The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 06, 1870, Image 1

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Peinnimm in edvance
?ix months
Three mouths
• • • • -
I Milo 2 de 2 do
...$ 75.-21 25 $1 50
... 1 50 225 275
.. 2 25 3 oc - 00
One inch, or legs
Two inches
Three Inc
_ 3 months. 6 mouths. lEt ar
One irmh, or less 04 00 $ 2 00 $lO 00
Two,. inches 6 20...,9 00 15 00
Three inches 8 50 --
12 00 "0 00
Four inches 10 76 16 00 ^5 00
Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 ^ 0 00
Halkolomn, 0 0 00 30 00 45 00
Ono column, 30 00 45 00.........80 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines,
One year, 05 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 6 times, $2 50
Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 09
-F.stray, or other short Noticeq 1 50
Advertisements not marked with tho number of loser
ens desired, will bo continued till forbid and chat ged ac•
ording to these terms.
Local or Special Notices, 10 cents a lino for single in•
sartion By the 3 ear at a reduced tate.
Our prices for the printing of Blanks, floodlight, etc.
are reasonably low.
V,rofessionat& Nusiness garbs.
Ef Hating pernmently located at Huntingdon, offers
hm profisiesual services tolhe community.
Oilice, the same as that lately occupied by Dr. Laden
OA Hill street.
TAR. JOHN 11.ICOULLOCII, offers his
If professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity. * Office on Hill street, one door man(' heed's
Drug Store. Aug. '18,'55.
VAS rcmol ed to the Brick: Roo opposite the Court Muse
1.859, , , .
. .
MCC; rot noted to Leister's Now 13uildIng,
tint street, Ilunttugtion.
July 31,1867.
JOHN S. MILLER, Proprietor.
April 0,1670.
Oinco ou Smith !Alva
Will attend to Surveying in all Its branches, and will
buy and sell lteal Estato in any part of tho United twos.
Send for circular. dectid-tf
Office ou street, three doors Mist of Smith. 3 5'09
Offiro second floor of Lelster's Luildiug , on 11111 street.
Pensions and other clams 1 , 1,111141 y Cuiketed. 111326"G9
All nlw Mily have any claims against the Government
or Bounty, It.tck Pay and l'ensione, can lime their clainet
promptly collected by uppl)ing either in perison or by let
ter to
Special attention given to Collections of all ; to
the bethentent ut Molter, S.c.; and all taller legal hu.i•
nos prosecuted still, fidelity end titspoten:
The name ofihis firm has been ehang
ed from SCOTT & BOWN, to
tinder which name they will herealt3r conduct their
practice as
ATTORNEY AT LA S, 11 - 0217.1,17:D011r, PA.
PENSIONS, and all claims of soldfurs and soldiers' heirs
optima tho lloventment, null bo promptly prosecuted.
May 17, 1866-It.
P. X. Lytle & Milton S. Lytle,
Have folmed n partnerthip under 1120 name and 11101
& M. S. LYTLE,
And have removed to the odic,' on the south side of
tI I start, Worth door west of Cznith.
They uill attend promptly to ull kinds ol legal busi
ness tut meted to their cat, up7-tt.
Ole)) sizes and descriptions,
Juno J, 1J4:3-U
NOTES, with a waiver of tho $3OO Law.
JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
and Ministers of the (logic'.
of Assault and Battery, and Affray.
:CLEM: FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
Borough nod Township Taxes.
Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Office o
BLANES, of every description, printed to order, neatly
at shoat:Mice, and on good Paper.
The Union Bank of Huntingdon
(Late Jan Bare & C 0.,)
paid up,
Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others.
liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds f
Eecurtties, bought and sold for the usual commisaion.—
Colleetiens made ou all points. Drafts on all parts at
Europe supplied at the usual rates.
Persons depositing Bold and Sliver will receive the
us same return pith interest. Too {Lathers ate Indira'
:tally liable to the extent of their whole property for all
The unfin:thed bueineas of the late firm of John Bare St
Co trill be completed i, The Union Bank of tient inttdat
. 3::!.tba9-tt C. C. NORTH, CUSiI
pAPER ! PAPER!! PAI-!Elt !!
I.7racjus Paper,
Impression Paper,
Drawing Paper,
Iked Paper, •
Tislau Paper,
Silk Paper for Flom era,
Pertoroted Paper,
Priatol Board,
rim Cap Paper,
Letter Paper,
Commercial Note Paper,
Ladies' Gilt Edged letter or. Note Paper,
Ladiea' Plain and Fancy Note Paper,
White and Colored Card Paper, in Packß and Sleets
.or sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Basic Store.
Window Curtain Papers, •
From the kiln 't e T. ler, Mathleetinig. pros
hy chemical analy,ii to lie of the best 1 111.113ty. 1.1)II
etantly kept and for vale in any quantity, at the depot 0
t he Ilnnt,ngdau and Broad Tup
t. - 4 "Apply to Item From of of the '•11toel
I.leunti.” unc.thit
.$2 00
. 1 00
1 month
$1 75
3 25
... 4 75
MEDICIN ES.—Will people never learn to know that n
diseased liver and stomach necessarily diseese the entire
system ? The plainest principles of common sense teach
this and yet there are hundreds who ridicule the Id. a,
and continue In the course which almost inevitably
brings them prematurely to the grave. Living as the
majority of the people do, at complete varieties, with the
laws of nature, it mast bo apparent to ell (lint. sooner or
later, nature , will revenge herself.' Hence we find that
persons who indillso to excess in the use of very rich or
intlige4ilde food or intoxicating drinks. invariably pay
a heavy penalty in the end. The stomach becomes die.
ordered and refuses toilet: the liver fails to perform its
functions, tit spensin and its attendant evils follow, and
still the suffering individuals persist in clinging to the
thoroughly exploded idea of the past. Dr. SCI ENK'S
medicines are recommended to all such. They bring sure
and cortnln relief wherever they are used as directed,
end ell that is 110e0i3111 y to establish their reputation
with every ailing inen'or woman In the lendia n fair and
Impartial trial of them. Let those.who aro skeptical on
tins point, nail who have permitted interested persons to
prejudice them against these now celebrated reniedles for
consumption. discard their prejudices, and be giiierned
by rho principles of reason and COIIIIIIOII sense. •If the
system is disordered depend upon it. in nine eases out of
tea the seat of the disorder will be found in the stomach
arid liter. To cleanse and invigorate the stomach and to
stimulate the liter to healthy action, Imo
ingdemand for there pills in the best. evidence of their
value. Thousands upon thousands of boxes aro sold daily.
Why ? Simply because they act promptly nut efficiently
Int alids Who may not find it cOnvenient to call on Dr.
SCHENCK ni ()Pisan are informed (hat fill and com
plete directions for nee accompany each ',lckes° of the
WEED TONlC.—These medicines will mire consumption
unless rho lungs are BO far gone that the patient is entire
ly beyond the reach of medical relief.
It may lie asked by (11090 who are not familiar with
the virtues of these great remedies,9low do Dr. Schenck's
medicines etTJet their wonderful cures of consumption I"
The enswer is a simple one. They begin their work
of restoration by bringing the stomach, liver and bowels
into an Retire lie ilthy condition. It is food that cures
this formidable fIiSOMO. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE
PILLS act on lire liver and stomach, promoting healthy
secretion:and removing the NM and stints which have
resulted Dean the inactive or torpid condition cf those or
gans, and of the system generally. This sluggish state
of the body, and the consequent accumulation of the un
healthy substaneee named prevent the proper digestion
of food, and. as a 'lateral consequence creates disease,
which results in prostration and finally in death.
IC, when taken regularly, mingle with the food, and the
digestive organs, make good and rich blood. and as a nat
ural consequence, giro flesh and strength to the patient.
Let the faculty say what it may, this is the only true
cure for consumption. Experience has proved beyond
the shadow of a daunt. and thousands aro today alive
and well who a fete years since were regarded as hope.
less cases, but who were induced to try Dr. SCHENCK'S
remedies, nod were restored to pertnanent health by
their use.
One of the first steps the physician should tabs sslth
colniumpt ire patient is to ins (game the system. Non•
bow is this to he done 7 Certainly not by giving medi
cines that exhaust and enervate—medicines that impair
instead of improve the functions of the ingestive organs
'Doctor SCHENCK'S medicines cleanse the stomach and
boss els of all unbstanccs which are calculated to irrltnto
or Is calten Linens. 'they cleat° an appetite—promote
healthful digestion—make good blond, and, na a conse
quence, they invigninto and strengthen the entire sys
tem and more especial ly those parts u Melt are discescd
If this cannot be done, tines the case must be regarded as.
a hopeless one.
if the physician finds it impossible to make a patient
feel hungry, if the deceased person cannot partake of good
noun minted food and pt operly digest it, it is impossible
that he can gain in flesh and strength ; and it is equally
hullos-Ibis to bring a patient to this cond i lion so lung as
the liver is lundeined with diseased bile, slid the stomach
laden settle unhealthy slime.
Alonc.t the first tequeat made to tine physician by 11
COIISIIIII, lire patient is Stilt he will prescribe medicines
Eliot well allay the cough, night sweats :ma chills, n bleb
are the sore attendants on consumption. But this should
Dot be done, as tin cough is only an effort of nature to
telieve it-elf, and the night sweats and chills into canoed
by the diseased lunge. The remedies ordinarily prescrib.
ed do more halm than good. impale the functions
of the stoinsch, Impede healthy digestion, and nggravAte
rather than cute the dist aqe.
Thet e is, after all, nothing like facts which to substan
tiate a position, end it upon fre:s that Dr. Schenck's
relies. lk:early all who trove tilk(11 Iris medicines in at
,ordanco 0 ith his directions have not mil) been cured of
congimption, but, front the fart that these medicines act
with wonderful power upon the dige,ttve organs:, patients
thus cured speedily gain fleet. Cleansing the e) tent of
all impurities, they lay the fontulation for a solid, sob
stantial structure. Restoring these ergots to health,
they create an appetite. The food is properly assimila
ted ;the quantity of blood is not only increased, but is
mode rich and strong and itt the face of each a condition
of the s 3 stern till disease must ho banished.
Full thtections accompany each of the medicines, so
that it is not absolutely necessary that patients should
see Dr. SCHENCK peronsally, unless they desire to trove
their lungs examined. For this purpoo Ito is at his of.
lice, No 15 North Sixth St.. corner of Commerce, Phila.,
every Saturday, from 9 A. 3t. until 1 P. 31.
Ails ice is giien without charge, but for a thorough cx
ninth:Pion with the Resplrometer the charge la 55.
Price of the Pillinonic Syrup and &au ped Tonic each,
tI.LO per bottle, or $1 5Un half dozen. Mandrake Pills
25 cents a box. For mashy all druggists. Ap.l2ly.
Bern is a list of such Wm Its as should be found in or
ery I do my—ti ithin the ri orb of every under—Works
I. entertain, instruct and improve the Copies
%s ill be bent by return post, on receipt of price.
Kew Physiognomy; or, Signs of Character,
vs manifested through Temperament and External
Forms. and especially in the -Haman Face Ohs ille."—
Wil II more then Ono Thousand Illustrations.' By S. It
WELLY. ('rice in one Elmo volume, 705 pages , hand
somely bound, $5
Mint, in Genesis and in Geology; or, tho
neconnt of Man's Creation, tested by Scientific
Theories of his thigni and antiquity. By Joseph P.
Thompson, DO, LLD. One vol., 121 no. $1
Wedlock; or, the Right Relations of the Sex
e tiro Laws of Coningal celection, and
idiewing who may and who may not Marry. For both
sexes. By Blt Wells , $l5O
How to Read C'haracter. A new Illustrated
Handbook of Phrenology and Physiognomy, for stu
dent, and examiners. scltlt is Chart for recording the
cites of the tilde-rent organs of the brain, in (ho dMino
urellartiel or, with npnards of 170 OngraS itigi.-
11111:1/11, $1 2 - 3
Its elementary Principles found
ed on the tinturo of man. ItyJ 0 Spitralielm, MD.
With on Appendix, coot mining the Temperaments and
a brief analysis ot ic Faculties. illustrated. $l5O
Family PhYsician. A ready Prescriber and
Hygienic Adviser. With reference to lho Nature,
0111.8, Pro,ntion, and Treatment of Diseases, Acci
dents. and casualties of every kind. With a Glossary
and copious Indus. By Juel Show, 311). Muslln t s4
Food and Diet. With Observations on the
Dietical regimen, suited for ili.ordereil states of the di
gestive organs, and an account of the Dietaries of some
of the in ineipal Metropolitan and other establishments
for paopers, lunatics, criminals, children, the sick; Ac.
By Jonathan Pereira, 311)., 1 , It S., and LS. Edited
by Clunk, A Lee, SI D. $1 75
for home Improvement; compri
sing, "How to Waite,"' Bow to Talk," .'llow to Be.
louse," and ''llow to Do Boliness," in one vol. $2 25
Constitution of Man. Considered in relation
to external objects. By Oearge Combo. The only no
tion ;red American edition. With Monty engravings
and a pot trait of the author. Mocha, $1 75
Moral l'hilosophy. By George Combo. Or
the duties of man considered in his Individual, Domes.
tic and Social capacities. Reprinted from the Edin
burgh ed., with the author's latest corrections. $175
Mental Science. Lectures on, according to
the PhiloL-eptiy of Phrenology. Delivered before the
Anthropological Society. By Rev. 0 S Weaver. $1 50
Management of Infancy. Physiological and
Moral Treatment. By Andrew Combo, M D, A Book
for Mothers. Muslin, $1 50
Denny. An Illustrated Poem. By Annie
Chambers Betchinu. Published in the elegant sty to of
Enoch Arden. A beautiful present. $l5O
~E'sop's Fables. The People's Pictorial Edi
tion. Beautifully Illustrated with nearly sixty engra
vings. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards. Only $1
Pope's Essay on Man. With Notes. Beau
ninny Illustrated. Cloth, gilt, beaded boards, $1
Xatural Laws of Man. A Philosophical
Catechism. By .1 0 buttrzheim, 311). Muslin, 75 its.
Frit.7 Culture for the Million. A Lland-hook.
Being a Outdo to the cultivation and management of
Si nit Dees. Descuptions ut the best varieties. $1
Inclose the amount in a registered letter, or in a P. 0.
Older, for one or for all the above, and addrebs S. It.
1% El LS, . , .1S) Itioaduay, New Yerk. Agents
llanted. Sich:lo
Latest Anival of Gent's Goods,
tins realty, ed to the room over John Bare it Co's Bank,
(01,1 Broad Top Cotner.) uhe, lie to prepared to do all
Limb; ut murk 111 Ills hne of businesr. Hu has Just recth
ed a lull line of
Thankful for past patronage he solicits a coutionanco
Of the cams. Tito a:teutiou of the pithily is called to hie
stock of cluth4, he Is pup rd to mar up to
of der to .t I.e.hionableoint able Mid N cork roanltk., manner.
Please gll a me a LAD
Little fresh violets ;
Born in the wildwood
Sweetly illustrating
Innocent childhood ;
Shy es the antelope—
Brown as a berry—
Free as the mountain air,
Romping and merry.
Blue eyes and hazel eyes
Peep from under the hedges,
Shaded by sun-bonnets,
Frayed at the edges;
Up in the apple trees,
Heedless in danger,
Manhood in embryo,
Stares at the stranger.
Out in the Lilly patch, •
Seeking the berries—
Linder the orchard trees,
Feasting .
Tramping the clover blooms
Downmong the grasses,
No voice so.hinder them,
' Dear lad's-and la'sses !
No grim propriety—
No interdiction ;
Free as the birdlings
From city restrictions
Coining the purest blood,
Strength'ning each muscle,
Donning health armor
'Ciainst life'e coming bustle!
Dear little innocents ;
Born in the wild wood ;
Oh 1 thnt all little ones
Had such a childhood I
God's blue spread over them,
God's green beneath them,
No sweeter heritage
Could we bequeath th em 1
The Real and the Ideal,
Subjoined is an eloquent extract
from an address delivered by. Col. A.
K. McClure, before the literary socie
ties of Washington and Jefferson Col
lege, Washington, Pa , August 3d, '7O:
"How brightly the ideal portrays
the triumphs of statesmanship ! Flow
the student's heart quickens as he
reads of the giants who have swayed
Senates and nations, and who have loft
enduring monuments of their great
ness in their political achievements -1
They tower above their fellows on the
pages of history, as if they had been
created unlike other :nen. But histo
ry is forgetful 'of their• groat deeds,
and their virtues alone survive them.
They all have dreamed, and vainly
dreamed, as have the humblest of their
followers. They hoped, attained, and
suffered more, and there the distinc
tion ends. I speak of Henry Clay
with reverence. He was the idol of
my boyhood, and his name is linked
with the grateful memories of the sea
son when we invest greatness with
the perfection of human attributes.—
He was beloved, even idolized, by his
partisans. It would seem as if he had
been born to test the measure of affec
tion that could be lavished upon a pop
ular leader by a free people. Others
have been esteemed; have aroused a
nation's gratitude; have commanded
the sober approval of the country, or
have been borne upward upon sweep
ing tides; but who, fallen and power
less, was followed to the close of his
eventful life with such sincere and pro
found affection ? He was great in all
the groat qualities of man, and yet he
was but a child of larger stature. You
will read of his victories—of his life,
that seemed to be but ono continued
ovation—of his matchless eloquence in
behalf of human liberty in every clime,
and of his . heroic, pacification of our
sectional estrangements.' He was hon
ored with every official trust, save the
ono he most desired. His ideal achieve
ment was to be chosen ruler ,of the
people Who loved him. It was the
sweet dream of half of his allotted
days. It seemed even just within his
roach, and yet was over lost. Twice
in his riper life his principles triumphed
in national contests; but others were
made his loaders, and wore the wreaths
his tact and statesmanship had woven
for his party. Never was a life so full
of hope ; never was the ideal so rich in
promise; and never *ere diCappoint
ments more filled with bitterness.—
When you .havb' read of his.brilliant
career : turn .to - the gad sequel in Col
ton's compilation of his private corres
pondence, and the bright picture is
blotted out in the painful realization
of a great life with its great ideal des
tiny overthrown.
"Another name is immortal in the
nation's pride and sharedits affections.
Webster was our profoundest states
man a score of years before his death.
j He crushed out a gigantic crime by a
single appeal to the Senate. It will
be enduring as time in the - annals of
rhetorical victories. Ho, too, was
Commoner, Senator, and Premier; but
was not what he inost ardently hoped
to be. His ideal destiny was plainly
written in his later years, and his life
went out in harrowing disappointment.
He had defeated Hayno and the threa
tened dismemberment of the Union,
and the whole world confessed the pre
eminence of his fame. He had an
swered Hulseman in behalf of the
rights of -man, and thrones trembled;
but he was riot President. His dreams
ended, and in a few fretful days ho
slept with his fathers.
"Calhoun was distinctively a repre
sentative man. lle was sincere, pro
found, subtle, and was worshipped by
his adherents. He had reached the
chair next the throne, and he had but
ono step more to realize his single
ambition ; but, he faltered as the chasm
widened; ho dreamed of ruling over
fragments of a dissevered country, and
in ~r and and gloomy perseverance, ho
labored ' until the shadows gathered in•
to night.
"Winfield Scott was the chieftain of
his age. The hero of two wars, ho had
reached the topmost round of military
glory. The impetuous victor of Chip
pewa and Lundy's Lane perhaps
dreamed only of twin stars, but the
commander-in chief and the conqueror
,Mvp.liant 'Dolot
of Mexico accepted a higher ideal des
tiny. The stars paled when' ' they
were,won, before ono bright dream
that was colossal in its freight of min
gled joy and sorrow. At last, after
many sickening days of bomdeferred,
a subordinate swept over him like the
simoon of 'the desert. If you would
know how much a child a man tnay
be, summon your generous forbearance
and read Scott's autobiography, where
he tells why•ho was not President.—
Ono, great 'hope, ono 'great infirmity;
and one great grief sum up the sequel
of his great' distinction.
"•'illy life has been a failure,' • were
the sad words I heard uttered by
Thaddeus Stevens when he was set
ting his house in order for the coming
of the inexorable messenger.. He was
the great Commoner of the nation's
sorest trial, and had witnessed :the tri
umph pf his earnest and consistent ef
forts for the disenthralment of the op
pressed. Ile ; was content with brav
ing popular ignorance and 'prejudice
against education and freedom ; but
when. he became the acknowledged
leader of the House, and saw the sub
stantial success of his cherished prin
ciples, his ideal life was not fulfilled.—
To himself his life appeared as does
the statue fashioned to rest upon some
high pinnacle. It seems ungainly, ill
proportioned, and wanting in symme
try and harmony,; but as it rises to
the distance from which it was design
ed to be viewed, its awkwaid, shape
less linos disappear, and its grace and
beauty win the admiring gaze of the
multitude. He had his measure of in
firmities, but there have been few so
sincerely devoted to their convictions,
and who would so willingly forego ho
nors and applause for conscience sake.
When posterity shall read of him, it
will be as one of the grand.central fig
ures in the panorama of a nation's re
demption, and his frailties will be un
recorded—the common tribute the his
torian pays to the fallibility of men
whose names are immortal. I thought
that he, of all our statesmen,. had most
nearly realized the hopes which in
spired his noblest efforts; but ho had
learned the•lessOn that the ideal desti
ny of every life points to the unattain
able. How much he dreamed, and
how keenly lamented that ho only
dreamed, there are few prepared to
"Look out over the countless throng
that have dreamed, and are still dream
ing, of the Presidency. The time was
when only the wisest statesmen looked
to the chair of Washington in their
ideal achievements, but now, who that
worships at the altar of ambition can
plead exemption ? Not sages and he
roes alone now turn their anxious
hopes toward the mighty sceptre of
the first people of the world. Preten
ders of every grade, who have climb
ed into position through slimy paths,
swell their shame by indecent strug
gles to rule in dishonor. Their ideal is
success, and 1 would not say how ma
ny bow before that fickle divinity. A
few of them will win in their moan
struggles, only to find their stolen ho.
nors turn to burning, ashes on their
brows. The broad path to the highest
trust of the Republic is thickly strewn
with skeletons of riven, castles, and
yet the throng that presses over thorn
to the same sad destiny is countless as
before. This one dream has unsettled
the best and bravest men, and is the
parent of strange misfortune. It has
made strong mon weak, And estranged
mighty leaders from the very devotion
they most,songht ; and it has made the
Union the prey of the tempest to grat
ify ambition. It invented the spolia
tiop of Mexico; it destroyed the Mis
souri compromise; it fashioned the
Bred Scott decision ; it enacted the fu
gitive slave law; it consigned the Whig
party to a dishonored tomb; it made
the Democratic party forget its cun
ning, and sacrifice its power; it made
men in every section, and of every
thado of sentiment traitors to them
solves, to truth, and to their country;
it bombarded Sumpter ; it prolonged
the bloody strife to destroy our na
sionality; and after the storm of battle
ceased it came with horrible discord
to lacerate the ghastly scars of war."
His MOTHER.—The love of a French
soldier for his mother is proverbial ;
it is a sentiment which survives every
other ; ho can never be laughed out of
it: and as long as ho holds sacred be
will always be reclaimable. There
were many touching instances of this
characteristic attachment during the
Crimean campaign. "One day," says
the aumonier, "atter a desperate action
a young sergeant of chasseurs was
ing awaiting his death, for a ball had
passed through his . body. Ho know
his case was hopeless, and T. poured
the consolations of religion into his
heart. 'Ah, hither,' he said, "the ap
proach of death does not make mo un
easy; I have just been reconciled to
God; I do not fear his justice; I - know
how loving and merciful He is. That
which fills mo with anguish is'—and
he paused for the tears rose to his
oyes, and choked his utterance—"tho
thought of my poor mother. As long
as I was receiving my pay, I always
managed to put by something to send
her. When lam no longer here, she
will die with grief and misery ;" and
the tears flowed afresh, for ho was
praying for his mother. I recited with
him a pater for her and with the words,
"Give her this day her daily broad,"
on his lips, he calmly expired."
A traitorous woman avows the be
lief that if all the men were in ono
country and all the *omen in another,
with a big river between them, lots of
poor women would be drowned.
863" Irpostage on papers is reduced
to ono eel) t, there will be two sent
where there is one sent now.
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How Mr. Weed used to Work.
B . T." writing on labor on a
morning paper relates the following :
I met Mr. Thurlow Weed a day or
two ago in the office of one of,our load
ing papers,:and 1 alluded to. Mr.. Jas.
Harper, and mentioned his , views •as
to the way for a , workingman to ac-,
quire' independence. Mr. Weed, re
flected a, moment and then replied :
"It was most. emphatically,the yule of
James Harper's whole life to study,
not bow little hemould, work, but how
much. Mr. Harper and I learped,our
trade more than fifty years, ago, of
Mr. Seymour, then the leading.printer
of the city. • He was our ameter, and
was one of the best-morn that (fed ever
made. He resided at•No.4o, John st.,
and lived, directly opposite his place of
business. J [MOB , and I were partnere.
The advantages of having a good part
ner, where you worked months togeth
er at the,satue press, must be • appar
ent. Often, when we had done a good
day's work, James Harper would say,
"Thurlow, let's break the back of an
other token—just break. its back." I
would generally reluctantly .consent
just to break its hack of the token,but
James would beguile me, or laugh at
my complaints, and never - let. me off
until the token was completed, fair
and 'square. It was a custom with' us
in Summer to do a fair half day's work
before the othe r ]: men and boy's got
their breakfast.' James and I would
meet by apdointment, in the gray of
the morning, and go down to John
street We got the key of the office
by tapping the window, and Mr. Sey
mour would take it- out from under
his pillow and hand it to ono of us
through an opening in the blihd. "A
pressman," continued• Mr. Weed, "who
could do 20 or oven ten per cont. more
work than usual was always sure of a
situation. Jaines Harper, Tom Ken
nedy—long since dead—and 1 made
the largest bills in the vicinity. We
often earned as much as $l4 per week
—liberal wages when you remember
that good board•could be obtained for
$lO per month.
As Mr. Weed tittered these words
his eyes lit up with the fires that illu
minated them in his youth, and there
was that expression a moment about
his face that showed he was for an in
stant living over again what wore pro
bably the pleasantest days of his.. var
ied and successful life.
In alluding to these "giants among
us," let us ask : Does the modern
system of labor, under the supposed
ameliorations of eight-hour law,trades,
unions, and constant strikes, promise
to bring up any representatives from
the ranks of the toiling millions, like
the legitimate fruits of old indus
tries, as represented by Thurlow
Weed, James Harper, and their co
equals and associates, "self-made men?'
Cdntrast the bitter spirit• of antagon
ism that now prevails between the em
ployed and Thurlow Weed's utterance
with deep emotion in his voice, speak
ing of his master, who had been dead
scores of year's, as "one of the best men
God over made."
It is something for the youth of the
country, thrown upon the world with
no resources but their hands and
brains, to •figure themselyes James
Harper and a Thurlow Weed, tall, ath
letic, six foot high, splendid young
mon, of the host American typo, shak
ing off sleep ere dawn, and hurrying
to their business.
Human Life.
How truly does' the journey of a
single day, its changes and its hours;
exhibit - the history of a human life !
We rise up in a glorious freshness of a
spring morning. The dews of night,
those sweet tears of nature, arerhang
ing from each bough and leaf, and re
flecting the bright and myriad hues of
the morning. Our hearts are beating
with hope, our frames buoyant with
health. We see no cloud, we fear no
storm; and with our chosen and be=
loved companions 'clustering around
us, we commence our journey. Step
by step the scene becomes brighter.—
A few of our companions have'dropped
away; but the multitude remaining,
and the beauty of the scenery, their
loss is unfelt. Suddenly We have en
tered upon a new country. Tho deWs
of the morning are exhaled by the fer
vor of the noon day sun; the friends
that started with us are fast disap,
pealing. Some remain, but their looks
are cold and estranged; others have
become weary and have laid down to
rest; but now faces aro smiling on us,
new hopes beckoning us on. 'Ambi
tion and fame are before us, but youth
and affection are behind us. The scene
is more glorious and brilliant, but the
beauty and freshness of the morning
have faded, and forever. But still our
steps fail not, our spirits fitil not. On
ward and onward we go; the horizon
of happiness and fame recedes as we
advance to it; shadows begin to length,
en, and the chilling airs of evening are
usurping the fervor of the noonday.—
Still we press onward; the goal is not
yet won, the haven not reached. The
bright orb of Hope that has cheered us
on is sinking in the west; our limbs
begin to grow faint, and our hearts to
grow sad; we turn to gaze upon the
scenes we have passed, but 'the shad
ows of twilight have interposed their
vail between us; we leek around for
the old and familiar faces, the compa
nions of our travel, but wogazo in vain
to find them; wo have out-stripped
them all in our race after pleasure,
and, the phantom yet uncaught, in a
land of strangers, in a sterile and in
hospitable country, the midnight over
takes us—the dark and terrible night
time of death, and weary and heavy=
laden we lie down to rest in the bed
of the grave! Happy, thrice happy is
he, who bath laid up treasures in him
self for the distant and unknown 'to
morrow.— Charldom
TERMS, $2,00 a• year in advance.
Eating Men's Honor and Names,
If I were to take, you ,to my house,
and say that I had an exquisitely fat
man, and wished you to join me in
eating him, your indignatiOrreculd' be
restrainod by nothing. You' Would
pronounce mo,to
_be, crazy., There
not a . man in New Y,ork ; so' mean that
be would itiot;put me,doWti n man whO
would' propose to have a-banquet from
off a fellowlman; cu'tting etealtS out of
him and eating them. .And that _is
nothing but feasting,ou ti?e n human
dy; while they all . will sit down and
take a man'Ei soul and'look for` the tee
det; loins, and itiVite theirtteighborEi to
little:tit•bits.',:They• will take a;man's
honor and name, and .broil them over
the coals of -their indignation, and fill
the whole room witliAbe aroma there
from, and give:their neighbors a'pieco,
and wink as ho tastes it. You all 'eat
men up, and you ate , cannibals every
one of you, and worse. • You will be
glad to get off at God's judgment seat
with the plea, "I only ate the outside."
You eat the souls, the finest elements
of men. You are morn than glad if
you can whisper a word that is not de
rogatory to a neighbor, or his wife, or
his daughter., :And yet, by an oblique
senteneo, you make up i avorable
pressions on the mind of the person
addressed in respect to the subject of
your'eriticism. '"Ah'!" he says, "I had'
not been informed ;" and he goes to
the next neighbor and says, ;'Mr. So
and-so says this and that about So-and
so." And that neighbor says, "In
deed," and runs to his partner, and
they both run to their wives; and the
thing goes all over town. Everybody
becomes an unpaid devil's mail carri
er, and goes hero and there bearing,
infernal messages. And what is the
result ? It is damnation to some poor
creature that is unconscious, or that is
innocent or that if guilty ought to be
pitied and succored, rather than con
temned. But ah ! the morsel is too
exquisite to. be lost. Hero is the soul
of a person's hope for this world, and,
you have it on your fork, and you
cannot refrain from tasting it, and giv
ing it to some one else to taste. You
are cannibals, eating men's honor and
name, and- rejoicing in it, and that, too,
when you do not always know that
the things charged against theta aro
true; when in ninety-nine cases out of
a hundred, the probabilities are that
they are not true,---Beecher.
Didn't ()atoll the Train.
The most difficult thing, says a cyn
ical old hell, in the world for a woman
to do is to get ready to goanywhere,.
And there is nothing a woman will re
sent quicker or more fiercely than an
intimation, that she may possibly miss
the train. ,Our friends, Brayfoglo,
gives us an instance of this. Mr. Bray
fogle was supposed to take the ten
o'clock train on the 800 lino, to visit
some relative in an anterior town.—
Having suffered on,preVioes occasions
from injudicious, suggestions.. Bray
thought for once ho would let things
take their own coarse. So lad sipped
his coffee and ate , his eggs on toast,
while madame •curled and .powdered
and danced'attendaneb on the looking
glass and tied hair on the back 01 her
head. .
Then. Bray sat by the stove :in hour
reading the morning paper, while the
madame still continued , to get ready.
At last, just as he , had reached. the fi
nal paragraph, madame tied her bon-
net stringi under her chin, took one
long; lingering, loving look at the im
age reflected— in the 'glass,. and an;
nounced: •
"Well, my dear, Dm ready."
"Ready for - what?"' asked Bray, in
well affected 'astonishment. . .•
"To go to the depot, to be sure,!
said Mrs. Braylogle, tartly.
"Oh !" said Bray; "I'd forgotten.—
Well, madame," continued ho, looking
at his. watch, "that train has been gone
thirteen minutes. Just keep on your
things, and you'll be ready for 'the
train •to-morrow morning??
Wo draw a vail over what followed.
Wo aro assured, however, - that , the
nest morning Mrs. B. was ready an
hour ahead of timo.
Franklin, widcitv cif,tho distiOguished
Arctic; eXplorer, Sir, John Franklin,
whole fate in the regions of efernal
and snow the civilized world has long
Sought' to "discoVer, arrived in New
York, Saturday, and became the guest
of kr. Grinnell; who fitted out an ex
pedition at his own expense, to seek
for the lost navigator. Years have
past since Sir John entered the icy re
gionsWitich were to he his tomb, his
wife being at' the time in the prime
and beauty of fresh womanhood; she
is now old and some What feeble, but
the interest in her departed husband
is as fresh with her as ever. She vie-,
ited Alaska in that spirit of emotional
romance which made her feel that in
the icy atmosphere of that northern
region she might more closely com
mune in soul With her long-lost part
ner. She returns to Englund in about
two weeks.
Every moment is a golden op
portunity, and it wo• only regularly,
habitually, gather up these moments,
in.process of.timo wo shall have ac
complished a work as great as those
who were favored with clear months
and years in which lo work. Southey'
has proved this by calculating that in
fifty years one may read and speak
seven languages, by the devotion of
only ten minutes each day to their ae•
quiroment. Thus Franklin; while
working as a printer's boy, laid the
foundations of his wondrous know
ledge; and Elihu' Burritt is a living
testimony to the great things that may
be done by the use of the moments—
the constantly recurring small oppon:
THE G-1_,073M
tho most complete of any in the conntey,'lind pole
SUM the moat ample facilities for promptly executing ill
Os but style, every variety of. Job Printing, endow rri
CIRCULARS, - , • •,1
' A' A,
NO. 9.
CALL AND ramanrz 9iT,CItiEN/30# *V44_
A Remarkable Cas'e efßepilfaotlen.
.A writer from Reading to the lila'
burgh Christian Radical, relates a re
markablefand apparently well anthet4l
ticated,case„of petrifaction of.a,human
Mrs: gobp.Tipell : ipple dteflAt •l4iou t
rovia, Kansas, on.the 22d of. Vebuary,
1866,in the, sixty-fifth Your
She Was hnried'thereen the 24th. I
December:lBo'4ler ,died
his dories io Tiernont,
ty, Penns r,` that his
wife's Ternains be hroughf•titid hurhicl
by his side in Tremont. Cemetery. On
the 20th of Febnary,-1869; thre'e gears
after the mother had - beeti hilt - 10130
grave" Was' , opened ; the re
moval of the covering of the. outer
cdffin it . WaSdiscOvered that both coffins
were "filled with a dark , dbhired water'
and on raising the coffinto , ilitisurfieet.
of the earth they found Eit'l
markably :hoary. ; • •- )
The-coffin , was emptied of the water;
and on, examination of ,the;body it was:
pronounced . by those present eomplete n
ly petrified. The-color of the.faen and
hands was, perhaPS; two shades ,ciatior.
than natural,- and somewhat, resembl,
ling a varnished surface. The features
were as full end• perfect as when 'she
;was aiiire; so that all, who bad knovirt ,
her, and came'to see; her, reMairia,,in 3
sum tly recognizecrthe ellrre :i,i;l,l)er•
ed 'countenance.: T4ebody.;remained atmostpheric influence for
four .days, in order to ascertain wheth
er any change Would take'
paratory' to its trantqirtatiOn,
ward. No •abange whafeVer, ilil3 -
manifeet. The remains Were roughly
handled at all transfer points, were,
transported fourteen hundredrmiles by.
rail, and before the burial at Tremont
the body was again examined;
Prevost of that place, and found - to be
thoroughly petrified,, and in- - the same
condition as it was when,Jaken 'out of
the grave. ,
Some cooks will throw out, water in'
which meats have been, boiled, With
out letting it cool to take off the fat.
Bits of ;neat are thrown out which
would make hash meat or hash.
The flour is sifted in , a careless man.
nor and the bread Tian left with thit
dough sticking to it.
„ „
Pie crust is laid by to sour, instead
of making tarts for tea.
Cold pudding is considered good for
nothing, when oftentimes it can be
steamed for tho next day. '
Vegetables are thrown away that
would warm for breakfast nicely. --
Dish cloths are thrown ~ w here mic)
can destroy, them. ,
The scrubbing brnsh'is left in thq
Tubs and barrels - are loft in the sun
to dry and fall apart.
Nico handled knives arbtbroWn into
hot water. .
Silver spoons are used to scrape kot,
Cream is allowed tdmould_sull,spoili
Coffee, tea, pepper, and spleen are'lefi'
to stand open and lose,tkeir strength.
The cork iS left - ont - of 'the molasses
jug and the flips take possession.
Vinegar ie drawn in a tin baein and
allOvired to Stand until both
,baOn and
vinegar is spoiled.• "- • ••
•THESIIIRT TREE.—The aceoutita of
travelers.have• made ns•we.ll, acquaint ?
ed with the "bread tree'-' but it rot:mau l
ed for 4 the,' indefatigable Humboldt to
discover in the wilds of South •Ameiii...
ca a tree which produces ready made
shirts.. We copy his: account of: this:
tree.: , : •1
"We saw
. on, the slopo of. the Cerra
Duiciti,Thay M. Humboldt, "shirt:trees
fifty'foot • The Indians Cut. off
cylindrical pieces tivo feet in diameter,
from which they peel the red- an&
fibrous bark, without making any long-.
itudinal incision. Tlio_bark affords a
sort of garine,nt-whichyesenblesAacke
of coarse textUre,_arid witliciat'a'seam.
The upper opening serves. 'for. the
head, and two latteral .holes are cat,
to admit the arms.; The - nativOS wear
these shirts of marina in' tba rainy sea.'
son; they •have the form of th °ponchos
and ruanos of cotton, which are so com
mon in New Granada, at Quito, and
in Peru."
Washerwomen aro rarely needed in
those regions. When the native wants
a "change of linen", all he, to
doff the soiled one, climb :a • tree and
pull down a bran new'cneand. put 4,
A Beautiful Comparison.
Rev. Dewitt Talmadge, now of Brook,
iyn, closed a sermon as follows: ','Seat
ed at a country fireside, the•Ottior day.
I saw the fire kindle;blaze and go out;
and I gathered np froth. the • heartlf
enough for my reflection. Our Mortal
life is just like the fire on that ,•hearth.
We put on the fresh, fragraent,and,the
flame burets through; arktl'UP, and out,
gay of sparkle, gay of flash, gay of
crackle—emblems of briyhood. Then
the fire reddens into coals.: The heat
is fiercer; , and the "more it le stir,,
red the more it reddens. With sweep
of flame it clears its Way till. all the
hearth glows with intensity—emblems
of '•full ;manhood. Then dunes the'
whiteness in the •coals. : The flickering
shadows have died along the
The faggots drop apart. The house:
hold hover over the expiring embers.
The last breath Of smoke has been
lost up the chimney.. Fire is oak—.
Shovel up the white sremaine, Ash ,
it is difficult to conceive anything more
beautiful than the reply - given by one in af
fliction when he was asked how' he' bore it sit
well : "It lightens the stroke;' he elaa, "to
draw nearer to Him 'who handles the rod."
LABELS,' 350., &O
Isn't it True.