercising
at the same time, the (lice or appointment of Judge, in
spector or cleat: orally election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector or judge, or other ellicer of any
such election shall be eligible to any office to be then vo
ted for."
Also, that In the 4th section of the Act of Assembly,
entitled "An Act relating to executions and for other
purposes," approved April 16th, 1840, it -is enacted that
the aforesaid 13th section "shell not be to construed as
to prevent any militia or borough officer from serving as
Judge, or inspector or clerk of any general or special
election In this Commonwealth."
13y the act of Assembly of 1865, known as the Regis
try Law, it is provided as follows:.
1. "Election Officers are to open the polls between the
hours of six and seven A. Mims the duty of election.—
Before six o'clock in the morning of second Tuesday of
Wolter they aro to receive from the County. Commis
sioners the Registered List of Voters and all necessary
election blanks. and they are to permit no man to vote
whose name is not on said list, sinless lie shall make
proof of his right to vote as follows:
2. The person whose name is not on the list, claiming
the right to vote must produce a qinilified voter of the
diets act to swear in a written or printed affidavit to the
residence of the claimant in the district for at least ten
days next preceding said election, defining clemly
where the residence of the person was.
IL The party claiming the right to . vote shall oleo
make an affidavit, stating to the be• t of his knowledge
and belief where and when he nos boa n, that Ito is n
citizen of Pennsylvania and of the United States, that he
has resided in the State one year, or, it fm mealy a cith
zen therein and removed therefrom, that lie has resided
therein six months next preceding said election, that lie
has not moved inlet the district for the purpose of voting
the-ein, that he has paid a Shaba or county tax within
two years which was assessed at least ten days before
the election,' and the affidavit shall state when and
where tiro tax was assessed and paid, and the tax receipt
must he produced unless the alliant shall state that it
has been lost or destroyed, or that ho received none.
4. If the applicant be a naturalized citizen, he must,
in addition to tho foregoing proofs, state in hie affidavit
when, where, and by what court he was naturalized and
produce his certificate of naturalization.
h. Every person, claiming to be a naturalizeileitizen,
whether on the registry list, or producing affidavhs as
athreenid, shall be required to produce hie naturalization
cortifleat at the election hi foro voting, except whore lie
has been for ten years consecutively a voter In the dis
trict wliere he offers to vote; and on the vote of such a
person being received, the Election Officers aro to write
or stamp the word "voted" en his certificate with the
month and year, and no other vote can be east that day
in virtue of said certificate except where'sens are entitled
to vote upon the naturalization of their father.
6. If tile person claiming to vote who is not registered
shall snake nil affidavit that he is a native horn citizen
of the United States, or, If born elsewhere, shall produce
evidence of his naturalization ' or that be is entitled to
citizenship by reason of his father's naturalization, and
further, that he is between 21 nod 22 years of ago, and
has resided in the State ono year, and in the election
district tan days next preceding the election, he shall be
_entitled to vote though he shall not have paid taxes."
In accordance with Vie Provision of the Bth section of
an act entitled further supplement to the election
' Laws of this Commonwealth," I publish the following:
WHEREAS, Ily the net of the Congress of the United
States, entitled "an act to amend the several acts hereto.
fore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling ont of
the national forces, and for other purposes," nod approved
March 2d, 1885, all persons who have deserted the milita
ry or naval service of the United States, and who have not
been discharged or relieved from the penalty or disability
therein provided, aro deemed and taken to have volunta
rily relinquished and forfeited their a ights of citizenship
and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of
exercising any rights of citizens thereof;
And' whereas, Portions not citizens of the United States
aro not, under the Constitution and lases of Pennsylvania
qualified electors of this Commonwealth.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, ctn., That in all elections hers.
after to be held in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlaw
ful for the judge or inspectors of any Rich election to ro•
ceiva anylallot or ballots front nny person or persons
embraced in the provisions and subject to the disability
Imposed by said act of Congress,approved March 3d, 1335,
and it shall be - unlawfni for any such person to offer to
vote any ballot or ballots.
Sec. 2. That If any such judge and Inspectors of election,
or any one of them shall receive or consent to receive any
such unlawful ballot or ballots from any such disqualified
person, lie or they so offending ehall be guilty of a mis
demeanor, and on conviction thereofin any court of quar
ter sessions of this commonwealth; ho shall for each of
fence, be sentenced to pay a Sno of not less than one hun
dred dollars and to undergo an imprisonment is the jail
of the proper county for not Ices than sixty days.
Sec. 3. That if any person deprived of citizenship, and .
disqualified as aforesaid, shell, at 'any election hereafter
to be held in this commonwealth, vote, or tender to the
officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ba llot or ballots, any
poison so Offending shall be deemed guilty of a miede•
meaner, and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter
sessions of this commonwealth, shall for each offence Lo
punished its like manner as Is provided in the preceding
section of this act in case of officers of election receiving
any such unlawful ballot or ballots.
SECTION 4. That If any person shall hereafter persuade
or ads Ise any person or.parsons, deprived of citizenship
or disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots
to the Officers of any election hereafter to be held in this
Commonwealth, or shall persuade, or advise, any such
officer to receive any ballot, or ba llots, from any person
deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, such
person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. and
neon conviction thereof its any court of quarter sessions
of this Commonwealth, shell La punished in like manner
as provided in the second section of this net in the case of 1
officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or
Particular attention is directed to the first section of
the Act of Assembly, Passed the 30th day of Ma/ ch A. D.,
1806, entitled "An Act regulating the manner of Voting
at nll Elections, In the several counties of this Common
"That the qualified voters of the several counties of this
Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and
special elections, are hereby, hereafter, authorized and
required to vote,by tickets, printed or written, or partly
printed and partly written, amorally classified as follows:
One ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges of courts
voted for, nod be labelled outside "j officiary ;" ono ticket
shall embrace all the nnmes of State ofileera voted for
and be labelled "State:" one ticket. shall embrace the
names of all county officers voted for, including office of
Senator, member, and members of Assembly, if voted for
and members of Congress, if voted for, and labelled
"county ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all town
ship officers voted for, awl be labelled "township:" ono
ticket shall embrace the nanuts of all borough officers
voted for, and be labelled "lwrough;" and each class shall
be deposited in separate ballot boxes.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 67th section
of the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts
"hall respectively take charge of the certificate or return
of the election of their respective districts, and produce
them at a meeting of ono of the judges from each district
at the Court House, in the borough of Hunting lon, on the
third day after the day of election, being for the posseat
year on FRIDAY, the 14th of OCTODEltjthen And there
to do and perform the duties required bylaw of sold judges.
Also, that where njudge by sickness or unavoidable ace
dent, is unable to attend said meeting of judges, then the
certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken in charge by
one of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis
ts let, and shall do and eerfernt the duties required of said
judge unable to attend.
Also, that in the 61st section of said act it is enacted
that N/very general and special esleetlen shalt be opened
between the hours of eight and tan in the foeenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjournment un.
tit seven o'clock iu the evening, when' the polls shall be
• 11.cuuStioaa, Fa., August 27, 1870.1
To the aunty Co ;' , ..missionera and Sheriff of the County of
WIIERIUS, the Fifteenth Aineridnient of the Constitution
of the United Stoles is no follows
"Scams 1. The right of citizens of tho United States to
vote shall not bu denied or abridged by the United States,
ur by any Stuto. on account of race, colod - or prorlous con
dition of servitude."
"Szcznox 2. Thu Congress shall have p ewer to enforce
this article by appropriato legislation."
And whereas, Thu Congress of the United States, on the
31st day of March, Ib7o, passed an act, entitled "An Act to
enforce the right of cif...a of the United Mates to cote fn
the several States of this Union, and for other purposes,"
the hrst and second sections of n hick are as follows
"Szernm 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bolin of
Representatira of the United. States of :America in CY:ing
ress assembled, That all citizens of the United States, who ,
are, or shall bo other Wise qualified by law to vote at any
election by the people, in any State, Territory, district,
county, city, parish, township, school district, municipali
ty or other tuiritorial sub-division, shall be entitled and
allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of
race, color, or pretions condition of servitude; any Consti
tution, low. custom, usage, or regulation of any Territory,
or by, or under its authority, to the contrary notwithstand
.SECTION 2, And be it further enacted, That if by or tin
der the authority of the Constitution or laws of any State,
or Mu laws of any Territory, any act is or shall be required
tp be done as a plump to or qualification fur voting, 12 ,nd
by Buell UonstitUtioll on law, pennons or officers are ore all
be charged with the perlormance of duties in furnishing to
citizens au opportunity to perform such prerequisite, or fo
become qualified to vote, it shall bo the duty of every such
person and officer to give to all citizens of the United States
the mule and equal opportunity to perform such prerequis
ite, mid to 'meow° qualified to veto without distinction of
race, color, or previous condition of servitude; awl if any
such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to
give lull effect to this section, he *Mall, for every such of
ten., forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the
person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on
the clue, with lull costs and such allowance for counsel
Ices as the court shall deem just, and shall also, for every
such offence, bu deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and shall
on cans Iction thereof, bu flood tint loss than five hundred
dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one month and not
more than one year, or betif, at thii discretion of the
And whereas, It is declared by the second section of the
Vlth article of the Constitution of the United States. that
"This Constitution. and the leas of the United- States,
which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the
supremo law of the land, * * * • anything
in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary
And whereas, The Legislature of this Commonwealth,
ou tie Eth dny of April, A. D. 1870, passed an net, entithel,
"A: further supplement to the net elating to elections in
this Commonwealth," the tenth section of which provides
as follows:
"Szcziox 10. That so mucn of every act of Assembly a
provides that only white freemen shall be entitled to vote
or be registered as voters, or as claiming to votent any
general or special election of this Commonwealth, be and
the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafterall freemen,
without distinction of color, shall bo enrolled and regis
tered according to the provisions of the first section of the
act approved seventeenth April, 1809, entitied."An Act fur
ther supplemental to the act relating to the elections of
this Commonwealth," and WilO4 otherwise qualified under
existing laws, be entitled to vote at ail general end special
elections in this Commonwealth."
And whereas, It is my constitutional and official duty to
"take care that the laws be faithfully executed:" and it has
come to my knowledge that sundry assessors and registers
of voters have refused, and are refusing toassess and regis
ter divers colored male citizens of lawful age ; and otherwise
qualified as electors: -
Now, THEREFORE, In consideration of the premises, the
county commissioners of said county are hereby _notified
and directed to instruct the sevensl assessors and registers
of voters therein, to obey and conform to the requirements
of said constitutional ainendment and laws ; and the sheriff
of said county is hereby authorized and required to publish
in his election proclamation for the next ensuing elections,
the heroin recited constitutional amendment, net of Cong
ress, and act of the Legislature, to the end that the same
may be known, executed and obeyed by all assessors, reg
isters of voters, election °Mears sod others; and that the
rights and privileges guaranteed thereby may be secured
to all the citizens of this Commonwealth entitled to the
Given under my band and the great seal of the State, a
Harrisburg, the day and year first above written.
F. JORDAN, Secretary of Commonwealth
OVEN hand, at Huntingdon, the 6th day of
Pept., A. D. 1870, and of the Independence of the Uui•
ted Staten, the ninety-third.
- D. It. P. NEELY, Sheriff.
Huntingdon, Sept. 6, 1870. !
Have opened a new store in Tertior'S new building, In
tho Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa., and have ready for sale
a largo assortment of
Cook and Parlor Stoves,
-Also, a largo assortmont of
AVO 1)2E88E0
and a'great variety of Goode, never before. kept in this
place. We also manufacture
Repairing, Roofing and Spouting done at short notice
SU Country Stores Supplied with Tin Wino at city
Confident of being able to make it advantageous to
their customers they respectfully solicit a share of public
patronage. •
Tan. 5, IMO
Dealer in •
Ladies' Genie anti Children's Furnishing Goode, and
Erimminge, of all kinds. A largo stock of
LINENS, of all-grades, GLOVES,
and Hosiery for mon, women and Children. Thlbet and
Cashmere shawls, -
A . general assortment• of goods, al
ways at lowest cash prices, and of the
best quality.
Butter, Eggs, &n.,talcen in oxelinnge
Iluntingilan, Api II 211, :S7O.
Farms, Town Lots, Rouses; Sind all kinds of REAL
ESTATE, bought or sold. Bonds, Mortgagee and Deeds
accurately prepared. Money loans negotiated on Real
Eatato security
Lot No. 14, West lluntingdon vacant. First whole
lot weet of Falton Street on Sou thern al& of Mifflin at.,
Good lot and splendid locotian: Price $750.
Two story frame house' large etable, good wall 'and
whole of lot N 0.224, Good location. Price reaaonablo
Largo Frame Dwelling on Wushington street; ,Wee t
Huntingdon, west of Fulton., ton rooms; good water,—
Price, ossoon.
Frame Dwelling on Washington strait emit of Chest
nut. Fria°, $2600.
Three lots of ground in Wilsontown.
A good limestone forme In West township, scrim miles
from It. It. Station. ,250 acres
• For any information in rogard to conditions, silver
airing; apply, in pprson,orby !otter, to
Office, opposite the Court House
July 12-3y1. -3m.
Huntingdon, Ap.l9, 1870
(Successor to C. 11. MILLER. .tSON;)
All Kinds of LEATHER,
Manufacturing Company,
Is now prepared to fill' orders for
And: in, short to do all kinds of Carpenter
work— •
To furnish HUBS, SPOKES and FELLIES,
in quantities, and rocoive orders for,
air All ordeis'should be'addresse - d to
- b. W:ARTLEY, Pivaident,
• • .lluntingdon, Pa.
June 16, 18694.
I hare been requested by the owners of the following
Sewing Machines to dispose of them if possible at the
prices annexed,aa they wish to procure Singer mitchines'
in their place:
One Grocer & baker Machine. loop stitch, in good ran•'
ning order, coat $9O, will take $5O; ono Florence machine
with tucker & c., cost $BO, will take (good order) g 63,
one Grover & Baker machine, loop stitch, wilh box, cowl,
$65, will, take $43; one Wilcox & Gibbs, coat $65, will
take $3O; one Grover & Baker machine, good -running
order, cost $55, will take $4O; ono Parker Machine, with
cover, well finished, cost $6O, will take $435'. -ono fine
Grover & Baker Machine, tuner been used, cost with tuck
er, extra hemmers &c. , $7B, will take $7O.
Letters for information and orders fur the celebrated
Singer Machine to be addressed to
_July 28—tf • - J. O. BLAlR,liuntingdou,
. . ... . .
Cater!. 33.x.x.kayku, Pr o t ' I omp le
nstitute, 931 ADM Bt.; Dalton, .M 8 W.
4th St, Cineirmati, 0., and Dr. Greene, at Charlotte,
N. C., are mak. leg astonishing
t:n r e:r s A n o t f l d a l e e.,, ~ , 14 - da b,,x; great
knife or candle r, ...... ~ m e a I a I the
and withbut little We De 11 . Every
root and fibre I. ,C 1 S.
S., tille . d . and ro.
moved, if taken ip t d . 0 V - threand cou
rser:re, with the ir 'VI tla VI bc! * yo g ertr r ro
went.; stealing our ta till 1p advert's.'
manta .No others have these
treatments. . None other should ever be used. , Foe
artletdars senator eiroultmeall;oraddress as above.
Eept. 20.3mne
„S HERIFF'S SALE.• • - --- • •
k By virtue of a writ of Gamin Fa. directed to me, I
wt l exose to public rale, on the Premises, on SATUR
DAY t h e Itch day of OCTOBER, MO, et 1 o'clock, p.
m., the following property to wit:. -
AU that certain lot of ground con
sisting of pads of Lots NOB. Bio and 10 in • the record
plan of tho borough of Huntingdon. bounded on the
south by Allegheny street, on the west by Smith stied,
on the north bynlley ten feet wjde, (which Is appurten-
ant to the premises.) and on the east by lot of (Merge 0.
Tutu and•W. W. Hildubmnd (hereinafter described) on
which described promises Is erected n, stone and brick
dwelling house.
ALSO—AII that part of a lot of ground situate in the
said borough of Huntingdon extending from Allegheny
to 11111 street, adjoining lotof Thomas Fisher, Sr.,on the
east, the above described promises on the west, number
.B in the recorded plan of said borough of Huntingdon,
bounded and described oe follows, to wit: That part
thereof which fronts on sahl Allegheny Street, from the
western lino of the Bald lot of Thomas Fisher, Sr., to the
eastern lino of the above described 'lot, and extending
back from Allegheny street towards Hill street, the dis
tance of eighty feet, to part of said lot owned and
occupied by it. Bruce Fetrikeu, Esq. Seiz••d, taken in
execution and to be sold as the prone, ty of 000.0. Tate,
Theodore 11. Cremor, Esq., administrator of W. W. Hil
debrand, ddki„ and John Ifildebrond, tare tenant. •
Han sway from the subscriber in Dublin tOvvnehip,
Huntingdon county, Pa-, ALEXANDDR SI. MILLS, a
house boy, about 18 years of age, light complexion, and
stout built. All persons sie hereby notified not to liar
bor or trust l a m on my account as lin ill pay no bills of
his cohttacting. The above reliant will be paid to any
person morning him to me,
Rude flap, Sept. 20, ISTO
[Estate of Dr. Eliphas Bigelow, deceased.]
There will be sold at publio sale, on the
premises. in Jackson Township, Huntingdon
county, Pa., on
FRLD.AY,I4III day of OCTOBER, 1870,
ht 10 o'clock, a. the following Real
Estate :
containing 280 acres, nearly all cleared, fen
ced and cultivated ; bounded by lands of
Robt. Huey and Sarah Porter, on the west ;
by lands of Wm. Cole's heirs on the south ;
by John Barr's heirs on the cost; by Wm.
Reed and others on the north; having thereon
a large log-frame , house, bank barn, good
tenant house, stable, three orchards, &a.—
This is a valuable property, having about 72
acres of meadow, and is in good condition. -
2d.—A tract of about 72 acres of timber
land, adjoining thi'south•east corner 'Of the
Mansion Farm.
3d.—A lot of amend containing obout 169 .
per Ches; bounded by lands of Samuel Watt,
John Ayers and Samuel Bickete, formerly
owned by Wm: Porter.
-.4th.—Tract. of 15 acres, more or less, in
Jackson township. bounded by land of Jas.
Bell pti the west , Samuel Watt on the north,
SamuelMusser on the east, and Stone Creek
on the south, having house and stable there-
sth.—Tract of 0 acres of meadow .land
cleared,.knovrn as the Alexander Johnston
lots, bounded by lands of John Triester and
Wm: Davis on the south, and Stone Creek on
the north, and Wm. Davis on the east. No
buildings. „ • . -
:The 'above lands lie on Stone Creek, about
two and-a-half miles north-east of MeAlavy's
There will be sold on the preniiees'near
Masseysburg, Huntingdon county,
' On Saturday, October 15th, 1870,
~ •
at 1 o'clock; p. in., the following described
containing 11.1• Acres, - composed •of three
smaller tracts, bounded by lands of Samna]
Croyle, • Joseph Powell -and otherii, • being
nearly all cleared and cultivated, and hrving
thereon a house - and 'stable. All grain in
the ground reserved.
Possession given on 14th November, 1870,
subject to the rights of the tenants.
There will be sold in Belleville, Mifflin
county, Pa., on FRIDAY, 21st Otitober,'lB7o;
at 1 b'clock, p—m., the following property:
About 2 acres of ground, in Belleville,
frOnting on . .tbe public 'street; bounded by
lands of Shem Yoder and others, having
thereon a brick house and stable.
. ,
Also, a lot of 'ground in the adjoining vil
lage of Mechanicsville, containing about half
an etre, frohting on main street, and bounded
by lot ofJoseph Potts on the south, and an
alley on north and oast, having thereon two
frame and one log dwelling houses, log sta
ble and other improvements. Possession
given on lst April, 1871. ' • -
TERMS OF Sm f s.—One-third of the purchise
money to he paid nt Huntingdon, on' the 34th
November, 1870, when deed will be made;
one-third in one year thereafter, with inter
est, and the remaining third et the death of
the widow of Dr. Bigelow, the interest there
of to be paid to her annually during - her life,
the whole to ho secured by the judgment
bonds of the purehttNer.
WILLIAM NAt.E, Guardian of Brown and
Francisco Bigelow.
McAlevy's Port, Aug. 30•td
By virtue of an -order issued out of
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, I
will expose to•public sale on the premises in
Cromwell township,
Ort Tuesday, Seidoilber 27th, 1870,
The fullowieddese'ribed real e4tate . :
situated in Cromwell township, on the publie
road leading from Mt. Union to Chambers
burg, adjoining lands of Thomas Ashman on
the east; Peter Secrist on the north, Enos
McMullin on the west, and lands of Rock-
Hill Iron Works on the south containing
144 ACRES, •Moro or less. Too improve
monts consist of a FRAME DWELLING
HOUSE, and Bank Barn. Double Wagon
Shed, and a good Orchard bearing fruit.—
Also, a number of peach, pear and cherry
trees, a net er failing spring of water and a
good well in the yard. Two streams of wa
ter run through the premises,. and there is
iron ore and good limestone on the farm.
TER3IS or SALE.—Otte third of the pur
chase money to be paid at November court on
the confirmation Of the sale, and the balance
in two equal annual payments with interest
to be secured by the bonds and mortgage or
juaguient bonds of the purchaser.'
Sale to commence at two o'clock, P. M. on
said day.
Bed Exeoutoi of Christian Prfce, deo'd,
Situated on Ow itaystown Branch, of the Juniata river,
at the mouth of James Creek, one a half miles from Mar
klesburg Station on the Huntingdon and Broad .Top
liallniad, Huntingdon county, Pa.
Mill Rouse, 432:60 feet one story, stone,
and tzoo of Frame,, ,
Part' strong and pornianently Iron • Poor pairs of n3lll
stones, two water wheels 14 feet WO, over shot, In good
A• Two-Story Brick House' • .
For miller; with Motile, garden. Ac,
Farm cantitimi 329 ACitEd, 150 acne ;In cultivation,
50 in meadow, having thereon a largo
two stories Mgt', bank barn, oidsh 116E15(4'mnd other Ont.
building.. Also, tow tenant !tonna, null Blacksmith
shop. For further particulars, ingulae of - -
James Creek P. O:
The tout: reigned offers for sale a
Located In Barre° township, buntingdon county, near
Goes' Itlill,land containing :00 acres of good farming
land, well eatorud, and in a good state of cultivation.
The iroprovemen to consist of a good
Weather boarded, A LOG BARN, Wagon shod.
Corn Crib, blacksmith shop excellent spring house and
other outbuildings. There Is• an orchard of choice ap
ple trees on the premises. -- - - '
For terms and other information regarding the prop.
erty, apply to the undersigned on the premises.
COrnPropst Mille, P.lO
July - 26,1679.2W3m,
Boy Lota from first Lands at
Purebasera desiring to build can bare very liberal
terms as to payments. Now Is the thno to tong- Air
pl) to
Tee . subscriber desires to dispose, witli part °this lamb
situate along the Big sughwick Creek, in Cromwell tap.
Huntingdon county, and one mile west from OrbMonis.
This land is of u good quality of bottom-land, well sup—
plied with never.ffilling springs and sufficient sunount of
good timber, convenient to mills, stores, markets, Post
°likes and Churches. iSiii sell to suit purchasers, both
in amount of land Lfrom ono acre upwardejand in terms
There is a saw mill on said p remises in ample order, to
saw all kinds of building lumber. Titles good. Come and
see! Now is the Alum to secure yourselves pleasant
homes. Apply to the subscriber on the promises or ad
Aug. 23-tf. Orbisonia P.O. Hunt. co. Pa.
WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books,-8 to
Boners and Mundt: \ustrumeute,corner of tbo