051obt, HUNTINGDON, PA _ , Tuesday morning, Sept 6, 1870. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Ateetings • lilt 3ifiriah Lodge,' No.• 300, .4..Y.211., meets second .11olidn3 ea ening of each month, in Itioun's Standing Stone H. R. A. C7iapter, No. 201, meets the first Tuesday ea ening of each month, in Brown's building. Juniata Lodge, N 0.117. 10. 0. F. meets every Friday evening third floor, in Leister'm building. Mount liar Camp of I. 0. 0. F., nets every ...Id and fourth Tuesdays , Leister's budding, third floor. Standing Slone lodge, No. 25,1. 0. G. 2, meets ervlS Tuesday earning In third floor of Mead's building. etrrapahoe Tribe, .No. CS, I. 0. of llt. ..11, meets every Thursday evening, third floor, I,eister's Young Christian Assmuut,on mthts the first and third Monday 0, enings cacti month, in timith's list 33, G. A. It., meets Thud Monday of each mouth Coult • . . . Town Cbuncit meets the first Flititty evening of etch month. Huntingdon Lodge, No. 119, K. of P., meets every Sat urday evoning, in smith's building. Huntingdon Temple of Honor, No. 71, meets the fourth Monday of each month in flood Templars' hull. The Ire bsterian Club meats every Thursday evening, in the Y. 91. C. A. room. Ilunlingclon Council, 0. U. d. .3L, meets first and third Toosda3 s °tea& mouth in Good Tonybirs pun. @MEM! Baptist Church—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Plan nett. Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. in., 7p. m. Catholic— Wash ington Street. Rev. R. J. Ayla d. Per. vices first three :Mutiny a in every mouth. Evangelical Lutheran-311111in Street. 11ev. J. J. Km r. Services on Sabbath : 10 , /, a. tn., 7 p. m. German ltrformed—Church Street. Rev. S. IL Steckle. Service on Sabbath: 7. P. m• Plethocli.st Episcopal—Church Street. Rev. 31. K. Foster Sc: vices un Sabbath: 1034 a. in., 7 P. in. Proteraant Episcopal-11111 street. Rev. A. 11. Boyle, Services ou Sabbath: 1014 a. m., 534 p m. Prebbyteriau-11111 Street. Rev. G. W. Zahniser. Ser. ices on Sabbath: 11 a. m , 7 p.m. On the Wing. Little troubles wear the heart out Go" to the Red Men's Pie-nio nest Tuesday This is a good time to prune apple trees Van Arnburg's Menagerie was in Bedford List Saturday. In point of population Harrisburg is the aisth city in the State. The borough of Clearfield has doubled its population in the last ton years. A rattlesnake with 23 rattles was recently killed in Mifflin county. Some of the farmers in this section report the potuto crop as not ding well. The people of Williamsport are taxed at the rate of seven mills on a dollar. Some of the Blair county politicians don't like the Crawford county system. A Janesville sheriff attached a wooden leg for debt. The cripple had to detach it. Lucy Stone likens boys to vinegar--the more "mother" in them the sharper they are. Kerosene claims twelve victims per diem in this country, says some pains-taking gat- istician A Michigan census.taker has disarm:red a „young lady named Luna Aurora Borealis Smith. Minnesota girls bring their tardy lovers to the point by handing them blank forms for propo,uh An Ohio hotel porter challenges the world to a trunk•smashing match for $5O a silo and the championship. A young man in Hagerstown has just ful filled a sanctimonious notion by fasting forty .days. A little son of John LeS, of Milroy, Mifflin county, was drowned in a factory race the other day. , Aliold ;lady in Missouri recently drowned herself because eho was afraid she might die of cancer The latest cure for snake bites is said tole ma - application of moist earth on tho part bitten. Arrapabbe Tribe of Red Men are going to make - things lively at their picnic on Tues day next. The• more encouragement and openings thispiare given to mechanics, tho more rap idly n town'vvill improve. 'lhe "Boston •Dip" is to succeed the Gre cian Bend: 'lt means to walk na if you were a cripple. Ladies, don't be silly. census-takers have got through their lithci - withent losing any hair or receiving a scratch; Remarkable ! ._ .., Farmers, raise.moro stock. Good horses, gand cattle, good beef and mutton are always in de : Mai:id at good prices. Thil*ife of Col. A..K. McClure has been taken to iiitaliladelphia Insane Asylum, in a deplorable condition of insanity. The borough schools did not open yester day on aecount of repairs not being comple ted. The boys "ain't carin' a cent." Ole Bull, the celebrated violinist, married it- daughter of Hon. 1. G. Thorpe, of Medi -IVis., on the 29th ult. Remember the Indian Corn Dance at Mc .Cahan's woods on Tuesday nest. A failure to attend may cause you to regret. . -A superior housekeeper says not to boil :c dee, but to pour boiling water over it, and .let it stand tightly covered for eight minutes. A photographer in Indianapolis exposes -delinquent customers by displaying their pictures upside down, and labelled "Not paid for." The announcement that the Dutch had ta ken Napoleon didn't appear to have much greater effect hero than if it had been said the Dutch have taken Holland. If Huntingdon had improved as much in the first seven years of the last decade as it has in the last three it would probably have ranked among the cities of the State. The more our business men experiment with the facilities of their home printing of -Ices the more they are persuaded that they .can•do better than by sending abroad. And achy not? Our young friend A. B. Crewitt is now in ,the hardware business in Tremont, N. Y.— Andy has the qualifications to make him a successful business man, and wo hope to hear of his prosperity. -The Red Men's Pic•nic is to come off next Tuesday. It is not necessary to add that the preparations for this affair have been grand, and those who will attend will find ample means for enjoyment. The Williamsburg Vindicator is informed that a corps of engineers are surveying along the river from Petersburg to that place, It :is not advised as to the object of the survey, but supposes it to be for a railroad site. It is said that there is a law on our stet site hocks which imposes a fine for profanity. Adults 67 cents, minors 40 cents. Wonder if that law isn't ono of the relics of bygone ism The Hope base ball club of Lewistown at tribute their defeat by our Young America to not having a back-stop. That's very well, but Jenks thinks the true reason is, they didn't have enough runs. The Lewistown Gazelle says, "The potato croli if; this section is in great part a failure, the yield tieing hardly one-half of lnstyear, and the plant much less. The rot has also appeared in sumo kinds." John Laforte, a German, aged 55 years. residing near Belleville, Mifflin county, was recently found dead in a field where he had been engaged in .spreading manure. It is thought he died from heart disease. Mr. Scott Williams, an employee of the Cambria Freeman, with the aid of a "fly" boy, worked off fifteen quires in fifty-eight minutes. As ten quires in sixty initiates is considered very. good work,'it will be seen that fifteen is very much better. Great ado is made mho.' t Ex-Gov. Bigler having forsaken politics for religicn 7 the question haring arisen,' . Can both go molt& %Ye rather think they can, and if mote puri ty was mixed in with both, there would be less complaint of corruption and hypocrisy. CADETSHIPS.—In accordance with the announcement recently published, an examination for Cadetships at West Point and Annapolis, was held at Al toona on the 25th ult., before the fol lowing board: General John P. Tay lor, of Mifflin county; Dr. Sidney Thompson, of II untingdon county; Prof. John Miller, Supt. of public schools of Blair county; Geo. W. Cope, Supt. of Cambria county, and Rev. Dr. Shadrach of Altoona. Only eight ap plicants presented themselves. The Board concurred 'in the following de cision : ALTOONA, PA., August 25, 1870. HoN. D. J. ItloattELL—Dear Sir : We the Board of Examiners appointed by you for the purpose of examining the applicants fur cadetships, respectfully report that we have held the examin• ation with the result given below. There were seven applicants: 11. S. Berlin, of Johnstown; Henry Henshy, of Fostoria; K. D. .13,“ may, of Altoona; Wm. It. A. Mooney, of Hollidaysburg; M. H. a Weaver, of Huntingdon; IV.. Sills, of Lewistown; and Wm. A. Mann, of Altoona. Charles B. Bris• bin, of Lewistown, did not attend un til after the examination had been in progress for some time. He was ex amined by Dr. Thompson, and having been pronounced physically incompe tent, did not wish to enter the class Of the seven whom we examined, we take pleasure in recommending for the military cadetship, IL S. Berlin, of Johnstown; and fur the naval cadet ship, Wm. B. A. Rooney, of Hollidays burg. As alternates, we recommend for the military cadetship Wm. A. Mann, of Altoona, who was sixteen on July 31st. If be is not eligible, wo re commend Henry licnshy, of Fostoria. And for the naval cadetship, M. U. C. Weaver, of Huntingdon. J. P. TAYLOR, SIDNEY THOMPSON, JOUR 'MILLER, G EO. W. COPE, W. S lIADRACLI, Board. The successful candidates, Mr. Ber lin and Mr. Rooney, have been recom mended for appointment, and in the event of their failure to pass a satisfac tory examination at West Point and Annapolis, respectively, their altern ates, Mr. Mann and Mr. Weaver, will be recommended for appointment. THE Fnia.—On account of the State, Bellefonte and Altoona Fairs occur ring on tho 4th, sth, 6th and 7th Oc tober, the Committee of arrangements of the Huntingdon Fair have wisely changed the days for holding our Co. Fair to the 27th, 28th, 20th, and 30th September. The Society in selecting four days for the faiedid a good thing, as heretofore visitors had really only one day in which to see the full dis play—the first and third days being occupied in putting in and taking the articles away. Now that there will be two days, visitors can come with the satisfaction of knowing that they can have a good look at every thing on exhibition. The Fair will beheld in a field south of town, and the respective commit tees are diligently at work, erecting the houses, making the course, and ef fecting all the preliminaries for a suc cessful Fair. The List of Premiums will be published next week, and we hope and expect it will be so arranged aS to give general satisfaction. The object of the Fair should be to encour age industry, promote agriculture, and induce honorable competition in all branches. Let 'each ono strive to do the best they can, and bring what they can, and the Fair will be a suc cess. Legislative Conference. The Legislative Conference met at Lewistown on Tuesday, August 30th. IMMEMED Juniata—Jacob Bergey, John Mc Laughlin, Dr. G. AL Graham. Troxol, J. A. McKeo, C J. Arms Huntingdon—A. C. Hutchinson, B. P. Douglass, J. R.. Simpson. Jacob Bergey was chosen chairman and C. J. Armes Secretary. Aftor an interchange of views by the conferees then following perosons were put in nomination, viz : Noah Hertzler of Juniata county, by Dr. G. M. Graham. Gent. T. F. McCoy, of Mifflin county by Soo. A. McKee. David Etnier, Sr , of Huntingdon county, by A. C. Hutchison. A vote was taken, resulting as fol lows : let bal. 2d bal David Etnier, Jr. 3 9 T. F. McCoy 3 6 Noah Hertzler 3 3 David Etnior, Jr., and Genova' P. F McCoy were declared elected, and presented as the nominees of the party Ig-Not having been furnished with the proceedings of the Senatorial con ference wo cannot publish them this week. Teachers' Examinations The annual examination of teachers for the:present year will be held in the several districts as follows: Alexandria born. and Por'rr trap, at Alexai.d, Ia , Sept.) Franklin to p ,at Faanklinrille. " 5 Warriot,,mat ktop, at 11 art iurhwark, • ' 6 6 Norris trap., at Slaart.larina " 7 'Walker trap ,at )leCounelletonn: a 8 Coaltnont,B. T. city and Carbon, at Con " Went tv.p ,at Flan et a Creek bridge, " 12 Barre° top., at Manor Ilill, " 13 .Inekson tivp., at bleAtesl'a Fort, a 11 Oneal.l top., at Centre Union action! house, ‘i 15 Bendylson top .at Union Lehool hut.", " la Brady top, at Mill Creek, 16 10 . , . Stapleton boro., at Mapleton, • " 20 Mount Union boro., at Mount Union, -, " :21 Shirloyabnrg born., and Shirley, at Shirleyaburg, - " 22 Orbi.mniaborm and Cromwell, at 0: bisonia, " 23 Mild in hriu,ixt , Slitule Clap: ' ' " ' 2 4 TrII [Wm, at Ballingertown, _ .. . . , Springfield lap„ nt Meadow Gap, " 27 Clay twp .at Tin et. Springs bolo., , " 25 Cam illo bozo. and C 4195 hr p, nt Camille, , i' 29 Union tnp., at ri na Glooo school house, . t' '3O Juniata hip, at Mel) Crown tcbool Louse ; - Oct. 1 Nan tap, at Mal kir , burg, • " 2 - ' Hopewell and Lincoln taps, at Coffee rim, " 4 Tod twp., at Newberg, " 5 The examinations will commence at 9 o'clock, a, m. Persons unknown to the Superinten dent must produce satisfactory evi dence of good moral character. It is expected that boards of direc tors will generally be present at the examinations to make their selections of teachers. Citizens are cordially in vited to attend. Teachers will bo examined in the districts in which they design to teach. Private examinations will be dispensed with. 'All professional certificates ox• pired by law on the first of last Juno. Directors are particularly cautioned not to employ any teacher who has not a valid certificate. TUSSEY, Co. Supt Alexandria, August 0,-1870. WHY Is ?—For several weeks past we have hoard complaints that money sent by mail .to individuals re siding in this place has not reached them. A gentleman on Broad Top assured us that ho sent us a sum of money for subscription, in a letter, but we neither received the letter or the money. We also learn that, another' individual in this place was sent ten dollars from an eastern station but be never received it; and .also a larger sum sent to a lady in West Hunting don never reached her. We hope to hear no more complaints in the fu ture; but if it continues, measures will be taken to see where the "leak" is.— The safest plan to pursue is to get a money order or registered letter. ne„, There is a certain gentleman in our town who notwithstanding ho has Lis name in the papers every week still persists in making the printers publish it, week after week. There is no use resisting his appeals, when he knows it pays to keep it there. We refer to Mr. Luke ReiHen the baker, whose broad and cakes aro a luscious morsel, and whose candies and syrups are unexcelled. Retail Market Prices Butter 25, 3C, as to quality; eggs 18; lard 25; potatoes $70@50,75; dried apples lOcts per lb; dried peaches 15C) 25cts, per lb; beans 10(018e, quart; su gar cured hams 30 cts; shoulders 20(x3 22 side 18022 ets per lb; dried beef 30 032 cts; - flour $6,50®7,00, per barrel. Green apples 00, 75,1,00, as to quality. = Rod Front Grocery receives new supplies almost every day, sells the most and freshest, and can't bounder sold. Now Mess Shad, Dry Salt Roo and Pickled Herring, the best and medium Mackerel, White Fish, Trout, Salmon, Sze., cheaper than the cheapest, and warranted. Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing. Mrs. B. Annie McCabe respectfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by IL McManigill, on Washington street, and is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. Sho respectfully invites a full share of patronage. ap7 Lewis' is the Place to Buy School Books and Stationary, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. Every business man should use printed bill heads, letter heads, and envelopes. They have to use the paper and envelopes, any way, and we furnish the material at whole sale prices, and print them at less than the material would cost at retail price. Call. Im. Farmers needing a Grain-drill, will do well to call on Wharton & Ma guire and examine the Willoughby gum-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing. Ate' The GLOBE Office is prepared to execute all kinds of Job Printing for the Merchant, Manufacturer, Coal Op erator, and other business men, at less rates than the same can bo had in the city. Give us a call. Curvet Weaving Mrs. Matilda Pheasant is prepared to weave rag carpets, and solicits patronage from a generous public. Residence Wash ington Street, West Iluntin.:th . tf gEr . A large stock of the best Stone ware, of all kinds, now on hand at the Red Front Grocery, and for sale cheap or than Anywhere °lse in the county. &S. Best Gum Roller and Gum Spring Grain Drills, at MeLanahan, Stone &hetes, Hollidaysburg, Pu. fe9-8m V-Koystone Cider Mills for sale by A. B. Stewart & Co., send for cir cular. (July 26 3m. Cider Mills, Grain Separators, Clover Hullers and Stammers, Cultivators, Washing Machines, etc., etc., at McLanalum, Stone & Isett's, Hollidaysburg, Pat. fe9-8m re—All sizes Copper Kettles at A R. Stewart & Co. n3O-21. MARRIED, On August 30th, by Rev. James C. Clarke, at Jackson louse, Hunting don, Mr.• Tilos. I. HEATH, to Miss ANN HUNT, both of Broad Tcp, Pa. DIED, Near Alexandria, Pa., August 24th, FLORESTA MARTHA, aged 1 year, 14 days. Aug. 29th, TuEononE Ross, aged 4 years and 15 months; children of Mr John T. and Mrs. Maria Whit taker. MARKETS. I= PIIILADELeIIIA, Sept, 5. IS7O. Superfine Flour per bars el . $5.27g5.50 Extra Flour per bat lel $0020401 llyo Flour per barrel $5.75506 00 lied Wheat pet bushel $1.35601.41 Rye per bushel 055V.ISots. Corn 11U@1,03 Oats per bushel 1052ete. Pl7 . lsllUrtelt, Sept, 5, IWO. 7.50@8.00 SS@UOels. ...$0,0000,05 .Nothing doing White Wheat ..... Wheat per buqliel.,white Curu per bushel Oals per Wllie) It) per bushel Batley FINANCIAL. NEW Fans, Sept. S.—COW closed at SLI4 is PHILADELPIIIA, Sept.:3, 1870. The following are thwolgeing prices of De ,Ilaven & Bro;'40 Soufh . ~liirtl Street: U. S. G's of 'Bl,- , 1141 114,1 " " '62, '-,- 1131 114 " " '64, - -111 i 112 " " '65, - -112 k 1124 '65, now, 110), 1101 :" , '.67,, ." , 1111? ;UN. " '6B; - - • 116 r 110 7 e. " s's, 10-40's, - 104 106,1 U. S. 30 rear 6 per cent. Cy. 1111 111 Gold - - - 114 1141 Silver, - - - 110 112 Union Pacific 11.1615 t llf. Bonds- 810 820 Central Pacific R. R. -, 875 885 Union PaeUie Grant Bonds 720 750 HIINTINGIjON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY DY HENRY Se CO. WHOLESALE PEICCS. FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $5.00 Extra Flour, do 6 56 Family Flour, du 7.00 GRAIN—Rod Wheat, per bushel, 12.5@1.30 White Wheat, , do , 1.30Q91.35 Rye, do 85 Corn, On ta, Barley, SEED—Timothy, Flaxseed, Cloversectl, per 64 We. ' , 7.00 COAL.-llnrd coal, por ton, 4.5005.75 Broad Top coal, do 3.0003.50 LUMBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00000.00 SIIINOLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.000,12.00 Joint Shingles, do 5.0006.50 MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, por cord, 9.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.00 Hops, per pound Wool, do Hay, per ton, Hides, . . _ .._ ....... - . . .... . - - .... . ..... Professors BUCIIANAZi AC Down of the American '- ' • University, aro making wonderful cures - • of Cancers, Tumours and Ulcers by their now discovery. A painless treatment, no knife,' no plasters, no caustlo burning. The most --- -- --- .remark able effect .9 A NCERS, of this treatment . . 18,11 sepa rates the chemical elements of cancerous growths, so that they shrivel, die and Ms -. appear and will not return. All those af- - Meted can call on the Professors Brichanan & Down, University; or address, No. 514 Pine Street, Piffled°. I{EAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY MILES LEWIS & CO Fame, Town Lots, 'louses, and nil kinds of REAL ESTATE, bought or sold. Bootle, Mortgngeo nuti Deeds accurately prepared. Money leans negotiated on Real Estata securlti FOR SALE Lot N 0.14, N'rest Huntingdon, vricnne. Pint oliole lot west of Fulton Street on Southern side of Sliolin oh., Good lot and splendid location. nice $730. Too story fratno house' largo stable, good well and 'whole of lot No. 221 Good location. Price reasonable $11:50. ; Lnrgo Promo Dwelling ou Ilroallington street, Weal lluntingdon, west of Fulloa, ton rooms; good water,— Price, e. 55000. Frame Dwelling on Washington street east of Chest nut. Dike, $2600. Thrco lots of ground in Wilsontowit. A good Ihnestono forme in {Vest township, EOl , Oll miles from It. It. Station. 2ZO area For any information in regard to conditions, ndrer tieing, de., apply, in person, or by letter, to SIMPSON & ARMITAGE, HUNTINGDOiV, Pa., Office, opposite the Court House July 12-3iu-am. GRAND ill ThANCE J ORN j AND BASKET TIC-NIC, ARRAPAHOE TRIBE, Improved Order of Red Men, AT M'CAHAN'S WOODS, " ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1870. No pains will be spared by the Committee of Arrangements to make this one of the best entertainments of the kind ever given in the State. Several Tribes have been invited, and aro expected to be present. A procession will be formed at the Wig wam at 9 o'clock—the members in full rega lia—and after parading the principal streets will preceed to the grounds, where the time will be spent in feasting, dancing, &e. Refreshments and edibles will be on the ground, and served to Visitors at trifling cost. The public are cordially invited. Aug 9. FOR CIIEAP JOB PRINTING CALL AT TIIE "GLOBE" OFFICE, HUNTINGDON, PA F OR GROCERIES, ONFECTIONERIES, PROVISIONS, LW GO TO RED FRONT GROCERY WANTED. 10,000 pounds Ttt iramt, d wool for which Ow highest market pr( %A 111 bepald. [J uu 1.0;o] ILEDIRY 1 - 4 USINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! _Lip It you Want your card neatly printed 011 Cava °pod, call at LEWIS BOOK AND P ATIONERY STORE 187054_11P9J870 AT REDUCED P-RICES. Is constantly receiving at his new CARPET STORE, INII UNTINGD ON, PA, Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from the rooms of the matanctururs. His stock comprises BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, VENITIAN, WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE . HEMP, LIST and RAG CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, 'COCOA and CANTON MATTINGS, • FLOOR, STAIR and, TABLE 4 0) I CZ , 'MC eo'; A FRESH STOCK OF WALL •PAPER, WINDOW-SHADES and Fixtures, Druggets, Tolrot. Rugs Door Mats, Extra Carpet Thread and Binding .tr hugs, make nepecikity of furnishing cnußcitEB end LODGES, at City Prices, and in, ito Fm niebing Commit tees to call and see goals made expressly for their par- /burrs will sane money and bo better suited by going to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store for any of t h e above goods. I defy competition in prices end var.ety of beautiful patterns. CARPETS 25 cents per YARD and UPWARDS. I have also the Agency for the 0110 eel HOWE SEWING MACHINE no well known as the best Family AlAcbine in the world, Cull at the CARPET STOREund seethes'. JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Molt 10,'70-Gm 40 1.00 5.00 1.75 West Huntingdon Foundry. JAMES SIMPSON IMMEEM PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, PAM DELLS, SLED AND SLEIOII SOLES, . WAGON BOXES ; IRON KETTLES, CIELE3IELigEI For Furnaces, Forges, 00st and Saw Mills, Tanneries and Brickyards, AND JOB WORK IN GENERAL 40045 10.00 6R7 ARCHITECTURAL ct ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Iron Porticos and Verandahs, Balconies, Columns and Drop Ornament for woctlen porticos and verandahs, Window Lintels and Sills, Cast Otnamonts for wooden lintels, Cellar Window Guards, all sizes, Chimney Tops and Flues, Sash Weights, Carpet Strips, Ilegislere, Heaters, Coal Orates, Vault Castings for Cold and wood cellars, Arbors, Tree boxes, Lampposts, Bitching-paste, Iron Railing for pot Gees, verandahs, balconies, dower. beds, Yard and Cemetery Peaces, etc. Parliculor attention paid to fencing Camclery Lois. , Address JAMES SIM PSOl‘l, 5e23,118 Huntingdon, Pa. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. BASTON BLAKE. M. MARION MCNEIL. BLAKE & MeNEIL, [Successors to J. M. CUNNINGHAM & SON,] Iron and Brass Founders, HUNTINGDON, PA. IRON and BRASS CASTINGS made in n first clans s. Foundry. We hero always on band all , k m kinds of Plow and Stove Castings, Wash "t •-• eee • Kettles, Cellarevindows, Orates, Coal hole 0473:( Castings for pavements, Window weights 111 0 .ltt, of all sizes and weights, Pipejuints, Sled and Sleigh soles, Wagon boxes, Machine Castings, for steam and water, grist. saw, sultana and plaster mills of all descriptions. HEATERS AND IRON FENCES, of the most improved style, oven doors and frames, door sills, and in fact everything made in this line. 11 e have a larger stock of patterns, and can furnish cas tings at short notice, and cheaper than they cnn Lo had In the country. Having a good drill, wo aro prepared to do drilling Inn' fitting up of all kinds. Office iu Llestors' New Building, hill street, Hunting don, Pa. lld. 11, Hio9. BLAKE & DIUNEIL. SMUCKER, BROWN & CO., FURNITURE WAREROO.IIS, IN . SMITHS' BUILDING, II Uic TINGD OAT, P 4. Hare just opened nu ❑dmeuse stock of the latest styles r!ECI!I PARLOR, DINING-ROOOlll, and CHAMBER FURNITURE, AIATTRESSES, of all kinds, COTTAGE & WALNUT SUITS, of all styles Purchnears will find the largest stock. of good furniture over offered in Central Penn sylvaiiiti, which will be sold • WHOLESALE & RETAIL. We buy direct from manufacturers for cash and will sell for cash, and'ar thus on abled tooffer— GREATER BARGAINS than are to be had in tho Cities. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK July 12-3 m psunr, YOUR PROPERTY HATA VALLEY =l:zm INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED ArItIL 7, 1870. OFFICE at lIUNTINGD ON, PENN' .it BUILDINGS; -' • , MUJICHANDISD, and OTHER PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE BYyIRE, On us icabonablo terms as any othor rosponstblo company =QM J. R. SING NM, JOAN S. MILLER, ISAAC WRIGHT S. 1% bIoCULLOCII, D. D. MILLIKEN, WTI. KENNEDY O,FICEItS President, WM: KENNEDY"; Secretary, J. M. MILLER; neasuper, J. E. SINGER. Vice President, S. T. MoCuLLoort. _Agent for Huntingdon co., A. B. KENNEDY. maylo,lB7o QAND.- PLA§TERING, BUILDING or LOAM Sand, from tht Mond, will bo delivered at one dollar per two Isom wagim load, on application to Logan Martin. Orders loft at Decker A Crownover's moro will reach IL R. BRYAN. • WANTED. -1,000 cords of Bark, at the Mammoth store. The highest market prico palo;in rash (Jue 1 Ora] lIENUY & CO. ENVELOPES— By tko box, pack, or less quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AWL) ,STATIOIVERY STORE. MEI ETIZECI N HEELER & \\ ILSONS HIGHEST PREMIUK lOU titnEß Sewing Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. ' They aro adapted to all kinds of Family Sowing. and to tho use of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tailors, Mann 'lecturers of• Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cleaks, Mantillas, •Clothing, Hats, Caps, COISOIR, Linen Cloodx, Umbrellam, Canicula, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, uou'en and xottou goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. Thoy will seam, quilt, gather, hom,, fell, cord, braid, bind, and pellet in every vpociem of - sowing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch. Mika on both sides of tho articlo The qualities 'eh recommend them ore: 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both oldes of the fabric sowed. 2. Strength, firmness and durability of scam,that will not tip nor ravel. 3 Economy of Ihread. 4. Attachments and wide range of application to purpo sed and materials. 5. Compact uses and olegunco of model and finish. 0. Simplicity owl tliorolv;littoed of construction. 7. Fperd, emir of operation and . management, and quiet noes Of MIA emu t. Instruclicns free to all. Machines Sept in repgir doe 3 ear iron of Om go. U. B. LEWIS, Agent, MEI SELF BASTING SEWING MACHINES. A Patent Self Baster has Loan attached to tho colebra ted GROVER & BAKER SEIVINO MACHINES • Tlio obovo !mailing will make oitlior tlio chain or Lock Stltch,(Ntltch nliko on both surfacci). Call and see them moth. For further information wile to or cal Leiellol'd Building, up stairs Atlril 26.tf. avi - 10.;')EITJ air° LIIA - _ YOU can savo from 10 to 30 por et by buying your Instruments from arI:I_,MMMT-10, DEALER IN STEINWAY & SONS, CHICKERING & SONS, • THE WEBER, ' RAVEN & BACON'S, THE UNION PIANOFORTE CO'S - , GEORGE DI. GUILD & CO'S. ' CONRAD MEYERS, AND ALL OTHER MAKES OF - - PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S, and GEO. WOODS & CO'S celebrated ORGANS, or any other maim desired. Also, MELODEONS, 0311/D TARS, VIOLINS, German Accordeous, Sheet Music, Mu sic Booktc,4o._: 'Now Mid good Pianos for $3OO nod 'upwards. Now 9 Octavo Organs for SSO Now Molodeons for z7O ILL.> All Instruments 1174rrantetiforfive years. cit l,gents supplied at wholesale in Ices, the samo as in the y. Call on or address ' - E. J. ORDENE, Huntingdon, Pa., np . 12,70 2d floor Leister's Nose Building. I:2.)=L - 07.7=") TO THE N. E. CORNER OF DIAMOND. Boot, and Shoe Emporium: JOHN H. WESTBROOK 2; 1 Reapsctfully Informs the Minima of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho has just received from the city a Now and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, • Carpet Sack, Trunks, (De., &c., &c. • all of which ho Is prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices Don't forgot the new stand in tho Diamond. Old canto. mere and the public generally aro Invited to call. Huntingdon, op. 7, 1869. GEO. SHAEFFER w•llaujuak returned from the east with e SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, te7C., Which he offers to the inspection of hie customers and the public generally. Ile will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those WhO puieliage . onee will entity call again. • toots'S', SHOES MADE . TO ORDER; and REPAIRING done In the neatest and most tined!. tious manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on Dili street, a few doors west of the Diamond. op. 14, HO NEW" BOOT AND SHOE - STORE. WM. AFRICA llnforms the public that ho hoe Ind opoued at his old stand in the Diamond, Huntingdon, A Fine AssOrtmeni of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. All of which ho will soil sat fair prices. Quick talcs and tmallprsfits. Call and examine my stock. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, Ap. 14, 1169. READ AND BE POSTED! TO THE NEWLY, .MARRIED AND ALL IN WANT OP New Furniture 61c. r r ilE undersigned mould respectfully j_ announce that Ito manufactures and keeps constantly on hand a Imp nod splindid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, • BIINDAW," BEDSTEADS • • WAR! AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cane seat chairs. cupboards, gilt nod - rose wood moulding for Mirror and picture frames. and n vari ety of articles not mentioned, nt prices that cannot fall to bo satisfactory. Ho is also agent for the well known Bailey el Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The public ato invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work anti sales room on 11111 stmot, near Smith, one door west of Yenter's slum Iluutlngdou, Aug.l, 18G6 gity piterlianunts. CENTRAL' EOPF,L,' "- ' 6OUTLIL_EAST,CRIIE6,FOOI,AXD SPRUCE UM; DITIL E.CUILCOTE, (formerly of Huntingdon PROen Co.) . Centrally larded and the moat convenient ;point for. merchants vioithlg the city-, AcconnoodattOna of tho fret-olass. -All. the modern ,Inipiovemontat Ilvery ten tion will ho oxtendod to gucatb. fans4y. _ Igtfit a Flo relay St ., N.Y. or 38 W. VI St., Cinefiniatlll: Fr they want the most poriularhnil bestselling g subsi,ription books published. and the rnost tib end terms. Rend for circulars. They willeoptyou übthlng, and maybe of great benefit to you: febt4l3, " - .miss DIARY ; E. ARTS ,Wlll Moyen their Box YOUNG ,L4plEs; At 23 TulpellocSen a treoi, e For drculnrs,!Tply to thaPrincipals. jylo.2m . . ' C ole 0 111 • eirstrab ".,• '(MARBLE FRONT.), . • Chetfnut Street, West of Ftf (tenth, PIIILADELPIIIA. - • • Thle new and elegant Hotel is now open he reeepdon amanita. Isis of themes; Ibuler - Construction. and furnished lastyle langur. sal firs na by any of tho t hotels of Europe or JOHN on uarr, rmor. OEO. PRE433Liii, sup. . • • • OSADALIS mins Great American Health ite - stor";, purifies tho blood and cures Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin, Diseases. Rheumatism; Diseases of Winnitn mid all Chronic Affections of the Blood, Liver. and Rid no3 e. Recommended by tho Medical Faculty and thousand of our best citizens. Read the testimony of Physiclansarid fialfenifft who have used itosadalis send far our Itosadal le Outdo to Health or Alffianac for this year, which wo publish for gratuitous , distribution ;it will give you much valuable information: , • ' Dr. R. W. Carr, of Ilalthnore says: • , I take - lido:mum in recommending your IS no D very powerful alterative. 1 'beta Rooll.ll. used in two eases with happy results—ono Iff time of secondary syphilis, in which the patient 11Tq. nonuced himself cured after having taken Ova bottles of your medicine. The other is a case of scrofula along standing, which 'fa rapidly''lm proving under its use, and the hulleations,ara that the patient will soon recover. I have. care, fully examined the formula by which your Rosa" dalia is made, and find it an 'excellent compound of alt alterative ingredients. Dr. Sparks, of N icholasvi Ito. says ha. used Rosadalls in cases Ofscrofula and secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results—as a cleanecof the blood I know no better remedy. • „• , , licnlnNaponr, Et Fatuncl G. McFadden, Murfroeboro' Teiinonada, says: OREENE & BRO., I have used BOVell bottles of Roeuidalteoutd am entirely cured of Rheumatism; qend me four bot tles, as I wish it for' my brotharywhe bas' sco °Cu. loos soro,eyes. Benjamin Bechtel, of Limn, Ohio, writes, Ihavo coffered for twenty years with an invoterate'oruy.' 800 over my body ; a short time since I pnr ' chased a bottle of Itosadolis and it effected a pea fact core. Huntingdon, Pa ResedaHa is sold by John Bead and S. &. Smithy Itnutingdon, Pa.,and-Druggists generally. Labratory, 61Exchange Place, Baltimore. . CLEMENTS Proprietor& Feb.22l yr. 2 or 8 p 'Ugliest Premium, Silver Medal, awardod over all compotition, at Mechanics' Exhibition, Boston, October, 1861 WROUGHT-IRON, AIR,TIGIIT, GAS-CONSUMING H E ATE R WPM PATENTDD DUST SCREEN, ORATE BAR RESTS, and WROUGHT-IRON,RAPIATOII: and , AUTOMATIO REGULATOR. For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous . Coal or Wood. • • 10 sized for brloltwork;nrid two aim Podolia,• • J. REYNOLDS• &:;SOIV N. W. CORNER 13TII AND FILBERT STS. , These floaters are made of hea4y Wrought -TratiwUlit rivetal togother, and are warranted to be dlaiolateli gas and dust tight. They arc the only bantam that are man aged without any damper., and in which all kinds of fuel can be horned without alteration.. COOKING RANGES for hotels restaurants, • and families, - Also, a FLAT-TOP ILEA'FINH RANGA., FIRE-PLACE HEATERS, ' • • LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. • Pamphlets - glvlog full descelptioit, sent 'free to any ad dress. . - (Juno 213y-'10.) FARMERS ! EXAMINE AND BUY wram .commartzkrAlcA 'BAIIGEI'S BEING ," Tho First Raw Bone Pliosiiiat«3, 24de. SUPER-PHOSPHATE , OF LIME . .... -'. • i np,DE MARK '• - Falls- 7.: 7 • : ,,,-.•• , ,, -, ::... , , • . ,I , , 7 ,..-rrii? - 11370 . ,0, R. 7 --1. - ~.. -- ... . This slationz is made of raw and unburned bones, rich in Nitrogenous matter, dissolved In oil of vitrol, present- ing the Bone Phusphate In a higlkly soluble and quickly available form, and the Ammonia in such proportion as to insure a prompt and vigorous action upon the crops. Whore Baugh's Phosphate was applied the past simson, the indications; withontexeoption, ere that , it will malts Min its well earned reputation. 111 e request all In no • of a Fertilizer to give this article a trial. MANUFACTURERS, Office, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue March &Om PHILADELPHIA: ' ALDEN \\ORKS LYEI Makes splendid Hard Soap for Ohe Cent per Pound. .Don't bo deceived by low priced' Imitations . .051•Thie Is the only Lye fully guirranteadElY QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP ! The , StroOgest Pure Soap Made. Oreamine Soap.! The finest for the Skin arid,•!Toilet use ra, Jr 3C:O x* '45 as rEs 15 " AND EXTRACT OF JASMINE. ADDRESS . . Alden Chemical Works, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia Sold by all Respectabla Dealers. August 16, 1670 JAMES 111001 NS MISS DIARY.K2STii7ENS IIO.IItDING ANVDAY 8011001.' s~ei~~an~a_~a'ierd; GERMANTOiNN PA •, • [ESTABLIKIED 1851.] The original and genuine SELF-REGULATING,, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY i PIIILADELPIIIA; PA All otheis are imitation 33.4L1C1 - CratECPSI RAW BONE BAUGH & SONS, in the World 1 MRS. ALDEN'S UNSURPAESED 111