Ely 6lobt, HUNTINGDON, PA Tuesday morning, Aug. 30, 1870. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Alectings Mt. Noriah Lodge, fee. 300, A. T. IL, meets second ilondsty,yreuingui each month, in Brown's building. Standing Stone IL It. A. Chapter, Xo. 201, meets the trot Turbday evening of each mouth, in Brown's budding. Juniata Lodge, No. 11 - , 1 0. 0. F., meets every Friday siveising, third floor, in Leister's building. hound Llor cueip of I. 0. 0. F., meets every second and lourth Tuesdays, in Leister's building, third floor. Standing Stone Lodge, No. 86.1. 0. G. T., meets every Tuesday evening in third floor of head's building. ArraixThoe Tribe, 110.68, /. O. of R. AL, meets every Thursday evening, third floor, Leister'a Young Mat's Christian Asiociatton uwots the first and third Monday es °Dings each month, in Smith's building. Pod 33, G. A. R., meets %bird Alunday of each mouth Court House. Town annuli meets the Bret Friday evening of each month. Huntingdon Lodge, No. 149, K. et P., meets every Eat- urdey evouiug, in mitten building. Hannagdota mail:leaf Honor, No 71, meets the fourth Alouday of each mown in Uood romplure' Hall. The Mbsternm club meats every lhursainy evening, iu the Y. 31. U. A. room. . - Huntingdon Council, 0. U. A. N., meets first and third Maeda), ofeach month in Good Templar. Hall. ECM= Baptist Church—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Plan nett. Services on suubath : 1034 a. tn., 7p. m. Cetholic—Waslongton street. Rev. R. .1. Aylward. Ser. vices Stet three sunda3e in every month. Myst:gelled Lutheran—Mifflin Street. Rev. J. J. Kerr. cervices em Sabbath : 1034 a. in., 7 p. In. German Helot cued—Church Street. Rev. 8. D. Reticle. Service un Sabbath: 7. p. m. Methodist tpiscopal—Church :Street. Rev. M. IL Foster stervicee on sithitath: 1034 a. in., 7 p. M. Protestant I.piscopal—[fill siren. Bev. A, 11. Boy le, Serviced on Sabbath: 10%a. m., 634 p m. ['realty teriau—litil Street. Lev. G. Zahnissr, Ser vice/ On Sabbath : 11 a. m , 7 p. m. On the Wing. Gono--the dog-days Dull—the campaign. See adv. of the G. O. D Not so plenty—mosquitos. Spreading—the yodel evil Disappearing—spring chickens Lively—the crickets and katy-dida A popular dump—apple dumplings. The Grand Corn Dance is soon to come off. Centre county fair—the same time as ours 14,000 people, it is said, attended the Wayn• camp meeting on Sunday n week. Our home ativertiners ion% change their advertisements often enough, A traveling fool who plays with snakes, wee in town lost week. "Shoo Fly" has got into the hand-organs It ought to have found a quieter grave. Great preparations are being made for the Corn Dance of the Arrnpahoe Tribe. There are nine lodges of Good Templars in Franktin!county, with a membership of 700. Huntingdon has six blacksmith shops, all doing a hammering business. The Smithfield Sabbath School is in a flourishing condition. The Y. M. C. A. of Altoona are to have a series of lectures commencing in October. Li - cherish Webster, of Juniata county, was suffocated while cleaning out a well. The new convent bell in Altoona scared out a fire company. Silk striped with velrot, will be much worn for street costumes next fall. Almost everybody wants a war map—get one of Lloyd's, the popular map publisher. Do you want any job printing? Call at the Globe office. A thief entered Wm. Swartz's bed room in Lewistown recently, and took $65 from his pante pocket. Simon W. Detar, of Greensburg, accident ally-shot part of his head off with the con tents of a gun, which killed him. Adah,:4Onis' bed room in Port Matilda, Centre county, was entered by - a thief who robbed'his pants pocket of $B3. Tirtiothy McCarthy has been lo dged in the Clearfield jail as the supposed murderer of Michael Layton. - The Centre Baptist Association coalmen. ees at Shirleysburg, this county, on the 31st -inst. Donnell & Kline, the expert photograph ers of this place, propose going to their room in Cunningham's new building, shortly. Chang and Eng, the Siamese twine, who went to Europe to see if they could be sep arated, have returned as united as ever. A boy named McHugh was struck by the locomotive et a gravel train near Cresson re eently,-and instantly killed. The Arrapahoe Tribe of Red Men will show theme elvee at the Corn Dance on Sept 13. Everybody should see them. The Young America base ball club of this place beat a club in Alexandria on Thursday last. It also beat a club from Lewistown on Saturday last. A party of ladies and gentlemen went to Arch Spring, Blair county, from this place, on Thursday last, and enjoyed themselves ,hugely. Dr. A. B. Brumbaugh is making his resi dence on Washington street three stories.— Mr. Wm. Kennedy has erected a three•story brick on the same street in West Huntingdon Locale are scarce. The only person in jured last week in our population of 3500. was a young man who had his finger cut.— He should hare the popular sympathy. Geo. Potts, the removal candidate for the Legislature in CaMbria county, has declined, and H. D. Woodruff editor of the Johnstown Democrat, has been nominated to take his place in the Tribune as its candidate. A garter snake in Somerset county, recent 8y performed the astonishing feat of swal lowing a family of sixty-nine—her own off- spring Tho Bellefonte glase.wnrke have suspend. ed. and it is thought doubtful whether they will resume. Would not glass-works in this place pay better? The Lutheran and Baptist Sunday Schools held a combined picnic on Saturday last.— Our young friends have our thanks for a good taste of the good things. We were visited by two terrific thunder storms last week. No damage was done in this vicinity. The water of Raystown branch was raised nine feet at Saxton. The roof of Mr. Walker's residence in West Huntingdon was partially destroyed by fire on Tuesday mnrnfng last. The fire was eninmtinioated from a stovepipe. That was a truthful saying of a merchant in this place when he said "it looks too much like a one-horse establishment for a business man .to use anything else than printed bill• etc." The Corn Dance of Arrapahoe Tribe of Red Mon promises to be one of the grandest things of the season - and alarge crowd is ex pected. Don't forget the day, Tuesday, t.pterabsr 13. County Committee Meeting. The Republican County Committee will meet at the Court House in Huntingdon 'on Friday, the 9th cifSeptember, at one o'clock P. M. It is hoped that every member of the Committee will be present at this its first meeting, as business of importance will ,be transacted. The Committee as selected by the delegates to the Convention is as follows: Alexandria—Wm. M. Philliys, G W Hewitt Birmingham—T. S. McCahan, Jessie Beigle Barree—James Stewart, Alfred IV Kenyon I.rady—Martin L Shaffner, E A Green Broad T9p city—J D Lewis, S H Houck Cassvilte—George M Green. J. M. Wilson Cass—Joseph Parks, John D. Boring Carbon—D E Conrad, John Palmer Coalmont—Thos Thompson, Abrabom Brod Clay—Saml.MoVitty, S L Glasgow. Cromwell—Alvah Lynn, Orbison Crum Dublin—ll C Robinson, Wm. Clymans. Franklin—John Laporte, J. A. Deacon lienderson 7 George Numer, F. Corbin Hopewell—Geo. Berkstresser, 11. Chipper. Ituntingdon,E. M King, T \V Mvton W. K. Burchinell, 11. Elam Jackson—James II Lee, John M Oaks Juniata—John Corbin, Wm. Boenneman Lincoln—John Fulton, Henry Shultz Mapleton—D. H. Foster, H. H. Swoops, Morris—J K. Templeton, Dr. S. Tnompson Mt. Union—John S. Bare, T. A. Appleby. Mt. Union dist.—Jon. Doyle, Wm. K. Myers Orbisonia—Wm. L. Miller, Jas. S Chilcoate. Oneida—Elisha Shoemoker, Jaeoh Miller Penn—Michael Garner, Jacob Hoflley. Petersburg—Jos. Johnston, Henry Orlady. Porter—Joseph A. Green, Henry W. Swoops Shirley—Wm. L Spanogle, Richard Colegate Shirlegsburg—John Kerr, William Harris Sprinp . field—N Madden, J. C. Brewster Tell—John P. McMath, Valentine Sebmittel. Tod—Jonathan Evans, R H Crum. Three Springs—P II Bence, E G Heck Union—J. C. Wright, George Miller. Walker—John P. Watson, John Brewster. Warrior»zark—Richard Wills, Geo. Guyer Upper West—John Neff, Hugh T. Johnston Lower West—James Wilson. Henry Neff. J. SYLVANUS 131,Ata, Chairman Rep. Co. Com. THE AMENDED BANKRUPT LAW.— The bankrupt law has been amended by a recent act of Congress in some few particulars which are worthy of public notice Provisions are now made that the circuit judge, in cases of sickness, absence or other disability of the district judge, may make all necessary rules and orders preparatory to the final hearing in causes of bank ruptcy. The law provides also that 'the provisions of that section known as the fifty per cent. clause shall not apply to - those debts from which the bankrupt seeks discharge, which were contracted prior to the first or January, 1869. In other words, a debtor whose assets do not pay fifty : cents on. the dollar Must now obtain the assent - Of a majority, in number and value of those creditors only, whose debts were con tracted since the Ist of January 1869 A clause of the thirty-ninth section makes it an act of bankruptcy that a person '•being a banker, •merchant, or trader, has fraudulently stopped or suspended, and not resumed payment of his commercial paper within a pert ed of fourteen days." Much difficulty has been found by the courts in the consti uction of this clause especially as to the meaning of the word -fraud ulently." All ambiguity has been re moved by an mendment as follows: '"Or who being a banker, broker, merchant, trader, manufacturer or miner, has fraudulently stopped pay ment, or who has stopped or suspend ed and not resumed payment of his commercial paper within a period of fourteen days." The bankrupt law ie improved by these amendments. A Stmrti knowledge of the inflam mable nature of kerosene oil would probably put a stop to-accidents. As the oil burns down into the lamp, a highly inflammable gas gathers over its surface, and as the oil decreases the gas increases. When the oil is nearly consumed a slight jar will often inflame the gas, and an explosion is sure to follow, causing in many eases, death and destruction. A bombshell is not more to be dreaded. Now, if the lamp is not allowed to burn more than half way down, such accidents are al most impossible. Always fill your lamps every morning; then you scarce ly need fear explosion. us_ The war in Europe continues with slight prospect of peace. One thing is certain, one of the great pow ers must fail; but not so with Luke Reilly, the baker. He knows nn such word as fail in making good Bread, Cakes, etc., and his Candies and Bon hone are fit for either King William or Emperor Napoleon, their wives, "or any other man." U' We have received a copy of the San Diego (Cal.) Union which makes mention of a warehouse belonging to Gordon Stewart & Co., forwarding and commission merchants, which con tained some 300,000 pounds of barley, wheat and corn, and a mammoth pile of hay. Mr. S is a Huntingdon Co. `juvenile," and it will please his friends to know that ho is doing a large and successful business. We 811115 in town last week our popular friend, A .V. Westbrook, now a resident of Philadelphia. We learn that he is now the sole proprietor and mauufacturer of a reme. dy for Piles, which is very efficacious in the cure of that troublesonie complaint. Tlie Doctor is stopping at the Morrison House, where those afflicted will do well to call on him. Retail Market Priors Butter 25, BC, as to quality; eggs 18; lard 25; potatoes $70@50,75; dried apples lOcts per lb; dried peachesls® 25uts, per lb; beans 10@18e quart; eu ,,ar cured hams 30 cts; shoulders 20@ 22 side 18@22 cis per lb; dried beef 30 @32 cts; flour $6,50@7.00, per barrel. Green apples GO, 75. 1,00, as to quality, ria.. The Phrenological Journal and Packard's Monthly--a union of two first class magazines—for September contains twenty-tour first-class articles from first-class writers, besides edito rial items, poetry, &.e. Samuel R: Wells, Publisher, N. Y.—s 3 a year. ACCIDENT —A young man named Emery Lebhart, employed in Wise St Taylor's now furniture factory, in this place, bad his tight forefinger out off at the first joint by a planer, on Thurs day last. NOTICE.—CVO nre now offering our present stock of Drees Goods, Hoeie ries, Cassimers, &c., at extremely low prices. Good Delaines at 15 cents a yard. 2t HENRY & CO. vg t .All sizes Copper Kettles at A B. Stewart & Co. a3O-2t. [COMMUNICATED.] CELEBRATION.--A. beautiful fday ad : ded much to"the enjoyment of a scone witnessed at McConnellstown, Satur day, the 20th day of August. It was a procession of Sabbath' School sehol ars•and teachers. We did not notice' one in all the throng that appeared gloomy, sad, or disappointed; but ra ther the opposite—all countenances were shining with joys already at hand, and with bright anticipations for the pleasures of the day. Among this number not one could be found that entertained envy, ealousy, or sec tarian strife, for this was A UNION of the Methodist and Reformed Sabbath schools. Everything connected with this fes tival seemed so inviting that we joined the group and marched with them un der the .inspiration of martial musio, skillfully performed, to Oak Island, McCoy's Grove. Here we found the arrangements convenient. The exer % cisme of the day wore opened by sing. ing and praper, in which Rev. Shontz officiated. Brief but well-telling ad• dresses were given by Revs. Barrick of Philadelphia and Sangreo of McCon • nellstown. The scholars were then dismissed to engage in proper social enjoyments, 'or to commune with na ture's laughing rivulets, huge oaks, and grassy carpets,wbich the site beau. drolly blended. At 12:30 P. M. all were called together and marched around the table bountifully supplied with the most choicy eatables. This well-spread table was a strong proof of the generosity and good taste of the women of McCennellstown and vicini ty. After dinner wo again entered the grove for amusement.,. At 3'P. celebration was close with' prayer.- The grand success of the day was in a great measure the result of the ardu ous and determined manner the com mittee to whom the arrangements were entrusted, labored. They did their part nobly, meriting the'thanks of the community. We hope that the innocent smiles radiated from ,the attendUnts of this celebration rnay be crystallized em blems of the ioffiney of our Sabbath schools, after they have grown to manhood, strong in building up . the church., Our wish fur the schools is, that they may groW in numbers and in the knowledge of religious truth; that every religious idea they are in strumental in imparting may in due season become a religious act. TeseherowsamiAguttons. The annual examination of teachers for the present year will be held in the several districts as follows: Alexiiildrla born. and Porter twp.; at Alixandelo, Bept:3 Franklin twp .at 3 ranklinville a 6 Warrlondnitik twp ,at Warriors/mark, a 6 Maris twp.. nt Shufferevlllo At 7 Walker twit.. at McCoidiellstown. II 8 Coalmant. B. T. city and Carbon, nt Cost:clout, " 9 West twp., at Shavers Cieck bridge, " .12 Barren tape, at Manor 11111, " 13 Jackson tap, at 31cAlevy's Fort, . 14 Oneida twp., a Centre Union school husk " 15 Henderson twp . tit Union school house, • " 16 Brady tap ,at Mill Creek, " 19 Mapleton Wm. at Mapleton, " 20 Mount Union lioro.. at Mount Union," 21 Shit ley-Murg Moro.. and Shirluy, at irleyeburg, " 23 Orhlsonla bony and Cromwell, nt Urbleoula, " 23 Dahl 111 t wp..at Mul° Latp: Tell tap. at ISoinagerlown Springfield iwp.. lit Meadow Gap, Clay twp •at Tine,. Oplings boro., I, 28 CassviOu boro. oral Um tap, et CA1.11 , 1110, .. 29 Union tarp., at Palls Grove school house, 4 . 38 Juniata tarp., at Bell Croon ,cboul hotwo, Oct. I Pant] top.. at Markitsburg, " 2 . . . Hopewell and Lincoln twps ,at Cotton Run, " 4 Ted twp., at Newberg, " 5 The examinations will commence at 9 o'clock, a. m, Persons unknown to the Superinten dent must produce satisfactory evi dence of good moral character. It is expected that boards of direc tors will generally be present at the examinations to inske their selections of teachers. Citizens are cordially in vited to attend. Teachers will be examined in, the . districts in which they design to teach. Private examinationswill be dispensed with. All professional certificates ex• pined by law on the first oflast June. Llirectors are particularly 'cautioned not to employ any teacher who has not a valid certificate. D F. Twiny, Co. Supt Alexandiia, August 9, 1870. Can't be Undersold. Red Front Grocery receives new supplies almost every duy, sells the most and freshest, and can't be under sold. New Mess Shad, Dry Salt Roe and Pickled• }louring, the best and medium Mackerel, White Fish, Trout, Salmon, &c., cheaper than the cheapest, and warranted. • • Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing. Mrs. B. Annie McCabe respectfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by H. McManigill, on 'Washington street. and is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. She respectfully invites a full share of patronage. ap7 Lewis' is the Place to Buy School Booke and Stationary, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc.. etc. [novll.tf. Every business man should use printed bill heads, letter heads, and envelopes. They have to use the paper and - envelopes, any way, and we furnish the material at whole sale prices, and print them at less than the material would cost at retail price. Call. wk. Farmers needing a'Grain-drill, will do well to call on Wharton & Ma- guire and examine the Willoughby gum-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing. tf air The GLOBE Office is prepared to execute all kinds of Job Printing-for the Merchant, Manufacturer; Coal Op erator, and other business men, at lees rates than the same can be had in the city. Give us a call. Carpet Weaving Mrs. Matilda ,Pheasant is prepared to weave rag carpets, and solicits patronage from a generous public. Residence Wash ington Street, West Iluntin tf Miiir A large stock of the beet Stone ware, of all kinds, now on hand at the Red Front Grocery, and for sale cheap er than anywhere else in the county. te...Beet Gum Roller and Gum Spring Grain Drills, at 11IeLanaban, Stone & leett's, llollldayeburg, Pu. fe9.Bm itirKeyetone Cider Mille for eale by A. R. Stewart & Co., eend for cir cular. (July 26 3m. ter Cider Billie, Grain Separators, Clover Hullers and Stammers, Cultivators, Washing Machines, etc., etc., at MoLanahan, Stone /6 heft's, Hollidaysburg, Pa. fo9•Sm • MARRIED, On the 25th inet , near Manor Hill, by the Rev. W. Gwynn, Mr. JOIIN H. MYERS Of OCROlia,olliO, t 0 Miss CLARA A. STEWARD of Manor Hill, Pa. On Sunday, August 21st, at his res idence in Norton, Illinois, Mr Tnos. LLOYD STATES, aged 61 years, 5 months and 28 days. Mr. States was former ly a citizen of this place. At Penna. Furnace, August 21st, WILLIAM PORTER, youngest son of.Tno. and Sarah',l. Irvin, aged tsvo years, nine menthe and fifteen day's: [Lewistown papers please copy.] August 25th inst., in Ennisville, of Typhoid Fever, Mrs. MARY ANN HARDY, only -surviving daughter of flugh..Stuith, deed, aged 60 yes.l . • Mrs. hardy was a member of the M. E. Church for 40 yrs. Sho was an amia ble, unassuming child of grace; devo ted to the cause of Christ, faithful in her performance of ehristian'duty, and submission to the will of her divine master. We look upon her life as an epitome of christian devotion, and pa tience. Her death was in perfect.con-, sonance with 'her life: she calmly and with full assurance entered the eter nal world. W. MARKETS. Punaucuelita, Aug - , , 29. 1570. , Superfine Flour per barrel 55.75@>6.12;.4 Extra Flour per barrel 46.000655 Ilya Flourper barrel ' ,ll'l39PV:ili ...... Red Wheal - per bushel ....' Rye per n bushel 95698ct5. Corn -.Y04b93 Oats per bushel 60(9)12et5. PITTSBOACIII, Aug, 29, 1870. White Wheel Flour, ' 1.50(0.00 Wheat per bushel ,nhlte $1.30@1,35 Calliper bushel ' Bb®9oets. Oats per bushel 930054015. flye per bushel $0 9u@0,95 Barley Diettaus tieing FINANCIAL. Mit' roux, Aug,ls.—gold closed it $1,16.34 PHILADELPHIA. Aug, 27, 1870. The following are the clusinr , prices of De Haven .Sc Bro., 40 South 'Third street U. S. 6's (I'Bl, • - 1141 1141 " " • '62, • • 112 1121 " " '64, • - • 1101• 111* " '65, - , - 111 111* " '65, new, - 1091 11U " " '67, •' 103 HUI " " '6B, - - ' 109 k 11U* " s's, 10-40's, . 1081 109 U. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy. 1111 1111 Gold • • - . 1101 1101 Silver, • - ' 111 114 Union Pacific R.R Ist If, Bonds 815' 825 Central Pacific B. R. - 875 885 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 730 700 IV. A. C _HUNTINGDON /MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY la LIENEY dt CO. WHOLESALE PRICES. • FLotti—Superfine Flour, per bunt!, , $5.00 Extra Flour, du , 650 Family Flour, • do • 7.00 OttaiN- 7 .11ed Wheat, per bushel. 125@1.30 White Wheat, do 1.30®1.35 Rye, . do 85 Corn, do ' 85 Oats, do ' •40 Barley,' do • 1:00 SEED — Timothy, do 4 50 Flaxseed, do - 1.75 Cloverseed, per 64 lbs. 7.00 Com.—Hard coal, por ton, 4.50(45 75 Broad Tup coal, do ' 3:00®3.50 LUMBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00®30.00 SHINGLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00®12.00 Joint Shingles,: do , 5.00(P.00 MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cold, 9.00 Bran, por cwt.,1.00 Hops, per pound . 40 Wool, do ': 40®45 Hay, per ton, ... . 10.00 Hides, - " 24 " 26 Professore BUCHANAN & .Dowx of Dm American - ; University, aro making wonderful cures - • • ' U of Cancers, Tumours and Ulcers by their new discovery A painless treatment, no knife, no plasters, no caustio burning. ' t O Thomost /remark- ' pable effect CANCERS , of this treatment is, it sepa rates the chemical elements of cancerous F growths, so that they shrivel, die and die appear and will not return. All those of. . .4 Dieted can call on the Professors Buchanan & Down, University; .or addresi, No 014 Pine Street, Philada. 1 REAL EST-ATE AND MILES LEWIS & CO. Farm, Town Lots, Houses, and all kinds - of_ REAL ESTATE, bought or Bold. Bonds, 31ortlieges and Deeds accurately prepared. Money .loans negotiated on Real Estate security Lot N 0.14, West Huntingdon, vacant. First, whole lot west of Fulton Street on Southern stile of Mifflin et.. Good lot and splendid locution. Price $7.30. • Two story frame house' largo stable, good well and whole of lot No. 224 Good locution. Price reasonable Large Frame Dwelling on Wvehlngton street, West Huntingdon, west of Fatten, ten rams; good water,— Price, ossooo. Frame Dwelling on Washington etroot east of Cheat nut. ' Price, $2600. Three lots aground in Wileontown. A good limestone forms in West township, limn miles from it. ft. Station. 250 moms For any information in regard to condition., adver tismg, &c., apply, in parson, orr, bylatter, to SIMPSON .& ARMITAGE, HUNTINGDON, Pa., Office, opposite the Court House July 1241n-3m. GRAN DCORN DANCE BASKET - PIC-NIC. BY ARRAPAHOE TRIBE,' Improved Order of. Red Men, AT M'CAHAN'S WOODS, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1870. No pains will be spared by the Committee of Arrangements to make this one of the best entertainments of the kind ever given in the State, Several Tribes have been invited, arid aro expected to be present. A preemie, will be formed at the Wig wam at 9 o'clock—the members in full rega lia—and after parading the principal streets will proceed to the grounds, where the time will be spent in feasting, dancing, Jpe Refreshments and edibles will be on the ground, and served to visitors at trifling cent. The publie are cordially invited. Aug 9. FOR CHEAP S OB p RINTING CALL AT THE "GLOBE" OFFICE, DIED, I=2 LOAN AGENCY. FAR SALE NIINTINGDUN, PA isitreartietB!.ilB7o SPRIN G STOCK AT RE'PVC . R.D PRICES. JAMES A. BROWN, Is constantly receiving at his new CARPET STORE/ , IN HUNTINGDON, PA, Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from the rooms of the manufacturers. Ms stock comprises BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, VENITIAN, , .WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE ; " HEMP, LIST and RAG CARPETS, • - CARPET CHAIN, COCOA and CANTON - MATTINGS, FLOOR, STAIR and 'TABLE la C 1 1.1 C.) ar ME IS, A FRESH. STOCK OF WALL' _PAPER, WINDOW-SHADES and Fixtures, Druggets, 'Ftlret Rugs, Door Nate, Extra Carpet Thread and Binding ' WI . make *specialty of lurulehing CHURCHES end LODGES, at City Prices, and Invite Fulnishlng Commit tees to call and see goods made expressly for their pur poses. duyere will sore money and be better suited by 'going, to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Stoma for any of th o above goods. I defy competition to prices and raraety of beautiful patterns. CARPETS 25 cents per YARD and UPWARDS. I have also the Agency for the Original HOWE SEWING MACHINE so well know u aa the beet gamily Machine In the world. Mal at Me CARPET STOREand see them. JA3IIO A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Mete 16, '70.6m. West Huntingdon Foundry. JAMES SIMPSON I=== PLOIVS, THRESHING MACHINES, BAJtit DELLS, SLED AND SLLIOU BOLES, WAGON BOXES, IRON KETTLES, 4 0 , Ett1313.g . .g3 For Furneces, Forges, Ehiet end Saw ➢Alle, Telenet lee nod Linckyttz AND JOB WORK IN GENERAL. ARCHITECTURAL A ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Iron Porticos and . Verandahs, Balconies,Columns and Drop Ornament in erecden porticos an verandahs, Window Lintels nod Sins, Cast Ornaments for Wooden lintels, Cellar %%follow Gourds all sizes, Chimney Tops and Flues, Sash Weights, Carpet Strips, Registers, Heaters, Coal Grates, Vault Castings fur coal tied wood cellars, A shorn, 1 ree.boxes, Lanip•posto, IlitZning-posts. Iran Railing for pot lima, verandahs, balconies, flower. bade, Yard end Cemetery Feiidee, etc. ParUculcr atl•ntiun paid tofencing ante*, Lets. Address JAMES SIMI'S IN, ee23,68 Huntingdon, Pa. HUNTINGDON' FOUNDRY. 1= BLAKE & MoNEIL, [Summon to J. M. CONNISOLIAM & SONJ Iron' and Brass Foun.ders, HUNTINGDON, PA IRON and BRASS CASTINGS mods la a first class - , Foundry. IA o havo always on hand all kinds 1.1 Flow and Stove Castings, Wadh ! Kettles, Cellar-windows, Grates, Coal hole Castino for pavements, Window weights all sizes and weights. Pipojoints, Sled _ Wagon boxes, flunkies Castings. fr aud semen., gait• 5.% w.luunte ant plaster mills of all descriptions. HEATERS AND IRON FENCES, of tho most improved st)lo, oven doors and framos, door Bile, and in fact ever) thing made in this line. We hare a larger stock of patterns, and can furnish cas tings at short notice, and cheaper than they can bu had In the country. Mt ing a good drill, we aro prepared to do drilling and fitting up of all hinds. 011 ice in Meerut,' New Building, Bin 'treat, Bunting don Pa. dt,11.17, 1869. BLAKE & McZIEIL. THE HUNTINGDON Manufacturing Company, Is now prepared to fill orders for WEATHERBOARDING, FLOORING, DOORS, And id short to do nil kiiida of Coipentor tvurk-- To furnish HOBS, SPOKES and FELLIES, in quantities, and receive orders for 3PII73EtNIUDIT.ISLM. ZAll orders should be addressed to D. W. ARTLEY, President, Huntingdon, Pa June 16, 18694 f. nianategam J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in M° ILT 2EIL ti itt. Respectfully invitee the attention of the Public to his stand on Rill at., Huntingdon, In the rear of tioorgis W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where he nuumfactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing at all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. Cr Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style desired, at short not. has a A7ll. NL s IV.AND ELEGANT HEARSE and is prepared to attend Funerals at uuy place in town or country. J. M. WM. Huntingdon, May 9,]888-t[ JOHN C. MILLER, (Successor to C. 1.1. lIILLIO. h SOSO DEALER IN All Kinds of LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, HUNTINGDON, PA ja12.1870 Q:AND.- kJ KAM:RING, BUILDING or LOAM Sand, from tbt will be delivered at one dollar per two horse wagon load, on application to Logan Martin. Orders left at Decker & Crownover's more will mob Lim. R. it. BRYAN. WANTED. -1,000 cords of Bark, at the Mammoth store. The highest market pm paid In cash (Jun 1 aro] - HENRY k CO. I?NVELOPES _u_j By the box, pack, ar lea quantity, Per mile at I.IrWIS" BOOK .4 ND STATIONaItr srons. \k,HEEER & N ILSOYS HIGHEST PREMIUM' &Ng 8113701 Se Whig Machmes, eeeived the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. • They are adapted to all Wad. of Family Sewing, and to the Dee of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tailors, Manu facturer. of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cleaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Cape, Corsets,, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, parasols, etc.' They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species °tossing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article sowed. ,The qualities which recommend them are: „ „ f. Beauty and excellenco of stitch, ahke on both sides of the fabric sovicd. *. 2. Strength, firmness and durability of sealit,that will • not rip nor ravel. ' 3. Economy of Thread. . 4. Attachments and wide range of application to purpo sea and materials. • 6. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. O. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. - . T. ggard, ewer of operation and management. and qutot- nets of movement. ingredient free to all. Mealtime kept in repair one ) Our tree of charge. MO SELF BASTING A Patent Self Baster bag been attached to the ealebra ed GROVER & BAKER SEWING MAGILL:IES The above machines will wilco altber the chain or Lock Stitcb,(atltch alike on lmtkaurfnoes). Call and see theta work. Tor further Inforuiottoti serite to or cel 11..AIARION McNEIL April 464 f. OMB ,TIVO JIM - , YOU can save from 10 to 30 per et by buying your Instruments from E. 3. Gr3FILMM.Z.IIO, DEALER IN STEINWAY & SONS, CHECKERING & SONS, THE WEBER, RAVEN & BACON'S. THE UNION PIANOFORTE CO'S GEORGE M GUILD & CO'S. CONRAD MEYERS, AND ALL OTHER MAKES OF - PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S, nod GEO. WOODS & CO'S celebrnted ORGANS, or any other make desired. Also, kIELODEONS, GUI TARS, V/OLINB, German Accordeone, Sheet Music, Mu sic hooks, &c. Now and good Pianos for $3OO and upward.. New 9 Octave Organs for $5O Now Melodeons for 70 " MAII Instruments Warrantedfor,five years. cit Agents supplied at wholesale picas, the same as in the y. Call on or address IS. J. GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa., api2,7o 2d floor Leister's New Building. AND SASH, REMOVED TO THE N. E. CORNER OF DIAMOND. Boot and Shoe Emporium. I JOHN H. WESTBROOK Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho has just received from the city a Raw and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sack Trunks, &e:, &c., &c. all of which he is prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices Don't forget the new stand in the Diamond. Old cast°. mere and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, up. 7, 1869. FM GEO. SHAEFFER 6 •ltasjust returned from the emit with SPLENDID STOCK Of • BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &a, Which he offers to the inspection of his customers and the public generally. Ile will sell his stock at the moll REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchrme once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done In the neateat and most expedi• Does manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at hie shop on Hill street, a few doors west of-the Diamond. ap. 14, ISM NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA Informs Enttto Lee g opened %d the Huntingdon, A Fine Assortnient 'of 'all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES,' For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which to, will sell at fair prices. Quick rater and smallprofits. Call sod examine my stock. Ma'aufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, Ap. 14. 1569. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY MARRIED New Furniture, &c. THE undersigned would respectfully I announce *babe manufactures and keeps constantly on band x la.gs and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS . . WASH CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cane seat chairs. cupboards, gilt and rose wood moulding for mirror and picture frames. and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that camant fail to be satisfactory. Be le also agent for the well known Bailey di Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. Tice public are invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. . Work and loam room on.lllll street, near Staab oils door west of Yenter's Store. JAMBS Hantingdes, keg. I, 1551 U. B. LEWIS, Agent, HONTIPODON, PA SEWING MACHINES. ORRENE'dc BRO., Ldaa'a Building, up stalri Ltuatlagdoti Pa AND ALL IN WANT OF , • - _„; CENTRAL HOTEL,, ➢OOTH LAST CORKEIeFOIIRTII Ail) MINI FM, PHILADELPHIA. E.OI.IILOOTE, (formetly of Huntingdon C 0.,) Egon% Centrally located and the most convenient point for merchant., afelting. the city. Accommothtlens 'alb* Bra-clam. All the modern improvements. Every at tention will la/extended to guesis. JandAys (Siig Vlbutisantats. kalfrg l 13 F, 3 Barclay St., N.Y. or 38 W. 4tli St., Cincinnati, 0. If they - want the most Popular and best selling subscription books - published. and the most he. &al terma. Send for circulars. Theywlll cost you nothing, and maybe or great benefit to you. =I MISS MARY B. AERTSBN Miss DIARY E. STEITEii 19111 Ite4pen their BOARDING AND Dil ; 9CEIOOI. FOR YOUNG IaDIEB, BP,FtESIBERII4, MI, At Rif Tolpebocken &A For Circular!, apply to the Prluctpals. ,1y1941t AGENTS WANTED FOR j.. 3 .• . Proqeotas FREE g , !., EBLE . TRIOS' ., ' A Masterly Versification of the ,501inio, Poetry of the Bible. , • - •!, S/I pronounced by leading clergymen and laymen ot 1 1.7 'all - denominations. Universally addlited highly esteemed both for Its great Intrinsic) merit end , mechanical finish. A beautiful Prospectus, from a new and original design, showing the different styles of In ad- , ing, - ete., sent absolutely FREE to all accepted as Agents.and a sample copy when desired. and at 20 per,. cent lees than the'wholesele price.' • Excludes Terittory,•' end the most liberal terms.- •For full partlcolare, terms, etc.. address 'C. P. VIINT, Publisher. May 3,..tf0. S Barclay Street, New York. ; • • 001.0)111ADE, HOTEL?: • (ISAMU FRONT.) ttheetnut Street, Weat of Fifteenth. PHILADELPIIIA. Thts new end elegant Hotel la nom men tot ...mention of guosts. It of the ern Construction ond furnishod In ha style unser. r sal by ally of the drat hotels of Europe a JOHN, CR 117J/P, POopOr. OEO. FESSALAN, Supt, • . . OSADALIS rrt 11 M Great American Ilealth Restorer, perinea the blood and cures:Scrofula, Syphilis; Ain' Diseases. Rheumatism. Diseases of Yeomen and all , Chronic Affections of the Illood„Liver , and; Rid. neve. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and thousand of our beat citizens. 'Reed tlio testimony of Physicians and patients who have used Rosadalis send for our Randal Is, Guido to Health or Almanac for this year, which we publish for graluitous dlstilbution ;AC will give you much valuable Information. Mr. It. W. Carr, of Baltimore: says: , T take pleasure in rec.mmendeng your Reseda'. Is as a very powerful alterative., I - have seen it used In two cases with happy results--one in case of secondary eyphlile, in which the patient pro. pounced himself cured rifler having taken five bottles elf yoUr medicine. The other is a coos of ' scrofula along standing, which is rapidly ins. proving under Re use, and the indications are - 'that the patient will soon recover. I have care• !folly examined the formula by which your 'Hoak, t daiis is made, and find It an excellent compound - at all alterative Ingredients. • Dr. Sparks. of hicholasville. Ify., eaya ho bee need' ltosadalis in cases ofecrofula and secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results—us a cleaner of the blood I know no better remedy. • ' Samuel 0. McFadden, Morn oeboro' Tennessee„ says: I have used seven bottles of Ilosedalls, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism; amid me four bet. Iles, as I wish it for my brother, who bus lone sore ey es. Bettjamin Bechtol, of Limn, Ohio, writes, I hare i suffered for twenty years with an inveterate srup• thin over my body ; a short time since pur chased a bottle of nosadalis and It effected a pen fect cure. Rom:Walla la sold by Jolin Read and 8.8. Brunk Huntingdon, l'a., and Di uggista generally. • Labratory, 61Exchange Mace, Baltimore. CLEHENTn & CO., Propriotore. Feb. 29-1 yr. 2 or 3 p [ESTABLISHED 1851.] Highest Premium, Silver 51edal, awarded over all contpetttlon,at alethanice' lixhibittoa, Boston, Ostoloer, 1169. The original and goduine SELF-REGULATING, WROUGHT-IRON, AIRTIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER WI CH PATENTED DUST SCREEN, GRATE BAR RESTS, and WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR. and AUTOMATIC REGULATOR. For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 slzea for brickwork, and two sizes Portable MAIUMACTINLED min' DT J. REYNOLDS & SON,. ..‘ N. W..CORNER 13m AND FILBERT STS. PHILADELPHIA, PA These floaters are made of heavy Wrought-Iron, welt riveted together, and are warranted to be absolutely gag and dust tight. They arc the only heaters that aro mail. aged without any dampers, end In which all kiuda of fuel can be burned without alteration. COOKING RANGES for hotels restaurants. and families, Also, a FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE. FIRE PLACE HEATERS, LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS Pamphleta giving full deseriptlon, tient free to any ad dress (June 214y=70.) FARMERS EXAMINE AND BUY uII.TaC3M 4:2103E1LX4G-IN.4Lia BAUGH'S BEING The First Raw Bone Phosphate Made. All others are imitation 33-atk.4740,1E1E 9 113 RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, T RADE MARK , NNstu, TWO Stattusa is wale ohms/ and unburned bones, - dab In Nitrogenous matter, dissolved la oil or vitrol, present. iug the Bone Phosphate in ahighly soluble and - quickly available form, and the Ammonia in each proportion as to insure a prompt and vigorous action upon the crops. Where Bough s Phosphate was applied the past MBBllotl, the indications. without exception, aro that it will male thin its well earned reputation. Wo request all In ne of a Fertilizer to give this article a trial. • BAUGH & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, Office, No. 20 13outti Delaware Averree March 8-6 m PIIILA The Cheapest Paper in the World, 30 CENTS. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT. • C °NTAINING FORTY - EIGHT columns of matter, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Current Nowa &c., from the First of September, MO, until the Pleat of January, s 1871, for fifty cents to singia subscribsni, $1,50 to club of ten, $B,OO to clubs of twen. ty 00;00 to clubs of on, hundred Ito one address). Calk In advance. Address B. F. MEYERS .4 • Avg 041. Ed! d Protileror., Eranuarnig, '‘gel2avi, GESiMANTOWN.