The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 02, 1870, Image 2

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Tuesday morning, Aug. 2,,18
The "Globe" , has -the largest number of
readers - f any oilier Paper published in the
county. _Advertisers should remember this. ,
Republican County Convention.
A Convention of the . Union Repub.
licans of Huntingdon county; will be
held in the borough' of Huntingdon, on
TUESDAY - , - AtintlST 911 r, 1870, at' I
o'clock, p. m.
This Convention will be composed
of two delegates from each township,
borough, ward and district.' - :
The Republicau'ioters of the county
are requested. to-meet -al their respec
tive placeti.of-lcoldigg 'elections (except
those of-the West ward - s'l the borough.
ofHitntiOgrdcin,Whdwill:hold their-clec •
tion at,"the new Engine Bonso;)i-on'
Satirday; tlf.:3'6th day of August—hi.
the-Townships, between!' thothours of
3 and 7-'o'clock,' in and , in the 80- ,
rough's between' they hours- of 6 and 9
o'clock, p. m.,"feetbo - purpoSe of elect
ing deldgates to this Convention.: -
Nominations will be made at. the
Convention for Congress, State; Senate,
Assembly, Associate' Judge, County
Commissioner, Director of the .Poor;
Jury COmmiesioners and-County Audi
tor. WDI. LEWIS,
Chairman Republican aunty Omnaillce
Give i ns a Ticket:that can ba Elected.
• Dc9;ause Mr. Morrell„ has worked iv
harniony with Mr. Scott in the distri
biiion of all the patronaio at their
disposal,;tho , disorganizers say.he must
be elected i avlin to' help . M.e. Scott to
continue: his persecution of all truo'
mon who 'Would not help him defeat
the party laStfall. .They have taken
good earelhits far to see• that disor
ganizers.and men willing to obey their
disorganizing 'commands were the only
porSoria' receiving their favors. To
have a united, successful. party in the.
cOSitestwith the Democracy this fall,
the:. whole ticket, from top• to bottoin,"
without ta• single exception, must : be
new men with clean hands; free 'frOm
the charge of having assisted in- any
way iri thedefeat of the ticket last fall.
Will the _Convention -give the party
such a''ticket'ands make its election
cute's, or will it still further disor
ganize the tarty and make . defeat 'cer
tain by forcing men upon the . tiaiet.
not worthy to receive the support of
true party mon ? ,
• ZUN I>SADELGEWETIR is the to us un
prononneablo name of the n'eedle gun
soon to be used by the Prussians.
WE have never yet supported a
ticket at the head t;:ff our. paper that
we did not vote for on the day of• the
election:: Robert; 'can_ you "say as
much ?
TUE Chinese government is'making
efforts to prevent the
. exportation of
coolies under contract. If John Chi
naman comes at all, let him come on
the same footing as "any other man."
Ir we aro only crofessally" Repub
lican" as some of the disorganizors say,
and vote the Republican ticket, are
we not giving the Republican party a
better support than our neighbors who
oalaim to bo deep-dark 'dyed Republi
mans and vote, to defeat Republican
candidates ?
ilcillidaysbuyg Register says :
"With a union of the party in Huntingdon,
and a now man not connected with the tiou
bl'es%there; as is Mr. Morrell, the congres
sional district will ho safe, but should that
gentleman force himself upon the people for
the third term, defeat will becoule' quite pro
bable, and Upon him and his friends will rest
the responsibility of that disaster."' ' '
The Joaimal & American is' hanging
off for another bid:--it has not yet pro
mised to do anything this fall further
than' it will not support under any eir
-cumstances a man•who was a guerril
la last fall.. We will support the tick.
et whatever it may be, and will try to
whip the "organ".; into the harness
again. •
'By appointment of President Grant,
CaPtaip-C. -F. Hall has been 'chosen
commander of an expedition to the
Aretie Sea. Captain Hall has had *l.O
years experience in-those regions, and
has the necessarYfrigidity'of purpose
so to speak:to carry it through. Con
greis appropriated 850,000 for.tho ex
pedition, which . will >move in May
next. -
Johnstown Tribune, ha.. Morrell's or
gan,, sUpports Mr. Morrell for Congress
on ono page, and on another it sup
portfaames Potts, a Democrat, for the
Legislature. That's a convenient po
litics Mr. Morrell's friends have in
JohnstoWn. His friends mixed things
up "just so" in this county last fall,
*led elected several Democrats.
IT has been suggested "thata committee bo
appointed to wait on "Dad". Lewis to ascer
tain to what part (if tiny) of (lie Republican
party he belongs.—Creincr's Re'publiccin:
A queition easily answered. We
belong to, that. part of the Republican
party that includes all Republicans
who support party nominations, and
you belthig to" that part of a party
known as the guerilla and-disorganiz
ing faction, and supporters of Demo
crats when disapPOinted in getting
control of nominating conventions.
The success of the Republicau,ticket
in this county and districts ne:2 - it : fall,
depends greatly upon the choi4:to
made by the conforees aetif,WhO
be at the head. 'Vire ; havcifio State of.
fibers to elect, but we haven. Coitgresit t :
man, two Senators, two Leglidators,
and county officers. Now, shall wo
have a man at the head of the ticket
who is objectionable to a large number
of the llepublicani voters, or shall'we
have a man against whom there are
no charges, arid about whom there are
no suspicions 7 Let Mr. D. J. Morrell
be nominated, and we believe, and
firmlf• believe; 'that• -1.11;a‘ - prejudice
which exists against him in this, his
own and the other counties, will result
in his .defeat, , and secure , the election
of a Democrat. His appointments and
aflifiatiotis'(of and with tho ,"guerril
laS") in this county, and his course on
a lecalquestion in his own county, lead
us to oraertain ibis belief. lie is - ob.'
jeetionable hot;,i' and he. is' OhjoctiOnnj
ble at his otrn home,A - nd we can not •
see why any , Republican who desires
to see his pariy• successful will persist
in presenting his claims as a candidate,
wheri ho knows there: is such opposi
tion against him.
Mr. Morrell has been long enough
before the people of this district to
havo tested the sense of the voters,
and we think he should note the "signs
of the times" arid withdraW in favor of
a new man--one who has not such a
load 'of responsibility and objection to
carry : We•want 'to spe the 'Republi-
Can ticket . overwhelmingly successful
next fall, and it is for. this reason we
at'this time object to Mr. Morrell aA
candidate. lf itWamerelya question
of 'ability and fitness, wo would utter
not a word against his nomination;
but when we consider what it requires
to •reSt.ore the' wonted 'Republican
strength and major , ity in this County;
and satisfy thetnaes of the voters, wo
must urge the.selection , of a new man
—ono to head - tho ticket that shall in
sure its success. -
' THE mon in' this county who are ac
Live in the support of Mr. Morrell for
a third term, were, without a single
exception; active disorganizers last year
to defeat the regularly nominated RC-•
publiCan ticket. They are for Mr.
Morrell not, because ho is a good tar(if
man, but because ho has kept them or
their friends in all the offices in the
county at his disposal. The time was
whennominations' in the
. county and
districts were as good as elections, but
that time is not now, with leading un
repentant disorganizers as the nominees
—disorganizers who worked (with "aid
and comfort? from Mr, Morrell,) and
did succeed in defeating as good Re
publicans as, were ever nominated in
thi3 county. . -
With Cramer's guerrilla Republican
as Mr. Merrell's organ, he cannot ex
pect the party to give. him a support
necessary to secure his election. That
paper and its friends will not support
nominees this fall if they were active
supporters of the regularly nominated
ticket last year, then how can it be
expected that those who were true last
fall will support unrepentant disorgan
izers or their friends if nominated this
UNTIL the nomination ib made by
the Republican party of the county of
a candidate for Congress, we have an
equal right with every otbet . : voter, to
dictate who should and who should not
be nominated.- The guerilla organ and
the disorganizers generally say - Mr.
Morrell' must be nominated. We say
with the men who could not be influ
enced last fall to oppose the regularly
nominated ticket that to nominate Mr.
Morrell for a third turn would bo in-
,defeat, not only on the Con
gressional ticket, but also on the Sena
torial, Legislative and County tickets.
• The' delegates to be elected on Satur
day.' next:should come to the conven
'tion determined not to be influenced by
men 'who last fall deceived hundreds of
honest Republican voters into the sup
port of guerrilla and Deinocratic can
didates for the purpose of defeating
good Republican nominees. If the
guerrillaism of last fall should be suc
cessful in' forcing Mr. Morrell again
upon 'the ticket, arid defeat follows, the
responsibility will'rest with the ma
jority of the Convention.
WitAr:Wonid Republicans think if
tbo 1 . Von itor should advocate the nom
ination of Mr. Morrell ? The support
of Cremer's guerrilla Republican is
about as damaging to Mr. 'Morrell as
the support of the Monitor .
would bo.
Both papers worked together to defeat
the regular Republican ticket last fall.
'Mr. Morrell mus.t.not expect that guer
rilla influence will , be strong : enough
to give him-the party vote in this
county. No man who was a disor
ganizer-last year, or gave them "aid
and comfort" can expect to receive
full party vote at . tho next election.
The truth, damaging as it is, may as
well bo made public now as hereafter.
We intend to support - any °ticket put
up, but we are not :the voters---they,
wo feel sure, will retaliate if an oppor
tunity is forced upon thorn this fall.
MR. MORRELL has written a letter to
somo of tho Blair county politicians,
informing them that ha will accept a
nomination for a 'third term. Wo
don't think he will bo troubled in that
way if the Republican party of the dis
trict want to be sure of success at tho
Champion Guerrilla and Corruption
ist--The "Organ" on the War-path.
The notqklous editor:,of the Journal
& Aniericqn , 'ims again;c'oMinkinced an
attack upon us 'and -others, 'Charging
trca;cliery to party, : guurrillaism,
Tiiiii_famous'organ-grindorlias hardly
become settled in his new position with
the Republican party, and even now
will not agree to support the ticket that
may - be nominated-by the coining Con
vention. Only a few months agif wo
find him in full council and high stan
ding,with the disorganizers. Ile furn
ished Mr. Clod's card as itif indePend ,
ent cardidate, - folloWed it - up - Witli an
editorial, and' advised' him to offer the
Monitor one hundred do'lara worth of
patronage for its support, and furnish
ed names to chairman Logan for his
committee - who would be faithful to
the work of guerrillitistn: The guer
rilla-ball Was thus and then set'ityno
tion. The organ grinder npw heghis
to w e. for, eight hundreti .1' be
priee•ivas thOught exhorbitant i a par - -
ley was held,' and 'before definite ar
rangements codld he Made,:
somehow or other got a I:1617, light,
pounced upon his:former associates,
and-pronounced his own - -work an out--
rage'upon tho Republican party:' This
paragon. of honesty and consistency(?)
should at :least have the, decency to
keep his mouth shut in this communi
ty, and cease boasting about his organ
and fidelity to party: For further par
ticulars see Mr. Creme:r and his Be.
ALL Mr. Morrell's houpdsinAhe dis•
(riot, controlling the columns of news
papers, aro just now giving us partic
ular attention because we think and
say that their
,master is not the Man
that should be ,put forward again as
the Republican candidate. We have
been in politics too • long to be dis
turbed by Buell a pack." They all hold
offices under Mr. Morrell . and Mr.
Scott, and of course they feel that
their offices must bo paid for • even
should the of Mr. Morrell
defeat the party in the district for Con
gress, the Senate, Assembly, and coun
ty offices. Men who can be made mere
tools of to advance the interests of in
dividuals to the 'great injury of the
party aro not worthy, the confidence
of the people.
ROBERT 18 a tunny fellow,or rather he
has got the Jour. & Amer. .iu a funny
"posish." In ono issue of that paper
ho says it is "the organ of the entire
party"—in anothe'r ho says it will, not
support a ticket nominaied_ by the
party convention if any who have ac
Lod as guerrillas should be placed in
nomination. We have always been
of the opinion that a County Conven
lion was the party speaking through
its representatives, and to bolt the ac
tion of a Convention would bo bolting
the action of the party. The Journal
<6 American has certainly read itself
out—it has no party—no fractional
part of a party—nothing but Robert,
John and the Devil.
The Globe professes to be a Republican
paper—but--the rot/lies of the Globe—what
are its politics? That's what bothers us !
Greater's Republican.
Our polities wouldn't bother you in
the least if you were'not a guerrilla.—
We have supported, and still support,
Republicans for all the Offices—you
have supported Democrats within, a
year for the best offices in the county.
Our politics is the support of Republi
can nominees—your polities is the sup
port of Democrats. Your politiCs is
considerably mixed—you claim to bo
a Republican, and yet you work to dis
organize the party and help to elect
Democrats to office. Sick 'politics we
could fiud in a hog-pen.
Ron Ear of the Journal & American
seems to think (or says so at least,)
that wo could' be bought with an X to
support Mr. Morrell. Robert don't
know as well as Mr. Morrell does or he
would not thiiik so. We never said of
Morrell what Robert has said because
he could not get the office ho wanted.
and then get down in the dirt and ac
cept "a census taker." We supported
Mr. Morrell for Governor until the dis
trict instructed us, as delegate to the
State Convention, for Gov. Geary.—
Wo may be fur Mr. Morrell for Gover
nor again, but just now wo are in fa.
vor of him taking a back seat,that the
party may have a now • man for Coil•
gross to lead it to victory.
THE Johnstown Tribune and other
craft did not look very close' at the
N. Y. Tribune, Pittsburgh Clonintereid
and a host of other Republican papers, ,
when they allege that they saw noth
ing in thencagainst the doings of Con
gress. For our part, wo have not yet
been impressed with , the foreign idea
that "the King cab do no wrong ;" nor
do we believe that Congress is "infalli.
ble." ,
CaE3ina says we are a llymna. ' No
doubt ho has discovered that he stirred
up a kind of animal ho was not in. pur
suit of. When ho started out to play
guerrilla ho thought he would have
everything hiS own way as it used to
be•tvith him many years ago when the
sorrel horse and lodust corner were
the political institutions of the day.
CREMER says we wore black balled
by the White Man's party. He knew
ho was lying wbon ho wrote the item.
We never made application to be ad
mitted into the organization, but wo
would sooner be a member of it than
lake CreDl CeS chance of getting to
tts..Two or three,papors in the in
terest of Mr. Morrell in this district
question our Republicanism- because
we' have said that the Republican
press and Republicans_ generally,- are
not satisfied With• the work• of a:',le
publiCati Congress. In our
remarks the 'interested papers say.'illat
Congress has reduced caxaiiotisilme
millions of dollars. !Die Now Yoi k
Tribune, a good Republican journal,
',writs out where the taxes were re
duced. - The Tribune says
Here, far example, is a list of some impor
tant interests on wide', Congress has abolish
ed the tats : Tim gross receipts for passen;
.gcr trailie. of Railroad Companies, Steam
ships, Canal Companies,_
Stage' ComPanica,i
and Ferry Companies,. Lotteries,' • Express
Companies, Telegraph Companies, Theaters,
Circuses, Operas, Museums, and othershows;
premitniis by Fire, Marine, and Life' Incur
ance Companies ; banker's capital and
broker's sales.' The rerelatfon of the 'power
of- the lobby contained in - Mr. Schenek's
brief speech will astonish _those whir thought
themselves familiar with Congressional cur :
option. Wallst scot bankers nd dirokers,
lottery dealers, attd„tbeatre meu.. have
the agents Willi influenced the votes ef Musa
add Senate. Thd bankers and brukerS Made
war against the faxes on their sales,. and'
were*sueceSsfuf with the Semite in having
them thrown - oat. "Hereafter," ns Mr.
Schenck explained, "all Wall street . opera-.
tiens will be free from any burden whatever,
and a source of revenue from which millions
have been and, might be obtained; 'without
interfering with any of, the fair, legitimate
industry of - the• country, has been swept
away." The lottery agents and theateanon
;joined forces with the brokers,.. and with
them succeeded in having the taxes on , their
gross receipts and special licenses abolished.
11r. Schenck did not, however, explain the
iufluduce'Whieh continued the oppressive la
conic Tax upon the industrious working
classes, while these others upon wealthy and
doubtful interests were relieved. • •
CREMER'S Republican is. not working
for Mr. Morrell for , nothing. It must
work or Mr. Cremer's son might lose
the fat . office ho received from Mr.
Morrell and Mr. Scott. If the office
was taken from Mr. Cremer, ho would
be as ready to defeat Mr. Morrell as
he was last year , to , defeat 'nominees
of the party becausethe l party would
not give him the nomination for Pro•
thonotary. • It pays Cremer to work
for the re-nomination of Mr. Morrell,
and far the success of Demdcrats over
Republicans who despise his guerrilla
THAT'S WHAT DiD h.-4%C Jouraal .
& American of this. week Comes out
heavy for Mr. Morrell. 'We have be . -
fore us a letter envelope dated Johns:
town, July 25th, franked "D. J. Mor
rell, M. C ," and direeted to "John A.
Nash, Esq-, editor 'Journal, Hunting
don, Pa." The contents certainly were
heavy enough to bring that paper out
to the "stand point" this week.-- 7
That's what did it. Was it more than
an a, or 'only a promise ?
LATEST NEWS.—NO fight yet in Eu
rope. The French are preparing to
evacuate Home.—The steamboat
Silver Spray, from New Orleani4, ex
ploded her boiler near Memphis, on
the Ist. and 26 persons wore burned
or drowned, and many injured.
WHY is it that the Johnstown Trib
une prefers to have Mr Morrell towed
into position by a Democrat this year?
It wasn't so in former campaigns ?
An Andover, Mass', woman died in
two hours from a bee sting.
Congress at its recentsession appro
priated altogether $157,000,000
A Maine man has given his wife
$1,300 worth of morphine in fourteen
years and she likes it.
It is stated that free labor cotton
costs three cents less per pound to
raise than did the slave grown.
One stroke of lightning lately killed
eighty-one sheep for William Aldrich,
of Spring Prairie, Wisconsin. '
The majority of the Northern press
in the United States favor' Prussia.—
In the South, the leading journals are
for France.
The extensive sugar refinery of
Newhall, Boric & Co., in. Philadelphia,
was destroyed by fire on Tuesday eve
ning, the 26th ult. Loss $900,000,
They aro cutting down branches
from the trees in the London parks to
feed the deer, so severe has been the
drought, and brewers' grain is fed to
The 'first merchant vessel that ever
displayed from her peak the flag of
this republic ,
built in 1872, bark rig
ged, about three hundred tons, called
the Maria, sank lately at.Payta, Peru.
It took $75,911 to bring a Demo.
erotic: Senate to -Washington in '1859;
a Republican Senate, having'six addi
tional members, only costs 829,012 40
Mileage in 1869. '
A druriken seldier iri Detroit amused
himself 'one hot day by cutting off
dog's tails with a sickle. Ile was
knocked down just as he htid harvest
ed his ninoty-fourth
.tail—that of a
throe hundred dollar pointer.
'A New Havener bids defiance to the
heat by spending . the
,day in his well,
having fitted, up a large wash-tub with
a cushioned seat;:,in which ho is low
ered about twenty:five feet, where be
enjoys his papers and cigars
nlapectfully Worms Me Montle and tho public g .nor
ally that he boa bought the Moro of C. Long,
nnk 19 prepared to offer geode in his lino Cheaper than
the cheapest, I heron v ory line stork of the follo%ing ;
Dry Goods, Groceries, Bats and Cap.i, Boots
and Shoes, Glassware, Queensware, dc.,
all of which will be sold cheap.
Produce txkou in exchange for goods
Weal iluntingdon, Aug. 2-3nt
A regular meollng of tho Huntingdon County
Agricultural Society will be held in the Court Ifou, ' on
Wednesday evening of tho fast week of tho owning Au
gust Court (10th.)
The question of holding an fnir during the
coming full,and other matter] of import.uiro to rho As
bociation w ill he taken into consideration, and 3 full at
tondanco of the member and the public gent roily is l'o
Ily vi .ter of Lilo .tuLiuty.
jul.)..!ty li m'murr, ELO wry
NEXT 811§810X OPENS EEPTallf Et Ist, 1870
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wonderful book; it shows how either
sex can fascinate auy one they wish, instantly. [All pos,
aces this power.] It teaches how to got rich, Alchemy
Soccer los, Incantations, Demonology, Magic. Mesmerism
Spiritualism, Marriage Oafs, and a thousand wonders
Mailed for 25 con's. Address, 'D. WILLIAM 5; CO., pith
listless, South 7th Weal, l'hiladelphla, Pa.
July 19-to-4t-
F °ll Clth"jOß pRINTING
Q., AND.
kzy PLASTERTNO, nuir.mxti or bOA:SI Sand, from
tht Tsland; o ilt bo o!olivered at one .Lollar per two horsy
wagon load, on application to Logan Martin.
Orders lea at Decker & Crownorer's store will reach
Lim. It. It. BRYAN.
. A suptior artie,ln of Note PopT and Envelope
001 confidential conespondence, fur sale at
LEWL" l'ooK STATIO:' °CY /i't'OßL,
a precept to me directed, dated at Huntiukilen, the
Pith day of April, A. D. 1870, muter the bands and not
of the lion. HeorgeTaylor,Pre)Ddelat of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer budVerminer alid:Kenai:ll jail doliv-
cry of the 21th Judicial Vlstricreel'abwillvainsi, Lump.-
wal of Huntingdon, Blair and aunlitia rowdies: .iiiii the
Amts. Anthony J. Beaver and David "Clarkson, hisassoch
tites, Judges `of. thb 'county ,i,of . lltintingdon, justmed no
.signed, appOint eit,hr hoer, try add Determine all mid o ei y
indictments made at 'taken nir - Or_e'onainliig all cruet's,
which by-the loot of the Stitie r Anntadtt.tapital, ot Mon
lea of death,"and other offenctugniThitartind,niisdeincanors,
which have been
„or Anil liereafteibDcwitimitted or perpe
trated,' hit eiliwa aforesaid-I,am . climmanded to make
public pidelantation througliont 10 whole bailie. kir, that
a Coo" otiOyer and Teinum '
r of Common Pleas and
Quarter Pensions mill be held at the Cutnt Nouse in the
1 heroin:li of Huntingdon, on the aecraid Monday (and Bth
day) of ACC US r, 1810. end Omse mh o will prosecute the
seed-prisoneta, be -then andthere to pi °germ° theutliejt .
shall be just,".trid therisll Jottlres of the Peace, - Coroner
awl Constabhg within Oil county, be then and thoroyin
Their proper'personii, at In o.eltiek, , a. mi of said day,+with
their records, inquisi thins, examinations and remembran•
car, to do these things whirl, to their °dices reepoctivoly
appri bun.
Dated et Huntingdon. the Hili df July, in then year of
cut Laid one thousand ,eight hundred and seventy,
and the 95th yeal of AniericAn Independence,
" -",-- • -- -=--,---, -- , - vr , • D.. R. P.Pt hELY,. k.' hery /:. -
, ...
l'ilirecqt = fd itiullil•ecttd by the Judge. 4 br 111;3'6qw,
awn Pleas of the county of•linntingdor., hewing test the
29111 day of April, A: D. 1570, I am cmnpmudcd• to matte
public Proclamation thtoughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Common Oleos will be held at the Court House
im tho• borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Xfonday,(and
lath ;day) of AMAUcT, A. D. 1.079, for the trial: tmi Jill is
sues iu mod Court which remain mulct. iiiimmed,,Lsifuie.
the saitlJudgeS,. when and where all jurors, mituchsosond.
suitors,lu the trials of all issues are required.
limited at Huntingdon, the 11 lb of •July, tn•tbo year,of •
mu• laird one thousand eight bundled_ and tuyenty,
and the 0311, year of. American Independence. , .
• . • D. 1., 0. NEELY, sherif)•.l
QIIERLEkS SALES.-03y viku6„bC
LI sundry .writs of Vendidoul Expoons • directed ,
tooth, expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court'
House, in the born. of Huntingdon, on• MONDAY; the BTa
of. AUGUST, 1870, at 2 o'clock; V. xi. ; the following .
described property to wit: • • • - •. • ••
All Oaf tract tfr,:p"aret;l•bf
ate in Lincoln tow 'whip,• Huntingdon county,. adjoining
lands of Edward Duncan no the mei th, by lands of An
thony Shullzaud David roster ion the east, Wm. John
ston 012 the south and by lands of John Bearer and Sav
ages' heirs on the west, eontaluingabaut 140 1106.1,- more
ardour, about G 5 acres otivhich are cleared, having tree,
ted thereon two log dwelling ,houees, small log barn and
other outbnildings. Seized, taken in execution nod to be
sold as thoproperty of Mores O. Householder,'
the ria b }etitle 'aid inter,
est et defendant to all that certain piece or tract of land
situate in Shirley township, bounded on the north by the
Juniata river, on the enet.ceuth nod west by lands of tiro
heirs of Samuel If. Bell, containing about 40 acres, more
or dem ' and, having a log home and log stable thereon
meted, and an excellent opriog of wator near the door.
Seized, taken in execution and io be sold as the property
of Joseph Crone.
' Also—All the rig . ht,.title and inter
ed of tho , defendant tho following real estate, viz: A
tract of land situate in Barrel) 'township, bounded as fel
lowat North by George Grivainger, west hyAlary Hof
ford, south by John Bomberger and others, cashby .Ti'.s
Forest, containing 32 notes, morn or Ices, thereon, erectod
a log honse, plash:nod on outside, and other ontbulldinge.,
Seized, taken in execution and to ho svl3 as the property
of John Allart.
NOTICE TO PIIECHABERO.-111dders'at Sheriff's Sales will
take net& that imhiediately upon the property being
knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bide under $l5O. and
twenty-fiwSper cent. of nil bids over that' sum, most be
paid to the Sheriff, or the property will be eat up again
and sold to other bidders who will comply with the above .
If court continues two weeks deed acknowledged nn
'Wednesday or second week. Ono week's court, property
knocked down on Monday and deed ciekndwhidged on the
following Saturday
' D. It. P. NEELY : Sheriff.
Huntingdon : 3o.o24lB7o • •
_ .
E be G re i by ST siv E en ß , L l
I NOTlCE. s — ta ll ol o u l t ic ut e o c o i l s .
owing named persons have settled their account!' In the
Register's Office at Hun lingdon, rintltbst the said account!'
will be presented for coat:Mutton and allowance at" an
Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, Wend for the
county of Huntingdon en ‘l'tidueedny , the' loth day of
AUGUST, nekt, (1.8703t0 st it : •
* Administration account of Maria Shaffner' and David
Detwiler, executors,ofJaeob Shaffner, latupfDrady twit:: deceased ,
deceased, ns filed by Bavid Detwiler. . ,
* t'
Administl..tion account of Georg° Eby and B. D. POW ,
administrators of Dr. IVtu. It. Kor, late of Brady toiVit
ship deceased.
. .
A drninistration necount of James Tams and James' .011'.
turd, executors of William' *Mullen, 1.40 of Tcil town.
ship, deceased. •
- -
~Admiulatratico account of FmuL Portee, r naintnlslcalrix
a. cl Juba A.lVileon. ;Wulf oisttatur of Georg.> W.Tijricr,
late of Jac.l.:-on toutnhip, tlezcal , .:1 -,
S Administration account of.hunes:lln...,iil aq'Geoi'gc
Mac?ll, mentors of John M.icool, rato oiliarratownhhip.
doc'eased '
6 Administration nceonnt of Pichai d Cl ilcotf,'execu tor
or Eve liumgarduei, Into of Union too nbhip, 'deCtmiLl. '
7 Administration ncOount of John D. Goalie!! and Jos.
Pork, executors of John It. tiosnell, Into of Gnus township
Adminietration account of Andrew Crofnover,
cutor.of Hannah Kotternmu, Into of Jeekaou tot, Wilily,
9 idotiektiatton account of Atloth Lightner, execUtor
of.fecob Mitt 1,1, late of West terooll9p, &dewed.
10 A,hollitst rot ion accourit ofJames A. Couch, admin.
Istrator or William (touch late of Ital rue twstlellip, duc'd.
11 Administration account of Itubilt 111adilen, ndndu
ignitor of Eurali'Mnildin, late or so iugfleid township;
deceased, as filed by filuv.toh Madden, administrator of
Itobett madden.
12 Milton iotration account of Robert King, nth:alias
tiator ofJobu Stroup, late of Ow borough of Huntingdon
13 lin al adminieti Mien recount or 3. 11. Lowrie, Esq.,
xecntor of Dao id Stewnit, Into of Ft atittlin I wp., decd.
14 ftecond 'initial account of 51 Stair. snrviv execu•
for oI [Mond J. Logan, Into nfeorbon tap., deceased.
15 Administration account of Samuel Mown, Esq.,
administrator of Jolt Ilonaldson, late of .11:11deann bore.
.Idzainisoalion account of John Staplolon, executor
of \Vin. Stapieten, Imo of 'ltd ton nAip. deceased
Gnaultan.inp aecimut of 111 limn Her,
guardian of
Alice 1 sclanucho , sumer thild of Joists 0. ;owl avail
AV. it...l.nnalel. twine:lly ;quail W. Nor, daughter ot
Julio Err, de er.te,ed.
18 OunidlAnship account of William Ker, , ga a chart of
Charles O SLltnna.ker, who was a. Milli. /100 of J. a. and
Small W. :eh inneker, now of full Ilge, groudsou of lion
John Kor, &clam!, -
Rogister'd Offico, t
Runt., July 12, Ita6. J
240TICE is heiety given to All per
sons intmested that_ the following Inventoes of
the goods il
and Chattels set to 0 Mows, under the provis
lons of the act of lath of April, 1851, have been filed iu
the office of the Cleric of the Ui phans' Court of Hunting
don county and will ho presented fur "amoral by the
Court" on Wednesday the loth of MICIUST,'(Ibio,)
1 Inventory and apprtilqement of the pr4erty of Dan.
iel uoirmitn, late of Huntingdon innough, times-sod, ur ta
ken by his widow Mary Au. Heilman.
2 Widow to °Shad et James Weaver, or
llopewell , township, decea ed, as taken by his widow
Caroline Weaver. " - -
8 Inventory and appraiser:out of the goods and chattlea
late of Charles McCarthy, debased, as 'taken by his
widow Elizabeth :McCarthy.
4 Inventory and appraisement of the porsonal, proper.
ty of Joseph K. 'famish, ileeLosed, take, by bis midow
Minerva .B.llornish.' •
6 Inventory of goods and cliiitilts if Lich were of Raw
lel Doak, lute of Cromwell township, deceased; retained
by Catharine Book, his widow, under $3OO law. .
luvuutory and appraisetneut of goods and ebonies
late of Benjamin Sellers, taken by his widow tilotildn
7. Inventory of goods and eliattles, taken by Catharine
Russell. widow of Jacob Russoit, deceased.
8 Inventory and appraisement of the personal proper.
ty of John Fultz, lute of Tell township, deceased, taken
by his want Mary Fultz.
9 Inventory and appraisement of Frank Oarloch - the
11. into of Ituntingdon borough, deceased, as token by
hie widow-El.zabeth Gurloch.
10 Inventoty and appraieonteut of tlidsoncis and clt.t t
ties ofJamse Curfman, late of Cass township, deceased,
as takeu•by his widow Margaret J. Cm Motu. -
11 Inventory and appritieemont of the personal prop.
erty of Usury Stair, late of Hai reo township, deseasett, as
token by his widow Maria Stair. ,
12 Intoutery of the personal property. of Kitmuel
Kough, Into of Clay too nelup, deceased, Cis taken by his
widow Sarah Hough.
/3 lin entory nod apprahiement of tho estate of John
Byer, Into of Warriersmark pwnsinp, deceased, as taken
by his %Now Susan Eyer. •
• Clerk Orpheus' Court.
Iluutiu;dou, July 12 1 ISTO.
, i
%L 'f ho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to RACLIEL
FAUN°, late of liuntingdon county, Greeting:
- 1l looe.ts, Michael kaliug did ou the 10th of January
A.D. 1870, prefer his petition to tho .7rido•, of, tho Court
of Common Pleas of tho SOW Minty 01 IluutingdOn pray,
Mg that fir canoes therein set forth ho might be divorced
from tho bonds of matrimony entered lute with you the
sold Rachel Noting, Pe therotwo oommand you, ar berme
connnanded, that setting abide ell other broduess and et-
CllBO5 V.ltaisoover. you ho and appear in your proper per
son bofora our Judges 01 liontingtion at our county court
of Common Picas, there to be held for (Ito cold county on
tho second Monday of August, 1070, next, to Answer the
petition or libel of the said Michael Paling, and to show
cause, if any you have, why tho said Michael Feting, your
husband, should not be divoredst from the bondv of mat.
rhnony entered into with you agreeably to tho Act of 1113
Genes at Assembly of this Com loom, math, iu such cases
made and provided, nod hereof fail not
'Witness the Hon. Coo. Taylor, President of our said
Court, the 22t1 of April, 18:0.
31. M. 31cNE I tr.
Iluptiugdou, July 12,1870. Prothonotary.
CHItN.--:An•lmow 2EI Juno, 18;0, upon the peti
tion of It. A. Mil ter, &linnet Brown, WM. Dorris, Wm.
11. Woods, It. Simpson, Win. P. Orbulon, J. h. Smuck
er, J, it. Musser, 0. 8. South, .1. U. Bailey, G. 11. Ariel.
tinge, J S. Stewart, and T. 11. Cromer, thirteen fresh old
ens of the vicinity of n public load hereafter Inez Honed
end pra iug the Court to decree nine vuention of the old
Wenn epril-„s road in the boroilgh of Huntingdon, to
wit ; from the pond to which it vats vacated on 12 Jaen
ury 1 , 365, (being the IN.lortli Welt corner of tlypress . Cot
tage Flulti,) to the pond ydices, the same intersects Moore
street. Arnie ie granted open all of the parties desiring
to be heard, to appear in Conti on the Second Monday of
August next, to show cause Hotly they have why said
load bliould not be closed up and vacated ; and directs
that this lido shall be published once in wok for four
bucceseiye weeks In n newspaper publish d in the bar
otn,ll of Huntingdon. ' 31.1McNElb,
June 2S, 1870-4 t. Choir.
tEsinta of ANN MON fGOMEItY, dee'd. l , .
Letters of wltninintration upon theestate olAnn Mont
guutety, lat.or rBH3VII.O borough, deceased, been
glanced to the undersigned, nil pm t• 0114 indebted to the
estate n:11 inehe payment, and those booing claims will
pri,eut them suttlement.
Juno 21.61
By tta , box, pack, or Ica qualltas, for mild at
.!.; KW'S' BOOK XII .57,1_ , 18NER .11701i2?
Tizusritts , sAtii
'l3y.ivirtpe* of, erioxclel• of tbe,•Cliplmn's
Court•sr Huntin g don county, I. will •expose
to public sale, psi the,prevses in Croinivelr
towusfiip, Huntingdon, eini'uty, Pa.,,,
On Thursday, Atigust 4th; 1676;'
:4 - ,VALUABLE FARM, in Cromwell
bounded by lands of Daniel Sliontz,nob:sli'd':
north, by heire•of Simon Grotz, on the •east,•:•
by lands of Daniel South,
and lands , of.Abralnim* . Miller,
contriining „ ,
One I7itndred,:rleres,?~zore or lessf
About 70 acres cleared and-in a gtiodrstatO . ,„
of cultic/a - ion,' the .bithirree'well,9ruberecr,
haeing.thoreon:execteilial '
41`0-§rC i lta'
a log stable, and "tiedossary — Mittitildiok; — o.'
good: we.lll , f.wato at fife dpor,
ard of ell.,ted 4 - ) Thera - ii sfil , i) rilie'prei - :
raises a fine water power. Toe above_ inlet' •
of land is abotit - thieciiiiikz4 froin Elie boroughT
of (Yrbisenin. Term.; of Salo :--.ono-therd'ori
purchase money to be,Paid or"eonfienirithip" -
sale , at. August - when deOd
made, mid the balance in two equal annual
paYiner4s, with interest', the'whele' t0•12.6'44
cured'l3y.thl judgment hoods - of the purehasz._
er. " -
July - - - - -Trustee.
Ti 1.71471.0
Tbo.tiodf•signod ofroia for BALE
.:; -- , - -VALUAVLE :FARM' "
Locitted in IhirtiNirlirrialdp,.lluntlpgdon county, noir
'Goes' Mil - Mond containing 100 acres of gnod.farmisig
hod, wall watered, and inn good !Onto of cultiostitin..'
Tim Improvements consist of a gaol
Weather. boarded, A _LOG BARN, 'Wagon she2l ,
Gorn Colt,. blacksmith etioVoicollent spring kn. and
nther outbnlldinge. There:is tin.nrchard of cholc?,ap
ple trees on the' piOrninos. c
For terms and other information regarding Limo prop :
orty, apply to the undersigned on the premises: '
Oornpropst Fp
July 28, 18783ia
'SMikbliEß: - .)3Bll.WN;ti'=.;',',‘
IN SMIT-HS'.BrU.I.:L,,I.),I,IN:I_Oi"-
HUlCTllcrdljON,' PA
Rave anitimien3o stock
nod best 'manufacture-of •-- -
iIIATTIZESSEt, of all kinds,
. -
of all •stylea,_
, Pureheeers'vvill find the lorgeet,, L etoekqof
good furniture ever offered in Cent Mil 1'430 1
sylvanin ! eLich will be Bold . •
1.4 _direct_ from manufacturar,sJoi
cash and will and arc:thus'9l
- to ofer• -,,•; -
, .
than are to'be had ih theCitids: • •
July 12-3 m
; .
J. E. 14,1111CKElt,
On as reasonobto terms ns nnx othor respons
, nlo, cm -gimpy
S. •T. 31cOULLOCII, D. D.:MILLIIIHN, Wll. Tir.NlTpit
Fait(?cid, _ KENNEDY;, Secioita4,
J. M. MILLER; :Treasurer, J. ,B,
^Vice• President, S. •T. Mocuntooii;
Agent for Huntingdo2,t co., A. B. KE!..INEDY.
GEO:: F.: MARS ti
Second story oißeati'i new Building
Ilttutingdon,March 30
' Dealer in -
Indtes Gents and Citildrv:l4 FurnieLingl34, oD4
Erinaingl,,of nil kinds. A Lugs stool: 01 - •
LINENS, of all grades, GLOVES,
nmi hosiery for men, nol7}ollut Cflildren Tinbzt and
C.lttnere slum le,
A general assortment of' goods, al
ways at lowest cash prices, and of the
bust quality. ..
. Butter, Eggs, &c., taken in exclidage
Ullutingdun, April IC 1570.
'.OF~~ '
N E4T - " -
Merchant -Tailor,
jii 3 O,l:epeived