Olobt. HUNTINGDON, PA Tuesday morning, Aug, 23, 1870, LOCAL, & PERSONAL. itieetings 3lorial, Lodge, No. 300, A. Y. M., meets second 3louslay evsniugui each month, in Brown's building. Standing Clone IL 12. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the first Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Juniata Locke t /V. ir, 10. 0. F. meets every Friday weaning, third floor, in Leister's building._ Mount ILrr amp of I. v. 0. F. meets every second end fourth Tuesdays, in Leister's building, third door. Slanainj Stone Lodge, Ico. Pi, I. 0. G. T., meets every 7.untduy esentaig its third door of Bead's building. .Arroimbee 2rate, No. CB, I. 0. of R. meets every Thursday evening, third floor, Lolster's Young Nen's Christian Association meets the first and third Monday evenings each month, iu Smith's building. Post 83, G. A. R., meets Hurd Monday of each month in Court douse. MEIMilEiMiillll Huntingdon Lodge, No. I.IU, K. of P., meets every Sat urday evening, in trinities building. //onflugoon feinplegf Honor, No 71, meets the fourth iMouday of each mouth in blood Templars' Hall. The ifibeterum Club nieote every Thinedity craning, in the Y. M. e. A. room. Lientinstdon Council, 0. 17. A. 11., meets find and third Tinsdny a Mooch mouth in 43°0d - I'mi:dam Hall. Churches. 11(phst Church—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Plan nett. ...niece on Sabbath : 10% a. m., 7p. m. Catholic— Washington Street. /loyal. J. Aylward. Ser vices lust three Sundays in every month. Ilvangelic.4 Lutheran—Mifflin Street. ltev. J. J. Kerr. cervices on Sabbath: 10%a. m.,7 p. m. German Ilan Had—Church Street. 11ev. S. D. Steckle. Service on eabliath: 7. p. ru. Methodist gpiscopal—Church Street. Rev. M. H. Foster Serva.cs on eabbath : Id% a. m., 7 p.m. Protestant Epwcepel—liill street. Rev. A. 11.13071 e, Sert icos uu Sabbath : EPA a. m., 034 p m. Presbyterian—Hill Street. Rev. (3. W. Zuhnider. Ser viced on Sabbath: 11 a. m., 7 p.m. 0111 the wlnc. At hand—eanip-meeting season There are - "ladies" base ball clubs in De- 13112 "Kerosene and coffins on hand," says an lowa sign Tho father of a child just born in Georgia is eighty „years old. • A man in Maine sports a beard twenty in ches long, grown in two years. Bellefonte has 100 empty houses, made so by high rents and—want of occupants. A large number of our Methodist people went to the Wayne camp-meeting. Bloody Run has 557 inhabitants, 84 dwel lings, and 15 establishments of productive industry. An exchange says, it costs the government eix cents a head for each name enrolled un der the census. A female wild-eat, measuring four feet from tip to tip, was killod recently near Hopewell, Bedford county. A lady out west has lust her voice from sleeping „in a damp room. Her husband never - enjoyed More peace. A Memphis cook sent a family of seven to where no cooking is done by emptying a match-safe into the tea-pot. Oliver Etner bee been appointed postrnai ter at Vinegar Mills (7) this county, vice Al fred Etner, declined. George Brown of Hollidaysburg, lost his little finger and crushed the back of his hand in in ice cream freezer, recently. The lluntingdon County Fair is to be held four days commencing October 4. Let eve rybody prepare for it. The "Indian" showman named Arthur Roues who shut Win. Baker, in IIollidays• burg recently, has been arrested:ln Ohio. And Meek, of the Bellefonte Watchman, has been rfeinfnateltoi 'Senator by the Dem ocrats of Centre county. Well, well •An unfortunate mart committed suicide at Chimney Rocks, near Hollidaysburg. He first drank wbiskey,,and then hung himself 4o n treo There are thirty:six establishments in this country engaged in publishing Sunday-school books:-,,,1s it any wonder there is so much hash thrown in For several days past, our town and vicin ity kas presented the appearance of Indian sunnntr; owing to , the smoltb' from a fire on tha mountains. canal- meeting is to be helliTat. , Williainsburg on the 10th - of Septen:k -ber,'fe-r, tkieptrpose of ascertaining the prac ticabilitjef keeping open the Penna. canal. Ans-ingenious New Yorker has learned • - how -keep an umbrella. -He buys a big cotton _one, fractures two ribs, and breaks off six inehei:of the handle. _ No one steals it. Woman's sphere has been defined by a lady leuturor as "bounded north by her hus band, on the east by her baby, on the south by her mother-in-law; and on the•weit by a maiden aunt." A party of twenty-one in Connecticut went blueberrying. They gathered twelve bush. els, and then went to dancing. When they started to go home the berries had all been devoured by bears. - The Buffalo Express lately contained the following: "AcBcOarBl" The next day it explained it thus: "It's easy. A c-eight (cat) 9 -aught (caught) a r-eight (rat)--a oat .caught a rat ! Ain't it 7" - The French gentry are adopting the plan, of inviting guests by series, to their chateaux And each invitation sets forth the exact length of time the guest is expected to 'stay,, as well as the day he is to coma. Not a bad plan. By a recent act of the State Legislature, persona who have not graduated with the de gree of M. D., or have failed to take out a .cpunty license, are prohibited from practic ing medicine. The Lewistown Democrat sayi : Professor Rogere, of Philadelphia, havitig reported that no traces of poison could be found in the Mewled of-the late Mrs. Bigelow; her hus band, Dr. Bigelow, was released from jail. An experienced physician has discovered in the course of a long and, varied practice, that every one wishes to go to heaven ; also, that most people are willing to take a great deal of very disagreeable medicine first: personal sketch of a Western Senator closes as follows : "He cannot propel himself through the muddy pool of politics at a high er.rate of speed than that of a rudderless polliwog through a kettle of cold mush." What is the use of taking a foreign paper which contains no home news, and which you must pay twenty-five cents extra for postage, when you can get your home papers, filled to the brim with-the every-day localtle*s trans piring r.t home, and postage free? It is a remarkable fact Chat when some men allow a newspaper bill to run three or four years they are invariably astonished that it should be so large. As a general thing such individuals intimate that they "will be in town in a day Or two and see about- it." But they never. tome, and that is a pelt of the philosophy most disagreeable to us. . •., -..• • County Committee Meeting. The Republican County Committee will meet at the Courthouse in Huntingdon on Friday, the 9th of September, at one. o'clock P. M. It is hoped that every member of the Committee 'will be present at this its first meeting, as business of importance will be transacted. Tho Committee as selected by the delegates to the Convention is as follows : Alexandria—Wm. 11 Philliys, G W Hewitt Birmingham—T. S. McCahan, Jessie Heigh) Barree—James Stewart, Alfred W Kenyon JSrady—Martin L Shaffner, E A Green Broad Top city—JD Lewis, S H Houck Cassonle—George 111 Groen, J. M. Wilson Cass—Joseph Parks, John D. Boring Carbon—D E Conrad, John Palmer Cowlmont—Thos. Thompson, Abraham Brod Clay—Saml. 1l witty, S L Glasgow. Cromwell—Alvah Lynn, Orbison Crum Dutint—ll C Robinson, Wm. Clymans Franklin—John Laporte, J. A. Deacon llenderson 7 George Nutner, F. Corbin. Berkstresser, 11. Clapper. lluntingdon, E. W.—K M. King, 'l' W Myton " W.-W. K. Burehinell, 11. Rhodes. Jackson—James H Lee, John 111 Oake villain—John Corbin, Win. Boonneman J incoln—John Fulton, Homy Shultz Mapleton=ll. 11. Postai, 11. 11. Swoope. Morris—J It. Templeton, Dr. S. Thompson MI. Union—John S. Bare, T. A. Appleby. Mt. Union dist —Jon. Doyle, Wm. X. Myers Orbisonia—Wm. L. Miller, Jas. S Chilcoate. Oneida—Elieba Shoemoker, Jacob Miller Penn—Michael Garner, Jacob Halley. Petersburg—Joe. Johnston, Henry Orlady. Porter—Joseph A. Green,Henry W . Swoops Shirlv—Wm. L Spanoglo, Richard Colegato Shirieysburuz--John Kerr, William Harris Spring eld—N Madden, J. C. Brewster fell—John P. McMath, Valentine Submittal. Tod—Jonathan'Evins, It II Crum. Three Springs—P H Bence, E G hock Union—J. C. Wright, George Miller. Wutker—John P. Watson, John Brewster. Warriorstark—Richard Wills, Geo. Guyer Upper Wilt—John Neff, Hugh T. Johnston Lower West—James Wilson, Henry Nell. air. The INDEPENDENT il3 a model newspaper that no intelligent man who is interested in the live questions of the day, whether of religious, political, moral or social philosophy, can afford to do without. We have no hesitation in saying that the various questions that agitate the country or the world, and are subjects of deep interest to ev ery intelligent., thinking man, receive more careful, thorough and indepead• cut, discussion in the pages of the In dependent, than in any other weekly paper published. It has an able, effi cient and independent corps of writers. among whom will be found some of the most profound scholars and ablest thinkers of the country, while the fame of its editor, Theodore Tilton, is world wide. We peruse its'pages week after week, with imeasing. interest and would not think of doing without it. If any of our friends wish to secure for themselves a genuine weekly literary treat, We advise them to send for a specimen number and they will be sure to subscribe for it regularly. Address the Independent, box 2787, New York BITTEN BY A SNAKE,TIIO Juniata Sentinel suss: A few - nights ago a ebild=daughter of Rev. J. A. McGill, of Tuscarora Valley—feeling thirsty went down stairs to get a drink. The water being out on a porch, the child went out there and drank. On clos ing the outside door on her return she noticed that it did not close with its usual freedom. She also felt some thing about her-feet. After getting to bed ono ankle pained her so much that she cried. The father examined her ankle and discovered singular punc tures and a good deal of swelling.— Thinking that the hurt was received at the door, and conjecturing the cause, lie immediately went down stairs to the outside door, under which he found a large copperhead snake.— Mr. McGill pat his lips to the wound and sifekeCthe poison oat, and'thore, by in all probability saved the life of his child. The child, we have been informed, is getting well. RUN OFF—Two young men named Frank Willoughby and Milton of this place, met with an accident on Thursday night last from which they luckily escaped withoutsorions injury. They were driving in-a new buggy up Washington street when their horse took fright at seeirig'a pile of brick in the street and .started off at a •rapid gait, running to one side and striking the buggy against a wagon, thereby breaking the coupling and upsetting both the occupants. Miller became entangled in the 'inverted buggy, and was dragged a short distance. The horse ran about :a square whop befell down in the street, and was unable to extricate himself• until relief came.— The buggy was badly. damaged • and the horse received some scvere.bruises on the hind legs. SfatiT.—No had a most unusual visitor, for the time of year, on Friday night last, in the shape of alvilliant display of the aurora bo realis, or '"Northcru lights." Shortly before nine o'clock: the, northern sky, was illuminated with a right 611119 . 0 W light, which led of the spectit, tors to wonder where the. fire was ybut such speculation was soon ended, when the true cause was known; and' the brilliant but pale green rays shot tow ards the zenith, the colors changing rapidly and the :illumination varying in intenuity,7B97linoment. The - scene lasted' alibut an hour, affording many of our citizens a splendid opportunity for heavenly observations.. - The true solution of the cause of the aurora borealis has never been satis• factorily explained by scientific men, but its occurrence is said to precede a fall in the temperature. ger- The days are getting shorter, and the chilling evening. air suggests that icy winter is approaching rapid ly ; but this should make no difference to persons who can never want for good Bread, Cakes, &c., so long. as Mr. Luke 'Reilly bakes and keeps them on hand• His Candies are universally recom mended as just the thing, being pure and-, harmless ,for th,o little ones, and very'deSitable for 'the bigger ones. va„ By a card in..another,column it wilt be seen that Mr. Charles A. Bstes has taken the place of Mr. Dickey on the Valley Farm, and that ho will supply those of our citizens in want with Cream, Milk, etc. We can assure our citizens that Mr. Estes is the:right man lu the right place; and that he Will tint 'fail to give satisfaction. Noirici.SV,e, are now offering our present stock of . Drees Goode, Rosie ries, Cassimers, Lc,. at extremely le'w prices. Good Delaines at 15 cents a yard: 2t HENRY & Co. ma. Subseriba for Utz GLOBE Teachers , Examinations. The annual examination of teachers for the present year Nvill be held in the several districts as'iollows: Alexandria Loco. and Porter twp, at Alexandria, Sept. 8 Franklin twp ,nt Prat:kilt:1111o, • 41 6 Warriorsmark twp., at Warne, mark, " 0 Morris twp., nt Shaffermllle ' u 7 Walker twp.; at 31cCounillstoa n, u • s Coalment,ll. T. city and Carbon, at Coalmont, " 0 ]feat twp., at Shavers ex eek bridge, " 12 llarreo top., at Manor 11111, " 13 Jackson twp., at 111cAlev)31 Fort, '. " 14 Os oldit twp., at Centre Union rehool house, " 16 Henderson tap ,at Union school house, " 16 Brady tap ,nt Mill Creek, " 10 Mapleton born., at :Mapleton, " 20 Mount Union M oro., at Mount Union, " 21 Fhb leysbarg boro., and Shirley, at Shlrleysburg, " 22 OrbLionia born 'and Cromwell, at Ox blsonia, " 23 Mild in tap., at 1:11ado Gap: ' " 24 3,1 Lop., at tolltottertown, " 26 . . . .. . Springfield 4wp., at Meadow Hap,".. 27 Clay twp., at Three Springs bolo., n 25 Cass‘ ill° hero. and Cute teep ,at Cauville,' 21 Union top,. at Pins Grove 1411001 hOlll3O, II 30 Juniata top, at Dell CIOAVII school hello, Oct. 1 Puna to p., at Markiebbarg, " 2 Hopewell and Macula tops., at Coffee Pun, " 4 Tod to p., at Sex berg, ac 5 The examinations will commence at 9 o'clock, a. m. Persons unknown to the Superinten dent must produce satisfactory evi dence of good moral character. It is expected that boards'of direc tors will generally be present at the examinations to make their selections of teachers. Citizens aro cordially in vited to attend. Teachers will be examined in *the districts in which they design to teach. Private examinations will be dispensed with. All professional certificates ex Aired by law on the first of last Juno. Directors are particularly cautioned not to employ any teacher'who has not a valid certificate. D F. TUSSEY, Co. Supt Alexandria, August 9, 1870. White hlan't Party. The farmer', mechanics and labor ing men of Huntingdon county will hold a Convention in the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAY, the 30th day of AUGUST, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of no minating a county ticket. •The Convention will be composed of two delegates from each township, bo- • rough', ward and election district in the county • for the purpose of nominating candidates for the'following offices : Associate Judge, County Commission er, Director of the Poor, Jury Commis sioner and County Auditor. It is to be hoped that those who are opposed to the corrupt wire-working politicians in this county, mid believ ing that white men are competent to rule, will lend their aid in selecting good, honest and reliable white men as candidates for the above offices. By order of the Committee. L. ELINIER EDWARDS, Chairman. Huntingdon, Aug. 4, 1870. td CAMP MEETING —The camp meeting near Barree Station commences on Thursday, Sept. Ist. A large board ing tent is on the ground. Arrange ments will be made with the Penna. R R. for trains between Altoona and Huntingdon for the accommodation of those whowish' to attend Meeting on Sabbath. An invitation is extended to all the Sabbath Schools of this county of all denominations to attend a Children's Meeting to be held on this camp ground on Tuesday, Sept. 6. The music books used in the different schools, it is de sired shall bo brought with them. Retail Market 'Prices Butter 25, 30, -as to quality; eggs 18; lard 20; potatoes $75061,00; dried apples lOcts per lb dried peaches 150 25cts, per lb ;beans 10@,180 quart; su gar cured hams 30 as; shoulders 20@ 22 side 18@20 ets per lb; driedbeef 30 ets; flour $6,50@7,00, per barrel. Green apples 73, I,OU, as to quality. VALLLY FARE DAray.—The undersigned having .purchesed the intetest of Jams Dic key, is pow. prepared with an increased num ber of eows to furnish pure Milk, Cream, and other products of the Dairy. Customers may rely upon being served promptly and with regularity by the undersigned personally. au23•tf CUARLEB A. EBTE3• Can't be Undersold Red Front Grocery receives new bupplies almost every day, sells the most and freshost, and can't be under sold., Nevi; Mess. Shad, Dry'SAit Roe and Pickled Herring, the best and medium Mackerel, White Fish, Trout, Salmon, &c., cheaper than the cheapest, and warranted. , The great War between France and Prussia-and the people of the United States can be furnished with fruit cans, of our own manufacture, and the "Protector" Fruit jars, all warranted BUCHANAN, ALLISON EV. CO., Sign of big Coffee pot. August 9,3 t. Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing Mrs. B. Annie McCabe respectfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by H. MeManigill, on Washington street, and is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. She respectfully` -invites a full share of patronage. ap7 Lewis' is the Place to Buy School Bookeand Stationary, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books' of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru: ments, Wall Paper, Window •Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., eto. „ [novll.tf. • Every beakless man should•use printed bill heads, letti3r •heads, and envelopes• They have to use the paper, and envelopes, any way, and we furnish-the material at whole sale prices, and print them at less than,l3l3 material Would cost at retail price. Cull. m o , Farmers needing a Grain-drill, will do•well to call on Wharton & Ma guire _and examine the Willoughby gum-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing. tf Rte' The Gj.OllE Office is prepared to executCall kinds 0f.3 eh Printing for the Merchant, Manufacturer, Coal Op erator, and other business men, at less rates an" thd same can be_ had in the city. Give us a call. tez•Keystono Cider Mills for sale by .A.*.;11. Stewart & Co., send fol. cir cular. (July, 26 3m. Carpet Weaving. • Mrs. Matilda Pheasant is priipared to wen's_ rag-carpets, and solicits patronage front a generous public. Residence Wash ingteh Street,Xest Ilitntin tf ter Cider Mills, Grain Separators, Clover Hullers and Stmoiners, Cultivators, Washing Machines, etc., eta., at MoLanahan, Stone & Isett's, Hollidaysburg, Pa. fe9-8m Best Gum Ruller and Gum Spring Grain Drills, at MeLanahan,-Stone &hates, Ifullidayaburg, Pa. fe9.Bm MARRIED, At Springfield Furnace, August, 7th, 1870. By Rev. J. Stine, Mr. HENRY BRUMBAUGU of Springfield Furnace, and Miss REBECCA E. APPLEBAUM", Of Eagle Foundry, Huntingdon Co., Pa. On Tuesday evening 9th inst.; at tho Presbyterian Parsonage, by the Rev. N. 0, White, Mr. MADDISON HICKS, of Ifuntingdon county, and Miss MAGGIE A. KENNEDY, of Williamsburg. MARKETS. I=l3 - ' l'unspairiuOug', 22, 1670. Superfine Flour per barrel 15 400%76 Extra blow per barrel ' $5.75 6 .- 06 26 It) e Flour per barrel $600@6.50 Bed Wheat per bushel $1.42(01.43 Rye per bushel 95068et5. Core ~006:0.1,o3 Oats per bushel 60@E2ela. PLTISIMAGEE, Aug; 22,71870: White Wheat Flour, 7,50@8A0 Wheat per bushel os bite . $1.30011.35 Corn per bushel. Oats per bushel ltyo per bushel. Burley FINANCIAL. Now Yana, Aug, 15.--Gold closed al $1.,16.% POILADEEPIIIA, Aug, 22, 1870. The following are the closing prices of Do Haven..: Bro., 40 South Third Street: - • V. S. 6's of 'Bl, - - 1141 1141 " " '62, - - 1121 1121 " " '64, - - 111 1111 "" '65, - - 111-a 111 6, " " '65, new, - 1091 1101 .. •II /Cat 1' - 110 1101 " " '6B, - 1101 1101 " s's, 10.40'5, - 1081 108 i U. S. 30 rear G per cent. Cy. 112 1121 Due Comp. led. Ketes, - 19 Gold • - , - .1151 11G Silver, - - - - .110 113 Union Pacific R.l? Ist H. Bonds 820 830 Central Pacific R. R. - 870 . 880 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 740 770 HIINTLIIGDON MARMEITB. CORRECTED WEEKLY EY RENRY & CO I=l FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $5.00 Extra Flour, do 6 50 Family Flour, - do • 7.00 GRAIN—Red Wheat, per bushel, 125®1.30 White Wheat, do 1.30 Bye, Corn, OR M, Barley, SEED—TiMO/11y, Flaxseed, Clovorseed, per 64 lbs. 6.00 CoAr.—Hard coal, por ton, 4.50@5.75 Broad Top coal, do 3.00®3.50 LUMBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00030.00 SUING LES—Lap, por 1000 ft., 10.00(,12.00 Joint Shingles, do 5.0007.00 MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, 9.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.00 Hops, per. pound 40 Wool, do 40®45 Hay, per ton,. 10.00 Hides, , 6a7 Professors Decomiao & DOWN of the American 1 ...-- y University, are making wonderful cures ~• • of Cancers, Tumours and Ulcers by their NV: new discovery. A painless treatment, no , knife, no plasters, no caustic burning. A ' Tho most ' - • • • - • remark- •a , 'r. able effect CANCERS of thin y. n• ... • treatment . . . . . is, it sopa- . rates the chemical olementa of cancerous . 2 growths, so that they shrivel, die and die appear .. and will not return. All those at- .. f N flirted can call on the Professors Buchanan & Down, i; , University; or address, No 614 Pine Street, Philtala f REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. MILES LEWIS• & CO Farms, Town Lots, 'Lomas, and all kinds of REAL ESTATE, bought or sold. Banda, Mortgages and Deeds accurately prepared. Monoy loans negotiated on Real Estato security FOR SALE Int No. 14, 'Wrest Huntingdon, vacant. First whole lot woof of Fulton Street on Southern oldo of Mifflin et., (loud lot and splendid location. Prico $llO. Too story (*canto Louse largo stills, good well and whole of lot No. 224 Good locstion. Prico reasonnblo - . ... t SRO. I; . - . . . Ledge Frame Dwelling on Irrellington street, Wait Huntingdon, west of Fulton, ten rooms; good water , Price, 1:$3000. Frame Dwelling on Wohingtort Street met. of Chest nut. • , • ' ' Price, $2.600. Throe lots of ground in Wilsontown. ♦ good limestone farm* in *rest township, seven miles from it. It. Station., 230 acme. • For any information in ragard to conditions, adver icing, dc., apply, in person, or by letter, to SIMPSON & ARMITAGE, HUNTINGDON, Pa., Ofitee, opposite the Cdurt'Houie July 12.3in-3m G RA ND CORN _I j TA AN CB AND BASKET PIC-NIC, BY ARRAPAHOE TRIBE , Improved Order 'of Red Men, AT M'CAHAN'S WOODS, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1870. No pains will bo spared by the Committee of Arrangements to make this one of the best entertainments of the kind ever given in the State. Several Tribes have beeminvited, and are expected to be present.' A procession will be formed at the Wig wam at 9 o'clock—the members in full rega lia—and after parading the principal streets will proceed to the grounds, where the time will be spent in feasting, dancing, &e. Refreehmeintkand edibles: will be ;on the ground, and served to visitors at trifling cest. The public are cordially s ipvited. Aug 9. New.: .Cheap Mere.: Crownover & Decker, Have just opened at their pew store, west end of Hill Street, next:door to the National Hotel, near Fisher's Mill, in Huntingdon, a largo and selected stock of • • DRESS-GOODS, .G4OOKEZIES, BOOTSAND SHOES,: 4U.H.EiVSWARE FISH and SALT, FLOUR and CHOP, And everything else generally kept in a first class store. Everything new and selling cheap, for CASH OR PRODUCE. ltsv 24.6 m. OROWNOVER k DECKER. F°n CHEAP T od PRINTING CALL AT TIIE "GLOBE" OFFICE, lIIJNTINa DON, PA 1810,,,GRaiiTioa.. 870 AT R-EDUCED PRICES. JAMES A. BROWN, Is constantly receiving - at his now CARPET STORE, IN RUNTINGDON,PA, lleoutiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from tho rooms of the manufacturer& llis stock comprises BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, YENITIAN, :WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE lIEMP, LIST and RAG CARPETS, • CARPET CHAIN, • COCOA• and CANTON MATTINGS, FLOOR, STAIR and TABLE 88®.50cte. 5:1054ctm. ...$0.0000 1t 05 Nothing doing CP I IA CI I—. Co riLm Xi SS, A FRESH STOCK OF WALL PAPER, WINDOW-SHADES and Fixtures, Druggets, Velvet Rugs, Door Mote, Extra Carpet 'Thread and Binding. Atiird. make a specialty of tarnishing CHURCHES and LODGES. at City Prices, and Invite Furnishing Commit tees to call and sea goods made expressly for their pur poses. luyers u 111 sure money and be better suited by 'going to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Storo for coy of th e above goods. I defy competition In prices .and yamety of beautiful patterns. CARPETS 25 cents por YARD nud UPWARDS. I have also the Agency for the Original HOWE SEWING MACHINE so well koowa as tl:o best Family Machine lu the world Cull at the CARPET STOREanct ace them. JAMES A. 1311011'11. Iltattiogdon, ltlok 16, '16.6m. . West Huntingdon FOundisy. JAMES SIMPSON MANUFACTURES PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, FARM BELLS, SLED AND SLEIGH SOLES, WAGON BOXES, IRON KETTLES, 40attla1g - ,s; For Furnaces, Forges, Grist and Saw Mills, Tanneries and Briellym do, AND JOB WORN IN GENERAL. ARCIIITECTURAL & ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Lon Porticos and Verandahs, Balconies,Columns and Drop Ornament fur we< den pot tiros an verandahs, Window Lintels and Sills, Cast Ornamonte for ssoodea lintels, Cellar Window Onards all sizes, Chimney Tops and Flues, Sash Weights, Carpet Strips, • ' - Registers, Heaters, Coal Orates,' Vault Castings for connind wood cellars, A shots, Tree-boxes, Lamp-posts, - Stitching-posts, Iron Stalling for pot tiros, verandahs, balconies, flower beds, _ Yard and Cemetery Fences, etc. Portionlos attention paid to fencing Cemetery Lou. Address JAMES SIMPSON, 5e23,68 Huntingdon, Pa. 40 1.00 5.00 1.75 HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. EASTON DLAKE. U. MARION IticKEIL. BLAKE & MeNEIL, [Succosaore to J. 111,OUNNINGIIAll & SON,] Iron and Brass Founders, HUNTINGDON, PA IRON and BRASS CASTINGS main in n first class , _ roundry. Wo liars alive aon hand all , kinds or Plow and Stove Castings, Wash .i Kettles, Collar•xintions, Grates, Coal bolo Castings forparements, Window weights yall sizes and weights, Pipe Joints, Sled and Sleigh soles; Wagon boxes, Machina Castings, for strain and water, grist. saw. sumac amt plaster mills of all descriptions. lIEATERS AND IRON FENCES, of the most improved style, oven doors and triunes, door BIM, and in fact everything made in this line. We hove a larger stock of putteins, and can furnish coo. sings at short notice, fUlli cheaper than they can be lied in the touchy. having a good drill, we aro prepoted to do drilling and titling up of oil lauds. Moo in Liestara'..llowßuilding, Hill atreot, Hunting , don, Pa. W 11.17,1860. , BLAKE S McNEIL. THE HUNTINGDON Manufacturing Company, Is now prepared to fill orders for WEATHERBOARDING, FLOORING, DOORS, - , - AND SASH, And in short to do all kinds of Carpenter - work— To . . furnish HUBS, SPOKES and FELLIES, in quantities, and receive orders for • ger All orders should ho nddreseedlo D. W. AETLEY, Huntingdon, Pu. June 10, 18139-tf. - Tomilauvmm. - 4 • Manufacturer and Dealer in .lE° t 3 XL 1 4 e";-X 1 rX I. T3 3EL 311, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on 11111 et., Ituntlngdon, in tho rear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, whore ho manufactures and keope all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Pon: eons wishing to purchase, will do well to giro him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. - - &Er- Also, Undertaking carried on,gzid Coduamade in any style cloaked, at-abort udtice.; , - . The subscriber hne a 4 • 1 "- - -- NEW AND EUGANT.IIEARSf is preknied to attend Fetierala at tiny Waco ii town CIMMMI Hun tingdon, May 9, 1136-tf JOAN C. M, . - , '"(Supcoseoi , to d:11. wan & SON,) . : 'DEALER 3.11 All Kinds (f LEATHER, AND gHOE, HITNTINGPON, PA, • jA12.1870, , • - PLASTERING, IIUILDING or LOABIERTM, , from vt Island, will be delivered at one dollar per two bone vagon load, on application to Logan Martin. - Orders loft at Decker it Grownovar's store will, reach hint. R, BRYAN. ANTED.-1,000 cords of Bark at tho Mammoth store. The highest marke , pr w paid id cost, • i(Jun aas] ,ausaY k co: :V 4 NVELOPES— N the box, pack, or less quantity, for sale at LEIVIS' BOOK. AND STATIONERY STORE. J. fiII.'WISE, isszn , klrCtatt - • W e e" - • ''''' t 11 VI t (.6 YOU can save from 10 to 80 per et. by bilYing Your Instruments from • . E. 3,. 4M-I=I:3M3UN.IM, DEALER IN STEINWAY& SONS, CIHOKERING & SONS, - TIIE WEBER, • ' RAVEN & BACON'S, THE UNION PIANOFORTE CO'S GEORGE M. GUILD & CO'S. CONRAD MEYERS, AND ALL OTHER MARES OF PLUM'S. MASON & lIAMLIN'S, and . GEO. WOODS & CO'S celebrated ORGANS, or any other make desired. Also, MELODEONS, crur. nuts, VIOLINS, German Accordeons, Sheet Music, Mu.• sic Books, Ac. Now and good Pianos for $3OO and upwards. • New 0 Octavo Organs fors9o Now Melodeons for • 470 " *„All Instruments Warranted forfiee years. cut Agents supplied at wholesalp Flees, tho saute as in the y . Call on or address N. J. GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa.; 4112,70 .2/1 floor.Lelster's New Building. • REMOVED TO TILE N. E. CORNER OP DIAMOND. , • Boot and Shoe Emporium; I JOHN H. WESTBROOK 51 , Respectfully informo• the 'citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho havjuat received from tho city a Now and splendid stock of • BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sack Trunks, &c., &c., &c. all of which hole prepared to sell at greatly reduced prima Don't forgot the new stand in the Diamond. Old costa mere and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, ap. 7,4869. FM GEO. tHAEFFER 11asjust returned from tho east with a SPLENDID STOCK OF • . BOOTS, SHOES,' GAITERS, &C., Which he offers to the inspection of his customers and the public: generally. Ile will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely Coll again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done' in the neatest and moat expedl• Duna manlier. Cell upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, a fen doors Teat of the Diamond. up. 14, HO N EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA llnforms tho public that he has Just opened at his uld stand lu the lliamend,,,ooll HuntlagdOn, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen 'and Children. All of %ill& ho will sell at. fair prices. Quick sales and smaliprofits. Call and exiiniine my stock. Manufacturing and Repairing none to order as usual. Huntingdon, Ap.l4, lhOil. NEV DRUG STORE. On the corner, opposite the Exchange Hotel, .HUNTINGI3O.I" PA. Will have a good selection of drags, medicines, he. from rol fable 'll uggiste, also a great variety of notions, an articles, perfumeries, pahntmedicines, toilet, soaps brushes stuffs, groi.eries, &e. , Lc, TILE DRUG DEPARTMENT- Will ho conducted by Dr. Thos. Johnston, who has been in the practice of medicine for over forty years, which will be a great advantage to those buying medicines for family use, where it is not convenient to mut Hiy a physi cian. Advice given when medicines aro wanted. POr e c rip t ton s carefully compounded. Dr:Johnston is a native of this town,- and studied mm icino under tho celebrated Dr. Henderson, whose rep 'Witten is well remembered by all old citizens. Cold sparkling soda water can be had during the sum mer, drawn from Tuft's celebrated Arctic Fountains, which is now considered the best in use. , , May 21; JOHNSTON A CO; = ME= NEW STOVE AND TIN STORE. BUCHANAN, ALLISON & CO Have opened a new store in renter's now building, In thu Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa, and hare ready for sale a large assortment of . • --.• Cook - aOd Parlor Stoves, SPEER'S REVOLVING LIGUT; ' SPEER'S ANT.L,DUST, SPEER'S ANTI-DUST COOK:STOVES, SMITH'S REGULATOR and EUREKA COOK STOVES and LITTLESIELIFS 'SEATERS MPG, a largo assortment of 9 31Thl Ml@ 93M-88EL) V/A2E› and egreat variety of Goode, never before, kept in thin place.' We also•rnanntheturo - ' " • - • - • ' TIN WARD TO ORDER. Repairing, Rooting and Spouting done at abort notice 4.43- Country Stores aupfdled with. Tin Warn at city rates. Confident of being able to make it advantageous to their customers they respectfully solicit a share of public patronago. 11.0051 IN. YENTER'S NEW BUILDING IN 'PHD DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA Jan. 1, - , FOR ' ' OiFECTIONERTIIS, PROVISIONS, &O, GO TO 'REDFRONT -GROCERY COUNTRY - DEALERS oan buy CLOTHING from and in Huntingdon at " WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the 'ea I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. ' _ , . H: ROMAN.. WANTED. •:--.1.0,000 pounds Tu IC ANTED. wool for *glob tbo biglteit Market, pol will beprild. [Jini lOm] -, • • HENRY JrUSINESS . 111 EN, TAKE NOTICE! II you'avant your card neatly printed on ravel epee, Cell at f • - • •;kiEWLS! 'BOOK AND e-ATIONBRY Bran)? - lai•ge stock Of the best, Stone ware, of all kinds, now-on hand at the Red Front Grocery, and for sale cheap. or than anywhere else in the county. e 1 ditg 111 bertiSelnt4tS. CENTRAL.HOTEL, , • SOUTH EAST CORNER - TOUNTIS AND SPRUCE STS PHILADELPHIA. E.CIIILCOTE, (formerly of Huntingdon C 0.,) PROP'It - • • Centrally loccited and the most convenient point 'for. merchants visiting the city. Accommodations of the first-class. All the modern improvements. Every at tention will be extended to guests. jan6-Iy* c. F. 3 Barclay St., N.Y. or 3s W.4QiSt., Chiciiiintf, O. If they want the most popular and beet selling subscription books published. and-the , rat PM.. Howl for menhir& Theywill cost you , nothing, and maybe of great benefit to you, • ' EMI AIT.§S 111kRY AERT§IO MISS MARY E. STEVE, Reopen their HOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, SEPTE3IIIEII.II4, 18111 At 28 Tulpehocken qroot, AlriP•For elrenlara, apply to the Pilnelpale. AGENTS WANTED FOR .• _. • BProspectus F.IIJE 1 ISLE YRICS A Masterly Versification of the Subtitne . . . Poetry. of the Bible. , SOpronounced by loading clergymen and laymen of all denominations.. Universally admired .and highly esteemed both for its great intrinsic, merit and mechanical finish. A beautiful Prdspoctus; from a' new and original design, showing tbediffsrent styles of bind tug, etc.; sent absolutely FREE , to ecceptid , ae Agents,and n sample copy when desired, and at,2o . per cent less than the wholetslo price. Exchisive Territory;- and the moat liberal terms. For full Tarticulilfs, :terms, etc., address -•• : VONT, Publisher:. May 3,-tfo. 3 Barclay Street,,b37,Vork, 00L014.1 1 111DE. ()SAM& ITIONT.)' Chestnut Street, West of Fifteenth, . . PrfILADELPIIIA. 71111 new and elegant Hotel Is now opon thereception of guests: Ills of thomoetlfodern snnetrnatfon, and furebbed to atyle uneur. sed by any of the fast hotels a orEtuape o merles. -JOHN' o.li UAW, ,F!rop'r. GEO. FREEMAN, qup't. , , OSA_DALIS frlilE Great Americah Health Restorer,' parillics -A- the blood and cares Scrofula, Syphilis,• • Ekin. Diseases. Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and all Chronic Affections of the Dlood, , Liver, and Kid neys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and thousand of our best citizoils.•• • - 7 • •. - Read the testimony of Physicians and patted to who have used Itosadalis,senti :for our, Randal's' Guide to Health or Almanac for this year, which we publish for - gratuitous distribution; it Will give you much valuable information. Dr. It. Wi Carr, of Baltimore' says: .• • •_. I take pleasure in roe immending your Resmlni is sea very poyertul alterative. have -.WM' at used in two cases with happy resultsone in Case ,of secondary syphilis, in which the patient. pre- , nounced himself cured after having tokpn five bottles of your medicine. 'The other is n case of scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly . im proving under its use, and 'the indications are that the patient will aeon recover. I have care fully examined the formida by which your Ban dana is nude, nod find it sin excellent compound of all alterative ingredients. ' • Pr. Sparks, of Nicbolasvillo, ny., says hp has, used llosadalls in cases ofscrofuln and secondary • Syphilis with satisfactory resulta—as n cleaner of tho blood I know no better remedy. - ' • • Samuel G. McFadden, Murfrceboro' Tormossec, says, I have used seven boil lea of Rosodolis,.and am• entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me four' hot- Ulm, as I wish it for my brotherovho.bwr sesofnv ~ • loos sore oyes. Benjamin Bechtel, of Limn, rites ' I Intvis, buffered for twenty years with an'invototitto erup tion over my body ; a short time since I par abased a bottlo of Itosailitlis and It effected a. per- I feet cure. . Bosadalittis sold by John Dead arid S. D. iihultlitt Ifnutingdop, Pa.,and Druggists generally. ' labratory, DI Exchange Plane, Dattinioin. : OLDIIINNTS & CO., Proprietors. • ` Feb. 23.1 yr. 2 or I.y. [ESI`ABLIBIIED .1.851.3 • . Iligliest Pro Whim , Bilver Medal, awarded orer all competition,at llochanlce.Exhibition, Boston 4 ()eloper, 1869. Tbo'original and genuino - SELF-REGULATING,: WROUGHT-IRON, GAS-CONSUMING H E WITH PATENTDD DUST SCREEN, ORATE BAR RESTB, and, WROUGHT,-IRON RADIATQA. .1,-, and Abtoil . .4.llo'llV3l4kAtok For . BUrningAnth6aito 814*pouS, "'Coal or 10 sizes 2 , IANDFATURED ONLY BIC ,•:.: of: L.: 2 § N. W. PORNEit:I3Tix PHILADELPHIA PA • • Theta Ileaters are made, of heavy . ,Wronglii4ran, welt riveted together, and erete, be abiclUbily gne and duet tight.' They arc the only lieliterri 4h - tit /trip:tan , ' aged w Ithout any &milers, and in . ypilc,§ ,flll tg, --- : • fuel Can COOKING RANGES fur hotels restauranie,, and farniliei, Also, -a FLAT-TOP ITEATIN&RANGEi" F/14. PEACE 4gAZElts ,, j- , . ' LOW DOWN GP;A,TES SLATE MANTELS; • •-••' .• •- • - .REGISTERS t; D VENTILATORS::: yr • Ihunplllets givlug full ileucrlptlou, sons, free tasung ; a4i 4ress. • • ' ' • • (Juiloll-I,t-'111.) -- EALRNMRS I'EXAM'INE .A.N'D BUY ri3joL* • • BAUGH'S, BILIHG Tho Fipt AaNT,,3IOFI9 Y49sP AM9 ' All, othcirs-nre ,„I!Aw•49/4g: 7 SUP Eit•PHOSPHATE , OF LIME. , • ; ' , 3M , etb , 3(.17 This MANURE,IB made of raw and unbueneih bones, rich in Nitrogen:Qua matter', dlisolved in - cdl of vitrof. prestrit, lug tho Bone Phuaphateln ahighly solublo and quickly availableTorm, and the Amthonla in Bath' proportion 'as - to insure a prompt and vigorous action upon the crops. , -Whbre Baugh's EhOspbate:was applied the past season, • the indications,' without exception, are that it will main tain its well aimed reputation. '.s's request all in need of a Fertilfzertn r give this article a „ BAUGH ip scolvs MANUFAMOREES, • Offitle, No. 20 south beliiicth.iizAverilie . " March slim PHILA DELPHIA.: The Cheapest Paper in' the World, 3 O,VENTS, ..I,THE,WEEKLY . .PATRIOT - • GN`l` ININC . FORTY; g1.4,1AT. o . Intim; aimatier, Political ;Llterari, Agricultoral,, Current Nowa, Qin, front . ; the • Flrit of Beptemberi - wick; until the First of January, 1871, for fifty routs to ;tingle subscribers, $4,60 to clubs of tpu, $B,OO to cluba fifvu- - ty $30;00 to clubs of on* hundred Ito one Wren], cask is advance. Address - • F.DIEYEItg ico:" • Aug 0.4 t. ' Editoes and Proprietors; ilarrisburg, , i • NT GERMANTOWN; PA =ME I= ..? r:, 'i ii; ,: d =MEE =FM