TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per annum in advance. Six months ?hreo month. 1 Maio. 244 3do 1 mouth .4 75 $1 25 ..... $1 50 41 75 .. 1 50 2 25 2 76 3 25 .. 2 25 325 400 475 One inch, or lees Two inches Three .... 3 months. 6 mouths. 1 Year $6 00 $lO 00 9 00 15 00 Ono inch, or lons Two inchos , Three inches, 8 50 12 00 "0 00 Your inches, 10 75 16 00 25 00 Quarter column, 18 00 18 00 30 00 Half column, "000 30 00. ..... ....45 00 One column, 10 00 45 00— .....A0 00 Professional and Business Cardin not exceeding Mx lines, One year, $5 00 14. Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 6 times, $2 60 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 - Estray, or other short Notices 1 50 Advertisements not marked with the number of inser one desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac• orliug to these terms. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Local or Special Notices,lo cents a line for stogie in. section. By the year at a reduced rate. Onr prices for the printing of Maul., Handbills, etc are reasonably lotr., . . . V,roftssional& Nusincss Qr,aos. PI.J--)R. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, Having permanently located a Huntingdon, offers protbseional services to the community. Office, the same ,, that lately occupied by Dr. Loden On Bill street. aplO,H6O W: JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his rofessional services to the citizens of Huntingdon end vicinity. Me on Bill street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 20,'55. p ALLISON _a_u• DENTIST, Jim removed to the Brick Itow oppoeito the Court House. April 13,1859. - Ll 4 J. GREENE, --- DENTIST. h%ll•u ' • V • Office removed to Leirteed New Building, llill street, Huntingdon. July 31,1847. MORRISON ROUSE, BUNTINGDON, PE .21" A JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor. April 6,1670. A P. W. JOHNSTON, aUlll 4 INSURANCE 4GEN.7; 1111NTI:i0DON, PA Office on Smith street t j A. PO.LLOCK, isU2IIErOR&REAL ESTATE .A.GENT, lIUNTINCIDON, PA. Will attend to Surreying in all its branches, and will Sin) and sell Read Estate in any part of the United :tutee. bend for circular. dec29-if TSYLV kNIIS BLAIR, • ATTORNEY AT LA n 7, 11UNTINGDON, PA, Alike on UPI street, three doors west of Smith. y 51.19 S. HALL MUSSER. MUSSER, & FLEMJNG, TTO.RIVEES-AT-LAW: /1/JYYZODOIsr, I'A Offico second floor of f.eister'e 4.uildkg, tut 1J II street. Pensions and other claims promptly collected. M . ! ; U. el A GEENCY FOR COLLECTING tOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTY, HACK pAy AND All oho may boaor4or kaohno against t4e Co.:turnout or Ikon, to , Back Pay and rotitiolto,tatli lott e tht tract,ue apply log erilu•t in person or n) Ich ler to IV. 11. SV 001 l , AY TO It .N.h. L A 11; I'S Aug 12,1863 ".T % 2 -- ALLEN LOVELL, j • ATTORNEY AT LA ZY'., 11.UNTINGDON, PA Epeclal attention given to Collections of all Wittls,; to settlement of ',tato, ,fic.: and all other legal Lust• meta prosecuted v. itli hddit) and =1 GEE= .91he =alga this firm has been eh ang ed from Earn & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, under which .latitUe they will liercultar conduct their practice as ATTO.R,N,EtFSATz„tIr, //17.N7INCIDON, PA. PENSIONS, tknd all claims of/wit - Her:1111d soldiers' brit. 4gninst the Go% erumeut, will be promptly prosecuted. any 17, 1865-tf, • Y. N. Lytle & lailton S. Lytle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, DA, have rimmed a partnership under the name and firm .of - P. M. &M. S. LYTLE, Aud have removed to the office on the•south aide of Milt street, fourth door meet uf They mill attend promptly to all kinds of legal bind- CSS entrusted to I El exr care, ap7-tf. JOSEP.ErABT, • TIA.NUFACTUREII OP AND DEALER IN DILLOW AND SLEIGH BASKETS, Of all sizes and descriptions, ALEXANDRIA, HUNTINGDON CO., PA. .Juno 9, 1869-tf BLANKS! BLAb :La.tP.STABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTION ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONA, SUMMONS, DEEDS, ,lORTGAGES, .1101100 L ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION B RS. .COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE 'MILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, x ith Teaclitys. 'MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Jut Gees of And nisters of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COVVITMENT, in came of Assault and Battery, and Affray. :CIERE FACIAS, to recover amonnt Of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Toy chip Taxes. piloted en superior paper, and for sale at the Office o i sbo xtuNTIAQ)CiON OLOBE. 'I3LANIS, of every description, printed to order, neatly ,atabott pales, and on good Paper. KS ! BLANKS W. B. Lew, 11. WOODS, MILTON SPEER, The Union Bank of Hlmtingdox, (Late John Bare & C 0.,) HUNTINGDON, PA paid up, ,CAPITAL, Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. ,libeval Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds f ,Securities, bought and sold for the usual cominission.— Collections made on ell points. Drafts on all parts of Nurope supplied at the eslal rates. Persons depositing Bold and Silver will receive the n same return with interest. The partners are individ rally liable to the extent of their whole propeTty for all peposits. The unfinished business of the late firm of John Bare & „Co wilt be completed by The Uniop ]lank of II nntingdon ;7:Z3,1150W C. C. NORTH, Cashier. Ring! ! PAP. 4.11, !! Acing Paper, Impreasion Paper, Drawing Paper, Doerl Paper, TifSe Dille. Paper for Flower., go rforoted Paper, Drictol ; 7 1a/ CAP ,P.# Foolecap pap;:r, Letter paper, Commercial E,ote paper, LatlAerßilt Edged Letter ant. Eq.) paper, La iesq'lain and Fancy note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in pv.cks grid Skeet& or vale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery Rdd INlustc Store. ; WINDOW (Timm PAPERS A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENPW 4.s.saRTNEW or Window Cllyig.ift Yapeo, JUST Xtßal.yED AT .LEWIS' 1)0og STORE- From the kiln 1 co. Taylor, Markleshorg, prey „en by chemical analysis to Im of the bad, quality, con stantly kept and for sale In any quantity, at the depot 0 the Ilunlingdon and Broad Top Railroad. 97• Apply to Itepry Leister. Proprietor of the "Broad •' - unnOBLI $2 OD 1 OD • • P r , - WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL. XXVI. HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION. THE PHILOSOPHY OF DR. SCHENCK'S GREAT people never learn to know that a diseased tiler and stomach necessarily disease the entire systenn I Tine plainest principles of common sense tench this and yet there are hundreds who ridicule the idea, and continue in tine course which almost inevitably brings them prematurely to the grave. Living as tine majority of the people do, at complete variance with who laws of nature, it must be opponent to all that, manor or later, nature will revenge herself. Hence wo find that parsons alto Indulge to excess in tine use of very rich or Indigestible food or intoxicating drinks, invariably pay a heavy penalty int tine end. Tine stomach becomes dis ordered and refuses to net: tine liver fails to perform its functions, (13 spopsin and its attendant evils follow, and still the suffering individuals persist in clinging to the thoroughly exploded idea of the past. Dr. SCHENK'S medicines are recommended Mall such. They bring sure and certain relief wherever they are used as directed, and all that is necessary to establish their reputation with every oiling nom or woman in the kindle a fair and impartial trial of them. Let those who are skeptical on this point, and who have permitted interested persons to prejudice them ngninst these now• celebrated remedies for consumption, discard their prejudices, and be governed by tine principles of reason and common sense. If tine system is disordered depend upon it. in nine cases out of ten the seat of the disorder will be found in the stomach and liver. To cleanse nnd invigorate tine stomach and to stimulate tine liver to healthy action, use SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS.—The daily increas- Mr, demand for those pills In the beet evidence of their value. Thousands upon thousands of boxes are sold daily. Why I Simply because they Oct promptly and efficiently Invalids who may not find it convenient to call on Dr. SCHENCK in person are informed that full and com plete directions for use accompany each package of the MANDRAKE PILLS, PULMONIC SYRUP AND SEA WEED TONlC.—These medicines will cure consumption unless the lungs are ao far gone that the pntient is entire ly beyond the remelt of medical relief. It may be asked by those wino aro not familiar with the virtues of these great remedies,Nlow do Dr. Schenck's medicines effect their wouderftel cures of consumption t" I Tine answer is a simple one. They begin their work of restoration by bringing the stomoch, liver and bowels into nn active healthy condition. ft is food that cures Has fon midable disease. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS act en line liver and stomach, promoting healthy secretion, and removing the bile and slime which have result, d frown the hmctine or torpid condition of those or gans, nnd r f the system generally. This sluggish state of the body, and the consequent accumulation of tine un benlthy substances named prevent the , proper digestion of food, and. as a natural cense memo creates disease, Which results In prostration and finally in death. ""• ' ' MEM • SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP acrd SEAWEED TON -10, when (alien regularly, mingle a ith the food, and the digestho organs, said.: good awl lid, blow:. and as a nat mAl ocsasequotiee, give flesh and strength to the patient. Let the faculty say what it may, this is the only true cure for consumption. Experience has proved beyond the shadow of a doubt. and thousands are today alive and trot, oho a feu• years since were regarded as hope. lean cases, but alto were induced to try Dr. SCtt DECK'S remedies, and um restored to permanent health by their use. I= One of the first steps the physician should take with A consumptive path of to to too igerrte the system. Now haw hs this to be done ? Certainly not by giving medi cines thatßailuvost.ol enervate—medicines that impair instead of imm rwe the functions of the digestive organs hector SCHENCK'S medicines cleanse the stomach and boucle Grail substances which are calculated to irritate or weaken them. 'they ciente an appetite—promote healthful dlgtstion—make good blood, and, us a cense gnome,. they invigoi ate and strengthen the entire sys tem and name especial ly those parts which lire disce‘ed If this cannot Le done, then the case must be regarded no. Ti hopeless one. If the pli3 skim] finds et Impeo.ible to :nolo: a patient feel lumpy, if the deceased person cannot pal take of good nont inlii4 food and properly ili4e,st It. it to bill/MAW° that he can gain in flesh mid streuTttli ; and ft Is equally impnsabie to to toga path-0 to uldi enrol It iOll MO bolt; oa Ike later is burdened with diSe.tsell bile, and the stomach laden is ith unheal,thy slime. Almord the first re , ,uest made to the Omsk( in by a consumptive patient is that he m ill prescribe medicines that st ill allay the cough, night sweats and chills, which ore the ears attendants on consumption. But this idiould not be done, as thy cough is only 1111 effort of 'wino to relieve itself, and the eight ...weats and chills ate conceit dy the thseased lungs. The remedies mdiunrily piescrib ed do more hat m than good. They impair tho functions of the stofnach, impede healthy diga,tion, and aggravate rather than cure the disease. There is, after all, nothing like facts which to substan tiate a position, and it is open facts that Dr. Schenck 's relies. Nearly all tt ho have taken his medicines In ac- Nmdance with his directions have not only been mod of consumption, but, from the fact that these mbilicines net with wondes fill power upon the digestive organs, patients thus cured speedily gain flesh. Cleatp,ing the system of all impurities, they lay the foundation Cu . a solid, sub stential structure. Restorts, these organs to health, they create an appetite. The "food is properly assault, I Mil ;the quantity of blood is not only inns eased, but is suede rich and strong and In the face °reach a condition of die at stem all diseite must be banished. ISM= Hill du cetions occompuy ouch of the 211011104e5, so that it is not ahsolotely rtecta.bary that patients should see Dr. SCIIENCIC peronaal ly, miles, they Elesire to hove their lungs examined. For 11114 porno,. lie Is at his tit' tire. No 15 North Sixth St., corner of Commerce, Philo , every Saturday, ham 9 A. M. until 1 I'. M. Advice is given 1, intent Ching°, but for a tuorongh ex nmiuntimt With the Itespirometer the charge Is 55. Price of the Pulmonie Syrnp and SVIINI et d Topic each, $1.50 per bottle, or $7 50 a ball dozen. 31undraire Pills 74cent° a box. For sale by all druggists. Ap.1.2.1y. "ri OOD BOOKS FOB, ALL." 800/ s 33111 CH ARE BOOKS." Here is a list of such Works so should be found in ev ery Library—u Utile the reach of eseryruder—Rorke to entertain, instinct and improve the mind. Copies will be sent by return post, ou receipt of price, • Kew Physiognomy or, Signs of Character, as manifested through Temperament and External Forms, and especially in the "Human Face Dia With more than One Thousand Illustrations. By S. It Waco. Price in one 12teo volume, 765 pages, hand somely bound, $5 Mazy, in Genesis and in Geology; or, the Bi blical account of Mau'e Creation, tested by Scientific Theories of his Origin and antiquity. Sly Joseph P. Thompson, DD LL,D, Ono vol., latino, Wedlock • or, the Right Relations of the Sex es. Disclosing the Laws of Conjugal selection, and showing who may and who may not Marry. For both sexes. By 81t Wells. $1 50 How to Read Character. A new Illustrated Handbook of Phrenology end Physiognomy, for stu dents and examiners. 'frith a Chart for according the sizes of the thfierent organs of the brain, in the define. ation of Character, with upwards of 170 engrat 31ushu, $1 25 Education; Its elementary Principles found ed OP the nature of man. llyJ 0 Spursheiln,3l D. With an Appendix. cost aining the Temperaments and a brief analysis ol the Faculties. lilustratect. $1 50 Family Physician. A ready Prescriber and Hygienic Adyiser. With referoco to the Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Diseases, Acci dents, and casualties of every kind. With a (Homely and copious Index. By Joel Shea., 31 I). Muslin . , $4 Food and Diet. With Qlpservatious on the Dietical regimen, suited for Alisoldereel states of the di gestive organs, and an account of the Dietaries of 801110 of the principal Metropolitan and other establishments for paupers, Iona; cs,,criminals, children, the sick, Sc. By Jonathan Pereira, M p., it S., and LS. Edited by Charles A Leo, tel D. $l. 75 Hand-Book for Home Inzivore»zent ; compri sing, "How to Write," How to Talk," "Slow to Be. have," and "Ilow to Do Business," In one Fol. $2 25 Constitution of Man. Considered in relation to external olarecta. By Gorge Combo. The only au thorized American edition. With twenty engravings and a portrait of the author. Muslin, $l7O Moral Philosophy. By George Combe. Cr the duties Maio considered in his Individual, Domes. qc and Social capacities. Reprinted from the Edin burgh ed., with the author's latest corrections. $1 75 Mental Science. Lectures on, according to the Philosophy of Phrenology. Delia ered before the Anthropological Society. By Rev. CI S Weaver. $1 55 Management of Infancy. Physiological and Moral Treatment. By Atillrew Combo, 31 D, A Book for Mothers. Muslin, $1 SO Benny. An Illustrated Poem. by Annie Chambers Ketchum. Published in theelegant sty le of Enoch Arden. A beautiful piesent. $l5O .4sog'..s Tables. The People's Pictorial Edi " thin. Beautifully Illustrated with nearly sixty ogre , vines. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards. Only $1 Pppe's Essay on Nall. With Notes. Reim- Wally Illustrated. Cloth, gilt, bemled boards, $1 ..aVatieral Laws of Mast. Philosophical Catechism. By J O Opinzlielm, 31 D. 311141 in, 75 Ms. Fruit Culture for the Million. A Hand-hook. Being a Guide to the cultivation end management of Fruit trees. Descriptions of the best a entitles. $1 liiclose file amount in a registered letter, or in a P. 0. Order, for oge'or for all the above, and address S. R. 'WELLS, PubliSiter, 365 Broadway, New Yerk. Agents Wanted. 35e1470 JAMES NORTH DAVID DAIIRICF $50,000 Laiest, Arrival of Gtars Goods, H. ROBLEY MERCHANT TAILOR, Ilan removed to the roow over John Data & Co's Bank (Old Broad Top Corner.) %Item he is prepared to do al .lelnds of weak in kis lino of hueißess. lla has Just recele od a lull line of CASSIMERS, CORDUROYS, &c. Thankful for past patronage he solicits a cont ,nuance .Of the same. The attention of the public is ,called to his stock of,eloihs,",,ite., which ho is prepart4 to matte up to ordar in a fashionable y durable and wotmatilike manner. Plaits° giro me a eV. IL ROBLEY . , 31srchaut Tailor. HuntingOn, ra., April 7th, 1E,69. • HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. W7O, TIDE PASSING CLOUD BY REQUEST O cloud, so beautiful and &et, Passing where fierce suns burn and beat, O'er heights untrod by human feet; Chameleon aloud, of its hue, As changeful as a drop of dew, How many shapes in moments few. A car, a globe, a golden gloom, How many forms thou dost assume ? A mountain, pyramid, or tomb. So many shapes beneath the sun, So many dies that fusing run, And beauty still in every one. Tinged with the hue the rainbows east On snow-peaks, where their imago fast Fades down before the scowling blast. Such golden light the young moon threw Upon tho still drops of the dew, What time the night-wind fresher blew. Such lustre wntor-lillies threw Upon tho broolf. that lies below, Lipping their blossoms with its flow 'Twould make a brain-sick painter pine To win n kue to match,with thine, To make his memory's mantle shine. In such a cloud the angels seek The hermit on the granite peak, So pale, so humble, and so meek. Such cloud when Jesus, long ere day, lied sought the mountain top to pray, A halo round him seemed to play. Address of the Republican Oongres- sional Committee. To the Republicans of the United States: The Executive and Legislative De partments of the National Govern ment, and two-thirds of the State Governments, have been committed to your keeping. Such power carries with it grave responsibilities. The people, as is their fight, will hold you to a strict accountability for the exer cise of this great trust. Elections are soon to be held for tl,O National House of Representatives. These elections will determine the political complex ion of the popular branch of Congress. They will, too, determine the character of several State Gov ernments. And these results will be accepted as the verdict of the people upon the ideas, principles and politics of tho Republican party, and upon the measures and :bbaraeter of theNation_ al Admistration. To these responsi bilities, and to the gravity of these is sues, your thoughtful consideration is invoked. In the present juncture it behooves the Republican party not to forget its origin, nor its history.— Amid the difficulties that beset it, and the responsibilities and labors, which the needs of the country in the now I and ,untried condition of affairs impos es, it should remember that it was born of the nation's necessities, and thus far it has grandly met the exi gencies for which it was formed.— Having passed triumphantly through three great eras of history, it is now summoned to enter upon its fourth. Gathering, therefore, inspiration from past success, it should grapple hope fully and with unshrinking confidence with th,e duties of the present and near future. ORIGIN OF TILE PARTY Recurring to their origin, Republi cans will remember, when the land was the theatre of a stern and irre, pressible conflict between the demons of slavery and estate and the spirit of liberty and equality, when the slave party held great inserests and power ful organizations in its grasp, and rul ed the nation with imperial sway, that the founders of the party instructed by ;passing events, with convictions deepened and zeal quickened by the teachings of history and holy writ, and inspired by the deathless words of the patriots, statesmen and heroes of our earlier time, rose to the exigencies of the hour, opposed the haughty ambi tions, the maddening passions, the cruel prejudices and the disorganizing theories of the dominating majority, and, although long overborne by num bers, still struggled on, amid jeers, in sults, mobs, blows and assassinations, till under the lead of Abraham Lin coln, they achieved success and grasp, ed the sceptre of political power. ITS SECOND ERA Entering upon its second era, apall lug responsibilities at once arose. The stave masters, in the pride and arro gance of power, instantly plunged the nation into the fire and-blood of civil war. But the Republican party rose with the crisis. It raised money in unstinted measure, organized vast ar mies, created powerful navies, fopght bloody battles, crushed the most gi gantic rebellion of all recorded history and saved the nation's life. It was then, amid the clash of arms, that the Republican party saw that sl;tyory was the relentless and unappeasable foe of,the country, was the inspiration, the heart and seal of that civil war, and that its death would be the ,anni .hifation of the the pnity of -PERSEVERE.- the Republic and the development of free institutions. Against cowardly fears, selfish instincts, and unreason ing passions and prejudices it pro nounced the doom of that hideous and horrid system of human bondage, tho' it was upheld by the aggregated inter ests of three thousand millions of dol lars, hedged about by the accumulated passions and prejudices, prides and ambitions of seven generations, and entrenched within the social, political and ecclesiastical organise-aliens and affiliations of life. By a series of exe cutive and legislative acts it broke the chains and lifted from the depths of childhood, up to the summits of man hood roar and a half millions of hap less bondsmen, and stood before the nation with their riven fetters in one hand and their title deeds to freedom in the other. = The war ended, the rebellion sub dued, tb bondmen emancipated, the Republican party entered upon the era of its eventful history. Though conquered by arms, the rebels did not accoyt the just, human, and generous ideas of the victors, nor did they return to their proper allegiance and loyality to the government, but still bemoan ing the- "lost cause" they remained unsubdued in will and unrepentant in spirit and purpose. Though made free, the bondm a n were homeless, without property,without employment, subject to the cruel laws against free people of color, which had always disgraced Southern legislation, and in the midst of a people exasperated by defeat and maddened by their loss of power still longer to hold and oppress. Property was swept away, industry disorgani zed, sQcfety disintegrated and States were without lawful government. THE WORK or RlicoNsmucam Upon the Republican party developed the task of reeenstruction. To its in trinsic difficulties were added the in tense hostility of the rebels, the linger. leg prejudices long engendered by the slave system, the timid counsels of conversatism and the apostasy of the Executive. Greet interests and powerful combinations sought to so reconstruct the South as to place the power in the hands of the late slave holding class, and leave the helpless freedmen in the abject condition of practical se, filen). Seldom in history has there been imposed upon any body of men a work of greater magni tude or difficulty. The Republicans might have shrunk from and avoided it. They were sorely tempted to do so. But they resisted the temp tation of official power and patronage, and threats of Executive dictation and all other adverse influ ences, and with sublime fidelity and courage addressed themselves to the herculean task. To aid in recognizing disordered industries, caring for, pro tecting and instructing the emancipa ted bondmen in the new duties of their changed condition, the Republicans established tb.e Freedmen's Bureau, which, by the wise expenditure of few millions of dollars, did an incalcu lable work for order, peace and- the re habilitation of Southern society. To reconstrnet rebellious States on the solid basis of equal rights, they gave suffrage to the freedmen in the recon struction measures. To secure citi zenship and civil rigbte to a wronged and hated race, they proposed and adopted the Fourteenth Amendment, and enacted a bill of Civil Rights. To establish by irrepressible guaranties equal political rights and privileges, they adopted the Fifteenth Amend, ment, and as a crowning act of free dom they provided by law for the en forcement of these amendments thus newly enshrined within the Constitu tution,. Thus the Republicans, against the sternest opposition, against misrep resentation, 4gainBt, appalling obsta cles, have struggled on until the rebel States, reconstructed on the basis of impartial liberty, have been restored, and the sublime doctrines of the De claration of Independence made assur ed and practical realities. In the pro gress of the ages it has been given to few, in any form or by any modys, to achieve a we'll so vast, so 'grand, so beneficent, so sure to he recorded by history, and 'applauded and remem bered by coming generations. ITS FOUI,LT ERA Having achieved this grand worlp, having passed through these three eras of its history, the Republican par ty, entering on its fourth era, was summoned to deal with questions rola_ Ling to the national debt, the currency finances and taxation, to reforms in the military;navnl And ,Indian service, And whatever refnnieing burdens and legacies were loft by the war. Con perning these questions there are ap parent diversities o ,interests and real digerences of opinion. The solutions , g S : - . " - ..tf . .ir.Vi . r , .-A ::::, -17.._:. ../..-!..',.. `;;;'' ' *!..':;: "•:.1.' v. a?.. „, : ,.... i . ! .„ . ~.., --" ," of some of them are embarrassed by grave difficulties. They require time as well as financial skill and practical statesmanship for their adjustment: Differences of opinions on matters so recondite and complex, in an organi zation embracing so many men of large intelligence, trained to habits of inde pendent thought, expression and mod est conviction, are inevitable. They are indeed to be expected and desired, for from such freedom of discussion truth is elicited and proper modes of action are deduced. The men, there fore, who stood so firmly while in a minority, amid the denunciation, arro gance and scorn of power; Ithe mop who met the stern exigencies of civil war with such heroh courage, who as sailed the slave power and extirpated the slave system; the men who grap• pled so successfully with the perplex ing and pregnant issues of reconstruc tion, lifted helpless freedmen up to eitizenship,exalted them to the heights of civil and political rights and privi leges, and made Lho nation free in fact as well as in name, should not shrink from the less momentous and less em barrassing, question now before them. WORK TO BE ACCO3IPLISIIED Patriotism, principle, the continued existence, reputation and renown of the Republican party, and due senes of self r espect and pride of character demand that Republicans now, as in the past, should have faith iu this ca pacity to parry forward to completion reforms so auspiciously begun. It came into being as an organization of reform and should ever be ready to accept the living issues of the hour and march abreast with the spirit of the age. Unaided it has fought the battles of reform with constancy and courage. Nor in the weak still before it can hope for aid from those who still cling to the traditions of the past, pride themselves on their conservat ism, and who, during the conflicts of the past twenty years, have resisted all reform, and mourned over every effete and hateful abuse as it fell. If there are Republicans who arc weary of the ascendency of a party which has achieved such crowning victories, who are tired of the responsibilities of power and would relinquish it to other hands, they should remember that there are none worthy to accept it.— Per surely they cannot fail to ace that the Democratic party, by its policy during the closing years of its power, and by its blind and unrelenting op_ position to refol•Matory measures while out of power, even now, as if I smitten by judicial blindness, refusing to accept the Constitutional Amend ments as fixed and final, has demon, strated its utter incapacity for such a trust. President 'rant's Administration Accustomed to success Avon against fearful odds,and underrating, perhaps, the intrinsic difficulties of the pending issues, many Republicans looked to Gen. Grant's administration with high raised expectations. Of course they have been impatient and not al ways satisfied with results. But while these expectations have not been fully realized in the action of either the Pres ident or of Congress, much has been achieved,enough, at any rate,to satisfy themthat tho difficult ptoblemti will be wrought out and the hoped for results accomplished. Gen. Grant came into office pledged to maintain inviolate the public faith, reduce the public debt, di minish taxation, appreciate the cur rency, reform abuses in the civil and piilitary service, and maintain order in the State Jateiy in rebellion. By the combined action of the President, the heads of Departments, Congress, and the General of the Army, many abuses have been corrected any many reforms inaugurated. Gen. Grant's Indian policy is bringing forth evi dences of its justice, its humanity, and its wisdom. The firm, just and gen erous policy of the Administration to ward the States lately in rebellion has brought much of order and security, and crimes have largely diminished. In the interests of economy, the services of thousands of employees, both civil and military, have been dispensed with. Tho currency has been appre ciated in value by tens and seems of millions of dollars, and the national credit has been largely strengthened. The Revenues Without any increase in the articles subject to taxation or in the rate of taxation, revenues of the fiscal year ending 00th of June, 1870, were nearly $4.00,000,0,00 against less than 8371,. 000,000 for the year ending 30th of, Juno, 1860, showing a gain of nearly , m,ono,opo. On the ptlior hand, the expenses of the fiscal y e onr, 1870 were less, than those of 1869'hy more than $29,000,900, thus showing an increased revenue and Baying in expenditures of more than 867,000,000 in the first „ # t..... '4.: W.. til ; - i, 4 _ '-' i f \ . TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. fiscal year of Gen. Graht's administra, Lion. In the last sixteen 'months of Mr. Johnson's administration the re: ceipts from customs and internal reve nue were less than $372,000,000. Dur ing the first sixteen months of General Grant's administration they were more than $460,000,000, showing. an increase of nearly $97,000,000. I;,e; publicans will remember that during the last two years of Mr. Johnson's administration he removed Republi caps appoiuted by Mr. Lincoln and others ,who adhered to the principles of the Republican party, and appoint ed Democrats whore he could do so.— The character of the appointments, and the demoralizing influenco which his opinions and conduct had upon them, were seen in the loss of scores of millions of dollars of reveuuo in those years. The largo gain in the collection is mainly duo to the deter mined and avowed purpose of General Grant to se,cu•e an honest administra tion of the revenue laws, and the ap pointment of Republicans to office earnestly devoted to his economical Reduction of Taxation During the recent session of Con gress taxes have been . reduced more than $75,000,000. The taxes have been removed from transportation by canals and railroads, -from sales by dealers and manufacturers. The in come tax has been reduced to two and a half per cent. on all incomes above $2,000, and it is to expire at the end of two years. The tax on tea has been reduced from twenty-five to fifteen cents per pound; on coffee from five to three cents, and the tax on sugar and molasses bas been reduced in the ag gregate twelve millions of dollars per annum. By this reduction of taxation, the industries of the people and the necessaries of life have been relieved of burdens amounting to' millions. The Funding bill is an important financial measure, which contemplates the sav ing of interest upon the public debt by the exchange of outstanding six per cent bonds' for these of a lower 'rate of interest, to the amount, of $2O, 500,000 a year. While a reduction in taxes transfers the burden of the debt from one year to anotber, a reduction in the rate of interest is an actual sav ing to the country ; not only for the present generation, but for all frac.— And yet these important and benefi cial financial measures, intended to ease the public burdens, received lit tle countenance and support from the Democratic party, whose responsibili ties for the War, jts losses, its expen ditures, its debts, and its taxation, are so fearfully largo. The Glorious Record of the Party. Not faultless, but high, noble, and glorious is the record of the Republi can party. History will note it, and the world will gratefully remember it. In the light of this brief review of its achlevements,for patriotism ,1 iberty.jus: tice, and humanity, should not Repub licans, ono all, cling to their grand or ganization, rectify its mistakes,. cor rect its errors, and keep it true to its past, traditions and in harmony with the enlightened and progressive spirit of the age ? So doing, may they not perpetuate their power until benefi cent principles shall become the ac cepted policy of the nation ? HENRY WILSON, Chairman of the Republican Congress ional Committee. "SouNo ON THE GOOSE.."-A pious old negro woman was once caught by her master stealing a goose; and the next Sunday she partook of the com munion, after which hor master accos ted her as follows: "Why, 'Hannah, I saw you to-day at the communion table!" "Yes, tank do Lord, massa, I was allowed to be dere wid de rest ob His family." "But, Hannah, I was surprised to see you there 1" he said. "How is it about the goose?" She looked `a little surprised, as if she didn't comprehend the cause of his wonder; but soon catching the, mean ing, exclaimed: "Why, sar, qo you link Pso a goin' to let an old goose stand between me and my Maker ?" ~ Rte-"r am going to preach the gos pol," said Tommy. "You will novor Know enough," said his brother. "Than T. will be good, an,d. thorn what God likes us to, be," said Tommy, bgmbly.: • Yes;indeed, we.,enn all do:that. It is the best proaehing in the world. loswell.'complained to 7ohnson that the poise of the - nompany the day-be fore made his head nuke. I'No, sir, it ;was not the noise - . that made your hea'd ache; it was the sense we put ts...Soscribe for THE GLOBE. I it. 13-a - No ono except God cares for , more' than' a small particle or the uni., verse . re... The best policy—Henesty THE. JOB PRIWINQ OFFICE. TRE"G-LOBE JOB OFFICE" th[l most complete of [lily in the country, kind pos- SCUCII the most innple facilities for promptlyezecntang ta the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such as • _ lIAND BILLS, • CIRCULARS, - BILL lIEADS, a POSTERS, CARDS, NO. 10, CALL A;ID SX.4INE BPSOpIRTEIOr WOOL, LEWIS' .1300 K STATIONERY b• MUSIC STORE Duch of the unhappiness of this world arises from giving utteranee,to hasty, and unkind words. Many sorrowful hour and sleepless, night have been spent, brooding over some harsh or angry word, - which has drop ; pod from the lips in a •moment of un guarded passion. How muchlniii'we would save ourselves and others, if we would guard all our - ways and actionq Kind words, spoken in the right time and place,- do more to • heal the Wound ; ed spirit than -all the gold - which thiQ world can give. — They cost nothing, while they enrich the heart, and.scat : ter sunshine all around,winning many a true and faithful friend. A little word in kindness spoken, • A smile, perhaps a tear, "Iles often healed • a heart that's broken, And made a friend sincere." How indelibly does a: little act of kindness, perfdrmed at the right mo 7 ment, impress itself upon the mind. • 2.l.any years ago a little child stop ped to admire the flowers in a beauti ful garden. It was an orphan. and - al ; ready had felt the bard' and, bitter pangs of an orphan's lot. 'The owner of the gaiden noticed the.. child . 104 spoke : kindly to Win.... • 'To you:love flowers?",said he. yes. We used - 4yhave beautiful flowers in, Our *garden.'/. The man gathered some and hand ed them to the boy,.sayieg, as he did so, "hero is a filed : little hunch for you." The . child took the flowers in 'a ma:Kly nor that Plainly.told his' gratitude. r It was an apt of spontaneous' kindneSs, and scarcely- thotight:of again. Ye'a'rs went by, and througia toil and pover ty the child grew to manhood. Itis said from ordeals like this sometimes comp our bes Linen. So it proved in in the casc,of this,orphan . . .We nosy find him respected and , bolocMd hy all that know, him. , Thropgh all theao years he has not forgotten the man who so long ago spoke the kind word. When he again . Met him , it ivasnOt in the beautiful garden, cultivating the fragrant flowers, but'in thb'Cold' and abode,of povertY.:.,7,Then his was the hand stretched . forth ,to help the white,haired- 'old .man in his hour of need. Thus the little act of kind ness was doubly repaid„,,bringkrig i to our minds the words of the. :beautiful hymn. A printer is the most "c,urious being living. He May have a bank, coins, and not bo worth a coot; have' sivali. caps, and have neither wife nOrehild ; ren. Qthers may run fast, but he gets swifter by setting fast. He may' be making impressions without offending, and be telling the truth; While others cannot stand - while they set, he cau sot standing, and do lioth at the same time; have to - use furniture, and yet have no dwelling ;:may make and put away pi, and never .see a, pie, - much less eat it during his life; be a humau being and a rat at the same time; may press a good desd and not ask a favor; may handle a shooting - iron and•know nothing abotit a cannOn,gue or-pistol; ho may move the lever-that moves the world, and he as far fro're moving the glohe as a liog under a mole hill; spread sheets without being a housewife, ho may lay his forms on a bed, and yet be 'obliged to sleep on the floor; he may use a dagger with out shedding blood, "and from the earth he may handle stars; tiO may be of a rolling'disposition, and 3iet never desire to travel; he may have a sheep's foot, and not be deformed; never without a case, and yet know nothing of law or phySic; be always eorrceting errors, and bo growing worse every day; have embraces, without" having the arms of a girl thrown around PE; have his form kicked up, and at the same time be free from jail, watch : house or other confinement; hi's-office may have a hell in it, and not ho a bad place after all; he might, bo plagued by the devil, and he a:Christian Of-the beet hind; 'and . what is stranger still, be honest or dishonest, rich or, poor, drunk or sober;industrions always stands up to hii3,lniainesS: Three thins principally ffetermin.e the quality of a •rnati—the leading. lab : ject which ho proposed to- himself in life, the manner in which ho sotsaboub accomplishing it, and the, effect which success orfailure has upon him..;, The wo - piii.p - w,ho up a ortodii i keour 'the wood ha's ah#,id cui e`d: xyzi of), Ow ing to the p ?Pip last 014 haird of Mier shP' 'Wnci skimmingthO BOA': BALL TICICK§t PROGRAMMES,` BLANKS, LABELS, &0., &I,J SpeAk Printers gill Paraages.