- tilsc 'l6 - 1 bc. HUNTINGDON; PA Tuesday morning, Aug. 2, 1870, LO CAE, & PERSONAL „ 2zer.oLi g a. ZOO, - -meet's 'sei - ond alouday rleningoi emit month. in Ilrimn's Landing :done 11,10. A. e 1 ... No. 2111, insets the :ref. Tutedity . ei ruing of cosh month, buildiug. Jnninta.Lsnl9e, No. 117, 1 0. 0. P., mcels'niciy_Friday eveatuy,,Eltird.lloor, in LeiStres building. Noun!, Ccisgp 0. O. F., met,ts every' second ti, 'Pored„} tom 'Pored„} e, Lnister's building; third floor. Standing Scone Loityre, SL, .1. O. C. T., 1111,Cvtb or try. Tun:Alit). no ruing in. tlda floor of Itrad's .4rrapalloc .A-0.65, 1. 0. of R. 21., worts o'crY VIAII01.)4S UN Vlllll,, third 1100r, , Leigitleb Finaftl.tibqel. Christian Association nttets the first add third 3tondily eveniugs cuth month, m eloitifs Post ;t;.;, A. It ,ineetb '1 lind Monday ut raLli mouth iu Court . . .. • '. • „guru COUnili InLeta the Ent Frittny evening of ettch month. . . . .. , • • IlmJin,7 tin .r.mig,r,N, 140, K. or P., utetta erg) . Stit, .ard.lyyNennig;in lfunlingfou loitph itomor, so 71, nicety the fourth Mond ly of each month in Hood Templar.' Hall. " Tie Mbsterian thth me te every Thursday evening, In thEi Y. )1.0. A. room. ••" • littnlzrigtlan Council, 0. U. meets tirist andthird Tuebdu.). °pack month in,tinculz.Ecluplurs 11311.- -- • . 111 Baptist Church-IVasbnigton Street. Rev. J. W. Plan nett. t.i.tricoonu sultbutl, u. m., T. , p. m. Catholic—Wasbiti,;ta Street: Hev.lt. J. Ay lwatil. r ill tee bundays in every mouth. Evangelical Lutheran-:-Mll3ltn Street. Her. .1. 3. Kerr. :eerier, on Sabbath: 10%a. ut.,7 p. tn. German Reformed — Church . Street... He,. D.-S.teekle. Service on Sabbath: T. p. m. - t lethodist Episcopal—Uwell Street. Rev. M. K. Foster Sur% iet s on Sabbath : 104 a. tn., T p. in. Protestant. Episcopal-1M street. Rev. A. H. Boyle, • &races on Sabbath: 10%a. m., 634 p ra. Vieth) terhut-11:11 Stteot. Itov. 11: t 9. Zahulser.. Sar ricao on Sabluttt 11 a. m 0 Top. au. )u the Wing Sti - pc3r=our buys Janfity,rzirts., „ „ dud: . l ' Tyii.rie - Biadt-is Wire to= en . arm , . emtlepoz, in a mild form; has appeared in. Johnstown.. . black dog belonging to Cr. Aishmaia 3111- ter tvas,paisoned on Friday night last. Detectives" in Altoono have. apprehended and arfesteillnOre fire-thirsty villain's. The last share of the •Philipsburg Build ing and Loan Association 'has been taken. Van Amburg's splendiddAmerican panther panted its last in Ladittria County, recently. A:lodge-of:Cad Fellows has beeninstituted at Cleyshurg, Blair county. Ws- No. - 713. The general. opluiod is that census-taking is not the fattest tako in the government pa tronage. Three horses belonging to Charles Stucky; of Bedford county, wem killed by,liglktning recently, • -•— • The tinal loss by the recent fire at Osceola foots up $241,600, On Which there was an in. surance of SSSO7S. A Phlhialidifit — blise nose spread' over his face by one -- 'Ol those base things called balls. Trough boasts - of eating ripe• iomatoes from his own tines. What - kind Ole fruit or vegetable is that? ' . Ilurtes the morning With water in ;which Cwo 'cinions bars Leon. sliced, will keep 4,a . the flies, it is said. The people 'of Blair-county getting their hands and biains 'ebelted by the multi tudinous clan of 6ffici.seokerti.- -._ I • The amount of money 'received by the state, within the Kist pear, fur land patents, Was over s'j,ooo,ooo. A census marshal in Forest county discov ered a woman 107.3 - ears old, who Was en- Oged in chopping wood. • . Ceoi:ge C. - Franeiscos, Cenefal Agent bf the P.ennsylvanirt Railroad - Company, died f.uthien‘ly at Cresson on the Jlueltleberries are. Alen,): near Philipsburg. bistecn_waigo - nloaits of t .idUkirsilecupied one patch dn . & rf Wiped. I a*Ten with' berries. A Sind mini named joilm - „§pitigler, of ..ToliStowri4Okuramp _from °'dr}nking iee_water,ahirdied in, coitsquence: •. The,Peopie of 11011idayshurg imniined n mad dog after them, and shot it, it vas dis• covered 'oftersv:iirds:to , bave been poisoned. Sit-D6llinr-pinf, 1. pen wiper Jin(l - 4 quart of dria4.opples . .vas the ei tont" of 'a:donation to a Vamisylvoniaininisier, the7O(lipi gay. Eiery Republietin voter intlia: county tlioi2l4 haie WVe'retvilling, at $2 or annum, or,ah.cirter terms in proportion. One of-the:itlndian i ' shownied Aitis thrown off hiaboyseini:the male atrepton Wednes day lea:is : A - al tlielfilsyligui aro fells° low Two hundred .feathii-fieds. were cleaned for ate Hollidaysburg suppoite those good people are ready fora fresh sup ply 0f- 7 -visitors. • The- weather on Saturday morning. 'act nuggeated the compilation of Iteavier_babili ments—in Other words, the putting on of asinter clothing. An "Indian" show held forth in this place on Wodtiesday last, They didn't attract ;Much cfa crowd, because they didn't adver tise.., FEtincee Reynolds, .a. colored girl, who for :merry resided in this place, was shot by a Mrs... Brown, in Williamsport, Virginia.— Jealousy prompted the deed. A white cow has been frightening the peo ple in the vicinity of Hirrisburg, ivho,thought it was a ghoit. Perhaps they drink gin and therefore t heir superstition. Stockings are going out of fashion for la street year in Paris, and hare feet and Annals are to be generally introduced. Who will be the first to introduce the style here ? The slang expression "hanky dory" .is. P-'-'Ote,h4.araf is a synonyms of tim Latin "non' xoni,roi"' Ile is "unco doUr in tiro uptalc" ';3 dtd r , 311 etprossiot., and means r;I:Ise Freedom Iron and Steel Company's , property, located in Huntingdon and Muffin ,counties, is advertised in tho . daily papers to be sold r.t the Philadelphia Exobang,e on ',ftinrainy; fi.zpt,ember 27th, next. Ecune joalocs editors are poking fun at Ho 'race Greeley for writing what he • knows „e.hout farming. We'll bet none of thase feI +JONI'S ever handled a spade, While H. G. has always "hoed his own row," like a man. It is now reported that Spruce Creek will not be the terminus of the Louisburg read, but will be Vyrone. We hope it isn't true. Moro energy is wanted in that as well as other parts dour counti.. • 'i'he State Teachers' Convention will con vene at Lancaster on the Bth August. Tea chers dciiring to 'attend the convention, in order to secure excursion tickets, must ad dress (stamp enclosed) C. If. Harding:, Tiok et Agent, 1223 Oxford Street, Philadelphia, who will' forwbra them an order for the same. Application should state the name of the per son using each order end the railroad eta- One between which the ticket is to Lo issued, TAA ON RECEIPTS, number, otir', - eotenrporatqe!&_wo finrihay'e pub.. lished as a fact thatitarnps en receipts are no longer requited, that tax .hav ing been repealed the new For the 13 4 e'nefit Of our readdrs we OW• lish . thes6etioh or1:11e new bill. Iy nil be Seen- the repeal does , : notrritake efiect until October: -.; s - Section 4. And _be,. it farther enneted, That on and after the first day of t October, eighteen hundred and seventy, the stamp tax, imposed in - :,scliedtil;eAttri for-a-lesi s sum than one hundred dollars, and• on reoeipts for any sum of money, or for the payment of any debt, and the stamp tax im• posed in schedule Con canned and preserved fish, be, and the same-are - hereby, repealed. And no stamp shall be *required upon the transfer Or assignment t:f a Mot tgiige where -it or the instrument it secures has been once duly stamped. And the proprietor nii-lropri eiors.ofurticies7namfid•-,Tin - Saidirb:elifidtilst: p, 'n ho shall furnish his-or their own die or de sign for stamps to be tined especially for his or their own proprietary articles, shall be al lowed. the following commissions namely : On amounts purchased at ono ' tinie of not less than fifty dollars nor more titan five hun dred dollars, five per cent ; and on atneptitS of five lutudred dollars, ten per cent on the whole rimoimt purchased; Provided; that luei'fer or friction matches, and cigar lights, and .wax, tapers, may--he removed, from -the plactref man afatetuiv - for exlairt to `a foreign country without Payment of tax, er' affixing stamps thereto; under such rules'and fegtilatiene •ais Commissioner of Internal Revenue may, pre• scribe; and all .provisions of existing laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, - MEI • THUNDER SrintMS.-A:tv undsaal num ber of accidents hare occurred the present - suininer, in different prkrts. of, the country, frtirn Ilfghtning. - t TII9 fest, situation 'l.ltiritrg 016(3er-storm is the basement;; for when a person is belbw the . suifacO of the earth, the lightning mast'strike reach him, apd,will in all probability be expended in it, Dr. Franklin ad. vise(' per,sor!s aptirehekisiv9,offightning to sititi tittiiniddle - of:a :rdoirfirnot nn= der a metal,,lustre, or, anyconductor, and to, lay theirfeet upon another chair. ft will still be safer, he shid, to lay two or three beds or mattresses in the middle, of the. room, and . folding them double, to plado. choirs upoti them. Persons in the field should pre fer oPeii'parts to the, vicinity bf trees, &c. The distance of a thunderstorm, andeolgeggently the, , datrge:r, is easily estimated. As light travels at the rate of 192,000 milekinXsea7Ond, its effects may_,be considered as %instantaneous within amy.mgderate_distautto. Sound, on the contrary, a trausraitted only at the rate..of 1,142 fect r or about 380 yds., its ageCond. :133itaccurately ObScrVinik therefore the time that intervenes be tween the flash and the noise of the thunder which follOws'ir, a vVry - neal* may,-,ho•-madu:of its dis tance, and there - 1A no liale - r'metins of removing apiirchebsions. G.L. NITY —On Monday morning last a,direful calamity occurred in this place. It A. Terrier, a middle-aged citizen ofthis place, - wati crusting a street WhOn a horse came: 'upon him and kickod him in thu head, killing him :alit - MM. ; instantly: - 'ThO Wog(' spurflet.l ft:tn nose and,threitti, -- 41241 made a pool that was frightful - to look upon. The,WOrst of it - was he was al lowed to remain on ,the public.thor oughfitre, all day, where the scorching rays of the sun soon commenced . to decompose his .body. We could not believe there was so much inhumanity in the people of Huntingdon had not our owo ; eyes Fi g a 1,1 t atoll the fact.— NobodYlt ne fit, 'apparently, - find be will be left unwept, unmounted and graceless. OFFICERS.—The following officers of tue Young Men's Chiistian Association of this place have been elected for the ensuing six montlis fkm August Ist: Preside n t—M ifefi tmy er. Vice Presi.ient-:—S. S. Commun. Cor. Seeretary 7 -,lfar*ry Glazier. 'Rec. Socretary:-: : Iplin C. Miller; Treasurer—James A. Brown. ' Librarian—.T. - Blair. Aisisrant LitirariOis—L.W. K. Crites, D. A. Thonapsbn. Signed, .4. - ItiWii4TLINo, Pres. C. C, READ, Secre:Viry.: Notice to Stpekholdei:d of the Hunt ingdon Building ind Loan Association. —AI. a meekiii,g of the Board of Direc tors held on - lb - 1:326th day, of July last, the Secretary was directed to - give no tice in.-the newspapers published-in Huntingdon, that hereafter no tines, interest or premiums will be received after 5 o'clock, P. m of the - third Tues day of each month, and that fines will be inipO4d dceording;to Article the By Laws of the Ameociatioli.- P. DI. LYTLE, Secretary. in. Everybody likes. what they know to he good, and especially when it is ithide:itt home; tio ttnise Who liave triqd , tuttn Reilly's Bread . :end - Cakes are loud in their praises of those arti cles.. AV° invite our people to prove ,trying tbenu-,' but if our:iastes,don't-differ too_much„they will lie as - nitteh pleased his bak ing as we have been. AC6IDENT.L-Mr.. Henry 'Shafer, resideut.of Mount Union, this county, was killed on the railroad at that place on ',Thursday. last. , Ho was crossing the tritek, and while trying to avoid . one train, he was struck by the Emi grant train, arid injured so badly•that died in a Short .11tittsh ;IrobEN.—A horse- belonging to Mr. .1. Murray Simpon, was stolen frohl,hi r s stable in this plhee on Monday night a week ago. The horso was found running hose a few days after wards hear ;Newton 11.amilton, and wae,returned to Mr. Simpson. . The latest' shocking demonstra tion that appearod,on our streets was a miss of_ about seven summers who sported "the Grebian bend.- • We didn't ask her num; but—"as the twig"-0, it's none of our business...... zr-Z- The illbopu Office is prepared to execute all kinds of Job Printing'for tho Merchant, Manufacturer, Coal Op orator, and other business men, at less rates than the same can be had in the city. Giro us.a call. 134ir Huntingdon Academy viii open vrain on Monday, 4ugut3t 290, OM rianngem . eiii Sea urea cuooesi. Sifeeedfl, ifiAll - brarichnsrof ; busincesi, to a' &eat ente.a,';debeiidh off the prrid: ticul- Ichtrailetliet 7 of -"those 'Who have charge of the managentepti,.and details of the lailsbces. Any, , business direct ed and-m'abitged Amikilliul then,' f.is !tv game) of chance, with mot:o n -probab,il ity of lasing thanWißping. The fa' bbring man, the farmer, the mechanic, the minikitCat,' :Cho lawyer;:the. physi cian,. thik,banker,, the merchant, the., matfufaoturei, thepoliticfanand ant* mani.'..mitAt :Understand , : the: : , huSinelis. ungaged in, or incur tlie::probitbility of -fui!tfre and disiippointinent:, Ning 'tenths of the failures 6i:atiches of business, result from:a ,Waut•pf :skill, and in ninety-nine cases out of cry hundred where success is attained, it can be directly or indirectly attribu ted to skillful care, and intelligent management. This being t.be case men should stud,}' and 'undergtand' the business they follow, unless they aro anxious for failure or d sappointtnent. They shoukijollow.:tbo are:best in; and not waste'timo,chariging from ono to — another,''or, followiag that which they. do not understand. It is bettor to be a successful mechanic or laborer, than to be an unsuccessful. prince 'or statesman. • A Vei eful. Pablo To aidlarznersin arriving- at 'accu racy in aseeetalning th - o'a'inotint bf land in their different 'fielda%under cultiva• tion, the following•tabio is given by en agricultural cotemtiorary': 5 .yards wide by 368, yards ' , Acing contains one acre.,„ 10 yards ,wido by 484. yards long contains-ono acre.- - ; • ' 20 yhide wide by 242 yaids long con tains-ono noro.•, • •- "•-• ; . . 40 yards yvidp,by 121 . ,yards . long contains ono 'der's'. 100 yards wide by 30i yards long contains onaacre::': : , 220,,feet wide by, 163 feet, long ecititaine - Orie -: • ':• 110 feet wid by 800 feet long contains one 60 feet wide by 726 feet long eon- Lulus one.acro. - Ths, There is id the 'employ of the Pennsylvania Radroad Gpmpany, near thiti place;a night, watchman named Samuel 5. Hill, who has held the' Hsi. Lion for seventeen consccutiVe,'„Years. In this time he Ink's walked '63,8 . 75 miles, or the distance of about two and a half times round the 'earth, and yet not been fiv9,, miles t from borne. Lie has not tasted a drop of intoxicating liquor in that time,- never beet heard to swear, has not lost dnight from sick ness tn all.that time, and-his .eyesight is as good as e:yer:—=t7tihastoivii." TLISCARbitA. KOADEMY, PA.—More.tlan three thousand young men have' gone forth fro M this en frained in all thb bran - rhos - aa to enable many of thiMl-to iedeet boom' upon themselves, a i d the Institution . -rat .which th'6--)reeeived their education:' The large experience and ourn6st ness of the Principals in the cause of education, will contribute much to the successful training of youth entrusted to their care. Terms-S2A. Send for a cireulai Camp ➢levting Thu Methodist Episcopal church will commence a cahip meeting August 12, on the Taylor grounds four miles from Casuville. Ministers and Members from adjoin• ing charges are, must cordially invited to tent with us iu our Feast of Taber naClVS. . Dkilf(Eß, Pastor Retn.ll Market, Prices . Butter 2C,•25, as to quality ;-' eggs 20; lard 20; old potatoes 40, 50, as to quality ; new, $75051,00 ; dried apples 10 els•porAb - ; - dried poaches 15(025 ets, per- lb ;beaus 10@18c quart; sugar cured hams 30 els ; shoulders 20@22 side 1801)29 ets per lb; _dried beef SO @32 an; flour 5G,50(07,00; per barrel. Green apples 75, I,OU, 1,25, as to quali ty. SA LT EN rilt: I U .—lle alers, look to your in terest and buy your salt from Henry & Co. Their facilities fur furnishing salt'are great erqhttri any other house in central' Pennayl vania, and having a line of boats running to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore, they ore prepared to furnish all kinds by the sack; car or boat load, at prices which defy coin petition. Ap 10-3 m. Ladies Dresses and Boys Clothing Mrs. B. Annie McCabe-respectfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by 11. McManigill, on Washington street, 'nnd is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds.- She respectfully invites a full share of patronage. ap7 Every business man should use printed bill heads, letter heads, and :envelopes. They have to.use the paper and envelopes, any way, and wo furnish the material at whole sale prices, and print them at less than the material would cost at retail price• Call. J. S. Cornratin, of the iltiiniter, has with drawn as a candidate for Assembly. Editor '.lleCrum, of the Altoona Tribune, has also withdrawn as a candidate for State Senator. We suppose both gentlemen know by this time how near they are to•the hearts of the, "dear people.'' The stocl.holders of the Pennsylvania Ca nal Company are to meet in Philadelphia to morrow, the 3d, for the purposo of acting up on the resolution of the Board of Directors, proposing the abandonment of the Pennsyl vania Canal West of thintingdqn. • - I.:armors - needing a-,Graiikdrill, *ill do well to calf'Ou - Wharton & Ma guire and examine the Willoughby gain-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing, • ', : tf' Z—Keystene Cider i \tills for sale by A. R. Stewart Co., seed for cii•- eular. • (July 26 310. Paring. Weaving. Mrs. Matilda Pheasant is prepared to weave rug carpets, and solicits patronage from a generous public. Residence Wash ington 'Street, West Ifuntin.. 00' . tf Acu- - 110'c'. Mr. Mcßride; of Ireland, preached two intereatinm sermons in the Presbyterian church of this place, pu,Sunday last. , Cider Mills, .ruin S v eparutors, Clove• hullers and Steatniers, Cultivators, Washing Machines, etc., etc„ .4t McLanahan, Stone hetes, llelliclktisbnig, Pa. felt-8m Subscribe for TgE Urbo u Can's bo Red Front Grocery receives new supplies almost every day, sells the most and freshest, and esti% be under sold. New Mess Shad, Dry Salt Rae and Pickled Herring, the best and medium Mackerel, White Fish, Trout, .Salmon, &c., cheaper than the cheapest, and warranted tie— A large stock of the best Stone ware, of all kinds, now on hand at the Red Front Grocery, and for sale ehoap or than anywhere else in the county. The contract for repairing the Public &hoots of tbie place has been awarded tii:.,Pjace .8t.. , ".51,fir,r4y. The amount of their 'bid vas $ lO5O. ger. Best Gum Roller l and Gum Spring Grain Drills, at MeLanahan, Stone & 'sett's, llollidayhburg, Pa. fe9 Sin --:li i f-C MARRIED; On the 21st day of July, by Rev. L. D. Steckel, Nl.r. Slotftar, IdinmcsnAnona to Miss MARA' ANN KURTZ, both of Mc- Connellstown, this county. On Saturday, January Ist, 1570, by Ilev. J. B. Withro'W, No. 126, North Thirteenth. :street; Thiladelphia ; .Mr. JMIN S. LAWRENCE, of Philada., to Mrs Anom M. SNARE, of linutingdon,., Pa. The happy couple have our thanks, and the best wishes of- the Globe fra ternity that they may enjoy the life matrimonial for many years, sweeten ed by, the best uses of prosperity, and repo - se . at last with the hope of entering the 'eternal abode, where Levi) reigns supremo: ANNOUNCEMENTS. . , . The name of GEO. W. OWENS is respectfully , presented a candidate foe the Legi3latuee. Suldact to • the decisiou of tho Republican Cuuuty Convantion. ' July 12, 1870 , 1 - ' , , , • .• t .111101/1 , 1011A5t. •• MARKETS. 1:1=1 P/lILADI L P I 1 I 11, 4m g , 1. 3.670. Super flue Flour per barrel . $5..50®517. 1:k Ira Flour per barrel ' " ' $5.81'&125 Rye Flour per barrel c..50.1•1(4nR.25 lied Wheat per bushel $1.5001.65 Rye per bu5he1........ - 1.10@1.14 Cora' tipl,l3 Oats per bushel ' ' ' ' - Oggiti , lets. , .- • PITTEIBUSGII, Aug, 1, 1870: • Whlta When , 7.Bo@ft.llo Wheat per bUshel ,white $1.x5@1.18 Corn per bushel 95(41.00. Oats per bushel 53@5lers, ' Rya per' bushel ' $0,00@0,05 - Barley Noth lug doing FINANCIAL. . New Yorte, Aug, I.—(fold clam) at 11,21. PIIILADE1,1•11 ' 1A. July 30, 1870. The following are the closing prices of De Haven& Bro., 40 South Third Street: U. S. 6's 'of 'Bl, • - - 1131 1131 " " '62," - - 1101 .1101 - " • " '64, • - .109/ ~1 094 " " '65, ' .110 1101 '65, now,. - 109 1094 " '67, " - 109 109} " " - '68;" - - 1091- 1091 "' 5'5,•10-40's, ' - 1061 1071 U. So 30 rear 6 per cent. Cy. 111 1114 Due, Comp. .Notes, - 19 • 'Gold - - - 1201 1201 Silver, - - - - 112 115 Union Fag* R:R lst 214 Bonds 815 825 Central Pacific R. R. - 855 870 Union Paeffie Land Grant Bonds 740 770 HIINTINGDOE MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY HENRY etc CO IM=! Fi.oua—Superlinc Flour, per barrel, $5.00 Extra flour, du 6 50 Family Flour, do 7.00 GRAIN—Rod Wheat, per bushel. , , 1.40 W hito Wheat, du_, - : 1.45 EY e, do 00 Corn, ' do 'Bs .Opts,- -• do • 45 - Barley, do , 1.00 SEED—Timothy, du ~ . . 5.50 Flaxseed, • du 1.75 Cloierseed,.per 64 lbs. '' ' ' 6.00 COAL— Hard coal, por ton, 4.5060 50 Broad Tup coal, do 3.00(t.43.50 Lc WIER, per 1000 feet ; . 12.00000.00 Suttsci,Es—ltnp, per 1000 ft., 10.000;1.2.00 Joint Shingles, do 5.00 - 02,7.00 MISCELLANEOUS —Bai k, per cord, l air , ,p rt s , ,p per e w r en . ~ , .40 0.00 1.00 . . Wool, do 40@45 Hay, per ton, 10.00 Hides, ._ . .„: REAL ESTATE LOAN AGENO. MILES LEWIS & CO. Farms, Town Lots, Houses, and all kinds of REAL 'ESTATE, bought or sold. Bolide, Mortgages and Deeds accurately prepered. Money lone negotiated on Real East° security. For nn inf.rmation in regard to con ditions, Weal tieng, Ac., ailply, in f,ersOn, or b); letter, to SIMPSON -& ARMITAGE, HUNTINGDON, Pa., Office, opposite the Court House. July 123in•Sm. , New Cheap Store. Crownover & Decker, Have, ust opened at their now store, west end of Hill Street, next door to the Nationnl Hotel, near Fisher's Mill, in Huntingdon, a large and selected stock of DRESS-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SEOES, Q UTEENS : IVAR4' ifISH and' " • • •- FL 0 UR and CHOP, And everything else generally kept in a first class store. Everything new and selling cheap, fur CASH `OR PRODUCE. • S. 21-6 to. CROWNOVIM DECKER FOR GRC)CERIRS, CONPEOTIOXERIF,S, PIIOVISIONS„Ul., O TO RED FRONT GROCERY I)USINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! j It 3.01 r.41.t 3 our raid neatly inint.tl uu envel Opes, Can At LBW IS BOOK AND ATIONLRY STOKE ANT M. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Bta nt. y and 310,0:! 1.04.1000ntN, corner of the /2E9 1810,,S„aiIPP,s.socA871 A T:" - P; . ,:(T:C..aDP R TI9SIF,:§; JAMES- A.-.'BRO}V;N, Is constantly - rO . c.ci6ni at his new, CARPET 8-TORE, IN •`: Lit mallet Patten:la of Carpets; freskftima , tha rooms of the manufactureres, stock comprises,"? - BRUSSELS, • - COTTAGER : ifEl4O LIST and RAG CARPETS/ i.' , CARPET CHAIN, V* COCOA s and CANTON AIATTINGS, FLOOR, STAIR and -- TABLE, ®_'X' . 4:10 PC' MO M, , Arl RESII STOCK bir; W A LL: P A P - Ell • WINDOW-SITADES and Fixtures, Brunetti: Telvet ftipliDook Mate, Extra Carpet ftlif ead and Binding. girl - wake aapecialty a furnishing CIIURCIIE. end LODGER. an City Prices, and invite' Put nb,hing Conßf.:rat ters to - call and see goods roads expressly for 'their par. Any'Srs-iiili rate picyar'y and hebOiier 4uifed by 'going to the reguldr Carpet and Oil Cloth.Sfore for any-of th o above geods. - f-rdefreelnpotitioli In prices- and •tanoty of beautiful patterns: - - - l eAlt PhTS,2S cents pl. xAttn and UPWARDS. - 1 bare also the Agency for the Original HOWE SEWING MACHINE • so moll known or tho best Family Machine In tho world Chtf of Chi CARPET ETVICEcund ace Chop. J :01E8 A. BROWN. Huntingdon, 31oh 10,10-Ctn. ' West Huntingdon Foundry. PSON I=l PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, FARM DELLS, SLED AND SLLDRI. SOLES; WAGON BOXES, IRON ItETT'LES, For Furnaces, Forge, Grist and Saw Mills, Tanneries and lirickyru de, AND JOB WORK IN ,GENERAL. ARCHITECTURAL . ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Iron Porticos and Verandahs, Balconies, Columns and Drop Ornament .for wooden poi tiros and verandahs, Window Lintels and Sills, Cast Ornaments for wooden lintels, Cellar Window Guards all sizes, Chimney Tops nod Flues, bash Weights, Carpet Sit ips 'Registers, Reuters, Coal Orates, Yonlt Castings for coal and wood cellars, Arbors, Tree-boxes, Larop.polts, Hitching-posts, . Iron Railing for porticos, verandahs, balconies, flower. beds, • Yard and Cemetery ,Fences, etc. Particolor attention raid to fencing Cemetery Lots. Address JAMES SIMPSON, ,„ • 5t.e.10,63 Huntingdon, Pa. • . HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. EASTON RCA K E. SI. MARION McNEIL. BLAKE & MetTEIL, , isue.o. to J; M. CUNNINGHAM & SON,) Iron and Brass Founders, UUNTING PON,YA. " 12i IRON and BRASS CASTINGS st first class Foundry. Wo have aluays on hand all Lindaof Plow and 'Stove Castings, Wash kettles, Collarmindons, Orates, Coal halo 4, ,,;;;;; Coatings for pavements, Window %eights ej all aloes owl ueightri. Pipojoints, bled Solos, Wagon boxes, Machin° Castings, for steam and acute,, grist. Haw. MIMS° an t plaster stills of all descriptions. • HEATERS AND IRON PENCES, of the most improved style, ores doors anti frames, door sin, and in foot over) thing made in this line. 11 u IMN 0 a larger stock of pastel ns, and can furnish cas tings at short notice, and cheaper (hall they can So ,had in the country. hoeing it good drill, we aro prepared to do Milling and fitting up of all hinds. Olilco iu Liestme New Building, Hill street, Hunting don, Pa, Mch.li, 1069. _ BLAKE A McNicw. T HE IItINtINGDON . Manufacturing Company, Is now prepared to fdl orders for EATIIERBOAIMING, FLOORING, DOORS, AND SASH, And in short to do all kinds of Carpenter work-- To furnish HUBS, SPOKES and FELLIES„ in quantities, and receive orders for 3E I T-11FLINIX.TICTI1M. All ordeis shondd he addressed to D. Mi:ARTLEY, President, Huntingdon, Pa. June 16,:18694.. - „ Tganatfigma v J. M.. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in P l l3 I\T X ! rTIP.Mt, Reepectfully invitee the attention of the Public to hie stand on 11111 at, Huntingdon, in the rear of George W Sinitic , Watch and Jewelry store, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give Lim a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. r* - - Moo, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style desired, at short notico. The subscriber hasp NE 1 V ,1 ND ELEGANT REARIE, and is proposed to attend Funerals at any place In trisou or country. J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, May 9, 1860-1.:1 jro lIN C. MILLER,. : (Sucm.ssor to C. 11. *II,LEXCA SON,), ••: , DEALER IN All Kinds of LEATHER, AND, SHOE FINDINGS, LW YON GDON, PA. J41:3870 Lewis' is the Place to Buy School Books and Stationory,Bibles, Hymn Books; Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, perNmery, Pock et Books Pocket 'Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. WANTED. -1,001. k cords of Bark Ihn 31.tunn nth stor& Tho highest marke , in.ce ihtld in cl:h (dun 1 tkuJ HENRY & CO. - - • , ' 1 6r te( 1,-(4 • • (ejA . . VOIJ earl '6 ECte" fof IO to-`3O PpF pfj by-buying youtlnstrurnonta from ci if: Gr3EI.3O3ELALIM; DEALER IN - ' -- STEINWAY-& SONS, GHICKERING & SONS, • - THE WEBER, - RAVEN & BACON'S, - • nir,•UNION PIANOEORTETCO'S, , GEORGE M. GUILD, k -C R 'S. " CONRAD 3IEyERS, - . AND ALL OTHER - J3IAKES oPi , • - PIANOS. , - - • MASON & lIAMLIN'S, and .• GEO.. WOODS CO'S ceralirated • - ORGANS, or any other make desired. Also, MELODEONS, GUI TARS, VIOLINS, Gorman Accordoons, Sheet Music, Mu sic Books, Sc. ; " Now and good Pianos for $3OO and upu arils. New 9 Octmo Organs for $9O • New Melodeons tor >7O " Instruments Warranted for.ftw years. - Agouti supplied at wholesale 'nice; the saute as in the city. Call ou or address E. J. GREENE, /luntingdon, Pa , ap12,70 I'd Boor Mister's New Building. • - • . P.IMMCDATM]b TO THE Ni E. CORNER OF , DIAMOND. Boot and - Shoe- Emporium.'• " JOIIN 11. WEST BIt " 0 .. Respectfully intorms the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho has just received from the city a Nov and splendid stock of, BOOTS SIIOES, , HATS , & CAPS, • , - Hosiery, S hoe riitclings, Ca,epet seta .punks; &c!; &c., all of which he is prepared to soil at'grently reduced prime' Don't forget the new stand in the Diamond. Old custo mer and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, ap.,7, 1869. ~ . • GEO. SHAEFIfER . . mrlbaJuat returned hem the east with .a . l^ SPLENDID STOCK. • OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, tfcc.:,* IShicli ho offMisio' the inspecgolt of hie enatoMM!is and the public geuei ly. lie will soli his Mock at the most - REASONABLE PRICES, and Ow who purchase once will surely , call agaim• . B.001:61 & SHOES:MADE ,TO.ORDEH, and REPAIRING done. in the neatest and most expedl - lions manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at hie shop on 11111, street„ a few doom mod of the Diamond: up. 14, 1869 • NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. , • • " - WM. AFRICA A opened to h t i l i m oratu i ndrttee hone Just Huntingdon, A'Fine Assortment _of , all kidds of' • .• BOOTS AND...-SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. • All of which hn trill tell at fair prices. Quick saki and profits, Call and examine toy clock. Manntacitiritnt and ltdpairing dune to order no usual. Huntingdon, Ap. 14.1y61. DONOT pASS BY •,,,,•,. • . GWIN'S: D. • " INFoRms THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A ' . SPLENVLL STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT . • - _ IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN Hunting.lou, Ap.l9, IS7O NE DRUG STORE. On the corner, opposite the -Exchange llotel, II UNTINGDON, PA.' Will have a good selection of drugs, medicines, &c. from rellablo druggists, also a groat variety of notions, ancy articles, perfumeries, patuntmedicines, toilet, soaps brushes stuns, groteries, erc , THE DRUG DEPARTMENT bo conducted by Dr. Thos. Johnston, who has been in the practice of medicine for over forty years, which will ho great advantage to those buying medicines for family use, where it is not convenient to erai Ip I a physi• clan. Advice given when medicines are wanted. Pm , setipti ens carefully compounded. Dr. Johnston is a native 'of this town, add .studied medicine under the celebrated Dr: Henderson, whose rep utalion to well remembered by all old citizens. Cold sparkling soda writer ran be had Miring the sum mer, dtawn Donn Tuft's celebrated Arctip Fountains, which is now considered the bes ip . use May 2i, 'JOHNSTON& CO. W. DUCH %NAN P ALLISON LN , I . . NEW STOVE AND TIN STORE. BUCHANAN, ALLISON & CO. trove opened a new store in Tenter's 'new building, iu the Diamond, 11111111110011, klmro ready for sato a large assortment of Cook and - Parlor Stoves, SPEER'S nEyol g yma uail'r, • SPEER'S ANTI-DUST, SPEER'S ANTI -DUST COOK STOVES, SMITH'S RFTULATOE-and EUREKA COOK STOVES and LITTLEFIELD'S TIEATERS. Also, a largo assortment of - Val 4VID tt4ia2 and figreat vat lely of Goods, never before kept in this place. We also manufacture TIN WA - 11g TO OUD,It: Repairing, Roofing and Spouting done st short notice AD- Cpuntry Storm supplied with' Tin Ware nt city awes. Confident of tieing ship, to make it advantageous to their custemeis they respectfully 4011 cit a sharopf public patronage. ROOM IN YENTER'S NEW BUILDING IN 'THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA. Jan. 5, 1550 INIPORTANT ¶O SOLDIERS All Cavalry Lino alEceravise wefts in the sorvico tm• Lemon July ad hot and July 17:th - 1862 are entitled 19 allowance for use and visit of horses, amounting for tho whole Limo to about $110; for a less finie, to a propos , kionate amount. Dischar o . 4 es mast accompany claims. flews of those entitled. but who wore killed or died in the service, and tlio arrears of pay having been collected, are only s Nuked to give a pouer of Attorney. Parsons haying claims of Oils kind, or any other claims against the Government can have them promptly collected by appl) lug I u person or by letter to H. ALLEN LOVELL, Huntingdon. Pa. July 12 1670-tf. - "-tifftlVberti,stintit!" - ,: - : ,- :' ,-, 7 ENTRA L-IiaTETZU 11, Vi SOUTH EAST COIINER EPRIICE ET$., Y , " (formelly of Iluatingdon - Co.o PROVE+ Centrally located and tho,mopt-,convenient point for merchants visiting the ettr..Accommodations of the Aral-elem.. MI the modern Improyements--Eyery4t tention heittenileXto gmsts. , - jauSityli, 1 egi r t , r 71„ *J.I ~. ...: ...P: ; : !A ' ' . . 3 Harelity 381 V, 104..11net mint I, If they want the most popular and belt sniaseciption honks atnr the tnn,Htb., eral terms Sep tor etrunTam: TlinyWill cost .yoil uotlling,Autl• ty,b eof great launetlt jig . feb9 l ly , • MI§S MARY E. AERTSEN:'"7 AND SE . , T.SS MARY E. RTEYENS: . , ~. , ... - - -,.:Jui.: ~..: will .Iteopep. tleir . . , 'fi'Vrtkitcio - 1" DOARDIMI AND ~ POR-YOUNO LADIES, ?Pjfit TulpehoCken atiept, 44' FOr circulars, apply to file Principals, ;j119,2m GENTS - VANTE "FOnft .13.,;,=f°°=-_ ;: • !At Prospectus, - Fq'w4V.?...rlollzr ISLE' YRlCsa!'' A. Masterly Versi fida I ion, ofpt4e eksobt.i,tng, - Toctry:orthe,Bible. SOpronounced by leading clergymen and laymen of all denomluntions. Univei sally 'admired 'and' highly esteemed both recite gl not Intrinsic merit anti mechanical finish. A beautiful Prospectus, from a now ' and original deßion, showing th gib froront styles of bind. . ipg; etc., sent absolutely FREE' to' ' accepted' as Agents,and,it sample copy wimp - deuire.Uand at r 2o,per, cent less thim therwholesalo price: Excliisire'Ve'rritorg. ' end this meet liberaillfrnia...Fer,full - particulars,- tormei„ etc.. address - C. F. VENT:Publisher. • k , S Barclay-341 . 034, finnyyorkk COLONNADE . MARBLE FRONT.). : aseitnut Sired, Wet of Flfleeigli; ,l • PHILADELPHIA.- to and blagani:Hoiol opoo ••• • 'reception of gams. It to of tbemost Rod • asiroaloo, and foroblbed ,th a kyle mbar ed by any of the Riot bolds of - Konya • ' .• • • 4,701Ett CRUMP, GEO; FR E r4 I • A gi; S Y.P . , / :‘,"1 • ~r '!. IN@ Os AD A. L l''S'' TII F: Great American Health Restores, .parities the blood and ; cares Scrofula, Syphilis, Fltin ; ' Disea , ssi Rimomatiam. Disimsesof Women and all Chronic Affeetions afilid , Blond,` "Liver and Kld.o neye. , Recommended by the bleipeal Faculty and thousand of our bail • • al . Read the testimony of Pintaldeas atpi piltlenta t•ho hai"o used ltotedallevedif for our itoladallet Outdo to Health or Alteanac forlble yearg Nylqcb we Publish fin' gratuitous • distribution rit give you much raluable•information. Dr. 11: W. Carr; of Daltithore says: "' 1 take pleasure in recommending yourltostplal.,. is es a very powerful alterative. — I hold used in two 4111105, with happy r.alts—,one Invest, of secondary tiyphil tho 'patient 'pri: minced himself ,cured after having taltott, flyp bottles of your medleihe: - "l'lpiother lea me of scrofuln of long •etanding, !which. is: rapidly! im-, proving under its eve, and' the 'lndication 'are' that the patient will soon recover. I bane care• fully examined the formula by which'3lour' Roan dells is made, and fled it an excellent emppoend, at all alterative ingredients. Dr. Sparks, of rticholebvitio. • aity.e. he har, pied itusadolis in caves of scrofula and teeinidary Syphilis with oatisfactory rerultb—as a cleaner of, the blood I know no better remedy. •- • o:McFadden, Murfreeborol, TennaaePP nays: ! I hove mewl seven bottles of Ronda*, and ant-. entirely cured of Rheumatism ; seud me four but: ties, as I wish it fur My brother, who bas - 8000114, lona sore eyes. Benjamin Bechtol, of Lima;Ohlo, writes, I have 'suffered for twenty years with an inveterate erup tion over my • body'r a' Blida time since 1.,,pgr,%! chased a bottle of Rosadalis and it effected' a per , a:Cact& • :It , -%71...._`"Z.i":70 lioesdalis is sold by John Read and 8. S. Smith, Pa., and Dr ugglstrgenerally, ; Lnbratory, alExchango Place, fieldmice. • " - • • • - CbVitENTS & CO., • Feb. ..,12-1 yr. 2 or all. Proprietors. '[ESTABLISIIED,. , !ghost Eremium, Silver Modal, awarded, ow all Unruh at Muchanics' Exhibition, Boston,' r October ' compe , 1802. The,origlual and gonl4loo ?S EL P,-.138 . WROUGHT-IRON, OAS-CONSUMING HEATEB {s'lrli PATENTDD DUST SUDDEN, • GRATE 3AR RESTS, And WROUGUT-IRON RADIATOR. _ • and AUTOMATIOREGULATOR. For Burning Anthracite or Bituminopg . Coal or Woo. 10 elz,eS for brickwork, and two sizes Pprtriblo MANUFACTURED 0.1.1.y9Y •. • 'J. REYNOLDS '& SON,: N. N. OORNER PIIII,SDELPIFIA, NI. Theo Itiitera . aro made rif; henry 'Wrought:iron, well rhaled fogulher, arq ore rinlanied to ho absolutely gas and dust tight. They arc the only Unions that aro kaki, aged m:ltholit any ilaraperi; and in , which all -kinds" of fuel can he burnedli itliout altaration. ‘,. , COOKING RANGES for hotels -restaurants, and families, Also, a FLAT-TOP lIEATING FIRE PLACE IIgATERs, • LOW DOWN GRATES, SKATE REGISTERS 4Np ITENTItATORS Pomphtetd ileocription. twit -freo to laity nil 4reso. , ( Joite:4 , l : t.3 , FARMERS !, EISAWITE 21.0 BUY ' 3.±-3r.m Oiribbrxm4A.±... 1 3A#G* 5 BfioiG': • Ate, First Ralyl.l;t9lie StO.s.phate-'i6.4, All Labors are imitaiion: EMTLMEI ytMlf 'SUPER-PHOSPHA.T OF-i LIME, , q~pp MARK Ilss! !down Is mode of raw and miliaria!!! Derma, ri,c4, in Nitrogesimis matter,itlisgolvell in nil 01 vilest], present; ing tho /lone Physpliptein 2 phighly zp!uble and.quiekly available coral, Mid the Ammonia in' sueliproportfon ay to insure a prompt and ylgoroupactiqp npeln/img.roPf. Where Bangles Phosphate was applies! the past season, the indlyations, without egceptleit.. arc /414 tt will main tain its well earned reputation. We request all in net.. 4 of a Fortillsor,to give this article g triy6 )I.A.I7'GEr. Br, SONS, ZIAZIUYACIVItERS, , • 014Oe, No. 20 00uth'pelp.warO4yezlo Inra:l+-era • PIIILADELPItfier TOWN LOTS FOR SALE IN WEST lIUNTINGDON 13gy Lots from first Lando at $2OO ' Purskaac.ra dcajri ay , 0 1011 d can tatio 'vary 10cja; terms no to pn,yinentd.lV isttio limo to invest. , 41e by 2ltf )* fit. ALLISOWNILLER MIS • WANTED. 10,000 pciun"ds Tt wno,ra wool for which the hrghea will be pod. (Juu 16,41] tIENR"- 17 , v; c.:2,. ,!:',7. ERE GIERMANTOWII; PA. EMI MO ME I= EZB room =I