The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 13, 1870, Image 3
ilt 61,0 it. HUNTINGDON, PA. Tuesday morning, Sept. 13, 1870. LOCAL Sc PERSONAL. Meetflags Mt. Mortals Lodge, No. 300, A. H., meets second Monday evening ad each month, In Brow Lee building. Nancling .atone H. It. A. Chapter, No. 201, 'meets the first Tuesday tcelltug of tort mouth, iu Braw u's building. Juniata Lodge, .iNo. 117, 1 0. 0. F., meets every Friday evening, third floor, to Leieter's Mount Hor (limp of I. 0. 0. E, meets every second and fourth Tuesdays, in holster's building, third door. Standing Stone Lodge, No. 0. G. T., meets every Tuesday evening ill third fluor of Head's building. .arrupahoe Tribe, No. 08, /. 0. of lt. ilhoneets every Thursday evening, third fluor, Luister's building. Taentg ,Wen's Gliristian Association mime the first and third Monday evenings each month, in Smith's building. l'ost 33, 0. A_ It., meets 'lliad Monday of .01 Mouth lu Cuurt House. Town Council meets the first Friday ev cnitig of each nuinth. Iluntingthm Lodge., Su. 149, of P., meets every Sta nfill), evening, buildmg. Ilmainaawa temple of llGnor, No 71, meets the fourth blutulay el ouch tuunth in thoof remplAre Ihe IrebsteriUn Club meets every 'Thursday uverking, iu tin Y. 31. C. A. mum. - - - Huntingdon Commit, 0. V". Y. , meets first and third Tursdu)s °conch month in (Mud 'Anvils. Mil. MOM= Baptist Church—Washington Sta est. Rev. J. W. Plan nett. Services on Sabbath : lu4 a. ni., 7p. m. Catholic—Washington Street. Rev. It. J. tqltvaitl. ler. vices first three sunda3s iu oterp mouth. Elwangelieal Lutheran—Malian :Area. Rev. J. J. Kerr. sexy.% on Sabbath 10M a. m., 7p. m. Dorman Reformed—Church Stint. Km S. D. Steckle. basics on sabbath: 7. p. m. Methodist Ltd.:opal—Church Street. Rev. M. K. Foster cervices ou salitiath 10% 0. us., 7p. us. Protestant Episcopal—hilt suet. ltev. A. IL Bo) le, sots lees on subbath : 10% a. in., 1,34 p m. Fresh} terian—Rill Street. hey. G. W. Zalunser. Ser- vices on Sabbath : 11 a. ut , 7 p.m. On the W Ina Beautiful—theso moonlight nights In search of warm climates—Flies. - Cresson Springs close October Ist Juniata ague is rounti again. Bedford Springs season over. Buy your winter coal now. Sue that you are properly registered Aro all bald people clear-beaded Sweet looks have no effect, on coffeo Tho hopping seeason is over—for grass-hoppers. Don't forget the Grand Corn Dance at AleCaban's woods, to-night. Started at last—Wise & Taylor's Furniture Factory. Theprettiest girls in - Utah generally marry Young. _ Fiddler Bob Stewart has our thanks for California and Nevada papers. Buttermilk and lemon juice is good :for sun burnt folks. Jacob Zimmer of Clearfield county, bung himself on Sunday week. .The most interesting heavenly ob ject now is Saturn. Take u peep. Cock fights are now called chicken recreations down South. The birds have given up love mak ing and housekeeping: The season for agricultural fairs has begot). This month begins the oyster sea son. We'll take .a roast. Looks beautiful—The public school building. The white frost will soon appear in the early morning. Buckwheat cakes will soon appear -as morning appetizers Good peaches and tomatoes are in tle - mand in Huntingdon. Pennsyvania has produced 28,00.0,000 slitiriels of petrolium in ten years. Marrying men prefer widows in IVy_oming. Pittsburgh has a woman suffrage association. • Mifflin Gas a thousand dollar horse, owned by .P. S . ulauff. Register your letters or got a money order when you wish to mail money Se, advertisement of Altoona Park .Association. Exhibition takes place October sth, 6th and 7th. Farmers should read the premium list of the fair this issue. , - Vather Hayden, a 50 year pastor of Bedford Catholic church died on 25th. Short way -to raise calves—Let a mouse loose at a female tea party. John Wilt of Sonierset county, was killed by lightning last week. Cool—to borrow money and then neglect to pay it. The cool nights have an enervating influence on the mosquitoes. - Our sportsmen are after squirrels DOW'. School books, copy books, slates, pencils, chalk, ink, &0., at Lewis' book MOM. The borough authorities are extend ing gas pipe along Washington street from Bath to West Huntingdon. Lou Maize, formerly of this place, is now telegraph operator at Capo May, N. J. Lon Koch, of this place, has been .appointed to the position of brakeman on Penn'a It. It. • Over one hundred oil paintings can be seen at the Castalian Garden on .Saturday evening. Alex. Singe, of Somerset oo , had his head crushed between two heavy timbers on the 26th ult. Deer hunting has commenced in the :northern part of the State. In'this ylace it has no end. Our devil says so. The trees have begun to cast off their clothing, while mankind is put ting on more. Our devil says he culls his sweet 'heart "honey" because she is 'tee"- Joved. Karriaburg in population, rates as the sixth city -in the State. What's Kuntingdon? The peach and tomato crops are a failure everywhere. The potato crop not half what it was last year. Professor Klincs' highly renowned string band will entertain the "hop- pers" at the corn dance, at AteCahans woods to night. Rev. R. E. Wilson was in town last week, and preached in the Methodist church on Sunday. le looks well. The Huntingdon Light Infantry, in full dress, "cut a swell" through our streets on Saturday evening' last. A Missouri census taker found sixty pairs of twins in one county, all less than one year old. The unearthly serenade of our As sociate on Tuesday night last was about as heavy as could be endured. It might have-been declared a nuisance ; but then, it is not every day that . a 'printer gets married. George Sweger, of Tyrone township, L'erry county, fell from over the threshing floor in his barn, on Tues day last, striking upon the prong of a fork, which passed through his abdo men, injuring him so badly that he died in less than two hours. A young son of Mr. James Glonny, of this place, was seriously injured on Saturday morning last, by a pannel of fence falling upon him. Our neighbor of the Monitor has purchased the residence on hill street, formerly owned by sir. Simpson, and is making a beautiful residence of it. Mr. C. Long is erecting another beautiful brick building on Washing ton street, West Huntingdon. Mr. Heliright is also erecting two brick houses on church street. Our Associate, Lindsay, has taken to himself a "better-ball" The hap py couple deserve a long life of pros perity and happiness. Now that courtship is over, it may be expected that locals will receive proper atten tion after our Associate returns to his post of duty. Jacob Zimmer, a citizen of Brady township, committed suicide on Sun day last, a week, by hanging himselt in his barn. No cause is assigned for the rash act. Ho leaves a wife and several. children. New phase to the woman question —Who is to set the fashions now that, Eugenie is dethroned. Tho shifting angina jumped off the track at the coal wharf on Saturday last. Nobody was hurt. Henry Snare, carpenter, was injured yesterday, by falling from a building he is erecting for Frank Heffright, on Moore street. A lady's black sash was lost on Fri day evening last. The finder will he suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. A little child. named Blough, was scalded to death recently in Somerset co , by the upsetting of a bucket, of hot water. The Young America of this place and a club from Dudley have a game of base ball on the fair ground to-day. Fun and good things at the Red Men's pie ilk: to-night. Go the Red Men's pie-nic to night and shuffle your stogies. Our devil challenges any Red Men to a yelling or squealing contest. Luke the baker, surnamed is the proper party to call upon in case of starvation or u prospective marriage. We speak by the hook. A young printer made a clean `•home run" the other night to escape from ten thousand imaginary assas sins. When he reached "base" he was nearly gone up from fright. A Mr. Dale was murdered by a man named Harder in Clearfield on the 2d inst. Cause, whiskey. Dale leaves a family. Oh, sweet September ! thy first fresh breezes bring the dry loaf's rustle and the squirrel's laughter, the cool fresh air, whence health and vigor spring, and promise of exceeding joy hereaf ter. If you don't want a leather factory in your stomach, dispense with milk in your tea and coffee. Thomas D. Worick was killed by a party of roughs at the Milesburg camp meeting on Sunday a week. A 10 year old daughter of Michael Miller of Centre township, Perry co., was horribly outraged by a villain. New Paris, Bedford co., bad a sec ond edition of Noah's flood on the 25th ult. Immense damage. The public schools are again open, and once more we are greeted by the cheerful, bapby faces of groups of boys and girls wending their way to school with satchel, book and slate. Gentlemen whose clothes are not worn out will be pleased to learn that fashions will not change much this fall. Dispatch your business by calling upon David Woods, the gentlemanly and efficient manager of the Western Uuion Telegraph in this place. lie can always be found at his post in Lewis' Book Store. SOMETHING E. C. Sum mers informs the citizens of Hunting don and vicinity that he has purchas ed a large Panorama from Philadel• phia, and will have it on exhibition at the County Pair This is one of the largest collections of Oil Paintings ever exhibited in the "United States and is well worth the prise of admis sion. Every ono should avail there. selves of this opportunity as it may be the last chance they may ever have to see so many and so great a collection of Paintings in a lifetime. It embrac ed over two hundred splended Oil Paintings from some of our greatest European and American artists. All are invited to go and see it at the Cas tilian garden on Saturday Evening next. GONE EAST.—Mrs. L• A. Hamer is now in the cast purchasing her fall and winter stock, which she expects to open for public inspection on Tues day the 27th inst. Mrs. 11 has had considerable experience in her line of business, and is fully competent to se lect good and fashionable goods. 2t. Excursion trains will be run from all stations on the Broad Top Road, and between Perryville and Altoona on the Penna. Central, during the con• tinuance of our County Fair, com mencing September 27th and closing on the A lot of advertisements have been crowded out of this issue. Omissions will be made good. atirrAuke Reilly the popular baker in :this place is constantly receiving orders for his Bread and Cakes, which aro pronounced by all to bo excellent, and also for his candies and syrups which aro free from all impurities, and as cheap as can bo had from the cities. All orders will receive prompt (Men Lion. THE raid —The committees having charge of the arrangements, aro mak ing every effort to have the grounds iu good condition. The premium list will be found in to-days "Globe." -Far mers; maimfacturers, and everybody else should not fail to make the exhi bition interesting. Retail Market Prices Butter 25, 3C, us to quality; eggs 18; lard 25; potatoes 6700:50,75; dried apples 10ets per lb; dried peachesls@ 25cts, per lb; beans 10®18c quart; su gar cured hams 30 ets ; shoulders 20@ 22 side 20@22 cts per lb; driedbeef 30 @32 cts; flour 86,50@7,00, per barrel. Green apples 60 75, as to quality. Can't be tructereold Red Front Grocery receives now supplies almost every day, sells the most and freshest, and can't be under sold. New Mess Shad, Dry Salt Rae and Pickled Herring, the best and medium Mackerel, White Fish, Trout, Salmon, &m., cheaper than the cheapest, and•warranted. Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing Mrs. B. Annie McCabe respectfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by 11. MeManigill, on Washington street, and is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. She respectfully invites a full share of patronage. ap7 Lewis' is the Place to Buy School Books and Stati onory, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades tmd Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. [ Every business man should use printed bill heads, letter heads, and envelopes. They have to use the paper and envelopes, any way, and we furnish the material at whole sale prices, and print them at less than the material would cost at retuil_price• Call. us_ Farmers needing a Grain-drill, will do well to call on Wharton A: Ma guire and esamine the Willoughby gum-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing. tf Se — The Gr.onE Office is prepared to execute all kinds of Job Printing for the Merchant, Manufacturer, Coal Op erator, and other business men, at Ices rates than the same can be had in the city. Give us a call. Carpet Weaving. Mrs. Matilda Pheasant is prepared to Weave rag carpets, and solicits patronage front a generous public. Residence Wash ington Street, West Iluntin i tf ,CZ' A largo stock of the best Stone ware, of all kinds, now on hand ut the Red Front Grocery, and for sale cheap. or than anywhere else in the county. tlo..Capt. Thos. S. Johnston of the Firm of Ilenry & Co., is now in the east laying in a new supply of goods. Every body should go and see them. Ca-Keystone Cider Mills for sale by A. B. Stewart Co., send for cir cular. (July 26310. EgirCider Mills, Grain Separators, Clover Hullers and Stammers, Cultivators, Washing Machines, etc., etc., at McLanahan, Stone & Isett's, Hollidaysburg, Pa. fe9-Sin 11S—All sizes Copper Kettles at A It. Stewart & Co. a3O-2t. MARRIED, On the 6th September, 1870 by the Rev. G. W. Zahnizer, Mr. HUGH LIND• SAY tO Miss CLARA E. HILDEBRAND both of Huntingdon Pa. No cards. DIED, At his residence, in this borifugh, on the 30th ult., Henry Alexander, in the 71st year of his ago. In this borough, on Friday last, Miss lIETTIE STEEL, aged 02. At Penna. Furnace, Sept oth, ANNIE E. youngest daughter of John and Sa rah J. Irvin, aged 5 years, 2 months and 21 days. [Lewistown papers please copy] MARKETS. I= Pincennviiiii, Sept, 12, 1870. Supel fi us Flour per Lintel $4.756.5.50 Extra Fleur per barrel $5.0266 00 1130 Flour per bari el $5.7566.00 Ilea Wheat per bushel $1.3561.41 ltyo per bushel 05698et5. Core , 0061,02 Oats pet bushel 5163 jets. Pannultall, Rept, 12, 1870. While Wheat Flour, 7.5068.00 It heat per bushel.,white $1.3061.38 Corn per bushel Bb6ooets. Oats per bushel 8365.1ei5. Rye per hurhol 10 Du@ 0,05 Barley Nothing doing FINANCIAL, New Yonx, Sept. s.—Cold closed at $1,13 PHILAAELPII/A. Sept.:3, 1870. The following are the closing prices of De Haven & Bro., 40 South Third Street: U. S. 6's c i f 'Bl, - - 114 1141 " " '62, - - 1121 1124 " " '64, - - 114 1114 " " '65, - 114 1114 " " '65, new, - 1101 nog 41 41 COL ti - . 1104 1 10 " " '6B, - 1104 1101 " s's, 10.40'5, 1054- 1061 U. S. ::10 l'ear 6 per cent. Cy. 1107,- 1114 Gold - - - 1134 114 Silver, - - - - 108 111 Viz ion Pacific 11.1? Ist M. Bonds 810 820 Central Pacific R. ii. - 880 800 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 730 750 HUNTINGDON MARRETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY lIENCY LI: CO FLIOLEW.LE MUM. FLOUR — Suf , erfino Flour, per barrel, $5.00 Extra Flour, do 6 50 Family Flour, do 7.00 Ga.tlN—Rod Wheat, per bushel, 125®1.30 White Wheat, do 1.30011.35 Rye, do 85 Corn, do B5 Oats, do 40 Barley, do 1.00 SEEp---Tiznothy, du 5.00 'Flaxseed, do 1.75 Cloverseed, per 04 lbs. 7.00 COAL—Hard coal, per ton, 4,50®5.75 Broad Top coal, do 3.00®3.50 LUMBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00®30.00 Sumfmns-1 / ap, per 100 Q ft„ 10.000_02.00 Joint Shingles, do 5.00®6.50 111t4cEm,x,,fEous—Bark, per card, 9.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.00 Hops, per pound 40 Wool, do 40®45 Hay, per ton, 10.00 pideo. . 607 SECOND ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL FAIR OF TUE ALTOONA PARK ASSOCIATION, TO BE HELD AT Altoona, Ph., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday October 4tu, sth 6th and 7th, '7O. $4,500,00 In Premiums ! Competion open to all parts of the Siate ! The Association takes pleasure in calling the attention of the public to the very liberal premiums offered this year. They equal those of the State Society, on similar classes. The design of this liberolity is to produce friendly competition, and at the same time remunerate exhibitors and visitors. Tho premiunlo on thoroughbred horses and cattle amount to over $600,00, and all the ether classes ore equally liberal. Fur the la dies, some $300,00 worth of silver ware has been purchased, and will be distributed as premiums for the work of their hands. These premiums range in value from SI,CO up to $15,000, and many of the articles are beau tiful, and the Managers believe they will be prized much more than the same amount paid in money. Fur full particulars, see premium list, pub lishedili pamphlet form, and to he hand of any of the offhters or Managers. New buildings will be added to those al. ready on the ground, and everything provi ded for the convenience of exhibitors and sat isfaction of visitors. S. C. BARER, President E. B. McCann. Secretary. Jolts LLOYD, Treasurer. Sept. 13- REAL EST AT E ND LOAN AGENCY. MILES LEWIS & CO Farms, Town Lots, Houses, and nil kinds of REAL ESTATE, bought or sold. Bonds, Mortgagee and Deed., accurately prepared. Money loans negotiatod on Real Estate security FOR SALE Lot No. 1.1, Wunt vacant— Erg ult.'s lot west of Fulton Street on southei u nide of Mifflin et., Good lot nod splendid location. - Prico 4:700. Tuo ntoty tonne house' lingo nt.ublo, good well stud whole el lot No. 224 :Wed location. Plies icusonable Large Pronto Duelling on Wesitington street, West Uttutingtion, west of Dutton, pm rooms; good w.ster 11 ‘ 45500. Frame Duelling on tfasltington street east of Chest nut. ' Price, $2OOO. Tree lots of ground in Wilsontown. A good lit . iesollo WOW in West township, Peon miles from It. It. Station. 2.51) acre, For nn.l Information in tepid to conditions, ndvor lien, Sc., lipply, in perdon, orby letter, to SIMPSON. & ARMITAGE, - 11UNTLYGDON, Pa., Office, opposite the Court House July 12-31,1.3121 I=IMEN=I to ino Itopubl icon voters of Huntingdon county: 1 announce 05.1 sell as an ...independent Candidate" for Aiwoolate Judge, nod mlc the biliipiiyt of nil honest and independent men who bate Bags and ..ring" candidates. Having stood by the Republican party hunt its birth up Until its betrayal of this petiole, in the irouilitieut odor. that et the Eincentli,Anienifinent ; I tool that I shouhi hove 80111 Q claims upon the true non of that party. I shoot upon the Chicago platfo 1111 l upon which don. Ornnt was elected ; but I utterly repudiate the fraud and outrage by which the i igilt 01 mgt.ea to vote has been declared apart of the fundamental law of the land. blot ting out a 111111 of the Conetitiltion of our own State, winch as Wheels At e ale .swai n to support. Ifclected, I will mole.. in to dnaeh trge sty duties faith fully, Mid I natter inyeelt thatioy pi efeasion is life has lint unfitted ine for the position, bedilos, it won il often be found a great consoling.° to limo an Assort Ito Judge residing iti Huntingdon. Aug..2'.110 JOHN WILLIAMSON. pRIVATE SALE ox VALUABLE MILL AND FARJ Situated on tho liayetown Drench. of theJuntitta at the mouth of Janice Clock, ono a hair nines S o n, Ito, klesbnig Station on the iluntingtion and Droiiil Top Itailroad, nunthigdon comity, Pm Mill Rouse, 43x60 feet one story stone, and two of Frame, Tory strong and permanently built. Four pairs of mill stones, tau motor a heels 14 foot high, over shot, in good eider. A Two-Story Thick house For millet; with stable, garden. kc, ' Fat in contains 329 ACICE:3, 150 nens in cultivation, 50 in meadow, having theta°u u largo STONE MANSION HOUSE, two stories high, bank barn, wash tioinio, and oilier out buildings. Also, too tenant lionsvii, owl Blackmultli For furtherpartioularm, inquiet, of JACOB If. isErr, Aug. 23 tf James Cieek P. 0. pRIVATE SALE op VAL UABLE FA RAI LAND Me undersigned oilers for !min VALUABLE FARM, Located in linnet:township, linntingdon county, near Coss' Millpond containing :00 acres of good forming loud, wall ',tattered, anti in a good etato of cultivation. Tins improi omen is consist of a good TWO-STORY LOG HOUSE, Weather boarded, A LOG LIARS, Wagon shod. Corn Crib, blatkentith shop excellent spring house and other outbuildings. Ilion, is on oicbard of choice ap ple theca on tho premises. For tonne and other information regarding the prop. crty, apply to tho undeisigued on tho promisee. .1 NO. MILLIKEN. July 20, 1572.2iu 2m, Curnpropst Mills, P.O. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE 7N WEST lIUNTINGDON. Bay Lots from that bawls at $2OO Parcbaceis dolling to build can halo Nary liberal terms as to paynionta. Now to tho time to invest, Ap• lily to [j7IMI] E. ALLISON MILLER. T AND FOR SAUL- .1-1 subscriber desires to dispose, “10 , Part of hie lend situate along the Big Aughwick Creek, In Cronin ell twp. Huntingdon county, and one mile meet flout Oita/lonia. This laud is ofu good quality of, well sup— plied u Olt never.tailing apt logs nod sufficient amount of good timber, convenient to mills, stoles, markets, Post offices and Churches. 11111 sell to suit pinch anus, both in amount of land Lfrom ono acre upnaidel and itt terms There in a saw mill on said p ionises In ample order, to WV all kinds of building lumber. Titles good. Come and seal Now to the time to secure yunisolves pleasant bosses. Apply to the subscelbet 1.11 the premises or ad. thess. JOHN 11. SIDINISEHLT, Aug. 23-tf. OtbisotiLt I'. O. Hunt. ca. Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE [listatu of Bev, W. R. MIA, deed.] Letters pfadmipistration upon the estate of Ihni. W. It, Mitts, late of YOttli COUNTY, deceased, having been granted to tho undeasigood, all persons tmlebtoil to tho estate will mane payment, and those having claims will present them fur settlement, Aug. 10.6E* MISS DIARY E. AERTSEN AND MISS MARY E. STEVENS Will Iteopeu their BOARDING AND DAY SOIIOQL FOR YOONO LADIES, At 26 Tµlpebocken aticot, (11.:GMANTO19N, PA. AV - For circulars, apply to the Principals.. .IyI9•ZN 1870 SP C .11 a l e s ,t r s oa l K1.870 AT REDUCED PRICES. JAMES A: BROWN, Is constantly receiving at his new CARPET STORE, IN II UNTINGDON, PA, Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, froth from the rooms of the emeefacturete. Ills block comprises BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, VENITIAN, WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE " HEMP, LIST and RAG CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, COCOA and CANTON MATTINGS, FLOOR, .STAIR and TABLE CO XMI .a 1.11 C:, ° I I X--X a, WALL PAPER, 'WINDOW-SHADES nod Fixtures, Diuggets. Vnlso It fluor slats, Extra Co pet Thread nod ttinliog make a specialty of tiirteishing LII UItVIIES end LODGE,. at City Niue, and invito Fna tii+liing Commit tees to call nod den goods made expressly for their pur pose, Buyers will sore money and ho better suited by going to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store Gtr any ut ib 0 AL.% e gouda. 1 defy competition in prices and %lir e,y ut beantitol patterns. CARVI,T.S 11 cents per YARD and UPWARDS. 1 Intro tuna tl.o Agency for the Oilm nal HOWE SEWING MACHINE 11 Vii knom it as the beet Family Nhielline in the Cni/ at the CARPET ETCREand see then. JAMES A. DROWN Hun liholos, 1661116, '7O-Cm. West Huntingdon Foundry. JAMES SIMPSON MANUFACTURES PLOWS , THRESHING MACHINES, FARM BELLS, SLED AND SLLIGH SOLES, WAGON BOXES, IRON t _KETTLES, 40.rewsstimmigm; For Furnaces, Forges, Grist and Saw 3101 s, Tannerius and Israel:pods, _ AND JOB WORTS IN GENERAL. ARCHITECTURAL & ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Iron Porticos and Vernanlis, Balconies Colunins and Drop Ornament fur pros den porticos and pros verandahs, Window bintols and Slits, • Cost lh imam:its fur wooden lintels, CO lap 1% indow Guards all does, Chimney Tops and Flues, Sash Weights, Carpet Strips ' Itegisto a, Heaters, Coal Oa aids, Vault Coatings tar cool and wood cellars, Arbors, Tree-buses, Lamp-posts, hitching-poste, Iron Railing for Porticos, aeraudahs, balconies, Rower. beds, Ford and Cemetery Fences, etc. Particutor attention putd to fencing Cemetery Lois. Add( efSti • JAMES .9.131P80N, ep.23,ns Huntingdon, Fa. CM HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. EASTON BLAKE. M. MARION MO; BLAKE & McNEIL, Ruccedhors to M. CUNNINGIIAM & SON,J Iron and Brass Founders IRON and BRASS CASTINOS made In a first. class , • - Kettles Cellar.v. Mow s, Ot saes, (Ail bole Castings lee pavements, Winslow eights all aloes and w eights, Pipe juints, Sled Wagon Luxes, Machine Castings, fir Stettin end water, g ll 3t , tile. numar uu t plaster IPIIIs 0 1 nil cle.,emptiuns. lIEATERS AND IRON FENCES, of the toot improved BOdO, ONTO &HMI nod (linnet, doo bills, mill in Lich utter) thing made in this lino. , 11 e have a huger stock of pallet ne, and can !bluish ewe tinge at short notice, and cheaper than they can be bad iu tie country. Haring a good thin, we too prepared to do dt tiling and fitting up of all hinds. Mice In Mestere.Aew 'Wilding, 11111 street, Hunting don, elt. 17, ISO. BLAKE & MeNEIL. SMUCKER, BBOWN & CO., FURNITURE WA1?P:110 O.IIS, IN SMITHS' BUILDING Hale just opened sal hamouso stock of tlio latest styles nod best Endo ufactua e VC PARLOR, 111ATTRESSES, of all hinds, COTTAGE & WALNUT SUITS, of all styles Purchasers will find the largest stock o good furniture ever offered in Central Penn sylvania, which will Le sold WHOLESALE & RETAIL We buy direct from manufacturers for cash and will sell fur cash, and ar thus en abled to offer GREATER BARGAINS than aro to be had in the Cities. CALL AND EXAMINE' CUE STOCK July 1.2-3nl INSURE YOUR PROPERTY JUMATA VALLEY INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED APRIL 7, 1870. OFFICE at HUNTLYGDOiIr, PENN'A BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, and OTHER PROPERTY LOBE; OR DitIVIAOE BY FIRE, On asieabonable terms as any other responsible company J. E. SING ER, .10IIN S. MILLED. ISAAC wninllT S. T. McCULLOCIL D. B. MILLIKEN. WM. KENNEDY President, WM. KENNEDY; Secretary J. M. MILLER; 15•casia•er, J. E. SINGER Vice President, S. T. AleCumman. Agent for Ifuntingdolt co., A. B. KENN/W) may 10,1570 JOHN OANES, Sn. Adminixtrator. QAND.- k 3 PLASTERING, BUILDING or LOAN Sand, crop tilt Inland, will bo delivered at one dollar per two horn. wagon load, on application to Logan Martin. Wore loft at Deckor & Crownovet'a flora will renal him. R. R. BRYAN. WANTED. -1,000 cords of Bark at iho Mammoth store. Tho highest marke , price pahl.ln caah (Jun 1 Gm) !Mena . 4 CO. Pa'TFIMBER.:,(4, ISTO, 11.74NVELOPES-- Ily tk bow, pack, m 1 , ,, quantity, for nae at ZEWIS' BOOS AND Aul.trio,vErirsroza A PRESII STOCK OP HUNTINGDON, PA, IIUicTINGDO.Y, P 4 DINING .11000 M, and CHAIIBER FURNITURE MEM BIBEI IMEEM MEE= OFFIC 'CS; Ti',ELER \\ILSOITS HIGHEST PREM . = a.,lotg 1111143 SeWhig Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION,-1867. They are adapted to all kinds of Fatally Sewing and to the. u,o of F.tantetresses, Dressmakers, Tailors, Manu facturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, 11010. Cops, Colsols, Olen Goods, Umbrellas, Pat..°l4. etc. 'they cork equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell. cord, braid, bind, end perform every species ofsewlng. making a beautiful and pet feet stitch, alike on both sides of the article sowed. The qualities Avlttell recommend them are: 1. lleanty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric stwed. 2. Strength, filmness and durability of seam,that will not rip nor ravel. 3 Economy of Thread. 4. Attacinnents and wide range of application to purpo ses and materials. 6. Compactness awl eleganco of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of constrpetlou. 7. Sperd, case of operation and management, and quiet ness of 11101 , 0111011 t. lastructicne free to all. Machines lept in repair one year tree of charge. U. B. LEWIS, Agent, =I c.,.!ELF BASTING SEWING MACHINES. I=l ted GIRO YER 8 BAKER St IVINO MACtUNES The above machines' mill make either the chain or Lock Stitch. (stitch aliko on both surfaces). Coll and ..'11111!!M1(IMI! Lticitci's Building, lip Moire Apra 264 1 - 8a...316 .Irc:si A% 4 03. t] sz, VOU can save from 10 to 30 per et. J., by Laying 3 our Instrumento front- Sam 47. 4 M-381.2030D7M, DIALER IN STEINWAY & SONS, ' CIIICKERING & SONS, THE WEBER, RAVEN & BACON'S, THE UNION PIANOFORTE CO'S GEORGE M. GUILD & CO'S. CONRAD MEYERS, AND ALL OTHER MAKES OF PIAIVOS. MASON & lIAMLIN'S, anal GEO. WOODS & CO'S celebrated 'ORGANS, or any other MAC desired. Also, MELODEONS, GUI TARS, VIOLINS, German Accordsous, Shoot alusle, Mu sic Rooks, Lc. "Now and good Pianos fur $3OO Lind upwards. New 0 Octave Organs for $lO New Melodeons for -TO 0 DV—All Lott omen to ll'Orrantalfbrfire years. Agents supplied at wholesale pt ices, the same ns in the city. Call on or whims N. J. GREENE, Ittantingdon, Pa., ap12,70 2,1 floor Ulster's New Building. NIZAInOLYAOCKVIOnin TO THE N. E. CORNER OP DIAMOND. Boot and Shoe Emporium. JOHN 11. WESTBROOK Vi Respectfully informs llto eitizeno of Huntingdon And Beloit• tin - alto Intojned received front thu city II ♦\gtt and eiddudid gook of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sack Trunks, &c., &0., &c., &c. all of which 1,0 is pupal ed total) at greatly reltuced prices Don't forgot tho new stand in the Diamond. Old cnsto fliers and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, op. 7, ISGO. fel GEO. SHAEFFER Ilasjust returned from the cast with 0 405 SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, ce:GT., Which lie effete to the inspection of his customers and the public generally. le will mill Lis stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once. will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and ItEPAIIII:s113 done in the neatest and most @sped'. lions manner. Call upon fir. ScliaelTet at, his shop on 11111 street, a few doers nest of the Diamond. op. 11 , Mid NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE'. Will. AFRICA Tti itls Isr public Lo anii opened at te p ia.n t a a g A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which I, ill sell lit fair prices. Quick seta and sand/ raffia. Call and eacantino nip stock. Manufacl tiring and Repairing douo to °Orr 08 tpsual. Ap. 14. ISA READ AND BE POSTED! TO THE NEWLY ,11ARBIED I= New Furniture 6/8. , 1 111 E underbigned would respectfully 1 announce that ho manufactures and keeps constantly on hand a and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Witalsot and cane seat chairs. cupboards, gilt and 1050- Wood moulding for mirror and picture frame. and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fall to Ld satisfactory. Ile is also agent for the well knouts Bailey A Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. Tho public are invited to call and examine kb; stock berme pureltasipg elsou Leto. Woe k and sales room on Bill street, near Smith, one 'door Went of Yeutor's stet. JAMES 111q0INS. Ituntlagdoll, 1,1866 dit! Alktribtinolts. CENTRA.L. HOTEL, , . SOUTU EAST CORNER YOUlalt AND SPRUCE STS, PIFILADELPIIII. • ' '• • E.OLIILCOTII, (formerly of linntingdon. ewe& Centrally located and the moot conyettlent point rue 1110IChIlliI8 felting. the city. Accognuotlatlotts or the' tirot-olajs. All the modern Impro➢ements. itt ten lien will ho extended to guests. jaus-lyt. ; Card St.. N.Y, or 3$ W. Ft.. Cincinnati, O.• It they want the Mc,' popular and best selling nth,tal Nina hnolts published and the nett lib; rndlo•enn. : , (.1111 for Circulars. ThOrC i I Cost you 110;;Ii u„ and Maybe of great bend: tO son, 1119.13, ROSAD.A_LIS • TllO Great American health Rtmterer, purifies the blood and cures Saturnia. Syphilis, :Wu Diseases. Itheumatiem. Diseases of %Omen and all Chronic Affections of the Blood. Liver and Kid -111,3te. Deeettunealled by the Mediae' Pasulty aid thousand of cow best Orisons. Read the testimony of Physicians and patients who hove used Itocadalis newt -for our Itocadalie Guido to Health or Almanac for this year, which we publish fur . pewit:um distlibutleu; it soiti give you much valuable Information. • Elg. it. W. Carr, of Baltimore eays: ' 1 take pleasure in ree,mmending year 'Romani 's ria a Tory powerful al tut alive: I have seen' It 11 , (4 ill limo cases with happy reslllte—one In CM :of secombuy syphilis, in *Mob the patient pre, nottced himself cored after having taken five 'bottles pf 3 oar ntodicipe. ;Tito other la n rateof ierofula oflong standing, which fa rapidly Iwo Praying under its use, and the indications Aro ('that the patient will soon recover. I hove care• folly examined the formula by which your ltosa idd le is made, and Bud if au excellent compound of all alterative Ingredients. . , • Dr. Spaeth of liieltelesville. Ky., says Ito hall used Itosadalis In cases ofscrofula and secondary Syphilis with eatiefactory results—as a cleaner of the blood 1 know ne better remedy. Saw uel G. McFadden, Morfroeboro' Tenneasee, says! I El is hare uNed seven bottles of Itoeuidalls, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism; send me four bot tles, as 1 with it for my brother, Itlio bas actofu. lulls Sore eyes. Benjamin Itechtol, of Limn, Ohio, writes, Ibaco suffered.for twenty years with au Invoternto erup lionover my body; n short time since I par oilseed a bonito of Romans audit effected a per fect cum. Rosadalis is sold by John Pend and S. S. Smith. Iltintingtiou, Pa., and Druggists generally. Labratory, 6:Exchange Place. Baltimore. CLEMENTS ft Proprietors: Feb. S 3-1 yr. 2 or 3 p . • . • cooW 14 ADZ •- (ad/rural FRON f T.) - PHIL AD E L PH IA : 4:Anima Stre W o Atteonth, • AL. - This new and elegant Uoiel la now open • • diereeeptionorgunts. Ms of thee:lost/loam onrwurtion, and furnished in style unsur• aered by any of the And hotels of Nato)* o • - JOHN CltilitlP l'rop•Pr.- GEO: FEMUR, Sop% • • MINTMODON, PA GREENE S: Highest Premium, Slicer Medal, awarded over all competition, as Mcciianlbs' E:clittiltion Boston October, ISO% - Ilantingdon, Pa. W.II,Op.GLIT-1.30N, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER C • X WIrJI PATENTDD DUST SCitHISIZ, GRATE DAR DEBTS, awl WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR. and AUTOMATIC BEGULATOR. For Burning Anthracite or Bituminoup Coal or. Wood.. 10 size. (yr brictmork, and two blue Portable J. REYNOLDS - & SON, N. W. CORNER 13T11 AND FILBERT STS, These Heaton are made of Leavy Wrought-Iron, Well riveted together, and are warranted to be absolutely gat and duet tight. They arc the only beaters that are man• aged wtthout any dampers, and in which all kinds of fuel can be burned . tvithout alteration.' COOKING RANGES for hotels restaurants, and families, Also, a FLAT-TOP REATING,II.ANQE. FIRE PLACE lIE - ATERS, • ' • .. • LOW DOWN' GRATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. Pamphlets giving full description, sent free to any'ad arm.. (June 11.1y-'70.) GRAND CLOTHS, BEIVERS, GEO. F. MARSH Second story ofßead's new Building, Ituntingtion, Oct 30 IMPORTANT 1 H. O. RHODES, Respectfully informs Lie friends and the publio goner, ally that be bee bou;ht the stun of U. Long, 1N WEST HUNTINGDON, ank is prepared to offer goods in ht v line Chow than the cheapest. I have a very lino stock of the following Dry Goods, Groceries, ibis and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Glassware; Queensware, !IT., • all of wbich will ho sold cheap. Produce , token in exclianc —"fur g" ti. D.IIIIODES West liuntingdon, Aug. 2-am M ~A. ILK ND CREAM. liming purchased the tuturost ot Juliet Dickey DI the VALLEY FARM DAIRY, , a m now• pruparod to supply In abundanae, pure Milk, Croon], fresh laid eggs, and other products of ttio - FARM' AND DAIRY. Customers will bo served with regularity by myeolf. Aug. 2341. CHARLEa A. YATES BUSINESS, MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you want your cord neatly printed on envoi °pee, call at LEIVIS 1160 K ANTI .4.noNzarsrolza WANTED. 10,000 pounds Tu wa.a.d wool for which the highest market Pry WI It beveid. Pun 113 m) UAW es L [ESTADLIBLIED 1851..] The otlglual awl goiniitie s_BLF-mGULATING, BIASUFACTUILO ,PNLY 14' PIMA MPH/A, PA FALL CHINCHILLAS, CASSIMERES, FTC., FTC Merchant Tailor,